"VANITY FAIR,”- “This is the'Ersi really clever pomio and ; ' satirical journal no have had iii iAmcrica —t| and really clcvcril is. It is both sharp and good-tempered, and not -afraid to gay that ins soul is its own—which 'shows that it has a soul. OUr readers will be glad, to know' where they can End native fun that has'something". Jjettcr in it than mere 'patois.”—Atlantic f Monthly. . , : ■ ' ' . ’ “This paper is-excellent. . v,. - Hemarkabie for originality.”—-V. I". Traveller. . ■- _ ‘-Va niW Fair is conducted by a vivacious, witry and intelligent corps of journalists. . JAlehlifhl (Owin'.) HKqmrer, , -i. L "Will wieidi as potent an infiuence aa that ot pt the Lond6a'/ / uw£/*.- ,t — Boston Traveller. . ‘•'Vliosoevcr Buds 'himself laughing at the. Vtt of Vasit* VaHiV end deep not return a q-.M pm quo. ik. fit for Hxiason, and sppil*.,”’— JW i'. Crayon. '■■ ’ T ' .• i ' special notice; Tlic TcrTCmarkcdand flattering success whici has thus'"far attended , the |pdblicstlw> ,of “Vanity Fate,” Enabies the publisher to punounce_ that with the Commencement of the ?ec«n<V Voltijric. is sued this day, Suit June. New Features, both .Literary and",Arlistic, will be introduced, which will increase the value an<J interest of thejpa per, and> fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to il, as the leading,. GoillC JOUKKAL OF AMERICA -s .■ . ■ , '.; : VANITY FAIR ;l ffSCBK BEOPLAB£t EVERT TIIPESDAT.; n is for Sale by-all Kettatfen, aiid’ at the ~ Office of Publication, No lia Nassau-street, V ewVork. • p- . /. I;;' ' a : ~V', ■ , TEE’iIS: : U> Three dollar* per annum, in advance—Six c'cantß single copy. ' i-h-'' TEEMS FOR' CLUES: T Two copies of Vanity Fair will be sent to one,address f0r............ .».S5 00 Fivecopies —1- W Ten-c0pie5........./5.;.. ;20 00 An Extra cc>py will be allowed to thegettor up of every Club of not less than five copies. • V. - -8 1 • . • . • This paper is Electrotrpcd, and numbers may be procured at snv time. V, LOUIS 11. STEPHENS, PdUuhor for the Proprietors, 113 Xanaau-st. ; , I , ■ ' ,New-Yo;Ic. cf j;\\, €OCK^ • - ■ SUBSCRIPTION .AGENT, At JAY COOKE &. CO., Bankers, 1-10 SOUTH THIRD STREET, • - Philadelphia, Nov. 1,15C2. "I HE undersigned, having been appointed 1 .■sCBSRIIIP'riQX Secrela-’ ry of, the Treasury; is htjw p/spared to fur nish, du orice, the ■ L, j AVic Twenty Year 6 l per ct Binds. : .r.fjlie .patted States,“designated as “Piv|e 'f .Tenties,'’ redeemable at the jjleasnrc of the <t jvjtcniacat, after five years, dnd authorized by Act-, of Congress, approved February 25; I&>2. "Jr t- -t ' ■ The COUPON BONUS aro issued in sums of S&tVSIOO 5500, SlUiKt,; s : . The REGISTER BiONDS in sums.of $5O $lOO. 5500, $lOOO and $5OOO. . ' : , Interest at Si* per cent, per , annum will e-imiiur.co from dat£ of ipurchasd, end is X ' A * able in g old, . . J ~ . . „ NOS. 221 EAST TWKNTV-TIIIKI> STREET, j>'C2ii-AliLßa:i>, - t , . !-*, ro lYTtc-fiiviT \Vrwi~- i ■■jir.-mhici oc j-sMijo about r.IGUX I'ERCEXX. - CENTRE STKEE. " l i.R /iNM M. , •* ;* ! H X. V. r.fTAßuaMi.ii 18£8 ; "anaeri*, v Mechanics. Capitalista,( fpHIS Establishment hii* been'in successful s n<i.a!! - ! o bsre.an; money ‘to invest, fbottld J[ operation for lM vciirs, and is tbc largest and remember tba'l there Bond? are. in o - j’ hc uin'd in tl.c C lifted States. ‘Wo have oh e “ p ct ? a A Gy. all Kail- | Itnd or lujiuufac? m'c to order every description' Cana!?-*, Bmu£ Stocks • niid .-Securities, { of Loukinf-ghi??. Picture and Portrait KrarntfL - «wl the iiii^.caoc products’a!l r the Manulac-1 l»laiii :il .a\]ri3ainonral Viai\ WnlL-Ovsd : •|urus. *vc., in r t.:e coi.r.fij:. fuL ■ tel tilac-c?'. Connecting: Cornices, ILisc • anil ?itd rnaacifor the pnymont ,oi'| Itrackel Tables, with-'Marble T.dlHt »:*«- injerest *ud jiquidMion t>f principal. by j (iln-scs. &c M \kc., : &c, Mouldirigsifor Picture, t.o-toms * Excise Stamps and Internal Fnur.c*r. in lengths suitable for irsm«portfttloti. Ucvcnue. serves to make these Ponds the either Gilt. Kcrling, -Rosewood. Oak; Zohra l r fjiity AiClihlbh’ ail'd Jf- il 'Popular lUrdsoyc.-yLahngany, &c. Our new iminufu'c 1. f*iPi*iwtht in- ike I'fitrßtts tory.and extensive iacilitfbs enable us to funi 'Subscriptions rcceiyedat PAH in LcgßlT.cn- ii<h any article in our.line as good as thchcai drr Xjites, of notes and checks ofA'artks at ■ al,( * us the cheapest.- 1 J por in Philadelphia. ‘Siihacrihers hyanaiTwilt j Dealers are invited to Call Upon US | „ rereive prompt attention, and .every faciiity | When they visit Ne\v Vork. We claim to bo and expi:n.:i»l;n will he afforded. on-upplica- | able with every.arti t ion at this office. ’ | ! cle in ourline which they can possibly pufehnie ■A .uK supply of Bonda’/tyiU be kef t | elsewhere.* »/; • i . .[, G-r impedhue delivery. / ; ; Orders by mail attended to •'-with *JAV COOKE, Subscription Agent. 1 promptness. Donot fail toyall when you visit BEiAV JbJIR, ' ' | Q-fcc .j" Wareror-mf, .Vo. til o' Centre Si* K. Y , SEMpUiV /ASI) INSTITUTE ,.J‘ 0^C * V ' SIGLER ’ ~Re§.lt. T. A. M., friri. .f Mfs.A. S. Taylor, Governess. > v. !i£ xf.xt will- commence ;H|i man 'Mis ery|^ Jute Published h a Envelope, Price C rl*': ■V * LECTL'i’.jF. BY; On.'C ELVER IV ELL, ON THE I'A USE AN D C CUE of Sperma Mental and PhyMcal’ ♦ Debility. iXervousnos**. Epilepsy; Impaired Nil- I trition of. The Body; Lassitude; \Veakness‘ of ■ the'Limb's nnd the Back; Indisposition, aid ! Incrp.MtjTly for study aud Labor; Dullness of ] Apprehension ; Loss of Memory; Aversion to j Society ; Lovi ’of Solitude; Ximidity; Self- DistVnst; Headache, Affections jof i the Eyes*; l S'inipies *m the Face; Involuntary | Emissions, ami SrT.naJ Incapacity; the Tonse -1 qiUMtcos of youthful IndlscretUu, - i { . ndjjuirable Lecture clearly proves i- {that,the? above' emiuiefated,u{tcuself-affliVicd $3O. Employment. $lOO evils, may .be ivmovtM without medicine ami • M j .. •, , ■ . . ’ r ! without Dahgivous. surgical operations, 'and COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED . >l*ould be rcadjby every youth andevery. irian TO SELL GOODS FOR TUET Seat under to-ony address, in a plain ■ ATA-V , \ T scaled envelope,'on the receipt of six cents,'or /1 vetoKtTTlii? • ■ two pdetage stamps, by addressing, * I CA NEV KNftLANDI , 1 CHAS. Ji C. KLINE & CO., ! j Manufa Ct UnEg[ C bißf’anjr, 12~.BoweTy;Xew York.Tqst Office' 80x,'4580; i\%rr WILL GIVE A COMMISSION OF KOLLOCK’S i \\ . one hundred per cent, ori ! all goods ’ |V!“ - ° . t sold hy our Agents, or wewiil pay wages of | T'A /Af-fciA , m.m $3O to SIUO pcijihbuih and nay. a 3 ”;nc- * V^ ( OIXG<j3» | cessnry -expense For piiriieulan*'. address-i HpillS made from the best Java ! •.vita stamp; '-•* * • *. M Coffee, is recoir.tn*cindcd by.-physicians] as CETA3. Gen. Ag't, superior BEVERAGE forGeu-j For the Adams Manufartnring Go.. Dctriot, i;oral.Debility, Dyspcpsfc and all billions disor- | July 2, 1862. " i ders. , Thousands who:havc‘been compelled to r\ t - —j-r—-i«* j abandon the use of coffee; will use this with j NOTICE. , ; tout injurious effect a. One can contains Iho 4] .ARCS' MO(»RE,-"of .ibis .Borough i* ol '- tw £ of ordinary coffee, only- LicEssEiiAt'cry.XEEß inthis coun-|f >' icu C(^y r _i,r „ „ , J ! Ha is, at any tunc, ready to perform the’■ S /.AI J/A. duties of his office who* notified. Anv other! The .purest atpi best BAKING POWDER .who at tempts to sell at Auction, except at Ad-i^!? ow "» - 0T “ at, »g hffbt. street and nutritious luiriistrator's sale, doos it in violation of]jw. ! ffr.cad and rates. Pricer 15 cents. • j i The penalty is tot less than $1\)0. , ' * !■' Manufactured hy .; ; ;' ; Beaver.i Deo.-;U', ’62. ■- - ■ j M. IT. KOLLOCK, Chemist, ■ i Confer of Broad arid Chestnut streets, J - \ Stray. ‘ 1 'l,- V •ii Philadelphia; - ; ' ‘ " ‘ .!. ■ ad sold by "all Druggists and Grocers. |! , ; e JpAME .to tne premises jof thc’subscriher, =a rff. i i i \j in.Chippifwa tp.,.about the Ist .ofduTv, Lj l_—■, : IjaAihlte-Hcilcr, 2 years old. The owner i, i TO COUNTRY DEALERS, t will be deposed of acebrdingVohiWi ' . sdl€. • |i f’ :!. - m -. . TitGS. M KINLEY. j Tjjc subscfiber liasjahvaya on hanll rr-> ; .~ -i—v'ri. Osgood’s & M Guffey’s 'Speller & iica i . '-J ’ -tt.G vV3rir*<tl._; ders, Rhj*’s, Aritljinetics, fetiiddarH’B I WlLL!give the ahovo reward for the;ar- Arithmetic, I’inneo’s | rest and convietjfcn of any 1 pchon, found M cs & c . tetter Cap ItridJ - Y’iWJ#' and lot of John Fisher, bear jie hard, (of i-BUU»k .Boobs,. Baa«l Beaver. . ..■ iiAViD STONER. jiind Holders, o|)pjr Books, Slates, Ink, Tan, lives. _ . ■ - ' j Ink stands. Boptiet Boards, &d.,'&pr - Usual discount for cash. Goods W- j ■■ l y*» : . t ucked and delivered to ab'y:pairtJof Third Street, Beaver, Penua. .......ity. EOJBT. S. DAYiS; U\S. KRUii, - ; i J 8 W6pdr»V,"2itUbargh ■ i ■ > " ! : ..... i.- ■ , vU- . Tu'jsdijy, ■ 'Jkl'irch • 24M,V ISOS, > ? An 4 ccniinub ,14 w«?,eka. The aim of -the ij - to ksr* jo;c*jpe txaj'T i-a :he Kr:if;ohe^ A formal GJlass, for the benefit of those wishing to ft'. iliem pcives sfor, be formed at the conimenceiaent of tho term. : . r. Hoard, Room rent, &e Tuition varies from 53.50 to i SiS“Fpr fnrtber particulars inquire of the [ ITesiJcnt of Faculty, ;j mar 4’C3 DR.; CHBESiJMAN!S PII» T S 1 j ArFamtly ind ! -4n ; Agriofulfeh- Tnn boinbinatidn of these ‘S>. ® ' 'i.'T,J .Te. fc , V,' ■i. Pills arc the: result a>t a.lqng and Wbensive ; ;V; : 7^*.j. ■;•.. '.. practice! The* arc imR: in their PP*«tjs“. C HOICE LITERATURE, and certain in : cSrrecting all irregularities,, ; t . . painful menstruations, removing all obatruc-j - i. | - UtCLTOIHQ ' . : 'tions, whether froin cold or otherwise, I , . li ache, pain in the side, paipitationof the heart, j | PQetry,, WOVfletteß, TaICS, , whites, aU nervous 1 affections, fatigue hysler- , JIOR^L ENTERTAIN ics, in the hack and U,mbs, etc., disturbed , j N& GEN EjRALLT. I , sleep, which afoc fremdhterruption Of nature! | I : vi ; Dr. Oneesex%n’s Pilis ' was the commencement of a newera in the .’lreatmcnt of those irregularities obstruc tions which have consigned so many to a Pbe hatebe grave. ~5»o. female can enjoy good health unices shwis-reghlar, and whenever an obstruction takes place jpneraljhealth be gins ioljccline. | 1 , Dir. Che6seman’s PfUfl re the most effectual remedy known ’for all complaints peculiar to Females.. To all clas sei they are invaluable, inducing, with certain ty. periodical regularity. They .arei known to thousands, who' hare,nsed .thdm at different periods, throughout the country, having the, sanction of some of the' most eminent l’hysi-| ,SSB 00 , - R, T-iTAYLOK. cians in America. ' ‘ \ Explicit diree\iom, Haling when they ehoiihl nol be u«d. With each Box—the Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 60 to 60 Pills. ■ Pills tent by mail, promptly, by remitting ■ -to] the Proprietor, Dr. Smith of Bridgewatcri] sole agent for this County; r '. 1 ,-i fB. B. 11CTCHINGS. Proprietor. Vf j | ) ’I - HO Cedar St.’, Tfew York,* j BEAVER DRUG STORE. Openedin the Boom formerly Oc cupied by the late Dr. Minip. | THE Subscriber Ihavinig purchased the Es tablishment will endeavor to keep ebn stanily on hand all articles usually found in' Drug Stores. ■- ‘[.ft ] ■ ' '’ i Being a Phyaifiaii aild Druggist! the public: may rely bn the PUREST and BEST DRUGS. j ‘ | ' * ;■ if | A variety of other! articles will also be found ' in his; establishment: : • . Toi, Extract of. Coffee, llositi Ssaf. j Fancy Soaps, Port Monks. Combs. ALL ARTICLES ' FOR 1 THE. TOILET. SPOOL COTTON, LEAD PENCILS, NEEDLES. STEEL PENS, HA|R BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, jj TOBACCO, SEGAES, LET,- 1 M TER. NOTE.& FOOLS- i! CAP RARER. ' Carbon ■ • pH ,and Chimneys] These are. a lew of tlie-articles, and only a few always on hand. Cull and see. | Uc will try, by close attention and fait* dealing, to give satisfaction to all wlio ijauy favor hiiEPwitli their custom. . I; I C. P. CUMMIJiS, M. D.i | attention will be paid to putting up Physicians prescriptions.,. [aug2| 1’ I I (KENJ.X LIIOKiM-GLVSS S.fWTtBE I’llBlli ' MANUFACTORY,I THE GREAT CAUSE OF In the. Literary Department .we shall pre sent the choicest varieties within the reach of •ouri extended means, i The Novelettes, Tales, Poetry, &e.J shall he (Supplied from the best and highest sources, and bo equal to anything iofbe found in any journal or inagaiinc. and Horticnlture, embk!acin6 ; lardenlng,Fruit-Raising, 4b. Farming,G tranches, ks conducted on the latest it/ most approved system. . ' In all iheir : -1 j , , - .’ ] 4 : Onr labors; in this department for over thir ty years. 1 have met the cordial approbation of the public. iOur purpose has been to furnish useftil and reliable information upon these very) important branches of industry; and to protect them: so far (as within our power against flie false doctrines and selfish purpos-] es of the majny empires and sensation-adven-j turOrs by whiclf the Jtarmer is incessantly as-j sailed. This portion of the Germahloicn Tele-, graph will alone bo worth the [whole price of aubscnption,| as every Farmer and Gardener, who has a proper conception]of his calling,' will readily admit. ] ' I . I NEWS DEPARTMENT. The same’industry, care, and discrimination, in gathering and preparing the Stirring Events of the' Day,icxpressly for this paper,.Which hitherto has been one of its" marked features and given sf) universal satisfaction, will be continued with redmiblcd effoWs to meet the increasing demands off the public. The labor required intliis department isj i\cver -fully ap preciated by j the reader. It j would bo im-j possible to present, the condensed and care! fully made-up form iii which it appears, t| corrected ma;s;of all the most iutcvestiug news of the- jivcek, 'without involving much physical labor| tact and judgment., ■ | IVe aiinpx the rat/i; (rr/.-i*, to! which w-c beg leave fo.’ciill (attention of Jill who think of subscribing for a newspaper: | ; If I Advance Cash Terms. p! I One | copy,- line, year, $2: one ropy, tbre? S-ears,;so,Uo; " throe pojiies, one year, $u,W: Five Copies, d,tie Y ear, sb,U(i; Ten Copies} One Year, Twenty Copies, One Year, f. ■ i |., ■’ j , , ■ ■:,! fitgrSubscription not paid within the year, f 2,00. i■ ' ! , • ..!,■■ .i ■ Club d.* uva subscribers, at S 3, will | entitle the person getting it up to a copy for sir months; a Club of ten or more, to a copy for one year. All Club subscriptions slopped at the end of the time paid for, unless re-or dered. | .... 1 I j" • ■ : .|_ order will; receive attention unless accomplished with the cash. , nil tubers sent to applicants? PHILIP R. FREAS, Editor and Proprietor. orrr.'.auOn.n, l‘hitude!j>tt '(?, Oct* 22, 02. NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT. AN ASYLUM FOR THE RECEP TION, CURE AND TREAT MENT OP MENTAL 4 ALIENATION OR DISORDER. I : Otlioir Nervous and. Chronic Diseases. Uxcj.osivein- fob i-iuules. rillllS institution is now open for the rcccp | ' ti o ll, care. and; treatment of. the tleTil r/iisf; of patient's who arc laboring-’under mental derangement : or other nervous/and chronic disease. We make special mention of ricivons ' ami chnirue diseases, from the fact that seven tenths of the female patients' that arc committed to Our public Asylutn-. to be treated’; for disordered minds, arc rodsced to that lamentable condition through previous physical disorder, i By a well timed and judi cious Mrcntmeiit of chrorde anil nervous dis eases, r.U l>hysical| disorders, in the majority in cases may/jt! removed ; amt thus-theptind, having suffered through the/medium Of the body/ will 'when ■: five from the • exciting physical, eatise. throw oIT the that has hound it to woperhan midnight darkness, and -reason nil], otitic more, resume its Isjvay, clothed in all its pHniltive htinity and wonted cxcellduce. iliened the necessity of ail thosc, whu ade laboring under The predisposing or exciting causes, .calculated in the end to im 'pair (ho mind to ocsorl ■ to an early and judicious course of: remedial agents. The Institution'! ik a.,large brick building witJi a stone basement—fo,nr stories high and well yentdated. ; It is situated on an elevated table! land which riomiuands a view of entire !own-—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring streams; tfil of 'which arc tfalculuted to pro duce! favorable impressions upon the disorder ed'ntilld. | I , ' " : ' The Institfttion as complete in all of its Ap pointments. Having been tastefully fitted up at gract cipeuse; \jn hrder'lhat it inay, meet the approbation and views of themosi fastidi ous. ' ' . ,-j' ■'Thc/water closets arid bathing apparatus have been gotten up upon thb most- approved raodenr-Efcicntific principles. This department embraces not Only the ordinary baths but, also, ,the'medica(ed, warm, air and ascending and descending '4o«ehe for the more effectual and successful: treatment of cutaneous and I other scrofulous diseases. ; ; We beg leave to say to all UiosO who may be I disposed to commit 1 the interests-of a dear wile, sister or daughter, to our charge-may bb-assuxed that: no means will be spared or/ efforts wanting du our part to ameliorate their: condition or to effect a restoration to their ac customed health ‘and vigor of mind. , ;v. For further particulars- send for a circular. All communications should be addressed to I | : i; E. KEXDIMCK, M. Supt. of New Brighton Retieit i - New Brighton i nov!2’62.' Beaver Cj). Pa. N' c\v Goods 1 !! 15. S.i li A N GE R , j • I 13riclgre^vat«r 9 Pa., HAS just! received' a large assortment of ! SPRING GOODS. 1 which will :bo offered at PANIC PRICES. Amongst)his stock can; at all times, befoiund a variety of* ’ ' „ ( ‘ M DRESS GOODS; MUSLINS, GLOVES, HO. ; SIERY, &c., &c., IRON & STEEL, all varieties. )'. NAILS by this pound or keg. ( WHITE LEAD and VARNISH, i LAH D, SPER M,'LTNSEED & CARBON OILS' WINDOW GLASS, all sizes, V QUEENSWARE, LOOKING-GLASSES, &0., All of which will, be sold low for Cash, or Country Produce. - ) ; Rridgewatert May 7. 1882. | j T)R'OF. WOOD’S RESTORATIVE' CORDIA - antLßlood Renovator, the genuine erti clfcfdr. Hit at.U\eDrtyt Store of TmMOmpmtpm. H. £.- corner of Tth &CfhbstnutSl?., fp UIS institution, which, Vas established in -Is ..1Q44,. and ia now cohic<juently..in l e eighteenth *year‘;br • its fexlstencb; numbers among its gratuates, hundreds of the most suc cessful Merchants and Business Men of our Country. ■ ' ’ ’i : , The object of the Institution is solely 10 af ford young men facilities fop thorough prepa ration for business.. H ' I . i| i^ifcnfonal, •f<rf The branches taught are; Book-keeping, as applicable to the various departments of trade; Penmanship, both plain, dud ornamental; Commercial haw,' mathematics, {Navigation, Civil Engineering,' Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages.: The system of Instruction' - is peculiar; no classes or eet lessons are made nsc of, but each .Student.is taught individually; so that he may commence at any time,' and attend at whatev er hours are most convenient. ’ , Catalogues arej issued annually 'after the 15th of April,. containing names of the stu dents; for the year, - and full pnrliculan of terms,-4rc., and may be obtained at any I ime by addressing ,tbo; Principal. , ■ | i In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, and the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution offers facilities su perior .to any other in the country, for young men wishing to prepare for business, and to obtain at the same time a diploma, whifcli will prove a recohmieudation for them to any Mcr cantije House.. | . | ■ JB®” CftinsßUix's : Series of Treatises oh Book-Keeping, 1 now, more widely than any other work bn the subject, are for sale at the College. . May 7. E&oz Fann & Xurseries. For many yearp wo harp made the cultiva tion of SMALL FRtfITS a specialty, and taking into 11 nccohnt !Vabiety, ovastuv and-' quality, ‘our Stock of Vines and Plants pf J GRAPES, ; ‘-j - blackberries; STAIVREURIES, GOOSEBERRIES, i f RASPBERRIES. CURRANTS, &c.; &c., is unoqualcd anywhere, .which we offer bn the most favorable terms. I Parties wishing tu purchase would db well to correspond with lift, or send fof our PRICE LIST, which will be sent foj all applicants free of charge. Our Sefeid.Store and Horticulture House s •• . I . ‘ . No. SJOjFilth street, where all articles,belonging to such nn. estab lishment can be liad of the best quality. I 1 J; KNOX, M • I - jJr ■ ' Wm. Phil....C. W Picketson, Pittsb'g MILLER & lUCKETSOX, wholiwis grocers, AS» IXPOBjTEBS-or . Brandies, Wines and Segars, I*■ ."i ■!' , ■. Not. 223; Cor.nfl.ilrny ,(• /rinns/a; | . PITTS BUEG, Pa. . Iron, Kails,', ton Yarn,; &c., &c.j constantly i■ | oo hand.. .! ' [imgti ” T " T h -," Arch Street, Obey° Third, 1 .1 • PRILADELPIITA, Upton. S. INewcomer, Prop'r. I Tnins note is pectro. Con - yenicnt by Pas- I st.s 4 asr, usitsray Cars to all parts of the y, and in every - particular adapted to the c6mfort l and,wants of the Travelling Public!: . TERMS, 1 81.50• PER D.AY. • I, • NEW MILINERY itAVILA-11 ESTA.BLISIIMENT. BROADWAY.. NEW BRIC.DTOZ+I, PA., • (Fcur Doors-below Dr: Sargent's firug:.§tore,. may7,62-IY:',-c MRS & MISS RENO 1 PITTSBURG WATER CURE. "VfO, Curative Agency is supcrior.to fIVDRO _LI PATIIV for the treatment of all form of Diseases, and no Institution coun try possesses greater facilities' for ils'odminis tralipn than this. I - ,1 , . BfgiFor Pictorial Circular address " . Da. W.| N. HAMELETON, j Flushing, Pa. “ Thii Howe Sewing Machine,” | ; soi.d irv. j A. 31. 3l’« REGOR, \'t -CORNER PENN i ST. CLAIR STS., •. , riTT.SIVU It G 1 PENN ’ A;, NEEDS ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP| PUECIATED rap22-G![i. INotice ■■■. ' y i IS hereby given that I have been appointed ns Surgeon by ,lhe PensioniDepartraent, to l crr.mine wounded and invalid Soldiers, dis charged from the service; that my authority extends to anyi County, State or Territory, and that I am now reody to enter upon the discharge of myi duties. ji ' j __ GEORGE McCQOK, M.[D „ ■*Oct.ls—lt. j Eiamining Surgeon. \ JOIT, OOZE & op-, advertising: and Commission Agents. T ANT) DEALERS I.V . 11 | PRINTING INKS OP ALL KINDS Type, Printing Materials, WRITING AND PRINTING PAPER CARDS, &C OEFlCESj—Brown’s Buildin i, Phil.'.delphia; Tribune Buildings, Sew York. iuar2o:ly. , JAMES S. RUT AS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. (DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. ) : jfEAYKII, PEXN’A. : intho'Court House. ALL claims \ against the Govei. : back pay, 1 bounty and! pension! culcd to collection' with the least' po! ay. ,|- '•'! Ml 1.0 A. TOWNSEND 1 DEAT.ER IN j BO OKS, STATIC NEB Y, Wail P^per; tTOYS AED. FAHCY IBACLEB , no 6. NEW BRIGHTON, Pa, A. R. THOMSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, , o£ice, comer of Thrid tlreet and ifie Diamond. beAyeb, pa. , may 21. . j . . .-V ■ BEN DEI, ARBU CKLE &C 0 • MANUPACTUj’EES QF ; OII-i, , ROCHESTER. BEAVER COUoSTY. PA. fap2 Sterling House, N P-: IOT' Second Street (BITWtKtf WpOD iSD lIAtUT) ' ' PITTSBURG, PENN*A. BOARDING BY TJHI MRAL, DAT OR WEEK. 4 : rlerm*. MMeraft* S. HODGES CRITTENDEN, Auorniey-at-Lair, Pbiscipal, ittsbXirg, Pn Boi 155, ; '■ I' ; 'T;i BRAVE 80LWER8 ANp SAILOR^ jf$LL ■Ain<jj Qjfitnjgliit;! A I*!* WHOhavd Pricnda and Rclatives|n.tb' t\‘ Annv-’or ijToyy, should tittyo cspeuiatcar that they bo amply supplied with, those!Pill and Ointment; and where' thc-bfaVjO. Soldier! and Sailors harp iteglectcd klo, proride -them selves with thcip,jbo better present cun be sen them by their friends. They .have been' prov cd to be the Soldier’s never-failing friend the hour of hcp'dJp 1 1 " ; COUGHS ASD 'jCJ ; Wilt be spccdi. enred by using f it; by payingpropter* which are attachi SICK HKADAC i TITE INCH i i These feelings arise from troub: 'perspiration, or c is unwholesome; Action of the livj gans must ho reli The-Pills, taking stnfctions, wiliiqi action in both lij natural cousequcJ petite. 'j'l WEAKNESS OEi | Will goon disajj valuable. Pills, An quire additional 9 els bo cither eqh!f It may seem ati should bo recoin Plus,' many pci|s| increase the reltu take, for these I’i stomach and thus from the system. I and vigor to thi s er deranged, wld os a matter of ct relaxation of tin oils medicine. ■■ VOLUNTEERS; ‘ i'' ■ tig: ! Sores and Vice oen with certain I’illa arc taken (n ointment be free S cd instruction?.! f nor they dry up 1 other. Wiifvcn i tihediiiiaors frotiii I Vjent.a vigorous -1 quire a link- p.ure a dusting qure. KOI’. YVOUNDf} [EITHER" OCCASIONED'B-Y THE HAYONIjT, on sabre outhebue. . LET. SURErj M BRUISES, ■'o 'I c I To which ever!r Soldier ami Sailor areidinbli there inoolcin.-? sure and con venieht as llol|oj ray's -pills and ointment. Tin poor wounded a( .(.almost dying -utferer u.igh have hi? wound ■ dressed- imnledialciy,/ if In would only prov le himself with this match less Ointment,' r'li.-h should be thrust into tin wound and smeared all around it. then coverlet with a piece of jiinen fronibl? mo ctnnprcssed w(ji ; n ! haiulkdreliief. Takim night nnd nior -,i::g onr H cool the ays .tern and preveijt indamafion. ~ '.! Every Soldier's.' knansilck land ..Sr-imnn'i CMi-t should, bh provided with .them). yuiua nli f| i ’ i; ; CAUTION.- None nrc genuine ; unless thewords ’“J/difyieny, JVew I’l-r.V \wd J,{fmfov t ' '■ are dlsc&rnable .ps a watcr-iLark in evetfy lea of the bohk (if lircetions-anmnd 'each ’pc-} c * b»»i: the same pluy be plainly ?con by hujJin\i tkr ienf io ■thHfyffi* A" lihndsOme rcwr.r-1 v|tU boigiven to any [lone rendering, such iillV.vma tiop as may leh{(* to tjie delect ion of wny -gnu*;: or parties counterfeiting the medicines orvend ing the same, jkiiowjbg them be spurious. *** gokl at] |Jbej ai.anufncto.ry tof: W.ofei-srtr lloi.L'ov.*at/ SOj Maiden Lane, New Veil:; an 1 byjiiU rcspottpllic .• Druggists;aud Dealers ri IMcdicincs* tbf )|i)gliout the civilized woihl, i t jboxeb nt -o ce’nts, |)2 cents and sl* each. I There joonV’clcrable saving UyiitßkJh * :(4u“ larger sizewj *■ , j ; ii. KJ 15.—Dirhcjtons for the guiclitpca of pi ients in every (ijsorder are affixed 10l each box. May 7. i| [-. J ■ ;‘ 1 ■?. (KiOooO ' MALE OR FEMALE! AGENTS " 1 . h to see/. I Lloyd’s _YPr Stai Plata County Colored ' • I J7 aji <{f ifie CnilidlSlalas, , v Canada's} and Xeu: ( Ltrunswirk, Prom, rcecntl surveys, completed . Aug; 1), IBti*; cost - S‘dU,ooo to engrave it, andjotit i lj- ' Superior to.any $lO map over made by C. I ton. or MitcKplUj and sells at the low price ol Kilty Cents; {StQ.fiOO, names are engraved cii this map. 'i .] ■. I ■= 1 1 is not only a County map, hut il is alSc t :OOUNT|S|! & HAILjtOA.D AIM* of the U. S. &.Panadas eomlnticd In one, giv.i i; Every Railroatijstation unddistaftcqs between Guarantee any wbman’or man SS'Ao s■"> pci day, add will take back all maps that icanhoi be .sljld'ahd refund the. money. . ' ■j. v • Send for Sll worth t;o try. : ’ . Printed instructions! how to canvass well furnished all otjr ageujs, I ’ •!- . Wanted—Wholesale Agent* forottrmqps ii every , Stale California. jCnnada, | Englai d. France and Cnlia. A fortune may be ma de with a few 1 undred dollars capital/ ,Vo n.m petition. J ;’JI,tOTD, 104 Broadway, jS. Y The War department uses out"map:ol' Yir ginin, Maryl tad, and Pennsylvania, cost SltO,- 000, on Vvhich is'marked. Ant in* am Creek. Sharpsburg, Maryland, Higlil.|j, Williamsjmr Ferjy. Bhor erpville, NolaadA ■ Kuril, and nl others on the Potomac, and every ,other pbic in the above named States, or,'money refund ed LLOYD S XOI’OG RAPHICAL MAP Of. KENTUCKY, I OHIO, INDIANA, , and ILL. at the only authority feu-Gen. llosccrans am tlie War Department. Motley, rofuhded, t, any one, fiiu iug an error in it. ’ T ■' Fionf the Tribune; Aug. 2. ; ' .“Lloyd’sl siap or VutGieiiA, M.uivLjaND *a: Pen.sstlv.\ep.il—~The map |is very large; it cost is but --I;Com?, atid ii is tht 0 st ii-hicl cm bejiurchascJC \ ■ ’ v ’ . iHlogit* (irnii Map of (lie jiuris* bps- Sfiin r.-f From Aolual Surveys by Chpts. ] art and Wm, Down] Miasjisdppi 1 River Pilots, if.Sl. Lijmis, Mo., sljpwsjevcry map s plantation and owner’s name from St. Louis to the Gulf of Mexico— -1,350 mill s-jr-eVery sand-bar, island, town, landing, {aril all plages 20 miles bqck frim the river—edit) fed in counties and Slates]' Pcifp, $1 in sheefi. i, $2, pocket form. And $2,10 on linen, with rollers, i Ready Sepl. {2O; t , ! , Xavg Depa'pnetiU iI r o,T/r;'n/. T /o;), Sep!. 10, 1812. J. T. Llcyi(—Sir:' Send me.ydmj MApp’.thc Mississippi p- River; with price! per Ihuidred copies. iKfeai--Admiral Charles H. DaVis, com ynanding the {Mississippi squadron, is autboj-- iieddo pa!rc|Lase as many as are required fq use of thaljisquadron. ■- . I. ■, ■ GIDEONjWELLS. Secretary of the Navy. [pR FATIGUE, , : pear by the! use oft these in' td llic tiddler will quicltly ac tirenglh, Never let the bow lined or unduly acted = upon! ifange that llolloway’a ,Pillj intended for Dysentery l ant Ins supposing that they ,wou!t lalion. This is a great mia 11a will correct the liver an* remove till the acrid humor j| This medicine will give ton Whole organic system liowev |e. health &ml tnrenglh Toliov brae. Nothing will stdj> th Bowels this farn ATTENTION LVDISCKK KS UF.tuUTII.: j i ■ I fa r Bjotcliintrs and Swelling" jy be nLiiicallyl cured if, tip jglit and morning, mid thl ty. used an stated in the prim 111* treated in tiny other mam ib ,ojie p:ut to break out’in an ■ this Ointment will fehiovi ll.jp: r.yst* and leave tlk- Pa i im hOUuiy man. ! It' wl 11 re jin had cases Ito. in ncnt for 3, ' prosc 'sible.de- lec3’G2 , VALUABLE REAL ' if FOR SALE. THE TRUSTEES} op beaver ACAI EM desiring to transfer the ; Male ;D( par meat of thptilnstitution to another and a 1c extensile |.building, ;offer for sale the pi ope {y now known as the BEAVER ACAD EM situate ohitho corner of third street aid tl Public "Srqjdajre, 'in the borough of :ljea rer.- (The lot jisj of good 'site. . The imprWe'mcn aro a large three story Brick building, wi jframe atli’ched, and was originally built fod Hotel. It'cdhtains, Upwards of SO rooms; cj lor undenjeath the whole building. This pro erty,_from|its; locati6n and the, character ai of the buildings, is well calcul ted for a gooid hot el, and: will be sold: at a re sonablc price and on reaaonable terms. | | |®,Eor further infbrmatiOnand terms, s ply,to Bejr. D. A. Cunningham, BridgoWat< the undersigned, or any. member of the Boa of ' TriuMs.l ! T~ By order of the Board. 1 OLDS AFFECTING TlipOPE ly removed and" etl'cctuuUj icse admirable medicines,'alu 1 attention to' the Direction ed to eacli Pot or Boi. ' ES AND WANT OF APPEI iNTAIr TO SOLDIEIIS. J vhich 80; sadden-jus, usually s or annoyances,:] obstructed itiug and drinking whatever hits disturbing the healthful fund stomach. These ori tved, if you desire to bo well! according to theprinted ini ticUly a produce a healthy cr anAstomach, and, ns a Hjo a clear bend and good up- DEBILITY INDUCED B EST. laningingpmuni............- 4 ..gur....... . _ - • . !oft TEE RAPID quaß r nair - ClediarALsofignit, and g'.trl- -:, : , • . ...11Eitailienest.. -:- -e. - Ir‘l 1 :;:- 1 aiintirkisimsot i hisa, 11163,.-:- ..) . ~ - • -,': • 1- 1 ch j ete:i c " t :d l 7?-11 1 !_gt h ve mi r = I , c a s er.:: ; : ' • - . ,i pougb., floarnesepantiusntt,'lnid . as• - •,. - ii . . A -:.. 1 0011COMILlit: ' id aCold, isymiit - '; icirmati P ;AM onestantizsector , ...q '_ - ;, my pawl:Reim , lismily far the, last', - • - ~: tar years hail t tOpossers ;sup*" 1 , .. sloe virtues Ihr; trearmentot these •, ; -, •- , • i', witiplaintS. %NIGHT, IC D. -,•-. T•t. ~ 1. I• _A.D. Paoli _ , „196 int 1 44401f,1ive 4 ; N ; Y. 2 __,'lilltiMf. 4 1 1 • 110 o ..; hoe& yomi..reer,orat Anyself and fumy a= y ever sines I 'I you invented It, and"lelisar itAbe best medicine - for Its Mit • With"' it bad cold I•ilicald . ; porpoise ever Pet r i _ . - ; , ' pay twontyilve Mull 10f IL poMlf! .. d o w ith ou t. i t . vi . - : take any other ady.'!.. ' ' . - I. - 1 - ,CFDFPet - Whooping Coughvinfinela. - , • , Spann:wan t 3104., , Feb. 7 IMO. 1 ' .Rildraint Audit I will cheerfully. eertit'y your Mortal i 'ls the hest remedy we possess for the cure of ;whooping 1 dough, mull; and the chest diseases of children. We of - your • fraternity lb the Booth appreaste your skill, and comma:el • itOur nailleine to oirr.people. " 1 , - • . . , " • • lIIKA3I VONIELPf IL D ' L., • ; . . • • • -- AMOS'LIA, RN. Mowrimmi, L., writeis, 3d Jou, 1856: • - • la fluid si .tildions Influenza, which confined me in doors - 'ai weeks; took many medicines without relief; filially triedyour iltdoral by . the advice of otgr•elevininum. The 1 fi rst dale relieved the soreness in my threat Ind lungs; lees' ,thiti - Ma' half th e bottle male Me cbmpletely well. ;,Youti;madleines: are Ahe cheapest as wakes the best wo can buy,and we esteem ion, Doctor, and 'your remedial,. , 4, ice the poor - meal, friend." . - - 1 .' 1 ,-,- • - Asthma of IPliihigie.;'. and itionChitir. . . . ,- •.- . Wm Miacararrs, PA.) Feb. 4, ISM. But Your. Cherry iteteral Is performing marvellous • cures In this section. , ? It has relieved several from alarm ' ' ; log symptoms of consumption, and is now curing .a man • ''who has labored under, an:affection of the lungs for the list fart) years., ••• IitE.NRY L. FARKS, Merchant, I :" A. A. RAMSEY, M. D., ;Marcy, lamina' Co., lowa, 1 *rites, SepA 6,18:4: ..Daring my practice of many , years .T have found nothing equal to your Chary fictonal for • giving ease, and,rellef to consumptive patients, or curing •••-' such as are curable." - , : •- • . . 'I . :, • WO, Might add vol=BB l ol'. evidence, tut the most co* • t Vim-Mg:proof of the virtues of this iensedits found in iti elfirete upon trial. ' '-• ; • . ~ ' ' •- ' • i , CpusitmPtion. , i .` . . • r- Prot no one remedy has . leer been known -which • '. cured so many And such dangerous , =sorsa this: , Some , , I 'no human aid'. tan reach; Imt, even to tha . w the Carl Reared Ilford' relief and comfort. - - ; , , i ; Zartos.llanur, NEW Foal Crev, 'March is; us& Docioa Arms, Lowzu.: I feel it a duty a d a pleasure . to inform you what your Cherry . Fedora lia:done for my 1 wife.• , She had been five monthe laboring undei the dap- prone symptoms of Consumption, from which nci aid. - we could gave her mach relief. She was steadily tail lag, until Dr. Strung, of this city, Where we have 0;1112P for f advice, recOmnieuded a trial of yeti'. medicine. -Ire bless , t • his kindness, as we do your skill; for she has recovered r from AhaA day• - • She is not yet us strong as she used to I „: lie, but is free from' her cough and calls ileurelf well. ,Xoura with' gratitude and regard, • • i , ; . - : ORLANDO. 214L8Y, o, Shrug - en/A. cenruntptiews; go not deeper till yeti have tried Aer.a's , 1 en-asiiv pscrozu... le is made by one of the beet median I '; chemists I theworld, and its cures all aro und us bespeak the high I:eiliaof its virtues. —Phdadeill•ia Ledger, - 1 Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. j •ciencei of Chpmistry and Medicine hare been. I J.' -taxed their ntmcet reproduce thU most perfect i ■||urgaUvß , 'whicliis kuowu to'man. Innumerable proofs : < shown that Ihtse PilLfl Imve virtues which surpass in' I excellence the ordinary medicines, and that (hey win un- 1 '|‘ 'preceddn|edJy npoh!tha «stoem of all men’. They areiafe ; ; and pieplant td, take, but powerful to cure. Their pone* j i (rating properties stimulate the vital activities of the body, J I remove the obrtrnctiotm cf Its organs, purify the blood, , J and expel disease.’ Tbhypurgepottbefonlhumors w\iich ■ | broadband grow distemper, stimulate sluggish or disorw ! dered organ* into their natural 4ction,and impart j tone with strength to the whole system. ' Not only do ; i j ;they ctire .the every-day complaints of every body, bnt ; also formidabltfjand dangerous -diseases, thathave baffled tho best of human skill.! IVhllb they produce powerful -‘ effects, they are at (he same time, in diminished dpfle< the ■ safest and beet physic th:n cntiibo employed for children. . Being sugar-coated, they are pleasant to. take;jhnd being purely vegetable, are free from jihy risk Cures bar*been made which surpass :Wlk>f w'ere they not sub stantiated, by men of suchosaUed position u'fcjilcharacter ; • as- to forbid the suspicion of emident clergymen'andphyeicianshavelehttfierr names to certify ‘ j to tho public the reliability of foy remedies, while others r ., ; have sent me the .assurance of their conviction that my . 1,1- pyepAr&Uods'cofitrllmte immensely to the ?clicf of ;ny , afflicted, suffering fellow-men. * i J .• • V i The Agent, below named isjpleased td fdmi'Ji gratis my. 1 AlmaMf, containing directions for thejr use and | certificate* of their cares, of the following complaints;— | Cosureties*, feflioos Complaints, Rheumatism, Dropsy, >' Heartburn, Headache arising from a fotilstomach. Naa ! sea. Indigestion, Madrid Inaction of th<* Bowels and Pain | arising therefrom. Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, all detr i ous and Cutaneous- Diseases which require an emcnant ! medldfle, Scrofula or King’s Ktlh Thoyi SUo, by purify- I {ng-the: blood and stimulating the system, cure many [? complaints which! It would not be supposed they could reach, such as Deafness, Partial Blindness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability, DerSßgcmrnts of the Liver and Kid neyv, Gout, and oth?r kindred conjplaluls arising from-a low state of the body or obstruction of Its functions. Do not be put off by unprincipled deafer* with some other pill they make more profit on. s'A»k for Am'! Pxus,'and take nothing else. No other they can give you compare* with this in it* intrinsic valno or curative power*. 'The sick wont the best aid there, ii) for them, and ttiey.should have if. i, - Prqpbrod by Dr. JVC. AYES, | Fraetictl lowall, Hass. j Fuci 8S Cra. tn Boxi Fini Balra'rom $l, 5 , ' ' BOLD BY, ; I • ; i 'osufur gala t? l>. Minff, 'Ji)., :r«i.»fr;.- ; sj' f*roas; lioeVietcr; jfWW'T J;; bonry, Frcs ; J. Nichols, liadenV J. ‘Sariasa’, tie-! y'nim 'Black, ■ iJnrlingtjr., , !p*n A Edgar, FnlT*totl,'ar.d l > dealers every a, \fi- MARRIAGE. ITS loves and liafeit, jsnrrotvi and nncvvs. hopes hiid fijark reject* and joys; 'MAS-; juOOii, hoiv ltjst, hoa"; restored k .ihe nature,. * treatment and! radical euro offspebunterrhocaj or seminal weakness ;|ihvoluntiiry emissions. , ’sexual debility and impediments to marriage' ; inervuusnessj. consumption, j litsv 1 ‘ mental and physical incapacity .'resulting SELFa\BCS£ —are fully -explained, in tliit MAI!HI AG E <3U IDE, VOUXG, Al- bj. T.hia most extraordinary! bookphUiUl be inthb ' hands of.every 'young- person jeon': cmjdaung and everymin or ■ w'jOimiii wbo.di!-; ’.sings tb limit the miaiber of their ohspioag t.o their circumstances. Ejtcry pain. disease anii - ache incidental to youth* mM(ur:ty and,old y is{ fully explained; every panicle of knowle-dyt tliatshonid-be known isfhere trifreu-’ Il ls IpU ftf engravings. In fabt. it diselokes secrets that f every one should knojwf ist.ill if is a bock that . must be locked up, add. hot lie uoo.nl the luoiveA It will bo Bent l tq any. [one 'oni-ibo .receipt of twent y-fi.vc’cents 1 In- specie; offstage stamps, |U Address l)n. YVji. Y(WTJ*fi. 4i_ti ; Spruce s£,',-J 10 above Court I>, I’hiladelphia.j [ ‘ h. ! ■ and (/n/orttina v.no ter wha; J piny: yotir -disease, before y6ti. place your- j ,** self under, the care of, any; ul| fhc notorious.- s Quacus —niff if o' or fortdgn—w|i,o a(lfcrlirc : ui, ,l this or any other paper,- get (a copy of. i>t-i .Young’s bobk,' and read it caijefuliy. ‘lt wUj, ' bo-the means of saving you- litany a dolltuv your health, and possibly your jli'fe. . _ ■ Dry YOtfNG 'can be consulted on any of the diseases, described in .bis publication, at his office 41(5 Spruce Street, aboye-I-'o.iirth. l’ir.|a hours from 0 to h, daily.. [’marSii iIAIE. Aj -rteiiy Mirror 1 : oi r jasluQ^>! E'i;h Gtc;:: l;!tprov:;srnfs arid Addition*, j| Till SCMJIKB XUMUEr. cfiST'.WNS. . I;t uVLARGE A SP&MXU-tD- FASHIONS PLATES, THREE FCiJf.-SJAFI/ ; , FATTKIiKS OF mifSSFiit ! :ij cosii’htsiSG tus ' :j French. Waist, an Elcgatß Sleeve, and-a’j Misses Sack, and a Sheet of New ~. - , #ml Beautiful! . ..?V , BRAID AND. EMBROIDERING PATTERNS/ ‘Y Together with nearly iOQ Engravings of / I ‘I- all iho novelties ifor 'V 1 1 ! ® s Summer t Bonnots, Cloaks, Trimmings, it, Children’s Dresses, ic., he° And valuable information to Milliners, Press - Makers, Mothers, ami Ladies; generally, fro nts senting the ilargcst and best Fashion Muga ith. zine in ihe VVorM, publishcd-lTli Broadway, aN. Y., andsold everywhere |at ; 2s cents, or ipl- sent.By mail, -post free, on receipt-of the ain’t tip- in stamps or silver. Tear SljOil with the.fol ■nd lowing valuable preinimn. la- Each yearly subscriber will bo'cntitled to a Wr receipt for the selection of 50 cents worth |6f , plain-patterns, from the designs in.thc book, ip- oy from-the sKdw: room,' they, may djeor or, dared and sent by mail any: time ■ during 'the ird yefir, by paying postaw.A. —. ■ -, - i -* ■ Rplasdirt Jaduc«ti«nt9 tb Canvasasrs. lfk.^»wna*B«.wrwre*Wi FOV - Now ,4' i J;. &.V, >.■ > T r:j ' i '. ' cfW/ Xeuralfjtxz, . . ii -i ot’HiffiTii.LErJSr rs v. ■ . I>R. WMi Bi HllRbi* ; D c NT ALT rIE A S U R Y vp.;.:-!;;* COM>IXT*«* 01 EEasiJlE> TOR "' rRi-]si:RVrst| tflir - jj, J Purifying the .Breath a j/ u|f uring Toothache and Neuralgia ' „ CONTi.NTS. Dr. Jlurd’t Celebrated 310 UTH U'.-I.S// buttle. : Dr.- ilurcTt Unequalled TOOTH TOO Eli one box. Or. ilurt l;ifiJyjs■ TOOTiI ACHE hßijj> bite tolih. . ' . j;..','', '■■■Or. HunTt 'UyiiIYALED SECT \Lri PLASTER. - ■ . 1 ! TJr. Jlurd'e HAS UAL (in the Erst Hiar.t ■ Omening the Teeth, 'includin'; Oqeeihns fori Troper Trcttfintutlb/ Children t-'TeklUt ’ ' • ? FLOSS SJT.K'/ur Cleaning ielwcai lO Ten ‘TOOTH, PICKS, etc., etc. ‘ r 'Prepared at;: Ur. IluvH's Ucntal 'Oiace ■ Fourth -St.; nr’ooklvu, (K. 'U. j \ ’ I’(u;c, t O\\Jj OOLLAJt ; o( SIX i: i ; YrtE Tnc pcn/al Treirunt. makes! a by live, and is sent' by oxprc-A'.' ' fid: direction?, fur are is on. cacti ar;,c). - The fuSlo-.ving articles" wocan-ySi'clsepara' .Iy,'by nisi’i. viz ; . . n. ) • : The Treatise on Preaendny the 7h eth. sent, jto paid, on - receipt ot Twelve enxrs. or ft ptamps. ■" . ■ | ' v t ' t T>ic Puuter, for, Keuralgia ill I ■iface,. Xervotis Headache. and Earache, se postpaid, on receipt atSKifflueen ,Ce:nn.' or . titauipsi : ’ i: i The -Vvurti! : :ia dn'l ■ Pjicii-noiic Plqiltr (Jar Eizc,;| for Talus in the Chest. 'ShCulder.*; Bai or any'part.af the body, sent post [Wid, oil! ceipt ptsT!iii‘!u-z!vcn :-: rz. ' : • -Address," ■ - • NMI ; oy. i/urtFs :routn.wAs'rr. ronfyrw. ; ikiß ThiOrUAVIIK f.ent hy lujil, .Hit tlry c-r*_?i ] T-01..a|-.ly t;a : '{ailW b! your Urn;. or;'Poro'l : '-c!' ility srnJ to ui* for he..X'UNT TRKiVSl'i;i, Pricey o.*e Dou.au, „«n,icL. y i liu; lilL’fli;. ' - ’ ■ - ‘ ! lid,. nr. .'pßEi’.fiiijTivi c Tlie’X/efn ,‘:v'i.iVr.co6 jthfit they are is, that l *; .Sriii<Sst i fr:eiVls und i-ati’on.sjltiv {]■...■ : fcavO| useri » .em,long';.-*.. /};■. Vt'n\ iJ. 7/, uti Uoiit.ist “t T^vm ihc Xe\v Vl- •)•: iStaie l-H-hik-ita A^c|-1.: ’• ■pi , h-'eii iw r j.fi i VtitelpraeUtfr? lor y*;u »; au i n:» <f P.jrotiklyi, or : exc-iUviice; I York .recon ar.'.Jij _ j ;Liu? ■ Vj?. \*"\t ti.v al-i- of Wd} k ijuLT, aloal-M-* Uav.: ; J.y, 11-vrl f! X : ioHKJU ‘; l ’■ ilf , r ;kl 7 / il; | .-i.ro' tka: < kivk. , is' MUerr--j«*U , iii'k b:*v Jtrl -;.v, e.sv j^....! t STOW)% MMfcJl ! | V-;;-' giv.ar sjc-r.-r. is. ?.sm(v\ I ,'/• .v/1 .-?V j.- K -, t ’;.- ia\.;s ■*? xj:wl:kno'-.-n: ’'iiiimni.t wriw-r:; T‘ K'Tm ’*». tl’.a jX'ini !y u;L KVyji/. ■’ Vo fi-’r-r ; t:\rV : .v Vj-; .■•if, tV; f'SX-yt fb'ijrtl ir‘yi,-i v . :ii . !. r.ly itt «.Lo. Muiftni;:'. i\l .y.-.jy ■ !.. 1 ; ■'l ’ ■* -■■■• j ■ ;hf :r y.t V ,-o that *-v«—y oa» | lev iiic iwuvi - Vr"iii.lu •• •'».'■ J Uiauiml • ■v.#r alkalis uob el-Ave .wo. i-juir ilio cu.t.ntfl, iVI;AT . -i. ... ~ M. v.vny. hl ;\. nV, «ni,;v •-it.;;. [•.viir.ciovT^ ’ iu»r.van'J if ir-vd u. the trwi: i »r.,y o' ■ulent.'i'iiiy. • Hundreds ivf, lujto tMs. ’ Try tficia/gvnHwnoijJ • ; ‘ -r)r’ H;;r.v>. M.sut'i■ V.ii.di.MJ.'! 'i’.-Mli'!-;*.- |.avV sh*rilu-;U‘"t lu u>*'v.-. i'fUiin-: m;;/ y;v;i:g ' v |‘- i’.ho lo Hundreds r ,: «,£ v* 1 JUeMlinj Cwiu:, Sort }!• ■vrl'j ' •' '<■ \ otC-V.-uivc tccir cured brf !’r. Hu;d' : £ :>- < oiit.yvasJw '• . .-jlrr. Wasa-.aad i ndili’yuuil charm ic incite luV'hr,r.:l.' >"> : - ibeu I-u: •*. ; u>ed by ev(>v pervm w.vinc:. . . .•[, raf: -v • i'j iA: l i-j: /' • y/blcli r"e li'l 'v iO..{:.U‘-5i < : .• • Hurd VT^'-tLa^hcU^ 1 -: : .‘tciJ.c an c in«i; fr.Mn <xy<; ~oi nvivo.-. J-ci-l. {’iicnd- ; c<in i.a v»* ir: to[fAvc.t U a i r. c i IUI re n IV*»i n‘ tormir■ :♦ an • i rveJves Kibs of uiui , , .... jr.'iyjr.or.T a-iid ■j(V?cb.j\jiii , P I-y ford to iiojlrlocr your t<?etm. j'orr.V ■yo[u can -nov.: g£»- pr.ycrvTt iv.v Astoc. da.’i :;r 'tleiucinberdlat !)//,yirjw\/ c. r*i| f.'rrt* o I'iCn ori;piu;:tw hi ai'/lvV-,"! >onu Tor UicT-.>//>y > V•. • ,;|- lurch’s * ob?crvat:or.s rnrhis subjo-;lw A lalftp iiri(|l decay in-‘your, .v.vi, vdur children's tcorh, • i.V/.T.'V.IA'V/.-! /.V,.-/.W,V7f-.- Dr. 7/. vj-u-'iliii Kon-Adhesive I’hu" "r. ; j are <;r t Tjitftytini "nil i :::^=l>n>n.c.u ; - prrr y ieifit v this ]'.iii)l"| 'lisaaso.. >.ho patent [l'lii-.i' cm', S"tnr bt curies iira\vr.y. tali'-' t s iniul 4W5«V.>s free from pain, anil no t-lift' Taller uin-ic!ts!i!U,QT ■ injurious,- .nyueurc |7\i,i. fur Kcnjf.V ami-.V.'rciit r. aeeovlijig' tiVdi.vctioiw; aiijl r£> t >' --Vrelv f./.;.•«••.■ ' Nothing cnn-be oliiiiiu"" < t,. Hr. -lltml'tT t\n-. Nrura;;ii i.-: iiiiTii.. They arc cntirel.v> ■aorel._.ci;n.«;- original preparation. -.'11.'! y.-onnerluilt -i"' ful? They an' of ••-.-'•ne sr.i -.1. lace, price, i-"'crms. ami ih.e-.iujicr irrc application. to the bcly. price S.-iretjf,-/ ■r|. nsi’,4 fa !■■■■■■ r: f-rarkf or.n«i»y, ■ : \vjntr. vi-vy; fife ava(>/v,/;/»>/-' [ Tcic Aui mimm people are inunliuriit raja i .■■•i.rceiatc propariu ions (hu: cOTilriiynt.j' “ ! to happ-iners o'. those nsiny I'orc. i vrnnt them. livery matl cir.in;.' ns cu o i or lcring the Treatise on Tectlp-sunie tJ ? 1 rvljto--Hast era, and hot-a,Ye.w etieip'iojD ’for.the Mouth Vfa^li.ilo.VeiMMt! M fo these we are cor.ipc’.lc;l to rcplr i ny-, impossible to.semi e hall-pim b.u-i..- .. The pebplc want these' Ktyue-lu*. , »•*’ 'ftipplp }ht:n* • ’ > _ \ Xow rs i’lie y : ; ■| , CHANCE FOB. ■'AO.KSTS. ; I Shrewd agents calf make n.-swall 'carryingtheseirticles areamil" limb-'? Dental Treasury is the neatest "man or Can carry yannind. • *'_! bno and- sec, or, .better,-a tlo/on, will Sell, as samples, for S7.‘ Agent liberally with circulars, PST'Sy io-lo gb into tlie :a profit. ,Wo are spending^. .thonsam-'. ■ jbenefitof New.-liaglaml.K«*A" I'mCtrl here is-something nice, huu a 1 — tidj>t Us|o M od k . ■if- ' •. y Tribune Buildings. New V< If - That remittances may bo roadtj Sdence, W. B. H. & Co., refer-to tfc jißrodklyn;..to .0. W. Griffith, &*?***£ 'Gri’and Ciiiiens Banh, Brooklyn, • tb p. ’P toy -ih - 1 y Eli AK.D' j' •" l , HIV. K. nt'P.D, C n .. _ [ Tribune.DuilJin^f.. ~V> >p ) 'C> k. * '■ ili <S*- ho 1; i ii* nro’.u>M‘ A L> il- hl’ KI/S *ri ; j’.'M r,.l VVf’lr ‘ ■ . jy Vv 11 OM s IV4h a:'. Ic.ui wri : i ;i< r iif •I il S' rilllM =MI •s' i-‘x t:r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers