'■ K ? 5 ■ ~i, W has arrived here. Irom Brfl4U ' nnd reporta the rebels cor.- Te all infantry formerly c * Dl Sfi£- g Tonnesaeo at Tullahoma, ‘"hile .be Cavalry made to division * fc kst Kentucky, hoping to draw a 111 frrim-Bosccrans..-’-Reinforcements ISarriviug daily at Tullahoma from , ‘-/v'rTGihaoro crossed the Kentucky'! in vforce yesterday, recaptured rlrivitle, “ nd is driving the rebels in :-ff.iLi6 fl 'cf Crab Orchard. i March 27.—Last Saturday • 4t soblber barge, containing one 4 „.;sn4 bushes of coal, floated past l ‘ K Sat (cries of Yicksbnrg for ‘the, t.'i;miral Funragut’s-fleet, s “’Vke Memphis Bulletin of Wednes j . that three of Admiral Por ■'% fleet reached the Yazoo river by,’: ■" IC '_ sunflower route,- and reachcd'-| Y,rcen\vood. '■ t ■< Xbe’ Bulletin further says.that our: . 01te s above Greenwood hud under-1 'liken-to -force - a ; passage, and tferel retumihg when they weneral j Ouind;v’“ division en route to reinforce j c, A conference was- held,- the j ‘ r l4,lt of which was unknown,- but it | ’ Uj< ihoiighh that in consequence of •• th(l-’ i -hc' v ° s -M tb'e; neW route, the-j «l4ic luice would rctiiin. * ... j .from » Orleans ilr.d on’ the approach of Gen. forces ’ the rebels retired to I Tin „ f i p gy Clark. oi’ Banks’ staff was .se- j wounded, in .. lit le;| whll* j ji%u«,*i-U‘wng. .•’Tli.e .n an who shot; 'i : g-> ;t s subsequimtly killed l ' ; j tkn. Bunks was in New Orleans on ! tin- 2:>d O.n the return' of the army! ;u bukon Kongo. be issued a general; i.oior; aiinouneir.g that’ the entire! iitwfl of'the expedition was aecom-: ' j'iished.- and that .il was -a .complete ►ut-eess. , • ' ,i The movement is understood to have been a mere diversion, to enable Admiral Parragaps fleet to pass the, biviu‘rie>..arid not intended for the ro 'dui:lieii of Port Hudson, v ■ v -6ur : lb-et are only,a lew miles D.o i vo’ei.l Baiun Roijire. tfie gunboat Essex i nearer Pori Hudson. TheTebel. rc.v.i'f iiiei-e is sHd to be t wen tv- thous-. ■ I '■ f ! are nvcihifigs.wi.lli which*! ,H: ,T.fliers in the geM are, especially / ■ IV t. The stringent orders 1 i-eoiiCerning de.-qj-tei-s. and.the 1 •inainty that the days of‘immunity ; rstragglers, of all grade:!,. in Aorth- i !■';, I■. , .nii)iuriitii I s.' are, over, 'andgthat! i, .fury ].iiiiis!'.nieii!s will b&Jnflieted.l. 1,1. I'in- t..'.insel : i]itiu|i. iTnT void Sfl-); j >fs like the extravagantl ir.;-y business. , i:’.~i jail, and nowfi • i v e ok t.> the tluiiseriptioii as offer-1 /v'.ein a certainty of-ail the rein-/ U ■‘nnents.tlia.t may he required.' . ;| ■\TT iI£J!L.V3 letters testamentary. baring y y been granted lot he undersigned, on es tate oir ;Ea#Efet Hooksfb'wn. fiearcr 'county; Pa;', all . persons knowing thtdusclvcs indebted - to ' said . estate are requested to ma L e.p aynt e h t immediately and those-haviugeiaimf against the same Iwill present l a era tothe subscriber duly aulhciui. . cateducr settlement. TliOS. lYltlti [IT, > r S ,maril ■ EsecntoK ; ; notks.v of administration upon the cs "f™. 3 roa THE “AEoek."- ' \ j tnte oC-,tiascis M. Eavas, Wof Hopi —. ’/ ’ | well tp., Hoayeicounty; .Pa. having CO .■ j been granted to the undersigned, al? persons. ■ 3 CO.' J knowing tH.enuselves’ 'indebted to said estate 2 00 fir made immediate payment, 3 50 can'd having claims'against the same will 140 present them properly authenticated for sets ijtj ilemeat. : - • t .; •••• 1 0-?' j, iIOHK Ilj McLONA 1.1), Hopewell tp,, . j tts. | ururll ’G3. J Administrator. ;j .... c oo' : For Sale at.the 1 8 00 'i COAL OIL BtRNEBS—-TilE ! 2 rc c :i>X ~iL|TTIsE MONITOR’- »o .1 00 j- - ru ou wjtiprt Chimneys, -af splendid aCaij'. GO (.Also,Carbon Oil Lanterns without chimnovs I .1 00 ! Kc ' r sa!6 af-Prug Store of C. I*. Cummin.*— i .* if, ; Hyson, and Black.Toosyi i os ■ aH good: Coffqe. Lit. Coffee, DandeHon'CoftOe. j 10 ~ Oqld pens, Spectacle?, Golden Syrup for table g ■ use. a' primi thing: a article of Styrupj g i, very good; vinegar, hominy, .hand--scrtibrag j.j i brushes and salt. . C ■ }. j2i j Zaatjcurrauts'and Kaisons fcr tale at C; P • {|. j Cnmmins'l)njg'3forc. .. ■ ' -\J, •. j 66 ! : ISJ-JAVEK;, .vA *°'.‘FEMALE SEMINARY;.; b\El':—Hi Vanport.’ilardh i'-'w. Uy.BEWA, .wife of jj. C’-v'-M’KwV.f. ig, yg'-u -..hunt. years. Beaver irr.r 1,1,1 '!■.> ■ v lirf) Ibi ....J • . Avplt- pc-r bu;hcl.<C. a * reaches •• rie&t' W\- ' i ;Tcr* \\**evd. , CAA 1 tnt •ter. 1 vilMrnl, “ duteu • li> S) - T •* .* • • U>-w, rV- '•• :; bandies, Sonp, " M'ddSaCS. GaliOii •Vhia ()il. SHERIFF’S Satt ■ —. ■ ‘<4 TJi tirfue Of av n r v*' VCiard-cf Dir'clort rj -.kvi v .. ; uf - “UtnpntLxponas, ;• ' ' " Rev. h. :A. Gcssixoiiam*. v^- 01 ourt o f . All ?;[ : . Rot. C. I*. Ccjouys, ;* ■■■:'; •■■■,% i. U r, : - > 'o'?**?'' rriiis Seminary, having peedl V<wghC;by “ the Stents; 1 s. B/Morcorfis ■ rtt-St- Saturdav Anvil icn, iboo • ted and re-funuahedG mid .vill be opened for t ;j; A P TII 1863,* . ! the reception of Pupils, on . , ■ :.! vfollowing described ’ Monday, the 20th of ’63. ‘ i:• .V,,. 4 . . ! -f A full corps of TcaebenHs being selected, i* tf>; r '* *®» _ interest and claim r of! trbo wHI be present at the opening of.tbc term. ■■li'-i-ac'w! ! o*iLV,i™ he *fc e i*- <lftnls ’ ,of ' “Vi •• \Rotes, per .Term- otr Fourteen weeks;. . . vV-Ji. .b! n vV P! -> V P* recl ißoird and room, furnished 1 :.sBB|oo M-uuK-, P.l.* bounded the i T6 . ,h '’ s = f«"»Wag*pairof sheets, pil- the east by an T t?’ * *«r°- „ .:.tnds of W aahiagion Johnston and t* u* M*,?**', ™*v*.* 53600 ■ •r* by lands of Patrick Mulvanon’.con- j |o«n” T”’ 30 C * ntS J 5& ;ic res, more or.lcjss, on which is- Tuition ' a ivt •!t«i«;F^hwd*G^; ni .. ... u, t tame stable and other out-build- i < ’ ■ q n xipkppp i* toe premises. Thi above, piece of . feb2s — ‘ SunWendL funder fence, Vit han orchard of * Superintendent. ■- n *'/V n '' i ,a “«»ia execution os the proper- * . * ' ; ot Ernest w. Morrow. I Rev.R. T. Taylor.A. M., Prln. ti .u JOHN ROBERTS, Sh’ff. I -Mm A Q. Tssrln. nn-D-A-m-ca* ■it^«.-“ r 8 Wll - 1 bc required to pay all j;1 nE jBKM WILL COMMENCE 'WOUSALE DRY GOODS. ... ADMINISTRATOR'S 1 NOTICE. 'I iETTKBS of Admiration on tUc estate • -* ! And continue; 14 wcdca. The- aim-of the j[or Gbobgc. Bbc£e, late of .Moon .—v I.' ■ •. '.Bchpol.is to- make its pupils lhoroughrespe T towjjsilp/V Bearci* cJfcty/. .P«insylvani*i, ■ ■ - a° f [ cully in"the Common Branches- dcc*d,!havih£ been grantodfa the undersized, ttgOK M’Rl.ttnVjß :,v ill lilill"! Uy ,i For ofUiose wishing to fit them- claims' agai'nii the same will present them • '' selves teaching, will bo ■ formed atttbe properljr authenticated for settlement; ; (commencement of the terra. : , , / Aj BUI’CE BAKER, Moon Ip., | Board, &e .... §3B 00 ' mai-25 r -, . j ■ Administrator j Tuition varies from $3,50 ta $B,OO * Aati til 1 " ' PITTSBURGH PA ■ further particulars inquire of the , 1 ’ ’-.President of Faculty. X, ) f F nt THEIR STOCK FOB T-HE' mari ’ ?3 ' ' KT. TAVLOR. 18613 J 5 ■ Lo’’ I --“f- 25,-63 * *i St.; I Tus Lowest Maekkt Pbics. j V\ lo.coo Bushels of Wheat, .. . ®>°°o ;“ • i Bye, »liW ia Pit. “ Sf*- ■' t, DO; . * . iVc. 185, rinJL FJ' A I r ' 1 jnyne» ; ral" {nformaticm. ; DirJis.:..: : . V ; ■ , v *.',■■•; -i •-.i » , , ?3£«2vV«« (*— •* >. .T ' •■•■" ■ L ~ ■■ •-r-.-n-vCiS ■ C<mwpnstjfiiitonday, Not. 11 L ; Udve'Batter^Station arfpUoieti ;;*' J . 17:51 a. k. 'Arrives at Pittahitrjff, ' ’’ft2o *, _sr,. 2:88 • “ .! • p..m. j 7:20 «. «a- s « , &45>. «. ’ ..-Ooißo- . . ' •• . TVoast Itovt Pitttittryh at fallow; 6:40 i.'k. Arriyca atßeaver,......B;lo'A. x.' 1:40 p. k. ’ -S • Rochester.....iB:oo p. >r. 3:oo'p.*,' •* “ ......4:30P.51. J. Sc hIeGtLLOCGJI, ‘ • F;R.'iIYERS, Oen’t teieljgenc. ' ' a ' pittsburg, ft. wayse teiaieAGp e.b. .Rochester Statlon>rtGotNO .East. l . ponmtneiny'eiimd aftei'Sunday, Jon. 4. ’63. ’ Train* leave Bochetler . Station at follo\ct:_ i: t Reaves Rochester •Arr;~ii Pitt}!. IslTlrigh’n Accoin. 6:55 a: M......, &40 vi.,a. 2d Erigh’n 12:46 p. m ’l£6o P. lii. Mail, - 2:15 P. ii.:,... f1:46 : Ist Express; . 3:40 A. , k1,;,..'.&0p a-i-k -2d ■:: 10:00 p. Mi....;11:UU t. ij . Goisa -West— ...■■YV2/?;;'Yi Veaye»l > ilts. Arr.atSpchosur. Istßrigh’uAccom. 8:80 a. *.......11:28 A, *. 2d Erigh’n “ 4:20 p. k.....:. ‘6:05 P. : k; Mait ■' ’• r <ftoo»aiDlifc..t:'. B:2B’as tu Ist Express, 1;50 a. 8:0S .a. b. 2il Express, -1:40 r. u....... 2:55 V. *. ;* AUG. BRADLEY, Snptiy BAD! LETTERS ofadminialratien.qriihe ca'lhtfe of Albeit FEEZEL,Iate of Darling-ten tp; Bea verco., dee’d, baring been granted to the un lerigned, all persona indebted to said estate .are requested to make immediate payment, and •hose 1 having claim gsitrrt. said estate will present them to, the subscriber properly au,- thehtidated for settlement, j.' ’’ :j ' JOSEPH F. BAYLESS, H’ nari3,’Go. . Administrator. _i. ; l Quarterly Statement THK BANK ,OP' I3EAVKK COUNTY. jNKWt BnrcnTON, Eebl 4, 1863. ■ ■ ■* ■ BESOCRQES. . r-J ' —- -■■ ■ . Bilfa and Notes discounted, active... $54,005.13 ; BX-.SOTXOIsr. .ir !; . | Same under protest...... -' 100 00 ‘Loan to Commonwealth .V....i~.i. •r’.JB.WO rriUE StocUho dera of, •‘tie- Eotnpany, »r Durfrom 16.96211- X erecting a Bridge over dl f g Beaver Creek Checks 6f othcr , B ankV at or near. IVoIf Lane; m the eounlr of-Beater,*’ j Treasury N0te5..........i...., - 43.350 32 ihirc hereby,notified, that an election. ffcow CoiV in Vault .i...................;...,... 9,991-58 I ■* andaTreasnrer, w.U officc 1 958 95 beheld m the ,Tt>H- ?f wd.pompany, on. acc0unt,..,..;..;.-..i1.... 1 41 thelast-Monuay (the 2,tit day) of Apnlnext, _ Mrch^xpetsea.-..;....;!..............'’ 553,49 1 commcncing-at 10 o'clock, A.jx. . . . I . ) i-. ,vsj ‘ - ■ , I- ’ ■ marli.td . - JAMES ALLISON,.-Treas. i, 99 " ; /T?pxrvf-r■.[; ] ■ mabiUtdbs. • ' | .Tj-i-tiTH , '* • Capital Stock paid in..;.„...'........-...575,220'00 milEJarge two story Brick House, ,with: k Kpt!csurCirculation...V.... ! .2^480 X kitchen—in- ail,, stxtepn: rooms—suitalHe'.j)u4 Depositors ..1;..'.'—........, 53,1167 11 fora Boarding House, with garden and about? ptofils-and Earningsi....... 1,720 13 two. acres of yards'of fruit land shrubbery, Dividends unpaid :.....d; i..J 530.75 good barn, and all necessary out-buildings, ’ ' ,r 1 E_ known as Stone's residence. >t Beaver Point. L , V,- . '' n .,.v nn Also, a private rteidchce, ff.wo story-brick, ifir I vpvTni : K'r\ : '"'"r"r"' with ten Veres attached tdlt, Wit’ll ft 1 /- V y ER .CO L >> Before mo. a notary gbod well, 'cistern;-, good barn; otheV IC - I'd. t°nmy, oaiue Edward necessary: out-hdilJ%s,-. situate on the Blow Hoops, Cashier of-the Bank of Beaver .ounty of ihc iultabovc Beavtr Point, novfoccapied .W® l ?*** l * accord..ig to luw,:do by Jolia S. tehmi=r,-E*n. '■ - -vt” ! F os F th that the above statement .s correct and Apply td f CRAIIEES STONED at’ the eaver Point House*,* at tjiis office/,. ■ ! i '■ v • >: •- ; . : ~ i Affirmed and subscribed before me this 4th - i tluy’Vf Feb, 18jjo. ’}. CCTHUETSON.N. P. 1 ' ■' ' -V-' ■ : ‘ EXECUTOES NOTICE / ' '-Notice. * IX persons’ hiring unsettled account XjL with “c. or Smith & Collins. within the | last twenty year*, for Carding, Spinning; .io-, will pleeae call m the Fsllston Woolen. EacbMy, before the'.first' of October, 18ti2, and, set tie the same by cash ot- note, .. jy16.’62. GEN ’' ‘I VALUABLE JKILflk. ESTATE -I } , Ff>K SAi>E. ;-V ; rT’.HE TiICSfEKfi.OF BEAVER ACADEMY Jyj "desiringijfo f frapisicr' .the, Male Depart "ment-of to another and a> less eifengive- offer for sale th? ((j now known as the BEAVER ACADEMY, j "situate on corner of third street "• and the Square, in the borough of Rearer.'— At: e lot is- of-good sate,-- The improvements j drsa;Wrg« dfijrce Mnryjlrick' building,, with ! frame attached, and was originally built for a I Hotel. It coritaius tlpwards or SB roOihs; Cel- I Jar underneaththe whole lyui’diug. This prop. , orljr; front its location and the character and ’ arrjqngcmcnt of the buildings,.is srtU calcula i tedfot’.a good!hotel." and will be sold nt a rea -1 tonable priie and on reasonable icrnisi j if tleP-■ for further Information and tehns,-'ap- ‘ I plyj to Rev/Db A'. Cunningham,.RridgewatCr. j rilis undersigned, or any member of the, Hein) I of Trutioe's!: Ev order of the Doartf. Ifcavi-r.febdii’oo, - .H. HlChf. Si-e‘y. Hi B; ANDIiK SON, .■ ■ -.v ■ V. ; '>' ,' ’ . |.i.V!,| ■ DEADER IS ■ pm GOODS & GROCER!ES. 'VpilE LATIiST AXli MOST* F AMIIOX4-B*LE "Ip Styles : vt ©RESS G j:OfeS>ept oii Landb’ ar.tl lotmuc,' Ivi: jl .. oas ir o h vuon u d ! •;. Beaver, January Uth;, ’ "I. ss^" , "T”,[iiTl'EßS of .tha.sesUvie' ? l/of iiE'o. !A._JfrNT.«H,latc :& Ohio- Xovn jutipf. lieavej; -to,,‘ *deed, -haying beta grant ed to the ll'j>crsoqs indebltd'td said- cm ate are imni©diaric fpayrr.cnt, amt -ChosO having claimsagajp?t said r^esio-^Vil|' pV^-ehi. tlieht to- I anth<nt{jcaioJ-t‘ok«ettlc*mcnt. ■■* • i. . ANDREW Brighton'tp; . icbll'G3, ■ : 1 -Administrator. ~AUm i n l\dfict 7 I, EXTEUS of administration upon the es j(| talc of Milo Cain, late of Independence township, Bc.-ivcr copiiy*, dee d*' haying/bccn grafted to the; updeiaigned, till .persons in-, dcldpd to said.cstaje arc requested to ‘make immediate payment, and those, having claims against the sumc will preterit, themproperly lauthenticatedfopscttlemcnt. Ji ' .‘V-’v ;.,f: ; ■ JAMES WHITE, ■ fco.2-5, 18SJ .j 1 y, ‘ iiiiqrstraior. j EXEIj®TORS’ f v - TXru£llEAS. letters testament ary oh; the • T V:’ estate pt'JuHS S, M’Cov, Igte of Greene townsliip Beaver comity, ilec'd. Laving • been granted to the undersigned, all persons ;in* debted to said estate are requested to iuakc immediate payment, and those having. claims: against the game'Udll ; prfcspnt them properly sutenxicxicd for settlement. .> ApAHJ* lyriUTOil’S. S O'llOE WHEREAS letters of ednSinistratibb on : jthe estate of Jons (lyssa ttis, -late of Httnorer township,, BeaVer county, de ceased, ’ having been duly to dersigned,’ ajt persons' indebted to' said estate arc notified make immediate pnymenl,' and those haying claims against the same wiilpre sent tliernprdpcriy anthenthtated' for fcettle inentwiihout delay- '• ' ;- - • : JQHH -IVILSoN', Independence tp., 1 *" 'Uy r ~ v " Administrator.“ EPH’-SL SMITH K- a-.-: Wanted Immediately, • ~- snSK,! R ACCOOW,- ' SKUNK. ’nod 'P * ',MUPS!ftAT SEHiSj fbf which the bighnt rprices. in ,: Ca‘Jir r afflV piid »t the'Cbeip rCWlffiaif SforeoHJ'N; ATKIKB, BMTer—tin rfl -I : I DR. CHEESISIVIAN’S PIDT S ! ;;Tuk : of-ingredients theft areUbe jrcsult of a long' and cilenaiTC Tjhcy.are mild and certain in cfifl-octing- all .irregularities, pa jfldful m east ruatioiiui rctntrrlug ’all* oosU-uc tions, .whctiiejr. from. cold 1 ; orhnicrhygo, head-' ftcie, pain id the side, palpitatlpnof t his heart, srljites, all ncrroua affections, Css)gup,‘.jiyaler ica, pain in Use. back and limbs, eUn,iJUturbed ■ Bleep,- whichariss ft-om.lnlerruption of nature." jp|.V .©r. CbeesemanV* PiUS r -‘ .1, iommehiement of a new era in tl»e; <K*Jipe,nt pf .those' irregularities and obstrtic-" lions >»hich have, consigned sO'many to a tie- i stATvns. jraxvE, , JSb female . can. enjoy 'good health üblees she' is regular, and whenerer ap obstruction takes place the jcneral health .|>e- JgiksXadeciihin. "■ - Dr. Cheeseman’s Pilla are tjie most effectual remedy known for all CoTOplaints peculiar to Fetn'sTca. To all clas ses they are -invaluable, iWucJoj, yiiilcertain; tjfl periodical regularity. They are' known J to hare used; them at-different periods, throughout- the cpuntrjv haring the sanction of some of .the -moil, eminent Physi cians in America: v • j fijjilictl tlrrecuong, lifting tcAeto' fAejr liautS met i'emued, witli.eaclißox—the PricV'Oufe'Dollar prr Box. contaimng from 60 to COJ?illi. fill* tent by mail, promptly,., by. remitting. to, Proprietor. Dr.* Smith of Bridgewater, strife' agent for this .Coiinty. ’ V K. B. ÜBTOIIXKQS, Proprietor. 1 i- 20 Cedar St., New Verity., - ■ vi:|- - ' "'I ■ naxcy M’cov,- ./■. •■j ! ; j • 'j_, j--; AIiEX.! A. M’COY, ' niarlB,‘C3\ J . . •!; , Exccnlooiß. Pcksdlsk 'ut I - >HibEc —“njHe. >•« out- ~-»- jsn_the prcm-! • 11 ■■•! ■■• 1 -! .1 -- r: I .;jw«^i%; r 4j»n7...j|/A i itscs, ‘ii i :at 12 o'clock; real eattitc of.'® l V” c f cloc “> iM-i thif fotiowing described rial : Sfimml Smith. dee'll—‘t situate oil tHii'oi town-; .««SWA. li *« J>WP« rt X:J df< iljugtuel -Sander afad j ship; JJoaTßc'epimty; ; The one*undi- p.crewj; t?and« r, tlu»nncs.)-»iindte in tlie bur !sidedvital?'ai'M farm of land, xonu&mwg jougii dl* PhiUip&jn'V&'qouujv of iicatcr, Siuic ■about ONE UUNOttEU A NINKTV-ONE ,ot J?jnn«sjlvaniairViir Lot 3SO. 21 ib:the, plain IAC IVES,;.bounded.-on Uur north byland -ofibf a OO feet bh James Potter and Alexander Todd’s heirs, on ■ ;B]ahdvjw-Street; and extending back therefrom; the abtrth: by: the Ohio r.iyer,'on.tbe- eaaf.by MliH *};•; Also, :,d certain other lot of ground -.1 land of lloge'a. heirs,,pa She .west- by. laud of - humhi red a-1 in’ the plait .of l’uU.of,<East; Phil; 1 JordanSfNeil; about 120 aorfat cleared, and baying |a Jin ,a. 'good, state . of cultivation, balance i l .OG scet on Second-street,, and extend-1 IjveU timbered; Improvements': one,]Frame “ h alley. , -...; m House, one story high, 18 by 86 feet; l a.] good !!■ | Trans—Due-third; of the' purchase money ! ! Frame Born, On ,by 86,'fcct-r*nd : other, out-, Jg.S?W!I '<?.«}. theeqntiljniafiou rtfdhe sale by tLc'ij buildings, A gpod assortment of .Fruit Tr6es >Vot ,r L! t.lie. residue in] three .equal, 1 : annual lii on the premises. | ; . : ■ ■ ; stalmenTs from Iho d;y of conliniialion. , ’ : The above described, prpperty .Jis situated ;|{ about .2 miles - above Smith's Ferry, pn the Ijundersigucu, Cbmniiitee oil saidiunatics,*B.est- i Railroad, and tbp. Ohio river, and from .its j rer. Ph- J!" RUITTAiX, 1 quqlily aud sitmiiiPn. weU auited for garden- !> -nuicM.6ll;. ,t,.i j ■ ; v; •; COtanittccV. 1 -. X^BMS—;One-tiilrd of. purchase-money, to, i* ORPHANS’, COURT jAL®. bet paid on; •ouJirmation. pf the .ealc by thp '!tt\ V’iv’iTtue of an order of the Otphoils Cotlrt .Court, the balance m-two equal annual•liJj-Wißeaeb*; emits;.Willi exiokr to sale plalments, fromtbst dale,tytth mtcretp there- ; jl^puttlie, vendue or obt-cry, on thet remiscsioh the.Sametime. ;,! »> -v;:j ! Wech.esddV, April WR -tV luriher; inlonDatwa.-enquire of I ■ • ». , , I >l, \ ■ . I the undersigned/Administix^or,of sahi Sam- j SL > - &' C10 » real estate of uel Sipitb,, Black .IV 0, j „, v * !i m * \ ; ,] situMe m {&* County, Pa; ■ . j . • , ■ ! (Tillage .of *Scfatta|rill© f ; Hopewell toWn- Mar'll, !t53.: ‘ JOHN BLESJZ, AdmV. 1 I ' 1 ' -■ 1 - ■ T;—- . • | Two lots of ground adjoining each other, pn ' 1 closed and containing, in the uggregntejihi-ec : fourths of aniecro, more or less, bounded :by Washington Street 150 feet, by Cherry Alley 201 feet, by SlarehaU Street 100 feet, and by lot No. 18 in the village afordsaid, ,I*'-ft : oii which are erected a j good two -story Frainb Dwelling hous'e, baying, 7 rooms therein, a good Shop, a fsijtblc bind other ont : buildings.— A good well oi jvatcV, nnd a variety oldbearing fruit trees bnj the premises. , ' ; '■ Teiims—Oheithird of the purchase money to be pail- on ccirfihmal ion of'.the sale by the Caurtj .bulanc'o Jin; two equal, annual instal ments front that date, with interest thereon from same lime] *' ]' ■tg&Fw fupt.li;r it Ncvin, New Seolt it’ undersigned, j | mhrlH'fiS. ’i JKSSB JOHNSON, _ Gmeral j tomnilsHion: .Meicliaulji . '.-y'l . j AMD j", ■■ , : f I 'fienler inlFlour, Grain) and ail kinds | of Country iProduccl i Wines [ find ' | JLiqvors, Ciijars, Tobacco, \ ij Offi«4 nnd V-nrebontteJ.Sors*7 »tree PiilladelpiiLia ... t jSJTLibehil advances tpado'on consignments ,■■ j--S' . aug*2B. J O, WILBOK. 8. B. M’tLBOT. JAUEB P/iLAIf WILSON, MILBOy & {iO;,*r giJ r J ——, jm .- j y __ 'A— j— £ ■■■ i. £tKALEC PUoI'OSALS will be received .by V* r OOCI the ConntyjCbiniiilßsioners, at their] office PITTSBT7BQ'.. i}\\ Heaver, 'onpiiunidLy the 2nd d»'y of*A^rll rr;.... . ’/I nbxtj between the hbubajof 10 o’clock, a. ftn., -Have nmo their of j oyiock,|pJ mytyrlbmldiDg two Brid^ - T’i •(-? I'C JA-' 1 with stone abutments and iwooden .BuperslrUg. A-r yf -U | lures, to wit: j ■ Coriiplcto. Extra- inducements (tffer-! ' Otic over Crysh C/eea, wliere the road be "• id to &a»ll b’uvero hmMO ii* 1 — tbiseounty, and Uiir eu W yUMI Pit} er?.. (njlll.t. I l ni „ uy .j R or county, crosses Riid.streailiat ' i. A i'Kl.'lj'iTTy !: ‘ ! Mellon's Mill, '-(. 1 ■ ."f ;i i- ! .-r? vyo l i ; ,Thc oltifer vW Pbliilo Gaj den Creek, wliere ANTV BEAUTIFUL EDITION It lie i;oad i'rjinlaort 1 und^lmionij;ra '1 - !OF THE ! 1 i! , I fkW coupty, crepei |s«li4 stream. about a lillif- MISTAKES OF FDViTAfrKD: MeX, either 3tl =" ' ..■ |J 1 .i. ' .i|-- elieetuire world of each ofsaid hridgcs*,or . BY-J.OH2S s. HABTj, LI/. D;| - pcljt'fotr the jiloufe. jwpi-lc and the worn Its MO-., muslin, price 50 ccijls-s, paper! oov-. 01-ihe same. J of| the wort will era. 25 cents. , Copies of this booS/vrill MWtcd. ill . . j be sent by mail jon . receipt, the price} iu . j ! % Order: j postage stamps. | Pleas, address - ' ,'i, . ... ' Illt.'il’U H. AGJfE 1 ; , Jl C. a.Otßl.GrESa , ublis'he| l ' j Ctmsoiulum-Ti i\{ ' V 1 U 8 Soutb Fourth street; ■Phil'a.-Pa.'• j]l--,-Btprer. ll ’03., ) -.■ ,nar .- 1 :i L ■ - ■ MAIL I)E.VLOJ{K.ST - H "i * *; Gliiarterly Mirror ot Fast ions, CtOOD, SCBSTANTIAL, tIFE Ll.vS IiTIC- ! : With 6’iA< anJ.Ai/ditiaiis, ’ l| • 'TIMtES faA now bo had atitlie,- ■■■ i; ' ' i-'v-i- i.* ' • '■ -i | „U TT „;, , T. ‘ ! * Is |l? ;• Ti)nursttrr.a nC3inr,ncdxta 1 x3■ ; ; /, { l'oiki large]if. si’j.Kyrm/ rA.vtro.yJ Tltese pietcres tre not'mebe daobs. bdt-irar I J I SS% WlUtjkji. FpLIr&JZEI) ; 5 ranted SUFJERUjU to any. tilatiiiave eTerJhecn j , , • t JJliF&ifK??, .1 1 niadc Ip . iicnTW comily./by any ;olher ilrtis*. T. , f ?cxriMsitio-ynp. To lo conTißtfcrfjfcali and e»r.niii>le!fpeeirncu's 1 b’e-v French Karsts au) ; iilegnnl and a I »fl(;rcnias» biiti a few weeks i ' 'l', •I' :&«?!, ft Kew ; I B®. nailery in The same rourn oecnriul bj ; : f u i ! raotjfal.;.. me in- IbOV: ■ ! ‘ a;, n. ,V. ! RR.MDj AlsD BMBItOIOFjBIN'O-PATTEItb'S, AorO-, • ':Pboto E raidiic Arii*t ' . .logetlher..Win,nearly, iio-. iL..p ra -, lll£r ot - -!■ .. .. .“ -. . .. . . ,;| , all ;th« 'ndTellicH for 1 | ;.■ C) r pT r; - ]? | Sufnmer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, I , haA’i^'busiucss*vVitlj the | : DrCSteSf ; • Xjl will vjdfiftae cull With -Mr. i.'And] VaFuablo idfolumnou.to Milliners, Debits { JloWrt Tallin, wbo-jg duly aut homed to -at-’. ! tend to uU't>usiiic£S during hiy absence.' Also the -larged and beat rashioii Magu-. j nil person's having unaeit led account a will call} **ne in \ th& W orb ,1 -■ jmblihhcd 473- Bryad\V|ty ? j j aud mntV aettlcntent ua possible. *As and soldi dyerywhuns at "26 centsor | iit hax become .ray idut'y to leave homo for, Ihe /-senf by maii t ii eej on receipt of the aru't J ! purpose of serviug- nty I hope my ' iJi or bUihi J ar with the fol-: j cthsibincis will frtilf give- their valuable pr >n*lut4r j 1 [ will- find Mr- Talloh;-at* the .khoc t Each ycarlyj will bo entitled tb a | j-ishofCandVpiy son, the tan-yard.} j receipt for thn iof C.-d centd worth of: sep3 f }--l£dii; -1 ' ; jOJIXIif S a £(3K&s* | plain th|_ designs du fhc book, 1 ~. J or'frbm the sliOir [rouai', or they maybe in*- ! XM.vidend.; ZVo. O. ■ j dered ami >ciA' bjj*|mail jauy- time diiiing the'l h’ 1 Rank or ilrvvra . y*‘ r - bl> pa.ving^ ’ \ . - ■ -i' -i •’ ite K i # -: v i kc"i ’ A lnilueemenlsao.Canvassers,' ■ • l!ii 3 htou,. Nov. -J, JSG2. .!■> L Sanic’cr N J ailnoM i-eadv S »■ ' DIYIIjENU OF , FOUK BEK CKbjTJ Ijl ? , '; | f\_ on theT.’apital Stock of fhia Itank. ror T IST ,OF j I.lifTTE*!'!»' UNCALI.EP’j I'tjil, j The past’ 1| ritomhsL haa hecu declared,thi3,day, Jj tl:b.ri.»'i Office al fleoliesicr i payable tostpchl; aiders .or iheir legal rep-e- I’a..’ Feb. ICii, iSy:/: . i ’! -I •■Ttls,ilitid?nil'i »|l|_' I’oiijo Sor.hi«( I : . JllittLcll £lirh-■ j be fiee.of the il mfcd -States Tax, llitj Jlatk« Bull George i J ] 'McLean John K' •‘’iving/afMtmed, ahe-paymeut of the sat'ue to; Baker Chas ; j I'. 1 - lalcMaitin A-N) t : hhe GoyeWdacnt.; .. •, JIOWAR£» HQOP.Si ' , | Childs Mrs Deborah Mx.Carihy Hannah -i s . noyl!);C2 r;i ; Cashier. I | Clark,K T. : 'i.\i:alCH: ;L ■ i ! *Tbn , yv I> I r~a-fi I TT'- <i - „’ ■ Campion Mrs M, 21 . .Iltichison IVm ;S : " /, , i v! EiitvartTli ■ P, ;St e,y ai tJI argartl i . rtAHF. C'>pa.rt!ie..-sliip heretoforetin- ) Frhuk Mm !: ISudih Mrs C 1 s g - del' the'lutii.tr and, tlvie of A. I). Gillilumi} j FijO'vnCcld.lleni j- ij i^lieldiraki:-Joseph Ke,y> Brightoli.- cagaged in. the-.bilsui'ess: oj f Piabcr Mrs llclla ;| StnithOlrs E ■ mei-chandiso, -was duly <iissi>lved:'on-the 12th 1 Gorley J dim ...Smith Mrs Sarah : i day ot Aja il, ISO;. Tic Uiiuiis willhesnitletl i Hiiberioht C !. Tjgner KC, li .J' '. ij J at' the store : of M. (rilliland. All persons | llojganM.iis-XieUio j Tinker ,l A. . .! knowing CbemeclT iH imlebted io tho live finn, I Unidcn Miss lielh. ; Tnncc John i sl-tiledtaiatdi4ie\y;lBs 'the Jackson Jliss jl ~ v \Vhitcfielli Captain,.r 2 Cooks wilfbc elos :d jlrjthout delay. v .'lead E A ; ■/ V/hile II K i ■1 A. I>. GlbhlLANl),. Alillcr George . | ' Vihittiery FA , ;l ■<: ~ M- GIhI.ILAND-, Persons calling for 1 loJiers in the above list, toy lit, 18ti2. ; : . . J;, will plekse (ayithoyTaro advertiaed. .| (, r ;• , Arjb' j, | ' ITT M. TAYLOR. I*. M.. d’LJt±-Oteli| ! -M-- •fe"' '!? ' j CNOALf i 7" ! t\cw Brighton,} J(SePH HALL, Proprietor, ■’ BeaiVejxv JPa- - ..;i ' HAVl>ft: : tLni*jhjhiy he u now'; mepaited. tn-aocoiuDiodKlelhis friends, and thc ; p iblicijjencrally, in Ajieinost satisfactory manner.' ‘ j': - fmaylfc -A.tt’ar ‘ 'lfT ■ V V \, , - taJ'Otßce in thc Confessions & £: mg ana In' cam l»f from NeiVous T &c.,.Mijiplytsrjf timo'Slic_nioana b! Self-Cure.? "By cne 'wlio r <;ure<r irimseU after beiug pht to great;expense med ical imposition and| quack cry.' By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelopes,. single copies may be bid ot the author, ;NATHANIBX MAYFAIR, Jibq., Bedfor<U Kings Co-.'Ji. Y> . mar26:ly. I >, i -~.j. ■] 'Lm—Ju... l_ THE Co-partnership Heretofore existing mi lder the. name tad stylo of Al’Coxsxji £ UAHf.AnBa, PaUston, engaged -in Ihe Foundry, and Machine Business, was duly dissolved on the 3d day df Jane, 1862; The books off(he late settled by M'.Barrtigb oQol, at thejr'offico in Fallston, BdaVer county, Pa,, where they will continue said -boldness in all Its branches. - All persons ktiptrin'g thctasclTes indebted to the lath wilfplcase call and seMIo Immediately DAVID MM"f>NWPT T, " JIATTIBOS BABRAGir, iS. H- DAHRAOB. Falla ton.jelb, ’ ( 1 RAIL-B AD4M IO isrW\* . •: I, 1 **~ eav B;-jY 0 tTtWQjjV 1 -i j; - *\ ■. ■: T »^ti J .■. j .■■■■ >.> ■ ■ ■ TER,' £a.)*4 ! -f t >' j !. f :-!j ’ i ; •».• -• f • Court Haute. •' f ’ I ;ii; / y»met^isr.2 xperience of an Invalid. fiat .Benefit abef $ a.winv l if lento'young men whb'iul» •“biUty, Premature Decay X>isBolntion- ME OAD HOUSE. 1 :'I tjwi wop»j jfeNtt mi. •' :sW J -, f; T >;v-'.; : ’ ‘ T;':-H ; j '■'■•si r-f forniation inquire of jiio. Ic Bearn- co.. Pa., or ilie ROBERT WILSUN, V Administrator^ Tj Ist or, uncalled fou, JL!/ 1 remainUg inij lie I'iict. oftiti’at ficavu 1 C. U.jPa., Fob,. :14il|,i ; " ,i / linker lionry 'A , liiys CII I.. 1 ; lA'Mj. Bartholomew Trod | iJoWston Mary-A i | Cole Jjpllie ; K«inc Service' j Clihpmau Mrs Na-icy Mi(<?heU Philip L 1 - eiicipbell lira ’ . i | M](;lane Mary A : Dawson Alex M JljGlutljlin \\|iu. , ' John - .. ! James i Edwards John | Neal Jcuuy * Elliott Thus ! , tbillis Rebecca . 1 Grave Milo« I*yle. Fruiicis : i / t GallaherjKale 0 Rcjetl Sarah M. / 1-I : * Grove George iSmmncr Klury ■ ? < GjMsN £* :, j Spence Mnm | 1 IletnpM!! Emma J. >yright : Mary E )j ! ( ’• Persons calling for let|era in the above jhist will pleafiosaytheyadvertiaed. j ' ■ | •M, Jw ANDERSON, I. M.; ■ ; 7 A; M. till t P. JJ, •. i-• 'lt 1 f , >]■ A Rare chance or a Good investment* .■ ‘i» ?; . l. e ' STOCK AXI) A COUNTRY BXOKE, id a good .Location,] with d/lirge ruo/'of emstoa;situate within ] 3 of Pittsburg. [ Just in time for Fall and Winter Trade e Stock loaf otipr<‘sent;, Ino unsalable I Goods. * Terms espy. For a man of Umiicd capital no bettor chance could bo htfcrad.ii- Slorc and dwelling 1 hooso for sole or rent.i- Addresa : “R. ’E.” AVieglioiryj City| Pa., giyiiig real nsme.sail’stalingl Where ap fateryiew can beheld.' jI- - • Oct.T6. , ■ Sterling House, IVo. 107' Second. ejt, " ' (urtwrts jwpbn AhuitwitßhT)*,'. ' '■ ■ 1 pittsburg, m»’4: i BOARDING BY THE MEAUDAY OR WEEK. ' r Terms pirji '■ -'r,L ■■" ! • L Elia ; so- wwWwlnfm.!,! I MiYOES"©F'Till : i f AliW**S BBADV. . • x - lOTPT.I Great Cities. ' T (H( marches. sorbhndsliiriointi, bUatoi 1 ' undprslfenei Mayors,hereby«j*- •JL/fett [.wdiinliaita Teet. aUiihwc ilie totd* the Drifeeiats, Apotheiarles. and rcusLjeiiuure, MW HERS, DEMBMVUB 'i Uls-i of our several cities bivo-sisn? I ‘when ycursonsihie grasping tkeir duskels t< imoctrda iiger, think.Wfcnt rebel.a pot uf.ihif SABSAPA/RTIiTiA bus been touad to bo I ALE HEALING & llX)LlK<iialve»;»iil ; giy£; f " m '^. cf Breatoxcellonoe.Biid worthy oik!youkute wiien for iiwaj IVuih Lvnie ooufla«rno6of : tliacojriTnu T iit3r.- frieila. It hiirdima fcct t!ini they can Jure greatlaligmv 1;- HOIT« J gAKE3 •.CpOZ ] | ‘ *r '• J eootaes th6 infibnictj ar<i! s- ' Mayor, of liOWZIIi2j 1 '18j(B3, tL£U> su H oir. AIJBIN BEARD, '. AV ; ; : SABRE £UTS’.;\N!> GUNSHOT . Mayor.oif NASHUA, at'stand! i ttinpinnlled; removing riud preventing^-HON. E.- W.- HARRINGTON, ' every: ve itige tf iuitaainiaubn abd'.-,: gentlyM-g*"• air: wr * TertTrEdipiaH., w rr drawing the edges together,. it uuicHy aia! 1 ' E„.-'' ' vl ifomplcluy lleals the most frigidly wfiunds. HOK. iTOMiX ABBOTT, , ' j ■ WIVES AND SISTERS OF W&Hvoil'Nj)" 1 4 Mayor of CONCORD, N., H.- tVo cannot xu. in™\b.pLcJ bf A. H. Hp ? l).u4B ! mUrotU e r N! ,a/nlor| vaiuafcic or"- Mayor MAS?. morej necessary gift than a sjirelv oLiibis - HON. NATHTi iSILSBEE. * “ EXTKjAOROIXAUY MILITAII'V SALVE I Mayor of SALEM. MA33. The tpnuds at- ; . -, _ ; bight,,caposed to drenching-rains bud. .cluji" SOia. F. \V> LINCOLN, Jr.,; - , night ait, is oftenisei»cd the IrK*t 'ViijlLLivT '’ ’ ' Mayor of BOSTON, MASS. PAINS, LOUGHS lied SfijfiK’lOE ti ITOW Wltff W llßrirtMAW a t MOARSNESS, first symptom* of Ql’lCK CON- . H 9"* „ ,- SUJiPTJON,, ihut If-supplied frith i HOLU)-- Mayor ot B. I. WAVES PILES jand HOLLOWAY'S OIM-. HON. AMOS Wi PRENTICE’, ‘ ail dagger ifc averted, a few Pills taken :, Mayor of'NORWICH; -CONS’, (niglij .ntid monring, and the ointhient ljrifVly : -.-A : * ■- i -ruhbed twice a day-over-the throat and eh<st HON. J. N. HARRIS. j willircm >ve the " SEVEREST FAINS and’atop ; Mayo* of NEW, LONDON, CONN. Oienjoat diatreasingor IUNOEItbES COUtiir C HAS. S. RODIEB, } ' Tiicfpre we eny to the uru»y, -?iNr»Wrr«oiS*-r A •« i ■■ [;>■ SOLWERS ATTENTION'‘ f “"»« of O. B. Seb'tp your own he illli, do -not trust (o the HON. D. P. TIEMANN, : - ! Army snhplies althou th uiubt: valuable.. Theset = ; ■ Major of NEW YOEK (fcir. PILLS tfj OINTMENT- have been t^rou^' s. ,-J. U “f* te.-*tcjti r tboy arc tlic o :iiy remedies us|od in ihc- STR-tliX^ European Camps and Ihij-i-aet-s, for over Poriv'" -i'Mayor of HAMTT.TON, O. Vt.': : yearA Doctor Holloway has rupplieiii .all" ihrii-wviir' -A-rtATUT- wn tirtlw’- • ■*• armits iA Europe, and during the CRI.VEASi; HON. .WILSON,-r .. -C'AjiPAyGX, he -established a depot,ln t Puli.-,V --, i Mayor pf xORQNTO, O, W. claya,.fid-the exclusive sale of these GliP.Vi- HO*TT. R. M. BIBHOP, .-; -»> • ’’P®. ■- li . - Mayor of Cm'ciNJIATX, OHIO, i there haa sold over a. ton in weight of tlirr- -!r ‘ : . . ’ ; oilltineni iu a~sinpie du-yThese terkiMc : M HON. I. H. CHAWPORD, -fatal; eni{m:e!s ol the Sofdier in •= f .. . Miybr of LOUXSVXLIiE, K3T. : IDIAUKIIEA, DYtsEXTEnY SCt-RVY. BOltES' T nU' orrsA-M -l and SCROFULOUS" ERUPTIONS, dll disttp- -SON. JOHN- SLOAN, ; pear like a chiti-m before these I’llil.S A>‘l* v l> ‘ Mayor Of-XiTONS," lOWA. Xh HON. JAMES , ; lif 'TO ARMS!. TO arms:! • . ' JOayor of BOWMAIsmLLB. C. W.. i Dij pot let ,lhsso br-tye men - pcri!.ii‘ by dis-. HON." JAMES-W. .HOKTH, , iaascl bl*ec in their, hands-thosc J i Mayor -of AUGUSTA, MB. -11 EM EDlES,,,that tyiil! enable theiu |io i-.-.i.i ..., ...I vL.", : fheAdiiiigerous exposures, the. Fevers, Iho -HON. HENRY Jrf. ■ ! Chills] and . ii.y uV-Uiels which thejy eaniiot h , / Mayor)ofjEdLuLOWßliL, MB. what is niorc, eanhet frcofienCy tie! m r T4lWri?<a cji nVT?V • -it ' s ..icon iri .the moment of need, whereas if tlur HON. brave tnen have f.hly to put their into .| . S“ yor 1 t.lieir Jviupsucks ar.(l ( find liieve a sio'e-.ivuie-dv TTfs-sT rir rtv a~rs-r\ vTP ■ A.r all the-ensu dries of: the l,u!il'ef,;i.l How HON. NYE, , many tUiusands of lives would Oats ]bc. ■•|: - M^yor, otNEVV BEDFORD, MjASS. ■wholwouid otherwise, perish before relief eeidd‘ -J. BIiAISDELL, ■be ebtaiuvd. , . , __ 1 - ;■ ’ H Mayor of FALL RIVER, MA.S3. CA.£.jPION«—-'Otic arc gom;! ■ . .the Vo r t\ HON. W. H. CEANSTON,-...-.i.-' W,p diseei-nohle as a waler.-mark in every ieof [! " v 'lSayer of'KBWFOBT,.S. X- Ci| the ol; directions a; i-iini earii ret ovv, -nAv --i-i-rs-n-r. boxr the'same may lie pl.-uhiv st-en T,V- /V.,-;,;-; ,nON. PBAiD S-AHB, ; dr I'af lo the , 7»yA/.j XVI rr^;iid' vriil . ; ...' ; Mayor cf GAJi'RXA ? IXiXa. he given :o any one i ; cn,deri«g su,-|ei iii;W:na HON. JOHN: EioiIGDEN, ■■.'■' --'l- Odnasua-y lead to ei any party,: ; il ayo^o f DUBUQUE, lOWA. orjparties counteifei.inglnemedlbincK oryenu-:-! ijug-the s; inc, kuowjng them jo be spurious. HON. THOMAS CfRTJTCHSTEIiD, [ Sol 1 at. the Majiufactory of iProfossor j, ' Mayor of CHATTANOOGA.,TENN; j, bO Miiiuen il.unc, yrfc.'uij.t;.'.’.- :i- !' ' v I ~ ipvetaUe Druggists,'and UjenieVs'drV.i HQiN. KOBEE.T' BLAIR, -A’..*. , ' o,.throughout the in 1 Mayog of TUSCALOOSA, ALA. t’o coins, G 2 n-Jiits e.r.d Slljntrxt - rv* -DATTf--rr ‘ - herhlhs considerable saving bv*tak ; n'c l“ON»"-®. AJ. BAUGH, rtiies/ ' ■ . ■'■l ' C i- Major cf ?i33MRHIS, TENN.- Dire;!■ ti- for tti,> fp-.idanee .;! rn- j£ON. GERATtD STITH, ~ v'; -very-utaerdei:areeu.-.ec tv f.ic., bur. -' , jjay-,- of NliW ORLSANSj LA, , HON. H. D. ’'SCRAHTON, , • ? i Mayor of ROCHESTER, W. Y. LEK & 4 DB WITT G. GROVE, Ltmt. I ■ ■. i ! I : / ■' Mayor- PA.'. I* ASD I ■ ; HON. 6: H. BUHL, : ■l■ - : 1 J- ‘ J : /■' wb -i- ' -Mttyor cf,DETROXTi MTCHC es ’ Dr.a SegF.rs, hon. heman l. page, . ; 2l!3; Co j - f \h r J{l • y ■ Mayor, of TdlT>Walj k iTT, \v p i 3. PlTTSTir }>y. - HON. W. W. VAUGHN, /A is., -toniYarn, ,iVe.. Ac.; ejnst.th'tly ' r Mayer lof RACHTE; WIS. .en iiani. f ■-• I • fan-;..;, i . .—A —: —4L x, . 1 . HON. A..PARR,.- ■:■-/- - ■TICE TO SOLDIERS : ; ■ ' Mayor cf KENOSHA, V7TS. 'NDEIISIUNEW IlAf-bPlitlED .THTTN -P. .TTATWTTtut '.. :gWASIIiXGTQ^,IS.C.-; *-.*'^M&e^SoiG'O; ;u±y :.rs, Back Psy and Bounty, HON; M. J. A. HEATH,, ; * -p,. andwii: i prompt Ty .at r-etd, t., l ! Mayor of SELMA, ALA. ustc-i tv iiim.atii.i wiii [lirnish itir . trov* a t ..awtti ruJutivu Ui (inch elftims, n|-i-n c'uebj-': ' s cssary postage stamps. | i , , Mayor of MONTGOMERY^ ALA. ; SAMULL A'. POWETI, j HON. W. B. HOLYBAD, • '. V i . ;[■■ I Hj4.se.).. ■ 1 Mayor of CCLUjKED’SJ GAi ■| ; . - AfinxuTot.; D..C. ;; _ _■ I - | . Oueilc ! Courent, Put! c;! An..-: i ■ PON ESPARTEEG MANUEL,- Jlckvcr Star e,.py_ an;! seijtl bill tu.. . MayOr cf- CRUZ. ria ofnce.h ' ; ( ;; -j ‘ ' DON PZETRE DE CABALLOi ! : f: k-av l. ' . - - ! " ; r MEXICO - to tuu i.r.u.,U- vf .he suW- bv ' PON ESTEPGaANIE EODRIGUES,_ ; mg in li!g ICbaVei- to-wushijl. 1.-.!--: J - . |Mayor,:of ; HAVANAS, ; .unlyj. un thi caching, of y. 1)0N ANTONIO, EOH33VERA, a S3ta%-tiy j,l»c,; ahubl shot. oif xiSut. PERU, ail iiruyiKi. suckle imrkfi, of)-iiiiig. hougli cu-J ;-r : iergei] by i ctit or : uo: ol uerlnarks.per- t PON JI. Q. MILANGtNO, V . cuyab.ii. (The o\vuer is dtjsired to'come for j ■ . W»yn. nf WAr.-PATiATgo, JrtTTTT.T ward, ptovc properti - pay charges and take. Iter:’.!—iA_ 1 away, or otherwise she will be dicpbstjil of u-J- DON MARO SESQUIfBDALIA, cirding to Jaw. : I Mayor of Rioi Janeiro; brazil. uae-l ISt | .. I'' JAMEi?iIC;CAUSOUN.-|.. v .w’‘ ! >.s ;: A;. ■. .j 1 - • ___ „ . . ... \... that the resident Orusgists havo cTJr. crjoiiss, Si. ty.l.': thorn |jp.cunimins & j;^y©r’sLS^apari^:{ jVFFF.R ibcir se.nrioe.-j as' Phy-.jxs remedy, and worthy tlioeoii. sicmns ami burgeons, fto ti.e eibzens of j. .AJ...-- fltopco of tt!? commuaity. - ‘ ! Uiiav'cr ,Mcmiiy. 'lui-v cuii ;. •, ■* • [j* *. • foiilid. ivlun lint j;v<jiVsbi«>lilv ,j:upugo<3. ni tJ? ®PfMNS - /;: V J \'[ Uiug-Slocc-tf'C. V. yumnuni*, jd’’ ! [■ Por Pnrlfjrlng the Blood. : Jec3 (i‘J ',j- '■ .< j■ • , ( Por ScroMa- or Klog*i EtII. ' A~'V r ‘ri L l’ix/ - ; Por Ulcers, and Sore*. ' ’ ,■- -L V> V • - F6r Rruptlon.«nd.Pim7.U.. . CIAJIE ;to the prewtaok"of/lthg subscriber, y Pop Blotefce., 81.1 n., i n d BoU«i, • ' \j living Sn- New, bewieUlcv-tn. Be ivi*r eo.. , ' . ,-■- i J i“ • Pa1...0n thekilh ofHietobcr./i&iii, a-,red how, ' ° r ®*V ?««.. «»**. or Ery-t with a wijitje fuccV.abont’ C tears *!•**•» mr.Sait pUtenia. {(ipelaJl. a bell on)sanJ two pr three slits in the. car; pi'o Mdr Scald Mead and Ring worm, other raarjts-visiblc. i Tho'owrier s ritf|U-Jstc;i iFor Cancer and Cancerous Sores. -i I ■ toMtnoJrward.'-proTe proper,y. piiy; Sdro Eyes, Sore Ears, and Huniirii. and lakogher awnv. - - - . . “AN _ i .i f ... -.*V • -••-, -A'. ' -r -:■■!- ; Pdf"Stippret»tcn nnd Irregulayttj-.’ 1" j. : i;;:’ 1-uOs.t/ XJtOlf- j. j For Syphilis or Venereal Dbcases. • EOST: M-Rtjehcster. on the ~dis [ Lf-Qcir,: i : -*f or I*»v«r Cdinj»alnts. ~, ' i - ' ..bey, ajpiack EhcphcnbDog, .w'ii.u - . nm 1 ; around hiS neele, and-wliitc ihv eiul i -i l-'-v .. • ' f of-Ms^tiiil;: biftwera ntliue'cHlUiu-'.'-V : ’> ' • “'• ''V. |: Any porsurt) hndjng 'dog will be' auitabiy ii‘ The Mayors of tho cWefifkaea of the jUnl-’ ifnaided. him at. Johustoji’s-Ilotel,, kd States, Canadas, and Briash Brovinecs, ■ n i CI ! PopyU. Of: at the res'!iuetree vi Chw, E eru,:Draail, Mexico, and infact ot tlißj6ue;,eribcr in New - . Eetvitklv id,/ most all the oiUes on this conOucnt, have _jjovl2 - -!a - -I ' j-i'IlN <iAßßvbTmC. : ‘*^ e 4 thtadooument » to,lslnlro 6 l eirpecplo» ■ ii r~••r t/ - „ _*j.r ~P~'; What remedies thoyfacy hso witu safety and- JJ. i -W. L K ft r T ) ~ confidence.. But tour apace will only sdai^' 3iercha.\t,. 'v o *******- - .-j ,; v ] ; ; No.; 185 Liberty street, [: ;‘a , Ayer*s Sarsapafma, ; : v4'> ■-1 . | Pittsburgh, pa. Ayer’s.Clierry Pectoral,-, Orders for I'itlsburgb Jlanufactured fiuoiL’, I <■ Axrat&a TMIIci • ‘ ani".Gfo'ceiles, promptly filled at the Ivery' . J , S ITiiS,, and .."A lowesl pHtea, ivl.en ■ accompanied with IcaVh - , r .Ayfir’S AgttO'.Cordj or tncttuiralent, ',- .-.i'-. ‘ -feplVtitm., : 7 ' rnkpARED b^.- ■ .■■>]■ aOHX B. : ■' A Dr - c - A.-cr>Co, m&Etm & HAm-DEESSEE. i ndio j d ; bt n^f ■>. door east of i- T oud!ey» H«el, by r>^,s ' s T 1& ; fi *HOL l-ljrS,'foV :■ separ |dl work be ti i Vi -. 'Ur!!. Hoi.Lotc.' by :iU reij Mcdujiiuii bost'fe at i llie'lafgc! - N. Jf.- ionfs in f Wa. Mitj. Mir WIEO3 Irandti i -*v u j. troni^Xjnl THHK I Jj. Office or tJielrV ■ Pen ! st< ue Solili* IStUi** \\ Ji'C w* UOi febircG (New- v an, unu UTIVE CtfetHA \T. ■[•' '« Jj: ■! iii'S: 1111 1 V ■Mity 7. .kr, iM:il—C; AV LMtt.'b'ig. ijut L :;oh K'*V Fai# l - r firVTinis, j**., f **r>r; ' IL9L.2 * «T , V-->J*.i >l ?H U[ ■ Cr**hK. hoch' , i» - n Jttr2 , & uo',\ rj • ;ri*. B ; J&OXQUI I don;:-f J, iviobulc, louden* ' Npv’ Itreet. Bna.'frflr./. Pfinn’-i 3ri t l,, cpi Jolm Liuek,.; oivJiniio£,., Du^'j -i ■ • 'k / A- = I I 1 } ' s
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers