N -L; ; • - irir ; - ; - r . • . ::: • '-‘.".. -I ,:.rt.A. ".-. ''' 2..:-- . * 4 1 . . . Wtduefldfty, May-11» '1384. OijMPiaW- "rz.l. D^ j IWBI»IEV«*cr i Wopristtf; RAHAM LINCOLN, dftf ■SSI !) 'i v ” '■ For Vice ;■President, . HEW Q. CUR TX N -- . - Of ranMTtTAHX A. -f - •‘£n 1 • - C-M NOTICE. • wld'toTDt L. Imbrie, present \ 1 -I- Editor# Proprietor of thp Artfiu, : lSpy>£epanta for Snbieription, AdTertising.&c., itt' ttbse iudebted lwiu please call and set ftt’wlftj bin. |: /I- 1 SXCHOiSON, - mmm m ■ ■ _ '■WCC viovaL— .The briici gen removed id jiha rtdm over loiuraina’ Bragi Store, nearly ite our oltf vfe may iud at all times, ready to attend m 'orpo.e ,i ' ( l»o loti id wants of our friends and pa ■l (Entrance at the Nprth aide if building. - i • . ve Committee. f/- .Viffcfabro will be a meeting'pf the Co. Ek|ec|itiy.e GqinmittoOj at the Sheriff’s in Bearer, oit Tuesday, May i; 'l7th.| at Ip. v in., for the purpose of , I tho time of the Coup'y Con s veulion. Atoll attendance is request . dd. I I>. L Imbrje, Ch-n. ' ' J’rfe -follosing are thenames of the m ambers of the Committee:: * l-Di L.*|mbrie, Ch’n, D.B.Shert, -1 H Htce, a- Robert Scott, i i l.And’w Wateraon, \ Thos. M.Standish,- Sata'll Moorhead, , John -M. Shrodea, j : ’■Thbs.iM. M’Cord, ' W; W. Kerr. * fthbe|t.Wallace. Jonathan Ph»l. ‘ Johns; Iferron, Samuel M’Malhawy, GcovjM N. Tailor, > Geo. Bnuscher, ■ | Samuel A. Power, . Sherlock Stone, / '• ’Samop Mitchell, . Joscph-Phillis, > Jbhn(Cuthbertson. Jahies Warnock, Si J.'grons, Ephraim Smith, ■— Thosf Nicholson, Dr.,B. M. Roaa, Jnhnf'A. Gibb. John Slants. , Miltcm Lawrence, . John Wilson, i Jjehn|iD. Christy,\. J, S. Rulao: tb trofti “of ib' Th«| Enemies of Out’ Republic. ' | T-pose/who acVin arms to overthrow the ftephblic, ape not,' its (Wily enemies. If we look. toV'a |piomenl at the whole rhatler, wo will find -that' is beset on all whir the . worst enemies, an<l jots who try to deceive thbih selves wit|' the false idea that they are-sound patriots and;'good citizens. The eop jper|iead; -ia .an bpeh and ai vowed, ene* mywhilst l be inconsistently utters Inprpi alii occasions 1 the deceitful lan* gua|re of treason, ‘‘The ■ Constitution as |t is. 1 , ap'd the Ifnidh as it) was.”— . Sadi , instalfco, V&H.-uidigham, WcpdSriud andhbeir followers, whd wiio/ntpeiy claims to- bo a Democrat fs the last lingering rerri paijt ,which upheld l : Buchanan to the las| moment of-his miserable and ini: . ,bet| lojad inuiist rat ion,’ and under whom’ "wap jihgan in-the South for slavery. ’lut.thoro aro othoi enemies of the; Republic who are -grossly culpable as we|l as the ’base and malignant, who eafis dirt.bcfojre the southern slave-ar i«tccrat whom'ho acknowledges as fa iqi superior. ih'e officer of the Gov ernment, whether civil or military) who either from corruptions, incompe ten y, op carelessness, injures 01 p.o -1 to the-interests of tlio'triuntry, in' in|ts time of peril and .need is nnqnes titihably its enemy, and whether he sacrifices a pegiment, or whether in ciiit offloo swindles the treasury 1 tiiro* ■ fraudulent -contracts, or by winking atjCOrruplion that he may.gain ad van- for himself or others, be - must any will be set down ns a public enemy, working- for the destruction bif the Government which feeds him. jjThe rnan whosoHj* his; ebfp, his Steamer or his goods,’without caring w| ether theygo; for the support of Jeff. Davis or the Union, js a public' •Dpmy, and should fx* treated as such) Tt|d shoddy contractor isa public en-> oi4y and the very worst of that accur se«i and detestedclass. In what way dop it :;prbfit, tbe : Republic, How - of her gallant and patriotic sons' TUi»h to her rescue, if through shoddy Infclothing, shoddy in arms,'shoddy in|food,and shoddy.in ammunition,thef •rjh of the -brave soldier is paralized? l|he Govemrnent)should punish such' ; bale and heartless wretq'hes with the Vh| orest punishment, and, tho ocorn contempt bf a -virtuous and ih,» :dignant people should/banwh such o>|n fromsociety. ; SThe man who gatfibles in gold is a • jn|bJic pnemy, for hi, not only’ games >|,h the precidna metal, but hemuke< tbfe credit, awl -in past the very fi nan «it|L existence-of the Government, an object of inevitable damage, that thrift mayfollow -hisf wicked and ad course.' . ;- [ ' - fho man who sneers at and con* every act the JuinJnsstra*! tien, who croaks incessantly over the | war, and denounces, its 'management | : a'n|i objects; is an enemy of the fieri f pablic. and notwithstanding he etaime |ta|be a.tfne patriot, be is in troth giv ’ibg encouragement to treason, and j w&keiuhg the 'strength .of thej@dv •niinciit. 'J ■ ‘ 7 "|n>* edbtrictor end anb*eontraoior, tbn.&caTrf tW ppor, ,, ‘for vntV ill-gotten gains, the extortioner wbo takes advantsigpof the public ca (amities'and necessities,; to charge/It orbitant prices for jthe necessaries op, life, are public enemies, and the ‘ nMs chanfc,.miners or laborers spire together to obtain dnreqgot|ablp| and unjust wages, particnlarij'in'ttme 1 of the.nation’s trouble, are enemies of thirßepubiic. •/: ;l - V . ; Irtfre dtp many .other jelaptespofifttf emics, blit wo jshall ,fp'j tho _Lpres«. ent only mention one more. Tbe>ex«* travdgance of the t|m.'s is -■*£' terrible crime against the Bppublic. The cap Uol city of the nation, New Ybrk, andapltbe great cities of the land arc cursed \vith ; a ! cl assofthoughtless who have grbwn rich by shoddy contracts, by robbery and plundef=df the i oldior, and of the public bow reyellingipallthe %nd splendor Of east ern imbbbs|t|) thb great disgrace arid injury^f 4 tne Republic. The people I of the United JHStesi are now import ing foreign goods, at the rate of more and fifty millions of dollars worth a year beyond our exports, and the g rent : hulk of these imports are absok te luxuries, which could and should be dispensed with. These ono-huridijod and fifty'mil lions a year must, be-paid for in gold, and every dollar thus imported and consumed aids to increase the price of gold, and the cost- of exchange, in creases the ambnnjt of paper money, makes, of course, jthe necessaries^of! life Idcarer and dearer, and in every wayjcpreeliy arid -indirectly cripples and the ‘ Government.— Wherever you see men or . women in such a time indulging in extravagant dress and jiitylo of living you may set it down that their means of proenring snehj things, were obtained,by„shoddy contfacls, or public or private 'plun der. * Wc are glad to see that at Wash ington and elsewhere patriotic associa tions are being formed to discourage extravagance and i : to foster and en courage a more suitable and propei* mode of'living.! . i t; I r ** , - It s ,certa*n that thbj more wise and virtuous arjd pa|r;oti,e of. our.Jpeople ( will upon the ' rockless, senseless ■ arid most wicked bourse of those ene mies of, the Republic who'so f‘>'for got their duty 10 their country, who ( indulge 1 now in jtheir extraordinary display of lodeoent extravagance. 1 ' Our Debt and Resources , Nothing.has surprised or gratified as moro f in the this wiir ■<ST tfiecdbiitry. I?re -viousitoUio .breaking riot of the war pur National;, expenses ’jtli'i not resje-.h one hundred jnil ions yearly,', and the National debt before the advent ot the Buobauar. administration. was about sixty nino millions.-.’ This debt, so in significant. when corn pared with the National debt of to-day, re gairded as quite serious* and its in crease as ruinous to the oountty. Du ring the the Expenses thro’ abruption,theft and treachery, andythe debt correspond •fingly enlarged! This increaie of debt was one of the most effective arau -1 , • ; j ; ‘ t 9 <■ menu against top Democratic party | in iB6O, and 4 contributed no'little to j the overthrow, jojf that party and to Jour silvicess. IniUlio throe years that have passed since? the inaugiiratibn'ot the present, administration, this debt has increased-sti the rate of three hundred miUionl yearly, and now may be safely set down at one billion of dollars; Tliijs sum - seems enormous, and-when compared wi'li the frugal! i ty of the past is alarming indeed; bht undeptanding, as the- country now does,’.her great resources, even this debt isj not regarded with apprehen sion. Estimating'the debt at the close ol the war to bo two billions, which * „• t I ■ j . ; * wo think f« a? very large estimatb.diow many years, atj tho present rate of taxation, will bo required to extin guish it ? This question! is often and uiixiously asked, and wo propose a solution based upon present taxation arid returns.- The Revenue law of 1862 was estimated and; intended to yield of dollars, but owing t!o various causes, principal jly ilnperfect execution of the law, or a-failure to comply with all its pro visions, the actual receipts fell consid erably below hundred millions. ' The law as modified by the j present Congress, it »j thought,.will tot tail to produce a revenue ofthreehundred millions. Allowing ope hundred and twenty millions yearly for the Ration al debt, and We have loft one hundred and eighty milllioos to apply to the extinguishment of the 'debt which, would discharge it in less than eleven years. The above calculation!* based, upon that the revenue from all other sources would be suffi cient fur the ordinary, or more proper ly,actual expenses of the Government. The WHC which, formerly yielded a revenue of forty millions a year, will yield at leutL'pne bo ndied millions.— TW impevUtt the port . I, f in April, five millions, and ondcrthe present rale of oath’* i We hive, &| Ud |lher source* of rew.ift. Tbsjlale o£}pab liq lan|i», a£qr I |p« >' th|.w*i,■ will &M revenue, and tbo confiscullon of rebel property will ptodoco still m are. . We can safe* lycaloulatetbai te n millions at least of the Government iodebtefinesslwill ■be-tjahceled evefy- ’ rewumnf the loss: or destro cllbfc.in r>ariouW I ways,! of its notes, bonda,obligationa [and seem idea ji n the bands of ; .the holders.. We have not .space to enu merate a)I the'sour ?ee of revenue; but |estimating and adding them all to gether, we tbi ik" the entire revenue I will not fail abort of five hundred.mil' lion. The sqm.is indeed so large that I -* ' * ,| | 9 ' * - * we almost doubt he -possibility; yet we are convinced the Result brill; show an Increase: if a«ything over (oven that amount.: We have left odt'ofthe calculation the South entirely, ... Yet when restored to their jaltegiaifc'b,] we may. expect a coiisiaenibU revenue from the Son thorn Stales. When the war closes a new. i tnpelus will btflgiyr en to every branch of mechanical art. Improvements will be made in every department .wl ich| contributes to Na tional wealth; population will increase; new lands bp chltiyatOcl, new mines of Sealth oponeljand manufactories, the real source ofJ our v’eallh, as well as taxes, will spring up on every hand, enriching the country and greatlyadd ing to ils'resource s. ] Our debt is in deed large, larger ,han we .ever dream ed of. Yet our _ revenues are corre.- ependirigly- iaijge, our resources, cor respondingly grea * IWho.eyer dream | ed that Boaverj county qould piodueoj a revenue to the g< neral government of i one hundred th'onr anil dollars a year; iy.et it wiU y-lelcl that and more during Hiiis year. , Yet ve arc nosbtmlencd With taxes. We scaicoly notice orj led the effect of tl is taxation.’’. Oil and whiskjTpay a ccimdderable part of that amount, ajid ;he increase on tho.se articles;! if felt! is' neither serious nor' ■ / i' | * i greatly detrimental to public interest and public gooi, t The tax on iiiucmes is, not burden. Some, an«l yet llio j jield from that isgrsater than old ecbn - 5; ° ‘ - • . mists ever dreamed coiild.be raised from all sources. Bu ying never known whol taxation-: wits; or what national debt was, it is no wonder the nation was alarmed at the expanses of the war. Our dqbt itjtho cl(iae.,of the war, will/ non equal the debt ..of .Ji). e ingintu comparison ealth and resources It is but a lithe of po.iii nations. We ary struggle, tak Clio inhabitants, i of the tiomrtry. the debt of Eir arc notjyet bank and wili not be, < for years. A mi flection 1 is all ilia' the (cars of any cry about our ent dreadful fore hot I ftivvly lraiU reflecting' fool*. - lion, groat in our durance and im in wealth, and ; •- t ■ • 1 sources. r The Dross Reform. ■Wo iiiolice lbs;t | the ladies of the country have initiated what promise* to bo x an import int- movement. We allude to the gro it National Covenant, oa League, 1 by \jfbich the women of America intend to help our borne man ufacturer.' iThe importance of the! movement oanno; be easily over-e-li j mated. ,It wou d j give loi our home" manufactures j see| an impetus that they would soon b 3 placed beyond the reach of foreign c mipeiition. , *, , There have! been several suchmove-j ments inaugurate jin England at vari- 1 ouse periods of ii ;r history, and-al ways with mark* success. Such 1 was the law " of Paili mient enacted in the retga iif Queen. Elizabeth, by which it was- ordered tha i all. the dead should be buried in woe Itn, in order to en courage the in: nutaeturo of woolen goodsj Another example is afforded by the present - iecn Victoria, upon the occasion of a great distress a mongst the manutucturefs of a sort of wookjij g'Kids The Queen ordered a falljfuit of tin) article, and it was arrnpsticed. that. Her Majesty would appean on a cerlain day, arrayed in a' full Court dyes:> of the r material in quest!or. This scon set the other Ja dies p: | the Cour ilo iai Italy thoexani* pie qf the Queen* laud the consequence; was mat . the it anufacturers bad as raanjr ordew for I bcir goods as they coudd supply. Wo hope that our loyal Union wo. men ; >f Americii yvill carry'out' the grand idea which they have so amyl oionsl i> I inaugurati «1. ; JtosriqES or Peace.—Commis sions or the following named persons have licen received- at the Recorder's office, vir B. 8. Imbrio. Johnston Calbq inj Bbheit j&ttqq, Frederick Walts, James ftous and Abraham BJ .Wolf. ! cmr etiltltes a most I . |j n nfnnnh^ffithat Gen.Graxt’s H KAtQDARTKu May Not quite one-half of t|ie. aHliy -JwM G J i.JSg*■■l't*P ,e F i%ariifyei*neub^Wpitheewmjr po"!™- Burlwj didarjpy upon GewLceand hisarmy his &en fogghtaei gJo fully up; and Gtineral 'of! antigen V&mot.- iCao* thewhole rtbefc«Pt»nt>|a«ut- h;,- command an affile; * of l hlfc d*y tf'ereonljfa #aj Wtaoi upon the oncray at day- w Lbqii pfStode-to-th# bloodiest workr-ki (fit . was heavy firing on two idaya of hard fightipg. baa driven WillfelloW.tiwaonow. Reveille was dark. but it was ofshort duration.: | his horde of savage; reW» . tbWai , d«.* b 1 ~nd P d * l ** and the *hord tUs it was hrought and-witb ftir brave grmy patriot*^* the .Sfe.* we bave no doubt will be able to tie- March from ChancOllorsville sriUtb afternoon, J jiVr‘CdliammOr cure a splendid viof dry,' and in give weslwardly on lhe' road to read the : toltuwiDg telegram«rom thu the last finishing blow to tberebellldp. Beereiary of war; ~.' Leo, and will strike hi* biows against Rhad, Sedgw«ek corps fr&re ‘•o|n to Richmond.'’ Lee i Was In the grand army of the rebels as rap- loiwbehiuf Warren - Gen. Sheridan full retreat, with Gens. Sedgwick, idly afc pbssihiu, and at the same, time wjwi tWoncepirata Iho whole cavalry Uancockv'Rurnsjde. add. Warren.close thatthd arriiy df the PolohJiiC i<ih , i ’ ~ / * ■• . i . i . 1.. milds'iSoutbl-of ChancellorsvillO, and motion towards the rebel c*p<to»i a jVpdd af4r strong force will bow up the James SijnariV i Cavalry,, thd; main body of river add the Peninsula, Thepmmdr ,wliicb| wits reported to be conceiftfeit tal Be tier is at City Point, holding <4 AV differen t bodies had been in „ [ ' i ■ t molion but ;» short tiiliO, When.at Beauregard tpnot. | ■r , r ■ nik o’clek. topdmXame In!i ifiU i In tUe West. Sherman; has jpnshe.i b.jti, the Turnpike hud Plank; rokfs. his gallant army ofjtho Cumberland running parallel from thisVicirrityto ! beyond fTttnnol Hill IU thedirediop of Otongo Court House, Dsltonin llie ht.miof Ending Johristbii.l ■Wfre., advancing waft:. T .. ; , jv. , , f T . _ artillery towards us. from near Old H is understood that a n 'd N /w y er diersville. li ' X who hds never suecessftilly made a jgenerals Grant and Meade came up stand any where, has fallenj i back jto frpnt Germania otders Were Atlanta Georgia, and if be should aU «s«ued lei hall the various colnraijs. of tempt {to reinforce Leo,die will r .i te, » <PW : r _l , i. ■ -i. ■ V for battle, at, tins p»i\t, A command- Gen Cox to meet him on the way.— j ni , ridge, funijing from the iKirth- Cox has moved iipLfrj>tn yfest |Viigm~; west to the' son:beast, across =bptb ; ia more than a week ago, and \yill r.| ads-over • jw'iiich the eneirny Were soon be beard from. fOTlierevef that at vabcing, about half a mile to. the -X. WWt ot this point, offered , a fine posi runner goes he is surc to t yL, , or tll / formation of a ba&e. haye Sherman ana Thomas pressing fpjht, and wns selected for tliis i'mr hard , upon His retreating cnluimns puse. Sedgwick nss ordered tp lake Let tis hope qnd triitstjin 1 (Gkd, who ilie right,' iVarren 'tho center,’ and rules in the ration's of the caVtli, lliiit Jf at, , c to come Up on ~, •?--•■; j • t. r tie left. Warren and beugwickf grit' thfe phms of our commgndcr-.h.ch.yf 'eloyen and wiiu tho bra vatu rul .noble patriots in ncoliflller was lieard in his may be Ruccpiwfiil aiul tHa* ile front: ; About nfHm General War sooh wetnay bavo the;cheering news r^.n '*** . -to push Crriffln's the rebellion has boom crushed, and d^ i ' J " *> rw !V‘ a l ° tl'e nght and left v tt • . 4 x s| 1 of the. turnpike and I ascertainhwbat the Union j • t tl e cilemy were about- Burtlett’s —-—: brigade! moved up to the letirdind MM==PW_l Piipl by any moans, ibonld tho war last •pie review and re . is required to/quiet >npi; Tins continual •rmous dent,'arid its ini's, comes, exdu rfj ami ignorant, un \Vo are yet as a na armies, grout in on iJelerminaiion, great daily in re = Concert for the Benefit of the La dies',Soldier s’ Aid Society | The singing ela«» in Beaver, under the Superintendence of 'Prof's. Cola and Borden, tvfft give a Concert! for tlie-benefit of the Ladies’ Sol die re’ Aid Society, ot^ Friday eVeni ng, May t ISth, in the j-Prosbytermn Church, t commencing at 7i p. m:' The ‘ class has bcenjwcll drilled ,inmusic, | amlj we have hopoubt the entertain ment will be nnc. Pi'df.j Colo has ( proved himself a most s.OcceJssfill add j, competent, toucher, |ahd is ;oi|e of the ' finest Ijbpb ' appealing j:We tru-i 111 rt'.tvae uf-> h«4s' be o! ts cet faintly a wohhy 6ne, * in, the generosity of nil; ahd thin, in addition to the music lion*, wilNiiotliail to ilrrv a f The price ofudinUsion ; will 25 ',enla. !." |i 1 1 , . / ’ kinds «i School B stationery to ha had at June t Ron's, in the North- sast corner iff the 4 diamond. Also Blank Deeds,' long j and short, double arid winkle 1 -i Mort- > stage. double and single, Legal j paper, 1 bill paper, account paper, blotting pa- J pen and a good atsortmon t ofivall pa- ; per, together with all the monthly, ( Magazines, Barper, Atlantic’, Knick erl-ocker, Gndcy’s. Lady's Oook. Ar. 1 thnr's Homo. Lady's 'Friend. Peter- j son’s;. Magazine, Fia’.nl|; Leslie’s, Keen ; ord of Fashions,’ Mad 1 Demorest Push- 'i ions, BallonV, Mountain Prince, and . the £|liila(lelpliia,' New' 'York, and Boston weekly papfers, and Pittsburg daily papers. [ -'•*( . L . : - '-4—|-f i‘' •••’•• J [ - J; Q. Andetdsjw, of the, 17th Pa. Cavalry has roedved bis eommis* s'foti as Lfeut. Colonel olf live regiment, and » now jwjtiivgGolonel id the ah serce of Col. Kellogg-. I We -, hope to hear a good account of the Major dur ins this caippuigdJ fite 1 hgs been tried, and has proved himeclf tp-.bc a I bravo, skillful und feurleiis officer. •. 1 ■ ■ :!i -I' •• • ■ -ij. Sword Prese.ttatiov.— Wo learn from a correspondent that the mem bers of Co, P, T4oth 'P.V'., presented Lieut. Purdy With'pn ’elegant sWofd, as a token of their esteem and,respect for liim an a trqyi and soldier. Lieut.: P. is a true and. faithful and. vv.e feel assured that be will not do • - i . . • , - ';* | a . ,;t anything that will dishonor ho sword. WASrHtKQTejf, May 9th, 4 p: m.—A bearer of dispatches 'frofm: General Meade’s Headquarters has just reach* ml here. He states that Lee’s army commenced falling buck on Friday, night, and our army commenced the puisuit on Saturday.’ The rebels were in fall retreat ft: Richmond .n'tt>e direct road. Gen. Hancock passed through Spottsylyapiajf Court .House at daylight yesterday! j : j Our headquartersaihoon yesterday! were twenty mHes south or the battle field. We occupied Piedeiicksburg. The depot for oigr wounded is estab 1 - li—lied at.Fredericksburg.' „■ 4 General Butferrs stiff' hold ; «ig. the line of railroad between and- Richmond, ; preventing gard from reinforcing Lee.; ; ■ ring]* firm n»?« • •nd fifty tbom>«nd dbllan tb«Londot TTmcafor'A’d' •lyera' [regulars to the fight o|fj [jibe oad, S weiiier’a following, in reserve After advancing about three quarters b: .a mlle.Uhey suddenly found [ihem «lye9 r by a well.formed '«rbng rebel position, on a thickly wooded ridge, A severe fight cn*ued. Out r two brigades held .their ground, againstevidently greater numbers, for nearly art hour,' butj the enemy sue needed in overlapping Ayers’ regular biigudbahd forcing it back pi'ecipi 4»e#i v i , I OurtjloBfl: in this affuir. was qnrte A}*W 1 and i Bartlett"* brr* glades,'principally, suffered. If;a] del-; !itfc figures can, r.o y be given;,but.. e total will probably not exerted six| mdr'ed in killed, wo'li ruled and ipiss I K- im:LUVint|niuv mroFlrntfilrcu: isoner*. Uaneoell's corps j" had; on ordered, to turn off the’ r|ad : he urtcd ouj, |on, rtnd niarch over, a osrt road as rapidly , art possible' for is point, to cotnpieto the lino, of, iAbout three o’cloclt in the after-,! njoouy alter; the fight in thocente' - bad;l closed,[a mjbvcnieijt.by- the enemy j discovered,i evidently [meant to |throw; j aj:force be!ween HaNpork and the re-, mainder of, therafnr.y. Getty's Divis ion.of Sedgtfick's Corps wasroideicd 1 it onee |t« stay thit dangetbns de-j yonstmtion. ' Ilsncoek’s nifvartccl I rived just in time <\o forrri with etty’s to the left rtnd righijof the j [ttrtk ;i Road, leading' directly from | haneollorsville to j Orange; Court! pose. General Grant .ordered theniu I'attabk the advancing enemy- in pr4l ;r tc giyo thej remainingDiyisibn of! uncopk-'s Corps tone to conns up and ] rm. . They did so; 'and beertnieal! ice ho*ly ynguged ip woods >0! thick iat it; was a almost impossible [lb au nice iii line •Birney’s Division of the Second Orps ii soon cante up,~ and quibkly irnicd op the right of Getty, Barlow's ilrid Gibbon’s Divisions formed a sec-, ond line. As they came up, tlie one 1 my !n Vast,force [pressed energetical ly and repeatedly oni the front, arid rt most furious rnu-ket fight continued lor nearly two, hours. The heavy prober and dense undergrowth renl (red, the; use of artillery impossible, id -poly a few rounds froml.heavy. eccsjwere fired [on either side. ‘But Vo vipfenec; the muske'ry surpassed eryuiing in the history -of the Ar y of I the JPotofnae. [ /I - Dnrjlirte rtteatffly hehl fts grernmi nn the jwhole Corps was formed,; wheti ! nightfall prevented an /advance on our art; and put an end lojthre F.adewortb's Divisiory- and a brig ade of Robinson's; Dry! son, under command of Geif. Rotiinstm. wer-ebr dcred to tage iho 1 enemy in front of Hancock; by the rightiflank, hut rtiirk-! jivas also, prevented tlrtrlull execution of this fign-t. ' • . ; j ; 1 ‘ j: The loss bar left wHf prrtbabTy reacß Otic ihonrtand. ineiadinji' General Ale»- andejr .Uayß, killed, and Cofr. SK /Car rol and Tyler are ainoiig Uio wounded I fl aucotrk’n men behaved most admira, hly. l F'rtth New York Cavalry; jrt inivartcfitg' on the; road to ‘ Parker’s store, 1 was [ attacked by a; . superior lorcblin tho mbrnhig, and driven back tyilh considerable loss. General Sber- inks, and .Robing- (Ilan' sent & message to general|Mi'ado, (in the evening to the effect .be' I had mat part of Stuart’s cavufyy, and | nav driving, them fn' every diij^c-tio^i! The events of to-day may be sum med up a& follows; General Lee-nrado two atuerapte to cut our army In two; both on tbd right and left by getting between the nver jand Warner's ahd sedgwiek’s corps, with only part of Burnside's across on thel one side and between General Hancock's Corps and tpe remainderof the army on theqth er,that bewaa foiled in both purposes and that the, my has barn conceit. big Iwowell Mie hundred I *. y«*f to If i ' [.These Bonds *Ee issued under'the Act•.of Congress!of, 1864. which - provides that all Bonds issued under thia Act sh|sll be EXEMPT FROM TAXATION by or under any , * i.i\-j--Ii I . ' • ■■ -1 0 munieipaTSathority. Subscriptions to tress' Binds , are', received in United States notes or Nations! Banks. They are TO BE BE: BEEMEDINCOIN.at the pleaadre of th|e GoV ersmcnlijat anyperiod not laa than Jen nor mart than'/pfti/ years’ from their date, 1 and.until.their redemption FIVE PER CENT. INTEREST WILL BjBvPAID IN COIN, on Bonds of not over one lulhdred dollars annunally andjou all Either Bonds' sithi-annually. The interest is payable i oa- tho &st days of March [and Sep* tember ip eachyear.v - ; |-^.- i: j Subscribers will receive eiiher Bsgistered or Coupon Bonds, as they may prefer. Register ed Bonds. are recorded bn the books'of the U.-S- Tr|easurer, and' canbei transferred only, on th e owner’s otder. Coupon Bonds are pay able to Lbearbr, and are more convenient for commercial, tries. j ■! - 1..' I . Subscriber* to this loan will have,the option ; of! haring - their Bondsl, draw interest frbm , IjM jrch.lst, by paying the secured. interest iu>j I so in—(or in United Stater notes, or the" notes i I,bf [National Banks, adding fifty per cent. ' fjr j 1 premium.) or[reeeivcd lhem drawing ibttfrejgt! [form the date of subscriptisn and j As these Bohtl* are. 1 1 . ['' ' [Exempt from municipal orjstate j TAXATION, their [value is/increased form one ! to threo per cent, per annum, accordingJto the | raio.i of {tas leivics 1 in various parts of the [ (:ojuntry[.' , V I ; ._j l !' [ 1 ,1 Atthe present rite of premium; on gowfuey W ■'!. ■ I I ' - ' •'/' : ''L: j.. OVER EIGHT PER GENT /INTEREST | in currency, and are of equal convenience asja pt rmanent or temporary investment. I j j It is! believed that no securities offer :SO, t great inducements to lender* as thejvarious descriptions j of TJJ S. bonds. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith or ability of private [parties or [stock! companies brj separate : communities only! is pledged for payments,, while I for the debts of the United States the -■>—'r i« _holl!efi [to I securc liho payment of both principal-and intci-estia coin, j ■ | j | I These Bonds may be [subset ibed fotj’in suing frouj S5O up [to any magnitude, on the same 1® term's, [and are thus made equally available j to | the smallest!lender and the largest capitalist. ■ They can-be converted into money at any eqo- I’thent; and fhc holder will have the benefit of jjthe interest. | . I. j [".l | {; It may be usefal lo state in this connection {i that the total Funded liebt of the ; Untied States [oh -which interest is payable! in gold, on the dd day of March, 1864, was $/|5B, 90p,- i'DO. The interest on'[this debt fop- the tfejm thing yeas will bo $45,937\126, while the customs revenue in gold for* be current fiscal year, ending June 3Uth,lB(j4, lias been so,far|at the rate;of over 100,060,000 ;>or annuim' r I i ■ 1 ' ‘. i 1 | It will be seen that even the present g >IJ revenues if the Government are largely in excessiof the wants of the Treasury 'for the payment of gold interest, while the recent n- , crease Jbf (he tariff will doubtless raisethem anal receipts from customs pn the same a mount of importations, to $l3O,OOO|OOC rcr annum'. j ' ’| f i 1 J . ( j | Instructions tot he National Banks acting as loan agents We're not, issued fromtileCnited Slate Treasury uni ill March 2fyj'b|ut in :he first three weeks fif April the subscriptions' averaged ; ! nfiTre |han TEN XILLIOXS - A week ■; j' -v i ■ ! |•: ■ • Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Pittsbar)|h/ Third National Bank of Pittsburahj “ AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS T. j I which arc depositaries of Public money, and; all . |l' r . ■ ;j RESPECTABLE BAXES AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agent of ine National Depositary Banks,) will furnish,' further information on application and [ Afford '.Every Facility to Suberibtn. • , may!l’C4-j— inside 3m. "I ~ I LICENSE NOTICE. T IS(T. of applicants for License at June' l i Term, 1804. ' j- i T.NSa OK TAVEHSr: , ! | ; Hennr Bimber.... -.Pliillipaburgh boro, MiebMljKemp............Rochester fbbro, i. William J0hn5t0n........ do R.R.Baker.. ...Economy, - I M*0kJ0hn8t0n... , ......-..Hanovertp, ' Andrew Sweauy ......„Qreene tp. I 1 Daniel Barnard . .Xcw Bt ighfon hurt, I I ,i»n4 Johnstow. Bearer »j>,' ’■ Henry Ankeny.......... Bridge water, bor ’ ‘SimbnCottorui...........Economy tp] .! ' George Proudley..Bridgewater bor. pOBEX,L IIQCOR3 1N QUANTITIES NOT ; ( LEdS THAN ONE QUART* With! OTHER i, OOriMJ ■" \if J ; | j ■Jbhn A8er......... ..Fairriew, Ohio / I Wm.Breitenstein.......Economy tp r i ' Peter,Angel....;....,.^.Bridge water Bor; • Geo. C. Speyerer.......Rochester boro. mayll,’C4 JOHN! A. FRAZIER, Clk PUBLIC VENDUE. A LL THE HOUSEHOLD GOODSiof the X i. of- 0«L UiCHtan P; Robkrts, deo’d.,i will be soli at j public vendue,: at the I >oU *« bf U. Hlce, Esq.; in Beaver, on j' ( ' TJJESDA Y, MA Y 2ith, .180*, | Commencing at 9 o’clock, embracing. Be* ■ ’ Hedding,Boreaua,’EcWes.Chsirs, Mirrors, Harpers, Cnpboard- ware, Baggy, Hmess. etc., etc. Credit given. with" appro* ved senaritv. - I v 1 ■ Wi* HEN»t“ .. j - : BxMnt*r.. itmt Jbater &aiieh a, folloK,- * 8:30 ». *.. ArriT*» ii PUubnJif L;i -2:20-iv k; - ..<§: u |f b^f- iftOo, 6:64 r. jit.. l i, , .:?:!■ v Ooiso West— ' 8:5(1 fcar< Pittilimgk a> fillom • I'- piTrsmmo, ft. wAHFTchwaoo : RflJsKeafof Station -Goiso^ 9t , ' Leaves Rochester Arr ..W! Ist Brigh’n Accom. fiito a: * ' - Sd.BngU’n 1 •«,. 12:80 fc H *• *. •• fcoo>; *Tn >•». '•ail, i • &13p. n. '[ let. Express, . 1:05 a. x.i Vvs , •^• >a Express 5t:05 r.\. J' *• o.aeia’ti*i|, * 5:45 p. „ l 9 :;S» *■ , doiAti Wist— /“■»■».' ~ViJ ' Air, si Roei mi ' [ (rtstlfos Accom. 2:16 p. y „ Utßrigh’uAccom. 9:16 a.m. iiitli •• 2d Brigh’n •< 12:00 m/ ’ i'm * -1 ' «•>••••• •• 4:?op. M..::;?i|;> 4th , «« •• . ■ 8:40 >.,k. * Ist Express, < 1:» a. u . lti d S-M 2d Express, ffltV ■-'.'.•-I -P APQ. BRADLEY, Snpt.'Ti) l • als, .Uiplomas, Certificate!!, Trcmraiak Teslithoßiala, bare beeu received from rub 7 tfhS aonrces, both .Public and Vrivite. t • Self-r Adjusting and Adjustable! Tie oatj frringer With the Patent, Cog-ffteel It«r;U. tot, tor mining both tolls together acXj whiei positively prevents the rolls tfom breaking ot • titistijig on the abaft.! tt fa" hofoalyfT pet. feet Wriuiter, blit the Cog-wheels .gin o'- s i powerj which tenders it a mss Eridlmt -I Wosher/presaing and • separating, i» j, jd M i~ 1 the dir% o with the*w«lp- froei - rite' ciitbee;' Itaying dryer, whitpr/anj saoatJn-ibsa’ when -'wrung” byhaaU The truer rJa b»- pressed from large tied ;m!! -ar-if/ei, easier,/ •• quicker,, and more thoreisj'v.y tfnji by the or- ’ dinary. old-fashioned- -,, ' straining, and clothes vr« r— • - .TBe Cog-wheels preterit !t!l -twitt 'm\ of clothes by the fricticW of the tbits Ctlr.ui jng of] stitches by twistihg v ’ " | Without Cog-wheels, the ;.whu>, sttfa at farcing the cloth'thicugli fhe Maemieupu ■■ upon the lower roll, and the- cloth is juut Vi act irij the place .of j Cog-.w heels;'to. drive A* upper roll, causing a diuch greater strain up on the fewer roll than when Cog-wheel?. -with ohr IVtent Kegijlalor.lye used.'beiide- tiie ex tra strain, upon-the cloth. ‘ A Good tjanvaeier wanted in.every \own. Liberal iodnbeiaeM offered, | and exclusive aale^uarsnteelf. I i ,U. CiBROWISG. Agjjnt. r • 347 Brodway, New) Vork 'VTSL G. WOLF. Am in. -'Bbwjogh towhshjp.. i • ■*' 1 May ,llt ’34 Notice in the. Orphans'Co-art The following' appraisements under the if. of Assembly, of the, Hlhuf April, iSoi, t: properly, allowed to be retkined by a wia*w of. children of a decedent, f to the iTilae’jf sBoo.'>er*e beea frled in tbe OlEce of the Cleri of the , Orellana’ Court, of .Beaver county and approved niti. - . , ■ '*■ ■ Persopstf property to amount ..of, js2oo, I; widow of .Joh4 M.Xukens, dec’C;pfß«l» ter boTo, .Vary Lukens, Adra'rs, ' ■ Aipount of caeli- f 240, ole tViHo be rettit-. ed by| widow of feenj. ; McGaffick*Jece»«i- JeSBu|M’6affick,\?Br.B. M'Gaffick aadAsdnv MGttffick,Ex'rs. I ‘ - Personal property tffa.cbutrt of.ir-l 45-105 by widow of Josicli Todd;' JobnSlsntt, £»}, Executor, 5 ' • .iK T- al tv"— — of S3-'*o, k; .'ersonal property, t > amount, of S3X’, by widow of Sftm’li -Kelly, laie oftheibornaji if| Jiew Brightpn,'ilec«;a.ie>l. , RoS-t. JUfyrf and Jf.' NT. Williams, jAdm'rs. / ; | , Persona' .property t o amount of s ; 3j!s SMS, by w-idow of ' Joseph | Alcorn, Moon ip., dfc ceased. Jas. SraitA. Adtu'r. .j| Pciponal property 16 imouiijt $3 ),j>, by-lls ry Cpwan, Qreene,tp-’' James Brittain. Adnt Personal property to .amdunt tjf jj'.-O, i.' widow of James Carothers, Greensjt?., 3', ceased. i,RobfWhitebill, Adm’r. , j ‘ jPersonal property to amount of $3!O, lj; widow of John >\. .Braden, Raccoon' tp..de ceaitpd. Rebecca Braden, Adm>i. Perianal property to amount of $3OO, If widow i.of IlarTOy Gamble, Greta i ip., i*". ceased.|BosannWli Gamble, -Admri, • ' Personal property to imount o.' $133 3MW. and balance Oui of real estate in tiwrtott Conniy to amount of $3OO, by widow rf.w- M’Kean, deo’d. Henry Kirkpatrick. Ada't- JOHN A. FRIZIEEi ‘ I'liefa. j May'li, 18G4. B VER ss; '•[!_ IN the Orphans' Cifarl in and {or At count; *of Bearer, before ihellon. Juigt 3 of t 0 . 3. Court. ,In tbp mntfer cf exception 3 10 ,■ account of Agnes Carothers andicye Cared .era, Administrators of the estatejof : Job'-* C* - rotiers, dec’d., who. was A®mlnts{r»tn cf ul estate of Jatnes*tarolhers,.dec'd.: ii" ' j . And now. to wit, Feb. 24th, tee Court j appoint' Janies 8. Rutan, Eaq.. so 'AuditortJi take testimony and'report thc f4ct|3 on the w ccptions.~ [A true. Extract, j f: ! . , i • JOIINvA. FBAZIER; Clerk- The, Auditor above ainel vj* attend to the duties bf his appointm;n! si ll office (in the Court Holt sc, in Bearer. on Tnd' day the 31st day of Sjay, at 10 o'clock, 16-' at which time parties interested, and theitd' tornies, will attend if they think propp . • mayll’Gl > J. b. RUT AN, Aujiiion X>ividend. IVo. 13* I J f Bank or Bkatsr CotsiM : :, ’ .New Brighton, May 3,1864. . iif-- f | iHE President and Directors of tU" «- ''■l hare'this declared a DIVIDE" , POUR Pfiß OE.Vf. upon its Capital ?»«*•s of the profits of the-last 6.ttonths,;,}>*? 'j to.Stoctholdera or their leg%l reprcsei^i* tlT on demand. EDKABD HOOP'-. ;■ aayHj’Si , Cas*. l^ STRAYED OR STOLEM.; ON Saturday, May Ist. from tbe? u ere, at Uomewood Station. io BiJ tp i a medium sized bay, tiofsei .wji>“ ‘ ( j,- mane land t ail; 8 years old, and blio-* left eye, Any parson returning f ing infetmatfon where hp can be fopni. be liberally rewarded by '■ I ,-n mayll.’B*. ,J FATTEBSOSj-V^ Do You Want Employ«n e n«r , I OFFER a pleasant business for ib» PP, ( \ and Summer, with large ay new circular, eoatainiugfuli ' II I *• X, ■*-». r. K, *• K. *•8. MI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers