a. ijEAVEB ARGUS.! •Dissensioaa in the Army. [II aj)pears dbsejaions exist in I sonic j portions ot‘ our' army. . T I«ie should not be so. Unless our Gener als tan act in harmony, we must bo liable hot only to continual i vexation, but to suffer cictcat and disaster*, ru ruinous to opr cause. | . These troubles arc deeply to bjj re-, greltcd by every .lover of hvs country, bcc.nuso of the weakness they most hecessarity introduce iritd qur milila ry operations. .There are s-s for this state ofafTai|s.' The great est is the want of one military mind, to havcMhe active direcliotis of all - military' movements., Upon! thipj subject.oar people, and even the most ) tiitcfliiTeiij, it now appears,|liave|becn,j mistaken. It has been believ ed that Gin. lliillcek the General in- Ciiief had‘the supreme command!; but this appears.'.now not to be.so.| He has been only, as an adviser of the Executive. h, T.he understaiidjr.g is that'in future, there will’be ari entire change' in the mode ol conducting our military 0})- i erutions, Iby , which more j j vigor and energy, will be infused into ! | all the military departments, and that 1 there, will bo more-Jharmony. o/ 1 action and feeling amongst onr commanders. Another and perhaps the greatest cause ot onr troubles has been that Wednesday, llth, 1863. D. L. IMBRIE, Editorti Proprietor. S. M. Pentengill &'Co., Xo. S 7 Park Row, A”. 17, Slate »(-, are our Agents for the.Auers ip those cities and are authorized to take Adrertisements and Subscriptions for,us at our Lovcetl Rata. A NOTICE. ♦ BA|TI> t G disposed of mji.intcrcst in the ■ Bearer Atyur, all'those indcbtcd'to me fur subscription, job work, etc., will .please ■call and settle immediately with J. L. Ander son, who is authorized to receipt in my name. ' Feb. 19, ’62. ; f T- C. MCUOLSOX. yg-Tlm Executive Committee c>f, the Republican] and Union 'party are 1 req.ueating-.to mod at the Court on Wednesday, the 18th. inst., o’clock, P. M A full attendance is desiredt as business of importance tr ill bo before tho Committee. ; D. L IMBRIE, Ch’n. •/ : The following is a list of the names of thi Committee: ,I>; L. Imbrie, Ch'n. .P. B. Young, : John Rpberts, Win. Shrodes, ; Wasb’tn Johnston, Robt. Bradshaw, John Stiles,- Joseph A. Wray, Da'rid Johnstob, ■Thosi B. Wells, ' : Robt. Barclay • ’ Wm. A. Laird, Samuel Gib'son, Sanvl. Lawrence, - Samuel Mitchell, B. B. Chamberlin, ■j JobirWilsob,' j. John Slentz., ; Notice toi Casdida*i£.— No 'an nouncement of name will, hereafter, be made without payment of Two Dollars' — excepting Coroner, Aud itor, &?.y 'V.hiph will' be One Dollar. -, jgyTho Closing Kzcicises of the Beaver ' Seminary & Institute, will take place, in IheM.E. Cburcb,Thurs day evening.commenceing at 7 o’clock. The} - will consist of Music, Prize Heading nnd Prize Essay's. Ad mission 10 cents. ,1. „, . " fi, , better, or more tfulywise and patriot- Knights.orthe Gpldeii Circle. |<} man J t exist, will ijeqnire We do not desire to condemn all cvery nian t 0 do his duty as faithfully secret prgauizations' as unlawful a nd l as lie does! it himself; aid we are miieliievous jn their objects; jbut whilst | conddent t fia{. if every officer and sol admitting that hare dclne many | Jiei ia a 9 and hdnesti as he charitable and humane acts., yet <*>'-| is hsmsel y our sprang campaign will ers .have been conceiv«l in ? iniqnity, j' • , ace u ; e nlost results lor and their purpose ; and. ar ? 011 '7 ■ our country. ?. evil, ahd that, conlibually. What the,. # ,j Uic , >aop i 0 u „itc in giving -secret workings of ’that detestable ' t4, e ; r hearty- support to the Executive, Order, 6l3*led thc,A"/i igfih ot the Golthn ami our patriotic Generals ajul ar - f'irclc, are we arc urltblc, iully, to 1 ndcs 1 in llio.field, without £-riidi£in*j or* portray. But when' fayls like that tf ul wo may safely predict/ 1 _ ■>. . , ~ i that the soul hern traitors will be re* MyHenry. being summoned, before the . H aico ,l to .obedience to the a' Grand Jury of. the.U filled States Ifis- !nllt h shorter-time than can be! imag- 1 incis.Court in Indiana .recently, 'loaned. - ; 1 I I testify in a causein 'referbnee to life ; But let those tra'tors wlioyunder j - . ... . . ■ is■ . r • ; the pretence 0. wanting peace, are] organization; and refuted, to uo so on' .I. , 'j.:; , » n ’ • ■ i reposing the srovcuyneiit in-it* euorts the ground that n-c cou.duol, C) . u h ~,u ; |W>< n bellioit and jieatoic] criminating himself of Tfoason, against; the Utinm. be. cautious.i.i!;lbifiii move- 1 tlxe United States 'Government.we ineiit. the peopleiit: borne, , iaav read! iy, infer I hat i n secret con- : npr our brave n.cn in the tltwiibs wUI; , ‘ ... 1 \ , .1 * nine!; longer tolerate such miserable clave they arc plottrng .the overthrow* fl of this Union—else why...would an| w ', 1 ' avowed member claim the eonslita-1 lional privilege of not answering as a witness in Court upon the ground that ; no one'is bound to ctjitninate.kHiiseif.!' ■ But 'Rebel 'sympathisers say ./there is , no such Order ainbiigst its i.y the; Xorih.’whe.n' it has- licet. 'satisfactorily ascertained that a branch i f.the iden tical fraternity. nteets in tl.e/Caphal of our own*Stato ! j every Thursday ' nisrht, where documents 'Af a ■treu«<»ii'-. able nature are frank ! ed. directed, and son|- abroad by. members” representin'g. ' the, party that prates about military. ■ .despotism, apd 'denounces' the admin dstralipn as abolition ait i _Black ile .publicann Whatthen-- tbii.k yen ■>’ of - tbese Golden ■ Knights, when ilicv have bccnTicard to declare, lha,t unless Jtheir numbers were greatly / increased,, tbe Order .and the. in-mo craticlparty would be rained.'! Is-this, the language.'that;, should swell tip! from every patriotic, American hearts j • ■ris it not rathcrl the sentiment of that traitorous portion of the modern Democracy, who, in connection with the ,Southern Confederacy Jeff. Davis,- their master, fit re cnlployiug fitis secret Orjicr under the mild name . <.f 'Golden Cirelc, s as an infernal ma i. eb.inc for the destruction ofOur.Gov -eminent. Should ‘men,' possessed of I sufch , demon-like spirit be suffered, cron • within, our own hearing, to de clare that if they hjad to takeup arms in defense of our ■ own country, the first they would shoot down would be the Chjef Magistrate of tbis nation. ’ '.Docs the Deiaocratie party sanction the principles of this Order ? It they ■" ido not, then they have committed mistakes in the selection of representatives from some- of the tricls of Pennsylvania. : ■! ' . , j Oration by Judge Agnew.—Wc understand that a legislative i invita-' uqn will shortly be ■ tendered to Judj’e Agnew. of the Butler, Beaver and Lawrence Judicial (listriift,- to re- peal beforfe the minibeisGi iheLcgis-l * .Mature, at an early day. his oration on | j the ‘‘Adaptation f of the Constitution ' |to the,suppression of the Bebellion.’' V MHThe Judge first delivered the oration , . ‘at New Castle, Lawrence county,and is pronounced by those who had llfvpleas ' nte-b* dicunng it; as one of jlhoT most masterly defences of the Cohsiitniion, ] and Vindication of the laps’* that has beeohmade sihbo the commencement sif the roballion:— Tell - r. T apt too many enemies of the government,' in plain terms, traitor?, have crept in to command. This evil is being rapidly remedied. Many whoso pratnotism has been doubted, and who; have done groat injury to our cause, have bee nre* moved or forced to■ resign,' and | large numbers more will share the same fate- The administration has determined that hone but brave and patriotic men shall in future have any command in. our armies. . j - j . T; President Linc6li| than whom a ibguTuK Legislature i(,f Tenjnsylva- j 1 i.iSrh-.is at length oorisaninvaUjd the out I rage with \viiic!i' it has for sojinetinje threatened the jreople of .Beaiycr couii t.y, by ll'.e passage ol tbc billlo|ehangc 1 Uio ■Jenne in (he ease of t lie Common- j wealth cs. ?drs. ~ Ilai kei. [ct. oh Both | Houses-havc/br largo major itics, pass- j 'Oil iiio bill against the protest of the I Senator* and ltepK < $entolh'(sr from j ibis IdslrietV ami (be almost; unam-1 mous wishes ot its- people. not. at tliL-Vimo of writing, been in-i Tmnned whether it lias received tbo ; sViialnre of the Governor; butfas tbeJ .w [ : j bill has boon returned mice, and pass-1 ! ca ii second tiiv.c, (lie Executive would* j pciHiaps, bo diverging from the line of Ids '4,nty did bo again interpose bis ! veUnßuid we- neither asR nor 'expect him to do so. lie-‘.lias dlic thanks of: • „ :-r j | 'onr people the' promptness (and; ; thinness, with' \vhiel,v he quashed itbcj artfully penned as it was, to fa-, j vor the escape of 1 the persons indicted, jand defeat the ends, of justice.; j The case goes to. Washington coun ty for trial, and wo sincerely! trust | that the impartial justice wllf be met !ed out to the defendants tqerq which (• their friends falsely afteged they could i not receive at the hands of the courts [and juries'of Beaver.; i . - lj^.Capt. John ,W. Hagupi of this countv, ’ commanding Co. I, ,134th Edg. V.,has, we are glad to learn, recovered sufficiently from his wounds to bo able to rejoin his command. The company was recruited | at Ehon Val ley and Darlington, and is , composed largely of citizens of this county.— Being the loft flank company of the regiment, it was particularly! exposed to the fire p£ tllo enemy at| Freder icksburg, fought bravely and lost one half the.raen : taken into action. The Ist Lieut., Hugh Barnes, dp’DarUng lon, was killed; Capt. Hagaci was shot through the body, aid was at first supposed to bo mortally wounded.— Scrg’ls J. T. W. M’Guno andT. J. M.’- Carter of tlie same company have re turned'lo their homes disc barged,being completely broken down by [the hard ships kpd exposures of thb 'present campuigtv Sergt. M'Cine’, wo are itifornojea,*' is recovering his health, but MiOarter is lying in a critical con dition iathis,residences .Both' distin guished fhomselye# at Fredericksburg by their bravery. ‘ i’ INTERVENTION 'f- ! I t With the arrival of every dispaltjh from Washington,' we have the excit ing news that England -or .France, or both, have determined to interpone their power" to stop to our la mcninbio and disastrous civil war, but, fortunate ly, jby the next arrival, or j poor, after, we receive news that ■ the reports of intervention are with out foundation, and again the people, or] at least the loyal portion of our citizens, again breathe freely. • : We an perfectly aware, as we have shown to our readers in various arti cles upon the subject, that the aristo cracy in 'England, ‘ with a few‘honor able exceptions,-are in favor of a re cognition 6f this miserable abortion called Southern Confederacy,” anti arexontinnally using their gov ernment to put an end to the civil war.- They do more; they giye countenance -'dor tojfhe traitors who reside in and circulate most disgraceful falsehoods in relation to the Govern ment of the'Uni ted States, and they furnish means ifrom their confers to "traitors to supply them yrith the means of breaking down our free in institutions. The government ofEng }and lids Msfendd too much to the cla mor of these" nobles and purse-proud," aristocrats. They have done so until a feeling ot bitter hostility ;has been created amongsour people. But, for tunately, a reaction hap produced. The middle and lower classes of the people of England haVe discovered thejlrno condition of affair's here, and aroused themselves to meet tlieir lordly oppressors, and give the full weight and 'power of their influ ence in favor oif 'free government. Jpn the one band: it is evident that the no bles and aristocracy are determined, as far as they eo nlrol affairs, to crush out the liberties’ of the people in I all lands | where -they enjoy , the, rights whichjGod hasgivon them, but which restrain or limit their desire tb mid over beings they are accustomed to consider as their inferiors; whilst uion the other the great masses of the peo ple arc (determined not, to be conti oll etl any : longer by those who by 'hered itary right have assumed to Iran pie upon them., The resolve , has been announced to the world that the ago of despotism and tyranny is pas i' jThe down-trodden ■ people of Eut I are no : hjingdij to be treated as in j ora, but will ere long show their •Hcrraination to stand by only free jtiohs upon the earth. They k } well that if the slavcholding traitors j of; the United SlaCCs> and the despotic .and unprincipled aristocracy nthirmei *'sucee|:<i in their hellish schemes of stroyiaig this, the best human govjt irient Jthat ever existed, the hop tliie millions in the old _world. i longing for tli® enjoj-mont of libi will be crushed out for ever. ] Meetings of the people arc t bold in'cyery| important city ar.d trict in England, to express the ’pathy Of people will government in its present trou land even In -the city of-Londi |a meeting l as been held in E Hall, which for number and res] bility, has never been equaled!! British Capital. \ In the districts where the. -atives are suffering for the neccssa. ' life inconsequence of their bcit pn ved of by the blocka Southern ports, they feel and. I expressed the strongest.. liqpes ! our goverrinient: may finally su j in crushing jout this most unrigl j rebellion. ''They arc willing to: I patiently ;rajther than sec the li, liberty and the hopes of sufferii manity forever extinguished. J\ it has been aroused which may tuaily terminate in the final over) of the classes which have for|> rics trampled with an iron licel upon the rights ol those who, by ijaturc, should be permitted to. enjoy all the happiness to which all men a:*c en titled. The English government mulst put a. stop .to the aid and comfort given by their people to the rebellion! No more" pirates mast bo built, armed and equipped jahd manned and sent . forth upon the high seas to prey upon our commerc|!. Thoy,mustact in good faith -with our government, or they rohy experience trouble *at bomb, foi^ I the grfiA|'masses of the Erigl sh are right,, and arc now becoming!acquaint ed.with the true condition ,pf affairs. They ( caunot.be longer biiiided to their interest, or to their righti, by an which has tiampled uppiKtheir; rights of mankind- I In our next wo .will spy- something further,and shall give ou r'vie ws brief ly, as to the course’ of Frunceorrath or ot Napoleon the Third. ColcmbcS, 0., March 4. torial office of the Crisis 'vas mo,i night by soldier*!. The co| rooms otVthe same publication other building, were left undil General Cooper gas called military force under bis oonu tetters order. r | Southern Opinion of Northern! t Ve ihe following from the Peace-makers. 'I smile* We commend thefbl.owWpfeeions V«. ,by J- Charn^- diFcomn o„ MpLtib* <■* U' I ”’'* '!* '"Vi J j . . r , -. tj.l i Battery, Let ft be read. It corres commonly known, the “copperhead*, " , J' j. to tlie attention nndoonaidtration pf. pond, JOlk..»W. «•* “ W "t ’« <l.o ftw in on, town nnd conntj «lo notclnlkcd «>*••?•=] disgrace themselves, and the county. Northern Traitors, by allowing a wHlingricaß to eat dirt,< Thai classof inftn at tlie who or do any dirty net to promote the are crying the irretrievably . / ■ .. . rinnet'—it i« no use hghling any long success of tranors, wrhodespmcr | ilohlieJihb demoralized and and their meamiesa.j The Kichmond jjj ge ouraged—tlie|lSouth is tool strong Inquirer speaks in these compliments-1 f or us and will surely secure her inde-' ry terms: ‘-Wp presume they (the (pendencc —wo toid yon so loiig ago, peace makers) will he told that the and ]f you had lak-en our ndvice you 4 •,. ■ , - , r A , • Ait would nave saved.tho country much first thing they have to do, is to cal andtreasuije. are raising no back theirforces to their own country, howl, but their old one slightly that then we willibe willing to mi|ke varied ito meet their present xvishes. treaties with them; but as to a union These isserlipns.lj like fill others They with the confederacy under the Old have oyer uttered in rogard i „ ! * ■ .A-, nl affairs, 1 are idp base lies, and the Flag, or any other, they come two of :. should r<k#ve a years too late. Two years and an; a- brand that will sho w them in |llicir I byss of horor w.d hatred, and the true character. |j Those who have i blood of our slaughtered brothers ejrjt- made inquiry and found but that, al ing from the ground, all prohibits tbht most eveyy case; these men are de-: mg m.ra rue g.uuuu, » y - ecendants 1 of revolutionary tones, impious Union. If they .repudiate W ,n not be astonished at their hatred the debt they have cheated,.abandon tobur free institutions aiid their per thc government they have established sistent efforls to destroy them. Where: and recant tho'vowa and pledges, ’and in - they most exceed their fathers in -. j •» —« i ■ar»«»,oii u,.i,n, m meanness is in'-trying claim a name ?at dirt it is well. ; We shall be charm- e feflBeB j uB t > tll^oppOHito course ed. The movement will suit us per- ot >act -|* ol , fi- o m[]lbeirs. A >olf m fectly.- Andlnlthpngh wo shall notes- sheep’s clothing,br the devil in the ! actly respect! the authors it that af- garb of an angelpbl light is no greatey fair, jet wc shall not be 1 ! unwilling to hypocrite than one ol these traitors , i •<!, .u ... „„ „„iv „ under the name bf democrat, trade with ihom-holdmg our nos*? « l„ the first place they are the au T ; little— to show them all suitable jhors of ,the .war. By claiming | tbatj civilities —but at Safe distance.”:* we ought tr if tile South rebelled, they eiicoutagcd her to be lieve that wo would do. nothing They kept us dbihg nothing just as long as possible,(bud all this time-she gained strength: I'. They have been strengthening Tier-hands'. juver since, giving her aid nhd comfort in every stay they could [devise. They are - far more dishonest titan the SouUi. The South says openly they are bej friends, 1 while they seek to dehy it. Her] press mebtions with exultancy ns un tiring allies'the Woods of New York, j Yallundigharn bf Ohio, SauUbury of ! Delaware, 1 ' rhe Indiana legislature, and all of their J class. If these’ men; had the least spark of shame left they would Crawl - awsiy where theTighl of day might revet’ full on'them again. Claimed as friend&.by a pack of v.iiliuns, 'who, educated i jtd higtily; favored hv wHoit themselves declared to he the heslNgoverumei t the world ever saw I rise iip\and try to destroy it .the ’ ni«>- j ment i liW can licit, hold it litidis i pitted eonfKol. (To have letn claimed i as li icnils itiiliiic, J Mas Iscariot. iSenciict Arnhkl. Or even, the devil ho honc.'iitble nesitle litis. Lvc-.j rv soidier. estibinsv himself .insulted 1 when he is told jllinl he is. cjiseohi aged j lin his eom.itvy’:|. eausce\Hb]■ can see! '.that in expelling armed\eliels front i , Kentucky and Missouri aturferge jior- 1 lions of every Other State they aro-j| attempting to (told, wo ac«>m-jj jili.-hed a grca lboal. .In. this region,: 'Afhero the caitfpiHgnis .looked. as failure!, and jwhero, to a great ex tent, it-wjns, wc call very scnsihlj’ ci.s-: emu the namnying down of’rebel do| m)nion 1 , : ' • ‘ < Less llrttn aijyear ago we stood ho side Fortress licinroe and saw guns nsaitn.eil ihy, reluis that eoiihi tljirow ilteir si u|‘lls (<>;! that place. .2Cotjr--;no aimed rehel eat. approach wil.liiii. loi’r ty nnlesj.of tjjc; sj ot : lii litis wa) has 11.0 girdle all akutnd them heed tightened, and jhc can sec that'at ihts rate the.y will linallj’ ho crashed' and take however long iand cost, however inuedi, it |mnsl Jho dpno. 'i. I , If 'instead' of! saying w.e were,- -diSs . eouiaged in tl o eaitso of our country. | they would wc - were disgusU|d }and enraged kit meanness, they [would for oiieo speak truth. The [ mystery of mysteries to tlifit ! claiming to think li?e North' i|p nycsUt i laud weak, ahd the South sp.,upright land strong, tjhey do not go J South.|y [We would not stay one honjr with j u vile crew, wh'en 'we had noble friends, with g|onous prospoets lb take us i° their homes and heart: : *lf [ , 1 It ( would please us to see the gov ernment siezolthese traitors and give lheni| ! n of .twb, alternutiveii: either go out und fight under our glo rious | | banner \or take passage lor Dixie. 1 We can flog. Jeff and hjs minions, reinforced by all these if they will only come out in their true ! character. ■lt is usual to attend to an eticiny, in the renrfirst nnd we hope these may not be neglected, f, j “Copperhead” that drags his slimy land disgusting length about the Star office,and protends to editthut K, belches forth in a fearful tirade use of ua in his last issuq. But we cannot afford to sacrifice our self respect by\roplying to an aitirle so low and so full of llack-i guardism perfomy characteristic how ever ef the “slangwbang” editor, (O. S. Lo ng). Ho says, “we ars not afraid of Jtiibrie." Bravb! ! wbo wants him to be afiaid 1 We might reply that imbrie is not afraid of him, although lio dbn’t, carry a pistol and threaten lo shoot-asT docs O. Bong ; neither does Tin, profess to be a bully nor boast Of his physical' strength. . Long need notj have troubled himself by saying. *‘wcj want nothing to do with him pntdiwl hj and politically,” for bo'knew, that wc had determined on that a long time ago—in fact we dre glad to siiry that wo never bad. We have i so.eiation with men sunk so low scale of moral and political dep.r -As for his not having anything rope x-ri 'tle-l inn 1 with us ht* m loo" weak torlflißt his Hpe'eics. in|i U)W | known liy tpc *?js,e of (fis cars uiul i Stftytngsr Teti !ilUiofi§k w« earm i ply lo Lite fouland stupid article ; ed we. find any " article attention >ve \vi [ let it pass no noticed;- A mi; will; do-; crn-i 10 of now rly. deterred by 0. S. .or. his ing correspondents tjf aec m.ili cing Kasiiville. plan'll G.-There jwaS; fighting all day* yesterday between Van Dorn's command and a teller a I ioiee ot three, regiments of injfahtry, about five hundred cavalry, andjonc battery, at Spfingvillc,, thirtce i iiiilcs I south of "Ifrankiin. Col IJol iiißoids i thyed regiments of infantry wire cut to or captured by tie! rebel forces. They fought desperately,, but I heir ammunition .became exhausted, . when they were, overpowered byi ; superior numbers, and either killed or ; captured. ' The cavalry and artillery ■ got otf safely. There are scvjcn »gj . incuts of b'cderals at that place.— i Van Dorn is reported to have eight- I teen thousand men in Ins eo min and. iv in- i our blcs c i >n,‘ a voter ocla ii the oper- ; icijof g dt '- li! Of have that cccecl Nasiivii.le, March 0. — Fijro icgi nieuls of infantry. <|p)'battery (18th Ohio)' yntli the Ninth Fcnnpjlvunia* aiid Second Michigan | Cavalry, all un der the command bf-Col. Coburn, of the Thifly-tihird Indiana advanced or. Spring Hi)l on the 4th Inert..j Several spirited' skirmishes occurred during tire day, our troops camping lour miles distant. Oh the sih the move rnent was renewed, the falling back, in.apparent disorder, oii Thomp son’s station. Here they suddenly opened on out men with three batte ries on oiftm-ent land'at, the same lime .appeared on each flank tn greatly superior force; J ! /The unequal conflict was maintain ed with great determination! and|hoa vy loss on both sides, but finully'j re sulted unfurtunatelj - to ppr troops, the !argest:jiart,oi the 33d Ih‘d , j9lb Mich.,’ 22d Wisconsin, and 85th Ind., with most of their commissioned |pffi cors, being captured. Oiiij artillerj’ and cavalry were successfully vyilh- The 12th. jOhiovwas out.] but ireturhed without Itoss. , j J' All quiet to-day : ’The rebels , haye Ittllon 'back. Their force was infantry with heavier artillery than we nad. „ Gen. Gilbert's non acliohin failing tp reinforce Coburn is remanded ;by. officers and men., i || ;eoiiB suffer ;hi of ig hu- spir- even tfirow ueni.n- Washington, March 6.-— From the; Richmond Examiner of (Monday:—] Savannah, February 28. The atcain’dr. j Nashvillejn coming up the Opecpho j .river, grounded' on the nijiul -biir bo-. tore Fori il'AHister, and i\vuh djscov:| cred by ibo Yankee fleet j'. A Yankee" iron el ad opened fire ntriiss the inarsb : at the Nashville at liali-p&ol (‘even ; o’clbck, and cofitmued [it until ton 1 fan incendiary fbell; : attack and #et her on | jfiro, and [shefiMtow a tola 1 wreek.-r 1 ‘The Fort fired open the Yankee, anil i hit her twice. The other gunboat of j the fleet fired updk the fort, but ( did 106 dattagfe. ■' ■Jv ~ ■ r ■ho edi >bbed to-; jnposing n, in ah- j ilalurbcd. ; thoJ no to] that no as ;in the I r. ' . uvity. to do uni is i- , • ay -tie jlyXis not re lalliul n the i?) n<>c iiol Ini lllifVr To Commute Punishment.'— Mr. Penny introduced in the State Senate, on | inst.j a bill to authorize the Governor to commute: the, penalty of death in certain eases to a specific term of imprisonment. The bill pro vides that the Governor shall have power to commute to' imprisonment iu the penitentiary of the proper dis trict, lor such term as he shall deem expedient, not less thanf four yearij, the sentence of any personj imdef sentence [death at the) termiitatibn of; the terih of office of any preceding Governor, such time, fto which the sentence may he commuted, to.be computed from thptime that sentence of death was passed upon such per son I_J_ - ■ . ■■i:| JNew; York,’ March 6'— Johni An'j- ihg v tfibii, an crhumnVla\vycr|df Inis city, * (iioil tb-dajijj aged »(*Cifiy nino ycii.rM. dies i TlioliVe/Vl/i# Post/ says the steamer contj- Konhern Light, which ■ arrived j at lion - lias piirt tojijay from I Aspin'yall. has dress chased oh |l]uesday morning.' oti'U.l u iy b-j cbiisl.of Florida, by a priopellor steam-j aid <i l er .which, jwhch first scon, raiscjjj aclear’ ; signal oi -dililrciis; but she j were |ly gave chase to the Sorthcjn Light, i.ainl Co'hiinued it until a Cfiitcd Si Ute«-i od ot i war vessel |!hovo in sight. 'Some of < jutali l.tho officers! -of the Jidrthcrn Light|agaii Idec-lindd td! admit that i|t yvas possible j inst-, {‘that the veWcl ivas A privateer. "T On 1 A letter Jrpm Cairo, dated 3d inst., (mentions a rumor that the whole ol |pMthr’» flbfet baS thn by VlckatmrgJ ) Meeting, i i PBINOB. Mur. 3. 'JS3. ' . • ■ j ' i■■ iregions notice n ntirn of Hanover Ip., Ben- Putill TORT £ izens ■ £lliN. V Agrcea ter |of cit yer.coL, Ilahovef tp.;! Washington jco., andf indleytp..; Allegheny, co. I met in the; XJoilyd PsesLyteriah Cbkrch in Frankfort, for the purpose ot far ing irom j cit-ons who have .visited the army | hospitals, of flie wants* of the sick and wounded soldiers,, and yon- Suiting wi ih refcronceio seiiding such aid ustiie • Government'seenis-unable [o'furnish. reading tluv 18lh chapter ol Rome,' hy Bev. Run tor and prayer kjv,.Rev| Purdy, the tiiecting ivas[oigaif zed h|y electing Jho.iPrpuil fit, Esq., chairman, and T. C. parbth- Crs.l eecre aryr. [On motion persons present;' v ho have visited the ai:my hospitals werefcalled upon to give iuch ih for put ion: ns they could with feltTcnte ;p t sick knd wduridedi'sol dietjs ; thi’; following gentlemen I ro-' sponded, iDr. John Rev-, ;Boyte Thomas Purdy and 'Johln Purdy. Returned soldiers pres ent] who have been discharged on ale* Count of sickness, were tailed upon, and Jas, Proudtit responded- .The following WcrdJnamed as the principal things that may be done by the people kt home to aid the soldiers. i j Ist- By holding meetings, passing iresolutions, writing, letters, &e.„ i-on yir.ee them that ' we- believe they are right, that their eansc' is good, and: that they mil be sustained < t . [ j 2nd. Frequent visits' from their, fricndsyaiid frpni persons sent td in quire; into ; their wants, having | the mearts, to supply such a® may, from, [their [nature, be jbeydbd the ijeach of '’Government. ; ! Sd.pCascs of ids; who are ui to remain so, at been' unable to' soldiers in ihej hospit-. i fit fmvdnty'and likely vtid who 1 , thus far, have procure discharges on feet or inefficiency of ge, should lie .brought ige ot' th e Govern merit, ould not allc.vv niinur opinion, party - polities, sc, to pruvept us from man, in sustaining oiw d otuj'army uniil rebel right ina i ntai n ejl ij ali d account of rcj tofficers in char, to the knowledj 4ili. We sin differences oto: or any thing <*:■ uniting, a!s oi c government ai lion is cr.ushclj, peace;.rcsi:oroa It was -t-ilce diersjire; cnl, 'that the article pituls should hi some cm .who are salely deli! cles ever reac' in this way ?by the returned Sul liiit it is afl Ujiit Y'./ furnished f'orjlhe iios )c the ha)l Is of. o would see til at the;,:’ rerea. as lint if ,-W iarti ■ the soldiers ui less; sent a foiii'niiltovj el : Ei’wcc D. 1).. ell and .Dr. [it d on resolution? ; i] t lie tbjllfiyvind IMic .present' lie loyal slnies I le acts', Isiich; a and arsenals liiiidmont oi: F dy'-oiir whole .‘xi-cpUoi s-. as a dedf. by any fail lent*:-; and vvlierea; is tl e purpose ol' ii iroiv oni’ i’recdenvifcr ml creel a vast i inpi alrieim Slavery,t|s tune liereof. There ■’(/, Ist. ThaVUieiTl liven iinent transmit i [millers', under whirl Ktuipily, must be jin Thali. the rebellion . On n;.u of Jicv's Bovin - , C uppi 'rnilt.vo re ijior im| < I inlet l)01 J lt -WIIKB ‘foiwd u (Ml tl l(Ost IV* s,' lllilll ])l lew avii !~c ri *.-s of ■furls, m idler tin; ter, :\ci(c with but licit' to be o ruble i unci still to ovenl liilion.ii VJ.I ('ll ner * jioh ooudXb Jiy’f.url i lived so 1 2lid. ! iiiid nl u rtfushcii j solute a | uiul t,lia ! rulers a .it i it AV: li (lilt j [>oUmle |io>c cv they till VC. < hut I 3d - ' J in this force 01 fTIC ' ill mi.se ; t cut coinpro vast ex of the lias prcjvailV i'oi liiai y an olignrcliv nate ihknibh ' 4th. That and liberties dren; we i.r Government, soldieri ? in ib< do, so by bur and in pverjy sth; of eve -y mi leading] his ... prayer for constituted, a. ..lonues.unu ... for!oaf vast army in thc|tield. J _ .1 ilK , ci)J . es yi R : liV«" ?. r ; 6th. Thsit two persons op appointed df .. o kl Joe, tTrfcht in, ■ in pact sol 00l district, to soli “fr n -tTO' tributions lor the benefit of the Bo| - y ‘, lt 7 t i s imitinir mobs to adviscXho t • I to reiisl thosecession | 7th. That l)r. Jphn McjCarj-ell, Pr-f ,;U; lhcl i , traitors-, .It might as\ M. ta'vreiie'e, Messrs. Alex. Aten, Jits; -. that the Northern NelsOr, Kbbt. liarsha, Rich. JJonahb - fnliist-’sk'l’ slioj-t.pf the, son’, Juo. Duhcln, Jnd. Miller; he killed• tK*o.irse,, And. Caldwell,’be a central eoniniiucy'| '.■ ■ t ,.|k treasonfVlr a wliino wuh. t!o apr[iopriate the contributions : s c‘j Vn i llU iirty, iiiiljvt them ..I 110 ' taiiieu, and secure the services ot ;/ 0 -; ' n [|[ dr. ’and' ttw.yv.wi’d rijn minister, and one pious] liiylv.au,. .Theie. wdl; I'b*;-'."' visit llio sick in the hospitalsvlnmh :l> uitaccahKp^vc.e^fi'mv;'/ 1 . minister tb their leinporhland spiritual 7 nfei: TlnWoi w-lm ,a're 'f'.’V wants.; ■t . ■ , ■ : ihg:thc. nmU-rnu,^: _;8lli. That the Secretary be||rcqncsl-y "' 7 ' J , .are ■.. either. .V.tciiV., ed to furnish a. copy of th ( o ” . f j- \vlfal iheyrare .talsia* -»s, the ineoting foiS miblk-utipn in. ibo ‘ tlu-v iiib:uv <*cni - v v:i»' : , Z) 1 ';- r, pci's cf BiaveryWashiiiglot pnd *thave it, if they Insist, up l '' l ' ’’ Jeghcpy counties. ' • j ; ■, t! o dmibt ahoutrthat:•' ■j : : : Alter seme d isini sstoi >, an(J|> amend «j , s ; , mcht of resolution 2nd, fe| asito make,; - ,Varr'i3..via.'Pair.V it: lead as above writtei ,Uhe resolu-j _ My.i ■■ - ;,i ;l - AV y.., capnn';-! 1 . lions werb adopted without !4disscini ; Ihr y.n ' h-.H i--'t is i istrnctcd to appoipl if oin*-'. byl'< f l' 1 " 1 ,-. |f j. Wl pVhtav.-.tlm ~h school -dis,trim; t;o solicit, rmidv,ed V* • • ■ J ,!,s - U as prbvldb.lif.rr if t^olif: hi n-mb 1 j* ' I V Va rrur.ff«; t The mecioig wasllbeti f ad- ; ,-c.o' cictl «n; c t .-.j i^i . l |,i,ait'- am, oiio. j, • . *■ i • ti... Miml*IhO ween tae .ni'si- m i., , »y Rev. CsimpbclhandoimMii; [h <■' M ■ |l - ( , o J; . is Un'*>"' d is patriots and chnstiaiil 10 L:|U > .'. ‘ j t "*• d\i and -nbu .ded soldiers . but svatbr.has mt > U , oii. fed. m«t. Some remarks- ' { "' do by Rev’s, ilniiter: ai d , •iflW'-i-of *]* St.b relereiieciotlie bhst nicthyilogs n . f v*.., i.ling coiiliibniiOiis tt> rbc jaw-.j gUini.n f ‘ - ( ( On million agreed j .to nic. t|diui m • expecta'''’ / this lionse, on Tuo'tlay. ulst ..■ surpass J ;.„ r „'t ve i’ 1 '"]:-, I. bo hour of 1 l.o.clm*, a. niy ; its pu -jf •r. - hvnli.."’ : fr 1 1 .■ : ■ 1 ■ ; -I . - jbngi ll CUj •bull ijili.l fd b| f l / a ' ! ben i in at 1 me tev. *>y ;'[t. o. Bai lilting j;c)©; ■}' , . Uabiusbcrg, ilar. c, IfcCE. Mb. Editor Si n*o my ]*t-t the Legislature bad an excureion to-Scr«n. ton. How ninch f LiswiH add to- tbe / intercuts of fitbeir constitact)ti> per- • blips I Fathdf jff iikefceld’b coromUlee could decide.' l - -j * ■ . ,r ~ °i local interest to, your : people bas been done this week. -. Mr. Kane, of Fayette,yyour [extra- • member -has made u demonstration^, hgainst thhHonongahcla Bridge Coni * v Sand the-Steubeiivilld Rail ' Hotel n „• gel He bad-bills repcrted giviiitF I a constructions td the act uiuhorizinti | tbe el ection .of said Bridget. No one- 1 } before this -Solon - appeared im tbe ’ 1 stage, c%'er> knew-theJrn'e “intciu aiiil " , htgianiiig” of those He [should, add another see -ion to his'Pittsburg •billi, staling that jti i=4 tlits:■-true - rnd theaniiig-’of the- Gjovei nmeni of , the. Universe jthathiip storm shall p rc ' • | Vail whilst a xgnil-boat is "descendin,r < j tho'Oiiio rivci* o ’ . - • , i There is much ignorance aiid [no- I little -demagogueism on thtfgdbjeet’ of i over : ; navigable-•; stream?. ' j his world was made -for .Cadjsar ami : i j for-'i Pdmpoy. too,!’ L Kahl and his | school seem to ithink .ft was- made ‘ ■ i solely for Caesar. . ! \V’hi)st it is epneed led tliatrthd Mooongahela tyer -isia; riaSigablo(dreary ah| fink, V th(S Public bavcl a right, to use the Same, it should not he forgbtten that 1 the people on both- sides pt it have an e.q'ual right, to cross it These rights are Vnulual and equal. I have no doubt ‘: i tligt thousands, cross’thetMonongahela j Bri'dge;for evciy,i,ri(lividual who pasty ! os? in boats 'trader it. 1 I,"have .been i told by Westerm men also that only; j " •seven coal boats have been , injured, ,| - |by passing under | said Bridges-sinc-e j . ipticrecihoi; 5 / .'/ •" .tv i -- Jf these are facts whai an. on; rage - ' Vjpes Ka.ne.Vl.ull propose. 'He wains the ! Bridge elevated liii/lin; ilium the ind i floor q£ thq. Hods,:: Tne ’ ' people'(>f-Pittsbin-g. with a .wain -of' 'V [foresight, ,which i was , asiou'lsiihig. 1. ; made desperate opposiiion ■\" t tiiCr Stale's expense, id the’ercen ur of- the i Wficoling Bridge. ■ ■•Cliickens r.'ine • j i home ,to roost, v soii-u-mnes.. J ■ Sonie;cnnn|ng- :flraj>s ‘liaw'e. b/igglif •. :v -lUe'interest of, certain p.tVtv.,,. h.eirs ■of Stephen GirarJ..lec’f Toi y'tav.nha.l -, .'a 'decision in rbe l Uka-i- a-i-i - i.-.- .1 , eifjy of Phil^flpfi;i : a-i)|. fiJ-v.ii p ; ..p- '.[■.'• ■' erty in the' coal ivo; wy h.-.inc.uhi.a'l- i tn. hby said 11. e.- ~, ■ -'.I ..1 | The jWarlics ;K ..blit fhls CiisO S<’e limP tin; Barkov, . ivf.o v..,10-111. ill h- - ’.oppose- ,'thh l ; l }i.i [course:- -Philadc. ; much ’tU-vatCii a[ ' that’ iniciVsi, alVij -was ■ proposed to i. Pittsburg.. As. these iw o eiiios have been, so long in a slate . ! !ov . hanin - i.V.iimi inutuai dmi satioi’-, '• be, i.uid hav.e.no’etlcci csp,-cj:ii;y s: i hos." \Vil‘daliis..w<iiilil : -.)pp'-ar tor the <;ia'm ,anls'. lie.’has sard so .\oa-y ' ' -. tiings li ii. praise hit 1. c to-.: I .!'/, .■ cy •tIA t-.he .‘e.oiild -he fa?eh- Vr:',; - , On v.’c’il IK-s.'iaj- \-i i- g■■■:•'i ■ | a- 1 s’tcuri cd i ti- 11 1 ■ •: jl 'ills.- ■ I-jo- t.ya i.’U no iti* ’*.■ f iaohi tv -. ojlijS_' : " >: - -i-Xci.c.' .and 1 pji.'ll -. n‘ i\-‘[-d li’-On'g^a ; c. u'sing swell ug!v|[wor 1-.. US ■ ,'y au.d So’, till- ild lire ,ln>' , a:-- aiiv-ajndogy to-|the ilouse w - grossly iosultyd. I ; ] * ■ siMiae ill liter kii‘i ell. L'oin- 1 was a loti” niji/.ii'ji nil wa- i {Sum H’i' 0 - i aaiiiiii v ai.il I :<>11 ii.j was, lie rhheU ■rth'ih l^l ' | ife ih'nnd j the (thief | iorcl iiiiiii and ' ed jlo, usj i wij have ; linmined. ■ ‘tfuisl. ; .he; I ■K.- • >." bf 'l' * ; I\t a I i \\«*l \ \ v.‘ r' <. m< s \' f :ni vofa; ',h-- laUri’ ii'eK . Ali l ::: I ■!, llllkif a';',. oils : It, love olip-j" ets liitan. .i > take iiie , „I) NE til MI-|U'll’l ii'i :i {no— i! ,t.l i to —.l -V^ 1 ' n. jter tU-.u. TilW i jHi-fy.. IJtith i-sc ui Itlu-’ fivt. ••■■■■The', Tin li>K-n ifr;Us ; itucl' lil I iVClftlllT !j t IVv.* ’ n ;i in l* a (•MM'ni.c.o ,smi %v:tlk' t - a jjood ' Noi tiiorn ■£urtl. ,l is ijiretty' j j A. 15. C. ♦jj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers