V “ VAN I T Y FrA lM ,” .1 IMPORTANT [TO: FfibIALES. GEEIgAirTOWNTELEGRAPH. ■ -This i* the firstpettily cieyer wiaic aid, DR. CHBESBMAIPS PILT R’ | A Family arid m Agricultural Journal. wejiaye k*A« America- , The , combln ,i iou of ingredients in tlese 1 I•- > L Ll .1 .. . f aim re?llv-clever ft is.-. It is both sharp and t - b r ■ )■ j ■jf '. ■' •.._.■■■ go ;d'-u.eiii'pered, and not afraid to say that its ”>*ls arc the result of a pong and .extensive .1; . |DEVOTM) TO ; soul is-its own—which shows that jt has a practice. They are mild ,in their operation, ' kL- J- ’ soul. Our readers will be glad.to know where addH-ertain in cfirrectingj all irregularities, CHO ICE i LITE R ATU RE. tuoy cm find native Tun that has .something . . ' Af i: . ■ ’ better? hfc.il ' lima ««e Altmfe pjl “ ful menstruations, removing all obgtruc- ■ Jj nicLCBXSO 'llxJnihhj, : lions; whether from cold or otherwise, head- M. . ' | : “ihis_j»aper is'efccoUeatT* ,'■s* Itecurkable ache, pain jin the side,palpitntionof the heart, j . Poetry, Novelettes, for onsinality.* , -i-K..3.!4fmrtfife/. whites, all Incnrous affections, fatigue, liyster- * !■ ‘‘YAniTT, iaxmndimted by a vivacious, antfUmbs, etc., disturbed MORAL i AND ENTERTAIN “ .■ 4. .is® HEADING GESBRAM.T.:’ Dr Oheeswaan'o Pill, I. a. uum, |*' Act “'VhosoeVcr finds himself-laughing at the slhe co ““ c l cement of “Jew era in the sent the choicest Varieties Within tho reach of wit of Vasitt ?aib, and docs not return * treatment of those irregularities and obstruct our extended means. TheNovelcttes, tales, quid vto into, isfit for ’treason, and spoils.” - tious which have consigned so many to a tbe- .V. r. Crayon. .... . - ’. .mature gbavk. No female can enjoy good {±? eB J “ d eijual to anythinfe J » 8 to be # louua m!r journal or magazine. I 1 health unices she is regular, and whenever an ”■ 1 obstruction takes place the jeneral health be gins to decline. SPECIAL NOTICE. ■ The very marked uni flattering success frliich has tlius far attended the publication of ' _ Fa in," ‘ ; Enable# the prildishorto announce that with the commencement of the Stcond.A’olmue,, is sued this day, 30th June, 'New Features; both Literary a n't 'Artist : c; tv ill be introduced, which "will increase. the yalna-andinteresl of the pas per, anil fully maintain'the proud position ..unanimously accorded to‘‘it, as the leading .Comic Journal of America. : I. -VANITY FAIR ' , ; \ ' isßriti'BKGCnjianv svebv thcbsuat. ' V r.d is, for Sale by all Newsmen, and at the Office of Publication, No ilia Nassau-etreet,- ’ New Vctk; j" - i TERMS: Thrpo dollars per annum, in advance—Six cents single c6py.._ : 1 TERMS FOR CLUBS , Two copies, of V.imtt Faib will be stent to one address f0r.......... Su.DO Eivecupies ..12 00 Ten copies .....;20 00 An Extra Copy will be allowed to thegetier np of every Club'of not lees than five, copies. This paper is Electrotyped, and numbers may be procured at any time. \ ■ i ’ LOUIS H. STEPHENS, Publisher for the Proprietors, 113 Nausau-st. I ’f , New-Y’ork. 1 Office of J4V COOkK. ,! SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At JAY COOKE & CO., Bankers, 110 SOUTH “THIRD STREET*, ’ PlulaUelpliin, N'ov. 1, HE undersigned, having been appointed SUBSRRIPTION AGENT bv Secreta ry of the Treasury, is now prepared to fur nish, at once, (be Twenty Year 6 per ct Bonds. -of die tinted l States, designated as **Five ■ I wentics. ’ redeemable at,the pleasure of.the Government. after five years, and authorized Congress, ■ approved February 25. "The COfl’ON BONDS are issued in some of tod, SlOO $5OO. SlOOO. . ihe it lit* ISTK If BONDS in, sums of $5O sld(i, $5OO, Sumo’and $5OOO. ‘ , 3 Interest at Six per cent, per annum will commence from date of purchase, and is ‘ PAYABLE IN GOLD, Momi-.Aiinnallyv .vhicli is equul. at pitcruimu on gold, 1o about'EIGHT PERCENT im:r annum. ' i. 1 aimers, .McrclianlH Mcc}ianic.«CapU^jsts f '•afltiaA who have any uio-ney [to should .. Know and leniemhm' mat these Hands are, in ' effect,,:! Jr’lltSl JIJiItTGACiE upon nll .Kail - toads. (. analsp-Bank■ Stocks apd Securities, Md tho /immense products of all the Miuiufae 'ures, &«., in the country: and the full y oi.d ample provision nmd(> for the payment of the interest and liijuidatlon .fit* principal; by Ijistoa-.o Duties,. Excise Stamps and Internal licyemnn serve/ to make these’ Honda the . * Best. Jiout. Available and Mint Popvlnr Jnvcf-imeitt ■/> , thcMiirk, t received atJPAE in legal Ten <l<t >.oios, or not os and cheeks. of banks'at J’ ar in Muladelpbia.. SuWribcra Ijy moil will reciTivi prompt attention, and every facility and tvp’r.imtinn trill be afforded on applica tion ar lids office. . * ii;;l supply of Ponds will.be kept onband for immediare delivery. JA\ OOOKK. Agejnt. BEAVER, SEMINARY Ml) INSTITUTE Rev; R. T. Taylor, A. M., Prin. Mrs.A. S. Taylor, Governess. J?EXT TfiKil’ jCOMMEXCE Tuesday; .March 24th, l>&i, j\na continue 14 B-ceka. The aim of the fcliOul is to. make it*? pupils thorough, csi]e ciiuly in ihe Common Branches. ; ':-A- Normal Class, for lue benefit of lliosc wishing to fit the'ra eelves for teaching, will be-’ibniieJ- at the commencement of the terra. ' ; Uoat-.1, Kootu ,i;cnt. ..„s3Brbo ■Tuition varies ffom Ss.-fio m sB,tat further particulars inquire ol - the President, of’h'acOlrv. , - ' : |jnar4’63 MEI |3O. Employment.- $lOO COMMERCIAL AGENTS WANTED TO SEIil, GOODS FOR THE abams, (A SEW ENGLAND}. ,i- Mannfact a ring Company. WWILL GIVE A COMMISSION OF «ne hundred. per .cent, pu all .goods told by, our Agents, or we will pay wares of from S3U to $lOO per momt and pay iJI ne cessary expenses. For particulars address' with stamp, > ; % . ’ ■ , . Ar’t, I r . *** -Manufacturing Co., Delriot, Micb:gap. ‘ ■ -July 2, 1862. 1 ; IsTOTICE. '■ , ' A AROX MOQKE, of this'Borough ishhe -tjL onlyLicExsED ArciulxEEK in this conn t!mc - re W ‘o pcrforui the duties hr his. office wheat notified. Any other who attempts to still at Auction, except at Ad-' nnmstrator’s_sale, dpesiit ih violation of Jaw The penalty is not doss than $lOO ‘ ' Beater, Dec. lOp'dli.- , • • Slltm SAME, to the- premises t iniCliippewa tp., about hite: Heifer, 1! .years oh rcepiesfiid to comef forward pay charges and take her ai' will Wdixposed of: accordin r Aug.2l—j llo , I SB 50 Reward. lIW give the above reward for. the ar rest and conviction-of,any person found trespassing or doing qialicious mischief on my . property, adjoining the’farm of Abram Wolf and lot of John Fisher, hcarthe boro, of . BTbXE? - t : " ’ Kerr’s lEtotel Third Street, Beaver, Peim’a f JTJfJRJt, Proprietor.. Dr. Cheeseman’s Pills - are the most effectual remedy known for all complaints peculiar to Females. To all clas ses they arc invaluable,' inducing , with eirlgin >y, periodical regularity.- They are known' to thousands, who hare used them at'different! periods, throughout the. country, having the, sanction of some of the .moat eminent Physi cians in America. . * Explicit drreetioat, Hating when they ihoutd not it wed. with each Box—the' Price One Dollar per Box, containing from 50 to GO Pills. i Pills tent by'mail, promptly, by remitting to ihc Proprietor. Dr.Smitix of-Bridgewater) sole*agent for this County.. rE. B. HUTCHINGS,. Proprietor. ■ . 20 Cedar St., New York. BEAVER DRUG STORE. Opened in the Boom formerly Oc ' cupied by the late Dr. Minis. TUB Subscriber haying purchased the Es tablishment will endeavor to beep con-f' sitantly\pn hand: all articles usually found in Drugstores. - 1 m Kting a Physician and Druggist, the public may rely on his keeping the PUREST and BBST DRUGS. ; • ! . . ! A variety of other articles .will also be - found in his establishment: j Tm, Extract of Coffey Posin' Soap, Fancy Soaps, Port Monies. Combs. ALL ARTICLES FOR THR TOILET. SPOOL COTTON; LEAD PENCILS, NEEDLES, STEEL -iPENS, JHAIR BRUSHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, TOBACCO. SEGARS, LET f TER, NOTE, & FOOLS ! f CAP PAPER. Cdridii fl Oil Lamps .and . Chimneys. ■ fsrc a few of the articles, and only a few always on-hand, ■■ Call and sec. ; He .will; try*, by close attention and fair dealing, to., give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom!. • . C. P. CUMMINS. M. D. ’BSSUl’amculur. attention - will be paid to, putting up Physicians prescriptions. [uug27 iPHociiiisrix f & 1 ICTUItE 1 liA IL£ MANUFACTORY, , NOS., 221' EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET, 173 & 175 GRAND STREET AND 215 CENTRE STREE. ESTABLisurn 1838. N. Y. Kstabi.isiif.h 1838 THIS. Establishment has been in successful operation.for 21 years, and is the largest of tiie klnd in the United States. We have on hand or manufacture toordcrevery description of Looking-glass, 1 Pictufe and Portrait Framed, Plain and Ornamental Piter, Wall. Oval t.Man tel Glasses, Connecting Cofniocs., Base and Bracket Tables, with .Marble Slabs. Toilet j Gbiasoc, fee., tie..' .s<• M 011 hi ill [T, f„e pjeturc I Frames, in lengths suitable for transportation, either Gilt, Berling. Rosewood.] Oak, Zebra.- I Birdseye. Mahogany. &c, Onr ne.w,manufae-t ; t.o*y :mid extensive faeililies'enaole us to turn - I >teh any article in our line as gjtpd as the bJst. l and as cheap as tie cheapest, | • ; i Dealers are invited to'call upon us i Whew they visit New York. | We claim to be able to supply to sujtply lltenr with everv arti cle ih our line which they canpussiblypurehase elsewhere". , i ~ * j ; tSih Orders by mail attended . to with | promptness. Dt not tail to ball when you visit Ntew York. . i ' - - . Of!;rr $ Wnrfrooht, Xn. 215 Crntre. St., X. i HOW ACE V. SIGLER, Agent. Ma 7 v—3.mo*, II ti ni all >1 ise r yv j Jure Publislitd in a ScaMEnMoj-r. Price IS.e(tr - ALKi'TI RE BY Dm CCLVEUWELII PSC THE CAUSE AND CURE c.fSpcrinii torrh«a, CoA«nnipti<in. Mental anil Physical Debility,Nervousness. Epilepsy; Impaired hV, tfition c.fi the Body ; Lassitude; Weakness of the Limbs and the Back ; Indisposition, and Incapacity for study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of Memory; Aversion to Society ; Love of Solitude:i Timidity ;• Self- Distrust; Dizziness: Headache, Affections of the Lyes: IhmpUv on the Ficc; Involuntary Emissions, and Sexual Incapacitythe Consc ipiences of youthful Indiscretion, &c.. fee. ■' B®»Tbis admirable Lecture'clearly, proves limi the above enumerated, often self-afflibled evils,-may ,bj removed' without medicine and tvithout Dangerous surgical i operations, and' should be read by every youth and every man in the land. ; \ .11- T. T.ri'LOE. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain scaled envelope, on the receipt Of six cents, or In o post a gc-si a tups, by addressing, j (’HAS. J.C. KLINE & CO., 127 Bowery,Sen- York. Post Office 80x,4586. iD andeli on C dflee. rjIIRS preparation, made fromlho best Java •JL Coffee, is recommended by physicians ns a superior M.TIUTIOUS BEVERAGE for Gen eral Debility,. Dyspepsia and all billious disor ders. Thousands',who have been compelled to abandon the use of coffee, will use this wit! out injurious effects. One can contains the strength of two pounds of ordinary coffee 25 cents. •' ‘ v ■ POLLOCK'S LEVAIK. The purest and best BAKING POWDER for making light, sweet and nutritious Bread and Cakes. Price 1 S cents. Manufactured t»y . M. H. KOLLOCK, Chemist,' 1 Comer of. Broad and Chestnut streets, , . PHILADELPHIA, nd sold by all Druggists and Grocers aar2fi. .'' I • ‘, r —, -■ of the subscriber, the ISt of -July, d- This.'owner is , prove property, i'aj; otherwise she igio law„> )S]J m-kixlev. TO COUNTRY DEALERS. School Boohs and Stationary at Whole ... sale. i • i - • The ?Hbscnbcr-. lias always on band Osgood s & M Qufley’s. Speller & Rea d^a’,Hays,_Arithmetics, Stoddard’s Anthracite, Pinneo’s Grammars,- Bi bles, &c., Testaments, Letter Cap and fc rei f N® 4 ® >«Pers, Envelopes, B Tr^ okB ’^ aBs - Steel Pens and Roldets Copy. 800% Slates, Ink, Ink stands, Bonnet Boards, &c., &o .Usual discount for cash: Goods packed and delivered- to any part of the city. ; EOBT. |S. DAVIS f feb;ls 73 Wood at., Pittsburgh TUEj GREAT CAUSE ATE KOh L OG It ’S f? Agriculture and Horticulture, EMBRACING Farming,Gardening, Fruit-Raising, |&o. In all their branches at conducted on the taint and moit dpjrrovtd .tyitem. Oor labors in this! department for over thir ty' years, have met the cordial approbation of the public. Onr purpose has been to furnish useful .and reliable! information upon these very important branches.of industry, and to! protect theta so far «s within our power! against the fal4o doctrines-and selfish purpos es of the many empiiW'snd turers by which th« Farmer is incessantly as sailed.! This portion of tlib Germanloicn Tele graph will nlone.be worth the whole price of subscription, as every Fanner and Gardener, who has a proper Conception of his calling,' will readily admit. | MWS riFUTMENT. t. • I » .1 ' Tlie. sarne industry, care, and discrimination, in gathering and preparing the Stirririg Events of the |Day, expressly tor this paper, which its been oßotof. its marked features atud given: so, universal satisfaction, will be continued with redoubled efforts to meet the increasing demands of tic public. .Tie labor required'in this department •is never fullybp prcciatted render. - jlt j would bo [lm possible to prfesmit.jtho condensed and care-' fully made-up form' in which it appears, -it corrected mass' tof pli tie httest interesting pews-of the week,.[ without involving much physical labor, tact and judgment. , We annex the cr.sh terns. ,we beg leave to call attention of all wibUhink! of subscribing for a newspaper: ’ - Advance I Cash Terms. \ Onte:‘c_opy, one y'car, $2 ; one . cbpyV three years, $5,0(1; three copies, one year,, $5,00; Five ‘ Copies, One Year. 88,00; Ton'-Copics, One Y'car, $15,00; Twenty Copies, One Y ear, $28,00! ■.f i , fisr'SuWripi ion iiot paid within the year, $2,50. ■ r ; SSU-' Club of fire subscribers, at $B. will entitle the person getting it up jto a copy for six .months;' a Club;of ten or,more, to a "copy for orip ycar. All flub. subsqSptions stopped nt the end of the time paid tSr, I unless re-or dered. ■ I order wi|l receive attention unless accomplished with the c&qb. ' * numbers sent lo applicants. ! PHITvTPR.FHEAS, Edjtop and Proprietor. \Gtrmantotrn, Philadelphia, Oet. 22, ’62. NEW BRIGHTON RETREAT. AN ASYLUMPOft THE RECEP TION. cure And treat ment OF MENTAL i ALIENATION OR DISORDER. . An cl OtHep ; Nervous and Chronic Diseases. EXCLUSIVELY FOE. FEMALES. flin IS institution is now open for riic recep^ U lion, care, ami treatment, of the inde/iiu dcul r'a-.e of patients who arc laboring unJW menial derangement ; nr other nervous, hud chrjmio disease. j\Ve make special mention of nerpous and chronic diseases, from the fact that seven tenths) of the female patients that are committed to our public Asylums, to be treated for disordered minds, arc reduced to that’ lamentable 1 condition through previous (physical disorder. By a well timed and judi cious treatment! of chronic and nervous dis eases, all physical disorders, in the majority of cases may betrcmOTed : and thus 'the mind liaving suffered [ through the medium of the body , will when free frem the exciting physical cause.l throw off Ihe'shackles (hat ha« bound ; t t 0 worse l(tan midnight darkness, and reason will, once more, resume its sway! clothed ,in alt itti primitive beauty and excellence. 'Hence the necessity of all tiiijs'c* who arc laboring under the predisposing nr exciting causes, calculated in,the end to im pair tlie mind to yes.of lo an eVlyand judicious course'of remedial agents. ■ J ■ The Institution is n large lirick building ■with a stone basement —four stories hb-h and wclUveniilated.f It is situated on an eTevatod table land whitfh commands a view of entire town—adjacent hills—groves and neighboring streams;: ail of which are calculated )n pro duce favorable impressions upon the disorder ed mind. . | . i The Institution is complete in all of its ap pointment*. Having been tastefully fitted tip at: graet expense, in order that it may meed dhe approbation and views of the most fastidU ous. ■ • ; ’ ’ ; The water closets and bathing apparatus have been gotten up upon the most approved modern scieutiUcprinoiples. This.department embraces not (only the ordinary baths biit also, the medicated, warm air and ascending and descending douche for the more effectual and successful Treatment of cutaneous and other scrofulous diseases. begJeavc to say to all those who-miy be disposed to commit the interests of a dear tvilo, sister ?r daughter, to run- charge—um bo assured that no means will be spared or on our pari to ameliorate their condition or tu| effect a restoration to their ac customcd health nnd vigpr of mind For further particulars send fori circular All communications should ho addressed to ’ | E. KEJfDitidk, M. 1)V ; - Supt. of New Brighton Repeat / r.nii *><«<> i i ‘ New Brighton 7 ' DOTI2 - G1 I ' Bwrer Co. Pa. GCSTew Grobds I! 1! - S- KANQ K 1! , 3ridgewatpr, P a ., HAS just, Received a large asaolrtiient of SPUING GOODS, winch will be; offered at I‘AXIC PItICES a Varietfof ' , l B, * Ck ' Ca0 ’ “ aU DRESS GOOOS. JIUSLINS," GLOVES, HO- SIKKV, &c„ &c., ISON 4 STEEL, ail varieties. KAILS, by, tSt pound or kee. ; y HJTE o LEAD and VARNISH. ! WINDOW^GLASB,^ OILS 'ai?^ E m S^ A ?.?’v LOOKISG, - GL ABSEs;4c. j lW^l W c! : be Tt ld low fo f Cash, or Brid£«watcn .M»T 7. 1862. ■TJBOP. WQO) ■ Y an d Blooii ole.for. wtU at I »ais* ’8 restorative cordia « th ® g«naine »rti jtnt Dru£ «f I I ML C- P.CtJMMWS. OR. PHILAD7 -■ rE,. .. Jff. . iftCh^smutSt, i ( PUILADELPJIU, PA. j ft 'HIS InstitJjtion, which wu establishedin ■ 1844, anifl it now consequently in t 4 eigthleehlh year of .Us existence, numbers among its graluales, hundreds of the most suc cessful Merchants and Business Men ■, of our Country. 1 ,:i " f . ; j | ThO object of the Institution is solely to jaf ford young me* facilitJeerfiJr thorough prepa ratfoii for business. i ' . ! '■ib.e branchek taught'Mrei Book-keeping, 1 as applicable to the vanonsjhpartments of trade; Penmanship, both plant and ornamental; Commercial XJsW, mathematics, Navigation, Civil Engineering, Drawing, Phonography, and Modern Languages.' < The system of Instruction is peculiar; ho classes <>r set lessons are: made use of, but each studeht is taught individually, so that he may commence at'any time, ab'd attend «t whatbv- : er honrs aro most convenient. j j. Catalogue* ire issued annually after tie 16th of, April, containing names of the. stu dents for the!year, and ftill particulars (of, terms,. &c., and may bo obtained at any time by addressing the Principal. ’ | ■ ■ | In extensive accommodations, wide-spread reputation, an<S the lengthy experience of the Principal, this Institution off era, facilities su perior to any other in the country, for ypung men _ wishing to prepare: for business, and to obtain at the same time a diploma, which will prove aTOConurjcndatii|n fop them to.any Mer cantile House. I . | I;- ( :► ; „ ; i, fi© - CbitterWes’s Series ol Treatises on I Book-Keeping, how more' widely circulated than any other (work dblthe subject, ore for. sale M the. College. I * i ‘ 'B. HODOEs'CRITtENDEX;' t Ailotney-at-Ittm. ■' J. - I I : ’ . PItINTIPAL. Mit 7. Knox Fruit Farm & WtuxeriesT For many yeirsirve liavc made "the eiritira 'ion of SMAL.IL FRUITS i specialty, and taking into account VAKIKTV, Qr-ASTiTT and qcai.ity, our Block of Vines 'anil Plants of I GRAPES, | i BLACKBERRIES) . STA WHERRIES, GOOSEBERRIES, . RASPBERRIES,! CURRANTS, & 0 ; kc. is unequaled anywhere,; which >ve offer ■on •the most favorable tormgj i Parlies'iVishing to purchase would do well.tb correspond with us or scud,for our. PRICE LIST, which will be sent to oil applicants free of charge. ■ Oar Seed Store and Horticulture House — ' •' f WAT' • !• ■ i v 3Vo. «» Eifth Street , where all articles belonging to “such an estab lishment can be had of the best'quality , .. \ j Knox, ’ •-■■■ ■ Box 155, Pittsburg, Pa, I Wtt.MIM.Wt, Phil...,c jwi "HICCXTSOtf, j'■ . •'•<1) i«p|)jiTi:ii« or, ,j Brandies, Segars, 223, Cor. nf'lAhrrli/ S-'lrvin lit. Pa. * lon Yam, | &c., &c., constantly on hand, f . •_ x, fancO litill Xos. [ron, Nails, | 1 _i pr* . 2V.E"W ■ lILLTO. AM HiTM'Kli , / ESTABLISinrjvNT. ; j BROADWAY, ‘NEW BRIGHTON, J-A..' (Four Boors below Dr. Sargent’s Drug Store.' | may7,fi2—ly. j • MBS it MISS RENO. PITTSBUBG WATER CUBE. MO Curative Agency ia superior to II YI)KO I’ATHV for the treatment of all form of Diseases, anil no Institution in this fiiun try. possesses greater facilities for iis ndminis-' tration than Ibis.' !■ , r ; ■ „ SSUFor riolorinl Circular address ■Pa. vr. it. r j I ■ I’ittsbuap, }’a. ] "Tho Ci, ion," Affth Street above Third, ; | ’ PIIILA DRIjPIIJA, Pa. Upton S. Newcomer, Prop’r. fTTIHS Hotel is central. bvPa«- senger Railway Cars to nil parts of the t,ity. ami in every particitlnrjadnpted to the cemfort and wants nf Public j-V TEKMS. 61/,0 ']PKIi BAY. I “ The. Howe Sewing Machine,” "sold by- , • I A., 31. M ! (j R E GOK,; CORNEII PENN & ST. CEAlll ST&, I .riTTsUi?|ui,, pkn yA.. I NEEL»S ONLY TO BE S|EX TO EE AP PRECIATEJE, ' fap2i:-U’>m. . j 2V otipn, - IS hereby given (hal I have been appointed! as Surgeon by the Pension Department, to, examine wounded and ihydlid.Soldiers, from the service; that my alitiiorilyl extends to any County: Stale or Territory,! and that I am now rcody- to enter upon the[ disehaigc of my duties. .. . i UKOBGE MeCOOK, M. D , Examining Surgeon. | Oct.lo—-It. I OTOIf, COE & CO., Advertieing aod: CommitKion Agents AND J)EAI,ERB>IN PIUXTIXG ALL JfIXjDS Type, Printing Materials, 1 WRITIiNIi AND I-lllNTl NO CARDS. &C, J OFFlCES—Brown’s PuiWinß, Pliiliidelphitt: Tribune Huilduige, Now York. J iunr2fi:ly. , ;j .. ’ i • ■ T ... JAMES S. .RUTAN, i AT T 0 BN? Y AT LAW . { plSTiilt’T a TTO'RNJi Y . ) v ' ( BEAVKK, PENX|A. in the Court House A the Govcrnnient for J»pL. back pay, bounlynnd petitions, ’pr° BC “ cuteu to collection with the least 'possible de . * ‘ . dec3 v G2 mil 6 A. TO WN SB |'- ‘ DKAtEE IN ' -I: ['■ ;’ . . 800 KS, BTA T 1 0 NEK y, Wall sPeiper, ■ t fTOYS AND FANCY IKACtis no 6. NEW BRIGHTON. Ba. f ■ -A. R. THOM SO*. II ATTORNEY AT LAW, Offict, toner of Thrid tireel and (he Diamond. ' beaver, pa. ,jnay;2l. , ;j " ■ . . BENTEL, ARBUCKLE&CO MAXDFACTDTEBS OF '' : „ O.AJR/BO jsT nrr. ROCHESTER, ’ ! BEAVER COUNTY. PA. fap2 Sterling’ Souse, lot Second ).• (betwekk wood asd mahkxt) ' i PITTSBtTRG, PEJOPA. BOARDING BV THE MEAL, DAY OR WEEK. ]. ‘ Term Very Moderate, II '4l), ):LPH - I 41) K.A: IC IEBCIAL 1 n* - FRIENDS AKDRELATI^ES /.:.%/'. [." OF THE . ■; .-: i; I BRAVE SOLDIERS AND 1 SAILORS. HOLLOWAY’S PILLS A.nd Ointm nth I j. .A : IX WHOha™ Friends and Helativesin the ;_£3L Army orlNavy, - ;should take especial care that they bcihiply supplied witfc those.Fills' and Ointment /and where the brdvo Soldiers .and Sailors h'aVe .neglected to provide l them selves .with them, no better prescnt'.can be sent tbetn-by their friends. They, have been prove, ed to be. the Soldier’s never-foiling, friend in' the hour of need. ’ i 1 . F .COUGHS AND COpiS AFFECTING TROOPS Will be spCCdil y. Removed and effectually ttured by using Ihtse admirable medicines] ap'd Vy/paying proper attention to the Directions which arc attached to each I’ct or Box. ■ i 1 SlfcK HEADACHES AND WANT OF .APPE TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. ; 1. I | These feelings jwhioh so sadden.its;"usvlsUy I arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or easing anti drinking whatever i is unwholesome] thus disturbing the healthful action of U)e liver land stomach.; These qr gans must be relieved, if yon desire tojie well. The Pills, faking according to llie printed i'_U slructions, 'Will quickly a produce a b&atthy ucliOa in jbot|i] liver anti stomach, and Os la natural consequence a clear hoid and goodaiU petite. I- ■IJ ' ;• I 1 WEAKNESS OK DEBILITY ENDCCED BY OVER FATIGUE/ j : 1 Will soon disappear by the use) of these in valuable Pills/and the JSoldier will quickly ac quire additional strength. Never lei the hCw-’ els be cither confined otr uiiilply acted upon. It may seem 'strange that Holloway’aj, I'illJ) should be .recommended for Dysentery, and Flux, many persons pupiposingthal they ivonld idcreas.e the relaxation,.'' • This is a greatj ihiij take, for these .Pilin'will correct the liver mid stomach and thttaf remove all the acrid humors from the system. , This medicine will give tqiic ?»d vigor to thp ivholc organic system howey- Cr deranged,’tyiiile Itenlth and-sirefigtE follow !**,** of icouisc.’ Nothing will stop the relaxation of the Bowels so sure as this] lum lous medicine; , f; ' ; ! . . j ■■ ■ VOLUNTEER ATTENTION.' / INDlfiritE-'i ■ , TfONS OF YOUTH. ■ rv |- , Sores and Ulccrs/dllOfchings and Swellings] i can with certainly hei radically ;a.-ii?tcl if the l ills are taken might aiid/mornlng, and the ointttient tyj freely iiSctl ns sintcil ir the printj? cu instructions.! man net they (Dy up in one panto brealj dm iiiim-i *WS*V Jn 1 'herons this Ointment." will remove the liuntora from flic system and Iral'e th»pd- f (tent a rigprmnj and healthy imin. ’lt will ve-i <mi r » “ MU perseverance in bad raises to in. Kiu-eia Int tiiijg cure. . f- • t F(>n woundE EiTHF.it -orr.bsjhvED pv l THE EAYON'ET. Olt SABRE OIt.TIIE HUE . EKTj-HOKES) OK JtKUisbs, / j To whifsu Soldier and Sailor arc liable Miere are no medicines so safe, jure, and con venient as Tloll/way’s'- Pilln and ointment. Tlicl poor wouiidcd alfd almost dying sufferer mi"liU have his » 01110)0 dressed imiiicdiiitelv. if die would only provide himself with tbit? 'match less Ointment, Which,shpuld V ''u^k l ' .... .. mcli,slipuld Uc thrust into the wound and smeared all around it. IbetJ covered wi|li a lucee of ilihciiffrom his knapidi'ck. nhd cdtDpreijk'd wiiih i a J handkerchief. |; Taking night and morning (i or ff Pills, to coo) tlic svj? Icin and prcvcnt iiitl«maiioi|. :] j | Every gol.licW knapsack' and; Scatmth’s •ihcst should hctprovided with llie.4c valuable Reme«lie*. . \ • « : ' ! \[‘ \ , : ;CVVSfTION -Mono are genuine unless the words “// o/loira .V«» J 'ork_.gm l.onHojt,’’ ttt'e distjernahle jts" a water-mark inlbvery leaf Of thebookof directions'abound eiieh pot :cr b«S\ ITtcgsamc Apiy be plainly seeiil- by holding the leaf to thA_!igh{. j A liandsomfe rpwitrd will be given to any -one j-endermg >tic)i infornJa-i tioii as may Icu'dTljKtlje detection id; any party* or partic3;conntcrfcidingtlie medicines orvend tng the f , anic..kti6win{g them to be spnriatts. 1 ; at Jtjie • Manufactory of Professor lloi.u.w iv, Bi| Maiden latye, :Vcty J'ork, ajid Vy alPrimpectalde Druggists amf Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilized world, in boxes at 23 cents; |U2 cents aiid'sf; each. *> i ; There (is bdusidentblc Saying by (akin"’ tho larger sizes, fj, ■■ - S J • ‘ j,° N. B.—Directions for the, guidance of pa ients; in every disordcfnreafiixeU to each box ■’May 7. . ; | |j • : ,j r - 608 Or ! * j , O i yojcomparei Kith tills la its Intrinsic value '<* curative male: or female agents • ,hero T r,E^ ’ Jv i' ’i|° SK, f ■ : i i.H ■ ;Prepared^by Dr. J. C. AYpjTB,: * J Lloyd's New tfttfl Plate Couiity\.Cohrcd ■ - andAaMyticalChemist,lbwdli pta*.. dfyihc United titafeji' I 3 -■ I 85' ra* rat] Box. fivEjloiaa >oii $1; J ’ ; Camdas, hhrl. JS'ew ' ~j> . S0LI) ? v , I . ' : . ,4& 0 t i”.®??* completed iAiig.i 10’ >*. Mil is] ; -jr.,.r'jUaVer: «• ■ *7 cost S_O,(MW to 1 engrave it, uudlche Cross.Ro<;hotqr; Waggoner A Lowry, ’ free. J *s r *'” ! 1 ■' • ''i T -tloT.: J. NioWils, Baden; J. Snrpeii,,. Kew :° u Pciipr tlO map ever uiado by Gdlfe iltrigbtpn. ' j'<3m tsincb,’ Bsr’inatobj iiuc ' : ■■ ■ of tho U, S. Af'dua,das combined iirohe. giving I ' ’V', po,r H" ? :‘"'V •»{.** hfcTCry Railroad Station an, 1 wed!.! v f'? 1 " S ’- ' "' .Guarantee any Voman or.man S 3 to S 5 per i;estt,.cd: thflj nan, <loy,(add, will takV back, all maps that cannot ?" t ‘ a "" v ' ! T p ™Sj , .'' ra ; l «' be sold add refund jtlic moneyi ■ - 1 sctmnal woakneffi; involuntary rxldissums.. r-Se'nd for $1 wor hu> try ' • ’ how to ca»yass well •* C - nervousness, consumpt ijui. 1 fds, j furnished all our Wonts.' ■•"‘•■•4, ,i ‘ 's£?Vf^ a s£‘ p J( , ™ ca, i»|c* W^'rcauHmglffbm. ! | Wputc|l Wholesale Agents for burlaps in If vtfp T A f r K Vm* 1 iTp "w'l"’! every state, California! • Canada^'England, inV-?- 4 ' 0L1I , ) >'J pi. France niol fulif A Toifunc may bo madtf a ” 1r;1 " nlm -"T boykpdioubt U.m.the) i with a fdw bundled dollars capital. Ao ! n.,i, 1 .0 l young person contemplating ' iJ ,F. I/t.ovi). U>4-l!roadwav NY 1 luama gfJ «ndevcry-mau or jwemanjwl.o de i :The War Department uses our mat, of Til- "' h <fof their o%rfngr» ‘fiinia, Maryland, andPcimsvlvaniaicost $lOO,- Tf e . c,r «J ,w tverypfiin, diabase;and, (Hit),! on : which, is Creek ‘ojtooth. n.atunty aiitloh age,: SharpsWirg, Maryland Rights, Williamsport |‘A ®- y rparticlu yt hWwledf*’ Foray. and 'all ■* f' h “° be known is here, given, jit « nil others oti the'Potpniuc, ; and "cvcrj- other place t V'}™-?™*-* 6 #*'* •>"* in (the above natued States, or money refunded, , | l^ kn ! , ,'V h ! ■"' | sa -¥ ok ,!l:U ! LLUYUtS TOBOGUABHIC YL MAPOFI • it “,Vi lb eke.l uji, add not lip about ifie house.; KBSTUCKYIOHIt), IXUIAA I. ‘and ILL 1 ™ e .°n the receipt of, at tjie Only authority lor Gen. Roiccrans add the War Ucpartra?«t. ! .Money refmidedUo i A^p410 st any one finding an error in it ' i M ■•«»»* FonJJh.; P^itasl®lp* l,a ». 1. i 1 ' From l4e Xrihtilnc Auir. 2J '> , li 6'»/brti/««/e. nomaftcrwhat. : ;‘>Llotd’s map jor Vtimi.\'iA, JlAiTii.ASD'Adii I1, ?J' r l ’° <Ms ' , i ls f. before you pla|;o y<mr-;j Penssylv^ia.—aiic luap 'is Very lareo' its J 4,t 1m1,e ( r , ,,h .e ot any;pi the noton..u-| cost |is but 25 coh’ts, and it U the Ml !vhitk cbh { ; v .^ CK^ :na ' 1 \ t l Iforctgn—who advertise ini bt jmrcfuutilP 1,. I. , i ,t as or , : ony tothei’.paprr. get a copy pt i)r.,' r I 'Uo&r*\flnat ifajj-o/ the J/Mumpi- Bnil h* d *• carefully.] I.t willj] From Actual Sufteis Borland.Wiii. 'l c 'l>e jeans’ of saVtag you many d .].!jl_tnr,-J Gown, JlississipAi Pilots, or Hll Loa's, f > TU> l \^rT l Vp U! M"'r s - 11 -^i ;,o ' 1 t i sh6ws plantation and bwitef's ,1 teases 6 co . lls,ul^'' n . s^ v . nW from St. Lbuis to the Gulf of Afey 3 I described in his publicanoi, at Ins ; *1,850 miles—eyeVy -sand-har islairf- towT landing, imd all places 20 miles back, from the ICC lunn ‘ 9 from dady.j [«?>-<• J 01 Fatfliioas, y : Send meijiiur Afip &t the 'I; 'Gttatlnlprovmwts a\id Addftif-ut, , . Mississippis;Rivcr,. \yith pried bor ; hiintlreH - I - ‘ 1•• .. *■ 1 conics KenV-ArtmiMl PL«*l i THE SrMMEII* NI’.MUrH CONTAINS J .. “5 tii - r.»£„ s „Kux L-i safe. Misses Sack, anti a Sheet ef Sew aiid beautiful i■' i JRAID ASP EMBROIDERING J’A’CTEIi Together with nearly 100 Engravings ~■,!■ f all , the novelties' 'for, j/ r - Summer I Children’s Dresses, &c. 4 f ! 'I .('•••■ | i • 1 ' ■ ' J - I And valuable information I) Makers, jhlothers, mid I,adics; gcncrrilly,ii Bunting the largest arid best Fashion Ms i ne in the AVorld, ‘published 473 liiidadn N. Y., and sold i everywhere ati 25 cents, aunt by, mail, 'post free, on receipt of jthc a ui stampVor silyttr.: Yetjr with the 1 It wing' Valuablepromiiiih. ’.j . ■ '; - ' Eaqh y early subscriber j will be entitled i receipt for the selection of 5Q centk yvoft plain patterns. from the designs in’the bt or. from the' slloir4foom, or. ; they mfy be .derpd by’ mail any time during year, by paying ppstngk |'' j j ASsSplondid Inducements to Canvisseif '■ "•JOummer No. notv rssdy. j ; j ‘ nd ■i ; | Exec utors Kotice. • ; |' J TKTERS on the estate of .JUjiauicw.:of Tuiaskf ship, Beaver County, Fenn’a df e’d having t!le uU pcrsOnl indebted to said estate are request ddto nmkai those hdrihg claitus aaauisl the: same vfll present them* properly authenticated for settlement. V ; EDMUND BOOTS, North Scwickly tp ' i „ aAMDED upoors,, . ... .ii f. * . i F e b2B.'ji2 I ; , ' . Executors. | fo Tax, j ■\rOTJCE, ia hereby giroro «p Collecloraiof «Lii to pay offthe balance* due on the respective Duplicate* on or before March tem of .Court 1868,'.- The t-Mos are' heeded a°4 ““t bo coUeoted\in ord«r, to BieeE-tbc de mands upon the County. • i'* , , " { W«:' 1../ !.■ ■’ ; i 1-■ \ . ' ■■■ 1 I■' l' ' ■ ! ' AVAR'S PF.nirnßArJy »0B TUB SAPID 'CUBS OP •.'. .-• Conjlu, and 1',... 'lWißWeues*.";■■ IWmy' ■■■ .. ; Itowi SUM, SOlh Dec, IMS. ' ' ■ ; DLj.O.AmkldanotbeeltatetonT f Ibbbut maeityll have'ever found for CSr | Ocpgha, Hoarseness, Infloentm, end the “hccmltant Xymplomaofa Cold, liyoar • Om*»t P«~nauL.,; Tts constant use In my practice end rojl family for.the last ; r Jjw* h«« ahowh (t to poasesc stipe* ' (toldrtta for Ihd ,treatment of there . ■ , nottplaints. EBEf KNIOHT, St D.; ■ ■ ' twcfo If. T-wrlfci• «t have < “^‘. n “tever since ; yoallnvenfad It, add, relieve It the Imm nMUelne for lie P"l*re etW pnt out. With e bed cold lißnuld miner i Cntu* Whoopiag Cough, ihiinenia. k i • n.;.... ~ r F » b - T. W 5«. *, ' . Anx: * "111- cheerfully certify ybnr m toraf ! <• • uiitAMcoNKtiij? J M.D. ; r i ■■ flni hm nlknd tht iowmb 1q OT'Unitffand tnnn * I halTthtf boUIe made me completely well' ' Tonr inedktoe* sr? ttte cheapest as well uttfad test wa • &? oa ’ tor - « d y°?-- 1 • AaUiaa or Phthisic, and Bronchitis/ i JVraT MutcacsTta, Pa, p e b. J, 1855.- I fIS"™ 1 '•P^ r “' ln l»arrelkmj. 1 ntte m tbu section, U hasrelieved revere! from alarm**: lbjS symptom* rf consumption. and S, now coring antin' • ' »ho hM.labored under an aflcctkmof the Iduas for the ' I« **T rtm. .7j HENRY L. PARKa.&rmiL i Ae A., BAMBZ7, M. Aunbxj Moxao* Co_ Tim “lhtrl n- «la3ra 3 r pratkoofinMy ;. 1 hare found nothing equal to your OieWjWcdtor 1 gtvln« etie andrellef to eonrmnptlTe i i en*»areeurablaJ , ',-.-!‘ ■ .. ■ ■ | •Wa might add yotnmee of evidence, hut tie mot con- ' facing proof of tha Tlrtuoa'ofUm remedy iffonndln lu 1 ‘ effceto upon trial. t / ji • ■ ■, 1 :, i Ponramptioiu ." | ;> .1 Probably no one remedy hu ere* {been khovn whichi : eared » many and bach dangerous Irese* aa Ithls. Soma no,‘ hnmap aid ’ can. reach; hot area to those the bisrrS ~ /brtcroljtlfoidj relief end comfort, i ’ i . ‘ i Andt H(*s Niw Yo»i Citt, Marfli'6,lBS*. ! Pocrea Atre, r foal It a! doty and a pleasure to tnfom you whaVybor Chfrry Ptdml hiTfioifo for n.y • wifi*. jh»m been fire moDthsilsboring under the dsn- ‘ gerous sypaptoms of ConrunipUon, from aid wo V f 0 ® 4 harnmeb reltof. [She vrasTteodilj &ii« . lag; KUtt Dr, Strong, of this d»y( where we have come for i ytTjea,«yfr«nimendwl»trial of hie*** ' do u )rotirß '^ ; fiSSfSa-iS«S-- not yet ss strong a!lheu»etl to‘ ,Ofo hot Is tree from her. cough, and c*tt» jumJip welt iToUn with cratitude and recardli j; < A'i ' ' OKtABDO SHEUYjof fiHTn.Vrw,e Ayert ‘ eithartic iPiUs, eclcncea of Cbimlstry and JfedicinojjbaTo b«n t *f ed ,hclr »“>»? to prod oca this beat, moat perfect purgative which Is known ;|o man. Innnmereble proofs ■■ are shown that Ibcso Pou bare virtues whlctf surpass in excellence the dtdinnrj medicines, and that they win nn precedantedly upon th«J esteem of all men! Tier are safe I ■ and pleaadit to take. Irat powerful to cure, fh'clr pene- i trating jtluknhite the vital’tctivillrsbf the body, remove the obstruct!inis of its orgnns. pnrifji 'tile Mood, and expel ..Tl»y purge out Iho fonl hulKcrs which I .breed and growdistcriiper, stimulate sluggish or disor*, detyd organs into their natural actioned impirthealtby tone | with strength to; the whole system. Nbt only do T* f ?***:?£ •^ry* d »y ercry [body, but eto formidable anddangerou* diseases tfiat hkvb baffle*! the. beet ol| human skill. While thejr'-producb powerful effect*, they are at tho tamo lime, In dimlnUhoh dose*, the •attrt and best phytic that out bo employed for children. Being sugar-coated, they ore pleaaantjto take; land brio* ; purely rentable**** free froia any risk of harm. Corea barrbeep made which turps* belief! were they not sub-' stanttated by men of subh eaalted portion and character': at td forbid the suspidonof untruth. ’ Many eminent ■ clergymen and physician* have lent their came* to certify to the reliability <jf;my reniledieß, wliile other* «ato sent jme the assurance of theireonriction that my ’/ Preparation* contribute Immensely to the relief of uiy •fflicted, snJfrring felloW-men. .* | Thai Agent below named is pleased to my American Alihrtaar, containing directions for thiir nse and Certificate* $f their cure*, of theifollowing bonipiaintsi-i- CostlTehesjL Billons Complaint#, Rhenmatisfe, Drew.’ Hkortburn, Headache arising from a-foul stomach. Nan* eea, lodlgeettop/Horbid Inftciion of the Bowel* and Pain arising therefrom, Flatulency, Ijm of Appetite)! all Ulcer ous ’and Cutaneous Disease* which require an eracnaot medicine. Bcroftila of King’s EvU. They also,lby purify.- log the blood and stimulating the srstem, dure many complaints which H would not U* supposed they could reacb/sncb a* Deofiiesa, Partial Blindness, Xeufalgla and Kcrrous Irritability, Derangements of the Li ref and Kid- - nbyc, Gout, and other kindred complaints arising from a* low state of the body or obstruction of Its functions. Bo not be put off by unprincipled dealers.4rit h some other pilljthey make more profit.on. fur Ates’b I*l^l3,- and take nothing else.' to other they can give • I ■i - f 1 i : J I ThtJ&gU' Cdl& : 2'he W/rr . War qf a .jai Ml £ r -- ifaer. &na)h, : .J)iu V (d (J I v ■, Toothache, Earaeh.-. i .. , *»/' Nettralyiu. ■ . AItTILLERYIS • diL W3i. b. iir.n p|H NT AL TK£ A •J i »e*-or ttexcpi^j, | : Tiiß iKi Purifying [ the ' Aim% f tu „i j urlftg Tdothache.and N ei , ; i • • ' | ‘ ;T • :j • |-- ' J riify-.' i|V j 4 ]^ f r - Ilur,r ‘ ral^'MaVTil n 1 -J 1 I\ r : JhiriTt ■’f.'ntglmllhl TOiifu . * o%€ OoJc. .» •" ‘ •• 1 ‘ - ; j \i)r.. Hitr'*r 9 7'oorhj cur i one iorte. 'ilZjkmf- 4 x;-.i ’ j />r - JfAyrr,ic *kj7 t **]) u (l,< T'Clk ivdmlutj .-jiir.-h! : I (■‘■j’ft Treatment of CM/twrVVcrt.*. SffA/hr Cltn:tUty ifla--.. ■\TOUTlincKS,;:c.,-i~ jl*rep.ivcd.tti'.iDr. .fiuhti 2>cn(«l tj.ur»U M.-.IJto.IJ* (Ei-IJ.V - - pj'rice, f IXJ-; pOLIAH;. or-S'l. ■ 25sy* Xim /trotoi lii.ii tin/ i;iji k r • cij'j.ilincJies ,J .v fi.jc, .-(lid $ st! m i, : v , fv!i oh jJ U'ti JulloH'illg xhi..-lci ;.Vo’ .. b'f V.V xa-til. viV; . • • ;Tf:le OO !!., T.:-rh l’T: lJ ’ '■* ,.w: ■; ! 1 'inO.joi . .paid. Sou nr-.-Sju , a .■ ■ -Xu,- ■'•'yin l.'y.V; (/!,,< slxc; 4..1- i’ain’ iu ill •Ci u>i. ■ or I.’uy (.aV’faf the bS .lv; ev ,u C,il 7VI/,;;:;-...-r,,i Untu\tc-Jj. ; A.lJfas^ . [Or.Jitnd's iUJirru'WASil. T(--> hiiAl. < .-■•..‘lit t;j.: mil’ll., b'ul tiiVv"Citi.'/i!',;! i" oi'iiii"'. 'sfcii’il' 11; r, 'iVlj K.\.St.'l!V, I’l'ii'c, t)s:: : t^'ijli , a''lhijr!il ' ' ' rtt'Zr iinci’s i’Riv.’i't'.nj 'AS'! • ■ T- : ■ tlih; "li.t'j VUJ 1- V, l!! I .e--: -j.M ■ tI . ii.-aji ;thi-:u tAii£.->;. ■■ /..■•. i;% , ;iii viiiiiieifi ’IV.-iifisf nr., i’n.'.j/ivp • ic<‘- f.»r. ;i ; ’, ;■; /; i"f J>r joklyi* ’(».• .AVi;|ia;Vba;;; , ' .while ehjjnrji. 7'- ;• 'V;'. Vi*j‘k reCommc:i , ‘ •>>' : U* r:,: 7V7' :v . ‘l*h•’ iv• ‘-;'M ,i • ' *7'!;^'.' : "<y,f .!1-J i,a;.r•; I .• I-::.. i;. V 'v. iih Jiis Mi) !'T I [ !V. S;; 1 I ‘'Kjl!-" T : ■ '|!i- !mc»- .'/id/ to-,-,,,.,,-..*:: ' “• , •*< '■ v. ■ kuuvn I’. T. I!jiv■•m.i-.-; iv/V AnnJil V-.MiV O T( )( [T H ~n - »V; :,1.; i- . *'* ! W**' :i ' vt it •*i; i;;>. - ?:> Jn'-i i W-V.Y/. ;;iVc|’ sq 7 vnu v.v;: r-v-ji.f,r. ii.>; i i-H-'K the-Mi'iseuKi.dt ,v-, . ost is =u : si ? yl-i rl .i»M I ijo Vuatu'-r t-*r hn:i-‘-r,'. Lnj. ’hu ll's T*'o|!» nlkrtii; i*ur vl ,s ‘r'*"»' i .*|irrn^ln* fimmeC \yi i TAT, WIM. |»l‘. I>l\ Hunl** Msji’ji;. •/!. .♦ l-i, . h-, \-• i I Hljl!!-. 1 t . I '*;v H‘iijiV fi V-.-i- 1 'v.-ii l cN;;.H'»v ri.,* ••• fi' j: i ; hi rucj I.*; ■ 1 j-Uvi u l'y i •«' t ii i>, Huri’i's Mjmth \y ! ;v : -\i T.Tm,r •iircj I lit? I.he l.e*t |]Av’ :i .•.> ■' I :-.i • : i; •. ‘•;nlnir'.V-W hi-,Kit an i i*:m : ; ihV'Mth ' I / (,’•> •oic., Im've WvU|Cnvc»i \?v \ \‘li V.*;-.: I*. ll,Ulus. ii k C’.y 1 n?l .i-lri'’ tii t*;' r.r.i:*' AX ure, n-ri!vO ! 11 : -**:iT ♦ ‘ i '■ ill •' V «„• a .*’T-'pM.'- t.i.-,;>.••■ Mint ‘ViVei lu llldil* nsul hv every’ person ' . / : AiiTsy i v r:i. '.vhrclr are.liable to ; ■ ri! tall .Jii\ Hnvil's Turnliiir-iK? ;icl c arising Troin exposed ncrus. best friends lh:t; phivr.is. V;>n have in’: uj> nave their children lorn.rt selves ftYtfir »>:-■. s!c(‘" j.;- ;;.. , ' m ■ i.. * ■ ’ Ijhmiier.s = i-i’ >eh *::■ in. ; loi-ji t< > ,y«*v;r F-jjni:. .'f : vail can f now "ixot '' n•> ■ -Uotjhsidald oi- A.sut enn -x -; Ucnienihcr that Ifif/yi-h*;.; •#?,«/ //"-■ J/ ? «;n/,v often onlinet«v -i A ■Send tjpr.lhe. F.'fa nr. i ii Kitl'li’s observation.-o;i riM: dlj *■ c. f . i ■ la.fj’td..arrest decay in! ; opr «nvn,-icv: vou.r i-nulilmf's lecrJti' •* v’ ; XF.rKAfjiiA pfc\srrt:s u -~..Hy:\ \(Mi-Adhesive Planters «*r«? tl plejistwu ai:Vl >iu#es*ful remedy ever j o.d jfor tills'piiHiftil disease, j The n«,f!c plies'otic.. soon ■ Id conies dr.p\ sv,*_ and jMvakes free Mold yul’.i. n*t m*J Mi mheror s ii_> '"''.nseijnen F.-jrarJiC and '.A > viv.-r - JL -i-j.'i- >• *p!vj ••ee.iiuiuj.' • ('> direct mid . rrli srtrflv follow,. XotMwg'eilii in i)r',Al\wd’s Cdkipress Mr Neural;:! t Jhepi. They ave'etis ieely a’nowl. *• i;j*.«-. original pivpavatioii, ttiifl wonderfully s fnl.j They-are of .t*.vo «i7.r:ni < on*\siuiU face, pric? In cents, ;md the other hit application to price. 37 cents? /jj on r- r'iyt,of' /ovVv infl ufi- ' iyriAT akk fin-: vkoruthoi Th | Amt-rjcfui people arc intelligent en appreciate prepared ions that Contribute? 'lo'li»ppine.»s'Cif tiios.e tithing them, an wont.ihcm. Every maii brings ns.lettci ordering the Troatise.on Teeth, some t| raitia? Plasters,, and not a fetv cnclosim IbrJtheyMouth AVash, to ho -.-cut, '<■ v tpa to these' we are compelled to . reply ths impossible to seh& a half-pint bottle dr The people want- 1 hqso Ucmedies.- Vt J r , - 1 - ' ’ NS, it Now‘is the ■]. . j: • Gil A NOE Pf>K AGENT. 5 . / Shrcw'dagonis can>nal;c a fjmall for carrying these articles around io liuafli Dcitiil Treasury is the .neatest article Sniait or'wothail can cWry around. ,-th 'one and sec, or. better, a .dozen, w : h will sell, astsaniples, 'AgCnis s liberally with ’circulars.. fodT" N'"’- is- t to to go into tire 'business, fodo.gotjd. « a phttit. \\'e. arcfspeitdiug ilionsaTpls benefit of’agcnts.T New England myA menV here.is something nice, and ajcjt take the tide at its flood. Address, ivyj. b. hgub 4 c j' if Tribune Buildings,Ttew-’ ■* That remittances may be made wit! deuce, AV. B. H. k Ch., refer to the’ M Brooklyn : to G. AV. Griffith, President Crsland (Ttizens Bank, Brooklyn -to ,h L'osi to-P. T: Barcuni. E 4< l Tovlf.euJf, etc. ; i , ! ■ . fie; ■ V '■ gu-' k'v or jm’t jo a A of i ok, i or ibc . ' IMEEiii IMIIMI n A XI) f. >■ \ ... U 6vj 'f/K vn. T •K'i , V. l'r- IV. EIM =III t JK'lll o. u.\: -i«.i -Tm.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers