S Ns, ABttUS, . : r — :r ~" * BEATER, PEW - yovTlSthi 1862. pTNICHOLSOIM &Co.. Proprietors. \TS>—One Dollar and Firry Cti»TB advance; .Two «ill lie cliarged. No paper-discontijiued arrearages are sctiteir ' ; ~ and cominunicaticus, by i&ail prompt attention. |* ; r . boantcy; Right or Wrong ! Ij etter Prom Pateon Bfownlow- i .. Peoria, Illijnow, Jfoy. 3, ’'62. j To the Editor of Philadelphia Press Since writing you[ jirom Jlailoor., ini . , ■ • ~, - (Coles county, on Monday, 1 have spo|- j ••Our coun*ry . ngU or wrong . ikeii at Ccnlralia, in Clarion ebumy;! ’ heart pan don _ ' at’Springfioid, in Sangamon, county ; 1 . That thus should sweg the patriot spng, atftßldpniillgtoi , ill AlcLcan County;;, ; Thus ring the patriot shout? . at Peoria, in ll e county of the aft nip j He but the foe'arrayeip' . , name ; and at Fcki’n.in Tazewell cbuii- 1 And War’s Wild trumpet blown,— . t y. 1 speak at Monmouth, ill ; yjjld were his heart who has not .made \Vlirren '.pUnly, ua<j '. at; *. His country’s cause his own! i. , j Gulesbui’g, tile day of-Aho eleclidnj) t H | j V , . „ 1 ’ v I At the ihobt of |these points there; T-i.nVffli fflctlop rule the halls • ■ .. ‘t , • 1 . - i •iaougu . . j; * . were mass meetings. or monster gain-i i Wiiori* nofiiOf' thoughts nave swajea, . , . ,•> ,*r '.. , P \. ( \\ntrt nj.K-r e i ermjr*, which.\lhc citizens told .me, i ;One pcsWj.oiwJprcvci| ca s , j were equal;to tjie gatherings of f The patriot s anil ba ci : i the last campaign,]of those convenetj ; He; at h:s, country s name, • , Ihy Ljouglas anil L|liColn. . jin the day ■Feels every pulse beat. high. I was; often jTbfCed l tl> speak to ; Wredlhcs 1 round her gldry all hit, fatpc, 4 1 ill thwtijpen air. and at night j Ami loves for her to d.wl ;■ jto crowded liails or churches. [I 1 - ,* , (have; spoken twieit each,day ever since j ,er her flag j j , ef? ttro Hours’ in 1 Woos the saluting breeze, i | tl A 0 day and one.a^n,J ■ i ’‘Fliugs o’ertbe phtin .us starry f0.d.,. Ml .. Bross, of the Chicago. Tribute, r or.floats en storpty<?cas i spoke with night, and occit ■ Ail dearest things arc tbero, j ijpted an.hour.! ,ite is a clearf,forcible. •All that makesdife divine. la nd effective public speaker. \ ( ’ home, faith, the bravc.-the trey the; 'the mass •meeting j«l'tSpribgfit|(jv, i ' Ciiugyo the lianring sign. .. •;’eX-Govcr,pur ,W I ight, (if Indiana, ;-h >' ■ t; , | • sitoke with us. an 1 liiade/a -powerful - i ‘• 4 - 4U =i- : . { .|«Suni argunientalivi! speech, vvliieli h'ad i hythe-g’.. .t.i> a.a , ... ] u powerful effect upon the audience, .At Vjy Liih and Pyttn, andstream, . UiwU .kvHl tell utiv.i the elation ihU r Ordcq.cn ooptns hod 1 ; . |_ , ‘ Vl . „ !illio w. i,-'' ■ ■. ■ aiiuip r ~ ■ ,-i w ryi .. sturni c 3 ; t ' BV KON. OE&IUSE. \Vb;b j . !r ..*t’iv'is sijH-.-jcv :V :J i-,.|Vel hymreithi/erls at l asda civil, political-br adffiliiistriuive 5 - this State, .| ie ' boVsiscYn uiUinb llib;- sup-1 acts - Wasdl expedient?. Xt leaveftfob ; liaiK- scores -wfa thfir best; speakers. iii\ ~ i -if mted Stales Golem-! question to tjie IVeiddciitryf Fbr lie |!s ! It-S 1 sT.dvn.ey ard .coyest, ng, [W- ;T- !„t The ?cS !hWt, he ; 1,% corigid jtery nidi of ground M'f'VfJ county. •\ , j iheir Nbrt iern oreti the question- long,ttSfefully :apd ■' • I have never mho. 0.l harder; i. j «J«»'J n'gi.t.hom h.ly looi.e ‘'illyf' i . ' .v ’ • |.. 4 which it’can present itself? i Hbwev- Tl.e CoiiUnUud M',*th!y ' tor O.etbbcr, {n|{lc« ami sleer.tugbutrltule. • AV nlst ,•• for i b<^pnion !cr wise I may .bo.--.br |««e. CuHis in ait article on ‘-London Fogs: and ; !. ufu A-ml t.arty will can-y Illilo son ; niay be, on the suljeet r tferes.dent I , • , , f jC*tUl\ \ TOCO! * I’ll; ML kllullV t!T*llcLl| UV . - V , i* .» 1’ i«l ", tmwi lio wi*si»l‘ TiVliil rillcSP r tbf TiVOOll :L.iiiK)U PoOr. has taq loiiowmg j, ,» O ,Y to-morrqtv, although three to out. f. the , nu>t he wp u, oi ali i u^ot.pioOa :U*« Miaatiwii-Of the poor and af-, j bfueriy assailed or unsparingly dy voters'absent ... toe; arnjy woulfl vote j,. »b«3 ; EieU'd iu '.he the gieaCßabvl qt Jhe j nouneed by Secessionistf; and 1 vries- ul 'e^U^iii-odiCt-for you, that out l have not; the sligli B.i ish Kingdom.' itris suango that ;ti.apl loue s.nee lof1 of the -fowLii -Congressman lb bf ; cohstiintionijl powt I,cl!!sk IK ‘«>T t ■■’ 4 !! Huld ; i oeeUr iccoj(XiX:U)ie'p!at: u, ..elected.io-ri.ovr<»iy. tile Union and'A\,ar | J" ue 1 right under the '- nosVs ; Oi the ‘>niar T . kw , p ti|(J p L, lo f jVo m lurnit.g out.-.; v ■ ;.'./l;Vre ?orV..uf mM. [ins ol ciVil; atioi-, A'! i-e thiy snntf ujj,|iOsiti(»n nice tings have been held,' The ’ loyal men of lllaionj have ; , luimlrotl miles t up for less 'crimes, tb cant a .SvLineVaud ..publication* mude tq the Effect every consideration tVliiCjh Cljn. >c ;,ito his lines a hum ■ov.er, three thousand m les'away IVont! ibbi my.languagfr is so.yu!gar,t%t.... : presented-ho .the^s ot l'«W wagons, hors, , \ - - ■ I .. bdv could: be ie-esei.t without being- make a mighty clb\it to: sate ,l,tn ;-il„;P . v Wf. ! rin«di-.» the loathsome scene, we | roter Uctl ;to bluslfl , J State iron, of file Kt iglusj ■ K i. ’ • ■; r i' In tli is eiiy on Saturday, l>eio!'b an ’of the Golden Cirdy the tory ■ alln’S= in t i' e telltr -in the streets, of London L hSx'e | audience ol thousands,nearly hhall t.1j.0l Jofl l)avis;uml luS .minions. .lhe. wjtj<fr ne cosrsilles, a seen women and children contendintr i whom were ladies, one of their drunk- 'high character the Slate has attj»'neu , mec t those necessit for the of ii bone drawn - eri hiielings got.in front ot the stand, |by her devotion to tlie Union, alrd by ; t!l0 ,l a „„ cr o f' irVm the slush of a kennel. I have {gave me the fie wbilo speaking, j sending her into thw • war. O *J o fj ol sfen §ovs tight and bruise each i other | seiearned out at- [be top: of lhr its restoration—the personaljtiilcr-, lu ,. ll . ll;|I rebels % ali nsl ol brerbl dipped upon the'.and sought by yelling qnd .crowing, | esls and self-respcfcl Ol the tiofneV— -ptvcmoht,^aud.covWed with wet juud, | uLbreak up the meoling, but 'a■ s*l-w'fthwse nnd-many otlit-f considenitiohß l - j ■ r^o fav otherwb or cvjen unsigbiiv fitih. / I 'nave enter-; Federal; sold n-rs j.resent seized -juiKi.ti ' all ]'rodvpt, tljeii' to put Ibrth ievery-: j it X m i’„ h t slril ej ttie abode-<>f-this (ic.-pera'-.e pover-: hiin. chbk< d. Idin down,’ and doh bio- '.energy they jiossess fo avert; the 1 nl 'j l?t be IJO t ay IV; led hitiierHiy ehiiUwn,lvbo|-e!am-; d.deked him 01 it .If I he. Crowd !- | ; lamity -f h Kecessiqn. triumph. | 1 Wdil; slo ‘ no- Can ho-do itin ibet?- orci lbr aims, and found shvli hiisery ;v At,’J'eeaUir. I pas foilowed by thu,, they disappoint the' hopes ot the , Tho ucst f. >n touches the expijd4M ■us lam ineotiipetent.lo | e-ess in wofd-. i g-diant Pol. Tapper, whois just lieady ; loyifl people hf the North, cr th X Measure and this' I ICavi? to d have seen the living, unat-icrfo rise j.-io maredi a new and noble regiment - lasli'lig disgrace through any ncgloH-; jt (l(icw . |1(il .jV,nc : »».hiH p.ili ;idw sickt.ess, ;n the same .‘bed- with ' into the field, ■ lie sUiteddn hissjieeeh or in dinefen(|h on their part? I should ; (j) t p ir Xat4"li ft and to tfi- it Eddying and the: d<-ad. Ii liave : liial secession ;idizens 01 the town ; say n.lt, from what U have seen 'anai.J. A.eaks miieii ; yiaAvii an instance v. here a lr. nig inaii . had Just hdd hn 1 that I ought to be learned by eonung iii contact vmh j nt|| j c ] riQ „ en ll v ol*thVl’rcesidcnl'.Ynght AhAsircxigJd.e: 111., bating !he exhaust- ! rygot put >,i thS Whity, and hh? sol- : large bodies ef the citizens. , "j---V l‘ to - jiitlii-t ‘1 cnaltv’ ,nild ‘nutiislimbnt/ dag vdeets of privation and gorrow,- cher., iif th.,-ainheiice demandydithpir: Illinois is ;an empire of herself,! al)( p lbc i l(s of thu;-,,r|bels to‘ thy ;i,:js Ih-. :i eoniiielled- to seek rejidse, inh iiaiy.es, ainl sv.o re they w v puh!| rnh- ' , witb| ah extgnl of territory, fertility . p rot eeiii>u of the law I X ' i 1 ~’ , ii|e b-iiiy (,f iyspl|itd ■ //0.,,, mif.of blc t>: a .v< ~ iv4> j hey :0 p ; t ,il. a salubrity of climate, and ; 1 .|j ebc j]j ol| h as n o rights. If rebel' ■‘u-iie. his .Jpidreu oecy pying life fiqdi-,; v.w-i e sayid fion.,viuieme lyv the| Col-: facilities for trade and travel, that ho i 1;0]) anything irmeans the re ■' Iju.d iheie-beiiig in ll,e room yeither' onyl wishholdn.o ll.eP- names, iboiigb ih u n would dream of. without passing: nnn.-tation a«<l’ destrubtlort of all .law. l ‘••hair:-upch.-which S*t- could se.it Vi:m-J lie.hi.msy-It denobneed- tneni- in. appro-; thr.iagh'thc State. Frovideneo seems : t j iere f ure . j s j U -cursed before 1 God pdi'nor tabic upon wliietf lie; ethihh, p'iate terms. ,' , _ I ,!' / ! to have-provided large iuexliauslib|yi ian( c Jlmn •Xo riibel has any right a ‘.Ativudi .iuniseli to. rest I have - J./U iVkiii.n. I|nvn of .i.OJtJ t»yam- , <-,,nl beds in the midst of all, ;lhcscd rt . (r . m i . t 0 which-Should weaken or ' ;.n,. HTlhiit erawh lor. ni.urisl.niend. in tants. on the ba Ik . f ti.e Ilhams: A iv-; r i t .{ l} prairies., wli.-rt* timber is wmree. ■ nnliiady measure heeded *. w.-aii! m»si/er> lureayt, and, there i-r'. an ..pposition. meeting was.gbp up, Corn is,now so abundant and so finc,-;i to fenb ,j uc t |, e rebeliioh. Judge Cur . '.vas cot.-in ail tin! bouse the 'Value Oti. l!ie court bouse seeiired.-and line |>nly ; any quantity can be had . for i lsw ; s an-umeiif- wcuM give the" coiißVb . I hsive Been a hall in the town rented, to .-prevent j, ri nt y I . ; tution mud the : hiws to t\ic rebels as wife, in-Iqiljowing iier husband's body my sp_>--iking on Salur..ay .nigiiu.—;;; j have inet -bero. and at -allj other , jj,-;,-. to smite with,- and their |o tire grtgiy drop in tile road and die I’lihlicaiidn was made that one llyh, ; points,many Virginians, North Caro-: s i l j e ] t i. { 0 s .-_-; c them and Idavo itito ii's hefore intidieal assistanec could, be ;se-ry 'Grover, an opcn-moullieil_ Si|ce» : » ijniaus. au ,f .Tei.ncsscaiw.'Wilh whom-I.; on iy. as jfletler. • ‘ • - i - suit.;- A jt-isi -. mortem sioni-t, would speak, at- tiic . court. Vl - as acquainted as many >*s '-twenty ; Then h*‘tells usdhy ihboccr.l must ]',icvvvi-ii;at she died from hunger. | : house..He had formerly been nn; Ab-‘ thirty! .ve.iis ago. : I knew they! gnff r ith the guilty. This is; true j : pruiionist, hut w ;nt over to the Syces- b;ll ] ,- crn( ,yed to the Western country. 1, al uj i,. sad.- But when the' mihgled Vsri-n party, bee tus.p the jiepubiipatis: hut I diddiot knofv .where’. Sfapy •of j jj r ' e , and hail, of God’s vengeived run ’.itidseil to nominate him lorCongfess., t i, om - oain.ei hTteep and twenty iniles r a i oni ,r,he ground, they pursue-pb dc 'l they made an unsuccessful lan, JO see anl } dear mb. 1 recognized one ; ,Vion3'.-pat.ir ‘hat may - leave the liomes -st.me. I: was iifVitcd 'intOj fh«(.M«tl,odist lady aa soon as s.ho "p- | 0 p- j| ! ,jiocoiit unharmftd :■ for in na eli 'reh, the largest house ’i,u me, whqdd brother i-f in; the 1 j. o| , a j T<|a%n»iti,es: the innocent isuffer t w|as filled to ovj..rdow-1 jj c .|j U i Congress, /though ■I I had nqt j - w j lb t hh dnilty. This m'aj-- be one of ,dtisvy_iMi ( l dqors j>Vere . sccH'.her since I enjoyed the lidspitali- j (.pi rnvSleries'of. l-’rovidencc': it id af •■sstcn.isls, resorted . t j es 0 p h e r house, m AVestern Carolina,: ainevVJits a fact. - And what bad boon ■nd there eom-; in - . ■ Kospecllully, &0., , •'L.fjj bc ; w.- . - : ; ~.} gto tfcrrv ■ AV, G. Bnowxtow.. I“ ’ si •\ Iff j;v<;VV|'gl-»riuu'3. song-, ■-.r- ;.j*i love of I‘auic, SQra V>os» ” A Horrid Picture • Ct’fEvKS AND XoTF.S Tll|T*V.. las -law, -which wenrintd cnectuon «. l>t inst.j pvoyuie-i— ,’•■ ■? , hank etufcfes, or or- ; ji' •, 1 v . ' I Uie lo» •;#■? ‘ or f']y su,n - ( ;iiw dollars , (ciu) • shaft: baye p|uc- • „: o^d y X he , - I ',- a, two cent camp, and , Uj j, !C . t . ()Urt , vi „ 9> .that the,drawers thereol .shaft P !^ e : ; J IU . :lni-rooti -the-"- .initials ami .la MMf-i (l| v the crowd, li.ev bn. «e. The , penalty for not so d^S. ls ; c;nil .on ailll fiw i sacral to. ;" fy W l *™ »«-. c «£ h . ««• a - ,ul fK c u.. ; IWI ;VV!<S tiu ( j , lit , ld , the c?: j >.nimeulh are. \iilui. ■ i | whilst Id-mokeu idrenhhii t\vo hours. • OI pro-j - >TW , v (lctv aru - lllore UW J e;. iKis-iory notes arcsul-ie-t to ftke pro-; th;m „ Uft . v * %. [ or]have vtMo... -but the stamps mpnrHomng? lnH j Wo ; T !ie y u vow their Portion, een Uto one hundred tl) tljc v;; ir.tO thepresimi Adrtiin-j ' . . any cents, am! over acc-o.du.g_to the i t! dr Apathy tor] the «£rA Cl« amount. f hemmahy;in ; • They go fiirU.er*and kvow: the people o; •’ •«w f MwoJ»»nui«4. dfars, .and the- (|jdl , .} O % ~c ;, t !. N^-thd-e.-t- 1 mouse-traps. instrUmentS'a.rc.invalid. ~~ ; ! d-„ ■ 1 The eandidiiles. shirtdiuttW Oar readers should cat U«..^ io Jlf . o k]u ,^ o t iuto ogress? paragraphs out and j asce them in ai.d the Stale-11-gishUure, call theni^■*f*f ha >’ some- place lor relqrc.ee. , \fa\jak* ofjget-j *■ *' U f—•-*V —; ••-! 1 ling votes, but parUsans : dl. books froi Well kept 'Bfiteli —-"lni 1814, " avow tli.cmU-M-s ,VrrtWv«tsfs, and de* • c u nt .''?” a ® ,! ] tars the Jvunial d&l' Aisne, “a; woman glare tju-nisylye» on the. side of the re-j.'®* printing ] ot Cassy, being surprised by the Cos--ilt(.dlioii. :'l’heir papers alp oyer the l ' sacks, concealed a crook of fresh but- ; State’ are 'bold, fierce andtdarihg, in -de.r which she difl not want thciu to j their war upon the Government of have in a field near her liousey After j the United StatesV They tnake jgood the, departure erf the foreignj>visitors-, what'th.c.Cliieago Times uttered ip the, ; she\-ndeavdred to find the ex|aet spot- j following CditoMal notjiccV just- at the - in which the butter ’ was concealed. Uimc the: rcHudlion brolco oitU-, but dij lurrsuqceed, and after a while j [.. A ' t We can tell •-toe.whole matter was forgotten. A^- t tf c -Kep tt biicacLegislatufeand theJßcl snort some workmen, rdtgi | d u bi ic a„ sdminEstration of- ilidiigan, oJng the .otpulattonj of a botdo, came | a , (d the lU-pul>lk-air part-v every where, ! ■ -;P on bt ‘ "hque-stion, and pn open-. ■ OMO {hing :if trtojk sli all lie. raised in mg- What- they expected to he;a treas- t]ie to march against the people of SCoVert l - ,h «pbutt6r ras; , A s \& {Ji TU i; u EA u will be.- aim Drill O.S when bur led forty-eight, OPENE p CPO s suen TaobpspWHicn Will «ir r - S , or , e - Since exposure; to -the | E i T g E it si-op tukir makgu Altogether, i"J l . h - a 8« acquired-an ex- 0R woxßErflllv accelerate it.” ] irtraeiy j-ahk tkste.” • J ; - - I . >' { . . • ... r : p The course ll cse tories are pursuing ] ' ■ "*■ - “ j - , jfn Illinois explains, ofj ' f xc hange paper, says, that the, Tepublieatiun of fiapng editorial iK e i r - s '^ )aV * <i * ilc?v Goliah with; a sling,-i-i n ‘tho-Aiigusta (Ga.)'| Constitutionalist . & hitter fell stone dead,aiicl df course I hcadcil “The-Great jWest,”y part of quite astonished, as suc-l'i a thing. Which is in tbjese Words : : i j ever entered bis bead before, “There is, lower#?,- evidently- I : A- Vol. 88-Np: W, , i II ;~ I! V. A YEfe' Jfe : AMMS | I -f„ - ' L >■ Uiacnffr u ; li■- -; ? }j ■ I.}-.. • . 1 : • ■••■■!• ■■ r. ;• : ;jY-i ; X ;- -' . • I ..viv : ~s rr .Jv/a v 1 ' .--V . : -t ■ '' ; -. • j}' I ’ 44'srcA. =NM Beaver, the West, and particularly in.Ol io, . Judge Parsons Indiana, and Illinois, a strong oppo- 4'pho 0 i ly elaborate oplnkrti ih oppo sition to the‘present war upon ".he B ition to the President's .Proclamation South. Tho tone of the press inj of, 0 f, Em*palpation,emanating -frotnli those,States, the public meetings, and ; an y re st eelablo legal authority. wny:| the Iktno&atiq Coniftntions., all PP >v .°lbe fouhd in* ptflnphlet-.fr®S^lbe--|)an ; ols thi*> conclusive!}’. . This feeling ‘l ll ® l *] Judge Curtis, of Bostoni'TThis labor- j hot display itself as boldly opposes to 1 cc j elforl to prove the woifeth© better j the war per'sc, but assumes the form! oanSe, has met with a 1 cagpllt, pithy 1 of opposition Jo Abolitionism, coercion, rejil}’, • with comes:- ffotji!.-Pfofe«isot and subjugation. ' It would not be persons, ot the’ Camßtjdge La\y sate to exhibit it otnerwiso, for in School. We reprint belofeProfj Par that eyehtjtho individuals giving* ex-, 80ns > C alnf, logical reasontjg *4- |’ ■ pression toil would soon find th ;rn-j There are thioe questidaaconCefn eclvcs incarcerated within the walls ; j n „ t | ie President’s Enuinefcaiion|PraOr ■of some Yankee Bastile,and' -their* Janiiition. One, has he opposition thus speedily and' Offcc tu- ;l ] p OW <V to issue it, ns ajclvil. hpoliti aUy crushed out. But by profesting’ ca i or t dpnnistrativo aetjff i se®‘ devotion to the Union; the Coustitn-i w H'expedient tloinfand the Administration of A bra- j p ns , j, c constitutional po#«as Cptn ; hunt tlAneoln,, ; they can t organize n i U! \dor-uhChief to- I thoroughly for work, and- 1 thus secure tinio, as a military act?- t -j| ■ a way to triumph in the approacl ihg Thesb' questions are ditjj ■fall cfectibn.’'.: , v v tinet. jOno of the .moat gp|(jinqn aritl The c>aino of these bogus Democrats ■ most causes of Is to act upod the advhie oi BeaU- subjects is the mmgi.ng ,qucsUon| ; i gard.td'Bragg, and call every maA an winch distinct tn but !'"Ahoiili')nist” who favors the pulling so neap each o*herll.al j down .d Ul.is infernal, rcbellionj. One; each Other. .J.udgo, C^» : mii.gl^ ‘ clause in that loUerto Drags’ h !l > : tl,c^ e fJ|!?. t,on880 . I c " tl, m ll,at : ‘these precise words : ‘By the wry,! study pt his pamphlet mo to thiilk Uliat in;all our despatches >ve see clc-arly, as to. mnyh hrgu, should cull our*enemies Aholi'iotfe, ppcm which of thpsfr.qucstiphs ■ instead ot T-edcals, as it would d.elp it intended -:■ our cause mdgh in the Northwestern separate those Sjestfons; { I Si’lies ’’ ' jam sure ■ that. the President has : no Thus, Mr. Editor, it may bo seenJ powC‘p_toremaiieipa_lo; a’ o'llt ui L tit jgfGov. \Vise is still talking about Old John 1 Brown.” lie hasn’t got of 'old Brown’s sense, but, if to 'in, says Pientitc, he may old "Brown's last senna- fcST - JelToh a Mr. ‘-J^epjK.. friends. JerrolJ said to liis- host, on entering -the room, “My dear Mr. Pepper, how glad you muni bo to see all your iriends mustered;!” [ •.fiSrAn Irish gentleman lately fought a (idel with' his most intimate friend, because ho jocosely asserted ", that lie.'was born' without a shirt to his jaick. . - B® r “ls that clock right ovdr there?” asked a visitor the other day .; ‘‘-Right ovcr'-Hwro ?” said a boy; e.jtaint no- , ' , 1 • . ■ . .■ V* i' l ' ' ■ Sga-Tlfo': in 1 . Maine are covered- with snwßland look as whita ns they do f dn mid-winter. ' ; . jggf-A returned Californian says,, he lived for ten days op ; the broth he made of an old door-mat. ; | j MO ednesday, lj9,. i66sL ; ;j ; li' : “* i. .. . : I lays to Take the Papery ipital story, is told of an old; r|in the northern part of this H |who bad been ;U|» V to ii|> a mortgage of , |52009 beld' A e farme: count} take S‘o I’vci Dec. .g Up; U. ,-ey, y-olloiv boys for tins-long time.’* ‘•All / right,” responded tlieilcndcr, , “onlv I thotight you didn't take the Fitting T’r.TdltT-s— A . day or two j _ paper, that's all 1” , -I ! ago, ‘ Taka the papers 'L No, sir; not I. Union lady of tluß plaec catlodupoh It is saidJt|idt GehpraiijtVemonl will They have gone*oh sd since th| war’s a yt'cesh friend of tier’s and in ; the go to thej South west. tp operate in been agoing that I woh’tihavbpne of . course of the call was forced to hasten' Texas. ( His •qommaiul, it is-said will the pi igued . things - about. tint the to a great deal of treason, rather than bo an irregular levy. organized by. money is allright, isn’t'it;'’’ , commit a hi each of good manners.'himself, oh UTjasie si milui- to that^ofj (•‘Yefjfi sir, dll right, $2,000 in goldV "O n [ rising'to leave, jber attention- was tho'iPurlisan Xlangeipnow lui missing Alb right, here’s your note and mbit- attracted by > splendid portrait of the' flanks of Kentucky g3>re.’’ ' v |i i, . : George Washington ; when getting and the south west, ; and serving* as Ilnd well might lie htfyo' Callcrf itlintct edhfcmtionob ihc subject jthc lthe policoof the; “ill right ’’ as the premium bin gold 5 rebel kt ill further to thunt >her j force; will |be mdita tl,Wt dav was 22 per cent., and bis gold Visitor, remarked.‘l’ll tell you; what |ry ldrcc t pf thh United States.tn, iex w£ not,only worth the luce 6t his'l am going to do. I intend to get fine as.and thp extreme South vest. yy. bdhd fbut $440 besides,! jenhugh to portraits of Davis and B&Turegard, ' ll i, ... , hiivo’ipaid for bis village;-newspaper bud hang up_opeon eagb B lH>'"1? ” nt jJ o . b ?®,, beento : fob himself and nostmtv for W least “Do,” said Union;- “we read in the 1 Now York, and your n ham t. 8&B& P lSpays £!& theißibldHhat oif [|iv|6uf was hang jbe-J * T|my nnple Has pdppß—iVerutett' Gazette. : ’tween two • | y f j been in jail and b>.m t. m ‘ A ' ' c,l 1 Prtn jlng iiT America. v Gori. Sosecrans’ Opinion of the ,-j'|:T‘he Legion oiEJgoiior. A Philadelphia yprrclponden t oftha '; National Crisis. 'ihW, li.at memorable yearwhen 2f; IY.j ‘ Tribuni ! : writes!', as follows to [Trent a. Ifdpr written-by Gen. W.iS. Rob - iß d , ne Dahlzic, Antwerp, that paper: t :|P ; 1l ' ! CTanß - at the Headquarters of the Amy of , lnd l> ari s, wc .e cities, of the same ■ilnrWanderirtg through the. 0 ttoStapi**. July 20. ehtpire Kapoleokhad brought v yard at trinity^ ChurChia diy or two j. For; mpre thap a year wehaverbecn hisyoung bride to Brussels, and was , ■sifiee, my'eyd dngagedyfi »?•“«■>» cntftuaiafra »nft • ■; fiipneonlbe north Kidljf tlidchuriibl W r dietatpr.a slave pin pomp. On the after his ar T tolbo meinorv of Wil|i »m Bratlford, gaTcby driyen? a free{ happy and rival, he reviewed tuc ; faoops of the Whoi it is. meiilibnedl iwasi born 'in 1 pcacetul ;pe«mlc[fighnng for the rights garrison of A 1 \ erte, apd, as the dit iancjtster4hire.oldi®ng dnii.in 16B0;fthdi; PC-; alb' , true and mvin- jercht regiments, passed, remaiJ a , i came over tsAiWict|m ! 1082, before, jcihlo j palienpe,! jour piltxed/soldiers,, grenadier wlip hove lhe|choyydnmn;. y r the city omiladelpida was laid odt; [havetoed op tips grpupd^hepres : m^or v Ta and eycet, Ips •ill c wms 'printer to thijjt o,over,nm'ciithen t I moment; hgntiis\ : violators ot ■ the .black eyes blazed nke j stars iron-* » - the insendption eontihufcSi/dor npwaipd ' pt war and; humanity. .Remain facoj bronz.ee! by twenty campaigns, of filly years,’' and dild May j'ng-truo-jtp' their principle, they have iwliieli an enormous moustache lender; aged ftVrty-ticdyearsJ Iffhc niorldnipia! saidjty; Words and fp their ed still more, forniidable or bizarre.— .. ,wms much injuiid> duringkiie!b‘uih|m.g oelh)'W citizens in the SoutTT, Wp fight |\Vheu the lines were reYor.nied. the of the present chuixdlii edifice, and'iih/ Id l ' PP'dJpdn; rights. If we r yuu ; e mpcror rode -up tfl -the regiment _«i tfhotber generation or twd; will- win. llT.the Gpyerniheatys andcalled the sergeant to tirely disappear. J Yei(itho liiiemoriafi iaii.Cd, you .wiM dwell Wider (its front. The heart of .the old Of Bradfords resting,Jdace ought not' tccling, shadow asdrccly as wo. dier beat high, and. his checks glow thus to.be obliterated.'iyllcdrste.slab-J iiiere ; we stand,; and, thus we say ed. ;• . ■;. - ,/ '.f, X t ’ lished tho ‘printing In the Past day^. J ; , -j \ ,p -! . i i ' yog said Aa tegion south'of MostWn. He came p .Ml if the Confederates preya:!, tore- ppleon.- “lour name' ; ; " jpver tViili Pehn, on ■'»P'«fcomc,finfk>Mt pdaee;«hd|;balofy to ye; ".‘;Ndet, .sire, die answered,. \yjlh a 1082, aud‘began' bis c&verj in PhVla-;drcet:pnv dbreyer’. Their, principles faltering-voice. v ■ deiphia, iin or pear t<| which city; he l>ud'dea lets ai-e- knowp-.toj uS.r fhey ‘Wcrdyounot in the.anny of Italy.' ■fixed iiistirst iiiMtitiiigldflicfe',; as. earl.v iydi’eilled*us. wying-oat t .coercion;; hold- . “\es, sire; drummer at J the bridge at leitst as .1080, midi# papbW.roi|l;,’pi» hppcs.and deceitful -assu.- of Arc-bla.” '; , y ; •j _ ■ the \Vissahickon, neaK.GerniahlownVild'a.'K P l * pf jfrieiidl}' regard,. while, as^-, —And bepam" .a sergeant ina veiy soon afterivurd-filho; first paper ivSas-i n 'iky,, they l were preparing ■toyjor • , . h ' - mill ever erected iir «ißrt , fi.Udd'Sta.«|M; I#«ißtroy: on • government; and teducc , ' ‘-At Marengo, sire. ~ ■. , and, as tuipears by a prospdc- i.hsHo iinarij liT ami servitude. |The past, . .' , - tus' yoti preserved,. hi! waA the first' year’s.' expeVience renders 10 certain - I havedaken my share .of.all the person who proposed {lid ' America 1 .to’.-.thaifif. they triunipli, 1 blood, hn<l.desO' great buttles. . V . , : Ifpriiit the 1 Holy; ISiUIW T This llal.mn, tire nild Sworn,- pr -arbifraiy The emperog waved band, 01#;. I A. D. 1088 hit Pen nsy tv aii i a!, ;llc-hiii'c nto | their will., aw:pts every, to the ranks and; gled an I actiFelv in the siir- > hitc niau.who has manhood eno'ugh iNapol.eonf spolu' .rapidly to the colonel; ring eveilts vvliich al|ilatedi coloidai to dislijte their system of- slavery, j for a lew- mmhdnts. _glanccs ; , lift.®.in That ilitigionsfi ploviiiCc, .phd :tulerub'e-. i or(ly as ,’a Cruel necessily,- o f■■■his eyes /pwurd Aoel showing that, hiainluihed-.-witli suwji-js hi t s prihliiig tint, as t pr,ih|cip!c hateful to GOddind he was taikhig-ol liini. -, - ’ press.against, the efiprlL pf thei]s|rd- hu.an. ; t ' | / Ufa [ - ■ ' 110 had- beyn distinguished for-hit, priolarv Governmciil loi breaki{it.' ■■ThVytwiU iiim.it ho means,.;li<Miest. or bravery in, several battles, ,bat _ln§; down: lie'cevine id &W city In ioo2vfdiG.<.m4t, to jhstirc snvcessJ .‘MisrepJ modesty had prevented ( his seelaiig;, at tim iiiVitalid’ii of Gdv. Fidtcherjlpiultresentiilg, cali!mnint,ii.g our niotiv'est adyiihccnictd, and he'had been ovyv was prinier to, the G||dwnf’ais fiis cpj.,’ ridieulihg oSr honest ettorts to niiti- looked, in Uie'promotions =... .kj., tapir records. lbr\tla-|j!sj.acCjolVhallf a . gald the honfors of war, :and inflam- The Emperor xe-cafledi him to hiS In this hfiieo he! aniassldj-ing 1 thfi '{’assions of.'the. populace by fside. I. " A i'' , f re.i{ weallif, wliicb ho lelV:;l«w opitiiets.; are-among the milder f . ‘-You have, merited'the Gross ot live ms ’.desdeudluits, \feho hhvo ; : ’anchnidre ordinary ineiiiis rbsorted to ji'e-nou.of Honor,” said lie, giving him.', u, J the molll diSt iignislddliUty Uiis:jps«»;dp eeidvalry," 1 tlie fiieanM he wore. ;;You are u ; bnivp d' JSew-Yo|k,;A'eW that'ever stood ut tbq| : niah.'’ . : ‘ ;vUTu ia—tilt 1 i Oddcndr Vaii'-btad 01l a -Civilized society;' j > , ' ‘h. The' grenadier, who at that moment ,s, Crcigliio|slaiM Olliers 'of! is a| Catholic, slbod, beiween the -emperor arid 'his. ;'-'-repuUitiui|hNt liiglr |Sri-; bitj. a devout Dolievcr in. tfe testimo- colonel, Could not sppk, butA. eyes, h: -The iLoh.TViiiiam ErLd,.;■ ■ r YYI d the* ld m .' jVo thito volpmcs. iNapole.m .riiev (ile.ncrtii; un/ldr the j . . o| made a/ sigii, theteims heat■ a^ioll ;div;hff \Vao|ingtitG w»j ! w mkedness of human there-was a dead .iidson: The name on ihe’slavCiy, - ; - turning towardTTfiC new.. knight, ,cr of NcW :Yoii ; k,, Pennsyh ! 4-1 ■Avlto with .trembling hands v. as plac id 2Je>y’Jerspy. eglrciy ought] d V ' Pxellticiaß h : i V ■, his cross, hphn histirer.st, Spul, m suifiehed willingly'to diejltinxli . I 4 j d' , -.vVlaloud.-voicc: I <V. tjw-iifmtcils’ Assodiaf j The rebels wcreTod nSPerryvillo by “ ln „ th f nara _°.°. f th ° T^"'P el-or '.: r ®’- 1 isjj;a Polk ■ "’IVCTr '-' 'if Nvliii;li Wj p ■ ■°- 'Br '" ■mfl',] utmfli, 01 . nii; ,--'or-jßui we p d lO) iT cT<.eri' > Bii ch net,, - , ; v m ci Hr;oJ]fnrd ,\vbs a vestrymen. !| t( ,bk tlVe brad out of!Bfhgg,ind could’t ~ Tpe juin ? . -Moot .. - tfl-.lp. !b v ouiTol Oho v^t^ 3 fl>ir "I 'X'* £s3° able monunii-u .'•oughtiljn'ot id be ei-pct-? i,.™ df i 'i , ' J ,; "• ~ nio\ able fe.ri.ui,pa A tlii. cinpeior pro, o.! ovuiv l!»o w |(-re:t!ie remains:.- ,p„4jdextelvthe rebel ehibffdield qS j^«»lef. Wm . facing. •Of the FatherOf .thj Tldss now iu a.l Missouri &lW*lh^ n< * 3 i Anoluerls.gn was : , i , .V.,.; UiW l^sa,u 4 d nis,-bcul 3 :u S ,I again thotolo.ud i . ■ I—fj L - 1 :.4 v ” lio|Ve<) the viiingl.laclids of the villn-re r b l H, "‘^-jl . • ■... .... j • Bets; Awaiting '•takers.! ; •s| ";. ii ‘ ’ HO ™i ; sidei-ate enough fp ; inviie j '* Su^J' ,^i n£ . ;i - t : 2? oe f| B , a Hem.“ • . ...,■• .- • •. r ■ .••■•. -him 10: their inext bop.-- .... . : t • . !•> ■•> - ; AVo hoai;d tillered, a lew days -.ago i : ; A Orenudh VMhs.-) paper says ~lKat t '"£"} m }?«rr«Hik ; <.. . ■ at the St. Cliiuteslldiohdn Pitlrtfrfel i he ■at seg-”'— I V‘T tliuud?r B t. ? ko r nearly iif.e liiMVivi.iji litloV- |;,N „„- ■ W„ ri T .. hi t, ;™ bSa ' u 2 sS&f- sssffc's.# i "i*~ < .<5lOO tli -it" ao has' heeii: ofthe ciiililom ofthe-rstvult and erpss>r e '- , / ...uX’' ' S>IUU, Ui.it ao repiniii<..in uas pceii . - A , ...... sn . f .i p.,,.; v '«.*• poring to strammer lus lUyidts, when ■arrested on ft.charge. of trpasoi|: or l-om.*,, j ln>.V h,ue ?uilt a l-jpe it lbiri.l roll of the d-rum, itt-d - treasonable practices,; not withstanding-, H'p cjross bom's tliat;ilu‘\ ait sa ... lot ~ d vo iee of his cblonlip: i ■ f \vai- U-v demoerit ■ ! write , ail ' their editorials eross-Jcg-1 Si 10 ;” ua 'oitt oi m «4 ) , ■ fno fttut-.iaiy oi naiis a, uomoujii,.,.i . . >p. t.j n i\ lo ot Uie einiieruri,rcs*pcct ; .it t that no republican has i desert* fg^ 1 ; ; ; . - , 7 • \. • ] iioivtcnara us Wcaulalii hi led lioni tho arnni biiiee the con)ino|iceV! has been no y cllow fv'ci,n, . „ ,j . . ,'.' ■ i ' .-;!’ ■ nmniiof'ili.'- wtr 1 i( *si : ' New Or!eai:.s this year. 1 lie hcallh : 1 •. r. V 1 ' ~ r ! that no liiiulflioah has of: theleity lis parallel. The').; . A^ . 1( 1 t ‘ , ! to ake the ovlScnl i -faot is aserif,W to the salubrious i.iflu- ?***" w ‘^‘. l I §lOO. that pp repuMican has oxplji^-, c -- f^ :^ v . 0.1 le 4 .. u? must | “jp toafs, fainted in tho v 1 yd-tiissali Sf'aetion. wiln the tax tnipilkhl thuik otolonig without . op I(i ' poloiiel while fro'hv the v ! on tlTe''nedtde hv tlie lafe' ! Con«'riess' ■ ter ‘tvdhe.hotmonths. | .Wio congrata-.ir 1 ■ V*-' y V . ... . .1 •, l on »“» i»t tnt latt o rtbs,. . •:. i.. v■■; .fjsv ■- B ft, I came a: loud, umled:sllout Of i lor the the war, ,11 ; la V\: l ni .uptin tut dt..tf'Vtiy. ■•f^!U.V?j v( L ItThun'eroiu 1 ’ ! V SIUO, thiit ndd'epiibliean lawycl or.i preventive ;pt the.lirrill.-e lualady that ■, ■.■ 1 i 1 other republican has iw'visiyleonscpipts'. i l:l^; CVl,v , ! s'l 01 ’-*- eneniy ot. hyf i that they wore not jbound'to rcJflrd i>fdsperit.j;. ; ~i; , i r _i■ ; i, • ilpr-draft.’ ■ •’ ' ■ ' "li ■ The'Sonlhorp. papcrsTcalli the 1- ed -1 that ho fepubliean V a * s ‘‘dTi-eifters. ', ’Tis \ no yvdnder ! rd- Hi'oln the Unibuflo the .Hebei liar- they; are so .much .-afraid of thcir.^; . y ; ., j. ■; '-ij,j .: • sit: ..j Uhit-y are,po.ihhuht, apprehensive that i 8100, that no republican has hsesijtat-l the-di,rt ealjers, when they-ge£. South. Icd or retused fo lake,the ; Oath offpo-r w i H cdf uii noti onW dll;;ther”J)rodac uiiuicoi to the troverti?ne!it.of the U3rii.t4. ! Hons,.of tlihsoil, hut thoiSoil ttoo. ; led states.: ; ,1 ;. • .... :lr i: ? a 8100, that'no-sßcpuWjeiih has bW,r;TP b cl to Negluy the pther .— 1 hoard to hurrah forj'Jfffi; llayis- or out the ? rican.;fiag, ; repli : •'pressany sympathylwitiv; the Southern- j c k al Uthat is best salo ■frebellion.' , i t ; kndvvof ■ , . •! jsloo. tbi>t tberc arcs five republicans y?Hilh mrsio t tb.o. people oi. •to three Hemociats iii Ibo Fedc;al ;%xit.gtonJ carry a|l thjeir cooking j army 1 I ’ it -r • :? ’ j stoves 16, the, foundries to, bp east into, j 8100, that no republican printiiigifaf-, elipt an'd ‘He. .piob.ablj' consid' 1 Bed has been, mobbed for: any[treason-] ered that he hail seized ppd appropr:- ! blei matter, colitained in the! papers- ated; eyoryHiing thdy hud dp .cp^k, therelrom. if, 1 ■ It r- ; v. stoves were to thc,n a superfluity. ■tt 8100, that the rebel papers : over the election of Cox Of Ohicip re-1 m«nV-souls, let not Our people show ■ grbt the ddleat ot L that got, none ; . ...j . d . oeeoivio exceeding blatbd atrthe 1 clee-■• W* If*'™ t.of-.how dqng tloij -of Seyniour, and ikrnandp.Wood; 1 wur may he, but it dnd tho : rebellipij: A'drk happcnl to 'vnl pcri.sh togctlfer. .| f f ..A • ,• ■bo suepessf ul. , ,!l . i, 1 •: A married man goes -through .. ta.NO TAKKKS. ; !'- !a oair.pipgn without a •bcrutlch., and -f .... —Brownsville Clipper. thaths better . thar.,; ho do at : .... ■ home. • - 5.' ~ •'. ‘ -.1 'll -i-V; JCstablislieci 16l B , N „ . i; •: i ] El ,: i -vK-1 i ,• V •• v Mil 0-! i mcE ; NO Advertisements inserted at the rate of ,60 cents per square—«ach subsequent r inß^tion 25 cents. . A liberal discount made to yearly advertisers, and on long advertisements. ■ /'. A space equal to : rwyiTE lines of this type • measured as a square. j v'u : V'■ I SpeCial notices 25 per cent, addition to reg-r ular:rates. •: .V ■' ] Business; cards, T 5 ccnta a line, per year Jtarriagea and Dcalhs, Eeligiouß, Polities, and oilier Notices of; A pnolic nature, free. : ME gpect a tBjife ,K<siitenani iu yout rank's^- - .’ " , ~i; ■ '* v •■ — r.; . ■ Scotch, farmer, not-edjn his ■ neighborhood for his immense strength •. and skill in all at llleUe cxip'ciscs, very j frecpieiitly bed tiiepleasure ot. fighting people who, led by curiosity, utiiiib do' - t-K- if they could: settle'll ini .pr npl>— ' iLord l>-r— , greitt pugilistic amo tear, hadl compi from Lorfdou ‘on pitr i pose r to Spot. vTlib latter.i>viHi working, iii'aff enclosure; a , little distance from; live house whpul the nobli. lord arrived. His lordship ■ dic'd his horse : io a. tree; and addressed | it tie-farmer: ’‘Friend. I have heard p i J great deal of talk about you, and I | have e<imelt long way to/Cpwhi,ch ’isf ' the best man.’;’ Thc'Septchniaii.wiiH out■ answering, seized, the noble,; lord • by the middle; of the body, pitching ’ him' over thet, hedge, and then >ejt .; i about 'working: again, When his : FoatTship had got up:, “Well,”'said thij , farmer, “have you anything more to -j,say tb trie : ’iN o his 10rd... 1 ship, i ‘‘but- perhaps you’d bo . gooc enough to throw ovet to mo my. i h^e " n .. 'y\f ,; l• ijL-; ;■ ■ Old Hickory o.v.SwpET TpfpEß. ‘I cannot forbcar pointingout to you, my dear dhjjd'/'&aid General Jaeksor' once to, a ypjing in yvhose •wel fare he felt a, deep intercut, “the great, advantage that will result frtjiri atem peratc conduct;and sweetness of man ner to all people, on all" occasions.— Sever forget that you are a gentiewo ■ x man. Aiiil-nll your words arid aetloii should make you, geritfe. IT never heard‘ your mother—your. dear, good mother—>:iy a baipb o-'f hasty thing to an}' person in o>y life.’ . Endeavor to iu.itate:.hex—l ani quick arid hasty in tetripeV, but it is a misfdrtun.e, which' not Having been sufficiently restrained' in my youth, has caused mo inexpresr, sible pain.; It has given mo more trouble this impetuosity than ftnyC UKing-t cyet undertook.” ■ r i OEM pfl|Eß& V -.'i, r • > r!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers