Orphans’ Court Sale. BY Tirtuo ol an-order of the Orphans' Court ci‘ lejiYcv Mill be exposed bo sale b,» public Vciiuiie or ouicry, ;on the■ prciuiace, On. Wednetday, Wovember sth, at i-o block 41, the .loliotving real estate ol John McHenry, deco, situate in the tonnsuip ot lcctejjcndence, bounded and described os ' follows; On the north by lands of Isaac Mc- Coy,-on the east and south by lands' of James Alexander,, and on the west by land of Alex. Mot-row and Frederick; Book; containing 17} p acres, more or less-—about 7 or 8 acres cleared, | and a small log dwelling houae on the premi | s«». ' • i -j ■’ ' £ XEBMp;—One third in hand on confirma tion of sale, by the Court, and the .-balance in two;equal annual instalments from that date, 1 with interest thereon from the same time. - further information inquire of Charles .'jM’Henry, or John M’Ucnry, Service P. 0. Beaver Co., Pa. - By-order of the Cdurty ' , ■ A. G. M CUBAET, CVk. ! Oet, 4, 1862. . “ . NOTICE V TS hereby given * that the account of ~ g R. P. Roberts, Esq , Assignee of,Thomas - StcEinlty. benefit of creditors', has -been exhibited and filed in my- office; and that the same will be allowed by the Court on the second Monday of November next, A. "O. 1862, unless cause then be shown against the confir mation : jr ■ ' ocB, MICHAEL WEYAKX), Proth’y- In the Court of Common Picas of Beaver Co. ' In the pjatter of. the account of R. P. Rob erts.-Esq.. assignee of Thomas McKinleyi for the benefit of creditors: ; Ami noWr, to wit, Sep’t 18, 1862, the’ Court" grant a Rule to show cause why the Assignee should not .be discharged from hia .trust upon confirmation of liis account, and rpaytneht of any balance in his handst and order notice to be given by publication in tlie Behver Argus according to Rule. | Beavxb Couxtt, ,?s: . ■ Attest: : MICHAEL .MET AND, 6eS—3t Pr^lumotary. NOTICE.: 1 1 THE Co-partnership heretofore existing un- I der the name and style of A. D.; Gilliland, Brighton, engaged’ in the business of merchandise, was duly'dissolved on the 19lh day of April, I§G2. ”i|he Books will be-selt led at the store of- M. Gilliland.) All persons knowing themselves indebted to' the late' firm,' trill please calfifand settle immediately, as the diobks will be closed without delay.: i 1 A. D. GILLILAND, j S M. GILLILAND, f Xew. Brighton,Mayi9,lB(iJ. ’ - Beaver TXotfel, JOSEPH HALL, Proprietor, ! ; Beaver, Pa. HAVlN’G.iborotigLly fitted. up' this house, he is now rrepaud,to accommodate his Jvrcnds'. and the public generally, in the most satisfactory manner. . [inaT’j2‘ 1 “ The Howe Sewing Machine,” .. . Sold bx . . !'. -, ‘ . M. M’GR E G OR, ■COIiXEK P£K\ £ ST. CL.UR STS.,: ; i riTTsiirK*G,Pi-:xy'A., • SEEDS ONLY T u liE SEEN TO BE AP- PRKCIATED. EXECUTOB S NOTICE. LETTERS testamentary on ibe estate. of OCTAVJA AiLiSOX. luU! Of GTjL'C DL* I p.. Bca- Terco.. dec'-l. having been* granted U»:thc Ttn iUraigoed, indebted to said estate ■ ' are requcsledydmake immediate payment, and .those having claims against said estate will =^vp r^ nt tb^ui to the fciiWrbcrs properly au ■ thclicaicd ior settlement.’ 1, JAMEs» r - ALLISON, Greene.:tp4 I , ] ‘Executor. • augC .J. H. Ci:\MXGHA3I. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Otjice hi Oen. TTVkWs Office.' • NOItTU SII>E OF THEi WAMOXD, ! MIL.L.ER & RICKETSON, GROCERS, Tift Co-partnersbipUjcmofure csisling un- j ixfoßTEß* or der the name and styleof MiCoXNtLL ic |. ■- . . j ’ » i.jnißjciis. and Machine Trusmess. was duly dissolved on \ \ . • the 3d day of Jitite. ISO 2- The boots, of the j Jy 0 , 221'*223. Cor. of LVjerly $ Irwin til.' Lite hnn settled by M. Uan-rtjrb i Co., 1 -1 . * PITT<'RPPI4 Pa at-.tLeir;olhce iiy Falision, l*ct»Tor c<»uutv,4La.V’ T . . • . *-■ •• » /’ ' J wheVe.h.y Wilt c.iritmucj said, btishipas in all Ir&, ‘’ Na,U - <-oUon.\an., &c., *«., conatanllv') its-bfunchea. ’ Jill pcraoul‘knowing themselves ; • _• ■ nJ -l [“Ugb | indebted to the ;lnie firm " ill ]*!•_•• rr cr.ll ana : settle imioediatclv.- DAVIb M CONNELL, I- lUIUUiii'H; Fallston.jclO. 02*, tg. JI. '■ UAIIKAU.If. ' .A UMJXISTI^.ATOn-S^O'nclii LETTKHS oT Administration on the j6f CoJ.’ •J-osewi late of the borough of Beaver**’ Beaver County,, Penn’a,' dcc'cL bavin* been grantedto iheundersigned' all persons indebted \6 said estate are request tb inudk immediate payment, and those having claims againsl ,the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement/ . ' JOHXH. VVILSOX, Krtinklin ip., j ; aUg!jO; , Administrator. ADM IXISTHATOR S NOTICE. ; administration oCll Hef.u, late of'HopctVcll Town- co., dcc'tl, having. been grants ed tO the undersigned, all persons indebted tA said estate are requested to make immediate payment; and those having claims 'said estate them to tiie ■ subscriber properly airfberiticated for seulement.V ELIZA UKEDi THOMAS ;RLED. : Administrators. ■ ecpl 7 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. i ETTKRS' of Administration onthcestat -i-i of James M; Littell, laic of Raccoon township,- Bearer County; l’erin*a dec'd having been granted to th.e undersigned, rail pe'h«ons indebted to said estate are requested to I 'make immediate payment. and those having 'claims against the same will present them properly authenticated for settlement. i • june4. " JOHN M HEXRV, jr. Adm r :/y] EXECUTORS’ NOTICE. ] "TTTIIEBEAS letters testamentary on the j ~ ,; ~ 1 , TT estate' of. Geo. Boswell, late of New ' SfPTMITI O* TTaii Brighton, Beaver county, die d, having been j • kJt 'p J - JXU 6 J—«-*-» IACStJ, granted to the undersigned, all persons in- ITfo. 107 Second Street ctebted to said:estate are requested (o make , ’ .immediate payment, and those having claims! 1 ' ( BEIWES! f wood asd maekst) 1 ' ,h ' m proper,y It Pittsburg!, j ’ - : f : w, JOHN BOSWELL, V CO'RUING BY THE MEAL, DAY OR WEEK. •June'°3 BEN’JBEUISON. Term* Yi/ry Moderate- ' [<J/)3 —— j . Executors. Pepper Sauce, Porte Monaies, PasQ ’\otipp - j CX~ - Books.Notc and Letter Hiper, Envelop. ,T • y- . ; ,\V , &e.,&0..at ■ . HENRY’S., A LL persons having unsettled *«egmt : ■ ■• - ■ '-- ■. JX ‘with tne r or Smith & Collins, withinffii! ATTUiTE LEAD, at U»t twenty years, for Carding, Spinning.'Sfe, f : W ! - win Please call at the Fallston Woolen Factory, ! mnstrcr' n „ ,r — i before the first of October, and settle rPOßACCO—Anderson a Fine Cut, Nature the same by cash or n<ke. " i , - .1 JL Grants, Baltimore Plug, and Oii iylf-.’fii EPH’M. SMITH, j and Dry, at i , : r. . “HENRY’S Stray Marp ~i W^' r WARE, Lamps, Shades, and CV,, P V . ■ ■ I Lamp-Chimneys, atV HENRY’S. 1 AME 10 the premises of the, subscriber, i _ -i- 1 , living iin Big ; Beaver township; Beaver IV/F T ACi Pj A JIMERB7B hoe Brush j county, on the evening of tl»e 24th of April, I jffl Blagktngj Ink, Caatoj and' Sweet Oil, ;i a SDialV Bay. Marc, about 5 years' old, sh<Sd * -L ! - HENRY’S, ! ]T iround, saddle marks, off hind bough en- ’,‘*l \ by/a.cut pr bruise; no other marks per- i Jl irceiVable. . The owner is dpsired 46 coitue for-j qr ~ • w * p 4*iP*?T® P ro l^ ert J pay charges andrske her j * away, or otherwise she will be-disposed of ac- i - = cordingtoOewv. - v 1 -V r .. | /sv w iw^ JtntUft JAMES S. CALHOVg. jO “VAN : -‘This is I lie sat irieal jouiua and* .really devei good-tempered,'l toul ia ns own suuli | Our readi they canned nai better in it ti Monthly. • “This paper ii for originality.’ .-• iraitua.. ; .ua&xirr Fair i« conducuJd-by a Tiracioua, witlyand intelligent eoips of journalist*. Litchfield (Conn.) Eucy-rcr. i;; • - . “Will wield as povent an influence as that of the Lundon Month." — Bourn Traveller.' ' “Whosocrev finds himself laughing .at the wit of VaS'iiv Fair, and docs not return a quid pro quo. 'is fit for •ireasbn. and spoils. A". Y. Crayon. f . - ''J : The very marked and flstteringsuceess which has I thus far attended the publication of “VastTT. Fat*,” Enables the publisher to announce that with the commencement of the Second Volume,.is sued this dsy, 3Uh June, both Literary and Artistic, will be introduced, which will: increase the value'and interest of the pa* per, and ifully maintain the proud position unanimously accotdcd to it, as the-leading - Comic Journal of America. ■ , VANITY FAIR IS ISSCSD nSGCLARLT KVEBT THTBSDAT. and! is for Sale by all Newsmen, and at the Office of Publication, No ll3jNassau-*lreel, New York. ; v \ TERMS: _ - \ ■Three dollars per annum, im advance—-Six cents single copy. ' ■ " I TERMS FOR CLUBS: Two-copies of Vasitt Fair will be,sent to one address f0r................. ™.ss 00 Fivec0pie5—.v..,..,......-.^..—.;....12 00 t ■ > Ten'c0pie5.....''........... ; 20 00 : ’ An Extra copy will be allowed to the getter up- of every .Club of not less than five copies. I This paper is Electrotyped, and numbers may be procured at anv tiine.i ! ; LOUIS H; STEPHENS, j .Publisher for the Proprietors, 113 Nausau-st. i j New-York. TO COUNTRY DEALERS. School Books and Stationary at TPAofe The subscriber bus ahrajft on band & M G nftoy’s Speller & Rea ders. Ray’s,l, - Arithmetics, Stoddard’s Arithmetic. Pinneo’s - Grammars, BU i bics, &c„ Testaments, Letter Cap and I Commercial- Note papers, Envelopes, | Blank Boohs. Pass Books', Steel' Pens 'and Holders. Copy Books, Slates, Ink, jink stands; Bonnet Boards, ; <fcc., ic'. | : Usual discount for cash. Goods ' packed and delivered' to any part of | the city. ROBT. S. DAVIS, felelS ‘73 Wood st'., Pittsburgh : t BEAYEB SUiI.NaNV ;lM) INSTITUTE , Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. ill., Prin., Mrs.A. S. Taylor,| Governess. ! 4 FIRST CLASS SCHOOL FOItTHE EDU ; /\ cation of Young Ladles. Special care given in the Trimary and Preparatory De partments.' , ■ , : ' • '' . All expenses except Tuition and Washing, 1 per term of fourteen weeka.l. $3B 00 Tuition from S 3 oU to $8 00. • No efforts spared to make the school worthy v of the confidence of its patrons. I Send for a Catalogue. • next term commences 'Aug. 20, *O2. f&p22—fim. :"Wm. Milled. 1’hi1....C W* Eicketsok, PiitaVg m mm, General Commission Merchant Dealer in Flour. Grain, and all kinds ,j ■of Country Produce . TFVncs' cud j Liquors, Cigars, 'Tobacco, rf-fc. r Ofllc6 amt Warehouse. .No ‘<37 Sooth 2d stree i Plillaaelplila. f m- Liberal advances made on consignments { 1 ■ aug 28. ’i; Ij. o wilsos. j a.'B. m'eleot. jaxei Fikla? PM, HIM & CO,, St., | JPITTSBTTI^a-. \ Have k>ac . their SPUING STUCK of ! DRY GOODS, j Complete. Extra inducements' offer* , . ed to Gash buyers. (mb 19. PITTSBUEG WATER~CXJM. jVf 6 Curative Agency is superior to HYDRO ; 1 v PATHY for the treatment of alt forms | oi diseases, and no Institution in this coun -1 try 1 possesses greater facilities for its adminis otrirtion than this. . , ;]• . B®,Fop Pictorial Circular address' Dn.; W. K.| HAMBLETOJI, Pittaburg^Pa. LAYORIXG EXTRACTS—Lepioii and Va. Julia, at llEftftT’S. i UGGS WHIPS, onlj 25 cents, si ’• ' r. " :.:;^BNftrs special notice. sale. A-KD HENRY’S, j mn, I \\ OLOIEBS ANd' SWEORS. ■/. j JijlA'iAfesiAC havfFriandwd »»vj 4 .»h<mld tnkf ,espe«M£« iply • supplied with ihoee Pius , „4 Sailors *■ 'tMin selves wiCh'.tliem,'no Setter present conbesent. them by their friehda-. : TEey'Wtb.Min.lprtPe?; ei} M be.th« J Soldier‘* ?ieve*-fSiUng friend In URU be- 1 speedily 'nttd cured Jjy ising these. by i peyiug proper eltentfon‘te .l£•' which are wiacEed’to each Potbr Box. j. SICK HEADACHK# ANB r WANI O* TttS INCroSKTAUTO BOIiDIEBfi. 1 These feelingewhicb-fo sadden <k usually arise from 1 Rouble of'annoyances, rObstnieibir perspiraiiob, orbitingniici drinking whatever is unwholesome thus duturbiA4dhc^beHtMql; action of the ettrer-mnd stomach, j These or gans must be to The Pills, taking according- to tbe prinsdd‘-i*i etrnciione,‘will quickly a pt-odaoefa hlalthy action in both, and etomach,L and-aa -* natural consequence a clear he»dan<rg66d v ap-‘ petite. V r { i WEAKNESS OK DEBILITY iNDDCEDiKY •••/-.•OVER.f ATIOOB, c Will soon disappear hy the use of . these .in valuable Pills, ana the Boldiet'willq'mekly-se quirenddifiotral strength. Never let the bow els be eithcrconfpied qr nnduly acted «pon.- It may .seem strange lliatf Hoftoway’s Pills should be' recommended’for Dysentery and Flux, many increase thc,robntati6q. This.is;* great mis take, mr these Pills will correct the liver and stomach and ithus remove-all Ihe awvd huruors from! the system. ’ This medicine w ill'give tone and vigor to the whole organic syi tern hqiyex er deranged, while health and'srrMigrh follow as a matterof course.' .‘Nothing rill stop Ihe relaxation of the Bowelssosure a s this:, £arp ous medicine. - . , , | S VOLUNTEERS ATTENTION 1 I INDISCREr. . TIONS OF YOUTH.. .]!.. ] ? r Sores and Utoen; Blotebings and Swellings, can with certainty b< radically c ired if the . Pills, are taken night - and morntr g,- and the’ ointment be freely used as stated in the print ed, instruclionsip If treated In any other man ner they dry up iii oiiejiart tobrei.k out in an other.' Whereas this'Oint ment will remove the humors from the syatem and have tbe.J*a tient a vigorous ! and healthy man. It will re quire a little perseverance ili bad ;ases-to*; in sure a lasting cure. - ' •; ••• - ~ "UN ''NED BY FOR EITHER OCCASION— THE BAVONET.-OR SABRE OR THE BUL LET, SORES OR; BRUISES, f '-tfX'K To which every Soldier and Sai'oriarb liable there are no medicines so safc, sure find con venient as Uollorway’s Pills and ointment. ‘The poor wounded and almost dying si fferer might have his wounds dressed . if he would only provide himself with this match less Ointment, - which should be thrust into'the wound and smeared till around it, i hen covered with a piece of linen from his knapsack, and compressed with a handkerchief. .Taking night and morning 6? or 8 Pills, to cool <lie sys tem'and prevent indamalion. • ■ Every Soldier’s knapsack and Seaman's chest should. b|e provided with these valuable Remedies.. “ .• ■ CAU TIOJT. —None are genuine nnlcs the words “ Uoliotcay , A‘(» ibri and London,' are diSccrnable as a water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions around each - pot or box; the same nJay.be plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light. A handsome ren iird will, be given to any one rendering such informa tion as may lead to the detection of any party or parties counterfeiting the medic ihes or vend ing the same, knowing them t£ be spurious.. e** Sold ,at the Manufactory of Professor Hoi.i.owyr, WAlniden bone, KeW-York, and by all respect able Druggist* aul Heater* in Medicines, throughout ‘the.aiyiliaed- world, iu. boxes at 25 cents, :(J2 cents aud $1 each. 1 • £@r*Thcrc is considerable sav ng by taking the larger >iu-. ( .‘o'-.' J». B.—Directions for. the gni lance of pa- Unts in every disorder arc affixed to each box. ‘ May 7. '■,! •' ' MMK. DEiIOKES'I Quarterly Mirror of li'iVA Ortal lmpTocnnmlx and Additions^ ' THB JrMMKS SrHBEI CONTAINS FOUR LARGS HRLSA-HJL FASUIOJt'- rl4tes,' 'fmts: Hn.i-sixYh ? yAFTER A’. S’ OT tttI&SES, '• .: icourKuiNo-Tim. .I.'' [ Sew French Waist, an £leg|int .Sleeve, and n Misses Sack, ,aud a. Sicei ?f New , . land Behwtiftil ■ • ' ,‘ J ' BE AID AND EMBROIDERING PATTERNP, Together with nearly 1W) Engraviiigwvf . - ill the novelties for Summer Bonnets, Cloaks, Trimmings, Children’s presses, Ac., : And yalnable,information to Milliner*, Dress Maker*; Mothers, ti nd, Ladies generally, pre senting the largest and best Fashion Maga zine in the World, published 473 Broadway, N. Y.. and sold every vvherOaV flueentH, or sent by mail. posi free, on receipt of the nm’t in stamps, .or silver, Year sl,OOiwith lowing valuable premium., ‘ Kach yearly subscriber will b receipt for the acloctiotj ; of. W> - plain patl eras. froru_ the dcsigt; or from the show; footli, or. tl dered and- sent byi mail', .'any -tin y,aae, by.pnying postagol' .1 B®_Splendid Inducements tb| ho w ready Ne^W;Cjhopd>sTT 'NB. i i L ? T R Bridgewater,Pa., !' ■ ■-■ . -ej’ ■ I .<. HAS just, rcceWcd a. large assortment of ‘ STRING GOODS.' winch, will he offered at' i'AXW PltieES. Amongst lus stock can, at' all timer, be found a variety of ...; ,■ ■ , r •' DRESS GOODS. MUSLINS, 3LOVES, PO SIEUV,;&c., &c~ - t I , IRON ASTEEL, ait, varieties. ... NAILS .by tlio j)Oinul or keg. ’ ( ’ WHlTE‘Lte.VDntid VARNISH. ; ' 1 _ • LARD; SPERM, LINSEED A C ARBON OILS WINDOW GLASS, oU sixes, V QURENSWAREj LtKIKINOrG LASSES, &e., All of .which'wiß be sold low for Caw, or Country l^oduce'' , . . Bridgewater, Ma£7, IW4. " '* ' BEAVER-ACADEMY. 3 Siiis iNSTHirrioN wnx opes on DXDAY, Ist j»at of SEPTEMBER o®-For, particulars address the Principal -f .S. B.MEROBR, -Beaver, Pa.; J. W. CRAFT, i 9 COMMISSION MEltqiAirti f : No. I(& liberty sj^9t\ r .\y y - PITTSBUHOH.PA. , Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, I and Groceries, promptly. filled at the eery lowest prices, when accompanied /with, cash or an • '■/ . ■ V eep!7:3m. WANTED— id’lEKTßMhdTof WhishT" ' I “1 fcOOO •• ■ Ryh; ."I / 5,000 ■ « , Barley. ■r /" 6,000 •• Oats, Pittsburg, for wiiichl am author* ixed tp-pay the highest prices. Addrcea, X J. W CRAFT. ]..■ Jfc. IS*. Mer« Orest -Wlr*. - • •■fW 4te>' lUU) STREET, T AND 216. ABUSUTO 1838 ■ . in Boeeewftjl is the largest i. Vp h'aVeJbn eery description ,’ortrait Frames, all, Qra) A Man aloes, . Base sad IS' BUW, Toilet (dings forPieturo 'transportation, V 0«; *ebri, new manufae- A>le us to furn good as the best,.: > ,j | V-..c:':;. Dealer* are Invited to oill upon Ha When they Visit Hew .York.. 'We claim to be able to supply te supply them with every arti cle in onr line wluchthey can possibly purchase elsewhere. [ . • ‘ r ,j : ; r- '.] Orders by niall : attended to with promptness Do not foil to call when you visit j New Vorkj J ■, ; ] Ofictfi ' lirtroonu, Ao. 216 Ctftn' Su,' IT, T. 1 HORACE V. BIGLER, Agent. m ■ '■ ' l l r: ;■ Mi ■" !«7y-^-3 GREAT CAUSE OP j Hum il n Mis 0 r jr*. . Jwtt published m afitaled itmtlopr, {Price 6 cit; A LECTURE BV D«. CCLYERWELL, _A,OJt THE CAUSE ANDCUBE of Sperms totrLoca, Consumption, Mental and Physical Debility, nervousness; Epilepsy; Impaired Nu trition of Ihe Body; Lassitude ; Weakness of the Limbs and the Hack; Indisposition', and Incapacity for Study and Labor; Dullness of Apprehension; Loss of- Memory ; Aversion to Society ; Lore of - Solitude; Timidity; Self- Distrust ; {Dirtiness; Headache, Affections of the Eyes; Pimples on the! Face; /Involuntary Emissions] and Sexual Incapacity ; the Conse quences of youthful Indiscretion. &c., &c., |&.This admirable Lecture clearly] proves that the shore enumerated, often self-afflicted evils, mayl be removed without ■ medicine and without liangerous surgical- operations, and should bo read by every youth and every"man in the land. - ] j i • ! [• i Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the [receipt of six cents, :or two postage stamps, byl-addrfessing.j f , chas. J.c. KLisisiAtCdi;.-!- 127 Bowei y.New York-Post Office' B«{r,4r>B|J. f ~i, - marriage: I TTS loves and ; jiates, sorrows and angers. I hopes and fears, regrets and joys ; WAN; -jHOOD, hbw.lost, bow restored;' the nature,; treatment and radical cure ef spevtnaterrbcea of seminal weakness; involuntary [emissions, I sexual debility and ibipediments to marriage generally 1 ; nervousness, consumption, . fits, mental and physical incapacity. rctfufling from I SELF-ABUSE—art fully explained in the MAIUUAGF, GUIDE, by WM. YOUjNO,'M; V. This most extraordinary book shotted be in the; 'hands of'every young person contemplating marriage,’ and every; man or woman who de sires to: iimit-the number, of their Offspring to th’eir ciicumstances. Every pain',: disease and; ache incidental to youth,' maturity and old age,; is fully explained; every particle of [knowledge that should be known is here given] It is full of engravings. In fact, it discloses secret s that every one should know; still it is !a book I hot must be locked up", and not lie about thchousc.; It will be sent to any one on the receipt of, twenty-five cents in specie or;posiage htamps,. Address Dn. Wn. YOUNG, 410 Spruce st., above Fourth, Philadelphia. / JUST Afflicted and Unfortunate, no matter what may be your disease, before you place your self utid'er the carol of any of thej notorious' Quacks —native or -foreign—who advertise in tilts vr ,njr-vilior papri, get a ropy or ur. Young’s book, and read it carefully. It will be the means of saving you many a dollar, your health; and possibly your life. ; Dn- YOUNG, can be consulted on any; of the diseases -described in his. public:!! ion, at his office, 416 Spruce Street* above' Fourth, Phita ! hours from 9to 3, daily. fmar26 TS FEMALE SEMINARY. Rev.'W. W. Lavekty, I'riucipirl. ■ '■ (I.ATH IXUKRjCABK OF KKV. J. *. m’OII.L.A 1 This issTfnrftos; { ¥ ttei reception of Young Ladies, will open on i|S : Monday, the. Ist. dajf of\ September tifJjp, I Boarders received into^.(he famßy of the principal. . ■ U-t,-' | ih ; Expenses—Board, Light,. Fuel, and Tuition, per term of 14 weeks i..,—A.... .S4O 00 i Tuition alone, per term, $4 QO, sti 00. & $7 00 according to Branches studied. !(■’:' | PgY. For further particulars*[address the Principal. . , | -nugO 'ashions, ADMINSTRATOR’S NOTICE. LETTERS of administration upon the cs-' .t ate of UEsaT OAUPnRLL, lute of Greene township,' Beaver county, Pa:, dec’d, having been granted to the undersigned,* all persons : knowing themselves indebted to said, estate arc requested.' to made immediate payment, and those haring claims against th|e| same will present them properly authenticatedV.for set tlement. ', , i SAMUEL NELSON, June 25 1802.. e entitled to a cents wmrtU Of a in tie book, ey may be or ao the AMBBOTYPES! I Canvassers. Good, substantial, life-like pic tures can cow be had at the ‘ i. COURT-HOUSE, in BEAVER. ] \ : «* j - • ; I . I. TJicßepictores are: not mere "but war Iran ted SUPERIOR lto : any that have ever been made in Beaver county, by any pother artist. To be convinced, call and examine specimens I »ill remain but’a few weeks. I Ben Oallery inthe same rboni occupied by me iu 1867, • .iICL A. .GtjlFr IS, * At>rO . Photoeraphio Artist JOT, GOB & OO.i Advertising and Commission /.genis- AND DEALERS IN ; /' [ PRINTING INKS OF ALL'KINDS Type, Printing Materials, WRITING AND PRINTING PAPER CARDS, &C i OFFlCES—'Brown’s BuildinC, |! Tribune Buildings,; New York. | ? mar2o:ly, I. f ij. '| JOHN B. YOU < PHIIiADELPi Upton S. Newcomen riIHIS Hotel is central.. CoBTe) I aenget Railway Cart to ;all City, and in erery,- particular* ad comfort and ymatt ef the Trare i I TERMS, 11.80 PER \ MIX O A. TO W PZAUBa in . BOOKS, ST ATI OFJiJtY . r - Wall PapoT, rioYB AHD FASCY ; ARTICLES. ; nos. yaw pi. riH. x/m;u.-’I ' > •■'■■ L-/-> -V I'-'* Jpi TOt'rtJi! BEAVER jhiladelphii *P,. « . 'Y.) 1862. n ,'" lA, Pa. i Prop’r. ! aient by l‘«a p»H« pf the lapted to the >Ui*i Bbbliei DAY,: % SEN D, PECTORAIi,^ I,;-. ■ m or I : • Celia. Census,''aa* ; ’ j|^P . j - : IMIMW*! ■ [•■: Cff • ■ 'j' iMßni»,Jij».*)Ui-B«4-i«M. r ih.;.ftim!UiiMtMi»«loatr ‘ B» .iMnmmrl bam r»«r BaaJ to« , o°Hka, Hmrwiw, UHwwMd tfaa ■•SSMtmMrftOlK.ifmf . *mm OUn ftnim. n» M—»»m w»>tt ■Knljuat^Sidlrlflhl# ItayaankaiAmttßpaßßßama- L Pil :»■■■ J ltar Tiltwa Mr Iba traatmaat of thaß ‘ Mpum ntx HmoBT. u.vT ;. M.|T-«ritw: -Ibai*. i 7?sz£TLtsz?ti I lliinwrpamt mb rbd Sm I dmU mMi> r an tWMtf-fTMoUkn br • betUa Ibaa Ho vitbooilt,* - WIMOpUC ClM(|i, IUItUI. .: ’(TTT- • «MnwlttßTßW,»tb.7,iSMi I; ln«iu» Am: t wQI chaarfolly My jon JWMI | kKMMMin uammm fcr.tba ear. of .vjbooplD* aaatk.»oap.»»a <kacomtiHwaa«aaf cliudw. W*of l , yaw nUrmltr la tba Booth mndm naraklo, and . aaßßtnd joaf B.illrla. toenr pmqla. •*- ' I I'; 1 , I- ' niRAM OORKUM.ILD. 1 AVOS tK.SaQjJioamar, I*, viUao,*! Jan. ISUi ; 1 *1 had a Mdteaa Yalanim. which ooofinaj nr In dam ; tfx.wnki) Mi bu; madldum wllboot nlUfi Anally I iMm Aefcralbyllwadmtfo&ctorgyßM. Tha ' tmt Amhlknl tha totimm la arirttrat and I'ah^fi,! baa Wan am half tha bottla and* Joa oomplataljr Ml I Tm aMdWaM an tba chauaat aAaaUm Iba.beat «a i Aittw w ftttMtt m j 1 ■ . Waav MUaenaanaf Fjl, tab. a, IMA. ■ ■a: Tool (Botji AcfcraMa parfbraiiaa maraaHana ; aana la tkia attUoa. It kas raUarad aanral froß alarm tafanaalaaaoC'eoaaaMplAxi, aod la aow caHacaaua 1 i «Sohaalataa< odor aa aJkcttonbf tbalansT|br:tlß Mkitrian. HURT L. BAKU. Merchant j r A. A. JIAIIMT. H. Dv Aum, Maaaaa 0>; lava, I ;|aT*ai,fc»*.Mll*: * Dartn*ai» ptncUnofmaiir mra : la knaa Iml natklnt aqnal to jaaF CKtrrj ftetomU for I I glrlaa mb pad nlfat. «o Miarmaptlr. ,allaala,or raring ; ! apakaaan aanUa.” . ; . .. -Jr .' V« 'bM|l |i| nl«M| *£ mUmm, W)| Alta BOtteOß ! alariacirar or the Ttrtoaaof io |ta , • : Cotuaaptloa. ' I [ I Probably aoaaa laoaady kaa mr baan known which I awad •■ aany and mch dancaraaa [mam ba thU. Soma ■ i aa haaaa aM oaa reach; but ania to thaaa iba Cbcrrf . ftatarwlafcrdarcHaf andcdbrt.] -j , ; j lim Kocaa, kcw Tokk.Citt. March t, ISSA ■ Poona InL lotu; ! M It a dnty aod a phsomia b laimi j *-* t~ —r —' *~~~ A — *~-~T : Wi : ftp had tao flfl Bcntba laboring inndrr the d*n -aaraaa wßiloaß at Cbnaoapion. from ablafa oo old W ; aaoU pnearafOTakarßaiknliaAl Ska »aa Moodily &0-> |a£ aatti Br. nroaf, id thio ally, akm wo ban com* fer ,■ adrica, ncaßOiandnd a ttial of yoor BMdidoa. Wa btaaa . ' hlal kladaaaa,aa wadaiydarakUl; fcrahf baa raeoyarad fr<aa that day. : Bba la dot yat aa atroor aa aha naod to . ia fraa from bar ooayb, aad caUa baaaalf waU. ; I Tavn vitb onUtoda aod raaard, '■ ’ ] |j I . OJU*AMPO SBkLbT. oa danarmu. .! i I OuMatydiart, do rot daapalr UU yoa hare triad Am’a i Caaaay faraaa 11 ItlanadabyoDaor thabaatmodkal akanMaU tka«oitd.am)lla caraa>Uaroaadiia liaat>aak i tha kick Buna af Ha Ttnaaa.— PkZrtilfliia lafgtr. j Ayer’s Cathartic Pills. THI trimnm if niMitiiiy an| Itodido* haie Ues fmr&tif wUA to know* 'is bulT, IbiiiwuMi pfaofti a j i eriiAewatbei.Uwe PB*eheTeTOl»«i which eerpwlß ' ■ t k» mtlmrj Biafafw, ud that th*yjrlo on- < |M wiUntiiTlj urtfrlhg T f*" “f ~f* They •«•** ’ •ad pfaaaut to Ulio» Mt pov«rfol tOcur«a| Their Irmdac peepertWiitiwiieto die the body, - Veuove tba otetnetloos oT He orgMi. portly the blood* ■' Sadaospsl dioaaM. They porgs oor Ibofcni bumorii which t btted aod grow dfataßpar,;stfamiata eloggiftb qr diepr* :• dsiodorgaaiiatotbeir j - lone with itreoftki la the wbole|syUrßa -Not poly do H i < tbey evo tba ertry-gay odaiplaUta of eTecy ,body, bul ; 1 alae fursbfebU aod daofwoae <iaU>m : that ,hare baffled | the" beet of humaei eUU.. While they proiloce powerful. • .affects, lhay araat Ihe ease ti»e, to dininUfaed doaee, the { iOwt that can hejeoiployed for cbildroo. I they are pleaMiit Id take; pad being * ,# partly regetable, are free from any rieh .of harfoV Cun > bare beeo madrwbicb earptM they not ihb- ; •taattated by ora of »uch«alled|podtion aodcbarmcter ' , m to! forbid the eueplckm of cntratb* llany eminent . elrrgynen and pbjetdaci have leot tbeir Dames to certify 1 lo tS public the raliabUity of my ieniadlM, wlille othen hare' jaaol me the aaaaraaee of their conrictii a my { preparation* cootrlbate limmeueejy to the relief of niy ! .'allieted. eaffwlogiWlj>w-o»en. ? ’ I | \ ~.i _; ] } The Ageot le&« nnrd U to farnliihfnUl* ny ! 1 eertMcale* of Ibrlr of the following compbUnte:— ] : OMfreDW, BiUooaj Coim>lainta,| Rhenmatiam; Drimey, .• B earl boro. Headache aritfog froh a 'fool atomaebt Nan* / »*. ib2uv«al *W Brm.u anit_Pain.V - uvtng nterufroeit FUtdleifoy. torn of appetita, all Jeer- j ' oof and Catauerma PiaeaMa which require an eracmini j[ medidoe. Scrofula or.j Kinic’e KtlLi They aleni, by porify- jj tng tha t blood and ellmolating the aystem; cure many !! . eompUinta which It would nut be mppoerd they cdnld ); ['.reach, apeb U Deafueec, Partial Btindnem. Nenralyla and I Ncftoud IrtiUbiliiy. Peranftemebtji of. the Liver and Kid-1| ■ neya. Gout, and other kindred cpnjpjainta arising from a|| : fow state of the body or of ita . ; 'j Do Bot.be pot off by deialere wtCh Other pill they make more profit 00. |Ask 'for Ana**<;: Fills, and lake bothiqg else- !fo other they can! gtavj yon oompares with this in Its inti Insic value-.or curative; [ poweni. The sick want the best aid. there, is for Urea* j and they should bave it. ,~: j . . !j Prepared by Dr. J. C,’ AYER, : ; Prsetietl endAnslytieel Chimlit,L<rweU,lDi«. : 1 Pud »5 On. m Box. Fit* BoMro«H. BOLD BY | j i; »@uror sale by-ft. Mini!, jr., Beeeer: 8 Cross. Rochi-ter; Waggoner 4 Lowry, Frc* floir; J. ;Niohols. -.Baden; ; Sargent, ;’e» Brighton, John Blech, Burlington. Dnn can .4 Edgar, Fnllston.intj bj dome • • •• ry where- Feh - , IS, '62. |i>' .iston.at.t b ;■ ; ‘ * , i CRITTENDEN’S " 'J. PHILADELPHIA COMMERCIAL' '■{ /■ ; M OOXjXjIEjQ-ES, ’ IT. El comer of 7th&ChestnutSt., -'/I ■ PHILADELPHIA. PA. TUIS Institution, which |vas established in ■ 1844, and is now i consequently ini t c cigthteenth year, of 'its exisiencey -nutubc j among its grntuates, hundreds of the most suc cessful Merchants and HasaSaoss Men of our Country. ' . *. .. .' _ The object of the Instituli ford young men facilities foi ration for : business. " : The branches taught arc, applicable to the various dop Penmanship, both plain | CpmuerciaL Law, mat hem t Civil Engineering, Drawin; and Modern Languages, ! The system of Instruction classes or Set Icssonamrc ma student is taught individual commence at any time, and er hours'aije most convenient Catalogues are issued vsi 15th; of. April, containing"* dents for j the year;' and f terms, &m, and may be obt by addressing l the Principal In extensive aceommodat reputation, and the lengthy Principal,| this Institution c perior to any other in the c men wishing to'prepare foi obtain at the same time a d prove a recommendation foi cantile House, j : Cbittexdcn’s Serie Book-Keeping, now more thad any other work on th saleiat the College. ,! S. HOUSES CRI Attomty- May 7. ■ ■ ■-V',:.■ !? NOtlOOi . The accounts and subscriptions. to: The Abous for iB6O 'and 1861, which have not been nettled up, .as well'an the accouats of M. Wcyand, v sli:& J. Weyand, and Weyand' and Henry, arc in my bands for S2ttlement.i All who are indebted; to either oflhcsb for subscription, advertisement nr job work, will please call on me|at the Treasurer's Office. 3 Lany of these car counts are of long stan ling and Shoulc ■bio settled.' ;1 ' i, '-V. 1 Samuel davenport. ' ~TT'.NEW .i -■/- ft ■ aiIISBBV AVU MMiiSS [■ ESTABLISH XBXT; ! BROADWAY. NEW B EIIOHTOK. VA., |>agPow»t#w Dr. 8a rgent’a Drug-Store. i m t vmnw. ; : I i: : ; ■ - ■ Slip* ftttIOTWAL. OXLY TRUE AKD OiafUliri| tori'-:; LIVER COM PLAINT _ BXtIO'OSDUEASM.^I'! v|j„. ■y7 I.—j If ■phia evidences of Dis-| ease Jdyer aro; P*lff »nd jv tenderness in; the region of the Llv«rfS6metimesdaUaiidacliiDlEr« . ‘ increased by pressure,; pbln and „ 1 EMtsintss in BrwlhlngiPaiD id X] , the right Shoulder, uneasiness when ljiat| upon the left side, | • increased sito of tbe Liver, Shorty and Drj (oish»disordered stomi j: aoh, N«aSfa, Tellowish Tinge on,?;) the eyes and skin; Headache! yol- f y lowish Air on the tongue. Bitter- : £ ,lsh taste in the mouth,- heavy, doll sensatton in the Brain, Dc- • pressioa of i Spirits,’]amounting alnost io ißsaoity, slight Fever y toward evening, Loss of Appetite, , DelascholVyWith moroSeness and 2*po«l»n|drii^ I ness, a general feeling of Uneasi* ‘ ness,* Languor, drowsiness, the patient conscious of something wrong in himself, end disposed : to see nothing right, in things ■ about him, yet wholly unable: to explain tha cause of bis sen* . sations—with many others easily ; ; ‘detected by resemblances tpj c some one or other of the abovb. I [ The Liver Bill: wiU almost cor-;. [ tainly arrest the disease if taken : | upon the appearance of the above . symptoms,, which if allowed, to | 1 table its course, becomes chronic i j in its nature and almost incu- *{. ■ | f rable, producing groat and con- | i stantly increasing sufifc’ing. j_ i »Xh* USB of this medicine, will ncithor- ; : Create a aowdiseaae nor complicate f existing one, bat, “inmost casa% ; ; prepare Hiesystem more vigorous/|- , remedies ot the shou-d it; ho f : accessary to call in his aid, ■ i : AS J F4MILY JIE3ICIXE ‘ SELLERS’ LIVE** PJIAS : AKB lITVALUABLI!. ' -'.f, r’ pHoe en cent*. .■'lsli Co From A. Cuhtiif, Droata(, S. Bearf, Ind. D. S. 6w |y. Sir —ln roj-ly to vun.‘ titor of thepstli infant. I wi.nlilbAv tTlitt t>i»- sab ’■ of £ell*rr Mullein** ha* far c*xce» d< d my e*p<'ct.v lions; arid uin» cm- bate they foiled to pr «loch , IhodrsirM t The C-msb B>mp is a cur- f-»r adt*d«M r 'fk>)«us A and tlta rbraptm* of ilu> urtlrla place* iti wbbfn the r»i»ch of oil. >hich. .. tcijli its cfficJicinns qu ilitiv-n. render* it awmwwol favori*©. Sofa day pa-ee* with»nt 3»am*ro«* call# ; i} r *•'!/»« oa« Ibinse n©**d?ol/' at this »ea**nrof the - year, viz. Seller*’Coogh Syrtip. iii J. f. r .•■ j-; 3 Aifl.GC-'niso. i : ' Prtoo go Cents. j. Sellers VERMIFUGE. - From the Rev. *• Wakefield; former P'ttct •f the Liberty Street M.: E Church. i J Mr H. B, Re— ll is truni a of ilutji. M> i F i ife'l am with jtvAt pteotoire. thtt 1 boar t ’sdmonj Is?: ■ Ibo’Tirtuft ol r ur jaetly ,celebriiit*l Verm«fu.rfli 1 *. i r proctm*4 * single botil?, »nd jp*Ti*|ii.|n three ofmy ; .chlrdr-R. who hm! berri HI for teVcr.l ■wecfcg Tip : i eldest wax seven,'y*v*n» old. the f mr, end thoj 'yooDgeet eighteen nido'hi. Tho first fitly- 1 • i ||| worm*. the e**ci*nd fo»tr-*eTrh. iu>l toe ‘hinl n considerable nuu.ler, not distinctly >©roll ct«d.| ; t Since then they bsra been doiitir end -re now; j to good health. SJ 'v price 25 Cents. ! |1! PBRPARGD AND SoiiP BT R. E. SELLERS & CO. ■; Ji " pitt.«b(; , »«;k, pa. !■•■ !• SELLERS’ VERMIFUGE. ion is solely to af r thorough*jjrcpa- Book-keeping,- ns liniments of trade;, anil ornnmSntal; itics, Navigation,; ig, Phonography, ; -year ThoiisatfiU of.X&ildren die | fromtjlis ihorxlble evU. This alarm in.' mor- j tallty loudjy calls forlncrvased Vntchfulnf'M | and forgrea*tr p-re /zl thr t*ltcliorv:f>/ th« ivym dy, Thahweeping oppiieitinn of nijuiy i tirsidian? to advertised wcnn niluicjiit-s in a' nivasi'uv. jtt tir.crlJjy'the injurlotji qunlitics of sonie of ,tlie TcnulfaplesJ tu.J I the positive inefficiency ofnic&t the. totalled| MVorm. Confccthtis,” * v Wmu Candice,” •‘Uorm Ten*,’’ Ac. ; latter art at harml/tt qr titty a« iwWKctojt, inc DKIAT lT?*i r Kir C *J>T JiHT. No| fCM bdMc mother, will lhus|tri£a with the life cf hei dii'd. . j, \' ; : ' LET PHYSICIANS SPEAK, . SEtui^'vtibiiiiUETiiir bestin m i is peculiar; no lo use of, but each y, lie may utend at whatev- inually after ,the' nines of fjio ;sfu idl parliculars of lined at any time ■ , 1 ’• ; .• - i .*’ ■ ‘ lions, -wide-spread experience of the :ffers facilities bu uuntry.for young i business, and to PLOMA, which'trill' i them to any |Mer- HKii’K is tu'e proof. I. ■ Jie'ing Sfaf>r<n, TVrJ *T f 1° 15. " ! M*. R.E. nr.A^rrvi:*U|rt b v c p»o;evirtue than auy I-rv.r w*.hL :jViri ►tiite i disc * L.cr» I gave Wuf.rial. 3ly htolh'Xj c | (j|»ini’rry tiitU wittii-ff-fit n vtr*f_ Ju likn alU.f .1 gave Ihe Vertiilftjjrei tlw enormous 4iiantUy of vjiicini of six huu\lr'J v*>r'ms Uwt [ j’ Thc .chiM, {hat vm jri4nu up far loit, i*: uuw.as wdl u auv hi the } - I j; • =■ '!*: |;■ j A.mUKOSS ApfcXiV M. £. : ;1 ■ji |;T j faWj*#*. O/uVj. jAf>r*t -1, i *i*.‘ •-I JAM tlUftVreqnirwl togiroit feyiiuUUm iu|dny isirliruiL '■ ' ~■ ;■■ - i- ■ pi | ■ j : | -| : R. q. \TILSOy, >l, I>. !-i | i ! P-inf TTi. Oft. 4: . J i if*. $. E. SriVia Hnvlugii&ii it lu-my pmc* life for Ihti'hia? fbnr.or fito year*, I think it d->- iho fnesCprrj'iirathm of the kind. 1 ha\ »V !llS''4 the p-rcfaratiou rf ihe Bavcre.i Other tnaotfraetcrcra. 'tours, fea^rlfullr, 1 ; i i .-,: 3 |}U *" !>• .CjOUCII, M. D. J . | 7V> tnlgli tWu morato hnnilrvdJ of other aa*»: irjrtj It iiocrsLary, hut Srllert’ Vt/rlnlfagw luuf •too*! die nt‘slical fitmUjaml j?nl*j lie fiir wore thdn a century,»hieb. of itself Uctmeloairo of iU tntirt a* wcU d« fAeefiittiiifyofitaeffect.,. . vj’l . .] > of Treatises on widely .circulated > subject, are for TTEKDEtf, 1 a. ' i l-Law, i Pms^iPAt.- : r;-i ■' If • • .Y. =II LERS’ Ugh HUP. S fyoRMS! f.>\- r*;n• •. | •' ; spnct. /jrtnionlipr .<Ary itiduc?mtiila aw ofi to Ucalcrsto recommend and sell «>ibor Verj mitaje*. Do not lot uuprincipled men' palin off , auy| of tbuw on you.-'Tho &e*Jat.a*y pn& is Vuchtaput y therefore ask for SolknT and 'ttle-. no other. \ \ \ I' i ; ( ' :^s ■‘j Price. QS Cents. - lj, );’ j - , nir&it *m to& «r • R.E.^ELLERS&CQ j[. 4f PITT—PBOH, gA. ■.4 !-M! ri 1 r-'-F ;-i Tin littglt CdU! : : ; I t'ur ■ of : fiad fir-of ' ■ To -in, ' ■* ■’ luM 'i-i:. .■ ■■'oi'K.Ai DR. TV IV;' =I Dii.Nl - L a cojtl>r,r.Ti PRHhKitV* Purifying the 1 Curing Tooti j Dr. llxcrit Cettii bohle. : ' : Dr. llvr'd’s Une< ..orii lj.6x: o, . Dr. Jturd'j one ficttle.\ . K Dr.[ ■Uwt* >VX l VLASpBR. . Dr. Uur-V j r/A.' \ Pftaepiiuy the 7rc:h proper Trraht'.yil cj C ■ 1 LOSS St-hK hr CU-nnu.p-UOrs-- V -U-T: TOOTH PICK'. ■■T.. tv. “ ij;;':'.- . ,'l’rcpurcd atl la-. Iliii F'.-r-tr,! Fourtlrpt., ljr.o('kU-,ii.-|K v t). j i', . -:- r lset. (Lth‘ J/OJ'.L JL ;.«wj SIX i;„ ■ Tli'j Din fall: jv eight inches ty liw. ami i» s:-ni hy>\j|. - Pitll dU:criioji>/'.-i' .us* is c-/i The following arj !clc!i werjcar. : yn_ ly, byrmjiil,-\|iz: ; ; r • - *!• • The Trcdtis'f oi i j pn:4. on reel* pt 61'..Twelve: cent.'. ..v stamps. ' | i ‘ The N uruhiift fop. «T* Face, Nervous Headache. a'u l Kaiaiha*, ' post! paid, oujjtcci[)t of git/hiven or - - -.stamps. r. . j ; .; j •The Xi nralyai aim Iflictihidiy 2V-s; : r- K r .. r . »'?izo)-ifor. r.inis iii t 1 1 r. i'hesi, : iS ’. i*'a*l ■:rs. yrVxiy part ajf tie l<;ily,iEehL-;puit' on'icl .CeipVoi* cents: J:i -\ Address,"'l *v- ;1 I ; -i. • • j ,ir.v. ii. jirni), co.. | TrJ/vr.r iSioltlur:!. .V, ■.-.'JV-V- : j>K JTtihrixoToTn-.wA.in.'tGothrot.- HER and TOOTfI.tCHK ~t i., 5 : sent by mail, liat tlniyivta ;n'..mA.lv 1,-.,. y.: * tained at youV Pcrimlical Pi'ti: if ' thej . cannot, _s=diJ»J 'to us for il;i UKatUL. JTW’EASUUV, Strict, <jse' Puu.ai:, v.lica c.a;- 1 1 Jus them. - ... . NOW, uis.Di ;|i i- irj iTlie best evije|nc(;«.tbat tb'-y a're is, 1 ! iirinest fei jniuxiL; art u,<Vo w 1,.) | li'tye ,usc<i, tlieru WgesT. ■/:?. I;‘, V; a «n; : cmii\out Dcnii-s: Aue New yorkl&ajt* AW.crtii.jii. niiU ! ,lliVhx* prep:inition< b^v^;b.. v -, i . u> bis j»ri- ' rate j»r:ici:ce loi- ;fev;. hu I n - a : v.t : .ca i ot-Kvooklyii -<|r UiII:a::a ;.u-u,. | exccUenlL*. tvhiltj aiaif!-. ui \-A , Vu*ik'recoi'hiiviiati i flit* prole-isi'Mi.; ' K*. i|t ;■ m: \ ; iug;. dc}'.lvi> i.'-j v;: f *, i ; i i C 1 it* 7,v- v ' i -*\Ve :n‘v KriafiV kr:-i.v >-ar i, ; 4 r. 'I.-* sill rs I witb iiis ..Uut'[i;ii \\ ,<n -n, i, TOorL i'*-v DLU. Vife iiro it s-cra:> bis j \v-ih [lit iati '(rj*' h l V)f-r. in‘f-r : ;.;-,-v .'i ' TJi'i ■kn'o^ii-p.- '-T. '* fyiiini \ "iii; 'iV;V)V'i i' T f yi'.- ■■liii: ft;-. !•< , • ' .1 ;j | ■;\n:.r;i_fl;'ar.cvcr‘.’ ' ■- ' T: .Pop.!. 1 :-? oi*/ \\'<rA ,'i'..<>']* V ‘' liV' ' ‘ ’ • i !>)_;• a.vr c: . W'.kniV iV' l '" ’' 1 ;J j» v ' - ..t' wii.vr >' 'ij i ‘ -n.‘ •. i . ' W:. Hard* end Toe-:I:. I. . w .1 sr; vf; | Vviii.jjf IhU-M c? *i'v ;i "!u.i!!~a h'.vcol bveath c. : • d j: early ; i h**r.ri \ .-i . */. . I • rd’? Moi-ri: Wash end T<-i*- •’> wifi *li« oiuufh* froin all | i lion?, dud iii tho >vV. i.-f.Vp : th«? fastje swv-atn- «si*l r » li**' i iy « v.':r; j. more plewiii.ifv.)! Hundred:-: = i/r pc ‘* u lesniy lev lui?.. Tyy thrin. pe-uthdsWa.. • , . j-. I>ri.‘lhird->. .Mfcjfti V.’ash and T«w»sh lW.»tr t are [the ihe-hesj-preparations'iii Kio. |.'r turpig to ! L/'onh arid giyj.ng •. linnncr'h -in-i to the gums. Hundred? of .hjsi v t-5' .JiUjfltuy ) -o\:'>ns, £V-/v J/--a//«,'. V -vr-jr , ■etc.V feftve i> : epn cpred by Ur. Hind s .string-- | ! eut wWsb;. j( i* [• ;• •; .j •] . \ '■ ! Kr,-Hurd’s! Mpidh Wash and Tooth V'VdfTh I give'an ftuldijt loud' ('harm to | c*njrt sin;-,. ,y:d [ make ! and.wive* tojtbeif hus-bamfe; j They siicSid.bi • used by every u» -having. | ’- tJ • |;-;J; am ti >' /1 ’/-i i. ?■■ .c*v t if. which are liable to itnprnt .a taint to il:o nii rdv I)rJ Kurd's Tobtlmche Droops- cu'e T;*'h* ’ ache arising froml cyposed nerves, rind arc- Te best frie&ds I hat p;rents ennjlfave lh the! ytivfi ip save their children from lontire nudM:.era* •• shlv’c* from IMs of sleep and sympathetic ■su:-'- icrin’l?.-;-- . :;' l i : 'i j ' j " v> •••' Farmers anu.meehan.iesl youcannot wrT.flf* ■ ford.'toTicglect your teeth. Fora tritl.'ngMtiir.* you can now get : than \vii Kofhschild olr AstljV can got nothing. biT:c*r. • Kcmcinber that Py.itpejma. and Coiwovp-ion of the -Lungs 6ft|Cn originate in neglect, oi Teeth. Send ifpr the l'Treatise on Tt-'th. and read.. Hr. Fitch’s observatynis on.-fhis :suV>ject. It'Yb-o ‘ late tourvesi jdeciiy* own.teeth, gaveT your children's (eeihi, . ■'A T EVJtAf t O’lA. Pl.ASTESS.^ttflXwfts Neuralgia Non-Adhesive ITaster's are tjhe rje?c [ pleasant and successful remedies ever jpriscri l-cd for this painful disease..- 1 The 'ftp* - 1 plies one, soon, ; drowsy 1 . ta!N| ad-cp, v-_ and awakes* free from paiU, and-nd bitter or other unpleasant or injimouwconsequepccs cc suc. For Earache apd ' ftp’! ply according-'to directions, and} relief, ,v • A . syrely Nothing can be obtained eqral |u> Dr. Hurd’s Compress for •Nearalgpi. it!}' i tliem.' .They are entirely a nbyeircurjoii? 4H | or&ginal preparation. aid Tyond'cfl'allyj^tcc^sl. 1 ful. They arc of 3 two sties, on& Saiatt budjie face, price cents, apd fhc , other Urg'.vs>r .•application.to the body; price o 7 cental be mailed on rere\pi o/pnee dud one s'jvep. I j : vi vtuat are TnE\rEori>'EpmM? i. ; , „•'( ; i 'i jf. • The Ameticiiip people are intelligent t&ioudi ttr apprcciateprcp.irutibnstiiat cbntribut|so mi-h to.happiness of those, using fhciiT tind' wont them:! [Every maiVUnrigs us JettjersT s<‘~ ;e ordering the Treatise dn Teei‘h,-somcjthc , ralgia Plasters,* and hot a fe!w enclosing ■ for the Moiith Wash, id be sent! by j to tlicscwc' are compelled to :/cp!y that. jj 15 j impossible to send a iialf-pi»it,bottle, gy r people j’wantr ■these Kcmcdics. UjAo wpp’yZ themt ' L ' /.: ' t •; Now is the i, (fIIAXCE FOR AGENTS. Shrewd agents can a small carrying these articles around to families- Dcntol Treasury is lho neatest article tb&t. miarA>r woman can carry around. ttcud one*and seel or, better, a dozen,' which . u'V wall sell,'as 1 ; samples, for 37. Agtmjs “uril.'T liberally-.with circulars. SSsJ?* Now-is the » to to go into the business, to do goodi anjli#»* a profit. We are spending! thousands foi ti -‘bcne’fit of agents. New iEnglai(d men or : v> ‘ mojlTj here m something tiice, and a chance ■takftho tide at its. flood. Address, ' . • WM. B. HCIID i CO w Tribune Buildings, New \ ork. : . That remittances may be made with cc deuce,, W. B. U. ic Co., refer * Ac Brooklyn; to O' W. Griffith, President Crs and, Ohizenk Bank,. BroaWyn; boi, JB«kft* i ta p. T. I '7"’Vi*“' %fic U<?r iStavnl a i'X Uu c:;rA> ■nltEBV. I.S L./B. B-UKSKi,. " T ( ■; ;!;• • ivy : IET'OF mdfn«ir<. f<jß : Thi; * Vrnaih • (ihd AVA iche and Neuralgia. ' Ti JSTS, ■ j mouth W'ASI!,' iii> i TOOTH.TOO Ar 'TOOTHACHu'jj/yOTcJ lIVALED HU VTA Is; i A '.’AT. en. Bu: Mresr. iliuhtH.lUJ " ~ fof =MN l.r-n!;v^ •»•>*, «■ ' la'- -W . i-.,L we ; J' 1 v;-W ! it a p.vV , m .\3 y --y : , -f :=or SE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers