MAYOHS OF THE Gtfeat Cities. w*. the undersigned Mayors, hereby oer tlljf that the Apothecaries, and Physicians of ourseveral cities havo signed a document of assurance to us that AYRES’S HABSAPiTtTT.T.n has been found to ,bo a/remedy of great excellence, and worthy fbe confidence of the community. BOB'. JAMES COOK, , ; Mayor of LOWBXiI*. MASS. hob. Albib bbaed, i •. | Mayor of ITAfIHtTX, IT. H. HOB; B. W.HABSIBOTOB, Mayor of MABCHE3TBB, B. H: HOB. JOHB ABBOTT, Mayor of OOBOOBD, IT. H. SOB. A. H. BULLOCK, Mayor of WOBOESTEB, MASS. ' BOB'. BATH*L SILBBEB, V Mayor of SAXiBX,- MASS.; HOB. B. W. LIBOOLB, Jr., Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. HOB. WH. M. EODMAB, . Mayor of PBOVXDIUJ' 08, B. I. HOB. AMOS W. BBEBTIOB, Mayor of KOBWICH, OOTTS. SOB. J. B. HABBIS, Mayor ofjlM W LOSSOB, COSH. OH AH. fl.~' Mayor of MONTHEAL, O. B. BOV. D. F. TTEMAim, Mayor of ifflW YOBK CITY. HOB-H. Mi EXBSTREV, lliTor of EAUILTOS, O. W. HOB:. ADAH WILSOB, Mayor of TORONTO, O. W. BOB.' B. M. BISHOP, : i Mayor of CINCINNATI, OHIO. HOB, .I. H. CRAWFORD, Mayor of LOUI3VILLB, HY. HOB. ‘ JOHB SLOAB, Mayor of LYONS, lOWA. ' | 808. JAMES McFEETERS, | : Mayor of BOWMAETVIZiLE, O. W, , HOB. JAHE3 W. BORTH, j j ■. Mayor of AUGUSTA, MB. 808. HEHRT COOFER, Jr., 'Mayor of TTAT.T^af(■■T-t., MB. HOB. JAMES S. BEES,' | Mayer cf, YHEDEHICTON, N. B. HOB. WILLARD JTTE, Mayor of H3W BEDPOHU, MASS. HOB. J. BLAISDELL, Mayor of TALL HIV EH, MASS. HOB. W. H. CRABSTOB, Mayor of ITBWPOBT, H. I- HOB. FRED STAHL, / Mayor of QALBNA, ILL.' HOB. JOHB HODODEB, ; Mayor of. DUBUQUE, lOWA HOB. THOMASi CRUTCHFIELD, Mayor of CHATTANOOGA, TENN. 808. ROBERT BLAIR, Mayor of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. BOV. R. D. BAUGH,. i * Mayor of MEMPHIS,I.TENN. BOW. GERARD STITH, : '| Stayor of ITJEV/ OPJ.C.ANR, T*A. HOB. H. D. SCEAB'TOB, . Mayor ■ of KOCHSSTBeJ If. Y. r HOB. DE WITT C.. GHOVE, , Mayor of UTICA, N.- Y. HOW.'GEO. WILSOW, Mayor of PITTSBURG, PA HOW. C. H. RUED. Iffayor of MICH. HON. X. PAGE, Moyer of MXLWAUEXR, Wl3. now. w. vr, VAvdips, . . * j - j Mayer of EACEST2, WI3. ■HOW. A. PARR, . . ’ Mayor of KENOSHA, WIB. HOW. JOHW G. HATWE3,. \ ■ * Mayor of CHIC A GO, TTiT>. HOW. &. J. A. HEATH, ‘ , Mayor.of SELMA, (ALA HOW. A. J. WOBIE, Mayor of KOETGOMEET, ALA HOW. W.' S. HOLYBAD, Mayor of COLUMBUS, QA DOW ESPARTERO MANUEL, Mayor of VERA CBUZ. DOW PIETBE DE CABALLO, ' Mayor of MEXICO. DOW ESTEPHAWTB RODRIGUES, * Mayor of HAVANA DOW AWTOWIO ECHEVERA, : Mayor of LIMA, PERU. DOW M. G. MTLAWQNO, ‘ • Mayor of VALPARAISO, CHILL DOW HARO SESQUIPEDALIA, Mayor of 810 JANEIRO, BRAZIL Cert! tf that tho resident Druggists hare ; assured them , Ayer’s Sarsaparilla \ls aa excellent retne dy, and worthy tho coo fldence of the community. For Spring Dlittipi. For Purifying the Blood. —»i Ticrrr, an a Sores. For Eruptions and Pimples. For Blotches, Blalns, and Bolls. I For. St- Anthony’s Fire, Hose, or Kry- Por Tetter or Salt 1 Rheum. L [slpelas. For Scald Head and Ringworm. For Cancer and Canecrona Sores. For Sore Ryes, l Sore Ear*, and. Humors. C For Female Diseases. . For Suppression and Irregularity. For Syphilis or Venereal Diseases. For lilsw Complaints. ■ L For Diseases ;of the Heart. 1 JCbB Mayors of the chief dtlea of the rat •edßUtos. .Canadas, and British Province*. Chill, Beni, Brasil, Mexico, and In lact al moat all the cities on this continent, hive alped this document, to assure their pedple nrhat remedies they may use with safety and confidence. But our space will only ft portion of thwn. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla., v Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, Ayer’s Pills, and Ayer’s Ague Core, tokfased nr i ‘ ® r - !• C.-A/er d Co^ ' ‘ LOWELL, MASS., |t i " Led sold by Druggists whesSb 1 ' ( BeaA'ei-^yoadeiiay. of..> ns on (Ito first .lav of | ' r f ] 2 i:'i u > r , Aiirr-s . ; .ijr.RfKR : ITin.-rrU. • '•jJ 1 “ VANITY FAIR.” “This is the first really clever -comic and satirical. journal -we have had in America— and really clever it is. It ]iis both sharp and: gooi-teaipercd, and not afraid tb say that its 3oul is its own—A’Ahich shows that it has a ri'.nl. Our readers will be glad to know where they can find native fun that has- something better in'.it * than t mere patois.''—Atlantic Monthly. j j - ‘‘This paper ss:CxccUeht. •• • Remarkable for originality. 4 I”. Travdkr. . -“Vamtt Faiuf is- conducted by a vivacious, witty and intelligent corps of journalist*.”— 7.itchjidd (Conn..)' Enquirer. - '' , _ i •‘Will wield na.-potent an influence as that of the London Punch.'*- — Hutton Truvrlhr. . “Whosoever finds himself‘laugbiivc/at the wit;of Vanity Fair, and does not return, i qui/f*pro quo. is fit for ‘treason, and spoils.’”— X. y. Crayon, \ i ' ■ 1 SPECIAL NOTICE. > The veVy.marked and flattering success which ha? thus far attended the publication Of ’ ‘ “Vanity Fair.” i Enables the publisher to announce that with the commencement*of the Second Volume, is sued this day, Srttb June. New Features, both llitcrnryand Artistic, will be introduced, which will increase the value and interest of ithe pa per, j and fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it," as the leading Comic Journal of America. VANITY FAIR j jasrr.l) REOIIAELT ETSET THU»SD*T. is for Sale by all Newsmen, and at the e of Publication,, No 113 Naesau-st reel, York. | , TERMS Three dollars-per, annum, in ailranca—Six cents finglecopy. . ! TERMS FOR CLUBS: i .. Two copies of Vaxitt F»m will Ira sent to one address for 1..55 00 Five copies 1..12 00 Ten copies.. s 1..20 00,- An Extra copy will be allowed to tbegetler up of every Club of not lea* than five copies. This paper is Electfotyped,- and numbers may be procured at any time. ■ . LOU! S H. STEPHENS, Publisher for the Proprietors, 113 Naueau-et. New-York.' Office of ill fOOKE, SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY OOKE A 0., Bankers, 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, Philadelphia* Nor. 1.1802. ■ I‘HE’undersigned. having been appointed j, SUBSBRIPTIoN AGENT bytlie Sccreta- ; ry s of tlie ; Treasury, is uotv prepared to fuf , nislt, at once, tbe • t I , ■ - £ ■ .IV fw Twenty (I'ear 6 per ct Bonds. of the United States, designated ias “Five- Twenties, ■'’redeemable at tbs'plea sure of the Government, after five years, ‘and (authorized by Act of Congress, approved February 25, . J,. ■ 1■ TilP.rorT’OK JiONDS aro ironed in sums of sf,o. Sluu >;.?!j ’ ’ Tlic I’. I’ljiSTLil f!ON 1)8 in rums of _sso if ion. i-Ti’.mi. f] i k«i. »fni s.j(hX). Jj . , Interest at Six pci cent, per annum will' commence from dale of T’Uichebe, and is . , jifti ' PAYABLE IN GOLD,. .■?»nii-Ann'inity, -whicli is cqnal. at(tUcrjnief ent nri EIGHT TEIiCENT. }*Klt ANNUM. ' ! Fanners. MoTToonlr. M< 4 cn«nicF; Capita-lists, I •n ! ul|.7. h-» have »iTr: iitonr'T iriveFt, should know ani r--TiU‘Tnl>-*r f ImiJ '• licte Tir.n^F. ST*. in* oTfi'ct. » T'»K'^T-ivlOJlTr.Aols upon, ail z x*:t'"n.l Uvitk .moj.-Ls l»n<3 J>eciirii:os. : r: \ "tU* r.t r.iumof >ll ihe>sa^* v * uv*-- Ar ;v, ni «».-» >;»ta the lllil ;• rx*}o | rrivi marf** for tlie ] STment of !:«.* >iA liquidation of j.riucir«al, l>y 'u.-i 4ah.: il-Voi*-*.- Siataj* lnternal *: vi-,- to make- thesf. flie lIIME /;■ §js.-, ! J ifrid L\i*'Sr Popular „ | 7i;rt.-0/Wf M> -fAt-' r/,>/. vo?:i-j v e*\ M l*Al\|itj ,lf*r t,T u*^» sj chc-k.-; of VinrV.« ut ]vir \i■ ' SubivriVor* I>y mail will receive prompt. attention, umr’ctury facility, and. c-A}'lnii:in-*n will l>c afforded on n|*plic»-; t r**n :tl list- «•{!:<*.'.. . - • | ■ ; ; 7 A 1;lT1 >.; 4 pp\vS. t f H'md? will V»f kept os hAnd for immr.’iia; | . •• j : JAY CnOKK,*f?«Vri;S]itii)a A*opt. ’ No! if!Cb A],], jictvmis having I Li:d sccrnct! v.- : t i me. i.r Sjnith rolling, within I he. i.i<t -iwcnty veil?, fur CS. r.ling. Spinning, &c.* will plcas-e call at tin- l-Wton Woolen bofre- tin* ; of 1 Richer, ; and settle ■ibe «,n;in; note jylo,*»>2 1 For Sale at theßeaverllrugStpre M.vmfN's ;r<*AL on; bitbneus—the ‘LITTLE MOMTOR ,L to Mini o;l chimneys, a splendid affair. : Ak'».£i»rb.>n Oil Lie:erna ebimneye. • ' i’or sal<sat Drug ft; ore of C, P. ‘Piiimriiue-H* • Guii Powder, Tmmp Hyson and Black Teas, all 2*MVd: .(Coffee. Exi. Coffee, Baiidelibn Ccffefc, Gobi pens.- tfpeptucU-. Golden Syrup fer tah)e use. a iKPip "ft cheaper article of Sjrujp, very pood:, tiueifur*, buxuiny, band scrubing brushes and salt. . ! : ' A Znnt currants and Raisons fertile at C P I Cummins" Drug Store. j CRITTENDEN'S ji PHILADELPHIA O H tFIAL |{ ‘college, ’ .H - , E. comer of 7th ftChestnntSt., f r F n i ‘/ ? , , In ** h ? s . on . >W«* was established in ; ] * '*•’ anc * ” consequently in t e oigtbtijemh year of its existence, numbers' »t.i .- ;g , s graiuatcs, hundreds «f the imist *nci- [Merchants and Business Men iof W Country. ; , j • r . j j The object of, the Institution 'Ja'solely to of; f '"™ J OU '*K men facilities for.thorough Drona- I ration for business. • ;• - * ■ r , ■ (■ /:Tb ß branches, taught arc, Book-keeping: as i fPPl'caLfeto the various departments of trail-: a enmstnship both plain and] ornamental; I turnmercial Law, mathematics. ‘ The system of Instruction no : classes or set lessons are made useof, but each student is taught individually, so'thal he mav commence at any .time, and attend at whatev ®r hours arc most convenient. * ■' ■ > Catalogues are issued annually . after the “ Of April, containing names of the stu dents for the year, and fell particulars of terms, &c., andmay be-obtained at any time by addressing the Principal. i I°, extensive accommodations,! wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the 1 rmcipah this Institution offers facilitie? su perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for Wines*, „nd to obtain St the same time, a DtPLiiaA, which will prove a recommendation for them to any Mer cantile House. " . • ‘ „ Scries ot Treatises on now more widely circulated than any other work on the subject, are for sale at the College. V • S. HODGES CBITXEJfDEN, I Auomry-at-Lav, ~ Pki.vcip.ii. May 7. JpROF. WOOD’S RESTOIUTIYE CORD'A JL and Blood Renovator, the ,genuine arti »!• at th» Drug Store of ; vcl’J ,BR. C. P. CCMMBW. gee; A Farm CHO AND ' US I In Ihi sent tlic our ext: I’oetry, and liigo to'be fan Agriculture and Horticulture, Farmit g, Gardening, Fruit-Raising,'&o. In aW tieir brancfut, at conduettd on tht lattti | and most approved syt(cm. 1 ' Our labors in this department for orer thir ty years, have met the cordial approbation of the public. Our purpose has been to furnish Useful-and reliable information upon these iery important branches of industry, and to protect them so far as within our power against the false doctrines and selfish purpos es of the many empires and sensation-adven turers bp which the Fanner is. incessantly as sailed. .This portion'of the GfrmanioKn Tele graph w U alone be Worth the whole price of subscription, as every Firmer and Gardener, who has a proper conception of bis calling,' will rea lily admit,-- ’ ' 1 . J*, ' «■ NEWS DEPARTMENT. The tonne, in gathering and preparing 1 he St irririgE Tents of,the Hay, expressly for this paper, which hrtherto has licen one of it* marked features and gir in bo- universal satisfaction, will he continued With redoubled efforts to meet the increasing demand* of | the public. The Üboj; required in this department is never fully ap preciate 1 by the reader. It would be .im possible to present, the condensed and care fully made-up form in whi|ch it appears, a correclel mass, of'all the most interesting news of physical , Vf 1 * { inci the fJtA to which we; teg' i call attention of all who think of ting for a newspaper: , i Advance Cash Terms. 1 One copy, one year, $2,; one copy, three years, Sfc.OO t- three copies, one year, $6,00; Five C( : >|pien, One Veer, $8,00; Ten Copies, One Veer, Slfl.Oli; Twenty Copica, One Year, §28,00/ j , . V •' j Jt®' Subscript ion not: paid within the year, Sa.btf- ■ . t, ; ■ , of fire subscriber*, at;sB;| will 'We anji leave t<| Bubncrib? entitle the person petting it up to ft tup}' for six months; a Club of tea or more, to ft. .copy lor one pear. All Club subscriptions stopped at the erd of lie time paid for, unless re,-or dered. order will recciTe attentjofa unless accomplished with the’c'ssh. ,> | . 1 numbers sent to applicants. *• ?' IPHIt-IP It. FREASi i Editor and- Proprietor. i os-fl, rhilcdtij.hia, Oct- ‘-I, ’O-. | J lA. B “ OtrmanU DRY rrmE I.atf-kt and-hust rAHiunvAio.! ■.J bt.rjles «f'URKSS (i ■. '■Crl'.Ki iv lor ?aV. tor [ ca : : n o r . Bea vc V,.Tauu!iry 3*l f 13. . i IZ)a rnnis 1 1 Mxp*n oral - Del oerr. abamlcr out inj\; aircEgsl Vi ' c -i£ Thft known, Bread n Manu 1 ■aJ so 1 . nnr’Ji ; EI’H’M. SMITH TO Srhotjl Hie dors, . Ariib) bles, i Coniit Blank and 13 Ink 8i , Usn jiack'.e tbc ci - feb: WH IV! BM " Pittsburgh’ pa., (Q F r ;ER THEIR STOCK FOR TIIK SPBIKG. OIF 1863, • » i )ia joisok Gcnei al C«mralssi®rt ; Merchant f 7du \ Gr J *'*d dill kinds qT Country Produce, /(Vines knd ? . Cigars, Tobacco, ( {v?j j Office »j«l Warehouse, .No. 237 South 2d,s|ree *Sf*Liberal advances mads on consignments • I M. ’ V aog 28. ; c. p. crjiMUis, si. n ..J. W. t-L-MMixsi y. * c. I*. OcmiminK &. Soij, Dl FI?R their professional services ns Phy sicians ami Surgeons, to the citizens of I Beaver and[ Tiqihuy. ■ [They' can always he .found. vhch not profcssionly enraged, at the jPrng Store of C. P. Oomaiin*, V. D. : !: -Jj" ~ ' , ‘i: T ■ 'OWN TELEGRAPH. ly and an Agricultural Journal, i ————— ' I I DEVOTED TO . | ! ICE. LITERATURE, INCLUDING • • "'I i' >try, Novelettes, Tales, j Po MORAL AND ENTERTAIN READIXG GENERALLY., -i i' • i ■ i h p Literacy Department wo shall choiccst varieties tvitliin the reaib of Ended means. The Novelettes, Tales, &c., be supplied from the best lest sources, and be equal to anything ind in any journal or magazine. ’ EMBRACING the week',; without involving muck labor, tact and judgment. ! | .. ANDERSON, / " ; !’ : ■ ■! DCAT’SH IN ' J GOODS & GROCER lES. ROLLOCKI’S L QclelionCo jie. pYcparations;jnade frqtritho V»e«tj Java Ve, is recommended, by physicians as ■»r -NUTRITIOUS IUSy KU \C VSfolGcii iiity. Dyspepsia ami nl! hilßousidisor hoii«T.n«l» who have been compelled to the usn of coffee, will use thi?‘y.uii T nous CtTcotH. Onclcsm coTit.aips Mrt* of two ppijmh .of ordinary entice, cents. 4 f 1 : , ! . k<'>i r. n cir.s lv va fx. r\ ;mrcst and bit BAKING ; .-Pmvi»EU : for leaking light. Rwcct ana nutritious n;d Cakes. Trice 15 cents. I ifacturcd by , , V M; n. KObt.Or.K. <;| lP inist,| ' cor of Broad andGbcftmirMreet^, ! Tby «!1 'rimUlrrocers. j ; ' :.’,T'; /, r- COUNTRY DEALERS ]U>i)lis nnd t'li’t'o/ii fy at tV/"j!e - ' . ■ 1..’.-* 1 ' ; | ■ .. subscriber on |hatid J’s & ?d Gaftey's l iiay'e, Arithmetics;Stoddard’s u.ctic,. Pipneo’s Bi ;c., Testament#, Jjotter Cap and ' ercini Not©,papers, Envelopes, Books, Pass Books; Steel: Pens olden*; Copy Books, Slaterj, Inkp .and#, Bonnet 1 Boards,'&c.,j&c. ■)' isl discount for cash; Goods ■d and delivered Jto ; ahv ; part of lW >_IIEOBT. S' BAVJS, ;I8 73 Woo'd st.,.Pittsburgh CL^ALLDpCdODS^ sox, pißtife, 'VV'ootl St-, ■9 ■ • • ' ’ »i/ ■TO PHYSICIANS & DRUGGISTS. 11HE undersigned would inform Physicians and Druggists that, owing to nn[ increas ing demand, be is now prepared,7o mttnufac :turc on a larger'scale I ban heretofore all arti cles of the Pharmacopoeia. These vyill; be of tire strength and.quality as dispensed) in the Prescription Department of'my CtorcJapd will be found superior in strength to moal|i,u mar ket. I guarantee them to bo of the proper strength and purity. . Some preparations offered are new, but will be made officinal in the new Pharmacopoeia soon lobe issued, and will bo found to be yal T uablc remedies. - Any information as regards their strength, uses and qualities will be scut to those desir ing it- ~'! . j . * ;I would advise Physiciaa who have been disappointed in the effect of any remedy, to try those of my manufacture, I i ' They include— -1 --j ( Compound Extract of Colocynlh, , d Fluid Extracts of Dandelion, Buchu,jEr£)t, Gentian, Lipulin Valerian, Wild jCherry Bark; and others, t I Citrate of Irod and Citrate of .Iron and Quinine; very soluble, Wine of Iron and Wine of Iron and Bark, agreeable; ehalybeates, ' Syrup of the llypophosphites, . -■’ jr-U e of the. Extract of Cantharidcs; a more [reliable preparation than the common Cerate, 1 ■ r Ox slat n of i Cerium; useful in obstinate vomiting, j Elixir of Valerianate of Ammonia; a valua ble remedy for nervous or sick i headache, where a nervous stimulant and antacid is in dicated, ] .Solution of 81-mcconale of Morphia: same Laudanum and more agreeable in' its effect*. ‘ > | , Pyro-phosphelc of Iron; soluble. j • These, together with all rr.reandfinc chemi cals end other medicinal articles, furnished in any quantities. , j X am prepared to make chemical; examina tions of Ores, Drugs, Oita, Waters; &o. | GEO. W. WEYMAN, Cor. 3d £ SaiilLCelil »(s., I'ittuhurgh, I’a. NEW "BEIGHTON EETEEAT. AN- [ASYLUM FOR THE RECEP TION, CURE AND TREAT MENT OF MENTAL ALIENATION OE DISORDER. J And Otli©r} Nervous and Chronic Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY FOE F£MAE»2S: i ■ ; ,1 ■ . j rpniS institution is now open for the recep- X. iion, care, and treatment of the iwlepcii dmt elate of patients who are laboring, under derangement ; or otlier nervous and chronic disease. We make special mention of nervous and chronic diseases,. from the fact that- seven tenths of the female patients that arc committed to our public Asylums, to be treated fur disordered minds; are reduced to that 'lamentable condition throughi previous physicai&lisorder. By a well timed andjjudi tioas treatment of chronic and nervous dis eases. nil physical dieorilcrs. jn the majority, 1 of cr.sns mny|bcrcmoved ; am! thus thef'.nVd, having:suffered through 5 the medium 1 of the Mor will when free from the exciting physical ■ cause,. throw off the shackles! that has bound it lovvorse thatl ittiflni;.! t dailhners, and rcosen trill, tree rer, : ewr.r, clothed in all its primitive l-i-aiiiyhud vjonictd excellence, lienee ihe neccst-ity of nlllihose, who >re laboring uqdtr'. the nredispo-fEg or exciting causes, in the end to im pair": the mind- to itsori to an ~ early and judi' iVia.i. eut.rse of rli-tdial. agents. " Tiie Institution ip .large" brick bunding well \ eittibilcd. 1 >-*}-ituated on an elevated ! able land which’commands a tent ire town-adjacent hiltsj—grove* and neighboring streams - , all 1 of whjclt arc.calculated to pro 'duco favorable impressions upon the disorder ed mind,. , i : 1 The Insfitut" V all, of its ap pointments. uliy fitted up at graot 1 expel dt may meet the npprobatit cnifst fastidi ous. ■ ■ J ■| . ! T'.:? water olnseie and !iare. been pOttoq up uhon'lbc-moot 'Approved inh'dent sclentlfieprinciples, _T|as department embraces not 6nly|-the, ordiniujr baths- but, also, the medicated, wirm airlNjidi.aeettiidtng and descending ddychtjor th;> rimt- .effectual 'and Etieces.-ful trcntrctnt of ■'cutaneous, and other scrofulous diee-.p'p.- ' ' ; . We heg leave to say to nil those who may'be disposed to - ; coiuipit dtc interests' of a dear -v ile, sister ordaughter. to our/charge—may ju: assured that no mtsns will bo sj'.red. Or ;efroits l! tv.inting on otirpart to ameliorate their L'l i. 'itinu or to eiTcct.arestoralion la their ac custonied heh" f th and dgnr of; niir.db, For furthep {itirticubrs sen'd for a .circular. Vil.eeiniuuuicalibns slbuid be addressed foS;' k J. KEKDKICK, M. bii. .SuptJJof New Brighton itetieat V w *j .' New Brighton :- • Beiver Co;. Fa. riovl2T«2. 'j • • ... WEAVER i>klG [STORE 3 Opened in the Bbom fortnorly-iOc cupied by tbdlateDr. Minis. THK Subscriber limng parch until the Es tablishment will ~cn<leHTor t<v keep con. Flttiuly on, hand aft Irticleu usually found in Drug Ktore<U ■ , ’ i; L t Being a Physician «nd Druggist, the public may rely dh. his, leeping ih’o PUREBTI and ■BEST DRUGS. /. *■ : tA A-yariety.of othd articles will also be ton ml v. . \ litt.-hf csta'fclwhnioni: ' .. 7 , Teq/ Eairiict yf ' "JSostn Soap, \j Soaji, P&y- Mrmifs, Combs. 'jAI4K AimeuS' for: .-the ' toilet. COTKIXVLiEAI) PENCILS, jTJvEJj- PENS. HALR .SOBAdt). '-SHEARS, LET TEkAOTE.'A- POOLS-. *-‘ | IVP PAPER. : \ Carbon Oil Lamps . and Cliimnn/.?. These ire n/fciw of the articles, and only a few always oijbiinil. 1 Call aftif see. lie will tif, by close attention find fair dealing, to ive satisfaction to nil. who may farof him wip their custom. . C. P. CUMMINS, M> B - W^Parlinlar'attention will be paid It) putting tip Isysicinhß.prescriptionß. [aug27 55ZB^orirFBsm GOQD, stUSXANTIAL,. LIFE-L 1 K'B * PIC TUREscan jiow bo had at the : 4 CDURr-HOUSE, Vsr .beaver. L ■! , .„■. VI j,■ , • ' ’, i These pictcrea mere daubs, blit, war ranted SUPERIORjto any that have ever been .made in Beaver county, by any otherartist. To be convinced,"call and examine specimens. I vjill romnin tuit a;few,weeks. ' Oallcty in the same riooth’occupied bv me in 1857, / C. A. OIUFHN, ' Photographic .Anist. - . AmrixisTilATOirs noticb.'. LEXTERS oradminlstriatioh on. tlic’ estate or Nancv' Ciii,swEEL, ■ late luf Imlcpcxi'l eucc tp,, Reaver dre’d, having lM*en‘gruni cd to the undersigned, aU peifiops indebted to said-estate nirc i-equesied to" make uamediate payrnent; and hating clairpH against said estate v, ill to. flits. subscriber prof»etly tuithemieAtcl for •I>AVll> ALEXAKD.EK,IndeTMIhdcTic* tpj i j . ' Administrator. FKIEXDS AN D RELATIVES I ■ ‘pi 'OFTBE !; -|.j BRAVE SOLDIERS\AND SAILORS. H6LL 0 W A IL L S And Ointments . i' 111 WHO have Friends nhd Relitivcsin ti p /\l Army or Navy, should take especial care thstj they be'amply, supplied with those Piljs end{Ointment; niid where, the bravo Soldiers and 'Sailors have neglected to provide, thein ielvfcsiwithdhcm, no belter prc’scrljcan basdnt fhcip by their friends. They liavjbccn prov ed th be thet Soldier’s nevcrrfailii g friend in the hour of WctE \ 0 | ■ j COUGHS ,A$D COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS Will be speedily removed and | effectually cured by using these admirable medicines, and by payiuguroper attention to this] Directions which nreintnehed to each Pot or Box.! | ! sick headaches and want of appe [TXTE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS, j j These feelings which so sadden Jus, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, | obstructed perspiration, or eating oiid drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the healthful aclijon of the liver and stomach. These lor gans must be relieved, if you desirclobe well. The Pills, tubing according to the printed ih- BtructioiiSi will quickly a produpe a healthy action in both; liver and; stomach, 1 and as a natural consequence a clear head and good a p petite. 'I ' .|; I ' ' ! . 1 ■ WEAKNESS OR DEBILITY INDUCED BY I '' ' OVER FATIGUE, ~;J -j *■, | Prill soon disappear by the use of these jih , valuable'Pills, and the Soldier willquickly'|ac- J quire additional strength. Never-lpt the bow els, he either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem [strange that Holiuway’s Pills should bo recommended for Dysentery and Flux, many persons suppoSingthatthey would increisc the relaxation. J This is a| great mis- for these Pills will correct the liver and Stomach and thus remove oil the acrid humors froinlho'system. This medicine will !give tope and vigor to the whole organic system,howev er derSjllgcd, while health and strength follow as B matter of: course. 'Nothing will slop the relaxation ofj the Bowels so sure as this fain-, -out medicine. i ‘ -I ' t ■* i VCILUNTEERS ’’ATTENTION! INDIECP.E -r ■ ’ PlONrt-OF YOUTH. I ij : Sores and Ulcers, Blotching* and Swellings, cub with certainty be radically cured if the l’i]is. ar,c taken night and morning, and -the ointment be freely pscd as stated in the print ed I instructions. If treated in any [other man ner they dry up in one part to break out injsn othcr. Whereas this Oinjtmcnt will remove the humors from the system and leave the ll‘a tiunt atvigoroiu and healthy man. It will re quire a little perseverance in bad cases to i in sure a lasting curs. j : , | j FOR WOUNDS EITHER OCCASIONED jBY THE BAYONET* OBBABRE OR THE BUL LET, BORES OH BRUISES. j ; To which’ every Soldier tnd Sailor art liable there are no medicines so safe, sure and con venient as Holloway'spills and ointment. jThe poor wounded and almost dying sufferer might, have his wounds dressed’ immediately; if he would onlylprovide himself with .this mn|rich less Ointment, Which should be thrust into'.the wound audlsmcnrcd all around it, then covered with a piece of linen from hie. knapsack, 'and compressed ,with a handkerthief. Taking night and morningO or 8 Pills; to tool the sye- Itm-and prevent iuffaination. ~■ | 1 Every. Soldier's knapsack and Seankntiis chest,shotlM he provided with these voidable. 1! • mi'dicr. ■. , ' ■ 1 • ; j 1 I GOO 000 ill MALE OR FEMALE AGEMTs To sI.U, ..Li . Lloyd's New Sled Plate. County Colored Map of the United Suites. ." Canadas, hod. New lirnnsn'iefc\ ; ■ From recent .ftnflrcys, completo! Angl Jo,‘ ilf-R2: cast $20,000 10 tngrarc lit,, anci| One year's linlc. '. y. - j \ I Pijpprir-r t’o any $3O nap over! Tpa-le byiCV'l aotxl.i']], ar.ii fm.m sat tiio low jnrn of T»t!y .........j are' iliis ninp. • : | ■ M I; ( ! ' ■ l! is jn.< orilv a' Countr map. jnit it is (t'so.a COI'LNTY fi .HAUvHOjVn MAP ivf the* U. S. & (-.TTifi»lfis;o<nnhin-c i in nn<vpivlnp Every UnilroM Stntiop! nn<l <htFif.r>£F hot wren. (inarimtcclany woman or man tn s»“> •Iny. n«hi will lakej-hnck a' 1 mnjia that cn'utiot he poM ruvl rrfnriduhc ihouot. I ■ <4r • Fend sl T.-uif hto Irj, „ I'rintcd instiuctuni h»w v to'i v furnielied oil nnr npenti*. 1 | | lApent? for our mop* in t’vcry Fti'.Je. rahtornm, t'nnrlda. Knirlond. I rruiceond i'ul>n !A[!fevtnne lie innde wiili.a lt'\vv hundred capital. • pftttir-n, J y t i('4 llvoadway, N.iV. The War Department uses our map o finis, Maryland, nndTonnsylTar|in f ti >«t on nhieh ia ’ marked Ancietnift i Shnrpsbiirg,, Maryland •Hipht?j:\Villiai Foray. llhnrerßvilbv Noland's ,l|nrd. a others oh the l*otora'nr, ah'! T^r j other in the above namedSt/Ges. or money reft . LLOYD'S 1 ' TOG RjM'H ICALi 1 MAT KKNTV(’KV, OHIO, LNDIANA; find at the only authority for Gon/HoFccra ,(ho War Department.; rcfiiUK any fine finding »n error in it. 1 - ' " l’r<*tj! tde Trjbunc. Aug. 2. | *‘Jy3.MTTi\« MAP. Or\yil£OM|A. MaRTLA? PI'.SHSTi.TAKiA.—The map is 'very larj cdfl i- but 25 centS, and it i> fhc fogy t/7i bf j y vrrhc*crf.'* * ! JJcytT a Gfraf Map of fhr Misg\*.*{pji }\ From Actnftl.Snrveyp by Capts; Xtjnrt ar Down. Mississippi Kivcr Pilots,.'of tSti. Mo., Rhowi every mnn’9 plantation and or name from St. jl.ouis to the Gulfi'of Mi 1.850 sand-bar. island, landing., and all places 20 miles back fr river—colored in counties and States, • in sheets. $2, pocket form. hnd $l linen, with rollers. 'Heady Scj>t.j 20. Deparfm'bu Waghmytofu Sept. Ky' •L. T.‘ Lloyd-i-Sits: Si|nd me your .Map Mississippi llftrcr, xvith price per In copies... Kcarf Admirftlt’hftrles 11. Davis manding the Mississippi squadron, is / i*,cd to pnrch&so as Tuany* aa are requir use ,of that squadron. /. OIDKON Secretary of the dßeaver i BEote JOSEPH HALL, Propri Beaver, Pa., HAVING (liorfiugmy fitted nj> tbi? ! hods now. prepared to neednunod: friends, and-the public generally) in th< satisfactory manner. | fma JOHN B. YOU|TG Att’y at La ■ f ~( (BEAYEE, BA.) in the Coott lloupo^ •-v j . | Jin. SB 50 Beware I WILL give the above reward for t rest ami conviction of! any person trespassing of doing malicious mischief property, adjoining Hit farm ofj.Abra and lot of John Fisher, near the ft Leaver. ;DAVID STONE lan. 28.T,3. . jv ( &t CC Advertising and Commission Ag AM) DEALERS I iST iTvLvriXG^i>:ksof aim K Type, Printing Materia .a, U’PITlN'i AM) riIINTJNr. PAPER CARDS, &C OFF.tOKS—lirowms Biiildinl'. l’hiladelp'iia; Tribune Buildings, New l orkr ]j,•' inartPirTV. ■ 1 '! 1 ' ;!l ~ * ! ■ ■' JOIIX u, WI Lis JAMS, j BARBER & HAIR-DRESSER. (Shop one door east of Prondley’s BRIDGEWATEK, PIJNN’A. | , , ' ■ ' ■ ?i ’ ' j' I *' k MARRIAGE, f )'■ ITS loves nod' Jmlcs; sonows nnp angcrS, hope's and jfeifrs,, regrets and joys; MAN HOOD, jhpw lost, ltow|reiitd 'ed; tljri nature treatment 'nnd|radical euro of spcimatciTluca or seminal 'weakness; involuntary femipionp, sexual debility and impediments to marriage generally; nervousness,,. c nisumptipn,' fits, mental ftnd plfysicid incapac ty, result ingTroin SELF-AUUShl—arc f fully ceplnined an 1 ! the MARRIAGE (iUIIiE, by WM. YOUNG, M. D. 1 This nidst extj-aordiuury book should bo in the hands of every young' pers )n contemplating marriage, and every nlnn o: 'woman who de sires to limit''the nrinibcr of their ollspring to their circumstances. Every pain, disease and ache incidental to youth, maturity and old age,’ is fully explained; every particlte of knowledge that should he known is hern given. It is full of cn^ra^ngsi: In fact, it di' Closej} secrets that every one shoilld know; still it is ja book that must bej locked up, and not 1 ieabdut tbclipusc. It will fee sent to any one on tlie receipt of twenty-jive cents in specie or postage stamps’. Address Dt WM. YOUNu, -IIG Spruce Sl.\ above Fourth; Philadelphia. | * 565“-d fflirtid and , no matter what; may beiyour disease, he lor t you place your-j self tinder the" care of any of the j notorious I Qi ackS' —native or foreign--Avlto-advertise in i this or: any Other paper, fif a copy 'of Dr..i Ypyhg’s hook; arid read it carefully. It will j be the inennsj of saving many a dollar, your health, and possibly yi ur life. Db. YOUNG can be consulted on riny of (the diseases described in his’/j üblicamn, aVhis office. 40< Spruce Street, above' fourth. I‘bilas BffjuOffice hours from 9 tj> 3, daily. |®iar^tj i ilifl-iri)'s 7 r Quarterly Mirror' ot Fashions, With tireiii Imyrci'er/ientfl andA'idt'iotit, TIIM BI’MMKK NUMBER CONTAINS FOVR hMtOK % /as/Z/oLv. riATis, juree h\vunsized \l'Atr£HXS OF ff Itmsiifs, " ! COUl>RMixri fHE ‘i New French Waist, an Elegant Bieovc, and a, j. Misses Back, and a Sheet of New . j 1 an<l Beauti ul ' BHAID; ANI) EMUiIOIDEHIXG PATTEHNS, ■ Together with pearly • 10) Engravings of ■ . 4‘* no Veil Ira fur ’ Summer Bonnjets, Cloaks, Trimmings, | Children’s Drcsies, &c., And valuable information oMilliners. BreHP Makers, Mothers, and-hades generally, pre senting the largest and; tort Fnshfon Magft iine in the World. publi-hted 473' Broadway,- N. V., jwid so-M cyc-i’jrVvhe *e ul 25 jcenu#,*.,or sent post Ire.e, on rcoeipi ol| the ahPt' insUmpe or .silver.. Year k'lU'O with tfie Vol lowiug valuable premium. „r J , ' . Each yearly subscriber v ill be emitlcd to a | receipt for the selection .of 50 cents worth of :plain pattern?, from the di signs in'the book, or from the show room, 6 • they niuy, bo or dered and ecrU by mail anj . limo during the year, by paying postage. 1 : inducements to ' mmer Nu.Yiow rea<;lv.! v ] RAIL-ROAD v ADAM JQIIA'SC ■ HOCHE I* HOCK ;LOOKIXU-|lUSi’& n MANUFACTORY, ■ i NO’S. 221 EAST IT\\ENTVjTIi JKl> jsTREET, , -IT# k ItoC«K A NI > STj 11KET AN J> 215’ ■■-CKNTKR'S-XIIEE. ; x j, ERTAHLiPim* 3^B.' N. V; h*T.\ ni.imiF/D-l Brjfc ; | K-'t Fthlfchmetit ha? been in ;-ucf'e**fiil; j I - ofjrrftturn for *J-1 year*. fiiul h- 3>ir>»eMi| (tj-thc fciml ilVtl>^TU»nc : <3i-,S ~Wc «.n! | or rs‘in niira*'!ure to ory! i"j ; • Vfetnre-an-l JViiuo“J ! 3’lKiu F'r'etj ,V' -tU. F*vM:u;J j l*'l liOuuTH-rnrijr *►rt?icm-v lbi>e nn-i ’ Jtra'Tiiot Tahir*. ■ v' M:ul'lv Toilet! ; jcc.) *xcV, ,fee. M< uMit»;rs fi.'-iricnivd'’ Trnmrj*. in Ungt h*\: unriMt ' rill.rr (iilt, il’fr’.inij:. UoHO’v*'»od. OiK. Zebra. I )»inl*eyc. Mjiii' iViHy. *ce. Our inanufnc- 1 o.ryrst|.-rvi\e oiu.ble wut turn- | ,}»irl ‘Airaj:* ny-thc fhrajvst. Dealer'*] are invited :o call t:pon us :V»'}ien i N<pv Yor e. NVv cllnim to It— nrilf Xo ’, j uf joy .to >upf-l;* thorn wit h • very Jini- in .our Htio which t hoy cin ;.<>■ a\ ti 1 .-purchß?M; • IjJc where. = • l * . }•' -r- ; f - toy- Onlpr? niaU /attended J to wit lx J.roini*tnci»?». Dfrnpi fail ta‘ call wifea you ▼ftfji [New York.- h •-! , • \()(fici 4' X'. 21 . r t C*nfre -St. IX. 3'.' . i ' Vi SIG;I.F,kI, Agent.- • 1 TV C ll ( canvass MayT—S mjn?. , SKMIN4bvI AiSD INSTITUTE Key! RL T. Taylori A.M., Piin. . S. Taylor; bovemesa. f»M!E NEXT TERM VTSLL COMMENCE k-. ■[ .v; . X.iT'-h iBO3. And conHr.nq 14; weeks.-'' The. aim |6f the ficlioid ik tl> Jtumice ii-< pn j*!s i linroneh..espe 'Ctally in Brailcpice..-* • f . .A. ZVoi’miil OlnfriK, for the benefit of willing to. fit them-, selves, for" teaching, ■ will ;.be. formed at" tbc contmcncembnt of the term. ItjVi’.rd. Ut|oni. rent, 00 Tuition varies from - H&T For Further, particii'Ws inrpPrc of the President of! Faculty. - jn.ir4*oa | ■ ‘R. T. TAYLOR.;, .fi tir -1 i'rdck’.- ii.l nil i Wni’c umlM. (IF ILL,. 18 and lied .to rt> ajci> s<s; ’ its ich ciin tiyr.—t d Win Loilis, wnier’s? i. ; XICO — toWn, nil-the Price, ,50 on. Dividend 'Vo- 10.- 1 'T>.vsk of Br.Urii“. Cojrkrr. \. ?Tcw;i;rightdn,.Mnv d, -Ist',;;. | ■ A blVll|EXli 'OF BH U FEU CENT. l/\ I cfcthej Capital Stock j»f ,'fiis jltiuik, . for yie pantjO months, has been declared this day, payable to itocjvholdcrs . or'thcir legal repre- :on- Demanp. jThis dividend will Bo free ; of the tTnitcd States Tnyr,i the Bank having 'assumed -the payimuit of the same to the'l»oYermiieut. 1 1* KDV'AKD HOOPS;-' , V mylirtki , i ! (pashioc '; £■>2. ' of jibe ihdrcd i,Lcbra utlior- rediio- ietor, MILO' A. TO > ’ DEALKtI IN* B 0 0 k\S: STAT / Q S , j'V yysr&m. hoxt?c, itcihis _ iarpezr, ! TOYS AKD FABCY I RAGLES »06./ f ! NEly pa." $25. ! i Employment! * 1 ~ 's7s. f A (tE2s TS WA Is TED. r v We wilf pliy from $25 tL $75 per tiionth, atui nil expepsey,- to nctivi Agent-ar or-give ai commission.;! Particulars rent free. Address Eri' Sevins Machine Conpang, K. Jamks, General J/ilan t 0. ! ! ~raay 6 o nioal 802. 20.1 Kerr’s Irlotl, * j Third Street', Be aver, Penn'a v S- \ KEiiR, Proprietor^ I ho ;nr i found t fihjniy i ;pj\yolf l>roi of BENTEL, ARBUCKLE&CO ; MAXUFACTUTjERS OF| .: ' cA4RBoir oik,, I ' - ROCHESTER, , . BEAVEJi COUNTY, PA. Tap 2" J $l,OO REGARD. RAX an-ay from the ijubscribet^living in Xew CJalilee, Cciiver|ci>n!ly, on Sunday Hill, iijn ihdcntcdAjoymfora the House- of Kcfuga, named Cii.t Kbits \l'tjLose. ;| about If. years jof. ape, dark hair, Weary countenance.’ slender, forins hud onblne John roundabout aiid .pintsi ’ All|persons |irc ■trlrncd nntj'to harbor or, trust hinj on my |account. 1 drill, pay the aboye'rcwiud. amlrtp fu'rijter charges, Vo any, onto returning him ■jeao.oa 1 ems XDH Tht | Bugle CalU! The War hat P far of t / Mreath, " * and Neuralgia. . OCR AKTILX,ERyi' I 3 ■ B« HI/Rtvc OENTALTREASOrv . * COMPLETE BET Op“ E Sed,„ ** T PttESEPUXC THE TEETII Purifying tht JireM 4idJ - CONTENTs'i' I : Dr. Murd'i Celebrated MOUTIf Wean” bottle. ■ v ' -j- , • t>r. thrift Unequalled fdoTtl Pr.r one Ur. ~ . , • ' VUDjr Ifr. Ihenlt Magi', TO 0 Til A CUB kL 0 . one tyoitle. ' . •< . Ur. I/urd’t UNRIVALED if Sr Pit' PIASTER. ‘ . Lli *fGU I>r. /[unit MANUAL on thi Bui Preening the Teethe including fit r „n T*'4 I’rcpcr Treatment of Children'! ; f !e M T 1 * tf‘OS& SILK far Cleanin' ,, j TOOrk PICKS, etc., etc. T* A, M' Pj-epar& jUr.; Hurds I)est»i r«. Fourth St., Brooklyn, (E; D j P ' I'JPriet, ONE DOLLA A,; wj/jif B@“ Tiio Dental Treating roak e « » - , eighjtinclics by fire, and is seat , - J&ST' full direction? /or iue is on met, Jto’ The following articles wo can sendsei,,, ly, by mail, viz: - ■ . f ' .1 The Trealite on Preterying'the Teeth «tnt. v. paid; ;<in i receipt of TvraLta cssn,; jfv. stamps. ' J ■: i " s ThdUVfura/yia Platter, for'Seifralgii'w Fact, Nervous Headache, and Fatschj, na post paid, on receipt of Eighteen : Cent,.\,(- Stan pa. TLt. Neuralgia ana Rheumatic ’Platter (W size,) for I’ains in the Cheat, ShouldeWßid or any part af the body, sent post paid, (*':► ceipt of Thtrlg-ttven cent? Address, » 1 T)EK ecut, tuine thev THE. tains HOUSE, 1 X, PUO’U asn^fsTn iOTI’HF, iWE !XEIS. I' (*\Vr i»ur« with inn; i .,, v; * p-uir t^;;n Uiui P‘.V\ ! b-i!' Hut their cost is so email that every oii«ou| U*f»l Jho matter foV himself. ' i jj - i*fT Uew.are of the ordinary Tooth Powdtrs Ur.’Hurd’s Twfitb Ponder contains-no Acid.# rove alkali; nor charcoal, and polishes wlr&»i vi curing the enamel.', Use no other. * I 1 WlUr 'will /HjK. HUHH'S RKMlhlli ■ ! j , EFFrCTT I Dr: Hurd's Mouth,iWAsh and~ Tooth Powdir I willjgiro young Tadics that finest charm ia wt i nianp-a sweet breath and, pearly teeth. Pry i therii. ladies. [; _ :j f>i . Itu'rd> Mouth- Wash and (Tooth Pr«rd*r' will clekiisu the mouili HTfom all.- foahexUfc-i. tiout,- and if used in the .morning, will mill the breakfast taste sweeter and the Jar 'more pleasantly. Hundreds of per*u.a/-J testify to this. Try them, gentlemen/. ’ , | t>k Hurd’s Mouth Wash and Tooth Vt-nn ; tire jhif the best preparations in the curiig Jltid'i breatb and giving firmuesJ ufc P| health to Hie gums.* dlundreds of cssm *1 m| i-'.cd Uhjding (t unity Sdr* Mouth, Cum*- T etc., have been cured by Hr. Hurd’s ssinid cm va«h. l .' ; I)]-. Hurd’s Mouth Was£ and; Tooth Powflfb , give afn"additiorml charm to courtship, sti nmko husbands' more agreeable to their wb« and husbands. 1 . They'ihouM »o used iJv persdn having'• -■ •: ‘ , ' Anri fi ciA l teeth* , > which tire liable to impau a taint lb the mou- D'rC Hdrd's Toothache Droops ,cure jo.oU’- achejarising from exposed nerves, and iber-t ifriciuTk 1^”1 parents can have in thelu^- ; , ,;to save their children from torture And selves froip loss of sleep and sympathetic !*- b crmg.! ' Farmers and mechanics! youcannot weild ford to neglect your teeth. , Foratrining *uc» you ;an now get .than, whip UotlischUd.or Astyr can get. nothing M|p Itcmeihbef that Dyfpcjwa f jind CunsunpMn }; lhe'fu'n'/8 K oftcn originate in neglect of Teeil Send for the Treatise on Teeth. and rend t>: Fitch's observations on thiS subject !•-to late |to arrest decay in your'own te«th,_ : Biw your children**? teeth. , ,a* . \f " XEUnALOTA PLASTERS,-- Pr. • £f v [ I Neuralgia,Non-Adhesive Jesters* arc pleakant n#*d successful renfedies ever pr£’| ed for this painful disease. The "'patient ‘■' i plies one. soon becomes drowsy, falls as’tij* atid Wakes- free froni pain,( other.u'npleasaut or injurious consequence*is sue, j ..For Earache vtnd Nervoxu Headache, $ ply* according to direciions, and ‘relief $ surely follow. Nothing can be obtaine'd eqj*' to Up. Hurd’s Compress for Neuralgia., y? them. They aye entirely a novel, curious tf r original preparation Whd'wonderfully succer ful. They are of two Sizes h “6nc small, forth face, price. and tMT other large.. (- application to the body, price 37 cents.: he mailed on ticcipt of price and one stcmp._ !WHAT A ; RE THE i-The American people are intelligent enough* aJ>pyecialep,rc.paration;Aihat contrtbntjsoaW [ ijtbhappiness of those using them'. and i ! s wont them. Every mail brings us the TeOth. 'some th« Mf" r.algia Plasters-, and not aj few enclosing for jhe .Mouth AYa'sh, to be senf by mail'- to these wo are compelled to reply that u . impossible to send a half-pint i'. -br The people want these %^ 9 . i supply them? ; | * ' 1 Np\v is the ] NSE N D. ' Eii i :j(Y - I - ~ H Shrcwd;agenis oan make a small carrying these articles around toTakiilif;*; . Dental Treasury is the neatest article man or woman can carry aronruK one and; see,, or, better, a dozen. wh |( “. will sell, as samples, for ST. Agents sarfj. liberally wit Now is > jr , ■to to go into the business, todogood. nll rfU a profit. We are spending thousand* i benefit of agents. New England | .men I here is something nice, and a eh' 1 | take thetidc at itsjioqd- Address.. r r ! i" v WM. B. HCKIU | jh Tribune Buildings. Ne-tk;: *[ . Tha£ remit tnnccSjjnny be made; ! denec, W. H. 11. & Co., refer to the ■ J Pfopklyn; to G. W. Griffith., :'re.y'h‘; : _'I*; '‘trs’arid Citiiens Bank'; Brooklyn ')• j./ 10.. j ¥ojf,York; to P, ; i etc. lOMAS (jrBAST. and iring Toothache and Neureigi, TTM. S- HURD, CO:] ■, |}| Trilvne Build,n<j!, j\t M Y*fi‘ p-;| Uurd't UO VTII »’A SU, TOOTH TOf HJ and TOiifUA CUE UROVS cannu,- % by mail, but they, can probably b« t, I J at your Drug or ’Periodical Slor»g ,■ 1 cannot', send' tolus for- the DEMp, r ' VSURV, Price, Ox* Dt>LLA*, ; whiah m. | tbeiu,, ; ‘ KTOW, DR- I JIURD’S PREPARATIBXS S 0« I jest etidenceis tbnt they are is, that iko ti -st friends and]be'at patryns lire those »b ; ujcrt them'lyngest., JUj. Vm. H, //erjjpi tiirhicnt petit lilt of Urobtlrn. Trtwariir d Sew york ■Stale .Dentists’; Association; ui fl preparations ‘bare been need in M.’lpr, praotice-forveare. and n i leading iitimlfe iroottlyn or: Williamsburg 'questions ttii i lence. while eminent Uentists of, recommend tbe.m ns the best knowt i,;l| profession. - Without lie aid ofadrereW dealers have sold tbqm by lbe gross "*!■ be Kditor of tbe-ArooWyif' 1/aiii “f.f Imf-py ~J know ibal eur friend, jjr. ■ d. is'.succeeding beyond all tTpeetatU'ii V ibis MuLTH V*A,Sll dud T.OltTli poW ll I 1. The great secret of bis liirrra aia i I tlfe fact //, Jr\ji- lijtjrUt df.e eta i I •/' represented to oc, ut ic« raw («.ry j I foe;/ ore,'’ , .1 /- i .'j | c '.sell known P. T. PnrLD.uca TstVica: "\ *l| I tout- TOOTH POWDKK no g<jiVa iktvtj iyjmve u»c*l;it a};, up.- We ii« b»t £ trjur. Ihe [er'ih U'f /’■ dVi fl'rf Uiai. i' *W. -Migol . will send ru« another it tijJ Museum at rour oonvoalence. witVa* . ' ’ . ■!•>.•! I S'* • 1 . ■ ! MS J? CHANCE FOB AGEN t li I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers