v clip ..-r o.A'vir' jGimiAiraowßiaJfiMJPH. H i i_l_ r- Ai n . ALE SEMIN 4 L- Y • ‘ A Fkmify and an Agricultural Journal, the fiist really clever comic and 1 | V tv A • M’ileas D.U. ! * •' —' triial we have had in America—! p oar Diruiort- Key 1 „ criW*E:tITEBiTCKE, ■ 'via be kdad to know where fl S . D.'Mercer, is being thoroughly re-W I. , 4 I d native fun that has-something | au d SC-furnished, anlwtll btropched or . '*• « *f\“" pjetry, Novelettes, Tales, •i-r.isieifictuint. .. . Ilctnarkublo | A f u n corps of Teachers is being-select \ , . i ' _■ pTCTERTAIN i'. T&f'Utr. . ... i v ,bo will be presentat the opening ot the term. D,MORAL AND i • *•'.•. .is Ms conducted by. o sivacio-as, „ per Tprin of fourteen ISO RbAfilMf (jE& BBALIji. nt-lligeuli. corps of journalists.’ ,| BoarJ and r^m /furnislicd ............._..b08 00.. voti.l Hnquu-tr. " . , ri To those furnishing a pairof'sheets, pil :.. ~s t-v-eat an-influence as that of; j u a Mantel; and their own rraniuo" . • 1 , - S3OW er'l.nds himself laughing at the ( " d Fuel extra.; flashing 30 cents per -• iV.tm and docs not return . S tit t-r •treason, and spoils.’ —j Tui ‘ tion . ...M.. from $4 00, to h.;00 : li'latih: French and Gcmon, Wij i! Music and all branches ot Drawing and i Tainting will lie taught at the usual pnees.- I For further information address anv one of the Directors, or SPECIAL NOTICE. t r.w.ikchau' 3 . .flattering success'which I f«r' .attended the publication of I ••ViMHj Fair,” ‘ " I .•■ p-’,li-her jo ■>nnnunce that with icvW-uu of the Second-Volume, isj .. . . ,vjtL Juaej New Features, both . i .1 • :-tlc, will lie introduced. which i'..,- I valae.ji'ml interest.'of the yaj .'n'iv * Liiahitain, the proud’ position [y acv.'rJed|o it, as the leading i., ' ’ :u Journal or America. . VANITY FAIR ■t. kzullaelt iveey thcesdaT. by a 2 'Sewiaeß, and at the •übScation;' So 118 S*s»»li-«rert, TERMS: J . iU'.’ars per annum, in adranee ip oorv. : • ' TKI’MS FOP. ri.LBS: -ios of Van:tt Ftm will be sent to ;« ,Vr ■ V’ . .. . i 2 UO - 1 MO | to 11 -• thcgetter-- ~v c'in'b o! am '.ct=':b;in £tc ropies. .i-.typed. and numbers j ■ucueed at, -ir.v time. i , • ■ : 'Lot'ls H-STKI’IItN;-, Y f^.T-Ihe I’lepidei t*rs. l ie- N:ni siu-, I '.. ■! Ne-'v York. . d >ptv ii f.'.c iO?iev'of J'.V , : , sU-USCiIIPTION AGKNT. Y COOKE & CO., Bankers, ■j ioivni -TIIIBI# {■'Tl’r.f.T. r [ ’ wjji’adVjplita. Nov. 'l. V-C-- f ! / * I barir.c been appiinU: i&JHf-TIOX AGE;ir byilteSvrt**- J ica.-ury-, ii.DOWJVMtavca tv Ipr-. «>:* ;e, tie -'.rfj .ct Bcr\js. I j -i’ul i dwigciiScd as •'Five - 1.-.-.1hV.’.0 at *J.e yl«i?«rc ot tut j Liber ;.i «•!« five vtar.-. and authorized ; „ 1 <"'oj'cr< 'a{ j-fove-l February i ~_u_: ' i I-J . X?. (■•rpo:: r,ONI;S arc issued-la suajs °4j ' '■' !. 1 I.'(tNDS in sums of j?o0 j . i ;it ?:t ; j'n . cent! per annprr.j va"l j DRY G :rr-!u dais of purcuni'C. and •» j. . ! , - i . •' I ‘ ~"'J '■ i'.;i.:'jat>oinHl(s!sT I'EKCb’NT.I’ !C jS' ] ; p ;| ' I -i V :•' . •• n ' ’ i; rarer. 5 J: . •- -nsc-* f ar-irahsts, J *i>c: ieinl&r*:fXr’YtK.A- ; Jin, ■ni'Vf .M“KT<:-AOE ijj-.T. a’.t Ran- ■ •* rA “ *“] i ,t. v *o'k- ;i 'iii'l i*:?. t J::.:; I'-jvi ■'A-*: v on t.le cause of j'.riniii'ij. by ■ s»yri.«*'.. .ft «jtt*ysisi.t j..n> s.cev,.- and.] hfMv:.. :,dir. and InSernai: .'or ;'d'y Arrv ;; :-.,e- tp. ; - ,-y .-! ;::i or N.i- Li ..?*•!• : i t::: L'U rJ UjcL-v.lv: La;*:'ji >.•l*-' . '» ol "A 3 tom-v*. 1. 1-1- ; ; !L / L;lliU . :iwi ,I. C r.aik and / r, i "; u ' ; for j.Tia -Übor; Imllno.B- ol ,■ 'S**-.'/' : I.oi-B of. Memory;;-Aver-iyn, . r ;v: .v-M n! I s A A or: i.’-'Cftl Ten- o,y, ,- - r )v t. ~f .SM’.nitio : Tindd'ty : Sell . . r ji't'-t ■;i i (■’’ c*V.y oft LM'-kt e.t , • I.;, 7 ;; t‘' r; 11 eadacli e■,Afi or non bo! ' ; ; l: iS-i. Wy !l ad ihcTv:.;i : Vio>ide»' on the ,F:.ee: Inv.d.ir.tavy ■■ i■! -jii-T attention. an t-vety bud.ily ■ •a'f.ii Seven' Ine.tp-tetty : Otoe Eo-nße ■ : r. .'At be titi.:.deot on ".ppltea- • • -r.,nT. ln<li‘-i-r* lion. &c., &e., : t • b'c-j. 1 . . ‘ ! . , SfP. .Tht'o admirable I.eetttie dearly prove; ; dtps v Honda will.be kept ontand . t , tJn , a: . , vc cuurcera’ed..efteitsoll-i'fUicml ‘.lt-iiTcvy. ■ ! ~..I',. may be rci'N-voti venhoui mflleinc aij'l \V f ;< »>KK. ?t;ViM-.r;ption Apcnt. li; l ng«-rou‘ Mirgicai cpor-i’l-nt,. an<i _—■'■■ . .... lbe rbu-i by every Voutn and every mnj; ta t. . BSA¥EB I . inn.rb.r..!: ■' >’:. I v v -AVI) «\STI"'I]ITF- ; H..nt.,un.!ersea!, in r.nfr a<Mves.«; p.lain ! UV.UI I A.W .Ni' l » 4 A, :!: e reeei, -, r -la renb, or ■- r e T Taylor. A. M.. Prin. *t«o .--umvi. by r.dtlv-riap. ••••■ T , ‘r* ’ • 1 • ' ‘.ilAi<. J. KUNK ,N ror. fc>. GOV63 11C0... •|. novrerv.Ncw Vork.VoM (nficer-1i0x,4-3^o. !i. ?• HXT TKI.M AVI 1,3. 'COMMKN-.'.U I h:nifs ‘-‘.-v !*•'/. Vlt :'l U' (K O L'L o (': Iv ’ -S ',4 : xhc Min m‘ .h^l3c.ndelic>Ti{C6fX^e:- 1 - . ;:o ti'orov.cl 1 , r.'J Cj. \'i cpivfttK-n. in.vlnifr-'su l l:f' bo-l Java Iv •• n Ur;’h-’-.-y. j » S' t. :** vt*t>-nime.n*U'‘i ,bv v>io ?;i ns a« V r-onii;jlC’lass, "■ i /•. su r .-ri A-nitkithiiv v.Evki;a.;ki-. il^u. :c, r.t ™ hy^rpyrpn ■ ■ ■- x . t • ! .;•,•!>; ih* will) have ‘M'lr.pd.c-l l,r l 7V rMi /- : * U * ■ use M’ cvffcp.-vill nw thifii'tvl.slj -I\-j . o tV< rf* One can contain-* t Im* ! a - un.il-- of vnHuavv c>iTce. •24 ! 1!V, iir* n %ii. >* tV'.-r : v , 6 . ■ . •4 iin*l ' r - (if (lip I noc ~'J C l .’!*""- ' ‘“i- ; K'nrr.ocics U’va iy. r t twU'U The' pnv.tft lami-ittst UAKINO PO'VIiHR **• " "__ " ■ 1 i-.io-svji.-tV.rrosU'.ug ligft."s>«cVei »n<l nulritiwus 2100 Urvtui amii‘ : kp«. , l’ri.;c !•"> ceuts. 1 ' " vw ■ Maa'ufacmrr •by ■ , .MME'ICiAL AGENTS WANTED j J . GOODS Ff)R THE| j ■ ■ » I i —. .■! ul sell by al! Druggists and brpcrrn. I' C '~ n fi n £ Compan y. ( TO COUNTRY dealers: mu •" p';‘. !‘Z Ut^viyk li i.T !U-. r,r i. ■v. i.l j jiy ( ,f.l ' - *• . : j r : ., -.’l bp-: . T!i-’ has ahvkuVf.ii hnnil P-r.«*b»« ■Spcil.-r .U{«>«-' * < ;rAS. KR;i:!.i i, « t .„ A „ v ; ! : i h:: f. s - .■ Wulm:r!i, ' s * ; tue Adorns 'TV 1 1 l l ,: “’l l iJ.f.iji-i.-irs. l!i -— • ’• Jlrtjr ii, J*. nu'iit*. < 'a*' ?iml* OTX /~\ *f~> 1 ' I <- , >inmi*ivial ,NiiU‘,fia]ii_-rs.; i jivfiiijics, ! ‘'<a/ ,k n,.oi;s : ,vav! ~ ipVll,p c..r tip (1-, 1 SIIKi-.-11fd.11.T.5.-C.ijiy JWoks. S at- -.lnk. 1 ■ ' I.-. 1.,. ~,,; *4»vjv n ; ' n '\ ' '•AHbI.IHIt; Ik-irJji; \c.. 1 .!!I, , rL .. : vm- V ,; i’lcHvc-.-ri.. o ' ~ Ku sruNKu. V"‘;r;- v :- ,• *no.i-T. s. iUvh. ! - j_, '! _ , 73 Woui-l ot., l’ilt'b,i;!'^ll - i : roTicE. : - : ” j electioit. * : 1 ' M'jitkl-Vf.ftl.uav.rfu.-hU the' r r iU: •’..mpanvfwi ‘ ■ T •m.i;; j„ ; .y. .' A ta-Pi-.in- 1..-, ov.-r B lg -«o»i- M .Crl-ek,--' r.-:;,V. in* |. rn ,;ntb. : "V 110!1 .'' A""*-. Jnitb.i .-(.may 4f B,. :l v„r."ll •I**a n'iiln-.i. .1 a v *.' nt) i-1.-lrtion !V. r one i ■ rttl .u ;i >; \j.f " , ’J', 1 - 11 ' V s Ma'niirvr.' l . aiiil Tri-:i«m*pr.,n ill ■ I "!'ii.'in ■: ■'i i-i.i'n . 1 !a n : . 'l°' ’,'IV "i 1 " 1 >r/"-l nniuj.iinv, .*ll ! . tholaM k'TUv.Jayf.nf.lXj.riineM..! '"Kor 'tv ria- cu/.v nt r Hi l Employment. ox; ' :.si MI i r >1 li.;iii.■*' rirO; M' list;;,' i >1 Jwu ri.-j’.r ME iiii.iv 0: is ioo. ... aux-ti* account ‘I a ■ , , . >-V-h .v within ti c- »v tr .-,tiata-.I at lU I'JTTSSBURti HOLLAR ■ AV!Nr: - <): K - h«' rouwif street; • ’ - , O'-T/Ut, :il-i "ysv.lc * tI?I U! -* r * 111 terms. Ei,': i. : Qil \ H.. V"; I' '&• KAIJi-jOBESSF^ ir -. r ~^ st , v> r ? '•n'T’r* r* . J 1 •. \S j r r ' febflo WHOLESALE DRY GO \\mi MIiRMICD, 54 Wood St., V ] PITTSBURGH, PA , TTIEIR STOCK FOR THE OIF 1*863, At the [ Lowest Barret Price. mar.'"2* r s*U.3 '< AND BEAUTIFUL EDITION (ir n;-: ,; MISTAKES OK EDIIATED BY JOHN S; lIAPT, LL. 0 , x I Amo.. imJ-UnL price S<« cents: c»V; , ' ere. *.*o Tents. Cor.;, rof tV.s -‘"..Uv mill l on receipt of the pr.ee, ;n ’• pe.^ K « w»mt .-.-i Wests flares.- • •/ - j ' J.'f’. CAI’.UTGUKS. lV.Wi?!icr, ■ i- pie o. o.tb P'oor'h Piiii'.-. I'o. i • mar2rt. ■, * B ! Hpnoral Dealer in of CopM Liq-ic LS3S 00 **««ll.ni*P<*:jtj; 3 . iM o.'ci,, -k/.A. y, ’ ‘ ! ‘ -. JAM Trvas. N * F i i;!r ; T |: 'TG AdKS can b F O It S A L, E BTorK ANI) KI.XTrr.F.S or A ffiU.XTTtV, •■'lußL. in a gu.rtj Lo'-ation, iviiii ;i ], ir .i e ; ; ol cu. Mom; .-ilualc -within 13' In.ilrs -tf ; , .7~ n v •!.»»« J™ in time for Fall al Win. W ; i bt61*11112?. HOUSe , .Do You Want Employment 1 Ain H ’J k lcny JtU *‘ reM>,!r - : nrt hrisainhUs ca > ' i ca<-4 \ Y rtPKn* .. 4 ' v Terms easy. Tor a man tit' ■: O. -lO 4 ScjCOlld Stl 6Ct^ I an.; IV'tirn-i-* l Nrl? 0 ?*- *** i .no belter chance could he .jiFoivd.—■ 'nc'nvnsx wood kST* viiskrr] ’ I- u ’• n:i., ~L;’V li . . real nWc aad ,I -■ I * ?- ■ jJOAKDINQIBV THE.MKAL,PaVOR w'EBK. Xf «>d Blood ?ho .«mui -- r- ,v V . -7-1 /.• "? n S «■> :• , • i :: V. / j%.r «Lo IWSfcrtt* I ■ -*— h ‘ Ox.iJ.. i- ,; ■ Mrms. TVrjf, | ■ ,fa 2 •■ f>p; C, pr (T 1 :3iu c i^rp~ S. B. MERCER, Superintendent. .A. isTE'W e mm i , ; . , ■ Meirliunl Commission •, -M* 0 -v;■' , >iO'l ■'V ial'.Uo ru ■’ PeadH'-e. ■ tii'i ;’.s. <.' : :ar,s. Tobacoo} Ar&~ •u-ehouv*, , ; So v«7--* v nuth 2d btreo ladelplii^. iv.Uauceo ntatic f-n iru£ 2c*- *VrcT>l3l*SSO;>' 9 ptADr.s. nf ODS& GROCERIES. ___ __ _ H * T"b T J? "Jon aun i*-f *ait, Ior ; ,. O li: 'RkO-I) uck; Uiiiary ] Jih. ISO;?. tv v 2r» a /i.ilid p'.n* tp-/-r\ I'ru'r ij c’j. *-■ A.*_uLTt;>.. Treasury. i ; nr aver fiTOßßjk I Opened in the Boom fonnerly Oci ITI tL Mranr of 7th &ClieStniltSt.. fT'HF. -Subscriber hi’ 1 ®# th« Es !®-T CO S EU .H ! AjPA.r j. I.tfte-flßfflS.jaKf lnstitution, which was wtebUAedln Drugstores. ' T v ,' , I 1844, aid is. now consequently to t e ~ . Being a Phypiolen ind public I eigthteenth year of its existence, numbers • LL WHO hare Friends Sind Relatives la t>« rel _ on liis keeping thje PUREST and *■ INCfcUBISO lainoak its grituatca, hundreds of the most sue- Arm# or Nary, should take eHpecittl csre B KStt"”ORCQS-f i cesaful Merchants and-Duainesa Men of our lliat they he amply supplied with those Pills. V .* r r e v_: o f other iartiolcs will also he fouad | Country. 1 ij, , I and Ointment; and where the brayp Soldiers . * ini hia'establishment: ( I ' The objept of the Institution is solely af- an( i Sailers have neglected to provide them- _ L Vf ' /v.flVo ! Tint!* Soa P - ford young men facilities forthorongh prepa- Be i Te g with them, no better present'Can be sent Tea. Extract .Of . UOSin c>oq/.’, ration for business, i ‘ i 1 ‘ , them by their friends. They have been prov- p ancl/ SoitpsiPort MdnieS % Combh\ Tho brunches taught Book-keeping, as be the Soldier’s never-failing I friend in ARTICLES FOB - THE TOILET. I’cmnanship” fs!nd brnamjehtal; TROOfS SPOOL COTTON. LEX® ? E ?'ClllS,| . 1 . ' Commercial Law, -mathomaUca, Navigation, JVril be] speedily removed, and (effectually xVFT)L'FS' ; . STKEL PUNS,. H'Alfi *-«/ \V VVy i.- -vtirpri • Civil Zngtnecritfg, Drawing, _ Phonography, eu i-cd by using these admirable medicines, and J - > ?V i»Atmivt>orcinfe j. vA HVI and Modern Languages. •■ I .1, '■ by(paying proper attention to the, (Directions BELSIIES, •tf ,Pr. -EttnCt Celtkreud-MOVfM- WASH, The svnem of Instruction! is peculiar; no , w bich nrolattached to each Pot or Box. - TOBACCO,-SEGAES. LET- j iottlei. t '-j • • classes or set lessons are made use of, but each -gfcfc HEADACHES AND WANT QF IAPPE- TEE: NOTE &, POOLS- i VrS JJurd'r: Cneyuallcll TO.OTR TOdDli student is taught individually, so that he may I jTITEUNCIDENTAL Tp SOLDJEBS. PA.p PAPER pne'ioz. • •' ’ •• Commence at'any time, and attend at wbatev- These fecUngs which so sadden psi ]teuajly .FA , • ■ . ~ j) n Hurd’s Magic TOOTHACHE Duel's er hours arc most convenient. | trouble or annoyances, (obstructed Carlan Oil . La, rip? and thlfnZji'yS. , u , ie bottle. \_ ■' •Catalogues are issued (annually, after the, ponjphratipn, 0 r eating and drinking whoever These arc a-few. h’the articles, ,ahd-ouly a, . ,pr.\ Hurd’-i , VASMALID Ah'tildX;;/j 15th of April, containing names lof tljC stu- i 3 ,uhwholfesomc, thus disturbing phe beaßhful fe ' w a Khys bh haSd’J • -.Call and sec.'’. ■ L \ FLASThR. ' dents for thc ; year, and. full particulars of a i t i on ofthc liver and stomach, j Thcsd or- ■ He w - n (r ; by !closc attention 'and fair; Or.\ Us**» ..m th ('terms, Ac., and may he dhttiined at any time gans must he relieved,-ifyou desirq well, j ,O „ ive * a ti»factidh to all. who may [Preserving tie Teeth, !by addressing the Principal. The Pills] taking according to th.e printed in- j f _ him wilb t bei)‘.customl . 3 . ' Prope*. %TeatmeM,oj CMurc,, r 1, .A ■■ i In extensive accommodations, wide-spread 6t j-dclioni will quickly a produce | a healthy IC. P. cCMMINSi M, D. FLOSS Jot VkumM I a.)- iU !reputation, and the lengthy |e*pcHpnce of t,he action iu (both liver and atomach.| and, as a. , - .! h : te itti.m will be [mid to ™OTU PJCliMtt'., .c(4_ i , , • I Princinal this Institution offers facilities su- nn tural. c tinßcquence a clear head apd good ap- a n is. ... V , ......i.;, ■ r‘aiih 0 7 Prepared at Lr. fllurd s iDi-tut! (/£ C5 > U labors ih this department for ov« ta >•»““« ‘/I ' ' M . putting up D t - j, ' tvlyoars, have met the cordi.A M.probattonof pcrto y o ,T b . to- OB DEBILITY. INDL'CED Bk ” mMmAGE ' '■ Priee, oy&OLLAR; tul'public. . Ottv purpose ba* been to furnish a n.Wt.v: which will • | . ( OVER FATIGUE, !|,j ' , ' -v' ,■ . IST The Ihn&l Treasury makes useful and reliable information upon jncjc yo recou i m en*iation Tor them tb any Mer- will soon disappear by the use of these in-, TTS' loves, and hates, sorrows and. angers, eight inches liyfivc, and is sent hy Htr«. very important branches of industry, and to P House. ' valuahle 'Pills, and the Soldier willlquickly ac- I b„ P es itnll fearsiyegrets and joys : Ar.Vb- | J-hU Jmci/m ,3 tir im it m A. protect them so far as within pur- .poster ‘ Series ot Treatises on q U i,e additional strength.. b’evcr letthc bow- *hqOD, bow lost, hiw restored; the nature, | The following oyticles vvecan vetur against tbc'.itlse doctrines and selfish purpos- jj ()o j._|- ci .p; n g t now more widely circulated e l 3; be cilhcr confined dr unduly acted upon, treatment at d rndiqil' cure iof spermatci rlitca ]y by ntnil, viz : j, • es of the many empires and ' sensation-advcn- other work on the subject, are fop j t ma y j C cm stfattgc that Holloway’s Pills lor seminal ’ wcaknes f; involuntary a.-tnisraous; Tbc tn-uihe on Pmem'uy Ut Teeth, je^t. turers by which the Farmer ,as- • College.,; : M I should be recommended for Dysentery and ; seX uui debil ty and impediments to, pa id, on receipt of chxis, tt sailed. This portion of p.te Oernuinloicn Jr f ‘ ; S. IIODtiES CBITTEEDENi I FluS.-miny persons supposingtlialithey vrpuld i^e n ei-allt>; - nervousness, conturiiplion. . flits, 6 t a jj,p S . ... J, graph will alowe be worth the whole price ot lAltoniey-tU-Lair: ’ j A intjretiie the relaxation.! This is aj grbaf , intis-.j a uil physical incapacity, resulting from The Xeuralgia Flaiter.- ferXetiralgia a’;i. i.ubscriptiou,*s everjr uud y ■ ‘ I take; for these Pills VKJ| correct the Ijvcr'.und I tiKLF-ABtSE—aro| fully explained; in ‘ the j Face,-.Xdrvoua Headache.- and .Jlarache. [who- has a proper conception of his calling, —.—— .__ . ~~-7 - stoHtaclt and thus remove all tlic acrid humors 1 MAillMAGl'i GUIDE, .by MM- VOCNO, M. I).J r pd S t,paid, on receipt ot'-£i</h;ecn Cu..v.' «t •will readily admit.’ ‘ V. I TfntH Emit Ffli'm >8 fIUISBIXCBi froijt the system. This,medicinevvill give tone | TUiO most eitraoi-di t'arjvboot; should be in the j stamps; I For tnany vears we have made the cultiva- a ndi vigor to the wholelbrgeuic system ,Itowe«- | l iam l- <if every young penon -contcmj.la.ting . yb c Xiurafyia nr.it Rheumaut ll;v i lion of SMALL' PRIJITS.*cr 4eratigcd, while heaitit and strength follow j marriage. alidVierj - man .or- woman who de- > B ; zei j f p p Pains in; the Chest, ; i and taking into accoitni VABitTY, qi-aktity as ,l, n , a tjtur of course. Nothing will stop the . sircs todimil the |Vthmber of .their offspring to . 0 V any pfirt af the body, sent j ost 1 r,;d„6L:, I sod gt-Ai-iTT, our Slock t>fA itics.'atid Plan's of reliikalipn of the Bowels so sure ns this fami L hcir eiicunistancis. Eyery pain, disease and cc i p t of Tkiriy-itven cents. V t | fiK-VPEs' III.ACK'IIEBRIES, oils medicine. *' I ■ aeli'e incidental to-y iuth, maturity a.nd old age; Address, ' ’ ! I STAff BERRIES, GOOSEREIIBIES; VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION! jl-NDISCBE- |j 3 fully; cjpiaincd; every paiticli of.knowledge ITUF.D. CO.. ! ' •B-isPUEUKiES. ‘ UUUUANTS, Ac. Ac. , 1 TIONS OF YOCTH:'] ‘ that >houldibc k.hov nis here given. It is full ’ Bjii!dinffe, tr YeK }Vi ! is u'nequaled any where, which tie offer on I , Sr, IT ,, an d Ulcers, lllotchinga.-and Swellings, ; ~f engt living. ,tn lact, it di.-elosessecrctsithat, j j “—~l\' ; the most favorable terms. jPnrties wishing, to 1 can w j t , certainty be radically cured if the ' ev ,. rv one sliouhlki ow; still it is a book that Jhrd'sWO CTIf. WASH. TOOTH • ■■ puvchascvyonld do well tn pnt-rcspbnd wii h us, iqils ar : taken- night and morning, j and the I mus { be lne|ke<J.iip, end Uol.Uo -abo.td.■thc.iicusc.o.ijjyrjf an dd TOOTH A GUZ DROPS , or sctidTor w PRICE LtffT, which . will be dint met tbe freely used as stated in the print-, j t W (U be sent in any. ottv .bit -the receipt of ; sen[ by mail, hut they can prob.rhy i.. settf to all applicants free j-f charge; ' e il instt actions. Tf treated in- any other tnan- I f weirty-fiva.ci-ntt i; 1 <peei,.|tir postage stamps. ; . u ; nc a at your Dviig or Periodiqai ..St'-rt-. ’’oi/sietf Store and Horticulture House !ncr thcV dry upin one put-1 fohrekk but in ap-• ' Address D«, \V«'. .ynUNG, lip. ;j l( ,y 1 cannot., send’ tons for the 11,1- , | “ ,•-■ j . i '(other.; Whereas this Uiutwent :jwlU remove • a t,ovc Fot»: Ov P.hil idMpl.Pt. ' TUI’ASUP.V. Price, .O.vt’Dollak. v.-bcit '/ i J: T, , , j.- ■ | the huttors ft-dm the leave the Pa-M and. i\fortuhaU. uotiißtter.what .'tains them., ; iNo.jSV) X' Utli »W CV'4 I'tienl a vigorous andjhcallhy man] It wijl rc- ! m„ } - b.e j"otir disea-e,p before you hi.ia.-c- your-;. J y where all avlielcs belonging to such an cstab- q U i le a little perseverance in badjcasgs to in- ; s ,.j( under'the cate, of any of jlie -noionous 1 , . ■ Usbment can be bad of the best quality. sure a asting ctiro. ' , I • , i , Qt-.vcks —uativej or forrigri—who advertise in 1 • niiPldf - PBR'CHUI'I-’V-i ■ r , ij I -1 KNOX,-- , IFOR WOUNDS' EfTHER' OCCASIONED' BY ; nv r J v other papcf.get a copy ci Ur. IKE II Pit UN j i .lit, . l-.tv v U0x450, Pittsburg, Pa. , THE BAYONET, OR SABRE yii THEEPL- j y ou , (C v t,., r ck. and read dt caniiuPV. it will ; The best evidences that they are is. u.eV: .LET SORES OR-BRUISES, J T oVo the moans of sfying you -maiiy. a dollar,’j firmest fnch-As and host patrons are tl.lse. ■T.I Whioh, every .Soldier and Sailor gr.e liable • _ liur hraUjt. and possibly you r Ufv/ '„ , ” 1 have use-1 tli,ein.h.ugtst. :>'■ : R. It. thhre arc no med*i«in«s so safe, stlre W*<l tSi- • L>a YOli’NG can be eonstiitcd on any of the tan,eminent 1 cjttjst.y l-rooktyn. .Cieahn. 1 yrnienf as Holloway’s Pills and ointn®.!,- The ’ diseases described in his I publi.-ation. at his j the New hura. f air s'u:t-tsiK Assocmi ■ ’ poor wounded and alrnhst dying sufferer, might ■ o ff,c... lib Urv-niu Street, al.qvy Kmirth. I’bila- ■ these pi epara.-oni, l:.Oo «->-n. 1 -- u * i S ! have h'is immediately, if |hc i Wfji Ofio.-e hoitrs from O.jtaP; d'iily. .(luardij \ vatc practice .01 ;• flats- «n‘. " ' i would (only provide ;himsj=lf wilh|..his fmffi’itb- ' - J -’“T ' 1 t.fßro.okiyn _ M,il t ianuy.nrg qucM ..--.f ’! less Ointment, which should be- thrustinto the i . MMiy, I ; S ■ .- • excellence. h ( wound anil sbicared all lironud it, 1 then covered , , I 1 At J P>'aliV(VTin \ ork vc ?V? i, - ! ’ 1 : ‘ t ' i 0 1 ’ •i-llhW piece of lihc'n fthm his knapsack, and Q,nartexly jMlXrOrf-.Ot , U e prbKSMvrf. Mtth..;:: me at- I’e-omprcst'cd with a handkerchief. I Taking; . ' «nd’d<idibo»z,.. ’'r s TT'\‘T ' | nlghtlgnd. ra’orning.h or 8 Pills, t f copl thep,:’ ■ - c | i' Scaihin’s | FOrtfi ! chest pitjuld be provided with these ■ valuable j : rA Vh LRRSSRS, j pnt ''The great scA-h of PT TMir I Vk ■ of ,h f . l,ook BRAID ,- oun ,f si e-r -■KLIIIIA. tA- , i.oi; ins same may s ? e “- Togelllcr (100 Lngi aymgs of J fail , n • havc u , cU r, ; V,i ur . UVer.-: o •omer. I Prop’r. 1 the l, v 10 < ,,e /0 A '- A.hajt'BW r V ._■] . ikcuovqltK- lor., . .'■’.■pif-l/r recti'teel!.r.e /miy -tier vH$ I Psts-j ‘ SumfltCP' Bonnets, Clocks,. Tfi | Tl m i feel obiiged if i-*'- rvo u Ft Jr-i- L taall parts 6: lb< * 1 nr -nJ rt ic3 ofvjeßp ;. phi Wren's Pr|oecci. Ar., ;■ ; aLu ‘ c y : ;\ ; V J ' IciOuV :uiiupiid *:o the j v//‘u knowing Vilcni to jbe sv«r"ioiiHT' . ; Ta |, nb iJ iui'orn:-' u\ n !r, Pruss *. ; * \ h v ir It* Traveling 1 uo.ic {,-L tbo Manutartc-ry of Protestor ; r j,'} cr * and pye- iu'AjUir-^ PKKi DAY : iloiiuWAV. bO Maiden 'LuRC. York. " itv;’ j-.< t •‘H Ut-w uv. ofn: rhv !i)l rcsvectuMc In-ug-iMv .: * WodWi,; v ,a ' 1 " u )‘ -Vv. Huy-i's Tuoth tf'- si'u*.-. i' 11 ' i"" ‘ ' r ‘“ ‘ ’ n . iL.-.'aruj;- :*r VJar i, r L'- i * r .- ' l T IVj-: I*ii-o-'t;r,ns lor the ..f j.a- **•«•»•£ - ' . nilAl ; jvlLta in every disorder arc aiiixf d 'io caclilh^x.-s 1.-ath y.*nrl>! fe'jb> J eril-t|r »»:!! bc>r.n*Ud t,r 4 a] ' . ; r . 1 ? „ ! | <| _ thi Vv!fifiio4 c-f>Vru 9 -woit'h of. Hr. HurJ > J-r— 1’ onj- tb’cj 'd'V-iM'ii nr. .the h»yok..’ n p]’ ' :'-T. •: *-t'iV::;i Xt' rj’i-'' v- or hioy r.'.ny be on-; 1 '"' 11 ' 1 [*■ V’',! - **, 1 •/ 1 ■ dt.i ctl find scrJ:; * jri.a-ll iar.v tlini • diirmc the I ** ! ‘ • ■. fc ; “ r:,i T riviid. 1 :v'iticc!|ients j<? : d-j’vi.pi.'iin.ljr now-jrp:i>tr' Vs-r'AiAf p If- ti.'c Of the snhK-rther.’; Dr,. iii;;-l s M.-riii W...t,.; Tl inj-N. w 'Sevrij-iilby. t,p .-Rmivt-fco.. -,r!. ;bo i ,-t -pr-par;.: r In the Literary Department we shall pm ; sent the choicest varieties within the reach of our extended means. The Novelettes, laics, i Poetry, &c., shall be supplied from the best ! and-highest sources, and be'equal to anything Ito be [found in any journal or magazine. • Agriculture and Horticulture! embracing pmlng.Gardening, Fruit-Raising, Ac. In Lilt their branches, as conducted on tht latest ■ and most approved system. NEWSDEPARTMENT. The same indutrjry. care. and discrimination. i in gatheifug and, epariug tl.cS..rrn.g,Evcu s , of the Day; Mi4*aly for tins j.ap«W "liith , hitherto Ims been one of its marked 'ootorca , and/given so universal satisfaction, jin l he continue.) with redoubled efforts to meet th. increasing demands of the pnbhc. The'labor required ift this department is never fully «p- Ipreciaicd by the reader, It ««JtW >« >£ possible to present, the condensed and caie- I.fully made-up form in which it appears. * i'cowccted liit-5S *1 ah the most intercstint news of t’o week,, without involving much physical In her, tact and judgment. Wc annex the ea,h Itrmti to which w«/beg|. leave to call attention of all who thin- at j subscribing for a neVspapcr : j Advance Cash .Terms. One copy, “She j car. IS): one cop}. thrM ; years SOr Oil 1 ; three copies, one 1 year, v— ilw Sides. One Vrar. SB.W: Ton (V-*s. One V« 'hi-,' sls,bu ; Twenty Copies, One i ear, * ■ ... | * Subscript ion, hot ptid within K ur » i ciulrof five- subscribers, at.§B,*wall I entitle thepevson getting it up to ; a copy fo. 1 mouths: a Club of ten or more..to a copy fo'- one year. ■ I-VlV'Club subscriptions stopped at the end of ilia lime paid for, unless rc-or 'le order’will receive unless accomplished with the cash. . - sent t" applicants. '• PHHtU» H. FREAS, Editor and Proprietor. fffrriO?.’.',/V; Orb - C AN ASYLUM FOR THE RECPP TIGN. CURE AND TREAT MENr°P_MENTAL ' / 2±<3L CtHer I ■ Nervous and Chronic Diseases. l ull , l-KMALKS. EXLLU.SIVKLV „.w ATEE CSTKE. ■ <lOO.O (X) i, f ■;#“»" ™■: 4°™% mental nevai.geincnt ;or oilier ncryonal am. '.‘iKI>on. 1 >on . i ,D . S'™?' ■, ’.. , 1 “ .t‘ ,L J. j ... ■■ dbea-c. O'.'e make special liienl Urn ot .!il|cs onus T.dr.iir.i3= hr>tj:i S AlUt Mci 1 '.'lie tiul'i'! 1, fibred 'nervous and- chronic ln-m -the i dnet t ; I■ ■ ( , Jlt'p r n ?/■(’, 1 tuUii ph.rjt . | ■lluii! >cvpu uiuiis orTho Aldit \\U ' 1* ■ C.O iVhits. - anti. . I\ciC ft rbjh<u':ck % '■ inf ccmmiutd t- i"\v public : s “''V, f . From recent survey?,* conp|;ot,cd ' Aiijv K', i i‘v "• i for mimU, *ii t* .y i ■j* - ’Vt,! i ItCi; cost to cngi'iiVcli:* ufu* o».o ;!»a timed 4’.isn'idi- i “dfita - Howd Sewing Machine,” ycaj-.t time. . 1 : . . i : [ j *!\:icnl *’3 •* 5 IMK ‘ ;ju ■> i , i . ■ f 1 jfcupcr;ur to aaj £mu map ever miuic by(_ol j ti oatjiiieut of-ncrwjii* | 1 fdH.U b\ i ton jev Mitchell,'ami .vclla''at diio hv.v p> : u-* of Ll M ,hy r oul \ a. m. m:gii i:g ojr , t iiaujcFl sire engraved cn jof caso,s ruiiv be removed : and il.u*. tlipur.mi. i p„u..pi l>pvv 4't ‘it* iTj ’ 1 l t T [ . j .-olTep-'l tlaougn :no "•ni.tim oi lire | " : * ]*) i ! pr Jitj *t *'■]> t\- <-'• v •-It is oulv ii’Cctiafy map ‘ : ;1 is 1 ' |’ ; nar fom- .in' . ILi 1-MA. ivN A., (i’OL'M'V. iiAiL lui Al> M A, I 1; > ; y-;ok) ; -.c;,- : iI.M . JfKEiS OXLY TO BH SfO'N:TO P.£Al’- , , 0 f ,u„ t S.- i Casa.Ws fcombiui.l iu ./u... p 5 j;iia» bouiuljt !<{■>'•>•■ '■■ •» la-m.j; I. -U< k, . rUKCIAJinD. i f.ipOj—('hi. I .KvoVn tiatiou aiui n-O-K t« ■t.ii.l ri:i'i.u'wit , once I.’.v. u-.-un. •Hi mmiv. . I i ... r .i J -. i •. . 1 -.. . c I , .• ', , i . , j ■ • r CiAiarautce'airy woman or MiiSi I-. lo t 1 .'liu.'.o.l iu ITimnivo b.::iuiy ii.ti'l is ,■ j , . ~. i . ~ F , Hence the uooo.sity .-I MltW..! ■ - . . ' .:j “ “■ lh *\ C; ■ who jin* ]:ib*,|ring under the p >.'l ,-.i i, J;f given tlmt I, have; neen nproini ed .; S ‘* n ’ lllit ~ ie ”i l oviiing cjuiVe*. -ril.-uiMU-l in tii'- Mj'.i :o :m- ; I • hv the rl*R?»it*n I>e|ianrj'enf. to . ? 'vutn.to iv. j i tno .mind nr rg-rt i..n crHy ah. 1 .:, £iim=|. led a„.i [luvnlM ih.-UHc-,-. ill.- •, 1 T}'"*} , “ Hra ; yo,,s . W W'’ 53 i ••ud'cioii'* coui><j of ivmedini np**m ? .. ’ j; chargli feoin :he aorvir-e; th:tt ni> authority a^V| lS * . L ’ • ;; h.O ■In.Am.U i~i large brief. h.'iMhu: 1 Vkl.-ne ‘to iu.y .('....m;., Mujc!w f°‘ our ““fN-V? i \vitli a an.nc iia.k'nieii.'—!'■ >«r lin-iu :.n>i' miU (»• I - .’.:.i n..w, re -.li-io <>i!er- «f.vu -he ■ ?' l 'P h la |%!.. l - al * fo, {“ J : L .pna.anU. ;-Veil vomilntci. UiA A.i-'a,, . icvalca’ i ,li^h. ?e of my .iutiw.- ■'* ■ | i Hahcc auJ üb;t. A .nan.,- i t’alilc lau.l whichicoinu.anJi a view W rn.ire ], . ‘ GliulUi K MoCO(,jK, M. L> ,; : | ; vu 1 a ‘- 11 , bumlr«a lura capita! . Jd;i,... j nr.vn— aiiiaeon: liilb— lmovci atrl hßistiboi^ng'l - . Ooli.'—lt. ilxaiainihji Surccon. ■r’nnoa. J I. Li-ovn. U,f 1.n.iu1'.wi..,,>. a • ‘ail M- ss!. i-‘i: arc ralcuianoi 1,. ■ ’ ;%e \V.r.l)ci>ar.monr UiCj, ,|u.; a.aj. i,t \ «•-. ::..-.,rai.le.imi.re*«o-na upua iJ.v .liaor-Jer- j JQ3T, GOB 6 C GO., f*?' 1 lynra. ..o-, &*•- .- I■. . , •! *- 1 1 i.v 7 . , r\ . = on which marked • Altiioiani •< recK. : , i . . . , • . .. f Adv*tisiug dodCommission 1 Agents- Mnrvlaml v/iiii^n^nlrt I The Institution is complete m all-o* it? ««• • “ ! i, , - , •, n. O l 'l l' , l.■ • ‘■l f ~ • poimnicnti. linvinc bein iisrofully.' r.:(e.l u V \ ’ 1 A.\b LKAI-EHS IN' ,; ■ ; ’ Np’.Mj.l n-j Ifsmi, auU kh ugr..-! rxppnsr, ‘ill or.irr t hat i, may .neef. PUVTIN.C; A ILL KIN DS ' sth?™5 th ?™ ,h ?' 4 .- ev I «ry. ...i.l vinv« ni* lUmnsi r-wtiiliii l ' j ~ . . i ;>u use nliort-nawca Matifs, sr monev rehimretl. ,i,e apumm.mu and stm ol Miomo.. lastuh,;. p ri^ ing . Materials,- ! ijI.OVU'S; T(.I‘UGKAFIIIcAI MAI*-0 ' "The water closets umi' liathing apparatus i WFIING AM) I‘itl NT IN fj PATlill CARr>.'. A:C I " j! 1 * ’ OH M > ' \r ;l, jAAh ? nd r^ 1 ": i have been go, ton m* !i. ;■■ ■!» the niosfajipvDvcJ i s • . , . _a_ ■' :i" , I ?, ““'f‘"‘il’Vt U °.l' Cr “,T-“J ' m.Hleni sciciyiticprincißfea. ■ 1 his ik-pai tmcnt | oilCKS—Prown's.rniWinO.'rililalcipfcin; ! au ji an">rr.j- l' 1 ° i , o;nhra.ce S 1 fef>ndihgs. *c* Vork. ,"s ■ . , i J , ' Fronf.ne Tn ! ninc,.Aug. f i '] _j ir.«l none K** (or tho nmre oVcrtiml \ nr-h:ly. ,| . .‘‘Lloyd's map or Vnir.iviA, MAHitANt) and I i V V >'* Ul * A, 1 °t -ciir?iiieoi;a and! " <s! UFTiV -L | Pennsylvama. li(t'in:ip is **? ■ } other {-ciopuous di>ease*<. . lllj ic. ‘ cost'is Lut 2d cents, and r; w 0<- best u-kicn\can ( 'A'TORNEYI AT LAW Ii bt flurckasci!.'* | I'lispo.o.l t_o ; ,c.;.miiiii the iiiirmi-! ,r a ilaav i eiicr r> in'v \ •rr/lrvbr ' (•'•» U' : «u Map oj { /.s Jliuhsij’yiyßitelr. • j m.o. ?:stcr or daughter. ,ty our ehju—e rnav * ! I l I W»u> f*-) .• ) | Frcjm’ Actual ijurvi-.ya by C«ajdi. Ib\rt un>) A\ p» : Mic as^uri.J. jhm w .,' iviii Hi •-,m, i H I',.VV \i 1i ’ I'l.vNN’A.' ' j Eowti. Mi ? ti>si.pj'l Kivcr I’llotk cf ftt. touis, ■ lV| .|„t j,|j, „„ ,|. u . ; . : , _ i ■ ■ .. Mo J,-f-hows every in'nn'p-plantation riii.l ovvner'a !F' •nJi:i..i.„r*n. olAaa a it. I”" ih . 7 ! ■ F.-itrl. ih>u«. I name bom St.Youia to U.c Otllf of Mexico- i | unM./iue.i lu-alih. uii.-t >ij£.>r ..|* mind.-, -t I°i i ■ •\'; a:MIH -'r.'nnsi , tat. , ti<vc n ' i I , OLi miles—every ,«an>M>iir( WnnJ.liujwn, ; t■ I Inn her ; ,lo!r.j j, , r ;i l c : rrt .i„., ! i , :I,L '. f’ ’ " 111,1 * 11 ! 1 ' ~ H 11 ° n , F.laiuliug, aiubalf places tin ’luilesloiek from the . AI! cmrruutticatib.’i.i sliouM tie aililressoij t' n ’ j ' :1 '! t 0 c '‘‘ cctlon "” 1 *‘‘ c ••t"?*';'«•(••> '.Tivljr— colored in- counties (iml States, Price, • ‘ 11. KIIMUtIrK I JJ - j a y* ■■ < •!■ V - j‘sl jiu siie.eta: SJ. pocket .lorn, land S‘2, : stl on • f iSctitf,,’ )■MIL©7 M T 0 W N SEND, Htbh, witfnrolleisf KcudirSeWj au J«ew l!'-i.-l,i.iii * ■ , -Aary -iftpaTmmt, ll aihnutoa. S(ut. It), 18b2. noylS'tJij' r ■’ l!eav.! r t'o. Pa 1 •■. • J. T. PioJ%—Sir: Scud me yolir |Map of tbe , ~ ; - 1 ;- - ■-■■■ '■■■■' — r> '> DV C RTJ7’Tf) X. K 1{ V Mississir-pt Kiver, with pride p?r hundred !~~{IE?jC7)n~ ; . X F~ T J ■ ‘ • ' copies. Pioar-Admirnl Charles 11. Paris] covn- ILanding tltc Mississippi squadron,!is • aJitliOr- TOySf"- AT»D FAKf.Y I KAOLKS j foil to*■ purchase 'as liiany as Vro required fo -,015. NEW HUICnHtON. Fa. i usLf of.that squadron.- I • " ‘ ~ j GIf>K I )N WELLS. Seeretarj of t’ac Navy G'VrPP F I: * A '^ ,Al '. LIFEW-lU Ptr. l»K> <*nn be ln-i nt tfie \ } • COL T KT-ilor.SK. \s BKA'f EK.■ pictures nre not nierc *•»,: r.-ui ie ; pi PEUIOl; to any. that biive j-rer been T'" Denver county, by any oilier artist To beJot.\, , iee.l..c«ll »ml ex«miii« I w .ill rcinnm, hnt n fVw weckn. ... V I (iftli-ery iulho Bnme rooio rh*cuMcd h'*- me.in.lSo7, C. A.. <)H IKS- IN. '| _ photographic ’ArtUt A Ra're chance for a Good Investment, - j- IVji: iKiCEETSO:;. riitbb'g, MI I. LEU & RItKIKTSOX, WUOLISALE i I.Roim Brandies, .Vb«- 'i Iron, Nails,! “Tli e XJ Arch Street above Pill LAD Upton S. New rj\illSjHom is central.. ■ soiigtsr Railway Cft. L'itT. ftiiil la cveVjf' i’ i ' rl | lvp-.m'l iiad . tfuiiis ill :l I 'n— ■ . BROADWAY. j.YKW BiilGilTOS. , I\U ,' “,N (Tour l 0. i s boB y> I-r. r/i iit,'? !" v■: r. ■ ion; ‘ '»ni»yt,C2—,ly. Alr.J- .V M.ifck UKNA. ;■ ; >' PITTSBURG. Vi 7\T D'Viunujve P.vTliV jV»r libi? ir ui mul no. In.- lij possess *j';t I tr;-Ji r »nj I La:: ibid. I < ' jjjSfJKor i'ictoriu*: Cir L>&. I > AKD IMPOfcttK* or i Wines and Segara, S»*>3 for. ef'l.ihtri}i .V /: ui’i »»• Pl'TTif HpliU, i’A tow Yarn; IJtS'.V &44 constantly on bandj , ij! ‘ [augo 1 A. R. THOMSON. J i-r-, ~r~r j. ATTORNEY AT LAW .[.jßeaver H«te Ofiitf. ecrntr-af Thrld tlrei'l anr! thr,Diamond, j J S-l* Jr Jl, -HAL Jj,., irTOpiU ' ' BEATER. bPA, '• 1-1' , 'Beaver,..Pa. , 1 - v ■naj2l. ' | J I TTAVING thoroughly fitted* up jthis nouse* .---‘i— r ;| | ,hc is 1 now-prepared to dccwmnodAte bis BEN TEL, ARBUCKLE MOiSSSMSSaS?" ""'f I'’ 1 '’ -!■•••• . ‘ -MANTFACaiCTEBSiOF - . j ' OIL, ’ ROCHESTER,! HKAVEK CuUjNTY, ; FA. Tap? FIILEtfDS AtfD BEW> r - ' ,li.p' - ' OP-TEE : ; ’ * | ’ v | BRAVE'SOLDIERS . AND SAiLoRS. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS .Ajdid Orntmeriti , I JO H N B. YO U N'Q J ; |;i %J ■■ ■ j . ,:I ■ I jk-trt’y ' &,t 3L ■| , _ (BEAVER, f i * ■ - ■ i ■ ; t ■ in the Cccrt lloom. i , | =' i . ■ jJnn. 20, T 862 =lll2ll I -: - •VE9 Br.8 r . „ v .`1 v. :i ;i a h 0.1-1 o; •m i-cv II to ootnc anil tnk 1 Isr. » : .y \)qv i.uikjJ T 1" b a r t. \ <v 1 ‘ raid MrJ •'no -M i • lat*' livr TS Oil at thoiv v*hor.» t 111 K'l-tO r :i " FalKi ‘ A' 1 - 1 , - A st -Uobcri .iej:*Viw all p’cri nr»d.nih it nasi purport CUMOIIH u*ual; ■shop nn •, KOpftJ F K<rmi;.> XOTJCK. ■ ' ;'S iIEKRAS IcV»e*NtcManicrtl!*rv mi Ih^ 1 ,1,0111. ■ They arc entirely a i;. cstntc ’of S.mcau .nrssSi.i., Imoof Moon ' original ]T(‘!'iir;u von, mkl lip r>on!v^■ •county.' ;. Imyi.ng, been ! f lL i; Tl,«r :irr of two si/..>,.-. ■ i to tljls•.undersigned, fatO person,*' in- , fai-o. pri it 1 i>••»;«v imj. t Ifo 5.111,1 estate a'lje i'tr|!iic>toil to ninh'e ; nj>plic;itlev. to i :u-j j■: w- ■ liato.payp cm; i.nll t Jic =o‘ lia.vinjr claims ; - f' ■ tiic’s-Ji-niii ’will.present them projpcrly ■. V, JJAT 'All.K’tffk.J’Wi'! .seated J.,i',sftt.eipcnt. , | The American! people are it.: - I»W.NCA>V:Moon-j r ;,, -1; K?r rc.-iiitc pre^rr^i r.n: ■•: ■ , *^ xccmor ;. ;to huppincss i]if. those us in" rVI-Y'TTTPVp c 'VOTIf'V ' vron .t t * hcm - I 'Y'i'y > !!! »’.l ,-r: “ r ■ U I.UVS- t NU,IU,r.. 1 , i or(l „ r ,- ftlr th<? Ti-ci:i=- :-n Toifi-1 Mrr.KAS lettcri'.testamentary on _ltc .ra'iijia l’la«ors. nn.l n...i t. l-f c . of Jf a tnV.j it et.'Joifs vr J*.v. late '-f for life Month ivlj-lt. t.it.f -i-t.t I’c.fjTcr tp.V beaver county. Tennn., ! to these we are q.’.mpolle'l •■' t . bavifii b.>cu|■ grain etll>> I h'feun;io!r. signed, i m pi« s ii,', e td .sotifl a l.a'f t, tsonsjiiJiJefct e'dj to paid estate arcrornicst-i The people want these lik-aifd : le, imnlctj at it payment, and those having : thnrJ ■ !. ’■■ .■ , ; agiiihsl i lie s.'jinc w ill present them, ! s the U ”■ ’“is'ss&srss.rtt., ■■ i -v : - >f t‘ JOS. MARTIN.o •• , j Shrewd aoentl '-ta ft; : t‘l3 ■l' I- • - v-.Executor*. . carrying tlicsetariu-les tire.r ■J : . -p r~ —-—| >■'■■•'; —; . Denial vi i? the no;.:;'? 1 !, 4 / Confessions & Expedience Of an Invalid. | man or woman oihi carry.- ;iV '-y]f " T)UI>LISIIEI lor tue nenotit unci as a warn one aud .sec. -pr. Ul 1 ing una a cainionjvo yourig’men who, suf- , '"’*ll sell,,.as snn\pl*fc.- ’ ,ir ■- 1 _ ler from Nervous Prenlaturo' Decaj liberally^‘jivith circji.art. t . &c., supplying at the shmo titne the ineans -ol !toto go into the b^r^ 1 -,. i ,l - ! Self-Cure. pßy/one has enred himaeli _ a profit..We yJS^IT. ; to grea,! expense-through, med- benefit of; New hw,- iT >> I leal imposition and By y cn'closing a I • cr f lb epnieihtts}t/- ! ‘ : -’ , i! .post-paid addressed envelopes, copies , take the tide at its tun-i,? **V. T , i tnav’l fee -hid lof the 'NATHANIEL j V M J ,*\t« ;MAYF.AIR,|E«q: - Bedford, Kings Co., N. T. • . ~ . - •Tnbu?.e ' I ’ n . * That remittances nay ht* v,. ir ‘ 1 ***<*’ W. B. H.l& Co.; re:er L-ROAD--;HOUSE, ; Brooklyn; to GiW. U -j Crs’and Citpiensil.ank, bio'f.-. PRO’R Oft. VfT> ; re T T ■BhpHESTEB: PSSIf'A ;VertW.?Te*a; I 1 , ■■!, w IOWUJrV. grant O' (U'btoti immed xuitem ! mav w Sovsi h (IccM, all pep: ; claims I propel itor, MIDI A i !« irti- i AD ■NfMlvs: ■rayr •f ri I 'M'. ' L'.'al>oTiij |1 yfiv f ; ’. i—■ -l:tf ' li:id ; t i obrti.ilee ?V:t«c ,r; n > • ■lo. Tile i'" ncr. i* i rc.'i'ioMf il K;i prove property, ;-ay , vt ;- v. .A., iy. (" ■- i:i: .} A. I>. SMITH.'.., j VrA Mi, i- i.-ti- ■ : “r’". - = ■; •’ "* . Ji/jikc* !vi;y l-.'i t'.‘A J 'l•‘VO solution. uivV- - -.1 .-rs-hiy- licrt f r'ivrp‘-*’> ;>t jppr ur:- lu-i-i ’ v <*v.- por''":-; !. iv : : ? if* an-i .v ; .-1./;* I A T <.n. cnt|:vpr-l ,iri..n[c F'Miri'iry ; u}i:oh ;ir- .’•'■■■!•? ti.c :*|w:ik •hilv =»**< »♦ \ci<n :. 17. jfui'l i rje. 1 St'.p, -' TlM* .bo'ilc s of lL<■* ! -.cm arn.’.nu 1* j/i., •-corvtjr;. (f. -ullifl fy M. & A'o.. ; £ ■!::■v:.i- v.ii: t ■: I»eavryVi'i.iitV..l’ri., to >r.\«: : l;v;r c-nvivorv 11--1 '• wtitimii*. sai'i : 1.-ii.'jir.O'? in, nil''; rf Sv-jS tv-, in i ;:5 ami. *■ ISAm-Vi.B.' { 1 ' ■< :i?o' i:rrj '.vlll rail ami > Tnvrv.or* an\i !i;roMimoy! y ■ V. I'AA'IU Sl-'COXNEUL. I'‘ford’ icuic^lcctiy-mr-i.•?•, I’- ; v . _ MA'TT:>t'N DAKKAOIi;, oati m.v.; col \i ' S-. jll. VAKUAtiIE j;i: IV-rliscblM, -v >. « < i,; " ; having • '-.vii'h 11 lie V ?M ' n '* , ‘'- ir, ‘ lv - 1 v.'i s ? • , will -iuW '.call with Mr. ! f im-, Tn;ViAvJlK,'i>slV,y aWlu'.vi?v.!-lo' sil- ■; !:l,u "'''’’k ;a!i bii?in.ef+duri|n ? niy Al?o j ‘ , s :’^ S, sons- hlvil.sAinsot| U-.1.a..-*ur.i, •» ilWalt!'. - ‘V'' r -' J’ 1 ’ k« mhni.Vt.t . As ! Noura’gm .Vo,- I ~v t. .{. I . kc *.■ e 1 r ion?:f sir.ri mo o* .-;-hil J t vr ’i*.-f' my dary %«m« (nr V-T ■ .ils-.-ksc. T ■? ° f -r- C, r u; - N I:,y ; ,;iidi>rio. .u-.-v i<nn uiill Mill jriv.o flioir ■-jwitroftago i . ’ . , ... is il'oj- v. ill’lihd |Slr. Tallin M ; - ar " ' l ‘ a , ■■■ ‘ ' ; n-rn-vW Amci a. the'*,;,.; ot lier’ unpli or.|U)'Ui ’• • lion NT). STOKES. >v.r A«r r y :asf a.\.-,.-. I ,'• |■ , --. r .;.-p!y-- acc«i;d!Hg n. uiivct!-«. Lite fa a nil tn ;.n k.i \ i-i' ; f :o her iw T>i (♦o-j»ai-* n ■ ihe r.hm jK. Fi IK •hmo I>i: ,:iy of .1: i will f*o office vi ; i y u 11 ciics. A 1 to M:o- 1 ijho'H^to \A\ 4 M the Bvglt Callt l The War. hat £ >nm , ■ / War of £z(ermination cgaintt Sou l u U ■■ ■Bad Snath, Dictated. Omit Toothache, Soroche, .... and Neuralgia. ■ OOR ARTILLERY IS • : i)R. WM. B. HURD’S dENTALTftEAS t»{Jy 1 i'cpAmn SET or; BIMXDIE9 Tqp. PRESERVING THE .TEETH purifying Ihe Breath ‘ and Mindk r : ‘ i - aifD uring Tooth 'ac he and Ncuraigie RTOW. .n'•t* r *jc• M|- .•if:'! ia ;S i:,'ra;n*f. "■■'i V III; ■/mV ... v>: c.,rv\l i-j-, II-. > y.'.vih >•» IMIRCEI I'UO M i i <’ tyo V,,;. / V iTffi, 5 t'MvtJrj c LEM ,l;u t ?•/. MIII m Tr-y. ISE DE 1=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers