V ' V'' 'Sf- : V “VANITY FAIR.” ~Jg ' “This iAlhc first really clever, comic and . satirical we- hare , had in America— ' and really clever it is, t Itiajboth sharpand , gooJ-( einpered, and not afraid to say that iu J soul is 113 own-which shows that it has a aouL iliOnr will he glad to know where - fhey can find native fun that has something ; . tetter, in it than mere paloit."—Atlantic' Monthly' - v . , “This paper is excellent.; .. . Remarkable for originality.”—Jf. IT. Traveller. -v _“Vaxity Fant is conducted by 4 vivacious,’ .'“Witty and 'intelligent corps of journalist.”— JAtei/Uld (Conn!) Enquirer. “Will wield as potent an influence its that of London Punoh.''—Boston Traveller. I .“Whosoever finds himself laughing at the wit ofrVaxiiy- Fain, and does not -return! a quid pm quoi is fit for ‘treason, and spoils.’”*— iv. J' Crayon. / . r ■ SPECIAL NOTICE. . The very marked and flattering success which has thps far attended the? publication of ;>A. , ‘ ' “Vaxnr ; Faib,” Enables the publisher, to announce that with ' l|ya Gommgpcement of the Second Volume,, is sued this^ay,.3oth June,New Features, both Literary and Artistic, will be introduced, which ’ will increase the ralue and interest of the pa per, and'fully maintain the proud position 1 unanimously accorded to_it, as the leading Comic Journal of America. I Eli 1 ‘i. ? VANITY FAIR . IS IRBCEII Br.QUtAELT IEVEBf JTHtESDAT. . and is for Sale j>y all Newsmen, and at the ' Office of' Publication, No 118 Nassau-street,- . New York. • i ■ ~ j TERMS: -a. Three dollars -per annum, in fuivance—Six cents single copy, . ; 1/ TERMS FOR QLUBS Two copies of. Vanity Fair will be sent to one address for...i,r. $5 00 : Fire copies...’. ....IS' OO f : - Ten c0pie5....... ..’...20 00 ■ An Extra copy will be aliSwed to tiiegcttcr -IUP ot-yenriCtebl Bf-qpt less tßim five copies. This paper is Electrptyped, and numbers ' may be procured,at any time. I ' .. LOIJIS H. STEPHENS, % Publisher for the Prepfiefors/IIS ’ ■- ' • j Ncw-Vork. Office of JAI COORB4 . s ' SUBSCRIPTION AGENT, At jJAY COOKE i iCO., ' Banker^ - HO SOUTH THIRt STREET. .' r .- ;Philadelphia,.Nov. 1,1802. TIIHE undersigned, having-Been appointed JL SUIiSRIII PITOX AGENT by the Sccreta? ry of the is now prepared to fur nish, at onceTthe i • , ; " pTttb. Ticeniy Year i~psr' '%t' Bmtds. °, f th j. Slates, designated as “Fivc- Tweniies,;’, rcdeehiable at (he pleasure. of the 1 ,QTe lf ln ‘ c nl. after ami authorized o>" Aft of Congress, approved February 25, ■ ~T -- ! , COUPON 130NDS arc issued in sums of spO; £lOO S50&j$1000: . | . REGISTER BONDS in sums'. of $6O • Interest at Six -pci cent; per anmun will : commence from date of is PAYABLE Ilf GOLD, jSoei!-Annually, which is cqftal,- at the present 1 pri'iuiußv.on gold, to aboiitEIGHT PERCENT. PER ANNUM* , • ■ . J harmors,. Mechanics, Capitalists; and ail who have any money 'to invest, should •' h’tmw and remenibcr that these’ Bonds arc in effect, a FIRST MORTGAGE upon all- Rail roads, ’ Canals.rßank Stocks and Securities, and the immense products of all the Mnhyrfflc tuies, i’c,, &?j. in the .country,- ah'ifc'rhe full and.ample provision made tor the payment of the interest jand liquidation of principal, by GustpmS Duties, JTkcise ■'Stamps arid Internal 11 c venue, serves t o make these Bonds the. ~ ‘'’t• dfost ,-l riiiltihh' and dMcst'- Popular ’ f the Market. 1 &ibecr : - 's sece-- MI OAU)sc*ipiions PAR m Legal Ton- Qr notes -lancfthccfe of* banks at • ' li ,sr, .|n Philadelphia. , Subscribers by ihailwUl receive and every. facility and explanation will bo afforded on applica tion at thiynffice.ji; .* *\ 6n|Bontls will be kept onhand • -for lUMfleuiate delivery.. • I ■ *JAV CUOKP, Subscription Agent, A Rare chance fpp a Good Investment* FOK S A t E STOCK AND '• PASTURES 'OF,A COUXTKV ■ STOKE,'in applied'’lioeaiion. with a - . r«“--° r - Cust.ojhi ifituate wiijiin iji e mi!e3 x.f .• tiiirc lor Fall niul Winter Ai . Trade _ Stock ,iowit 'pfestiit; no iinsalaUe ; Vo6ods.'- Terms casy, ; Fur £ man of limited capital, no better, chanee'coitld l;e offered.h— -: Store and dwelling hotese foi* Pale ior rent.i— ■Address “11. L.” Allegheny City. I’a.", giving .real name, aad: .where an interview tan be held. ■«. ‘ ! , Odt.lo iTOTIOIB. AARON* MQORK, ttfthig Borough is' t'Jje .only Licensed Auctioneek in this couii* L)* any-time, ready to perform the oflicc when notified. Any other . who attentpt sell at Auction, except at Ad ’ js ffele, doesit in riolatiou of law J he penaUy ip notdegg than $OO. ' Bca ver v Dec. 10,’02. s^travi CtAME lc?, ,the premises of tlie Subscriber, I in Chippewa Ip., about the Ist of July, a-lUnte liefer, 2 yearsjpd. . The' owner’is Requested, tdfeome forward, prove;property, pay .charge's - and take her away;;totlarwise she will be disposed of according tu«w.’ ;~ Au E.^l— -m- T HOjS, ppEJJf LET. f aVo.tice* ALL persons having iu'nscttieJ .account with me, or Smith & Collin*, within ihe H ■ 'wci'.ty.jears, for Carding, .Spanning, &c., f will please call at the Falls!on Woolen Factory ■ before the first of October, lS02;-and sctlle same by cash or note *’• jy16,’62, J. w. craft, COjIMISSICWi MERCHJIST, ¥ ’ No. 185 Liberty Street, - j>' > ’ PITTSBURGH, PA. for Pittsburgh Manufaitmi-d Goods, r-r.il C.ropcrus, promptly filled’wt' the Tory ow est prices, when accompanied with cash ran equivalent. „ sipl7:Sm. r :'V\ ? AXTEI> — IO -000 Bushels of Wheat, . ‘ . ,Lll-V “ 5,000 , - Bye. ■ ; ■.<f‘ -If f-®®® ‘J! Barley; ' L_. 6,000 “i Oats J Delved in Pittsburg, for which I«a kuthor - ! t ucU to pay llic. highest prices. A<ldreg* • M ■ ' -“f CRAFT. Liberty S(rte(. PitUiurS. . eepu Bm. / V' ) * * RAILROAD HOUSE, r , " ADAM JOHNSON", PRO’R ; XROCHpSTEB,JEsit’A. F3KKNITES, Scissorsv. Butn' Hair .Pins Purses, Port Monaies. Xecdles Tweezer,' Penetl-sharpencrt, Spool Cotton, Thread Puts, 4c:, for sale at the Drug Store of ’ 0.22. v dk,c,?>:tTmmk s . i : *• .v •; * , v rVt, .. • . - ' = ■ 1,-i . ... 1-. • I ‘ *4*. i _ Cr. .EXPENDITURES. By warrants issucddnringticyearonthefoliowingaco’ts,viK. Agricultural Society, per Act of Assembly, • - ■ $lOO 00 Appeals, expenses of, $ 21 68 , i ' Assessors’pay—Assessments, J -- dSO'SO '■■■[- •- . d ° , Military Bolls, i ; 183 75— ; !634 OS Auditors pay—John Stewart, . ; 84 60 I • „ ~do Wm. K. Boden, ' j 30 00 I l ' •do ■ Findley Anderson, ' ! ■ 34 60 J do Joseph Lcdlie, (State Auditor) 84 60— 439 60 Borrowed money, . . ’ ; 1,650 00 • : o-j t d 2v. interest-Paid,. • 4,763 26^-6,413*26 Bridges—building, . i 8,114 47 do repairing, ' • . - 1- . 78 62-3(188; 09 Commissioners pay—Samuel Lawrence, •" 390 00 1 do do -James Wilson, . \ 461 00 i do ' do Daniel B. Short, i ‘ 455 4)0 ! - do do WiHiam|Bam'es, 'r 70 00—1 876 00 Clerk to Commissioners, 'Richird H.. AgneW,!; i ’iso 00 Counsel to' _do ' 50 00 Commonwealth cases, ,▼!*:; .1. - i - ■ - >, - Clerk Quarter Sessions, fees, | 44 77'. i Constables’fees, I • 166 68 ■ i district Attorneys’fees, ; ; j 58 00 ; Boarding and washing; prisoners, i 228 77 Li Guard at Jail, $lOO 00; ironing 76c, 100 76 Jai)or£a fees, $l4 25; Justices’ feesy $l3 18, . - - 27 43 I . Jurors, boarding, of, - ; '-e, .jjg ()0 clothing, &c., f* i ,p'" 5 99 ' 1 Hewaid for arresting horse-thief, L '23 7° ■ I Sheriff’s fees, L 33 57 ■ do . conveying convicts to Penitentiary, 12 00 - i Witnesses’ fees, 1 712 40—1,630 08 : Coroner s fees, * } 64 45 > i *. a do Expenses of, “ ■]* 17 88;. i Jj j do P,<Jst mtirtem eiammotidns, Gtf 00 ‘ do Witnesses’fees, . 36.00 178 83 ■ j.. ; : $'14,060:19 Dr-i .JfkfiOAjir 5; 1863 s . J • ■ •! : . T. 6 am’t rcd.'d from late Treasurer, $7 508 07 “ •' “ \on unseated-land, prior to $ 240 72 ’ ' “ , “ of, collectors,, j.. “ ' . “ 'S,BCB 08 ' tii' ‘ ‘ ■!'°‘:. do inierest “ “ . 226 CO-10,43t5 00 ,ol tax-payers before Aug. 15t,1802, 19,509 01 i- • V of lax-payers before: Sept. Ist, 1802, ' 1,189 97 ■' of Collectors for 1862, • -■ • i 8,116 Bl of Jo poll tax, , . i c . | i 8 69 “of John Roberts, fines and Jury fees, ■ .. ! 160 57 of John Qpown, on bond for costs, . 10° 00 f S;Of discount,' i . [ ;i . ; |go -p “ WilsonJ for posts, : i ; iJ pp . 41 of KU Brooks, bount}’ returned, |■: : 50 00 “ of redemption money, j • • 80 95 TABLE OP TAXES LAID IN THE SEVERAL TOWNSHIPS FOR COUNTY A xrr» ediied ' JDue Collectors; together with 5 oor cent aSemSt to S- ° ■ Payers for prompt parent for the year 1862 Also balances due on State Tax. v’ . • —r*i— 4 ! LtH ij ■ • i ->i3 - - Com.H>ne-'l.V.CoUe«’* '••!'•■. DISTRICTS. 1H- pd, Ir.casipd treas Ito Collcc- let! all-’ ,lUg.—i- '- L COLLFWTOR<t ! J i , -WW Sp i toraJ LanOa. ColsJCo.Tax • - i " ! \ • _ * ; 1 * ? • -—; J : -•■ - • .• ! i • > . Beaver ~b0r0..'....J.-...,.,j 905 0.3 <832 07j -VI 80l 1100 IS i a2;-82 809 ... ’[l 74 05' ~ W HII«m v '■ * - I Eig Beaverlo7o 2SKK4,OS! 37, 04j 1370 JO f ...... ' t'i37ft Till ’ s,mSlr : • ,■; Borougli tp.......;.....;.! tMS -454 74j 41( G*jj J 149 01 40:00 -7 66 'ii»i 801 - 1 WBihi n‘ °' C ’’ ‘=' Bridgewater b0r0...... ;702;50t 473 ; 39j .40 41 iISO 7*5 11 38 .4- (It ‘ T®i 70! """ i w ill ! n^° m ' Brighton tp ii.'.....'.e 1020 5#- 707 12 s(i 88 205-64 ,96 3(1 81 108 871 i'l Im 7b B «V ' Chippewa tp..... • 831 77j; - 316 75i s sl> 45 47D 57 447 00 ;; ■ ’«'*s *7T I R T '- B | ! V 5 Islington b0r0:.....!.. 204 t 8 100 77i 8 IT*l 9$ 84 0!) 01 il J ° " ! Barlington tp...1487 49 821 77| 110 48 555 24 : 279 13, 301 • I «fl efl nT , Economy tp;...... ..!.., 1340 80 ,720 51| 890 j6oo 38 V3C 58 182 ’ 408 93 ■ I)«n£l i°r ,U)r, . b ' ■ ' - 431 7ft -294 701 199 135 01 3 ofT 131 84'-ftgpn.el .Campion. ; ■ ■ Frankfort 150,23 j 141 791 ..]..... i 13.44 447 ..... * * 8 071 r' „ * , FrankUn t'jk...-.; '.. 094 08 514 00j Ift 16 103 80 83 43 ... ! &43 ’ 1 AhW J 2.^* ,n P , f en - 1 V , Freedom 1W..;.'....... 093 12j 220 26j 72 155 14 55 00 2 2fj " V " J ■“ $ " °H “o' ' ' Georgetown boro-...!.. : ,204 6fc 115 39! 18947 : * 28-* .89 I*>l ♦?’JK. ''w£ *»* «P “' I m* ' ' ' Glasgow b0r0,...; 119 0J ! 3-iSlj iB32f; 28 0( 1 05 r 54 loi ■ ! wmJV t*”® W t* 1 v; Greene tp...1405 00 871 9tj 34 50 498 47 ....... jjg 1 408 ! Wm* n L t ’ -■ Hanover .ip-....-.!........ 1939 5* 1659 67 54 93 224 98. ..' .. /■ i.J? “«7 SrfJHr T£ ,nible - • , , Hirmon^|p_.;. ; ....;... 2sil 02 2341 03 1........ •(- ...... --4 JB, 8, Boberl Kctffcr. . ( Hpokst.«f|bord ..'. 230 9pJ , 150 2Sj ‘p .17 j 73 20 [ , “fir">9! <>S*s7 SST;*. i, 4 i • - Hopewell yi;.i..i. ; -1232 2l| OOS 9S| ■B7 95 475 28 1 .1.......!!! 475 1 -”B : iJm oy i n «! l : 't InJcpehdenct. ip...' 928,35 j 547 91 47.03 332 Bsil2o 02 ! °CO Soj 1 I g ’ V •■■r ' IndnMry Ip... 1 ...........,! 1 593 401 293 38 483 295'25 : v"" p ? an< \. ; v - - 4 .408 fjo| 318 Oo! 517 184 78 42 92 f" “« gfil u°“ ph n - - ' Moon, tp 1 810 lj3f 400 541 43 90 SCO 19 9 01! 3 W.!...! -854 17* - ' !' . New Brighton hero....;| 1711 .74! 807 74i 41 53! 802 07 330 17' ]5 T l4'. 450 7ill n 6lt- ! New Sewickly 1p.;......j 1857 27 1 fKJfi 83] 86 2o| 034 15 !330 17| 4•& ...... 293 7f! 1 ' *•' ' , , Non!. Sewickly tp...„. 45t 527 34j 70 95! 379 10 105.58! 400 ...... 209 58' ' jJSSn ! S • !. : Oh:., tp .....1.. 1200 9l 940 Bsi 83 32! 4 8 0 24 108 43' * lO'.iC Ul'rTS! n’ , i '! i’etleison tp..;... i 385 97 241 01i 1 i 144 SO nti-Ji? ......I igV-ie. ! i ••» . born 9‘ 290 {i2 . 5 60j; 'Bi 21 73 08 3*77.3 57 L .'V' 1 Kii&i ' f • ’ . Pulaskit P .•...! Ji32 194-.2C1.C5- 84.13 237 10 139 01 2 0095 Ml iCNf-r- H ' •- -h linccoon tp............... '99141 628 34 fc* 08| 308 99 ........ '2g! . , 808 7(1 T •-«ochcstcr b0rQ,....;....j- 919,84 J6 27j 347 05 170 S3| 21 80j .! 150 40 48 ‘ Rochester tp_..... | 376 jol .'lBO 14 45 77! 144,00 j 128 .7? 8 Ob! 7°3 — — eph Hays. 3 ... !' Kouth Beaver .tp. J « Jil 85j o2j ...... Robert^bl’bJll f \ \ .30054] 851956? 011103 .0i,’?314 B3| 98M0'34 81*6005 isfeoli f ! ‘axpajera, $9/5 4-5 1] : *Paid off since Jduuarj sth, 1863. . il" 11=1112 Delinquent CoUqctqrs for Years Prior to 1862, and Balances of •taxes Due; January 5, 186# ■ coiJecioEs. ■ ntSTRtcTS. - ; Vr’s Co. tax. St Tax| i collectors. nisintr-rs. Co. tax:St. tax 7:12 ..IS ~i "Ms 1 * n.bjit MM j.....— Pulaski »!;. «M ; ! Rickard J. IS S ■ Lenont Daws ;f: u.L,.....Ghw^ W fM W 6 lb.i(ieorge W. Shroads .Moon t/.....'... . T .t|s 4 o 41 :: Amounts carried X .163,74 JudgmentifobUmt® + Paid off since Jan.s,’cB. ■ HPH’jf SMITH Dr. ,• JikcARY 5, LBO3. I' To amount outstanding on general, wartant*, $1919 01 " “ on v.q,rrants per loans for If . ■’ \ ■ 'bounty; 32,1*29 CO ( on bonds, 01,801 93 X^^XSS ' a <* Given under pnr hands and at Beaver, (seg) ■ ’I ; Xs, P Me- P|i ; i AT THEI TREASURY OF fciEsAVER COUNTY DURING THE YEAR; 1862*',' ; ■?Dr. : - RECEIPTS. '/ ."-1 To Cash received during tie year, as per Treasurer 1 * aeeouife 1; exclusive of balance of i ■ '• ’ $79,618 “81 t 1 A. -■ : ■ ■■ i ‘ j ■, ; $79,618 81 GEORGE C: BRA3SSHAW, IN ACC’T. WITH* REAVER COUNTY^ of Hon. 1). Agnew, temporary loan, , 050 00 V ;; “of ' -f. 12,000 001 •I" t, .. “ 1 for bounties! . 3i,0Z7 00-kB,dG7 001 .of levy, of militia fines, . I* | 94^00! “ Kicesa of premium on State over amount. I ; of 5 pr ct. allowed tak-payers,' - i '■ i ' “i [ 1 t ■ i To balance in Treasure?;* hands, Jan.,5," ’B3, i : -- j xAmt °t pr ct allowed 1 !; X - ■ X '' •. • '‘-i i■ - , •i • iCTUT: 7 *r i i •<- « - 9 v i i - i ,i- , . ! BEAVER dOUNTY STOCK, ■ ■ -- - * RICHARD H. ASKEW/ CteHf- IMI • """"'"'",- Cr:Z::C I C; `11:.! i PI 4. \ 'f, -a- t +, • IjX ; * By amount brought forward, ' \. Courts, expenses of, six; . ; . \ : • ■ Clerkof Quarter Sessions, general fees, i #0 62 Constables attending, 169 88 [ \dd ' returns and mileage, 82 68- i , Criers of Court, 00 • [ tod Jurors, $4BB 66; Relit Jurors, SM97 81, 1,986 80 V Janitor of Court House, John Oibaon, 98 60 \ i Prothonotary’a fees, .; j. 27 62 V’^H Sheriff, Bumfioning Jurors, , ' / 80 60—2.664 91 Court Bouse, Offices and rit _ r ii ’ : i Pockets, Duplicates, Btjfontrf, 40., 246 86 ' i Furnace, Attendance, Ac., at Jail, n 268 00 v 1 Fue1,.&0., C. H., $92 06; Jail, 99 81, ' 19187 i J Iron-lining call at Jail, 248 60 Incidental expenses—C. H., $lB 62; Jaiis|S; 60, 84 22 1 Printing,, $267 Postage,sB 47. 266 22 Repairs—C. H., $l2 92; Jail, $2B 64, 41 46-1,280 18 Elections, General and Township, eh : . f- Advertising fee, ShoriCL, ■ 75 Assessors,attending, lists,&o., ■ 87 40 ' I Constables- do notices, to., - 182 03 ! Election-officers’ pay, - 642 83 " i ' Dsoofjiouses,. fuel, lights, 40., 66 06— 068 07 Hospital. W&tern Pa,, support of InsutiM, i 204 16 J House of Refuge, do ;do do 497 28 t 1 Western Penitentiary, do d* j ,80 94 87 Justices fees, swearing county and tiwnahlpoffinere, i• ■ ■ and issuing certificates of Fox scalps,- ' i Poor House, support of paupers, 4,300 00- ido purchase of land . i 1 867 13 •' do . Directors’pay—Sami Moorhead, ’26 QO : d° .do do Henry Oosbring,: j 25 00 _ ~“° , _ do? do John White, 26 00—6,282 13 Kail road Bonds and Coupons, purchase of, | 18,266 00 _ ? do . . Costs and expenses of suits, .f , 145 32-18,410 32 lares—abatements and exonerations, .1 26'92 ■’ Advertising/ecs, Unseated lands not sold,, 17 60 ' Errors in asgdfsmcnts,-&c., , . j 88 58 lost CounrJ' and Stated Collectors’ returns of, 527 84 1 i Purchase money of Mnd by Commissionen at sale, 482 ' (- Taxes and costs refunded in land improperly sold, 22 17— 631 33 Volunteers, bounties paid to, and expenses, 81,456 01 do . Belief to families of, , C,’osC 77-37,612 78 MEM Amount of warrants issued to Jnn’y 3, 1863, ' •{ $77 497 gg ;do road views, foi scalps and redemptions, 252 95 r f*.; J Ekcess, nettrcceiptfl, ' January 5, 1£63. ■ 1 i ; By cash paid on warrants during the year, ' *74 ron 90 ' ‘‘ “ • on certificates of. road slews, ■" 132 00- “ .“ on certificates of Fdr scalps, • CO 80 ■ “ “ on redemptions of unseated lands. 1 GO nr. oao or’ “ abatement allowed tax-payers, - ™ “ “ commissions allowed collectors of miiitia tax, 35 4o ' ,a io “exonerations * *>M flagon “ Treas. corams’n on £>43,007, Vec’j, at A wp ct 218 33 “ i ** ' “ “ £43,459 88-lOO.rccMjat 2 p ct 809 19 i . “ “ 543.807 SOrlOOpaid, p et 219 83 • / *• Ttalln i. - tSI-KX) paidjjat 2 p-ct C2B; 21—1,935 06- :• Balance, cash in Treasurer s hands, j, > 8 035 26 Il . : 19439 $87.136 88 . ~S»,WO“2G =I January 5, 1863. . K By balance in Treasurer's hand;, K $8 035 2C am ’t id Collcctors’hands prior to 18(52, 1,392 29 ■ “ , r x x/,‘ , for , lBC2 > 0,00513-7,-457 42 “ “ due on unseated lands prior to 18G2, 8111 I “ •' for 1802, K, .08 179 57 *• “ due by John Sheriff, fines a jury fees, 1 , 108'87 “ due by Hugh BIOT*, ■'■" / ,5 |l9 00 • Balance, ■ " ."v ; *79,309 82 ~',1.. ■ . •k, ; • ‘ ' (J ' ■ ’ ' $96.009 9-4 c 596,009 94 XI , : .I`,. ;?•» /*- 4 < • ''' rT • r> ' I': ,' SOtli i day. •{ January, A. D. 1863. JAMES WILSON. B. SHORT? 1 , WM. BARNES, K ! 1 ’ Commlntonrn, \. i $77,749 93 i 1,868 86 Bl : i • * :• i' , . f* - 1 -i $87,126 88 i i MEHM -1 .B&’icZ ani ibepended by the Directors oj BEI = - ■. -:-W,-:.V) i-N - Mr". ■■ ■ ■ 1 " ■!'.!, _■ r-v : ■{: “ “ » , , “V , • “»» V ■■,::!■ I•:' '-V /-I -I . *«.™n ':-:■ ■• ' ■■ jI ■ ■ •■'.■.‘•••"•■■3 ■I, > ” ■ ■•“. "f Justices’ and constables’ foei. • ''.■■■■,:■'■■?'■.. i'j «*• !-•■ ■■■'• , •■ -:j'. • . ■..“ ~ “ I“»fanco on property, •”■ :■:.l -" .37 45 r _ —, T . l^,.| . , '• ■ 1 :■■ -rf Ferriage and hridge‘tofl, - ' ±f-r 'Kf-o <nj ~f,V 1-. . EEPENDITUiftES - * “ '■*• Fencing boarcljs, ;. 's' Zo S ' By cashpaid, Meychandire and groceries, $ 746 88 “'■ .“ Traveling expenses, ' . n r 88 ca ••„N ... 9“t>Port>Df mBane paupers. |•' I 1v802i19 “ “ . G . h 9PJ«nS'«frd wood, $33 90i hay, Sl3 ort ' a - '°^o .. \ “ p o ±. ! _r °° r d ° M • • 464 60 “ “ Ploughj atoye aml fixtures, ' °°' 1C&) „ J a ’i • ' 68 83 • “■ S Publishing receipts aud-expenditurci) ' ?370,.' .. ' ..V <m t °sH ,o *3* u *«»» 188 69 : 1 -SiockHogs, $1450 f threslteggrain. $7 49 i ! -U»j .. .. . Temporaryirehef of put-door paupers, ;.r vail 93 ‘ ' ’ “ ! Stoye-pipe and tin-waio, I 1 2 ' l-2 ~ a *o77 P Ro. ? v! .°. f pa S?ot’, S' -- 68 72 ‘‘ “ - Hardware, Sg 50; poetagcWamp. S‘> 3-. ■ ; : -iV, .. * Meal, $-77 80, butter, $l2 #l, j j 60 ■„ * “ 1 Miscellaneous items', > V I ‘7 i~ “ “ l'.-;’ ; B »WoiuTrcasurer’sl,auds.De ! .3l. 1862^ *!' Maleand’female hire, -'''l ' 'z\7 70 . \ !. I\ } J ' v " ; ' i.' v'v <• s4so, Physician’s'do $lOO, 550 00 . i f' i V- :i “ “ Treasurer’frand Counsel’s salaries, ''• I " 35p0 ' 0:1 .! ■ \yy'y'' x ' ' ) . Amountcarriid foraord, • $(5,162 61 j i- S • j ’\ : ' _ We,-the undersigned. Auditors of Beaver County, do ctrtify, that *e hftVe ciaminednuil ahiiuli J: . -v. Expenditures of tie House for the Support! atad Employment of the Paupers bf <V !bit EwctaH- Stated. Given under our.hands, at Beayef, ! tho 6tU lay of January. A.d). , ■ 2 d bcllovc !bf same to bd correct as tho v ' 'il '■ : ’J.Mr;®SSri;' Or. 14,060 19 64 80 ,! COI-WrERAI, UHIHIMTAXCK T.VX. Ajfr.d R. E.,„ a „t WltbWc^^ r! i i j.'./. .i. • . S TAT T. ■ . . ' . ■ ; : Dr. .. ■■■ ■■ ~"A ■j r■ ■ n. , : . ■ •].' ;■ ;. To,cash rec’d of estntckif John Wilson,' : I • I 37 Bv'balnnei. i-i ' '.'l “ >•; Elisabeth Miller. : ; ' . . ! ’ , ; i•* V Adam Mulvannoii, . ... ••* . 67 53 ; ; • ; \ob • i ate J lCas, - reri^ 'receipt, .• - v/‘ “ ' ■ ,i " Samuel Searight, .. r'; . f 10 00 18C2 Feb Jo « - do-i / / i-7o s-W '• •• •• George Frank', 1 , [ 118 21 MW 18' .. . d ,° ' do do . ■ ■:■■ r": ,i " • “ Henry Cambell,, I • ’ 28 75 July 3 ,\ ■ -4° ' du r (■<, “ Willmm Nelson, t . , i ' 04 35 L■ W h J . ' d .° !' do i ' < !u. ( i i'V “ Abigail Glass, !.i ; , 50 00 ' >. S on’ . „N. do . ; ‘do f;. •• Ju&i M Litlcll, Iji2o 54 " Sept.%i: -. do d" > 1° ‘ “, Andrew. Knox, 1. ,; I; •- 850 Oct C -7, , " r i“: _‘vaftwb.ao^k^ -v ; i L.apso «' * ,v -f 1 : - 'CI ;■ ■ii ' ! I ' ! ■■ i'l : 3 By cash paid sundry Apprjusebs: ' •n. 1 ■ .1.12 W ■|*'r ' ' X, {1 ;; | ■ ‘i‘- commissipn 0n5540 sl|,at o pier cent;, A . J' ' s ■ ; . T'• 1 ' i ' Balance due CoiAiaOnwealth; \ 'll—_. - : : , .2. as i. ; r -.7 ■: '■■■-- f. ■.. 'ivr ■ \. f■ : f -.3^3 Nv y ■ .. . $546 50 . : 'j;; j; I. ; . ■: ; ■' . ’ " Mi •HeavEe Corsiir; jis : I hereby certify thjs, aboyo Mo,ore, Esqi.ißegistcr, in and for ; tlic| count jof Beavc ‘To-ruk fJojIMISStONEhS. '{Sty HEAVER GoCJiTV.. : - r< '••} . : I ’ IMPORTANT Tti . FEMALES. BEATEB':; ’ 7 ; fs«:a»ri&i. piLt s;[ ; i- AND ■-INSTIfFjUTE-j -vi•* of ingredients in- these ;■ ReV. R. T. Taylpr, A. M.; Prin.' . ; voroo. ; _.l-j. ■ of:a long and| extensile- . ; MrS.A. S.!*37ayl6r,T(TOVerneSs 1 mild.in their bperatito^^! tlKsj CLASS Scllot *"‘‘v (!Otmg all irregularities, catiofvof young Ladies;, SpettoJ. pare ,pre/;a i!ku. to the £ibs.ei iimr, 10V, ’ u p ft, removing all obslruc- , n | m M**--Primary .. L)cV thi*mic;at*tl%i*. sciib-nivni.- . -iv '''* ’ cold !sr otherwise,.heail- ‘ ‘ i. ■ '/< , HLXIU. FIIiLLIS. Itokslri'.tr.. I, "..„,. J.i ■, -. / Alpexpobses except Tuition and.(lushing, , dcclO - ; c., ' 8, palpitation of theiheart,- per teiro dfjfourteen $BB & ?*?• —1 f Sections, fatigue, hyster-jI Tijition ifrom S.VSO to $8 0(1. ,)’/■■'/ { Wanted Immediately and limbs,- etc./disturbed pffortkj spared to make the school lyorthv > , 1; Vr< i' v .'/’ I >•_. .ii • !' : °f the confidence;of its natrons. ■- •" ‘ >Jd \ir - yt v ;>TW<*.»iV ' to interrupt ion of nature. I n »,•?“*. aVi .•(it. to t.-Mvu'A fet ... ■>,>; ;■ ; , "_£*■. ~,.4- . tor > Catalogue. ■„ /.prices, in Ca-.h. jivi!; ;,V , eman s rills / ; [ [neit •dope cffl. S. ATKiNS. at Of a new c>a in tlie 1 6< 'of ihe lVi£ Hat; [ I’cgulavi tics’ anil obstrufc- \ ■ iL.iT "' "vviY-r-l/ 1 ~-i , 1 ■ I- ■ •;■ ! ■■ ■ j a • i (,/S \(>iit'l -4 hgned so many, to n pre- | . , |j igT • DR. CHEESI Tub- combination Pills arc j the result i practice, j They are : anJ certain; in cßri-c painful uieuslruationi tions, whether from ache, pain in the able whites, all nervous af ics, pain in the back sleep, which arise fro f Df Cheese wap the treatment offthbse irl tiona which jiave^cou^ ii.vrrßE ob.vve. No jftjmale : cjtnc-ieiyojl good health unices shq is r< gul.irl obstruction takes plate the general health bc gink to decline, f-’ Dr. Chees smart’s Pills arc: the mffct effectual remedy known for complaints peculiar to; Females. -Tbvall clas ses they arc invaluable, inducing, tcl!h certain ly, periodical reyu/onVy... They are' known'to thousands, 1 wlio have used them nt different periods, throughout the ■country, having; rtie N sanction of some of ilte 'most eminent Physi cians in America. ■ | . - I- ■ —Jds.jdicit directions, stating irhen they should 7iot It usedy with each Box!—the Price One Dollar per Box, containing from SO to-60 Pills. - .' , Pills sent hy mail, promptly, by remitting tb, the Proprietor. Dr. Smith of Bridgewater, .pi, . fe eble agent-for this County. B. B. HUTCHINGS, Proprietor, 20 (|e(lar St., New York. James Iloey! In (jh'o Court of. Common tb v Picas of Beaver county, ;NdJ Susan Hoey, Mirch Term', 1862. ', MBEL FOK DIVOIICE . i: The original arid alias subpoena in this oas -having been .returned E. E. I:, and ;du proof having been piadO that Susan Hoey could not be found in Bcaverj county, I am therefore directed to givo-noticoj according to law'; re quiring the respondent 1 , Susan Iloey, to appear in this Court, on the first day of next term, being (he first Monday of next, to • an ’swer the:petition Of •• . , ,o; , Susan Iloey, the respondent above nanietL. is hereby notified to aipbnr in this Court tm : the first Monday of March; next, in pursuance of said order. JOHN" KOBEItTS, ' i dcclT ; - I i-r- Sheriff :• ' JAMES S. RI7TAN; ATTORNEY ATL AW, {DISTRICT 11 it TTORXE'Y ; ■■■/ - BEAVER, j. PENSTA. •• - • B@,Ofricc in the Court House. ! - A VliL claims against tie Government for f\ j hack pay, bounty and , prose cuted to collection with the~lcast passible de oy- V- V' l t dcc.3’62: MILO A. TOWNSEND ;■. DEALER IN ' B OOKS, STA TI ONER Y, : &G^G>V,l tOYS AND FANCY - 'ARTICLES no 6. it NEW BRIGHTON, ; Pa. Cr. I ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS''of administration upon the, es tate ;6f Sam’i. Wilson, lale_of Raccoon township,; Beaver county, dee’A having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debtjed to said estate Are requested to make immpditfte payment, anil'those {Having claims ogaipsl the same- will present |thcm properly authenticated for settler tent. : . I •! ,■ : P. M. KCRR, Raccoon tp., * Deo. 8, 1862. ; Administrator, Do You Want Employment. '/■ OFFER a pleasant business for'the Sp’rinrg 1 1 and Summer, witli 1 irge profits; Send for mjnewpcircnlar, containing full information. Address ‘ GEO, BOW’D SEARS, , mfirlß. \V 181 Wniiaa St., Nl. T. ■ 1- •' ■■ , i' MEE t==l vl !. ■\ - ■■'.bj:; . s.. =I NOTICE. i • •I : .f I' rtrt- Poor a '• ■ >iv.U.;;. : .1 .. - 1 "'“ ’ ■‘-’'2. j - ' ”i' I V ■ -invi ; :: TLrr h&L TVEJH E 3V;T.‘ i; -: ' ■ W/’rl'*r> ' w WEE to be a true statement of Collateral, lahcnt&Vtax-rcceiVc4 U i\/ ‘ ' ;r.- during jhe-year ending November 1802.. /. T '*''•"%>! ! ''. v A?*:l .R.'i i e TJ li i oil,” ■ •treat ab/ Th : .T i-. : =. : ' {PHILADELPHIA; Pa. L' V-f“ w*™,:,:, i.:A -=m v•■& _ ■ . . ■ I .-• ■ :.- :. ■:: - , Upton S. -Newcomer,: «u j.m*.U iili, 1 ,• V ■ :■■ ■■. • 'v* is central: Convenient-hy Pas- .jnimptlnn.c pavmcnt , j l<l : l . iv ir- •i•* ” JL p cn K®f Railway Pars ’to, all part* if tlie :s-aiii<tsbc .sJm-j uill pi: Vs' in' every, particular a<lnpr/**lo~flib ' auumiciabtl u. r tcurtiu.c. ■ ■'■■ $ " * comfort .anil wants of tbc Travelling > Public.'S ~ KlO’ix • TLlpI$, si ~')0 PER BAY.' '■ i.kv.) ulu'-- ■ . “ The Howe Sewing Machine;” ’ ". ■! : - : } . SOLD IS Y, , "v, -' Uiv ftl. M’G R B Q O R, COUSEU I’ENN:& StlCffcAlß SI'S., • . • . i'f\- j PITTSBURG; PKXiN"AI INEEBS <!)NLY TO BE- SEEN TO BE AE- t v PREOIATED. f'hp2-2—hm ’■ 4. r. Thomson: ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, ' ''Office, copper {he VUmK'mf. ■ BEAVER, I’A. .may 21.- |y .. ■ : v:'. BENTEL, ARBUCKLE &C 0 •| | MANX;FACTCTEi?S. OF jiiIALIE&IBOiT folL, i ROCHESTER, BEAtJiE' COUNTY,' BA,fap2 \ Uost Dolt. LOST in Rochester, on rho 21st of Octo ber, n Black Shcplieril Dog, with white rrini around hisTieqk, and white tip.oiij.llic end of hi» mill, answers 'to the ndjne of •■“King.'’- Any person finding, snididog 'trill : .bp suitably ewanlc'd by leaving him at Johnston's Hotel.’: ncarj Rochester Depot, or at'the residence of the subsctfihcr in XowiSewdckiy tp. . ®hj»l2. '.. ' _ ’!* : ()JIN GARRARD XOO'lCfi;; 1.,. it.- ctto.xs, ». *.. J TETEU3 of tcstamtmtary on thCiOstalt 1 - ■.'. :•■ !.■' ' i,' g -. : _^T JLJ ofTiiOMAS Moouii, Jato.of; Greene town .“CL • On • Ship, Beaver £ounty, Penn''a dcc’d Jia'vingiiv"t!r->i m-d'services ps Thy-, been granted loathe persons jji&aits aiv.l ; •to.ibc.-dh..!su* indebted ib said;estate arc retiuestcdjto make Uonvor ;-,rii■ t \iwoiij.i l cau' always be immcdiati'jpaylnent, and those havingicVaims 'f.-tuni], WlietfW*|a;vtVft hotly;, engaged, a',. rfaainst tV e Will present them properly,. ]j 1H g ,f St.llrc of anius'v M. D. , ; authentic tied for settlement.. ' i‘- ‘-j Lfccd’n- NJ ' y. JAMES NELSON, Ilanoycf tp; . •• ' lV .--JV" ■. • ' ■ , Administrator. 1 ■■. j <^ r 'PT>-Alry ,: ADMIJNSTUATOR S mjTit'E. , /frAllftdvtiio prefer?* the, •; ?: I •VrlhinS’iivSe* tpXbeavei LET.TIj.IIS. of administration uppnT'thc cs->.| pa..’oit the iSUt of Ojetnl iny IWift, ■?■ fed 4 . Eubuabt,' laid of ■:Big' w hi;d lace, -.a'lion Ji"> years old:'she '.had ; rßcavcr (p.,| Bcavcr'co.% l’a., tlcc’J, L ha'vingif •■ bc .u 011t 4u ( d: two or iinjeo slits in’t-ltf car; a l ’ v I Ijeen granted to the all; persons:; (lt iier miivkl vhdhie. "■.The owner is, rciilested . knowing! themselves indebted , fa, said cslaie' :' (o provV jproperty,pay charges are requested tomade immediate payment, [away. \ '“’d* and those|baving claims against thC?snino will;, ' q C £>:'M. ’ r - • . present them properly authenticated for, setr ! tlcmcnt, IV. H. FOSTEIw FUE D. Git AIIA JE\/- i Administrator. novo ■■ f i. Jan 21 '63/ >X>iHHolTitioii- \'T-- j-partnerabip heretofore existing tin- ■ ..tier tlic name and stylo, of M’CoXnkii. it ItXifRAOH i, Fallston, | engaged in the Foundry-- and Alach ue, Business, was duly dissolved <j|Tj (he 8d day of. 1 June, 1802. The . book's; of ’the late firm ’yill be settled by SIJ Danugh it Cod .at their olfico in Fallston, Beaver county, Pa.”, where they will continue said .bubbles* hi all ilk branches. All persons kiiowing themselves indebted to the late firm will; please t call mid settle imibediately. DAVID M’CONNEbL, t V v ■ - MATTISON DARKAGH; Fallrt<mjeJD,’62» S. H. DAKRAQP- 1 . •. j ¥: June 2'j. 13C2.f ■ La]• J : I: 1,10 Mls OT i,v i .\wt.t -s': tcsuur.fr!Kf! : ; v T T 'nuc.of V* . fp.. : oymy,- ■knvhvinjr thr-ii;>:i*;.vi\-5 . uM. l>roi| *-• are to innh > -r.;;vi:\ ; '.: • ami iho: : c Inning clay j/jiW'-sr •* .- jircs^nt^tju-m va,.t ;•.■ ,■•. : Vaioli>ri»?:t!oiiientr IIAV| !> ’.'-rr ■ v.:-ir ' • >l. . f ii letter; .’.cl’- tidndnint-dl- Vi ‘the •■cstaf'e.. of Min:u;i.' P ot’ 'Kreccoon township, - BeaVer oAiiiitv. cetiseiU having Keen duly. 1 framed n- i'uXitu . dovsigiied,’ itll-persons imlcliud-io said «•>*:« :e hre notified t*r inakoitnuieuiate paymv;o. : and thosQ having' diunis against-fine s;»ine widpre seiii Ihem; property -unthgftt.i<\it editor st.nl.' l -' ment withoutdelay* +, * ■ . ,’ , ';Vv" .'‘ 5 t - T *vco!; ri^ASic. 1 , 1 '..y ' ,■ , . Slra v Alaife.- ■ CtAME : to Iho -piviilW* of.iiio '•siitecribcr v / living in Ih*g IhM;vcr . /oivuiliip, i7oaven‘: i county, on tin. l evening jm-fho -Wi o! Aj>nl.g »• small'-nbOjiu 0 year* .old, shod « nil around, saddle nmrks* ofl' himiXhough cu- ? •Jirrtred by u cut or hndsd; no oihcinifarks'pert. ■' eeivabhb -The owner.U[-iloMVe.d to come for .ward, prove properly pay charges and tuko'liev. away; Or otherwise she will be disposed Of ac cording to law jupcll St SC|»2l; ’ TS hereby given that 1 1 have hc’gp appoints « I as STurgion by the Pension Dcpa«n.ent. I -examine wounded and inml.d Fold.ers.-i/ ; elmrgtd• from t lie' "scryfee: .hat mj ■ extends'to : any., Cp.*ii>bute or andjhat. 1 -am now- icod-y .to,enter upt.n dibcbatgCiOf ii.vy duties. n • ; i i . r -UEOKGK MetyOUK, M, D- . • optyc—lt.' ■ Examining -Surgeon- . T CANS UN FIKPt >iciiTt; ACKS dabb»:j : -b negotiated at tbeiITTSCViIG; DOpaE SAVINGS RANK, No.jVt.-^b'HTK I’ittsiurg, bn faTorablbJtcms., ' . - ' - ;.nJl:Bm' ‘ -■ C.-A. CtJITOS,, Tre“.ry. L, '■ I- ' I MEM ,1 : • ;■ V I ■ 1 ’V'l_ - i. v'- ■ ■ JAAIp Kv-CALHOef. •• a. p; smith.' W' ! - : i 5« ■ -V- ■ •.£**- ’■ • IT; . I «i.* • t Mi ... f ■■• id . •UVc"V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers