r S ~'~ : T iii I m m m 'l> i* :,C Wednesday* IMBRII Editor; National tfnioh Nomibationj. ■jr I ; For-Pp^»ide|i'tV 'if v * ‘ jV i t ■ j,„;•. [of-itusoM,. j.; ! u j n ; :r|.;iT" ■'iFop'Vid®'''PwBld«ht r '^ ; ' *-~’r iR S B E W , # p BIT B*6 N , ' ‘ of Txxvximu. : . ..'.I-I ; V-, ' ■; fUnion PreßidentialElootQra. ■ . •. senatorial. 'r, M'Miohael,. Philadelphia. > | Jkotois Ctuminghato, Be&Var ll&fih--. BEPEESKNXATIjVKS: ’ . Robert P Ring . 18 EUaa Hale " ■ ■ fQ MorriSon Coats I4Cbaa H Shriner Henry Bnmm l 6 John Water William H Kent 18 DSl’Cohanghy ' 5 Barton H Jenks 17 David f Wood ■ 6 Charles M Bunk 18 Isaac Benson , ’ j J .Robert Parker 49 John Patton ; $. Aaron’Midi 20 Samuel R Diek S John A'Hi eat and 21 Ererard Blew • ■ lOßiohardHCoryell 22 JohnP. Penny 11 Edward HoUiday 23 E M’Jimkin . 12 Charles F Boed 24 J W Blanchard •- r . - • -/'• .... •Union District and County Nom 'l' Inatlona. : , ji, Congress* .■ f £l3O. V. LAWRENCE, Wasbipgtpn co 1 ?• r’. ; . Ih'esident lodge. '" : -V ■ |j.j i 3; k , GUPFIN, Lawrence co : v ;H j. I')-. Assembly] ] ■ .iMi; S, QUAY, Beaver, !-, “ ROB’T K; REED. Washington, SA3IES B..KEjLLY 1 ' f I 1 Prothonotary. ; |irCHAEL WEYAND, Beaver. , IT. . ' County Commissioner. j Joseph ikons, Hopewell.. jl Poor House Director. i|AM’L ACM AN AMY, j Economy tp. >1! i Auditor. ! |AMES WHITHAM, Hanover. f, I J 'Trustees of Academy. \A: R. MOORE. Beaver,; JjflC. WILSON. Beaver, L. DEMPSEY, Beaver,,, Y~~~ ms. of Subscription to ier annum, in adyanco, $2 00 Tft \rgUs, AfgUS, p( ..uUly lUaui HU ,y. ll , r ,.M.M»92 v, lyithinthe year j..~..;‘......... 2^50 End btthe'year..... j.... ii.„ ..., B‘oo iii These terms vrilfTSe strictly adhered to. | | j J£ates of Advertising; "' , . Oreipquare,! insertion...... i............. ( .5l 00 , JachsubEeqaent insertion..l.... ; 50 ■ column, -0 ihoa .1 _.12 00 4biuam, &mos ~..[. .......20 00 Column, ,6 mos ...........,.1... .'......85 00' . ’Fofossional and business Cards..not ex ’ seeding <lO. i’nes;.. ;.. .1...; ’ Sxecutors, Administrators and Auditor’s ‘Notices, each ...Jl. r ..i„ 800 tcjal notices, 10 cents par line each insertion. jill , Hues; for.eaoli additional 11 jo «>J of deceased j parg'!d--exocptmff m tbe noUj free. \ IfcoldVcvs, which willbe ? 'I Pair. IffiHE fair 'of the beaver’county I 1 AGRICULTURAL SOQIETr. Wjllbe held Ifn.the Fair Grounds,' near fearer,.on v Wednendny, arid :Friday, \l ;|; Sept 2ls?, ‘£id and 2.W, 1864. is incited from i-jjoiniipg counties' ] t¥=^ —■ — | WANTED.- -An intellK f?Dt b6}*,.from.ls to t? years of age f liberal ed'icnt'iok, is wanted.af |h‘is offic'e tb; learn thoi printing bins? neSB. -Apply soon. I > ■ CAMPAIGN “ ARGUS’ | | : , P$R 50 CENTS- I Argus will be sent to Campaign Subscribers, from the ,17th of August . | n til the 23d of November, forso “fonts a copy, in advance.: Send in , i: '■ 1 • • I your names immediately; J —-——• "• | to the fti sh of new ad jrfrtisements an J the sc ir&ty of bands, |VO are compelled to lny over several |jditorinlB- and other matter, intended for publication in this issue. li.\ ■ • - I. ’( Beavee Seminary, & Institute.— f o feallr attention to the advertise ent of this flourishing Institution, Ipund in another‘column. ' I WLThb First Amendment to the Constitution, allowing jtue soldiers, to Vpte,J was carried by a large majority;. will, be apart of the fan- law of the State before the Motions. We will th4n pee who the i&fendors of the country will support) M tho approaching eleqtiona;—-wheth-’ e| it shall be T those Who to do -B|roy bur government |or those who s|ek to-snstain and uphold it’ i i ■ ■r Vote on First Amendment. Fifty-four counties have been hoard an( * as-the great interest of the eieciion .centers on the firstamend ment, ye present .the .aggregate in P|‘y-«>4 r counties, as follows; ! ii j..i...7,..186,842 •do _ 1..:. 9^542 fai firOr of amendment; „ 88,800 / . Elk, PonWt, Franklin # ,tOE . Greene, M’Kean, Pike, Potter* TfPangoi Warren apd .Wayne conn. ; tf|Mo bo heard from, which wilL iiv ercase | the majority; several tbbdsand -«M)re i' - ’ j: ■ "< -t lu| PennWlra *■ ■ ‘/jf '.V.™ i’iiafhbeMhtir./ bllprday IpK'. v.'gelc. , „! ■ : Sv i . • ■ i ■ -r. '.. ‘ ' ,i l-.'i s • -\ '■ -The PeacePaity. j i'i- The so-called llomocratio papty fa often cnlled'tbe peace parity, andJin* deed the major! ty'of the party nianmp and glory In the name. Thfijpla great danger of aon.e being depfived by the nanjlpsad be led to mpposelt fa really the party that wilt peace to tho country. - The country Ilea ind 6f every pp ldhg for tbo time to come • wbeq-pepop apall be leatored' tb.onr distracted country. Any party that *can vgnarintep this upon proper •and;! honor aWo termei-i -and tph-nnanimoussapport oftbepeople. Bat we mnat not e bP|deceived by false promises, or be' betrayed by jblae col -ora. Is the copperhead, led oemcsfatib purtjr, the true fpeaoe party? Do they seek or j,purpbae, terms of peace that will beacce|> table andjiaatingf lf bo it sbonla hp *fiLdt uslook for a; moment.-at the terms they propose |to jea tabtish peace; First, a cessalio n| of hostilities and with d lawol : of par jar* mlesi; Tor three we haveiwag- .with varied ancoeas|: We have. divided theirjterritory by pur fleets and armies, have captured their armies; cities/villages, blockaded tbeir fort* and destroyed their navy! We have conquered and held nearly one* •half, the territory, possessed by the South at the beginning of therebel lion, |aye &overed their commpnica tions, destroyed their most imppitant factories, and possess* tbeir bpst|gras-« jug and agricultural districts; The .South ia npw destitute Of the luxuries and partly of the conveniences of life— houseless and bomeless, with poverty* famine and ruin staring them in the faPo, yet they still fight on. We remember what they have suffered* and are jyet suffering , thpit desolation, loss of horaels, and loss of firesides, and yet'wP sep with what desperation thley fight. I How ran si« expect they [ .would ; listen ftp terms of peace on ap any other con ditions than independence, should wo withdraw par armies] After years jof itl7,l*tf4. -4 Proprietor. 8 00 ; The so called peace party then cain- Dot hopo to effect the end sought, ex cept by recognition Is the country pre pared for this? Is all the blood and and .treasure thus' far spent to be pro claimed useless, when ire tire striking at the vitnla of the confejd eraey. and wpitjiin[g in her | deWth throes? Hundred of thousands hajve giveu their lives in the struggle to jo store the Unionj slnd. establish • ,tj»e Government, and jsballwe now [prove false tolpur trust, to our promises, ahd recreant to our duty and solenih oh ligatipns, whop our prospects of suc cess are growing brighter dpily.— B|ut passing this question of rccogr i tion without further argument,|tet as inquire whether even recognition wall bring peace. Suppbso we withdniw our armies andpokriowlodge tke inde pendence of tho South. can w'e rea sonably expect a permanent peace?— ■We tbink not. Questions of- bound i ry will at oneppri so involving bo h -parties.! '' . i, ] - .', | •Where sball the lines of, donjarkiu tion be ‘drawn? Shall wo give ip Kentucky, Tennessee and. MisWmiii? They will be claimed, affti unlesl they, are given, war will be the conseqjieneL, The slaves that have escaped must he returned, and in case of refusal anotL cr cause of strife will be aggravate 1. Then we will bayo over sixteen | hun dred miles ,oif boundry between the two nations to bo guarded, 'ffedo not hesitate to say that it is apjiabai; lute impossibilitJlfoi- two nations L> live in amicable relation with such e:t tended lines and no national i/oundi - ■' - >r r\ y ' Questions, will dai y arise between the Government?' and the cifizerlg thereof, that willvjirodacje distrust, ill-feeling and finjillj- war jh' ; Wo In,u|t return all their slaves that escape 'Jr they will plunder, sack and defetrop aJong put- boundary; Can Vo submit to or tolerate such demands and cursions? All this 7 ; and much, jx we must expeict. ! We say theiJ ognition is impopsi iraitori can Oif do o’eaaof e ; ■ hrlnjf>n»n: opdn ; tb w aiwour readers I th! [ : s j ■ '■l j I J , 1 ■ •bloody strife, wo hold positions tb|at rendertheir complete subjugation <jn. ly a 1 matter of time. | If we withdraw, how shall we ever regain them?! The idea. Of establishing peace in this why proposed, is simplj* preposterous.! 'j Secondly they the appointment of peace commissioners, a guaranty lof the rights of the South and elafehold tne oiwer ana a» "a" znaxter falls, with it. Evien were this nkt ■ tke case how often have, tho '=—‘Vsbs»oi ea Us that they' would listen fto ho terms of compromise, nothing but in dependence and recognition. [Davis in bis reply" to Jaquea said, unloL this' waA done the war must go on until* one; party or the otljer was extermi nated. ■ . '■ i '.. ijblo; None > toast fnavri ieconn'try.' ;»n .to- t*w« thpie who are urging peace, . upon auph terms, who., are' prying paace, Sb eri tMir jsobpeaoe. Jhey e iporp Aof Apea&n andjeoo otipeprtwima.^Tho^etMne ttokher. ferjd'.a comraop cpuntfryjbut seek I to. district'd^ ispo except by.cdnqupc* a war, andhpnr pnlyhppo ia ip ceilsful propmutlpn, and terajipation. Our only hopP for peace is in the vie tones of tltpwpiinie|* ' Tbeparty that Is Ue trae party ishhe onef tbat sue tains; flip Crpyerniueut, that aids it in evPry wayMlling np the armies and sustaining thel bands of UieAdmiaisc tr alien. - tfjo 1 ire seeking a perma* Lent (peacpl ajnd ■ none other is worth seeking. . Wh|en w® have' crashed, oat treason*' vindieatod restored thojGover n ment,'lbenandnot till thenmaywe expectsaoba peace.'; The tlnibjn Ipaky isVthe tone party . . of we again warn oup readera to beware'of any other.—» It is a snare, conceived ip treasonPnd laid by traitors to deceive,and, if pos sible, tocatchloyal men by false prom ise* and names.. - ; Dcotniotivc Fire- ■ C n Wednesday night last, abotft 11 or ' 2 o’clock,ja fire, broke,out Falls* ton in Ibis | county, which - proved to be eery destructive. It’-Originated, we are informed, from a heated gudgeonin the Keg Factory of H. T. Kennedy & Cp.. From that it extend ed (o the'Saw Mill of Stewart, Ken" nedv & Go* | These two establish met ts, together with a large amount of 1 amber,piled around, were entirely’ con mined. | Several other, buildings wer 3 destroyed by the devouring ele« inert-, amopg which were Matthew Gilliland’s j farmer ’ residence, with Store roomj Kennedy & UafiTs office; Wo cott’s building, formerly used as a Cotton Faecoiy; Kennedy AStew art’il Furniture establishment; Wm. ;Can|nohV Sard ware store; Mr. M’Cas key s audj Mrs. Johnston’s boarding homes. Several other buildings were also .laid wasta. The loss is various ly estimated it irom $50,000 to tIOO,- OQO, jtt wns with great-exertion, fa vor! id, by ibd shifting of the wind, tbai , a|iy J'brticn of thetown lying on the grout d was saved. . V r e’learn 1 hat there was no insur- upon any part of the property burned. Some of the sufferers, we an* probably pecuniarily Thp Burning of Ohombersburg. .4 wou^l appear from * statement ” p ol * A M’Cluie, the editor of til©; Chambetsburg Repository, that the; rebel forpe under M’Causland ami Johnson nujnpered 8,000, and- that thc|jr planted tjwo batteries to command the town and protect the 600 who plundered anti burned the town. It is Said tbs tl one women ind tvoehil dren were burned in theip home. ¥he 10 4 is °Wr two millioni dollars, and thijee thousand people rre homeless and every |wt|y helpless, but they arc provided for t|nd cheered in their des olate condition by the generous con* tri.butrons of friends. | It a|so appears that Gen. Coikch had just forty men within reach of Chamberaburg subject to orders. Averill was under or-' ders from llujuter, and although urg. edjby Gen. Couch to fall back from Greencastle ta cover whs arable Jo do so in time. The pebple undet all the{ circumstances, cojjld not hope to save the town, even if they had rajido the inost detefmin-, ed efforts, as i hey certainly could not re|ist this I armed and well drilled horde of robe vandals. They refus ed at d preferred the torch, an P “«do |no effort! to* compromise wrp or raise a dollar for the rebels. appears » be the circumstances i»n I facts snr -ounding the burning of , and the people of that lo#n deserve the sympathy and as sistance of a j encrous public. ’ , fSLWo-call the attention f of our readers to the advettisement of S: H. vole agent for Bearer county foi| the -eate of Wheeler & Wilson’s Seying Machines. We have fully tes|ed it, and c in bear that it, w cmpbaliiifllly the best machine no* in use., For family sewing, braid ing, hemming felling, tucking, cor’d ,n# binding, etc* »t.:k not excel!, id, It ft indeed a tfon der'ful prodaclion, and tor family use, especially, no, other inlachine will bear compariaonlwith it. The beauty and simplicity pf 4 mechanism are,admi*- rablo; its principle is perfect Every family should at, once secure one of greler & Wilion’sSewing Machines; It, and you will never agree Xl6 do Without one. Apply io S. fl. Poiraol, Bovver. : ’■ t- ■’ ’ ’ in - aor} reef & *blj W I^l. District, ( Benjarainßagie »'oft stood: !Km GB^B»yn- )n Conyention in the incinnaty- nominated •ton; to Congress, The leeton,M;«idaonP. SP:I l'K£-! ,* * K-‘: !• . ■£ . - ,|l ‘ ■•■■ ft ; - Ettniniijr. Jtmb BidUDiteip^johii, Hick«; r --■•■ . r j_'i $?&&&*, ■■ ■■■, 'A , Mfcrion;Jer*miab FUher; ■, m 0 ; A ’Srifflß, Samuel s tfearffewickly: JoboHeMOn, Bob’t ■M»:v ■■- 'ft . "v G«djht«towb: ItovldHamHtoti; ,< ; Freedom bprr Oliveij Hamilton; 1 v : Andre vrli’Gaffiok; 1 ' ' ..Independent■ Davidßeed, Tbos s>r.di ß £ja«nee;Wnlt& ;[ V ftPLillipsargh:' Dani'erß * Big Beaver: GeoMYonng;. ■j Franklin: Daniel ; uamrt. |ft 1 ft,ft^ : : ; Eopewell; ,David B .; ■ ft.,, ; .Independence:'Matil I lUwppon; Jaines Br Nofcth SetricklyrJol mondHart; * ißridgewater: 'John Hemphill,Cbas 6 Mix Economy: Edmutd Hendrickson; 1 SarlinKtod: ffm I Duff,- TJ£ Morse; r ;• 1 ;.1 '■ Boon; 6 W BrineV; 'ft || . ■■ ■ Now Sewickly: Geo B Baker. Elijah Kotnigb, Alfred Hinds; ~j i , 1 V:. • ■; Beaver Alex Clarke; 1 f , Ohio: Samuel Fisher; ‘ - Sooth Beaver: Wm-Galley, Moore '..Warrick; • -• 'ft ft" | Marion: William Goering; ' 1 , Freedom: Simon Grim; >( ' ft"' ■ j Brightonr, Samuel: Gibson, 1 Peter Beisinger; - jft ■- ■’' ■ ;i i Fallston; William Henry/Samnel Kennedy, John H Kahlcir;' Hanover: Henry Keiffer, Win Mc- Cullough, Geo Miller; Mi ’ . ftßochesterf p;Abner P Dacock; , Borough tp: David Midis; Chippewa: Jonah Platt;* ' i Phillipsbnrgh: RobertKoatb;ft J; Industry; Samuel Spencer; i ftNow Brighton:- John Tinsman. ft ! Sew Brighton, Ang. 12th, 1864. . . All inquiries on qrd.itja'ry subjects with the Enrolment, Bra/t, Exemptions, Liabilities toßra t, Credits and Accounts of menfurnuhed, should , be addressed" tOj the Provost Marshal oil the proper District, who, if not' able to answer them, will seek information frtim the Provost Marshal Geijcra! of the Stale. Answers may thus' be obtained more promptly than by addressing the Pro vost Marshal Geceral at Washington, where moro important business often prevents prompt nns*ira to the multi-; iude of inquiries now l addressed to Bateau Substitutes cannot i>e, accepted, or any man under Circ|ilari 2SO, wbo leaves his Enrollir.onijpistrict for the purpose of presenting ia substiluto lo Boards of other Districts, or who an. thorizes Brokers or others 1 to transact such business;for himl j i j By. order A.A.PM.GenUorWeßtfti Pa. ft ft JOHN qCTBBEKTSOS, ft <?»pUia and Provoit Msnbai; 24th Distfts^ P! ■' eating 30th, 1864.' .i * *«■ « -*i managers! of thoßea v«‘‘ County' AgricuUdralSociety met pursuant to adjournment } > n °" . moUon ’ Ahderson/Joseph C, Wilson and Samuel Magaw, were appointed a Committee to examine-the truck in the fair Grounds, and make ariy repairs upon it which!may bo ne cessary. . ' - l r|_; I-’ r: [On motion, Job. Strock knd Christy Barnes were appointed,a| Committee upon repairs of the buildings, &c.,and they arc hereby reqhesled to meet with the members df. the board at •T-|C. Wilson’s store, at 1 o’clock, p. in. oh thelaal Saturday of August, and w th them ascertain what [repairs (are to be made: j 1 ■ h ’ ■ , Oj 1 . motioii, John Biktirlud James YJ, Hazen wore appointed Marshals for coining Fair.. | ■ ■■ / r Some instructions were given to the | Committee on Printing, alter which the Board adjourned to meet' on the la?t Saturday in August, at 1 o’clock, p .m.. :it is earnestly hoped that a In I meeting of a|l thejmembersofthe boprd will take place at our next meet ing, as it is important that the whole lions i lor the, coming Pair >e completed at that time: BOU T. NELSON, iVes’t j Y o&sa, Sec’y. ; ],■ . . i , ■ f by the Beaver County AgrieuUu Society, omitted, in the printed tUt. siallion, dyeari * op,slooo SW- do ; do 7OO Bett , do ; do OyriMdnp TjOO **• -I do do 600 rff . “o »do 2. jnrs and up ■8 00 2d Vest do ~* do i :do 200 Sj, do do, 1i jt end up iOO s«j. do , do < do . 200 • T "«P«. C. Wllsja,. wm receive e* for the Fair, athisrt>re In Bcajrer, the first d»y of the Feir. ( ' i! n W)BI. NEJaSON, Pres't, I • *B. TOIJHff, See’y. I:? I Highest Looalß aunty V: I .Gw*® back* for rccnita to £Uthe Boicugh. Ail who desire Worths service and reed ve the lugh -2* local, together withthe Govemineat an invited to call at the Fhet P?*? 6 *.* o Freedom. Becrohd can fcayo the ■HOcfioa of aav organisation! ther tnaT The Local Bounty paid as soon oa mastered in. • I-.pip ■ ■ r - By orderbf (Committee. ' * •a.The; •■tiding" art 1 cowmcning regularly batireon > , . ; • :j LEM to i4-|fes:7-3^d.AJT. :: ~r®ho rebel bndv 4;*^ # Sewahwy «f, theTreaansjr gives notice Wl^aekorfi; : tjrho \ infbst' - IntqiJoduUiai Treasury Note*, payable three yean from Au- ; 'Wsioro, itiffjilleged lhe; “Sons of LM gsst 16th!1864, with semi-annual interest at ~•r ® in largo. to t&ntdof T;8-10Uia p«r <ent, p«r annum, — Joifetofm. :jTho low Sugoofthe both to bo paid in law- j l«r it tho river U extromely fwvorh fta money. ' j bte for crossing for the distancejof These notes wm bo convertible at the op ««y «»«•• In View of this the en- tlonofthe holder at maturity. Into Ox per MW shore bee been picketed, and 6pv. cent!;**! bayablo «oi to. lt^^ e ” toO f t^ t ir d * t «. “ ‘he Government may elect.- iaatnssmst&n& fittlng oot lately he» tod.““ ■m j&l' itie Jriyiw,.'; They ” will ihi armed; and supplied-with; a force anil- “"tople of **J dollara. - ably pioteoted. Evidence carefully The aoteawill be transmittedtothe owners collected goes to; show that the cop- " <e of ’transportation charges as soon after perbeid elements. throughout the receipt of the original Certificates of De- Korthwoitarti acting in concert.-- 1 ]P°“ l ■» they «“ ho prepared. Lately the rebel; prisoners at Gamp ‘ As the notes drawinUrest froarAngusl 16, Mortpn have become yestivoknd ta- making deposits sabsequept,to that kentolnnueling again. Five tiin- date must pay the interest accrued fromdate Cels baye been discovered during (the of note to date of deposit. L past «roek, one of them over' Ibrty ; Parties depositing >' twenty-fire thousand feet,in length. It waa nearly Com- dollars and npwferds ifor these notes at any pteled when found ont. Some of the one time wffl be allows a commission of one prisoners Who have been amusing quarter of one per cent., which will be paid themselves by throwing Stones at the hy the Treasury Department upon the receipt gtiards, rrere , fired on, and two of 6t » bin fw the amount, eeHified to by the :; ?? *»Jm °** . !j-4 : officer with whom the deposit wss-msde. ; No ,We btre reason to believe that the ./*.*• . . - . . Government has adopted anitabio "?■«“. f* “* measure* to quell any disturbance and pe deposite. • mischief that may be on Special Advantages ofthu Loan, to6t.—PqU. Com.- 1 , 4 I*is a Natiomi Saviros Dawk, offering :!>■ ; ' ' ■-■■■"' J.. i* higher rate of hiteres than any other, and ‘‘Th* BIMJBLIC or Jo»B8. M r-The <*. fc,f mxaritg. -Anytsaving i bank which Nntchc* Courier of the. 12th ultimo; pay, iu debtors in t. fl. Notes, considers «"f Cnr, “ a thst |t;is psying in the best circniatingme. pubim’ which was organised i m , . ■ Jones county, Uississippifa year !or ' T so ago. It appears t£ut nnmbera of bett * r ’ for “! ?t * ,re “ ther l« robe? deserters having congregated in * oTer “P , * nt or m notes or bonds the swamps of tbat County, deterlpißl P*y* gorernment money. ed to form a goverpmeat for them. « eontenient as a temporary or selves. A rebel Colonel Howry, yritb P ennw >« t inrestment. The notes ean always a considerable force, was sent ; .lO diss' b* sold for within a fraction of their face and band : them, and it. Was Supposed had ■t cu “ul»te<l interested, and are the best seouv succeeded; 'bat it now. appears that Hty with banks as collaterals for discounts. the malcontents offered a desperate C<mvtrnbltinto asw per tern. 5-20 OoW Bond. resistance, dispersing the assailants', In addition to the very liberal interest on kilting and wounding and capturing a the notes; for three years, this privilege of considerable portion- of j, them-. 1 jAt conversion is now.worth about three per cent last accounts! the “liepablic” was per.annum, for the current rate for 6-2t>Bondg Still io the orijoy mci.t ot health and is not less than nine per eenf.premium, «S 3 be s length, and determined tpresisl to fore the war the premium on.six per -cent. C. this death, any encroachments ol .the s. stocks was r over twenty per cent. It will :, likely, b6w} be seeh that thS actual profit on this loan, at! .Ver, that: the ifepublic Will long the present market rate, is ! not leas than ten survive. Thcff Confederates, unless 1 speedily driven froth Mississippi, (Will r L L. absorb it; and if they do not, another Exemption from Stale or Taxation. authority will. : But aeide ftam all the advantages we hove 1 1 ■ • i i enumerated, a special A9I o|f Congress exempli all bohde and Treasury noieifrom local laxa-ion. On the . average, this exemption is wbrth about two per cent, per annum, according to; the rate of taxation iu 'Various parla country. - ' , j " ; It is believedthat no securities offer to great inducements to lenders as those issued by the government. In all other forms of indebted ness, the faith of ability of. private parties, or atock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole iLn ,-i „„ - „ ... aJ discharge of all the obligations of the United States. J . While the government offers the most' lib eral terms for . ita, loans, it. believes that the very strongest appeal will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people.. . Duplicate certificates, will be issued Tor {all deposits. The pirty depositing must- endorse upon the onyrnatcertificate the denomination of notes required, and 'whether they are to be issued in blank pr payable to order When so endorsed it must be left with the officer re ceiving the deposit, to be forwarded to ihe Treasury Department;. r| 1 • ' , Subscriptions will be received hy/tihe Treas urer of the United Stvtes, at'Washington, the several-. Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the j i Firrt , National Bank! of Pittsburgh, Third National Bank | of Pittsburgh, AND BY ; ALL NATIONAL BANKS which ye depositaries of l üblic money, apd RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further infor mation and ; I Afford Every Facility to Sub, crib ere. aug.l7’64— inside 3 m.) El «i: -i' ; Sotot, Arch’d :hc«r Ahdendn: edin; - in Jbstcr, .Rich- ABriown, Sharp ■ , •/ , Btown. Beaben -- '■■■•■ : ■ tarclay, John C ME Tim © .sbbsk CLEVELAND & Be»ver Static Ccmnuncmg, Monday, 2Jw.-..'CrrtVes a 2:20 J j'.«. “ 6:64 p. ia. 1 « , Traint leave PitUiits 6: JO A. m. ■ Anim! 8:50 p., m. ' ■ ■ < » 1:10 >. m. i 1:00 a. ‘ ' 3. Nr E, Rl MYERS, Oe PITTBBPRG. FT. VIAYNEA CHICAGO R R Roohe»ter Station— Going East); | j 's '■ 1 Leases Rochester Arr. at'Pitts. Ist Brigh’n Adeom. 6:42 a: m...... 7:20 ‘aL k 2d Brigb’n 6:45 a. a; k. Sd Brigb’n •* , 12:83 r.x.M. 2:85 p. kl New Cutis , “ J , 3:05 p. 4:50 p, M. •Mail, ,• . : 6;15 >.*...... 7:00 >i Ist Express, 1:00 a. m 2:20 x 1 k. 2d; Express, 2:10 p. it . 8:20 kl k Omoin’tiExp. 6:45 p. «.,.... 7:50 r. *. V ■ 6binp' West— ’ i I ‘ Leares Pitts,. Arr. at Rochester. Alliance Aeeom. 2:10 p. it...'... 8:80 pi' k. Istßrigh’uAeeom. 9:16 a. m...... 11:00 -all k. 2d Brigb'n •; IftOO a. m 1:32 kJ W. Bd. , “ «. 4:40 p, m. 6:16 p'. k 4th •• •■ •• ’ 6-50 p: k 7:20 *jj k Mail, / 6:00 a. 6:16 a. k. Ist Express, -ItOO a. k 2:10 aL k 2d Express, ■ 1:10 p. «.!..... 2:20 pJ k ■ ( . WM. P. SHINN, Supt., E. I>. Watited; FIUR boys be.twc> n the . age of 14 and 1® years'to feed a! four cylinder printing press. Apply Immediately at thePittabnrg OaKtte office.-—Sir l| ' ~!■■ U SEMINARY AND INSTITUTE FALL TERM WILL COMMERCE T W Tuesday, of September, j-- i Among Hs advantages are f ■ I. An efficient anid accomplished Faculty. 2. Thoroughness in its'classes. | u. 8. Superior advantages for Vocal and ln • strumental Music. , f 4. Extent of its English’ a classical course. for a catalogue to .. augl7*64 , r , jßxy; B. ,T. TAYLOR. V. S. WAR TAX. Ornoß or InuiUi Bavssii*, 24th Coi. !i pimicr, Cksni, Aug. 17, ’«. / XT OTlCEWiheroby given to mil persons JL” woo hare been assessed under thejEzciai i Laweofthe United States in Bearer eouhtv that their tun are nowdue and payable,an< i that the collector willjbeat the followiiiic pla eea, atthe times stated, vis; ■ 5 Ao£. 27th*, at Thos« Hanorer tp, \' i . "P Pwjng>e.Baceoontp. f 1' •• 80th, •• Alex. Gibb's. Independeheetp “ V‘ “Wa Johnston's,-Rochester. • ” **, *l»t, “ BobertSeott’a, Hopewell. Vi! ,r ~M •f.Oe W« HanriUon'toffice. Better Sept, lei ,•* Wm. Elliott’s, “ “ “ The Huron House. S. Brighton, “ 4d “ Blmber’i Hota’.PhUUpebn^ “ “ John Grhebing's, New OaUlfie. “ 84 “ Trimbleje Store, Hookstown, : In. pmeon _or by depot), to reoeire the aaae>‘ and if-etUd taxes are Hot. paid within the time above mentioned, theperibn or persona so no gteeting or refusing to] pay,' shall be liable: to pay ten per centum addidonal upon the tmm.t tteraof. United States or KaUonal funds ohlv taken in payment of Taxes. ■-/, T' PAMIIT,:'I 1 ' 1 , . Cojlytor 24th District, Pena'a. HOUSE, ADiM I(WKSO?r,PBO’K ( -4 ,!■ I T* ab 1 el' 'ITTBBORGH, 'B. W. iRRANGEMKKT. ' i. : |.[ MIMMER A) ' " f n—i-Going East. } f , May 16, 1884.-—lVauu t'rftraottrgtt, v:sv a. m. “ 8:60 t. m. “ 8:96 r. m. I W«*T— _ rgh at/oUowt ; ' f [at, Bearer,. 7:40 a. m. “ ’ :.....5:20-k M.‘ Rochester..... 2:20 k *. ] “ : 2:10 a. m. HoCCLLODQH, PrujL / I’lTektt Agent.'■ ■ljf'l’-. Qoixi I !,• **rs- .'.wvAwiflHii - I I Notice in the Orphans’ Court , The following appraisements under the Act of Assembly, of the [of April, 1851, of property allowed to be retained by a widow or children of a decedent, ito the value of $BOO, have been filed in the OSoe of the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, of Beater' county, to wit i : ■ property to amount of $3OO. retain. efTby widow of John Reed, deo’d. John Slents, adm’r. ■ Personal property to amount of $BOl Umed by widow of ffm. B. M’Oaffick. dec’d. ‘Joseph .0, Wilson, adm’r. Personal property to amount of $BOO, re tained by widow of Armstrong Jelly, deo’d. Andrew Watterson, adra’r. 1 Personal property to amount of $267 a 1! retained by widow of John Bradep, sr, dec’d. John Bridra, jrv, sdni'r. ■ j ■. . . N t Personal property to amoilat of $BlB 50, retained by, widow of David Thomas, dec’d. FrancisF, Wilson, adm’r. | Real estate to amount of $3OO, retained by widow of Daniel.M’Cray, dee’d. Sarah Mo- Cray, adm’z. ' !■ ' . Notice u hereby gir«n to creditors heirs, legatees distributees, and all others interest* ed, to appear at the nest tenn/of said Court, ??thf n °f‘s‘ t f t^ n the •“** b*i»« the Uth jof September Jtext, to shew cause, if any ‘■ e l against the final confirmationof the aboTje appraisements. 1 * u g» t JOHN A. FHAZIER, Clerk. , Estate of MathewGiUilaad,dec*d. 1 of kd “ in ‘« t «*ion i oa the esute ±j of M. Oiiulako, Ute |»f ;Kow Brighton deo'd, hering hero is persons indebted !s *? ]“**• muadmie peymenwend c W«MJwffl pressntliem, prop, etly authenticated for settlement. • entl? Adm’r,., englT ' Brighton TriSl 14®t for Sept Term. 1864. 2» MONDAY '' { Collitui *Co.*>e. TVV M- Shirta, et si s<rf«n5 < rf« n^ MWt W B * f“ J6hn Doff 1 « Executor ■ i“ Jofc Ammon, et sl CuupbiU, •> Beb^cceCempbelUed. MN= =ME wm & ng SEWING MACHINES. Bi«t, Hoot; Ediai>ie a*»s Thaw Machine, W k , lock-Mich dike in both and useloss than half the .threaa and silks that the single 0r d( ;- We thread loop.g U tch Machine, d - wUI ?t Nh, H e rn. Fe„ Qnilt.: Tuck. PUit, Cord. Braid, wiAou =I previous basting; and are better than . any other Machine in use to the frequei^ changes, and great variety 0 f sewing in a family 6 r they will sew from one tonwei^ ty thicknesses,of Marseilles with. out; stopping, and make every stitch perfect; pr from tho finest gauze to the heaviest boater cloth, without changing the feed ■ J\* i-' -’r ■ * - . : needle or tension, ior making any adjustment of machine whafevei! '■'■l ■"I L v \;|\ It has the following acJvanfi ges over all other machines: " • i ! ■ ’ Far greater variety of VorV , 1 I be iuty and esequence of stitch; r' '•■ i . speed and quietness of .motion'; simplicity of ease anti, management; elegance e design and ’finish'. ’ | ; These* are peculiar facts, am; ' i . lj- |> " L ~- j ‘ ’ w ill go far to i determine tbf choice of ah intelligent buyer VK :i .:" ’' . I -rrPlcase callsand : 'i ■ . i . S, H . .i? usor. 13EAVKI1, PA. i ! >| . - r. augl7] Sole Ag’t for Beaver, co, ORPHANS’ ,GOURT SALE* Of’ Valuatyie Ileal Estate. BY virtue ofSh order issued otit of- its Or phappCo urtof Beaver count will eipe* ■ to public sale.by Auction,oa the premises,it’ j &:pt. 1 ■ the following described tract or parcel oHioi, late the estate of VTm. B. McGaidci, <!« i. situate in ; Brighton Ip.L Beaver countt, It.; Beginning at a post oil , the. South ! line of .tract No. 19 in District-No.' 1 of deprecuiiu , lands, thence by the.balance of >o. 10 nerd 1 44 degrees .pest,' 15.8-10 perches to an . I wood, thence north 51 degrees west, -Is 4-K : . [perches to an iron wood, thence'nort it J 7tll tit I (frees west, forty-nine perches to a dead while °sk, thence' north 621 degrees- west, 26 2-10 . to * white dak, [thence n irfKii it grees west,; IS perches ;to three irouwerds, thence, north 47J degrees, 21 perches o « | white oak,' thence north. I 57 degrees west. 1- j"?® perches to a black’ oak;'thence north I degrees west, 17 3-10 perches to a hiclciji | thence north 47j deg. wesii 7 1-lOpetcues to*».. sugar tree,’ thence north, 32J ! degrees wesi'i 45 8-10 perches’ to a post on the west line di ; **!d tract (being thedistrict line oh the west)' tbenee by land ,of JosephE wing south 2 it greet east,-188 8-10 perches to a post, iheih by land of John, Knight, John Walton *£& McOaffick, ; north ;88 degrees «"<«■ It 9 2-1 Q perches to the place.of beginning ,■ containing sixty-six' scr|S /and Ihirtj-liret' perches, strict measure; Hi The land is all-under fence about 5(1 acres • cleared, 'and in a .good stalk- of cultivation, li* balance in timber. The tract .is wall- water** and has abundance of good coal. There K* erected op said land one good two-story k«*v ed log dwelling-house, one good frame bata, and ont-bnildings. ' , TERMS—One-third of the purchase taoaet on confirmation of sale by tie Court, one-th*J in one year from the said -interest froih the same time, and the balance to remain charged upon the premises dnrinf the life of the- widow of Said deceased, ,lh# interest thereof to be paid toihir anno* 1 J. from and after the said! confirmation. tcJ* secured by bond-and mortgage. ' ■/ Joseph c. wiLso.v ' . i.. Adtat. *uir64. KOTIPE IJf PAlaTlTlO^f IN the Orphans’ Court of Beater conatj, j* thematter of Hie’ petiiion for partiti® to* jreal estate of Hugh young, dec 4 J the heirsandlcgal repreeenlatitcJ sjmT ceased, to wit: Jane Young, intermarried*"* James J. Conway; John Young, ~ and Wb. Young; the said -William »ad wside in Beaver county, and John and J in' Scotland, land aU othersdnierestidr and eaoh of y adore hereby notified appear at, an Oiphans’ Court |,to h» Beaver, Beaver county, Pa,-on the Monday of September next.lo show c»m• ; W»y you, have; why an Inquest: to tition of the teal estate;.of said deces*" should not be awarded'- :i; ■ , ’ ‘ JOS. hEDHB, Sh »• Sraairr’s Onioi, ,t\ ! Beaver,aug. 17,64: - /f;Sj PBASTEHUF PABIS for sale at the Off* water Ding ’Store. ' i ■ i r ' * L ■ * • El examine. . f 'EJT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers