I 'I ij S 5 Ei BEATER ARGUS. TH s. lesday, Ss»t. 7/1864. m |l9|R)E t Edltor & Proprietor. '»'• ‘i: - ' ' •' ,' *- Dw -U tTriioii Kbmiiuitfons. ■|l ’ i|op President, ,| . ABRAHAM LINCOLN, j. |OF H.LINOIB, ,J| For*Vice President, • AKfREW JOHN SON, - g[l ;j: -or TESKBSBKB. • I ipa Presidential Bleotors. . '|[j ■ SENATORIAL, j -I--' . Morlon &’Michael, Philadelphia.' ! ThonuSfcunninghftin, Beaver Codnty. ;.. , I |REPBESENTATIVE3.| '( . / 1 Boh at P King P. ,13 Elias .Hale 2 G Mm-ison Coats 14 Chas H Shriner r ' 8 Heqiyßamm\ 15 Johnliffister 4 WiljiamiH Kem v 16 D M’Conanghy . 5 Barium HJenks ■ ,17 DavidlV.Syood 6 Cb&jtea.M Rank 18 Isaac Bensop ,7 Roheft Parker ■ 19 John Patton 8 Aaip|i Mull :20 Samuel 6 Dick - 9 jJohMA (Hieatand : , 21 Everard Bierer 10 Richard H Coryell 22 John P. fenny 11 Ed|frd Holliday : 28 E M’Jriiildn . 12 Ch|tled F Reed , 24 JW Blanchard ' Unipn District said County; Nom inations. ■- Uni •ll’-o I* I Congress. Y. |jA WHENCE, Washington ep ‘ ‘•'President Judgej ' M’GU FEIN', iLawrenpe .co’ /Assembly. i . QUAY, Beaver, ' | ’T fR. HEED. Wash inglon,,.; ES 41. KELLY, ■ . ‘‘j ■■ ProthonoWy. i i -. 4 " ■ HAfeL Beaver. County Commissioner, i jpll IRONS, Hopewell. | •Poor House Director. ’L fM’MANAMY, Economy, tp. ■lf ; Auditor. ’■ •- i ;1"' ES i \VIIITIIAM, Hanover: UEq $[ M. RO JAI MIC JOS' SAJI (Trustees of Academy, □ORB. Beaver, ■ ' ftSON, Beaven, I BMPSEY, Beaver; | A. R J. d Te: of Subscription to~ Argus Argui, per annum, in advance..,.;. With|n rear........ End'qfit.be year...... ..........I. 1 Th|ipt|nngwill be strictlyiadhered to. of Advertising: * One 1 insertion./... I-.: Each subsequent insertion J moa.... J. | colrajnjt? mo* i..., ;1 colninn; 0 mos ;; ..i I’WtfeM ohnt and business Cards; inot ex- , f seeding 10 lines'. 8 00 pixeemora. Administrators and Auditor's t Notjcps, each 3 00* Local ipptices, 10 cents per line eaclf insertion. Ucajlis and l Marriages will be published inhere the same does not exceed 'five lines; jiqr';each additional line, 5 cents will be charged—excepting in the notices of deceased si)idie|w (which will be publishedlfree.'l V, 1 --" *- 111 11,111 jSrer County Fair. I Ipluß OF THE BEAVER COUNTY UVRICULTURAI. SOCIETY, will be held 'fair Grounds, %car Beaver, on : lifSday: Thursday, «ahd : Friday, jSe/ifl 2lsf; 2 2d. and 23 <1, 1864. - e itjoji is invited from adjoining cquntieg- El CAMPAIGN’ * ARGTJS’’ I FOR 50 CENTS ? V w? **l T ID thcij HV'4 ; Cpmpje th: ' ; T l Rubs until irgus will be sent wrCampaign )ers, from i.ie 17tb of August ae -23 d of November, for (50 [ copy, in advance. Send in imes immediately. L cent 'you! |D : MAt, MEETING liR ()YAL MM-CZST - l|:' 1 . ! AT-THE ' i,":. . rv i fRT-HOUSE, BEAVER. fDjSIESDAY EVEN’G, sIeP; 14. 4 W,l jb;o jjoyat men of Beaver County | hold their’first Mass, Meeting at CpUET HOUSE, in BEAVER, rCEMBER 14th, commencing at i’elooki p. m.. ; .A • a. GEORGE V. LAWRENCE* will th'dj SE| \ti. I Hoi (Our candidate for Congress,) ■ i Hojcjj WM. MoKENNON, ancU A-fW- ACHESON, Esq , rl I » ; r • | i| {of Washington Counfy, and. Hon- THOMAS HOWARD, 1 of Pittsburg, "Will be prraent to address the meets ing.,' The .Speakers announced are among thelableat in thoj State,,,and a rich treat may,bo expected/ All are jtirgontly requested to use Iheirl efforts to make it. the largest meeting ever held in the county at that hour. A Brass Band has been engcigcdfor the.occasion. Byorder of Cof Gonimitteo. \ 7 J. S; EUTAN, CA’rt. ■ ■ : ■ ' 1- ■ ” •.* ■- A 1 -•‘Thfr E - |©“. .xecutive Committee will] meet at my office, in Bodver, oc'Sat-' vnrday, Sept. lOtb, at Ipi m the fol-‘ lowing sire the names, of the Commit tee.! James Pattersofi, Dr. A.T. Shal lenberger. T. M. McCord, B. B. Chain fceriin,.Wm; Henry, W, W.. Kerr,,. / ■’’) ■; • ■ J. S. EutAif, Oh’U%y . • Tpe r inance Committee; conuwaed pf Jpdge Xloffi,lDr., Mumy, S J. Cross Capt’ G, 'Hamilton/ and • James 3*et torson." w?!T:meet at jthcr office of I r iti: *- r^^ai^.l>'ou|v ; V. .'yO • ’ • ,; ouii candidates. We concluded oar articfe last week on “Qui Candidates,” ‘ with Assembly., The.nextjon our ticket is the candi ditto for Prothonotary, M. Wsyahd, Esq. Mr. Weyand already filled the office fojp orie term by election* and a tew inOnths by appointment, and is therefore a[ tried map. This is the most difficult, faying, and responsible ofilce to fill in the county. Few men h&ve Ihebuisiness capacity, prudence and care required to [discharge'the duties of th|d office with safety to the public and themselves.' Mi. Wey and possesses, all these qualifications to an eminent degree, j We but dohim simple justice whon WjO say no better or. more capable man could be select ed for the position. He has; proved himself anacceptableand popular offi cer, which is the best evidence of his apilityand [fitness., Perfectly honest, always obliging, generous, moral and religious, he is just the kind of aman we would Select to fill this or any oth er office. : Our readers are perhaps more famil ar wiihhfia than any oth<* er man on the ticket; as he was for many yearns editor of |his paper; and what we here say of b|m as an officer, they can say of him as an editor—for be' was u g T ood^one v filling the .editori al chair with ability at|d acceptability! Ppr Con missioner, we have Joseph' Irons, of Hopewell township. Air- Irons is an intelligent [farmer, a sound Uni|n mart, and a pleasant, social gen tleman. He has, lor a h umber of years, been'a piorair.ent and working mem* her of thojKepublieaniand XJnion. par ty, and is] favorably known to most of our readers. He possesses! the re- ] quisile qualifications to milke- a good Commissionci, and will undoubtedly bo ;p "V Samuel McMasamy, of Economy township, our candidate lor Poor House Director, is one of those mod est, unassuming monl that are more and more; esteemed and loved- as they become more .fully known. The party l|as no .man in it who has labored harder or contribu [ted. iuore,iaecoidiiig to hia-means-, for its success!, than Mr. McManamy. His nomination 'way pot sought by himself, but was bestowed upon him by the people, 1 because of his worth; and fit ness for the position. James Wiutham), candidate for Au ditor,! is jnst the man for the office.— To fill-that r osiliop properly, Requires an experienced calculator and a good business man generally. We have been happy in jour seledtiojh this year," se curing fot the pbi|iti||n! a gentleman qualified jin every! way to discharge the duties of the ofiicoU' Mr. Whithara ! >■'t! ' % - i is, beside! n gentleman of standing and , worth,i-cspected ana esteemed by all wh'o-know him. ' | '- A.I | Moore and |J. C. Wilson, Esqr’s.. and Rev. D. Li Demvsey, D.D.. Trusties of Academy, ; are gentlemen so{ well known to the i | public that wo need hardly - say their I nomination reflects credit onibe party i They are then worthy and-capable' of j filling any office,l and will faithfully [discharge I be dntiesj.iof the [office for -which are named. J; The ticket is'unexceptionable, and we fed'assured the people will feci as wo v lo, that no better men 'could be selected] and that each candidate will be elected—as he ought lo.jhe —witn an over iv he Imi Kg vote. All good men and true, capable, trustworthy, patri otic and! moral. their selection speaks well for thg party, tind their election will reflect ciedit upjpn the people. Progrei ;f $2 oo .1. 2 50 .1/3 00 Si 00 so . .12 00 ..20 00 ..35 00 ns of the Union Armies the Union alfmies have been . 'That <• making tost few this wt gigantic progress daring the weeks, our are ere II aware. The] late glorkms nfirms tbp rnost sanguine an ins, and we can- now|[atop a ; and ednside: jibe grdav steps avo been taken. news ec tieipatii momen which 1 \ First in the date o is the Invtstrr ent and capture of Fort Mor gan! near the entrance of Mobile Bay. The eapture of this 1 strong fortifica tion assures the spuody captures yf Mobile! and places the whole; Alabama Tit' our power. Theythe captniC of the most /Impor tant stronghold and ] the point, of the greatest strategic infportabee in the whole Confedoracy^S^ems to have al most put the Stroke to re bollion; in that quarter. The capture of Atlanta has beehlooked upon from the beginning of'thfa campaign as the great event of/the war by both rebels and jli has long been acknowledge that the loss ofthis stronghold would prove. fatal to the rebelrin the South-West. Wo now hold that place, Atlanta is ours!— Well may the friends of . the Union / Cake fresh courage! i .The rebellion is fast crumbling to pieces;—-their cita dolintbe South. West Is in our bands. The strongest fortifications upon tbe iciu jp* Gjilfbave either surrendered to, bur arms} or capitulated in advance.— While bn the other hand the array under Gefi. Grant has secure posses sion Of the Weldon Bailroad. thus I - I chttingoff tTe Snppiles <Voi n the ar my of Gen. Geo Gram nays he only wants 100,000 more men to com- : plcie,the toptard of|Jßiobmond. f And lb; iaresppnreVphi|s call, moreftthan tVicotbatnumber lngtohissiandard.|' ’■.m.'L.' JiO ; 'UWfitjdesirt dny- . tßliig like this has ever ‘ before boon witnessed? Are dot the signs of the timer most glorious? Verily, w« who have been w ate hi ng th rbn gh the nights of 1862,4nd tbe .gloomy dpy* of[ 1863, are beginni ig td see that the long,night Of- the Republic• is begin niog tobreak away. The’ ‘dawn’ of morning Already in itho : fail of Atlanta may we trail thej first beams- of that bright mornidgstar which shall prove the harbinger of the only true peac< to onr country. Even as we wriio,- f the tops of the mountains begin..to kindle trith the approaching raysofjthat glorious Inmi: nary which shall soon ed[majesty,and[before whosebrillian cylall; the fogs and mists of thei late darkness shall melt away, and as he mov€s on to his! zenith in the; heavens then will be realized' that I a new ne ttop is .awaking jto ; life, and the nations of the Old will behbldftitb ad miration .the dawning new 1 ife pf Republic. J TJniori med, look up and courage. Have a little m the energy and thepatrio people. r The.late conclave of demagogues and traitors tba't assembled at Chica go. lander the false y assumed name of Democratic National Cor ventidn, are astounded and abalshed by the specta cle which a few days has. opened to their view* Close uptlie ranks.— Lotru’s push forward, and in Novem ber we shall -ee the achieretuor.l ot a double victory in the overthrow of rebellion in theiSonth and its. aympa thusing triends in i.he.Notlh, j ! 1 Tile Chicago The friends Of ExO terspn "Davis, held their in Chicago la-1 week, ant for' l|reBiden PreaidentJ The C°nventi posed of "fossilized Whig Democrats,; ultra pouce-i heads, and hvo wci sympJ the cause of rebellion .16 I ! \ .gramme was made opt iji Richmond and, published some weeks since in the Richmond Examiner. Those 1 ofour readers who read the extract 1 taken from the paper son ie weeks ago J will inot need to rjead lliu proc jedings | of the Convention. Saunders a .tended the Convention! a<| a special Commis sioner of Mr. Davis, and endorsed all , i 1 the proceedings except the r.omina. tion ofMcClallan, which he objected to ohly as it might seem to be a lean ing toward the! war faction. He tel-j egraphedi to Cjlay and Holctmbe in | Canada, that the Plalfoipn, Speeches! and proceedings, wore admirable: —j could not have suited i, heir purpose j better. Billy Bigler, of this State,who by mistake, w|as once Goven,or, but] who is poted for nothing'but his want*! of.brains, was madetemporary ChairJ matt. Billy said a little speech —very' 1 little it is true, tut just enough to let the Convention and (he world know he Was a ! traitor and gloried in his treason. Guthrie, of Kentucky, whose treason no one doubts, was made i I * j / Chairman of the Comm tteo on lulions—selected, we have no donht, r - \ , . j / - 1 by Davis himsel f. Seymour. jof/Nev York, who from his position, done, more to embarrass and nijUro th« v Government tba j any other, man, was permanent Preiiidenty Yallahdigham was. the most popular man in the Convention, beet was the bold est traitor. Tbelresoln Lions are what the { Examiner/tecommoado d—short > /‘.I I andiDdistinot bat sufficiently; explicit to satisfy the Democrats of li?e South. Gqn. was |>n the first bal lot nominated for President, ednsn raaiing wh at jwsjs proposed when he tookcommandof the Army oifthe Po- Jfo mac, and shWing that traitors may keep faith with each other. McClellan is said by sonie to be a Wjat Uemo ciat, and we h|av|e no doubt he is, but ho is for war oh the part of • the South agaiiist the North. He is th6,worst man to day in the nation.^ The in jury jho has done us is equally, as groat as that lof Joff Davis. ability and without principle, he be trayed the confidence reposed in him by *hn Government and the people sought and almost accomplished the min of the nation, and. at the same time prostrated | his high position to the accomplishment of partisan -pro poses. We but Speak the honest sen timents of our jbeart whenl we say that; we would prefer the nonination and Election of Yallandigham to that of McClellan Yallandigham has spmeability honesty aod independence, which McClellan has not.! Ho al ways, has, and ever will, be! the tool in the bands of corrupt, designing trai tors.] But more of hira again. | Pendleton, the nominee jfor Vice ijPresidepty is a folloWer'and co-work- bras, proposed,,bat- one of delegates : angge9iei4 f tKsf '^as 1 |'be ’ .i» Indopondenjoe' "of he wOtt|d be nstioD. iind'thb Copveiit* tionjSwaMpiibt' nom|nato himi> We presun&hewas promised the same positioiiinthe Ccpftdbracy. If]'there werdany dangcr| of I the oloction of pijeili, we |wonld feel ! like de spairing pfoar country; 5 batwdAfo thankful (here is; wno. -- Old Abewill be ejected ka oßrtain'as tie declion comes, by. an votcl' T?b« masses ace yet loyal, :and willsostalii ibo Government and crash oat treason. The'nameS of those com posing tho! Chicago. -Convention -will gcdowp td posterity, dishonered and , infamous. ? The Hartford Contention in Cpmpkriaon with (bat; wiUj he as (bat ciftba Cdngress'df .1776 compar ed srith the Congress at Montgomery in 18611 ji Benedict Arnolds will be forgotten;’ and as compared with soiha of these men, he will be re garded asjaprelty'fair represenative of honesty and patriotism. ■: | Bed- Stanton’s Bulletin. V ■■'J . Washington Sept 2. : To 'Mtgbr Geu’l Dix: The following telegramfiroraGen.SlOcnm.datad this; day ifi Atlanta and just recelyed.con firms'tbo '[paplnfc ;of,the pity: Gen. Sherman. has taken Atlantal The 20th corp* occupies', the' "city. The main armyison the Mapon..rvad near. East Point! A battle Was I fought near that point in which Gen Sherman was sncoessful. , .W . [Signed] H. W.SloPum, Maj. Gen. T 1 . ■ September 2. :i^ ; This Department has received -in teiligencC this evening! that Geh. Sher-! man v a advance entered Atlanta about noon tWday. The particulars have not been received,! blit telegraphic' communication during the.night with; Atlanta direct is expected. 1 ■]' , it is | ascertained with reasonable certainty that ‘the naval and' other lrleqnfrefi by the i not; of Coh- Sresswill amount to about two hup? redthbnsand,. Including New York, which has not yet been reported to the department, so tlfot the Presi dent’s call of. July 13th |i4 practically reduced to 800,000 men! to; meet and take the plaSe: 'First— The new eh-, listmcnts in jthe navy; Second —The casualties of [battle, sfet ness, prison era, and desertion; and Third —The hundred ■ days’ troops and all others going out by [expiration of service, ; i . This Pali, | one handl ed thousand pew troops, promptly fu|rnishod, is all that Gen, Grant asks for the capture of Richmond| and to gijre a finishing blow to ,the.|rebel armiegyet in the , field. The residue of tpe call would be adequate foi garrisons ih fortsiand cities, [and. to, guard alt the linear of communication and supply, - and to free the country-from guerrillas,' give security;to trade, Commerce and trav cl, and establish peace,' order and tranquility in every Statjel ’ ’ J-- jiR-'M. Stanton, See-of War* War Department, Sept. 4, 1864 —' Major Gen’l Dix: General Sherman’s - i .j : "T, ~ — 1 ; _. i official report of .the capture of Allan-, /. Notice ,to Tax-Pay ebb.-?- The tafias just been received by this De- Tay-payOrs of Independent School paptihent It is dated 2B miles south District of Borough tp., are requested of Atjlanta, 6 J o’clock ye»|terday mor n to take notice that the Duplicates *t’g> Vht was detained W breaking hfcndspfEob-rt 71!'°^“"-” Tallon, for collection of foxes. Mr. ' .•As already •reported,' the array Stokes is kt present very im well artd Withdrew from abont Atlanta, and on unoible to attend to the collettifon- jt **•'?’ 3 T ( H I had made a Weak of the «• -* paid, a- funds aje much needed by con road—the right, (Howard; hoar the] Directors. i ! j Jonesboro; the loft (Stjhofield) near «•’ffin'.'.n „fni rurn nTirtir ' ■*' Roogh and Ready, anlllhocer.tro I 1 Agricultural Meeting. | (Thomas) at Cou'ch’s. , • The Bbkrd of Managers pf the Rea ; • Howard found the/-enemy [ln vef County Agil|altur«l Society mot, atJonesboio, and intrenched pnrtnantbto adjournment: APg. 271 h. his j Hoops, the salient within, half On motion, Robert Gilmore was ap- a rnile of the railroad. Theeneinr ai poihted Entrance Gate Keeper, j [ , | tacked him at three p. ib., but wiisea- John (ribbon,.,Lnlrunce Gate gjiv repulsed, Tlcaving.pis dead and Kepper. ; ; . | ■'s [. J v ' j wounded. “Finding strong opposi- Jumhson Elliott, for out let Gate, tion ou the road, I advanced the left Keeper, j | ■i'l’ ~ ■ _,]’/ and centre; rapidly tqfob railroad, •V®. fojjof, out-lot Stock Gate mjfo,) a good lodgment, and broke itr Keeper.; , > , I I n allthc way from Rough-and.-Reailvi Eli Rejed, i appointed fo take chahga ,j OVTr i to ,Howard’s left; near JonCs of Ithe Hay upon the hair Grounds* [boro,' and, by the sarnellmovementj I John Gibson to take charge of the j mforposed niy whole -diyny between: Oafo Fair jGronnds. ■ J Atlanta and the part otiibe enemy in- Joseph V-■ Wilson wr s anlbqriEea I'trenchedjin and arouad Jonesboro.! ii to eoniract for snffleiort oats arid bay ( “Wo raa d e ii general]attack on the to accent in odate the stock ib the tairj |, o nomy at, Jonesbofo, 4h | the first! of Grpnndsr 1 ' ''jj , j September,theFourtee'i|tb Corps,Gen' S vbbath School Celkbbatios for ths BerMt or tbs: Christian Com- Mi»aioN,j4-A : Celebration willlhe held nndar tbe auspices! of the Sabbath: School of the New Salem Presbyter ian in the grove adjoining, the pharkhi pa Saturday the 10th of September* j 1 - :- ; ; Judge AgnPwof Beaver, 'and Kevi S. j [ Wilson, D. D, of Allegheny are expected to deliver addresses... 1 Tha-frdceeds are to bp giv< n .to the Christian pommieispn for oui • suffer ing soldiers. < ifoall, a cordia sinyitg tioniis extended. 1 take fresh oce: faith in >tiftm lof the rention. ollency, JeN Convention ]. nominated t and Vice on wax corn ’d. renojjade 1 - » P men Copper it hirers with x . Th' pros Con* Bating liotnoLicprifto !j r . Puirtii‘oundfl, ! , S 2. r >]oo, ,2d (pipes- do do / In,oo :id Cla?? . do | .do >. VlOOO i Smi^l|'Sunils, , j • o-Oti^l (jjii fnotion, Joseph C. WlWin authorized to-lot, <jihe bonjfding tsjble . JIU in'jlhe 3 Fkir Grounds. ||- Adjourned _to /hicut on Wednesday ol ICoiirt vvo.ck/Supt, 14th.. • I BOB’T I3A HGLA V, ViGe Pros.* J. 8.. jVTouNu, Sec’y.;, ' . j Christian Commission. | Committee ’of driver c|otiiv ty.i desire to call the attentionbf all the sol diers’ aid societies torthe following Rcso .!i ■ r ■ lutions. | f 1' Resolved, That the Army Committee of jßeaver county, earnestly tirgo upoh th.c pchple of this county the necessity' of holding tastings, in their several district, under the allspices of the Army Committee and, means' of Concerts, Dinners dna Ad- Idresses tlb raise funds for the, Christian Commission and that we request theseV-' end soldiers’aid societies of this county jto gitj-e their aid in initiating and carying forward this movement. ■ .-v J Resolved. That the army Qommittec hold a public meeting, in the Court House in Beaver on Tnesday evening, Septem ber 13th, at 7 o’clock on behalf of the Chistian- Commission and - that all :who, have sympathy for the soldiers arc invi ted to attend—addresses may be expected, Send stores to J. C. Wilson Esq.; Bca-i ver and jto George C. Speyerer Eaq?, Roch ester; nioney to Dr*; John Murray Bridg water; and requests’for public meeting or spleakera to the' Secretary Rev. W.G.Tay lof, Beaver. M J'- ■ I 1 ,D. AG-NEW, Presft/ 1 W, G.TAYLOB, Sec’y. ' -j§J ‘ SfiMPEb Envelopes.—ln cons^J quench of the increased rates required df tne Post Office Department for the man ufacture of stamped envelopes, the prices.- will-bo advneed in a corresponding ratio --say 17 per cent.—from and after the 12th day of- September next. The ifol lo wing are the particulars, which we| hay® asertained regarding the increase: : j jNo 8, lettersizo, three cent stamp.—For 25 we now pay 80 cents, tinder the,hew rule :he:price will bo 93 cents. For 50. now 8159, hew rates, $1.86; for 1-00, S 3 18, new rates, s3[ 7*o; for 250, how $7 95, newrates, S 9 25, for SOO, now 815 90, ntjw rates, $lB 50- for 1,000, how S3J. 80, new rates, 837. :: HjTo, 1, potesize, three cent stamp.—Here after, the rates will be for package' of 25, 91 cents; 60, Si 82; 100, S 3 64; 2so, S 9 10; 500, Sl820; 1,000,-536 40i : j. • No. 2. letter size, two cent stamp 4- For 25, 68 centsj 50, Si, 35;100, $2 70; 250, S 6 75; pOO, *l3 sp;jl,Qoo, 527. v I j [No, 3, official size, sik ‘ cent stamp.— .New rates, -package: of 25, Si 75; 50, S 3 52; 100, S 7 04; 250, $l7 00; 500, 53j620; |i,p0d,57040. ■ j. . Jcif; C. Davis, cairryii handsomely, with tbn g a thousand prisoners. In the night the en south and wo . have fo. another of his bast linesVuear Lovejcv’s at Ati ;a, finding me |>only ore that noutd su j between'.him and a .coi ofhw army, blew, up li All-’ ' 1 ' Atlanta, and lei t. in vyhen the Twentieth [G cum, took'- possession 6 Atlanta is ours., and (a Since the sth of Ma; in one ednstatib battle ij need itest] Our losses! , •>> , ...... ceiifc. more. »usthe rm*n who u . »icnicnerationj except tho twelve ;hundr?d ( , and ye have poasesy U os iu 61090 in a private . ,Sav' ngV j meutOjf a 'free ftcniVbltpan Mon pi over thiee nnndred Rebel dead, j Bank receives 50. Jullars a year, i iter j that will endure i : >r all ftmoo. two hundred and.fiffcy wounded, and I 6st; ft he deposit*, the sane aiim- ini it --—-A » over fifteen hundred v ell. . ’ . i this National Savings' Bank hd re .j . Uow Tr.u roas ■ W. T>‘ ■ Shkkman, Maj (Son. 73 dollars*. Po"r those who vislj £ NO ™rP’ at tr! f V V K , A later despatch fro n Gen. juf find a safe,' convenient. and profit I bo, ' th * lhll , U,e ! 1 lB “ lt l W n <hu: .I dated' at Allanta lkst night (the 3ml). 'bio means' of investing the sn|phis understand eaph other well;.>4 nt O p.'m., states that the eftfemy Je-i earnings >vhioii they have Wived loyal man,.l,. atroyed seven locomolivemnd eighty-! for t,hcir.*«ld ige or for, the benefit of •whethcr-NortWor Smith th.» .J one ears, loaded with ammunition.;! their children, there is nothing which »"?T 8 and W- lho small arms And stores, and left l«nr^lp r e 8 «n. A so ma.ly advantages asl this f" 1 :, of a "W datc - soo-mvl;t"k» teen pieces of artillery, most of tlieml! National Loan *. PT i, .that there might be yet somi:‘ v uninjured, [and a large nnml>er| oil I It is convertible into a simper sent.’ bllnd n f. t( ?. be f '(T,\ w..' B n.a I arms.: Deserters art constantly! gold'bearifig bond. At I the exbira- s l ? . o !f e tbls 'T lfie ,: . a .f'> „ coming into our lines.. Son of threeyiarsa holder of the C f? H ' ”?**<{ J d . m,r * !l E M. StAxtoN, Sec. of War. j nplesfof the 7.-S0 loan hai the ,o >tion « dnuro \ a l>n«igham .1 tiim !li M A - t , \ ~»• 1 , • . • V i»V r because howas against * 4ti . r— , r' ; .jrof.-.accepting, payment-: m .full} or of start ai i d kopt his ' if John Morgan. h's notes in »■ six per cent. . „ | j-.j 1 the rebe( 1 8 °- d ' ? n ' ar ?**9 n *> pay- Copjrerhe^^l^ .w uCWP of raider John Morgan, is not thati we glory in sinnor.but rather tha add live as becom'eth isep. But ho has gon account- there is for Probably -no ,man in; did so mischief, desolation, ecrami tied ed'and inhuman mn 'ohr M Death f The new? o) % .orffftfi. G ohn anti -apirate. -jen. .. illen, at Bull's Gap reports. on the4th injst.i'.haying sur prised, defeated and killed Jobm Mor gan at G-rdonvillo. Morgan’s force oataambcxed that oi the Union Gene-j ral, : b#C the surprise was complete. | ! - . ,m " j■, r _.. gilledand WiWjnded ijejaejs werp ecat-l Mb. Chase-Au attempt has bt teretjlvaiopg the .road for pajbee. Mor-jmado to create the impression tha gah'e ptaff wnsicaptqred, and abont j Mr.Cbpso will not support JlrJ Lin* seventy'otbers. riftVwcre killed and coin but is in Some manner connected; about a hundred wounded.' This is in-1 with a hostile movement! that bds not other addition ito tree victories pvtr iyetdovclopeditself. Reports Of this Whinh wearetor«joic| to-mortow,'and chaiacterddfMr Chase groat injustice retr.rn thanks dp Sunday. This* ,i|s and are totally at, variance Vith thV w|iat may be termed (he rebellion ma- : truth, as will shortly appear frdm-jb* king;. headway—to -Us ) bitter Ex ( Secretary’s osr» action At riotim Pats. Gem/ \ j • \has deoeppied a position, entertain* v . \ ! ' | —- ■! I or uttered a septimenjt tb was the roulrk ofanobserv ing man,-on bearing df: the ddingaat Chicago, that the hojttora would fpll Mr. Linc,c(l.n. oat of the entire business in ttfp I weieksi The ;;appaarinccp now ard, tisp by b.alf. i ' TClke 7-305.--What Are They t |j We trust that & large port! jitof bur readers have /pondered the Appeal of Hr. Pessladonyodr now Secretary bf sho Treasury. , The purport) ofit, jis that.the people of the Uoiled States, acting as a body,through tbeii’ agent itbo Government, wish individuals to :lend them two hundred millions of dot larafor three years, at seven and three tenths per cent, annual interest.payja ble every six mbptha. For this they offer TroMury Iffotea—that.ts,in repl • . notes drawn and endorsed by ev ery martin the country. The loan is Ranted for a great national; purpose, tb effect, which every [man, unless he he a traitor at heart pi not in act, is solemnlypledgea.i ' j ; 1 : '|‘ ' j The) Appeal is Addressed nbt merely to a few great capitalists, ■ but also Ip the : many whoso • aggregate ir.eiiiis constitute the mas*. bf the wealth, I>f the laud. The notes upon which th s loan is asked are'; from $5O upwar 1, Every man who Has!fifty'. dpllarsLci n take part in this I loan. Apart fio n patriotism apd llie duly width all, ow o to; their country, no investnent is i o desirable as this. ; .j-' * J - | • | It is secure; ,Every dolld '-of o’veiy man’s property is* pledged for tl e punctual pay men t; of th ein teres I J .an d of t|ic debt when dnc. [The security is .increasing; in valulw ■ For spine yea s before the wnr we were learning 10(0 millions a year moie: than we spent., During the three years of, the war, owing to the 1 high pi ices and constar t demand for labor, we, have oarnc d more than ever before. 1 dolman who could or would work has been id 1 3; and, except for the war, wc nave spent jdss than before. .( The total) valuation pf the property of the. tJuStbd/ Slates, according to the lBOO, was 816,159,000,000' of which $10,967.443, 950-was in the Loyal Stales. -This to/Lie usual rii e was not 7 more! than twj ihirds’ofthe pash“Value of ibi property.] The increase of proper' ’ In 'tiie 'Loyai-States during the las ten'iycars: was over 120 pei| cent, «i rii 1 average of 12 0 10 per cent- per a 1 bum.! In three-years of the/war' v of the TJnited States have I certain I earnedv-SCOO millions more than 1? have .spent apart from the, war. Tii cost of the war may de set down- a £OOO millions. Deducting j this.'frc n bur net! darnings, the People who;nn Security for! this loan, are tpOQ million' richer* to day than they; were whe the warjbrdke opt. |:[ j J So oUior'inVostinent can Ibe so le: ily convertible, i The mild who I ja Treasury note for 850. ipr 83U0,_ > (81000, cfen turn if into nunc/p nion {readily, and upon bettor terms, tlnir if it were invested upon bond nn< mortgage, or in railroad-stccks. ■ f The interest offered, is higher thai lean be realized, .from any; other sif i-ttjud convcVtable , itidcstmeit. .■ It i: :moreover, - readily, collectable wliei j.aue -‘To. each note are! affixed five 1 /‘coupons,"or interest tickets id ids at' h j je^piralion. of each successive In If year. The holder of a|note has si in (ply to CUI/off one of; (iicse conpo is •present it iit the nearest, babk or U )V .ornment Agency, and 'receive his in , lerest; the note itself need not be y re sbnled at all. Ora coupon 1 Inis p»y .able .will everywhere be Ijwhen due/ to money 1 , , j , C' Thus, while this loan " , pres. s . Advantages to largo capitalists,! it of fers special indfit - om,onts to those vlu> 'wish to make a Safe and profitable ir ; vestment tof small .saving!. .It b in every ,tvay the, best' Savings’ Bunk; for thi| kind 'nnst somehow invest its deposits m olit'eld g the works: tints and about. I omy retreated ! Ipwcd -himJ lb ly-eonstmctod ‘ itation. Hood! ... .. mvusi tw (iopo. p. . I in order to pny interest u,rid experts* They will invest largely in t his jo;, ias t.ito '-b|!»t .investment; | But .([mi the gross] interest which they recjci in bis road', the S' him,, and ■ Brnblo parit'; s inatrazmi’s in 'he .nijjht-tinw' ■ srps, tr.en. Sltf- Ftho place. So j, Irb- won. . , i ' we have been j r&kirntishj and r will not exceed! they must deduct; largely (for the penses ofjilio bank. ; Thiel r usual n of interest .allowed to de| os i tors is per cent, iupon supis over 8503. Tl p’brson wno invests directly with io jornment will receive almost 50 p< ; .t. Tl th wh if able is not less than jiyo nor jinore than twenty years frbnii Up- dale as the Government may elect. . Fojr si months past, these: bonds, have- far od at an, -average premium jof abi eight per cent, in the New York] mi Het, and have sold at 109 to-day (Ac 22ih), thus making the real rate jof.i lerest over ten per cent.:; ann'b sides, to mako tho inducement |ev' greater, Congress by special acr a welcome) ilemi the death of a L he would .turd i man and a citi c, and ap awful him to i seitle. the army spread bo much more cold bloodk •ders, than did first cle' class G*' empts iUi*treaHup£ note* from |st; was a l|f B and municipal taxation.! Could Sli lock ask more? Was patriotic ever, so’liberally rewarded?—//* rpe Magazine. i iresents ir EMI . I ■ Cnrlio has:taken i t it, by »dvjce of hi»| phynuian ■ Direct Road ta p* Xheonly road to peace tilu!**? 0, wct : route, and sfrfJto tmS °A? • i taken by pur armies It - vriti lhat ! leaidto peace in this shortest timW r9,y the only one loyal men T We hearj men talking x>} n? 1 -•’ though it Iwag Bellied ; 11 * , coin bag tp do h to stop '* go to negotiating, as jtl loU gh t r an . d ' els were beseeching tri come lt V were wwting fpr an opportanitv ' so/ trpm ibis the !, d 9 every declaration from Richmond ! (to the.effect Ih'alttlije jJouth '* ■ ( consent to an armistice, a „ d ' desire peace. without 'laden*., i" 1 II; U folly to tftlkof .pSS"? South unlessyooiare pr« par(! a , ' peace, which ip.-jUro. One taken] ht*’it ' 4 ' armies; •jWomeati an honorableUC • >• It; is;itrue, that peace ; by surrendering _tb the rebels an 'd t ■ first step would be an arnnsii,. o the talk to the contrary i s J Rekiaiancp.of the Draft• contains fine .following' - :' - p OP ■ time past ft bits been romofediKin'tJS- - tain districts in determined to resist the exotiuW m the laws iu relation to the diiift j O , which the teachings of the j gans of that .county hod pri-naroU ■ them-. It is stated- that -about „ n(! " thousand.- individuals, ih cm • many.deserters from thoiraidtsol tho army, had assembled in Fishing Creek-i. '■ township, armed, and 'equippetlffur (ijj 1 Tense in carle of [an attack,- TJS© V 1 5 .trenched themselves on thej *■ union i.rtaini four peices cfiiMWv!» 3 j blit GencraT t'oiieh -marched .&bai,;; E ‘ ‘ £ j them with five ibiun'dred uh.i ci-rhtv. i men. and they specumbcd w.iifionT trr. s‘; ing a shot. A few days.ago- a depatv ' il ‘ Pr.pv-ost Marsha! whs shot' hyfnnV T ; f Tj tliem atid severely! wounded. C ': V e! An Appropriate Selection y-j Governor Seymour, of -Nipy-A'-e e; "’as" manifestly (he fittest 1 permit!, ii,'; e ■ life country to preside over tlio|Llib. i ,t orations of -the iciiicjagrf .CViiv-cmTon!! n When Jeff, Havlsvtmi bi-n H-Dc-jv e proHal'pedthe;Moniifpmery is Constitution, he•.d,etdarjed - ,iliim»elf iii ,5,---.fayo.r' of accept ing if in '.tlie. pjacei- of g^’ t the Constitution! nfdbe Ifni': ■dsSt.-n.u,' Jg/Tramed hrjtlie/hjtJicfs oft.'., bVp.bb-/; .He has ne-yer made.any puuli-.; jlecfeir. ~r i alfoil] <>l a ehnngelof .'vieya. £n l vShi ‘ 1 pfesninpiion is lie Ustill,in -'hiv'cV■-,# . i Djivis and his bogus odj\.»titmi4i.' \v. ' lC | is entirely certain that in,by.'«pcWu i. .he had many. Ham' .filing*.to‘pay u „ gainst the North, lint nof a ,'viu-r, nf. r 6 co'inplaini 'of thi* South. The | s i lion, therefore, Mid a con>«isleni-i!i > ti.g n j-hy calling him to preside, drhe’iici'was q 1: iri harmony;- .vyilli the pr<'>c,ee>'ihigs.. , e ] which favor-ep aji armistice fir a jb«-k..» attainable only iby.acknowledgingtii,. j.indcpendenco ofl-heSouth —pi!ts, C->m. s ... To . tilk* Poj'Nf. - Benjamin'.- Won. I ; Hunter.of Alexandria, -Va .andloidhcr >• | ly one of - the lfygest| shiv:ehiil.h;.f-s id s- j Virginia,-;' write-* I'S tlje Ncw York i bane- that’ .‘t’hjo l(H,*nciiiator,y-. Tp.Hitig , {-which has always / fehtiracti-r;/.i r tiny j North hasUed -fhe people of live ‘H-euli into the error Unit weAwero.ad -■ , _ Wf a .-j£ of towards,anil woulff knoul ar.-l ! every ijurden they ti,t .hVjinr - j upon us. [lolftfAo.^ildsi/'Tlidydj'iA'mu' ny in' the are ai'xidiii f* ; | see the Union ris it was - I.fciv.’ *••»?• ’ I spurts' rno ,j»mjsiuih LJ ni-:m.' . Tna. f'ac! liial it is di'irujit'iii now. - viiiinr!' . . ..p ... prove,,.. iv- : . «. j sivcly there was no Union. ’Ajifj. #;!• in i mittihgitlkinit was, otiejpt «er nvHliat' tbVsuine Js.tate of afrairs wHI i:i ’o j time he brought about. I claim tu lie ; as large!}* interested (to anly. ;i!s :»>)%' luaii, wit!/ ; o thins,who ever lived \y< this Slilc.:inl ho wlilnm go upoji.'.the'/tivei's o{ ‘A local •v- dria. or Washington, willnini hkvl «*r ,ing them.-, Tl'ioy are gone! I’ ask n« wouldjust as cordially say;.;. ‘l^ e »** t mire Loo, and we ad ini re lleipirfr il ! ,: also; and we ndmiro-JotT. ® ,r ‘' than all. because ltd was * lor /s laron ■ ’;■ at.tjie eiart, end. has kepi hi* 1 V ev«p-Bince.’'~-j§M. -[ *, 1 in’- rh c, boxes ;*T)ntai ii \ n^aijhiStl'M ids were seized. inijJiiqiaTia poll's w •ejn Office of H; »x-' der of: the dSons jtff Lihefcty.,-’ Ijo’oks- p to j marked Uy- They Were.sent to the Rm firm! who 'iwextensively 1 ■ »r’s School Book jbijsjnces. V - i|; ■ i- 1 Thfi Chicago GoHvejitiotfapd r Gold Market .. • ,p n The splendid victory of Meta,?- “ U Mobile, the failure 6f the despot? 10 ' _ tempts by the) rebels ision of the Weldon Railron'Vt#; „ ceswful ilank |rhovcir.cn t i,v " nl j|' and the eneoqragrng aspect pe > ,i„o .-Haiy‘ Bit»#tiobl t h' e to decline abjpat. tw^enty^per. ►ku But when thhsaction ofithe .t ,;r Convention became kno\r*i < ied platform adopted and th« K, LJ. t iev of the pijj’ty reflected. ov ® r ’. „lii t- stnsss?. ■; the ! ’ jnaympathy with reije] leaders, i arc pertinent fact* f°r thc p po Ur IPtWt. Com. ■ ] •• (vr’' .. I ) iftv - I .J,f ■ tl|o School
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers