A ' Gsn . Sheridan’s Sueoesa f ■ Jter A0 g r,14,., !1 4 Tb e CommcraotfaWashingtari spe. I j sa yg: There is pfisitive and relia information in j the, city tothe.ef tiiat G en - Sh£ridkn : has defeated P riv in ever >’ cncounter/and - that .helittcrjs retreating down; the val e(n c cly pursued by our cavalry, Sintluiiry.. • ' ' ■ • [ New YoEK.yAug.l4.; '■ ’ The Strald Hnifpor’sFerry correct Jndenco of the iSlhjteysi-Shdfidan' i”L nC( ,d 'by way qf Charlestown and S-viW to Winchester. Our cav |rv Uii’d isomo skiimisbing with the * vntious points between Ber . !I!k v iije-and Winchester. They came rV,.n a I'irty of some fifty rebels >ed in threshing grain, jand sur- and-cnptured.iho entiresquudi Early was completely surprised by ■ .nfftacb. of our army,, and : made but fliiht resistance, i-He found his po*i Vitfiuv flanked by j Sheridan’s wanoen ,,4 and feel back during the night, laving attempted an artillery duel ' pis afternoon, pur latest in forma* ijoi, i 3 Wthe effect; that Sheridan past c O J through Wijieheijler' yesterday ' periling* No: details. of-pgr losses received. Some Ifilteen or twenty ; k'i-it.d and wonnded.. - The latter are. juihe hospital Jifißerrysyillei The Repulse at Petersbueq.— The \cw Turk Pbsf jcoiicludes an articlb* •iblis; ■' • .■' i -At thb same time, it remains to be Jj. that Grant jprobably could not ha'- e -'aired the information concern* in|; the nature of the enemy's works .which- be needed in pny other way \l.Wi. by ’an assault. > VVhat we have iitW.-pveJ to make plain to the readv ct is.’ihut th’e failure bt an assault.on vjmWs‘if die slienglh of those at Po -ifst -irg is not ail uncomrabw incident ■ ili 4 sK-gc; tbavil is not decisive against (fi-niii at alI: tba'l bo ima.iultind over •i lie enemy the fame moral and pbysi' <1 mifriority that he acquired over • them vt Spottsyi-taqia 1 - Court House; Mill liiai. as Leo hasyievor suite that ■ Jar- d to i-ssdme the offensive a gaihst Grant, so .be is,in no butter po • diijiin. td do tliis.njpvv, than'he - was bo jut 8 the •assault.”!’ Vl' , • ' . The Petersburg! Disaster, fij ■‘.V.;A>l:ls-nxox,'itigai: 12—The N'i-1 PepublUau u! ibis evening aa\|»: ’.l ut iiierab liiipiaide appeared bis i<ire tit» .MiliiaryComtjwssioa in sestpqh ;a City. Pel lit q:; - Wednesday, jtijd pave a sia lenient; of the cireumstah jui'.iiected Avi’tli the recent aenabli rj,;)h Petersburg!.!' •' I' ‘ . ?,‘ L : General Bdnt&ijde insists that the i.i iio'rs given -hijm - were ' carried obt iaiilJf'iiilyand;fHat neither ■,himself tor the offieei’i) !o|f his corps are ife-J lide for thoj,failure. ’ I | OE -k t I i . .. ,C£u - .-ov respondent’ (G.. JV.-B ) in. ■ .t'.yfiSc \'uik ■Eifctu.'U/ Post says: , i-w[vci--.\ticin wit li jti naval officer.: Who . bis mar|k[ while comtnanisii)g i 3 'ionaoc/I “Why- do. ydu | v "' “That, we' I ' 1 'l>; bat whaJ-Ts the. use of so I'do f ; , ■ ; f uli-rn ».< laketjZ'l .Some..of oar Mo’hi.i ■ i»r be blown up| by tofpcdogs there, litit that is a 'risk we •\i'< - iviiiinir. jo take when wo have mil ;*f~ r ' r . w.'iD.peratiOu. You Icnow that ti'i iionitors cannot tike troops,-as iUn> is njo room jfor thorn.” | ; Ksa.Tlk» Him. two . articles of |.Ke t'')ijiuuiiifiii adopted by tho Constitd •Y'.’iiveiitio.ii of Louisiana, |uid ''lijmittod, to the people, arg as i-'hows; ■ , ■ ■ 1 A|nv 1. ,Slavery aud’ involuntary .►'•yCiiudOi cxcc-pt',as a ; punishment foi tjhe- party shall have I'ul.v, convicted, are hereby fbil fVfi-;ah(;linlied’ahd prahibited’tlirou"6 “in the State. I • ■ r ' Art, 'i.-Tho Legislature shall make ' " I‘ecognuuig the right Of pro® '’>»’[in nau. ,•; j*: / [ U* —’— Tlj.e “Cops’} arc making'a great aMui the sijse of,the McClellan in York city.. We - see that it is) pinch to blow about wus a big tricetihg. It &iH>be, ... that the traitor Breeken 'iVHt “ majority* of forty thousand -)utv ’York city .at the last Presi; no onedoubts but !, i ’ Divisi wou!<i receive more t ( K-r(v il.au,- .A-brahutd- Lincoln h'UIJ; Kew York, city is a nest of and not muchtojbrag on,and JJ'" Jo McClellani no good. ] , Post (Deuiociat) • u, ‘f? indications- arc ' daily i'!! t * ult will be , ) ,‘ f^-9 on ”" <> P (> *the Xatibnal Demo i !1 ' oriv ontion fori',.President,"— 'f U !?£ ! '^ ,f ' on to be the I -of (be Afbaiiy Rcgc)icv', Pen wt<yi Of Obit# is warmly tup ported; M<;C!-*llan hits . ‘ , .{ I,' , •! inw-i \ if ,//v-- ,U S K tN THU MORNINO. 'i-tni.iK Clakic died on Sabbath or.ui n _, /lit instl, aged 15 mhntlis. voice ifi husked, “■[l, spirit gone ; jAu&thcr Hltltt foi m’a asleep •« , And a - jl. - j .| l .-i nngcl born. , ‘ . • a : SC,!F '- of disappointment.— "vHv ?rl L ‘ rishod hApes Ldwau -?d of plana frustrated "in'' ' l ‘ I ‘ U a,e uti attft'ncd makes -From all ci - i. Ul > a Pl*Qiiitiments, dear pliulo ' * *' ,rcV(3r free, it was on the >'o WU<;"•*% Sabbath that "i» fiiL'/V t bnl Heaven,which \ glorious antitype— he ti d ' I mt wilh G °d- A , before »‘'en)s- ot ta n ,e< * l °i ( oel tf *® 1 ‘“'t'ui nr"' ? R 'T ho tak ?" to the Tull 1 ’■ ° U T9 hi r, 7 Unn « Wo M*i 0(i -iUf-;o ho was tho houses 61 &caven' or(> ' y f ca tl)ui le Ji nowone -. ; - BjE|SPAia 'of ans:—Qpo of ih 6 national jpfl released from Poufineraentfin 100 cjty reports tbatno ope. dgioe how ktserlyasedupUa) less, the , *pent,as hf .bias done-sdrae r lts.. J v«py eridie. 4 The |3dt« ih« people; aroJ>eyonfl "be w hatever' - tbeir? *ers may thinks or ibey themselves are in ih abyss [of despair,, and utter ate against-the .Richmond tyi der whyth greaa ii= Thai want of the j pocetisaries of" there is not jan able-bodied boy m ail Sonth Carotftjaiwbic been 1 . conscripWa. Quarterly-Statement Beaver Count. j . | ■ Sbw Bwohtox, Au '■ BESOOECES. '• Notes and. bills discounted, actiie B»me tmdw U. 3.6 percent', coupon b0nd5.....,,.. U, 8. fi per oentl ires*, n0te5.,...;.., CuncntEipensce • ••••••■•••••a* ••■•AaWe|> Furniture end office fixtures.....i.. Due*from btber bank 5................. Notes and checks of otberbanks an ■ U. 8. itreasarynotes. ... Coin in : Tsnlt;„.lJ,; ........... Protest acc0unt.............. 7'; : >-r : [“l ; ■ LIABILITIES. Capital 5t0ck....J..... .5130,155 00 Notes in circulation.... 7fio‘ 00 Duc1depb5it0r5.j.L.....'.,....,.? 152,831 81 Due the Commonwealth...... 12,139 88 Contingent fund 5.............. |, 2,808 85- Dividends unpaid............. | 1,080 87 Profits ajnd earnings......... 6,800 95 > ■ f -l''„ ' $805,558 31: 1 cert ify that tbeaboTe statement is true And correct according to the best of iijjr. knowledge' and belief. - j | . Editaed Hoops, Caab’ii | ASrmed'and subscribed me, thisjSd dr •if.At’**' A. i» 1664, | - | UEISEL, J. P|. =I IN Orphans’ Court of Beaver co;i of pqtiliqo.fiirpartitionnf the Uavi'd' dec'll. To thci gal representatives of Said "db Lodovica W. : R. Ro linson, reii Stal e of'Ohio; IjtjafN. ''3: -/ (intetji WillianhjMorrow,): residing ia the li'nois; Anna Mary'Bobinsoni re# State oii Ohio; iTlieodore Rbbin in' the State of I Illinois; the si and Theodore- being minora ap guardian; and -ail others’mterest each of t-you arej'-hereby hqtifiei appear tit an Orphans' Court, t!c Reaver, [Beaver county, on the £ day of September next, to shy w< you have, why an inquest to'm of the real estate of said dec’d. i awarded. il JOS; f | rbugust 17, 38|i4. , ’ I Me ! RE. ISTER’S KQ A 1.1.! persons j interested ! in ti Administration and Guarii jj.wiiicli llavei been passed and ||RegisfcrfB Office, of beaver count ■ 'take notice that the same will t><i it lie Orphans' Court,' to be held i jJVednesd’ay,'iheiilth’.dajr’ of Se[ confirmation and-allowance.. : The final acoouut of Robert SI Elizabeth Mnsserj, executors of t of Abraham Muaser, deb'd. 1 > The final account of Bezin I ;oeo. SI. Uarnbo,| ft’ditrfnistratora u: i of Moses'RamboL 'dec’d. , ; The final account of Hosanna 1 ’William Shaufelberger, administ r testate of j John Endrtss, dec’d. i, [ yoJThe final account of J.- 11. Still of the lakt will of Dr. John Marti ! The accounts (Real and Pefsoni ni Anderson, administAitor of 1 ’ Alice Au'dersoip dec’d. i ' Ti. ’ '- of Th< -he account 6t *ios. administrfe tor, de h-jm «ofi,| with the will anncxed.of the estate of Henrietta M. Lyon, dec d. ■ j ,i; The final accdfiht ofAnthony', Krut, execu. it or of the last will of Henry Shatsr, dec’d. s ; The filial account of Andrew L eilch, exc iltor of the Itrst will of'Baniel Lei tch, dee d [- 'final account of Benjamit Andersoi, exefeutorlof the last,will of Bcnjitmm Andej-- Ban. fcf., idec'd. : ; | :j • - -i The final account of Benjamin * Ahderso i, ■cxecutorjof the Ust will of Alexander, Jl. A i derson. dec’d. i| ' ' The accounts (Ileal andPersot, il) of Jamts Tufrctice, Administf.ator with'thi! will annet c|, of Uqheyt Criswell, dec'd. **, |;|The account of John Jlassen, i.dmia.ratr i- Jo/ and trustee, to make sale of th" j real esta ;e bi? John iCre'es, tlec'd., jtndor proceedings ;n in Orphans' Court of Uefver count r. 5 The final scc«|lllH (Beal) j»f John U. Me-* l>onnld, administrator of the I estate of Fran itis Marion Ir vin, (dec'd. . \' ' i, | -7 The guafdt in [account of Thomas Allison, guardian of JanejA. Thorniley, minor dauga ter of Thomas and Mary .Thornile r, dec'd. | The Guardian j account of Phil p Gelbach, guardian of Adam Blinn, minor mm of Philip Blinn, dec'd. |j * , | . ; <•]. The setond partial accounts of] Philip Gel. hach, gpardian of,Christian iitiaLiuina. Rltnli, tu.nor children of Philip Blinn, <1; c’d. ; “ h The guardian a tcouuts of Hugh Andersoi, « guardian of, Araminta and Jafuea T. Ander- xthild reu of William Anderson, decl. ' i A. B. MOOEE, Beaver, Aug, l)th, '64, ’ j Kegister. OliPilAJs’S’ CODKT £ BY virtue W an order of jOrpi of the Oounty of Beaver, tIJ f.u will expose to sale by Publi. tmt-cry, bn the'p|ronuses, on 1 ''~’ r - 1 " V .<£ I SAl'iniDA Y, Sept\ 3rf| 1864, M 1 o’clock, p. m., the follow! ig described real estate of Joi n late of Ohio tp„ in said county, deo’d.,, viii. nU hat fai-mior tract of about , j . Pne : Hundred Fifty El ht Acrhs,. situate at Hoads, in 6l io tp. afore said; bounded north by bmdk of James Qol vin and others, east by londsof ihe heirs jo? ■Noble Rayl, dec’s.; south by Jol h Johnstpn, and west by W’vi. M’Kee aid o hers; about 100 acres Steai's<| and: in a good f ate ofhufti-' ▼ntion, balance yell timbered; fa an well,Wa tered. Improvements: one large ' good fcatue house, one and a-half story high one largo,< good frame-barni good, frame sti bio. wagon shed; and Other out-buildings; f abt it 700 good, yodng -bearing apple trees; nbo t 200 good jyaOh trees; alto plums, peart, .&e., on the premises.','. , •jj •-i j }• ; TK!I M S—one-1 hini of the pure base money on confirmation of sale by the Co irt, balance two equal annual payments fruii that date, with interest from same irred install ments securtd and mortgage. T 4£rFor‘fur;kCr infarn»*tio«i infinire of the r.t Cannon’s MillsJ Columbians, OOunty, 0., or of [Wim D Eayl, a»the prein -IE - if vl '-I .-I-:-. SAS. Je At ISLET, i ■ . auglO, 04 ; j! . Adm> of dec’d • HOTICI I ’HE fim pf B. t W. Wil4* £\ I sojred.on the lithTof Mar . death of. Bjir., Wm. Wilfio.j l-A* tho late firm will be settled by d paatnera. ; BENJ. W| ' ; hoeatia GO-P ARTNE B9HIP. -2. The ; lAndersigde* have entered into partacnbit> under the the style of “Wlt<W ft Coi," and Will continue the business of the life firm of B, 5 'ft W' Wude it Co. . ■ . BRNJ. WlhliE. ■T - ‘ r- j* horatia #} WILDES r >>w Brighton, July 11, 186»;‘ j[ <■■■'■>’] , ' ... ]■ vik ' -ii : !ll : ■ f ' ii'aQWi du\ •■e.a |;AJ« ywwittfrl a.diM^Mau EJ^jBItEATEP rT.iiw.n i-rijssw' VERSUS' 1‘ I C J A J BREACH. , -wr.?* iv***? . >enwd«a wdfltwdefa'imknr dttrfcanaar I M»lm; tf Mtatlha : i> w « . Jop. ' '«ha'■vaafcrrai'M- V**^**'T<+r neawd Wwal wlkpotMatfea »}.amt ' j-' ; ,p':' j. l T jj.p fiSA fi»: ; F LO.WEft^ : » »"*9»: P»»pwn^*-.; tt ia ' wwfiaoil«T faeoaUw paaae, I ■ WOMES/:' J of ancient tlna oad bed? to bentiQr thdr eearptextoo; bU the eodwnatlop.wlth pelm-01l »M WherrmlaableUwie dieatamakt it etlndein reloabte. {.far bathing eafferU* I tribute, afew j4repe poerod lnt» a hada water-arm '«*.< S*U lent, Iktar, <ts.| A fcw4ropepooradon.poa(al*»-;; When paid for wcahitnt-night and nornlng. erwSdalaaali Tksi.PimpMJuid Vncklei, renderlnglhe akin toft and white, aod (ie« from blemiah. [ - i |i I -tf, aoppljr Jof -the pnuloe arttele jut rtedred (rod the manofactgrer and for tale at the »-... t j I V BUIDGt WATkR BBUO BTORB. jai/ii—iji ~ = v ;. ~i | . , ,|- f Charlba i| can. ipi* nod hope }«edi|oi i iptrthsUn nngfcHof ief,ju|d, rnipdtbli> tolbiok. » lowest y iiifiiri; ■annytin': f raro.jin Jffc. aiid [..man W phas not Bii^L Bank of Bd, 1864. " ■'« » •, $60,550 !sr . - 100 100 .120,000 00 „ 86,980 00 466 93 1,968 05 ,L 44,808 86 •** / ICI lee ifJ%¥ COORU; | ; t I SUBSCRIPTION ACIENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., Bonkem, tl« SOOTH THIRD STREET, 1 ! 1 ' Philadelphia, Nov. 1J1862. IHE undersigned, having been appointed S ÜBS aRIETION AGENT by the Seereta *7 of the; rreasiity, is now prepared to fur'-j alsh; at on ;e, the ■'"! .i]' ' : ■New\Ti of the] ,Un Twenties;’’ Gorernmoc by Act of 1862. ! ' The !Col js3o< $lOO The Rl $lOO, ssoi EM3 TIOST, in'the master real, estate of peirs andUe idiug in the earned with J State of ill-, (ding in the son, residing id Iva Anna d haVtngjuo fed—you and 4 -to be upd ) be held {at iccond Men* iause, if any jtko partition should not|be ■EDLIE, i Sheriff]-' TI Interest commence Semi-Annu premium oi PER ANN' Farmers, and all wh know and effect, a i' road's, i Cai and chp im turos, &.C., and ample the intere: Customs I Revenue. i flfSf/iVa J ,]J Suhffcrip dcr Notes, par in jPhil -receiver pr and explai lion atjthi: itice:i the following Lian accounts, {filed id tlie Iprr Pa., will i [presented jto vt Beaver, on Pt. 18G4, for [ Cauley aid tie last w|ll Gamble and i:' the estate llndr Usand ntur. of t the i sr, executor in, dec’d. | .1) of 'Bcni ie estate of fir A full su forimmedi D Y El 390 ALj TIIJE j Pf hare U in the jaos country; in delphia; n h apparatus' a session of l thods ofi Eu Ladies’ j' Sil superior stj are made in inapptarar B &JAU Dain This prt Coffee, a.superior i eral Debilit; den. Tboti abandon tbi out iqjulrioti strength* of Price 23 cel 1 •* The pure known, for j Breod and ( - Manufact Cornero And sold b, aar2<i NET NE | I : I '■' ' • |PRODUCE STORE; f |lB£ ifeuliscriber respectfully anhooiu it* to . t“«oillsens of Boaveri aud ricinity that « GROCERY A PAODCCE STORE;_in, the room formerly occupied by: Stokes Tollon,.' and directly opposite" the opice, where we will keep constantly on hand • atuj Vfop ■ sale a large assortment of urocenos, speb as . : COFFEE,' . EICB, 1 TEA, : \ MOLASSES, SUGAR,, f SYRUP; I i-i JAlstl,, FLOUR, POTATOES,; and all; other articles usually kept in. a Grocery,store..i; - Conn try produce taken' in exrhknge tor godds, *1 the highest market price dec9 • T, T. McKIBB# id ' Advertui: ■ I • pitiNTi: ALE. • " ans’ Ooui t, underuigp- Vendue <or 1 - Type WHIIKiOA OFFICE: TrlW'Bi ~ in»t2S3S .Lm ;W4S and again lo ■'s ; \Fpebi offers his jn • Whiffles p«- • j ■ Jo. was dis-t hat, hjt ijhe (businessj of JSimrriTWg jWVWILI>K, T. J X 8 fttfcist I RnefcestJ »« Hs ■ rarii •(ipllM kll t ME WHI i , ESMI ?*ty. , Year 6 per ct Sends. • ted States, designated as - 1 redoemahle.at the pleasure 4>f the Jt, sftei} five years, and authorised Congriss, "approved• BSehruary 25, 1 J’ON BO&DS are issued in sums of ssod, $lOOO. j- • . . f , IGISTEK BONDS in sums of $5O ! i,’ $lOOO and $5OOO. ,v ' , | at Six per cent:, per annum-will from datp of purchase, and is -U 1 TABLE xstl GOLD, \ f ■ ally, which is equal, at the present ) i gold, to aboutEIGHT,PEHCENT. Merchants Mechanics, Capitalists, 1 . > have any money to invest, Should remember that these Bonds are, in EIIST MORTGAGE upon all Bail mis, Bank Stocks and i nense products of j all the Manufao.- &c., ixi the' country: and the full provision made-for the paynient of : t and. liquidation, of principal, by . uties. Excise Stamps and internal i erves to make these Bonds the - • t Available and 'Most Popular, vestment in the Market, j i (ions received at PAR in Legal Ten , or notes and cheeks of bahks at lidclpLU. Subscribers by mkil will 'impt attention, and every facility ation prill be afforded on applies^ ■ office.? . - i. , '.,j ■- -j i pply of Bonds will be kept on hand ;to delivery. ’ jI .IT COyl£E. Subscription Agents - J ONES’ «G & SCOURING STABLISiIMENT. t hio Street, (West of Federal,} *.t LEGkpNY, PEEN'A. j' ' " ' iprietqr} of tikis Establishment i sen engaged for a number bfyears i extensive establishments in this! the cities of New York and Phila-j > :re all the appliances and ; ire .employed. Being also ih pos-i - jo very latest discoveries anil ne : -opean Dyers, they dye andjfinish 1 1. Satin and Merino Dresses in a Ile In many eases, these articles i color and finish, very nearly equal : :oo to new Qdods. [ ■ ; Goods returrud in Iwo \beeks KOLLOOJi’S | delionG dJSee. parstion, made from the best] Jata is recommended by physicians as UTBITIOUSBE ViJttAOE fo>Gen-i Dyspepsia and all billions, ilia or sands who have been .compelled to use of coffee, will use this with s effects. One can eontaii s ,the two pounds of ordinary coffee. Is. i ' . •. . I | • ft and best BAKING POWDER asking light, sweet and nutritions ake's. Price 15 cents.' P . ired by I y :j : M,' H. KOLLO K, Chemist, * if Broad and Chestnut streets, ' . i PHILADELPHIA, f slI Druggists and Grocers. \ GROCERY Cw ! . . AND 7ooe «Sj? gc£‘ g and Commission Agents AND DEALERS IN , ) rc INKS OP ALL KIKDS > Printiug Materials. - !. D mNTINfI <3ABDB,&O -Brown’s Buadinfi, Pldlideiptis; dlngSjNew York. P. B. Yourig, h been for same ;time eating as non in the-Army, haTtng'retorned •wedhimself in.. ■■ -_r;' . IjV : ■. aortl, Beaver county, ! ' ■i fesiioneleerrioei to the public, i inPhilpe* bonding, [mhlfl’6B chajtdL er7 'Chqbon DEKH3T t >, I - it Again, at BEAVEH STATION, Pt., *IiCT he viUaUend to usbmuherof li:sprofeadcai Ha a improved mathrxH topvrramt ictin^teetb. kwarouUad. QaalS’M ' • & w', IK THE ORPHANS' CJpO 81, IK dKD FOB the county of BeareiyState of PeniuyK mit. la the malterofithe petition farpar- Utio*>f tin real<,eolSU erGotleib Michaels, 4N’d To the helrsaad legal representatives of said deoesssdf and all others interested:~- Yon and eaeh of you arr hereby require lt:> he and appear at an Orphans’ -Court, to bo held «*<9Hta£ «b the gioon ilonoAT or cirrsaasa, to •he’d cause, ifSny you why on inquest to sinks partition of thel real'estate of mid deo’d. thouid not be awarded. t JOSEPH LEDUH, Sh’ff. . Bearer.angfo’M JfHi ; LIST OF T) EJIAIMNQ iar tl - Is Pret. ■ClelaaO Christina Margaret ; .Cane Nnncy Dyer Junes Duffy & Shew Pry George , . > Ooddnrd James.' Oeddis Enns!. , Lighthilljoha celling ;i list, will please say the’ r "\ ' , ' t ■ M.< J> Office Hours, from 7 l LIST OF »EMAIKIKO in th teri Pa.rA4g. A lst Baker Charles ; i Cleese George c " 1 Coons Misa Linie FoulkJohn 2- ~y ~. GiUan Mrs Jane- 2'- ,■ Glendale Mary J , HamiUou-John KingJ M. I’ Krepp Gregory ■ 1 ( Logan Charles Milliman It ’ Mitchell & Feeiel B®,Office hours, d> 7 a. in. to 7 p. m.' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. XTT'HEREAS. ihe Probate Court ofGolum-i »V biana county, 0., haringgrahtedto the undersigned letters' testamentary on the estate of lHoratia N. Barker, late of Perry tp. Columbiana county, Ohio, dce‘d.,all persons knowing Uiomselref "indebted to said estate are'requested to Shade'immediate payment, and those haring claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for set tlement;' I - ' - ' ; V- ; G- 8. BARKER. R X V., jels’f>4 : j j New Brighton. ~BUV£^SImMRY. H THE FAlels TERM OF FOUR 1 . MONTHS, will open on' . ■ j Monday . the 29fA of August, inst, tjSST For further information send for a cat. alogiie. Address- '' > ■' ( ; : ■ ... S. D. MERCER. - auglO’G4:4t . i j ~ Bearer, Fa. . Diarrhoea, .dysentery, choeeea. CHOLEkA MORBUS. Ac.—Certain and immediate cure. This celebrated Disbsuoea Remedy has been used with'unfailing success since the Cholera season of 1832. A i single dose will usually check the Diarrhoea in a few hours. No family should he without a bottle at-thia season of the year. For sale at the Drug Store in Bridgewater. Price only 25 cents; and sclUngfail.— Try.U., ; ' ■ [ ,V . .• • ADMINISTABTOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS of administration on', the estate of Robert Stiksos, dec’d, lata of Big bearer township. Dearer l co., haring been granted to 'the nn'dersignedi . all persona in debtedlo said estate are reqnesled to make immediate payment,, and those, haring claim's against .the same will present • them ntoperly authenticated for settlemeni. ' JAS. K.. THOMPSON, Adm%, . auglo'64 i North ScwioTcly tp. j}. DMI NISH ATdfi’S 1 NOTICE. LETTERS of 'administration oni , the us tate|of Das’l MJCeat, late of g. Beaver tp., Jleaver county, dfm’d.hnring been grant ed to the undersigned)' all persons indebted! to said estate are requested td make immediate pay ment, and those haring claims against said I estate, will present tlhem - ,t!o tile, ‘subscriber properly authenticated for settlement. o * SjV'RAH M'CRAt, Adm’x, jylB 65, I South Bearer tp. - ADMINISTBA.|TOiI , S JTOtICE. LETTERS of administration on the estate of Rodent Mood*, late of South Bearer township, Bearer coupty, dec d.,haringbejen granted to the undersigned; all persons in debted to said estate |aro requested to make immediate payment,' and thdse haring .'claims against said estate, will present them to the ■ subscriber properly authenticated for set tlement.' '■ I. j' -r I ; , »■ A^m i n!a ‘- r »lor. jy27 64 i - E• - {Ohio township. Dr. IJ.1 J . M 7 KERR Offeri hit Pr-jfutipkai Seniat.lo the People o,' BfIAV E K AJI D T Y •"iwlioitM tbiie o ’ pablto patronage.' owicbAl Kerr’t Hotel, I • av?i* f Penn’a. Hnol fi.’63 -I'-*'' ’ ' ’ , i ji Estate of, John Imbrie, deo’d. -T KTTERS of administration op theestate of' -Li Joas Imbrie, late of dig Bearer toWh »Uip, Bearer County, Penna., deo’d,- haring been granted tothe undersigned, *!! persona indebted, to caidestate are requested to make immediate payment, indthose haring claims against the same will present, them property authenticated for settlement.! ' • . Pi- L7i\I»RIE, Bearer, B. B.] IMBRIE, Partington, A : Administrators. . Je2ff’64 ADMI NISTiJATQB'S NOTICE, T -STTERS of adminislHltlon bathe estate of , JIJ Aw*. M’Kbsxjk. late of |Boehesier,'boro., liearer co., deo’d, having been granted to the uniersigned, sll personsindebted to said estate to make immediate payment, and those hating claim gainst', wid estate mil present them to the subscriber properly au thenticated for, settlement. 1 ■ , i . A. P XACOCK, Adm’r, j jylS 64 ■ ■ Rochester tp: j ~ ~ Dr. D. I OFFERS his professional to bitixens of - j " i beaver VICINITY. 1 ' -.7 • r , TheShavnon BiES Comer the Dimnond, Beam, Pal | OividendN6.l9. j ,7 : r;;:* 'Blank.Conner,» Tl?® and Directors of this Bank declared'a DIVIDEND OF fys~ P£ ?. CENT u P° n its Capital Stoek, out tf of a M»'Jart « mbnths, payable to Stockholders or their legal representatives. ED^aVHOOpI, - ■ Cashier I BEAVSE OODNTy. TA. fo* ho JW Gflfe, ,t Bea- SancermanMary Stone Capt H L , ' Spiet 8m& ; ' Smith Henrietta' : Taylor 9C2 Whitt Charlotte r . Wallace Mary ■' Weldi Henrietta for fetters, in the shore sy are advertised. ••••. 'ASDiBSpi^-PvM. m- to ej p. m.' ir ' ®®9sUt,Booh*s t;lBM: ’; • * ,t, Mosehel Jacob > Megown James G Pond W 8 0 Bay Kitiie Y ■ Sieehi CaptH B - :v; Sloop Martin • Sherman Miss Bell Jmlth John 2 . Smith J J ' , Terley Prantiis ‘ White ,Miss MK , | V Wanfer Mrs E ‘ . M. TAVLOII, P.M. lAugj the summer, from i ‘ . t- ■ ■ “ 'Notice.—The attend to the du Court House, in day of August, time; parties' ini think proper; jeffm ' 1.1 . ■ j. WiiH incrcased Confidence in its merits as the Best arid Most Reliable Family}. Sewing Machine now in use, i We claim fur it (be following advantages over i any and ill Sewing MaphineC; V Far greater variety of work’; : beauty. ;and ex celleuoe of stitch; spued and quietness of mo tion; simplicity .! f construction; easobf opera tion and .manage ment; elegance of design and finish. 'lt will I ' j; ; Stitch, Hem, Fell, Qailtj Bind, [ Tuck, ■ ■ j: ■i,.,;. , Plait, f ather. Cord, BraidJ | j All withou. any'previous basting. • It works equally well oh the thinnest or thickest fabrics; .from heavy bearer or pilot cloth, to the finest cambric; i, j, ■ ; S. H. PEIRSOL, i BEAVER,: PA.. jy2o’64]; j- Sol e Agent for Bearer county. NOTICP IN PATITIOX. : IJI tbs Orphans’ Court., in and for. the coun ty of. Bearer, and State ;of Pennsylvania; Inthe matter of jibe, partition of thereat es tate of Mary Ewing, deceased. To the heirs and legal representatives, of Said. de ceased: Tako nodce that by virtue: of a’writ of partition, issued but of the Orphans’ [Court of said county, antpome directed, an Inquisition to make, partition or valuation of the real, es tate of said dec’a., will be held on the 1 premises on the 30tL day|of August, 1864, a t which time and place lyou may atter.u if you think: proper. i JOSEPH LlißtlE, Sheriff. . Beaver,, July 26th, 18tj4. : ; ■ 1| BY • A. S. HARVEY, Bridgewater. T- - [NOTICE. ; "|i‘ ■ HE STOCKHOLDERS of tlw New Brigh- Manufaeluring Company ari herbby no ttned that the animal meeting and election for officers, will .bo held at tbjs offioe bf B. B. Chamberlin, Esq., in .New Brighton, lon Sat* urday, the 6th day of August next, between the hours of 8 and 6P. N.., - I ? ||j By order of ithe Board of Directory ; . : EDWAKD HOOPS, See’y. New Brighton,- July 19th. ■. , ■'|f . ■, ADMINISTEATOKS NOTICE. WHEREAS |l liters of administration hav ihg been granted to theuhdersig'n ed, iOn the estateorAsxT. Lacanmi, late of ,South Beaver tp, Beaver eo t Pa, dee>d., al(persopa knowing themselves indebted to said estate arel requested to! make payment immediately and those having claims against the; same will present ,theu to the. subscriber duly .anlhenti-; eated for settlement! : r .i v BOBT. B. RAYt, Adm’r, yilk trill annexed, ,"jy2o’64 ; ;)■. ;(■: '' ■ South'Beavertp. ■ AimNlS^^TOß's! \tr HERE AS letters 61 administration on' W the estate of* Hook YooKQ.Mlkte of Economy towhsbig, Beaver county, llenn’a., deceased, havingbeen duly granted to the nn-1 dersigned, aUpersont indebted to said, estate ars notified to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same wiil pre sent them properly anthentioated ftttj settle* mentwitboutdelay. - I h! Wtt. irOTOQ, Adm’r., ' ■ Economy tp. EXECPTOB’S NOTICE. leUerelestamenlary; on IJie Yj ‘e*tate ofAiax. Aanauoxi late ofßjy Bearer tp., Bearer county, Pal, deo’d/baring been granted to the underl\gne4, alijiparsona indebted to said eat ate ere requested ito make immediate payment, andthoee haring claims against tb» eawe'will'present them property authenticated foie settlement. ■ - • ■i J JOS.'j AKDBBSQN, BieoqUr, jy 18,64 . THg Beater tp. ' ■ JAMES s. rutan; • ATTOJtHjET AT tAW, , iHf&TJtICT ATTORNEY. ) ,: 1 - BEAVER, PBNSr’A; ; r ,i>•l ■ 1/ -"I. I. :■■' . V ! saubt..- *Kfc!*rty. -**“r the .*mi eetateof •*JS*e»«* I «ouniy, d^d:,’being IoU aadfaeT«ity.llTo “ d l>y lj*2»;lJ4i jonthe iaat'hy; Mjtimjr aller.; °'L? e v* hlr Market. streetiln£d' ion i&j lot No.m U (eeeoted eßnik'Hodse, twin. tyr«To feet front onWater atreet, 1 by eighteen •»»«, with an addltfoi thereto, UitrtyJeight fronton Market jrtreethy eighteen feet, two etoriee hlgh; haidbundlni nine, mom anfh’ han/»h eelbS -the, front part* alio n J*£n'e Wash J^.* I .****” M ,nh»rs; Mi hnW M Stable sixteenfeet equire, s'! 5 '! "-' I)- 1 if’ .••;<•*?• ■ ‘J“«-thlid,of the' jmrehaae money m the confirmation of the late by the eonrt, halaneein t*oleqnal. ennuel peyniente fttnn that weywitli interest thereon from mne %>«• ;, ( -..By.oM«.,ofyhiOo»rt:'f*rr-'--' - JOHN BOSWEtL, ‘ ■’ BENJ BEOfSON. fGeorge Boswell, deceased. ■'<■> Executors YALUAI l*A !£rARHAin) COAXt SFOgSAIaE. - A • fiwt »tt Imd, Situate in ijL M*?PP*w4 tp- Bearer county, about 8 of jm U>« p. p t .y. *„C- q B 3 8.,J containing OHB .HUNDRED ACRES, U offered forsale on faron&le lehna. About seventy acre* gf this land are cleared ud In a gold slate of cultiration; the balance well timbered, and ell under fence. There ere on the premises a atone, dwelling house, e Urge atone spring bouse, (the upper story of which is now uud >s a dwelling,- (end hewed log barn, L The» la a rein of .excellent coal underlying a large portion of the tract, with .opening.near ; the.railroad ‘ j. ,J ; - For farther information inquire of Jakss Firs, Pn.,j Nl P. Tar xwux.Ebq.. Pittsburg, or M. Wntixn, Pro honotary’g office. Bearer.ps. f, jeB,’Cwt44 Thompso and Matthe w it - Samuel iVAda'rs, In the Court b'ompson & -of Comabu Pleas incd/, ... • qfßearercounty, Vend. -Exp.Nq. ompson... J ll,M*r. T,186t , on petition of Sheriff it James 8. RuUn, \ ¥sq„ an ibute the purchase tooney a 'creditors. | j- ■ rs. . Emmet B. Th ; June 11, 1864 the Court appol Auditor to disti thong the lien ol BRAVER CC A true i .j Attest-- -UNTY, m: ;• -.j ■ .'xtraat from tha Record, •j WEYAN|>, Pro. Auditor above nained . will I ties of bis appointment at- the > Beaver, on the Ist it 10'o’clock, a-m.,fat which l created will attend, if they J J. 8. BBTAN, i i■ ■ j' Auditor. ''T'i- 1 f 1 ■ I ERITO THE PUBLIC R & WILSON’S FAMILY . j, . G MACHINES. l- ! _ ' ; • • -I, WB OFF WHEELE sznm OA' 1111 fob .1 I'" m I " i BUTTE .■ Hi jy18,'64 "-Nr ThlidAizlval of SpringGooda, nfomaiionfor ecefy. body fm of charge. : ' r' " ' : N/'s-. N • at Port tali Vs Hew Storo 2 cast* best Maks <kst color calico at 1 case | fine bleached muslin at . j * LAWNS, DELAINES, ; i;'.v ; j - And a fall line, of Plain Black, and Second Slom n|ng Dress (roods, : Cheaperthan ever, ' - SHOES i SHOES ! ! SBOHS ! Baiting Congress Gaiten. . ' Balmoral, i.; “ ■ Morocco “ Boot! /• ■ : . ' ;■ rge assortment of children’s shoes, very cheap, j And BONNE Man and Silk, And d la FOREK our stock end prices: All goods W arrsnted to give satisfaction. FORTUNE'S .CHEAP STORE, lel The Diamond ROCHESTER, PA. ODDiK^AdsroE:. BE it enacted by the Burgess and Town Council of the borough of Hookstown. and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same; that from and after, the 15th day of June, 1864, all teamsters hauling coal to citi zens living in said boroughof Hooks town, Pa., shall be required to have their coal-wagons measured and ; branded correctly,' indicating the number of i bushels such conveyance will hold, and the amount hauled to the said citi zens in said borough. Any person failing or refusing to comply with said requirement shall pay a fine of $lO,OO for each and every such offence; said fineand forfeiture, to be levied and collected the same as any other dues or fiilOs in said.borough.' Approved May 28,.’04. ■ Attest: JNO. A. SNOWDEN, 3* A. ID Valuatole Beal Estate J FOR SALE. TIDE subscriber offers for sale'bis'residence on Third Street n Ho«se and Lot. improvements are a Briok House 50 feet front by 36 feet deep containing Ijl rooms and Store' Boom, Cistern, Wash House, Stable, Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, 4c.,&c. ■ , , Also, Sixty .acres first rate land,' 4 mues below Bear cr.un improved, standing with ei peilent White Oak Timber, one mile from - the: Ohio river.-' ' -,j : i.j i Also, a 10l oonlaitiing 12 acres, one mile! from Beaver, enclosed with a board fence! suitable for a Qardnercr or Nuscryman. For further particulars enquire of the' subscriber. Titles indisputable. , s’ May 24, ’64. ‘ ROB’T. M’CBEERY. . ICE CREAM SALOON In Bridgovrater, '1 E Esubserlber.hss fittednp, in iln elegant : * and modern style, for an ICE CREAM .SALOON, bis house on tb« corner.'of:Bridge andMulberryStreeU. 'i C&koa and Confectioneries, of ajl kinds, constantly Kept .on band, ORDERS 1 FOR | lOF, PROMPTLY ! : FILLED., -,i , 1 May 25,1864—4 t FREDERICK TfALZ. - ■ICE CKEAM SALOON. npHE subscriber has opened, in connection 1 WHI bw CONFECTIONARY, an i | ICE CREAM SAIQON, [ in Iks North-Fast corner of,. {he -Diamond, persona can ! be aceanunodatedj, ' A sbare.of this public patronage is (Elicited. 1 may2a,’6s FBSD K. WALTBRB. : ■ -Au' . BROADW STREETS, W', Brighton, j- "'•-■7, 'Wholesale and iDetail Dealer in Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron FTor«, And the moirt approved patterns of PiltiMrg Cooking', Sartor and Hea'- u g s . | iv.i > ir.v Stores, , ';! [inarSj'S’i ■ 1 ’ • ' i ’ 1- - L ! .- '- I - , - :::.• .- .4., ,.. .,' ' 4- '...i - -' ,- -;,- . .: -,r,.,f'"_----_.,:.'-^.._ Iti&t\JL6OKHtGOK\U' ■> ME r ,|‘j» -v* • '.l ;■ j . , 'ija; “• f. f =--i Jmrt Opened ; 'N i [■ ./v— ! EINE IR ROCHESTER, PA s’'l AW V V !i f CH ALLIS, , VELOURS, 1 ■. 'S, HATS, FLOWERS, RU- iS and RIBBONS in Cfl BEAT VARIETY. boys’ Hata and Capa.' Sun Umbrellas- ott on or French Gingham 'ge assortment of N and DOMESTIC DRY GO' DS opening WEEKLY Give ns a call before buying and examine ) Remember the Place =1 S; W. Millsb, Cl'k. HEW: SBloßroH IJBNt OP MENTAii v ALIENATION OR J . ' v DISORDER, ■ •'■■ «ATli<flL= C>ii3fcfc©j£,..;.. • JTervona and Chronic Diseases. ' EXCLUSIVELY FOR i, *- » A- fTIHIS institution ishowopenfortheredep- I Uon, care, and treatment-of the mdatn deit e/owolTpatlent* who are lairing .pwiewS mental derangement j,or other nervous' and - chronic disease:-: We make special mention of nervous and chronic;diseases,irbmtheCtci : th»t seven tenths of the female, patients that are committed Ito Jour public' Asylums, to, be treated . for disordered minds, are reduced to that' lameqtahls condition through prerious physical disorder.’; By, a well, timed aud jndi* cions treatment of chronic ahdnervons dl£ . eases, all physical disorders, in the majority • of isases may be-rembvied; andthos having suffered through the medium of the : body v will when free from the., exciting phyrioal cauae, throw - off the shabbies thM has bound it’to worse than'midnight darknesa, . ■ and reason .-MI, once more,, resume. It sswayt clothed tin all its primitive beauty mud wonted ; . excellence, lienee; the necessity of all those-' who are laboring under) the predisposing. exciting causes, calculated in the bnd to im pair the to ah early-.and judicious course ; of; remedial agents." ■ ' _The ; Ins£ituUbn is a large brick building . with a stone basement—fourstories high and well vemt Slated. It,is situatedonan elevated table land'which commands a view pf entire - town—aOj acent hills—groves and neighboring streams;, all of;, which arc-calculated to' pre ducefavarshle impressions upon the disorder edmind. • iJ. V" " ■ i' v v’-;:-vl 1 -The Institution ia cbmptete In all of its ap pointments.' Having been tastefully fitted up at graet expense, in order thsl' it .may ' m(wt the approbation: andvieWsoftheebst fsstidi- \ »»»• i.it |; x' k>;%'.. . The iwater ’ closets hud bathing apparatus " have heen'gptton up noon the moat., approved modernscientlSc principles. This department embraces not ' -only the ordinary Baths .but; also, the medioated, wann air and-.ascending and- descending; douche for the more effect hat and successful treatment of cutaneous and other scrofulous diseases.' ;. 1;, -. '.' Off ■ ..Wo beg,leave tosay tp all those who may he disposed to. .commit; the [ interests of a dear wife, sister or daughter, l ; to p»ir- be assured that ;no means Willbe spared Sor efforts Wanting on our part to ameliorate their Condition'or to ctfoct'a restbralipn-to their ah ciistozqed health and vigor of; mind.- ' •For further particulars send W a circular.' AUccmmunicationa should be addressed to. i , | E. KENbIUCK. M. D. J, U-J - ' \: J 8» , «' n0T12V,2. CttifTENDEA’S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL. GOLIjECg-E, : N. E. coiner of 7th &ChcgtnutSt» rjo.HIS institution, which was established,in “ and is no,y consequently in t e cigthtoenth year of its existence, numbers among its gratuatai,' hundreds of the moSt suc ocssful. Merchants -Mehi of bur Country.,-, ) |- . The object of the Institution is solely to of- 1 ford young men facilities {for thorough prepa-. ration for business, . ,'i • I : * The branches taughiW,:Eootlkeeping. *a ’ applicableto the various departments of trade; Penmauihip, both plain and ornamental;- Commercial Law, ,mathematics. Navigation, 1 i| Civil Engineering,, Drawing,' Phonography. i and Modern Languages; | The system of Instruction is peculiar':'no jclasses hr set iosaons are made use'of, bill each ■ ■ ( .studcnh is-taught individually, so,that he ms j commence at toy time; and attend at whatST’ noUrs are most convenient. • Catalogues are issued annually after the loth of April, containing names of. the stii- * dents for U.o year, and .lull particulun of . terms, &c., and-may he obtained at. any lime by addfessipg the Principal, '' . i '-, lu eifeiisivc ncconjinodatiofas, wide-spread reputation, And thoMcngthy 'experience of thf V Principal, .this-Institution offers facilities sii’ perior to any.other in the country, for young y tuen. Wishing to prepare for business, opd to ! obtain nt tlie.saino tsmeja rupcbMA, which will prove a rcconimc,nilatica fQr tJwtu Ip any MeD canlile House. ii ' - -o' | ' -y S©“.CB!TTBWDi!s’» Series ef- Treatises, on-, Book-Keeping, npw more widely circulated . titan any other work on |the subject, are for sale at the. College. / I i i ! ; , a, lodges ; 1 ■■ Au'om ty-ahLaie' j- |■ " May-7. ~|! ■‘ runiciPAi.. | ■ notice: i Reuben,H Fry 1 ■» ■ VS. ' , > Alins Subpoena Divorce. 1 Rebecca Fry. J" 1 t, ( • ■ . j I A otiee to Heheeen F/y: —-Voii arc hereby, comt': mantled to be and appear iinybur proper ' si|n before our Judges, at Beaver,- at; the fcoun^v E court of Common Pleas; to'be beld on the cond Monday of September,' 1564, shew if any yon have’, why the saidTßeubenj H, Fry'shall not bo divorced from the bopdaf , 'df matrimony contracted with yon,'. :I.V I JOSEPH LEDJHB, Sb’ff. ’ SnßWFr’s Office, . l Beaver, julyl2,'6l. ;(V i- ! " Burgess, RECOUNT*/*” /*! *he mattetpof the application for it Chaiw ter of the Mt. Carmel Presbyterian .Church 'of Moon township, Beaver county, Pa* And now to wit, June 8, 18(3, Application being made, tbo Com t direct publication ac* cording to the Act of Assombiand that nni. less cause be shown to 1 the contrarji; 'the Charter: of incorporation Will hegranted hr the Court at the next Term. BeAveb. CpCNTT t a*, .tv - A true extract from the Record. | _ jj-lS'Ct ;AUest: M,' WEYAJfB, Pro.. ! WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, WILSON, MTLROY& CO., 54 WOOU (St-, / •f PITTSBURGH, PA-, OFFBR THEIR STOCK FOE T,HE OIF IBS3, At thb Lowest MaSkit Piuoi. 1 '■ »*r. 25,’6S . } _ : ’tnsion, Botfhty 4 Baek Pay Agency. ARTHURS & RIDDEL, j No. 185 FOURTH Sf.. " S PITTSBURG, PA, §PBCIALat tent ion given to' the collection of tko:BOUNTY«OF] sloo,dq£ to WOUND SOLDIERS who fi»T* MB V taLl TWft IS DQ<y paid. communications addressed a* aWo unaptly tptijitn of Post. jeB.’64; BROTHER, * CoVSxtra Cfcomjeil JOTlfit lag I loid>tb«EHt fat the world,' m tit* Drn< Storti itand lio oon ■•hiocH.i M»naf)K<nr*i hr tfceAnierrcan Ink I ': • Supl. of Ntfir.Brighton Botreat. • '•< Jicw Brighton , Beaver Ct),Pa. MEI Jt .1 -\
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers