A MMtISOFTSE - Jr* thtlrmderafctwl «*• (*$ that ihi aad JHtr»lai|mji of ow coveraldtiei huracigned hdbamneftof umnsM too*that AYER'S * tMwmtfer.t t»« boon found to bo , .tWmodsfbf, great excellence, and worthy tta 'oonfldeabe'of the oomimmity. /.' j : hon. james coos. • j | Mayor of LOWELL, MASS. HOK. AHBIN BEARD, | Mayor of NASHUA, N.|H. BfON. B. W. HARRINGTON, j Hayor>fMANCHB3TEB. N. H. HOST. JOHN ABBOTT, * . ‘ ;; I - ~ Mayor of CONCOEDi If- IL HOW. Jj R. BULLOCK, of WOEOBBTEB, MASS. HOR. JT i.TH’L SILSBEE, /. .1 ' Mayor of SALEM, MASS. * hon. sk *p., (j 1 )‘iMayor of BOSTON, MASS. HON. WM. H. RODMAN, ■ 1| | ] layor of PSO VIDBUCB, H. £. HOW. ikos W. PRENTICE, j L Mayor of NOBWIOH, CONN; HON. |i N. HARRIS, jl v ■ - Mayor of KBW lOMOU, CONN.. GSAS. s. rodier, i! u : ; | v .Mayor of MONTBEAL, O. B. BON. D. P. TiEßta&rW, ill_ ■J . : p. Mayor of NEW YOBK CITY. BON. B. M. KENSTRET, . '-jHj Mayor of HAMILTON, O. W. nON?'|uDAM WILSON, , | -li Mayor of TOBONTO, O.jW, feM. BISHOP, " j , , iayor of CINCIIJiTATI, OHIO. ll H. CRAWPOBD, || |! Mayor of LOUIS V lU,E, KY. | ItOHN SLOAN, . .|| Mayor of-LYONS, -IpWA. HON. JAMES McPEETBES, ;| >. Mfiparlof BOWMANVILLB, O. -W. HOnTMmES W. NORTH, • • Mayor of AUGUSTA.ME. HON. HENRY COOPER, Jr., ' : |T Mayor of HATiTiO WELL, ME. ..ABCON. JAMES a. BEEK, |Uyor of FBEDKBXCTON, N. B. HONi IWILLARD NYB, . Majyor.or HEW BEDPOBD, MASS. HON. ?J''BLAISDBLL, of FAJCjXj BXVHEt, HASS. fw. H. CRANSTON* J ■SI Mayor of NEWPOBT, B. !• HON, IfRED STAHL, ''“'■'l f Mayor of GALENA, ILL. {JOHN HODGDEN, ' r S[ Mayor of DUBUQUE, lOWA HON. THOMAS ikyor of CHATTANOOGA, TE^N-. HON. ROBERT BLAIR, , - I'I; . ► f |j^Mayor of TUSCALOO&A* AJ!»A« HON.-Hi D. BAIJG-H, | • | Mayor of MEMPHIS, TENTS,* jGBBARD STITH; . (I ' I Mayor of'IJBW ORXtBANSj T*A. | |H. D. SCRANTON, : { I Mayor of EOCHESTEB, S. T. f 3 WITT O. GROVE/ \ Mayor ofUTIOA, N. Y. 4 GEO. WILSON, •! j' ■ -S | Mayor of PITTSBUBG, PA. HON.Ib. H. BUHL, | •»'Mayor of DETHOIT. MICH. HON. HEOAN L. PAGE; i j Mayor of MILWAUKiE, WIS. iION.jIW. W. VAUGHN, |j ; Ma?or of BAOINE, WIS. HON. A. PARR, i Mayor of KENOSHA,/ WIS. V JOHN C. HAINES, Ij - Mayor of CHICAGO, ILL. |B. Jj. A. -HEATH, ' | Mayor ALA. J. NOBLE, Mayor of MONTGOMEBY,! ALA, hon: w. s. holtbad, . j ’ Mayor of COLUMBUS, QA. leSPARTERO MANUEL, / I i ,' iloyor of. VEEA CHUZ^ |?IETRE DE CABALLO, ; * i/l • Msycr of MEXICO, BON RSTEPHANIE RODRIGUES, I j,' ■ Mayor of HAVANA. ANTONIO ECHEVERA, .' ||v Mayor of LIMA', PE3U. W. Q. HILANONQ, | Ikayor of VALPAHAISO, fcHTT.T. rfON MARO SESQUIPEDAIjIA, Mp-or bf 810 JANE£EO v BBAZIL. Certkfihat the' rftjidont Drug/iata liave teanred thcm| ;,1 \ Sarsaparilla X«. an eicollentjcmedy, and v- HON. fHON. ] HON. lUl , ]w• HON. . HOW. HOW. HON, HON. HON. 7 HON. HON. BON DON BON DON - _ | idencoi cf the comnLmity. Fnr rlffing the Blood* For Scjrofnlaor Klng*i Ipvll. ■ For Tuner#, ttcerit and Sores. For Rriptlotti and Pimples*. For tuhei) Qlalus, and Uj>Uii For s| Anthony’* Kose r & For Tauter or Salt Rheum* *[• For Scald Head and Ringworm* For anti Ctfireroos Sores • For- Sdj® **•>'««» Sore Bars, and ll >For Female Diseases* , • rot sippc«t lon and Trregnlarlt; / ; : or Syphilis or Vtscrwl Dllfwii: Iner Complaint*.' . r-|ie*«*B of the Heart. ■ V , '•" : |l'- . ■, ■ . ‘ ' >-c Tdayoro of the chief cities of tl ■ ■d d'Jilcs, Canada*, and British Pro Brnsil, Mexico, . rao»ti:Sl- thwoities on this continent -jiSnod|tjit-B ‘doevtnjetit, tojiissnre their vhnt thoy may use with sai , But our apace Will bnJ a thorn. | Sarsaparilla, jeer’s Cherry Pectoral, I Ayer’s Pills, nnd I , ; y-i • dyer’s. Ague Cure, .' | ' raEPABEii nr ‘ |" ■ w. }. 'if. Ayer & CoJ,* 1 ■. ' LOWELL, MASS*' ‘I ‘ • ’lrssSd»ts tr£r> whhie.' ■|■ TI 4m! -ij OfeBOT.OIL, : .• |: • : r,f&y , I : lV t: il-. 0» r ■ . * ♦ ■ ■* ROCHESTER, IRTUi’S IWfW, FIRST ARRIVAL OP !• . y ♦ • ’ SPRING DRY GOODS ISE Prints Best Chintz \ { Styles, From IS 3-4 to 25 cents 1 per yard. Ginghams, Checks, Ticks, Tabid Diapers, Jcans, Cassimeres, Muslins, Brown ; and! ■ • ■ ’.V U And'a full line of ENGLISH,' FRENCH "L GERMAN GOODS; fI! 'SPUING Db LAINES,. ■ / .V very choice selection of( styjes andjputl ily, at prices'within the reach' ofjall./ BA RUED ELANN EL§ and Wobij c EN GOODS, ■ \J • At ruinous, prunes, /at FORTUNE'S’ CHEAP STORE, (Near tho Post Office',)' State iSfpPtnal School. BDISBOJIO, ERIE CO., PA. ; . i fTPHE'buildings are-new, neat and: conren -::g ■ ienl; giiod-Libraries, Reading Room nndi Apparatus ; Instruction thorough and practi-j cal. ’ . Tuition per term of fourteen weeks, $4,00; Hoard $2,23 per week ; s3o;sopays the whole term’s expense,* including tlie ; use of text hooks. ; • : ■' ’ ■ The’ Fall terra open?,’ August 18, 1803. V. Egf Scad for Circular. ' ! i ■J. A. COOLER, A.M., Principal. ■ augp:3m ■ ;; croir, 00b&.00.,’. Advertising and Commission . Agents v i , AND DEALERS IN j PRINTING INKS OF ALL' KINDS Type,> Printing Materials, WRITING ANDi’RiNTINO PAPiCR.CARDS, &C . OFFlCES—Brown’s BhifriinO, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York. njar2h;lv. . j ■ ‘ | \'< : ’ SELECT schoql, • Openp Monday, . Sept., 28th. Mathematics, Sciences and Languages, Taught-on tLemostfavorul.le terms. Ailresi D. W. SUOTT, Principal . T- 3M. McCord, Notary Public. s ■ . ‘ | orriCß t»iTi: A. 8., CHAMBERLIN, A’TY AT LAB’, (Near the Provost office, i z| Ho ai) ir,i r. ne ir MiGiiTvy, .1- BEAVER COUNTY, PA. ’ PItOAIT attention given tp (he drawing of EXEMPTION PAPERS, and nil matters’ [connected with the draft; also oaths adminis tered. acknowledgments taken,&c., &c. [dcl6 . x - i ADMINISRATOR’S NOTICE. . \ %*7" HEREAS ict'ors of administration .*n ■ W the jestatjc of Jas. Kee|>, tr.. late of Han over tp., Beaver co.j'lVe’d,,having been grant ed, to the undersigned, all portions indebted to said estate are|r requested to] make immediate payment, and those Kavingjjlaima against said estate will present them if the subscriber properly authenticated for settlement. JAMES KEKD, jr., Adm’r., ,i ' I Hanover tp. l>r. X>. M’liinney, I ’ orthy t! t'ae con- janG'64, OFFERS hi* profesiional services to tie citizens of . BEAVER AND VICINITY i ,i‘ OFFICE IK The Shannon 'Building,. •iet’l6] tie Diatnqnd'j r Efy* ilpeltu. 1 ,;l -A efired of Nervous Debility, In- Competency, PrematureDeciy and- Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefit others,- will behappyto furnish to ill who need .it (free of charge )_the receipt and directions for making.the .Bimple Egmedy ussd in his case. Those wishing to profit by his experience and possess a ‘Valuable’, Remedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (carefully sealed,) by addressing : JOHN B. OGDEN, ~ | • No.6o ; Nassau Street, New York. ,' augl2:3mi , f ' ' iraors. ■■ n be Tint ofinces, foot ol »t, have rpeople fety end y admit GREATSALE OF LOTS-IN ROCHESTER. TTIIIE subscriber will sell.at.Public Sale, in I the Borough of [.Rochester, on the 4th oSy of May, 1864, from 7& to 100 Town Lots, together with a numberof lots of. from one to ■two acres each. , Purchasers can cultivate "the lots this.season .without fencing, as they are 1 enclosed with an outside fence. Tfrma, which arelasy.will bfe made known on the day of. sale.. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. apr.2o’64. , . WM. POSTER. JAM3GS S. RUTAITJ ATT O B NET AT L AW, cmstmci; atwqbnbt. 5 BEAVER, .PBMi'A. , «S-Ott*o ra tkc COurtHcnsi.. - • . - . .*srOUAiC; **». - :'U»* - l - I .. V T- : ' ' t ( ROCHESTER, PA <S*. E.'Corner of leaver. Pa., £&tjK ‘.TtO: Hem , EXCLUSIVELY ■: -rj.- 1 ' ■ •' ''HHIS institution is tf J -id t rnn. - I . timt, care, iepen dpit clou of pstieats j.. are laboring under mental derangement s’ orj other ..'.nervous and: chronic disease. We iaan mention of nervous and! chronic 1 diseases, front the- fact that seven tenths of tjhe female, patients, that | are committed to our public Asylums, to. be 'treated for disordered minds,.are, reduced ,to that lamentable condition through previous physical disorder. . By a Well, timed-and judir clous treatment of chronic and nervous dis eases, . all physical disorders, in. the majority of cases) mpy be removed hand thus \ the mind,: having suffered through the medium of the body;; will When free from the exciting physical cause, throw off the,shackles that has bound it to worse than midnight darkness, Snd reason will, once mope, resume its jswsy, I clothed in all its primitirobcaulj and wonted' excellence, jflence the necessity 6f all thosfe, who are laboring under jthc predisposing or; exciting causes, caUulajed in the end to ini- 1 pair the. mipd to rfsorf ’ to. on i early and judicious course of remedial agentsu/ "The Institution isa'large. brick building .with a stone basement —four stories'" high and, well ventilated. ■ It is situated on an elevated table land which commands a view of entire, town —adjagent hills4-grAyds and neighboring streams; all! of which pre calculated to pro duce favorable impressions upon the disorder ,ed mind. • | /[ j I The Institution is complete in all of its ap pointments. | Having bedn tastefully fitted up at gract expense, injorder'that it may meet the: approbation and i lews of the r -ost fastidi ous'. ■,/! The wdtctp closets' tfm have • bfcen gotten up ant modern scientific principi embraces not ,only, tfio also, the medicated, , wni and descending douche 1 and successful . trcatnei other scrofulous diseasesJ . Wo beg leave to say to all those" who may be disposed to commit pbt interests of O'dear wife, sister or daughter, to our charge—may be assured no ueaie. will be spared or efforts wanting on our pi rl to condition or [to effect a restoration to their ac customed health.: and vigor of mind. ~ . . * [ For furfher particutara’scnd for a circular. All communications should be addressed to; ' ; B. |IENDIUCK, M. 1). . > , Sujp. of New Brighton Betieat 1 ! ! ew Brighton • I n0v12".C2. I Beaver Go, Pa.' ' CRITTEiSIiiEN’S a" PHILADELPHIA pOMMERCIAL COLLTEGB, 1 N. E. comerof7ts &Chestnut St., ME PHILADELi; r I 'HIS Institution, wh i H 1844,- and'is nojv eigthtlccnth iyear of iti: among its grafuates, bin ccssful Merchants alia I Copnfry, 1 1 The' object of the Inst i ford young men fbcilitic i ration for business. . 1 The branches taught i applicable to the various ' Penmanship, ‘ both plai Commercial Law, m.-it i Civil Engineering, ' Ujvi. and Modem Languages. .The system of, Ipstiut classes'or set lessons nr: student is taught, indiyi I commence alt any i er hours arcnost cohvet 'Catalogues are issnei 15th of April, contain! i dents for the year, jai terms, &0.. Land may Tj>e by addressing:the.Vrinc Tn extensive accomrn reputation, and the leiij this Institute perior to any other in t ■ then wishing to .prepar hbtain atiiJe same time prove a tecfimmendntio: i pantile House. : CKITOJFirP.sV jj. Bopk-Kceptne, nim 'pi than any other work pi sale at tiro College. 1 . S- HODGES * I • V Allot .' Miiv 7. ''.. ’ Tt BEA' i'-EMISAifY A 3 : - .1 ; 1 , 1 Rev.R.jT. Tayj Jfrs.AvS. Tayj « 4IE -NEXT TKlilj ■ fuesday. jl/txrf Anil continue 14 wed school is to make itsj dally in the Cofpmmi ] M 'JL] for the .Bern selvenfor J IN orm i|efit of thosi teaching, \ ient of the commence: Board, R< Tuition yi loom rent, tarics froni ! further pa if Faculty. Sgyfor President.pl , tnar4’C3 j ESAIiED WHO 'I MllßOllll, t r . ! - *'■■■• .!' ■ rSBURGH. PA, I- j 1. • i, ' ‘ IST.OCKj FOR 1! HE WILSI 54T rood. SFK,rET At the Lowest mar. 2-5,'63, THEIR Not Bask of! Newßrighto; Ttie Stockholders 01 County are hereby noli Meeting, trill be heloa in Tiew Brighton, on T November ensuing, bj 3 and 5-p’oloclc, p. n. I ; Directorate Serve ibd game place, on Mondat ▼ember, between 10 a. j day. By order of. the] i i.i !. SDVAi Confessions & IJUBLISIIKU for tee ; ' ing end. a caution ferfrom Nervous Debit &0., supplying si the s Self-Care:. By one v after being putlq gi£§ leal impositions!*! qua post-paid] addressed' may be ihad. of:tho »E FEMALES. *1 ' , -■ - open forth* jecop nent of the wider a bathing apparatus c>n the most «pproT.cd Lcs. This department ordinary baths but,' rm air,and ascending lor the more.' effectual 1 1 ; of cutaneous and HIA. PA. ch. was established in consequently ‘in t e i existence, numbers drcSs'of the inpsjt siic- Busincss Meu of our tut ion is solely to- af for thorough prep{- ire, Book-keeping, ns jdepartiiients of trade; in and ornamental; iematics. Navigation,, wing. Phonography/ ction is peculiar; |no u made use of, but cacl! liially, sojthnt lie nitty tnd attend at what pv lient. ! r '.| id annually after the ing namesj of, Hie stu .itd full particulars, of ! obtained at any time : ipnl. nutations, wide-spread I;tby experience of the ijoit-offers facilities su it- country, for .young p for business," and -to a MPLejijv whicli wiir i for them to any Mer- crles ot Trent Ws; on ore i widely circulated i the subject, are for CRITTENDEN, ■ney-al-Latc, jPBIJ.T.IPAI. TtelT ; : 1 1) INSTITUTE jor, A. ill., Prin/ lor, Governss. 4 WILL COMMENCE U -24f/t, 1863 J - ’ Its. t Thc aim of;the j. P u P)ls thorough, cape- Iranchcs. I nl Class, i 1 wishing to fit ihem illi be X { nacd at the term. '.....538 GO, , >3,50 to 53.00 | . tioulars inquire of tbe ' - ’ 'I ■ ‘ ‘ . K. T. TAYLOR GOODS. r^r PIT' OIEf 1863, Market • Price] Ice. i BkavsbJcovstt, | \ k OctJli 1803. \{ • i the Bank of Beaver jfied, tjhai. the Annual (t thp | Banking House, the 8d day of wlweea the hours of 1 Andslhe- election for e i ensuing year, at-the f, the 16th. day of "No il., and 8| of said |Board of Directors. BD HOOPS Cashier. Hence of an InvalkL SinefiV and as a warn young men who suf , Premature Becaj e time the means oi |- has cured htmsell tpeuse thronghraed »y.' By enclosings lope*. • tfrtglo «(>Eie» Uhor.tfAtHaWtEl ‘ *.Y. =- "h’ ! ~ - * ME LOOKIXG-tiLASS & brave soldiers and sah-orsJ NOB. 221 EAST 'TWENTY-THIRD i STREET, \Sfti LI7&A 176 GRAND BTBEET ADO 316 i AuCl UXllttQ.e3M.l :>•- - OEIITBE STEER ; •. r '.'s.- J~Z t -TT.' “■ -1 .' ■stablisbxdlSSS; H. Y\ isTASLUntb 1888 WHOhave AEeltijTe«in <V«, ffIHIS Establishment has been In successful 1 .aboulS tiie especialcare Jh operatic tot 24 rears, andislhe target “? «>P»y roppliea with those Pills bfthe kind in the: United States. We.harwnh .*?4 Si?; 1 ® 6 ? 1 , and where the brare Soldiers hand or manufacture to order every description r **l? Bailors nave; neglected Id: prbridethem of Looking-glass, Picture and Portrait Frames, 1 swttt jnlh|thtmj no better present dab be sent Plain and Ornamental Pier, Wall,Oval Allan- them by their Wends, They hare been prjjr tel Glasses, ■ Connecting Cornices, Base and to be the Soldier a never-Caning friend, in Bracks Tables, with^JaAle *>*U tflßeH> 1 ■ Glasses, Ac., Ac., Ac. - ! Mouldings for Picture C*Hffili® AfWHSIi TBOQPS Frames, in-lengths suitable fortransportathm, Wml bo [speedily. removed 4Hd effectually either Gilt. Sorting, BwewoSd, Oak, Zebra, ky «ring th«e admirable medicines, add Birdseye, Mahogany, Ac. Our new mannfac- paying B™Psr** te °kon t° the toty and extensive facilities enable: ns to ftum- ™ JC 0 , 1 ,?,! «*«W article inortrlfneas good** the best, SI end as cheap a# the Cheapest. ; ■ ' TtTEINCIUEriTAI. TO SOLDIERS. .1 rtaal*M ana ixv/Un/l t« _„|| These feeling* which so sadden ns, Usually JSSMSS v ;° n" V9*. U \ »«sc from jtroubie or annoyances, obstructed laim tO 3-° perspiratioL Minting and drinking whatever r** l ? 3 disturbing the healthful efcewb,£/ b the^panp.issibly purchase ; BU , ion 0 f tW ; li^, r and stomach, f These MSe-Order* -oH.nded i gaus.must bfereEevsd, 1 ifyou debits tofbe w&t, sS 1 May< gmos- - • .. - i j i ..■■ ■ WEAKNESS OB DEBILITY INDUCED BY „ ; ; , OVEB FATIGUE, ..if: , Will soon disappear by the use of these in valuable Pills, end the Soldier trill quickly ac quirel oddifionalistrength. ; Never let the bow els be either confined or unduly acted upon. At‘may seem strange that] Holloway’s Pills l sh'mtld beij recommended | fbir Dysentery 'and Flux, many persons aupptoihg that t hey woiild increase the relaxation:; 'This is a 'great mis take, fbr these lulls will correct the liver and | stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors froth, the system! This medicine will give tone .and'vigor to Ihejlwhole organic system howcv-' er deranged, while health and, strength follow as'a matte •of course. Nothing will [stop ‘the relaxation of the Bowels so sure aa| this fam ous medic! lie. ’■ * ' 1- ■ (1 VOLUNTEERS | ATTENTION,! INDISCRE TIONSOF YOUTH, 1 j | ”. Sores and Ulcers, Blotchings and Swellings, can:with cnrtaii|ty' be radically'cured if ihe Pills are li ken night and morning, anid the ointment.be freely used as stated in the print ed instructions; |lf treated in-any other man ner they d ry up in one part to break out in an other. B hcreas this Ointment will; remove the humor;! from the system and leavo the Pa tient hHfig>roit« cnd healthy man. - r It will re quire a little perseverance in badjCases to in ipre a last Ing cure. •, '■ i i FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET; OR SABRE OIkTHE BUL LET), SC RES OR BRUISES, 1 j ! .To wliicli every Soldier and Sailor'are liable there are no medicines sq safe, sure' and cou veriient'.as Holloway’s Pillsand ointmenti TUo poor wounded and alraost dying sufferer might have his wounds' dressed immediately, if he would onlh provide himself with ,: this malch-, less Ointment,-, which be thrust into the wound ijmd smeared, all around it, then covetied wilh a piece of linen from.'Uis knapsack,' and compressed .with a. handkerchief.; , Taking high|t and jnorhingh dr 8 Pills, to cobUthc Sys tem and prevenj, intlamation. , Every Soldier's knapsack . and Seaman's chest should: be provided with: these valuable Remedies') " . i• '• '■ : CAUTIC )J(, —None [are genuine unless the W|ords'r'//ohoirci/, AVjs ' York <ifhl I'joudon ,*!' are discerritiblo as a water-mark in 1 every leaf of thc -book of directions around each pot ,or box: the same may he plainly,seen by holJiity ihf.llfa/to me light. A: haadsouie reward will be given to, any one rendering such iufOnna-- lion alj may lead to the detection of any party dr parties pounterfeitingtherocdiqmes orvend !ng the same, knowing them to be spurious: ■ *** Soldi at the . Maniil'nct.;«ry of; Professor Hqllowat). 80 Maiden Lane,' New"'York, and by all rekpcctaUc Druggists -aud Dealers in Siedicines^ throughout the civilized world,.}in boxes at 2p cents, 62 cents and $1 each. [ :,. -. . Thi-re is considerable paving by taking t)he hirgerlsizes. ■] j. : - ,N, for the guidance Ibf pa- Ipaisinfiivery disorder are, affixed to each box. May 7. | \ | ■ ' - ; IffARRIAGE. TTS loves and bates, sorrows and angers, I hopesfandfiears, regrets and joys; MAN-! JUOpD, how last, tow restored; ithe nature treatment ang. radical cure of spenkat etrhtca, or seminal ,w%kknesa; involuntary emissions, sexual debility and impediments to marriage' generally nervousness, consumption, .fits,' mental and physicalincapacity, resulting from SELF-ABUSE—are fully explained ’ in 'the MARRIAGE GUIDE, fey WM. YpUNG, M. D. This most extraordinary book should be! in the I hands of every young person contemplating marriage, and every man or woman who de sires to limit the number of their ctffspring to their circumstances. Every pain;, diseqkc and? ache incidental to youth, maturity and old ago, is fully explained; every particle of knowledge that should be known is'hero given-!" dt{ k full of engravings. In fact, it discloses secrets that every one sbould’know; still it' isj it’ book that must be locked up, and -not lie about thehousc. It will be sent to any one on the receipt of twenty-five cents in specie or postage stamps. , Address! Db. Wm; YOUNG, 416 Spruce st.,' above Fourth, Philadelphia. 1 j , , t&~Afflicted and Unfortunate, no matter what may be your disease! before you place your self under the care of any of the notorious Quacks —native or foreign—who advertise in' this or any other paper, get a copy of Dr. Young’s book, .and read it carefully. It will be the means .Of saving you many a dollar, your health, and possibly your life. Db. YOUNG can be consulted on any diseases described in his 'publication, office, 41,0 Spruce Street, above Fourth, hours from 9 to 3, daily, . THE GREAT CAUSE OF II *t;m a n ]VI ime r y . Jure Publuhed in a Sealed Envelope; Priee LECTURE BY DnJ CDLVERWELL, UN TUECAUSC AND CURE ofSperma torFLoea, Consumption, Mentaland Physical Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of-the Body; Lassitude; .of therLfintia and the Back; Indisposition, and •Incapacity for study and Labor Dullness of ApprehensioU; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society; Love of Solitude; 'Timidity; Self-.’ Distrust; Dizziness; Headache, Affections ; of j the Eyes; pimples on the Face; Involuntary i Emissions, and Sexutil Incapacity;'the Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion. &c., <co., ; j EgL.Thi? admirable; Lecture clearly proves; that ihe above enumerated, often self-afflicted evils, may be removed'without mediejne and without Dangerous surgical operations, and should be read by every youth and every man ini the laud. . t,! ' - • i Sent under seal. To any address, ib a. plain sealed envelope, on the receipt.ofj si? cents, 'dr two poslhge stamps, by addressing^ cii.vs. j. g. Kline & co. ;' 127 Bowery.New^Ynrk.Post Office Ilnx.foHO. ; .. . ,KO L L 6 ?fK ’S~ “ “ 3D aiicieioil Ooffße. Til IS,preparation, made from tliehcat Java Coffee, is recommended iby physicians as n superior NUTRITIOUS BEVEKAGKforGen-, oral Debility. Dyspepsia andjall billions disor fders. Thousands who have been compelled to '■ abar.don.tlic use of coffee, will use tins,With out 'injurious effects. Ouc can contains the strength’: of two—piyinda of ordinary coffee. Price 115 bents. V ' 11 KnJ.I.OriCS LF.VAIX, <• ' The .purest i and v best BAKING I’OWDEK| known, for tpaking light, sweet and nutritious Bread and Cakes, jl’ricc iol cents. i ’ Manufactured by‘ : J '• j i M. H. ROLL OK, Cheiiisl,. ' i Corner of Broad and Chestnpl streets,- ►. L*. I’HILA'UIILPiiIA, ; And,sold-by all Druggists and Grocers. 1 ■=tnr2C. [ '• ‘K,, ■ A.THOUSAND YEARS,' Work’s Great War Song, Words end . Music,| in January NumbefJ • ■ -' t .1 SCHOOL SIAGA % ZIEE Fl{EE\ Clark’s. School Visitor.— .Vol ume VIII.. I' j The Publish or of this , (live rite M,miilrlj% in order to rcaeU all-'-Viools* will send llie Visitor One jeaif grafts to one person (who will act a* Agentl. at an post-office. in the United .Stales.’ This'is an nnparallelod offer. J Address;ivith live -cpnt» enclosed, for particulars, . ■ f . ;| I J. W. DAUGHA DAY, - 1 ' ; Publisher, 1 : 1308 Chueatnut St.. Ph.ila ,| Pa FAXtHiSTOasTi ' WOOLEN FACTOIIY. ITtHE undersigned expects to commence, 1. this week. Carding, Spinning, Falling;,'. Finishing and Dyeing;. also to mnniifaclure Flannel, Cloth, Cassimeres,. Satinctts and lilnnkcts, at my. old place in Fallstdn. For. wear and durability, 1 can warrant the goods manufactured not to be surpassed. For the .accommodation of those on: the cast.|sidp Of the Beaver, Wdbl, etc., can beleft nl my hdus'e in Pulaski township, or John Hodgkinsdn’s store in Nflwßrighton. I . je17,83 i,:| .... ■ gPH’M. SMITH.' EXECUTORS XOTioEi ' \\F HABEAS letters testamentary; having W been granted to. the undersigned, on the estate of Josiaii Todd, dec’d., j late of Industry . twp, Beaver,; co, Pa, all!persons knowing themselves indebted to^said 1 estate ore. requested to make payment immediately and those haying claims against the-same, will; present them to the, subscriber duly authenti cated for settlement. ' ; • JOHN SLENTZ, Executor, 1 • _ 'V. Ohio tp. mar 2, '34 GLORIOUS NEWS! Notfrom the Amy but from_ the Town ■ of Beaver, i , ; : '"! j.'i : - . . New Shoe Store. i 1 1 tHE subscriber would rwpctfully inform v|, ; the citixehs of Beaver County thati in ad- , dition to his well selected stock of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS and GENTLEMENS FBRNISH ING GOODS, he; has : lately wpbased a w4dl of BOOTS aßd SHOES lif every kind and variety;' My steaki* the larger ever brought to the county, andl'am detenu ined to sell “eheiper than the cheapest”.— of the at his Phila fmar26 300 OPO OS FEMALE, AGENTS . . TO SELL '' ' V MALE fVitf ,S 'Url Plnte County Colored 'up of the United Shifts, < ■ dps, and' Xew jiruiwrick,\j , -cent suivc.vs, completed A2g.“jlO, s $20,000 to* engrave it, und one Lloyd's; ' ( -V Cm ” From r iISS2: cos year's'»lni Sliperio • to any Silt map ever made by Col- | don 'pf Mitchell, and Kells at the lopftprice bfi Fifty Cents; 370,000 pane* are engraved oh • this map. ‘‘ .J-, . \ j' It is uof oply ft County innp,.bm it ‘ i county ilailkoav;) map j of & Canadas combined id imp. giving ; Every Railroad Stntibhjandiilistaticca between. j Gnaran ee any woman oilman $3 to $5 per | . <lay, add ; I’illjtakc hack all maps, that cannot Ihe sold and rifund,..the money. j',' ,1 | i Send fo- $1 worth to try. J Printed instructions how to canvass, well}:, | furnished ifll uur agents. ' j ] a ‘Wonted—Wholesale Agents for our maps in j every St lie, California, Canada. , England, France at d Cuba A fortune tpiay bo made' with, a fet r hundred dollars capital. dVo com petition. I Ft Li.oyi>, 104 Broadway, N. V.. j . The Win Department Uses bur map of Vir ginia,'Ala -yland, and Pennsylvania, cost Sioo,- 000, jon yhjich is ijmrkcd Anlietanr Creek, Shnrpsburg, Maryland Rights,, Williamsport Ferny. 11l ortrgvillc, Nolaud's Ford, , and all others on the Potomac, and every [other place inthq above imuied States, or money refunded. LLOVt’S fOPOG RAPIIICAL MAP OF KENTUC KY, jOHIO, | INDIANA,} and ILL., nt: the oily authority for Gen. Rosecrnns and Way Department., Money refunded; to any one f nding an error in it. '• | : ; I. From the Tribune, Aug. 2. i’« Mar or ViniitsiA,, Maiitland. anti am a.— The map is. very large;! its t 25 cents, and it it (At lett vhich can IGreatMaj) oK the Mississippi Hi fir. luhl Surveys, py Capts. Bartend Wm Ississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis; ts every man’s plantation nnd ownerjs m St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico— lies—every sand-bar, bland, town; and all places 20 miles back from live dored in counties and States;! Price, sets. /S 2, pocket form, nn y d $2,50 on ith rollers. Ready Sept. 20.“ ! y partmcnl, Washington, Sept. 10, 18C2; lloyd—Sir: Send me your Slap of jthe jpi River, with price! per hundred Rear-Admiral Charles il. Davis, ebm jtbe Mississippi squadron, is author jurebase os many as>re required fo lat squadron. ■.! I IN WELLS." Secretary of tbo Navy. “Llot; Pkssstl' coat is bt be piircha JAoyd" s From. Ac Sown. M Mo.,eho’ name fro 1,850 m landing, i riyer—co in she linen; wi! iCatylpti J. T. 1 MissisaiJ copies, trending itcd.to ] use of tl jGIDEt of Gamble, deo’d. jUS oC'idministratibn onlbe estate of kvBT OavbliK, ' late of Greenetown eaver County, Pcnna., dec’d, having anted.to the undersigned, ail persons I to said estate are requested to make Jte payment, and those having claims the. same will present them properly icated for settlement. I t; •.) 'V JAMES BRITTAIN,'Adm’r., 1 . Greene Ip. Estate 'r-.ETE'i -Li snip,. B been grl indebted inimedis against i anthentil ?fW)lO,j Spring- and Summer vIiGOODSnU mHE Inibscriber is now renewing lays' NEW -'JL: GOODS, direct from Philadelphia, of the rkjnrest*ty!eS,of • 1 •■( > .{Udiesf Dress Goods & Gent’s Wear, i»hioh 'were 1 selected by one ablest and moit merchants there, and will bna^atAsmUladraawflromcost. pH*!**’**- , TH»«p«a^ptT... A Family' In |>> »■ ''l• < ‘to .: CflOtdK iltEßAftj[ilE, '■ V'ii’i-.i'-iacLtoMso/4-j»•-■ : j -V j ' ; .i -.'>-,1 ,**j 'j"-' l '' |‘ t: | 'jPoei tjti. NoveleeUsjtf ales* A2?D MbllAL ANi)iEKTERfAi> T . ISG EEiDENG GENERALEY. N ME Ju ■■ lathe Literary Departlnent; we shall pHh sent the choicest varieties within the r»a*h of our extended means. The Novelettes, Tales, Poetry, &c.J shall be supplied from the best andhighe#t;sources, and be equal to anything tobefottndin any' journal w- magazine. : ■ Agricnltjoxn .and Horticulture, j J EMBBACIko . Fruit-Raising, die. (a all.{Mr'irjfifefot, at conducted on the laieti ■ 'dptipoti ajfprovtd-tgtum. , i . : Our this department for over' thir ty years, Uiiye met the cordial approbation: of the public. {'’Our purpose has been to furnish useful audj'Teliab|e information Upon these very important branches of industry i and- to protect so far as -wjthin our i power against theifuiae doctrines and selfish purpos es of j the empires and sensation-adven turers by 1 which the. Farmer is ineesaantly as sailed. ■ ,I'his portion of thp Germantown TtU graph|will alone be worth.the whole price of subscription, as every. Farmer and Gardener, who has aVproper conception of his--calling, will readily.admit. |, . NEWS DEPARTMENT.! The Hamtj-industry, care; ind discrimination, in gathering and preparing the Stirring Events •of the Day, expressly for .'this: paper, which hitherto hab been one of its marked features and. given;[so universal satisfaction, will; be -continued writ h redoubled efforts to meet the increasing detna'nds. of the public. The. Übor j required injthis department is never fullyip* j prcciated by, ,>he It would he im j possible .ojpffesont, the condensed and -care ! fully Inndc-iup Ithf Ui" in which it appears; a corrected mass of all the most interesting news) of (b;n week, without involving much and judgment \ We; anAex the cash term*, to. beg j leave to • call attention ,of all who think of: subscribing for a newspaper: Advance Cash Terms. Otic _cbpy, one year, $2; one copy, three' y-eapa, $,5,<K); three copies, one year, $5,00; Eire ] Copies, One| Yenr, 'sB,oo ; Ten Copies, One jVear; $16,00; Twenty Copies, One Year, :525,:00. i; | ' BST*Subscription not paid within the year, $-,60. , . - ; - | ‘ SgUA Club of five subscribers, at SB, will entitle the person getting it up to a copy) tor sik mouths;; a Club of ten or more, to a dopy for 6nc year. All Club subscriptions sloriped. at the end of the time paid for, unless-rti-or dered:. ■ -|’i i ' ,o|3uNo order will receive attention unless accomplished with the cash;' tj s,' {KJuSpeciinen numbers sent to| applicants. r PHILIP R. FREAS, i , j Editor and Proprietor. Oepnant&xrn, Philadelphia, Oct. "VANITY FAlfi.” ‘■[This is the first! really clever comic and saiiric.'.l journal wo have-had iu nutijreally jcluVer it is. It is both sharp!and good-tempered, and not afraid to say that its soul is its o«n—which shows that it tiks a 'soufj Our. readers will befglad to know where thoj cum find native [fun that has something batter in; it than mere palcu.” — Atlantic ilomhly. .1 i , p' . paper'is excellent. . ... . Remarkable for origiufihty.”—-V. IT. fravtiltr, '' • j ‘(Vaxitt Faih, ia coiiducted by a vivneiouf y witty andjintelligenl corps of journalists!”— Lilihfu td ({John.) Enquirer. j ‘‘Will wield ns potent an influence as that of ‘!^>ndpii‘/ > imeA.”>4jNo((on l Traveller. ■, / ijhosojeier finds himself laughing at t’uj j' ■-’■.VNaTY' FltiuJ [and does not return^ a |/-.;o ji/oi-is fit for ‘treason, and spollsl’”— Crayon. . [ i | , the}' •'4 l iy»i : quid AV J ,i||>? SPECI.iL ,NtmC£ tic very marked and flattering •a attended the publicatid; -'i ’ j “Vanity ■ Fahi,’! .■ " j sEna j'cs the publisher to announce that :j,tbe ;o:mitpne|eracnt of.'the.Sccoiid j sjicd t Ins-jlay, SOthjJunc. New Features,! ; Kite MrySjjd LVi-tisiSc, tvillbc introduced, « j wi(l value and interest of thj 1 per, . mid j fully maintain • the proud | poj uninimousSyi accorded to it, as (he leadin’ Vi! !. .. .’M ■ - j i Comic JoFitNAr. of America. Ni.tl.'J 1 i' r ‘ ! , VANITY FAIR i JSSt’S&HECrtAnLY EVERY THURSDAy. and ■ s ;for‘ ; ,Sale by all Newsmeh, and at the ofli'c 2 of Publication, No 113 . Nassau-street, fork. |J i • ;• i ' j. | : ,| . TERMS:' • per annum, in advance—Six cents single copy. i , -TEUMS FOR CLUBS: ? V ' copies of Vasily. Fain will be sent to onp address f0r'......... .i .....i „...$5 00 . H.Fito copies. .i..l 12 00 i l l Ten jcopies, ...J..... '. ..20 >OO . ' 'IVu Extra 'copy will be. allowed tothegsUer up,of. every Club of not less tban'.fivc;cp lies. This paper is Electrotypcdi and numbers may bo procured at any; time. ; ! • » - I ' l j 1' j . ! LOUIS H. STEPHENS, ’ Ihiblisher f»r the Proprietors, 118 Naus in-fit. ■ i - '■ . , New-York. ; ■ -MAIE. DKM.GIIESTS Quarterly Mirror ol Fashions, ' : Wiih Greal lmpTOvementt and Addition!, * j: l . nil j SIMMEB XCMBKBCOSTAIS3 . FOUR LARGE $ SPLENDID FASHION : PLATES, THREE FULL-SIZED I PATTERNS OF DRESSES, J 1 i • ■ ••'.•■j. ; I■. COM'PBISISO THE ! j ■ 1 New French Waist,; an Elegant Sleeve, and a I Misses Backhand a Sheet of New . ■ 1' [l . and Beautiful''* j l ' BRAID And embroidering patterns. ; Together jwith nearly 1 103 Engravings of . *! ; j’’" all thenoveltiesfor ‘ j Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, , Children’s Dresses, &c., And .valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Motherland ladies general!}, pre senting the largest .and best fashion Maga zine'in the. World, published 478 Broadway, N. Y.,’ ahd soM everywhere at 26 cents, or sent! by mail, post free, oh receipt of this am’l in stamps, or silver. Tear $1;00 with the fol -1 owing valuable premium. "I, | ! :!Each y|early subscriber will bo entitled to a receipt for the selection of SO cents worth of plain patterns, from the! designs in .the book, or fbom. the- show room, or they may be or dered and eoht by mail any time- during the year, by paying postage. I \' 'ji , ndidilhdncemenU'to Canvassers. mJßummer Ko. now read*. ' ; ii_ + ■j.'Ooj' You Want Employment. T OFFER apleaaanl business for the SprinrS JT and Summer, with largo profits. Send for myhew circular,' containing full - information. Address' CBO- EDW’D 8EAB&, ,/i** &SM*efaticn ’ ••.•.-• . . -htof JftunUgiai ... • „ ; 0D& ABTILLEBy is %• B. HURD’S DENTAL TREalurv r PRKSEBTIIVG THE TEe% Purifying the Sreath ' o^V^-. ' \- j j,: mom I= =II 1 AND '• \~UJ-: ..a tirlrtg Toor \-- I ■ Dr. ITurd’t Celebrated MOD bottle. ' ’■ -j \, I Dfj '2Tur<fl Unequalled TOe oYttlox, ~r . | | r&s S' «<*aW „ Kuril’s mas'll "oh (Ac u,.„ ■ ■ Preserving the Teeth.ijndmling'-lArevLn T t Pftper Treatment, of Children’s fittk ' lil , SILKM Cleaning [ ietdeen the T ' t : , TOOTil PIVK.% tie.: etc: i; ' e T,t,h Prepared at- Dr. Hurd’s Dental ftm..- • FoUrth St.,. 1 Brooklyn, (K.v'D.) • KPrieet ONE DOLLAR ; or SIX v . *®T Dental Trearunjxndkets a p ac V,.. tve. and t Wkstrw. 5 •: ■ S$ r /u U i ircc ‘‘ m ffrrnfe i, A, Treatise on D^mft\eTee,h 9W . VM - reoerjjt , - The Neuralgij Plaster, for Neuralgia in ti. ' F.ace, ferrous Headache, and Earache sent poet paid, on receipt of Eighteen Cent, o rVi stamps.- I . u • /1 . • ■; ‘ The Neuralgia ana *lthewnaiie P)a«»rM»rM sire,) for Pains in the Chest, Shoulders B«ct pr any part af the body,- sent post paid,’ Onrtl ceipt of. Thirty-seren cent,. 1 \f Address, Dr. Surf 1 1I0UTII WASH. TOOTIJPn\v~ DER and TOOTHACHE VROVS cannot £ 'sent jby mail,, tlyty can'.probabW tained atyour,Drug or, Periodical ; Stcjrc s. it they. cannof.tsend to ns~ for the UESTiL TREASURY, Price, Ose iDoLL.td,' wide V coo tains them. . ■ j tstc>itov. ' i ,; IRE DR- n IRD'S fSRBPARItIittX SQJ** The beat evidences that they, are ia. tUt tLta firmest friends and beat patrons are tlili.e Whs have used Ithem longest, i Hr. Km. 11l An eminent Dentist of Brooklyn,'Trediurer cf the New Vdrjt .Association, ui . - these preparations have beep used in Lis pfi-’' vote practice for years, .ahd ho-leading giihea of Brooklyn oci Williamsburg qcestiaas their' ' excellence, while eminent* Dentists of.Vcr { York recommend thdrn as the hest iaoira »»- ' the profession. Without.'U-j aid VidreruV ing, dealers ha]ve sold them bj iht pic... The Editor of,thei/trociiya . " “iVe are happy, to know that our Iheii; \)t_. a : Uurd, is succeeding be vend" all exptr.iOisu • 1 with bis AIOCTfI WASH and TOOill l\r*. DER. , The groat secret of his sticeea tt»\» !, with the fact fAut Ait artielet art precisely vtat thry arc rprestnCtd to it, at tee tan. Ittltfy Jnot ‘‘ their long uie.’’ i A'' ■ ,i. =I The well known P.- T. Barnum writes: . "I found your T.OQTH POWDKK so good thsi my family hare usedit all-up. : IF* rind i! lAk itli, poveder for the tiftA fee Hate ever uted. 1 sh»U feel obliged if you Will send me Another liipl ply at the Muaddm, at your eohrcnicuee, with ■ biSifv . i --1 ■ ■ ': ; Btit their cost is 1 so small that every onetssy; teat the matter for himself. j ' Jj®'*" Beware of the ordinary Tooth Powders. Dr, Hurd's Tooth Pooder contains mi acids, nor alkali, nor joharcoal. and polishes without wearing the enamel. Use no other. I s s ? WHAT WlLii DR< HURDS UHUtDIUg | | , EFFECT? j? ’ ■ Dr. Hurd’s Mouth. and Tooth Powder will giveyoung ladies that finest charm in wo man—a sweet breath hud pearly teeth. Try them, ladies. , ’ , } '' ' ■ Dr. Hurd’s Mouth Wash-and Tooth Powdsr will clcanse'tho mouth from all foul cihak \ tions, and if used in the meriting, will miko the breakfast) taste sweeter and the day.begin more pleasantly. Hundreds of persons css , testify to thm. - Try them, gentlemen, , Dir. Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Powdst • are the the best preparations in the world, for curing , had breath and igiving firmness and : Wealth to the'gums. Hundreds -of case's’of-', Dtecatei JJlcJina Gume. 'Scre Jfoutl.i\Cer.*tr,’ . j etef hare been curedby. br. Hurd’s aslrhig- I cut wj.-i.sh. .i. i j [ -br..Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth powdsr 1 give an jiiidditioual -charm to ..courtship, tsal make husband* more agreeable to their wires amlLwivps to their husbands. : They .’should Is used bvleVei-y person having •’ ’ , 'j■' ' TEETH. " , which’ are liable t.o impai t a taiut to the mo’atk , Dr,. Hurd’s Toothache Droops cure Tooth aclre arising from exposed nerves, and ars'tls - best friends that parents! can' have iti theiouis to save their.children from torture and ttea selves?ftom doss bf sleep and sympithetic eiif .cring. ”;| ’’ 1 . J.’ Farmers and mechanics'! youcannotwellsf ford to neglect - your teeth. Foratritling sunt you. can now - get preservatives,| than "’Jiitb! Rothschild or jAstbr cart! get nothing bdttarj-. Remember that Dyepcpeia and Cbneumptuci- V.. , the Lunge often originate! in neglect of Ve«tk. Send for the Treaties on i Teeth, and re.vf.Er- Fitch’s observations on this subject,’ -If to* late to arrest decay in,-jour own itecth.■»?,* your, children’s teeth.'. | ’ ’ . ’ - , XE ERA I. GfA' PL A STEE3.— Dr- Hard.* Neuralgia Non-AdhcsiyelPlastcrs are the ®.°v pleasant and successful remedies ever' presen ed for.this painful disease. The; pat'" ll ' plies one; soon becomes 'drowsy, fall? asleePi.- and awakes free from pain, and - no blister or -.. other unpleasant or injurious consequences ta stier For Earn fhe and A’ervoue Headache,. »P‘ ply”, according to directions, andj relief,*'" . surely follow. Nothing can bo obtained cqu*l . to Dr. Hurd’s Compress! for Neuralgia. Try thein. They are entirely a novel, original preparation, and wonderfully success ful. They are of two sizes, one small, for the face, price 15 cents,-and” the rother large, for application to the body, [price 37 cents. I'"* Sc mailed on receipt of price and one[ elamp. . ;.\ WIIAT ARE THE I‘EOTLF. pOJSG I American people ore intelligent, enough to appreciate preparations that contribute so muck, to happiness of those Using them, and.,the/ wont them. Every mail'brings us letters, so»* ordering the Treatise on Teeth,.some the Sea ralgia Plasters, and not! a few c'*- for the'Mouth Wash,.to be sent’by mail; hut to these.’ we are compelled to reply that' it # impossible to Send! a half-pint’bottle by m *l„ The people-want these Remedies- ,Hls *• \riuppls tkeml , ; -I j ’ 1 Now is the ■ |f’ • i: 1 C HANGS FOR AQBNTS. rntl& ia ; of r with ip, ; ss ,j fcptb. a* Inch ijr pa itio'n • 1 ti f! • ; Shrewd agcniscan make a small .carrying these articles aroundtojfamili**- 1 Dental Treasury is the, neatest. irtiolotbS. man 1 ori woman c|!n carry around. . B* D " I one and|See, r a dozen, "'“''“..j will sell,; as samples, for $7. -Agents <uPP. ' liberally! with circulars'. gST Now ja.W. to to go; into the business, to do'ghod. anao , _ a profit! . We are "spending thousanttiTw benefit.pf agents. New England I 03 1! ° Be . „ men! here is and* e ““ ... take the.tide at ita .flood. Address, - . . ■ ■... ■l’ ■' * WM. B. HURD fc CO., ~ [,’! , ' Tribune Buildings; SewT*,'^ That remittances may be made dense, W. B. U. A Co., refer to. the Brooklyn; toG. W. GriSith,lVcsidenUM f jra’andCitixeM Bask,: Brooklyn; tnJ«7' m fclfew Yorkj U » Bit ~ if-..; '• •; iii 2 ihaciui aAd Neuralgia IS. I iv TU JTASO^ r ora. I‘ooek iB IKIT B. TTVRIK CO., TriLunt Buildingt, AVw i'ori k \ '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers