% • 1 , ■•,i : .; | • • - "i .■ -j -i, . . i,, j < I :;.j. r ., .■ -• BEitVEB ABGrUS. Wednesday, ip?lBth| 1863* D. L. IMBRIE, Editor 4 Proprietor. S. Pentengill 4 Co., '• j\ I ife. 87 Parklßm, If. Y.,% 6 State it* <mr A«ents for the Asccs in those cities i 4id'sre snthoriicd to tjke Advertisements and Subscription lot ur at our boiceit Rett*. ] notice. TTATISG disposed of my interest in the H Bearer Aryi«, all those indebted to me job tto.k. etc., «"?»£«• <all lad settle immediately with J. L. 4 n “ er * "T&'iofAT: '1 Notice to' '''Candidates.— -So an nouncement of name will, hereafter, ~bo made without payment,, of Two Dollar*— excepting Coronetj Aud ittfr, ti., which- will be'One QoLLAB. j Meeting of Executive Committee. —The Executive Committee oil the fUi.ion party arc earnestly requested to meet, at the Court House, in the Borough of Beavep; on Saturday the f ilth of April, inst.jlat 1 o'clock, P. M. "Business of importance will he brought ;before the committee. ■ -y D. L. Imbeie, Ch'n. A meeting ot the Union League willbo held in the M. E. Church, i Britlgewaler, on Thursday evening, • the 16tb inst. The public generally ; arc invited. Distinguished speakers from abroad rfill bo presept to ad ! dress the audience. Death to Traitors That old Serpent called &7tan„after baling ascended] a high mountian, up i on onobccasion endeavored to deceive [ the. Omnipotent; by promise of giving . all the fertile valleys ana - beautiful I plains with the glories of earth, if ho ! would bow down and worsbipfAim ; j - s t the same time tlie poor devil d|d not j own one foot of land. - The, same evil spirit scorns Vo have possessed the j . traitors who are now endeavoring to overthrow the institutions and pur poses of- the best government that i Over existed amongst men. The Constitutional provision for the pun- I .ishment of. treason', is as clearly , defined in the laws Of the United States and as easily understood, as was the-rebuke administered to the arch-fiend upon the mountain top, i:Get thee hence.” pur law .which seems to be doubly sanctioned by the ; . higher law, emphatically declares that the life of the traitor shall be for feitcil. I The ndforlnnate criminal who ha« taken thl Mfo of his !tnd I drags out,the. few miserable days and nigUls iTi his lonely dungeon until the I day of his execution arrives,is not more ■ -worthy of dcatlj than the unfaithful -citizen' who rebels against his coun : trj~. I'hcse aidingjind assisting an- Pother in the commission of murder.' i although their bands may not have have Joined with his in dealing the fatalblofv, yet they are guilty ot , the ! same crime and deserving of the same .punishment.,- So treason-- is treason, whether it ;sia!ks abroad at noon-day: or as the,cowardly assassin courts the midnight! dark).ess under which to •veil jhis infidelity. Death should he its portion. \\ e know there are “Traitcis ifl tufacE crdUir-itcrs in r.-.gs » Traitors in coaches and initora en nags';” / fcut under wluucvcr guise they inayj , f present themselves', •whether at the bead or latlbr end of the Confederate army, in the halls of legislation -pas-| | intr disloyal resolutions, or,.amongst ■ ns at.'home ‘inditing jownship andj counfv manifestoes, the mark of the ■ boast is upon their'foreheads, tho cloy ’ on foot is foremost. If there ever ‘was a time when|’hnman endurance ■was stretched almost beyond r record certainly that time Is how; and why opri national and Slate: Governrutdii possessed- of the strong arm of the faw, hesitate to grapple with.and- an nihilate this savage, heartless treason displayed with unblushing mud bold -.recklessness against oiir very exist ence as - a nation, ,wo cannot divine! ' Why, not, when wo know and; feel the' • damnable villany of these domestic' traitors, ferret out and deal with the. snake-like tribe according to their just raerrts? Can there bo punish ment severe-enough for the wicked ness and ur.lrcard ofymonslrosity of ' men,"in the, face of piety and the blessings of such government as this, lifting lheir hands in rebellion against '• it? Night’s sable veil can never hide] . the dark designs of treason; the fires. 1 oi liberty can never purify • the traitj \ . ors heart, bnt the prmrsbmetit which was administered to Judas, should be meted out to each of his followers, at the present day BM ! -Attention Co. c 'F.”-—There will be ; a, meeting of the company at the : Court House,on Friday 1 ,! April 10th, . at 8 o'clock, a. M.' All the members of the company are requested to be _piescnt Those who have guhswhich . ~ the,y have not returned, are expected , jto return them on thatda^.. By order ol the Captain! ' 1 i ft. giLmore 0. S. Correspondence Between Russell fend J M. Mason, Rob el Commissioner in England- Amongst the various interesting pfid impovluntiraatters which have recent ir come to public light and considera tion, we notice a Correspondence | be tween Earl Bussell, Her Muj«sty*s |- T ,:_ . ,? - Secretary of State for Foreign Affaire, | .. Union lifagtioa. and one James M. Mason, late of Win- Since the publication pf our former Chester, Virginia, tut tio%pr/tendmg article on the above eubjpet ife have to represent something’ of an imagi.n- heard two objections'' urged against ary or mystical character, styled the the organisation by persons whoso '•Confederate States of America I’" 1 motives we fear are not -the .purest, i This scoundrel, .seems,-to Ft ret. they urge that it is a political have hod Lis abode in Eondob for some i organisation, intei dpd to influence*,the time past, or perhaps ahortly after he j coming election. True, admit and his co-conspirator against itbo j there is nothing in the ConstitutipD, Union, th.it old grev-headed Calaline, Ito variant such a conclusion. The si, (Ml, wore released from Ft. Warren. 1 ostensible purpose of the organisation, Mason is known to many pf the pco-ij the professed object of ,t is common pie of this connection with dablo. But they nrpnbl to bodecOiv the Obc* lands, fle married a daugh- ed by outward sbow-not they, f her tnr nCniil Rrit h. mill Chew who died ini Cocslilntion, the solemn BBsnrance of , 1845) and became of one the Execufdi:* the | members |is n6thi6|fto S S? of his father in-laws’s will; and is how Belonging to a corrupt party and to- has in the rebel enjoyment of a large for. capable of pure, palr.oUc F. Cra.l, fbrmerly of this tune derived from his wife's father, thmk impossible for rpise county, but who .s now a Captain m who wds a loyal and Uuiondoving above, party organisations and pprty 3d lowa -,T J ' . platforms, to throw aside politics when take the following, extracts: | man ’ tbe | r Gantry is in danger and serve Gamp kea»A«Cadia, Mo.,'Mar. 23. theit couLtn f i for their country’s sake. Bear. Brother As it has; been a Ipiig have the solemn assurance*of time sine* I h*vb heard from yon I J ■ .*.! f L„.i, .„i!,i~i L» thougnt I would occupy a few inmates I honest patriots, of fc)thpolitical par. lhig j n talking, to yea.,! I tic*, belonging to-the Leagues, that hope you aro^Hjoyingallthocomforts politics is not mentioned, thought of, that can-be enjoyed in a comfortable; or intended, no attempt to control.tho Acme--for there are many who do not political opinions—all are invited who S’njoy those blessing.yfor mstanco the F v '■ i . 1 »»,- soldier,-who can only enjoy thovcora are loyal tp the Government-.that fortg of the camp and field. Do not being the only test of.-MltTuoorship.— think fot| one! moment that I dm die- Yet they refuse to receive such evi- satisfied with! my lot| although rough; I The published correspondence ; re ferred to, commenced by> letter from Mason to Hassell.|dnted April 1,1862, and ends with a clincher from Bussiell to Mason, dated -February 27, 1868. Mason sets out by assuming, from va- Vious alleged facu,aceajilpanying his first letter', that according to inter national luw, there was no blockade of certain leading Southern ports, On the 4tli of April, 1862, Busselljmcrcly acknowledged tlio receipt of the.reb el’s letter, giving no expression on »he subject .-matter thereof.' 'On the -7 th of July, 1862, Mason again addresses the Earl, or “My. Lord,” as ho culls -him, or. the sainesuhject, at consider able length, and with decided pungen cy, in regard to the' course of Her Majesty’s government on the qUes question of He, rfefers to, the Paris Conference of 1856, in lefer ence to the mattery and alleges that after Her Majesty’s government, 1 and that of France, had recognized the rebels of the South as a -“belligerent Power,” tbey (the rebels) were invi ted to accede, and they accordingly approved the same. On the 10th of the same' month, Bussell, through j a subordinate in the ’ Foreign office, barely acknowledges the receipt of the rebel letter of the 7lh, and leayes Mason out "in'the cold. Failing'to make- an} f point or positiot oh i the blockade question/ Mason next turns his attention to “intervention," and writes.a letter td_ Russell, July 17.’J32, on that question, in which, amongst other things,-.ho idistinciTy anil em phatically say-, speaking of the Con federate Stales, t.s he calls them,- that. “Under no circumstances oi contingen cies will they ever again come vnder'a common government with those now con stituting the United States Wc give ; thifl extract in italics, a* wef get it from j-onc|-while they cannot justly/ 1)0 cal iMasou’s! letter,-' lor the special benefit'j lcd l ke«rct ipeetings. . Many other or of those amongst us who belong tp I ganizaliohs bold secret or separate that class whom the papers of the! mcptiilgs fpr the transaction of theft South'call diricating peace-mongers, j business and yet no nni there 1 When the, agent of the-. Rebellion ■is anything wrong in it. Political j writes thus to tho British government, j caucuses, and committees of corres ! vvhi.t shall tho dirt-eaters up here iri I j-oildence have secret and exclusive i tbc North sav about'compromising | tp transact. It is jpst so 1 with rebellion"? Russell, in hKlottter j w|ib this organization. ‘ While .there lof 'April 24/ 1 §32, refuses iulervciv jis nothing in ita constitution, plyeef or I tion. ‘as Her government'• purposp.i but .what is known Ito .the I had voneluded that'' -'Hniiatibn” inigl.t! world, yei tor good rcavin. all |aro;not ! anise from suclK-ourse. . ' , ’i i ailnkted to its meetings. Thaprgan. [ - Being again baffled, Mason’ veers Ration took its rise in the | border I aboia aird sets sail fiir another point, j States where secrcsy was lift- only lie. writes to’ “My LoVd” Riissell on | hcfpe of-success. It has spread rap thc 24ih July, 1862, claiming that the jidlyjand wonderfully thr.mgl|Out, all -■Confcuei-atij Stales were of right en-|of the Northern States, carrying per titled to be recognized -asseparate ‘ hapysomcicf tho distinctive feol.uw, and independent Power, and to bo re- so useful j.on the border. ceived as an equal in the groat fami- there exists another organization rn ( hv of 'nations. Accompanying this the North i which islntended to strike, j was an outside note, of the’sanuMaJo, arid if possible overthrow,the Govern in which Mason desires ir“pcrsonal inU ufi-nt is not material. Allroug it, fcrvlow’f with “My Lord.” But on tU has peen proven that there hfsucb an 31st pf.tbo same moiitb, Russell in- organization in Indiana with several forms the rebel agent, by letter/ that thousand jnciribers. If it is found there “Lord Russell does not think any:ad-|it may extend' into Other 'Northern vantage would arise-from tpe pprsoriiil | Slates, sbe object of the Union interview wlupb Mr. Mason proposer, | League is' not so much to counteract anil must therefore decline it.”, ] ; j treason at*homo as it is to unite tho After some further intcrcbatjges of | frienjis of ihefGovornruont .to kindle letters between “My Lord” and the i anew lbo| patriotic fire and zeal of two reblcl agent, tho latter falls back on j yoarspasty The moral effect of such Ihoj blockade. He refers to. the |af- Union arid vvould/upon fairs at Galvleston and Cbarlestrin, tjr d our bnemics and upon the World, be largely' misrepresents the facts. Rus- worth an addition to our army of a sell at last gets tired and . wom o it' hundred; thousand men. The South with Mason’s doggedne-sj and insufft r- has been led to believe and hope that able pleasure, and in_his letter of the sentiment ofvboNortbhns under- Feb. 27,1863, id aid gone a change; that there no longer lying closes 'and clinches it be exists among us that firm united, de correspondence', by saying *‘the occa- termination that characterised the sional escape of small vossels on dslrk people on tho breaking out of tbisro nights,: or under other piratical oh* hellion.; They take courage from our pumstances, from the vigilance jof political differences; even the Europe a competent blockading fleet, does not an powers speak of divisions in the evince that laxity in the belligerent whieJi North as the hope of tho South, and ( enured according, to international lab to therefore argna Iwr independence. theraisingpf fi blockade.” r:j This organization will dfepel their Mason is known to be a pompons hopes. | The people of the North, 01-J humbug. 'putting on the airs of a man though divided in political views,- can of high ancestral dignity, and pretends here moot and show that they are not to benJawyorand statesman -off. tho divided in oni intention to crush re first order, and yet, although Bari hellion • and restore the Govern- Bussell snubs him from tips# to time,! ment., We are still a poworfal i>a during the corrospondsneo, and tVsats j tloo,bothioourarmisi» and'slswtwos. i * itim with such marked, cehtempt and disrespect; still the crouching traitor lickd the dost andswnllows the infinite, and Hecoifes a poor, miserable beggar at tbe Thibne 01 England, to destroy this greatest of all goVeraments ever established by hitman wisdom. - «. dew* rtfusd even to be convinced by I. am happy, br. think I am, .1 ■ i , , to what I would be if 1 where at homo own knowledge a , JactmgthetJiper and railing'against Wei have offered them all the evidence t j lo - p rea i(] e ijt,' fltid, AdminiBtralion, as they, require, even inviting them to others are doing. Who call themselves go, and see it in all its Workings j;yd* Peace men. 1 have heard that old , i ■ ' r ; niit Beaver has quite a. number of they refuse, stand aloof and cry put rd 6 , iavc Ilo t a Relative against, and endeavor to perepaae who acts, or even aytnpatlu others from the path,of duty.j ;By ~ with them. .1 would bate to ac their conduct they vill raise the issuq airman in old Bcayor county of of loyalty or disloyalty as the|orif lading W suchf views as ,we hear oi « J J they do. Yet wo have! evidence that one! separating political part cs| and i even in your county, then we assure them there will be but wt]Q aro go weak in' spirit .and mind. one|voice and one I ,mind in the Union a 8 to be ready, now, to fall on Shcir League organization. Admitting the knees before Jeff. Bavis, and beg his -ttssatg* usap to be right, let them if they alre l°jal, M(jf m i n d and principle, not irea and desire to see everything prosper! at a j; j would, hate, to accuse that tends to promote the interest and a V,y one in old Btavor of t reason, jit welfare of our common country; join, is too infamous iaivd damnable-a sin h M i. to the Union and we assure them pol- f Qwe ' t CO nv!cb of the Stale prison of itics will nol be introduced to roar the BUC j, a JieinouB sin. j Why it would be harmony. If ilia they can thonj bom a stigma on him {for life; as sin in orably withdraw. Do they fear to comparison to which-.all other cnmoB| .i. , vi ii • » would sink into nonentity. i j i take the oath of allegiance ? Do thej T|)o President’s Proclamation ap desire and accept of the issue;-they p earB to give then considerable trour themselves are forcing upon us?— ble. They think, and justily too, that Are they i.ot opposing the orgnniia- freeing the negroes would! leaVe them, non occaoncUheyare —those wcak-n\inded. weak-spiriteq,J ■ i , .. ■ ■ . T fW., idiotic,-neccssion sympathisers— no in disloyally and fear the ; Th|tt,; in jiny. opinion^is'all, second objection— -secret*}— ° true, Suchmon. liavo no inferiors. — disposed of i In many places, and, in- That is not the: case 'With us soldiers, deed a majohty of the’Leagues, hold although wo,.have to l sleep _op the , J ' . ,• i Ti. Bomnnhie ground, put up with nil the privations then; meetings openly. In some ph.c- b f m;irch thriftgli iruin,' cs lignin ; are not open 1 to ovepr Bnt)Wand mud. MWo feel our stfporis 5 '5 IT'-':: ’Jii. TR Lct'.ns-but tSe world a uni- , ted Iront and they! wllKthen seethe conflict must eridlavoraWeto t** cause ol Union. U the> efltelA of the organization. he art beatsfnnnlson wiiti’rtrtJnttS^*t of his country,whoslncorelydesirea the rebellion put dorrq, the tJnlon. teiftpi ed, the supremacy of the laws vindi cated, and peace oqce more marking out the nation’s puih way,(Veighved.aj^itis, with the In terest of humanity, can, yea is his du ty, to enrol himself with -thosh al ready in ■ the organization; and show to all the sincerity of his : desires. Tons of thousands ofajl classes and parties are enrolling themselves daily. Those refuse, who stand without and endeavor to prevent others from discharging a duty, miy justly be sue-, pec,ted ot impure motives and will eventually be overwhelmed with the torrent of patriotic ibdighatioh. . | ority over the black race, let them be free or slave, and have all the chance lor improVementj and cultivation of mind that wo! Lave/ A 1 white i man (not a rebel sympathiser) needs hot a law or Biatutcio declare bis supoiior ity over the Macks—or whrso i than tho blacks (Kobels)—in old | Beaver county., ill’. ;■ ■ J have a word ih say about these so-called peace ■ meetings. For that mode 1 of j bringing about peace,. we look upon the gettersnp of tliein with scoiui and .contempt'., jlf they; wan t ....peace—honorable peace—anil have :i soul as big as a, pea, let- thorn shoulder theirjmuskets and help send tho rebels to. jibe loader of the first j rebellion. .. '[ '■ | I ’have not language to express any i contempt amir, scorn for those sell-j styled Pea.ce men of any free State. If they would go to stealing ! sheep ( and robbing hen-roosts it would be a more] honorable- employment, ■ and j bring less condemnation upori their heads, than by holding, what they call, Peace meetings. They are pro-; longing this war, and they know it. They are at ionic, as they think, On- j joying the the sweets of a'ifarrplyj cir cle,' a blessing : t ao dear to a soldier to speak about, and,doing what?—stand ing bstwoon ; the Federal soldier and his home. We have all homes and friends that ire as dear to us as tho little cords that connect, onr.hearts to our bodies. We are, deprived of them, j by who?—by copperheads in the flee Slates! The rebels colild-have been conquered long before- this had it hot been for the encouragement they got from copperheads in the North._ put the war-cryds beard amongst thc s!ol diers; the cry is ".No peace until the rebels, both Ifoith and South, are put down.”’ ■ j \. I would caution men who stay at home land sympathise with tho'jrebel- j lion, and rail out against the President.. and the Mat government in the world, to beware 1 of the old house they, are bringing down; on their headaf Sup pose they carry oii their machinations to such an extent that the Govern ment should be-forced to make! a dis honorable compromise, where do j'pu suppose the soldiers would gn ? homo I 2Sb; they would rather go to their (graves or leave their bones bleaching on the field, or in somo; wil derness. They mignt go into their own States to play a ‘guerilla warfare on copperheads and peace men; and that is where’ you will find- tUeuw 1 hope you will bb our aide, j; . . ‘ lam afraid I will wearp your pa tience* aol- noi more onr this, eobjeot. i Touts, affectionately, fiijo, F. Chujtt- El ,MM- ■' ;. Aprjl4,lWfc: :, H&. Spiros baa •greedao |6Joi(*d tine die .on the 15lh thepebplai ■ I®fe lC*woiliiliplOT!A for. dtfexlt* ieluipK-wwi fielded Ihjr .the fipaMbß aiid Jjfdneßti' 0{ the pimate. John' can. Hbw have tinroifoapologise for attending a Union meeting. The majority of the' House! of Bepfesctn tires for 1863 bare nqadoare(:prd|-of infamy torj themselves, their children add their children's children that is sud 10 contemplate.. It is hard to credit that men profaning to ho decent; humane and. Christians, cobid descend lb| the depths or degradation which they bare done. Blit there : the record; and there it most fem branding, | blistering, blasting tl names and memories through time. Well didj Gov; Johnston .Tennessee!bay that whpn aipaujoii the rebels yon could not fell ta w lengths of! infaihy be could go. . same remark will apply to rebel s; pathiucru in the North. ‘. Tfie llouße recently passed; a prohibiting niegroes fropi coming i this Slatel T knew tbajt sllch i a was on tbojfilos of. the House, knew- that, the Bc-C-kn, | LahaTSj.H bins, Pattons and all? such would;? for it, of course. There was ofie i sf j however, .who I ' ;Huie would aot disgrace his Bat calling by a vote so Infamous ] lude to Itev. Wakefield! He bad b a long time 11 preacher in a chris church, 'Had proclaimed that [ho called of pod to preach ,the Gospe Profebscd- toil believe the Bible to b divine origihj iProftsskl his faith its dhclrihebj and teachings j pad in his long ministry Joined many negroes in the holy bonds of matrimony. Had baptised [many of them. | Had re ceived many of them into the church. Had bioken to many oi l them the brjoadl oTpifi?; Had called open by the endearing name of brother or sister. Bjut now when the dish yal leaders of the party to which he. be longs'.requires him to forget his nan hood, to forget his moral standing in the communit?’, to deny and outi-age every principle of bis’ Christian pro fession the poor, lifeless, soulless, slave, spaniel-lme, obeys. : ; | ; 1 “Not every one that saith unteme, Lord,' Lord, shall j enter- into the kingdom!of Heaven,” &c. n i •'Lord | when saw we Thee an hun gered or athirst,or a stranger ,or naked, or sick, or ini prison, and did not jmin- { istcr untp,Thee.” -; p; [,. jj ■ j .! ‘ Voniy 1 Say ur.to you, inasmuch as | yo did'. it .not? to one of the. least of thebe yddiil it not to .mo." ,J_ ' | , The divinity of the jehrlsllan re ligion can easily be maintained against all skeptioii,''-however able,' hut such', conduct, nil that of KeV. Wakefield eats Jikc[ a cancer. ’ -Ho has done more by that inhuman vote to inalfe; infi dels than all the infidelity for the |last fifty, years. Oh! how dwelleth the love of wod in. such a heart. [I hope this man will repent. He is old and I bopciwill soot begin. Ho bus much to do. Time rolls on. The J udgipent day is cbm! ig, eind no nncakibg Cesna cun aid him in that grtal day. .' ■ . 4 . The 'Governor has and, the Senate confirmed, Wein'‘[[Forney E»q., as { State Librarian . for. three years fr|om Ist February, 186${-( Every Olio in tlio Senate styled Beiriocrat [voted dg’aiiisl the appointment., A good indt i-sembnt lot 4 Fonvev v From the fiua gun fired at the ‘|ol(i flag” lie lias, da lyvadyocaled; the caqsbof his 1 country The malignity otthb whfile dbn obw pperhoads hcrc-agninst him is! proof io’v faithful no has' been to | tlio c-iluso of'good government;? ThN,- jGbvornoj 4 bus discharged a debt of 1 gratilipie due by nil Ipyal m ;n- ‘in the i Slate,,by ibis' appointment.,:.! . p j Another- Yenno Bill has. passed both Houses in relation to ;ho over | lasting Barker casopiti yoiir county;, j The • liijst.! [Bill tinper* prjtencq-.of ; changing the venue to If »y«tl«i coun|- j-ty, had a snake \n Up which i-sa'.ly dis charged the!parties.! Tbs the Gover n'o'p vetted; The second Bi 1 changed the 'venue Simply i to 1-. Washington County. This second bill bowev|ejr, i outrageously’tit insulted tlie poople of i your county, however unprecedented it was’. loweyerTalso'tlio pretences ojd I which ill was founded; stil| it was a i legal oii|irqge and was passed inth jil law. | Outrage is gotten up bn suspicion of something in', tlhe falurq. Ilencio-it provides that tdictnient presented; against any motn bor of this. iiinpcent family, growing out of the Sheets matter, shall be tried; in Washington . coupt?-; Yo tr County, howbvei, to pay .all expenses. s Ni'vp I have • conversed Avitu. enii nont; Dwyers, who tell mo there is not an ifastance On the Statue Boole's of such an outrage upon any‘people.-- How'some men who profess to t< honest and. wise coaid vote lor it, ] cannot say. But so il ls. I Ver lj believe that if a bill was [ got tip M absolve this family, from all trial ::oi any i offence in future, there are mem hors of both Houses Who would :vo|li fdr jlt. -Is there any .oath-bound [wliichl exaetai a higher allegiani from its members'i-than thatiiapoeb by 'the oath) oif a member of the Lhg -.sltture. It would really seem] so from w bat 11 have lately seen and heard. There is one Senator from whom better things were 'expected Ho has been consistent, ho wevei from the first in voting for; Bills Hi 1, [ 2 anq.3, ns. ho wanted Sheets par doned. There is 'a Senator from the West who talks very virtnhuslyl on almost every subject. Had he reociv efij oi common school 'education, and. |poUegso4 even a .tolerable; motal actor, he might have made his ippvK for good In bis -day and goi’oratibil.r- Bqt as he is.ncithfcr learned nor vir tiibds he is a standing illustration to prove how widely lofty, pretences may difier from practice , . ~| !The - situation of this conntr; truly alarming, i. I ,feel confident rebellion will sixih recblve 'iti qua 'tSjMto ■ .Wfwifiw,'-. itoptfitfrlir !| 1: ■T? I- '.l!-' Mr- '■(. ■ t' I ;■ ,| | Ell Thojwumptiott .Pa., Vo'ts.' ;v, tin; infill,] if not ~ Jjiss£ ; tfewherne, Jt Q. y ’ ' jWhCn kiJbefy , March 20tl, p. Abends Wbksbab, Capt. WillianJ F. bin in om Legislature Hall».i how long son, Osi'-Ft I.olst Voi* .-j ■ wjU ft (bej er« the jury bbx fpclr its ; bqetVCOmpUlled in .:<jn«yqniei (e xtffald influence. Thenwlief* tyilUbe health, to .retire from the j active dV character or' property? ties of iriiliiaiy-life; and _/ , ■ V -j/Jijie’ ihasaes. of the .pohple of all •;. .WnraiSw, IVo, ’.the; • nn.tefji»ijA parties are yet sound and Ipyal. How commissioned officers of thisi Bit,,; canj they be. united"for l V?l correction nient. have been- asMiciatedj wiVl, f,"- of»iha tcrribloj abes’es whiyh abounds for the past eighteen /Yiyiard aware that a g)ieat pant of Tore,, . ; 1 '■•//' qur State debt is. over .duo: A bill Resolved, That C!apt. was reported to consolidate /these ring his connection?'with i lit-'r, loatis and issue.. new Bbnds. ibasjwjr his nainral goodness of '■ Hon so has passed the bill,| aftersfrik-ids altciuionto,the 1 wants of (> -;j j ingj out the on!y~scctiori )n it of any.l party, his uniform goniiianaiflv.% j’reaj ase. /So much'for the. wisdom t»fl portmeht/and cqdliios«. - ',ai(.i ’■ 18Q51.- Bqth Houses hard beenylfusy las an officer,' has \vqii the high for some few daysl 1 The House ,is in,[and challenged the adiniraiiuii (.f ~f;. sosiion to day (Saturday) 1 the i first'-cers and men-alike. -l*// Uird tbisjscssioni : ; y ■ j-; Reiolved-, Thai :ijh this/separ)^. Jilucli inf the few; days yet ■ rcjnaih- j we have bt?en. deprived of .tliV ini jot ihfe session, from=. pre»ciit. uidi : i pjvnionsliip .of 11 ' !| ne and cation's, will bo dpvoted by the inn-:i hearted friund-f-oitja .whoso uusuv Vi; joruyoftjtho House to the benefit of;; tubs entitle .hud. id the Jellj DftviV Besolution’s gij’iiig hi|aj aid ; friendship and esteem of his (-liu*.,,/;,' dud,comfort are under disclissijon.aiid eft Resolved. That while yvv.o • iu/ji/ £ i course will pass. jThe 1 gret lilaf, the exposurcir 1 of an actitj, ofyestcrdajv says the copperheads of j campaign, and the ravages of dis’-a-y yo it* county request 1 their members have dnjfitted him for the servii. e : '. V t; Jto Vheir meetings.— extend ed him our mostproloiuid> w ,, 1 tbis;bo trad s'| 1 A. B. C. pathy and ‘the iardenthope of ; ai|' i. :! I' ; ’ ..if-' ; jhisspeei|y recovery .and tirghesii’le»r:j' 1 . !/■ Fostiit Ab«s. . |of sneers and happiness til fir; : -Mb. Enfroa I had the pleasure of :walks oil’ peaceful Jiie- . I t ! at finding the seepnd meeting m the The dbore resolutions were siit4 U lion Itdlief Association, field.i i the by all the! officerJ now present 'Plilted'. .••Presbyterian ■phtirch| .in the vcgjieCuU \ A;- VL TAvraiß.- •• ( Fiankfort. on the'Blst .git. 1 .The, nb " * ' Msjorielsl V. X. \ ject of the association is; to aid siek .t- —— : —r- V j and wounded soldiers 1 in< cling . Repoijtcd attack and Capture ofi wad opened by reading ja porti m of| I . Charleston- ‘t 1 1 sdrjirtures and pi'ayerby Jlcv. Jl>rinii. , J\K\f York., Api'il 6. —Tb<r /fc'.i: *• Bev, m jetingjgi v i n g a ' Blic t6pO|<nal intclhgc-uee. ' . , "jth»'.l‘irrepressible confljct”;. belwegh |_ • JYashittglon, * Apry si—The, re;--; bhijrery and frcedqlh, wn|cb has be<ii> j i ul3 ro aobed here by .way of F:v i, ; ;. going qijr in our govefnihent ever Ijcgsburg,derived from rebel sbiirnt si ;Jcei its formation, and cu|- j tb'al JCharlestou/was bomh»riieil iv miinated. <n- the present i Wiekof and j^ii r fleet, and attacked by onf |i/ j cs useless.rebellion of the' slnve power-. : fories on Thursday bisf, ai/l is;/ Tlie Speaker watnedhis] audience of possession of uiiilrri/:, tie cnjilttVement of the tongue. ]>en Uuhter a (id Admiral/lDupont.. 'hf; and press they might expect, should report is full}' credited py promiiy.i.i tiie rebels' succeed, either by forco df officers of the fyoyeruniVut. who w.y arms 1 or t by insidious ieompiynnise, J„ possession of facts in ref'er(.-n«-v, 'Bitting tba4.be spoke' fiiom personal be conte.iriplat.ed attack upon, Cbr- %f the gOV«jA >"g Jpolicyi Jeston, whielr it is not yet pni lent to ol I the! slave pewer, as be had •bccii| dii-ttlge. 'll is ebruin, however, 1 - fhai| b irn in South Carolina afld lived there those' who are in pbssesshmi of ti'l* .until thirty years of agii. ■ information a°ro eon,dden| tiiat out fciio, urged that our soldiers be sus- soldiers and sailors will.coWirate iiit to) elr all of iViefi '.ml L'b6 •m- bill nto bill XUH U of in toinedpso that the Calamities may be prevented, which must follow should tUo irabeU.be successful, j if | ■:'* ■ ] I At "the close of l»is| address, the central committee reported through their, chairman, Dr. M.;CajrelL, that they, had received contributions in (|&sh 5820,23; that nforo fold been subscribed but not }‘ct pdiil iii; that a Considerable quantity,of jiniitj veguta bjes and clothing had ahfo ! been .sub scribed, and’that the work of can vassing for contributions j’was; .still i going on. They ulno ijcportcd th,a,i.J gioy had (appointed .Ref. Morton, ot j llookstowii. and Dr. John M Carreil. | of Frankfort, to act as for'the ■ jAs9sociatio.li in visiting] thodi vpituis j Snd administering t|o jth’o ;ic:npdral Snd spiritual wants -of |tlve sick' 'and founded soldiers; and ;th,at Hcv. ,D; Carson and Mr; Crawford -bad beep! selected as alternates! in case the former j should be prevented fionva'-l liig. Thiv ministers some? or nine them, fohijivl.ee red to preach one dayjcach RI-v. Jl'il - '*! 11 , , lt'|s m-mrii/H' ii'J vr., .-in ytij so that, his pulpit might /be Viipplmd' ,r,-iws 1 ih-it a.t h-ast no in his v .This “ Hns>'i suMjai'tVd .hy-mir tr>»-*ps;.«w pleasaril feature' in tbo mi*vting. r /»r*a-. i a.’id; «:-cV<* is iy-l 1-, ‘ 1 majority. oftbb mi njr.l. I'/ l nv ''_ !i bvlicvc that tliC i'ivaJ. u! ‘' h j long tb the JJ.-jR. cliiirdi. ,>vkd:-'; ■ the.; p,. y.cciviiiv-i by ' ru ; graiiiu I P,ev. Morton belongs to ■ ytifi O, S I'i-oiitH-enient Of-the r Presbyterian 'Jbmjyb. A uuamm/'iir j pniiuii tbo yj">i wiicre ‘ yoto Of thanks vras U'hdOiy'tf/t l '- t ’ :o . i,iu y - was-i.H-atoi.U laciieS wlio iiavjßraCled oa cirnsio : v solicit cot.upbuuonsj idr :M,\ •. Xi.w i. j the soldiers' y 1 ,J. , j, Sonioremarks were' npiilc ,I>V the : the , l V ; I Rev. Canipbeliin which ho ineistc'l iip i.-nnr. ! r! ’*•'y, ' on! our dirty to: keep lip wVr hicetll.igs j i/;n, naj ii ity ;-i at 1 anil iibt permit-,qinrJnicpesttot^’gfn thy : y y; 1 1 ~"y' A important business in i which we an - ’, iyj iliijonii . y ■ i ~ , , eji«M-'ed. ,Wo We permitted to meelj iy Tii./n- aiv i .s -to-day in peace'and shlety; said he.,: afl-tho iii'viny. B /,":-''; 1 .!‘: , ' , because our soldiers ohr standing ho- j-iio.il of.the iy’ y ■■ ■•, -ir,. ! tween' us* ttud dangei. Ldt-.-tis cotij-; New Haven. -|, vface. theriil by our ]p:.hp»tltf >"d|eity gt™* beymoH./ tiW ; ■i onr aid that wo appreciate- flic Ippr, 240 ma.pnitj • ■ \ u>- . - 4 fWii which tliev httve* niaclt*. aim i eoiutly. mz • M- '* v courage live soldiers. letu3ilcm«>|istnite .luck., Hamden A'riftn u<, '. O to thorn, bv our meetings, ouif influ--East lliivon. Madist.n. , once and /the givingt of. .ou|?.means ! hi.-o, •that we arc thatthiy awtfibuu 42>-. land shall be'sustained.\- r .-t .yUlyf es -, .Another, meeting wks apponitcl/ to jfmci his-.voU' be hold in Florence tlm.S.afo qvey-Soyn.ou by,-- inst. At the close -of the ' exercises,'lty. ' Rev. Morton read, tlid pledge" .of f hoj Union League, which was on nioiion of Bev.'Dii.: M ? Elweeiiidoptod.as -the sentiment yif they mectiiig. ;- A|tor •►c t ing in session some [lour hour . 'f mecting.was closed with piayet, y - the Rev. Dr, Doig. f ... . _ c- The'territory fiowj operated in ny I ,the association includes six IOW / 1H T .’ y in Washington, Allegheny and Bear d ver bounties, arid i* *malj V . •r North Western Virginia. i- of other townships have uskel I ■ <c operate, and power b‘ad been gran >■ I cklAl Cbmniittcc to eatend » theif operations as much as they may 4 think' desirable. A* the association > sends its own agentsjto visit the hos pitals,and instructs them to go operate with the United Stages Sanitary com -1 mission , and r cl.CSst|ari comtn.ss.ons there can bo but lutlp doubt but that , ’ the contributions will reach those tor 01 whom they are intptided. / I I i A Subscriber- Washington, April 6 .— i formation baa been Received hero that the rebels have a ] fore® W-®* near Washington. Sbrft the? blliet is expressed in dispatch, that od About the 31.« t of I Hatch General Poster was engaged in ] fighting them. ■ | ' i to one o’clock to-day the.go£ eminent has received no intelligence regarding off .Ohjudes.ton,. oth er than what has. already been p ) lishod from the Eijohmond; papers oi Satniday: ! . vT’ : ' ' ' the tn«. ion* i. -li FE second anniversary of the ■Sumtdr iii; the capiat od eii lesion. ■' ■ : , 1 the Time* flic following. . Washint/toti. Avttl ‘The <-r!y;. 1; 'nervous tonight ovef~new,s -.tforireJ. from rebel sources, 1 that Chavle.fi,!, lias fulleri, tijat r attack on F'ndar, ; uras | ;ly successfully. -/i ' ■ : 1 S ’ : ” A. fia ;f df IruAe oanje to this htomiinj'.-, Tho-ropi spap|ir> -■■■ dried meU-i it made hp meulip.f ui th j fall of .Qharlesifjin dtj .of its siiiv: tr* , Fortuksss 'Monuok. : ifarvhij O.- .'l I" | latest ' Cdiarlyston papers • re. -v j hei'c ackno'.vleden (but the att'ac.:h; j the federal army and iuivy;ui.pcms|!\ eitv bad beenf.eur-.mieaeeu. ..|«in ngthing .iiuliratiii'; whether -th movements; .ot our lorees have ns I wit.u a suoeess or a repose., I 4 ’~\* !.-r; . to in for vital. 1 d the tiie f -s-v .they ivoivhl-have :ii;:!eaii.eO’.! « ; .n| ■j most '*lo‘.vi'id terui;-. knft'v,u. : t ' j j rVh**l vocji!> \l.\ry. - ’ ;• J liVesruNOitoV, A I ll ' ’*> —Tjie mind Examiner, windy war ; P heW lo dny. contains ine • dispatches:' I' ; Yickslhirg.-kyr.'l —:l‘ eeiveiii/ ’ a rccOiniPisivncenvp- tbf V;» ! M 'yPinerduy, and threw i on tbe ’Tennessee • have been ■ back by our sharpshooters. clads endeavored 10 laid d > b a this morning, i by our cavalry, outpostk • ifimading commenced but efi Tl!erc Is no buttle heavy skirmishing bai take 1 lil’iliimvillo. Lj-i- : Fo^RK9S^snpE,pAp r i! £ terday-’s Richmond f '*ss ; ; sacola Was fired by the . f. about the 23d tilt.. »'k town desfroj-od. lhf> It ing strmng nows liom tl ' e - , | nr , na coast. The fnrcodnScabropk or ■dp l '? Three 1^ are lying off ;tbe »?»! c f ing baS already take«> P ‘. |t tt . our and the •coe-niy-*- P , pickets are dri«» '« £ ’ cM alsa(tvan«TS®L “‘f ,iV dered all t’» »«** aR non-combatants te - f ,j Adam’s | Run, which n Irom Saabtook Isl»r«. 1 -L l/v." H. \ ■ * 11 1 Ktirl tj oi' ; ('l)ur- A I__ „• "T — . . ; i:u -V '■ H-C ■- '•...is .n.' V\ 1 'V II ;)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers