The Attitude of .England and that hia dreams- of power and grand- • *Arir>y fforr<M»poadp.iift«.' / Prance. ear will soon have an end. That end ~ v , . ‘ Notwithstanding the iprolcssion "of has oTcn now begun. The .moment T Newport News, heb. i.O, 1803. neutrality- on the part of the English odrtroubles cpmrnencod, this mighty , a J°^ r governatcitt the gpvei mpent and peo- Emperor thought the liraa had eomo pio tlii? United is(ates : ; nmht by >or him to put in bls.Jaand. . XJxider) to this war, ! lako the privilege of timo be folly that Eirgland ea- some : trifling and flimsy pretext, ho anting ii fe w. lines to you bn pedailj is faosi ilovloHhis' HcpuLJic.r— luu? cortiirlencocl a war npon our ndigh- As lar ;denior|ili2fttion of fUpou 6f dforcipeet bor. iiesieo, upon this continent. Na to or u'heiaSrcy.a mistake as lie styles himself; found as did at firstHo-putldavn this made by one of our naval coalman- 'Alexicjjweak, as lie supposed, und un- rebellion. None of us tl.ougb|t at tho ders, which the English government able to! resist his invincible power, and beginning of - 'Clila war that it|.WOdld considers prejudicial to their rights, lorn by leaders of different factions, cvcr last half so long as'it him.; cßnt |or derogatory to tlieir boUcd power believed that he could, by thus reduc.r“udh^ ?^nh^ V I, i and dignity,, they aj, once put them- mg it to a French province, acquire a would rather fight two in tbpffield as . selves in the most threatening attitude, strong [foothold, upon', the American one at home. ! They would dp a,great -land* tlt rough 'their Minister at Wash- continent, and be able when- we worej dca ! fos* harm were they "to go. pjver ■ jingtori, demand instant apology and, ready to become a prev to hiajusatia-the rebbjs At once, aiul not crow j reparation. This fo all well cnoughj ble and fenholy up j JJJ. I now, but our opinion is that with all the whole, and so become the proud so have they.; Some peopl*complain • ' the magnanimity arid invincible coui-i Ruler oi the whole civilized woild.— -a great dojali?about the President's: age of which: the English ilhavo long] Had he lcoutented himself with the Emancipation!;;, Proclamation}; but l( been in. the habit of boasting, they 1 exercise pf his powlt in su-laining the it one- ,i)f the- Wisest things, ho i, ,have not a particle of eilher trucmag. ,tempory power of the Pope against isl {•Uanmuty, or courage. Whilst we r v/cie j « nine-tenths of hid sub-j tlie-sluvea thaj imvo buHt tbeir ifoiaifi- j ■a united' and prosperous people, and iJects/arid of placing his Imperial heel i cations -and done their-hard work, undl I whilst the old governrnentsjof Europe! upon thwlibertics of the i smaller and w'lbout them they cab dp nolhing.-r-' ! were locking on at our rapid'advance-! Wraker, powers ot Europe, and ol!^ w _ ,' iifi ■ , *!•: - . :vP . , . r ■ ; per,repoi-fo, they have already had to meat in all the true elements of grcat/lrighlening them once a year out pf hire their np&foes in regain places; , ness| and power with astdrushmept, ; their senses, it might have been well I This shows .total the Proclamation England was continually j enough; foil his interference in Amur- i b as done already... Notv, the tfucstipn jer and firmer but -man affairs will befound to be exceed- |.?,V ses V^^ w .E r f?y i °%? et^l r ne g ,, d e »? | the nmuient that our ingly unprofitable, and will probably j I jios commenced. Et-glapcT threw, off j be-the cause of Lis own final over-, the negroes will come to us for protect all her pretended friendship, and had j throw. The French people arc true, itioii. Wo have got a gfdat many in | 'it not been for the feiu s that disturb- { brave, generous and just people, and. w cten get a good many: ed their' peace and happiness of tlmir- will not much longc*lolerate the fol-t\“ o , r^. n ',^®X c^-'^® mc ,^‘ oi this .war.l , ... • ,1 . . ;i .. - ° r . . ;an«i will cud it. 1 am for usihs' all ' -ana -powcr.ul neighbor.-j i y am | wickedness of a weak, unprm- ! ])OS? ible mearts of putting an odd to! France, ivoald, without doubt, have j cipled ruler .Such, as Napoleon. _ jit. ' Eet those who sympathise 'with I taken part with the .southern traitors,! next we will give our reaJ-| l bo beware, lestjiwhenpeiicei lor the purpose of humbhng’tLis gov- ■ ers some view of the course adopted f "bal* reign in our land, they-.wiiljbe j .. •• ... l.i ! ■ i r- i • i • , xt ! marked as were the tones of tlio Eov-f , ernmeiil. that they nngnt have no bth-, by the Emperor in relation to the Um- : O i u tion. Yoitrn ferpn ; tT . ~ . j <|r *power than France to compete'! tod Slates.l l’ , I • i ' •’ ’ hVATT ’ ’ e have received numerous ar-| them for nava! and ■ commercial i ♦! 7' : ’ i my letters for publication ihis vf ok; '|upenoirly. and that fhe people of! . 'r . ?,“:!■ f ax MiXEa’s HiLL: ' no dc-; owll cotiiurv: who have ibeeu i tbo.'iotiw. of Capt. Chai ko, ,j) £llr Cousin; Your letter of the find | moraiization- .and [denoupciegj under the lynmhv and j S .“‘T.’ 01 ’ colun l , ‘ _°" r F a * ii>»t., is helbjjo nic— contenfsf uoleJ,! Northern lisiitoiij. and .stating that of their nroud aristociracv Bering. | lyr rent the very desna- tie. AVo have been*relieved from uc; j ,l.„ • , ■ » , i ? Jn: ’ lPaa Pi sy mpuinizing \yitu ns,- h „ t 'other ; Oronertv on the brow of: “ ,llca Iroto-'iOld Camp PimMntl a))(l 8 than tb ,seyn open rebellion, and that v .h<j hi tl.e-days of dur prosperity,! ■ ! iniles from - ' Wasbinton, 1). Cto rest fh.-v Will wav tlmSp rp* q t lu.m ! , ' T“: J . .. 1 '* ■ J Übc ml!., •A nv jicrgons wishing to rent i . • i ; 10 > . os :} w .11 pay tuc.i re.., ..cis to. Ultra jibev -werc.p.leascd- to cad us yousuis, ,*j. ' , ' , a , ■ Jl,t . tccrml, and 4t>sist in * kcepuigi when they get homo. AVe have not ( purl of 'the sunt. .TcatUn-10- : C * ?l ? ier ° f appiy.soon.,, Washington •’ Ourf place on the! space ,t 9 publish them aih this week.; c; a> . oli ra ,, e with -tUeihselyes, and giv.- • jgt.'Frida y next (t'Otb ’rust.,; is,the t \y^ U -{j;n* 0 n *V w Xwocl" ] but ivll do sb-as soon as we can./l. i ing, ~s such aid' u>» might fhavc ! daj;'for the, township elections, i.„- e |ting along Splendidly. U|o- have I 5 ———; -'i needed, they sympathized ‘-to"tiiiJ lull- Let our Republican Inends turn out hud some very’' rough slvcalberi Vallandlgliam .Nominated for; ch > extent.-that such u meuii and gel-jOnd see thaLgood men arc elected, to riwre of late; ißaipi snowj ami-lots of! ' , President ifish goverment could, with thoife who’ dlb; the .vatjidus otßccj; Comtucnco v ut‘y coirjmom— | •On looking);'over tbo- Stiir of. last I would destroy- this* tire lastund!'great- j « Q 'f to' prepare, for the , struggle in 0 , d oa ht aslUng P mc| w ‘.’ur , was. arrested and dearest hope ol the | down-; October. : The '‘.coppoiibeads . are at: what I.think about the, hope i tiie - startling announcement that the i trodden nnllipns of the old , world.—tj jvojik- '" \ : f jot ultimate success, Yv'clij to 1 above !iuuied J'nfiloi- had' received the j Who would not sav tbat when ian in-! Ne w York Express stales ! foi the j ~ . ; s .... , . , “yr, : ,- r „.' 1 • ■ «w»cft»us»-iooß indeed:- 5At rstill. f .t noimnntton lor .Rrcsidcp? o| the L ml-; dvidual once prosju-rous, is placed in I that h*‘erotary Chase was, on !• igday, • jt-lcaetj hope is not b'lilirbly' | ’od States lit appears that the Dem- j yii of adversity, his for-'.ofleri'd.a loaii of one Imndrcd iniilions ] gone-'This may juuVhc the lipurjust j ‘ beratic • assembled some- j hfer friends who, while be was| pros;. in golgr by European .'parties; which j before thoduwn. lyvill hope ohjhope'!, 'jvhcrc in Nvw licwiikly township, in peipilh fawned honored him,; at the current! rales of exchange, wozidj evCr ? . and stilil that in Him' nlfOjdo^ this eouhtv, on life 28th nil . and,After i wlieh his fortunes became changed, 1 b$ equivalent! to par in New York. }.eU> All. things jiivcll. . Tell all wu jSee = , . 1. . .. ft „ ! . . .. ~ *» ■. I Vr’*. t . ~. that -»jve|y man oLprinciPlee(t diu.t the permanent offices,. treat h.m with .cold contempt, and j , ,pi amongst other things, (too j join his enemies in destroying his; -r‘ , ■ •. ‘ !by that—wb have *iffeico\ llibmhire.) ’■tedious” to mention) to honiinalo a! fair'niiufo. and stripping him ot every - -i f AT ?' S ‘ 1 i CU lon ® t ? l^ i _ ln A ?; but cvqry wa/i| in the uruiy: is for |thc|. ticket pf xrobi importance,, jud-dug! could hold defif, thatthose ; J*j - n . O ® w l l ,, b’_ l i. a, _ is ; ■••L/Uibi, heir -forever. -\Vc ,|cel).i ■ f , V S , , I i I, •. j i-.- ' i „ . i i-will have a majontv in that there can bo no! neutrals. We i - fr-.‘H -bo composing it. (ind hollow-hearted fneud, were not only arc' that uplipld ilfo i ™-ies ot re - »o!ut»on» silenced.he'ear,, destitute of true magnanimity, h.rt, ovor^,l)lcd ;l! y and |s 1 • r j[*pT •- U, ' :c - pargv-l Uif r»a-l!ot-l»ox, base aim couraruh.- '..? v, y . f - . i s 7/aiior —vilest yr Vif vile. • frueh/trajr j ...cL-t t.tic tjupv-.-iiio Cjurt of ;{ Very!, -it i» now well ascertained .that a ' c,l ! ! ie ctlt:u ji -, j tors ciy ••Pcacp 1 Peace’iwhou there f qu< ■■ t' on. l-v rcstofivig the habeas J force' tied of iron-clad ships of war is %. -t I ,'iA Card • W peace.) , TVe hat o Bj*q-. ; , ' ... - .. ,t 0 . . • , ■ ; i ' ; t'ard- • nficed too n\mh; h»vo, done ".too uu fob lore vc r the difVpuohclyhen.g built and ntted out for V ; Ilar'r&burj, lO. ’o3.i iiow=:to, ; lisicn |to‘ anything short-1 Of lich|t iys.■ gypwi<ig iut of.arhitparyar-; the ■opciiiy-procfoimed-.jiurpose of. pi-; . Afr. Imlpk: '.Some vveeks iigo a box li-nfirt’ siibh\i-iihin' to oiijr govertuncut. ] : ■ Siii. Aho tfns follow llabeas Cor- j rat leal iy praying upon our -Commerce , containing Hospital stores came lieifof There may have been; errors .commit pus.i;v«r v, Iv.itshc ,w;is iloing .out in ' and aiding soulhorn traitors' -lii do- directed ip nu. It was tsvkpn' charge 1 1«‘! V.F ,tnc; A.dministration; J.u.t ,il>'e • ,i d . • i of bv Oiuirt-crina.iicr Hale, and ani/so; very existence of, our ; beloved land is ~sew •*jiwicklv townsmp. the Squires ■ strovjng our, govenunent , and raising. . J- .. - - ..... •■.s li. - -o . { H .- . ! j • , . ,1.. . , ?, pnalcd to tudiusc of tho sick sofoicrs •at stake; —tic will save our, country lu;,d Esquiics do not inlorm ns; but if! the blockgiio. i Already, a number ofijfos place-' 1 ' ’’ . I and '.bendel tile ballot-box-decide the ■ mrulc importunt . do- rHiesc English pirates, under confed’er-j 1, have nbtjycl received any letter; rest: 1- . Y'our eputin, Tisicuej wc hop? t!i'ty*will rcpo-t.tbvhi! alo-cpiorA /arc : roving over "llio-'seas or j othci iptiination indicating, by, 1 . f t th^Sf,t' as a giikWo oumbilcw land 1 doing- immense jnjury to the eTinlifoloim r " Reg’t P- V.| •..ciiiztflfei.. ja. dctcrniiiiing their rights! business ol oni countrv.f more than '■■ . , ■ : a - , v . . - ■ ,a r I - n-' i • hr -, i oi ■, r ", 6!_ . ° . •: ’ ■ I U has iheemre ceived, and how it bus | • Died inlhh Miarpsbuig, , U, ‘%| V> . ■'*’ j that.Brifosh ports are open, to. and Tuo.Niciipi.soN. Octooef AVilu.vm I*. I 7 W-||t|ihcr 1 allantiighaur.wHs present --swarining with, -these piijatcs :ind ) - 1 ' . iSmith, a member of Co. I, 134‘tli lio-j the iiatiohul honor thus con-j bfockade runners, tinder, the eyes, and , Eniion or t!ie Ado’cs-: Dcdr Sir ;Tsi ,u . e -* , . £ '> | ols., Jfrom Lawronjce j, fiTtcJ.Lwe are. not iiiforined as vct> I wiib tjic ; encouragement of. British —Through the medium ofydur paper f L'a*inty ,l a. A• _• .. ] "but !p|csume Bro. Long will g,vc Ids i officials. The ‘Couiederalcs have „b Lwould bi-quire what has .become- of.]' 1 . 11 f Vov3if-dStt^Lh'ix» „*a^M( Kr ... oi gog i j week. WJo f ar, howeycr, tlmt whciflarms,- clothing and jiinniunition for • sqmird bo'ilclacod anil roo.lvd-i'up<! !’ e »' n } ul 'L PA. ij olsk, Ironv Lspvici.coj ‘i‘e yi'.ist 7(< ii-.inio'ij falls into the, halids ;llieir armies,-and many of the neces- destroying its beauty for i\-ars to . founfo ,1 a. ,j _ _ .j I oi for pre.-ident, btnfnay ’.iarics- aiul luvures of life, ifi-qni Great eojiic ? Artiptijeir'uarts mov- j L l . u , l l*® EeoiniiMital Hospital _h ca f j ; ; i ?‘ lAein-; Britain .AV e- say, prill. Jut four ’’ Kniji., a'member o’lVo^l ber :i of .the Louvenu'on • intended.-j successful con!;adiciion. t|at had .it, t | ' v like Haul 1 Slick’s'Tir- 134th Begimehjt, Pa. Tpls., from Beit- • Whether it wg.s a ndstukc in the cdiA »<>i |’«n for the base aiVd cowardly t^r w \ lo haiLno^■-horse pfon-h Lis Yer County, I’a.- . j; Uu: ylyi'irip;. niiuic oil tli’c-ir favorite > foml|uct-_vf tbt: KngHsh ; . corn, ■ j 1 ! " v’ ° ‘ T licgirnoiilal Hof«,j>itul nei }T candidate pi tail of the ticket for ! this fobc-Jlioir could not have eontinu- ; Who kitehed LU pigs and hia.o'lJ sW, : IfrdMouth,. A a.; Ifocpmber 2nd, JB6l, ». township oflioers of Now- , ,<ew{ciklr; yenr. even whl? the, assist- j Tl > e c*n» waaplou|gbed but the dear knowk how. j . .iicghhcnt * °fVoki township, instead iforatibe headjotj t l ' !CC !:df ANorthcru friiifore' It isAfuc. | / | j leaver Couiuyj Pa’ > li .th? columns of the wc ,aW ’fiot! tre do-jfot. aiid Wo bo],e we never will, j"l H IT t* T t^ur-comrades and messmates droOp ! Davis fo tferi Vheir |i-ie<KLsli'ii,; hat we l.av* ; . .7w r V/i/J-r' -r - T' tl,c Ar «*K ..{ahd-fatfe aw*iand we aj-p called up-| •n**t , f A:,, ,1 'As v'r \i ! .1 tin■■ , , i - ,1 Mr. Laitort In looking over tho ( on to perform for them tho lust cei'e prsfodipmo. onfodcrute t>tatcsw' nght to ucmau,l from them, -Heceipta and Expenditures ,the|lmony ot earth. - their in's t Ioy v . iind When ‘vlcfifoy and'j !!nil tl l' v F F e |* s,ii t longer in their mi- Qou nl_y, Ido not dice any credi tto tliel; Alany aruillu] homes made sad anil ' Va!,’’ and , H7foc:;s A oquia incet sjri; righteous eo.urse in relation to us, to Ifittsburg, Ft.j Wayne AChiei/go HJI., ! •sorrowful, and many the hearla that •. .-.inei'r: llm' may lAi'a-ludc'. to iiive PC-ompe! llicni to'respect tho rights' of ' l V r »iloiUition|t«ihc Qounly, in 'aid of | are made to ache ..With yeati-nings fob tw o'govefffiaMits'.-Yalhincli -bii'ni’ r K Jllii k'-*'-* wlm even’ vet have Abo*'power 'ji :lyl ?£; l ° j thoso to wliom they.uni near and dear, T . . ; . ,-td:. . . ' ... i: -| 1 •; tpe Cyn\mis»|oners overlooked that. who hav« became the. victims to that .Havissoutlj. dm.l. ! ;,p r ,.. int o maintain then,- c hppe that onr foatfer ? Tpr, has it passed intd other i loul • i 1: p;v‘. Ti . t tt <\'!. xpverniiicnt will promptly' attend to •han'd.s fbrtdisliribiuion ? % j, ■ All hoifor to Iho dead, wh i sleep in the pence, gu;'.rdh'vus'of the baliol-itox-;;' 1 'niillei-xaiid 'foree England to Or iL-: ;'i t ' , .° i-Onniy eonini'ssioncr’s eii- gloiw’s gtavefojishrouded Willi laurels and some' of the bduoriai AVaternitvN del sti ietlw as a neiitl-id ‘H fpax r p f sycrBtoii' tho*,above,; of bnivery. by Ifiends unci hy eoniU 1 viv-'.l-e •■ ' i !•, ,•", j ■■ ivr •‘ !! J-i-l-n-p, ,-i , rfouuject, and oblige many . " ; trvmon for the manner in which thev niiiaU-lii.', Inc inenivers ot tbu t-e-l wiu. -«c cab then know ;, m:* ... . •, j ,• i J-.r •• •,. , ,v. i i -v.v , rtf'- . I. , . • • , v , ■ ~, , , !••• i -laX I.ltilts. , | endured tnajs and pnvafooils until v.iklyTs.pnon;,! Gcuiveiilgin gc-iiei:;!-!''j 111- wc have .to the, ! ,- -' .“ito" i ! . ‘ ; stricken-do wlihv'the destroVing ongbl ,l.v, togetbc-iAWjtp tlio dirt-yatmg, tiig-l' vorK i- '.vilLiwe that .a. nation pflVeb- : • Hoo>-Hog or die. ’ j- -Death. I'*' "' i" ac-er Vuitehiig. ,' > codr,7r ' ta ‘‘ maintain iijnst Cause a.miusl : H’n. EbfroSa i walking over: ;-ivof nil of Ivalor meets its doom. './ Aunls, whf>l;ii ahl .aUc-npiii fo ! f ,f a ?r S f I : i’Cr:b jmm ih.-ir slime hidin.x blaccs^ u !’ c ' , ‘ rights.- . ' • fo, • ;To f c U disease arc forced t 6 yield V i, , ; • • ‘““foo p#utccs,-i 1 • . . ills hmne.*htp had been making sad i ... I, x> x- : t.- ipqnioei .q rT thoir CiUuncts, Thcui.’k v ; ratheiidbe Einpej-or o! the hjivoe. oi’pl.ej green > tjward which al- j . '■ '’ ‘; .iihd .lost 'ill .then'. .(Oiiiu we fully un- :Frenth. 1 govcrr.ihent, too, has fhoivn ! ways, iif-fshinimob time- lias adorned | Mb. Eiijtor : —What a pity that the derstafid- tha dangerous' ; scntihieids; “nothing c!sc,;tlia’,i adVieivdly disposi-. Meuver. IVhctber the City .FalbersJ., Borough'' unuicritieA ,of ■ Beaver diij COiftcafod nndcr.'thc. dhto-UUo i.forh]. ) tiph to iis. Before.-and 'ctW since we i l \ av6 feranlod 'hiii-. license to perfoi-ato'j not pass air ordinance, or oil force', one viPltw -v. 7; • into I v : <t.r- <.. t - ? 01 il * "i I'* 1 '*- without yoke on the { already in existence, that would prof ■ 1 ‘ , n l '" V'‘. •tonnuigiiain ■: ' ' .. ' .. ’ ■ neck* or ring in .tbo nose, this depo’- tect-tho beiiulitul lawn or common in ..onvontion. Ihe editor of the Si ; tr-, i ha ;y , 7 -boasted ol toe' strong and. .sub-' nent saith nbt. - But wo would much j the Public Sqtijsrc front tho digging; ■ho’wpver, in some . editorial •rcnia;-ks.- > ! aini i l ! : leelingr'of friendship which sec; file command above given; propensities of the droves of. swinoj endorses the procccdjiigic of ithb Eon- jLav‘. beenfc-vcr!t;sii!bitcd bv the Frcn-h i that it might he understood let loose upon the public-. ••" v I ventiomand f savc /the power_to fo fin r ir r ».t j *.... i' • r! i • j Cutainlj fc(mictlmig should be, done j bate n nuisance*, ami tlic hog nujaancer 7u' V k t " 11l an Y’ one d .V«y. naw i l' U >-' I h f sC feel *, n g ß ivcre fully recip. iu, prcVent the mischief referred to; lis one that calls loudly for abatement that v.-c .have treason. fn oucfmiyisi ? Jrncated .by every Aiinericau ;. but of; i,t is a sh^menud'disgrace to Imvoi the j before all the grass .toot* are dc ' v ■ ■ - late there has befeu-a greiU ciiaiige.— | prnjament of the village thus destroy-jetroyed. ; * 1 BEAVJER arcjus. El MaJrch 18th, 1863. T D. C. IMBRjE, Editor 4 Proprietor. S. M. Pentenajll &.■ Co., So. 27 Park Eoii-, X State t:.,So3:tii» arc our A-geuts for the Accrs in those cities and are auihoriied to take Advertisements and Subscriptions for us at our Lmstst Scat. NOTICE. HAVIKG disposed of 107 ysrSfrcst in the Beaver Argus, all those .indebted to me lor subscription, job work, -etc., will please caltapd settle immediately tvith J. L. Ander -1 son, Trhoia authorized to. receipt in my name Feb. 10, : ’t>2. .’jT. C. NICHOLSON, i®*Tbo Executive, Committee of the Eepubiicart and Union party are | requesting io incet at the Court House, < on Wednesday; the 18th just., at 1 o’clock, P. M , A foil atterdanoe is desired; as business of importance Will, bo before the Comniittce. - D. L IMBKIE, Ch’n: The following is a list of theßaines of the Committee: y I> L. Imbrio,' Ch'n. P. B. Young, John Eobmds, AVin.-Shrodea. Vvash'tniJoirustgn,' Eobt., Bradshaw, ij -Iloh n Stiles, I Joseph A. Wray - ;' Johnston; Titos. B, Wells, j i • Bdbt. Barclay; Wm. A. Laird, » Samuel Gibson, Sanvl. Lawrence;' Samuel Mitchell, B. B. Chamberlin,; John Wilson, Notice ; to CasdibAtes. —No an irLiur.ceio.etit of name will! hereafter, bo made' without payment of Two DoLLAns —excepting Coroner, And- It Or. which- .wiij be Oxl- DopLAn. . U I loesoii. E'q.. ono is now ruled by a feld-hcarted . thp editors of i|7cdied at Ids aiid ambftion* Dpspot, who jo»idfnce m I|it|>biirg. on Monday ’imagines ho 4O imitate i-uj:, lit t.;e fifty fir«f <•! h -a age.: the Great t-lijs probable John SlCntz eti. Will not-'the- proper authorities, therefore; adopt stringent measuVes for its prevention. • ; | 'Tours, i. | PrtAMBVfcATOa." By calling the attention of tbo au thorities to. die jabuvo yoa will conferi; a lasting favor upon tbo ! Residents or Beaten. Maxell 11, 1863. .!, ■ ■ , HanteVulrg <?one^pondekice. • ■ 'l' j;' JMjbJ EDitoje.’— liinUf aiicUtalent of the Uoufec tips week! has been do voted la the |Pa. E. R. Go, Gobi Hop kins having fully convinced liihiaelf that such aUipuiW would' lead to tho Executive -iHanaibn. Ho ovici<y»t!y writes] talks! and spcaksj as though all else beneath the iubi was of no ac count. But] witii auo defprcuco .to the ; Venerable Ailß'.jjpbus irian there are othm* Slhingp| wprUiy of -some ;aUpp.. tioo. and Cord wcod are both jiscful In their way. When weighed and measured. often there! is Toney, in lhera. ; Tb|o bill as it| passed the House is about us iollpWs, via • Col. j Hopkins’ bill after the enacting claliso ia all struck out ; ]a section ~udd pled taring Jail EE. &c., on ( . their freight another! directing the | IjAtlorniPy General tobriug- suifagidnst j ([the Pa. R. Ei po« for th 6! amount due fi’on tonnage 'tax, Wheuijtlie uetjwas) kphssed repealing that tivs| pi 1861. .1 'i fear there’ 19 jiome awkward wording j ! inthis' Ijnsjti} ttcetiojq, w'liich inayj.doi I mischief to the State. .! { , , I, '[l fln the Senate bui llttlp! iiiterpisting ■ |o your jpeoidp 1 has been done of .late. >; In lh\pdebato relative! to theu|p|pf the Senate lor those Hemocriifs;! of the olden school, Johnston and Wright, your Senator) juadoja strong,, spirited, 5 telfing speech) lip is a (voting {man [ pad a young idem bop, but |ho has|| the j tpuc metal iu him.;J TWo-uld like lie j tyPiild often er take part in dc bate j'There is, the | (Lord knowi|, plenty! of ' {diking in .both: Houses,, but' ai- junierit , and logic are seurce, ;| J - . 1 The inembors of .both ;Hous ?t> .y,es. ( ’ , jterday paid ai visit IJrp thb igraiti; ; drc’: ,J^‘ f bunk in Lebanon cWptyL -This lis a ! . ! ■ ilinch safer! btink to visit :thnn lliejdhe j .'ijljy j wjith' the |,S 'criffturi; (nrtwr.j Tl|iis Port) I • J'.'' i is oiio of’) dip greatest nijii.esi (ifj "i V* • w pal lb tif Pennsylvania, orj perhaps in j 1 • * i \ ! the world. |lt contains di p enough, 1 l ! j haveoid, dpubtU' to'inaiJc^ail'tl ieojfon ! ;.] j tile Unite.d«s!hies will need for r sbe i ■ j next century:l H, ( _ .I;- }: j | -The Bpai'd iof Eevenbo; Coii.!rfiis'-i| upd I siOuers arc yvcifkiiig jrupidty. and ii iir<G mu Kit] doing a gpod ,b(iS»incss for the sHitd.— ! shjug-Ij SphiO pprsbn.-,,|tptii\!y| ignorant of Ihc! cy oi’i.i working ,pf iliig Bujud,, iyiMi -it 'Vo- i rvasof/ peplcd-. | Otlnji'K feeling its .salutary i’tfi iiiflucnhes rvyisli to 1 have. Us . eleViUinj d.v ophratit n stopped;,!-h ■ [' ; U’ . 1 Your couriiyul fori’o’.i. the •.next Ihreelycars at ul; ting, t yoitr own"' ,’iSuiler j.Pouvie couiity has i bpen | iSltp vdc- {Jlgrin. scrycd bhi.-i ago; Alli^ghciiy lop.:i l, l I ' r >V’ has reeciyed iilavoraplc — Sam This-is, also right and piiilscwtji thy. | mcnf Thp Board: isl ydmpp.sed ; |mainiy rof) diint, n gotid men., likd. jat jiftiil, hH ihisycc inlphso ahxioUito Icgisfaui but I;; j,Eobi. is tipw given upland t.lii'y are doing ! Sinndc| tbiijr,j)ropci - ' \vprk well, it.).! ; !;' ijii gheaf Unipfi > League | haS’ teen f' formed hi this !; city. Jslalny-j ai.-o ul! purer’parts (of tjlic,State.iThn Xurth crh| |Shaking ai' tiie. si'gtis of the tinujs. ';| They] ha VO .-rea<*oiv i-o tremble. Traitor wdl be an ugly .'brand fop lincfinlrto, bear; tlirougli U!) future liii-: . -TJioy h: vc iiiutlc their pwiil.rccurdhifowbvcr, and -c-inJiikl nSjit, voaiplainf I -fTliejold slurs ahjii Atripc-H.” wilfl'scjoii float-:over- all 11-o' <*KI tPrri--, lory. ■ jCpil'd ijmyii- abu gpod iWoiiipti! are praying ;lbrj:piir countryi-.aii'l ofif ! bravje dcfeik cri>;,.i God 'ivill .ilot {:nlc-y. 1 ly fdrsukeiib, ■ ;it‘ we aniitL llfm' in! t his yur day o(fupubic w il h i rily ibvc a-lijd,i repentance, he will remember us in nierej’ lycan no.t.' he thaliM.-f gfciti 1 ■govermnont Mtlio luiid if tle.-j ih:o and 1 : the lioiuc pf! tl: c bra vo.” ibis [ |u>\ luin : for Uho oppiress >l. of. ill liatipns un'd elites can :|o |u t! duly 1 by ,a| gang dll slaveholders an j, a ii w abettors ib the’North. : e, no ;it can jnpi. wfji ihol be'.J Cbof-rlufi, o’cspiiiidingipatripi-' By nll. ilie inemdries’of Bunirer llill, i Lexiiibtorif iTrfndohv'jj Tally 1 Boigb ! Lundy’s Lane, Nfo\v O|lcansj iot.c., iv.e • Would inspire yjjti ncyeri.Ui joespuir.H- i Gou* is .merciful and just :''our resources ! are great anif |almost|; iHvljc|uched.!-4- ; iTc'ih of thoukauds' of stiput afiuci: and brave ;ihearts tare; iii,-;r|osfrv4nrr | Fiom'every village, Inunlei mnl. Ut;ll“ j tbjnin the Norlbl the. pathsjiof-frdt;,-- ■ nicn ni p- ascendiiig to llil’ayeh|—•‘Our ’ government mnji Pud simll bfc-pyeservh; yd.” y-J |I i' !!’!!'!» !' i I'jTh p brave boy si iir the army Pro all j right-; ini nia.Uer whai tfaitbr Pdilors | may publish.) is oxtiensiye' 0,; cprrcsfiondeheu j wilti ,' lhp ia|!j aiiy ! hiimblo J inail. |Eyery 'j to i m‘c breathes tt||i doyotion’iditlip llsig; their: latbery .jilovcd. They! under; i stand the tiaitqrs at -hi me; and |i of ten I allude to them.; There .is u day - jofj-j sel'liPmout cornfiig lor truitoVs, ISopth,' and North, j Tbp wicked . rebcllid'rfi will i.-soou be 1 pdt down. Then w;iU j conic oh the gt||»i. c-asa of returiiiiig j braves vn. tlipj Ixiuldrs bf the! North;] Wliat plea vvidjVhey' use? What cad i they'say?.. C&& ! they deny tlie:*-j socret meetings, ; their rcsolutions>'j • their spccohes in and out of the Legia- i ■ lature, their nications.theifj Queers,tinny insults ?. ij i ■ It niay ho wiell for tliein; l<f 'spondcr ; on these it to tod late. j'i j ; '-A.8..G. Agricultural .Notice , 'j , Tbc.racmbera|t>t’ tbo Board of Manii; agers of tiie jie.aver Con ntj| A gvi cU 1!■ | tural: Society, arO lieroby rccpielted to meet on' {SuCuriiluy IbO 4tli i jay of!! Apt il nextf a]L i O’cloek. P. MJ, for the; purpose dl -organization, unci; at ilici same-timo : bids will bp received for renting the Fair, Grounds to-the high*! est antTbcfet bidder. Meeting will b§ at tbo; Secretary's oftk-ic. By.' iofdori * r A. If. jrCREARY, Sec'u ■. Mar 17, 1863. " -‘"r ' •ZViffulltdA of Forts \ Hennan and Ak/oi/.—These two Forts, on the Ten nessee riverj were j ovaepafed land de stroy ea on the 6tb| inst, .by jbje Fed-! oral troops, as' they tiro liable l!c over flow, and iiot deSirablo for offensive or defensive operations. i. Their anna meals, stores; etc , were removed to Fort Dorielsop. !|U ip said that other and stronger works are f fo be croillod ip'tbb vkinjty. |' ' j.' , i \:\'.-!,! UnionMeetliig _ln Darlington,! , Sword’ PreßefatatimT* 5 Beaver County- <■ v ' ; « iatlon - . • ■. v Xev.-bee S ,' x.. c. Feb ,j ,■ , ]OUi o,J. | Major ,/.' iiT '.” c ? the. Ki)ionf^hand i 'olrf., wns on tlie 20Ui ii \;ici!iity hvjd.a Union iMcfling itV'the tbe •i.lne.officers-of Tj* Free Cbey/li. . The meeting was i or-’i SJ ' mcnt > w ‘''> tui elegant y W o i jgaoucijiby calling ;S. CJ. Gaugbeyt urn a,IJ Gloves- worth .'*?»' T tlio Cfitttr,, iVd; appoinijing R. H. [in- ,%rs—» merited > compliuß-m* ui brie. Secretary. Rev. I'lailk, of 2Cdv;[ I,as been paid ;•* .Ocirg ;pr«sc , iit.i!tt7MreVsJ.Nf'ihe!-®®J , ,' iM ' tße'B^imeri.t;. ; \ ‘V‘ njcei mg in finable maniiorJiiiW wUfeb-p .'-ThS. 'lolst,]\yliieh. Is now sfiiv a;Yob of iliaiiks -wore tcjldeisd jilni [; a£ js one oßbi (.jj V*’ iorlis i ns tructiye leciin-e. j : j'wo.rq- Regiments— its | The following preambleVsa»id n-«di|n..igl v ’ cs proof. 36f • the havdshihs *' iinis were <.tie) cd -by IV. S. ,M.' 'R«'as,-i'? scrco - «jonflict» n-lillr wco-e ununimously ttdopudv- i piiw-sedj ; ... ■ ' ,l ; Itercas, TbO.rcbdiiop oxUia ini Taylor is one of ti, o o«V:lßnd t an(l;ihe armies »ijil fpr.ti{s6a-‘j VbQ-baboon associated with j t ljion,s cxliibit! p a'pdviioiis, j ,ts . first (organization, and tins I, their .pnrpoki nioni ßggivcs assurance of vk a of destroying this fair .tal.rja of edm! cs * i,n ’ u Vn in'which be is liHld'Vu.' sliluUdnal Irbert^; d.beiufoi! * ’f. j feljow-oliicefs. . -TbaC i\y four • f j'nlpntiitcs, | ‘ The presentation was made h, f i^ ( «>i,ilnbntluiis ai,d:.nir pta\OM-s; wo j presence of tlio Regiment. .by' give every cmcouragemSeiit to ,y%r i. L T - FeltCrmni),otfCo. E. m a brave to tight, with idndomita-1 «“d appropriate speech. ‘‘ f. ■ blmcoilragc 1 lie rebels wlUn;d.ver ii,ey | PREsextatiox speech of’ r«>r,- fand main, until they sball’bc-eiuler.i-' ■ teum vx ' ’’ slain or, vanquished. [ ;r,j' V' Reivlve/fj That wo iViil yfoijlom; nibst jyfearty Mipport to our j Gdvernipent in' hfi! honest, judicious efforts, .lo. ;S t»p-' I pressj lbs rebellion in tlio ftontii* and | dißdvjip.tonaiicjj ttroiisdii in tlio s'ortl>:.. I.' Will do el'cry tiling 1 ' | tnat ijpncsi) and loyal 1 beartii cam :da, i to' eiicOiiragodoyaltymtiid v nf 'ar'ppcratioh nnd in the uriny aiul at lionio; in carrying out f!;o nitiisuresor’: onr“ giivernnibnt till tho ei tj V.f tbe'i: '•Lipe:rt|\ add Uiiion. ifow and i •r. one ami insep.-ii aid-- ” : yj oiniisitleiv was (l-en ,L>t! ■ -illf tyi U C;j)l!.sl'itlU)on lu.f .1, I ..ion 1 i'iAjcn lluvi the Lon dr to cftlltd npcm to’ represent, thet oilh-, of -the lObt Rc-imciit. Pa. Tols. .ow me to say, ■thatiiluriuK vojl’^ soLiatfo.i 'with iih as tlid flr.sp ol’ link '-ip. ipcnt, yoir, nr.yc i»y your dc\’ot - our ec'liiiuou.. cause, yoUr-yulcr on \ liatiru-ifc-Li. your :)mturai.y«(ptfiie« ilL'Urt. UDtl t<rtfe \vm ,of ; 3'our merito)! a’n..! w ; our .contidcnce an.l hipb v ifs'teoi.i I Yqu hear upon ybiir 'pcrsoni-'houd 1 bio mui U» recyliivil iii ui.e ofT’.ib- i« of the inqiuurahle PcniiiMllh cm ! paign. A.t Kinoston yoii ifcre U% :i • that ciyy v-o-f 1 1 cT:!io 11 .y IVr-. d '.by;your £uo'ii<*»s and uiiiiiuehini; ; ; or/ as the .eomniaV'det: •et oar eh • mouf in that and '.other onTi-e-ei ... j. 0.-, . ~ j during. the.•exi/.eiiiiitiii, to uoi-id,,, | topj |,r ... ~; < yu:i’’wou the ' highest admih.iiida I entire .oOnioaud, • '■ v .. I-•; \ ~i\. T " ;l ’ . 'A s a iv'.naril t>j• ftMji'it, -I vi. J'uoics j Spl-oeerJ yoti. in 'behalf’of the. o.nie'ers.v A’lh. C:'.uWo;i. ' ■io.tileUhcol 1 IPdi Pediment, this SwUid. Sash. Ben; a i|r. A iTtlfot j*’' of niah-yGl<|ycs. .This .S-ivoisi.’is vci nnir: Ittoi^.h’uJ, iee<iir.!.i;c:iuct{lojtloymcr-Jhut) may it probe as true in' the' il, ne’ti.ohi’f. Motion her la \yj,.i-iaimid;of dpcril. as vr,y ii ;i ve r aiways L,d Js'filed.j Aiso iroifla;': ;oj-i;v ne|\|. I'.pjmF tjj whonf wc (layi* the ,’iiOU 1-'.l ih the ease cof'et-eiiiJiig;'ft.;,.' Yitii'y : \f.ecdrO' ; .»x i. nnyd ti l l iii ihe npJ.otinjeij.'.’Coiirulhtlßdor sii.ut sofeStef.| giws.. us s.itid-; |nvoii\vc;akh ; vsj DanicL j Bai'ihiT [•as.siirauee.thatkho lusty,- for aiding .•iiijif’iihet’.J.will 10 escape; of;Elr, F Shi'cis, ifl’.disli.piioi' -on ibL palrt hi- il,y ::ei! Ichm,! found eat ..Nina- vrhcr'l: U'hcn yon, windi-tAd- SaVa , Scotcheyi 1 deferred:: l hf'ii-.-xt | v yh ul ’’boif\" yaay il, 1; n■■:!. t.ji;i ry v :U • ; }haiG,eiil\\tmiiq;'-i;,,- jLf i? ys.f eorge ,I• ! •'■ v. 11 . .1 ,e!u:i- hofto'olfs aid fucti fd'ah-.v'abuit't ynaA-i Jui- 'iriL! oions miM-iiieil loci ; ii*y■ty-jirih, tinliUe ’tj/jj ■ onlerejd Jo bo ,dhcha ;hr< <! ’ IVori fhasi.asiife up 'ijiA J Lot ; wiArti \i.: ; izill res. i a:/fMie e.TiiJfJl-Vc 1 i ’■ ,A; ■ ert| M'C'any vs. Hcnrh I-ini|-.; “Bha'i...’your • 'fuffifa jcaril'c'i;.■■Tiii;], ' t. 1 -Ihr 'for-joaiejoi lu ieciil and r e ..i.jibohrde'n.l ivi.-lr oi- all-! ,' ijA •a -fl r - !’•.■• '■ r!Cai;tA!n' ; :vi::ce[jliajhfa■ ,-y ifeircdi IG.-hi-Tao' hahal lliis V'-aiififnl/aiid vaifiiVnio j, f ithsliifyi; desjiateii ra\> i The. Ljinrijiit ine -to •li;e--ju;c -..'vAn’ ilia'. T: Pass Oxtjicij’i tiotv ..eanf-UiV i '.V'-n .- ! u iiii Icciinys cil-’iql .-a'i.Sx- a’nii prl-v Ster.iulnSatS. •ifi'ghte.eji,.oi .■-wiiieli • !■</. oniinaiy. i’i:,‘'i]i'.y;-l;vr, tno'iigi...! i|esir<>yci|l.: The', g'n'iib'i;i:-have, i(6t .hut feel,,■ jjj>;iil. l in- (hi; iv . abisvi ■.. lluitnv’ ii!f; •’.. ■•atul’i Wbitih. iii' byhalf i!»f t’iicsie idViv 1 -V . .■ 1 1 . ; ■ 1 ~e , ■ t ■ - «<o.n r-'.i-liilnciiCt.- itil aIIa *.K|fc ' ‘1: bavcyiicii. prapey U> -are ufo or’ the i'Va I’istiii.n l ih , tire. pn-sciiSaHf.i .n;.',. uii ksbutg. :Itl is snppi-si'd • Sa<!i ; ami, Pelf, ys-.i j'baec safvi - ipaht ot the rc.'iei \i'!iK h 1 •have: y . .to C-liiittauobga tin-i- .ciktM'aviiv'si'aiVil-y Ip «Uj>ji'i.te o’ .:• t’> wiieim Itosccrinnij-' ■)!.''• j luaiiy irv.ei;b-. n.J d's li C 1 >p<' u ere e.oiijj.dl'cii, to.HUic! j«r|va;t j.on in piLe (••'•i.,ni'>H for ’ ;M Uiketi'Si- 'BciNi. tisti-eH.l’nfleij ph-simi svierby 'Lie .t-iu>-j“ii above Yicksbarg. uv.iing to • U'ea't(>••.-'■ nhn of .■fci.-ie than, o-.-u, yi jitoiy.' . I.' •Li Lj So'biiiii' field v(-,- j-.n-ife . 11l C'per alioivh y.t i.L; iiv ,| .LVilei-.' disapiSniTli'ieeiity lied , l.nrii.ds of c |i i ih-d,tei 'ii'ci'c.. ,isi'a I ‘1 i ia. nn-...-I the 111 1 • '•• aulL ~ 1-a-1 re |g ■Vo'.’ei' a nnif fiV-i . nijiLs of Li'.’inijinigiis hi.-.y.-,', ii, i nl- yi.dd ■lliCl.ei'i : i-yy.' ,• ieSt rijyiiji’ ■ iny'yiiiiisl-.n'y ;■ of :u<y.'.»»ut*'hn a;’'':..i; =id, ti,; lioiis oi’j prep, i ! Too igiiyrdf iis are oeee,.' aiij.l ciiiei r .' d'.-'P : cpmp’ liro'vi.ed oof. | 9 V Vpl;hree : '.!iiy' ; have' !••.•’■;• ’ jVo’.ii O.d’oroia a .TiveA,-;\l Xliirfriy>'lii.>y;pl...d‘>rsi‘d'iliy .euaravftt: l ' :ls A y>.a . a fi'ii : d'ayif'li.e ieppiys ferviliie Ljiiyleiinduct a,'a (•ieahinn,p;i ; L ortfi’ dcatiliiljioh in-’Koi ii.era AilaLaka. atdlpis U,: lino i -n~>ur» vhu. ui'io ,_ra'T i i e. Geovlria. ' ’ i . • ‘ hj . i i'.’mdve.u; and its l-hi- slix-nsf.fa'an * a , ■ • ■ ■ , . , l ", ; i; , . e.x.. ; -it . V, , ' - .; - - • ;’■•■, .: ! .' ■ sty jot lay ieioc“ i; C jiO'iy.p.U - Cosydx;; Maiyh lij. t-' A disjmtejyjbTuht'ry's the \iimiie.A'" ; from the utilise M the (’.'o.netH'd, it'. ■ bry honor. ) 'c.ii tp me* 'o> a”,,. 1 '-' ifttbjesiit&u , jiivcl? |reiufus jo:, ; towns ' of , 2s eij,; L ]l ai'njisiuro except fliaE I, Lain aM-oeaile'l . V f- 11 j; 1 j ■thiffe. , 'h,' I'vliH-li k'nvti last’ velir 414i'icnow-Tortiw-rs.' iifyuis'jd-t ay l ~j j.V«tci4’fo -..Berry|and,'Gll f u-'^iurh.—>ansei 1 aeia pr. liirno niy "T I '.'.','' Taking dial yotje: for' a 'basis', tliin ma- i<^v'hle!>< ; ie ot . tj'ojir '’laiii u-nee \ •jovity jij the .Sisjlli). against llib 'j/K;ii'iutj Jftc-iulsliip.i-tvifiy A' le ' ’‘.enio v icratus. ftindidatii As a-boiif sev iii .tiun-1 i-hal s.hould vv.e-again j"-’- ' ’'■! i the total: vuiloa-asl Tldii year ];to . !ullo\v|ii'ar h'T' 1 ’ I ;''- lavas about do,ooo f all; tlite elect on ' of; : o‘<l last yeaij it was 02,000,,* FiudCu i-itobj ’if blood, jiio.e-nt'laT Tjja. j.iili th,e- First District,. Marcy, Dciii.,!'k; lIl( d : d’!’ 11 !’ ofitifry iiiai-. -e-J". 1 phas front 50 to to tnajoritj''. ■ In tlio j P {) ! 101 ‘i : t)hs|s'v whor.bnn.i; a h’.i'i,. ;2d ■Disfifiet lloliiiisj -jii']i. has ahont ;¥,hamo.'lo iie'-c.Ucek ... » : 300 niajhfitv; • ! lu, the odi jjistrict I have•^nlrii!.-jtod i its.-b..nor 10.-n-;.,. 1 ';;* I' Pat-tci-feoh, itvoru is: clcctiid by! about* T fid ll “’ n,..;.,0iy-0.. ; ■5OO niajonk’- 'Yrhe'Govcrnor T s Conn-ehkO'’ linhntui s-a-pes. tpiynaa i cih.standi’;' throeikeniihncru.s ;u d’tw^'; , "2®.v a y e , |* :1 7-, d , ‘ 'j, r Democraits In i the Lv^^l;iliue t '-the l £ : L * :i ’ j '.'. -''dt -/ i Sennto starry niino'f :in*l -:.i!io•» | ;tt 1 v] j IhrcciDc and ,in* thd llouse j..jh»v. ! shi,»iil.! ii-f«-’ '“•’’.-'f,,’.. 1 oeaccl ! the itcpiihlicaiisWvtll hare from liort v- (■;]/, mo to-H e: ";m" . • I tub to tilty -majority; * , »».’?.» ov, i- !'• = -• . ' r r-.i-l-t '■' 'T- .. . ;o. that endniL.:!; !i'ndeh-n;i’ ; u ‘‘ T : OEh, .dooivW! vn,d’ (Sen.’ ILiryir'd Uc- ;pronipto.l ii.s •‘■-b';*’. 1 fOItE : ;THE- Wjtni i COMMITTKit^(roII. :d iul 2’ ''7".' L ‘'' I owe-td.Wy cu .Jj llo'oker was esa iiint’d on Wtiilni sJ;iv^p l: ’-\ f)j en. ■' ’ (Icnn'inittoe 1 ’ r '’ ’ ‘^Accept t v- 1 - • .Fur, c-la’ie forcr . i . : <v - ■ ; j • ?"ilayi inC-efc [ .Afiftlb:iv\’ i n, Dar!in"t»>b. Mi;t-t-li ' ;1 ' :-dl i »n to ME Cfec ( S' i V azoo tv-sis V. C J'c u .irnvtc] u’ijiirl f ■ : (»I‘-Vit: tii'3 *f \Vlii jjii: to |o\lv VjK-rr.a •O-Mlbul"!* miiys hii'livr Rc'w fioiii'C ;t ntidiUii! L'os\i>iu before th( ; . War (’tiumiiuoe I Tat first" : *“i- ,n ® 4 '. l l , nm-ation woiMindcd was as fvlw!:;U leU llmnks. fw\h;.i he nUnhulejt! lloi.faihirc-Oji the cump.imetu. ,y, lifio>‘onicrll oil tb'e riVninsiifn. !K- iy ; a' " . laibdp-.-.vVs I,aiii[.oh jKi t <auTr. 1 ■ ;rLr.a:si.ATiv>;. —Oa h.vjJav% ‘J-J 5 ’ answer IIW tpvcUiorh.' The laddie oi ! jji,u resolulitVis>e],;Udveln tbat ! rhov.imeiu was>,win-; to tip> iiE ' ; d.i'pk " com'potoncv o! UHVcommatidinci Ocn-; <> ■•. •*. ... .J •■!;,■ >,, 0,- ' cral!;; ( ‘ . ■:.}; | J | | introduced. into ■ Bn^ v 6un. ilij'ait Jv;is |cxiuni;a|n •• •; ■>\ day hytoiO 11 1 o■ Warl-fconinJ'iii eh. |-Oeii, I-/ JVhei'eUS, In ’ rosp'd l '’ o /1> nr j . :i -p limit,] Iras served] as [Ohiel'': of Ar.ipUftry oi‘ the’ Exiv.nili-ve 't‘> the V through all il-yp, campaigns of nib Ar-; iidpiuilnwltt. asking that tin-* inyiol the rdiokiiic, ahdj Ids evidence | oj' tlKiVgaliidii‘ijy'b‘ ,ji 1110 v . will bb ihd most liliipdrtsf'nt yetyifldju'- j pjdvaitia KvsVtvo t|.o unlcrvi cd-by 4.Ue Goiitmiviab reaving lb tho,i'liarmburjj■ to-iIN >f; s nsiiks.-.jiliii operations of that: army|f V.‘ : . I tarv of War .replied ‘ that•:“I 1 • 1 I; -A-t-i-!—-J*—'—li-j-d: ■•■.. Midi rfiepest he acceded t0.,a’.0-;no I ttMANAroLisi' -March- Iff.]—Eight i applU-at|.'>i»s f. 1 ,' 1 "!' 0 ,,:', ‘-'f: hundred parolcd'iirisoifeif antroi te to ,'-'r nVic'fyus,, ibu '- , Chicago vVcre detained at iitcli 1 ipnd. { ij'fo ad]['U’d 11 .uilic^ ,ft P" 1 r ind.’, last night. ni'id \viiiie lliiMX'icotn- liiilling.tlie becopd. * ■ S'" rl. T 1. plolcly klehnolishetl the jlfik-e <jf the i alleged,• i &jfersoniaii. iii) avfliovar sheet. friicy 1 stfong, to reci uit its iaiM-j-., . 0 aarived 'here to-pight : amFthreatened pnfpos.csl iliereJore. , .. .-• the mineL'.TU y molcU, That lies, placed giiaijtlk to j,^ ; ciil dis- ; p° y. v ia. l iv il r, turbaiico. . -y; OM | Uat the Pcim*yj™ £l- A Wge mjee-lirii:? was scrvo Gorpsj bo pelnnUe w ••:,■.• held here tahightdin, reoardvio.dii ar-, this Stafe |isr tipi juii poso | ticle in tlie l-'inciiinati i iiig its docima|od ratine, an- ,> a ihead) ihsnHing. lkiyoddit-rsl fainiliea. d;i>i'g »<*^ c l?i a ‘ a *^‘^ 10 ‘ 3 ' b J > y lIIN =1 a'i<\ lie;) LtllJ u'liiu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers