I= BEAVfeB Wednesday, April tilt, 186 a p i, (MBRIE, Editor & Proprietor. TEUMS -^si Dolia* »nd FirrrCort in advajici; olherwuo Two Dot* ut , jjll be chirgwL- Xo paper discontinued: uiii! »1I arrearages ire settled. .• . and communication., by m»U vil b»ve prompt attention. NEW-YORK TRIBUNE. 1868. Nbwberkz, N. C., Mar. 14, ’63J Dear Friends: I take the prepent op portunity of dropping you a few lines lo let you kttow that l am. still ?n the land of the living, although we have had an exciting d ly. Tins is the anniversary of the taking of New borne. We captuied it this day ope year ago. We interidedhavirfg a re view to day, of ail the troopB,jji'eoin meraoration. thoreof.but on yesterday they attacked our pickets on the Trent road, about eight miles from here.— An order ly came in post-haste for re-i . enforcements. He did not spare horse . i . flesh, as the horse dropped dead a few j minutes after he got in. Then yon Pre-cniiiK-ntlv a journal of News and[-„„i, f . •* . . 7 < r -,f'Literature* Tm: TnißL.vE.has cavalry going Vii-uiivic-tious which are well eharae|i , |. % f. “ ast as their horsejs ’-lirwii by Ihe -i ngie, word KErtiBLICAX •' It i>4*fpoblicaii in its hearty udke« o ßC£*"£ ®g f al our «f a "7. .T./VI.V Uat truth' ''that ‘ •God **> ini..le of one blood all nations of men” jlf*-{£, a J I S PP ! d —KJiiuMicaii in its ■ assertion *oi e | e H tin thiß mornimr h v . WCI ? "« n:d .ana .inalfcndblo rights of ail artil Pe r y. 7 lt turnedont that anothef ?nen to ‘me. liborl\\ and ll»o- purauilf ,«uwvwcr of happiness!—Republican in- 'UsTti . A _ -J h /■ : .°/ °» r w rc ls , 'i so .oiiast. earliest. defiant hostility to Y, ? *T* every scheme and effoif of the Slave . .* . ■ • . nador * i> * ■ r *t » • m • slapu me. that we have one of ont* ru .vcm%- in»m tho Annexulion of Texas \n • i• 1 , A r *:■ l v‘ . .1 , i, x Brigades stationed - over the riven to the irreai lleholhoiv ro the 1 ;■* * > * • ?«.* -%TV .*- / .. x » , 55 , ,vi where they are fortified: it is the 92H cimnreiuf - tbe.Acw- Woilti and -wield; -/pk\ •?«:./ the resources </f <>ur lor 1*1?™ tluL££* °P° n ®f ° U <- v. n ■ sigg fu 111 i.i ze I n’o ll l—Kepu’hlicitn 1 nrliilerv pl(8M« ■Us iai.iiigoi-ishi to the despot* of the; ’i®7’ a* \ completely riddled OuiKoiUl- -who foinilv hail in' the j T 7 « P> *** pl 9"f* ' onl * ■pvi./s :u,d 7Jddei.lv thrust thr ®°. we ™ wounded. The rebels ns !»v their AnicWc.'in counter- fier ! t ln a of truce to Col. Ander part the avert Is iv* v and ruin of the I eo "> ■■ commanding, to surrender the .MonVi ilrpnblic-—Kepnidiean in its P olnt - and the, answer he sent bhe’k i,ope and ti ast, its lit*Lli’ ah-1 effort . wa ‘ l -' ‘‘f cannot seo the point ’.fat ” this latent-ion*’ RebeHioii must S ave J'-.m, five minuies to surr^r.der, i- in. The sig-m! or.erllirr.w of its °, nt “ e cpnld not “see the /i'tie.i-s, hn|l the lit Ml ’.Wablishmerit lb ®?. evened on them again;’! amj aft«n, ■■tviiin.il rioliisand cquai iuws through- ,'V hile fl'ey. sent in another flag oft ■i;‘. :bf- who;-, extent t.f our country | SiTsn’g i T 5n ’g- him a half hour; but it; her- in LilH-rty and ifniiu. shall in-’! no B®-.' <-his time tho guriboats ! he -one ail'd inseparable” hence-1., S ot up in range!and opened put. I - iiii ,M (i Ibi eyeif.L , : - j It was vory.-escitihg'.i I oh the I . inn TitiEiiNE'devotcs attention i n j beacb and saw it all.; I felt sorry for I :i!iiht -times, and to some extent in ' our oor there, but c'pjlcl l i.e-ie, to Kdujkition., Temiieian'-e 1 not 8 3t .. 0v «r to help them. .. i have a ii nltiin.r Inventions, 'nnd whatever;? t ood . nla,l 3’ friends in the regiment. li-V miu - iiiinlstec to the siiiritnal and ! ' as^ regular ’ cannonading until \Meri.-il progress .a nd [ wellbeing cu | t| m t time wo, had got.the i.r. iUiniJ; bnt'fiir tlic jiroseni us cncr- i "■ ew York over in* flats to rein ii- anil its columns ’a’to inatnl- de- ! * or . t ‘Cthepi. ■ We could see the “rebs’f v Lli ibe'iiivigoratuin and success! ?!! ltc P' a ' n s but finally they fell biicjfc. ot tW Wav tor the Union. Its special! ’ V .® ? ll- clooking fyr ariattack to-night,. eiiiio.-jK ii./.'ii's -, *'-eycry j 8n “ ’ knows, the result; but - iidii’iiiilo army and report every i' ve ba ! e on our s Hb, and He wills /awmi.i that great stnig-i°>' e r3'.^ in g forlns .own good., At the v f ivLeb -it- f i-tisr- to i--.Cnlt in thel* ,me ’i ® was fighting they at -- ami (icne’.i/sive triumph -of the l ~ t..cx. c ut>oa<f*na A;ere Vfifinnrii'arms and in ihe rdstoration i wa ? P . om ? , shar P cannonading; but I i r.aee an-i Tl.rif* to onr distracted, < S uess ! l T d !* 1 ’ noc amount to niuch,,al ' ■■ding country. W.e believe (that not! tl, ® u ,S l, I I m d ' d nol . h ffi h ® . : : .vnvbc (an a taller or move ■ accu- lho 101 $t and 103 d Pa. regiments j i-fv.W.,f the prrf-i-oss and- ebarac j ■ l,aVi ® ocen'out on a scout tbh/ Hy.dej ’ .-f this ■■inoiaeiitoii.- conflict 'be c 9 unt 3'- Tliey have been gone nine j iWliic<T-rtliaii through lie regular ; i' 3 ’ 8 ’ J 0 ? 1 re, “ rn<ifl this evgniiig.: v* :iX «iir columns. And we i d,d ’ ,lot have a f‘3' l|ut | a n-.-tlv pdlicitr the co-operation of j' - brou ght in eleven prisoners; they^'j :: iit nil-of ihcnNationai cause, whicii j ca P ture ? ; ferity nine |in all, taking; -■ regard ami; np'hol'd' us that of they .cape across, and: ’f veri-id llumanitv. to aid us in ex-1 ev.eryth|ng 'they could not: i.uiug hi, eii.dilution 1' J bnng along- with, tiiern. .Adjutant i 'j ■ TEliMfj; j Stewart,,the Ass’t. Adj’t. Gem, was I '■•i.e. {i.oi-Vi'-iis iiic'r-hse'in the price! a .! on S’ and brought a pair of nice po-1 ‘euvlirig pai.er:aiid oihci materials i °»r«!g«Pent brought In.a thous | -c.V« u ;u„vi,..g newspapers, compels i and bams ' L 1 Paw a LieutCriant this: ■iiim r- a-t the’-.priee -a. The Tei- :I evcn,n 8 ' v "° ."’ris on this expedition;; i>r. Out iie\v-!i-rm< are : jhe told mb. they had a train of carts, | ' i I'.ilhY i. , | wagons, oxeif, horses and' mules overi 1 f.y ( ,r.. ....a,... ..'..'5 cents.! a m *bJ long;? find loaded with every- ■TnE Tribune, , first (is- iu 1541. ii) .its. twenty-second •veiir*.- has obtained both -atlarger and juit.rt* widely diffused circulation than sur ether newspaper ever" published iii'.lnicri'-a. Thouglvit'has suffered, i; ; common with other journals, from ♦lie voluii 'leering' and departure ojf i,ii of thousands of iitaT patrons to .serve i|i the War for the Union, its •h- "jhilioii on this (sth of December, ft.)- is >H follows • Seii’i-U oekly f -Weekly ■j' X ,-;;j ]L, . v <^q >i:M f-j WEEK I, V t’J{ 1 BCsfe’’* ' \ r»V:- V-4 i...... ... '*3 I pn** vcnr..’.‘...,. v / ' ****^r* ' l '/ r■ l '*Pi *nc vonro’ -T ’; pica Cr.e \>ar so* 's-:|' ! .. r^ f ' 1 • ' vili ' iC • ! ‘ eu ‘' :to clubs or twen : "-H-K f,Y TIMBrXE. •'■ Ic-i'T. c..to ycur |s;; ; i.6iat!s'. <<C •.*•••<- $2 Mie year:.,...., cs yw..-. v.;:;;;t;";":| 8 ‘ T*V’ ‘■'B*- vtar $l5 'J':r j‘ ll^er . addressed to ■x\-.hseri/,t,r*. 81.50- each. .An : U;.-l.y.;viJl be .sent to evorv. club 1 Copies. one*address* one --a. n+i'f.ririy larger number at •“"I to Charleston to reinforce them price. An extra copy will bul„\vo may have fighting to ■r: übs of twenty.; To clubs, of! rrovr (Sunday). The “rcbs’.always UT THE SEHI WEEKLY Till ’ ta ■ t 0 9ght on. (If they * E will be sent,' To clubs of fifty ’ come wrll have to meet them. We - to-night 'ns - - ,[ t 0 g'vc them “fifs.” There was a dc- V JJrcss' THE TRIBUNE j verier came iirthc side which the 92d ' rfibune Buildin&s New-York-' i' 3 on ' antl says the tegiment was j _-■■■■ 0 ': ‘ , } attacked by 10,000 men, and that lit- V, I 01 ' drafts can be procured it is f- 0 regynenl of only '350 kept themat 11 I' 'iifcr than to remit Bank Bills. 1,1 the gnnboats got ready to: i.ar.ie of the' -Post-Office and 9 e *P them.. , • - . iu .slmnid im"all .cases be 'plainly 1 sa?r a man wh'o was over there, r-ißii. • r:. ■ i; : j and he.told methat their camp was -who/schd money by(pP m P\°tely riddled. It is amiracle Ucss. roust- prepav the Express*! * D 3* of them escaped. .The Ad "/f w - ol>e it wiß-bo* deducted froml JutaotB tent has seven cannon shot .'}'i.ittancfc. ’ rand-more ..tbfin ..five .hundred grape !‘f ■ Thiblxk Almanac for 18631 Bhot > *”it they -stuck to .their post-aad 1 !l? ready dbout Christmas. i ■ j would not surrender, although they , j had a large force to contend with. The I gunboats are now laying in the stream in front of them, Toady to open upon them. The deserter that came in rays that he saw twenty-five dead rebels land saw several woundpd. They ' bursted one of their canrlon—a‘ twdu-' 1 1 y pounder— not more than three bun-! jdred yards front the breast work!* of j tho 92d; so you can see that they j were pretty close upon them.. ♦ ■ * , * j Sundat Morniso, March 15, j I again commencejrav letter to let j you know that all is 'quiet while I Inp’wwrile—lo o’clock; 1 saw Several I men of the 92d, who were, participants 1 j in the engagement yesterday, and dne I of them heard the officers Report that they E4d only two men*; wounded in fight, but tbi(f day- before •< they |md one killed and one wounded; l he iol<t nw that the Colonel’s quarters : nion Hotel, 59 beaver, PEHN’a. v l -KX-. CEAJBK, PRoPEiEToa ! .i.ion to the -conrcniencts of a firs ihe Proprietor bus fiUed.upin i ‘ ( ' **■ A complete and tatitlactorymaii-- SA^cte, if. ■ 1 c i, ua!i, - v of Oysters may beob- i tbeir season, in any desired i : ,^ n “ ” Canbe 'uraished with Oysters, •i«nord..ien. The fable is furnished m aff'rd. ~r Pl f MAE j “'owe? l he: liV - era ''. W- r opagc hereto- I . , »*..« f. CUMMTyS- | Vol. 89-No. 18. 7 •i ■ - o . . I Army Correapondenoe 60,126 17,260 148,000 | thing imaginable. The boys .all ap.- jpcar in spirits, and are rcadyj i and willing ip meet the rebels at any ! time. ■ ' ' 1 ? ‘ [ VVcJnay have some' fun to-night, - , ahJ I wil|. not close my letter until to morrow, as I may have some news: to i write yon. Our >Geneial, Wessell, is .not here; he has -gone to .New York to ; attend the funeral of his wifeh .0, i how 1 wish he was here, as our boys, | all have the utmost confidence hi him.’ But Geu. Fostei is a good General, i and one ttyat knows all the country. I They expected to catch us happing, as a part of btp force has been ■ f *&■•*■■■ —_ : —:—■' ~ v' ! • I* 1 " • ■■(■'■•■■-i v; ;.] 1r• ••••- • ir 4l!i: ■- • g ' Ar - ... I 1 | ; J l'- had one bnndrcd and;sixty Shots th'ro r , it_ , Gcrr. Pbster gives theboys great . credit, fbr .holding out' "when .there was such an i overwhelming force a gainst them! Gen 1 "Pettigrew had command offhe rebel*; we -have had , him to contend against in nearly.ev | engagement webave been in. He jP.eit a flagoftruce in to Col, Ander son, asking him to surrender and-save the effusion of blood. Ho wrote; on .the back of the ordey thajt ho , “coaid not see the point,” ap he botongod to Weasel's brigade, ahd they, never sarreudered. He said.-they might cotne and take him,, bat i surrender jvas not ip bis dictionary. That’s the Mnff w’essel's Brigade is composed of. ThereJs not many ofus.it is true; bat wpht is leftare good.. Gen; Pet tigrew would rather capture oncrcgl ment 'of'otar Brigade tbana 'whole Brigade of any other. r 'WeH may Foster.be proud of us, M he has paver found us wanting. Whenever called upon we are there, and when u old Billy” Wcssel, as the boys call him, takes the lead, the air resounds w|ih„ cheers,, and when, we have to fight he is always with us. * *• •» ,Wel.l ? how are the “'.op)>erheads” in J® u t c 9 nn ty 7vl peo you have some of there, Well, those that are not for qs ate against ns, and tho sooner they are rooted out the beltei. How do you like tho power that has beer, the President? Ho now has ;whole control of all these United States, and -thesesame^cqppcrhcads” ,|Will have to look oat. ft is a dis- to any American Congress to havo snch men as ‘Vailandigham and several others in it. I have been over to the regi ment since its return, but will go over this afternoon,providing nothing turns •ifP to hinder mn. While I write, 1 the, X-hu|\;h B e ll»|areringing—as you must have some Churches bevel The Stars and Stripes were raised over j t|ie Churches yesterday. | I have just lcn>ne(i that George Fet' torrnah'has resigned abOJs going home to-daj.. IHe is a son of K.<JP. Fetter man, of Pittsburg. He ni aTiiouten ant in Our regiment.; Sarn’l. -Law renco has resigned also, and is goin> homo, at least I have been so informed. 1 Your Son, William Hall. ' j. ■ f ■ ' ■•lts:'? r . OF TH E SOLDIER. The Army Against the Copper hfmdn- : Below wo'give a series of resolu tions adopted by the, soldieis of our ' own (uid <kher loyal States. These ( .1 i i I • • | manifoslatijons of'patriotic loyalty are j the more pleasing and must become ; the;i Ynore potential, because tlioy[ j spring from men wlitanre suffering all ; the[ deprivations and dangers' of a ■ camp life, and a field; stmgglc, in de fence of their country. The resolu tions thus ddoptedj. need , neither ap proval or Recommendation at our hands. They embody the truth in its majestj-y apd therefore appeal to the judgment ot all true patriots : 1 A VOICE FRpM THE 149tH PA.—BUCK TAILS —ENCAMPE# NEAR BELLE PLAIN. VA. ■ \ . ~ Whereas, -There in being nourish ed atto,encouraged, amoug a certain ( class =bf politicians at; the -North! a Sontimeb t t[J|Of| opposition to the Ad iniuistratration; And whereas, this sentiment, and such a course as those who' adhere to pursuing, is, at this critical jiincturh,nothing Jess than treacherj\lo the Government and in tchded encouragement to covert trait - ors in the North and the armed trait ors in our front,: therefore, • That we : hold a cordial support and quick obedience to the Administration to bo the first duty of jail, and tbs, only doorway out of: [ these j troublous times; therefore we 1 earnestly, entreat all citizens and all i soldiers to support heartily find obey I with alacrity, all laws and orders com-} j ing from, thole charged with the ud- i I mistration of our government, v Resolved, That we recognize the fearful struggle the country is now engaged in- as a struggle of freedqm , against slavery j right against wrong; of God against Satan; and ve hold I those who’ arc, against the-Admims trntion .as against the Government, against right; against the Conslitu- -,i -,!• lion and the glorious liberties of which rHEAMBLK ANb resolutions; adopted it is tho’ guarhnteo ; and, we brand By the second!, brigade,: General them as traitors,While we assure them baird's .division. ,7 ° n f r a *' ,nit, g at ed hatred and con--^Headq’r. 2d Bbio Gen, ) Ew"' W. .. x. • - ? am P nafT Nashville;'- Ten*; -Mr. % f PrSfHmlt!r.n T S f f e;:Brna . n ?. pat,on Ata Proclamation and the?conscription,act | line osiers df this brigade,fdompSsod measures mosJlodioud to ms'dr jof the 84th Indiana, 92d Illinois’ and loulpdace men j copperheads and trail-! 115th IllinoisßegiindntsAf Infantry ors under other titles—meet with our | and the 9tlr Ohm I ibid at bv ?r t he “IT? 1 ' '“,T ' • br! ” il,U ' '•eadquarters/iJ folio wing nn,. eW ndnnii.stjrut.vd wisdom ! preamble ami resolutions , were read amt firmness, for the honest purpojso j separately acted mbonl and adopted Ir'bJlV /T cffol;t tO . «?PPrei.B wjth -hntiro The same ' 6aVe t 0 P o9tent >‘ our | wcre read at tbd heml Of each regi nf,bjCTj>l,mlfZrnr-° nt - . /[thciil and t^TttiryiihiiialtaVnol’D,. ■ ■ JfM!® r dP ortB ,! dress parade, and; acted upon by’ „ broadc ** thr 9 ughou?the land,, ibe aoldiWwitha similar result: * tuat tbo army of which we have the / i i honor to form a part, is demoralized preamble anp resolutions. [ clamoring for j peace, are but the We, the l officers ‘ and sbl base utterances.of traitorous tongues, diers df this command, have, in oom d.dog onrgallaptcomradea in the field mon/ wit* our: comradesidb'- arms ti^egr^thjjuskiee. -, L. .•cbp6r.Wly i ;per4(Bd'.ottr.lmsdiW Witf That w* are ready and tojTftniielves put forth evepy effort,-en- dnd to o.nr posterity aCountry And a dttre oyery tpettisn <o£ diurilship, thor.shme which in bis-H fatigue—do anythingimd everything itomiunas, ifei-g bought with blood J reqttired to suppress tho accursed \dar I and I established by that quality jof j IMMMg Beaver, iAjpril i,-1863. wisdom which, though human, scows divine ; Hijd !'■ WtowiSj A nnmber bfintrifehing doraagognes,at-home bnvo ieeS’otly, bj. WOTd find aot, sought to create d J s *^ e 9 tJ d*‘ |4 among w, blockn the hc ,“! B , 0 / TT*se .legislation, excite dis content m jthe 'pubjio ih!ud; : inilt id every fvayj to baffle all earnest' efforts to conquer-tbe rebels; therefore.?!,!■ [■ Resolved | That we bold in utter de tMtatmn thajt f cl|que -of jmisercants in the loyal Stales, who, under ghrb of' assumcdL loyally,-- use thb Stolen revenue pit arch treasbri to excite pettytreasonih their own command ties i who haye no censures, save for W®. offlceia qt our government—no Complaints, save that energetic triea, sures are employed tp : crush the f£ be.lionr-nq aspirations, save to! em ban-ass,our Executive and Legislative llcpartments, and engender mutinies ,n ® n ; r atm ha—and no -hopes, savb for an ignoble peace Ond the: substantial foiumph of ithe rebels; tbit 'tfjb regard them as enemies to our country ■ and to accomplish tbeir bbll - 1 R r h „ porposes, would f not hesitate to blot forever from the. 'hopes' of „ ntan , the; cherished thought of>olf- THE NEW £rn ofe’lJyl^JflxS TICK or THE EtcnotATCEE. ' “5 art ®4 Ppldiers, combining, as they ' 'V ~ J, -'■■i' 1 ‘ ,dq. the deep;guilt of the traitor with Casib or the 1 irtHSTr J. jVbt’s j th|b essential !meahness.)of the coward Below Falmouth,.ym; Star. IQ. j Resold,; That.. despite the frenzied .Whereas, The legislature ofWr ® ffor . ls ? f foes before us and the native State, a State hallowed by the ® es e icablo intrigues of our othcrfqes remembrance of th© fel ile3 of Prince- ,” bla(1 1 wcwill| abate not one jot ton, Trcntoti and Mbhmouth, fields , utlb or WP e > but, believing!, the .stained by the blood ofabr fofefiith- ho,f our government is era in tliq establishment of our Gov- wo,tb ! al * (he cost expended iri its eminent, ' has soughV to tarnish;, its e f/ a b’^ h «teny.i;We emplmticil|y assure high honor, and brihg ujion it dm- f 'htraitorgamonie, thju ndt until we •grace, by r the- passage .of resolutions i •;‘ v ’ e wntfcrgqiic a seven years’ stfug- Xeiidirtg to a disimnoriible pdace wjth ('( ne l4|b®o w'Nwb cease this , anbed rebels svekingTto destroy our ■ al ?d| pot Until wo JhaVe lex grout and beneficieiitGbverhment.tho porienced wiubh sufferings) as were best ever designed tor the happiness i bn *? e *J'ondiired at Valley Forge, will (of the tnury; and,, J" i ' Iwe begin tOjmunnnr. Jjy.all the Sac-' Whereas, We, her sons, members of v r ‘®? c “ *” a de and 'iffardsiitps the 11th regiment Jfew Jefsiy VoI-j‘® ad, ' i ’ c f *>y all the ■'[sufferings untcers, citizens representing oar in hospital and.camp section of the State* bave. left oar j| —nl ? til ® Pf°®'oor blood which) has bon-.es to endure the fatigues,, priva4i® ncrirnHolletl l 0 l u< aster b a "d Western lions arid dangers]' Incident to n sol-K Va *' erB—b J i®“the beurthq.thade desq diler! aJifo, in order to maintain onr'^!*& }-and ' Wto* Btri'n£ii rentfasundei RepuhliKin its integrity, willing , 0 | because of this wicked rebellion—wc sacrifice ouHiyes.fofttat Ql.iect, fully ; * **?* eiinnl 3f pledge our honor as recognizing thb impiwlprlety of a soU soldiers to see this pfr?alib logislat ivb I cout e st . tbr iqgk to issue, ffflfetQtsfef .the Statelet deemin'' it | or T r PI4 U P our lives a willing sacrifice due : ofl t 0 our country’s weal, r; ! , . Rf°hed, That we arc' utterly op- Wicked mbit seek its dishonor ; there-? * lo . B *' , ' , '' es , PPV 1 ;g nm fiire. . ; j ; tlni-ty-lbui- stars waves lriamphantly Resolved ; That the uJ.iohl of ! tfiw ° f CV i Capitol, in Stales is the only gnanuiloe for , >Ur! . j * ~.1 ' / i preservation of our liberties arid inde-1 sbat we I fully and im pendence, and that the war! for the i q . u, .']P cal policy of tour maintenance tf that Union commands' c,vll ] ralers.j m pecessiity now, as it over lias done, ouj* bosi ef- . ™ e . ). s t0 i d ; P c J ut the tor ia nnd our heartfelt"Bvnipatl>v. i un **9b' an d to being Ihe Resolved, That we ! Wl mider & pas* ™ r ' ' to ? s H sn ™ sage, or even the' introduction! of the I Sp rminat jV*V, r 4O tra^to f; B ' n SO called Peace Resolutions as Wicked, ?P a ‘>-W' i? , | e , Bt PUP weak and tending to aid f ID M l^ amDa^^c traitor** inithe tlu-if sympathy the ifebels seeling to lh ]° ? te^ b !° destroy, the Republic. [:.■■•[ j justjee, that, hemp be not created in Resolved, That iwe: regard as trait-' Va 'w , , ~ , ! I ors alike the foe in arms and the se- to the cret enemies of our Govermnpnt, who who ® n ®o“ ra g® «8 in our efforts, who at home, foment disaffection and I s J l }'l ,all . ,lZo J «« ia °ur,hardships, strive to destroy coiifideneo ifi out lb- • a,ld w ‘ )o rejoice: with us- in the aue gally chosen, rulers'. ’ i . | cessesi of on;, ariuios, wc tender such Resolved, That the reiior s spread ho “ rt f? I ,t S‘l a^^ d ® «« soldiers, facing broadcast throughout the North] bv foo jSf ,l f <»" looi -. t.‘i • ; secession sympathizers, prints and That to'Governor voices, that the army of which we cs- 9 h \% C'O^rnor 'M ? rton, of Indiana, teem it a high honor to form a part, and .^frnori-fates, -of Illinois,- is demoralized and clatnoions for peabc f^ n . d oar thc l r on any terms, are the lying uttorab- ,n behalf of tile so ce? of traitorous longues, add do d,crh ft ' o,n tb q ir ireapectivo States. ; ; injustice to onr noble comrades 'who The Rebel General Stuart akp have novel faltered in the groat wiirk, ms Sußß(|uNDixqs.--A i ebrf-espondebt and an? now not only willing but anx-, ol the Fayetteville (N. C.j Observer, unis to follow their gallant and chiv- writing from! Fredericksburg, says; 1 nine leader against tbe strongholds of ‘‘ljivtis at lieadtinarfors ; , tb-day, and saw him l eating some hard i Resolved, Thatvve pfit fortlv every: crackers ant'jfai b'acbn. Goh Stuart | effort, endure every' fatigue, and; is a dasliyr, fancy*, fast Imbn!! shrink from no danger, until,; under though by no .moans foppish, liaruhi-1 the gracious guidance of a kind Prov- seai-um, or reckless. 110 is very t ricci j every armed rebel shall, bo sociable, agreeable,; and]lively, and is, eo n q tie rod, and traitors at |a, gentleman ]of high-toned . aceom- i quake with fifcr, qs the proud; emblem 1 plislimeiits'ahd'fare genius. -, -H* is;bi i of our ni’tioniil independence shall ai- more than orfiinary size, soiirio thirty, sert itanower from Nopth |to. South, years old,-very, handsome, fair com-' a J| < * f™ 8 “ beneath powprful folds pluxipn; with bright, beaming eyes,.'of I all-; VdiO dared to assail Its honor, quick.perception and dfeep bxpVessibni doubly hallowed by .the Hisvdress an<f appearance correspond j ,<J atl^olic ' , ' ] wcll-with the rest of his character.— (Signed by all the Officers of the ~Hqboa several Old and fantastic Char; j Regiment.) ■; • . ' . ]peters with him and on his staff. His j a:. . js-a FyeppUmba froift.cine of tlie! \eqfe : ;ih Paris, a ventriloquist and comical, genius, and the pfinclpal businesb man in hia office is aPrussian, a rhiui of oducatioo, distinction, and wit.” ■ ; \::Y : -,i^i 1 |j. ;■ I b . The Fpuif Jackson I The f]>llUyirigijparagrapb .the W/ug oti the Tth :! - . y ; I “Xliiee of j the ;F|brt] Jackson muti neors j-were j shot IJiero. yestqrday;-^-! TheirS names j woifa : Sergi, W. li Brown, company I), First Regiment - i I nis ’ Kohl); and Gfahain, of j ebinpaiiy'' ,B,| siimo|. regiment; Those) emujunica iitrFort JaCksob on; tho.‘27th of April last, and i went ovef to ■ th'e enemy’s vessels; - giving; ..(homy ,of course, i pformiumn ,»a. to our strongthj .At the fight on Bd yon dca AliCmafids, some ti'nip afief wards, lltey were' token prisoners anil -brought here to bej exchanged l.Abi membeis of a'Temont; regiment.— I They' were ; iinmediafoiy fefcoguized I by the rogiroent to wbibh itMey origi- qpdVFffJg»«lljn f Their fate though bora was lievertbo fosajust j| j ' J: ■’ ■) - r I:krtrr:V::...J.lltie: now being waged agifcfnstus; that we have the fullestconfidence iti the pres entadministration and;, generals Over j ns, and, ; which we. hre .immediately ' connected ', ■■ /'■ T.; ( BesbUedj That we wijl never give jup the noble cause injwhich wle are ejsgaged until d|der the ■ good gaidaTncQoikindPfOiddeDcc.troason and*rebellion shall' bh .banished ‘.from the Uoion of States.j wLen| the old flag, doubly dear from double babtisni in the best blood of our land shall n gfcin wavepfoudly overall. . j I ,'i The above, resolutions wore offered to the.l49th,Penoa-i BijcktaUs, by Lt.. Coll W. cpmmhndlng at parade, Mdrch [and' were unanimous!; ‘ Spoecbes,api times,, wor Cnpt*. Job. E. S. Osbbr est cnthnai. The regi Jam! filers for tbo iiati vindication tune. MEI i fif ]j: :' A ‘i‘ '■ .' ’ • he> t v Established 1818 Nigger The New CoHficriptioh Law-- m 0n ,f f ' How Uwmi, » Eaitoiod r - .. ' 4 . i ciirrypat ihc crii’allnwiit bill v.ili'Wc ■v&SSy. ‘ k °\ t**: °' j S? 1 f ■***&, “ ft-wfe J'.M'S ■ „ "I”. I-*** i. 3t3*3S'C th i^P r,v,| ege' 4 ® onel civilian anil jo.ifc* sar--enn to'W C^ perat V PaW as assistant .surgeon ,‘of cavalry. ®*e«<»t*lheiratio.n«,- etc.. leaving about - 5 “ 3? «»3‘l»r;nion,tß.;- TS.istwill coi?siftu t a ' ,C Party - : ■ - ’ tlic.cnrolling hoaVd, whose duty it is bv'hir Tm *■s**>' and 'to divide cacltdislHct Into twb siib ohS Sif eiadretti? . - f"‘ division, and th * pppSiWfor .eLIT an crat U M JobnBon Denao enrolling diuy Wt-zi »• i jir‘t l ‘ i ''’ill bo tb make-the enrollment-. lmmediately after his appointment, - 7 Slt! f B ®-’ tbp ; enrolling oißeor -,{ each kah ilis; 1 If.ar„n I , ■ .i'V- lric *' is to proceed to make and RLobard M Bu T J ad d “ d - meat ir.Vneh manner that each .class Pr l-^i bi ‘ d ‘ oeCome sMI be onrptledsseparately, aiyl th*- ft biiluit, jib would have become age of the perso# Enrolled is U- I^' m'strossoli'the White $ down orTuvc °iist as it will, h*on I "TKifl p»m„ ' i ‘ the first, day of July Isneceedii g.-,tlie- UvMid nmrfn <1^ r 0" ■•' ; ■• [date of the enrollment. That is. if this ate “<« >n iiny ; person is not- Uventy. ■ hnX « *An overwhnlmm ti *• wi'l be on the .first or Jalj- next, bo ° “ a 1 m '°- list •. or .if*,.** ' a simi, mar^ d . lhaa ,.. ;is ~ot thfrtj^vo.fiiW chusetle? > ; An overwhelming Democratic ma jority.' Who save tho v t;6gro the . right to vote in New Hampshire'? . . J The Democratic party; tT Who permitted every negro person ■o.wnjtig two hundred and fifty dollar?, in New York, tp become citizens Sj . , A: General Assembly, purely Demo ciaticj ■ I . ■■ ; \ I ■: ■ 1 ' 'v-..-U. Who repealed tie iaws t)f .Ohio, i wlilch required negroes 16 give bond andi secuHty before 5 settling in the Slate? ■■ t • ; i! ■ :J _ ; The Democratic y arty. I | Who. passed a Is.w by which in Ohio the negro is placed on the wit-| stand alongside of the white j •The Democratic party. .1 #o.voted for a bill in' the Onip Legi la lure, repealing all laws mak ing » distinction on account! of color in the State " ■- hi . | ■■* v ; -h GoorgeiE. Pugh. .. v • . ,| * WlhP afterwards plected George Ei Pugh to l!ieTinted States Senate? ! I Tho|Deinoeratic party i . vP f ted Ji», tlie Cons^tatidnal -°f Ohio against a .provf the otiuc :i. ‘ . V-?- ! •: . • ■ ilufus P. Rannej*. , .{■' ' y ■Whp voted in the same Convention, ts> msrtnitliiogro children to go to.the wltli white children. in wilting t within ;tcn days,, and ho Vis l. Ifauncy. - (q repair jto a designated place of Wl* i. supported Rufus I*. .Rannuy rendezvous; but before the 'day o' mnn |, ” 0r 1859 ? ■ ■ asSentbliii* he may sfuriiisli ,a' Hubsti rh°] Democratic party. -rf , ' -Intel- Or hediay put-to such person aa ~W d ? c,dcd JD thoEjjpreifih Court the Secretary oiv ftar shall select, a t mulattoos had the.right suinjof-money .in .lien of a substitute, to ~.. .■" v i A ■ o ; w.hith sumiis to ho ma<\c unifoiim by a ueupco Wood, a/good Democratv-r Qnler,' anil ‘is not to - cicccd , n ,tho decision, elected three'hundi-eildidiars. Evclyr person ijeubeh ntod Governor of Ohio? failing to.report in person,.or by nro , 1 party, .- .. , curing a Substitute, or by paying die. ~ 'i 9 * n the State iConven- stipulated .’suin','is Ito he deemed a ilt,* tiOn. of lspO, : to' remedy . the I’evil es- sert<?ri V i , ~ ‘- r by'this excision,? i■' : ilahy per'sons .are shill of the o'pin- Tlje, Democratic party; i V ion tlhut ihexonseripLiou act, as pass «!'<? tto above .facts,' anti od by thevhfst Godgrecs, ; is tint sum.-’ many others, staring them in- the face, j as that enforced bj> (he. rtlvhii ; .hi > are ] yelping and hypo- j |s not so;;as there is a with; Cf. i ■ o l l i!9 a vf, w ! l ‘-il l . n^ aboutyi ‘jigger : The rebels ac,t ignites all papj. h ■ifffNßl’ and iggerJlQ.uality , tweeb pertain.ages 1 , leaving *ft£Vi' )■. ; rho,Democratic party.- f : • bind, while our bill’ merely inTp.-s t(i o - All these ttiipgs.were)dope ; ,b3 T thci required quota out ot the tvliofe *um-' Democratic and yet they deny ~being’] her enrolled.) This there might be in : - in favor pt negro equality, d'Ud put iti district j [O, OOO persons , ho.wveu’ upon- others whose every action has the ages! of twenty and thifrpdive been i precisely the. reverse.— fJhck,sou -,-enrolled -arc liable'| to- military duty. Standard. • - , V - V -j;. [and thequota;required might,bo only ... r ~ **•-——:• j-..: - y two or three ttoustuid,: whibh;;w<>uld PniqEs .at:, BICHMONp.— (sen. Dix, sfill lonivo the majority at.hopw.. The. •n a ( letter datcql at Fortress Monroe,hrebels,.oir the fcbntraj-y; take all they states the following, as-thc-ofices of jean fay, hands upOii ‘whether • oft! jor ccrtinnj b articles iof V provisions ail'd | yonhgr d-Vs Pennsylvania hasiiiieatiy clothing at-’Kichmondb as commnnica-1 furnished the.-! war •tore t’rovips tpd byla person lately from that place: 1 tharCany . Oilier State”, and, as some Beef,J per Jiound, 81,15; blitter,; per! attention-is noiv being paid to colored pound,) bacon, 81,50; tea, none to ■ enlislnientspfor which it is stated the bo hae|fcxcep't at fabujous pricits;'- cof-i Govorno'r’ tyill give duo credit.-, theroi fee, dc|.'; eggse per dozen. 82; ready-j is yet hope that, vyijth premier excr-i made. cpat to BlOOp spft wool.; tiobs, our Stato’may osc;ape.the draft, hat-froui 825 to 880; pair iC.!V civil for more ihen is issued., 1 ■ [-j): 1 Vi, *,- '’ ■ ■ what; shall doff John.is l drafted said a v gir), jto her! grandpiotner,. white thinking that per- j haps her lover.might bo obliged to! shoulder his musket land go jto the' ; war. |., ; ’i ; “Do 1” said the. old t&dy,, her [ vener able pybs sparkling with; the light Of other days, “dolas I did T fdr Nathan i tho la; t time the red coats enfno over hore.i Make coarse shirts and. 'panta loons for him.” 1 • '■aj-fl: gentleman, whis^dred| up t,« [the very eyes, was passing along the* ■ street, when a couple of jolly tars .on ; a land cruise observed him. “fehirer my tiriVber, Jack,” to tbe oth pi, “that fellow looks Ijke a Tati peeps mg ouljof a bunch pDoaknm.” I I •®“ l An .English writer sgyis you can tell when you nroMirronndeil by a dozen Americans by the following, unerring testThrop : Will: be found smoking cigars,; andf nine:., reading neivspapjrs. X - ' . i ■ .■ > v j *ep>Hjumab Jdeedaiand humim jiyes are never Bntil| tbdy * arc ifipisbedlVTou parerbojVnjPfo tell in advance how pu t than how a child.will gthty jap. j W. I' '• J ‘ -"r:'" i . i ; -' 1 ■ ’ - -•=a4 A d »«rti»emenU inserted '(at thereto of 75 per square—each subsequent .insertion £5 ccntsJ .. A dill cral discount made to yearly fidTectisets, and on long advertisements; ■■■; A space to xwsLvy linis of this type nsuwred> as s ' ] Special not ices 25,per cent, iaddition to reg ular rates.* J,n . Business cards, 7o ceiils a line,' per year Carriages land Beatlis,'licligious,, piiAicf.V a “ < M 11 " :r i .'■ Cz taw Bn Massa ; i I but will be on the' first of July next, he is not to go in the first class, nut class ; or if any p^r^ori liable |to duty- is not now fopty : fivc years of ago," bat will be on the' first day of July next; he jis nbt,'to be. placed oblthe list at all,! , .-All persons enrplled are to be subj jett to military duty: fof two SgvV’.s from tjie of July after tno enrollment and if call ..into the servic'd shall: continue daring- the rebfelliond but dot s to exceed three “years.: ( JJut the persons of the second ejass shall, not, in any district, 1 be called in Lo the service of’ the XJmfed _ States until: those of the firstclasf shall havdbbeiij called. ■ VVheneyer'tlie shall ' make a leqtiisifiun, he: js ranthorized . to V: if ign to. eaclf district the . hjirahr? of men tdibe furnished ay.d theii; : iLc ; cnrblling board slpul make a d:-aft pi the tequired number,.ami fifty per c_cpt. : additional,y and shall., make-la/ compiete.roll in tW order in.' whri-!-' ■the nanVes are. dvawjl. : The ■ drafted linen are to litaiid-bn the same.- footing with : the three' years. voluntecrnc.'iri jrespect-do advance pay and bounties, jas now provided by law; and ibe ■President; m assigning. the: required number to each district, is authorized rnjijitiers air^nv»y ; i district during thd jyvar. ?. f ’ ' Aftei the draft is made -each person whose name is drawn.is to.be ncll'fied | ' Plenty or> EpppiON.—dt fs e.tai ! tbift th e 1 Secret ary *of tbe . Trcasi I'.will not, in any event, come into’t jmti'rjcotas a purchasei of asi iis provided with sufficient bullion i nioet ap oxpectpd demands. The,-- ceipts for customs will be more t) enough to pay t befnteiest on the pi lie debt. * f * ... Jonx Minor Botts.—A gentleman who conversed recently with Hot. ■JqUri Minor Botts nays that, th'ongh taking-no part in-lavor of the jl’edojr. al. Government he is nevertheless a mtnuncih fi’iend of the TJ.iion. and ni(es in hopes ork sjMedy restorationjoftits authority all ouer thep’landi ! ■ ' I i U., ;' . "■ r —tt > I’flju.Many persons.have, their b ' tbair own heart and sooh ist memories. earth a hop i• 5 of icaven : there Ip tot solitnde. ’, ■ • s ■’ ) way ofJ life through' ■ wilderness is plainer &i ked every,- tipie ah-hji*hl igr.i ni soul goes ihr^ughvi. ' -JW* The poet says, “fall granny flower is born to blush nnscejVV-a •so, is niaoy a maiden sofar as onr serration extends. NOTICE TO ADVEpTiSERsI ~ r :‘f ~~»~- 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers