>- |c- great" Cities. ■ t ‘ We' t! le undersigned Mayors, hereby <iir| tuy Oia; the Drufiglata, «2 i Physicians ofour severe! oltie- hayo.ci.tuo ;'■ . a docun out of ABsaraa^a l 'U> us that.AVKii’S .SARSAPARILLA haa teen found to fas ■a remedy of groat -oseeilencp, and worthy the oonfidanc3 of.tiv« .oouiDiaait7. HOW. \- - ■ JAMES COOK, . 1 Mayor of LOW3Li»,-KA?3 A1.31W B3ABO,; , v V’ _ I iSlayor of l 2f A3HT7A, If. II | E. W. HAKRIWGI'OW, , . Mayor of M AIT(?ITKd T 3 3, N* S * ‘. T QHW ABBOTT, ’ . I . ■ ' -Mayor of OOITCOiID, If;. 3 A. H. BtrLEpOK 1 , I - ■ Mayor Of %VO3CiDST3a, MASS WATITI. SI-LSBEEj V • iltayor of SM.2S, .MAS 5 F. : LIWCOI,W, ,T.-., . 3-Mayor otj EO irOM, 1.1A32 I V7M. M. EODMAW, ■- Mayor of P30V1D33.C1!. li. I PSISJf3?ifC3’ •. ■ 'MayorW KOEWIciI, COIfXf J. W. ELARRI3,- 'I ' i ; ilayor of A T EW COITiJ. • CHAS. -S. EODIEBI • Mayor of MOlKpilßAi, C. B now, hoh: e HOW. HOW. Ihow HOXT; .HOW, ■ HOW HOW how: >-D. F. TIEMANW, . . „ Mayor of KEW -YO2K CITY H. M. KINST-EBY, ' Mayor of HAMILTON ' now. ADA 12 WIL3DW, 3®e>i£ HO-J, Mayor of TOHOKTO,'O. "V 7. . H. iff.' EISEO.P, 1 , ' ■ M.-iyor of CINCINNATI. ?KIO. .1. H. .* . Mayors of L O UIS VXLXj 2 j KY., HOT'- ho: -ho: . JOHN SLOA.IT,. j -J r . 11 ’'*■ Mayor of IOVTA no? . JAMBS MVFEETERS, I Muyor of BOWMAJiVIIA.J3, Q. V?.,| 4'jAs£e3 w. north. ' I '\ ; - v] r of AUGUSTA?. iIS-| ¥.' HEi|M‘ COOPER. Jr., ! ' ! • • I ", jityo - ? of itaiiipwsLL, ka- HON.I * -i-ho: ho? JAH33.3: BEEI£, flayer cf tIHID iyP. £C , T‘OTT, IT. E;„" 'vf i uT>AB.D NYS, ■• of, 173 W BSDS*OHD t r,£A*s3* .*,J. BI*AX3|BijLXi, T t ■ MXjfor of i’AijXi PwIVilR, T»I4ISS, &,'■ ,w?h. ciiA-irsTpisr, ''■" ’l’. ;, • jUsyorjoC NBWPOIi' Hoav. no: -..n0: no STAHT., • of GAL 2K 1 'm sJohn''hod^db?t, ; ' Mayor cf BUSUSOja, M\T3;OHIA3j CRUTCHiF: ■ fiSnjoj ,ci |OH|VA'rASDpGA.| JT.- >OBER'i\ EI.AIR, > ' i Jilrvycr pT ’TU’SC^VXiOOS. no •. ~t* iio no \ sort 1 iv. ..DISAuaH, . .. , ~ •_ 'l4i.Jp cf IipMPHIS, ' Kdrj;' GSB-hw stith, f»., \ 7iaw o:iL|A?:3r.jbA - /‘ jda.yur frf 'BOCH.aSTi:.a. S.il^ 110%,. i)E WITT C. GROVE, ' j, ' / > 7 : , •, Mftyo.' of -U-ItCAS-' eon.- ceo. v,"ii.r;oF. " i ’,!' i ! ■ - £ '! Mayo? crf 7 yiT?EBUSO.; FAs son. c. b{. BOUIi, ! ilaytor -of DSTHOIT, MICH. HOST.'' ETSTMAif.•'It.. ?&G33. .. | .Mayor of SlXtiWA.trii.l3. WI3 GO IT.. V/. W. VAUGHtf. / , I. * Sx ; s?or of EA-CIHSi • TLOrfy A- TTAHB* .- . I ' ■ liny or of sTiS. - nil*.■ .c. JElAtires. 1 rfsyer ..of CEICA.OO, ILL. 2T. J. A. HSATiI, 1 • .. • /- lli,y.:r cf SELMA ,• ALA. iN. A.. J. ‘KOEsjB, *5 ■ 1 " '■ J&iyoi* -of albiv ! A’JL )H.,OV. X r . HOLYBAD,.. . ' l' r ZZ~yor 0-COIjULIiiUS, ISA. )H ESEsASTSBO . HANTJEIi, ’ ; . I-layor of VESA CKU2,:j >H PISTES DS OABALBO, ‘ ilaycr'Df MEXICO. ; - EI OH RODRSatJEB, > .. j KCayc? cf HAVAIiA. OH ANTONIO ECHSVSRA. •|‘A- "l ■ Hayes *.of LIMA'/yr-Sa, ON Hi G-.’HiiiiHi&WO, Mayo? of VAIjPJijUAISO, CTTTT.Ii lON HARO SESQUIPENALIA, . k - Mojyor of 810 BBApXIj jVti.fy [that* tha Druggists bars i, *; t- 'I ‘ rtasurfl'-- tliCia j,. • 1 -j| .ja r *■ Lyer’s Sarsaparilla nu excellent remedy, und 'Sf ort-hy;tha coa- fide no© cf the ccnziaouiiy* Puplfyiisg the Blo.od* * ScroftiJr. cr Xlnj’»/’rl! Ulcere, and.Sore#*! ( v >r KmVtloßf Had rimplei. ! 'or BlCtcKet t Bitkin* f and Boll#. ' f st. Antt\eu,v's i'irc,. Roic, or -Hry* * T.ctfer'or: Salt lUjeiiw. fecal d Head and Klngworcni ,• C«B(#r •'viH Caneerou# iSorei*. Sore Ear*, »ud Homon iror Fjemale Dls<W»e»*- | s mi TrregularJtjVj rer IfjiMUs cr Vene|r-*al DUeoot#*- ■' For f.t'rl'T Complaint*. " . p*o*-' fcJftttt'Cv’jf cf the Heart. Star For For The chief fiiHs* _pf TTn!» Wd.Svalon, Ctr.adas, r«d British Provinces, Chili, Peru, BiTiiU, itcsico, ciid in fast hi meat ©i\ tna cities on this continent, have viffsoil tnis docntiOnt, tc* assure Iheir pe.ople what roinocics they, ntfcy toe vrirh safety and, tpslW^ oo *' cur »pcb* ; wtl) only admii 0 pprtioh cf thorn. * j Ayer's £arnap;mlli.' ,-■ Aycr’a Cherry F actor al, : r ,: . . Ayer’s Agus Cure, ■ » ‘ -J 'm. v, _ ri%*TAr::t> /*'* . , . I. '.'l . -Br.'?’ <fV A>«*f & • : -!i ' 1 '. , i ovrrj.L, sUs?.. , j. . in'! iuMlr/Dr.iet-i«« *vcrr whrre.. ! Scissor*, Gum Hair. Pins, ■S-i : JC Sum*. P»rt Monaie* Nwdle., Twee*^ r ' UAJSOijUjyij. \J M, l . Piacil'sharpaoers, Spool Ootion. j Thread. ROCHESTER, . {rißJhJta.,TOr saHal th» Doig Stor* of ' BEAVER COUNTYI PA f*p2 I •'«* * sdWT>.CT*OHM. • U : ; j.; 1 yt a7-■’ '• ;. r -i- .-■ ■>■ ' | . t- ■ , j; ;. a I, !; ; ’ ■ Eli NOTICE • 'Joseph? Dunlap vi.‘ Sarah Dunlap. - JN the Court of Common Pleas’ of Bearer y county, No) 4, Sept. Term, 1868. Libel Divorce. j * "1 : J | .. ; To. the respondent in -ahovS are hereby nolifiod to'.bo andappear before the Hoh. Judges qf-the Court of Common. Fleas of Beaver county,' at a Court to he .held - in Bea ver, in said 'county, on the Ist Monday (7th day) of March] 1864,'. to answer the complaint of Joseph Dunlap in.the above case.. : ' JOSEPH LEDLIE, Sh’ff. ' Beaver, JanJG,’G4. . • . ■ I NOTICE IN PARTITION^ BEAVER qODNIT; ss:—ln the Orphans’ Court of said iCounty,| in the matter of the partition of tie ireal estate of Jesse Smith, deceased.' To John Bi Smith, Isaac’ Jamison and Susan his'wife, heirs 'and legal represen tatives of said deceased, and ail others inter ested: Take -notice [that, an Inquisition, to make partition and valuation of said', real es tate, will be held upou . the premises on the ifeth day of Dcoember, 18G3, at which time and place joufmay attend if yon think proper ij dec2 :. ( f {JOS. LEDLIE, Sh’ff. : Bouse an„ . SITtJATE in the most 'business part of Bea-. ver.lleavcr county, Pa._ There is a largo Store Room, well finished, on said property —lately occupied by Wilson & McGatfick.iiow ■ occupied tiy Andersoi, & Orr. ’ The dwelling I part, now occupied by the subscriber, is wejl calculated, for a Ta icm stand. Good sta. bling, cistern,! Ice ‘ H jusc. Ware House, and all necessary Wt-buildings. For particulars enquire of j' ' J. C, WILSON. Beaver, Deo. 16,.’G8f] ; , ■ - i Notice. • |BaSK oi -BIATBII CoBSTT, \ • / New Brighton, Oct’. 12,1863, f The Stockholders of the Bank of -Beaver County are hpreby notified, that the Annual Meeting, will|bo held at the Banking House, in New Brighton, on Tuesday the 3d;day of November ensuing, , between the hours of 8 a!nd 6 o’clock, v. m And th'e i election for Direbtdrs to serve the! ensuing year, at the same place,| bn Monday, the 16th; day pf No vember, between 10 A, »i., and 8 p. M., of said dat. By order of the Board of Directors. \j EDWARD HOOPS, Cashier. ’ 1- DHidend No. ll._ BaKK 6f, BeAVEH doDNTT, V,' New Brighton, Not 7, 18G3. / I ! Directors of this Bank hire .this day fi ll declared!a DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT, on its Capital! Stock, but of the profits pfthe last ft tnonthsj payable to Stockholders qr |their legal; representatives, free of the Go rernmepttaii on dcnlianil.. , .... s ( I EDWARD HOOPS, Cashier I . New Shoe Stoce. HIE' subscriber ■ wtiuld respclfully fbforu —p "—.I —>- —-p . [ ■j_ the citizens of Beaver County that, in ad- Valuable Pronertv for SaU.' ditioh to his well selected stock of CLOTHING, mWOouMots-N0.14 and Initiated in r T^ ( P q \ a ’ l t G^; T “ FU I RNISH ,- 1 thel tqwn of Beaver, late the estate of V 7 Cn a. Cnnnipghatn, decU.-is now offered for selected s ock of and SHOES of every sale. Fordurthcr particulars enquire of ktml | variety OMy stock is the largest janlB liD. S, MARQUIS Ex’r , over brought to the cqifnty, pndrl am determ ‘ i i Rochester,'?*. “ ch f P er tt n tie cheapest”— L(_ i • v Mind tho sign of the Hat. * j . s , ■ Valuable . .■ 4 Sept-9-’6B. | |j . r:N. ATBrfcs REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. £ ; niE Hons: apd Lotbelonging to jfhe heirs of Col! JosEjtu H. Wilson, deceased, situate y, on the North'side of ihe Diamond. injthc boro’ •, of Bearer. Also mit-lot No. .16, adjoining the ead end of | said borough, containing Eight', C(] A< res, is nop offered for sale. For particu lars enquire ?of - JOHN n. WILSON. Fra A.’Rl MOORE, Beaver. I dec23,C3 I , ' j I * . i! ! , • novll'6,B ; > m:. BLflccjOc>3?ica., , iVcjjtary j, i > u'biic» V j| orrics with ■ ' B. Bt CHAMBERLIJif, ATT’T AT LAW, , {Near the Provost Marshal ’s o/??cjp, , BROADWA Y, |iVj£,’lF ISRIGIItOxS ' j] : ' • BEAVER COUSTV, J>A. i , • • iTbROMT Attention,: given to the drawing of lii EXEMPTION PAPERS, and all matters ~ connected ,\y|itn the'draft; also oaihs adjninis jie.njd, acknowledgments taken,&c.‘,‘ &e. fdef.O Y aWjIi N,STKATOirS XOTICB. . is hereby ‘givenen thht letters of J.n( administration upon the 'estate of Dr. cTeoroe W-. : |Axtieos. late of the borough of Bearer, county, Penna., dec’d, hare beengrantejLto the undersigned; All persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate ajre requested to made immediate payment, and those having claims, against, the same will prcsentjthcjm properly authenticated for SeJ tilenient'i | i _ •. 1 i. H THOMAS ALLISON, Administrator, j | dcct.2d’d->—st. Bridgewater; Pa ] ADM INIS RAT. OK’S InOTICB. W/ lIEREAS letters of administration on Tv the festate-of )as. Rf.f.d, sr.j late of Ilah >ver tp.,Reaver co,.deo'd, having been grant silt o tho undersigned, all persons indebted to laid estate are requested to make immediate niem, and those having claims against said, testate will-present them to Ibc subscriber properly, authenticated fpr settlement. i! JAMES REED, jr.,i Adra'r., janU’SA, j | Hanover lp. : Dr. D. ]VX'Kinney, , * , ■ . .■ ■ , ! | OFFERS his professional 'services to the ’ citiicns of |, | ' BEAVER AND VICINITY. - 1.. . , -X ■ | . cmci ix 1 The Shannon Building, S. -.E. Corner of dec 16] | the Diamond, Beater , Pol. Estate of Col. E.? P. Roberts. LETTERS testamentary on the estate of Col: Richard i l*. Roberts, late; of the borough bf' Rcavfcr, deceased,'.having been is sued- to the 'undersigned, all ;persons -indebted are required to make iinqdiate payment, and those having claims' will present them, prop erly authenticated for settlement. , 1 . WM.' HENRY, Executor & Trustee.' Fallston, Dec. 21, ’63.—* 1 I : ;• .!. i LIST OP LETTERS EEMAIMNG in the Peat Office at Bee -Ter, P.a., Jah. 30,,1864.1 | « Carothera, T C ; Knox; ,Mi A- Calhoun, Austin Kramer; John Ewing, Oeorge , McQuiaton Maggie HnrveyJ James Merriaian, Mary J • Uutohispn, JamcsC __ Phillis, j Rebecca Bidfeiger, John 3. _ Rodgeri,- Clark ' Husiin Barnes Stioek, David Bendcrion, Wm, Wright, Lou : Jack ' 1 B&»Persons (calling for letterain the _, list, will please I say they are advertised, , ] Ij M. J. ANDEBSON,;P;.M [»lpcltUfj LIST OP 1 Regaining in the ter. Pa;, Feb. Ist, Becker John ' / Berks John. Bradly Clarissa Campb :ll Andrew Carry iViiliam Daily Mias Nancy 1 Decker JA- A ' Evans Miss Hatue I Eliot Mrs. Charlotte Grinder George HelmslMaryA Jason Even ; Mercer Levi Meriiman Miss Ada 8 (‘Clairvoyant”— id -Lot fbri Sale* kith tp. or ( LETTERS ) Post Office at lochos , 1864: |7f _ :T . t McConnell Malinda Seyleri James Simpson Miss. Mary Schadt Sir. G Stewart PJij Seabold Mrs; Mary J Smith'jMiss Laureta Thompson MrsJ. Nancy Thompson John ' v JurvoriGeorge! Taylor EM '[■ , l Young Joseph F Zinkhaun Margaret -'1" " -Miss Sally—f-p ‘ ; PBNN*A. v j; r ALEXi; CLj^iik, ; '; 3fN addition' to theconyenienetsof * firs [;• class Hotel; the Proprietor has fitted op in Is house, in and satisfactory man ner, an •-I • I ,P I. i J,\' f i OYSTER SALOON, where the best quality of Qysten' miy bqob tained during their season, in any desired style. Families canbqTumished with Oysters, by the ban or dozen.. The.table is furnished ,with all the, luxuries the PITTBBUEQ MAE KET can afford. i , . • ' V Thankful!for the liberal patronage hereto fore bestowed a_continuance.of the sattejis"' respectfully solicited. • I j deel7 ■ WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. S4r TVjood I' 1 >ITTSBimGiEt, PA-, OFFER THEIR K FoV;T.HE: ' • --V' ' - > SIPIRO^a 1 OIF 186% At the Lowest Market Price. mar. | j. H6we Sewing Machine.— ' I -*1:1 ' I , ’(INVENTED IN 1845.') . j . Is 1862, at the . World’s; Fair, awarded a Puemxcm Gold Medal as the best Sewing Machine for all purposes onT’ exhibition; be sides,, Four Gold Medals.for superior, tewing, and that, to as mahji .exhibitors , . ) i Classificatioi Family Machine. 2. Family and Tailoring. ;3. Tailoring .and Gai ter-Fitting., 4. Boot abd Shoe (heavy). 5. Carriage Trimming and Harness i Its stitch is unrivaled.' The Family Ma chine guarantied to make perfect work equajJ ly wpll on the i Lightest and Heaviest Fab rics. For sale, by i ! A. j’tVi’llS; Agent, BcaT*t,P.a. - Oct. 7,1868. 1 -j ,i‘ K GLOEIOUS HEWS! Hot \from4the Army hut frorfcihe Town \of \Beaver, '. ' c y | i4tate-'.Normal Seliool. Ei)INBOUO| ERIE cd.’, PA. rTE bitildinga arc ;new, and conven ient ; good Libraries, Reading KdonT and Lpp iratus; Tustructidu ,thorough arid praoti al. ■ ■ ; : .* I' ‘ 1 Tuifion per term of (fourteen weeks, $4,00 ; toard $2,25 pei week); s3o,sopays the whole arm’s expense, inMuding the.use of text 'OoHs. • '| ] . . j I .The Fall (erinj opens, August 18, 1868. Send Tor 'Circular. . • > • j . J, A. -OOPER, A. M.,,Principal. “ ango:3m j )• i. - . croir, .GQIB )&c CO., Advertising 1 jnd Commission Agents’ . ; AND DEADER! S IN ] ’ PRINTING IX KSOF ALL KJXDS Type; Jointing' Materials, Bi TING A r Nl) PRINTING PAPER CAI PS, *0 ■ 1 ;■ ■ .OFFICES— BuildinC, Pliilat ril uric Buildings, ;Ncw Ybri • 1 ' HOOKJ3TOWN it i •: i ' | ]■■ ' SELECT SCHO O li , ! t; • . ' | TJ ' Opens Monday, Sept ' 28ih. i ,i ' 1| ''' M igthematics' Sciences and Lang jiagis, Taught;on .he most favorable t ?rmp ’■ ■ I i; : ' | Address I) W. SCOTT, Print-' _______ :'\ K r' .*l .vGcntllemajl cured of Nervous Debility," In- ■' competency, iVemature Decay and Youthful Error, actuated by a desire to benefitjothu-e, ■ 'will be to furnish to all wholneed it (fr ;e ofcliargej) the receipt and directions for mil king, the siniple Remedy ussd in his cose.’ Those wishmgto profit by his experience i.hd po iscss a Vapiable Remedy—will receive the same, by .return mail, (carefully ’sealed,) by addrSssin’g i : JOHN B. OODEN, ■ No GO Nassau Street, New York. 1 SI - - V.l ! . j iug!2:Bm Confessions & Experience of ah Invalid. "T jUfcLlSHE|u,lor tne oenefit anil as a warn- J uigjanjX a cautioft to youngmen who suf fe: from perrons Debility,. Premature! Decay &c.v supplying at the same time, thoj means oi Self-Cure. U|y one who hascurpd himacll afjer.being put to.great expense through med ic il imposition and. Iquackcry. - By enclosing a pest^paid-addressed envelopes, single copies may he “had "'of the ,author, NATJIANIEh MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings Co. j K. Y. ■ .mar2C:ly. ; ,i N otic« IS hereby given that I 'hare been appointed 1 as Surgeon by the Pension Department, to egamine wounded [ami invalid Soldiers, dis charged from the service; that my authority extends to any County, State or Territory, and that I am now reody to enter upon the discharge of my duties. GEORGE McCOOK. M. D , Examining Surgeon Ottttfi—4t. Dissolution ntHE partnership heretofore existing he ' [ tween the undersigned, under 'the aama of ekuPBELL{& jbEnuEn; in the. Foundry Bus iness, in Bridgcivatcr; has thiadday been dis s jived hy mutual consent.' ; , L The bnsindss pf |the firm will he settled by T- Campbell] who will be found, at the Fonh qry. i' '1 ' THQS. CAMPBEfcI* Sept.,lB, 1868. [ JNO. 8. EBH3IB&T • t,' above TJROF. ROOD’S RESTORATIVE CORDIA ■7 and.Bio<ci3 Renovator, the genuine arti ue.for. ule at lh« Drag B ter* of ' 0*22 r . ,'vf. PR. 0. P. CVWUINB. - lIIE v ■*. ; , & Ell t :.n &wSS&&n^sj|”^ji“4 j : DBtoTWF.MAITSPII.TB •fefwi^W and certain,, lu .cfirnprting all lirregnlirlties, plaihjfol obstruc tions, whether head ache,' pain in palpitation of the Heart,. whites, all! nervous affectloiy, fatigue, hjster-, ics, pain in' the backand limbs, etc., disturbed sleep, which arisefto'mjnterruptlon of nature. ."■; ■ Dr./Cbefsenaiaii’s. Pills' j,j - was the commencement ;'of a new : era iq jbt treatment of those irregularities and obstrui tibns which hare'eonsigned so.many to laipax iATCßß oßAvn. No .female, can enjoy good health unices she is regular, and/whenpreri an obstruction takes place th|. jeneral health be gins to decline. . V. ■ J Efp.- Cheeseman’s Pills are the; most effectual remedy khpwjn. for;; all complaintgpcculiar to Females. JTojkll class I ses they hre invaluable, inducing, -mih a riain - T ty,, periodical regularity. 1 ’ They ; are known to thousands, who have need them ■at different throughout the country, baring the, sanction of- some of the most eminent Physi cions in America. ’ ’\j;' ;I' -I'- v Explicit direction*,-Mating tchen they chcndd not Segued, with each; BCi-4th'ej Price One Do I’e r peridot, containing frdta&Vto GOPills.. ' Pills-synt inf i remitting to the' Proprietor. Dr. Smifh of Bridgewater sole agent for.this County: : ], v ; | R.B>HDT(?GINGS, Proprietor. '/• . janl4’G3:ly v 2O CedarSt.,New York. ; MARRIAGE, i * V . -I ,T ’ I ' t ITS loves'and hates, ! 'Sorrows and angfcrs, hopes and fears, regretsvand joys; MAN *hOOD, how lost, how restored;,, the nathre treatment and'radical cure of spcrmatcrrhtra or seminal weakness; emissions, sexual debility and impediments to' 'marriage generally;, nervousness, fits, mental and physical incapacity, resultiuWrom SELF-ABUSEf—are. folly explained in the MARRIAGE GUIDE, by WM. YOUNG if M.D; This most extraordinary bookshould W in tbs hands of every young person contemplating marriage, andjevery man or wom«jn\who de;. sires ,to limit the number of their offapring-to their circumstances. Every pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age, is fully explained; every particle of knowledge that should be'known is here'given.], It is full; of .engravings.' In fact, itdiscToses Secrets that every one should know; still it .is 4 book that must be locked up, and not lie about tjhe housA It'.will be sent to any one on the receipt of) tprenty-fivo cents in specie oppostagestampaJ Address Da. Wsi. YOUNG, 410 .Spruce st,, •above Fourth, Philadelphia. ; :. J| ' and Unj’ortunall, no matter what may be your disease,! before'you place your-, self under the care of any of the notorious Quacks —native drjforoign—who advertise ip this or any otterfpaper, get a dopy,” of Dr; Young’fijbook, and.read it carefully, jtiwill be the means!of saving jfou 1 many, a ; dollar, your health; and possibly your lifc. J '! Dn. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseases described” in his publication, at hi: office, 41C SpritCe Street, above Fourth, phila- hours from 9to 3, daijy. fmar2' THE GREATv H.ani an Tk /we Published'm a (Sealedl A' ON t'|iE 'CAUSE AJtu .tEOf ~m torrhcca,- Consumption; Mental and. Physical, Debility, Epilepsy; Impaired Nn» trition of .the Epdytassitude; Vieiltneas of ibo I/imbe «m<l; -«»♦ ; IjiiUflpOuitum, .and study iind. Labor ;! Dullness of Apprehension :i Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society: Love! of■. Solifut^e; ,'finjidity: Self- Distrust; llizjincss; Headache, Affections of the Eyes; Dimples op the Facelnvoluntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity;[the Oons'e (picnccs qf youthful Indiscretion. (Sc., &c.; j ggk.T'hi? adinirablc Lecture clearly proyes that •the' sibovt enumerated, often self-alliictcd evils, may "be removed '.vithoot medicine -find without Dirttgerous surgical operations, and be read by every youthjapd'cvery mah in the hand! -j. *' jj;..• 1 . • M Sent under any .address,; in n plain sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by I ', . ‘ ■ ; CHAS. J. C. KLlN^:&<C<>'., ; •_ 127 bowery.New. i r ork.Post o|fficejilox,4sB6. elpMft; ! KOL LOCK’S ' • ' ; i , • I l. . I : Dandeion C o£fee THIS preparation, made fjromthe Wst *lava Coffee, id recofpmcndeiffby physicians: as •a saperiorf NUTKIWOUS'BEVEHAGI. fbf Gen eral Debility, I Dysj/cpsia an|l all billions disor ders. Thbusands who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use tliis. with out injurious! effects. OnebCan jeonta us the strength of two pounds, of .ordinary- coffee. PriceSlDtents. • L !•' BOLLOCK’S LEVAIX. The purest and best BAKING PC known, for nfaking'light, sweetlnlfd nul Broad and Cakes. Trice 15‘cents.|; . j Manufactured by i ,1 .. , - ,1 M. H. KOLL OK, Chemist 1 , Corner of! Broad and CheSti ul stree i - PIfIL\DELPj And sold',by all Druggists and Grocers mar2fi 1 ;| A THOUSAND Work's Great War \Son) ' Music, in January f A SCHOOL MAQAZU CtARK’B SCUOOL i VIS nine VIII. , v ■ ; .i-| , The"- Publisher of this fi Monthly, jn i order to wilt send the Visitor! onp year to one 'person i(\vho w’ill act. as J at an postrofiftce ip the United This isj anj unparalleled coffer.' Address, with live cents ,or for particulars, : ■ . - i J. W.DAUGUADA i■' l:: ; 4' ' PabH , 1808, Chuestnnt St., Phila t •R’AT.raTQg: WOOLKN FACTO I HE/ undorVrgned expects *■? commence, tHis week! Carding, Spinning, | Fulling* x mining and pyeing; l : also ttf Flannel d&tfc,] Cassimcrfes,- Satinetts and Blankets, at my old . place- in Fnllston; , Fof 1 wear and durability, I can warrant the goods v manufacturednot• to bio. surpassed.J, For th©, I accommodation’s of those on the cast sido of the Beaver! Vt&oV etc., Canbe ( left atimy house; •in -Pulaski township, or John Hodgkinsou s store'll! New Brighton. ; ; je!7;C3 | / • ; | EP|TM, IMI llj Ij I 3ST IB •' . \ ! ' V '■ AKD . rtRESS^MAKIST MRS. Z. MOORE announces to the thatshe has remired a few front herlate residence, wheroshe in tends continuingthe MILLINERY & DRESS MAKING; business, in ail Its rariijuff branch es. Shehaslately rfjcelred a whir selected, stock.of Milusbbt Goods, th which she in rites the [attention of her customers. A eon 1 : tinusnee iof the patronage heretofore liber ally bestowed, is respectfully solicited. ■ * Bearn', Bejrt. ; 80, 63.— 4 w, -.•,tee`.,; •. V'- v BRAVE 8Q: HOLLCI miid A Lli WHO! are Friends and Relative*. Arnjy oif: Navy.should take espeeis that theyjbe amply supplied with those and Ointment!;' and where the brave So and Sailorsh^ive 'neglected to. provide i selves with them| so better present canb them by ,their friends. . They have been ea to be the Spl4ier’s' never-1 Oling ; frie the hour, ofnSed. '. f ■' ! ANp IB Will be speedily removed \ end effec cured by nsingthese admirable medicine by, paying piSper attention to the Dirt Which are attachedto eschPot or Box. SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF fit!: TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIER. HThesefeelings which so sadden ijns, usually I arise from tmjhble or, annoyances,' obstructed | perspiratioiSPr eating and drinking whatever I iS.un wholesomo,, thug disturbing the hei .llhful action of thetiliver and stomach. : These or i gnus mast be believed, if you desire to bn well. 1 The Pills, to thepifinUd. in-, atruqtions, will quickly a produce Ijr- h »ajlhy [action in'both liter and as a natural consequence a clear head and gcod ap petite. | ■■' ■ i ' i 1 | • WEAKNESSjiOR DEBILITY INDUCED, .BY '■>: T; OYER FATIGUE, ' I':,' ■ : Will soon disappear by the’iise of these in-' valuable; Pills, and the Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength, let the bow els be either confined or unduly acted] upon. It may - seem strange 1 that Holloway’s Pills •should bq recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many supposing that'tbeyl would inerease the:relaxation, j This is a great mis take, for thesie Pills .will jCoirect the livjer and stomach ahdiithns remove all the acrid hujnoos from the'syslom. This medicine wi}l giye tone and vigor to the whole organic system howev er derangcd.while health and 'strength] follow as a matter Of course- Nothing will stop lha relaxation of; the Bowels so sure, ah' this fam ous medicine; VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! INDBSCRE* /«!; 'LL,’ tTDIJII Itritions t's, ■plA, BARI , Wor umbei \ T E F Is,and 'REE I Vol- [TOR. LVoritO; cliools,'! gratii L.gent)j States. closed, wUer,. ,Y, SMITH K/'.s’Z’ ia*drelativ ..QFThB ii .DIER*ANDBAILO WAY’S PiL Qffitmeirl TIOSS OF TODTII ■ Sores ondUlcers, Blotchings and Swellings, can [with Certainty~b'e radically cured I if- rthe Pills are taken night and morning, and] the mntinent beffreely used as stated in the print-' ‘ If treated in any other man ner they dry up in, one part 1 to break out in an other! Whereas this Ointment will remove tha'-bu’mors from the system and leave the Pa li enta vigorous and healthy man: i It Will re quire a lhtlfi! perseverance in had cases to in sure a lasting cure. , ’ 1 i :j ■ , Poe wounds either occasioned bt 1 THE BAYdNET, ORSABBE ORTHEBUL | LET. SORES OR BRUISES. I uTo which and Sailor ai e liable there are nolmedicines so safe, add'con venient as Holtaway’s tills and ointmc it.j (The pdor wounded and almost, dying sufferer might have bis wounds dreaded if he would o' "■ " "" ' tltiS | match- 1 less t)ini rust into the. wound ai ;hen covered] t|ith a pi .psack, and compress ''Taking night an< tem and ' Every chcstjshi ijeniediij UTION. —None are genuim irds 'tJ/ollotcay, IV/jir York anil J icsrnable as a water-mark, in ey book 1 of directions around each the sdmc may be plainly seed b; irnfjn the IvjhU A handsome TCW given to any r one rendering puch tion as iriaj lead to the detection of a j'or, parties counterfcitinglhe medicines dng the same, knowing thcm.toibeisp' | ' «•* Sild- at the Manufactory of ' Holloway. 80 Malden Lane, ‘New 1 hy all respectable Druggists and D riledi'cin,es,lthroughoiit the civilized ' boxes pt'2o cents, C 2 cents and ea | g®” there is,considerable Saving 1 the largersizcs. , I N. It.—Directions for the guidani Seals in, every disorder are af:isod to < •| May)/, '-'j j ;i 1 600 GOO MALEjOE FEMALE A( • I .|S ‘ TO 'SELL ■ Lloyd's jVeio Steel I’latf.Connty , ■' ■ of the Uhiied Stale li' Canada's, arid '■ From recent surveys, oimpleted 1802; cost $20,000 jto cu jravo ■ it, year’s, '• ; Superior to any $lO map ever ni« tou or ’ litchell, and sells ai the lo’ Fifty Cents; 370,000, names are'CE this,ma|p. [■ ■ It is not only a Cmlnty tfisp, but COUNTY & KAII ROAD of the 15. S. & Canadiis combined in Every Railroad Station amhlistanci Guarantee-pny woman man $1 clay., add vvill lake bjvck alt maps t be Hold lind rnfuml the moioy., Send for b 1 worth, to.tr’. ’ Printed instructions how to car furpislicd; aUlour'agents. . j , Wanted—Wholesale Agents for our maps ist every State, California, Canada, England, France nhd Cuba . A foititrie mny be; iqadje with a- fe v hundred dollars capital.! ATo ror.’i vctitu>n.'[ J. F. Liovn, IG4 Broaden y, N. Y. j A The War Department uses' our map of Virj ginin. Maryland,' and Pennsylvania, cost slooj -0(H), on which is marked Antietam Creek,’ Sharpsburg, Alary land Rights, Williamsport Ferry. Bhororsville, Noland's .Ford; and .all Others ohApe,Potomac", and apery- other place in the alidve mimed CHeies, or irioncy refunded. ILOVD’SHTOPOGUAPHICAL jMAP OF ■ KENTUCKY,. OHIO, INDIANA,/, and 'itlL at, the, duly authority for Gen. lib iccrans and the War! Department. Money refunded to any one finding an error in it. , . From the Tribune, Aug'., 2. . ■ . i “Lloyd’s mac or Virginia, Ma iti.axdaxd Pennsylvania.— The map jib Very large; its cost is but *25 cents, and itisthe icAi'cAcon be purchased.” • I ' ’■' ■ s | , -■ [ Lloyts Great Map ff the Mississippi River, t- From Actual Siirveyp by Capts., Blurt and Wm Bown, Mississippi River Pilots; of,St-Bonis, Mb., ahoWs every man's plantation and owner’s hameft-omSt. Louis tb the. Gulf 6f 1,850 milesr—every sand-bar, island, town,’, landing, and all places;2o,miles bibk from the river—colored in counties and Statjes, Pribe, Isl in sheets; $2, pocket form, and $2,60 on linen,, with rollers. Beady Sept. *O. : 'Navy Department. Sept lb, 1862, I 1 J. T., Lloyd—Sir: Send me youp Map of the Mississippi River, with price per hnnjdred copies. ! Rear-Admiral Charles HI Davis, com manding, the Mississippi squadroL is iietl to purchase las many as are required fo use of that squadron. r GIDEON WELLS. Secretary of I for Investij y fetation, on ) ,‘li. : f Allegheny Chance At Big Seicick W . & C. M ’»'HE subscriber offers for sa. 1 of 6ne upland, suitable for Sheep Farm, wilh 40 acres of riel ■tom;also, 100 acres, of River.Bol' 'This, valuable property will bej; chasers. For particulars inquiry . v| I'i'V ;W- C| pct2B,’63. ): Remingth Estate of Harvey Gamble, dee’d.! T KTERB of administration ohttie estate of | j Hakvbt OkaBLE, late of Greene t(|wn ship, Bearer County, Pehna., dee’d, haring been granted to the undersignc J, all petaons indebted to Mid estate are reqxMaled to make immediate payment, and those uaTingcffiims against the same will present t liem properly authenticatedfbr settlement. - . , JAMES BKITTAIK, f»biO|M | ,/• ;.; r : : V 1 1 :~ ps €K R 8; A Family am LS 1 ' CHOICE lath* lean [tin*. Idlers tiem. proT nd in Poetry, AND MOB 4 ING REA 'ln (be liteniy Department ire ehail pre sent the choice d>arieti?s .within the reach of oar extended The Novelettes, Tiles, Poetry, &c., stall b“supplied from,the jbest and highest sources, and be equal to anything to be {bond in imy journal or magaiinej ’ | ; Agricultiua and Hortiiculftnze, . EMBRACING ~ -v ' ’ ■ ■ ■■=■ ■ ■' ■ Fapming.Gairdening.Frutt-Raising.Ao. In all their in nehee, at conducted on tie lateei and moet approved tytiem. oofs i ;u«Uy \ s, and setioni IPPE- Oar labors in this department for ever 1 thir ty yejtrs, have met (be cordial approbation of the public. Oar I purpose has been to furnish useful aba relable information upon these very important branches of industry, jaiid to protect -them so' 1 far as. within' our tpower against the tal te doctrines and selfish purpos es of; £he many empires and sensation-jadven turers by which the Farmer is incessantly,as sailed. This potiißn of the Gernanloum Tele graph will alote be worth the whole price of subscription,, i s every 'who has aj,proper conception of his falling, ;will readily atmit. -J ’ 'I : j NEWS DEPARTMENT. ■J'- . if ■ ; . V- i- •. ■; , The,sanie in dustry, care, and discrimination, in gathering end preparing the Stirrmg Events of the Dajjv expressly, for this. paper, j which hitherto has beciTone of its marked .features and given so universal, satisfaction, will he continued wit i redoubled efforts to meet tbp increasing deirands of the public, jThe labor' required iq this department is never fully ap preciated by the reader. It would fee im possible .o ptescnl, the. condensed'and| care fully made-up form in which' it. appears, a: ma is ■ of all 'the most interesting; news of the'; yeek; without involving much pbysic.il laboi Wc annex leave, to call Subscribing fc ; , ,kdVs ;; One. copyi'; yeatp, $5,001; Five ’.Gopicsj I One Year, sll s2B r (J|o. ' 1 i f ®Sff*Subacr $2,50. • - ’ ] ! ttsUA Cluj entiile the pel six months; ) fir one'year, at the end ofj 'nlered. ; ' or acoqmplisbcc I BgS-Sfeci ;!' vp- ‘thesyp-. jcaxnan b valuably fc. *s. ! unless. \ondon ; " iry leaf fot or j holding ird wjll informa lly' party orTend inous.., Gemiahtoicn, I V A | .“This is I satirical join and really ‘cli ■good'tciuper: jsoul is its n soul, purr i jthey Can find better ‘ in- ! ,ii tMtjritkly. ’rofessor ork. and salcrs in rorld, in >y taking e of pa :ach bbj. .‘•TUis pat for f ;V|vMTil : witfJ’lHiul ii j I; , i . . | “Will wie I. j ■ . 'the lio’idon Colored : “Whosnoi ij •]' |! wit' of Van: \ckli, '• \ ( i uid !‘ r 0 V uo Aug. 10,S -V- y• Cray ■ and one j I|' t- Ic.by Gol r price; l of graved 1 oh. |i ''t it is al.io.a IjMAP; |v The very has thus Enaidcs'tU' tlic romrnei sued tli is di literary an«j iucreasi per, .and f]» unanimous) me, giving !3jbetwccm ! '.to $5 per at cannot (vjasi wel|; Com IS3UKI and is for i office of Pii New York. Tilted.d cents singli . .Two cojp one addres' Five copies......} ....>........ ....12' 00 T*cn <}opies.....ji 00 ■ An Esuv copy wiki be allowed to tbegetter up of every Club of| not less thanj fiye\eopicsi This .paper is .Eiectrotyped,'. arid, numbers may be procured at anv time.. > ~ ■; ] i., , LOUIS H. STEPHENS, Publisher for the Proprietors, ;H8 Nausm-st. ■ 'I -V. New-Vofk. '■ iIMK. DEMOBEST'S j , Quarterly Mirror ot Fashions, • .117(5 Ur tat Improvements and Additions^ TH« SDMMIU NtTKBKR CONTAINS 1> - FOUR LARGE if SPLENDID FASHION FIA TES, THREE FULL-SIZED patterns of Presses, " }■ '■ COMPRISING THI New French Waist, a* Elegant gleeye, andn 1 .Misses Sack. :and a .Sheet o;' Sew ,■ • -and Beautifbl . ,L -BRAID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNS, Together with ‘nearly 100 Engravings of all the novelties for |. . / Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, ~ Children’s Dresses, . AnC-valuable information to Milliners, Dress Makers, Mothers, and Radies: generally,, pre senting the largest and ibestiFasliioit Maga-| line, in, the World, published ! 473 Broadway, j{. Y., and sold everywhere at 25! cents, orj sent byitnail, post free, on the ain’t I in stamps or silver. Tear $l,OO with the fol lowing Valuable premium. jl i |;1 • the Kavy. , tent. Ac P. Ft. a County . i|B 200 notes j a Dairy j>r h Creels Bot ora. Isold to par of ■ Each yearly subscriber will be entitled to a receipt for the selection of 50 pi nts wort'h of plain patterns, from°the designs in the book,, or from thp show room, or the;'; may be or dered ;and Sent by mail any time.jdurlpg; the I year, by.paying postage. . !';i 1 ji. v ’ J | , lnducements to Canvassers. | - No' now ready.' i! , • | DUNN, jra Station. Beaver Academy. THE tVAfes **bm open'e oh the first d»y of Bktt«¥»*s.. Addres i 3. B. ISEROBH, Woeful. , AJm’y., 1 Qrt««( *p. oN112:li 4 _ •O . an itoni ptyoTxoTo .-j'.:-. LITERATVBE, INCtDDISO- . ’ Novaleetts, Tales, V L AND ENTERTAIN DING GENERALLY, ri"■ s ■ - m\-i- ■ ■■ , tact and judgment. * j ; Ihe cash tlnra, to which WC; jbeg attention of all Who thins of :r a Newspaper' ,f; l : • mce Qash Terms. | one yeorj S2.t one copy, three ; three Copies, one year, $6,00; ,one fear, $8(00; .Ten Copiesj {',oo ; Twenty i Copies,-One .Yenrj ! • p : !>; ■ i- ] liptioa notipaid -»filli|iL tho,Jycar| ib of live subscribers!'at $3, will irson getting it up to. a copy for t Club o£ ten or more, ito it 1 copy . All Club subscriptions stopped ' the jtime paid, for, unless re-or ler will receive attcatibn' unless with th‘e cash. I ' | ien numbers sent to applicants; lIL.IP R. FREAS : Editor and Propnetj ’hiktdelphia, 0ct.22,’t)2. FAIR!” I !ho fink really clever comic and rnal we Shave had in America— S'ver it -ig. >Jt is both sharp and d, and not afraidln say that its ivn—which show's that i•• has a | aders will he-glad to knov’iwherc , native, fun that'-has soilelhin’g. i than iinero pathit.”- Atlantic iCv"is excellent-. . Remarkable :y.”—A'. Y. Trayetlfr.. ' "■; Fair : is cbnducted by a itelligehti. corps of journaliswt’j— mil.) Enquirer.' das potent'an influence as that or Punch'." — -Bouton. Traveller. er finds himself laughing nr Fair, and does not rt is, fit for ‘treason, and spoi " ' - ' V i , SPECIAL XOTICE ■ I - * ■. > ■ iftrkedand fjattering success which far attended the ♦ .publication i of ■ “Vanity Fair, 5 * : |j- ;•■ publisher Uo announce that with cement of the Second Volume, ia- 1 y;,Both jjune, Kew Features, both il Artistic,!will be introduced 1 , i<? the value and interest oif thp pi fully' maintain the proud, position If accordejltO'it,,as the leading; '•- fo Journ|ai- .op America., , ,K il ■! VANITY FAIR ; D REGCI.AF.LT EVERT THC-RSOXT, Sale hy all Newsmen, amt: at the üblioatioii, No 113 Nsssau-street, | " TERMS: ' f 1- Jollars per ; annum'; in a’drance—Six ic copy. '( ■ i| ■■: ,i. TERMS FOR CLUBS: v pics of - Vaxity Fair/will l>e senl to <9 for.* :T!UxBMgU.CdU»t * rar . jfoermiaathn agirint, '■Bad . £rta(h; :- \ .-• «w %--' i C s. OUR 18 ' V ■’' WM. B. HUrh4 . OEN^JVLTREA^IC .. i- A COKtUtt* »T or 'J' Y i PRESEBfIKS THE TE^g Pyri/yinjl tKt, \Brei(h and- uplng Toothache ind I hottU, . t\ j on; ««» I • on But M, ' Prepared at Dr. Hurd V'Dental fW- Lr Fourth. St., Brooklyn; fE. D.lti ■ J e > i Price i OXE pOLLAR • oi- SIT «- i «®-The Denial YTrcamry i, a kesf eight inches and ia seht bv ei^^"' The following articles we cinsendstZ; lyi by mad,- |; | 1 i • ■ L- - p^***' The Treatue'on Pr'tmvrn thl Teeth Kpf "pf iFfi'rr-s The Xeuralgia fLk for Neuralgia in o. .Face, Nerrous lleadaclk and Earache, post paid, on receipt of ; Cau, om stamps.- i;- ’ 11 - dha Rhnwuitic Plat/er (1..,, size,) for Pams in the.Chest,Shoulders Back .or any part af, thefbody, sent post paid, onr* ceipt of .'Jnir/y-m'cn ctnli. .1 * .Address, ’ I, , ' 8. jer " , B. HURD, CO.. Tripune Building,; Aw Torli ' (• 4 I ■Dr. Hurd’sMOUTHW-A SB, TOOTUTO tr ' DER and TOOTH A CEE DROPS. cannot bt vnt by [mail, 'but 1 they canjrobably be ob tained at [your, Drug or Periodical Stores. If, : they cannot; I Bend. to-Us for the DENIAL! TREASURY- Price, OKI Dothan, which coa tains thetn. !'> F.’ m “I, I ' 4&B DR- BEED'S PBEP^RITIOHS. SOO the best [evidences that they, are is, tbit then ! firmest friends and best patrons are those whoi have used them longest. ■ Dr r Km. 'B.'lßrdu an . eminent Dentist of -Brooklyn, treasurer of ! the Ifew [York State Dentistsf Association and i those preparations have been used in iij cri vate practice for years, and no'leaJice c.iiien of Brooklyn, or WiUiamsbi|g ijncaioss tW excellence, while eminent ‘Dentists of Yew ‘ York, recommend them as ti • l&t is fra t </ the plrofesaiop. Without V. 7 .-.id odrenik- ' ling,- dealers >hsv{ • •, i "ffho Editor of i,he^sroohyji'u®^x “We are lljippyi to know that’-ovu ; Hurd, ik succeeding beyond all 7 wi[th his! MOUTH WASH and TOO.IUfWr. Dp. "The'great secret : of bis’auccta •with the fact ihjii\ his articles arc. 'precisely ehtli thet/arepepresriled-la-lie, as if e can. (e'Uij 4heir long «*«.•’"7 ■ i . t> ■ • ' •!, The well known P. T; Barnum writcsT jj. found your TOOTH POWDER so good that bj family have nsejljif all up. He. ; r?nd it the td! poirdr.r'for 'the ice have ever usol. .1 shall obliged if you will send jinc another sup ply at the Museum at your convenience, • with bil’.,” '[7 ■*''"l , . ' put their cost is sosma.ll thater'err onenaj test the matter for himself. . :or. v ifiSy; Be ware of Hie ordinary Tooth 1 Di.-HUrd’s_,Tooth : Poodei- contains . nor alkali, inor charcoal, and polishes •• 5!? •wearing the enamel. Us e' no other. -. ■■ WHAT WILL DR. I CUD'S 1 RKM, j . ' ; ! - •!• EFFECT? , ;■ t I jisr. Hurd’aMouth Wash and Tooth: P&ii ’ ■ will give young ladies that finest obhr'ralli »s -tpan—a sweet breath'-add pearly .itt-ethi Try (hem, fillies,| • j 'j , ..--'j f. Dr. llurd’s Mouth'Wash and-rTooti Wilier Vill Cleanse the mouth |from uil foul (4hV:~ tibns, and if used in the morning. wi’.f insti the'breakfast taste, sweater and ih* daj heal: more N 'pleasantly., Hundreds of persona.:«s testify to this. Try. them, gentSr.en.f • Dr. Hurd's Mputh Wash and. Tooth jPcuhr are the ihe'tK'SL preparations in,tiie^world[fet Curing ' bjfd breath and: giving firr.-hj's 's:l health to.theignras. Hundreds of c.«cj-,tf .Diseased RU)ding\QuirJj sarc, Month, -Ccli'. etc., 'hare been cured by DrT|'Kdrd's isi?- •cntjwtuih. ■ [ ••• I• - '!. ’s’ : ; |Df. Herd’s Sleuth,Wish and.Tooth;lhri.' giye eh arte to couyisiiiy, u: make' husbands;‘moro to.feetr.'w-'e , amftKjyes'io their huSbandsN. They uaed’byeverv person haring . \.. ■ f \ . [ ■ 'A rtieicia ufE .. which are liable to-infpait ajailtt tiur|civ:-> Dr. Hurd's!ToothacheTDroops, cu&fe 1 ; ache arising from expose? nerves, ftt^lwj 3 ’ bear friends, that parents can bare in th^P 1 ? toJ'saro tWir.children from torture and, selves from loss of sleep and sympathetic*'' ■ and mechanics I you cannot A, ll ford to ncgleqt your teeth. you can Sow; get I preservatives, than dap Rothschild orj Aston can get nothing K’! wr - ( Remember that Dyspepsia and ?■ the Lungs often originate in neglect of T e d" Send for the j’Treariiks. on Teeth , i|nd v wtd I • observations on this subject, -L late to arrest! decay it i|l your own teeth. ?*’ your children's teeth. ' " ■ ' - KEURALOLA' ‘PIASTERS.— p J- j Ev ,! Neuralgia Non-Adhesive Plasters are thru#- pleasant Bml aiivx«»M cd for this painful' disease. The plies one, soon becomes drowsy. tiu'.3' s; ‘- r. and awakes free from pain, and no baste. . dtherjunpleasant or injuriousconScq«e° ce^ B ' sue. 1 For Earpche Stud AVrcotli HeadtJ' l Y plr,according to directions. >nd relid *“ ■ suretj- follow. Nothing cati be obtained <f UvDr..Hurd's Compress for :Neuralgia- m them. They arc cntirely a hovel, curious • original preparation, and fuL [ They are of two sixes, one small, for face,: pricc 16 cents, Ond the other >* r 6 f y< application to thq body; price 37 cents. be’ tniulcd.cn-receipt J price and one iWnf, , WHAT ARE-THE' PEOPLE B° I>J L The American people are Intelligent eno“!* apprcciatopreparations that contributed® to happiness'Of'-'those using them. x®“ ■ wont them. Every mail bri'ngs-us ordering the Treatise oniTeeth, so® l ** ralgia and hot a few enclosj g -. for the Sloutb Wash, to he sent jby M t, t to. these we are Compelled to' reply*® impossible to send a half-pint bottle . The people want these Remedies- - supply themf : i - • *•;' ( v Now is the' ! in-erb i- •'! ! CUANCEF.OB AGENTS - ' Shrewd agents can make njm* p carrying these articles around tot , jtJt i Dental Treasury is the ucalest « uc: it man or-woman -jean carry Broun 1 - - b | t i 0 one and see,, or,: better,JJ'4°?®^ .o'pM will sell, al samples, for . tte tf liberally with circulars, ter ***, t „diJW to logo into the business, to f“ g c, 'l a profit. .We age, spending thqsw ? ,r benefit of agents. w men! here is something nlo ® , T; „ take the tide at j Tribune Building*; , That'remittances m a y J**- JliK dence, W. Bl Hi * Co.,.refer io& Brooklyn: to G. W. Griffith.^ ',-rt'andCitiiens )'• York :UP: T. »•«*■ -. rtHkm , ejie. j |. '.at tke. elurn a\ lila.-T ! : . f 1 N I •_[ i- i as'd Iwwlgil.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers