UfOEpF THE Great GitJ.es. ’pP’e.fhe «nds-ji«aea Mayors," hdrebyesr tift 1 tbU tko Apothecaries, aaJ 3?%£o|ia» of Onr Bsrftral oitie» : haveeizae J ■a of aasuronos to us tint iYKH’i A.Kkaa-,boro Jorbe. o rOm’oay Of jjrest wtcSilanco, aud worthy iuj'qoaadenoe of (ha oorumaaity. ' {* ii . ; ■ !■ ■: ■ HQ2TJ JAMES COOK, i " Mayor of TJQ'JTISuIi, MASS. %Oir| ALBINi BEARD, . ' V I i .. . v Mayor of ITASHCA, IT. H. HQnI E. %. HARRINGTON, f ; !'{'Mayor of MASfCHS/TSa,- If. P r , John abbots?, i .’I jij . Mayor of COI/COBD.K- H. Ho2fi, A. H. BULLOCK, -, '* ■1 Mayor V/OBCB3TE3, MAS 3. Hon! NATH’L SEC.3BEE, . , f: i| . Mayor of SARSiI, MA33., fibwl V, vr. LINCOLN, Jr., ,J r;, ; H, of BOSTON, :DIAS3. HOirJ WM. M. BO OMAN, V . , ‘‘s - .Mayorl)f PBO(nD3KOE, 'R. I, Hp2T| AMOS W., PRENTICE. ■j i ■ ’ Mayor of NORWICH, CONN. hqjtl ji. n. Harris, ’. i V • q | Mayor of NEW BONBON, com/ • I fr HONi CHAS. IS.ROBIER, I Mayor of MQNTHEAL, 0. E. 'soifl D. ’P, -TIESfANN, j,!.ip| ; JliyoKf MSW YOjBK COT?: M. KINSTREY, ‘ | Mayor of HAMILTON, O. "W son adam! wilso», ;f m Mayor ofTOBONTO, C. W. Hon! R. Jt BISHOP, ■IP I Mayor of CINCINNATI, (.OHIO. HON' I, H. BRAW’FOHU 1 ,*:! . LOuld VTLLE, KY. nblfi, JOHN AN, ;■!lr' |. . ■ Mayoa of LYONS, lOWA HON.'’JAJIBS M^PEETEHS', I ' pi j ijlayor of [BOWMAN VTLLE, O. W. Hpiri JAMES W. NORTH,' • ’ ji | -/ - of AUGUST A,'ME. SoHj HENRY COOPER, Jr., Ii! ij ■ Hij-or of HALLO WELL. ME. HON- JAMBS S. REEK, l‘: j.? | Mayor of PHED EBICTON. N. B. HON. WILLARD NYE,” T . of NET/ BEUFOBB, MASS. HON; J. bsUisdsll, I ■ 5 ! ( S Mayor] of FALL ETKE3, MASS. Aaii W. H. CRANSTON, ■ j ,’i:‘! Mayor of NEWFOHT, B. I SON,5 ON, FEES) STAHL, - 'V ; { ' Mayor of GALENA, ILL. HON. JOHN HODGDEN, ■ .1 I Mayor of BUBUQUB, lOWA. HON. THOi lAS CRUTCHFIELD, ’ Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. ; HON; ROBERT BLAIR, "* ' | Ilayi it. of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. HON. K. BAUGH, - '' M iyor of MEMPHIS, TEJJN. HON. GEBfARD .STlTHr'—. , j •■■Mw4’-cf NEW QHLEANS, LA. HON. HTSK SCBANTOIf, f j . MayoVaJ ROCHESTEB, B.- Y. HON. BE WITT C. GROVE, . y --j ‘ Mayor of UTICA, N. Y. HOir. GEO. WILSON,, a =r| , Miycr of FXTTSBUBQ, FA. Hok C. H. BUHL, ! , i I Mayor of DETROIT, MICH. Hok- HYMAN. L. jcAGE. . ; ■!, I Mayor of MILWAUKEE, WIB, ; HON. W. W. VAUGHN, f , •]l ; s , : Mayor of BAOINB, WIS. HQN. A. FAER, • i. ' J.). ,- Mayor of KENOSHA, WIS. HbN: JOHN C. HAINES,, ■ Mf. . . Mayor of CHICAGO. ILL. J. A. HEATH, Mayor cf 3ELKA, AX A. ! EfsN. a. . ii|. EON. W. -i' j S !. . . NOBLE, r of jIOKTQOMEBY, ALA. S. HOLYEAD, K*yop of COIifJMBtTS, GA. ’k; " JpOlf ESP ' PIE' - |||»w'est: ||<pH Air .RTERO MAITTJEIi, Mayor of VBB^.'CBPZ. EB DECABALLCV Mayor of MEXICO. IPHAIfIE EOBEIGtTES, Mayor of HAVANA. ONTO EOHEVEBA, Mayor of LIMA. PERU. y. MHiANONO. , V :r of VAXiFABAISiQ, CHIU. lO SESQUIPEDALIA, of 810 JANEIBO,. BBA2IX. ' DOIT M. < ,' [,!• | : Hay ■J)j)K MAI Mayor., pjrtlfy that tbs raident Druggists have . caswrsd thesa ,'j ; s Sarsaparilla > w - [ it reicrdy. and worthy the eoa* .os of tbs community. ' v - 'la^antSscsilel - I, DU^ass*. Jtfpr birlfyW-the JilontJ. ~ |3|>r'S«tof«|a or Klnff'i X£vll* jjjsr Tiiinoip rif«r», end Sorer* _. *jp|»r Eruption* nnd rimpltl. Blotch rs, Itlnlai, And Holla* t-fcf 11. In hon]"a or Ery» ■ Tetter or Salt Rheum* [alpvlal* Scold 1 lead oad Ringworm* . 'jior Cancel auit.Cancerous Korea* ;jtor fore .hrM, Sore Karr, and Ilnmors. |s«r Fcoibli ; ’Diaeßßea* 7 ; , f ‘ '■ Snypr xloll andlrregularity* ' \ , jpor VpliliU or Venereal, Diseases* |[»or l*l»er Complaint** > • Diseases. of the Heart* j- 'The Msyejrs o? jfh» chief of ties of theTTnl " |*tf>Blates, Cc.nr.diU, and British Proeinoea, Chill, Perui Brazil, Mexico, and, in fact al ttdatolltneci tie s en thia continent, harp »fCped this document, to c entire their people ; ronicdUes they may use wita safety ana ' oonfidenoe.S Eut our space will only admit , h pdttioh of them. ! ,} ■ jfiyef’p- Sarsaparilla, , f • Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Ayer’s Pills, and ‘ ' -Ayer’s Agn© Cure, : toepaked;»y ■ - ,■ a -f) .‘ i , I•, 1 br. i. C. A/cr & Co, A. • . . .i.pwrtL, mass;, . s : BROADWAY & ApPLE STREET -,^" w>yT,^?"' l ' nr " imit! ' / iM<a £nghfc*, '< j A? S/RUTAN, ,*,V. ' j\VholM*lo and Retail Dealer in 4 AT! :JijAW, ; Tin; Cof per, .and Sheet Iron Ware, ; A TTO-fttfE Y~i.) ’ And tWmost approved prttdrnr^f ; Ki V ;■ lglp*yEA,r {tt&SJSP& * OaTtc* in t!;6 Coart H*n*«, ' , • «. i - - - ■ - - - I “This U the first-Treally cleref i satirical journal we harehadin , and really Usleeer it ia : -Itls both .good-tempered, and hot -afraid toss iwult igldisown—which .jhowsi the •so'qL'-. . Ourreaders'. will be-glad to 16 th cy can find native fan that- has I better: ihitthan mere patois.’ Monthly'.. •: - ■ ■ -■J "‘This paper is. excellent.. ... ft for originality.”— N. Y, Traveller. “Vaxitt Paii is'conducted by a I witty and. intelligent corps of jouri Litchfield (Conn.) Enquirer, . .“Will wield as potent an inflnenen the London Ptmek.”— r ßoeton TravtUt “Whosoever finds { himself- laugh) w* •" v asitt Path, and [does po quid pro quo. is fit for ‘treason, and X. Y. Crayon, ■, v ~ SPECIAL NOTICE / The very marked and flattering au< has thus far attended the - pub! • , “VaWiit F>.ib,” ' i Enables the publisher to announce that with, the ebmmencement of the Second Volume, is sued 3oth June, New Features, both Literary skid Artistic, will be introduced, which will inerehse the value and interest of. the pa- and' fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it; as the leading ' • . i - ; |. ' _ ‘ , Comic Journal or As : VANITY FAIR ' ISSUED EEOCLAELT EVERT TB and is for Sale hy Jail 1 Newsmen, office of Publication, No 113 Nl New York" , ‘‘j | • ! /. "TEEMS: Three dollars per annum, in at cents tingle copy. ■ j ' TEEMS FOE CLUBS Two copies of Vas ITT FxiEwil onf-address for J .’.L.j... f Five copies... Ten copies.. Xi...... i ........ An Extra copy will he allowed t up of every. Club of pot lees thaq This paper, is Electrotyped, may be procured at any time. . ~-‘r ■ , ' LOUIS H. ST Publisher for th* Proprietors, lit J ■!’ i 'New-f ■ I i£ME. DEMOIfEST Quarterly Mirror ot I ji ■ With Great.lmprovements and A | Till SUMMER NUMBER COM; ■ FOL'R LARGS 4- SPLENUID i] SLATES. THREE FULIA. ! ' PATTERNS OF DRESi / COMPRISING THE New. French Waist, an Elegant J: Misses Sack, and a| Sheet < ' and Beautiful BRAID AND EMBROIDERING : . Together with nearly 100 Eu all,'the novelties for Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, 1 Children’s Dresses, And valuable information, to Mi Makers,:Mother?,' and Ladies g seining the largest andi best f; zine in the World/published 4' •S. Y.; and sold-., everywhere at sent by maU, posit free, on ieceij in stamps or silver,- Year $l,OO lowing valuable premium: KacL yearly subscriber receipt for the selection , plain patterns, from the or from the show room, dered and sent by mail ai y*uf, by paying.postage. Cpgb.Splenfiid Inuactm. now t\ GLORIOUS • i 1. . i\ 7 of from the Array hut Jro; of JBrdVcf. .. . New Shoe Store THE subscriber would ,respi the citizens of Beaver poum dilion to his Well selected stock o dl ATS. CAPS and GENTbKME* ING GOODS, lie has lately pur selected stock of BOOTS dud SI kind and. variety. My* stock i i ever brought to the county, and I iued to sell “cheaper than the I Mind [the sign of the “Big Hat. j Sept.9.’6B. | I. S HOOKSTOWN iV:L J ■ , SELECT SC H OOL, p' • ■■■ • I- . • ;■ ' : | Opens Monday, Sept- 28th j Mathematics, Sciences an d Languages, I ■ - •- J •' - -t 'i . j Taught or. the most fayo ■ableterm'Si! I Address D. W.SCOTTy Principal | T. M. MoCyOrd., Rotary pPult>lic. M OFFICE WITH H. B. ’ CHAMBERLIN, ATI’Y AT LAW, (Near the Provost Marshal'': \ Uce, BROADWAY, .V£H . .'. ufOS, - ; W3AVER COUNTVy ?A. I PROMT attention given to the drawing of EXEMPTION PAPERS, and all matters connected with the draft; also oaths adminis tered, acknowledgments taken, &.C., &c. [delo A Gentleman cured of] Nerrt competency, Premature Decay Error, actuated by a desire tc wil} be happy to ;fumish to a (free of charge) the receipt au malting the’ single Remedy ui Those wishing to. profit by his possess a Valuable Remedy—t same, by return mail, (careful addressing ,; JOHN E No 60 Nassau Street ; angl2:3m - .]■ ] Experience of an Invalid. PUBLISHED tor tne oenetit and as a warn " ing and a caution to young men stho suf fer frbm'Nerrous Debility, Premature Decay &c., supplying at the same time the means ol Self-Cure. By one who has cured - himsel) after being put to greatjezpeuse through med ical imposition and quackery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelopes, -single, copies may be had of the jauthor, NATHANIEI MAYFAIR, Esq.,.Bedford, Kings Co., ?f. Yi ' mar26;lr-| • ?|. -1 ■. Estate of Geo. C. Bradshaw,dec’d. JETERS 0 f administration on the estate I 1 iot Geo. C-BradsHaw, Esq,, Jate of Bea- Texhoro", Bearer co., dec’d. baring been is to the undersigned, all persons indebted are required to; make'inundiate payment, and those haring claims iriil ptesant them, prop erly autbenticaiedfor settlement.' DAVID'JOHNSON, Adm’r., Fallston, Pa. j«29’64 :' . J E=Mll f» »* 'll. AirASYx.xmybßTgßß: HON CUHE AND'TRI -; MKNT 0 IO«NTi ALIENATION OR __ DISORDER. Nervous and U EXCLUSIVEL Y FOR FIW. rjTXHIS institution is vow op«n fortheyeccp- I tion, carei sod treatment of the indtpen dtnl elaa ot patients who art laboring niidsr mental derangement;!or other nerjrona -and chronic disease. We make special mention of nervous andehronio diseases, front; tbs fact that seven tenths of the female patients that are- committed to ;our [public Asylums, to be treated for disordered minds, are reduced to that lamentable condition through. previous physical disorder. ; Bvj a weir timed j and judi cious treatment of chronic and nervous dis eases, >ll physical disprdersiin the! majority of cases may be removed ; and thus ;the mind, having suffered ! through the medidm of the body will when I free from the I exciting pfays : eal cause, throw off the .shackles that has hound it to worse than midnight darkness, and reason will,' once pore, resume jits sway, clothed in all its primitive beauty and wonted excellence. Hence, thh necessity of {all those, who are laboring under the predisposing-or exciting causes, Calculated in the end to im pair the mind to resort to ah early; and , judicious course off remedial agents. |'- The institution; is a large brick building with a stone baseinent-i-four stories [high and well ventilated.. ii is Situated on an table land.whieh eommands a view of entire town—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring streams; all of WbielTare calculated to pro duce favorable Impressions upon ti e disorder ed mind.- . ■•.! J , The Institution is complete in all of its ap pointments. f Having been tastefully fitted up at graet expense,, in order that it mayj.tneet the approbation and views of tbeceap&stidi ous. ... ' ■ The water closuis and bathing apparatus have,; been gotten up boon the most' approved: modern scientific principles. This department embraces not only the ordinary baths but, also, the medicated, warm air and ascending and descending douem for the more - effectual and successful treatment of cutabeohi and other scrofulous diseases. -We beg leave (o sayjto all those whimsy he disposed to commit the interests | of a dear wife, sister or daughter, to our charge—may be assured' that no means will be spared or efforts yranting on our part to ameliorate their condition or to effect a| restoration to. their ac- comic end America— ■barpand lytSati'w d^it-hai-W nowwhertf something ’ —Atlantic ;..Vsi;r ■markable Waciotti,' 11^ ■a that of ihg at the t return a epoiU.’"— j teen-which UCation ,ol ICAj I nmsDAT. ■ aqd at the ssau-street, .ranee—Six U be sent to ss 00 l2 00 2O 00 : 1 the gelt er ivecopieg. id- numbers iPHENS, Nausau-gt. ork. t fs ' / •' ■ fashions, idditiom, AIKS. ■ . FASn/ON SIZED ' SES,. customed health and j ' ■ For further particu] AU communications sb ■ i- 1 ' 1 Supt. of Sew j . 31eere, and a of New, n0f12’62. PATTERNS', p-avings of- . CRITTB JfDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COXJDjIBQ-E, I { N. E. cornerbf Tjth &Cb.estnutSt., PHILADELPHIA. PA. ' r'HIS Institution, which was established in lr 1844, and is now consequently in t c eighteenth year; of its existence, numbers among its gmtuates, hundreds of themoat suc cessful Merchants anil Business . Men of our Country. ; | | ■ j ' • The object of the Institution is solely to a'f ford young men facilities for thorough prepa ration for business. J . The branches taught are. Book-keeping, as I applicable to thejvarious departments of trade; Penmanship, both plain and ornamental; Commercial Law, mathematics, {Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, 1 and Modern Languag is. | j . The system of| Instruction! is peculiar; no elasies or set lessons ire made usejof. but each student is taught.individually, so that ho may commence a'i any tjror. andattend it whatev er hours are most con rcKicnlJ Jii Catalogues are is* nod' annually after .the 15th of April, qouln mug names lof. the stu dents for the-year, and full particulars of terras* &c.;.and may he obtained at any time by addressing tb|c. Principal. • ; In . extensive nccou modations, reputation,'and the Ungtby experience of the Principal, this Institution offers, facilities sii-: perior to any-otller it the country,'for young men wishing to {prop ive for business, and to obtain at t her same time ACin.OMS, which will prove n recommendation for 1 bent to any Mer cantile Housl. | ■. •• B®“Cri , t|es-i|ex’,s Series of Treatises on Book-Keeping, note more widely circulated thanjiny, other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. f f. ,i rimming*, &c., 1 liners, Dress snerilly. pre ;Lshion Mnga "3 Broadway, i 25 cents, or . :it of the ain’t ij with the fol- will b 9 cntitljed to a of .50 cents worth of desigmi in the book, or they may be or ny tin e during the JanVasayraT'' ientßto ■eadv. WSI i the Town 1 I i't fully iufornrl y that, in ad fCLOTHING, !*S FUliNlSH ■jliased a welt , lOES of. every is tlje larger*. I I am delerm i cheapest”.— ATKIKR. BEj-A-*VTEjI2/ V - SKMINiUiV Ami INSTITUTE ■ Rev. R. T. TaVlor,-A. M., Frln. i Mrs.A-'S: aiylciJGdv einfcs. • 'HE NEXT TEK.M WILL {COMMENCE V , i: . r-1 ■ • -v iuesdayMarch 24 th, 1863, And continue 14 weeks. [riic aim of the school. is to miike its pupils th orough, espo ■cially 'in the Common Branches. ; J' -■ , A Normal Clans, ". for. the benefit of tbW;'Vfishipg to fit them selves for (eactnngj wiU'Tte fcrtned at the commencement of the termJ'. . ° Board,-Room |ten, &c I i.. 538 00 Tuition variesfrb p s3,&o|to $B,OO t&'foT further - particulars i squire of the President, of Faculty. , | ■ mard’CS | - B. T] TAILOR. - us pebilily, In and Youthful ! benefit others, I who need ;it directions for id indue case. experience and will receive the !y sealed,) by OGDEN, : it. New York. BEKH m rigor of mind, an send for a j circular, lould be add; eased to. B. KENDKICJCj M. D. brighten Bet teat . New Brighton Bearer Go. Pa. S> UOD6I L- '■ >'*] - * Majf 7., S 8 CRH tomty-a\ NEW ■* PROD AND CE STORE. respectfully announces tor Bearer and Iricinity, that GROCERY & PRODUCE im formerlyl occupied by md directly) .opposite the we will pieep] constantly on le ' a large (assortment of RICE.; MOLASSES, SYRUP; r| 'ITE subscriber I the citiiens'of he. has opened' a. STOfeE in' the rtf Stokes & Talldn,' Ary>:t office, where hand and for si Groceries,, such as COFFEE, - TEA. SUGAR, T 7 T. J. ; pH AKD SURGEON DENTISj , 18 at liUport'«gaiß,»t BEAVER STATION, . Rodheater I. Pi, ; where he > will attend to allit S'. Tatiana breaches of hisprofessiait. He applies all .the iaipmad. ssetfcoda toiptereat pain ia estrmeiihE teeth* r'r: :■ . P. B. Work warranted.].. ' ’ J (Jaairdd MEMS======ls= :}4 .0 -BKBrtl' a yi Xt'Ua Sc- -*C 7 nLi j,' . * ■ i <i ’' , ‘ gingli •ALES. ■j' GARDNER & S^HLEITEBS, B. jit* GARDNER & CO., 03 Market St., -PXTTSCBTJ^Q* Between Fifth |*t. and Diamoh WB tike liberty to inform our fr of Bearer county that we bare 1 ly increased oar facilities for carrying'oi Dry Goods Bnsinei at our old stand. Our entire attention w be devoted to the increase .of our businei which the interest lof our customers wi .sustained end promoted by cyery men our power. ■ ■ ' j. ' NEW SPRING SILKS. Our stock will leainprise all eompri the the Novelties in .latert importatior cludingrepps in all colors, plain and 6 blacks, plain silks 7 ph'all colors, chec! brocade silks; Swiss and Foulard silks,' which we will sell at such low prices tlfii can fail to pe suited. - .-’ T i . DRE3S GOODS. Our ttock trill be ifound replete, coin] over' One Hundred different styles, in f french, English; end German fabrics,' eat importations, at*prices as low as yes •-I .v. ■ cloaks, shawl We shall be in: receipt of daily froi York, and Mr assortment, and pridi cheapness, will be.found second to none city. To this department iwe call pai attention. '' V - ' . f | HOUSE FURNISHING GO Linens, sheeting and pill Marsailes and bonty comb blue and pink, napkins, to corors, and Irish linens, all the'lowest prices.'! 'TENDEN, p-Xraj ; VmsrtPAt. i Cassimeres in plain and fnney, unio tweeds,, aattinett, , -corduroys;' and n boys wear of all kinds; the best city, at the lowest’prices, *- balmGral and (hoof sh of which ’we srej the sole agent! ol celebrated makes,.which! we willj sel customers at wholssaleprices. ;: ■ ' . l - r -A . DOMESTIC; i Domestic sod imported Handels. Our stock, will be found large, and jrell atid out prices will be madi/so moderate aa jtr place them ‘ -»h of oatsertil JERY "R- • ■ 1 fcjjfeAP, CHEAP, KID GLOVES AND CORSETS. QfiS, ipm -.cpt in a '•kfet price BBIN. Person* visiting the city fort he, purpose of purchasing Dry Goods, are respeetfaliy invi ted to call, as our entire stock wiU he found. '- ■ - ■ ", - 1 ~ * New, Desirable and Cheap.- • t PQi, w Agent* • '■ KINDS; Srlals, J CABDH,&C C RDKER & SCHL PbiUdelpfcii; ER. .iv Market Stpct Pi^fcls'bur, EICE33I ‘GOODS ' in Viifc 11E1E1 <' 1 ■ ■ i / - •VCCXUOE* TO ~ ; *hr* : / •L__ i ■ 1 ; l i; ■» ,v—^ AKD LACK GOODS! 'i ■ I I- \, CLOCKING C: ' ■ - 'I ' i 1 GOODS. I CHEAP 92 ■ fiii- ,na:‘r. > '! Ftensjifii^AmilunZ^^S , ~ OP T&B : ,; , RA VE 80LDIER8 AND J j; '• ;■! >; - J i , , SAILORS. And Ointment. v A LLWHOharcPHcndsaßd Relatives in the Army or Haty.ttouldtakeespedialcare that they bo, haply snpplied.with those] PlU* *nd Ointment; aadwhere thebrave Soldien Mid Seilers her* neglected to provide them selveswith them, no' better present icon be sent them by Uieir friends. . They havebeenbrov ed to be the Soldier’s, nerer-ieiling friend in the hbiir of need. . ■ \ ■ COUGHS AND COLDS AFFECTtNO TROOPS , ; Will ’be speedily removed j and effectually cured "by using these' admirable medicines, and by payhtg proper attention to the Directions which are attached to each Pot or Bon. I - ; SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE , : TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. .Tbpee feelings, which so sadden us, usually arise from trouble -or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, nr eating and drinking whatever Li unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach. These or gans must be relieved, if you desire to be welL The Fills, taking according to the printed in* straetions, will quickly a produce, a healthy action In both direr .and stomach, and as a natural consequence a clear head ahd'good ap petite. : •--r ; WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY , OVER FATIGUE, • ,1 . Will soon disappear by the use of these in rslnable Pills, snd the Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength. Nerer let the bqbrHi els be either confined or unduly acted upbhJ It mar seem Pflli should jbe recommended for Dysentery' and Flux, many persons supposing that tbeylwQuld increase, the relaxation.] 'This,is a great! mis take, for these Pills will confect the : UvCr, and stomach and. thus remote all the acrid hiimorsf from the system.. Thlstnedicine will girb tone and rigor to the whole prganio system howev er deranged, brittle health and strength follow as a matter of course. [ Nothing will step the -Relaxation of the Dowels eo sure -as this fam ous medicine. ■’ j’’ VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! INDIBCRE-, ! TICKS OF YOUTH. ! Sores and Ulcers, Blotihings and Swellings, | can with certainty be radically cured iif the Pills,sre taken night and- morning, ‘and the I ointment bW freely used as stated in the print ed instructions. If treated in any other-man ner they dry up in one phrttobreakout in an other. , Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system and lease the Pa- \ tibnt a yigoroub and healthy man. . It Will re quire a little perseverance in bjtd casesto in sure a lasting cure, v 1 ! "■ 7 i FOB WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY ! THE RAYONET, DR SABRE OR THE RUE- j LET, SORES OR BRUISES. j 7 To whicb erery SoldieWand Sailor are-liable there are no medicines so safe,! sore and* con venient as Holloway’s Pills and ointment. The poor wounded and almost dying sufferer-might have hik wounds dressed immediately, it’he would only provide himself with tjiis match less Oihtment, which should be thrust into the wound and smeared all around it, then'covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack, and compressed with a, handkerchief. Taking night and morning ti pr 8 Pills/ to cool tihe eye tern and prevent inflamation. j .|| I Every , knapsack anil Seaman’s chest should be provided with these valuable Remedies I CATON None are genuine [unless tuv, -'O'. ,j 4 X ;■ i ‘ : IMI - ' ; , r lends ISe rill be :ss, in pi be ins in lie' all os, in ogured ;k and , all of lit none ... , _ , . the Words * 'JloUoxcay, A rip 3 urk aridLondxm." Are discornable as a water-mark in every deaf of the book of directions around eaeh pot or box; the'same may be plainly;seen the leaf to the Light. A handsome reward- will 1 be given to any one ’rendering such informa tion as may lead to, the detect ioh of any ,party or paifies counterfeiting themedieines or vend ing the same.dtnowing them to be spurious. : **» Sold at‘the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden l.aut, New Voik, and by all. respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at >5 bents, 62ccntsand $1 each. A PS“ There is considerable saving by talcing the larger sites. , ' ■[■ ■ S '\ J , N. 8.-—Directions for the iguidance: :of pa- I tents in every disorder are to each box.' ■ >fay7; .■- ;■ • j -V - ■ wising rendir, of Ifit rs o^o. to N.ew iea, for e iq the kicutar MALE os female agnts .. ;• fTO SELL ■ . ,; t i , Lloyd's Neu>. Steel Plafe.fJounty Colored Canadas, and' Xew Brunswick. - From recent >urvfcys, Aafc. Ift, 1862; cost $20,000 to engrare. it, sad one year’s time. | ;’j|. Superior to any $lO map ever made- by Col- >ODS • r —'J ' ovei - r . ton or, Mitchell, and sella at the low price of Fifty Cents; 370,000 namei are engraved on this map, 1 j ' • ■ j;4 Itis not only a County bmp;'hut it: is a)«o a COUNTY X AAILItOADi AIAI* of the U. S. & Canadas combined giving Every Kailroad Siationanddistaucterbelween. GuKrantee any woman of man $3 to $5 per day, add will take back all mans that: cannot bn sold and refund : the money/ ! Send for $l worth to try/ j j . Printed instructions howl to canvass well, furnished all bur agents / 1 . , Wanted—Wholesaled gents for our maps in' every State, Canada, j England. France and Cuba/ A fortune may be made With a few hundred dollars! capital. :.Vo cost.' petition, ’ F/Lw>td;'l64 Broadway, IN. T. ■ .The' a/epnrtment uses our map of Vir ginia, Mat! -{tnd, .andPennay lyania, cost $lOO,- OOOj pn/which is marked,’ Antictam Greek! Sbttrpsburg. Marylaud Bights, Williamsport Fer/ Bhorersville, Noland’s Fordj |and_,al^ low linens h quilts, in owles, linci Iways on toilet,. l white,, ;ri table land, at OTHS )4 cloths, ncn and qk in the IKTS, €J*y. ..wjituC, HVtauH w owners on the Potomac, and] every other place in the above named States, ir money refunded. 1 LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF KENTUCKY. INDIANA, and ILL., at tlie only forQsn. Rosecrans ac«J the Wer llepartmcnt. Money refunded t( any one finding an error ihjjt. !* , Fromthe Tribune, Aug. 2. I “LIOTD’B MAP 0»| VnWHSIA. MABTI.AUD ABt ,Pbxxstltasi/£.—The map jis very large; iti coat Is but 25 cents; and it u the beetvhieh ear he purihaeed.” ; i : i.i Lloyd 1 t Great Map o} the Mueusippi Sever.— From Actual Surveys by 1 Chpts. Bart and Wm .Sown. Mississippi River Pilots, of |st; Lquis, 'Mo., shows every man’s plantation and owner’s name from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico—r 1,850 miles—every sand-bar,, island, town] landing, and aU.pljices 20-miles‘back from the; river—oolored in counties and' States, Priced $1 in sheets.! S£, pocket form, : and, $2,50 bn' linen, with rollers, lleady Sept-20. j [ Navy Department, K aehmgton, Sept. 16, 1862. I ■' J. T. Lloyd—Sir : Send die your Map of thi Mississippi [Diver, with price per 'hundred copies. - Rear-Admiral Charles .11, Davis, obmj manding the Mississippi squadron,!*. author ised' to pardbsie' as many i as are. required. lo use of that squadron. : , '..-..j - GIDEON VELLB. Secretary of the Navy aereral toour i/ '! ii ; i,' WOOlthlT ?ACTOIIY. f¥tßß ttnderiignsd expects : to .commence, this week. Carding,.! Spinning, 1 Fulling, finishing i.and Dyeing; also to manufacture; Flannel, Cloth,’ Cassitueres, Satirietts and! Blankets, |at my. Old placoia Fallston. Fc|f! wear anddurabidlyvfcanwarrant' the' goods manufactured not to be-surpa*ed. !, For tbs! 'accommodation of those on the, east-side of theßearer, Wool, etc., can be left at my house, in Pulaski township, or' John store ih; jiow Brighton. H V, 'I-.; J ~T V OTirM. SMITH. | w -r' - ! i f! ] ; > ■' : .:J- Special,otic(s. Y .! : npHB n«;tietoni of tie Q irnrd House riiil4. a ;delphi»r would r*epe«t(pUy .■■ call tiaat tanlioaof bntines* 'men ai«lib«*ra**llinj eojniouwity! . mpeHor aosommbdatibi and thiir eaiabUahmtau |.. "‘••iitfciiir ■. ix 1 ‘ l - i [krr ,, *’v !■■■ , KUMftA. »OWUk^*C« ■■ ■. U. . U ME m . f ., 000:000 Map oj the UHitell Stales, || =M=M EMMI A*ii' «yu/ ’nu ; • ! v Wat qgttitut,_M4d TaA ~!• If* '-Pamtil.-ffma, ; i; ip 3fWrt#f4fi -- -. v- : Mi Jfruratgia. .■• I” ora AitittEßt b •;. . DRW WM.B. HURD’S | DENTAL TREAis^rtY A COiIrUCTE »*I O*«M Ci) U»rQ» I ' Purifying. the. Breath and Mouth "AND r : , 1 ! ; "urjng Toothache and Neuralgia; C()\TPNTf 3 : H ; '- ! Dr. Hurt* CeUbrattd NO UTH WASH,'" one foUli, ■ 1 , 1 1 I ■ Dr.Hunt* Unequalled TOOTHPOOES,D one box. / 1 I ; Dr. HttnltHagie TOOTHACHE DROPS, onfhouU. ' ■ j . Dr. Hitrdt UNRIVALED NEURALGIA PLASTER. \ -1 i' ( Dr. Durd* MANUAL on the Beit Mean* of Preserving tho Teeth, including Direction* 'Jor the Proper Treatment of Children’» Teeth. I i v FLOSS SILK for Cleaning, between the Teeth. TOOTH PICKS, etc., etc. j t . . Prepared at; Dr. Hard’s Dental i.Office, 77 Fourth Bt.„ Br&klyn, (E. D.) ; '■( jPriei, ‘ONE DOLLAR; or;S/Xs6. Dental Treatury makes a package iight iqcbes by fire, and is sent by express. MOt~'Full direction* for u*ei* on each article. ;i; The follbjwing articles we can send separate [ Ijf, by mail,' !vix : i r ! ! 1 ■ ! ' ' jj" 'The Trcaiite on Preeerving the Teei/iseui, post- I paid, on receipt Of TwiLvr cksts, or four stamps, j 1 i .’1 * > ' v i; The Neuralgia Platter , for Neuralgia in the pace, Nervous Headache,’ and -Earache, sent post paid, on receipt of Eighteen Centt,, or si Stamps. 1 ; r'-. I j Tht Neuralgia and* Rheumatic Platter (large' ■!ie,) for Pains in the Shoulders.Bsck, br any part af the body, sent pi; st paid, on re* ceipt of Thirty-ifvai ctnts. !'. > ' ' : Address,! (4-1 ■ ‘J ■ irar- s. BijnPi oo.> " j . ! ; Trihune^JXuildiiujf, | AVir Y<srk \ ;j Dr. Jlurd't HOtITU WASH, TOOTHPO »- PER and TOOTHACHE DR()PS\ cahnot.be pent by mail, but they can, prpba.bly jbe ob tained at your Drug or Periodibal (Stares,' |. they cannot, send, to us for!, tit DENT.V (TREASURY, Price, Oxs Dollar, j which . i o„ ■ tains them. •• ’>■ ■! ■■ ! ' now, j | U'B OR-! lIIHO’S PREPARITIn^ |The best evidences that they are isj that he firmest Tripods and best patrons are those who have used:them longest. Dr. an eminent Dentist of Brooklyn, Treasurer of ithf Xe.w York Slate Dentists’ Association, and ‘‘'These preparations have been uWd.jiu bis pri vate practice for years, and no loading citizen \of Brooklyn Or Williamsburg-tiuescions their i excellence, .while eminent Dentists of New York recotnmeudthemhs the boat known to the profession. Without (he hid pf advert is*". ; ing, dealers have sold them by the gross. , The Editor of the Jlrooklyn Duty Timesaava,' j “We hre happy- to know that our friend. Dr. Hurd, is- succeeding beyond all expectations 1 with his (MOUTH WASH and TOOTH POW DEK. The'great secret of his success' rests with the fact Mat his articles arc prcci»e’y what .they arc repreaciited to bt t o» : trr can ieni/y /rum ■Ottir 'ivny ysc.i’i j - ' i . , The well known If. T, Baruum Writes; “I’J found your TOOfH pO-WDEB so good that my family have used.iViQl up. Hr find it the best powder/of Mr teeth fits hare ever used. I shall feelobligcd if you Will send me another sup-: ply:at the Museum at your convenience, with bEL” j But their cost is so small that every one may test the matter for himself. I ■/ ■ I®* Bewareofthc ordinary Tooth-Powders. Dr. Hurd’s Too tit Ponder contain^/no ; acids, .'nor alkali, nor charcoal, and polypes without, weariug lhc enamel. 'Use no other. : . - WHAT WILD Dll. HELP'S UK ME DIES ;■ -I ' •. EFFECT/' ; ’ Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash'and Tooth-Powder will givejybung ladies that finest charm iu wo man—a sweet breatiyandipearly teeth. Try them, ladies. /•, ’j - . •/- , Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash: and Tooth Powder will cleanse the tnouth from nil tool erhalt tious, and if tiSed iujthe morning,' will make the hreakfa/taste sweeter and the day begini more plcasantly, - Hundreds- of persons can testify td this. Try lhcm,.genl!enicu. Dr./flurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder aretSe the bestpreparat ions iu the world for curing bad breath and giving fineness nn( j health to the gunis. Hundreds :of cases ot Dictated jilndnuf . Game, Sore \ HdtUh, Canker', etc., have been cufed by Dr. Hord'd astriug : enl wash. ' ■; !. Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Powder give an additional: charm to courtship, and make husbands more agreeable tojtheir wives and wives to their husbands. Tlu‘y_«hould be used by every person having 1' ' ART/riCIAL TtETlti which are liableto impatt a taint to the mouth Dr. Hurd’s Toothache Droops cure Tooth ache arising from exposed nerves, and a?e the best ftiends that jmrehtscan have in the house ,to save tbfeir children from torture awl them-, Selves from loss.bf sleep and sympatlmic suf ering. |-■ .» i , i’ i . Farmers and mechanics 1 you cannot well af-, ford to neglect your teeth.- Foratritiing sum* you can now .get preservatives, . than' which Rothschild or Astor can get! nothing better. Remember xhicx Djicpcpcia and Cdtuumptiua oj the Lunge often originmte in neglect of T’eeth. Send for .the. Treatus oh Teeth, and readj Dr'. Fitch's i observations on this ft bjhct. -If too late tojjtrest decay in your own teeth, savt your children's teeth. : 1 - j- Dr: Hurd’s Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Plasters arc th/most pleasant and successful remedies ever: prhscri ed jfor this paiDfuii disease. The | parientXnp plies one, soon’ bthbihes drowsy,- falls asleep, And awakes free from pain, and no . blister at other unpleasant or injuriousconscquenccs en sue. For Eardf-heJani Xercout Headache, ap ply according i to directions.and relief will surely follow:-. Nothing can be. obtained equal to Dr. Hurd’s Compress for Neuralgia.: try them. 'They are ehtirely a novel, curious and original preparation, and wonderfully success ful: They are of two sixes, one small; for the : face, price 15 cents, and the- other largo] for ’ application to. the body, price 37 bents, -ihll be mailed on receipt of price and one clamp. - WHAT ARB THE PEOPLE DOIKG f , The Americkn people are intelligent enough to i appreciate prepnrationstbat contribute so much to bappincsf of those using them,- hud they .wont them.! Every! mail; brings’its! lettera, some . ordcring dhe Treatise oh Teeth, : shine theNeu , ralgia Piasters, and not a few enclosing37cts. for the Month Wash, to be sent by mail; but : to those we lore compelled to reply, that [.it ,1s ■ impossible to send a naif-pint bottle by mail, i The peoplci ‘want these Remedies. R’Sef/dW ; cupplg lhetiii : i - j ; . ■>'' /V -, ■•. Now is the - I . I' ’ ’ ; 1 CHANCE FG.B 4GEKTB. ; , [. Shrewd agents, can make a small fortune In | carryihgthcse avUcles around to families. The Dent al Treasury is -the neatestarticle that's man orwoman can carry around. Send Tot one and seb, or,! better, a dozen, which w< will sell, ah Samples, for ST.: Agents supplied liberally with circulars. gQ“ Now is! the time to to gp; into ; the business, todogoodi andtiak* a profit; Wb' are > spending thousands for the benefit of agents. I New EngUwd men or ' wo men!. here 1 is something.nice,' and a chaace to take the tide at its flood. ’ Address, ’- , , .-j /'. ■■ WM. B. HURD iiCOU ~ .j ' | Tribune Isuildings, Now Yoik. [ That remittances may be made with eonfi donee, W. B. H. £ Co., referto thoMayorol Prooklyn ; to G. W. GriflHb, President Films f.Ts’and Citixens Bank, Brooklyn; to Joy,-'Cos, r ia, Rawvork; to F.t. ttiMMiit; Now in ■ , -j' ; 1..- A WtoW BESdlTTpfo* Proposing Cer»in Amendment t L ', ; : r- I Cbn.titutron.T *°N ***>*■ yAt Scndtt aUu. 1 ■SSgSf' nOeuerat AuembUf mr<, That fjnwtoem. be proposed to thi c o ] of tho .Commonwealth, in accord.” 8 "" promioMof tho tenth 1 sfinll be an third article of the Constitut^e¥“4. netei as ecction four, ns r* 'ksit. . “Section 4. Whenever ,j,W o f ,d - . electors of . this Common v*e»!fV W hctual military be £ iio& |h>m the President t>f:iLe 11r,;.ij re^Qi *i* ot hy (lie authority, of tU U -t d . s»ohf electors may exercise 'the r; ’T“’ r ' ( ‘lth frngo in; all, elections by the or Sufi such regulations are, or shall be **??- by law, as faly as if they werei crit 'J , their usual, ptioe of election-?’ 1 it Ssctiok 2. jTherc,, shall beWd 1,,.- • sections to theelcvcmb article tution, to be designated as section i.- nine, as follows! ,on Wi. aaa ' “Section 8i Vo hill shall be pasL . flgmlature montsming morethu n oiV,„{.'=« which shall,[he clearly expressed in V ub J f «, except appropriation bills.” y .title, ', “Section 9. No bill shall be 1 Tj& '.J ‘T ' J Leislsture granting .mV power/ b J th, in any esse, where.Ahea.uthoriiv-to powers, or privileges, has been'. or ■ after be, conferred upon thb'-coiim V 1 r(- Commonwealth.” 5 this- • , ■, . hrxrt o. Irnn'vcm • Speaker </ ir, t Hs u< „/ n ■ f . JOIINP, pknxiK'^ ■' ”■ |,. Sptuker-hf k OfJ.'Ce Secretary of Gommonw4ft/ I ■- J- ' H.VKBISBVBO, r\jpril £ “A Joint,Resolution proposing oenai a \ ments. to the Constitution,” as ihA.,j P mains oti file in thie office. i ■'“ e t«i ,Is- Testimony whereof, I hare lu itny .hand and caused, the *edl of tary’s office to be affixed, (tie Jat above written. . KILI Slii ■ : ’ Secretary „f t l,e fcwJ The above* Resolution b, to by a majority , pf the. memfceit House, at -two sucAsshc sessions ol era!’.. Assembly • of/thisCoffituunW proposed amendments will Vp jsubud people, for their adoption or|.rejecdi FIUST TvESD.vY.or Avousx. .in-tbe v Lord .one thousand eicht hundred four, in accordance with, the pi-ovi-; tenth aviide of the Constitution. 2 dntitlcd” Alii, act prescribing' the manner of submitting to the peupii approval, and ratification' or red proposed, amendments tc sheffoaiti proved the twenty-third of j.i], til, and eight huudrejLand sixt vL'our.’ 'r-,; ; 0 \- ' r- Isi.; '.l /' ' - -Seenfarfi o/ t ffic 4‘ ci‘ j. 1 j I At JAY COOKf d COJ B. I' 104 auvm TU/S-V rfTUli: j /'is'itjiiji.-2y c / '» Jirtl .UHv’maj''tjC'-n * .sri;suiuA i, n»j^ , Ao>:s*!j v- r c ll r y the - ' . i-i !;ywi | in bnce, iLe - -i _* [\t’{C ■ . XtCcnfv .i'ti!. - O’ izr d = c \ i I of-.,lhrt Uuir ./U .Scales. , at the plea! j CiovernKwiU. after five years, and t by Aci uf «* ltoycu P-; ! 1 r•; « Vi*. • The, COUPON ilO Ni i S arc issu* soO.' S'UiO ioOO, SK®. j ;Tlie 'IfEUjSTEII; BONDS! iu » and .Interest in six pet 'cent.i pjf commence from date of .purchase; I PAYABLE IN GO Semi-Annually, wnrca is equal, at pfcmiuut on s»old, to about KltjliT IfEK ANNl'dl. - •• { Farmers.'Merchuuts Meriian'rcs and 'all ’jvho have any n.wht-y to h | knowdud rempmttsr that'these b i effect, a. FIKST MOUTOACjK 1 tin. i ro.ads, Caniils. Bankl. Stocks mii | and the immense prod nets of. ail i | lures, &c., \e,, in the country; ; and ample provision made forth* the interest and liquidation .of 3 1 Customs Duties, Excise S’" Jdtjvenue. serves to make .tl&s'c lb) Hast, JJost Ai'uiLdtU: ttiiif ''.l/-. Jni'rxfineut ht i/lc J!a Subscriptions' received at PA R der Notes; or notes -ai’nd Cliocks’ pur in Philadelphia.- Subscriber receive prompt yticirti'ou.iand t and ciplanitioU..ryill"be, tion af thii'office. /. C j ■’ A full supply of Ronds,trill be for immediate delivery, •/. j JAY COOKE. Subscript ' JON KS DYEING & SQOI . KST.VIiIUSH \l fi-V 3t> OHIO STREETt < ; (West of ' ■ ; A L LEG HEX Y\'i> KS S'X- A; : THE Proprietors of- t his . have been engaged 1 forl;i micibert f intho most extensive esiaMislinu-.-ns country. In the cities ofVsew.York and delphia, where all the improved appliances 1 ** 1 apparatus; are employed. Heing 'also in.po* - session of | the very latest discoveries !'s 3 ’* I | I P' I hods of European Byers, they dye "P“ Ladies' Silk, Satin and Merino Dresses w superior style lit many cases. - bose.artW" are made in color and finiah r very pearly co'J. in appearance to netv Goods. (' ■ I V&.AUGoods n'ltinif d in • KOLJLOOK’fj. ; ' I>aixcleion^Oofe e * I lOTHIS niad'cffroni the ■ ' I Coffee, is' rcconimendelS by physicuo* • . • a superior NUTRITIONS oral Debility, Dyspepsia and ull ij 5 ' 11 ! 503 ,, j lO tiers.. Thousands who have been abandon the usciof coffee, will itf'p <luf w [ t e ; out injurious effects. One cantj contains ' strength iof two, pounds of ordinary e trice 25 cents. ‘ I 1 * ‘ KOJ.LOCK'S LpVA'iy- ; pm The. purest and''best ‘BAKING d. known, for making light,-sweet “ n( * B - f Bread and Cakes. Price 'l6 cents. j-> Manufactured by , J ■ .} M,. H. KOLB 0 K,-OiuHr.tft, *• Corner of Broad and Chestuijt sirerSt J .i>h iuApfci^ HiA '^rf Aid sold by all Druggists and Grocer 9 - | i. a»r2fi , ■. I ension, Bounty & Back P«y Ag« nC *: AHTHURS & BID9E L No. ISa FOURTII ST.. ■■ ■ SPECIAL attention given to''be'col> of the BOTOX* Op SIOO Jtip to « y Jsl> SOLDIEHB who ie»» i ROCHESTER' . ti A 6EA%£& , pl f, f*f . i ‘ ’x.-rkftr • j , i - . .'o U .., it 0 \ rcantn fhc^Secfj.-- Sand PER,' pa-: (dir,. T“ a Cp of. «;i, 'i' tJio Gen- ' .the wtttf.i to-.be . ijon, on -I, I Xcarw oe ' sinj.- ■foils of iLe,'! ■ ipd the ncf. iiime. «ni , !■!. for their / eftioii, it* i .ution ;\p.' ‘ oaO tuefj- } FKir.‘ • yi--(aa\. v agent, snJiehL . 1 i'' • . -i, i££3; ail Arted •vi U tuit r* -‘ijVZlJj, j rj “Fin ij'uVe ct tji% juvaary 25, ill iu S&UI vf ims of. &ii bunuxe wiil tiie jiret*fct VLilr’fcVi. 'Oit'iuiiais iVca;., «nCuli •itia' jjre. la <»a k\\ rrxu* - il Jrociirlrirfc. le'M&nutae ‘iu«t'-iue lull• i piivmfjiu ff principal,, tt:i l|»teriisi, lids.lLO st Pmkr ii I.egfclTtt w* bunKs si / r bv ii.aiUiH L-vfry ia«w;i; !i 1 oil hpplic-* keut onhk&ii vr> - or4 ,klLirt SfßltiG {iM uftfe' :~-~' L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers