•"VANITY FAIR.” “Tli* :5r <befirst really comic and •^lirical'jouraul ;*vc have had in America — flail ttally il is. It xa boil* siiarp and g4fcii-Jo£il>«rcU, and not r id to cay that Us tottlpjs its own—\rbicli;.«howa that it £a» a soul. Our.rc&dcrH Avillbc glad to know where, they eafc find native -fuu-that has comething. fcey?er -ißiil than - mere patois.”—Atlantic HznUih:. ‘•Tills paper 5s excelled ...» Remarkable for originality.' *' —A', Traveller, l ■•Va-wy -Fair. ib conducted by a vivacious, gritty ari3 'intcTUgeat corps of journalist*.”— Liklf cld Eiujwrtrs | wield as potent an influence ao that of lh« Loudon i*WicA.’ Boston J'raveJUr. himself laughing. : at the tot of Y.\sirt FAia, and does not return a ■guid rro (pi*. Is fit for *treasen t and spoils. A.'3*l Crevolt. ■' SPECIAL NOTICE TKrvcrv marked anil llattering success which hi* liui’ lar attended the publication of “V.oiXTT Fair,’' Enables (he publisher to announce that with •the commencement ol the Second Volume, is sued this day, 30th June, New Features, both Literary am! Artistic, will be introduced, which wilt increase the value and interest 1 of the pa per, and fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it, aa the leading ■ Comic JoLnsAL of America. VANITY FAIR ISsrSD-REOrLAUT EVERY TUU«3DAY. . u for Sale by all Newsmen, and at the • of Publication, No 118 Nassam-street, York. >■ • > • . . . .s is TERMS Three dollars per annum,' ity advance- I —Six ##BU single copy. . i ' | ■ TERMS FOB CLUBS: ' ; Two copies of Vanity Fair will be sent to one address lor ..............$5 00: Five c0pie5......... |Bp. .12 00 '' Ten copies 20 Cj) i An Exirii oepywill be allowed to thegetjer np of evert* Club of, ; not less than five copies. Tbisi paper ’ is Electrotyped, and numbers w It procured At any Mine.. I LOrte H. STEPHENS, Publisher forth# Proprietors, 113 Nausau-fct. New-York. Cfilce of JAY COCKE, , I SUPSCKIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, , i-W SOUTH TIMED FTP.PET, . ; Philadelphia, Nov. 1,1802. fTtllE vndersitrned, having been appointed i. <rßfc nr.ll' rTON AGENT by the Secreta ry ,-vf the Treasury, is now prepared to fur nish, at oz.ee. th# i ! i’. 1 ■ , ' s’- ' If ex, TttMy fear jBf pen ft. Jlondsj - #f iba l/nitcd' States, designated as/'*Five- Twenties/’ re U-crdabie at tb* pleasure of the Soverurr.ttiri after Jn years, and auihoriied ibv Act of Ccugriss, opprered February 25, " 1562. Q The CO T TON NONI'S are issued in sums of J.’.% r’li'-.l SsiloO, i ' j i ■ Xli>. REGISTER BONDS in lur.f of $5O fclOli. /»0(>, srs<H» and S5OOO. i 1 Itteire?? at Sis i*r o«ni. p«r annum will cczax&Gi'je from date of purchase, and it ! PAYABLE IN GOLD, - Sezzii-A.nnv.aHjr. which i* vqual. at the present jjrwr.Hun hc crid, io ahonl LKtHT PERCENT. HIT. ANN CM'.. - n- '■icrrb'i!il~ Mechanics. Canits-Usls, and all v. lko have’any money 'to invr,-t,'ahould know and r:member that these Bonds are, in effect, a FIKST MORTGAGE uponsHßail rckds. Canals. Prrk Stocks anil Securities, and the ijidx'nse products of all,tho Muaufac vuves. ire", ic„ in the country: and the full and staple provision nod** for the payment -of and liquidation of principal, by Customs L'aties, Eacisc Stamps a'nd’lnterual EorMno. serves to make these L ■Btit.Zlost Acaihille and Most Pomtlar inccstnu-nt in the'JJtirket. It Sutscrip; lobs received at PAR. in LegftTTen- Notes, or notes and checks of banks at iu Philadelphia, Subscribers by mad will receive Drompt auem-ion, eiiJ every facility ai>d cspluiiuiioa-will- be afforded on appiicv at this office. ! A full supply of Bends will bcjtepi onhand fr.r Immediate delivery. JAk COOKE, Subscription Agent; 35T OTICE. 1 ARON MOORE, of this Borough is the J\ only Licr.xsi:x> ArcrioyrKu in tfcis coun* iy%| H.c is, at any time, ready to perform the duties of his office when notified.. Any other v.’ho attempts to sell at Auction, eiccpt at Ad- s sale, does ii in violJßon of law.' The is no.t less than $lOO. # i lO. *d2. : ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. I BITERS of adminlistretion on the estate j of Nancy ''Ckiswkll. late of Independ ence tj ~ Beaver co., dec‘d, having been ied to the undersigned, all persons indebted to raid estate are requested to make immediate payout, an*! those haring claims against said ; .c«:ntc will present them to the subscriber proper!}* authenticated for settlement, DAVID AlXNANDER,lndependence tp, jnySo‘63. Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE., I ETTES3 of, admmistratlon.npon the j tale |of TuovrsoS Hcx-i, late of ..Eco'n ,Cpy Beaver county, l*.v, dec’d, having been granted to theiundersigned, all persons knowing tucmeelves' indebted to said estate are requested ■to . made immediate payment, and those having'Claims against the same-will ipresent ihcnj properly authenticated Tor set tlement. i V. ! MARVIN HULL, Economy fp., " apri9 'G<5. 1 ■ Administrator, ■iVoti.ce- •* ALL .persons having unsettled account with me, or Smith & Collins, within the last twenty yean, ior Carding, Spinning, &c., will phase call at the Fallstou Woolen Factory, before ih» first- of Ocfdter, 1862, and settle the sane 8y cash ornole. ; . - jyic/ci . I>J*- A. D. Jones, HUM 1) MOP A THIS T. • i ! (ir /'yen’s Block,) * 1 . NFAV BRIGHTON, PENN’A '• bouts: Bto 10 a. m., 12 to2p. m, 4todip.,aaj' Stray. iT>AME to tha premises of the mkecriber, \J in Chippewa: tp., about tfce Ist of July, « sIS ileifer,' 2 years eld;' The owner is to some forward, prove property, pay charges and lake her away; otherwise she wiil fce disnoied of according ft; law. ■■tiSp»—'Sxr . • THOS. MKINLET. JAMES S. HtJTAN, > • ATTORNEY AT LAW, ; (DISTRICT A TTORXE r'. '/ • .BEATEn. pex>: a. ■ ‘'i-‘lga,Of.ice in liiC Ccitri Jicure. ‘ - 'At-i-i. claim*' against the J -L\*■/■;!! til. for T irv bM-k tiar, prui ty and. p-ensianf, press- t*«oTl»dtijii i# jiu the lostd poseiidc Je . deo6't« PHYSICIANS & DRUGGISTS. i. _ ■■- THE undersigned would inform Physicians, and Druggists that, owing to an increas ing demand, he is tiow prepared to manufac ture on a larger 'scale (ban heretofore all arti cles of the Fhariaacupeeia. These willbe of the strength and qntiliiy'as dispensed in the Prescription Department of my store, and wjll be found superior in strength to most in mar ket. I guarantee them to be' of the proper strength and purity, • i Some preparation* offered are new, but win be made kfficinsj in thb now Pharmacopoeia; soon to bej issued, ahd will be found to bp val uable remedies. - Any information as regards their strength; uses and qualities will be sent to those desire ing it. , j I would advise Pbysicias who have been disappointed in the effect iof any remedy, to try those of my manufacture. They include— 1 Compound Extract of Coloeynth, ' Fluid Extracts of Dandelion, BUchu, 1 Ergot,: Gentian, Lipiilin Valerian, Wild Chprry Bark, and others, , Citrate of Irod and Citrate of Iron and Quinine; very soluble,. Wine of Iron and Wine of Iron and Bark, agreeable; chalybeate?, Syrilp of the Hypophosphites, Cerate of the Extract of Cahtimridea; a more reliable preparation than this common , Oxalatn of Cerium: useful in obstinate vomiting; - ■ Elixir of Valerianate of Ammonia; a vnluaj. ble remedy for nervous or sick headache, where a nervous stimulant and antacid is in.- uiicatcd. Solution of Ci-meconate of Morphia: same strength as Laudanum and more agrceablejin its effects. _ ' . /' Pyro-phosphete of Iron; soluble. These, together with all rare and fine chemi cals and other medicinal articles, furnished in any] quantities. 11 am prepared to make chemical examina tions of Ores, Drugs, Oils, Waters. 4c. ,! . GEO: W. WEYMAN, v Cor. 3d 4 Smithfi'eld sis., Pittsburgh, Pa. DB. J. B. SPEER, 19C Pennst., Pittsburg, continues to devote special attention, as be: has done for the lam twenty-five years, to the diseases, deformities and defects of this jnip.riant organ. . .In reply to frequent inquiries of correspond ents,it may be stated that, amongst the CURA BLE diseases of the eye arc-Cataract, where tao pupil is of a milky color, instead of black, as in the healthy eye; Op’halmia, Pterygium, Opacities and Fiima from recent inflammation. Nervous '.Sensibility of the Optic Nerves Strabismus, or Crooked Eyes, Inversion of th'e Eye-lids, Fistula, La/hry mails. L Amor.sl the incurable art Amaurosis, or complete paralysis of the optic nerve, where no light is visible; Opacities and Films from chronic inflammation: all cases in which the ball of the ey ? is lessened or c’tcrcd in form by diie'as# of injuries. . Defects of Vision; as along or short sigfctcd ness, may pen-rally be relieved or cured by, properly adjusted glasses. References.— Df. c. Cunningham, James 1 Patterson, Esq. , : ’■ JISSE JOHNSON Cgiimissitm Merchant • ' - s§' : -.‘: Attn. ’ • Under in Flair, Groin',’ and <dl kinds of it‘vntn/r Prodyre, IT j ; rLyjuon.i Ojfatf, ToUirro. <Pe. .1 ofiled and Warehouse, .No. 237 Booth 2d sfree P2illad.©lp2iia|. . ttdrajucea made ou confi»rimt&U t J ; - 1 28. |; 11. B; ANDERSON, j | niansa ia - J DRY GOODS & GROCERIES. ■ • , ; > _ % f j The latest and most fashion able ■Styles, of DRESS GOODS kept cu.'ir:ani ];. on hands aud for sale, for I 1 I CA:s li OR P RODU CE. • Beaver. January’l4th, 18G8. | Hu. man Mis e ry|. ! Juie PuVtiihtd in a SealedEnrvlopr, Price 6 rfs: j * ' LECTUREIiV 'Bn. CULVEKAVELL, A ON.tUE CAUSE AND CUKE of Sperms , ?crri:oea.'Con«utnpiioa, Mental and' Physic*! | •Debility, Nervousness, Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of the Body: Lassitude: of j the Limbs and tho Click ; in*lisp'oiltion, and Incapacity for study and Lalj|>r; Dullness of ■ Apprehension; Lo.-s of Memory; Avcrsiou yo Society; Love of Solitude; Timidity; Self- Dirtiness; Headache Affections of ;the Eyes; Pimples jon the Face; Involuntary J Emissions, ani Sesunl Incapacity ; the Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion, &e; M &c., ■ i ’*towThi? admirable Lecture clearly proves | that the above enumerated, often self-afflicted j evils, may-be removed without medicine ;and | without Dangerous surgical operations, and ! riioyld be read by every youth and every man I in the land. Sent under seal, to. any address, in a plain scaled envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage atHinps, by addressing, Cil.\S. J, C, KLINE & CO., ' 127 Bowery,New Ybrk.Poat Office 80x,4056. ; 1 KOL LOCK’S DaiidelibnCoffee. jrp illS preparation, made from the best Java Tl ■ Coffee, is,r»oommeuded by physicians ka a superior NUTIIITIOUS BEVERAGEforGeh eral De'oftily, Dyspepsia and all hilliou* disor ders. • Thousands who have been compelled to abandon'the use of coffee, will use-this with out injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee. Price 25 cents. -' ; BOLLOCKS LEVAIX. The purest and; best BAKING POWDER known, for making light, sweet and nutritious Bread and Cakes. ; Price *l5 cents. • Manufactured by M. H. KOLLOOS, Chemist, Corner of Broad and Chestnut street*, \ . ; PHILADELBHIA, J ad sold by all Druggists and Grocer*. , mar2ti EPH’M. SMITH School Books and Stationery at Whole ' i " sale. Tho subscriber has alway« on band Osgood's & M Guffey’s Speller & R«a -dsrs.hßay’s- Arithmetics, Stoddard’s Arithmetic, Pinneo’g -Grammars, Bi-; hies,Ac., Testaments, Letfbr Cap and: Commercial Note-papers, En.y£tepcB, Blank' Books, Pdtai" and Holders, Copy B&kSfSte&s,- Ink,/ Ink stands, Bonnot Boards. &c., Ac. Usual discount cash. Goods packed and delivered to any' part of the city. ! EOBT. S. DAVIS, l’eb:lS : 78 Wood gt., Pittsburgh' LOANS 05 FIRST MORTGAGES can h negotiated at thcTITTSBIJRODOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, So. 67 FOURTH STREET, Pituborg, on favorable Unnt. an2l;3m ■ C.A. COLTON,, Treasury. T)R6F. WOOD’S BESTORATIYfe’ CORDIA I .and Bided Renovator, the ele.for. ia)e at the'Drue Stops'bf . •< - - .'ve'l'i BS. «. P. WUMUM. The Eye. TIIE GREAT CAUSE OF TO COUNTRY DEALERS^ GEKMAJTTOWH TEljpBAPg. A Family and an Agricultural Journal, p- . . |, PEVOIIDTO CHOICE LITIi.RATtJREt ■ "-J v i jKctvpuia •; r= ; ■ !,j - . i Poet*y,. Noyefettes, Tales, AND MORAL AND ENTERTAIN ING READING GENERALLY: Ik the literary Department we ehall pre sent the choicest varieties within the reach of our extended menu.) Jfhe Novelettes, Talcs, Poetry, 4c., Shall he: supplied from thy best and highest sources, and ba etjual to anything to be found in any journal or magatine. Agriculture and Horticulture! EMBRACING 1 - [ Farming,Gardening, &o. In nil their hrdnehee, eu conducted on the Uteet tad aoet ajyrorrd tytlim. | ■ Our labor* in this department for-over thir ty years, have met the cardial approbation of Ihe public. ! Our purpose ha* been to j furnifh uaeful andircliablo information upon these very important branches of industry, 1 and to protect .them so far a* within ourj power <tgainst the false doctrine* and selfish purpos es of the many empire* and Sensation-adven turers jby which the farmer is ihceesanily as -sailcdj Thie.portion of the OermanuTele graph will alone be Worth the whole price of subscription, as every Farmer and Gardener, who has »j proper conception of hiafcalling, will readily admit. • ' NEWS DEPARTMENT. The same industry ,c»re, and discrimination, in gatheringand preparing the Stirring Kvcnla of the Day, expressly for this paper, which hitherto hM been one of .it* marked features and given l so universal satisfaction, trill be continued; with'redoubled efforts to meet the increasing (demands bf the public. The labor required in this department is never fhll; ap preciated by the reader. It| would be inr 4 possible to present, the condensed and care fully mhde-up form In which it appears, |a corrected jmasa of all the most interesting newi iof the week, without involving much physical labor,' tact and judgment. . : We annei the cash Units, to which ire - beg leave-to call attention of all who think of subscribing for a newspaper: Advance Cash Terms. One copy, one year, $2; one copy, three years, $5,00;, three copies, one year, j $5,00: Five Copies, One Year, $8,00; Ton Copies. One VcerJ'SlC.OO; Twenty Copies, One I ear, $1(8,(tf). f ' '' ! I- not paid within the year, $2,60, ■ ' . . Club of fire subscribers, at SS, will ">.;;iie the person getting it up to a copy for six months; a Club of ten or more, to a copy for one year. All Club subscriptions stopped at tbcend of the time paid for, uulcsa rc-cr dered. I f !’ POU- V ’ o (order will receivejallention unless accomplished with the cash. ; ~ . i£lk.Fpeciinen numbers sent to applicants. PHILIP R. FREAS. Editor and-Proprietor. Ocrrsnntoitt i ? Philadelphia, Ort., 1 2.'2, *o2. r **' NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT, AN AS YLUMFOR THE RECEP i TION, CURE AND TREAT MENT, OP MEIJTAX. AIiIBTJATION OR DISORDER. And. Qtlier NerVoua anid Chronic Rise&ei. «.• EXCLUSIVE!,Y FOR FEMALES. : ' j I - Li f lAIIIS institution is now open for the rcecp -1 lion, care, and treatment of the Jtni class. of patients who are laboring under mental derangement ; or other nervous and chronic, disease. IV e make special mention of ] nervous and chronic diseases, from, the fact j that seven tenths of the female patients that arc committed to our public Asylums, to be j treated lor disordered minds, arc reduced to ! that lamentable condition through previous 1 physical disorder. By a well tinted and judi cious treatment of chronic and nervous dis- I cases, nil physical disorders, in (ho majority j of caws may be removed ; and thus themind; j having-suffered through‘the medium of the j tody {will when free from the exciting I physical; cause, throw off the shackles that has botitjd it to worse than midnight darkness," I and reason will, once more, resume its sway, j clothed in nil its primitive beauty and wonted j excellence. Hence the necessity of all those, J who arc laboring under; the, predisposing or • exciting causes, calculated,in the cud to im jpnir the mind to rcsoH to an early and I judicious course of remedial 'agents. [ . I The Institution js a large brick building with a stone basement—four stories high and [ well ventilated. It is situated bn an elevated 1 table land which commands a view of entire I towq—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring j streams; i all of which are calculated; to pro ! dutfe favorable impressions' upon tho disorder ed'mind. ■ | ' T.Eo Institution is complete 'in all of its ap- ' pointmcnta. Haring bees tastefully fitted up | at graet expense, in order that it may meet J the approbation and views of theinoet fastidi ous. . j | The water closets and bathing apparatus have been gotten up upon the most approved modern scientific principles. This department embraces not only the ordinary baths blit, ! also, the medicated, warm air and 'ascending j and descending douche for the more effectual and successful treatment of ' eutaaeous and I other scrofulous,diseases. j We beg leave to say to all those Whcl may be ! disposed jto cpramilf the interests of a dear wife, sister,or daughter, to our charge may be assured'that no' means' will be spared or efforts wanting on our part, to ameliorate their condition or to effects, restoration to their ae-. customed health and vigor of mind. For further particulars: send for a. circular! i All communications should be addressed to' E. KENDRICK. M. D. Supt. of New Brighton Retreat l Now Brighton ■ / Beaver Co. Fa. d0t12'62. jmBE/OTYPE Sll Good, substantial, life-liky tic '■ TUBES can new be bad at the h COURTHOUSE, i* BEAVER. These pictorcsete not mere daubs, but war ranted SUPERIOR to an; that bars Brethren made in Beaver county, by any other artist. r To J<e, convinced, eeirsndexamine epeeinees. I remain bat a few weeks. ■gh.dalicry'lß the«sne rsote occupied by me in 1867. ' . ' . A GBIFrIN, AorD | ' ■ Photogrephio Artist. A Rare chance for a Good Inveatment, ■■i - ’ FOR SALE STOCK AND FIXTURES (OF, A COUNTRY SJOBE.ina good Locations with*large run ofxasto'm; situate"within■ 13 miles .of Pittsburg.- Jnst-in time for Fail aid Winter Trade ..Block low at present;' no unsalable Gopds. Terms easy. For a man of limited capital, no 'better, chance could beOffered.— Store and dwelling bouse Tor bale' or rent.— ‘Xddreai “R.: Citjr,Pa.' I flTing nU;suai, aaf itating Where Kb iMacfaw oembebeM. '..mpk-’'■ : CTritEiriiEins : PHILADELPHIA-COMMERCIAL IL .-.:; l j/-;\^aaa^a^vdA t w*-.. V -\ -I. '* now’,ConaeqUontly in to eigthteeothyear.ef Ita existence, numbers amonjrfls gratuatea, hundredsof the moil auc and BuiinHi ihltn of our Country* - The otyctt of the Institution is solelyto af ford-yoongmen-facilities for thorough prepa rationfocbusineea. - 1 ■; The branches; tauht. art, Book-keeping, aa applicable to the various departments of trade; Penmanship, both; plain and ornamental Commercial Uw/'mathcmatics, Navigation, Civil Engineering Drawing, Phonography, and Modem Languages. The system of Instruction is peculiar; no classes or set lessons are taadeuse of, but each student is taught individually; so that he may commence at any time, and attend at jrhetey cr hours are most convenient. * Catalogues aye issued annually after the 15th of April, containing names of the stu dents for the year, and foil 'particulars of terms,i&e., and'may he obtained at any-time by addressing the Principal. , - In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution offers facilities su perior to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for business,- and to obtain at the seme time a nirnoiiA, which will proven recommendation for them to any Mer cantiie.House. > 1 ' , i- ■ ! S&'CuirtKKDzs’i Boris* ot Treat!*** on Bcuk-Ksspiag, How more widoly .Circulated titan any other work on the subject, art for calc at tk* College. ' S. HODGES CRITTENDEK, Attonuy-auLaw, r PSIKCIPAL. : Mar 7. : Knox Fnvt Farm & Nurseries. For many T*ar«s«re have mide'th^cnltiva .ion of sMALfc.PRUITS-n^i'y. anil taking into account «»d QCAtiir. oir Stock of Vines and-Pljtn'.Bof j ORAPESgc.: ? ; DLACKBERRIEO; : is uncqualMßilgpiiere, which;- on the most faWeablaUrms. Parties wishing to purchase would do well to correspond with tie, or send for our PRICE LIST, which will be sent to all applicants free of charge." Our Seed Store and Horticulture House No. 80 Fifth Street, where all article* belonging to suehsa estab lishment can ba bad of the best quality. ’ . J knox; | Box ir>s, Pittsburg, Pa. Wk.;Miu,ee, Phil....C. iW Ricextson] Pittsb’g MILLER & RICKETSON, WHOLESALE GROCERS. Brandies, Wines and . Segars, [I Xo f- -■■ > . 223, Cor. of Liberty J- Irvin i(t. PITTSBURG, Pa. Iro», Kails, ton Tarn, sc., ic., constantly on band, [aug6 "The Union,” Arch Street above Third, PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Upton S. Newcomer, Prop’r. rpHTS Hotel is central. Convenientby ?»s -j ■ senger Btfltray Cars to all parts of the City, and in every particular adapted to the eomfort'.acd vrants of Ite iTravalliing Public ■ EW IILLXEftt Ml) , ESTABLISHMftNT, BROADWAY, NEW) BRIGHTON, PA.. (Four Doors’Below Dr. Sarprafa Drug Store, may 7,62—1y.l , MBS RENO. ■ WATER: CUBE. Curative Agency is superior to HVDRO -11 PATItY for the tresMtent ofall form of List sscs, and no Institution; in this coun try, possesses greater facililta for its adminis tration then this. * 1 IKSuFpr Pictorial Circular address . Dm W. N. HAMBLETON, -.■■■’ | j Pittsburg, l Pa. “Th« Howe Sewing Machine,” ; .sold Bv : A. M. M’GRECOR, CORNER PENN & ST. CLAIR STS., PITTSBURG, PENN’A., NEEDS ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP- - - . PRECIATED. fap22—«m. IS hereby given that I Lave been appoiated as Surgeonby the Pension Department, to examine wounded and invalid Sbldiers, dis eharged from the: service; 'that my. authority extends to any County. State or Territory, -and that I am now reedy to eater upon the discharge of my duties. GEORGE MeCOOK.M. D , Oct. 15—41. Examining Surgeon. TOIT, COJ3 Sc CO., Advertising and Commission Agents- AND piALKtSIN PRINTING INKS OP ALL KINDS Type, Printing Materials, ■ WBIXINO A.ND PRINTING PAPER CARDS, &C OFFlCES—Brown’s BiiildinS, Philadelphia; Tribune Buildings, New York. •]! mar2b:ljr, • . MILO A. TOWNSEND DEALER IN BOOKS , STATIONERY Wall Paper, TOYS ABD FARCY IFACLBB no 6. NEV BRIGHTON, Pa. A. R, THOMSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OJF‘ r *} earner «/ Thridetreet end the Diamond. : BEAVER, PA. f may 21. - ■ , ,; J: BENTEL, ARBUCKLE&CO ~ - MASUFACTUTEBS' OF*:- , ; OABBO3ST ROCHESTER, BEAVER COUNTY. PA. fap2 Sterling Hou^e, No. 107 Second Street (BBIWBSS WOOD AKD'WABKB?) J, V PITTSBURG, PENK*A. OAAKDINO BY TH* UEAI» DAT OEWIEK. j • 3iipdtr«U. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE \\f JIBREAS letters bl administration on ■ )YV . .the estate of Josatbaii Kisser, laii of. Georgetown Boro., v . Bearer' Sonnty, -de-' ceased, baring been duly granted in the un dersigned, all persons ; indebted ib said esUte are notified to mske immediatepaymenl, and those haring daime Sgalnst tbe eajne'wiU pre sent them proporlyvanthesitwatM i*T settle- Mentkitfce^^^^y Y' i.VD : IMFOHTXVB Of \ 1\ otico FRIENDS AND RELATIVES BRAVE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS Aiid Qintmieiit. A LL WHO have Friends and Relative* in the Air# or.Na«ry,'ihould take especial care that they bo amply supplied with those Pills end Ointment; end wherethe brave Soldiers sad Sailors have jnegleeted'to. provide them selves with them, no better present can be sent them by their friends. They have been*prov ed to be. tbs Soldier’s never-tailing friend in the hour of need. - ■’ -,‘ COUGHS AND COLDSAFFECTING TROOPS Will be speedily removed and 1 effectually eared by using these admirable medicines, and by paying proper attention to the Directions which are ; attached to each Pot br'Boi. - SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. These feelings which sci l sadden! us, usually arise from .troubled or annoyances,, obstructed perspiration, or eoting.and drinking whatever is unwholesome, thus disturbing the -healthful action of the liver and stomach, j These Or gans must be relieved, 1 if you desire to be well. The Pills,! taking according to the printed in structions, will quickly a. produce a 'healthy action in both liver and stomach 1 , and as a natural consequence a clear head and good ap ,pctile. I ; it ■ ■, !<■ WEAKNESS; OB DEBILITY‘ induced by i-i , j 1 ■; OVER-FATIGUE, j' ■ Will soon disappear byjthe use of these in-’ valuable Pills, aml the Soldier will quickly ac quire additional strength] Never! let the bow els be either confined or unduly acted upon. It may seem strange that Holloway’s Pills should be recommended! for Dysentery, add Flux, many persons supposing that they would increase the relaxation. This is a great mis take,' for|these Pills will correct the liver and' stomach .and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system. This medicine will give tone and vigor to the whole organic howev er deranged, while health- and strength follow as a natter of course. Nothing will SfOp'nhe relaxation of the Bowels so sure, as this fam ous'medicine. .*! 1 I .. VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! IINDISCBE- I TICKS OF YOUTH, V Sores and'Ulcers, Blutchingg end Swellings, can with certainty be radicallyfccured if Jthc Pills are taken night and morning, and 'the ointment be freely used as: stated ia the print ed instructions. If treated in any other .man ner they! dry up in one part to break out in an other. Whereas this Ointment will remove the humors from the system aufl leave the Pa tient a vigorous and healthy .man.:- -It willp-e -quire a little perseverance in bad cases to Jin- | sure a listing cure. I FOR WOUNDS EITHER 1 OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET, OR SABRE ORTHEBUL LET, SORES OR BRUISES, | ' To which every Soldier and Sailor are liable there are no.medicines so safe, sure i and con venient as Holloway’s Pills and ointment. The poorjwounded and almost dying,sufferer might, have his; wounds dressed; immediately, if he would only provide himself with this match less Ointment, which should be thrust into the wound and smeared Kll around it, then covered with a piece of linen from bia knapsack,'and. compressed with .*■. handkerchief. Taking night and-morning filer 8 Pills, to -cool thoisys torn andj prevent inflamation. j 1 . Every Soldier’s knapsack and chest should be pfovidedwith these valuable 1 Remedies. ; ! • 600,000 MALE OB PEMALE AGENTS | TO SELL 1 Lloyd’s New Steel Plate County Colored '.Map of the Umted States, Canadas, and New Brunswick, j From recent surveys, computed Aug. 10, ' IfcoSwcost' ¥20.060 to engrave it, and one year's time. i ' ' . Superior to any $lO map ever made by Col ton or Mitchell, and Bella at the low price gf Fifty Cent?; 8711,000 names arc engraved on this map. • ‘ ft is not only a County map, but it is also a ' COUNTY & RAILIOMI) .MAP ; of the 11. S. Canadas combined in one. giving Every Railroad Station and distances between. ' Guarantee any woman or man $3 to $5 per day, add will take baek all maps that cannot; M sold and.refund the money. ■ ' . Send ifor- Sl worth to try. ,s» .V Printed instructions how to canvass well, furnished all our hgents, ' ■ Wanted—W holesale Agents for our maps in every Slate, California, Canada, England, France and Cuba. A fortune may be. made with a few hundred dollars cspital. A’o com peunon. \ J F. Llotd,: 104 Broadway, N.;Y. " The War Department uses our map of Vir gin in, Maryland, ami Pennsylvania, cost $lOO,- 000, oni which is marked Anticlam Creek; Sharpsburg. Maryland Rights,.Williamsport, FerjyJ Bhorersville, Noland’s Fgrd, and- all* others on the Potomac, and every other place in the above hamed States, or money refunded.; LLOYD’S TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF | KENTUCKY, OHIO, INDIANA, and ILL.,; ■at the only authority for Gem Rosscrans and the War Department. Money, refunded to any onoj finding an error in iti J’ From tne Tribune, Aug. 3. “Lloyd's' map of Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania.—Thetmap is very large; its cost is but £5 cents, and it it Ike licit ufitch can Itpurehated." ' \ Lloyd/i Great Nap of the Mittittippi River. —; From Actual Surveys by Capts. Bart and Wm Down, Mississippi River Pilots, of St. Louis. Mo., shows every man’s plantation and owner's! name froip St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico—| 1,350 mites—every sand-bar, island, town,; landing,! and all places 20 miles back from the river—colored in counties and plates, . Price,; $1 in sheets. $2, pocket form, ' and $2,50 on linen, with rollers. Heady Sept. 20. ■ ■ ■ ■ Navy Department, Waehington, Sept. 16, 1862. | J. T. Lloyd—Sir: Send me your Map df the Mississippi River, with price per hundred 'copies.’ ; Rear-Admiral Charles H. Davis, com manding the Mississippi squadron, Is author ized la 'purchase as many as are required fe nce of that squadron. GIDEON WELLS. Secretary of the Navy. JBeavei* iiotel, JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor,; f ' Beaver, Pa. ’ J TTAVING thoroughly, fitted up this house; ■ h'e is now prepared to accommodate his friends, jand ,the public generally, in the most satisfactory manner. .* , fmay62 | JOHN 8.. YOUNG, at Law, (BEAVER, PA.)' in the Coni* House. | Jan. 20,1*62. ; ; ELEOTiOir, I THE I Stockholders of *‘the i Company for greeting a Bridge orer Big Bearer at oTlimer Wolf Lade, in the county of Bearer,'! are hereby notified that an election for one President, six Managers, and a Treasurer, will be held in the Tollhouse of said company, on the last iMonday (the 27th’ day) of April next,’ commenting at 10 o’clock, a. : marl7,'6B ' JAMES ALLISON, Treaa. ; , 8850 Upward. i IfiriX/Egirathe abore reward fdr the ar rest and eonriction .of'any person fodnd trespassing or doing malicious mischief on my property, adjoining - the farm of Abram Wolf andi lot'of John Fisher,!near the boro-, of Bearer.' i DATID BTONEB, „ ; ..ia» 28,’fia^ : "t -.vm i ‘.j- JOHN B,.WILWA«B, f BABB3SB & HAX^B^SERi (fhopone dooreaatiSliPiMdlty’.a Hotel, . n«rsr*. .i V MAHiRIAGi JTS. lovts and. .hates, .sprrd hopes and fears, regret* a OOD, hotvlosWhoir restore treatment and radical curo_of or seminal weaknesf; involun sexual debility generally;: nervousness, con mental and physical ineapahit) SELF-ABUSE—arc fully exj MABBIAGE GUIDE, by WM. This most extraordinary book bands of every young person nmrriage.'and.every man or i sire* to limit the namber of t] i their circumstances. Every ;p i ache incidental to irWh, matu it fully explained; every partit! that should be knoWn is here g of engravings: In fact, it disci every one should kaoW; still it must bo locked up, and not lie It will be sent to iny one ot twenty-five cents, in specie or' . Address Da. Wm; | YOUNG 1 , above Fourth, Philadelphia. . ■ Afflicted and. Unfortunates may be your disease, before y self under the care of any o: Quacks —native or foreign' —v this or any other paper, get Young’s.book, sad read it cai bo the means of saving you i yotir health, and possibly your Di. Y'OUSG can bo consulte diseases described in his pub office, 41.(5 Spruce Streep nbov- hours from 0 to 3j “ 'AJAIirDEMOiiE! Quarterly Mirror ot . With Great Improvement*, au TB»’ ROMMRIi KrilßEll C( FOUR LARGE $ SIT.EXDJ PLATES, THREE FCJ , Patterns oe hr. 1 COII Pill SING Till New French Waist, tn|.l3l«enii u ‘ .Misjtg Sacki arid a She! S' ' andj Beautiful BRAID AND EMBROIPHRIJs Together with uearlj 100 I i - all the novelties Summer Bonnets? Cloaks, Children’s Dresses. And valuable information, to i Makers, Mothers, and| Ladies senfing the largest and best lino in tljo. Wofjd,, published N. Y., and- sold everywhere i sent by mail, post free, oa r*ci in stamps or silver.\ ear sl,' lowing valuable pretriium. Eaeh yearly suhscril er will receipt for (he selectioa of drtl plain patterns, from the desig) or from the show room, or ll dered and sent by" mail any til year, by pay ing postage. 90.8plcndid Inducements t» , BS-Summer No., now ready'; ■STRAY C CAME to the premises of t living in New Sewjicklcy 1 Ta., on the Cth of October, 18( with a white face, abont Cycai a bell on, and tw& or tl fee sliti other marks Visible. The own to «omc forward, j|pOv< and take her away! 0c22:8t Disso!iiti< rpUE Co-partnership hcretof ' I dcr the. mame and style of ’PniASin. Fallxtpn, engaged anti Machine Business, was d the 3d day pf June, I&G2. Tl late firm will be'settled hy M at their office in Fallsiin, Bea where they lyill, continue said ■in branches.; All persons kn* indebted to tin late fifth will st-Ule icimicdiatciT. . liAVIpJ ' ■ ' v ' . M ATT ISi KallstonJclO/CS* ■ S. 11. D RAIL-ROAD H ADAM JOHNSON . _ -boshes* LOOKIMi-GL\SS MCI MA:NUF|CT( NOS. 221 EA SJLJ'V HNTY-Tl .. 173-'& J73j«KAxI)STRE: r CBNTKkSTKE s.'TAhusiiED | N Y. ‘ K# PTMIIS ’Establishiticit has b( I ~ operation for 24 years, sii of the kind'in the Uni ed Slat hand or manufacture to order c of Booking-glass, Picture and Plain and Ornamental Pier, \V tel Glasses, Connecting: Cdrr Bracket .Tables, with. Marb! Glasses, fife., &c., &c. Mould frames; in lengths sui able fpi either Gilt, Bcrting, Poscwoo lUnjlscye, Mahogany, *:c. On lory and extensive facilities or ish any article in our line ns g aniUps cheap as .Ujc"cl eapest. Dealers are mvi ed to ( ’When they visit Newviork. able to supply to supply them cle in our line whichihey can p elsewhere. ! ' ■ = Jgy-Orders by-itniiil ntte promptness. Do not fail to cal ’Sow York. J Office J - Harirooiw,JaA'o. 215 C ", • • nOK.U’E V. SI May T—3 mod. . Y -il|L beat: SEMINARY AM) I Rev. R. T. Taylor, I Mrs.A. S. Tay lc r, G fJMJE NEXT TERM WII Tuesday, Ma reh 2- And continue 14 weeks. T school is to make its pupils dally in the Common Branch) A Normal C for the-benefit of. those wish seises for teaching, will bo commencement of the term. Board, Room rent, Ac... ... ■ Tuition caries from $3,50 t , B^"For further particula: President of Faculty. $ • mar4'oB . ) R. Dividend N Bask or B*av New Brighton, Mat A DIVIDEND | OF FOJ f\ on the Capital Stock ofj the part 4 tnimtns, hasbeenq payable to atookhpUi in or ti tentative*,. on /sf«l SD. Til ; be freo pf the Djnkod Statj having assumed the Daymen .the Government, hr' EDWA| mjusxa I 3STO A %t PERSONS kiiTing . blc anbacriber will plegae fobartXallnn, who i? duly ap Bpd ‘lo all buaincaa during mi Klperaona havingun?ettlcd a aid moke soon] it has becothe my duty :tb lead parpoaaofßerring njr epun cuatPmera will’ atUl give (hei nanal,~a» they will find Mr. Tji abopjand my son, Jsmea,: at ti : _aoj>3, 1862. ; JOB} Third BeaVolv Penn’a j;j 8. KBUR, .Prtyr&tor- Be4rtd_ . • War 'of. Ezterminettiond.painep Bud net; ,•,./eigtd Breath; Deirezier, 4 " .- 'l`ooihathe, :i4tri . ti hi; . 2 • ", ' aid -h.Lr : -• • OUR AIOI4.ERY./61 • DR. WM. - 13: DENT AL. TRE ASIIR y • courtzrz met 07 777[7093 tot • •'•• ; iIit!,;ERVINGTIII:' TECTII pu . rtzo4 • the Breatit and . CJa ■ f-r -id joys;- MAN -1; the nature, spemaierrlicca lary : - einisaionsj its to mirr/age ifumption, fits, f, resulting from ilained v in./ith* IYOUNG,; mJ d. fbould be in ths , cont cuiplating roman who- de elr offspring to ilnj disease and •iiy and ohTag*, le of knowledge, ivcn. f\.is full sea Secrets thiv is a book bout the house, (the rcceipl dstsgc staitpg.' -SIC: Spruasjat^,') |no matter jvhfit w place jour- T the notorious who advertise in j a copy of Dr. : reftilly. : Xt will many a dollar, •[life. ’ i v;.’’ ;COKTPNTSK v .onfbo/ lUrd ‘‘ Une 9 uaUei '? o °TirtfjoLi n : 'f: jjurtTt Afayie TOOTHACHE Mv,,, oneTHolllr. • . . ■' ' 7 > * w «, Vt. Jlurd’i t’ySIVALED HEVBJirr. PLASTER. . i ' Or. Hurd's MAX UAL on the- But }f, ‘ Hriterving the Teethe,including 'ZHreetioiU'T' f. ■Proper Treatment of],Children e let it,. r^ r ‘ l f PLOSS SILK for Cleaning leticeen t), r B , TOOTH HICKS, etc., etc. "" 7<f '* ) • Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental d*.' j. Fourth'St., Brooklyn; (E. D.) 1 | Price, OKP. 1 JOLLA il; or SIX ’’ _ Dental Trcar\tn/ makes a fl&li, eight inches byflTC. and'is scnf bj ciproV li;, Pall direction* for tut a on <<'■ A In,-: ' ■' i The following articles wc can send {ljV-l>y mail.-rir: *'■■ ’ ’ ■ ‘ ►on any:-6f ,thc af his fourth, Pliila dailj.. fmHr2ti ST'S.T“ -: J ’ Fashions, ’ Additk'Mi | '.The Trtojpit on Prf'rrir.g iftt Tutu sent. j*4 jpaid, on receipt"of Twblvs'csiits;' or fC I stamps. '■ - 1 .. i •; '■_ ■; The Xeuralgia jftkio-r, for Souralglam | Face, Nsrvous Hcfclatdj*, ,and ta vatic, , post paid, on receipt of Eighteen -Ontt. ’ 0 r «f' f Blampe. " ’ . l '" . : {: '‘ i * Tlie Xtnratgi'i ’ oiiier TUicimaH: 'Piaster fI 4 L sue.) lev I’aitis ,tfi t'fcc't'hcst, Sl.oukTer.; Bs& P'r any paVt af life Body, seut.' poat pa:d,'oa£ c.cipt oT ceii-j. ;•*? . i t Adiircid,- ] r ’• r U j ■ irjf. u. upud. f*„ ■. lrilun* Muildhfy:, JVV*- Yv/h. Dr. Hurd', iltvTU ilxt sr/l TOOTH rov • DER ajnd TOOTHA C/IE DROPS sent b} 1 mail, Mil they cin probab “ bV si tsin’ed lit jour Prug or Periodical S, they epunot, sepd to ns, for tbe,p HtTAINS I) FASIIIOX-J L-SIZFD ‘ ■:.SF£S, ' : t Sierra, and.a tof ?>tw , I iG PATTERNS, Engravings of Trimmings, j ; I Tillincrs, .Dress generally.; pre- FualTion'Maga -178 it 25 cents, cr 1 «ipt of the aniT. , >U with the fol- ! TKEASURV, Priqe, o>i: Dollar,- Which con tarns - f • ; . p,■ r NOW, /I i.■ ; : -■■.■- IL ,U|, u. I ARE, BR. HCBD'g PREP.tiIVnO.VS' -ROM LTlWj'heßt. evidences'that they arc is, that ifaflr ! firmfcst friends and best patrohs-arciAhijise'Wi'} have used them longest .< hr. JCm. li. llmhi an eminent Dentist of Brddklyn. the ??.evit York'State Dentists!. Association. and these preparations have been nsed in Ds pri- 1 vatc practice for ycarsl.and no leading citi«n of -Brooklyn or IViniamsltirj tWr excellence, while eminent-Demists of S'n Yoi-k recommend them as The -IjeSi -knovi’i 10 1 the.profession; -Without' the aid,'of acherih ; ing, - dealers have'sold, them hr the »rose ’ > T.-lE« Edit or of Uie -iskodktitn JJa.i'j ude..-l jrs .'' j ‘We are hap'pr to know that our fuci,/'.'V I Hurd. is succtteiiiug h'eyufid all. tiiiiVvftVjo't,- , with bis .MOl'Tll WASH and T!; XV. / otV HElli The great ■secret. of!ii(is with the fact ihui .1 Of I.c,';.r/c.' are y./v.- e v vi a. ihcT/ are Tfprerentrd ..j .r. t (r- Cc/i .v.-e;j, "ittet, .7i.-./* Ivntj rise."' ■ . ‘ t..Jj V , f - well knov/n V. jl*. tlaraum Write* 1 . *'V, ' found-y’ottp TOOTH ItOWDKll'jo g.ood tk.tmjV family have used it allnjj. Hit d.-idii' i/t ltd 1 vo'cd'T ior {he :ftO> rrfr I rhall j feel olilijti.rl ifrou will .seniJ'me aliotlietf SW];-- i ply ,at tliedditaeum at jnut convenience. with , hill;."- ■ ” ■ V T-K.-'i >e entitled to a centsWbrth 1 of is in the book, ey may bo or is during the Canrs«»er«. OW.. jc subscriber, j p., Beaver co., 1 2, a red cow, 8 old; she . had. in thc>ar; j no jr 5? requested iv, pay charges proper p. smith >n. jrr cxjflfinjrun .MTo>sßLL ft in the 'Foundry ily dissolved on ic bpjoii* of Jhe T)p.rt: I |h'.& ; (%.. *er cob'nty, Pa.,- biwinei**- iu nll vmg thcihaelves ileaac ; c>'ll •idJ TOXNBU.. . • •• But their cost is so small (haj every one i»»t test tUfi matter for himselfi. ' I* e ware of Tooth Powder*; Dr.TJuv‘V»>*T/>‘iUv Ihodi-r runtaiiiK n;o ccida, JV'n- alkttli'v -von -’Lavc'.-.i|. £n-l, f p*>irr!u-;i- without wVtmng. thw ♦•bt'tse'.. ' Vi-o iio Oil Cr..- IN PA RKAGH. UIUAGU. OUSE, PRO'R ■fcp L r'KSRVA: j TIX" : " mnm IRY, WdIAT ' Will, -I>R. ; HCRD‘3 /RK'MKDIES- I- . r.FFXXT? ' i Dr. ITmU’s Mouth Mjashiaml jTboth Powder Will giTVVjT.oung Indict-that fint*?r>hann in wo. ?jj»|vct breatlj and pearly teeth., Try, 'i f ' * ’ ’Dr. Mouth Wash ftud'Tctih Vwkr w-ill •eijeauhe the month , from all -foul, ••esLjiii*’. lion*. and if used in the morning, will rjsba the breakfast taste sweeter and the day more pleasantly. Hundreds of per?>.r.« Uglify’ to this. iTrt them,, gentleman.- . -lir. ilurd’a Mouth Wash ttud-.Tooih lue, the the best pVcparat.ions in 'the woid .<* ’wh'ing, had breath and, giving innate?? *•• < ? hcihitU.te the gum?. .Hundred* pf'ca?ci * Binding Sore .Mcu'h, C/rr.-.v, efrl. tiave ‘been cured by Dr. Hindis .'Hiring* cut'wash. • tlßt) -SIBKIiTj :t A X I) 2'lS r.MiMsniD ISBB cn in successful id is-the largest 4 ;s. We, hare bn very description ’ortrait Frames allj Otul a: Man ices, dlasc and' i Slabs. Toilet' Picture transportation. I, Oak,- Zebra. . Pr. Hurd’? Mouth Wash :«id Tooth giro ail additional charm to soun«li?p.»nd make hiisbands more agreeable to their- whei and thoir husbands. ; Tiiey should bi uacd by every person having • new mamif&c able n.vto t'urn-. iod as .tie.best, AKTLKICIA IATEETII. ■ : , which are.liable to impai.t'a taint to the mouth. Dr. Hurd's - Toothaylic Droops..cure Tooth ache arising from exposed nerves, and ri'C lilt bc.-l Vri-’iu!,' parents cun have in thchkn to save their cuildrcnfrbm.torture and' tiUm se!|ves from loos of sleep and s jUpntheliclsuf print 1 ■ - ■" ,- f T*v I . . ’Farmers'and mechanics!" you cannot ire!! ?/•’ ford to neglect.your teeth., Foratrifliup- sust y»it can now <r,»t .preservittjivcs, - than which -Rothschild or Art or cult get. nothing totter.; utmember that Dyspepsia tux!-. Coiisuhnvoii if-' : the Lnngt often originate in neglect of .Telit,-. 1 Send fdrtlic Trea/ise nn .Teeth. and - read It- I Fiiglils 'oKsctw si ions'on this'rnbject. -/fetes i late to arrest, decay in your oWn, teeth. hr*- ! your, children's teeth.' -s -1 XEURAIGIA I'!.ASTERS.—Dr. -Vittui Neuralgia Noil-Adhesive Piasters arc .the lit* pleasant and successful remedies ever pr*'- ed for disease. ■ Thet patient ? • piies one, -soon bf comes. drowsy, Mails tasls and awakes free from pain, and no blsjift * other unpleasant or inynripus consctpteikcs'S sue, '- For l:''-r::he and Acrr-us Headache, - ; p ply, nccoi ding' *.tp’directions., and relief ten surely follow. Nothing oan be obtained s* 111 to Dr. llurd's Compress for- Neuralgia.; -R them. They a?? entirely a. novel, curious »d original preparation, and wonderfully tact?* fnl. They arc of two sties, one small, for’®! face, price 15 cents, and the other large, ft -1 application to the body, price 37 cents. "" be mailed on receipt of price and one jam/. . WHAT ARE tilE\ I’jEOFI.E HOISOI The American people lire intelligent enchgkd appreciate preparations that contributcsoi“® to, happiness of those using them, and i. wont them. Every mail brings us letters,^ ordering the Treatise on Teel It/ »on-c_ Jr" rajgia Plasters, anihuot a few enclosings' for the Mouth Wasip to bo sent by man- . f to these we.are compelled to reply t 'J ,t ' impossible to send ii half-pint bottle j The people want ,these Remedies. '" w supply thant 1 Now is the - i • ■-■ J j HANC F, FOR Ati ENTS- :aU upon us We clai.m to. he every urti oSjibly purcUntc iJed to with when you visit- nUre • Si. , A . .W -jI.ER, -'Agent. STITUTE . M., Prin. j overness. I. COMMENCE th, ISG3, lia aim. of the thorough, espe- lass. ng to fit ihem fortned at the $3B 00 $B,OO > i inquire I of Ihe T. TAYT.OR: 0.10. | (a County, i 6j 18«3. f Rf' PER OEKt, this Bank, for slhred this day. lir legal rcpre. i dividend will Tax. the Bank of the .same to D HOOPS. - r Cashier IGE. " psinest with the ( call with Mr, alhorited to at y absence. Also isconnis will call as possible. As jo' home for the Uty.T. hope my tr patronage as jallbn at the shoe lie tan-yard. D. BTOKBS. AND I , f-. - , , urinj Toothache and Neuralgia Shrewd agents can make a small fo carrying these articles around to fjmi l , Dental Treasury is the boatcsi * TtlC ‘J tll j'd man or woman can carry arotind. «- one and see, or, heller, a dozen, w Al wfll sell, as samples7for-$7- ;A? el ’. t! 'liberally with circulars. SfiT^’ 0 "' J’ 'jmikt' to to go info the business.' todogo-" 1 - . a profit. We are spending benefit of agents. Sew England m* !, men! here is something nioci;SnJ ». . ■take the tide at its flood. Address* 1 WM. B. HUI!D* c . u .; t . • i Trihube Buildings, No" * ccll {. That remitt acres may be mad* ~.T Oj d dsnec, IV. 11, H. A Co., referMo the » ‘Brooklyn; ; to Gi W. Griffith. .cw, '.TB*snd Citinnsßuxxk. Brooklyn. jfjf .-W«*e feq .t'--:; ,-s i - u:>> u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers