4m.c s _~ El '■ “ V ‘”Cr. VTA-X'.T, -:• • -ni ■••.‘Tinsni tie- C.Stnid- and * - . ■ Great. CitaesL’- • w * -n-T---•;' ••" -■ r ~r‘ T reallytierer itiv It is noth tmoiqp ftfid -;-■,' 'Vpgtiiie undersigned bar- .'.‘good-tampered, ami' niit afraid to gjay tlfat'its A the Jlruggiata, A poflwgariga, ttad f t - c -ii 1 that it. haj;a, . -_ A—lPhrsfclans of oar soversl signed , mul. Onr readers wilthe glad 1 to know whore .doonnfeit of esnuranoe to n» that ATEB’S , ncy eon find native fun that ha»j something has. bowl foiind to~l>e >-[tcr in mere palolt."—Atlanlu a a'remedy of great ezoellenoe, dud worthy ■i. ~t,Vfy. -- •• j- .• ,Jthe ognUdoaoe of the ooihmooity. ~---- ; j ••Thin paper i<i excellent. .. . ..Uem*£k4ble " ■ -’■ "• .• j ior origir.aliiy. , ’-i-At/Ti TraftlUr.y- i '• Eo2Tv’ JASE 3 COOK, ■ j> “Vasitt. Fair' is conducted by (^vivacious, ■; rv j: -■. ■-;• Hayor of LOWiUt Mt ** iiitiyaad intelligent corps oT journalists.”— *. ' , . , ■ A_ ~Utchfitli (Conn.) Enguinrr. i ! , s -A-- - ”" HO* L ' . ! “AVill wield as potent an influence as (nat'Of ~V'-. .' Mayor' of ITABHuA, B. 3L : ;be London Punch . ’ ’—Holton TrnreHrr. : , 5 T; ' irmr ia w frhiiHIHQTOH. “Whosoever finds himself laughing ;fit‘ the; ~ 3 ?*‘ H. '*« * Vasitt Pair, and does not return a —■-■ J '■■■•. ■ I o-4u! vro quo. is fit for ‘treason, aild apoilg., V -HOH.iiTOHH ABBOTT, 'iv. iV 6Voj/M. - 1 -, , coirooßD. w. H. I • HOH.I A. H. BVZXOCK, - , ‘ - A. [ i~’ y of WOECE3l?^i*^ M - !-■ The verj marked and flattering success which iHOSu STATH’Ii STEiSBEE, • i has thus'' far-mtended the puhlieation of -S-r* v . -r Hite-cf BAEEM.-JIABB. ' “Vasitt Fair,” , v . ' > Enahlea tlie publisher to announce tHat with | -HSOW. T. W. MITCOLir# Jr.;, Uhc eummencemunt of the Sccorul Volume, is-;i . ifctygrpf Boston, mass. :-ue<! thie day.' frith June,-New Features, hotkj nn« Wir w T>AT\iSrA i ■.itevary'and *\ftistic. avill be introduced, which i . -o'r > :l ' increase thcjvaluc and ime.-estof the pa-. .. t vMSSyof orraoyipEHDß, B. 1.- p an( j fully maintain the proud,- poSitiAn : HON. >MOS W. JPEEimCB, , r - ■lynimously accorded to it, as the leading r * , .Jldyor of M-OBWIOH, OOBS. ' ■" ,• ,s . : ' - "-• -il T TO T-r.TSTiTx; ' i ’ .CoMIC JoURXAL I>F A.MEUICA. ■►-a BOH. -J. HV3TATVRT3,. - ‘—j.; ' J : Mayor of HBW ahONDOH, OOHITVr ' 1 HOHr-OHAB. S. BODIES. VANITY FAIR K BOH. D. ?• .TDMIAHH, , .. I ‘y . ! ■is "for Sale by all Newsmen, and at the Mayor of itiiW 'YOHK Oi J ii* —c oy i'ublicati llii Nassau-Direct, H; H. KIHSTBE7, . V • v< ?- k - Utjor of HAliiLTOS’i Oe W» j ■ ■ i 6 &Am wilson, .- r .■ - Three dollars in. advance— S i ix ' ■tx-''. V ; • : J.. : BOH. Bi n. BISHOP, [ "wp topics jof Vanity FA^B, f \viU be sent to OHIO. .O. ‘ idreisj&v... OO ho|t. i h! 6o V." ~ ;~. 7 orX , OUTSVXIiL3II,”"MV.; Kxtrs copy wIH be allowed to thegettpr -7 HOK.JO&fSLOAIf, ' jf ■Tr'yl’ pvj»f of 1w» less than five copies. - ~-i . - X .' v i.;"T~ j'- A v ' • fi,.. i . *<or- -- .( Tsai'paper wslElcctrotyped, and numbers n BOH. JAMES JICPEETBBS, nniy-be pixeured afßny'tlme. ’Vi t. : Mayor of B&WMAIJVTTiT.R, O. W. ,T ' ' I.OCTS 11. STEPHENS, ’ :■ ' . HOH. JAiIES. Wj HOBTOBi ' ; f.r : lheProprietors m NaUsau^t;. - .. -k: J clofJr ‘ > r. ! HOI7. GOOPEB» Jp*j ■ ! ? I'i' SC 7 ' 11 ‘T iON \r 4 . y, VTV- Maj% ME -JAY OOKE i 6., - Bankers, HOKi-.JA3IBS S. BESK, • ;-U5 SOUTH/j UiilD STHEET, ,—1 7 -■ Mayor of PKEOBBIOTOM, H. B. . . , 1 Phiindeiphia, Nov. 1, leo2. • j- -.t, ■ "'h '■ -'■ ■ , HOH. WILLABD HYE, . j- j )lE_ undersigned, having been appointed Mayor of Vi / "SUCSRKII’TI^N: AGENT by,the Secrcta ■ , n. ‘1 ry jol the ia’now prepared to fur- ELAISDELL, 1 once, the' -i • --i- . Mayor «f TALL SIVBB, MASS. ' . . HOH. Wl & CBAHSTOHj ••., | T.vc Ticnty Year 0 pt r ct 'Jhjmls. = i -J&yor-of JfEWPOBT, B, I- ... _ - , ..' ■„ . :■. r .. | of the united States, designated as "Five-, •.. HOH. TBBB > ■ T\ventios,V redeemuble Bt, of l)ie “ • i OL GoTCrament, after five TtaraTiiiiU ?uthurizcd •_' - • f-- - - •y. . iby Act Ccnsres r Fcbniarv* fr'>, HOH; JOHH. HOCnDEH,. ifci. ; . \ K- : Mayor of DOBU®OB, lOWA. -.yhc .Cf>i>PUN'l!ONbS lu-o-issued ineums oi ; Mayor of .OilA i rEAHOOGA„TIinIJjI., g j t pi. il, - ■ j HOH: BOBBET 3£Atß. • 4 inl^‘ , ut 7 Si - x 'VCm oununf will MayOT of ifOBCAIiOOSAi AZ<A. e.-.mmeiu-e J r °-' Ll!s of purcu-iat, and is. - ~ PtHattoh, 'rv- 1 r payable iw gold, ' . . “ : Mayor of MEMPHIS, TEOTT. - ■ V'" i■ ' filPMtn QatTspr h ! i is .'.piai, af.thc pmsentJ HO if. H. 2X 7 SVEATsTOH, ]_ ■ F > I h in: : ,J ’ C;ipM nVr.- r s, Mayor of SOCHUSTEIi, 3. T. .uiTaUitriio iis-e aiuVtmmey to ins 1 _• ■“ kuow.^SS'-iiemeuib^'r 1 that there "Bt ; udA- tins'ia HOH, DB WITT O. | nust TtiAv!: HOHI gEO. WILSON, ' " r- ,U:li immense S^^EjUinfac- f4 ; . PITTSBtrBO, PA.- ,u, . e V Sc ;- Ac-; ?:*. s-dfn'd the f«BI V -' r - . i pvoyisjttn n»auf' jor^p.ivtnent of HOH. C. H. BUHt,, f acd lijjUi taiiua l|y - ■ . ' xf DETBOIT, l'xr;ve ni? * 7 mi’ ~ •»”. s-v-vei* To n:n!t;e svsc V,*rt&f&iv-r\ : M»ypr of MTLWAITKIBe WIS, ■V. ]>, V;/ f I, -!• f‘Tii -i i- ■ n*; re<;crvcd ,r.i V A p.-^Tcn ■ - Mayap W18» imte? r,f Vnr.ks at . VT/awr A ■ X>AV>V> 4 : ' Subscribers >p luailwill v -r - <-••-- •' • r - iAr.iutiMinition. .tji-i ♦•v.ci.v ihcililv of KRffOSHA, AVIS. cxplriii-lvivi: HOfrriOHH C; HATHES, " ' “ ] ISi -'SJlayor ofT2HICAQCF ILL. , • .nit:<r ; p: .c i .-• -HEATH ,: - - Mayor dl SEXj^IATaA». -A. J.-HOBLB,, :.. . \ I.U p s rs , »n«sis-vSB/ duM-ttb-d account / ' .v. jfl, ra-. : o?FcciilrX tb,!liuc7 wiil.iu th^ 1 S. HOLYBAD. u-r' : f° r ‘■’■'i’r ,; T" cr ; l , i OA- U' ca.lnt tire 1 silmou Hovlcn Kciury, '*.• '4*f ■• • .-etorewhe, fiist of OctoUerj. imii .and settle 1 V'BOH ESPAETERO ; MAHtTEL, ; the .« b ; . each' ,r V | j ■'•. Ifayor » jyilVbg. El’ll’M. SMITH ... I . DOH; PlETBb'he — For Sale at Jthejßeayer Drugstore! ~ 7-! •' •* 'Mayor of MEXICO. l\,f;'l>TiNS AittSf, till. llbjyiEU.S—Till!! DON BSTEP^HIB. EOijBIGUES, 1..-' .•! ', : •..'■• . b Mayor Of .Uso. Carijon <.dVl.;ihtciuic ; chimnuvs. 1 (7«i/ S'.','//n;i( ; |n/ at HVliflt' non asiokto.kotctera^ ,'' T ,. J** ■. 'P>. b t' ■ !- ■. °f TiIMA, PEBB. Coffee. Fit. Coffee. Dumlciin,, Cuffcc. , ‘ >K i:ts h 1 " - ivys fit liipul T)OH M. IQ. MHiAHQHO, > ... ,; bid pon?v*rfpertaclesr >\vruf> foij table i ' Sjtvllcr tx ihOU- I 7 ; f>~ 'Mayor VAIiPAHAISO, nwfir.T.aj.rimc arheleof Svrup. i lief* JJay n, Slmliluni’s 1 ; D^^O' . 1 b ?-‘ iny ' I,anJ a T* a £\\ Hi : -rHayor of BKAZIL Kaicohs f ( ,r lalc ar o fejV ! & n , H - U » ( : fP ■ ■•; r* ■ | -> • • > V-tc ]iap.TH, jWloju* EMI gum OM ME ■S*i- OEM ' X . El BEM Eal « **ssp- r SES IS : MI the resident DruegiaU have '-■ ■.... l-W .• '■ CRITTRNT>f3\’S - PHILADELPHJA ;-tm/ iXv. - Ayer s^Sarsaparilla. “ ■•qoijlegkej, > i uie£6e^ntn^«^andworQirtboconi .'■" _ .‘was established in j • •; -, and cow£c*;iioniij iu tc j . ‘ P«r^lfflßg s thi Blood*. . year HV its. existence, numbers 1 ’ssi- - -".- -tX- v-- • (jv '■ •-•• • 'Li.; 1‘ • ‘ c<S»s(ul Merchants luidDiisinfe! Men tffiour . ' Country. , ~. ' V •--■ ' ‘V ' and Phttplfir; .., _ ’■w J -=Xr^, object of (ho Insiituti'-'iiiasolrlyto af - Por fefttcl(tl| f 81«ln», Bolll. i iiisu lacililiea for<llibrbuj;h -preps- ] For >£ dnthonjr'a Fire, KWaa, ar Brpa r a’-i‘'.ulor Ijusioc??. yK" . ■ SaltlU«n»^(.lpillM. s taught are. Book-kccpjing, a. Foe SealdHcad and Btacwan* '! . I, * a ¥. e . ,ft t6cr,ar^dcp a r l ment s a i4rade : wc **Ti . ]***- lMminaa«np» , both plarii and ornamental; For Cancer and Caacerota Sorcs. j t'o.nm-reial ForBor'fic--e«, Sore Ear*, and Hnmor*. ,- Civil Drawing. Phonography, ForlPcmaJe Diseases. . andAloderiygiiuiguagts. ' N '; - S Fa? Suppression and Imcnlarltr. ' 1 V i-, Ti,e £ - vs: «*’ of Instruction is peculiar :'uo 5 - • ; classes or,set wessons s; e main* useol. but each ■ "'I Srpiilll»- < ; ; ~u J *utD iat.rltl i..diVt.l.u.lly.:soyl,at. Le may ■ -Fcr lartr CoiaplalaU. - . fcommence at any time..and attend at wlmtov- Fdr Dlttam ofttit HeartT ' ~%r hggsra are most convenient. duues are annually after the! ! ; v . - = 'loth of April, containing names of the slu- j TheMayorsOfthaehlaf yttleiefithe for the yearfipnd full..particulars of; . tad and Eriti«h'RroTlneea,teniis. &c., and may be obtained, at time j. Pent. Brasil, Hezied, and in Cut al« by addressing the Principal. ’ ; . |‘ D'tnqea atl the cities on this oonttw&t, hare ■ In extensive accommodations, widj-ppread Dv people reputation, and the lengthy experience of the 1 whatramadjaathaymaynaanlTTi aefhlj ami Principal, this Institution! offe-- faelll ‘ ME ME S- >oa4q«H*. - fßn* ct»«pt<*wfll OolrAitett perio/to’any other in j GniCraj Com[Ui.SSlOll Mfrfcliahl * pcrtton of taem. : V; men-wishing to prepare for business, iind. to ■“ '?%■'- J obtain at the same timea b/ploma. which, will! _ 'L v l sp . ’ • j i , joints -< prose a recommendation for them to anv it or- 1 'jrain,_M>d. dll kinds House. ; K'\:V .-fm: Produce. enVine* tend r vfloiijf Irectoraij CEiTtrirorx’s Pgries ol Treatises) on j. ’ f Cignrf, Tnbacco, A^c. Ayert PUIB,“ nnd ■*. Bo«fc.K«eplM; Blow- n«f widely circulated j offiee and Warehouse,.No. t<B7 South 2d sirr« '■ ’C ” *' PiaUm.<aLelx>Xila. - « A/er * €•* F M - -!•■ - o;*Tv . .1 ‘ 1 _JCi\ ; LOWELL, MASS., --- * - t EIXCIPSL. - —l' ! .. *»d sold by Druatstaererr where, s " ACT;j-The a ,S. Conj 1 scnptiou.Lftvv or National ~ •*»<! complete/ in * - -V' * :.T-r 'v% - ■ j - - jtew : > x . .jSIII.VESf: m IASTMIte ’ftflPliu. T/.u>j’<6)»«i» ou the firtt d*y of ■ ‘ H- ■ •■ r *T.f ; ■■' j BROADWAY, NB» BRIGHTON. TX.. ' * J*r>OMj)»l. ■ (i’our Poor* b«loiri)r. Sargent’* Ont;;'Store; ! K*j7,«»*-ly. HBB A MIES REKO. MEM jV& - IV i"' ■ V- ". .... IMMO { •'," 't. n r SPECIAL NOTICE. til 1;v hcj; Tba li nnd. ::r;.<r T : C OV,r 2 «••■ vl \I.AV TOO -I I'.: Si _V ofcii/o. ■ I=El •Jt rt-t MI EMI 150 Js^i^iTOWN FsmiW and an Agricoilural Journal? I-.!----'s';"-'- • '=' >■ -’-ii ■■ ■•' ■ : - c h o ' '■■■*■ 1:. : t! ■ ■ Poetry, Novelettes, Talefij ' r A-JTD MORAL AND ENTERTAIN %-fr READING GENERALLY. v - '■ V" ” 'ln. tho !-<ent thochoicest rarieticswithin the of our extended. mpans.\ TheNovelcttea, Tales, Poetry, &c., shall bo supplied from thebest ■and highestJpeuroea, and be-cqnal.to anything tiVbe foimdm'any journal orjma’gazine.' i Agricalturb and iScytitmlttire, ‘ " EMBBACI.Sd.; vji„ Farming,Gardening, Fruit-Raising; &c. In all their Eranehet, at conducted on thildictl and most approved eysUmel, Si j labors in \his department for over thir- hare met the of (“lur purpose has been to furnish; r.scful.„aiui reliable information-upon! these very import snt v branches of industry, and to .soSfar as within our':’. ij«Ower against the false doctrines and selfish es of the many empires,and scrisaudtAUlven turers by whugt.the Farmer is incessantly as saileil. llrigpoffibn of the o'4rmd7ibjwit \Tele~ graph will;dfsue-tie whole |pri|ce of tSardcher, aim I;ma of his calling,! will readily' adip>j(J V .i ■■: - The siTnic industry, care, .in-gathering of the Day, expressly paper, yihich: hitherto has been one tcalurcs; so • uni loir,'he; continued with redoubled offers to mcct.thc of tire 'jjjiClic. Thc.tfibor: required‘in this departJiiepfns never fully ap preciated by -the readerJ jifVwould ; be‘ im possible Io present, the- and ■ v* ar ®*; fully-made-up form- iu which it appears, a corrected!'muss of ail the most interring news lof] he week, without involving tact and .Judgment?'• . i \ ; ~ ‘We r.Tihcs the cash la which wej beg icivye to cal] attention of nil who lliiiiifc of aUbacHhing a newspaper: * ; ■ . ! f , Advance Cash Terras, j! ’ : - One Very, one year, one '-ropy,- three yeuis.^'V**; throe copies, one year, $*7.4)0:! 1 ivc Crtpies, One Year, [.S&W*: -Ton. (,'opie?,: ( ne Venr, S-I-ViO; Oi»c‘iTcar,- s ' . • i ' not p:iM within the; jicar,' Cluh of-.five SB,| will entitle the person getting it up for six months;, * Olul) of ten or more, to a;,copy r for one year. All t’Uib subscriplioiiS.sloppcA at the end of the trine pajd for, unless yc-ojr-. yjered. V'- : ■“ ’ - i ){ ./ ■ f? HCJv'nyUshT.d with the casli. * jl f /i numbers pent to Applicants. miihir n. fre.is, - ■ Editor and Proprietor, j fp'ZQiin'fitrrriJ'h.irid'lj-hia, : ; l V-. , • ■ '• ■;! ;■ DEADER IK DRY GOODS & GROCERIES., V 1 i I I'tiii; LATEST A NI) MOST FASIIIOX AIS I.K . .Stylos of ,!>RESS GOODS^^ I cOnstnuilv on hands und tor Side,-tor | ' rJioiiuCK. : * llcavcr* lBO3 /v * * k 0.0 t; ’sr ii jJ I3and.eliori Coffee preparation; made fromthb best CotlVy*,' is re.coDimc-nJL*d by pUytTcilins atf a superior NfTKWIOtS UKVKUAIJK ttirGen- Dy;-['fp.-In amt nil billions •iers. whoJiave been coi;ipcr.ed-lo )ibandob:Hie ust* of use iliis; with ou^irijuvions.effects. cun cot»J uns tlie strength.,of two pounds of iyoffee po cents. * • - . j - KOLLOCIZ'S LK-VAI&. Ijlif ].mc-l unci best 15AKIX0 TIiWTVEII kiujwi, lor {nuking light. swilei and nutrjliuUfi Bread and Cakes. Vricc 15 cents. i ■- Manufactured by ’ ’ ! . r .M. If. KOLl.orys. (;'hendsti 'Corner of Broad and Cfrestnul street.*,' ■■ PIIILJVIVELI’HIA, by all Druggists and cjroccrsl , ' - - .. .. ‘ f Biiink Ua.tfitK. Pas* -Hook.-,' £|oel' Pens and Holdors,:Copy Books, sdjitc*. Ink, Lik s.PimU, Kgmii}! Jloardivffk £e. •-. ' Ybi- casln j(soo<Ji» yiit/ked. and delivered to any inn of tiro < : ity. JJOBT. S DAVIS. 73 Wood »t., Pittsburgh vvholesaiEdrYgoo^s. DA fILSOiMILROYIi, 54' Wbod fift.. Q I'FEU THEIR STOCK FpRTH^E oif 1 less. "SAt the Lowkst rues, mar. 25,'iiU ' 5 - . ' ■ 1 yiiSj official and complete, in pamphlet form. Alag| information embracing (he ohiy.Upiidr*- ble imd lawful way of catling, tie’roming drift? il/oiti Ben( ‘(cbst-psid)' (o' onaaddVeM upon receipt SI ,<K> v l>y tlrtf Agant, 1 •! - 'V-'-l \ v - n. w. harper, \ ;•■% ’ Ban fM4, Pfttaburg, fa ' ■ M— -'M' b EMI ' ■ *>ll,V- ' I - i •s£: •: ■; t * ,??3‘ s ■■■-■Vr V INCLUDING. MIIN REM PA , -JOHNSON, ; ,r ; r. ; i FRIENDS AND RELA. i.- OF THE I • | L BRAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS; HOLLOWAY’S STtLS I Hare Friends and BLlatireain tSo ■Navy, should take) especial care imply supplied with those Pills ; and where the bkave Soldiers Ac neglected to provide* thera em, no betjer present can ;b« sent them by their friends., 'They ha Ve been 1 prpv ed to be the Soldier’s never-failing friend in the hour of, need. ■ X ■ •V ; ■1- i ■ J COtlG lIS AND COLDS AFPEGTIJIQ TRQpPg Will ,be speedily removed kndi cffecthally cured by using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention’ln 'the; Directions which are attached to each Pot or Boxl ' y .SICK? HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE* “' J STTE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. , These feelings which so sadden tul'i usually , arise from trouble on annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or eating and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach, j These; or gankmust be relieved, if you desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to the printed in structions, will quickly-a produce a healthy action in both; liver and, stomach, and as a natural consequence a 1 clear head mid good ap petite. : I■ < : WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED 4 , BY OVER FATIGUE, ) || ; ' Will soon disappear by the uscVf these in valuable Pills, and' the Soldier willquickly; ac quire additional strength. Neverdetjhc.bow hls be cither confinedor unduly acted upon. It mpy seem strange that 'Holloway’s'Pills slump! be recommended for- Dysehtery anil Flux, many persons supposing thalthey would increase the relaxation. This is a j great Inis- for these jl’ills will correct the liveV and stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from the systetn. , This medicine willigiyc tone and Vigor to the whole organic system howev er.deranged, while health and .strength follow Us a nmfter.of.course. Notllihj; will stop iW relaxation of the Bowels'so.sure us this fgpi oui riiedicinc. ! /.!' i | , VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION t InDISCRE | ‘ TIONS OF YOUTH. l| J;/ ; ■ Sires aild Ulcers, Blotchings:and ?<yelluigs, can with certainly by radically cureci'i£ the Pills-are taken night and the’l ointment'be freely used as stated in the print- I cd instructions.. if treat ed i» any Other man- j' net- tijjby dry-up in one .part to break nut -inan-'j other.', Whereas litis Ointment t|i!P'retnoye | the humors,' front the systeni'avd leave the Pa- i tient a vigorous and healthy man. I U will re- I •'quitje a : litlle pcracriM tince in bad ca.-cs,to. in-j sure a lathing f-nre . FOR' WOUND? EITHER OCQISIONSD .Bri " THE BAYONET,IORSABRE OIiITIEBUL- i| ’ LEIF, SOP.r.ijj QR. BUITSE?. ;|W : | 'j, ; To.--which and Sailo.r arc liable t!>c;;e are no. medicines so safe, rure atld con venient' as ..Holloway's Pills and oijatihent. The I m dtf wounded and almost dying huiferer might | have his womi'ds dressed immediately, if he 1 v/tiiihlhinly priyide himself with t’hi.femateh ’ loss Ointment,- which should hethrusyufothc ’ ] watiuni auiLsmCarcd all around it. then covered ’with a piece pi'linen from Ms-hnapslick, iind ! compressed - wjith a handkerchief. ' Taking ! night aujf-iiiorniiigtj or fa Pills, t0.c0.0l thcVys- j 'JeuAtud'prevent inUamatiuii.' ■ | . j | j. Every Soldier's knapsack- and Seaman'sC chest should lie provided with these valuable" Uellioliit-p'’- j'-" ’* ' "* Tt? GOOO D O ~ MALE OR FEMALE AGENTS ] TO .SELL Lkij/d’s. yi’.w-Sti i'l Plate. Coink;/ Cohrc3 | !■ Map of the JJhiied '"- t ■ \.'C,riiailai, . and Xew BrunsiMck, ' . Kr,pm rc<?t r TD r -burvcys, com pie lad A iig. ■ 10. tjl '-engrave it, imUone J'car> 'i • ‘‘y . ;i* -‘C k ‘lf’" • ’ £o}an£Sl() ever niiiite hy Col auU hclls at the tow pyrcc o*f | JIT&UOO names are |eiigrajyeu. on itlihsmap. [ ’ , .; ; j -.j ' fi is not oiily a ('ouiity map, biit it is also a of tlie U. S. iCanadnscombinecynouk giving. Station between. •* • lra;AraniceLahy,.v.*qman. or- mail' ic>’siVj»br take back all maps itliat canuot : ollb'e .sold the money.. ‘ f ;; * iSend for worth to try._ :• / • A -rrihLed ln»v to cauvass w:ell ; , furnisjicil./.Uionr agents., V ■ j 1 "* | » AVuiitedTrjWbolesale Agents fop our maps inil r.every State, .’California',. Canada, Kngluiidji jb'ruijce ay,d i hiba _ fortune mr.y be made j with a few', lluudrcd doll firs cupiifil. Jfo jiLtition, i J rAdai.nvn._l(;i llroudway, / ■ Uepurtnient lifses our niap oif A’4r- and PonnsyU-iania, cost U()6, on! W’hjch is inrifkcd Antictnm /CfeVk, Maryland IlighU, jAVillwmspoi t. i Foray r Noland’s- Ford, and. ; ail [j oiliefs onjlhe other plnoo ; iu ab»»ve ; Tiaincd Slates, or m mev refunded. 1 MAP OF: . INDIANfi, :and ILL., j lat the only[ainbonly for j the .War o|*partm<?ni. Money| refumlod to. 'any bneffiliding vi error in•it..' i : “ , " Vroiu Ih^VTribune, 2. - rr d ‘‘LLOYD’i j JIAI| OtiVIHGINIAy MaBYLANU AND ■ 14^nsylv^s;ia.—The -diap .is ■ very laVgc; its cost is buli2s cents,.and it -it which can. ‘o* jwrchiurtL' I,']. 1 ,']. | ! Lloyd's (treat }[cf> of ihr Mississippi ¥ lltvrr. Fr<>t(l ;A£Uuil Surveys by Cnjits. Part and Wni llojwii, Mississippi Uiver Pilots,! of St; Louis* MP- every man’s plantation and.ovvucr’s nalne from st. Louis to tbe Gulf'of Mexie<v— riTHE Subscriber having Rs- .mi\e»-s<ycfy sand-bar, [island, 'town, IJI -isblishnumt ■ will, endeavor to l;ecpVml- ;> HlFjd^ice^-.0 nidcs back frotn the sstnntlv ou band all articles usually found-ln 1 v v -® IN colored in'.couutiesand States, Price, I’ -Pnijr *'r«n ; es i r l •* ''Vs) in ehoets. pocket iorni, i and on lining uPh sioiim and I>rptrg!3t; tlie-pnl&lc linen, with rollers. Keady Sept. JO. inarrcly on *Fds keeping the PUKBSi’ and ■&?(. 10, 1302. DUUOS* " v ' J. T. Llo^d —.Sir : Sctul me your Map*of the A'variety .'of ofhei- nrlleTcs'will also he Mi^isripplj- price! per Imudfed j I in Bis bEtublishmcnt: ' T ’ H^Adm.ralLbari^.H,l)av t 5, eom .. i ( - I ,- i i . ; mantling the-Mississippi*squadron, is* author s ' Ten.- RlirM of Coffee. Jiosin \ Sonp, ixed to parchasc as many as ire required fo • ‘ .Fancy Saaps'ePori Monies, Conihs. use bf thut'squadrjon; i-j ’’ ALL ARTICLE? FOR THE TOILET. GIDEON WELLfa. Secretary qj SPOOL COTTON, LEAD PENCILS, -i needles; steel pens, hair TO fr & tPHIBIi -jHlH^indereigned'would inform- Physicians Druggists to an inctjeas ingdemand, EeilJ WpW -furbon a larger scalq than heretofore ail clcs of thePharmacopoela. will' he of the strength and quality as dispensed ib the Prescription Department of my store, andjwill be fpnnd superior in.strcngih to most in mar ket; I feuarantbe them to he of'the plriper strengtiTand purity. 'V>. | Some preparations offered .Oise new, but will be made officinal in the ugw Pharmacopoeia soon tube issued, and will he'fouml to be val nahloa-iimedies.l .* i' > ,r, •, . | ■ Any information: as regaijds their strength, uses ahd qualities prill be .sent tp those desir •ng*it. • I would advise Pbysicing who have disappointed.'ill.the effect- of any remed try those of mylnhnufactire., ’ u •-J j -i-Theyt include—; J.; •/.' *•' ! Compound /Extract of Cplucyntb, ij Fluid Extracts of Dandel on, Dncbu, Er Gentian,/ Lipulin Valerian, Wild Ch( Bark, and others, -*f' ■ - j i Citrate iof Irod and-Citrate of Iron Quinine; very Soluble, i* ! Wine of jron and Wlne-df Ipon and Bi agreeable; ciialybeatcs,, I* , - j Syrup of the Hypophot pliilcs; ; *j Cerate of tie Extract Of Cnr-thsiridcs I more:;reliable, preparation than the conn Cerate,” : - J .. ■ .‘ ,• f[ Uxalatn of CeVium; useful in.obstu vomiting, •. ■ j ] •/■ ,| I | Elixir of Valtrianale of Ammonia; a valua ble remedy fob nervous: or sick headacher why i a a nervous stimulant and antacid is in dicated;'-- ‘ 1 J 1 ’ .. I"' Solufi -ate of M non of Bi-meconatfl Morphia:; sadle strength as Laidanum anil more agreeable in its effects. ‘ ' jj - ■ i f ' I’yro-phospli! te of/lion: soluble. j | •[ These, together with all rare and fine chemi cals and other medicinal articles,.luruislied'in any quantities. ' I , . I]’ . I> am prepated to niage dhciuical/elamina- „ -ijcu , r .. lions of Ores, ijrugg. Oils, Waicrs, &e. ! i GEO. W. WEYMAN, I Cor. 3J sis., I’iltsburgli, Pa. NEW 7 BEtG^^BEEREAf. AN ASYLEMPOR THE RECEP-i TION. CURE AND TREAT MENT OE MENTAL ALIENATION OR , I Herrons ai.d.Clironic .Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY ■ FOR FEMALES. TfllS institution ir- ncnvj open for liun, care, anil treatment of the ind<vcn dniil: eltif, ♦ of pal lent* are laiidfiiig underj ibcnfnl derange i/ent ; or oilier nervous | and i dironie disease. / make special mention of; chronic diseases, from tile ilact*') ihat seven tenths of the female patients jtlml bv'»- ...nie patterns ji- V ftre Asylums,, to, l>e trcAle^^fo^./.diF^rdCT^‘&^n«l£ J wducofe to th.it lahioViftfbb l Condition through previous .pl/ysieal disorder, jiiUl-, clous treatment and'uorvnV;* | dis eases, all physi *al uisfoflhVs, in'ihc'Tmijm'ity. of cases may bd rcmdveil Ums.thpnkind. paving'suffered j through tb# medium bf.dhc. l>d*lv will yvrli'en \fretf from--tire exciting physical cause.) tdf the shackles' that dins bound/lt to; y.-oiso tha i midnight dark ic*>s, and rcasSa %v it more, resume its &.ivay, clothed T& all itsjpmmtivc beauty nod via med excellence. Hcrfcc the iiifef.ssity of all those, who areiiabQCiiig under the ppcdispbsli^£ja>r 1 exciting caused, Calculated in thO.cnd to vrim pair ,thc • mludj tor resortr to an early liivU judicibiTs courae; of, i tanediar agenis. .! ./ ; institution ds a/largc 'brick |uii fling .with jj-igh and lifts situated on. alrr’elt-t ate.l table hind , a \ievv of entire town—aujrtcefftilulls—grovcH and neighboring streams; 'all :o|t which arc calculated ttf) pro duce jayuMblo 1 jnipreiisions upon the disorder ed mind. i , 'ij V ';■ s ;• The Institution is complete iii hll of jts puintmenfs. I ayiug been tastefully' fit tod ,u£ attract exjkiii-e.j'. }n ord’-er th%tl-jt may inecr the.iipprobutiou and views of therhost lastidi ««». : I.■ I . -f; . c 3!he water ,clospts and bathing apparatus have been gotten up uptjn the most approved;, « R:ndeva scienrificjiniieipJcs. This department, embraces'nut jowly the jordinary baths' but. I also, the niedic«(ed,‘ warm ;iir and Ascending | and .’' sceiuiinjx (or the more olfcctnal ja ad successful,- treat inert .uf cutaneous and ij&sf'er di.-eases. : • he|r lepc to sav tdpfi„lhose who mav be commit ihge nf aj dear | wife,’’filter orduughtctv' .to Air charge—may j • be assumed that, py ! will be’ spared “orj i effort- via nti n g< > i\\) iir r part : to ameliorate their: [\onditi<>Ji or lo.ctlVct n‘restoration to their ae^ 1 custoni|d hoalllt- and vigor.ol‘ niind. j Forf ? jrunher)partiCulars setuLTor a circular.' All commuiiicat-io:ia'-*Tit»uld be addressed'to. * T- I ! ) 1 Mi I), f ii;\Supt. of. New Brighton. Blot? cut i •. !r : ;'{ I Ncvr*Brightoii> ». novl2 02. j. * - | Beaver Co.; Pa/ BEAVEIi Opened inthc Room formerly Oc cupied by the late Dr. Minis. BRUSHES, tOOTiI BRUSHES, TOBACCO, SEGARS, LET- ' TER, KOTE. EOOLS-! ! ' , |GAP PAPER Carhon' OU Lamps and■'^Climnsys. . These are of few of the article,'*. ,aml [inly, a fhwrnlwaya on hand. Call and ace.-, ■ f ; He will try. hy close at Tent ion and fair dcaluig.'to pive satisfaction to all wlio may fnpor him with their 1 custom.' ■ ‘I C. I’. CUMMINS, M. D. tgX^Parlicolar-. ’’attention will :be paid tp putting up'Pfysicinns* prescriptions. ■ E3:E f? ! ?! Good, rcbstantial. PIC TURES jean no» bepad at the- i’l ■j’ COUEf JIOUSI3, ix BEAVER. These pictures are not. inercdnnhs, hnt war; ranted SUPERIOR to any tliat have eyerheen "made in by any other.artist. i To he and examine spacemens.■ IMII remhitv ) :| t | tlallery In the same raom occupied by pie in 1857, " C. A. OBIFfIN. AbrO Photographic Artist. Confession ! & Experience of an Invalid. PUBLISH! su tor fne benefit and as a fram ing and a caution to young men wild euf ferfrom Setjdns Debility; premature Decay &c., supplying at the game! time the means ol Self-Care.’ 'Barone who ihas cured himsell aftcr heing, jaaHb great expense through med ical imposition and quactery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelopes, single copies may -be hdd ‘of the' NATHASiEIi MAYFAIR, Esq., Bedford, Kings Co., K-Vi’ . ■|l - | f J{.' iccri r.-tp rgot,' terry and iark, »; * tmon t. i . inate [Heavier* XiotQl, JOSEPH HALL,' Proprietor, Beaver, Pa. - HAVJJib thoroughly fitted ,up:tlii« house, he iS’nd.F prepared-to accommodate bis friends, the public: generally, in the inost satisfactory | i 1 ,fmny62 - . . .i JOHN, B. YOUNG, ‘ -A-trS’y- at \' JL»G,X?vr; ; t I3EAVEE, PA.) , fISjrOIEce in the Court Bonse. I ■ 1 T .. :j, i Jan. 20,1862. cos & co v Advertising and; Commission Agents ■ ■-'.i' ' AND DEALERS IN ’ ’ ' • PRINTING INKS OK Att KINDS ’ Type, Printing Materials, typiTisa and printer fcvfr.R cards, See, OFFlCES—Brown’s Bull dinG, I’hiladclphiaj Buildings, New A/ >rk. ' ! • nrar2o:lv.'. '^l., J} j' "TM ,Howo Sowing Machine,” ■■l ■: ' sold; Bjnjf CORNEE iBENN 4 fiT;CmKSTS M .1 ■ . [,rpiTrsßiTßG. penjka; viNEEpS ONLY TO BE SEEN XO BE AP- t *[ PRECfATEDi V rap2ShrCm., T)ROF, WOOD’S RESTORATIVE CORDIA '•p : Mid'Blood thegenuine aitif Mdeatftie Drnf of : !9«se ~k ■: i ■ 1 1 . Bfc .tjF. COMSHSB. •; 'V' ■' 1 ' ",-i t:- I. Ell ,I ; | MARRtA&E. J:; ' *cw&/. n« .r„ , XTS iovis andi bates, sor ows and angers, epodiu' I hopeefand fears, regrets and joys ;/3?A?}r J ' }ad . 0 *«S JUOOD, flow lost, how restored; .the Mature ; 3'*’ Earatht: -^*l treatment and radical core of gpeijaaterrhoea ' , °arf Eaa-tdgin, ' or seminal weakness;,inrolintary _omisaipns, OUR ARTILLERY la 1 sexualdAiiitv kind impedin catsto marriage. , ‘DR Wjf n generally'; \nmousness,. consumption, fits, !_ _ * 1 HURj)!e mental and’physieal incapacity, resulting 'ft'dtal U.C IV | , A L TRF A O 1 12 BELF r ABUSE—are' fully Explained In tic i • > a coml>i.etb set or 5c,,,,' ■R\ MAKEIAOEiJUIDE, by W*l. YOUNG, Mw D. I „ .*?£?»«» V. This mow extraordinary hook should be in the I « lw,Sr,Jf l XllE TRJTh hands-on every young portion contemplating! Purifmnq .the: Br.-.n) ' T marriage and every man or woman- who de- 'i*:---: ,u</i . ' sires to limit the number of'their offspringto .S'.; , T their circumstances. ’ Every pain, disease and tAND A . , ache incilientaiyo youth, maturity and old age, ’/A is fully explained; every patttclc of knowledge 1 tiring Toothache and Mo ' that should be known is herje : given. : It Is full j 'i ■' ’ . ■" - of engravings. Jin fact,' it discloses secrets that I. £■ j * : ■ every ont'should know; still it is a book that J r,•; , jn/ \ -y> ’itr. 1 loekcd up, and not jic about tlj<fhouse, I - ■ y' ' i•' j' |'S It n-iiFbe- scnt to any o'nej.on tike. receipt- of ■. • . y"“ r ■ Ct ’ etiraic if'MOVTU‘)f : tweufy-fivo cents m sppeie.or postage stamps. ; ‘ ‘ ‘a Addrckpn. Wsi. YOUNG, dIG Spruce si.’t I? ~ , - ur - M&rit p,, |.'above;Fourth, Philadelphia! . : 'v Afflicted dud Unfortuimte, ho matter tribal j: 'Ty * J%ir ;may be Vour disease, before-.you place’your- i self und|r_ the care of any of the notorious | '■ 3 t QiiACKS-|-riative jor. foreign4-w’ho advertise in • ’ this or any, other paper-^,get a copy of Dr. -eh. the Mr.i Young’s book, and readmit jcarefullj-j It will;' -f'flf /c'tk i>.«Vsrrfi».jy«v,-^.-. to the means of saving you a .dellar, : 1 * your health, and possibly your life, I Q'di&tg ittiriii■ Dn. ban be consulted bn'any of the J TO. jTil PICKS, tic., etc . , j diseases |described in his jiublication, ’-di "his ! ! ii'/ J ' c l )3 J<-‘u^' at Dr; Ifiiid’s office, dip Spnjce above Pourth^l’hila- "!•> ‘‘i;ooklyn, (E.-!).)• , : ‘- 1 Bgg,,.Otricc hours from ,9 to 3. daily, fniariiti , nsLSvi-’-n ; ’of ..SVj:?' -■; |g^nl^>™|veSh.^thvi'?' irly . Mirror W Fashion's,i «* «'<***s [Gteot J.myrpvmtnt*[and Additions}* v'lf» C ' Wc cunn^. km- SUMMER SUMBEi cONTAIXS 'J'*! k3 r . , “ ail,^. VlZ: , Urge* spxEtfmi) fasiiios- a t a •,, UTES. tUKEE P a F** , ° n ' ibceipt.yjf. TwEtvt tin* c . \ATTERSSOF m{ESSKS,' ' f ! sta W'l' • , . I • eovfyisixo itHE ” *. The foi Nnj-, nch Waist, an Elegant Blcevc, auia .^»oe,|AcprouB Heiiuache, and r.ara,.-. les Sack, and a Sheet of-Sew- J P ost paiu, .ou receipt of Eykittn ■ C^... F. ’ ' and-lleautiSul \ ■ >\ ; AND EMEKGIDE B[INO PATTERNS. - . 1 , llhemc^J'u,,. ter with nearly of ‘- j j n tge Chest, Sljtmi.icr,. V all .’the'iioveltids ’ for'"' . ' w . an J' P»Jj :if tkjhodyy sent post '• BoEnets, Cloaks, Trimmings; ww, ‘ Children’s Dresles, &01, v .\nd . valuable, information to Milliners. Dress j Makers,' |lo*hcrs, and I.adi|es^• genorally; pre-. •IVES Quarte : »vrt| - S' four n New Fre! ; ;■ ' V Mis BRA in Togetl Surnmej scntTag • be/ largest . .fill'd bfel Fiisiiion Mnga- i ' I)r. HuriTi 3WUTH WASH. TOOTH ziaic in iji.e;'World,..publislitJ -173 liroadway, j DER and ikjfITHACUE hlt'OVrk.. 1 . N.-' Y.v .Wit .sold evi-rvv.dicnc at .25, cents;. or ; sctit by can j.r..;,aUv"‘ sent ISy-o|ail, post frec/um.fecclp'-qf t% ain’t ftaincd'a; voap/Drlt^or.■pferiridical S£- ; , rn siami-tj or silver. Year i,!/!) with tbc fol- ’ ihcy cannot, iVai tvV the Pfv lotvnig vq nabic premium. |. ,/.■ , ■-T‘; ; ’ TREASURY, Priccy.UxK RoUa:i. vd.4 Kacb.yahply snliscriljcr wiH-be eatillcd to a , tains tlieiov * receipt frij- tliiil selection of of> Vents worth of i 1 ; plain patto-ns.-frbtt) the designs in the hbok, |.’ : / i'lor lirptn- Ihf .show room, in tlicv may be or-'! .„„ . ... llderecl and sent by mail, any time flaring the ' .D{t*; BfiliUh PflElMJUjl'ij' ■year, by#>ying postage, - ’ ' ' ' ] Tlic'bcst evidenhcr that : tl;ey aryS* tLi K3Si»^hf ( 'ndiit Inducement ; to Canvassers.- ( f/nnert friends an'ibcsl patron-i :ii etn ByguSii|innn!r .Vo. hop- real v ■ .j linvc-nspilitHcnkd'niyest,’ Dr- 7 ; ~J~ r~ : V an . entini-it! Deminjuf ■'jjrfloklvn. Tr&u I - nHIL“KUA ; U HOUSE,., plie New A-A Stareatlcnftks’ .Issi'icia.l .ADAM ■ JOHNSON, t*RO’» i'^ 6 usedlia a fl ' ■ 4 .^\KociiE4xEP;-Hi < A i «? f 4 CH..I ■ ,r, J.of Brooklyn or ■Vr;U;amshirrg i i l iies!io: •Tj TT ( 'v XT' I' "'‘vT' : csecU-nci;. vUI,- eiainci;: j’Ji-i.tjsts ' ■ J—j Yorkreconimcnd { hrm as ilie. hW t|j I LtiOKtlii-IiUSS & t iJfliliE f|i!E j ;4 | - pANUFACI’GR¥, ’ ■' V I**## I*"W* 1 *"W* • NOS. l>i*ff'EASy TWJiNTV-KHIl!l> STREET -*• tv care.nappy to ’ ■ 170 175 GUANO STBH-B'PANiIJ lira : =fe "‘S'bcvWY'all fT ■ CENTRE SIPKEv , v7jrh .WASH ;th«V’VUiVUV V» itsxAjii.isnKn ]boBi. : X.‘ VT ESTABMijiiEi.'im-. THIS ||EstablisUiicnt lias been in 4 i!l? r*‘V*i opctptiou lor - is the lafgeA bnhe kijld ia ihc'Uiiited ucs. *\VG h;;vc on / ' « : t , ' • hnnd-or hmnnl’:uMlire to'orderev.evv L-c-cr'uitioir ■ 'r'W^Tn pf LookifLglass. IlicntreandVorfmlt ftnmea, f**' your TOO! I IOW DhaUo gnod n- Blain anil Ornaniental Pier, Wail, Oval a; Ylhu- U«used it all up. Ityfod.,.; vl'el Glasses, Connectihg Cornices, llidse and 444 ii 'k' ’ tfeackofi Tables, with Maible Slab*, T6il« >S«4. H yon ao«n.srt., t:i.t^S^ 9 „ .Sc!, iSic. ’, M« tidings (nr Picture 1 *? MuseU^ : 5 t *™ r suitable for Uaa.sportatioa. \\ ... 11 ,» , • v - /.*.,/• r, f ,Uut Ibcir cn?t i v s «o smull tlikt overv.Gi rvjthcr Oali.-.licnjaii. Koee.’Crood: ()ak» Zcbru». - • . • • ,i - , 5,,., ?;..- - v ,v •-•i l icr'.l-the matter.ior hii;..-?clv - 1 "V.. . i>ivd.s<sTtf, iuahojraiiVi 4ic. ■ Our - 7 . v A uT, • t . •&. i ' f r*|’ .• v r :• • teW-* llevvate of tneoniinarv i ■»•'»! 11 TT -4 tor\' and extensive cnableiiJs to turn- , »* .t .1 r> > . >’• ■i •• -t- 4 . .* . -v t ‘ i .»• -• . :VT. Hard Pouder coatsms :■* isli anv rr ick*. in oar lino as c*)od as the oest. ~ r «l . ■ , - , * \ Y • - , .j ,® • ... •’ nwßcbarcoal,-and t,od.v,iU-.> • mitl as »dicaßas the cheapest. ■ . .n v ?»- f ,i^‘ I *r. . .. Jj. ... • • wc&iuaz -ti£e enamour L«o no c-vher. Dealers are invited call upon .us wha r Wlht. jik. uuiiP tr i;u: When ta*y Visit Ncvr York; to be • 1 TFFiirTi- ' r' \ able to |'ii;.p>y -ta arii- . J)t uu(l - ;To«»t[:| cle in opr due \vhicii.therfeAu , v-opnc lilies that fiae ? :» ck.-lr. , ... C’ - '..*■> a:an—a' swcet'brtath aud .pcarh' jf^“**h'dors ' mail' attended to with-ladies.' ‘ Spunol mlabhCaU you yleit'j’- : x> r J Mei-th ’Wash ani'TitCr :.-f< N^\vq - k.' - j./’. : ■ *. * ! will. cTi i HUHei-he ihouth from .IU-Voul ■' i : \os!tf Su. x. >’ '{ioii% and 'iT-btcddn the I j ~ ' HOItACkA Agent* ■ breakfast tas*c S'wceter aatkt]:o4.-4 j*—t|3 inr.s. more’ pleasantly./ Huildriid.' id-io' 1 U-stifv ta Tr_v lUcm.‘pi'TiHeim: : ’l>l4 Mmitlt .are prepAjatinus Ki't-i.c: -• ur; I* ik aiJiV r givin): firnn: ..healiii to the £am?i 'Difitai-.d BlhdiDij Xt flirts, Sorc /fcud', \ ctci., have been .cured by 1)V; lluVGjs , eat’\v(iah; • . C' -- •%. ’ ',4 Hurd’s'Mouth Watdi and Tc* r.; 'additional ' charm .’to court'B'* 8 '* ai\d v.'ivcs to their T ih«y if?ed by (jvery person having ■v - *. -ijt:rtf 1 ciAi^reKT.ji which .arglilible Vo imwut alaintto.;L 'Ur. iiurd :: s‘Tbothacsb Uroc-ps car: a.c.lu‘ arising .from exposed an’i. bent friends t hat parents can hare in ;: to save, their e :»1 ren, fromtort are h:.*, 1, ctd-v os fc lyoiis loss of aFceb and' ierine./_ ■ ; ■ ' ' ; t '• X and mechanic?.! •y.bo.cv.-'^? 1 voir can i^idwfc?-'p¥ei : erv uHv tha; dicTUQTaber that \&ad the Send for .the Tn hftst on r ' v • Fl.fch's cirih'is 4 Infc-to nfPcH 'decjir own .tww your cliildreh's’teeth. ' xeriuEvitl Nknivalgi«^on--\dhc^veJdastcr.4^ry and r Tr ' ed for'’this nmiiAVl. disease., The V plies one; soon bttomes drtwka'. lV and awakes free frohi-pam. and noo other unpleasant or injurious coascf;^ I sue'. Kor £dy ) &chx-, ajai'dVeirroHj- llicc pdy according ’ todtirections. and ‘h surely follow. Nothing can be obrs:? to Drl dluvdis Compress for Ncmd/ them. " They are ciitircly a novel, ci origiiml jifcpprat ion, and wonderful’, ful. fTliey wre bf t’wo sizes v one #w ; s ; I‘faeei price >5 cent 3V J JJpd''the other,.b, j to.the body! price o~ :;I * V j bt(inatlrd on receipt of price imd nu? : *y*^ u f V’lfAT .1 RE TifE rEOli.f' l‘ n: S K M -, Rci 'Tjpllll And ct Sl’liOol | cisillv li for.tht*J selves i coniiiuer 1 TuUi ll'rosidf ' tnnr-j fi 'M pavabl scut ill ) frfli Ini\ini the Gi)‘ ;.my: M i ihc Nrivv. if o ;< 16 »oG $25.; Wo(\ nnd all cor.imi; AViV ticriccr Thiti BEf BE Ar 1 iri HtU iii Bciugfa. ycart bf slenilejr, ?“»»?•! or-tnijil ab'oTjß i one |ql ■4,4. NARY.’’A Nil r. Tayloi 3. A. S. Tavlbri XKX.T’; TKItJJv,V SB INATITtFTE , A. M., Prin. i Gpvernfess. TILL COMMENCE Itcs-laf/,- JU.irch ■ntinne. 14 weeks; | is to make pil] ii the Common liras •J4th,' I ML'! 'The ' aim- of ’the pi!s thorough;’ espe- N opiha] Glass,;; ifliing to fit tkeni be formed at the n. • ‘ | - 1 ■ ...........’..l..s^iCo : none fit of those w lor teaolVinp,- will r cement of the icr ti. Room rent, &c.. m varies from s3,i ?or further .partic 7»t of Faculty. v io3A iio to Vu •ulars in‘[nirc ,nf. tbe I(. T. TAVLOJCV >ivitlend. IVo. 16. ‘ Bask or ] k.av I.l' CurSTT, ■) New Brighton, Muv U, !£#}. IVID.END, .. OK.'I FOUR. Pl&l CENT.' i the Capital (Stock ofj. this ThuiTcJ lor t IV months, Us been ujechiri-.d UiUday, or their repre ss.: .yW X) k m .\ni>. j This dividend tv ill ■ ...of-Hhc United St*Tux„- I hcUduk• .Assumed tbeVpavincht! ofctlie same to crnmeut. • :&&l\ WAJII) UOOPS, ;*. ‘‘ • j - . / I.' - Cashier , T OjW N. S E ira , 'v dk.vtjkii W .' } KS. ;S:T-A f Is 0 KBX Y U‘&% Xtt&i&eijp, i& A*® FANCY i RAOtES inew a : - ■ Employment!' ‘s7s. . ’ AGEiS T$ .:f ' |. ■'ll pay from s£r>| to 575 per roonni, 1 expenses,, to;actftc Agents, oHjrive a sion; sent 'free. Address eviny Machine ' iSornvamy, R. , Jamks, I,Agent, J/ihn, Oj. ' n(ajrß ' J-l otl 9 l Street, I eaver, Penh’a 8. KliJiJt, Proprietor.,^; TEL, ARBUCKLE 4CO ’ • MAKDFAtrCT.'TF4IS : OP \T '■ "■ ? i imCHESTKR, X * IAVEiI COl73tl’Y; rA.‘Tap2 v-' $l,OO REWARD ; < away* front, the subscriber, living in «**>■ Galilee, Beaver jcounty, on Sunday an indented boy.-from the Home of uamd_CuAßXKit ■V’L Xoso. j. about .16 • ngefdjn*. half, benvyWuntenance.* fonq;,lili<l bn Woe jennioandaboUtand .'All persons to harbor <t-hrm on my. I will pay the reward, and rib charges, to any iturmnm hint -■ ! • i,6R ;■ > ■cgfl .. [frtOMAf GKACT. OIIN B. WILLIAMS, )ER; & HMBUl>|t£SS|S. onW iiwr eigt of l?raudJey’»Hbt«lr' PBK»*Ai.' ME ! '■■ifVßD. - f v._ Triluiir : £uild:u>i&y tle v KTOXtr, The ATiieri-:iiis U’Jehigfllf 11 ap|.reeial£preparkt|diiai<bat lo of thiiiAj.'nsihg v.-nnl I tu:m. livel y mail- brings ll .'*-' f “ < ordering t he. Treal i»e an soc e . ralgiaiPhisters. and not a fewencl*-- for 'heMnulh AVnsii. to bo sent k T " to these we aVe to inipnsvlhle to M-P-d h/'-. The people want ■ mpptg. ihtmf “' ”•• Now is the. C rhANCf FOX; Shrewd agciits can make a iwjJ* carrying these articles Dental lircaßUry- is the neatest- at nlitn or woman can carry aro'tnO. , one, and see; or,' Botter^a t “ 0 * c Cj,-, will beU, as samples, for SI; 1 -,|y liberally with circulars. J®>' 1 to th ‘go into the' business, a profit. Wo', are tb. benefit of agents. New Tins 1 ?' men! herds something,nici:, a take the tidwat its flood. A® 1 »■ N ; ; - WM. B. HR : Tribune BniW’nPk ■ That remittances may be dence, W. B. H. & Brooklyn ; to G. W. fjtfs’and Jr?? _Sg 1 York;: JtoJ’.T. ■Bara’®’ lorkj’we., eto.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers