'• ITedrcedsy, ijril Ist2s t I£€& D. L. IMBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. •: • S. JVk Pentongiil & Co., : " Ko. S 7 -Park £ov, X. I'., StaU tt.,Boii<m ,»r* our Agents for the Aeoce in thoee cities ■and krs (utbotaeed to take Advertisements end - 'CiAscriplioni tor ts at our Lot tit Kata. NOTICE. HATE SO dieposed of my int«r%*t In the Beaver Aryia, all those indebted to me ' tor subscription,: job work. etc., jri& piesse •: -calt and iminedisteljr.- with J. Ander aon, who Umutborued to'reet&pt inlay n»me. Teh. 19, '62. T. fc. MCHOLSON. IfOTICS TO CANDIDATES.— Ifo on nount-emei.t nf name will, hereafter, bo made without payment of Two Dollars—excepting Coroner,' Aad itor.iJ., which will be One Dollar. Union Mass Meeting. The Lovul Union citizens of Reaver bounty aco requested to assemble in Ila*h CotiTeni'on, at Dearer Court House, on Saturday evening, the 18th day of April, at 7 o’clock, forthepur -pose- of electing Delegates I to the. ttortp Convention at Piltsburg»tm the’ Ist day of -Jnjy next. Let there be a full turn out of the ifriends of t-ho .country. v 1 By order Of Executive Committee. xv t.. iujibxe, /Ul-- Union Meeting. There will be a public meeting held in the 31. E. Church, at New Brigh i ton. Pa..on Friday evening. April 17,a* 7 o’clock. Capt. John Cuihbertsot.and Rev. W. B \Fntk : nsj both well known Unionists, will address the meeting. Ti e hulks and public arc, general!} - invited to attend. . . (Siar please copy.) Lecture. Judge Agtkw, at the unanimous re quest of ,thtH*Union League.” of Bea ver, has consented to repeat his able and interesting lecture (upon “The Adaptation of the Federal Constitu tion to a state' of Rebellion," in-the if- E. Church, Bridgewater, on Thurs day, ; 23d nisi., commencing, at 7 o'- clock* This lecture has licen deliver ed at Ilarrisbjrg, Pittsburg, and other places, and .5^ 'pronounced by Jurists and Statesmen UiO iiinst boepeak a good audwUee. i * y t .r A Voloe from the 2*-*- c ' T - • . \Yo publish ibis week resolutions 1 passed by two Pennsylvania Begi. 1 we* expert to see from bigU-tbneVl, determined * and@Rrtutic. The resolutions will 1 - ppeul? for themselves. They were j unadirffbtisly (with two' cxcep ’tibns ohh*j and show that 'th#re is < y - ' ■ , . 's | btu one mind among our brave sol- , diers and one determination to / rush rebellion at.all hazards. As Beaver county is largely represented in the Regiment whoso resolutions wei pub ; lish we desire to call special attention to them. These resolutions represent ■ j the sentiment of our fdends, relatives and companions,. no\sj|iWi.arm4 whose interests should bo arnd ' wisliesi. oiir des ires.”^h 03" ■ undergo the hardships,-euSmings and dangers of'the yamp and field, and as as they are willing to peril their health and-lives tifr our defence and the na ti<in’s, as.ldng aspatrictism is their guide, we ntTi'oinf should not hesitate in our UevotUp to the common danse, ‘ our the anhyi or allow our patriotism to falter. They went forth from among us when patriotic- fire kindied antTburncd in every heart.— | Theirs, after long months of absence • is Ininirg brightly still.. . ’Shall ours die out. They, speak now to uathr o’ these resolutionsir. the same language that they did did when they first left us. While they are still unanimous | 7 we ore divided. Many at home ; who then were full of zeal are now cold or Jpkewarnr to ihe %terests of the gov ernment. A party with leaders who never . were patriotic or loj*al lias . sprung up and- seek power that' they jinny n»e it as they themselves say .to 1 cripple the government and finally ( j conclude it disgraceful peace, it fs | : ‘against their, designs and- measures our hrave ihcr; admonish and Warn ns- Who long for peace -more , than our| soldiers ? Yet,they r.refighling for a ■ great principle—for, the preservation of ;t ho Government and peaea t upon any other terms they never will' ac ; crpt. It is dear id them that the measures preparedly ibis peace par ity at home are rdinOus to the cause they are fighting for. The army com • ? po«ed of half a million of patriotic ’4 freemen, of all speaks to us in one voice,‘‘warning us against cer lam Vdadersijand their cbrruptJdesigns. We raighi fay here that wo believe i’ every Pennsylvania Regiment has , fjioken, and almost every Regiment . in the army.. It te idle to say it is lie Wfirk-ot -ofEcers of a oorta:,- iaar* .. . ;ij- - ’ I'V^ ty. The officers arc about equally ill-! tided between the parties, and yet Irom every Regiment comes the same admonition. With such warning We to Ttui"cohanct idd examine closely the party, the leaders and!the principles we follow «cd pro *** .... ,j \-v'. ■ ■ -...i-iv Democrats! the Army speaks to you. They warn you against the leaders of your party and their disloyal pnrpo* sen. You have been led astray by bad men and false reptereDlalions.— The voice of warning conies from your frien.di.aiul political well-wishers. They see the danger that-threatens the party ami. the country'from the heresy that has grown up among you, Ton are placing yourselves in opposi tion to the country qnd its defender# —your own sons, brothers and friends! Consider well this fact, fie admon-{ ished ere y oui go farther. You . will be told that! this is the'work of the! Administration. Do you believe that the hundreds of thousands of Demo*! crats in the army are overawed and; controlled by■.•the Republican party T It is fooliah to think so. The fault ! lies wilbi you. Yourpartj- is feat be coming disloyal., Vullundrgbam.wliO, less than six months ago, you called a tiaitor, is npw your leader. Through bis teaching*, you are becoming ■i a|rtcrf.- A ftatr mttttdw of men- have spoken. Connecticut, Rhode Island nud .New Hampshire hcaid and heed ed it. If yourselves to oc enpy a position where any of the pres ent day, or may even sus pect your loyalty. That Thunder In lamenting over the fate of the copperhead*the late election jin Rhode If*liancl, the Star endeavors (to .console itself *>y proponing us some Democratic tl under from Connecticut- The towering clouds! and porlentions storm which?were to break, upon anil utterly annihilate the Republican ma jority, do n6t appear to have been charged wilfilhat kind of electricity which was;to produce the peculiar thunder. The Republicans have done much; better that, they did lastyear r electing Buckingham by an increased majority, gaining two Congicssmen and sccuriug both branches of the Le gislature. If this kind of thunder suits the gieyhpcks, wo would like to j hear a few more claps of the sam® sort; Perhaps they can tell chapman to crow over the result' iii the city of StJ Louis,] where two Republican can didates were ran for Mayor, giving the Democrat a decided hdrmpmKi; bhl tho_jgfifi,|J<VH^ ; T»ua _r wißcly made fttfeicc of one ot dhe Administration candidates. Cincinnati nlsb deniring tojatono lor past, offences, gives a Re pujhlican majority of overl2oo. Cleve land, other cities, go and do likewise. Such results are li-nly cheering to Union loving citizen; thfj* manifest a disposi tion and determination on part of the sovereign pcoplejto hurl from all pla ces of those .tainted loyally, and fill them,with who-wilf assist 11io .Admjinii vindicatin');.'tho Constiluiioi oi our country’for tlio spei thrpwof rebellion. Tbef-5 -ner places which are yet infested withNj copperheads who should have bssn j cast (out of positions of trust; among these?we refer -id the Capital, of our own State: —although their -number 'dr- ! was greatly VedOc-cd, yet they suc ceeded ir carrying the city election by a very Ism all majority, through fraud and" mean disht|i|esty, when it might hare been prevented by a'moij vigor ous effort oh ijib part of the X] hion it.cn. The voters of Pfennsylvania should see to itithat tmeJUnion men', arid i*ne others,| arc supported for any office or trust from the highest to the, lowest, arid i haSter. the lime when treason, in all its forms, shall bo driv en from our good old Commonwealth, that peace and harmony may dwell in all our borders, none daring to molest or muke ns ui'ruid. . { ■ i i 1 ■. ,) ■ :11 j Beaver Female Seminary. . [■( Thin iiiHtiijiiion, under li d'caro of! Prof. S. B. Mercer a* Super ntendcift,| und Mis- Sarah },. Thompson as Prin cipal, '.will open oil- Monday, the 20th day of ApnlJ 1863. Pro!. Mercer has fit\ed the Seminary up in'splendid: p«yle,Bnd !lie buildingis Ihq'o and well adapted.Jto the purpose for which;! itj’ was iiitendjed. 1 There is no town in lyWUrn Pe|nt»-ylvt ivia, in point of hicaliij-, access, health order and mor-' ality, that will compare with Beaver. This should he looked at by parents and others in selecting skools for ijieir daughters> anil wards. . Prof Mercer bar won a fine reputatkh* m aneducator, and Ins scholarship kner- U - , .: . ; ■ ... . ' r i i..‘ 1 gy and experience will insure awl success. The Principal, -Miss Thomp, I Rdn, conies well recommended, having., taught In some of the best schools in life country. |Tbe other teachers have! bhea selected with ipach ; wiii oodoobtodiy pro Mtudbqtaapt Execntlaa of£U -T~ tW SffvrJMm of Aim Analcy. ; | . flhMTtyl imimlXi I 111 ITWf faW-waa executed oaEliP /Sheets, on Friday, for the atmeioan and almost unparalleled matder of Juba Aw-| Icjy, .an upright, boaest and upoffeod* ing .citizen of this ayrnty. jl r Although this cosnty was prgani *cd by an act of the legislature of' March 12,1800, jet no cose of capital punishment ever befoie occurred with in its limits.- We are Informed that ■, > 1 two father cases of Verdicts furin.br tier in the first degree were pSnderfcd, bat new trials were granted;, mid, on second trial, verdic ts .of ; murder in the second degree were rendered. • Thb ponseqaent extraordinary char acter of the Sheets cue, made an evidently deep impression on the-pnb- Ho Hundreds of people to town, on Friday, through or; under peculiar motives or incentives. It tras well nndersteod that, under the law siijice 1834, the execution must be private, and could not legallylbo wit-! nessed by any others than those def-1 ignated snd intended by the act of Assembly. Still the people came, and, in subdued and solemn and orderly mass and groups, 1 remained in town' till it was ascertained that the sen- j tohoe hjid been executed, when they 1 alii left in a quiet and orderly manner, evincing only a calm satisfaction t halt law and! justice had been fully admin istered. I It would be altogether useless in us to review the cose from its commence ment to the; trial and sentence of Sheets; because the people of this county are \ already familiar with the whole matter. But wb may be allowed (6 say that the history of the ca-oas given by the Pittsburg Dis patch, of Saturday, a bounds iu numer ous errors. The reporter for that pa per of cOurao knew nothing specially about the case, and must have depend ed on others - for information; and it unfortunately happens that iu some material parts he has been very gross ly, but no doubt unintentionally; mis. informed. I Daring his imprisonment here from the Utter part of*. lasi April, Sheet** kept up a persistent denial of bis guilt in any form in the murder of Amdey, till some short time before the If or. term oflbo Coprt when Igwrotcndedlo make a and ''horrHilc af fair. Ih de nied having Aneley, but allcg •ed that tSo raunfcr was eotnmi>’ wjfh' K *« lffl “ ' " Th uat be (Sheets) luidaiided Moore and and amah named John Fo|snan<;bt, to carry, off and flonceul Ana)cy’s body, and kill! the horse. 'No cxrdctico or respect haring been paid lb lhit* most false representation, ingeniously got up, heaflerwnfUs admitted that 'vliut ho called a “confession,” Written down aa he gave it.by another,and was untroie, desired the Sheriff to furnish him with the with pen, ink ami paper, sol that he might correct! the falsehood. ' The Shciiff furni.'hcd him with all lie desired, and instead of cor- J ' 1 • 1 X ~1 reeling the false statements, ho took the “confession” into his posse won. and shorlfy afterwards destroyed it. From j the, time that sentence ot death vfas passed upon him, he was bften visited by different clergymen, who visited him for religious purpos es. lie generally received thorn wil lingly and listened io ; theirinstruc tions’; hut till a few days prior to his oxecution, bhowod no signs of repen tance or regret for what He had done. And at last when ho expressed him self willing toXdio, and said that, ho hud made his peace witli God; be [ still refjiscd to admit his guilt or ti uth j tally rpvcal .the sad story of Anslcy’s 'murder.! ■ ■ \ .j. . Not having been present to witness his execution, we cannot give any de tailed account of it from personal ob servation or otherwise, and What w,e state in regard to what, transpired .within the jailyard, has been gleaned us best wo could. 1 A On the morning of ihe execution it seems Sheets wug engaged with sun\ dry ministers in; praying and singing, j and maintained the appearance of per fect resignation to his terrible fate. \ liewalkcd from his cell on to the gallows with a firm and unflinching tread, 1 [and preserved a cool self-pos ■ pcssion niKhcalmnoss to the last mo S-ment. Silo made, whilst standing on the trsjp door of the scaffold, some remarks to those present, having a« we understand, but little in them, and we will not undertake to qtiute them When just about to beiaanebed in to. etei-nity, one of the. clergyman present put the question direct to hi m, whether he was guilty or not of the [murder! of John Ansley. After some 11E1 considerable hesitation, he made some ||evaeiTe|'remarks and declined or rfefas Jed to answer the. question of gailt or 1 1 jionbeeojee. And thus be planted bin.- [self firmly up to the last breath, re- , i are t*ld> Mfcv* inolj b :WV. 1 :;_r: »:. h« conversion, and' that he ' died , a time Christian. • On ibispoint.We ; are nbtJircptEMypgiva. wtagt ootto af to jadgw racb mat ter*. . We eaanot answer the question propounded in the ' following; poetic quotation, slightly changed, to suit the .-rase': , ; [ ■ •‘Whs* eoldasss wrapp'd hit Ak, whltierstrsy'd iU inunorUl mind? ji It could net idis* ititfald not slay, SU l*n ka dukra’ddastbcttisd.” !■ ’ Iho cate of tide youijig criminal it extraordinary inaar.y ,of jts feature*. At the time of burning hit uccle't barn and stealing his horse*, and the mur dering «!it Ant-ley, Eli was only a little ever nineteen year* old; He had lived in the country from child hood, seldom away froia home, Co far as his neighbors knew, and yet at this early petiod of Hie, and andeK such circumstances, be is found to have ri pened in crime* of the roost horrible wind. :m : . . :'4- : | Bis physical; powers were Vigorous, and be appeared to possess a : callous and malignant heart, which was?, in caj able pi being moved l>y the .better feelings and sentiment* Of human na ture. ,H 1« coldness and stolidity were remarkably, apparent during bis long trial., Nothing moved him—he seem ed alike indifferent to the most pow erful evidence bearing against him, ahd that which seemed.to be'moat in his favor. : One would naturally Hare suppos. cd' that a man so young, upon firing upon Ansley once or twici? and seeing the blood gush from hi a body would bare been npalled, and would have shrunk from .the bloody deed. But not so. ; lie seemed to possess all tljat blood-thiraiinesS' natural to the savaj& “beast of prey, which becomes madJened by the first taste of the blood of its victim, and ru»hes t on with redoubled ferocity. 1 I Such was Sheets; V.e stopped not at iho .death of his victim, bat con-, tinned to send bullet after bullet into the lifeless body of Ansley ; and hot content. with "that, he next butchers the unoffending horse which bo had before stolen.. • ! How if anything, the physi cal structure and perverted moral viewsbfShecial ai todd with' his firm ness and d< a<bdefiat't attitude and con duct on the gallows I we leave’ for oth ers to decide. ' I Wo are Informed.lhajt the cxccu 'lion was conducted with]great propri ety and ordei-jby B|icrifT [Roberts. Ho behaved with Tciudi,ess and humanity I nil 111 I ' ~"‘H' f law lie blended hii niarnly with stern dhty in a manner highly creditable. ll|s jeourse duriiijf jlhe trying limes lie lips gone through! fnjim Sheets' imprisonment to the final event of last Friday, has received gen oral approbation \ with ifl! his degiiidation.felt gratidnl to the fyeriff anil his laniily for their nnwavfi'ng kindncs to him during his long inpri«onrnent. ar.il so expressed himsqi’ beforchis doikth [We call the ftcnlion of onrjread era to the following tOrnhinhhjatton written for the Iprrisburg Telegraph, presenting the nine of lion. Jfoniel Agnew as a earn! ate for 1 hcSu jireiiie Bench. Judge ignow is strongly urged, in differciiWm <jf the State, as the ncxt cainliile for the Supremo Judgship. ; It h nnecessary to'say that there is bu| os mind in this sec tion of £ho Slat, i that subject. II i 8 name would k] greatly to the strength of th ckel in Western Pennsylvania, li eminent qualified lions aro udinitld y every lawyer in Pennsylvania. Fe L-ltcerfully endorse all that the cof pendent, of the Tele graph has said. Judge of tl 1 Tolhe JSlUor o] ' The heart-* recent electh Conheclicut,: you huv|e been rious victories reminds -u« t Commonweal before us, ,whi present, slum! spirit beeomii. pie. All elect! T u( the present toe questions, Cxccutivo pu With »dminist< highUsecutiv are entitled tc nary consider I Amongx tin upon the Uni July, will be\ dale fur the t the Supreme wialth. by th of Judge Lo should be cot leaving re lei ties of the to the can*e acumen and grasp the giq lair, and our, as well as tbi public wen.; gations of th several disfii been suggest sition; amon Daniel Agn. than Whom I b* fmad | L-V/l£ From -the 140th Reg. Pa. Hkadq'rs 140th Penn'a :Voi Camp hear Falmouth , Va, Iv March 27th, 1863. A meeting of the officers c 14yth ]Reg..pg. Vols., convdneiL quartern ofßieut Cul. John E on Thursday icveningi tbe,27tu at 8 o’il«>ck,| jJi m. j ■' The object of tile meeting be idrnlt resqlittidiiH expressive cl sentiments! |pl|. the regiment /Oi leading is*,ge*| of the day, sindd r lions ihen to bo submitted ,t|j the iiicnt for oiidorneinent. Ol» un Ciipt. Gregg was, elected Pres and Ciipt. | 11J Bing! lam Secrou the meeting. J' | 1' ' ' Oii nioiiot of Col. R P.j Rol UiOj President Appointed a Conmi consisting c f 'put* niombecfion of the counties represented in t guiiization-, tci {draft resolution pressive ol the sense of tho me Conpiihteo; ;Gjd. R. P. ll|^i * n| cd.at the call of the President. | m. i, ' t 1 April Isrl Ig •The officers!of the 14« h Perin'i convened | nt : L't. Col. PraseE’s quartern ion the evening of the April to hear, the Report of i'),b mu tee on {Resolution*. The rep the Committee-|aja* a* follow*; We, Jour Committee to draft’ lulion* expressive of oijp seiitii ’on) the leading issues of the day. \\ most respectfully submit (he fcl : Pi.-'r-l .I ■ ':i ■ I r’^. H r R i. A *' government of united hiutes. tho imiJt benefit t^ r 1 e ? ,a i b,,! ‘ , f‘lJupon earth, tiie ) «» the oppressed of all lands, is gaged ini a Uiigl.ty struggle; ibi cxiHtenco with a ’rebellion uneqin lit history 'for its magnitude and t\ l tdness; and, j r f-■ ■ 1 Whereas. Wo have left our h.» and all tbeh- <*omforts. to vifo J tpeble aid. pro rt.ay to |-ave that' eminent from death ami a* marry slaclcs ariibuing thrown in its by thoae jyhp alike ourselves ow v fralty, even to the' offering df tfc lives upon the altar of its salety becomes Us to speak to such [of imlow citizen* at homo in territs «0 ho miaupdeistood ; therefore, I n i* rf 'i' T ' wt w « heartily approve of all (he measure* adopted tiv llus government for the suppression of rebellion and treason, North and southl and trust no measure* within it* power wiiilbe ledum niplovrd for the *peedy #l*tsofa|>lw|,mciU !«l| {Umu; Resolved, Thrt ft is the solemn duty i of every man who love* constitution * hhcrfypand bates despotism ahd anarchy, thatho owe* it to God i him-1 self and posterity ip Sustain the lov-1 emnienti m u hour of ♦xlre.liest pe.il hyi litf payers,- by hi* acts by his wealth and ifnoied bo by tho der of hm life. 1 I : j jrhai having learned that n various li.alu.es in .ho North; land it. Ibo countus from whence we CiLe ZTa' o** 0 ** t r ° 'W held, sp^cho* made and Resolutions passed of a * r ‘• B< » n *h|e nature, denouncing every act o» th 9 government, necessary to I lb* preservation, crying ‘peace! -^ bep I!m^ Can i«*>fPeaco,"bminabsolute submission by those in rebellion, tend ,n l» to produce discontent in the ar- I my, ovmcing more sympathy for! (l,b rebel* in am,* Ulan for* their friends and neighbors in the field peril!,n c i their lives in defence of U.i right*: i 1 *!*." oe,, j < ‘i’ ,n g. Unit weifeel! for them all.the contempt that Ua»n-1 lally loj a l heart* jfJ sneakii.g i-owards, lories and traitir* nnKUtf W | rf '. r* rwo lUli*>na }| be! pnbhshwf nr jiba PkUburg Gazette. tEo Washingtpn, Byayer, Greene and ! Mercer county papers. , ;i \ T|ie reporti oflthaljConinirttee liw, and nnnnimonsly iulopt«d;|.T*' submitled to tho Regiment; and adopted: cverr lupreme'Court e Tdejraph. ring results of the in 1 Rhode Island, »ig«n, &e , in whieh iblcd t« record glo tho Cnion cause, m this good- old ” have high duties in a time like the o UiHChuigetl in u reo and loyal peo aro important; but W ( of the country, t> shall wield the in ! laws? who occupy J Judicial positions? b more that; ordi- i duties devolving lute Convention of lection of a candi !3T soon to occur In h| Of the Common rUthn of the term KowXospohialy, this »d wjtWreat care, } the moral quali stluiroughloyaltv country. liis Jbsal ence,"iis ability to ition til constituonnl breot aovermnont, er# and duties »if e rights apd obli plo- The trunies of Iml gentlemen have tfiis important po that of the Hon. I Heaver coontj ; nato say none will ipablay ooMiaarw 1 WWI iWbritby the snffrugee of the people, as character. ri I ,r \» Twsnty-fiv* ys«*s ago,, thftngh tW youngest neniber bat onelof the Con* stitntional Convention, JadgelAgnew ) madehismark ina bodv composed M rash like John Sergeant. WTin. Meredith, Thaddens Stevens, (Walter Forward and other* well known to the pcole, participating creditably in the able debate* upon question* relat ing to our fundamental law! Twel\e yesrsagohe .was chosen iPresident ' Jndge of the 17th Judicial district, .which place he iia* filled With’dis tingnished lability; administering the lawe liii each wpy as to secure the .com meiidatioii of the people, he indicated two years ago in hie re elect jo h With-, out pp^peitlbn—having also the favor of the bar and justice generally in his section of the State. With strong natural powers ot mind,culliv»ted by education, the discip'ino of yt are de voted to hisprofessidn.and ind jfatigu fale labors on the bench, lie possesses nowj at age a little above fifty year*, aj maturity of intellect peculiarly fitting hint lor the highest judicial position.| : 11 -'s.- j A sectional or loeal argumen expet-leii to jhaye much force; lis qu te liatnral to, look to tii | for a [judicial candidate. The 1 publican I noininee fur tloit pi JiidgCfieed,! is an eastern Iman oat going judge-resided in the and it may be legufded a* a Question | that tlic Deihoeralid nee Will betaken from that sec <’an lie. not [best be matched uik come by a sound loyal weStei n Our friends need have, no fears-1 western couriligs in the test, under any. cirti instances cancass [ but with judge llAgi the, ticketj they will enter tl:< with a confidence of deserved t and an energy that will seen r# i : : .■ a’ ■ cm i ■' '■■'•'C 1 ' I if ■! • SR • Hanrisbfrrr r«rr«, of this 7Ctb i UiU went U9*the fo!|oWing —I 4 ?'!11 u |pi6cesding» of a meoiirtg of tU offl ' the Kfpiuu'!lr jt«N of tliat reifimeiot, called| fj>n tho;; Jcuhtl t.hem■. in,. • *?•] I JwrpOjse.of cxjiwoiMmg Their diMippro ’ r £?. Bttr K ew h* i«c*h.'*rgo I kntjon of the -.onrseS of certaih parties' , Ul,J .. an f cioUs to-dg!,my l rjh -Nprtli, who are suWrih* '^SemtV^ jbnn|{ abont a.dishdnorablo peuce; I wire. \Vitii«,i, t.inter>.li^' ‘^ er 1 Becdo'rt 75fA P. FI (STeygtone Zouaves.") !° dntike invidious cemni r iv,w' , ' T , •••.• Uiltor. ngad, sfC,Mar. 27i!’C3.' : :'.!* »*<>.e I) t ; 1 j , The officer*- met pursuant' to call. * at ‘l £ ,, B‘»ti-. i'aeiL?' iami; the following resolutionsj were ‘ j' B - f he s ol JiAV, idrafted; and unanimously adopted fjyk,.* this, filv , tifflecrr; they iw’eriefalMi’nlad to, ! H n i unanimously adopted .by ■ Sher*! i^ hf ,I,e ''«Hf F igitnent: , r ,i i,-| hounded soldiers! locsfod' u - ' W, in..the Snm.,;with the avowed 1 cniiso of hiinlmV lr>r , object of making ottertiireiT of There has ii 4v its. ll.oBe in arms against the Gemera! ftlaigl gainst ‘""Bi h Govj-rvtnetu; ant an the leaders of that true - J, u 't *’■ **!N «f [Par y are w.*U., { bromimmi Tl,>o„gbbedmkSSid l - r, ’ art " f 't,l the land seeds 6i discontent andi trea I i.i. '"“"ulitttuml, a,,,, son;itti.d whereas, among other tibdm- I sons , '...aide heresies that 1 the l «>: i gatitig; they; aie. to coJiVinee Lent*- »? J?« " f {!|ejt the public mind that-lihe-armT how in 'miMt;,.,.' r 'nr‘ ■ —f ; tllu ttrc field, contending bdhwk ddt KTo ■ t lion,; the Onion of i and \bS bom Jv lev ‘T ororthc county; demon- J . ~_ '’■• I V* i i ; would not do. instaiiter. fili th-i'' Resolved, That each Amcneaff citi-i required )v a s reported as! a m, )n w Zen being a tnemberof tbo great body i r i bis game is row pretty well polttlc is loyal to -the] best mt crests of ‘stood. . I have visited 'many 11,i.„ that body—our common- country - j jtnd inj- observation Hi.eyejrvW*' only ?o Jong as he ut-ij* in obedsdee-to 1 finned me ni the opinion .tliat; h 1 the governing wtllq jor. head td’ltiiiit-j main the men were we|j sltt ! uii.|L bodyt—lhe General Government Uhat! This I am happy to he able l<»%eo ijis the powers that h|iye been, 'tj'feated .Those weak' and. fitofish ■by the popular Vole, ih ;;aii<l Ocen llie eanse of manv an iKirh eonstilutii.nal eleclioh, any attempt 1 «ary''pnng to a poor father, to oupose the power thuieerejftbd .eiUi brother' or sister lit i (lt . not but tend to prodnto :vnilehu|ye re-' ,<*n6 far dff-in ‘nho tented fieM suits, if not fngldriouii deteats ini say surh was ini«iiii'e.d most important projects, ami is suh | nniipppy rc-nlt is the ' saiiie. forslve of the, first i|iniieijrle» rif g I '■*Thc j Legislative, f or 1!. Lengjeratie government, viz; that: the j‘present- i week has been driven ias majority must rule.- . . ■’ stean-. From Qy^j.frl Resolved, Tlfa* we, as volunteers in 2 i.. 1 : ,,,5 J froni 7i to ll) e.vmy.&y, Y f i the defenee .of the fcbhjttituti&r Had : e, * Id'U-dly.' believe ! that tfiii' .rit .the laivs. eliainpions in the foiViest pfi J'-Hy**! away week after, weddc Freedom arid: Uivivieisal : Liberty, i ,l(lMll^ r X; !, nd February al'tlie rate J against Treason ami; JtV' hlielfoix i•? i.woek. % bill "has t«l el’iiml; the privilege |of giviiVg .ioin-i P re l l 'i r^' 1 >P the; Sena l f.c.,re'jiea!hig ‘th! Voice i)i (■ond'jmimliiin <d tiles.; eraveiU att ' -f*' 3'illi |an. 18 ip, lull ilieV.ia; -and cowards, an-1 wir|e than trajlpr!*, fbe Staie.Treasnreriii (iitiu-e to nay It seizing ev*ry ppportuiiity , to, enriiaf .""'twesti' on all oar >pabji.- .feht hiss lihe inoveiueiiis id . our gitv«ih> 1 o'jp;Vv(.‘!ira i th's B". nicnt;iby utrgriiig IrVgsVniible; seiili- "I'onld liave 1 n the /!„;« ifiuntsj and in other; ways, thus giving ‘I ( ' :l ." bgWlly pys. | '.B u it. iV K j, jw j,j indirefl uill and coiufo'rti to re* * l tailv.-wltb iuiieh' of rto hellion against the Government; , j-- j Legislutmn, of the sosTijiii.". Jiestyoed, Thai we 1 "P; *W -everal^previ.V.^,^ -h , Ammgiyiiig.ex]iression tatlieeorrlemptii ■ T n'S, "*» samt -fepX. aiid seorn we ] feel tori,(he Imbeciles ;, A (J ' ll bas.l-.e.,, bo f„ r „, h, c who,, least of air, have cause for com- I ' a <-omii;rny [to r.-.i , plaint -gt a vigorous tfie waf.-ris they: havei epdnred, nh„e vrbr,^;.^ of its Ihardsh.ps; and experienced the * "I ? lewest Josses, and ; yJt ,t.. r ~«■■■• -via. mu..:,.. „•! iirj tbciit-jawynaiW. <H»rrUv'«neW-'kro a , (e, * r *.! ~l-,b l > er',s,f, l „| *? r .bhiastsjamln. if there v gradedj.of treason, we elans. ;thV» ihc I - vi'iih readers ko .ponder ove tnost .lde p |.,eob!o ifaiiors are< those 'y ~ le. l ’ i' Gr-t. Q./ly vS . who, enjoying every benefit fgimriin.il bpwever. can -arise i-i fl,e iiiiii-'i tifed to her citizens by r.iirHrbefal i r - ea,,,n «'••ucord'rif. tlifwc y,.., Govcriiiiiont. are stabbing iii tla-dark 7 ere tU,y "* itbiricen ton sfupU i,> -being doijoid M nfpnly! inmrage-lor the intr-ivst of timir ,J,v whieli yiruio We m-ist alieast. ro.piict ~r - hecon-l'yy w v re .they 'frnivd those who meek us 011 ghe buttle: tiyM P'l U'e.lnes./;. v inigj,t''jai|g'«' .Sh-u,. face to face. ■- ;u: 'i-m >,,, Jibe reso!i;tions". ; introd.f-. we will -I.Md ir J - th f '?■? l " g'W those iginciplcs that actiifitcd genre n 1 *'T v’’”*; " J >'M we wont 'forth to battle ibr the. rV.rnt •1 ® 1 U , , k ’ a ! lc ,V -H \ "^bi-.Kv/i those: mot,ves ,lbal have M.>tai lV ‘ U C ;"V’ on, the fatiguing iharcli. or imho mo 1 i r‘'-r i^ y , hi* s»a.e "■!" iitony.of eamp life, whether lilm'llr ll f'l, Hl,k r' ' *"'*,■ •, ,< *val uti.-ram-ei -Kvc bnrningsnii Vr tl.elbeiiti.tg lains^hat,li-Tu • V ’*' ,W^ Cr we are Mill actuated-l.v timid i n U\\vL\ ' MM T- S 'i J l,< that, have ii* oh Mi* 'KM Ir \^ ni , Dn , 0 Hj| t n ' ‘trove llmtlle, or in! 1 lms' } i/f.iy ?-ri- 1 l !' 0 r !\ k ' tliat ice still elierish those pnb.fcl' l pH o ,J y g.i'n.nk I the thougbt. of lylneh fias -fiimle ns ‘ - 1 ., 1 i I" 5 'I''* 1 ''* s >! a ‘'‘? ,or :t!l 1 , Ir .‘ •‘ ; t j proud in yictoiy ■and pa'ticnt '.'in'-ill'i 0 .-orrA •eat; that k. we tfe by his tmh and privation# 1* g S’f •"T~ ' J T [reer for tm.ents, ,o‘sce f hem u f »naen a l..jy, ; the II in pliant we 1 cilh-nihrse lll Ih*' Ij'finf. or:share ii solt^ierV'grave '-in. -MU' f ' T V™ , ' l .J ,rh e :l mar.'-ot es^lient :«f. our companions wha have alrev^i''- 1 fallen: ; sl 1 ■ ‘‘Vy" llls conduct hcfi lia,' Ix-i-n :;■• r>„, ~ y rri ! 1 - •I.yxceplliinahl.e. 1 His politics aro aycsi ■tl- • 0 ■ H That woicnrdiiillv endorse!: ii.nhle Jle evidently snoke tor Kiil-r lire action of C'ongress'lin ,r<‘ga.r»Htp| : morid.'arnf not for Ifarrisbar - Vvi'.-Kt ■'•J, p ‘ ea, 'i* “ ,!,k pianper, of ci.n-liicting- he' was-.iitiergig it the war id agd express a for-j earned 1 oijft. 'jnnst l di-lrov thc cd yemt ho)Mi that every man not alrmidy I government in oarlln T t : . r .V»|v(i |,.ii,(iv m the'fiiild. will ■' usy his urrnnst ybn-.ji rest'riiin fro.i| wiping over j gcayot-fi to have the law enbnee.l.iy: f| prodiintion iif 4 .m.in«l and charactl \ Jbsolped .That' wo|, think' any peace llVrsliing is ilncihcr v.mng nmi obt a ingd;ghile-thp. yebcls arg yet- iii ,!rnijid,;oit the wrong, side. IFiuit « arms, lyotth! bg un'U|bsta,'ilial.'hiiniili j|tc co'tild hot- jraise liiiiiso/f n/» tof ating, and.ailijslinriof to the country, duty of ai (ingiiis oiiirry intills find that aj ponce, U| jbe a p|'rmatienf! flay'of sad irnif-iind :uili\-ii-m. |iej»r,.»ndj reflect fioiior on us and the !! ! T|»e teachings rg Glymer, I. amber- GdVernniciit \v» npiiold, 'mysti io~‘ :f i o, > rtn 'l Wallace.or the K myte. J ao,f **cMiqne'n>d peace.'' j f f ! ijlopkins, Pershing an 1 \y.iken.dd nf ; Resolved}, That the thanks of - the; I; be 'House, are producing 1 'their le people and soldiers jof iniii .State! are gilimafti Vrestflts. Treason is l ip.; due tohis jßxceJletiey ,!A. G. GcuriN;i>> Berk id coanfy org|iii/.e,) iii-itlr for the aldh and skilHiil inanpor lie balhs signs, p.i-'ses. &e, TU-s ehmfaim has edndneted the affaiit-s of mirlState. Uff those liaiKirs is lojia-si.t tiig (i ( ,y. in arming, cquiping a'nd sending forth eminent sand aid the rebels. The nionsunds In do or die for rho irigbt, ' bloodv i>Bne well so m com ■ in. course jmeels ' with O’li' our, own Stale unless ithe con rag; <>’- most hourly ajipnivafy,proving fiiin to- the; traitors fails them 'L *t it eo?i^ T , oe a painbt and Statcsniaii in wham if opnve it niiist, ( The. 1 maatvs"are loy-' ■ ‘f‘y utmost! confidence, i ~"-jal to a greater extent than your G(y . (Signed by all thqof Seers of the fe-r.: mens, Hoj/kitjs -and Gleiins : think.— imvnt. J j j Tiieyf evidently think that tlie;.olil ’' j i , j lyingSappcals \yiil be‘iis,j>>ient agkiust ,j A Correol ion ' now ( n they 'wore d( I ; i ; (; ■ I | oM; in ,'imcs of p-aec. against jol.t mV ‘ ' I ' '‘ 1 j' ■ ' I 'ical op|iononls. .Here is tifieir great ♦ "w!i , i TOR I - /' 1 , rtfl 'nw me'error-' ilti-i well thatit ia Uo. tiafer _ 1 , ‘ columns of your-paper'fq: are; fifty Tour members .oflthis 1 1-'oi-sd correa w fglte ,„, ?r cJsi m.- f, is ,of Re.n osci.tativcs wli wUld.lt’ibev la o i ™e ;r ^rw ,ff i !. .•••»» tin* Rea - ciuild,’■■'curry Pennsylvania m ; <;f 'W •- 1 '" 1 At 'fl?l‘-niy ,;? secft«Bit>(i. Vile; hymkiritesk Altlmi..*b f 1 ! 11 ' 1 v'' r Th^ s n 'i s, «kc- phue U tlimr kyaity, fmf ojib gj der thJ*} I '* f ' VO 'T'iW'W g re un: .everything tlw goyernmvnt is ihjiitg f h »v- -i®° l ! °^' 'TrgMee*,- ret; <•{ caii do to piit ruiwlhp"- Prnfa^ 1 q — Titov afe lovaf.l but rfwy den rv'dm ■LtTfH' ’T’ 11 ! ''Oi.titrnovCur.-cmy Ww r ha I tCny^iun-eßrc n . „ “ Pfineipnl of the Aeadomy ; .»isiuin e fa trie . drub. LoVa 1 , TnrZT!!,* an t Wl1 ' ""'•T ■bu tbg;tb^-»,lv, > o B o!diw ,o desert' Lm-ab w!ooh^M*slI <,e « 1 *} f t th ri S ‘ jn>i | 18, 'y- of blit they frequently, wheii they tbiiik ha thA p • ~on ' r 'R"dt saflv give uttoranee t « tliei/prefer' will nSirf biiti ladies oiiee for the trailer Jeff. Havis. bnildln * D ' Board tn tbo Seminary TIIO election iicws’from. Uhodts Is i * n I ' jlnn.J,, ConnCciieht, Ohio, and ;>tl:or - T> ■■j .n ' CPNxijfoHASf, . Northern States is clieering indeed. !WHr—-I Tru^,ac *' Eyemr paper ! open low account •I f* »t*r, April 6UI. ’, , [of tfao iormMioa of Union Lc-ejju»»- t»« not jet it e west i«v jße wkion. . Tl.e w?st, settled nomi- 10-11., id over- ijnan ? Iran tlio ir cc.ti (of tlio, tew .)ji‘ . field lU-CCBS ON Pi's t . UIC at the user, lIIKC.. ni; to r ti.« i»- t lie Kohl- ! Trgl qtioii,' ident, iry of ►berts, niUt‘o, i oach le or is ex- iietiii}'.' I'tN, llereer riven* Volk. h(>a«J] I*l of Com i art of’ %sp lifentu ■inild Hos- tile ■ienl IOJIO i. on— aled rick- men rliat «°v • ob 901 r it. our not \\ 11- : ■ * =MR M r *-, I, ' »;i the
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers