JvEJ^kRGXJS. Vr & Aht* nifcom, iB “ P or ttUWOM. . foi* Vf<* . .«B«EW O '»*' of.w^wdu. v —B- 1 5 publish Ovj J ,isle»man*l'lw fei* » Ljers- •,■ ’ IQffingto tKe IsPg Ih'ermatter intend |j been, crowded i# Organlzatloi gylvania corpoquencei| White, a Senator fi ly, being a prisoner ju nioji P* r tjv!®p* e ? Uniiatloni Theri Maj. White., one °f Senate, a*.given in 1 lie ' opposing patj' ■jnll probably tont no probability -'of toon liberated, bnl *nd|earie«spalri( auCcced in torcini ■ mept to let oitr i homes. It is grj , that In's absent* t ably to. a regular ,«rgani*at;on of , . fceipng* to tbo Un cipressed t>y the .tube .last electioi inflate govet'nr fijtiiO fiienda o’ ami only is: tibn *as,aa all tpe CriendH and encnv govrtinmsnt. / ' " \ I jTfce isaae was Itlearir presented and mouemphatically decided. 'pjiP peo ple of Per.naylvjLnia, by a largo ma jority. elected a Uorernfcr \*i|O l |» and bat Been active and aealpus in bps tap per the. war- and phe National ‘Ad- ; r.'in'?trfttit>n. in.i|:elepto,d to'thef Leg- i Ulature a working majority to,support buii in alibis measures for the public j tcnlfit. The attemptshinde by' I W Wemiesitil -the government to dej : J ieauhetn,- or Vuwart the will ot the ]j9(>pW;»B,'exprtasset, ij at; ineiiitlo the State &»d\a ' pttm outrage upjin'the Ipeople . Thetst emics of the govern ernment iu the B«nate have njo right to'uite tlio advantage which the acci dent ol war haii them to retard the organixationj ot -tbe Senatej ajid no claim to the ofloial management oHt* affair*. \K majority of the people de cided that ;hej, enemies of the State ild hare ivb 'controling lita/and we hopo the or Kr.eh are the Union ehnte) ■wrill remember der no' right given, or. ich to the factions and ne,n are evidently I'-ting ir! ar.cH iby as they'think heat 10 : r r-.pj;’.a tha, Government; • They isva'the will 1 Kut not the power to do- X • 'V'-v-. | , Grc at .Stupidity. i ; j , : V'hP I)r.is it Mean ?”is t. questiop l ■'asked bv t!>at dead,unsightly ~gangrei iais. • t iseonabla concern; who Tiisvlof late ;to have tf ken refuge from the fille r of jdertiiqn and scorn ifi.iliT an ohl: |vcorn out, spotted coaly •hpposea to pave b ;en made oat of hie mother's petticoat--each spot appro priatply ng * vice in the tiling'* character, it each a thing a*; mj jl be ascrijbed to it.— )Vb y, ;"i ir ; fteifnply mean* that ; U LikV A!o - The figure 1 represents a iu-k of the commonest kind of ctm • mon slop, so noiimes called aie. which I ( s‘ou kec-p in the. cellar. The, figure 2 reprcßenia the intimate reliktion that ’ inWtshctwsen youand as d cisk.eol’.- , elituMrijr you boon compar ions. The ; HP' I indicates the quantity drank hy jr< ;U each' l day—-via; seven, glasses, .t. not to Hiy anont the .amount , of the. hardest filnd of hard j' War< consumed by ybu, nightly, in \ your‘master's office* who ,appears to : a number of (leans) •gainst the jposte and' fen jes between ’ here and the bUMard'MitMt in Bridge . ' *ater, which he unnecessarily revives about five nights in'.thp week. We •ay urme« searily, becanne the Act .of Assembly does notreqiire; it mbre rthan lpnce in We wqnld i be pleased hid| hear from you again, . Rancho.- i \ *;* i following are Jtl|e' appojn f by. the County Cotnnae- i rector of Honaci of Refuge', p Counsel to Qp.tqniifalenera, |v‘e; Clerk to Commissioners, Mercantile Appraiser, iprej,Physician to jail (one; r. Cqmmiria; Jahjfcor of «C, George Hines. i•’ J jrim nation shot! > v'oic« in iu affi ■ the ri;s,jopty,;(: ' me?, ■of the .-.th:* »i!;i surrer jU'l>i: not/ciie; i: unprinc’plmf i. * •9^The nidj f '•'oner*; I Wm. W'al , Henry Hi I « H. At !■; J- S Bl«i j sn ci Coart Ha «r y * Rev J. M '■ - • Weloarn _a,^wr^i4iM4»ftb« Man ners, Cp* toots HabHsof the '-jia | earned gentfentanln the-Meth- Cbpcpli, to. Hr, ftbobarn isaocofn p* ciedby» sprightly' India toy, abont fifteen yean oF age, whowiU>bepre sent Jn-his aitlyt onus and.giresom* exhibition* of 1 the laagusge. .' s H|r. fl'bobafn also has many’ curiosities.; Which will, be exbibitpd to lliP ;ence. *■' He lip $ trpry j-finypl and • Intek teresting speaker, and we are confi dent tlje «ntertain'mpptl jvlH be.a.rarc one. 25. dents—-for llie,ben*|- cflt dt the Sabbath | School. ; /• • k?j Exercises to commence at6l o’clock, t>- m. J - • lir M- OP J 8 0, . • .9 week tbe tne*= i ' It 1« |an able! . document. We perusal of our :b of th! message, d for publicatioii it? i of thfc Senate] \ "of Mttjor Harrjp om Indiana 'coun in Rionmond; the bin vote jn the ojr- TV, J. CHIpLE.R, • X SURGEON!DENTIST, IS. it bis post again; at BEAVER STAT LON, Rochester Pa., wteral be will attend to all the Tarioua brancbes of bis profession. He Applies alt the to. prSTeul pain in the extracting teeth. ; "'1 • v P. 8. Work warranted. ; [janlS'64 Valuable . P*«>pert^. for Sale. TWOout-iots— No. 14 ind 15—situated in the town-of.-Bearer,l late the estate of Ur. 8. Cunningham; disc'd., is now sale. For further particulars enquire of!■ f janW i D. S. MARQHIS.' Ei’r:, 1 ’I i ■ Rochester, | was. - incladii a ip ,» the latie olehtic [ties, aw* tie- a iiiue ao, m there Maj. Wjhito' hoi less that jinflinching 6t, Gen. Batl«r,lean i the relfel govern inen teturn to their iwtly to bje regret ted, :as revolted unfayop. • organization. The i lie Senate clearlyil ion nien: for it was | will ofj the people i that the vital* of tent *hpold be held ' | the Union, i The me in last fall’* elec* h know, between the e* of our .ropul iican ■" :.K1: -i... DIED~On Ijßth, near GalhpoJis, 0., Mrs. Rachei., wtfp of Rev. James ,D. j.Rayi fonneiUy oi this ebanty.'age(l about 69 year# j; Beavfer > •- i Mark© huhw wmkx. FIWr per hhl." '-'4 do “ 100 lb* .. . Dried Apple* per doPeaeke# “ • *UM' - Cor* - Rye v '* O*U , Birin / 1 “ • Clore* Reed, I . Timothy Seed, ’* IFlaxSepd, '■ Reane, - •*’ . Potato**. “ Onions, - i “ Corn Meet, “ Ratter, Rune, Shoulder*. Sides, Tallow, herd. Candle*. ; S»a: Mot Carl 1 mihtl. ULB9ti >oa OiL T i m ejyjr' a V> .1 e . fIBCQOS iHiWCffIF 1 CLBVTLASD i PITTSBURGH, IL : Beaver Static i— Going 1 Cotr.neneiny, -Monim/e ' Ift>v 16, ; l*§3i| —Trsim sww*iP*««*rStefi»nT<M foUtmti , If’ 1 "(* 8:50 a. h. Arrive* at PitUbupfii, 10:00 a.m. 2:20V. ■. «1,1- ( <• ■s*: *. 6:54, '«■ . ,•“..■■■ : 'I:I0».«, ; .« Goivq w«t— •’-•I! Sts tiu late Pilltburgk at fyHotti : i 5:16 a. k. \ -Arriv»*;at Beaver, 5:00'. e. m. •!> | ' ...... 1:46 r. U. !' ; Rochester ..'... I:4* a. K. , | , ‘i • ■ • , j, 5. McCullough F. ’s. MTKR3, Gen'i TekttAgmt. mtSBORO. l) 'T. WAVNE k CHIC Roohoater Station —Goins i . Lsares Rochester At lat BrigVit .Aeoora. 5:40 At x 3d .Brtgi'n .>• , 7:10 ll x MBrfgVa I |S.-M p. .4-. h Brightom 5:00 p. x vail, 1 S:IS p.,x...... !*t Eipraw. i 1:05 -ai x...... : ;Jtrpni«», 2:05 P. C aeia’ti Exp. ; - j6:4B’p; x»:.'.-.';' i"j ' Oorira jW***—l , . , ,I ■ i -j . I*xtm Bitli. I Arr. at Roeheet?! I .'' -Otottllae Aerom. 2:15 p: x (4:00 p. x. tAßrigVnAeeolk. 9:15 4. xL ll;00 a. x. 2d Bright: “ I 12:00 a.mJ. 1:82 p|. -x. «a.. “ ; j“ 14:S0 P; X:.... 6:10 P.*t; 4th <■ “ , 8.-40 p. x..,...; 1 7:20 P.*,, Mail,. ' . ji 1 7:00 a.--x 8:20 a.lx. lat Expresa, { l;4s<i. X...J. 8:00 i.i x. 24 Inim, : ' 1:44 k x....». 8:00 p. x. , ACO. lIRABUST. Sapt., B. D. Quarterly StateiUxenbof Bank of 1 - ■ Beaver County- \ : ■. ” { Knw Bkiosron, Not; 4,18 M. «r»ot?mcri. " (!■ '• ij Hot** ud neiire $68,724 48 Sirae under prmeit. 100 00 TT. 8. 6-20 6 percent. ooupnnbdtdiL 82,800 00 XJ.,B. 7 8-10,-p4r.«e«ti tree*.- not,**,. 4,850 00 ' Furniture end ofcae nxture*......l.. K 958 95 Due from jother bank*....., ;..Uj/J‘7.076 68 ?fote» endbbecke of <?th»rS>»nlt» «iT ' 17.8. Trenenry note»,;> -86,718 85 Coin in T*n1t. 7.196 08 Proteit aeeanni..... 1 41 : ■ l . i . ' ' v .. *216,826 38 'LTABItITTIt. *’ I\ ; ? ■ Capital *toelc paid in., .......9 85,060 W ;. Spteji in cifculatioa... 1,4p0 00' Do* dep05it0r*.........., 112,867 26; Dne th* Commonwealth...... 2,720 17 Profits, and «arcing* 5 <57 18 Diridead* unpaid......... •. 4,020'76 ,~ . •j, •• "/ , $216,925 33 I certify that the abore stateipisnl Utrue and correct. according to the best of my knowledge j end belief, i : | Edward Room, Cash’*; ] . Affirmed andsubscribed before me, this iith, tSy of Norember, A. )>.. 1663. 'f '!x (_ B. B. Bsiisl, 3. B. NOTICE, j ' Joseph Dunlap v*/Sarah Dunlap. TB the Court of! Common,'Plms"" of Beaten I county. No. 4; Sept. T*ymjlB6B. . Libel S’ Divorce. • i I . j ■ ' the .respondent Jk shore esse;—Ton sre bfereby'notified toihe end appear before the Hon. JudgesoMue Court of Common Bless of, Bearer county,-at .a C.ourt to be held ih Bea rer, countyi on the let Monddy (7th j dayyof hfarchr 1864,*t0 answei the complaint «f Joseph Dunlap In the shore ease, ' T * i C;. . . ■ JO&Pli LEDLIK. Sh'fff * Bearer,' •• _ - ■- ADMINISRATOR’S yVy BEBBAS letter* of ednuniftretion o* .VV the’ eetet# of Jam. Hup,ife, letr. of Hon-. orertp., Bww co., dee’d, hetfing.beengTeet-1 •d'io the undtr*igind,eUpenjon* Indebted to I *eid o«Ut« ere reqoooted to uek* immedieto peymoat, end thoee boring oloimiogeinrt eeid 1 **UUviUpreMattb*mte|tb* eohocxibec properly eutbentleetod for edtUoneot. : - I JAMBS ,MED, Jr.. Ad»*V;. joad'M, \ ■'l Htobfer *p. ” ■ •• 1 1 i: oath# MBteW lhaf))tfciwtog4r*er&ed pre{*- township. Eat* -^;l ; j adjoining Uadsaf WOUaafPadMaakihaasrt*. •ad Andrew Boyd «U( wli. akwhld t irk of good waterla the hitcher, with r good rtra* peunpia k; Alsr t |wl bark Bn, ni» dee'part of stoat, upper put ftnmr ' Bid sjQ other duUbuUding* neoesearj- ra,-k.tl|urm.f> There U t spring of excellent watrreooTeni ratio lh*hou»*,,with* good. Bilk hoaar.fr Ibirt at* about TSacrea of dani lead, a boat 1$ of. which II meadow; all radar a good etate.of cultivation.. Ibrrr is a good orchard, of fruit tree* Of apples, peach** ard cherries. Thor* are two tolas of stoat eoaV ore S) fast, and the othari $ fret.. .The property is sitdar ted within -oh*, milt' of. the Pittsburgh sad Chicago railroad, rad three ‘miles' fro* the Pew CaWeSSfßeat«r Vdley ratlropd. ■ thtee ie a Stat* road patting through 1t,.; ~. ; .1 1 giren on tha.lirtWAprfl, at which thai a .good and Wttctenldred - kill be made.} The ternta"Oi; adlw,trill he aut knowd'otHhe'daJt'bf/iiale hj'the auhecnbera, who art legilly authorised toitaQ said prop erty. V j'-.' JOlljfc^'BJEED, Jan. Ist. %4. JUifIRETO. BOYB.. MOE Sj;; S . i BE handsome and ■I* 1, •;■ dwelling heOee ai tailed I fa- the'borbdgli of Bearer, Bearer county*, Pa.V oft tie bMk « th* Obit rlrtr.! baring a fall riawofptba etqsmboate and both railrecds; brit: Piuabnrg, M and C4«rtl»nd 4 l»i»le* burg. Said jHouae atanda « front and' EJk[ etreeta, and oppoaita Baarar Sution, C. 4 Pi R.Bi It eontalna 12 rooaa, with many other apartmente. thero ,1a aj good nerer-failing eistarn conrenlent; an iee-bouae; a > lengthy domestic -bunding containing a kitchen, Wbrk-abop, I wood 'and ooal- boost, j and other conrenie.nbes; there Ualto aeammo-I. jdloos stable,' .carriage-house poultry.; boose andyardja greap rariery of fruit trees; of the beat qaauty, -inch as apples, peaches, pear a, cherries. plaint; and all kinds of btmeSr grapes, etc. The aforesaid buildings :are well apouted, and well rpdded in defence of[ light’-: ning. Tbbeeiftebing to purchase are -nrited to cad and examine forthemselres. ’ The conditions of pay made easy. . jaaff/M HENRV BRI Pi. *ts. ro» t«i ‘‘i»ac 17 «0 « 76 I 00 ; »,;66'' 1 26 rzo^ 1 ep -- 2 76. -;j e o 6 «00 I .too ’> '* {■ ! l 70 - i i no , 1 28 so : .30 . •; K: <1 •f. ■ ■& •F *iV 3* ■;v‘2f*r I. it i«, \\ ....... „ •» ■ i; 10 .16 • JJi. i io i •i, W !.( ' 76 \\~~ t illea '■Ai k. x. (:25 r. K 1:00 r. x rrit'l. - .ao fc. r East. *. at PUt»v 7:20 a. M. 8:40 a. X. 2:85 P. x. ;4:50 P. X. 7:00 p, ~x, 2;20, AtrJ.xT S:80-pa'Ix ;7:60/Pt x. OjICR. Dr P. M. KERB Offttt hiirPrefuikmal Strmiu ta tiu'Ptopl* if . BEAV E K AS.D .Y-ICIfII TT. X- '' ! lIN , , : 'y iksd »»Uoiu ft (liu* of puMlt p«troß.*j«. :• f' . /itfiwT*!].;, KirrVj Hottl, Beavar. jPaniTa. i.-: d*«ie.’W / ; P t das. j' VALUABLE SIVER TABM •. . ; v ;FOR SALE. “ '\;J' mSs WbiJffiber offbrsNat private sale hi* hi Fam, ailuate in Industry township! four BUM below Beaver,! Sparercounty, containing TWO flUfiWftElV ACRKfc, I » afcrM of. ythfdh 'ire fieared and ini a good •elate- afealitratioc. Th' improvements con -1 tut of a! Frame Dwelling House. 20. by lOfeet, iwo stories in heigth: a - frame barn SO by .OO feetiframe bone and cow 'stable: a good Or chard of grafted frtiit trees. /(The ,C. 4 P. R. R" passee through this farm.,) Apoui 14& acres of this Ignd is undcrlaldivHth'.af four feet rein of | coal, open iu tyro places, andifn work ing order. The above farm is’a very! valuable ! one. and willjbafsbld at a bargain. •., i ■Also, a lot | containing TWELVE ACRES, one mrie from Beaver—improved; suitable‘fcr a Gardener Rurs«#}-nfan.’ .Title' "and terms easy. ,|K; 1 ROBERT M'CRSERT!, Beaver, Jat&’S-i. | . 7^ _r li4t 6p~~~~ X) EMAIKFKG In 1 tin X\, t«r. Jan Ist, ; Brusoh Mr K \ Boles dfrs A|na . Cox Ret JVi Vj .Billon Mrs Decker JAi Fields-Q ME, Fry Mrs Ms'ry - Gang Beft |L Goble Mrs A. H HukiU Henry ' - . Hnennr George- Ift Jacob ‘ J - ' Kelly Robert Kift Joseph! • . Lyle Wiliam j Lozier Mrs R ■ ) .Mercer Levi ' j McDonald, Miss 6 H . . I Wilsoi : I i: t l;V j IiXST OF LETTERS ;j | REMAINING initiie Post Office aft Bea rer, Pa.. Deo. 31, 1868: jl ?/* !i,‘ Baker Carbline McKinley Ijaa, TOf'- Baker Lou Us. j* . Moore Ctjrpi BWv !; ' Barnes DH Bentle Mary : _| ; Beighy Maggie .< Bluer Thomas j Curry Johti 1 Baris Hall, ElUoiMr&iKS' Fiddler John S Holmes Nettie- Huddleston ?arah , Wenderaon Wra; ; '• McCoy Mary 2 . < • t . gQo.Bp’rsons calling U*t, will plane mV the V -'ii M. J. ; A DMI-XSTKATOB’S jITOTICE.' ■\T OTICE is i hereby letters si. r( administration upon the citato of nr? Oiosai jr.'Aiuititi.' late of the borough of Bearer, Beaver' county. penna., dee’d. hare been granted to the undersigned. Ail persona knowing themselves indebted |•» said estate are requested to made immediate payment; and those haring claims against the «ame will pfeeent them properly authenticated for sat tlamehtr I !■" . : > r THOMAS ALLISOH, Administrator, ■ deet.2B'6B-6t. t Bridgewater, Pa. ; administrator s notice. / : ,1 ' - ' -.i ■ 1 ' V* T ETTEfIS of administration ontheestateof I i Isaac Prises,, lql« pf Big Beaver tp, , Bearercp.jdec’d.haWßgbcen grunted tnthaup lersigned, all persons indebted |to laid estate are requested to make immediate payment, add I ‘-hose having claim gainst aatd estate will present; them to the subscriber ppoperljMiu thepiieated for settlement. s J * V JOHN W. PEIKCE. Adhtinistrafor, _ , jan6’64 • Darlington. Estate of CoL B. Pi Egberts, /.i■. I r . . .T ETTERS testamentary on the estate of ~~ I‘i P. .RoasaTi. lata of. the. borough.of Bearer, deceased,'haring been is suedtfTthe ujndersigned, oil persons indebted 'are required to make immdiatc payment, end those haring claims will preteDti them, prop. Orly authdtaticated for. Settlement,' ; . i IWM: HENRT, Executor k Trustee, j Fallston, Dec., 21. ’63.—* ! ( j. ; I}r. I>. x'Kinney, •? i I;., - lv- ,r ;i OFFERS. his profMiioß&l Mrri«M U tb» eiliiem of ' I . i;! 1 - - bkav*b:Ad,vi<^itt. caiKiyt j| ’ The Shannon Building. J£ E. Corner:# /feci 9] the Diamond. Beaver. Pa. MIS *qgo;pc irrff: •:j.■;’ '. ix OS'! i. Si •- *■ l ■*" ••■*’ ; -i *‘ - s^p'jl^' * *1 N J HOLIDAY \)%W • ■I--. -; n- ... hM.-.- :■■■ PRESENTS ■'■ ■■ ‘■l.' .- ;• • iA ■ • v .- ■■ ; " ’! .1- ■■ ■ 4 ! -j-- ■ v V-S.V vi;"' BOCIHESTEft,' pA. ’ '♦ ' I '• LETTERS ; • Tost Office at Rochee ■ 18C1: - ? ['' 'i Miller G«orge ) i Mkrker Mary.-.V-i-S . Martin Robert j Miller William - j SQonanMaijtin i . lOihitry Thomas I -n Parker Charles ! / Shively Miss CUitk. „ Sche&semanP B;-;; Seekins. E(li»ard—2 Scott Haauah .. I v , _ Sunderbock Sophia Trax Mrs Calhariae > eitsel Mary A. !' , Weaycr Miss Mary | Weaver MU* Susan White Maria L ' Wainbop J-j ;. a John , . 1 j j ■ i M. TATLOB, P. M. Msretta Jas . .! Moorheadßet- J n Merriman M J—3 V Merriman Liwa J V'' Penny Mahala—2 ReedMisa MCI. ... Seed Thwnar I Reed Samuel EausherTjiitie I Sehultißalaar ' Wilton, y^ j l^hetiolHenryj^ Sr letters in the theta ' adre' it r.re adrertiied. . ANDEEBON, P. M t i ‘1... #, mi INC UM 1 '^^l^,'' INNIEZI - W . r‘ ii A „;r;i t ' z --- 1. 1 =I !: ' OPENING FROM ’V •> ■ ;• %: ■ 'v : -. 1 ■;p K."Dj’ £ &. ' HO^[|iy ;■ "\? y - ( '! ■; ; ;■ ;■ j - I j* 1 I 1 - } _ I , .■ - r i *■ ’ ■ V I Balmoral and ; Hoop Skirts, v Fr«rth Mtrnd ,aml Pkid*i V••-<■•■ - f i ' ,tNEL» FLA ;* ' ; ; 1 ■ BLANKETS AND SHAWLS, , I •?■ ..: f * ' I<i _• / ' * ; . L PRINTS Afc~ BEPS, •v. ~ ! if*' l '■-■ : . : , At Reduced i pPrlce*. • '|i #• J j +<■• ' v ' '! ■■i.■■ i ■ «. *■;' |/ ‘■/'"'Vi i' 1 ■ '• ? t'.t ’■ ; i • . * ... ' * 1 *L •" - *£•"' ' 4 ? * ’ 'N. B. Tht following Good* willbo opened fprinipeetion, V 9TH jINSt.r Trtneb Meiino »il,l2,wor£h 1,50. f • ■ /Vi 'r----; :• I , 4-4 bloaohed and bro. ma»lln, *z. ,fln«, 33, e. ■' |; ,«■' 1 '' t , 2 prinn, 23ot». j Gontilrarollmj fHn»,»fuU Uno. , Coaforuond ioj-.Ugi, for lo'diot jonu. i! : I, •, : 'j \ "r. ' , * i Abo » Large Assortment of X..1D183- AKU CHILDRESS 11611ECPIES, AND a; line of DRY DODDS, ! . '1r,... • v. I • •! .* *4 \ i... , AT LAIT APKIRa’a MUCK, j, vi- , t ", ■ ■! - . - : i AT j - ■•, FOfiftntes" New stoke, '•I -1 i (kt Post OffiAX 7 I r-i ■ ' - -1 I! : :/H Io; I •I'l v ' s BOCHBSTEB, I ME . K -1 , , i« - v i,. jjraaiia6«^ , py UiW s<- Being elFhyrieian sad Pros gist, the duWio BESTED 0,1 h j PttßßwHand | Ayariaty of oth >r- articles Witt il*o iba found! ■ i "". v*. 1 f in- li» MtnljUtlinient; * I 1 f Tv* j,; j Tea, Extract \ ■ Fartcy Soais. Porf Monie*, CymbtC j | Alt -ARTICLES JsoB.i!tks' ijdltET. i S SPOOL COPTONvIXA^PMOtfiS;; NEEDLES,] STEBt/PESSkHAIR i ! BRUSHES, TOOPH BRESSESk t j TOBACCO; SEgARS. LET- 1 I -r TEBjNOTE.*FOOLS-' ’ I . CAP PAPI3L i J Carbon pill Lampi and- Chimney^.: , These ere ajfewof tbie'arUeiee,' and only :e few alWjra baband. Oalland see. j ; It - He' will itryi, by close, attention end feir dealing,-tci fire’satisfaction to ell who may faror him Writtt their custom. I ' f.l. ip. pcummins.m; D.J i BQuPsrtiei]lsT attention will be paid to | putting up Phytic ana prescriptions. [aug2T j ; : : k^aluable REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. I. TITR and lot belonging to the heir* iof Col. Jossifd HL WiLao*. deceased. silnsite WfiiWNojrAk tide (of the Diamond, in the boro’ bf Beared. iAlao oul lot No.-Wl, ad’o’nihdlibe east end] of isnid borough. containing Bight Acres, Uf now offered for aale.y For particu lars enquire l ,j. i l]; 1 ' (JOHN Tf. rrusns; Fjanklinltp.oT; i v dtcaajw I T- pMC.^MoOord, ■ ‘Notary Public. ■ {'• ! . > : l ■ | B. B.< jCHj.VMBERI.TN, -ATTY- | AT- ■ (iTeftr fhe Prritnst BROAD WAT, XEW BS/ffflTOWi | iEAVEB COTJKTY, PA. i . TyRO-MTlattention given to! the! drswing of K KSEMETION PAPERS, and nil meters Eouaeeted.jwith the draft; also oaths adtmtds tered, kcknowJedgrncntarta}cea,s:ci» pel6 : i-,v aoeelet 7 sred, at Sewing _ Machine.— ’■ C‘ j is. >•• I ; i Ih 1862 i, at tbp Wokih’s Fan<|. awarded a Peeiii|c«[ Gold Mipat afthe ibeatT Sewing- Mach me for all.purposes on eihibitionr~be aides, | Foiir. Gold Medals for n-ptrinr «e«my,’ and, tiatho as Jmany exhibitors ; j- < ■ Ct.4ssiiiCATioN\—l. Family ..Jiaobihev ,2. j Familk'ajndl Tailoring. .3. Tailorjigntkl 6ai-,j ler-Filting.j -4v Spot pud - Shoe: (h'f zxy)..‘‘, 5. : CamigejTnaifilirg'arid Karnes:; 'Making., i , I Its is unrivaled. ; Jiltf chine guarantied to I make perfect work equ>tj- Ijr-wcll Pa the .Lightest and Heaviest, Fab rics. Fpr sale by j • I ‘ j-, '’ ' | . | A. Agent, Bearer, Fa. , ■(Hi lisas.* j ,j- „/- , 1 ,; 'j| ' | [• . Notice. | . :;T ! ' Baik or BxATtsCuisri'. V. ■ j -i; i !•«« Brighton, Oct. li. IBCJ.p J- J The Btockhuldcr*, of the Kent of BiarOrj Cohntypre.hcreby nidified,'(hot; the Annual, Meeting, will.bo held at the; ils'iikin* TlouVc, in onjTucsdayi the 34 jday! off November ensuing, - bet Wcsu jthe hours </f 1 8 and jO o'clock, r. x. > And t lje election iff r BireewfihMo tcrro the ensuin'* year; ‘nt tl e wane ttlaeei on Monday, the ICth. day cf Vr ▼etnbet. betyrecn 10 a. ; k.. and 51;n. &., of ad d day. fßy order of the Board of Director ■ ,1 ' EDWABD 110083, Cashierij ■ • EXECUTORS SjOj' yY (been, grantee! W lb> til tjhe estate of Dr. Smitii Ccnnt of Beaver boro’, 'Beaver col knowing' tVemselvee ’ indebted j arc requested to itrafee paymci and those having clairas again] presepi them to the subscriber catcdlfor settlement. ; .-5 I : , \ D..S. M.VRQCtS; ' ticiji • '' 1 1 ■ I .1 lIE I "'4 . ---- U! •. MOORE, Be»T*r. j : if, ■^•EXECUTORS-]2fOTSU& . " “ { lIRR/iAS l.etjcrs testamentary on the VV estate of Geoboe, DAwaos.'late'ot boro’', of Georgetown,Beaver cp., dec’d; haring been granted lo the undersigned, all personal in debthd toeaid eaUte sro. requested to Dlqtc inimcdiati'paymenl, and thpsh hiving claims agaipst the sampwill. present} them properly autbenticat cd for settlement. r' j ■ ■ . BEN Nl R. DAW-O'-J fhio tp., j WM, DAWSON, .Olisgow Hart, . , .1 jKir. 18. "68. ’ , »• Ki.Exjstwtera: ■ |T NQ^IbE Bit/ HERE AS letters pt administratipnpn W the estate': of Mn/rbs M’Mikb, late of Darlington township,: Beirer county, a;, deceased, haring been duly granted to theun dersigned, all perrons indebted, to said estate sre notified to make immediate payment, and those haribg Clair's against .tjhe same will pre sent them prop-—lyi ac!«?nticated ifor settle ment witheutdelay. -j I’V!'"'! ■ i j 1. A; W. EDGAR. Adm'r. , . MARY JANE HWNN.Adm’x., - npr2s,'6B. j botli of j Darlington tp \ ~WOTIC3 IN PAI I' 1 . ' BE AVER.; COUNTY, jss:,- pourt of said County, in ; t partition of the real estatt deceased.- To John B. emit aud Susan his wife.’ heifs : ai tatires of said, deceased, ant eated; Take notice that ai make partition and valuatioi tate. will be held iiptmi the 18th day of DeoeuiocH, 18 and place you may attend,* if ■ dee2 , , JOS, Confessions & Experien :e of an Invalid. XJUBLISHKD TOr'ind berfifil and as a'wnro • IT ingjand a c&utionto ydungipen who sui ftr from. Servops Debility, Premature jDdofjy. Ac., supplying at the same time the mejpS< <A- Self-Cure. By one who has spired himseU after being put to great i«xpeuy« .through med ical imposition and qjtwclwy. By encioninga post-paid addressed envelopes, single qoniei may be bad of the ; aullion -\AXHANIEI -MAYFAIR, E*q., Bedford, Kings Co-JiN.-T; mar26:ly. / i • sNo|tjlcfi .• - j ■ 18 hereby given that 1 hare been appointed • as Burgeon .by thc|Pinaicn, tfepartraenl. to > [examine wdhnded andMnyalid■Soldiers, dis charged from the service; i that my authority ( extends to any |Gouttty, State or Territory, J and that I am now rcody id enter Upon the discharge of my duties; ] ;,i |- I ,■ M. D. ’ OeATß—*t. ; j '. ■ Ewtßnwdng Surgeon. I j House andfliot fbr; Sale '. -?>ITUATE in the moslibusincaajpprt of Bea iS »*r, Beaver county, !?k. . There is aj large Btora Koom, well finsaBi)d, on' iatd property j—lately occupied hyWUacc & . Occupied by Anderson' Sk . prr. . The dwelling part,. now occupied by ts 6 subscriber, is well! calculated for a eta bling, oiktern. Ice oiise, and 4 all nedessary out-building*. Fof particulars I anquirs of •' , * T,.0,t*1U05. ! Saaver, Paa. !«,»•*. T -'j'fe 1 -■;"j ' k ■ . • -* * s ' [[• \ lowing Tulunbi Enek yearly receipt for ike pl«in pattern* or from the s tiered skd yeer.by pnyir >V »»,Splend I . tqj^SutnnH ; TttBjGREAt (1 AU&E- OF !,■■ j, H u tula n 1 jute iWfi»»W«a,n Staled fyvtlnpr, Price p i*-' A LECTURE BY • I)». CDLVEITtfKLL, JV ON IKK CAUSE AND CCRB of Sperms | torrhcßa, iCpnsuraptipn,; Mental; and Physical Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nut trition of tW Body, Lassitude; Weakness of the. Limbs; aid the Back; Indisposition, and . Incapacity for study aid Labor; Dullness of j Apprehension;; toss of I Memory t Aversion to. Society; Loire ‘of [Solitude: Timidity:?, Self- i Distrust; Dirtiness; Headacbov Affections of the Eyes;,Pimples ion the face* Involuntary Emissiohsifand ;S«nal Ihenpinoity; the; Ccnsd <jutnce& efiyouthful Indiscretion. &c., Ac., Lectdre clearly [proves that the above enumerated, often self-sjßlicted evils, may jhe ijentoved i without medicine and fsitbout jjcngcrous surgical operations, and should be tuadj by. every youth and every mar in the land. : • f* • . jl X Sent und sr seal, to any address l in a nK sealed envelope,’ on the receipt of sis jpjtaw two posing; stamps, by addressing, (Jv. , ii i j (DBAS. J.-C. KLINE A CO.. ' | 1.27 Bower; f.PSewj Tofk.Post Office ft&jl&Sd.; . E ; q"L.LO c jyr“ iC"T | ! .deion ooffee eparation, made frotjtthe; best Java is recommended by physicians j as KDT.RIT 101! SOEVER A GEfor Gcn ty, Dyspe'psiltand all billions di.sor msands whd'have been compelled to ie will use this with jUs effMts, Ope can. ceiAninp the if ' x yi pojunds of ordinary coffee. f/hLOCirS • and best BAKIN'" ui:;i,i’'"i L preset an 1 ’ Cskcf” iV.V’ I .3~ccntfij. ctured by /! , » , M. if KUTI/JCK.’Chcm -- c r Brand and CiiestnutjEtf ’ PniLAOE Dari a sapsriof ersl Debsl [4er?, Th iVr.apdcnJt I ijuij i&juifi 1 stpffai»Tt| i (Vice ■ The ik ■ te.'owri,' {., •Rre,fvl Mk : MEI VMl' 'Re Jr .-.■-Mis ■ -Tl Ms-Sld CO «-l!lool|- , ;'cislly |ij forttL ittaE. rj ■: rteruAry-hsTing n-iersignod, on ipcGHAM. dec’d.; ijPa, all persons to said estate -it immediately •t the iamgipdlt duly aulbeOti- | ; commas ■' , Boar Tui'ti Pre*i|l- iy tvp.rr:' 1, 8 l lII* 4 \rol :p: F.xeoutftr,! rioiiesW, Pa. '.bh Tribjuv lo&r! TTptt T a . city, com ft x Xj Ij i XsT e jE^yr - a kb; , . i, ■ ■ , Dl* ESS-MAKING. : ; . RS. Z. MOORES w>nwJß«« »«. tiic public that she b*s. iiemovea a fewij from her late residence. I where she in* j continuing the MITJ.INEft? S^BESS* ISG business, in alii ilia various I ranch*. ■ She has lately received a well'selected i of Mu.MJ»EitY Goons, ,;to[ which she in- ; the attention of her customers. A eon i ince of the patronage heretofore iiber-j jestftweel, is respectfully (\licitcd. ; \ 7|. fever. Sept.’ 20, ’OS.-j— 4w.|, - j|: . | ati> iSormai School. , { ..EDISBORO, ERIE CO., PA.'i ril HE .buildings' are new, jneat and jeontren- Jl: lent; Reading Kc|om and Apparatus; Instruction thorough and practi cal!! ' . 11. |,|i i jluition per term, of fourteen weeVs]js4,oo ;; Board $2,25 per week sSo,d>j) pays tie whole eipepse, including! tjfae .uM.Uf: test J|f 1m Fall term opens,'Aujult 13,..1i|c8.''i s |' ! ijQr'Send for Circular. •(]■,. 'j ’ || d. A.COOPEH, A. |MilPr J ' ' j~ f M rofls teidi M-VF TITION. -Ib the Orphans’ le matter of the of Jesse South,' a, Isaac JamisaQ d legal represen ■all others intcr,- 1 1 Inquisition, to iI of said real jet.- premiscs on the ;3, ( aVjwhich time you think proper LED LIE, Sh’ff.l es': stocV vi es tiniif alfv ii;.< • STOLEN. QJf Saturday bight or. wopday mot-ping. ihh i|,24th of $•) k -5. HrDarragh. m -the pillage of Sharob, . rfef.county. Pa. Three (3) certiScstec tif' , the StocriofiKe • Bearer County .TdSspjgh'' to toe stibscril) errand nambere4.es folloi's, to , So. ; 81 /fdf two ebaresj So. -82,'t for two. ; 'el, nncr "\o. /57 for three \ aha,res. : police is 1650% «jh| to ( all- ' =V _LI - is'tushow papse; if apy tiey' jfpvq, why- , - i/O&DCe tor Inveattn certificates' should .uot, be .iasucdi by the . y ti\g *?]?“ of 't&fgft'X W. «fr q: IpR - ■mg&ri*: 1 • : •'. : ■ HE' Blioeeribor -c'Tcr- jjft r. sale ; IT 1 AT, i~T ’ ;■ :i>t;also. 100 acres of- , }.j | ,"l . —r—l ■ , i,, \ This.raluahle ptljpertv to nnitT. |«atlerBign,W.6.?pesp» to-cwntn'ence, \ i.Wrs. VFor particulars-inqitfre o?i\ j tbiq week.' OarCiuc, £riarAn>l'|hViling.' 1 i■ ,i ~. v ' J/tV.'O. iE’SS, i . : an4^T‘jemp;. a!A) to mjaiifacturo . icl2B,’6B;Vi l --' ■ jßeninglon'atrvttoß, i Fianr.yi. '• Cloth, Ciwsiti-.oreh,- 3&;juctts (and £—■ —!. f-.-f H-i; jSlanfeeJsj « tuv o\d‘ pUc//in-Vail,‘t.ob. ■ | For . IPfCi ■/ -iArnTfIART - ,1 yrjar and durability. I ear. warranti; tbs goods I; -i a?Mo be wjrfMSedf •, \JXJ oJli! 1 ■ ( , ajeojcrupdiitioa ,of 1 those. or., the cqst side qt. >/• |7vi i. I 'i Ji ■, E . i./heßearfet, IVtfoh.ete., csmbeleft atsny hatM's .(rt'oerai 1 oinuiissiow .M:ercnanl uis\ }awo -Ma Htisvinsoaa > '.•’j. y NT> f ■ - ■ !■' i • istore. jn)Ka* Brighton; - ‘ ■(. ■ ,-V.' * ■,’kakr'in 'tyafn; • - ) ! ■fif-pimtry- iVoiwfei wtui . j aAT.T! ; Liquors, Cisars,yTfibatfo ] fAo.. .1 i lffiee end Warehouse.,.si 'B7 Smith 2d stree 1 >draa«M «on*i|Biß«a i;;i, ■ ■ • . [*'• ■• rv *-T • H.\ • ■ .A. -\ *• y* _,rMhions, M BTeevel md » rePAXiEisi SIOTit Trimnmg?. Mill' r icts. Dress J gaiietailjr.i fcre i i'ashiidn. Miga 473Brqa(ivtay, »t 25- ettiu-s'; pr ;eip* of the-iiiirt i,OO -with tbqjql e premium.' -j. •-■ ifT-l subscriber w«lBe fattittedjtdV i i selection of 50 wets wo rjtb Of , from the desigep. in the !>ook, row room, or thcvi m*T rje on :. hy|m»n my tlroe during this :gpo«u*e.: ; fif\ •' lid InducuseiiU IwCacT&sacTfu ,■• r No. now reedy. •{ ■' > i iCiVS K< by p.’.l nrvggicts. -.s’d v- ; v ;bsAy: * vuv anu iNs;r: .R. T. Taylor, A. Ivl, ;.A.)Si Tavior, G-cvei NEXT TEUM jVTILL CO fisiavi- -3farch ■ 24S»lf. N lj-6SU., iinuo H vrecVa; The aim' of | tj Ua pupils thorough, c*pci the Coaixaoii Branches Nbmal C![a[s9,-, mcSt of. those wishing Jo fit. tiom p. rsachinc. tvtU he formed at the etnent of The' tefin. ■ | h. Room rent. &c yC bn varies from toSSjCO " : J For further particulars: inquire 'ofj the at of Faculty., - | ■) .. i 1 .■ ’63 / , R. T. fTATIIOR. D*2T, .0OB.&'OOi, using and Connniisicn Ag^ata-. 1 AND DijALEES IN /| 1: INKS OF •pe, Printing: Mai erials,. 'X'a ANDPRINTINaKsIpZ I CARDS, ic jxCE3—Brown'd Buildii ie Buildings, New Vert Hi: It. 'i b e XJ nion,” ih Street above ' \ - PlllL \ r'EL'HttT A , Pa. - in S. Newcomer, Prbp’r. IS Hotel is cenUal. CWrenicntby Par eiifeor,,,Railway Cars' to V-ll partis,bf the and in- e’pvy particular atl"nted i jto the Ivi-and Wttiitsof the/ Tor 4 Public 81,50 PER. ftAY. to 1. ilathc Orpfeaa»\ Centrum: anal:for- r county bcforAHhe Hon. Denial J dent., and tlaewociAteV Judip»<tf aa partition: otj (•(I'M Otrge A. ,,tun«r, dcc’d-,: : ; Tap-JCnm ■ roonrfoalth ofl’cnnjylvania: To.Koliort; ftun teriofeßeasrer county; Mary., * siMer. iqief. married With Enoch Pcher. of h-M;iaa county, To*a;-loui*a, a welcr. jnir.rntaivkd •Sorojrjfn. t(nnw.A .widow) rO};-K,ni«i io'Kirtsj 1 -,. aforesaid, c enter, i rJe> r.mri-i ad,witr. • Jorahllaeaon. -rla:' county, af'Uio; Jane, a'.siater, • IrS- ';• of Bt»TeT*o«r,i,y; -l itsi'V’s*.:.' . twamitii with )>%«»»(;; 4- -pi' - ‘ , iy:.—illshore 2fi years >• gretirrip—ron arfd-'traeh <>u )l> cited'l >be and appear id*-. 6 ; 1 ea aforesaid, a* an OrphnnVfourij-tii ; i at Beftrcr/in and for aaitt cnanryf Ara,t!/fr ftr<it; Monday of March to r;''; : real estate of etiid deceased,, situate, in 11 ~ itcarerconnty, Pa.., at the appraiseTOcpi put upon it h? an Inquest dply awarded by aald .Court, and returned iby jthe ,Sheriff to ,f, Sepieinber. Xena, -1553,; and found Vti conirdn ; 4 follows, tb.'.irUs Purpirt 'IA” (jnantfnp.) I cintaininf. IIT ierrs, valued at(s2lL per imfe. Tuvpnrt “!i.” rontainiagSi aepei IfSperithes, rained;at sis)dBi.r“v acre,—An ’’u the e»«nt ' of nnn/acoeF.'ftnep, to' .shew iauee why i.bi . . Tsinw «l'(irdit*ePße acid. ). L ' Vir , a - . |<jt|ojlo6» the ; H<'a. Daniel Ameer, • President '■> ’ oKpur •lid Court; allleavtr, this i-UStda.Tcf ''?&■■ A. Number, V- ‘" *■) 1 d ? e9 V ■-; ~ A. nc M-CREARY. nt. ; sM PiiSUC SALE.- fTMIS will offer ~fwi.,*ala,l:«a":w' I „ 4 ~ [tCKRDAT, dec. ;- : y *' FiriS in - ' tawrcnce ccjiutyi Pa. land With Wm.'Daridson, P; B; r '\‘ situated ;1 -2- mile, frora\Wan>pum; Furnace. T-2 Ir I mile from » fSrist Mill, i-2 imilVrfroai j good Saw Mill*. 1-2mno.from BemTCr'CVMit, ■: i§ milFs ; l>4i4He . Castle end Valhr R. R..,. containing ~ ■■ OXE jn,CXI)REP 1- ?I TY-TBKEE SCRIPS. h. .about: fifty-fhree ; 'apfler fence With ab out, th i r ly- <i’i-eafcres ofa t bre e' feet coal rein,‘ also a •" ft.‘ abniijarice of timber' nid:.limest one arpletrleeg and aVTqf the best quhjit;r;;aUoi good' ( nerer-failing spring? of .pure[water.- , Soil of best i The blouse, is a frame,' 35 by-Iff feetv objs, toqryriigh; i’• ‘‘ ; v ' ' f •’ Fir reference] ialll on Win. ; Kennedy. -Sew Brighton, oi-tbi subscriber in ;Cbipw£Wa tp. ■ Terms mahe kuqWnknown on day ofssie. Sain ( i to.eommcnqe atilqfclock. 4 ~!*.•!. itC, cf N. B. Title warranted. de«9 !r T i_-,.; JOSEfI AU fa, or I • A SUPERIOR TRApT 01* LAND ; ;; '; For Sn|L6 IT- ’j' ■The sobscribsr is authofizodlo sellj » ••'act -h of land known »r- ibe Scott: form, fjtua.e ifc ■ ■ Cbippew-hi township. Bearer 'county,; X’enna., '■ iCONTAIMNG IU3-ACUB3,-- on the . f ;“o Dariingun—s miles .froni•Bearer, h 1 from Brighton, •and 2 miles front Kepi Brigb- : T » Uiol is of a 'sujtorioi a, good jtjj';' of uultWaflon.; Taere,'!* o&jr.-j-'l lira tvajt.' a largo how Brick livtciliag iHouWv , with a gjail ollliip —one brick meat nMae-aniT btUo. ddt! building?,, lin'd;V»n|e large t«|w: *»**» • BerT;. .tirere ;? a good Tiy.n hftcoalnMCT- tlio ' •■rVilq trior, ( U;, ..one binjsjitow .dpepl 1 'Thera, 1 B *.» ;■;! qv-' ard vf gaud-ifliiuttg hearing .fruit .-, :.ect on be ti .ct. ; -i ' -i.:’{ Ji'XJ. i ! : m flppaHaaity is no-.'- o&£*J of .pa*t*«sißa- . I a cho:c<>t!TMt"'f ’.ihd-ia's goeC p-ajcjibarhopd’, 1 1 and convenient to dariet-; Lo otruiches hh-i , i ! schpol.- j i! - - "hr ■ f h f . I Tiro terror will be MJto m&Vc -h. •'ll suit purchasers. Posies?] jifci glye.r.jotttbe lit •;’ i April. * ” ‘ii l( f hi'"'", - Ct\RKE,.j Reaver, Pa. POWIfEK 1 ratTjt jous ; '".l.i-! , t , 11 \\ • ,puiA, ; M'?. ’ I \y\m[ Prin; : i ! rnessJ j IMMEXCE I-' ; \ iIMPOETAUr ;x tiALES. |DR .CHEESE rf S PID T S. v i Tbs' combination; of inCTe-iictiv* in' these • j fills sire the result of a lohg amt, extensive. | ).inotice. They are/milft~wniheir operation, ■ snu -certain in correcting- sill irregularities,. , •; mcnsb'uaiiwia 1 . I lions,i whether from or othefwisehheßd ! ache, pain' in tie palpitatipr. of 'the b^arl, , whites, all neiwous affectlefs, fatigue, hysterl | les.'pain in tho bask knd limbs, etc., disturbed ■ \ slf«p,l whiph ari|i9 from'itterrupticn oifnatato.- j. - Dr Cheeseman’gFilla. i mt lh« commencement;’ of a new era in thi • e . ' I?}- . j treatment of those, irregularities and ohsmu tionsjwhich haef- consigned, so many to a t»i- ■ ! Karr{RK Npj female can 'enjoy -good:, health unices she'is regular, and whenever an 1 ohEttjuction tttkivrp’ace.tha jenerai health ;gina |lo decline. _ ; i-j •' ‘ l : -1. f- /' i D*. CheesemauV Fills 1 ! • the moat effectual remedy, tnTp-n hr ail, ! cpmplaints’pcciiliar ioi Females.'’, -all’ class;, |»,es they are invalnjajkei - rjirh’ ' ,tj/, periodical regularity.: ! jihoukands, who ' have ■ ■need them a,t different. ’'periods, tlirbughout i the country,' having the ’sincliomof some of : the most otCTncnt Tliysi. America. -i ; '/ *’:'(■ 'J J jEijpUcii dtrectior.i. elating tcAen tr,eg should not, 'hiUdelpiut; : , i* ««rf, witli each Box—s-tlie-. Pric*e OEc toilir, per t ox,'cppt'aimiig from 5U to 6</Pills- J I L Pills *rift hy mad, pr<*nptt-\ >••» reroSljtic g . i* tie iPropneto-. f I)r. jjiai.iu qi bridge viaur sole !mwl for liis Cotuiy. , ,ivi , ‘ f | : B. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor,'- . j«il4’‘6B:ly ; • V2O Coder St.,;Sew ii'orjrj; Ai Gentleman, cured of N e ryousT)ebUity.l l competently,' 'Premature ttccaj’ in'! Tfjosittiful; [ Error, actuated bye.dctdroto tciiofit cVhera; , ■ wflt be happy j,o f trnish' tc !»U who need oil I (fre|« of charge) the receipt and dirociiona lor ‘ ! ikaling the eimple EctpeJy uesd ;m his case, - wishing to profit jbyWa shad'd . r posjewi; Valttnjdei , i sanioi hr return mail, (|c*rj'fi|'lv>s"iilt*d.j',-by i addressing ■ ;• i OGUEV,, •• i |V-'. - NoCQ Kasisu Street, KctrTrf' SCHOLARSHIP FOR J [1 A ' SCHOLARSHIP IS “IRON f «3. LEGE,” PIITS6URG, ;for ( lubsaal i>iscorst. Rnquixeat?!^ |cfE.r;i.s-»-9T. T*!; ;,| •;> -- :r..:7« :L s*4'-. ItIT - Tll3. % ' I ; i .~' :lT?qQi. ;4" ftecoUiT# iwl*, I** 1 ** '■ IS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers