1 t II JB ARGUS- T 7 H I■ ' ' 'i. 1 SIR ~ - * Wednesday,! Feb, 10,1804., l’ - i I -• 1 - . ■ i . jMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. ■ I or .President in 1864, . H H AM LINCOLN, ' . OF TLMxB^,,■ 1 ' F6r Vice President, . " REW G. GURTIN, ,-.i rr ■ - v or rissßTivAfdA. IRE BR NX) [A .'tJiir ’thanks are klne.J. 11. Dan western papers., Z I | -■--h-t; . ■ » »■ : j lie. SS^-Whon--will ourc'Jrrcs p o ndenls j, larn thaivJto insure attention, their j iicacions; must bo aecompatiieU I'potsiblpuabie ? - ft=9~ .Ji.for omnia a re! V AdIUM printing press aVthis-offi.ce. , Price low j aor ir. sale i'vtH**' —~t~'i Vc call attention to the adver -,I t ; . • t ofj Ad/t. Shallenbergor m • coliimiij of our paper. r- . i ’ I ■ ‘ ETN .“.erne i noth ci i, ■ >r. .1?. M- Kerr Sad jbeen ap, . Physician to Jail r in- place of mmins, liesigned.. ’ ■ <> ’ ointec )r. C a iS&r Dr: |TiioB. Donehpp, date Wilsviile,.l Otyio*. having, located, in- 1 leaver will receive calls at n tfio I’outhern extremity of' the Jfaf ion-sj Hotel, :in 1 this place, |or, door (icst'tie river, i,; i i ' , e. P Pitts. R.p.UTlu .he estimated' ear-ningj .prd &■ riujiburg nUI: tcieous:....' CtiE-V irig is -Clovel; 'iJ^riuat EN freight -Passer g 'Miscc’.lap ry, 186 a/.,. y?. ,36 ::y. £»nua lnert. 1. ' S®"' The Commissioner!) o f have"adopted a r« ;J,t)issuo Jthc war. ran' to a suffifcieiil amour djinleer a bounl} - , of i jllars, in order that ie«'avoided. The quo Viimio.t"both calls is .; is are to bear s£x pci Count' grcem; county caeli vi d red'd may. b county •ran'a ME and are .mad ,; pay a ion of-fttw yyars or, .ion-iof. the .Coiarm'»k ‘•zpira ;tbe dp. Jov. 1 Letcher stated, t I)anyilFb;Va\aaid tbj •wall”- J’aekhon nag j ftlngthife Vftr iflilder nijl;6'j exprcbßcdShis I •keycn dayskiftbr thf r;rv« /nroDQsirnr to I by In si can "the face of the enemj ft?y dreg'.' “ St'Uli r-fmd tlml;,,- u tO hiF!l ir f The lljon. John ■! .■r of the *satc Son: i iarwrit for tJie' docli( it (t h e in do’ ot H arrj; ill : ;The; la&t dffdrt to Kpoak BTied I ator i; Signed • 'frnmjllich'mond ba 1 whose pot ation* ,H , as ) has‘bandi a very short time j j in a condition to tr relcasi ' hi*- fj ?'e*i)£n Had ir will b moss, J tariff m!m by, tb<i iherspo on.brak’cs- iC.ijt., and fur re r township: was Crbok fStajtioD, 1 , cm ing. ; In. stepping tbor and i;[the, track, four cars running jhim, badly mangling his body jilling him instantly: . j */f. raESi;.,—A y of James f silie jl, of Bor tfos; ssb/ name man marly killed last S from fel{6 iwcr; i mJ k , - ' • . x h WABHHAL’Is OFriCE, 24tirT)isr,PA, -'‘New Brighton. Feb. 8,64 b lj itpr. Argus:! Dear Sii - : The onliat 180 of Slh for tew recruits, abd 1 »• • ' j •* ' . ! 4 br voteranjs, will bo paid to any iom mrseioned. officer, private.' or ;n, Vho present? an acceptkb iH'at this office, i : JOHN CUTHBEIi Captain add Provost Pad Ed, mcnt 126 f non-c oitizi . | recrn: J-" i " i H* est & the c ncde vt Contract — Gol Thomas Jr ff, of.this'county, one of the ;6lri- l pd, most successful contractors in sountry, haslrpcw “ajob of work’’' ir active c peratione.for construct tventy-eight.'miles [of . railroad l> thefsbere of Lake i y©rk >- The contract is k heavy but it couldinot bayo fallen into hands of one more capable of ’ f fog lion*. | ' i i o's »lon . . . "tD9, tbe can • Gov. Haifa's message to . the Legislature 61 Mistoari, ‘annc afic ing the death of Governor Gamble, concludes as follows ; “My chief hnd •' constant efforts shall he to co operate Wiinjlbe Federal Government in its • efforts tojhppresa the existing rebel lion! In doing this I shall not be so.-. • /Ucitlons to fibd fault with the Presi ‘v I dent, Congress or the Generals, in the ' field. 1 shall i atber defer my objeo . tlons to whatever I may consider i htiunewortby in aota, to? a more| pm y|f to tt cordial r eup' jneti of the ;HbotO, some <kf ofjmamj.”. | ing. He npvjer ,wou; a j decisive . The' President's Labe palLi ■ List ofGr and Jkrors, Marclii’SA; s_ _ pryA-esultiug ienefieially jtb us or | ExEOt rriVK Mansion, f li.iVj: •’ 1 ' commencing Jcth dat. ; . e-desire to cnlUthl; aGenliuh.• < injarWu* to the rei..ds, Tliereoson if •' •’ 1; 1864. j;! fj r gT* IBee 1 Beed 9 GVbnT F ° rem<l ’ lour readers to an article two : ibid, viz : his utter incapacity Ordered, that a-thiaft fb '..hivo Hun-' HanG-ver Itp: Thos. Adams, Iwhere u nder .the above paMon.-i>"d Ibis uttbr unwillingness. j'> Never] dyed TbqusandMeq, tWve tor thlree : ' C .’I £pf published ib .Philadelphia. The ; ged, jn.any naan-, and, never ,cid, any ; n service) hf. the .jj Hobnwelli tp-Robert Diiiica ebirge of conspiracy,by iSejn. M'Clel- j f»|l poi;e justfy Trom the of. orediliug and deducting as] Irbnsf .. yX/ ,T G , 1 lan has not and cannot be sue cjessfnl-[ fait e, •which:- a jgenerous .people . as-, have bepii enlisted or jj ■jphipnewa ! tp; Jos, Dunlap. ,lyco.,,wlScd. Th SC o„dffit 9 f n,» ? Hi|t a '™'Y * “j’*' * j ol our public men lias, been bu * t6ta ! .in ev- 1 | , ; , veyely oj: more deserved criticised, and’! er J particplar for the 'aa£i£n,- [ |> , ; j ; -j i--.: j.;[| [y -/ g 'Wm 1 Ke him further did he|ed.:His conduct also proves- .that!..; «ajT,His is understood ito fei g gson!tp: W</' i- Lind. now seeli! that retirement land pTiva-jwhi.fi capacity, ho had was j used ;to ] the 300,000 already called , jFreodonLboro; Robt M’Oyski ’ey whicji he should. He h'as permit* ’ P«*c tjracftbb warHtr-seitfis'h 4pd- ttStt;jooo -sUditional,; Th.o |op|t ibf-j JTopdy, J ted tnnil'ch to be thrust. 'before.the | sona|t)le purposed 1 lie|ney«ivjnlendod I half /mil;lion men, iojaddilion |tot|oso V- j _ i jople by'a corruptdisloyal party ito destroy rebellion.; tor on.yts jepn- now m the field, means |ho cjosq of °" Sinrpji 0‘ ns a canciidato for thbp'igekt 'offiec in ' tinhance .ilcpeddbcl his hopesijand .that the wpjs ar.rf the Goveribment, and -Is'therefore the. of his party’s. legitiinateS object of .criticism. Me- ble bas burst at last I’ Wejyan’how. the thb Prepidon't’s‘Amnesty [ Bproughi tp:: Clellan lias, heretofore, _ >ad . many realize, from ex]>eriencc, tpe cost;; Proclaraatmr., all those wlvo Ularion ppi’Ai friends among the Union* pion of the; updibemore wisedn .future. |!p.cxt to, yheirjdiinVs 'ami'fake j the. jaih of ialleij country; jj)ut his -foil ileal ;conree has .;Buchanuu, he is the mest iijpjiophlar.i SfttHSito be spar’d one i anii vepi iv-1 driven th.qtn all from his 1 support— map the tiplion.. and vyithojk’ an ex jcd 'a!> Citizens, .It isj also provided Kj' i Look at lclltT- in favor of Wood- cejitjion- the man \v ho most deserves Pres*u&nt fhal ever, in riiy i | ward, hi| ititinlaey, with thej on ion s reproaches,having ihflicted on thosb; v^hp, j Brood’s •* and Seymour,' Mew ]it greater, evils thnirany otijpr. • Tl/c® oited'at the eleietiob for Breiddpbtl ip i York, Reed and' Ingersol' of Ebilas! Beipocratic party vvould ,qpt stfiiid j'.ISOO, shall so dpstrej.thqy shall be.em fdelp'hia,. i.ncn whPm -'JPjjal vmen«l by b> m were it no ? for hia dfsloj'alty. ipow.prbd to;forth. a Stato gbverminoatl |of ail pat.ties. honestly J believe—to iani| he nev.elj- would assqejiate w.th j Cpipling this ■ .vith |. be traitors; in league wiihj .I)ajnB and , ;0 li: ja but t.haL are equti'uy sc.,’ j ball lor' njen, tve begin to sec,; Sbis cause.' Look, too 4 at bis' SntirnacY j fi T i “.’TV : T r ":If Y ‘ - ti'e policy, of Hhe Government. The-I r. 11 Lu I ‘ • a* ■VF wTLa'EST tN Soi.ißßask-Lilitors . , ■' ‘ ,•„ ~. • VJs ywith.Fitz, John Porter, Who was dis- „ y* , •• i :sy. . vast aymy-thus galled in totthe fiPhLiS i: .. ■ 1 , . . TTr> ...'of-ncivsnabers thrhughqut the Limed : . , 1/ bmissed from the service ofjtn.edJnited : i . j, n | , ;i . ,-i ■ ■lesii'npd. -to protect the lo\ T al men of L;, i -,• . . i ~!;< • ■ ' > -.stales will doubtless •confer,« fav/>r.on - . .■Y ~ / \‘di * ■ arT , rotates for conduct worse'thaartrea- ... . .J . ■ | ; .s. • t .l he; [revolted States: in their jeiforts to , . , i, , -Ihci-Bcjdiew in. the heltl, as> well as; i .i :i . .... tl. r/T rT ■.» . son. —who was convicted! gF dc-nber- ■, !. / . ; , ~1 • . . bring back'tliojicStatesmtGthe Lmop. , ,■ , ii - I •.• , - their friends at home,/by ,g,iyi;.' vb-1 .. F » -- - '■ • ' ‘ ■ ': ■ ‘ I atclv and the oe- J . . ■, ; \s commenc i„ rl’ *I , -. 1 lieft:,%to the following ; - !i ■i■■ ;■ j leat of Gen., Pope. aVJ.ne SjeeObd bat- j ‘ ; / r }' , ' ’ mismna and tie of Bdll Run f wllo dg fesponsible'l ’ t. [I i.Uj,i 4] t far dijstant ! for’tbe yaluaUic lives lost there ; IhciAn'acl to amend the,ljiw. add to this,] subsequent invasion of .the arlKues to Uo-admitte; • Ajiaba|mal ' , c-i ‘ . I , minis ut th.e United-Slate w .I' i and-ttil ! us terrible iconscijuenecs.. 11 b■ , n .• 1 , ... v} , degiees.l .... • ; ~ G. ■ ■■ I c-‘/?c it emsMbq the Hen>tU. W-»X uJ • j is idle to say that -his eqdy.ction > i]t rcStmtat ; C cdf thh ' Uh P . t 0 ' ts Pf 't \ unjust'. The oiHcers wlnji trigd ,liim.W; ’Avu-rlea- in a, .riew : were ~his friends >andl eoihpaiviotis | Th'at articles of c|pthiag,.fc -h'c of !most of them of 'his’* ownj - polßicalf u f? ollirt *l, ft woijl,. cotton '«.it,L j-^ePf e “McClellan i notl ' ’■ I riel elfc k follow* of thft •oad (Or .S7S.OUQ 07.914 k 6.500 $139 414 .. 123,80 S i ' I Jcredd. Gen: McDowell; kn jntimatVi Wbackage^ i . - , _ , •, • , *,s * ,( in* two pounds i:i weight, friend of Porter s, and who was pr«r, missioned d'uce'd And oxamimeflftij' [Porter himj.J pflivattf’ nerving in the, apl.,. , - - T •self, testified that lie believed' Pope ft nited States, may be jsffirismittcd in I ,'i? ' m ■ h yoirid'bavo been Ported ™f* of the VulUl Stales' *Lt» ; D*cri?tion I jop Mobm? L s , --1,-. ■ ,■ , 1 f Jit r l .j 1 rate of eight-tfenUyfo bo in' all cases, Copper lpne ofjftho epeeeh tupported him. And U*.> | or any | ei | (10 . d - ng £ war Wi |* 1 ere.j with treason. whose skirts W<mo | fraction tb.ereqf, iffibject’toi-.such .reg-:.. |U- 1 c , ‘dyed with the blood liis ulatioiis as' /die PnslmasteP-Geh'eTaH r * L ‘ . Jl n * !-'S® 1 - (I pl! ® t soidiers after'all this, received ,ir4o|biay prefeddte. * • ] ; McCI&U and*-! | lAjmto&J Janaary 22; I*ol' ' * dcscnpt.on of a' tUorou-l Cop: |; <\nuim! as' .before. . bis : , iiUt Inii--.l i.’ ft4r OrW T ' as fcc.n ati the ..present day:|;; iinatekkanion,and friohd. ./The ar-1 !;/ ‘N««uaryj,2s; j i' : -Afi:.nd|vidua! goes over., joip^lho r • . i.l . I XThu l-viv U T.iiMiv'uvi tor ‘ mn ** s l "9 eno-inv, iinu raised |my regulations’ pronounce .it !■» > 1 V y i arms against his Nearly | for aft officer to associate will. -ntormatioWtlus and espe, | tr^Oll hndcTlhe Cphsiiui. j who ha« been disfhiHSo'd the service 1 ,c p?b' * or ‘ ie tfu'iitance ot pjostinastrrs.-.j the overt dfct] l»em* | cnmr.itled.\ ! Were, there, ho ‘ other a&d tiil|l ; a:nl plain !_Sju ( ipa,bC •ibe sainetimdividl.al no£ tp go I C-tn- M“»TePan vc'hpver c&ild trust op one cun iptaEudt]s. meaning.- .buMo revpifn m,^owh>' ; , - . ■ J. . .1 Post m Asters wilt howevir. heap in W'gwrhofrt* and by means of hi* u>n u or repose cinti.dence, m- him again. ,« iU btat . n fo Aisspde tkn f^ n .fa; n We'believe in all hono'slj , 'a|id[ candor mxud that packages .of clot Went. v him !in iwl.icb case Uas licjlitinL Uffit ileCieilan was pledged to-'tlie htd tied to jpass-tIW f'i u ? terestsof.tboSontii bctbrelthie- breaking eight cents.- be Utawfi-y nt^l.r i ->( tho from', woo! cijM.o ■ or inipn, and noy; Again; be a ont of ..the. rebelUon; a niethbcr ot ttxe ~ ..„a riin „-..-t,. n'T,-n,,T J • -. , * , \ r> n . ... di i 'niai sliceeaing t.Cc pqemj.s )n Weight, Wno nl '| n ’ lU his object order to toneak. up the:party in power, j m'.t4*c and thakh surrounded hiniself i'rifh ipf .the-jjnited iji ates... Cunsequenlly, j j !18 ; j, gdjke Port 9 the silmei jt package aUdrtejsed ip r:p.inni|asu)iied j t j U! f r ndSj^lenemy, j •and that Porter but acted the officer's, ,pf composed, of other hi:iU>rL-; who sets; lo„ «’M BSigned him? • W<l _adif.it that UWdi .than as above rpeeffied, mi-oi .as j tally jo wcakch Hie arm lino we were enthiisiarUc -admi- ibopU-j shoes ie if-sent bjy ; mail-, .must | TI! tors of Geti: 'McClellan 1 . When the prepaid by .Stamps at I letter r * ICS "’I iieeuse him Who lias uso-h ■ ■ rt p - hyiz,: throe conts/for eveifrhalf qun.ee ji o defeat the l’r- J ' d "tw siu'PoG if -Mcrcti;; (ilutioh a 4.: i la_ of 1 he. : t to pay two hup lie draff La of the :Gl.. The ■y.cent. in I'c at the, at nbrdi; , in his hth at the late |n favor- of the black lenujxients secession .tithe ex. ■yu;g that J• Fen 113 V tc, has is-, n'pf a Sen White, re* Uet.-ure h\4. jin" faiiod, Jjssiopr'the Sd jii elver,j thlj’ Senate ir.Batt btjsi *J- i rebellion broke out, most, oi lie pi om inont Officers of the "army joined the Confederacy. ** Gen., Scolt. waS too old t<J,take command, ami- jrecommon.dcd bis friend Gen. ]\lcClellan- .That in itself was sufficient to]givo.lhe young General a high standing amifmg mili "Spry men. The campaign in Western Virginia, magnified intOjpo much' im portance' at ■the lime, wais in reality, * as all now see it,'no test of military! capacity, , and whatever credit was I due is] nowjasllygivcn to Gpn. Jlose. craniL Yot'the country looked upon i tho : young Comraandcr as a'prodigy in- the injlitaiy worlds The hero, pur first victories, on?assuming com-' inland of : the army of the .'Potomac, Kftd thd confidence of the’ nation.— Tile Administration, anxious that he. should possess' the confidence of th/l army.gave him every ana • assumed to, regard hi in ns the map of ie destiny. Possessing i ‘some native shrewdness, easy in his manners, in si nnating in his address, surrounded; with officers of bis own choosing] who held their place through him and ' their hope .of promotion ' depending] oh him, with the newspapers- laudinjg and citizens praising, ;ho succeeded in winning bis way to the auctions of the army. He first com mander and found Pres difiiehltjylhajfi others have donate accomplish hfs purpose r j unhesitatingly that his popularity in that army was achieved in this way-^—designedly by him—that bej might use Tito his own advantaged Jit is] very easy iCommanaer-in-Chief, having supreme control over the army, to mould' it to bis’Wished. His popjulai >ty never ex tended bdypnd the army he command ed. In the west he wasaTways re] garden as a greatly overrated man.-j- The western army never loved or re spected him. He bad not long command ed ontbe Potomaoj until the people began €p be dissatisfied—Yheirexpoc tations were disappointed.' His inac ITSQN, Marshs twit; proclaimed bill incapacity. Wfc have not time how foeritwnw bio ray* era) movementij inffloa it to sdy, tbit with tba boat, ahnj oHror odo main wmmandad, »i- • time voowboo |«rytb{Bf waa laTcrrabl«,.b«'aiaply did 'T*' or fraction .thereof. j. | . j BLAIjR, Gen i TheCommctation Tax.— The lib wet ffp'use of Übngreas', on motion; ofllfr. Stevens, J mado - some amlendmcnts to the-Enrollment Act which will proba ably fix its general character. I Th ; e commutation -will Be 'three dollars and no. four hundred. The payment Pf ddiis sum-wifi-exempt the iperaon’idrattod from fuff! ffor the full pertod -for whi drafted.! Under the bill; pre v ions' to .'a me n d in e n t, i.ng commutaion might j drafted 'Within the noxt;th or even on the-next day, erninput should so soon ,o; levjt, The law, w!o take ijb^.. slantially the same as rtvyaa at the time of thplast ‘dra ft, cxbopt that the two classes will, bo consolidated into one, and - jhotween the ages of twenty and alike liable. - Pro. Office, ; 24th| Dist. Pa. 'N^.Brighton,‘Feb. Ist, 1864. Namejof Sub. Bit No farm'd. Qun fa tinder ’ / \ . i 300,000 eaU /North Sewickly, ./ v 14 ■ Freedom boro, 9 do dist, - ; Phillipsburg, Big JJeaverT Ohio, C Patterson, Iharmony 1 , Rochester boro, . dor twp, , Brighton -^hdustry, Darllngtot, 2r Beater biyor : 14 Sooth Beaver, "j J 1 New Brighton 29 Fallston, I X • . 7 ■■ \- i ? ■ . Total enlistments {dr tho whole did-' trict, 384. ] - ’ The above is a list only ofthosevol nntoering through thia- office.' The veterans in the field re-dnli»tfng have not yet been Credited.jas no official no tideation: hka been deceived, which moat first: be received j froih -.the Pro voal Marshal Gencraljbefore th,e cred it can be given to the poti district. • 1? a ' ; • J®*Byorjder of thd President, the execution oi Gdrlej, ihe murderer" of Geo.M’Codk, is postponed, and: ho will, U ie thought, be pardoned.' ! . ' ■ ■’. 5 i '■’ ■ ’ ! .ou, .iio iouh aii-, l\ young'nien ofthe countrj forth.to tight -their eoiin I aeciiM' him who anndu the disasters ■; of 1 our an into melancholy :wiu'n:lK| succeed. Such nion 1 cat friends to this 1 "real uutit The aboiVo’ id a life like , |6f a "eniiino/doppcrhead of t|ie presi |ent day,'add drawn by a inasterharidi IThe ' rebels, liavecomnii'.ted (lbo, act of are tlot-moiv than afo their Northern dough mpatlnzcrs, who rejoice at tiled: es and J weep at their reverses: oods,7uUhndfghairia anil. Wood , and thousands of the “lessor ” havejdono more injury to .tb'sj i tftusej by d'enoiiijicing t ho A’c • .ration jand discouraging erilis inents; than baa the entire lebpl boa;. Escape! Atio: fiecaptuae: —TfaWnd Ilowell, confined in the county , jail Awaiting HenteOco on a (charge of d i-t btroi'ing timber trees, attempted i u ; escape last week. 'He id a discharged soldier and being dlftitled to a'pensfic n and his “ family being in a uleslifu *o condition,'Sheriff;|ledlie permitted bin to go ro Pittsburg lastj 1 Thursday, in charge qf the jailor, in 'tinier to |u> cure his pension. Having briep de|ay-. ed by. the necessary examinations and' formalities,!When, tbeyl wont (to .tie pension office they foulid it bloscd.— The jailor then ’took Howjbil to the Pittsburg, jail * (dr cbhfineinent, trai having no commitment, tbe unthbr ities-would not receive bim, arid; thqy wore? compelled to go to a to pass .the night. During the iii<iht Howclbeacapod. Sheriff ijiidlio being ■ informed of bis escape (the; next moriv' it g, took prompt and energetic meas ures for his-recapture; things, leaving,orders iat the Pension Office to have (in case [he rttado application there. Accordingly Howell mode’ his appearance at The office on Mbnday, wbs.tnkqn.into dns , tody by officer Hague (and’ soon safely lodged in the Beaver; jail, i Sheriff Loillie is, irfno mar.nor; consarable|(oT the circqmslances of tscapo ind deserves j givat praise for the enej*gy which ■ to the ] rfecajituro;— Spir 3 , 5 -il- 1 15 W 12 18. i 2 . 17 4 8 1 i&*A larga ]»bi tipn of ttq- T) r Ensoncrif at ate ‘nbob b trartHfbrijod io Gee rgin| Then much' sickqeßß lambtig itncrh.- C Bhttef is quite confident W bin.abi toeffoct arced motion of tqkextlia of prisoner! «ewng ' 1 ■ 1 c ' -1 1 PETIT JU T WEEK . 1 JJfpnriony.tp: Buffer. [ Freedomj: ’ G< H.;.Cdoper| Josi A '. BcpfF/i - |jTe\v Sevficklyl tp: Cjvdrles I John/Fisher," J Boeder. Jo!hn ZiSkeorn. [ lprHnghß GraMm, sir; Benj . Whis viliej Japkapn,, i I 1 . . jiij ’ - : Wm. Ciiihoib S Kodjestjcr borp: T.. J r G. Spcyoi or, J. B Smith Ohio tp; jlfraj W. Danl ’ Bridgewater: S.jK. I)ui| New 1 Brighton: LeviFji: Pdrler. •• ."jH r |i (Brighton jtp: Sam’. GifVspie. Hanover tp: J. A*. G‘ibb>l)a tie, .Jackson Jenkins. . J f BdUcrsO'i) i tp: "\V"m Br- ‘I- hniLNii jeavei4|jJohnix Jos Industry . Sagjl Uo|-t. Borough tp: PatU.JjMerlingi Moon lj|i|: Chas I Ecpponi|y tp;| nfemy Liniici RaoePPitftp: South Beaver Martii lborp: Robert 5 tp: VYm'M’Coj Greene jtp;.' Wjm.i Snowden.. ;■ | 1 4 BECOUD WEEK.. I • Rochester boro: J, B. Breokej •Big Beaver Ip: Wip Beatt} tVallaee; • .• .j.V;-. ‘ - | \ Bridgewater boro: J. 31- Bt Thos Campbell . (Southjj Beaver tp: Milo Bra. i^alhanref M’Cllnton. ~|( ' ! New. Brighton boro; Ahrar Cliis Hdopa, 'Diios M. X John Reeves, Dajjid Boyle. ■ Raetopn tp: Elijah Bariies, Jiam Christy, DanT Harvey. : Chippeiva tp; Jos Brittain, V bcott.-jr. i ? ■,. , r : ; Kortli Bdwiekly tp: Jos! li Daniel Daniels//, 1 . • Mopn i jtp: Philip Cooper, 1 Figlev; tjoileifci Beit'. ' , Bcavevi boro:| D. M. ponehoo ParlU>*jYon ;tp; Robnit l)i W*h .Wbann / i J‘pjl , iis'trv in; George Engle, Franklin tp:, Conrad Fisher ■ Puia’sliji' tp:'.Shnp'soii-.'XTuih , V purified iii, ihd ihas'corae .ho firOi v 1 4 - K r»r’v ■i iu c-fiist t Ik> nrjffosstfs' tit thibpouii- \ lection,) y6l-| : '■tiorH. to bfi| 1 tick No IrinV k ay is torn All i of t N o ' its ci’cilil uftd ti citizens. J Kir> exertions) Tbos Feri'usen. , . , v j •■firecub ip: Thos Kierr. (,-reorire Pps.; . I'anovbi'. Ip: Sannu'l Mooi'c, Jambs j '"orj-eiic'e. . ! ‘ lp: Isaae Ntfss. :j| Hopewell ip: Kivid K. Oliver. David , i’rtUon.j ; ;.j . .j>' -PhilUpsliur-'h uonr/Georoo Vot;L. NEn’fYoaK'JaiiuViy S.—’fjh.e iLr publishes.ihe,details of the rec.eut' vement of ihe Arnjv of .PotPrhh|(’ full- • " .OHowing is a summary: . |ire- , . , 7 “ ' , inunssance jr, force from tho ajfinV l'r? re .“V 9 » and the- great is~/huUk, on>Sa_l;'ir<i!!y mcfrhi ugj to.. , ‘|o ,l^fy>.a 8 D Jcjj B *)' desire to be e south .side of tijiol Uapiium. ITllq pc-jtleasccl,. iherefoie,. to. i :(jiriy's' outposts \Vere met rat Mdr- resignation * a * -' a *r e . * ,’s*Ford, whm.c they fokd a’-lofen ; Tu.eiUy-lirst ScmUona r . erable'torce. : 'After .some 'bijljkntf B * e,Kj^h lo jconveyllo t Snd^ccessful)skirmishing oir troops brother Useuntnce* ofj|c!.p .returned *> old quaflerL | >/. **A . M l^; The VoHiitry was pretty wk'scour- dawn, X am-not d.smayod; th png! ed by Kilpivtrick.’ Warren aWd Mirrit. *«»<**. lam full of nope. Tell t,b It is reported but not officiallyjthdt and .trust no our Ipse is between quo and Uvo-Jlinn- d ** d may go, ou.t; of {he Qoujiseh drecl men. Thh Vonnqi«k<K rfmlt*l youP Senate p to vrea.tcn. ed in aseerUiing lhKtactiihaillLee wis m pife fatnt-tho heart cl thofb occupying a full] strength soldiersot who ar9. ; bcar in'oifr front.! / N -b '■]■%{ 10 ?bc field to and triumph, ±i . —■ ■ J U, . I Btru^glcot'histc . I?A)Ln(SAD s Ghia- ; Accept, my dear>air,. my I Juni go Journal of the 2iMj instant, wishes IoV vour gocd health and’ful there- arrived at . the Gen- prosperity.' x i fra! j Depot, ill; that frpglu car •■ r lam ydura fraljf, loaded with; and through ti Tll o letter having been,iea«i| by the ,Tlm /was, Uio iireM«aicycr canm W rk , tho Speakerpro,te4 attoou. cod •through. It Was X t wrftg ,£ ve isslU; dfbr!au <?lec thence earned .ovei- ithfVor.mOnt Cen- bn Febnary 19th; 1864: 'i : j - Irakb.ailtfay thence 1 x .■■ ■ r ; • ; over riVeh mf a boaft to • thence tc Sarnia, where it crossed t jy e resolution • amendsb pry of oveij'qn & Itoa'to tq Pbrt Hurtriji, rind toercsolkipn explanatory!of it,he,Con thenjee on the,Cran'd fisektiori acVhy ,ai vote qf 82 |to 74. to Detroit, a|hd thence over the Mi<&- .p^ ! a „k Blair ofijilssoorilmadc a weak iganjCentral to Chicago. ! ■ agaipatok, and/, Green‘Clay I ' t»I Smith of KehCa<®l a Strong dT ;in % olhJi- Icings much the, practice df robbing tbo j ■» lra i t or, proßhnt parcels and boxes, at yfash : l that thc peop|e of f the kmthi makt'be ingtop, directed 10 the ,d ' e f B , reitermioated, if I needX >hd that lOOk;!., v.-*- . I'. tpn pKronicle coW'i the attention of the .Gpvprmnont to the fac t to have a stop put]., to it. ■ There has; beep a great deaf of complaint cf tpitk meanness, an*aud example or two made' oil. those who are guilty of it,[would prPbaWy break pp the practice!, j.j ' • i.j The Little Soldier.—Little Jno'. Clem,' the ; youngest] soldier in the Army of' the, Cumberland,promoted ,! .i P I for,| braverv by;Gen. to d » Sergeantby.haß heeri further promoted i s ®® 1 A: 4W al ?|* jj?r • by. | General |to ';Licutenar.cy jX OT k iayj stales ia r and placed on bis Staff. Jle ieJbjut ; wa! f jou vn ihat c|ty < twelve year* old / ,! ‘ i ’j M capture .ojjito-with 400.000 11 1 ■ -j> ! > 1 ' I-of cotton, 8,000 pi woiwrs ant Kelly telegraph ad fhat |hb : Thcrfe : ban bdl Htjtlo . hasjust received fl''pb,S);a dißpatch':o, tepoijtt ie‘a cioard to from Col. MuU - ’gair. who says that af- gpld market' *'j■. . irrterlrtix liours’ fighting he has,driven thp y;. ’ ' :.l . .— 1 ' ;61 ftejbeto under- siirly* put of ! Moorfipld, ji tSfyA Washington' dispaCib t is | and, his (Mulligan'S) rivalry. Y| Tribute.- thalu G a.! pursuing and hall hotly" jth'e nol jeivet y i-kdbel cavalry 'under ’Boaser at,.; Ihe Tat the instahce;df Secretary V ;o: dajtoipl the dispatch j (whibh liafseta-«mtfeMfed to pnb yeai*'* it I omitted,but 4(h inst. Iphineßt and a fiM df 86,000, • --y, ;.. | \k- r , _ :!■: t.i jpbtir" ite**’ cel&nd Groaa Jos inedy ickao: io ■ J Hi ! i Potter. ■\l issqll ornas I 7 - oma 'iin-otl Edwi jniuHt or,<Or ilffni lian [ler, G ister, eorg' id Li ■j',. Sarris.ori. M, j M pbi'iu h. . ! ln '\ ' ■ iPLai i iridgi g J larbaa: duhav m Bcs \ cCon Abr Viljiun :/v'l Diillit: .. - I' it I wort];,' • Josiah ' ■' ! jc.rtHOjrr. R6&i£tmtkm of Senator White. ■ :ll A.ERI6EURO, Ffc6. 3. {■' Senate..—. The >SeMte met; at l.o’- clock., p. mi, and was called; to order i by j'i-i | A letterwap pregprrted by the Spea- i or prPtem., from the father ufiSenator i .\Vhi:te,' enclosing tiro letter of rcsiWna lion | from Senator White, dated Limby j i Prison; Eichpion J,, Ya., .Nov., 1863,1 - j which wo publish below: [ ’ ‘ 1 1 Libby Prison, ] ; \ j ;j Richmond,,Va., Nov;, 1863.:J , i Hon. J. F Penney, Speaker of the Serial o j of Penntyivania > •; 1 ./'( S 1 My Dear Sir: Considerations I,shall 1 : !, briefly state, make it prudent and, jlprppcr for mej; to tender) hnyire.signa-1 [jiion as u member Senate of;; i Pennsylvania. After; the adjourn - j merit of .ou r Legislature, lust spring,; ( i rejoined myyregi merit and resumed imy i.rniUjmfy duties in (ho field. Up I i,on Ger.. ;LaeV arn - y, i! jip'Jlune layt,'iptp tlio Shenandoah vab ■ le}:,|oii his Penfisylyania 'campaign,; tiiefprbes.iwiili Which 1 'was coimecj- h e,d were prddred to Winchester, and.in ihii 'jbatllo.ai ihaf. place I’fell into, the , hands of the enemy a% a. prisoner o) j 1 wan 1 .With other. Federal officers, 1, j Wpsl immediately sent Ip RieKmoiid/i land since the 23d of June have fe-i | drained as .a-jlyisonor in Uni “li.ibby.’’ j I t 'N[p gm'.ora! exchange of officers has | ilakep "place the. ’ Xor does any appear to inc ,ia early pros pect... -Sljuty dtf for long monljbfc: froin ftiends and tuc outer world, 1 have yet not-bepn entirely ignorant of pass-/ .iiigievents. l The reepnt; election "Mi osc State has, I Irani,' aljlercd 'some-! vjiholi from th,3 last session ; pal feomplexkui of oiir|[ Senate.'. My. ‘absence, ,it. seems,] givep to, each polit | i'cal >t party 1 t epreseii ted/tbere . dipial j numerical strength. Tlvis’wil.l, iimall probability ~mbarras-» organization probub.. >' p- x • T eV'ervTocfcaAion ' Where bar itoops, a. ? 4 cl elay, nectary -logwla^o.. 1•* —; of iiUiV modi; untiling ofSlhyn>Vanitfbiv^iei-6wh .. ra ?'. ; P.r9»®.*t^Mehlmwfqrton P «hmildj 6 k 4^,fx . to m any wayfatfopt public■ ■interest!, .or, , H , re bb! '.llorlfc*.- he.Aho «al«i . a moment that eofd.a {J- b; . Belial., ,b } ,;thVf tWer Goyorntnenv so decenary in ;■ ,p,^ V ehvfUhe further 5^, 8 j c . r '-t ,9 ‘'. '* •■• u* ' [ v'i. '’■i of ouri arms, aiia ibas played iiuonhe before my aetually i equip* I; yet, as I soeno.hopo | . braVe and men into d»- 'l cle P® by generaroxeharge, the J > audbnn.ght-di^rbofcnrrourr Riohinond anlhonUes, I am Yo-ktowb. at Malvern /iiH.at . » : -w>M.relamia.c a* long as] poKsibld; be Allt ; e ( alil) a „ d WeKid- " canpe -I am ai- Scr.atpr And- my;|vpt<k C(ff| . d(il comMal Jd; h*lhii! limportanl,;; cinc-um^anec|, M ii, e Northerk oneV« Wto*' .1 before* do wlmt 1 <*K onWiU.-c.K ]Wn ’’o-ba- ' relieve the difficulty likely, to tool .If W *(.»*», / :^pr^mdnt^: willi view ,il u i.pur F U> vi .- . P* "»«»/» w ,'" * b - fe, r^nm enl.int« /.. il;|c-onf^s : U,tV-ould be. im.cn «*< the p^ule^thiisbiistrueting.il*cW/- .edptab l ? tojmv taste and ■ t*j td <£],,• lh ‘ e ' r A be H{ (>n .. ao a IVa^l-tV' . sjVt-hd therndmimpf the coming and coWi to itsehcmlc Vto * _ i"ii a ®f've eg.sul.on ■ «., our, n ;*.Sf i are iridrms U- ’ • 'I Hum t<vtengn.dh w.tluf Mtfi It >„„. s ihbe| that waaliocved is W "-aUsof a&outhbrn ph*f i ,; U r Raders atill tVvtio the W ' I.: ‘Mypre^l,MUiivUon.iMaoes lo*|l n(j( ..^ n of McClo'lUVn tvuililho -Cuba.l agrecar.ie a j unl( - ; i ft fitibusteriing prganizatum ' 1 keo but one hclutlon tp whicfc w#9 des kded)a* a tep'dcr to ti.| ;! Other and; greater interests *ry n ■ re beli,on, theb "In-aii a mbrVo\Wle.Jv Volved itthipmatter thad. my p.e^onii I Tho i^ viliell( . e J f lhat 5« 1 eomlort andvpnrat.e .nJ ; I M;f now ph'recnrd WVnb cityipf- W..i»bi« g , .■ ii|! • f- tO - to rfp,ro*eiit.]i ihie _gcpp people ' t *^i t of InvcMtigaiion. lhai of u\y arc clviottT interred \n : j McCiellaiu thoiij a •LjieuU);tal\t.l r l s i^.”• li.is mailer; ajiul my d.ntly to ijr. j, ftrm^;o f t i\ e t, l )itecl.Siate|s. wM a'™ l the, premises!has givenl into- miiny an (lQ ,-J^ e a ;, arl {battHilyisierflpi; en-. liopr: of i.tix ous .feolicilade inj ' : this| j^ 0 _ am j: Ife-cafedror Weary prison, lile._ ~ .| j hisj.cbmmissibnt atid .hlii|{*aiy. ii* - ,•*** I cannotihow, in any way, bjonaijlt i 0 jj enterprisewail brokeijMiu, with.them. -They should not, lU] C| that 1 10 would ;bett«Wf»Uv Wiwr# ijChuir hc was', in the armv. : : ’ 'y- . generous confidence was but; re|>eijt ly . Uhtbrtu'nahelv for tho-oountr.v&ei S;iven me, and they will, I trm?t. gike Cle | lan (t ;j n is„ii : i.;ibe armWpi »b« lha approval of their voice to tfye hi op U nited States: and, w!iajt is still mow J now take, and select as my successor un4 y rlutial ‘ e . Jefferson tut •'9ne{whb will be as iaillvtul to their in- .} g ell j o f| tb ebellioh, and prow- cabulary. A Sk*DADDLER : CoWHIDED.j—. daddlerivras cowhkled in the of. Kingsville, C. W.. on, Tl'hursi hist, by. a young 'lady ini thej.to yn. The cause of the affair Wason acco.uiit of the’slandering; remarks tnidofthoiii OUi> soldiers, J The yoiiVv/ Indy's name is 6o6dniin, and': we suggest lhat>hor - bo changed (tosrOod ' jpwri the rhe H qo^,. .; *hichwe published '. yecks since, bea'diny' T* not only attracted very attention, but has beed father wid i •') copied. j !: 4mong thdaeW onf ' porsnes.who have takj&ruotice • Some have exceptedHo>ur 'p 0 *! t i‘“ • ■whilst others have endorsed tL m -T,V heir.approval; . Sineejlhe the aril* j referred to, the eleelipncej-ing toi.l'?. < * { l z ' > States, on behalf of .the, Cd pp6rhe ■" ( Democracy, has.been, Mspendo.J- uJ ' whilst bpTsi called, to 1 , 1 1,0 jJurposo'of givWs&iiig"'.'" - the caiise. of failure df tari'o|s - t Ipaigns,[ the ‘-Knights: of the? ‘(iri r* Cirdc.Tvvitb .who^bUSleffliTfe tificcl,. hav<|. sought Ip-drijaleVtlie j.V* , pression that his pres<-iij:-ewas dernfflf *. ed therh for, proL'f; v to have| -again tendered Iddii La 'C* 4 mand in tfie.aTmy. [ ? - J m ' . ; But t|d Our cbiVge qF gbnsinriiv l; ! There is.riow it» ! Government , suftlclen-t dvidenW < | only io| prove this clmrge/’hQiiio j^ 1 mattd that ‘iLitlJo. M.ac'Vr.aJ ,boq-I a ,. e j Sort trial,a.s waa.Jna £et[:F[tzjjoi!ui p os [. ~ ter; and we assume 1 td cieclivrejit,,, ; thla'shiilljbe done,and lie he trifei -■ i a comp!etent / mslit'ai‘y tribunal, s will bei Uih same as that, of, thq trait;:. ■ \vho refused ito support Popq: an d vdio connived with SlcCU*s,an to Hermit.tha !/ rebels' lo escape in [the. wghf {’ram tb« f. ’ /field flf Antietam. |! ] . |U ; 1 We-Charge agiiiiisld'eorpo B. ileClel- .' laud ythat ho.is and-has! not since hthe'breaking out of,the warjbeenMrue 1 , \ : i to the | Government; that a!t mio time,.' > whiisthe was in. command ofh.iy.por./ " tion ot; fhe army, did he.evef intcijdte - | accomplish a,p%cf|c2l id’eat o'jf]|t|ie cndm.yifand thiit/oa .each arch . ,u of the nsD*. u..-,, bly now as tWh of Idmij-eausod Jiifiito bc‘ promoted |VJ'» captaincy. , j. ' '■;,]).■ , f,:;| .■ ■ , ,But;.jto. (h|(s '‘ , eo;nfpinity” .aiijl; tli! charges. .Ercry man who hSs'.M* an.dj observed the history-of this c.auy lessjrohellion' and who ba» looked t | a ,£ to the period which, preceded it, mu'i khojw that.il \vuh priginiUod in *»"*'■ are! .termed! lhe.il;“cap*iti))«” .oh' 1 * Knights of, t.he GdhWijCircle.- ‘Thor* it planned. In thdlse secrct’iK .soeiutions yas- aiTiingejdjtl’e me {which, was carried out, at the V* l,r ■ Within tlip doors off those, dodges] the meii 1 vfpfe in, aonrh | fotco Hie fGovoriimefl!l 1 ‘W< t 't Tppjstered. j At their midnight nicotine* the) h#v« ! armies of c tho;South ‘Woite.‘chiVep;l al i ( ; fropi the desks of those ,s]oupi wh;’ ll e f* ’ashed the 'byders las to thft f 9f r S: t which shoijJd bo, iipfpedlately ' pnjtha announcement df> tte.w^V', ■] ptMy. .Lincpintwbivb wJw eplW*:' I»e jft foregone {conclusion. , ; |,- • , The same nteii whp controiV'• •"* Qrjler of the Uircle,” were the primp [TOOvepfint! 18 fca[» a ; member of the and was omploye.dijby it as ah. .b*'?!' Who, then, shall d.;ny that U,een:c. MdClolhtu is 1 a,■’Knight bf the, ( t‘T e “ Circle? , A-nd, who ■wifl'l say ih** 1 - ‘•Knight of the G6ldenl|Cird|! wn Ipyal to the Government and “ 3 l> ’ the Union? : 1 ji' k|~P' t'S ant h eat . sk‘e- jTjio traitors,of the Northj overthrow of the Gdyeilnmont 1 ' j seen *.o join band* with the it* . the rebellion. f 'JThc-y t»co evsi?;* _• ih| llicir obstruct! &ijnmbiVt; and jlbey. argue that thy v< lisyjot'itbij the i preservation- «■ t-D|i»ion,.'and tlkdare .that it ,-,U' to bffvcor.tiiiued. MoCtgllah to* K J, the hands of these m v ih; Tibay “Go,’'| and “pome,” ifet}! he f ; coineth: * n r . coni him tbt cbublry\os;i^bow ; ~nQt to »p«* pboplo—“l hcr ! bmie too -4-bui to ‘ influent the against the. | vouch safed to that wp write at the hV* tide*, ~ibo “MoCt.ti.LA tf o* -*• TSevr eporl ' bales i: iSo doubt effect '! B®.A(JvicpB <fom n< tjhal Gen. Banks ; ia a [Texas fojr.'the; return [operations by our lor' i'tr. : 1 to the ■ overrt- '■) has, felles, sprifi- Eg '• . f r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers