i v GEEMANTOWK TELEGRAPH. I A Family and an Agricultural Journal, DEV-UTJtD.TO CHOI CEJLITERATURE, INCLUDING i Poetry, Novelettes, Tales, AND MORAL; AND .INd BEADING GENERALLY. •. '; * •' . |* I 7 I • In the Literary Department we shall pre sent the choicest Varieijcs within the reach of our • The Novelette?, Tales', Poetry, &c., shall besupplied from ihabesti and highest sources/ arid be cqual'to,anything to be found in any journal or magazine. Agriculture and Horticulture, EMBRACING farming,Gardening, Frurt-Raisihg^&c. In alt their branches, as conducted on the hKest I and most approved\system. Our labors in this department for over thir ty met the cordial approbation of ithapubliq. ' .bur purpose has been to furnish useful and reliable information upon these very important branches of industry, and to protect them so far as within 'bur power jagainst the; false doctrines and selfish purpose *ts. of The many empires and fcensalhjn-adven turerfi byfwhich the Fanner is as sailed.. -This*portion of t lie Gm/icnfoicn graph , will alone be worth the ' whole price bT . subscription, ns every farmer anil Gardener, who has'a proper conception of his callings ’ will readily admit. v . ~ jv ] NEWS DEPARTMENT; 1 The game industry, care, in gathering and'preparmg the Sim lag Events of the I)iay, expressly for this paper, which i.hitherio lias been one of its marked features and universal .satisfaction, will be. -.continued with redoubled efforts to meet tilt' increasing demands of the public. The labor required’in this departmeut’is never fully, stp " prcciaicd by-the reader., It .would be im possible ito present, the condensed-and care fully hiadc-up form in.which it appears, : .a ‘ corrected, mass of all„ flic most- interesting news cT'the week,, wrtliput involving much physical labor, tact antTgudgmcnt. ; AVfl annex the cash term*, to we beg leave to call" attention, of aft- who;, think - of subscribing for a newspaper : . ■ i Advance Cash Terms. ) ■ One copy, one year, S 2; one copy, three y car.., ,Sq,WI: three copies, one year. 8o.l'n; Fiyc One Vcor, $B,OO ; Too Copic.-. OntAcar, SIS,CM); Twenty Copies', One ’Tour. SiXi-JV J : . - -h ■ v (iot : paiJ,wiUiih the '.year, $2.00. ; ■ V, ■, 4g£L.A ;CluV-of .five ai ?&, Ay ill : ' Vm# 1-tMltecperspnjrettiiip- io~a; copy fM*., eix iiiouilii*: a -Cl.ub of- do a'Csjpy. for- onc ybar. All Club at ihc eutl of Vue llme .yraiu fur. unlc.-s ro-or ; , - - ' ■ * *'> .order'trill 'lecolvc attention ‘unions/: , -:, 1 j i,... t *;-v.,.,L‘TTnir. accuinj.lislieil witli Ihe cash. s-• . [ Sj/MIX'S R‘l 1 ! Ufl E aa6..Si<ccimgn-nuinben) sent tol applicants. ; ■' -I I, 1 _ L . i R. FItEAS. •. i. ReVyßi T. Taylor, A. M., Prm. ,u : . Editor and Proprietor.; i ' Mrs.A. ST Taylor, Governess. Gt,rpi.7,nioptti Oxl.;£>. •>«._. k ;■-* -FVU.ST CLASS SCHOOL Full T|llK 1-ibU KEW -BBiOHTtiNBf&BEATV' A*? I ***. Y OI H Li care ■ ' • ■ 4 . g:vcn in ihc rnftiaryi au-l -I l>c-. AN ASYLUM FORTHURECEF/ 11 AiTo-speriscs oscoptl Tuition ami .AVasitinj*. TION CURE AND TREAT- .! porUrm of fourteen uieek* - J MEN,T OF MENTAL ! Tuition from.?:; 00. . ■ ' - QK /' '■ .No iiiakc the school worthy ■* rtTOADnvQ ‘ .0/ tho co.ntokuiceol its patrons, r !JXolJi\X/iijXv. ""f\- j 1 Sr.nd lor a Catalogue. 1-t , ./ i W*. >tiL!.!:». I’hil..i.C' W Rickkisox, i’iitsh'g Nervous and Chronic Diseases, i —. . 'r : t IfXOKGSIYELY I'OH FEjL\LES.t • RIC^ETSON,;, WIMiMU: GROCERS, , - . -i i : IUS institution is now open for flic ice^jr- f tihb. care, and treatment of imtf} in- j. vent rk>jVof: patients who arc labnihj;: under, mental derangement; or other nervous olid ; -chi o.nj.c. disc'uso. ASie make special munition* - of i - . ■ ■ riervou*' and front the fact Brandies, Wines and Segars, •that sevcnd.cmhs-of The l female patients that ' ‘ - • •J.o committed to oiir public . Asylum*,, lo* he ; ‘ AV. »j 22". 'C*r. ofUth*rN d* /rrrn *{*. *- treated-’for disordered minds, are.redueltd • < PITTSIIv UG; . Pa. : d:iTu.‘H!al)lc> condition !;a - j'i:gh_ picv;:m* Cotton Yarn, icc., Cie./koni-'lnixtlv • physical disorder. ; ,I»y a wed nnWd-.and.judi- ; , - , ' o u liand. ' * r { , Uir ]; -■clous-treatment «*ficlmmic and her’.on-Cdis- ; ; __ . . .• : ' • ca.-fs; -aH phy.-ioaL di?or;liy«. si, tbb siia;„.i ity *“ ■'’fTklTllTfl T'' """ .of cases may be removed : an d thus themind,- IhWw 1 ' •ll|m j\ * rfauviiigf-suuercd? through ■ thC mcdium e-f jhc] uJuvOij b..‘d‘y; will when • fr4ci from .the exciting ; ; , i- r i ■ Co-mmlksioii. Mcrdiiiut 'and reason wilt, oacc.more, resume iG'sw.ty, ; a* so T * . .clothed in all its primitive beauty audAvontcd: ?’ lolLt. G l[o>n. and till htwls • excellence, Hence the’necessity of all those,-1 of VoU/dnj -Produce, • TT7;tCS : *.-TUI wbi>:«fc laboring .pndcr ; ibe .i.rca?>pA-iu g nr • Ziqil;!*. Own’*, Tvlarr, i. ,?a - exciting causes.-, calculated in the end to-im-*: A _ • •, .. “ kT • _ , , .pritj tbe mind toi resort, to an : early «*•!1 ofScc - a”* l •'areuouae, .No. So. Soutlfc-M ptrec julliiiuascourse .jTvemtaial a S en*. I 1 .aLrf i JO . • ■ Tbc .Inftitufion .is a large -l.rjek .WiWin? etwees inadc'^Tcoi.iignTi.cate wrth a stone basement—rfour stui ies bi~n and ; -hu* ° r < wcll : ventilated*. It is situated on an elevnte.il - 1 ' • ■; • ■/ ° table land which commands k view .at* cm ire! —• . - •_ ‘ ” / town-^adjjaceatdnlls—jgroves find neighboring :. J ; 0 wlLS ' j:i * s. n. k eleoy. james Finlay mil of which are calculated to pro- j' v _ diice favorable impressions upourti:v,>l:Lordpr-j ‘ ' •* •; r^’ . jibelnstitution is cbmplcic. id; ftllcfit? ap- ! 11 ; || P(T\ HTIBfIF ft-. PA' pointmenl.s-.C. ItaTtng txten tiflcfuUy fittc.i up !<|J iljDVil I isi fiL'flU I W l/ii at gract dn order that it nmy idee! \ ’ - • •*. . 1 the approbation and views of the most faslidl- j £*4= Wood. SUL, iU tli,e Wter clo&cts nJ<l l.r.HUn" appnrntus | ! have upon the itipM’ : ijj»pvovcd ;>//«.* <V* o/-'r SPRING . STjTQCK of. -modern scienlificprinciples. This- depart luent j_' _ T]> ~\7~ fG *' O' * ■; embraces nod only the ordinary baths Inn. j -\l./_6a.3l v/Jl/^» .Wto, the medicated, warm air anti-asceri line i/-i r . - • k 9 ' and descending douchr for the mt>re oifocTtial i,,"'*'l uc ''- L '- oiiCT apd treatraeul-6f . cutaneous ar«d i * t'd H.O Cash bnverr:* . . (mhlO. otherscrofulfius diseases. * ; 1 ' M t - - .-%•— la-!. -j • cuke. wife» sister or daughter, to our charge—maV Agency is superior to llYDUO be'assurecl that no,means will he Vparcd or \ l’A'i'll V for the treatment of all forma . efforts wanting tm our part ao umctiOi-atc their \ 1 '0' Dlmmsc*. «nd Trio Institution in this 'crtim ■ condition or to effect« restoration to their uy'posscssep greater facilities for itsadminis customed health and vigor of mind. • - (ration,tlmn tlus. . . further particulars send for a* circulra*. Fieiorial Circuliir address, \ All communications should’be addressed w.' ' lir tv i V it \Aiur vT/i-v’ i-■ >* : * kendiuck. M. 1.. , u - PiS?k. A *Supt. of >ew Bright on Retreat ‘ ■ , r New Brighton ... , Beaver. Co. Pa. iStrav Mare. noy}2 r 62j p I7IAME to the premises of the ‘subscriber \l/ living in Big -Beaver . township*,-Beaver fccajnty, .niNthe evening of the'tMth of-April, , a'email .UiiyNtfare, about 5 years old, sh-otl *ll around, saddle marks, off-hind bough cu 'lai-ged by a cut orjbruisc; no other marks per ceivable. -- The owncrAs desired to come for ward, prove property piiychargcs and take her ,c away, or otherwise the wuhbe disposed of ac cording to law. ' ■ \ Junell 8t JAMES K/CALHOUN. v j ADiIINISTIUTOirS NOTICE ”1 ETTERS ofAdminisfration pn'-the estat’ ■J-J 1 of late of the vbor • ough of Darlington, Dearer County, JDenn’a ' deoM, haring bym grantedto } all persons indebted to said estate ace requests to made innnedlate payment, and those haring, claims against the same w: ill present them properly authenticated for settlement.: I- . Ji/HN T. .COURTNEY, Darlington, . * nor 12 .. Administrator. Iyy'HITE LEAD, at' • j , -A. { “ VAHITY FAIR." •: • r*} » . ■ •' ■ , *‘This is jthe 'Ursi rcallyvclever comic and satirical journal we have nad in America and VeallycieVcr it is., lit is both sharp and good-tempered, and not afraid to say that its soul is its ov.*n*77*which shows that it has a soul. Our readcrsswill be glad toknow where they can .find , native fun that has something better in, it than mere patois.’^—Atlantic MoSih;. . 1 : l : . ’ • ‘ ' ••This paper is excellent. . ; . . Remarkable for 3". Tmttlla.-- . ■ -Vsmtt; i* *mis conductei'by a vivacious,: witty and intelligent corps of journalists.”- L'UcJ'jlch/ (Conn.) Enquirer. “V.’ill wield aspotetitian influence as'lbat of, rilfc London J*uneh .“■y-SoHon Traveller. V ’ “V, bosoiever finds! himself laughing ai the wit of Taxitv Talb, anji does'not return'd quid pro quo. is fit for ’treason,'and spoils. ’-y A r . 1". Cfuyqa SPECIAL KOtICE," 5, : Thevcrj -tvbich lias thus far attended Ahfi of \ .. V “Vamtt Fair,?’ JEnabies the publisher to" announce that with the coniuiencement of the Second Volume, is sued this June, New Features, both Literary and itriistic, will be introduced, which will increase the value and interest of the pa per, ifnd fully maintain the proud position unanimously accorded to it, Ua the leading „ ComuTJo cit .sal of America. VANITY FAIR ! ■ IS ISSL'EK KFOILARIY KVKiIY S’.lAtr and is for Sale liy all Newsmen, and at the (ijhcc of I’ublieatioiij, No 1 IS. Naisau-strcct, a?ew Vcrk. ' ' \ ' , ! • •-A , ~ 'TERMS:- V _ > ff Three doUkra per r.nnuiii, .in advance—Six -cbm* single cr.pv. \ i--\. -J . r n:UMS;FOIV GtIJBS: ■>,.-V Two copfe> of Yam* Fair will be seut to ~.-S5 GO •. . ,'J Five c*»pk5....... 00 t, Ten c*’p:c'. ~.20 00. Au Kxira c-:py will iso allowed to tbcgetler .,'7dp d.f evoiy’ Club of 11. j'W-a.than five copies. r This paper i: Flebivrtiyped, 'and numbers maV be procured at ;mv time. , • ' . ’ LuCTS 11, STEPHENS,- - Published for 1 hi* Propi ictr.i ?. I.IH Nausa’u-st. • ‘ N\*w-d urk.‘ • 1 TO COUNTRY DEALERS. ,i >rh'jo! i.vpr-s iUiii at Whole I . - ■' St tic.■ ■ ■i (.The 'suhserib’er lias always on hand ,i s & MlGufley’s Speller & Eca i ilofs. Ray’s,-.-.fArillinietics, Stoddard’s j Arithiiiellc, Pinned’s Grammars, Bi : hies. &f'., Testaments, - Letter.Cap and ' Commercial Xoie? j papers, Bpvelopos, Pass Boojts, Steel Peris ; i}{ i (L-IFoMe rs, j Copy; -Bodk s. S iat es,..d Ii k ; liiiv'htaiiils. Bonhet Boards. &t\, &<‘. Ps'iird discount i- for e.;ish. Goods packed mu! 'delivered' to'any part of tin* city. , ; ! i;OHT. S. L>A VIS, , j’eh.:lK .■ 7dj .Wdod.st:. Pittsburgh BEATER Sterling House, TN o. 107 Second Sti*e,et (BEJWCEX WOOD AXI> KABKET) PITTSBURGH, IfE3TNJA. BOARDING BY THE MEALEDAY' OR WBEK, f Ttrmi cry Jildflerate. . MILO A. TOUt NSE ND, ■ r b I)F.AX.ER IN V B 00 KS . S TAT 10 NE R Y ■\7Csal3. Paper, TOYS AND FAHCY ABTICLES. i not ~ HfKW BRIGHTON, Pi. |OOD Crushed And Brown Sugarttfor sale VI. at the Drug Store of I " V Y«2.- C. P. eVMSpNS. rp OBACCO—Anderson's; Fine' Cut, Natura I Leaf, Grant’s, Baltimore Plug, and Cm ■ »ry,. at . X j HENRY’S . WILLOW WARE; Lamps, Shades, and Lamp Chimney» r at HENRY’S; i /' .v- ■ UENRV’^ AND IMPORTERS Of $ v DS AND RELATIVES FRIE OF TUB SOLDIERS AND SAILdRS. LOW AY’S PILLS id. Ointment. BRAVE HOL !Ab i ‘HOhave Friends and Relatives in the' ny or Xavy r should take especial care r be amply supplied-with those Pills i lent; land where-: the brave Soldiers jrs have .neglected .to provide them h no better present can bo sent : heir friends. They have been proyr Ihe Soldier's never-failing friend -in jf, need, f * Allt Am that they anil Qinti {and Salle ■ijelycs wi Ahem hy i cd to be I I the hour •COITiIISAND COLDS AFFECTING TROOPS Will b 5 speedily removed and effectually usihg these admirable medicines, and by! jmyinj proper; attention *o the Direct ions tviiichian: attached to each Pot or Box. ■ , . SICK HEADACHES AND WANT OF APPE- TITE INCIDENTAL TO SOLDIERS. These reelings which so sadden us, usually arise from trouble or annoyances, obstructed perspiration, or eating and drinking whatever isun wholesome,'thus disturbing the healthful action of the liver and stomach.; These or gans mustbe-reUcved, jf yon desire to be well. The Pills, taking according to the printed in structions, will quickly a produce a| ficahliy action in both liver and stomach, ahid as a hatnrarconscfjucnce a clear head aiid good ap petite. ' ’ WEAKNESS OK DEBILITY INDUCED BY • •- • OVER FATIGUE, , [£- , sVill soon disappear by the use of these in valuable Pills, ( flnd the Soldier will quickly, ac quire addrjiohul strength. Never lot the bow els be either confined or unduly v acted upon. It may seem strange that HollowayV . Pills should be recommended for Dysentery and Flux;.many persons supposingthatthey would increase the relaxation. Thjs Ss a take/ for these Fills will correct, the liver tfhd stomach and thus remove all the acrid humors from the system! This mcdicinewiU give tone and vigor to the whole howev- while health and strength follow asFa ? matter"<if course. - Nothing will stop the relaxation of thclßowels so surc -as this fara ousauediciue. " VOLUNTEERS ATTENTIONI IN DISC KE ■ J : tionsof youth. t ; -•>■ Sores and Ulcers. Blotching* and Swellings, can with certainty be radically, cured if the Pills are taken night and morning, and .the ointment'-.be freely used as stated in the print ed' mstHictiotisP If,treated in any other man ner thcvidfy nj> in one part tobrcak’ouljn an other. Whereas this Ointment, will remove thp humors from the system and leave the Pa tient d'Vigorous and healthy man.. ; it will re ■ quire-h. little perseverance in bad eases to in sure a lastint* cure. . : r • FOR WOUttiiS EITHER OCCASIONED BY THE BAYONET. OBSABRE ORTHEBUL LET, SORES OK BRUISES, .To which every Soldier and Sailor are liable ! there arc no safe, >urc and cou r yenient asdlollowayU pills and. ointment. Xitel • poof wounded and almost dying-sufferer iniglii. ! have his wounds drcFse.d immediately, if he ; would only providc'himself with this match : Ki*s Ointment, which should be thrust into the . wpund tind sejea^ed. all around it, then.covered : with a from his knapsack, and ; (M.mprcs-ed [wiiH a handkerchief. ’ Taking j night rind■‘morningd Pills, to cool t-hesys* 1 tCm and prevent mlhunation.■ > • *. | i.'Evtry Sob Bor's knhpyackT mi l Seamayhl • Ciiost should be provided with--these yaliiabhi | Remedies? . ; r-"*** : CAUTION ~Mone* arc genuine undoes 1 life wor<U »*./Ad/o'-<;//-, A 7 ;c yuri: ond L»rtuv>a. 1 i arc discernable as a water-mark in every of the book'of directions? around* each -pot or ( box; the «aine.Taay be,plainly seen by nobility j th? hafio the //.//«/, . A handsome reward -will j be given to any one rendering such informa- \ tion as .may lead to the detection of any paiSvy lor parties orveml-J dug the same, knowing tlicin to he spurious. j tjohl. at■ the Manufactory of Professor llot.LodovY, 80-Maiden lame. New. York, and by all respectable "Druggists and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the civilized i w.»:hl. in bpxeri at 2o cents. Merits and’ £l,cach. There ts-considerable saving by taking the larger sizcs>- N.'iU.—Directions for the guidance of pa iehtsUn every, disorder are affixed to each box. May 7. r M.M Iv ; Quarterly Mirror cf Fashions, H7i. r i (jrr>t( nix tllK Sl MiIKP. NTMr.KR CONTAINS^ four lAugf sc.xri.FXNin fasiiiox i r;;.s, nut fit: ,s*;/./.-suxfh J‘A TITHXS" OF.'fibres*lts; ' Cumi’iiisim: rut: ? New French in Ulcgaiu glccrtc, ond a. Misses Sack. and.a Sheet- ef. Nev; and Beautiful IiKALD AXDiEMISKOIDKU|N<: TATTKRNS. j Together jv,i?h nearly K.<i .Engravings of ‘nil the novelties for l j-'" Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Tfimmings, Children’s Dresses, 4c n And' voluableAnforma t ion- to Milliners. Dress Makers,. Molars; Artijd Ladies gontn-i;li yv pre senting the largest and Lest Fasjnbfi Maga ziij& iu-the World, published 470 - tfiMadway, NAY., and sold everywhere at 25 cent?, or sent I)3' mail,* post tree, on receiptor flic ain’t '-hi stamps silver. Year $l,OO .wiih>hefoK lowing valuable premium.' " - • Each 3*cnrly subscriber w ll be entitled to a receipt tuivthfc "selection of 50 ca nts wt.-rtji of| ■ plain patterns, from the deaignsMn the bool;,' lor froin the show rotfftf, or they.may be ov r dered and sent h3', mail any time during the ’ 3*aar, I>3' paying postage.' .X-r”, i i : CcJjUSummpr No. now ready.’;• * • - ISTew G oods ! ! ‘ 13 , S. ll A N G 1: ii . 0 Opridgewater, Pa., ; 1 | ... - ~*t HAS just ' receive! a large assortment of f Sl’ajNd (iuODS. t ; which wilt’ he oiferefl* ait i 1 -V/O' J'HICKS. 1 Aremngst liis stock cant at alDtimcsi be found I a variety pf J * -dress’ goods. ■ mitsjHxi ;• ." . . j : SIEUY. k c.. | • IRON & STEEL, nil yavi I NAILS, Lv the jiviimV orl j TV HITE LEAD ami VAI | LAUD. SPERM. UN.SEI- M'INDOW GLASS, nli'oizfs, QUKEXSWAHE, LOOKING-GLASSES. &c., AH'of which will be pold low for Cash, ■or Count ry Produce. ■ i, . liriilee water, May TejJSO;!. BEAVER _ACA rpms ISSTITDTION W' MONDAY, Ist day or JgfFor particulars add V r' S. .B.MRROER EXECUTOR’SNOTICE. LETTERS? testamentary, on" the estatc .of Oct avia At.mson. late'of Greene tp., Bea ver co., dec’d, having beenigrahled to the un dersigned, all personsdndcAted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claim against said estate will present them to tli ■ subs erhers properly au-' thclicated for settlement -t ; JAMES ALLISON, Greene, tp., . Executor. sue Notice. 4 ILpefSona haring unsettled account .J\ with me, or Smith & .Collins, within the tait twenty years, for Carding, Spinning, &c'., will please call at the FallstonWoolcnTactory, before the first of October, 18C2, and, settle the same by cash or bote. 1 I AYER’S CHE|Rllir PECTOEAE, J» | fOR TH* RAIID OCR* Of Colds, Coughs, and : Hoarseness. . ■/,' ■ gw I , : Buxrms, Mua. 30 th D«., ImE' ■ ' ■ Da. J. C. At tail do not hesitate folhy * the besf remedy X hare ever found for Uf > > C<mgh*,Hgarf«is**,lnflaen*Jv and the: jcon«nfftant*ymptam*of«Cold,l*yotir lOosnr Pbovobal. Its eoushmt aaoto , I mypracticeandmyfiupily foriftb* last • ten year* has shown it to possess ; iriorvirtues for thertreatmeotof them:;. oompUinU. KBKN KNIGHT, It Dot ; AiB.MORTLKY.Kn^otDTICA,"N.Ti, wtUss:|;*Xbar* osed you* Moral mrselfand In my frmlly ster sinew yoalnyentedit, and osUevs it the Ml msoldhi* for U» ! purpose ersr put out jWltfaaibad eoW .1 should, aoonsk ,I my twenty-Rts dollar* for * bottle then* do without U| or bk«*pj other remedy;? *.-|i : |j' .j'J I Croapy WhoopiiiK Coagb* InfltteaXa* 1 if : • ■ | fiPMXOmLD, MuL Iflb. r,IBM. \\: > Biotan Am: I will cheerfully certify your itefoml k the best turned* ws pQHMss for tha curs of whooplnjH ; oo«ftkOO«p, ftßd tbe chert dlssasesof children. ’ yoor fratsTulty in the South tppnehte your skill, and 1 ' sommend your msdldne toour people. i-.-; -s h .:.i I 1 HIRAM CONKLIN, H. D. ? J ;j AMOS LIB. Esqu Uoirasaar. lAn Writer M 18^6 1 had e tedious Loll aeon, which me* indoors ; ‘*U weeks; toek naayimedicihes without relief:|nnally h tried your | federal by of ovfbelergjrman; The. ■ \ imt deie relieved tbejsorsness-lD my throat aadlucga; ! lees than soe half the bottle | made me completely yreli. [ Your medicine* are the cheapest as well as the port wjo earn buy, .and we esteem you, Doctor, and your remedied ,as lUepoor man's friend." .K v * f-f-]t-v‘. • > AathinA or Phlthlsic* aad Bronchitis. • West But Yonr Cherry I\darxd is performing; marvellous oares In this sections It has relieved several frotu-jftlarm ; log symptoms of consumption, and I* now man' who sue labored under an affection of the long* for the ImC forty years. j IIENKY L. PARKS, ‘ 1 A. A. BAUSBT, Mfi Mosioa tfo;} lowa, . wiksi. gfft fl.lfTli- “During my practice of many years ; X have found nothing equal* to your Cherry Pectoral for i giving earn and relief to coosamptlTo patien^vof-curing 1 sush * sreearsbU."| . ■;;)* i , |j: ;. J , | V« mightadd voldmsa cf svidsnee, but the post eon- I vinolng proof of ttovtrtamofthisremedylifotupiin Its i «Sm*i upon trial. .4 ' ■ '! ; I'r CbntnmpUon. [> ’ V Probably no oha remady has ever baen which, i: estred so many gnAyudt dangerbus cues as this; Soaps’ j *oo; komau aid can reach; bat'eren to thoao the ; < flaforgi agbrd* relief |and comfort.' |[ r ' f j! : - AaroaHocM, NnrTosxCirr, March 6,|185d. > Dootoa Atra, Lowxu: I foel it and* pleasure .to inform you what your Cherry. Jkdortd. has dbne for mjr , wife. Rho had been flre montha laboring nudor the dan grrsai aymptonw of Coosiuaptiou, from vliiehfhb (dd we 1 eoold procure caTe bbr much relief. She was steadily fail , i Wg, noth Pr. Strong;] of thb dty, where wo hsTecome for 1 ' adrUt, vecommaoded. a trial of your medicine.;) \Ve bless 'ibis klndno«B,aa wo do your skill; forshe has, I recovered [:fram that' day* . She! is not yet A* strong a* aheiused to j \ btj but Is free from hsr «ongh, knd calla henelfl wielL ”, Yours with gratitude aod regard, • . -j ’ • ■ , ORLANDO SEKLBY,OT SsKUTHUX.• ; i do not'dsipalritUl you. have tried] Arci'a Coxsar Psooaii. It Is made by one of the. best medical >i chemists In tbasrmld, and itaqhbs sM arouid iu bespeak ; the high mar(ta of Its vlrtu«:>-- htdgtr. j i i marriage. ; Ayer’s Gathßrtic Fills. ITS lovesfand; bates. Borrows ; nnU nnpers, • HpilE sriouo— of Chesoistry aod.Medieixia Ibave been 1 hopjes anil fears, regrets' and' joys; M .VN- ; .4- taxed tWr aLmdM lo ptedscs this,best, most perfect HOOD] bowjlost, ho.w restored; the nature, : purgatire wLWi feknown jao man. limumerablrproofr treatment aiid. radical cure hf isifcrnmterrlura ! hreahown that thoaa Pius bays yirtum which jnwpaaa •*> or seminal weaknea*.; emissions. i v * xa^ tho ordinary msdiefas*, «jd win nn -4# V ; • gvnera l,v :. .neijvou.flicfe) consumption.; -fiif,- lyonlAl jan’d incapacity, result inglrbjru ; remove the of Its. jorgans purlfrri bloody. SIvLl- are! fully-'explained ,in the : and expel ififeaso.- Tbeypurge out the fool humon* which GUIDK, hy WM. VOCNG, M. ;H. . and grow stiinulnte sluggUli br dfror- This'iuW vy liook shoidd lie In the-/: deredorgtnsintotlisir naturaltictiou,and impart!healthy hands »>f evurv young person contemplating' tune with strength ;|o the whUo hyetem. Not;'only do liiarriaffe. man cu* woman who | they cureJhe’ .complaints of every My,|but • *Tv J ; . k r ,• ,i • ..*> • % I also formidable and dangerous disease* that have?baffled to-luuu IJle.i<u>"l,cr; ol ; ot kumari , uu !: wl)ao t hoy produSi 1 jc'. rt i! eiuiis? anco& Lv'cny pain. ui • ; effects, they art- at the tame lime, the nclit* ii'.ri'l.otit all o youi n, -mvit uj'dy and, old ajre; j, deafest unJ best physic that can employed for children., is fully uxpljiim'-d: every pal'i ieleof Being *ugar*coatod, they are pleasant to take lh:if sli 7uld he known i*’ here . Itjiy.'jull'purely vegelsble, kro free from any risk of hanhij .Cipas t*f ln fact, ik disclnsqs secrets tiuit bate been made which sUrpasa belief were'they not sub- Mxcrv i IK! sOmilll know:* stilldt ia ;i bo.& thin [ stanUafed by men of such exalted position and character l.iedcl'lii., :ln.l'notiiWui.„ut’thdl.o ; \“ «o_fcrbid.to .Manr^inent It -.viil} Vj!-to iuiy .>yc i.ii ;t ho i of turn, vin spec.oi stun.ps. ; have'sent ; mo. the nMurance of their eonTlelionthst my A« l.h css Dir. m. i i \ 01. hG, 41 *». ISprucu if.,, ; preparations contribute hnmensely to the relief of my ah<‘vc i'omih, Philadclph a.. : ; -cf" ’' ' M agUch'd, sufferblg Cellow-men. I ' fj j;|‘- l tir.il Vtiforii urjf', iio/iirnttcif; -I j t«lo% to/umi*h gyati* by \our discas'. hchra yiiu plabc : v«'Ur- = I American ...iei--tile can? of un\k.of tlio' lioiorioii:. : ' ifutOAif of of • Hi- J.ci, iV-.iivi. 1 or for.-i..7.Wi, iio i in --i Oo,ttf«ie«, BOUa CompUiDU, Rhmm»ttm; Worn,. l»i ks n.itut or low.ig.il. iii I Heartburn,Headocha. arising from a foulsfomacb.lfauj* J ItiH (h anv other pap<uv "Ct a copy ot Dr. r sea, lodlcestloo, Morbid laoctloo of ihe Bowel* and Palii : V..un- < ahid read it Sircfiillv. ’ It w ill :■; arfringthenTrom, Flatulency.iLoaepf Appetite,’.alKlcor e* r i- i’Vi , on* and Cutoneou* Bieoasea whtchreqUlre an evacuAnt: rhe iiiC,. means of s:i*w.ig jouj. lualu. a uo i,.. j medicine, Scrofolaor King’s Bril They alsd, byjpurify )■ y ‘.nr l‘ealth r ami pnssiblv pun 1 Htd.^tag the blo’<xl and stimuLatlug tbe system,[curb many. I); ( .fVnrXG rim be cins'iiltod <Vii anviof the I eomplalnt. which Jt would not l^snppoe^l they could ... \i , .. , • , : .:.,11;.. «, u: u i reach, such a* Deafnees, l*arUal Bllildacss, Sveurolgiaand | disoudw d‘.scnh<:U -.in hi., publiuil.oii, ,al hi, - I,'trvpus IrriLibllily.Beranjruincnt* of tho JJrarAnd Kld i !j jC, Spruce Sireot k abyyc Kuurih. Phdii- i Gout, and other kindrcd'Complaiuts arlilngifrbm ia y I- rra! Onice’hotirs fnhii. 9 hr ! .% daily. 1 rtmirlld ; low state of the body or obstruction^ <* its Mctfoys^.; ~ 'I !• ; " ■'[ ; ; i ; Do. not be'put off by Apprlncipled dealers wjth «qnle j j tt- I-, rj r • /'» /■« l\ * ' i I Mother pill they on. Askl fqjhAyxa’s, | c ; 1V V f j °.. i ; ‘Fuji, nh«i take noting eUe;. No other they*can; girV [ -j -|J# yHs C>C >■' you compares wlthilhlsiu it«-;!ntrio?<fc Taluejor ctujativp , i Jijy cIITCLGiIOriO • ' ; power*. Tlio sick wjihl. the be*t aid.therodi for ihenv !„_.L-- r .L :* ,’f r C -\V ;J' : , "i u and they should have tt. ■VL ■1 : r f prcparaViuD,. nmd^--frolnt-ha bc^LJL\y.\ - ... ■ _[*..• -I-. - w>A‘wrrroi. [ £ h t hi-i% is recommended by plijsichfns. rTQplirCu Dy Dr. C. AiXlnj I a su^UTIHXIoUS I'KVKUIVt’i K fur (■i iir | gnd'Afial|jtical:Ch6mi*tfiwe^^ |cr.tl lieivil.ity, Dy-pCpsi';cii'nd ull billi>i,i:^ : j Paica JJS'Ors. rEn Bux. Fivs Boxxa roa $l. ■'■ idor;*.'| riioiiMiJuU..v/hji.luiye been o(inip|]h'd fo p ; ,; iBOLD:DY- •'i! " : V ahainhui bh L ! ustrof,coffee, 1 will use ;t his witlj-[ . t* u r sale by j\) .\iinis, Jr.', 1 Reayer; out inh-.rm is effect*. ; Oilp can ~cxmta|ns Kochctcr; s. Ldwry, Free ;*tren-t-n o;V two poumU; v? ordinary jeoffey, ; ( pi„ v; -rj.. Dicholfir-fßiidoti; Ss - Sargevit, W ♦' i| !' . John DarUnctinn.- fpun ■ n.OLLOCh & LE\ AtS. -j i 1 EdcTir, EiillßlcnLDf d y ever' ?st. nud best BAKING, >vhore . ‘I ;'j- Pfib* ’K2. making fight, stycct and , nutritious i , 1 • .htk-cs. Trice 15 cents.■ ! ■• .*! ■ .ured by] ; !; ■ r M. 11. KOLLOCK, Chemist. >f Broad and Chestnut streiots, r % ! PHILADELPHIA. all Druggists and Grqccpsj" BEAJTER )i}RUG ■ * STORE, Openldmtbpßooin fbrm&ly Oc? I cnpied bythe late Pi. Minis. THE Sabacriber haTingpurchnecd the EnJ tal lishment wilt endeavor to keep con st anjly in; band all 4rtioleß ÜBUully Tound'in Drug Stortsi ’■ • ! a Physician and Druggist, the public r on hi* keeping the PUREST and JRCG3. yof other attieHa -will also he lound > ' iftjua esthhliahment: Extract of Coffee,] llosm So(% '.y Soaps, Port Moqite, Combis.’ r ~ ARTICLES! 'FOB Tllfe ' TOIL15T"; L COTTON, LEAD PENCILS. JLES, STEEL FENS, HAIR, USHES, TOOTH BRUSHES, SUGARS, LET-, T ER, NOTE, & FOOLS CAP PAPER. " , n Oil Lamps and Clumneys: e are a few of the articles, and only a ijaya on hand. ’ Call and ace. | / (till Ary, by close attcntionl andpfsnf -1 to 'give' satisfaction to all who,may in with their custom. !'■ . - "-TCf; 1». CUMMINS, M, D. ?articul4r , attention will hh paid, to up pfesci-iptionsJ [uug27 TIE OF T' ma n >1 i h ery. iieing mdy rel BEST A Tariei Tin, : 'Fan ACL SPOO XEJSI BRI T Carboi These few alw . VHc n deJSing favor hi putting H in a Sealed Price flc/>; IipOTURE, BYj Du. 2\_ OK THE. CAUSE AKD Spcrmai' torrheeni, .Consumption, Menial ‘and'..physical DcMliW, Nervousness, Epilppsy; Impaired Nu trition of the HotlyLassitude>V.caknc«a of the Limbs. and the Back j 1 and Incapatjity and Lnbbr; iJullncss', <fi’ Apprehension; ; Loss of Menftry; Aversion to -Society; Love of Solitude i| |ScUV Distrust; Dizziness, ;/Hoada£he ,'Adcctions of the Eyes*; Pimples on the Face; InVolmii ruy and Sexual Incapacity: the Cunyo quehcejj. ofyouthful Indiscretion, &tv, &c., . * Lcctare clearly protes 'that thfc nh^e ( lt..nunit*rLlcd,-often stdf-nlUicicd. evils,njny he~removcd without medicine-; ni»d without! Dangerous surgical opeoitionsj l and -houlil )>e iend yoiuh.aiid V»ryrmu.n in the l in'd; ;! :f v-- ScntAmder seal, to any address, in a iphilii scaled (fnvehipe, on the receipt of six or two postage stamps, by addressing, j j CHAS. J. C. 'KLINE- & (U)i> ery.New Ybrjt.Post (jißce; 80x,4d80. , 127 Bo’ i:u-.v bt Self Till . Tlie pur known. for Dread f ind Mauiilac .Corner And rich! b mar2o FE Mi IJkv. V (i.\n:c: rp# i I )joun] Jlij/ull'u, Pourdcr: Principal. •Pxpbilsc per o Tuiiiion : ac^or«linp F° I'rinc^ial.r jlim: /“I OP!T), V_x \vt\ . COV These; fiic ranter St', maJe n: I! To be. coir I e-ji; mi ■ &=&{ <)■•> m; in |lB6i ■ >\nrp ?. GLOVES, lIO i c.. L-lietw keg.- INISII. JiCAKBON OILS cro'sr, 0053 & go., Advertising and Commission Agents- I ANP DIALERS IN ‘ ; ,-s FEINTING INKSOF ALL KINDS Type, Printing^Matexials, WBIIINL AND PEINTiNCfpAPER CAEPS, &C OF]’lCKS—Brown’s BuildinG, Philadelphia; Tribune 4 millings, New York., if ; . , I j mai'2o:;.y. i, ; j _ ;; 'i ~~J(IHN B. YOUNG, I Att’y at Law, (DISTRICT ATTORNEY.) ' V: j ■ •,. '; ■■■'l ' S®“Office in the CbuM: House.J li ' • §2: I T ' :: '' 1 DEMY. ILL OP£N OS SEPTEMBER dress the Princip ,'Boavop, Pa. CO i ! ! Orders ami tiro lowest pi or ai eq ■■ i ■PITM.WHW ,-rr; : ■’] 15F.AVKR . | EE SEMINARY. \V. Lav him:; Pe.’h'cjpiil.. (DEB CAIIE or BKV-iJ. A. M C.1L1,.) v.STITUTION,- lor the reception ijf. : lijxUies, ;\vill opcii on •; i j-' » thc'-lst AaUti'jf 7 v- rf < i received into (be familvj i of jtbc •i —Hoard, Light, Fuel',' nnjjTiiitiCn, iidl weeks 00- uione, pev,terni( S-l CKt, >0) 00 & >7 71) or branches studied. ■ . I , ' ir further. , tihe -A- ■ i • * ' ■ : i : IIE^QITiTIPIBS!! SUBSTANTIAL, UPK-bleJs |M(’- I'S cr.ti now bcMiad at the! - ' ; .* ! IT-HOUSE, JN JSEAVEH. ■ ■ mres ore not mere tlanli,, but iv.~ir iPKRIOR lo.an’y that liuvii ever been Hoover county, 1 by any otjbcr artist, vinced. caU'arM examine ijpetinieus. in bet a few weeks. lory in the same room r C. A. OIUP. IN, PhotbEraphic Artist: W, CRAFT, f'i, ISSIOX MERCHANT, 10. 185 Liberty Street,[l -| j'.'- PITTSBURGH, PA. ! -) * : ' • • 1 I • for Pittsburgh Manufactured;OiWds, series, [promptly filled •at the very ices, when accompanied irithl cash liralent. ' . , i »«pl7:B)S. H•' r ■ ■-W | ' ! ■ h PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, J. N. E. corner of 7th &ChestnutSt;, I'HILAMCUUfIA. VA. : ’ . THIS Institution,, which, was established in'' ISll,lind h. infwli consequently, in f e : csgtlitcenthWchr i of .ij» : C'ksstenccj jbuz)ib'c;j t ninoni its gratuatos, hundreds of tIU iposi siic ca-hful MerchtiiJii ainl| Easiness /leb; of uur '* ■••!.:“• • .. 1‘ i : , ;i' The object of lihc Institution tp nf i fV.vd young nien fxrilitics fd* lh'or*-*WQ;h rut ton for l-hsim-ss. r. ; v! V The branches taught; arc. J'»ool;-liee:ping, as \ •nyq'jirible i|> the vaVioifctkpartmeipi? of-Trade;.l irVirubi:iiisliiii,'-l> it !i plkia: iiuVU mlinimCptal; ! -Laiv, mutbeinatic.v £|bjng:; turn, j 1 Civil: Kngitiievijig, Drawing. ■ i*hpn{igi:£.pliy, j and Modern Ear guages.' i ! | j ; The system ol L . Instruction is -pecplia^; ho \ classes or sot U*j«cmS arc made use of. but caelr.i 1 student is taught ihiHvituinilly, !so Hint; he inay t-inu‘j!|;nui attend. at ivliritcv j*.i* f l'iours-firc mofjd convenient, i/ . f ; !; | {'l-(l.italugucs arc' issued .aiumrvUyj (iftct the l.'ih of -April, Containing names of 'The: sin-; jleu’ts' for ibe year, iml |fuU: Of 10-rins, &c. t and miry'lip obtained , time by jfiddivssiug the Principal. . .'hh-'- ' ~! j\ ! .. In extensive jaccort^iodatnujs.,.»wddc-siu , ead rcpjut at ion, and |tho iciigiby : eijtericncc of ■t he ■Principal, ibis Institution- facilities siu perior to any otjjer in-jtlie .coiutfry,jj.Or- young, bveri. wishing fei jncparO.for to jobtafn at the sahic tinjo a diploma.| which will' prove a for them ip jcaiiti|c Housed j 1 , >;■<■ '\ # i:-- .I : J-j .iSeries ol pn pof»k-Keej>ing, I now fiTore widolyj circulated ihiiii any othco* pyork'&i thp subject, are! for sale at the College. •1|• . M : r " i ! i | : : ■V i 's. JIUDGE3 eniTTt:NI)EN,J j : , ,j \ \ ,vj-- 1 “ '"’ i " * EniS'ciPALV'j ;■ May 7. Notice.! • The aocduhtsTahd subscriptions ;to The Argus for 18G0 aijd ISOH which have not bchn so litled: up, as wellfas]] the accounts of M. WeyandV and AYoyahd and' Henry, aro in my'hands for settlement./ ;Adl wlib are ■ indebted t,p either, of those for subscription, advortisoincnt or job work, will pjeasejj call on me at the Treasurer’s Office. Many of these Ou-i counts arc of longstanding aind should, to l- ‘ .■■■, '!■;- ' i ■j SAMUEL PAYENPpET. i lIILIXPV AM| : IKHjfi , ; ESfABLISipiEXT, . BROADWAY, . NEW BRIGHTON, PA., i (Voor Door* bd«w Dr. ’ S(nrg*nt’s .Drug Afcns. ■: ; ' MWTi MISS RENO.' 41 - 4 J -«r LIVEM tbue asd cnamsaf ~ for U TMltl SUplc KtMd; for ... LIVER COMPLAINT » * AHX> Alii MUOUSiDISKABBB. f : ™ ■ .• - :;J jj L ; ,'■ The ordinal evidences of Dis-, ease : os-the Idyer-are ?alB and ' tenderness Tin {lie region of the ■ Lifer, sometimes dull and aching, increasedby pressure, pain and v IlDeaslhcra in Pain in the right £bbnlder, tmejiisiness ' ; .when lying’npon tho left aide, - increased size of the Liver, Short j' and Dry fough, disordered stom ■■■;, ach, N Tellowisli TingpJon ■ 1 the eyoa and akin, Headache, yel lowish furoa tho tongue, Bitter ish taste, :in tho rnouth, heavy, v dull senstitlon in tho Brain, I k- \ i pressing ji of inspirits, amounting ; almcist slight Feref r toward eV£jniftg,|tpsS Of Appetite,' Melancholy, witfi morosonoss and * Hypochondria,® Neuralgia,* > ness, a general fooling^ of ness,® Languor, ; j^owaihejsj 7 lnfsT 1 patient capacious iof sometliiikß wrong in himseif.ißnd disposed to boo nothing right -in things about him, yetj wholly upablo £: to expliirtltho cause bf his .sen-j sations—with many,others easily ; . detected by resemblances; to some j one or .other of the above. The Livjtir Bill will almost cor- ' . tainly arrest the disease if taken \ipontho appearance oftlfo above •' , symptoms,, which if allowed to 1 V ' take its course, becomes' chrpnio ,j' . in its; nature and alinost inou j rable, producing groat and con-, I stantly increasing suffering;'!' t Thenas-of this nSodicine will neither i -i create a new (disease nor complicate an : •- exiatiiig one,[hat, in i most cases, will " , prepare the system for the more vigorous I; remedies;of the,physician, should it hb-, , , necessary to his aid. . 'e '■ S • h&JL&avw iaiEi»iici»K;/ . ; ■ .AUB IS VALUABLE. ' Ppi«io bnt fi. ■ •sL ' l i I . 1 - T7. 1 ::1 0 It G: lc ’-1 ■■ : “ : I /',!■' -/ rrom.Al'Casltlnv, DnwtlsVS. Beod.lnd. * -D. t>'l- — D/ar^Kir —In iwly'li? y.tu* ’ v-’filTor-of tWlStli I'Vculd Kay tlat/llii? salo V , £ : ; of Sellers* far cicocfird mj V, tions; s an£ m-ndic. : «an'baTc;tluytoUM/to : the: desirediffect,!:Tlio G,u£U Byiup ia a cure-tor . Congh*», cclds. Ac 4 aad. the cliKhpnef<*'of ibt* article places Ifjwthin j(M .vhicli. with rfflcacioas.qualUle*, it,a uniecriiir: ' Ihvorttdk i Not a day pSws' city. ■ for “the, one tblfag needful,” at ;thiBscSMon:pf:tiie ■. ] ywir, vIL | Sellers’jiOOTsh Sjrrnp, OUSUINO ‘‘ : 3?y|fcie .CentN. ■ . . -4" ' 4:-;v ■ ■ -.•.v' : : ; V™-i VERMIFUGE. i ■•SSj From the Bert'S. former Pa*to» of thO: Liberty Street M. JC. Church; Uc 'R.’IE. fiittKß, I *—lt id fn)raa«en*o<jf-doty,n*r n-gtta that I fcwir testimony.io- U»s4irtu«'brruhr Justly ;.J : prijccird a single battle, >rtd gave* it to three of my * children, who bad been 111 for aeveral weeks. The eldest .was w-Tex* years old, thb next .four,,oml fho-’ youUKCet'Clghtctn, uibuihS;•; The first passed fifiy nix worms, the isecond lorty-sercn.. anil the third • 'considerable’number, not distinctly recollected, filnco then ilier haro been doing Well, and arc now' .In good-health, j! ■ - si. wAKEFIELIIi PBEFAIIKD APfn SOLO BI ° R. E. SELLERS CO. WqrTBlilJ^OH, : 'PA. ■■■'.• t■ ■ i y .’Every |yej*r of Children die firbm tliib IsWritilS evil. 1 : : tw3 nhirnsSiK m<«- J6*jt;£ loiiuiy. n:U' ’f T.-iumWod v-itchfulacss. fto^ : Pv' ihc sikztur: ft/ Pit rrme- I tip}- Th'i Of rv.ruiy phyinejiit:*' fc Averin modici&.-d in a iu<‘a?hr>‘, C llo iiijurii.u-t ijualllii.’:, cf the * Wrujifufjc-s a-d tV* i IneiTU-Wnry of tno^t InJT ’.the f>><,Tlh:J^^ l ‘\Vor£ir Confc-vtlon.O ,‘* Worm 1 Cj3iV«lifcS l ;^- ri \Vcri;t,*Te.:=," f &$; . £.'.i i/J'm,:rf Ott - ItitUr trretx’.i Lainulrn as I'tfy tliLVv M-lt jCvST UTF.i .?r ; j tllt.Mjjhtflil, -ten* sfUj: .wili thus trille Kltht'ho lill i f bc.r. ci.i-d. ■ ...\. -|v ‘ . ...J •/•- t •; ; LET P}< YSICfANS SPEAK. ' SELLfas’Vjil^nFL’GE T|IK BEST 1 \ I<E: ■Hiau’. it’s ti-i k rnixiF. ! . '■ ; 'cZic'/nf,’ KfrT}c-c. 17. V c 4-V/, • i .MsyU. r\V up Vcnnisny.'”} - rr.ar** \ ir ij'.? thaiil t.i.y 1 ever niHoii.', Jv. -li '• *»; a j’.i-h- •• buu I £avlff‘uQ\fal. My Op'thOr'* diiM rtrd* waijtiiifj'U> u’ vutre y.,l‘U -u, in on aCUr J payvlbe .V<Tn;i:u:c. thy enornuiMi •jJsvv.tUy of ujiirard vjT tir hvp tr-;r/nyk»rr. cldM, tliit \v>\h t’lvoii v;» fi>r -1.-st, is now m WoU iU nay lit tlV* , "f ‘ A>rWiC>?i^AiINET T? M. D;-; ..- , __ , : • ii • ■_ ■ : *\y Tte.# 1 n H - ■ &*** • ; Pric:? 25; Cents, SELLERS' [ |', f . April I.fs4s; A!l thaf IVTreqh i.t ! to ,/ivek reputation inain .fvttUy, It’a.&ir • ; •" ‘ ; r . 11 i ;r;•/?. n. .j 'l i r/><v?rrf, rb. 4.4 i ’♦dla. FrUßp: tirtj lost jfiipror fivoyrVrri, 1 thrnUit dfc* vi l-Mlly tlio preparation of the kind. Mau-. lierrtofori u«id|jl>« pfrpa ration of tlie. nosenll other mabuCtcUircra.- - \’rup», rcfpt-ctfuUT, .-Mr 1-" .'. |4 ! ; A GOLcu^i^dJ^ We might ojmijtemte.humlreila of other wcrcU mjceiaiirjvdmt Scllvrs^V.;rmifn'si}lma»*ttx l <P Uio ■o.mhing twjfbf (lief medical faeidUaml put lie far more'fAartti * of itself, iaiioncimjye eff its enttre ihr ccrfmiky of Its cnjf>ct.- . ‘ *V . J\k Koricil—rixtraonlinnrv: laduwim-afi o-v."of fered to jjcaleni 1o |«ommemliaua sell other Xuicj rpihijoaj jij)o'iict Ivt 'UnprlncipreJ'.mou palm off ■my of the** on you. Uho 6<i< at price U tht cheap&t, the reforo as* for.BcUcr» , jtnd tale |no - - , • • ■ V ■ arrOout«/' v / [ ASp'#OU> Jir Vj- R.E. SELLERS & OQ* .'■ '; PITTSBPiIOH, PA. J:-- jt ZVie fliurjle u ■ ■War of R \ \ -Dad /alia! Tht If ur -W -■flepmmUon Bad ;■■ Arenlh, .li'iteand ftmi I ’ \Toothuche,-£<tr/ufa ; and Xturahjia. v i, .j 1 . ; OC-K AKTM,I,KI!Y IS 1)R. W3I. B; liri?l) s pElg_AL T^,s^-|^ SET or KEMtILi,,.!, ,c .TMJ]. TrikTi; Vitrifying . the Jirmth and jr, v . ' ; and • ■ ■ . Ciirifig Toothache and Neu^WJ *. bottle. ■' ' . ; - .;! ‘' 'M ■ j Dr. Hurd's ■ Unequalled TOu-ril Tut j OntJrOX.-. ( v. ' • . • . ' I ■ Dr. Huff, .Vajic TO.OTHa t'fa: j' one botllr 1 Dr. JlurtT j- UXlUVji’ijEl} XXVn\h-i, PLASTKRj ': ;. Itr . 'llnnf J MAX CAL on ’gt,* Is,;,' Prftermna thtJTtrlhf inrfajhy? Jp. r 1. .Proptr TriHKKHt >-f. C/iilrlrtf.i J'..',!, ' •T^**S toy toothPicks,'cfc.. : : ’ Prepared at l)r.‘ HtmPs lieiiiap o&4 Fourth St., BrooUlvii; '(¥** It,-. ‘ j ‘' ; ■ iW. OX,K ifOI.LM! ; , v y/fc,-; , par ■ ;jx .eight. inchesrftvfiTC, and Jt2rTr /-Vt ,y , - , The following-artiejes re catasei,,!.^?;., !yj by-Uiftil, yiz: ■ ■ .The Xrrntisc'on PrtzfO'ir <j //.y/'.'.;, v !>ai t. on receipt- pfTAvjtLW: <-rn,. . j. , .stamps. .' .■, ! , / 'ir ’ ; The Xtvrolgia^Pjatter. . for NeuralStia in'tl'' [Face, Kenyons Headache, ami Kav.rti.c ipast paid, 'on receipt of E„jhu.. H a„„ stamps. ■■.!■■ ,I’lic Xtnrntgm mm. 'l{!i-'m«Tir 7‘/.c;ri h-s ViV.c)L forl’ains mjhe i-.f »ny .part af: the Wly.'-jem post paid Jain ri cytpt of Th<y ,' \ -Address, “ 'J.' '' ■ v.'.ir. Trihipf.lSu. M0.17T11 ll'-') .577. TOO.T.II'A C/fB. M’tilb aity!# by.. itrnUilfiv, I c ; ifmi'il iit v<mr Dr.up: or'j I’orimlicni ■ : 'Fpir\ i - If they cannot,, send if ns -for .itaAli'A-U. T117;.\5U10V,.1 , ! icc i Dou.Aij /tvhfV f Mini? them: • ' i ! ■ fa- ’■ A 'A "pity.' . jP.{s^ps u few- . .The best I evidences',tliaf'A&i are :s, ifiat-ili.'i'. firmest best pafnm-i tire ililo-f-.vlf t hav.e [used ; them longest. Ahr/ Hm. /;J im'?’'emiiicn?\l>enitj : r Af lire:New- Voidest .Denier- 1 ' th'ese . > f in years a!ii|- no 1. .•.‘Siiisr » of Brooklyn .or 1 exccllent'c, Xvhile eminent¥lb-miA?f|,fS New- . , Vork- recommend Hunh.niAthe Aum- wi-Awta .tjlic ; Wifii )til .-ring. liavq^old-tiiv-Hi fv ! riiijpi. ’ _Thy / E«lito‘r «»f. the /IrcA'.-'>o‘. ‘•■A7VA*raT«;X M “'We/ar.e liappy.Vo*WiowrrHnr » ii r iviAj’V- L»r. ■ rllurdv -is -vxhhdv.-.i'-.'w j-\v>itli lns MUUTJI: WASH .and Tm/i ddd'VT ,"rl DKdl. r fho ,grelTr\ye'eret- of .Lr tf -friiiv v-ii*;- .jwhh the. fact 7 tot >nv , i , aspire !*.;«, k i - -* j (kJr'h.ivl 1 ;f• • •' •• ..■'■v - j : .The well known I-.rT. Barminr wrilpsf'*i i found y^uir'TOOTH^l*oWlfK.li.'so'idi.-d fry . f family have useddr.alf up;■. JUV* ’ 1 J -jMK'//<r for fhi .r-r j Kuv-’*nt‘r ■ u.h i/. } feel.obliged if you udiU.seiid|i)ie anotfHV’.r--' j plvat XuWmr fnlnU.'’-' aX '; ■}] ■;■ o v 1 •'& ' i J ‘ But their costia so rihulV.thatevery on.f£a/. .test ‘the matter for.himself. .* y Be\vurc ol‘ tile Ordinary Tor.f Ii fs. Hurd’siTogtli l*oddev eoutaoi- e-i Wtri'd?*, . • udV-alkali., nor .charcoal, and. ‘.vv.lriul. -^Yearing;the efiamel- Use no *-tldr. • .p' 1 ••'tfYHAT. ,-Wlli DRf 1 lIUKB’S KDMEBIES.- s?' * ‘ ■-■ KF'FEf'T ? ! i i 1 f . .* -■ Dr. Hurd’s MouthVVvasli and To,.ih •IV-r-for t - sweeUdn'earh and e^i y*< j 117 ]ics; : i. •; •; y, '•• A. [• d ird's. M'UiTh, \ Th r >*v7’!^’ mse the: moinjir from . d i£-iisf{l in-t'.iio inununy; wlyilAA:*.', tTiCo hf(*alcft\sr t! IYU-lyd? jn*. . plea»di\tiyi- *'lluiuTreVls' o£ - r ; . to tljijl'r ••'T,rvV{hvi:f''Y r - Ty'r “ j are'the'the, best prM.avan-ui? in '1 .f-r .1 i*ii'rT.hg had 'hrrath yiv ( aiid ■ -■■ - i hoalili to the .gums, j .Han-hM* of -y ' r&ikasi'j; £U',*Ui t ‘J ' G-\m^. &.n >}■ '. y.Ayy’ ete., : haxferbpeji'curoii hy, Dy.--Uu d’- y^v^'S' ■ cut waisli-. “ • .] •. - • • I ;, '=• k■ ...Dr. -Hurdjs Mhlith jv.’ash'Tyoth. ! .givc-anfVdiliiKiilai tjharni .10 eo-iii-.siiu;. ynd ’ruake iuisldi'mls fliore^aj3Tca.W‘Y f " r,i 'V- r i ; i ajld wives Tiny -s.:. viH * * used by evtn” person Julvine . ;••; . • . ; a};Tin r/.-i/- tkft //. [. ■ ; •, Tvhiclr are f: nahJc toJihpat t n tainn-* f-'-:Dr, ffurtl'A Tooth'aehe f>i(d‘ujs l achc arising from exposed ueitk's. :ui-l’jnK- -v ! best- friends that. . can have iit j to i -elves rXim lossdd' ]<•**■*.r A.-, a&: ■•.■■■ ry.. |.' simr ineckaiucs caniiptry#:'. ! lord .to neglect your tycth. Fovaivirlihy * . you can inuv get preservatives, Astor can geiaiotlrfiigr llemember thtu. *>'‘""-v the Lnu'jx often ovigmate iu liugrect ,«d* lA v d-< I Send for the-. on aii l .ryad hr. , |.Fitch’s, observations «ubjo?t. .l li t-‘.A vlatc to arrest, docayi in yourronuv ryour cliildrcn’s :. • • ;i • : - ii .yKVHAI&IA lfLAST£Rs.~'V\.[lUv^ II Neuralgia -Non-Adhesivc i-last jU’s an; l,;o' nr • ;fpleasant and .sncce'ssfrtL rcnicdiesjfn.Mr v.' j ed tor this painful .disease. A’V . • pliei one, soou'beconics drowsy* daß;{ar-^?* ] and awakes- tree'from and n<> X:\-s-jr 1: '.other unpleasant orinjurrdus.con^e'i , a'k e ' CB “-. j sue. For Eiirachc ami '//■■■‘M-v-b '• f ! f.V~ ! ‘ply according to direct ions, ' and ; surely follow, Not.hing : to Dr. lluyd's • jCpmpresji h>i-. .^AnirMir^’- , them. They are,entirely a novel. cJvt*V_ s - original, pveparatiuii, and w(uideii‘iiUy .ful. -They are oftwo sizes. taco, price To cents, aiulAhlT- o‘ther | iargo. •., applicatibii'to tlio body,-’pnfre he 1 inaifeti on receipt of price tfnd one nahr. , ;* ; \Vua t 'A in: wiE: peovl 1: r/fi^ ? , | The .American -people are intelligent apprcViateJpreptrtatipnathat opi!trilniuj- l ' l,l ji^ To happiness ut* those. using: them,. rJi'i ’-t ivont them. EverymaU brings us lelji fr-. ''' ordering the Treatiscum Teeth, sente V ralgia Plasters, ajid not for the Mouth hc.seiit Kv japt'. to these weave conrpelled to .reply impossible to'sond (’? The people want those Kcjnedtes. | I'* s_j supply l/a'ht? .' ’ ! i~' '■ Now is the, ■. , ■ ■*.-'! 'is •• ; i CIIANCE FOR -AGENTS II Shrcwd'agents can make a smaU b|f n!n^ u |; oarryingthese artielesj around to Dental Treasury is the neatest j\i man or wotnaii call carry ,aroUi^f : >T il on©'and see, or, hotter. ,n dozen, w ll will sell, as samples,-for $7. liberally with circulars. , {fer r ' r ' oU j s n to to go into the business; todo t jj 4 j a.profit. ‘ We ace spending. benefit of agents.. New England nujjj {o j men ! I bore is something nieft^nd 11 .!? J" .j take the tide at its flood. ; ; . ■■■■■. x LO-. - ;• ■ Tribune That remittances in?y be ,mwle Hj denceJiV. B; H. & C.?:, refer to the JVtfj.g l-Brooklyn ; to Of/AV. ‘'Griffith.ProsiiU 1 Ors’and'Oitiiiens Bank, JBrooftlyt^.M^Jy-tjij* f, ! • ../ El ■i UCRD.fCO:, :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers