On the.- lllth insh, 1 ’a’ bis residence 1,1 jrr d a vib and Mirß IjUCS*tia V\rr eldest daughter ,ot Capt. Geo. g Yflui & all of Achor. Colnmbjp cC n''ij ,C Ifitb inst.. by Renben.Wßtt, jjr Tbomas CabpbelX.' nr IHi '**%' lr jlisp Jant Davis, of. Coldm- ' - - - 1 r Do 5 You Want Employment. | rrE |> li pleiisant tuMECM for the Sprinrg T ■ 1 Cuaicr, with large profit*. Send for A “ r ;-cular t ‘ containing full information. '. r "‘T GFO. EDW’D SKAR3,- ■: A3 “f ' 181 William St. K. t. -•ffjirlt*- ' -•— F&zjtjsrcasr . j ff(;G],] N FACTORY" THE cadet-signed expects to commence, Carding, Spinning, Fulling, ■iiisg and p F ciu fi! alao t 0 tnsnufectinfe ' i-'trdL ; Cloti. Oassitoeres, Satidetu 'and r>ri»«. st “7 oM P lace in Ealiato “- fw -Vane iurabiiitv. 1 can warrant the good* not to be Eur-passed. For tho of those bn the cast side of V'i;.-.cr. TToot, etc., can be left at! my house S '-„'fa-ii istvaship, or John Hodgkiniion's 'iso- Brighton. : ■ I !!3 ‘ ' EPU’M. SMITH. ' {*9 $l,OO REWARD ■pjiS av.cj from the subscriber, living in ■Vi'w Galilee, Bearer county, on Sunday B ;■ , • an --:] ( >rtei boy from the House ‘of Cn.iFi.ss V. Loso ; about. J 6 a-e, (lark , bsir, heavy countenance, i'c'cder iu.ni: bud on blue jeanroundubout and L beU . AU ncri-ous ni red not to harbor. o r trust him on my account. 1 willpaj the chore reward, oud.no further charges, to any „nt returning him. ' ■ I 1 jc2f>,6s THOMAS: GRANT. NOTICE- TUE Stockholders o: tjio “He* Brighton >litiufkCturing 'Cotr.pnny” »re hereby ho ! titled thi*, the Annuel meeting, and election f<>r officers, will be held office of B. B ciuimus, Eeti-, in New Brighton, on Sat urday. July 18th, next, between the hours of !: it and Vo dock. EDIT'D. HOOFS, , ! ;i S. Brighton. Jua o,24, ■do-. , Secy., j Strayedj OJfrie (ith insf., front the subscriber, it small Cow, yellowish color, small straight •horns; iu» other iri*rk«. . The' finder will be liberally rewarded W information, or for The i.iflm ; rv cf the in liridrcwuTcr. ■: -'t£ne24,#3- 1 I.OCla hbkman; Kuos. Trait Farm & Nurseries. •ear* we hiv* n*oue the culti'a- for < S3IALL FH UlTS»*pecs*u t, kr.ij iutu v mult-v* qcajctitt •iuJ i vr* !T¥, i-j.T triovk 'if % i'nc' «•*! rian‘.b of }\ L.\TKi‘* 1-- I.RIKS, ; -* Wh.tVK. 0 . ,5-i VPKiIKUIK??. ij-y. »>K Ci;!;i!ANK \tc. Ac SrT.KKHrKS, . uuy where, we offer «jh '*l* icrvu?. Pui-iie# wishing lo wowhi.Ob will' to forte with ;ii% ' - v:;;U lor rryr I'Kin* ' 3.1.51 V -vhirh will ■b« •jv' t to as! free of rha«*jfij. . C*r S*3tJ Store and Horticulture House J* \7 >',(). SCS> I’Tiftb Hti-iiet j '•Vv-iO-aV: c.tVcd to such j«n cst&V u*. v-i 94 ha»i of the he-:: quality, r J KNOX; rox lf£, lVi,burg. IV C K IKjckstsox, Pitisfc'^j it, * bi 2iiJ,i.EH lUCKETSOX, < mm **l> IkThSTE tft %» Wines and Segars, Bran^isn, ' i'. ’ Ctr. tf LUirt*; i jr-, ■; ': Jp}Tf<nviio. Pa. tor. Terr, fce.j it .^artanUy - . . «n Vjiid.. f [au “TIU ; X T Tii-oi-i,f| Arch Street cbcve Third, j | J rnn;A!!i:u’p?A' p A , ! Nc vrccmer, Prop’r. I ■ lent by j ’ivMf i JxrtF '*C i-ic i pfltipterf. to Jl*«» I Vulnir 5 jjA-f.. : j Upton S. ,'rrmis uv.-.n* t •■■. fit T.v.ivir- »• i*.\ h. -'\ :-_y 1 -Th”'V mmi Kl\(i 1 ' ■ irL.suy k.\t 4 . ■ j' ' ii' ■■ .u . ili’,:-1 fi i p\. i I-r l+,. £ ft.**. mbs,* mik.siu.NO.-j PITTSBURG V/ATEB . |cTOJS. •" liisferiw to H YI*EO- P* 5-*• j ! !l * fu7 ' ta tremnsent «f ,»lj end no'lr.ssitutiun in this e'-nn ■ , T p->'.4>nes greater hrUiiim for its ■ -‘i.’.-n rrjaa tLis. ; * fcVtf I’t'ieritl Oirr-tiinr Vldres* 1 in. V.-.M i)a.vi;i.i:ton, I’liisKnrg. I'a. ; 'Tt.o Howe Sewing iSEchine,” sold i;v ' „A. ; M. 3J'G li E C OH, ■■■'•r.il.i’KNN .VST. C'.'AIIS STS., ' INTT-Siy; i.‘G, Mrns avi.y to ok to he,jvp 1. . ' i»R*currb. ' ::-p=T-cr;. , : TSotiC3!>j T-' Hsrrby. given tar.l I hard been appointed - •iVgfen by the Pension Department, to 'r-’-taice w °unded and invalid Soldiers, dis- f rolo eerT ; cc . m y authority t 0 “V County. Sute or Territory. * am now rcody to enter upon the oi mr duties. V . .. jaEOUQE JIcCOQK, >M. D , i -4t. J'.iamiuibg Surgeon. Dollars Reward- ' I , 'CL give the nbjive reward lo any per- X Snding, or giving mo information that recovery of my bo/ Tiiosa*, * ,^ Mr. Dunseith. about four i >w Be »w. -on the 10th Apriplast. "as not been heard of since. He is about yifW fair hair, grey eyes. There were' I'O’xdeivon his face.' caused by the ; • a S of a pistol. , Address ' f ■ DAVID WP.TOITT, 1 -3 tfebster st., Pittsburg. Cpnftsjiong & Experience of an Invalid. P . hISKbD tor the oenefit and asa warn-. f trf ln ? * n< t a caution to young men ivho snf he v ” ,m , rvoUB Debility, Premature Decay Sjif o PPv ,n g at the same time the means ol afl< r i” By ont who has cured himseli leal put t 0 “p«UAO through med- R “, d a q “C k lr By enoloiin «« tir envelopes, tingle copies MAVFA(p h S * f i h * • uthor . NAXHA.NTEI a*«fcfy E * q ‘‘ B * dfort « Kin** Co., K. T. CW- s t**av- ■ in f : v^i h * o? the subaeriber, f n“, fe" q> '- * Vo » t Ist of July, £i years old. The owner is ?»v fo ™ard, P«>»« property, »i!J Hi t ? k * h« away; otherwi.osbe . J*l»2a?“ ,f • T6ordu >g to law. - xwoe. »rtm,FY.- 11, OM Beaver Markets. FUmr Mf bbL oo] do '«;,lootta ......J 3 T 6; Pried Apple* per bnaheL...,. % ....._ 1 Go ■ do Fivnci " ...850 Wheat , •«. “ .... .140: Com . ............... ,Wi Bjt , “ t«>! Oats '•* v 66 Barley - “ •< ~..„ Clorer Seed. •• “ 600 W. ' ! Timothy St •» « .2 00 |i Flax Scad, “ BCO v Beans, *'..*• “ .-. 276 . Potatoes, •• V 76 Onions,, . •• ,'J 100 Cora Meal,. “ 1 CO Eggs. |“ doxeo „...« 12 Batter, lb 16 1 Hams, V v IQ Should*!*,. Sid**, Tallow, Lard, Candle*, Soap, Molasses, Carbon Oil. “ REVENUE STAMPS. "TT'ERT GREAT INCONVENIENCE lIAT f intc been experienced in Ibis immediate vicinity, for-the want of! a depository for Rev enue Stamps, tlio Undersigned purposes, from end after the 22d ingt., to keep on hand a sup ply of Uie different denominations —sufficient for the public accommodation. Purchaser*, in all catr:, rriH be expected to make the requi site.chunge in coin or gorirmntntfundt, Puotu’vb OrncE. I), >l. WETAND. Bearer, June 16, ’63. if ORPHANS’ COURT SALE.- BV virtue of an alias ord.er of tha Orphans* Ci-v-'n c f Bearer county, will be exposed to saU, by . public rendue or out,-cry r on tbe premises, on - ' - ! Tuesday: the SO th diiy of June. 1&63,". ; at 12 o'cloik. M., the following real estate Of,, j Joan Gibb,Ldec’d, situw*. in Hanover tp.. in |-p jsx jOE LETTERS. • UNCALLED JFOR, : said county, .bounded and described as fol- i | j remaining in the l’tr-t otfiec at Beaver C. [lows, to wit;'- ! ILPa.. Way Itith, 18«ih | Beginning at~a post, thence by lands of Mer- J Barnes Elijah ; (Horner. Jan* s\- •cer and Crcary, south 27east, 244 perches to i Bradford \y U . Haslet J / ' post; thence by lands of Burgher and Lance, i Bradley E. I Lewis Mias' f ' bbj east, -perches to hickory: thence by land j. Barites Samantha j Letter C' 1 1 of John A. Gibb, north 14° 4tT west 149 C j Csnncll Hiram''- ;Magee Miry perches to" a stone, thence by land of Alex..: rhristy Aidant iMooreJohnW Gibb; north 28, -west 163 5 perches 'to post: 1 Cunningham Julia Pontefract licnj thence by lands of John and James M’Keniie, 1 Crawford !Sar»h M, 2 Stewart E J , south 61 J-west Ido perches to place of begin- j Crawford Sami tSncsd John- ' [ ning; containing One Hundred and Sixty-six 1 KlUotb Wm -'Smith Edwd, 2 * j acres and One ll,uudred ifnd Thirty-eix percli-j Pinv John 1 j Wilson Jaa R. - i es. strict measure;'about 100 acres cleared fjeer John Uvilsou Sarah - and iu a good, state of cultivation, and on ; Gosnell Jarre* / Iwilson John II ’ i which-are erected a good two story dwelling : (J,avers Elisabeth . (Walker K R , [ house, and two story barnf CO by 40 feet.— I Hcrwig Ernest ;* ‘.Wakcman Elisabeth The land is otthe best quality, and well im- j Holmes John I Wright Robert a proved. . ; Henderson Win . Tebsis— Onc-tbiril of the purchase' 'money to.be paid in band upoa the confirmation of toe sale by the Cpuft, ohe-thiro in one year j thereafter, with interest thereon from chnf.r -i tuition of sale; .and the deferred instalment to ; remain charged upon the premises during the I life of the widow, the interest thereof.to be | paid to her annually; from and after the cou- I nrtlmtion by the purchaser, his beirsand as signs, and at her death the deferred instal j ment to be paid to the perrons legally entitled | thereto; the last two instalments to be secured [ by bond and mortgage. 1 #®t-Far further information enquire ofW. H. 1 easier, Adra’r. of said dec'd., Frankfort Springs, Beaverco.. Pa. . Bribe Const. „ Jel'v A: G. M’CREARV. Cl'k. .xHirar-s* WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. I WILSON, M’BLROY & CO., O* Wood St., PITTSBURGH,, PA-, jfjrrhß THEIB. STOCK FOB THE sip:r,i:n-q- of isss, At th* Low*»t Maxest Pkici K«.#r. Sr>,’63 ; • |3O. Employment $lOO COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED I’O Sfett GOODS FOR THE : I ADAMS . . , .(A-NEW ENGLAND) Menu fa ct u ring Company. Tf» ' WILL GIVE: A COMMISSION OF > T aa a Imadiper cent, on nil (foods sOM.hJ out Agents, or pay vana of, frotrSE') to $lOO per month and pay a!l ne-i i eesjary eipensce, , for partienlir* addres* I with ataL-.p. 1 ' . i -2[ 1 : CUAS. RtGOLESi Son. A g -t,,* ! Tor the Adittna DelrioT,' Michigan., i ’ July 2, 18fi2. NOTICE TO SOLDIERS ! The undersigned ras opened an 1 OEccin WASHINGTON, Di C. :r.r the Collection of | , ■ Pensions, Back Pfcy and Bounty, / due Soldier*,; andwill promptly attend tp all ■b-tsinlaa entrusted to bim.and will furnißbjn ornation relative to such claims, upon tnelol sure of ncceuary postage atacipe. ! bamukl a. Power, 1 : ,f . (Kirkwood Ilotafe,) . . fehl I’CS : ;:WasHisoTOJi. D. C. (New Castle Courant, Butler Ameri can, and Beaver Star copy andsead bill to this office. 1 , - i V ANEW'! and beautiful edition OF T&K-. - 1 MISTAKES 0F EDUf ITED MSS. . BY JOHS 5. RART. LL. D., I iAMO., muslin, price 60 cant*; paper cov ±/£'-ere, 25 cents.' Cobles of this book will be sent by mail on receipt of lh« price, in postage-stamps. Pleas address . ■ J. C. GARRIGDES. Publisher, 148 South Fourth street, Phil's. Pa. . .. mar 26. _ j For Sale at tfießeave rbrug Store MARTIM'B COAL OIL BCftIfERS—THE oil ? ... EXECUTOR’S NOTICE, 1 Also Carbon (Ml Lanterns withoiitchimneys. -«-TrrnEREAS letters testamentary onUic For sale »t Drag Store of C,' P| Cummin*-;- astateof Margaret doHssTtn!, late of Gtm Powder Young Hyson *nd Bhclr Teas; Booth Bearer Ip., Bearer countv; : Penna., all good; Coffee, Eat. Coffee. dee’d; baring been f-rantedto the undersigned. Gold peai, Spectacles, Golden SjTUp for tablfc per»on< indebted to said estate are.request uac. a prune thing; a cheap, Syrup, t 0 m ade immediate payment, and those baring rery good; hominy. haqd tcrobing c \*lma agttitul the same will present them brashes and salt. I ;_' properly authenticated for eettlemcr.il; Zant currants and Baiaona for tala ti .0* r " ' JOS; JOHNSTON,. S. Bearer tp. Cummins’Drag Store. ’ , ‘ ' JOtj. MARTIN, , ■tv 1 . [,mayl>* ! Eiechtora. ; EXECUTOR’S froTlCiS * TETBBSi tMtimfttary on the Estate of JLi jARi Mittia; lata, of Darlington town ship, Bearer County, Penn’s dcc’d haripg haea . granted to the un.de.rsigned, 'porsdns indebted to aaid, estate are requested to' mate immediate payment, and those haring claims aaainst thßsama rrillVpreaelht thampraperly aulhenUcatadforaeteieiMiit. . • ;.i i , JOBN.BiVABOMKNjDarWid tp. | ,• m*yff*W j-’ .'** „* : . WHEREAS loiters tcttmmttrj having been. granted to the undersigned, en the estate of Ribicba Bunt, dee’d., lata of Economy tp., Beaver county, Pa., all persona knowing tbemeelves indebted to said estate are requested to make paymeh't immediately ind tbt>« baring «laime against the tame will present them to”the subscriber doly anthenti eated feri'ecttlenient. ’• - • '■ 4IURVIN.HCU.. ep& IJJ , _ Bieeoter , I= earn rat in* <uus». u “ Gallon. EIECUTOfcS NOTICE: 1 J j l Employment! $25. . AGiSSTS WAITED. We will pt; from £25 to per month, snd.eU expenses, to. gouts, or plrea commission, . Particulars sent free. Address £rit -Awing',: Maciau ' Coatpath, iE.: Jans, Ccneml Agent, A/ilan.O? - majO DBYGOODSI DBT GOODS!! It tii? totirat possible beige, ! - - " V at ■: , '• I ■ FORTUNE’S NEW STORE. | IN ROCHESTER, {Near iht Pott Office,') "VTOW opening. A choice assortment of 11 NEW GOODS, Consisting in part of. DRESSGOoi)S,‘* MOZ. AHBIQUKS, DELAINES, LAWNS. . . ! PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CHECKS. TICKING, COTTON A DES, JEANS. OASSTMERES, HOSIERY. GLOVES. • HOOP SKIRTS. COLLARS, • TRIMMINGS, BONNETS, HATS. - K RIBBONS, FLOWERS, i - Ij • RUCHES, . Ladits’ and Children’s Shoes, Ladies’ Siie/jucs and Circulars, li ‘ Lavella* from Iff to SO cents; per yard, j I Brown and Black muslins, very low, j Merrimack and .S;.rogue chinuea, cheap. I Shawls ] of every turioty. Lower than ever. Look lit this." ‘‘ *. !l "f j‘ The.low prices at whiclrmy stock was j pur chased, cn:; Ules me to offer great induce ments to personsrwlahitg; to buy. Come; one. Come all,: to the Sew Store in Rochester, and save trom *25 to 50 per cent, in buying jwhaf you actually want. • 10 10 IS 8 - 68 60 ' r I. >1 Persons calling for letters ini the above Lief will please say they advertised? ' ; I | . j, M. J. A.NDEUSiOT*, P.|M. £§**, Office Hours: From 7 A. M. till CJ'V.M., LIST OF J,ETT£itsr USCALLBIi 'FOR remaining : n t..c Poat Office at Rochester Pa.. M«v;i3tb, 1803; I Bsnzo Sophia 'iflamon Joseph ; Uudo Ann’ iMurpby Joseph . J 2 lirituih MAE' .f Miller Margaret iiowman i.'Seph; H .PottsMaryJ Cunningham Kohl ■ {jlteed Baker a . Confer Annie iKapp Christ. i Croth'er? Jpha . iStuarJ Wm C Dera James jSovvas John | Erb Julian iStcvens II P ik Erb C l jVanhorn Louisa^ Elliott Sarah . White Margaret Grant Wai K. Waite Nao Henry WM . j Bersonsfcalling for Istters ja the above list,'] will please nay they are advertised. ■ ' 1/ ]"■ T. ,M.| TAVLOH, >. jM. j ■ IQjlOffice hours, during the summer, T! ». m,’to 7 j>. m. ( 1 1 j Wool] Growers’ 1' MEETING OF THE WOOD GROWERS J\ of tile south Bill? of the Ohio|riyer, in Bearer co|unty, will he held in Ml-ch attic «- burg, Raccoon townsbipt on Uic 15th day of June, 18113, at the houhof 1 o'clock, p, m.; for'the purpose of establishing a uniform price throughout the country, appointing corres ponding cemtniUecs lb ivinfor with other sec tions of the country, an t to transact any oth er business interesting to Wool-growers. May SOtli. 1888. {/ EXECUTORS' XOlloiTn WIIIB FAS letters testr-m >ntary onflhe estate of Bap.au Russeu., late of Moon tontnahip Bearer county, dcc'd, .haring been granted to the undersigned, till ■p r, rsonsU in dehied to said csta'c are fcqucstid tq| hptke immediate payment, and buying agflnst the same will present th;cm’properly au&nticated for settlement. I ll I I ROBERT DUNCAN, Moon tp.. 63 , ■ ■ Executor. jborresoondenoe V BT two ypung, Cair a trym eii, who are lone- 1 some, and tired of-the dull monotony of camp life, with two or more'Union-loving la dies, who hare a fund of good humor and wit, with a r view to friendship and its results. iar Address—with “1’hoto” enclosed —- “Bin Eagih,'’ or" Ron. Raueleb,” General Palmers’e Esc.-rt, Murfreesboro. Tcrtn. f[. SEALED PROPOSALS [ \\T lI.LII.L b» received up to the 4(Ji gf July, VV for excavating the wells ami re building the town Pumps, in Phillipsburgb, Beaver eOunty, P«. i further particulars will be given. (and Proposals, received, »t BI MBEK’S HOTEL, Pbillipsburgii. , ' , i r ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS of administration On the estatebf David Derail,'late of Hanover tp, Bea. verco., dec’tf, having been grSnted to the! un- Jerigned, all persons indebted to said estate lore requested to make immediate payment, and jthosc having ! claim gainst said estate ittill present them |to i the subscriber properly au thenticated for settlement. . '! J. M. HEED, Qreene fp., i JelO,’6J. }- Administrator. c. r. cruHiKS, s. n. ...J. n. ocjuciks, *. d. C. P. Cnminins & Son, OFFER their professional services as Phy sicians and Surgeons, to the citizens of Beaver andvicinity. They can always, be found, when: not professionly engaged, at the Drug Store of C. P. Cummins.' M.' D. > I - ■ - • '"I 1... I =I=10==•:! $75l Respectfully, I F. A. FOUTCSE. 1 ii __ _ ’f Ar,ta, Bed Bugs, Moths in Furs, .Wool lens,. &q. Insects on. Plants, Fqwls, Animals, dec. . Pat up in 23c'. Co. and SI. Boses, Bottles and Flasks, $3 and $5 sizes for Hotels, Publioln stitntions, 4c. • . - ‘•Only infallible Remedies known.” | “Free from Poisons.” ■ ! •■Not dangerous to the Human Family,' ( . “Bata corns out of their boles to die.” Sold* Wholesale in oil large cities. ' £Q?"SoId by all Druggists ana Retailers. t&''. ! Beware! lof all worthless imitations. that “CoslarVi name is on each BoZ, Bottle and Flask, before yon buy; PST Address JIENBT 11. COSTAR, Principal Depot; 4Si Broadway, N. Y. r ]K£f*Sold by C. P. Ccsmuts & Son, . Wholesale and Retail Agents, may 1363 ■■ Bearer. Pa. A NEW FEATURE r . ■ ' j I S MA R BIS V? l<> U K • I -HE subscriber-baa purchased from the i Pateuteeihe right to use,, in tbi't county, a dct and beautiful invention- for [protecting LIKENESSES IN TOMBSTONES and is no* prepared to furnish ; Monuments or Head-Stones, with tbw. u&ciul improvement at exceedingly * • low pnew*. 1 THE EHIELIJ 5 serves to screen and protect the picture of the deceased, and become.* a neat and appropriate ornament to.tuc stone. I‘iot urea arc put in i .UK 'hciiT CASKS:, t:i:i r|rc nift.lc to jitcscWc.ll.tiroriginal beauty am! cxjression lor niany y,;.r". All kind, of Burble pork,-military dcaigne’, .ei*t. cr.-vnic Ton Miotl t'.o'icr. ( IV; il. MARSHALL. • Rochester Jb'.rljlc Works. pmjG pT i m e T ab l e . CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH, R. R. Beaver Station-r-GoiNft East. Commenciry, Monday, Ayr. ISG3. —Trains bai? J>e n vn-Station - } 7:20 a. 3i. Arrircfi at rkubiirgh, 0:10 a. ts. I:.W i». «. : “ #:2O p.,m. G:£»‘i r. id’. ‘V • ** K ■<- t 2*. 31. Ooiso West— j ' Trhint Imre I’iut'mrgh at fo,lcvt: 0:00 1. M. . Arrives at Beaver,7t4o X.iti. >12:40‘r,.v. ’ Etchcfcl!p;..;.‘2:(o p. ». Sr&'» p. m. • . “ i v ...5:25 p. »i. ,T.X. McCELLOLAiIf,- I’rtzL F- 1!. M VEU. 1 !, Vent T.ekt! Ayt«{: PITTfjRrKG, FT! WAYNE & CHICAGO E. li. Rochester Station—EoinM; East. • ' -Leans Itochester !|Arr. at Pit is. U-t Brigli’n 'Accom. Gi.in a; M.;i|... 7:00 a. - 2d Bripl.’n;! “ 0:15 p. m./J.!. 8:25 a. ji. 3d Brigli’n ; *‘ . 3:05 r. >; 50II) 1-. :r. Mail, . 5:25 r. ....... 7:05 P. M. ist Express, bi!;» a. m.;.... i 25 a. ji. 2d Express, ' 2:1") p, }i.,...i.:3:'!5 r. jr Cincin'li Lip. C:JS jp..;... ";5 r » p. >;. Goikc. IVicsT— f Loaves I’itts. Arr. at Uoolicj-ter. Crostlinc A<:coih. 0:10 A. M..A.,10:20 a. si. Ist lirigli’uAccom., 12:50 a. m...... 1:32 a. si. id HrigU'n '• 4:35 p. m G;l& p.'si. 3d •• fl : fiO p. y...... F ; r:r: !•. V. Mail, I 7:ikT; a. a.'..,.. >1:20 a. si. .1 st Express, lid Express, A 1;00 a. k.. —.. 2;IQ *. m. 12:40 K 1:5(! i‘. M. . BRADLEY, Snpt., E. D, ’• Quarterly I Statement OF TUB OF BEAVUt CtIUNTY, New UiiiunTc:;, -May C; 18G3. BE3UIIICES. Bills and Notes discounted, active...£-10,104 03 Same under protest...J.: r 100 Oft U. 8. 7 3-10 Treasury notes...:.. 4,850 00 U, S.jt.SiO G per ct. coupon bends:;. 22,‘300 00 Furmture and.Oftice Fixtures../....- 1;9S8 03?. Due trum othir 8ank5...... ...J 10.311 62{ Notes and Checks of other Banks "10,426'92 tl. 8: Degal Tender n0te5............ 42,020 00 Protest account,...; ; J... 1 41 Coin in Vault 0,377 81 T0ta1—;..:...: -.........-.5100,511.04 UABILITIES. I • Capital Stock paid in ...,• .....$82,475 00 Notes in Circulation 1,015 00 Profits and Earnings— 425 43 Dividends unpaid —. .., 3,71)9 75 Depositors ■ 71,95 G 1C Total... $160,511 34 BEAVER COUNTY as: Before me. a notary public, in.apdfor said County,..came Edward Hoops, Cashier of the Bank of Beaver County, wlio being duly affirmed nbtordjng'to lnw, dfe poScth that the above statement is correct and true, according to; the best of his knowledge and belief. EDWARD HOOPS. Affirmed and subscribed before me this 6th da* of May,lB*l3. J. C®THBETSON, N.. P. , , THE GREAT CAUSE OF Hum a n Mi sery . Juac rubli,h<4 m a SeaUdEnvelojie-, Trice OeU.- A LECTURE BY Dr. OULVERWELL, ON TUB CAUSE ANDCURF.oi Sritrma torch oca, Consumption. Mental' and. Physical Debility, Nervousness,- Epilepsy; ItnpaircdNu trition of the Body: Lassitude Weaknes- of the Limbs and the Bapk Indisposition, hud Incapacity for study afut Labor; ’Dullness of Apprehension; LAs of ~'d«r.ioiyj Aversion to Society;' Loro of So)dude; Timidity's Self- Distrust; Dirtiness;'Jicadache’; Attentions of the Eyes; Pimples on the Fact;;.lnvoluntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacity; the Conse quences-of youthful Indiscretion; &c„ 4c., • ;>9UThiif admirable Lecture clearly prove* that the above evils, may be removed withWv medicine' and without 1 Dfhgorcus surgical operations, end shpuld be read by every youth and every in the land. - Sent under seal, to any'address, in a plain Sealed envelope,.ra the receipt of six cents, or woposiage stamps, by addressing, CHAS. J. C. KLiNE * CO;, 127 Bowery,New York. Post Office 80x,4585. P»BOF. WOOD’S' RESTORATIVE CORDIA , and Bipod Renovator, the genuine .ani clecfer. fcie ettbv Brag Stare.af ' i ,»*; e. r. odmmusb ;■ DR. CSHEDSEMAI»'S,PIDT s ■. j* .T ” X Tn* combination of ingredients In. tlioso fTiHE eubfCribi if Edwin Villa are tbo result 'of a long nnd extensive iJLS X**kcr x., aj4j - 4% i«i>e C .and certain in correcting all irregularities, i Ne^ Brighton, on , .! . i j painful tnenstruationa,: removing all obsfruo- _ Saturday, 13th £ay of Jill . lions, whether from cold or otherwise, bead- • commencing at S o’clock, r. tin I ache, paini (n the side, pelpltationCf lie heart, I’***®* lo ‘ 4 ’ I ~i.it...'' .11 J.. _<r„ ,■ . i i .1 * n< * being in 'bo faorioghr of Fl whiUa. aU nervous affections, faligoji, hyster- BridgewMer, Beaver einnfy, Pa... ica, pain In the l|ack and limbs; etc.,disturbed | lio. 1. Water lot No. 48, in the p sleep, which arise fronf interrupt ion of nature. - boroiigh of Fallslon, bounded on f 1 ■ m.!' 1 ‘ ■ . —... (Water lot No 47. on the east by E< Dr Cheefieman 8 Pills j fitjj feel,,on the south by a si* feet was the commencement of a new era-in (he j lcj, and ontbc west.byMala stie< treatment of those irregularities and obstruc- f “if 0 . 2 - Tlie tundivid ;d] four-fiff tions Which have consigned so many to a rs*- ' J o! Pf'?“>. 1 ®* he F 1? ” I,f l* i J . . ton. being the south-wett part cf i matfbk crave.. No female can enjoy good tending forty feet on tho road or health unices she irregular, and whenever an forty Tect.on the 81-hv* r creek. . obstruction takes place the jenornl health he- ■ Y 3 -.'-The following described f gins to decline. 1 . j thd.scid borough of I aUston.lyn | , i • ; ’ } ana bbcndcdjis follow i, vii; Bcgn ! Dr. Cheeseman’s Pills j west side of a laid out (Street or alio re the most effectual remedy known for all 1 south line of lot nov.idr la.c, complaints pecltliar to Females. To aU clas-■ P ll,ro y. by thm same e o. 11, . t .7 • five degrees-west two bunhrod um scs they aicffinvaluable, inducing, with certain- (han.ee south .twenty-ivei degrees <F» periodical regularity. They are known to hundred feet. }iie*tc(j north,siiiy-fi j thousands, wifeLhave used'them at different' tw ® bundred/abd titty feet t< periods, throughout the country, busing tho . d euce liy the same norll. , . ! ■ , 6 uegrcc?, west-two hundred ieat to sanction of so?no of tbs most .opunent Pbysi- 1 beginning. I ' cians in Amerijca. - , , 1 . No. 4. Lot number 35 in the Explicit direflirmt, elating when they thould not i Brjdgewatcr (on'the plan of Mend be «W, with each Box—the Price One Dollar boumded as fblower vis: 0 ~ ■ »i ... ,by Beaver ailcy, on the east by h per Box, containing from 60 |o 60 Pills. . Mr &,, on tbe south by lot No. 36 Pills sent by mail, by remitting to 1 west by Pakauko strebt. the Proprietor; Dr. Smith of Bridge™ a ter No. 5. Lot N 0.23, of Mcndenhr sole agent for this County. . _ iof 'Bridgewater, bounded on the i Itiirnt/iMtav/vs.' | No. 24/east by Rhcshequln square H. B-HUTCHI ,GS, Proprietor. j feet, south by lot No- 22. -and wes - > Cedur 81., New lork. ’ kushkie street 2G feet,| ; Ko, The 'northern part of 10l said plan rrf’Mendenhall’* ad Ji cdjon the north by lol|No. 2-1. fn Hheslicquin Square fourteen feet,> < by n line parallel to the line conn Nc, 22 nml and on It he west by street fourteen feel. The sale will be.peremptory* cad>» i>n the delivery the Bcccp contain! covenant .of ppecial waj but reasonable time be a'ltbn nepessaiy examination of title by Further mformatloii may be . 'sale. I >♦ I EDWARD HOOP? Of E(lwin.M. New Brighton; MayllB*. ’G3. THE SIUIHEB TCI'E FlM'.ll! AI.WAYSUK.iUV. HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. I ‘ rt ' j *j '■ •' "V LONG marches, sore and stiff joints, blister ed and inflamed feet, all these the-i'oldirr j must endure, MOTHERS. REMEMBERTTIIS, ! when your sons are grasping* their muskets'to meet danger, think what relief a pot of this ijA RL HEALING & COOLING-Salves will give !| 10 the one you lore when far away from Lome i and friends. It hardens and makes tough the [ feet so that,they can endure great fatigue, It | soothes and relieves the inflamed and stiffened joints, leaving them supple; strong and vigor ;ous, while for i _■ .: SABRE CUTS AND GUNSHOT WOUNDS : at stands unequalled, removing and preventing I every vestige of, inflammation and gently drawing the e«. ges together, it quickly and completely heals the most frightly wounds. WIVES AND. SISTERS OU OUK VOLUN ■" -A TEEV.S ,(•:* - . A,,- Vo cannot ptj( into I lie ICr.n; vacks of your iiuahands. jßroth / 'rs, a mere valuable or morelneccssfirvfgift than a’supf-lv of ibis f EXTRAORDINARY MILITARY SALVE. ..The lonely, sentry walking hi* rounds at [ night, exposed! to drenching raiqs and chill j night air, is often seized the most VIOLENT t RAINS, COUGHS and SUFFOCATING j HOARSNESS, first symptoms qf QUICK CON SUMPTION, lint if supplied with HOLLO WAY’S rn,i.s had Holloway’s Oint ment, ail'd anger is averted,a few Pills taken night and morning, and thy ointment briskly rubbed twice ajday over,the throat and chest will remove the SEVEREST] PAINS: and stop the most distressing or DANGEROUf COUGH Tliefore we say to the whole'army, , J - SQLItIERS ATTENTION !! ,|. ■ ■ Sec to your (jwn health. do not truist to the Army supplies ({lt,hough most valuable. These PILLS and OINTMENT have tested, they arts the only remedies lised in the European Camps n»U Barracks, lor over forty years Doctor Holloway has'Vujflied all the fannies in Europe,-and during i'hc CRIMEAN UAMPAION he established a depot at Ilala clnvuu for tlie exclusive ■- V- i.f'these GREAT REMEDIES, runny .a time Lis special Agent (here has sold]over a (vn in 'weight- of.the j Oinlmcia in a single day. These terrible and ’ f.ii.'.l enemies uf I he KnMur in Camp. I DIARRHEA; DYSENTERY. -SCURVY. SORES ! and SC ft OF U ROUS ERUPTIONS. pill disap- , pear Ifkc a charm before these PILLS AM> j OINTMENT, ahd now while the Cry rings j throug^ouMhejland,-' Tf>iVRMS! TOAIIMS.!. -! i Do not let these brave men perish by dia- I ea-c,' place in Itheir hands these PRECIOUS” i REMEDIES, that will enable them to resist itlie) dangerous! exposures, '!the Fevers, the Chills, and the wounds which they cannot avoid, and what is more, cUnnot frequently pet (Succor in tike' moment of rmed. whereas, if jour I brave men have only to put their hands into 1 their Knapsaekh and find there a sure reniedv | Tor all the casualties, of the battle field; How | many thousands of lives would thus be saved ' who w ould otherwise perish before relief could, be obtained: I 1....' - •. j , CAUTION . —None arc genuine unless j the words ••Jlciloicuy, AVie York and Jjondon.”' are discardable as a water-mark :in every leaf of tlif* bonk of directions, aioundj! each pot or box; the same maybe plainly (seen by holding to tht light. A handsome reward will be given to any' one rendering such informa tion as may load to the detection of any party: or parties counterfeiting the medicines oryend ing the same; knowing.- them to be spurious. j** - * Sold at the Manufactory of,Professor ITot. t.oivat, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respect able Druggists and Dealers in .Medicines, throughout the civilized. world, in boxes at 25 cents, 02 cents and $1 each.' BtaFt There is| considerable .saving by taking i the larger sizes/, s N.ll.—Directions for the guidance •of pa ioals in every disorder are alhxed to each box. ' May 7. ■ • BEAVER DRUG Opened in the Oc cupied by the late m. Minis. rpiiE Subscriber having purchased the Es » lablishmcnt, will endeavor to keep con stantly on hand all articles usually found in Drugstores. i ’ 1 Being a Physician amLDriiggist, the public, may rely on his keeping the PUREST and BEST DRUG 8- A variety of other articles Will also be found in bis' establishment: Tea, Ertractl of Coffee, Rosin Soap. -. Fancy Soaps, Port Monies, Coinbs. ALL ARTICLES FOR THE TOILET. SPOOR COTTON r LEAD PENCILS, NEEDLES, ; STEEL PENS, HAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, , TOBACCO, SEGARS, LET TER, NOTE, k FOOLS CAP PAPER. Carbon Oil Lamps and Chimneys. TWfese arc a f;w’of the articles, and ouiy a few always on hand. Call and sec. Ho will try, by close attention and fair dealing, to give satisfaction to nil who may favor him with their custom. ’ .. . ;|c;q.iP. CUMMINS, M, D. attention wilt be paid to putting up Physicians prescriptions: [aug27 JAMES S. RUTAiV, Aifl?o R H £ t AT LAW. (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.') - BEAVER, PENN'A. - in the' Court House. A LL claims against the Government for baek pay,: bounty and pensions, proat cuted to aoUeetiea with the least possible de- T Notice in the Orphan THE following appraisements. Act of Assembly of April, city allowed tn Vie retained by* children of ndecedicnj. to the vnl have t>ecn filed in thi office of t 'of' tl*c Orphans* Heaver approved ui'i, to wit: Persona! property elected to he retained W. Alexander, dec’d. Ailm'j * Personal' property elected to be retained Ramsey, dec’d. Susni Tcrsonal property |l elected to be retained Fosterl nr., dec’d, BJ S.’ Foster, Adip’rij, . I . Personal property t < od to be retained by * dcc*d. Margaret Ko’ | to- amonnt jhj* the wid jii Hamsey’, • |to emounl l.hv widow J n' Itrtdfor 1 Personal property t j ed to he retained b; nlec’d. Jnrncs White. ' Personal property V edto be retained by v tlecVl. Jos. F. Petrel v. Personal property tc ed to bo retained bvi dee’d. Jolin Ovaij% jt| Personal property n e. 4 t o’bc ; re 11» in ed .by ■* 1 win, dcc'd* John 11. 1 .1 , Notice is hereby gix ; eMed jn xhr above tei (appear at the .Tunc To , and not later tlmn tKc the 3d uuy of Junt thcj* h:ivo. why the si • firmed absolute. / | xnayG,*63 i third day i, to shcW c.' itinc should V. G. M’CH STATE AND jCOUNTY i i ■ i milE: Connt-y Treasurer will* at j several Townships and Boroi purpose o( .receiving jib*! Count* Taxes Tor 1863, at the}ismcs and'; natpd below, viz: . . . } Georgetown, ' May 20. Ilaniiuor | Glasgow'& Ohio. do . 27, Smith's 1 ! Tmlu.«iVy, k */ do 28,.Kakiu‘s 1 | PhiliipFburrb, do 20,' j Freedom, . do-. 30. M’Oasko; ! Harmony, June 8j Store.'.’ . j r Rochester tp. f do K .V. m. Job I do boro., do lt\ do k Bridgewater, do 11, 11. Ankei Patterson, do 12, Rv.hortsq: B.rightonJtp., Jdp 13. K. Eukn. North Stfwickly, do L 36, N. Hazen Franklin, do 17: Autenreit Marion, do' 18. G. Hartzc Pulaski, ‘ do IP, U.TVallax New Brighton, do 20. Huron li; New Sewickly, ‘do 22, George R Econohiy, t do 23, George. M Cldppejvai do 24, MrsVCnn Big Beaver, do 25, Gracbing Ohio, do 25L Davinger phio& S.Beaver, do 27, Kerr’s sU South Beaver, do 29,-Jba. s l.nwi Fallsion, do 30, Toll boas Darlington boro, July 2. A. J. Coo . do . ; Ip,, do 3, J. P. Dih Raccoon, ' do 0, D. Ewing iitdepeudcnpc, do . 7, J. ! Ilulmei dp * Howcwell do 8, Reed & K Hopewell, >- do 9, Robt. Sec Mo6n,' 1 do 10, Wm. Elii i Hookstowh, do T 3, B.Swcarin do| & Greene ip do 14, t - :do- Hanover*drcene,do 15, George Mi Frabkfcrt, . do. 16. H. M’Cut Hanover, I 5 do 17, Short’s et ? Bor|ough & Tp., do can be made in i> mgj District. Tax-Puycrs are e:: procure Bankable funds. \ r a. 0. BRADS' aprj2.’63. ; T ■ ■ | ; ivotitjfc. Mf wife, Sr»Aa tViiKiNsos, hav bed and board,'.'all persons notified not to trust her bri mv ae i will not pay any debts of lier contr • BENOXI WILKINS I . Big Beny i mar.B,'6B j j Lawrence i rVWuiPTION C scription Law, or National Mil Ibw, complete, in pain ~Alsj>, informalicn embracing the 01 hleaud Ih'vl'iil way of escaping t draft; both .sent (post-paid) to o: upon receipt of $l,OO by the Agent j V 11. W. if AI f Box 1331, Pittsb A ftare'chance for a Good in; FOR SALE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF All STORK, in a good Location, w; run of custom; situate within 13 Pittsburg. -Just in' time for Fall n (Trade Stock low at present; no Goods. Terms easy. For ,a tnan i capital, no better chance could be < Store and - dwelling bouse ■ fori , 'Mum. ’fc” Allegheny City, 1; real| name.-’: end statin* where an efprVheld-., i . i:, GrSat Cities. u Weitto undersigned Mayor* .hereby oer. - w.ckof *uy thctthe Drosslsts, Apothecaries, ni Soreugn oi . Phyiloiaßs of our Borers! eiUo»h*ro yiinM V adocnmect-ef iinmoe to oa ths* A7SBW 10 next, - lIAttHAIBARTT.T.A hai bOoa tbuad to bo following | a remedy pf gnat oxoolloaoo. sad worthy rind, lying f the oenfidenoe.cf the oanuaianlty. ; ’i listen andj ; !• !i r- ■■■ .. BOB’. JAMES COOS, , otuovrsat, Jc&as. e north by ; avv creek . EON. ATjBTN BEABD, publia. al-1 Kayo? at NASHUA,. N. H. H<M f- B- ‘W- HAHRIKGTOF, £fc of Falla-1 Mayor of MA.NOHB.3XBa, N.i K.' oidlat.ej-H HOF. JOHF. ABBOTT, Btreet. Mayor of CONCORD, IT. H. five lots in ' HOF. A. H. BULLOOK, g together, i •■ •, Mayor, of WOBOEiSTBH, KA33. SO» 4 , FATHTi SIESBEE, ‘ If theheirs \ ; j , _ of BA-EIEM; MASS.. HOF, F.W. MFCOLFI Jr., hay foely j- r » - , Waror of BOSTON, 3CAS9. ei»Fi nwo. •; v-i • . .v ve de£i%*cs, EOUT. WltT. ,M. HODHAN, suit! street i f Mayor .of PROVIDENCE, B. I. &%•!&! *a:os r -57. BKBSfTioa. \-.: V- l;,-; . , Mayor 'of KOEWICII. CONN, borough of - HON; J. F. HARRIS, •nh,all s ad- ; Mayor of NSW'LONDON,'COHN. n the nortjh f\ usHkuslikie HON. CHAS. S« ROOTER, - arid do the ; Mayor of.MONTREAL, O. E. v. ~d. „ ! HON. D. F. TISMAFF, ,• ' i-' I>vtU byTutj * Mayor of NEW FORK CIXTIj ; tweatj-six ! HOF. H. M, KTFSTREY, ■ | i . by hush-.| .' Mayor of HAMILTON, C. W. i No. ,22. on J HOF." ADAM * WILSON, V ion, V.tintlr j •« >• Mayor of TORONTO, O. W. n . HOF- R. K. EISHOF, ;V f- - ton to ! . ..Mayor of fitNOINHATI, OHIO. Kushlfttsh-: HOF. Z. H. cftfc/FORD, ■ 1 Mayor aTLOUiaVILLP, HT. ’ the .terms ; !,- .. which • will HOF. JOHN. SLOAF, -i i ■nnt .only—| ' ; Mayor of L'SbFs; lOWA'' led for. »he > ■ i V. pt:reha«ere HOF. JAMES MsPEETERSi • jblained at J - Mayor of BOWMANVTLLE, O. W, : ; : HOF. JAMES W. FOBTH, V t :s, E (Tai' 1 ' I-iaydr of AHQUSTa. MB. HOF. HEFRY COdrSB, Jr.,- - : T -1 ■ ' Mayor of HALLOWELL, MB; 3 ’ Ccurt HOF* JAMES 8. SEEK.. '’ _under the . -Mayor of 3'EEDEKIGTOS, IT. B. •51, of prop- ; .- . ' , t ; widow -nr- HOF. 'WILEAPD FTE, te, of ; . Mayor of NEW BEDFORD, MASS: EOF. J.’ BLAISDEEE, Mayer of FALL 'EIVER,' . (jF lo aLounl iy the.wider HOMV Wi H. CfiAHSTONK v- i Alexander,- 1 Mayor of HEWPOBT, K. I- Margaret r * of ro • HOW. FRED STAHL; of Mayor of GAEEWA. ILL. IGT.' Of \i IC. ' • ’ , . t s . HOH. JOHI7 HODGDEjUV r K if ■ ; ‘ Mayor *bf DURGQUE, lOWA. J and'W HON. THOMAS CRU^Q^PIETiC, .' -A ; < CHATTAHOOCA, TEIiK. ’ f aic'iifr’ hon. Eoberlp elaih, / j., Kiyor of TUSCAIiOpSA, ALiL 1 >.a mount of ridow of G sior, Adrn'x ; aoiuvr.t of ! widow of Adra’f. ?300, civet: Hoir. B. D. BAUGH. J A • llto tam - I ■ . ' Mayor of MEMPHIS, TEWIf, ;SOO, ■ .elect-* ! fION. GEKARD STITH, ifer’ti Fcercl, ; r Mayor of NEW OHfHASS, riSi HON. H. I). SORAifTO':?. , ; ; V' Mftyociof BOCHWSIKr., if.jy. HON. Dfc WITt a ' I .«,40; elect- ; - Mayor of UTICA, ST...' T. i Marion It- „■■ - • ,_,••• j dra-r. Hour. GEO. WitsON, ' I' Mayor of PITTSBURG. PAi ■■■■-■■ ■■ ,J said Conrl, Xiayof'cf DETEOIi* Lncn.. ihcru< gEMTAN I.. : page. n.H 11 any nii y aT pf jSTTiVTiX Z.US, VTX3. not on con- •>’ . ‘ vi FAi: V, HOIT. ‘Wj. VATTG H3T. m I ti-ifc- ■ “ Mayor of EiCXKE, WIS. A' HON. A. F£EB. ■ ■[ ■: ■ , * t?. Mayor of KENOSHA, WX3. HON.; JOHN Ci, ETAnra^, Mayor of CHICAGO, IUJ.: ) amount of of A 1 , Adr;’r. fit* lohn Criijff, amount of' widow of Ex'r. a am‘l of S-i be widow o M’Donuld. I [en to ail p< oral Appra k*m nest, of TAX. end in gh?. for the and SfMe luces deaig-.j j EOl-T. if. J. 'HEATH, w . Mt.yoc.bf SELMA, AI.A. “HOE, A. J. EOBEE, ; ; | ... Mayor, of MCiTTGOAEEHY, AL^i *s hotel otol. o-el. torel. •’a elohc. ison’s hotel . do j’b hourly i’s. .Acre; • *c store. ; msther a; inis's. lungham’s. hotel, T cnee’s. J-f Ayer’s Sarsaparilla *I» on excellent remedy, and worthy the poa* .-c^th r B. u S. - ;• err’s store; i VS. - -- .For Spring Disease,. Per “Purifying the filood. ‘ | • For Scibfnl. or King’s EtII. • j ;. For Tumors, Ulcere, .ad Sores. f , For Eruptions and Pimples. For Blotches, Blnlus, and j Far St. Anthony’s Fire, Aosc, Or Fry. '■ For Tetter or Salt Rheiun,< - y[slp«las; ' For Scald Head, and Hlngworsn. i For Cancer and Canccrous flares.' For Sore Eyes, Bard Ears, and 11 amors. For Female lilseaset. For Suppression snd TrrcguUrity. j Par Syphillsl or Vcnarsal Diseases; For direr. Complaints. j Fcr Diseases of the Heart. igen’sbotel iller’s. ?hcon’s, ’ r rrc. - ’s Office. ; iny S'ljdiji:-j ipccUd 'to HAW, ■easurcr: s 1 | I in's left jlny ire hereby onr.t, ml cling. i ox, i'- lr ‘P;- I •0., Pa I TU« Mayor* of the chief elUos of the TJnt ted States, Canadas, and British Province*, Chiii, Peru, Brazil, Mexico, and In fact al ines t all the cities on this continent, have’ sirred this document, to assure their people What remedies they may use with safety and conildrr.ee. But our space will only . a portion of thtm. JitU Act of /iilet i’onn. [ ly, honora-. : j«5 i: ic • address PER, arg,.-Pfi.> Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, , Tj Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, i‘j Ayer’s Pills, and A.yer’s Ague Cure, estment. PtCPABED BT | Dr. I. C. jt/er & Co^ , LOWT-LL, BASS., Md sold by Srnggtsti every where; ; IOUNTRt ith miles of nd Winfcr unsalable of limited offered.— or vent.— a., giving interview 0ci.16. • : Wanted immediately, FOX,' MINK; RACCOON, SKUNK, and MUSKRAT SKlNSfrfor which! (be higboet; prices, uv Cash. . will- he paid 'lit tba’Cnenp . glottic* Kloreot I. ;X. Boaver—si*/ oftl<« nig Bat.', ; ‘ -i non. vr. s. hoeybad,: Mayor of COITJMSUS. QAi DOE ESPARTERO MAHTEI., . : May* of VEHA CBtJZ. DOE PXETBE DE CABABLO, MajrorlofMEJgcd DOE ESTEPHAEJpEODaiGIJES, mayor of HAVAIv A. DOE AETOEIO V Mayor of LIMA; MEED. DOE M, G. MILAN GEO, I Mayor Of VAI.PATj.ATnO, fTRTT.T DOE MARO SESpUTPEDALIA, ; Mayor of KIO .TAHBIHQ, BKaZH^ Certify, that' tho, resident Druggists have assured thorn i , , &denoe of the community. ;L-' v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers