s i =:=t== ffcdpewtey. |l£cli feth, foife D t. (MBRIE, it Proprietor 1 . TFBMS" 01 " Doti.ut and Firry Citsr* Sanaa, is aovaxce; otherwise Two Dot will be charged. N'o paper discontinued •and o'-rrarasea- are settled.. •*sr Lc-*‘i-rs and egtuinunicntkpa, by mail H?-"‘ *■ . . . , 1 •Mi; aavo P,n I..ptaitcnt;ep. 1 SIiWSoRK TRIEtKEi 'Ninv-YoaK Titia'Cxt. Erst is t,j fij; l v 4l. in’ iis Uvvnty-scooiid' • V I-, Idi* obtained both l a larger and" • diifused circulation than v , i : i t T iKAVsjniper ever published 'ii AaaliUa- Though it has 'suffered, hini'*n with other journals, f|-om vdiunlfenng ami'depart uiuj of -°f it* p:UroYi» to Vne in the War for 1 the. .Ui.iiotkj Us r , ■ /’h this Gib of Djecendijir, : is:.is‘ follows v ■ r.i, 1 rv ri;i* 'A oc LI y | that jjt. a just. one, ..and, that , J woflre : to ’carry; at,go-bo Camt* ntae Xewbejn'e, C. 'j laWgas.GQdJshalbgiyo.tia strength to. Dear Fru mts: I haul the pleasure to :dp sOj. apd sficUi bur -ijlooaj tßitdsTlis, receivi- ypufaleitor afewdays ago.■.It] will, WVxlefenso of what.Ke’deem came to hami soon after we returned; Do’ tlite"ugblpsjt' principles ijiat ever it from liic expedition to Goldsboro’. 1 Hvas the lot of n»an tp t ,defend. Anil was glad, to learn ofy o.u r welfa r e. an d 'now hoping. U>Briathc.jitovidcnca3,d{, thailk you for your good , advice. If time' [may sw)&'come wlicii' we err, it. is not dur friends' fault; fori tjiis rebellion. will bo ttushed, anil we haWe had ‘•line upon line>and prc-j|peaee shall epee - mpro. sprend her eept upon precept.” Your views and : wings over purl beloved, lapjl, J drgw niipe are,the same upon the subject of j theSc lines to alcjose. ; >, Slavery. AW have a igrst-rate clianco j Ijours truly, |f«r the Union n6w apa to learn what it is, and to see. this ef-i forever, J. M. i.AI’ConNELL, feet of the institution on the morals _ nml politics of the people, aiid also bow the industrial pursuits are a fleet ed by the system', aiiil lam Convinc ed tbal the Worst you liavojheaul of if is no exaggeration I of. the tralb.— Our h'eidlh is ;very good. John S. M'Cready is gone to the Hospital, I ; f«Slr. if not discharged soon, lie will not! be long Sergeant. R, S. Crawford is j also unwell. Will received a letter| from'Afchison. It conveyed.the sor rowful nows of Joseph’s-death. Ex-.j ruse me for alluding.to it; but lam as be was. and. may falls . If such is the; ■ will-cf Providence, mUy iuy death be; like hP— fill doing my duly. For the !a-l-lew years.-sit‘lionJe, 1 .mot him.ev-- i cry SaM';.'.h at church and in Bible/' ' class. .lie studied hbv Bible Icssorjs i Weil, showing that he was inlet cstt'd i : in ihe study. I never saw any thing I like a 'disposition to do or say a wicked act or word;, '-therefore'allow me tb'j tj.sk you to be resigned to the. will of! llhit,’who .directs and governs ali i things in'the best.,manner and to the ; best eml.sjor you can ‘have a.' full iiS-J. BiiranCe that ho is bettor oil. The cry ; of ib.oj, oppressed, down-froddi’n and ; ■brutalized. African, the causd of burl country, spending her treasure nnd| blood to rid herself of an iinstitution, that is a direct violation of each pre-i eept of.the moral law, and the cause I of the Church—for slavery stands yii , ...I . frcetly opposed to tjie spread of the i i.im Nh.in t ijics attc'itiojus in |.Gospel. All these demand the saeri • :, i'd *0 s"n.e cklf-ijt. in, flee of.maiiy lives ami thousands arc l i i,oii atioii. i cmperaneo! Ag- UvrilJiJ;gly gud nobly making the saerb V.-. J nv.M.ilio,-. ■><J wha 1 eyi-r ■ CaiVier lo , : im'-- -ci: nail a” : ~l'gnrniciftv '0ri,123 1r,250 .148,000 i j; id Aggregate ; .;....215.|iiy fro i ii.iM'-.itly a joiiiiial -t£( .Nottsjatul The Tribcsehaspcjliti u. . which lire, well chivrac hv thcsinjr’c word irki’vnwtAX., ii - ltc|’ ufyli'can in„its hearty adhemon ; .hi; ureat -.Until lhat "lied | has i i>t; “no Liufvl all flattens of men” !>i.u:jiican in it-’ assertnot ol| the . ...end- aiuf -iaalieiiabk! rtvhU 'oj all i liti’crsy, aiid the ,• pursuit ■ i:; ‘ Inippitiess’-’—ijepnblic.iu •' t’l i ;itS‘ ; :>‘arpc«f.l'lcfiaui Vo 1 ••very'sHirnu; and eft at <d the Iflavo.• I’ilivfr, fr.nu the Aiiiiexathui of Texa' ■l»i the sweat-TjeheiUou,' to*. ixra*p ; the elliptic ot the .New Woihl and p'ield the resources., of our' country tor ils iavn aeran-lh/v’i.ent —— Ie j■ u boean in ■ its* aiit:i;_foi i.'Hl 1 1 ..1he" ilc.-J-’ot 1 ! oil the, <•>;.! tttorW. v- ho fvicih hat! in| the; •pi -fils a! :'l i aianiif ;es Mniiiitiiy tljruktj cfi-.-/! us hv M.eir meric;:n cuuntor-' pan t(u‘ overthrew ami rain cd|lbel I.i;,: i j.'c^ljHc —ilepubijeau iii its i ) i-jic Auiii'ii tut . its faith atidr eil’.ji"t,i A;.'-! this aiyucious I!chfi!i<m-. must, ti/e situ mb overthrow ok" its : ;■ !ct:s. ’ami till- tir.'i(■ s!abl is 1 ■ 'linenl i A Voice from the Army- I Newport News, Vn., Mar. 14, ’(5B. Editor Argus-. At, a meeting of,tho officefs and privates of the lOOth Eog. Pa. Yolsh, for tho piirpos'o of expres sing! their sentiments on questions now agitating the ebuntiy, in tpfcrenep-'io ■ (lie war, Lieut. Col. M. M. Dawson, was called to the Chair‘'and Captain J H. OlincappoihtedSccrctary. The object of the meeting was .slated by the President, and a Committee, pre viously- appointed, consisting of Cjlapt. S. Beatty, Chaplain It. A Brown, Capt. J. P. Blair, Corporal- Horace B. Durant, (Co. Aj) Surgeon W. C. SHnr lock, Lieut. Jl, Justice/ and Private | .Wiii. Taylor, (of Co. G)’reported tli.e following resolutions, which 1 unanimously adopted- by shouldering | anils, and aftepvards bj’ acclamation', |as fblly expressing the sentiments of the regiment: f | Whereas, A vast civil war is now (convulsing biir>,beloved country, i i voicing the dearest interests of mil i, ! and impcrillin'g our fortunes and ;our (byes, a war feir which wo have cheer fully yielded jup all the endearments of our homes;'and, whereas, on the ! results of . the present momentous ! struggle depend iwt only cur liberties l and in turn greatness as"a nation, but also the tHtimpb 6t Freedom and liqiifll -Bights throughout the woild, and'the- elevation of our race in the . scale ot being; and,' whereas, the ■! conflict has called forth every element, both North and .South, hostile to a re publican form of govern meat. a wily and despot ate Hid in front, and mean, cowardly ablet tors ofnreason in the . rear; tlic-rcl'oro, , ‘ f •; / I ; Ist. Itrshlred, 'Tn a i lift »r*l l ing evil ihflueiJtW have been .lAdnght ;te hear upon, the army byVpOlitieal ’ partisans to advance' thuitvown base designs, and give aid to /the traitors .... ,a! the South ; also, that newspapers ;... containing frcasrhiaMb articles, de , Mr M"!&:. isir-ilav.ng seen a let-, j llin , !ilt orv fof the/Wernmcnt *nnd WC ! l ' r - "I"-; 11 Andrew-J.ced e ,, nst i^ lt ,'i of the nation. * <d--''C'vWt-liyou'reqs.pte.i,|,im to pipe ~1 1|(l a ..ift.jh/ tlie verses of our a-near as ho eonld the vu ws of tie ; bavt/hcc'i. [circulated in ! the , r , r army ,« general with regard to the ;lrlnv ’ .fa ~ of disednraging «« u/id ,JfTa degt-ec that it wjis hoped satis ltd nith (he present aomm wtrh t tI Übmit to a dishonorable , ion >i n.iii ,a mm also wished ; ~e . o/ ~ ,-t ,v,o sj.nrn < with contempt rice "! do, ih.,- same. I thought pis,portion of-Northern Copper-- ‘icls- •"•V" 1 ’ 1 "‘ I’ "" « ■■"I 1 ';-' a * I 1 "™ TO,ca.ls dbr compromise, which ii not I otners.. wlw*. wil h ipc. arc* i » i j *. i •« i ' iii. i*»: • l . •*? „ , /T <•>?«! v •ivi*:unlco%Avitli merited scorn hr t»> «mv \ f nn mikim :i ill >:*l *on LUcirSTi- 1 •*i » 1 • j *• J livl- . •”'. . * ' v / tllio .thonm*!vcs, us oomni" , noil Is "ii l-o'S sul.ivct. t grills IIR , ~n s ,. HI SIMMV , S bl ,t ,j" . »j in I very in nij-h to tb:..k that Uebro a.y ; arc .j Uv ilhcm to be utterly impossi ■ its., nu “ u »'* ounr-tat,.. and . Vciyh ...11-owh , V ,Vyivai.t no lieace till tbc cm ss. j county, who sy.niialliisc/with these ~,t m {ot - nfttion j s | ia n uk&Ul w r lve aceiirsed rCluds, aim pjr-lfo 'aror ready f>V( . f v j lla , ro hh a hamlet ,of tho I-' : “ :J U '' ,!V at , :U ' y ■ ihputisfaei ~,,, r■ • N i winch may he expressed by sonic in- . *' : ij ■u dividual's in the dmnv. and tojherald f 2d, Eesolced. That these men, by. ‘ 'it as a sure (sign tha' om; armv is ;;thcji opposition at•'first loan armed ; ready to do.-d-vi 1 hc.eaiisc and give up ‘ rcsplhncu jof rebellion, and llioir pre ! tiie conflict which they have'so tar dictions that the rebellion could! never .$2. ! carried on nobly for the rigiifiiiid for -be subdued, ms well ns their sabse rss. thc^rc-esiaoii s 1 1 inont! id' .that nolilqJqncnt acts assisting to' verify their 1 form of guvyi-iiiviciit iiilidor vvhicli wef iprediciic-nl—by their lack of sympa ij' las a' nation, have so long lived and dby witb| the. sir.eesses, and their . i flourished. There ai;e some men. to ill-disgnisled satisfaction over the rc liih ' beishro, who tirodissatisfied with '.he i-V’ci-fjes of-bur Union armies ; by,their [ warj with the Xdininisiralim. wil)r the j-denunciMioiis of what they desig-. (!.urn.y. ami with every tiling confneet-' nalc a* tyran ideal and arbitrary.acts ed wiijrtlicm; but as' a general thin" i : *>f tho' administration, and. their si . yod find' that the men of truly noble lenco regarding the despotism of oar 'principles, men of talent and of ifuc f f° oB 111 ■at ms and the rebel leaders!-; patriotism', ado arm’nig the number! who by their sympally with rebels taken i aiii ready and’dclenninod to prosecute prisoners,in acts of treason and re ; this war iinlii ■■■there shall not be ,a i beiiion, and their utter indifference to i rebel to raioe his voice against this atrocious |wrongs perpetrated on true j the most noble government that ever i eitizens'pf the Union in the Southern j was set up on earth; and if ved do not' States ; by their declared hatred Of ( succeed in crushing this rebellion, -it! loyal sections, nhd -willingness to* i will be., the fault of the rebels in the sacrificp them as the price of a ro-.i North, isilio arc doiiig more against union with tho States in rebellion ; by'j us than the foe who.come out openly their' dispouragemeets of enlistments j and-take the field to fight ns Let an d tbrcfit B of opposition to drafts i them beware if they shall bo .the and conscription glaringly betray means of causing the rebels to gain that'propositions of peace'und com : their independence; for,'upon their promise from them aro acts of sy-m -iOwii heads shall'fall the punishment pathy wiih the rebellion and hostility' I for the mischief they have created.—; t° the gdvernnVont engaged in niain i Let. them look at tho Southern papers tarning.a [war for jts.own existence ; .and see \ybat their opinion is with re- that by their public' acts and resolu- Igard to these, their Northern liejc- tions they give aid and comfort to spiitloslwbo are ready to do anything; the enemy, and dishearlcri our army, jno difference how dastardly, mean by a show of division and distractiqu and contemptible, to serve these Sontte-** 1 fb» loyal Sjates ; in short, they are Oni lords jind their God. Slavery, ff an integral part Of the rebellion, by I you sec aiiy of thffse .incn you can tell the- law of natjone traitors,- and as g rs : them it is our opinion', arid we have such should suffer 1 tho traitor’s .doom. ,up in ■ go<>«l grounds lor saj ing it is the Sd. Resolved, That there is no other Imnn-! same of the hrmy in general, that if means I r.qw at our disposal lor sup j the people in the North arc only as pressing the rebellion and restoring determined lodotheir duty as the men peace tnan ani Rctivoland determined who represent their, in the field, this ra-(prosecution of the. war, until every hellion will yet bo brought to a justvestige of treason and its accursed ami honora.blo.tci roinalioic • W'o think j caufse bo 'effaced forever.. . . ‘ jwoar’c now doming to the,point from Aih. jßeholted, Thitt we, are as willing iwliicli we should liayo started, at the to iiici r danger ahctytihdoigo .[*'*?" vommoncemcnt of this war. . Sla.vervJ. toil now us ever, and that any R- 1 was the cause of all this trouble, ancl i assertions of a treasonable press to. the II oaiil it is torn, root and branch, j contrary arc ' lying, - shameless -ri our.troubles will increase. We f slanilers upon the; whole army'-,'and s-|coi 'cmion Vi-KaJ concur in fbc bejtef'tliat the Presi- [upon the vctcran-Ofli-. Aruiv-iGorps and ihe Drjg-fctni(. ~f j ca ’. dent’s -.Proclamation is just ..what the | tlie lOOlli Ecgimefit ’PenhA''yoiuir v **•?. f. cvmt&f. 1 necessity;- of the , times, require; and [ toers in particular. OE n;ii riL-liisiM;.; Is^w.lhrojii^li.-i • i-.susit o!' our- c<nifitr_v, i ■"; ii:• 1 Unio.i». •aliall in-1 ; "•• nu iii-svjiaV'Uile - ’- lienee. j f *r• *v?• ]’ ‘ . Rfi ,l 'nV mnM Tall li'v tlu*nK:unls V.* .' ,V.• ..• * ate Of KOBEIiT W), , i* *• rr, . , .* i*7 . ) 9 vVooksrown. Beaver V‘ If't : '. lu ‘ l“ !i - ibcni£"!vc‘ s th.; \vi!i. 1.,1‘ l-Wi.lei.ce,— ,IMI "■* .'“pU'lvi dfc 'ucjtcd-to m.avcry -dje HviUi.us; ' I have „o\v- S d rf K \{. like U. a : ; t,!i:oit. Lis comp;-,Fijrht.il out.-w-iiiv mot ,:.-irSi . -pi 7 l( , Slift. 1,0,10 . W tl.aV. Id .'V ,uy : i’ yn t ?V r - v ;iliat -tft.i ••iyMli.,ll • was •fruslifil.'an.i ' ! ul -V* al !ri-»;al^t:rsj^-, th'* tv:u* x-ver, ami peace f-stsiblisliod •m v.’« tn»tol lo _in f tl.ooir • »»r • nefpie* uf uw i>*. u> t-if j ... vi'i-i-'iimw ir:'. n'.yiti <'f| sve. ! n f}\ uo t a jiart of ; the people. ... :-i;■ - iii ih- n-Mnnhioiy; . ' J . . -I John Clark. v ;.i.d :i i|.;> 1.. A !!!• c;Ku-:ii-tc-<».. To Mr. .0 Mr*. Jno: 'DovUton. ■''' • .v.-.i.ivV;. 4' e •>>;;i*’v«y tfeai. not; ’• . ,|. ■ v l- ~‘ 1 ;i:< :v V.jfk-v i>r iiu-ri.* iiL-cu- j . " ■ ' 11.I 1 .' 1 1’.r.1l iMdlVjK' ! . 4 . <1 ll:i> ,h »-fi>*• iit■? ii* pillar :: an ' iuv-u-Jr li.c- v* i *‘Ui (‘jfl.Mlf.'i. :St - 1 1; r f ! Kl* . I !.!.«»5.1 :i>t S! ; t l:n' i*y. it>. ;iiti ui* r'n MS. " i r/u .'f <,!• - :i rjv : r i ir.uiti 1 ! ' ‘ 'x. r-V •: /-i c«*m •• 'V V Vi ■ 'lriiE T'. \- 1 '; ? '•1 i'.liTv KVNF.. V) i'A: !: I lAn j: I :c.c ( ''h 'H iyi-.r.ins\ T-l.’iHljM'E: MEM *(‘s ISM •V* |V| ! .*•» • 'rfov, •-•h- vo;»ri, ' ' 4 ,: v.vir c iv'i-ii: ','CtU tu-duos of t EfvK L i Ti-M IUvXE, • - .'i ’ '■ ;• far ■ (W *'"]■ 1 :;** '■ A’ ■*'> ''f.f- war MIE :>e jenr.;.. MiiiiUvr, _ tidihcSfiL ■> •./ yviisf'fiof 51,5*.* carlt. ' '•■■■■' t- 1 •] *y. \\; iI bo Rom to-’every i ’ '-i-fy Copies. o /'} 07LC~oldrt'3, g, '> fJi?. ;inu '-aiiy nuiubvi j*ri<’o. An caU;u will ‘■••I to Ciul'rj of t'.VtlitV. ’•’l\> (*i ul] ‘ :TIIK ..SEMi-WEK'KLY H .* iv \\yJl be M'TitJ To chibs of ! 1 •:ij DAILY TKißy^iJ*%vilibe| nM.ro*s THE TRIBUX ■ '-i >-I'liiie- BujWing**, Kew-Yorj iu-n drafts;can|be- procured | K'm-Ii safer than Jo ijomit Bunk I ‘•■c name (of Po.-i. : Offiee Maty i-iio.uUr in all eases be j>l:; ’T'iutn. v >u !-i?‘‘ r ibers -, who send money • must prepay- the" *Exj eu.ii ijhs: oise it wiil.-he deducted 1 -I'.MmUaiic-o 'l'l'niitNE Ai.manac for ■'il. I.e ready about Christmas' : =IM!MM, “Ihiion Trip tel PENN’A. i beaver, '•i i'.x.: CT..\ 1! K. Prijl-R! F.TOI u 1 to Hie 'coimnk-ncts of a IV:pi;iojar'):;».-= fitted '*■ at:d *ai - !!<-t STEi; f|\LOO®^ 5... i f *iUfiilty (>rr>v,ier» may b t ij'C’r: in' nny , <lc inn In- lin nishfd r.-itii i iyt *lh(*,<’aaiv :* linn -Vui,c« ilk* 1 a. ‘ n ME c•-•, }' iHjcral'pfiiron::jrc ho ; t n font'.uuaiic® of t!.o. sar } y l * -ic., <os* 0?6t.. » icit 4 d: -*KM\ i-J*. ?tv *' K Mf. wn*; ■ ■ ?*]* at BE *rJ L' j " * T i .i' ■- Vc:i;r^ Vol. ,30” Array Correspondence tx- >reu- one r at t l>e: is or I Ri te uv; pent. 1 it/is: Jills, i and : in!}'] -by 1 . ircss-l rom; ISfiS 99 > " i cb- 1 £ircd i f*r«, surd ~UI J, !v .,.'v ■- .. ;r.i;a-.a’! ; ': ; ■*!•■.,;.. •'.- ; -,jr .; N. ■ , ‘ : ' jSTo. ■/ , r ; ; ' Bdaveib, : -.‘W Febucaky- - Itii. lSfi.j : 1 '^T^&Jar^usrS. *&#■'. ■ ’ ■■■■: ~|;. t , .;;■' ! '..- r 11 ' ,', 1[~" '''" '■ -■ ■ •'; '"' ~ '-i " 1 ■.•■■.!.• • , ; ,,i j 1 1 ’ -Business csrds, '7s; iyalk sv line,, r.'pi sth. we believe it diitydfoll loyal citizen.sandi hpai-t!y approval to ti ae&of the ad-. riiiptstraliofr 'a *dw tfio ircbel-'’ Iron; and> wf ; A t(V tbblate oonn<?rl is .now made., hs wo hre jtnfn y|trpi(pt« apd,; rebels fit.borne, l it iinderstypd : tjliat Aye. hcytrlit' efliatact, nhd;i call upon tnc'g< nbstrictiy audit iinparliallytb. it; and; if need bo, t'a UiS ;th» ow iothe field to make men >v librctpfprc en-: j ayed in; th jlr h i jmolep'tion of pur.nrrhs, to bei iin ourtOi Iff arid pci 1 •? 6th. Resolved. ■& regard with pleasure tblo beingiused by! our, loyal friei ipo«o itrai tors’ and treason t Wo would urge tpoii their. vigilant | torts,' land, |if he; ie most decis- I ive and: sum mat ' to thfit ef fect, consistent' . To these | loyal juonjwo , our hearts are with vpu' i te work, and ; ydur example 5 11 cheer yowr .sons and lirotf iynpon thfi | tented field., histrswUli J rebellion we ily utter, the I warning Uiiit :b in their course caiij set ~ aniong its first results, 1 .o their owti doors, with a -s, civil war whichj as- nly ravaged ! our southern bt i’ r. p■ |. 1 7th. Resolved. irew G. Car un deserves th t thanks; of all.Pcrnsylvur i, to whom; in an eminent i itti in active i service and in ital, ho has been a friend an nor. (To bis untiring energy triotism the whole country ed, and his name canhpt fail iorttil on tbit, .page of oup naf tory..! I 8 th. Resolved. copj-df ihesd resotntions be / loyal pikers at home, with a request for their puhi lication. | ’ ; '.ji./ .iV fi-' '. ■,! * • Btect. Cot. 31. -jPrea.; Cap*. J. H. CbiffiSynlV. j ■' j ! .The onlyiSSeiiiimdistinction between | Northern id jCalifOri | uia, is thb ; who are fo • war sopMhg as the rebcl^ 1 S "'HI ndt/sti >tnit, antpijiose whd are foj' I ! poaee/wbel her t|ib rebels. | submit | or pot— be twcon tbp|e .who make the | nationality the paramount placet, ar.d I who make ,i ' t .on; eel. It is a elearmistibetibn and ti i ■ fiifii 1 , ' try, ought to bo recognized.' There is np otliei'ireul criterion .61 -loyally .-M- To lii.ik ofva man as ; loyal wbd is wil* 1 ling, for the mike of j peace, or for any , oliicr object, to- have the nation 'brol kon up, is, in trulh ; absurd.j Ic in} i voices a contradiction. -*Yoii; may as ; well talk of a humane complit-fiy witli | murder. The breaking upolillio mi llion is just what tile rebellion is foiH j,To agree to this is simply'to side witli ■ the .rebellion, and beln oil its primary ■ purpose. ' , 'Therefore, the man who, for any consideration, will so assent—jwhoev-- er lie-is, and wliaicver. he niay, c-ajl himself—is essentially a -disloyal hum; Ho should be hihrhedas sueh v | A spid cifie naipo should ho applied to, all whoi think and act wuh,him. {The fluiek;instinot of the people has iipplh ed ojici. .whjch wo. think very;'expres sive. ylt. should everywhere heyecog uized | and it‘ shoujd be used xoitltonlref• crencfio jnynnicccdcnt party'associaiiaty. Every American,jkvhatever ( liis opin ions about Slavery, who is| for. mitiih laininir the? unity of the country ai till costs, is literuliy| and | truly, a loyal man. All others Arc Precisely as in 1778, .every’ Ameri .-aii, whether puritan pr Cav'ilifcr, viho\vaS for maintaining the independence of tho country and repelling jail ncgptia-i lion with England on tiny Other terms; was a loyal man, while oil pthersoyerc, Tories. :[?' ' I It is a groat object at a 1,1 limes Ip! j have publie.issues|vdearly defined, bail I especially, in timjes like these, when | the very salvation of the, country is; j at stake! Unr people can now, least j of all to cprninit Ihe.mselvi'H tpl j vague professions,! or to bo controlledij !.he old partyirtamcf?. Theyfmustr draw|| ! their lines with solo reference tp tlnij I emergency, and with a strictness that tshall leavel no mart’s position nndefift^ , cd. It isg grand jthing that.the Doiri| ( ocratic is so;rapidly coming up; to this w&rk.' The chief danger lay on ! that fide, not - puiy • because it is, r not the in power, but. beeaut4| so. manyjpf i.ts leaders were once voijj ry 'intiiijately associated, politically ( and perionally, with the rebel chiefs.! j ;Tho idtteP, it :is known, have reck-j ohedlairply from the outset on! a di-;.| vided North',to he brought a'bon t thro’; tbeir.ola associates jin'fact,it.has of latej been th«r Only hope. fiiit,asit happens,' many ct thetTe former associates con sider themselves and their i party to; have beeti hasely deserted and bbtray-} ed by the rebellion movement, andj are now among the most ifophtcablc! enemiei of those who made! it.' The others iave done their best fori tore li ds. P'obably no more adroit politi cal management Was ever practised inj this ecuntry than that with whicji. forl the la*, six months, they have tried to brifg the Democratic masses intpi sympjtliy with the rebel spirit ! But I all t hb skill has come to naught before I the ifdostructiihle Northern lovaltv.—; T - t^l l / , '- o ?ly.i,tr o ugl , V'toftMn s h''andj. last! upon the -Recreants j whpithus sought to make | Tr'easort J •vinf-K. Y. Times . J” ..! «■” l i : i{'‘ votoe from -the Army.- 4;;„ , -'hivp-j Newpori , Mews, Tali Mar;4 ’OS." ! - / ‘ J »J J ■• |!h. , , . V- "ij4' , ' • . _ '• ■ * • . ( ! t tTbc fo{U >wing commhnlcatjlon ;liii3 ii^otiber ,tp,-u*fay ShurloeJ<. Ii ; i>A N no 'V-;® ; ‘^ i^iou f i^ os ’ is IM'l vot presume tb rairat those gal l .,nell ' T Y° diavo.gono forward to lspg.;F v r. tb ** l ’fs“ oa^ t 9;g lv pj l1 ' ft I ! ijhVf lor'this;-/of Slil- m$- feliow/ifol-■ Dip Vp'mbat. ,A fiette and vindictive pl»co in oor .columiid.j |t. iv tnliciij dicks we'arp.h'ere to-day. Shall i\fo| foe,, not only aims }.o overall cow . tins irrytn..tbe Bas Uiugton, (D. C.) iphtohi-. 1JW-AAm! cOtji«&l|.to-:[our t njissioivj!/^'Tt , u»t;i government; with the avowed purpose cte-3 ' ' ■,. ,ji , , ... ■ 'j; 1,1 h l ®’ w iio/^ar - be—j.of piibstitulinjr thoreTor a military dcs- Sir•—Hivdnrs Ihv <ho iwAA 1 i.,.:- H® l t in 4 ■i.Sout'li.--'-v!potisip, but diiidinaile several stroiiiii; dent bedd ftrAsenilaf a‘‘Dressi’ande” = rfi’ ’ [beyond, ; das efforts tainv-ade us,‘and briiig^ho of the (4ouhkeAd’’)|tlSptlm"' ? 9 ? -^j rcifimerit of iPenhwtrailin' qacsiions, _.gloweia^the Content oi editors and; speechihcrs have- gloated nate k“ toSoea andhlidontUwS - l^'7v, * n 'i » names Cadd mine; moj-eial marts, apd laying waste the SSKtSS S^ all * bat | fertile’fields ot Peiinsj-lvr.Tia. Thanks times Atjfbe thivr,,, l r p Col 7* bo foir or blurred / Shall wc; to our brave .defenders, never yethavo rhdo Lieutenant Colonel DawsOri?in > P l ' ov T,^ r^, s on T ™e n :i patriots|the [hjuigry hdrdcs of ncbelddin been double cdVdinri clbsed I Fd , MP“* i ‘ ls P. I ?'d n^ s . to power dver j Tho (f%e. States hare, sustained m> daitt- Jbc cdmifiaiidiurrmft! I °* . our felorioits llepuMie, Mind 1 age’'worth"(rfentioiring. .and the nsual cor of the rciriinoht but! forValihost .i | J f)U l to ' d' - «6 issues' of " thik-war.-;- i aVocAklons of pidustrv liAve-proQocdc.<V venr i!n coir m’and'f o? "t d',.; i>w' 1 r ’ eonvu l , i v ® throes of a now asthotigb. there were rtovvaraiiy where * c “ r . T bli-th.-Klia-.bpmioas. 'old ..aw,’within onrloidcra.'‘ ■ } V ; Stopped M.aaid and jaddicssjcd Miss . i on , 3 institutions! ami j ahitscs 1 are; ■: The hoiTh uUiliU IraufiuiKui 1 old dimjVariOUß matters/tom IsweWt ww -itiln l.koLi \ •' A , -: . ■* l F• c- , neeled will! ft h eir honor and UlJii- ! li-. a i, o • •,e3 the ne- ; porous because her hrave sons have! tSrists but’'more, esneeiallvldn rein -I t'l Sl ' l | ;l( i S ot , I *® |‘$ u L ( % nvi nd, and woo ;■ bai'lli.o.iorocii!us.arn.i<w of ilie Svol? ‘ff rel h- be tftl.e dotard who‘makes k brdsteri rebels:' Tf.eso ,-ude soldi u-s h-e V •!' in til S’ bi ? ;^ lrto their inovitabhffalh iUespltiabieencmi.es. - Inured to u and disaffection in thoi Jirmv f ! ty. living at the best of times' and ;r; ■ ■;■'‘ Ilf \ ‘ H iooaistruUbps in;>y iilako ■ bituated to diseoTiifOrtbaiid privatin:i,. ffHesaltf po had bn a biimun i to ce'i-,’ bu t, a ’■ tlio hardships of a tnilitai-y life Vni recent.viajiti boif.eyiind dy lot ers since i l ‘ s -bb'f one tliitigy .dishonesty an- liornp with a sloibishi, his return; ithatjdisloyal men fit li'bmo, and no trite lloyal man, - be- \ whilst thovf iiaye niueli c( that brut J who nevoi feot>trib.titod any ai|l to lieves tlnpt ilie Administration isi-suit | ejouruge ivltielt In the day of battle iy on itlhojwtfl, were \yriting! to. ihem- ip earnestj apiij as; .ibors theini ,f(«uuW:iblwopponcnls. . bera of thb regimcmttsetting forth bagljly honest in tlie'lprosccutlon.lof | Our levi'os, on the coii'trp'rvj arc that ot the war' |iad v bccn Do not be fleceivcjd In': a | ehieflv frr|»Vclasses wet! provi-fed tbr Changed eiineb the.time theyihad come bteaijy, . pa|ienl ;jftppbrt, tlioi '6ri!y | at Home, and" enioyins .advantage]*, iff joutythat it was a “war fotj the [lygj-i-vWSftD^w”^. autkmvws of the : lahiit: iha( rfspect not r cls'ewlicrg' .equalled !'gfr,”-an(l J t|fiaLth:ey were'fighting for ■«« plausible safety— iiiiAny otiierlbv any population!. Titov have iflio abolitiph of slavoryfar.d!not a.rep- |,w}iy| ‘Chaos'comcis, again.’j 1 andj An-t folly f o tt these; happy pud. cherished. | iteration rf].tlic yj’nion., |.H,o [learned, | b'-ber long .-ipglit hke the ilidrlle Ages j home, aiid,,the* loved ones who d will I [further,-that, iii one of t«fo instances, f-*' Mpon Us'. Since the creation of ! therein, add marehed, ut the Call l ot soldiers iilesponaingj niah | u P (, n the no yvent,' isavo ; their- Vnd,Angered Country, to nphoid letters, andlthoy were eagerly Seized j the H Myeutj Of' our itedeejner,- the government 'and stav-ifim apprlvuCli npon lyf -Ms .iehdcrA -of.; tbo 1 so;lratight : b^pes-.and of anarchy. Etcposure*to all weath and published, as .a- f'voicj; froim; the op universal fliuriVnirity, As i ors, toilsome marches Umjugh \'ir^i_n- Arniy,” ng(jiiit was proclaimed there:- jd'c issue pflthe eveiits r.ow^jlranspir-'ia or f Tennessee . nuidr prifa- : [on that-thjyi Army Wnsf domoralipted ; i j 1 1- ? :'n.which -Called to.; V ;ii : ons at' munj- kln-lslsickn-r-A whore [that was lured of tlie fvhr; cthiit jf[|, a Ae|au active part; rYbu ajid l„ ;my l ..mod-ic'inc ami nut sing t/ore often uhat .{woold; not jnght, &c.. oKjow-,lie ."wish- j folio W-soldiers niay fail in.;' the Strug- .talnaiihv werefof tikunselees.snliheient'' [ed every man to ihatUhp,'^fvY ut ' ,‘|iir;inurtyr Mood w|jl spring Ito decimate onki;fAiiks [of [(Jud! patri-! [effect of shfili letters!- wasfto depress |;d!P Sfildkws to till otii; pldeos : and i otic host ; but when we superabd -,ihd? ('the friends and families M the f th® bfeu!f fight will go ,oij, till its [slaughter of a hundred battlesf 'wiv and render jlhem unhappy [in the thotf! e b[' l IjeiacCbmplishcd; ip the pew birlii- '. cease.to woridey wheitivvo hear!'that I ;po»spjly f their • ‘ahnent soirfiers ! t * O r ' j final cijvfcrtKtrow ;a* I’cimaylviuniv di\'i>io = n, Inna* ‘Jmnn- I wcre_ sufHjiijmg privations~-'Wcrc-.ij ■ satisfied Avitli tlm wai%. were! despair- y r ; i,s -j •> \ !-■ - \’ I j qleil to, htnneUiing diko j ingfofjsucetss. iVHjper- j |CAte filling .fomlho ilagro ? X , buiu.lrod. --. , . ' F.g,. jhups, meditating dosprlioiv ofthej:-cUfo p loi st cmphaticaliy—N<j 1 a thou-i iC-ati -any a.-, piaiignan’t :pMit j flag-.-'Jto t<[>l. i tlienvl;c«*yiltl rlsadi-.-j M,nd ! tim ;s-J itof BdfVia tlio'-a-eat behove that men oduring such |n, 1 Vjaf Aow whgmg upon this boTUmoiit,; would seek ito • lies ; CHin eVery indl-vi/l p r p'^ n it. Jnid perse.v oro iti( l;ieka\lu seen worn wjriltcri home, there was ho;', im sJiiiifv’Tv^mnifYf’wtWnPfi*'aft’cclcci 1 “ us c ' o ' Mt ® B Y ° nc tnyment, alt|.n- an hon : one thcrojto contradict them, and poo- ‘t|,6 ’ and - : wcre - irnApseft upon. tie. roasted ,- h, th,. (ireelruiuonti avid im-jimr. h-gh : civ.fliWb.-;--,()ur ■!n-.Hhers'''h!utf Idn 1 dn , ffs .that, if• anyj. soldicrwcceive'l a disfoy l nf which the'-r-r;/ •Hv,'the >! ' vo,l b* ««*,veV ( ' tjuvg armed in any [hut a till or disengaging 'fetter; h-.m .{ie ol [ jiri-silined fountain !ind ; mmlin lt,e i Dgittful catisei TiibirMdiigiit n[; is ; jtli<! -'inti- -t;£d‘ politicians.” -in* ilfould. -j.j, . j peaceful hi.', .i.-'-i a'.'i .t!i;»se. .psiet ■•|>ny>y-, [ expose -hi 'ithit .oiice;.iind[ sendluiyk bis' J,[ v 1 f uim war and its: j h'ents atu udai.i! -tlhgi utauc tfitbfrs j leilnr'for pu[l)iiei£ti.)n, : tin- ;the; hjim-jii : ;f R . ■ i,.,ti., ns . ( ,f - Eiinoj.,- ; ar.d incii. aduw yt-arii f -r, that sn^.ji^ !oi the eonilii jinily in which he li[vwt; ii,r<.ii.‘S-and ; dynas' ,: h-s w iPliy wh.en..; reiudmiia iehig.- •k'ljit’-.. [iaiid if diiy soldier, smarting lAndcr” aif.-ot the : they foay ivi.imi .iff ho:i.;r>tp t*hieir a [ punishment, jir in an hour of dej.res J Vd' pXple iii orfr verv mid-ar Amt it [bod-e.Sv;Vind I rct.'i;iiie 'Urtur,pj-ai. Ision,, wrote liome leityrs. „, (> n J ooj ,- Si J l Vc'i »(■ Ithc times [ disloyal schtimicnls, ami those leitters . lIU ; t! u .-.VM(drai .i>s'in-s oli -lthc w-ir . present' mh. lp:s. w isf.eii 'for .co [ were pubhsl)l>d, or fetun.tal toi this ' N |. ivp j. v j~ .inali~h.-d wlm *iloes it- '.'.i nial'huii that they Iliadntafn’-the .-'command, the writer would be aijrest-Thu [Verv iuiia-.t.dv fin-ee-l; it u [i.tri t'.dke at fit mle. and si ill to'nscni ledamftrieJtrby a couK-n^i(tii«!|.. l' il Icavesmt d dhe-oicb- :llai;1 so- (mf a. Mr|!ei ing ami . was; An iinfoiijided lidsidinnd that! this;,:,| or Ufo-isAko oj' ih-> jift. : tiii‘i£.|i’t'«'fHiU!ieir well: b eoniinaid! \i a? in any-wAy deiiioniilz,-, {|, u u horn mopiity of 'tbo' silibject/And i uhUy tinmi.o.l. y'f.. ' '! j c «l. Hie, sadio ardent pairiotjsim' that . d.i„ Ud v Apon its nleVits asw 1 .And.vt-l iho-yharc inemUn-.s. Con - ! calt<i<l t n[s -Info the tield iivllvetj bur i jj, Oi,-v an<l iVeeosUv. wntlV! .gres-Api;.; fess/ng, loVaity wlioychn sit I firms to is etfeetimlly as the : whirl wo, who ciurtciid foj* -'a '.gfeat 1 on;eu.s!iioi>cd. seats pt JV-asliing-■,o;n. ohs ; hreakiog ou.t of Hie wai‘, and tlifnigh ; aifl -.•hoiieticedt /sroiißral-.' r*ei}Jfii- ligvo Iftriicting day Iw .day emd. net ,n.j;,-g!s> reduced -in unimhers liy; Hcßi e-.-s. and : whatever ,to do.’ -Ilj ihe I latiphA-aiynhildd id Kd> ; -iii..n.!- i battle, wc \yjitjre [inore liOneliil now than lioti ibili.ws as . A Afoilefa'l-'' Tl, ey iidjoi;rii h .in tim ,j iac.- [they ! oveft .Man.y|other things to or special 'inecessity;! (h.d •tio ! I,:ivc 'f° ■Jisinmured .with in flic same etteet,l and In*-cone iision I dfpaht. mearis it for the .fo|>d of all : t!leir , bc-aris and niijcag* in fi.eir give in Ids pwnl.words, as ncattly as 1 and g >od il wiii prdvA eiid T ! li f,c ' t‘>.pei-anihiiiafe the c mntry eair.i ee/illecijtliem, though.' 'of coiirse./- |. IUVI . •{ M . f .|, thus iiaVliciiliar in [tilts mat- ' P r «dcli iOdithm aiming jh'e j.enj.ic; I eapnot'give the soieiirti.'Aiartlhig ;u,vr. because ' it; is 'liie fdsf pretext' il ' lll .all sin prising 1 , that], such de carricstiicssswjijjj wliieh thej'werb de- [seized Upon 'Tv. sympaHiikcrs' w!t;liA’b‘ ; '|uei-s' sln.iild viliiy- thk (hizem delivered; jlle in coneliisioif: -1 !. t hi» great rolfoilioii. to -cilippie'tbe i Soldiery .who-hard gonefonlrto light wish to! iniphoss:; one [thing indelibly j tiovcfninent* aiid distract nod <livide j- ?)ilr battles, and who fot\e pdainjy your mind[s, and that is, that we, t i ic : Army, Ahd:'.th«& .accomplish iiyl iiitiniatod their purpose .to; put. do.wii. ard-not ffgli.fi g | the battles of lo:;diiy_, ['treason, wliat [could- imt - lie . aceoni- i treurtmi; wherever .it sliUll fear its , or .of a faeijb|i p |we arc ligntfng Ijlir af pftshvl by arnii??* ! !■ i ■ ;f” lieadf. No; syinpatlii[zers\witii ly gioAt pi ineipie for which the nations*'; '■• ' : i_ i!. : ], gbciiioni kno v full Weil gliat mif in/ld-,; of tlio eiirtii I liaVo fought over .since} i ‘i»ul-.-tie of-.good[,cheer. - day I,arfny [win s'nppogt--' the mitSoimf gov 1 - ihan.; existed oif t,hc carili— we[ arc; iy ll? M- uist/ Ijopeshi igllton,]— imminent in; every field .of IduivJ and fighting ,fok ' liiiman rights—ijiif the ! r‘ eauso mu*f fires* d\ and mark ; |, e f u . ( , ; tiic. maiigidtj - of, rights of a family nor-class, nor 'race;'Yfy',’ 11 . ; SlX| ' “a, vs wi!L- not- pajts •■v And Ids l-ompanioiisi and ,iivnce [' l-giTt of inen. buf iJu Universal humanityr— 1 . l Tf! ,,, yY"Yl!: a y^' li -7 , d^T t,,s M?Yr ! *'-iif.i-iisc in trailoioiis UioVemeids wliieb for [the rights of the J»rt»2?,jii iauiilieti wbf to-umiorinme your hhv- pcrliaps, Jmd i ulminal eii IA -some with tile i«t(!rcs : i l s of the f/ce.. tsf il ; Y dllcail upon |iie rm-krt and lolls ; o Vert, Act of local iiisiirrecV.bii.— 'any wonder [that, in siieh A, injghty ' J,'? ,*■ ?] upon .them,; |;and Iji.je them |yHongh lar,awav on tIKV iiiuhpaivn-. - and port<juti!piis strnggle.cvory |hu;tr.an [ hrom jlhejStoi-m ot .rflhuke and. scowi ; , H a-k ,or-ilie ; .-OtiinbeWaod,• 'aWoog -it: interest sliouid be either directly or h 1 * 1 ;! 1 'l l *] Yl )lv f ‘i rp:n 'this j’sea Islands or! on tiiu a ;.l- '■ ivolveO, not only i u ! u^"' ;<leiiy \vi Ji luinior i ;,i cani (l f tlmvi kivaT kavoi:or> ih-il * tbeiitcr of* th|e ’war, hut throughout all j l "f ln s>or hat they | p ;u .f- l( , : L. the (iavtards ; v.h-,./ civilization ?| It is the struggle- pf[ nevei- consorted wlcb trai tors ; and , Waited till our regimeiits depurr'a! m'e cast off tile tram met of ■ 'l'Ose jjf i s who surviycAo sfou e ; Die -oared the stiaicv bead' [-1! a still clinging banbarism. Tltcyoltj 1 tr-ininpltn it return ,:-pf oiiy -pictori.cnisr j. ro A«on.' ' ■-, - * ; j. I nations of ljurtipe in their slow etnor- j ■ P'Y'i’f; ' V| ll feel with -a of [ pj ut - y n whatever ..aspect v. o ' lihy gciiey ; froin|f hArbaristn have had to ] pati'mtie .pride, thatiafoong Iruy men ] t || Cm . t |,„ so | ,;fo n c -gmi’i cbntAiid ‘toil the | shedding of j blood’; •" ,‘V 0 J )ro ,l>'d onr, maii-i|ood> v aUd Tii’u verv imh'tifai through many evef 'fa.ty*["»” CS u T on the - 1 *! 01 . 1 triginphs wldtdi. reconiiv ' ingjSiiCojss orfailuro,still striving .to Jni.'noriaih. _ j ' ; j ITlfom t<y maiil'i'esl so V»|.cnly hopes reach tu ! trptl: and [right.-anti always, All, (lirpngti the address, jthe men * w-ero- partial- andi io-.' always wmeiij failY r O resulted, it eixrae [ were silent ami immoviiblot as Uicy j eofftlfisryc,' Thous Ands 'of .bor.vif through of ti ait-, stood leaning on {J.eir arjifs prsj to tk 3 g'dnjma.n [ cati so.. T here j [arc j the i r eyes betokened tlieijroht- up [ticket had MftTgii^i 1 iny, /of , traitors i tilll 1 [Wp sc'o how ii is. j fcAlinpsg till at the conclusim, cheer i h'liat -flic leaders ‘iipned'xt, aial unJiiiil-S Alii Europe | looks on our stiAigglpH ! aflci cheer went up for tficir--‘loi|<l I shrink l»acl#Trcim i tvi-tb brcpthless And well it {COlgnAr’ hndkfor the" ‘-Union,’’ yak[-thO guiltydesign. Tlfo^iUafori;ifs mayj fem-jirnade tho wclkipj ring. Alljr; at onoei wore very imall. and weie solArkS4rf_ nants of IhoidesriotiHm take sides with foodv 1 bronosed thm-. 1 1 bid 1 b’ viiUj'.OOSpi l| ohr cncn ies| while, the great ina.s.sts of, flio longing.l;hoping p'eoplo lake 'jiiVcs! with us. They 1 have' for in this bottle, and now wo. their- rcj)- rcsontati , r es and their, blood brellH-ren have tali »n ,uj){ the seemingly eniilesV combat Un’ llos great iynlinoiiti; the most cxjmhdeu theater' of war the world, hi's over furnished. ‘Wo llinyo; brought- with Us the best of all that | was to.hr foiind inlt heir forms of .Gov-. ornineul, asillio result of long tvars for progress, but wo. 1 , also 1 bro’t with, ns 6Qm4‘ ejf luflirj rfelici of ]barba-j • ’* l, « * j i" *■ 4 “Si, risin ami ifie see<l3‘ of'ljjfc old' tyran nic|i ,baya. beooinfe friritrul of blob(|, ns they ovier-bjavo 4mb over %il;while left-tipon^Ui.o.,dai;thj, Ip 'ger minaie.ioto cvU.aud disaster Jtp rncir. ' -»T someupuy yprpposecl three gi-oans far | nuance y those in liepubiicau the - i‘traitors at home,” and jthoy\'got [Spates. as toi •■indicate, beyond' Alt' it;stil| itvvasj not‘thought: |uflkaesitj- j reasonable doubt, the continued con ami ihjev groaned itjov'er'/anjain--'. xyltli r&lcWce of tl(c people in the conduct such aitvill as snowed that th|e heart of ; the government. There are Vet tho “old; Ilpundhead regimfent’.’ . vfal llbyaU. ntpn- 1 chough left at homo* to * “sbund fo.the IcOio.” ,i*lbe command-! | deal wit|i , ’any:domcstic revolt, whilst inj? . ’ ('f 1 } ' .ordered ~’ t them Tni i half a million of good: men and true “b!roal: : rauksj” ;and up' wait guns! j afe carrying the banner of the ' r-aj»s u 'aWd in sevqful ■ instnhecij, south,wardijvto tlie Gulf of Mexico -s-'-- coats.' amidst , the most ’ yociferous! Will disloyal persons heed these facts', piieet most fiotablq inSftun/qa {M and proceed "ini alithirigs with that dit4‘ the t ft lie saying, {‘iU.'-is, the icrctibn "which should never altogether io afp the nibiV} 1 ; V T ; desertthesiigacious -ppliticiarp— FhUcL' h u- .” x-i .‘R*t>ORTEa. it 7 . Amor. . ;/(' !.v' LOTALTY 01’ pUH ARMY. ' Thcru // f<eoriis something peculiarly ’ base Hi oi‘ political partisan* wm siaj; nI liuriie Fn. lieaijc aiV3 siitoty 'I -:■/ ■i '• . .9 of 73 isertion jearly .Lis tjjc to rig- rcr year \ clhh u\\ Tree.- |r;;: uv*v r ; \\:-.v ! ;■ 'wn.'l lliMilivV j IK u* -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers