hr^ : W^':-A Bl'jAVKli ABGrUS ! ' ■- : : - * .:f' PEMT’A. Wednesday, Nov.’ sth, 1862. lEN T.iC. NICHOLSON iCo./Proprietors TERRIS —Us i: Dollar aiM ; Fir TT.'p exts Jperlanr.ußU is advance;, otherwise Twd Dol v-ill be charged. X** paper discontinued cidtl all' arrearages arc sculeil. tv:; r Fetterb hm! c< lhail ibal.i h\vc piviupi at temion. ' ■ Quarterly Statement ; Or'.Tin; f.UNk,of bkavei; corxTi". AllL'. *J. /2, K r | !.!T1 ,l ."‘t'lok |;:uu ir^ il! 'll 'r.xSr.hi -r >n*l MEI 1. ; ~ ’» • •i i •_>- . k:t‘.| i ( "fI;CT li:i .n'r'i-j.'iKw ! ; iiU.rui . T-U: -v ■ \ l t I hr;.trc ; mr, j* not*!rv- W'v.'i i ‘-uiilv. j.dv.ntii vl liv:*\'cr !;i]y ivi\ a;-. i:!U: U■_ 1 : iV lJ ~ 'vj !’I I-' l-I/n-i-! a?H , : ’ <•!' 1:1- Icnn v!c.i-ji; i e:s.i MUs*.V. Ki)WAi!D-IWH»I>S." j n: .. i l7S s -1;/), ! < •' As.;.- nil lIKIiKM*V'. .^t.vr i -r«bUo! I ; ]1.,,, T’* : rVi i. £ 01**2 :> J r^Tot A 'l.ll the = ‘ r * 1:1 Ml. -r’.| rl Jj • <,• i.\ V. ( | U j'jj. ?;.r;o 1 x]\ r.Cj(>nvwl ,!-;r -.;• a .-<;-Vu* «:! :i-e ja.-jt will '<' ;.i<-;.;-r A'l o {« i .fanii-s \\ hiioliill. ! •• .5 • - -r i* H.'te M!:*l IVr--*nr.l) f.f i*{; it lie C.-tatL' tt ! t I i\*A ;.nkl i.,:ij ••f As^snn-1*: • ■!'.’*> .jo! .Jn:» .w.-ui--:* j.o( ti vu v;\ V.ilvi 5 Tho 11f im” oi' t! it’ l;isi will «.r Jnhli [:u‘V. ' ']} Tiio ‘\a\.\ MVfOJnitH i . 1.. ilvnii. jic.inj - •K-VM. ••* -v- > i • i ;*c i v* :Oan- .K ‘i*‘ | riiijliCi’ tiiiili: U:iyU s . I;*tVf7,'Oei. ,«!■. •■s•2 | ' X AT:OX %V Alt. »77J>iJ« ft >*r •■: : v r. 11, Mi-1 ’u«n -\ uy r< ..Cl i.i -f'-JOU te i " i?; I= : x‘!:\ -.V ■ •>■■■■■ ' s. ;! J - . I V. , .I. L-' : -<• . \V<- t !■-1 tlio (i ovor:i tnt-nt, vdli :U -. ti»i> i«irt»»orico. • ITxCoii-, r C--Ti.’. i ; .|H .:.l J ! I V.M'JI'V V',> S!\V H I i'lllV j US' j ,;uh nV\ t liti;r fr, it, a j^rout! iiivor.taiicl try'! i ' .„■ <lo us'-irtr.dr!<>i- tliopi sometime.- — I.p.'l' "•"MVi-r ; 1 • : 1 vK*'j t!»V. n -;v.;r. < n !I.e-*J7»i* s/c !,■ ;..w V. .. ~ , ' i, Jacoby -•! ■j - '" - ; ~~~ ; .’i v : -.a £cnoratiO.’. ’• JIX V - * ;. _ . .f. ‘ V • , I V * * - * 'or merchant h\i \ew York, j »■** ’f. l ’l ’ • • ’ * <•- 1 T M 1 ' 1 j ; ’ • 1 lie reiv.Uation \v(lncss which* '.m ... .j; l'\ • J : ' i - • -J, , : . . ; ■■iT-ei n**-<>n In,* i,ow hoiirr- is no hito assiihijUioTi, as! , i". jPhi>iic* m.. \\ 11 *'<2, those who Had deal! tigs I with'him well-' swers as a inore hohljy liir the -Hu :;S-. :i: UwAy. -The IhflowiW st'orv;, it ? wl politicians lodide ami' a Demo it i c ™ tici v arl y-. * ‘ oi : , tho :.° ~u<„ •**.. ; \ - v ary more juvenile just to-dundlo 1 t.?w_ _ •c:ip- liiioii iii piMiit: . th'pir knee and call jil a Demo :i. I;,:!.* /About the time 1 riilormldf), wldclv: cratii; party. But it is is, tjpc , r.y-s. i was before-tli.c 1 1 nit- oi insurance com-;anything.- The masses of thq people . :ti h:i*:r.;<u iii.tU.-i'sr. 'vimi paints, lie applied to ihnjotbcr Quaker Aare tlic Uumoei^Uie'Republican; party. ■ ■ a''i : -tl named-II whowiis iiccusUMiiod to [Cheers.] , Andjthe massesoccupy to- T 4'>in!iVulv : w*''uiV<.i' 'ih'.h insuif i individual" policies, lor i'nsiu-' day the positioifof the old Democrat in-nJ■] i i,„. I.f„ CoeUinj; ali'iej on a ship then Homeward -.bound ; : icparty of Andrpw Jackson [Cheers.] - ]’ri. if,.-.'aoi = a distant! voya_gi>'. l-iiese wore I And these then 'knotted together for ■lifts ' <’• the " safet vd ' base pur 1 insist arc the Deim v, ,v- Ell '~V'T liU-Tiiru.'.** • L =EI . ius fT.t • j' uuil .s ui ~!<* vcsfecTa safely. a.n> T' uu ' l, ' Vvr }-i- .-IhoVrenmuri asked wfcp.-ob.tblv high; ' v,:;:i jiohul' .Xc., mw • ‘ ... • , i 1 • ‘ IX ° of‘oilier ar!ii-:c»-io„.iuu.iit-c.u s .ami pvco with p H ~ -■ , did not wish to take|tlijo risk, Udw (li* to*'ic!>cc at Pi o'ch-’h, a, m., over, lie promised to consider the mat-' .IUHS <U:\TZ. ~ ; ter. :aiid,i if satisfactory. to sigfi It be •, ■... • - iJ |“"}!st«uor. .| V j, o ]ij.y tiio next day. I Early the next Orphans’ CdurVSaie'”"" 7 '" 1 barker seni Idm. a note in < j r ■ .i Uh«rloliowm# wonU: j 1-p tr\ ;t \ lit* of sin i>r*k*r of ilie <>rp)j;ins‘ r(*m*t ! . . • . , • . . . li vvilU.c to «.t.‘■ . "* noiul Jl-—it, tbee has not ■J .! u’tiijf '.vlkilul' <*i‘ iijiiici’y. itnliiy prcMisO-S lliO ]tOli('V UOCU HOt, lOF, 1 On Wednesday, November sti, bare beard ot the v-e|-seL_ .c .. f-in.-k M.-j ti.'r iv, 1 . 1.. •.vine Wate of ■ ll■ Jtli in lei ng the vessel was of M.-lloiify.Tiiec'd. siiicm- isHiii- township ; course safe, hastily signed/ the policy ' hounded uniS-. de-erihed «s.‘ a - n( i- returned it "by j the ‘messenger, ■■ -A: <.if ly :m ■js.-.i.c .iic- w^n , expressions• oft regret that lie '. -.11 H:o. flu* il and >.o>!tiil-v lands .m .lames - x i ’.i el • l» Av-m.iee. M, he vest'Wih.ii.i ~f .vu-x. i*ot-u«do the bpuneM. Barker S ....... a-oi riylu-i-iek T.f.-U:’’c .unyrKiijt 'I7J i had, indeed, heard of the vessel, and •'.• si"nmri-ork-j-s—lil-0m,7 or S ucl-es cleared. ‘ hhitl'd V *l-1 a.small log dwelling hon.-e . a the premi-a.i ■; r 1 Ti:i;jiis,-s-Oiu. tiiiv.i Jiu hand on , Confirm j- ’ (jhivii to Ukst.—Did you over know ly iu ; a child. though ' half dead with play, f'l'ial annimi mria.iiK'nt.-: from Halt dale.: , . . . 5 . . . W” witli.!ijt’i>rost fr.d* , ".'bo was willing to go to bed / ...I ar i .ill l:rr‘ : a irirn; .C i. j a .'j li .re of, t hoy will wink, poor eyes, ni:ir.a-ss..M;i!ear,v T or John jjj'livaiy, Service and stare about, tfnd]liligor round the -, : ,vi : pa. J .j. i .bright lumps,and plead for a reprieve, ■‘ • ci4t I Ju-t liulo jnst five or ten Oct. t, u-hc, . | | inmates I’ Time w|ll cure them of -- ~ —,—_—_ ilial soon cifctgh, poor things; so don’t -Ijay --V-- , aing», e^ CO TT ZE3I oxr S lE, -try to teach them ilie lesson now.- -.13. -1). |{KJEX}. ]4oi>’u 1 Lei tßem ‘-sit up”'• before Hie evil days ,T. 1/ /.-■*. * i *’ / [comb when sleep, is the Didst coveted . ‘ fhiyuasH? 3\tty, j boon on earth; whehithej’dioad noth ft ■ | VITTSiiVI’.fiJI, i'A.. ' ■ so iniicli as wakjhg to si .new daj-, "SrnXT HrtrgE" is of-ilie largest j and its repetition Off Svcarystruggles !.JJ-j ' ,n ," ll <-Isln}ilic.lrunCiiy. | Avith AVTOWg and wrong: doeys, lighted r-yj'S iw.rxpeifee «ii|j i, e spared by t;liinpses as of sunshine do few and . ’>■' ”i. i*rclwi entdiit V"tVli ’l Oll - I'"?.; so tHinsjciit; CroAvd into the chil r .-..; «ati.n,< ],K!ciim^\-omDXl'tj a "t o ' <*r«.siis insect life all the little innoqpnt rv'-VlSps i.oWij,_ , • , ••■■■; . . ‘-.happiness you can,! that ’-they, maj' •fj w *«> , i?rWi' I liave’lhat. at least, to look back upon, M the Prjug store bf I' 1 fAvln-n Uny Imve no longer the wish of 1 C. P. CT’Mmßa’B. j the power to ‘ sit tip.” i. ! ’ • : • ! *' ' * >•= • • i ' 1 ' Iflt i cT Voi. 38-^70.45. . [Among the wounded lately bronght to one of the Philadelphia wharves, was a young soldier whose limbs were .fearfully shattered. Inbngh evidently in intense pain, he uttered rn. cry. bu! as thecarrieri raised the ‘-strctch its he yeas on, ho whispered—“Gctitiy! gently:’-] ' ' ■ - /i hough he neither isighs nor groans, , • oo . 00 i.’w'A '■‘.lMltf 1H- f l-'M i 7 «mj •KiM.oiU oO | •‘>,ooo <lO7 ;...:i:v:.rV iio ! l7O r<o ; *~ ]U'V ■',{ 1 10 1 .ndS ..-it'd i.'T i *-’;l h Wliy Editprp Should be Exempt. tl.r* Kc- _ v i, A r orlrets' .Monroe-. .telegram, re ceived recc- ;t!y. Informs us that, the •l\ev.- Mill t ary Exemption Act,” pass ed 'iy the ilc'he! Congress tjii the 4tli nil,, -secures the liberty of the;; press In - exempting editors, and|; as •they require. in tlieir hpsiness.” We consider this action uii tile pari of the- Ije.bel Congress ierninenlly wise;-; aii'i-wu .trast that oar CoTigress • will pass a iqmilar act exempting the above I useful .Editors .should be‘ ex-1 <"tup? l.iy-afT means. Ihr the following | reasons; : . . J •• j ' - ' j •nnr- IVvionssl ) W \h-: :*4»e cl’ .1 •i N:>*le. A«l C H i]. "il! 1 *•» VT• I (Ira- J hl.-t will <>{“ i Ist. ; J’ewinsc- they wouljl sooner stay atomic llian go to-.war. ..-d.- Jlreause there,is more tan writ ing about war - than pining in” and li-, ; top rohel bulleti;, ' > M'i- ‘dJeeaiise it they Ipivent all got latege jfamilies .oT smiili children de iK-hding on tiu-m. (’or support, no one .. l-.iiows hut that, they may evcntual -■ ly In', phn-ed in that responsible porji • ” ' ih-aisW. - ••M-. •!»»•>•« ase (hero are enough -dead Iheads’Mn liie.ahnv alreadv. " o;!i:• Ueeaiisi:; it is pleasanter to die = !T. K .'cc’t; * vr i- j’er.-'On:i’ > o n*;r oi li^nrv* ii; : >f (-Marly-; •> r - t -. i-iip i iriucrl v Ic.-f m;- » >A. ft. C-AX. C...! f<’!' (•ueV twnitf-y atMi‘»nje, amid ti>o "sS*!,/ ‘Viiiiiin!! and Wipfe?. witii TarnTltar •Ji riio Ki-o'n. a-iidtb be -buried in •yiiry; ground, '.than -V iio - tl.i.e; middle of next r hundred pound ball; (k-id jip help manure M ( niv Uiifii farm. ; a.-Kjy.(r remarked . ho tkey would nuiijlKjirofci* *lo stay <-t’ ( *( Mil** | =I •.V.'lt k»i' . Ih•li R- [Kxrriitniro MEN GENTLY! GENTL X>ca_Ui i* bi;-y witty hi>- bnno^; •]»car h::n u v er .the jmtir.g ftones . Gently ! gently. I Sisters, faithful to your vow, » .S\v.*?Uc.liis limbs and hool Lis brow; 1 hi* soul passing-. now Gently 1 gently J Ho iuifTallen in the Strife! T'jll I? ’:«> his \viilo\v Ami t j )n»r v. Lu gave hint life, Gently ! geutlj ! Loudly praise the hrave who gem AN it’: iheir Mood mir diadem; Aii‘l ihelr faulty—oh. >:peak of than, . Giinity ! gently 1 3tE®3sl ■ ' UC TigEßTv ~ WOCPtWOtWCty , % ' "j' ■; t 1 ' ' f 1 H SPEECH OP HON. DANIEL S. DICKINSON , We give below tho.cspoeehofthe Hon. Haniel S. Dickinson, of.-Now York, delivered at the groat Union' War Meeting in Brooklyn on thi 24tb‘ ult., under the auspices of fhe South ern Union .Refugees. ■.S peeches wore made hj- Col. A J. Hamilton; of.Tox as, Judge Frazer; of Florida, hud Gen. Rogers of Tennessee. [ Every true lover of his country Will endorse the sontihaents of the eloquent and patri otic speaker. , ' .’ f - Y! i 21r. President, Ladies and Gentlemen: I came as a hearer,and not as aspeak- ; :l ') bore this evening. l| breakfasted jin Washington about 5’ this morning, and not having dined yet, I won’t fix the time. Reaching my ho tel a few moments sinbo, I found a I note' there, saying - this’ meeting was I being held, addressed ’by our friends froi* the South, and I imthcdiately started for. the meeting. I started with as much promptness ns the gu llet natorial candidate of> the Submis ‘sionistjj did for Wisconsin- when I j heard the rebellion had I roken oiit. ; [Laughter.] And 1. made about us i good time as lie did in getting away. I wanted to Hear a vo cc from the South, to hear somb gentleman who had refused, when the saek-but and psaltry and harp of-Secession, to fall down and worship.—l have icon much' interested as 1 have'no doubt all of you have, and now to detail, you at this late hour of the nig it would be unjust to you as..well. us. myself.-r -[Loud tries of “go- on,” all over the house.] ; Imprimis,,, then : All - was quiet on the Potomac this morning.— [Uprorious laughter.] I saw all the authorities at Washington, hut I speak by no authority,;l do not pro- i 'f s ? to—but I will tell you, niy fullow citizeiis, that ."which you have a right to know-, that which yin ought°.lo know, that you will find Lhosc waters sullied at a very early day. [Cheers.] 1 have-every reason to believe that .the'Administration are arising to the lull necessities of the . occasion, that! they comprehend this mi Iter, and in- i tend to grasp Mt with an iron hand, i and at a very! early monent. [The audience : at this moment rose to their feet,-and': cheered with this wildest on- j thusiasm.] And I trust we shall all! learn at a very early ; day that sonic ! U><»ry»vtr*<rwtidl>iVTlVU Iu*TTV %i‘l y~~TVy Hl*t man, and niake the knees .of every, IlcUhazzor tremble as did llic ono of'! old. [Cheers.] It is ton pfajutd that we aeeuso pur opponents of beingdi-- i loyal. They say they arc the Remo- j cralrc party ! 1 deny that they are the Democratic-party, [‘‘flood,” and j cheer's,] or any.fraction of the Remo-, critic party."'! I follow’ principles, not: men; events and not name’s. Karnes! prove .nothing. The llltif boy assoon as he can run alone wai ts a bofse; and be gets astride of a slick, and whips it ii]>,and calls it a But iffynot a horse, after all. The little girl li doll, and calls it a baby.— Well, 't a baby, fn- the city, th«y have one dressed inslylu in high finish ; in .the country, they arc made pJ' rude cotton, features pul on with ink or charcoal. They arc called babies, but tbuyare not bidqcs. They ea!,l-tills the Democratic j arbya liutit is hot the Democrafip partyw- TKan- purposes, .w cratic party ill no sense whatever. It is a feeble, diluted, weak, dwarfed im itation of tlio Federalism of 1812 [laughter,] with all: its mischief and none .of its respcetabilty political ly, 1; mean. \V|c have been cursed North arid South with politics.— [Cheers and laughter.] This rebel lion is an ottieh-boldcrs’ and office seekers’ rebellion! In tho loyal Slates, when this rebellion was politics wer'ji dt-iven put; but these persons found a tenement empty, l swept and garnished, and- they took j seven other spirits more wicked than j i themselves a,nd entered into jt and! dwelt there., [Cheers and laughter.] And the last'istate of tho people shall' 'be worse thain the first. [Groat langh-j ter.] They,are loyal, they tell us.—l Mr. Seymour says he is accused of be-' i ing disloyali. I have not accused* him —do not think so; but I will tell you what Tdo think. There was a cler gyman in Northern Pennsylvania,, who was accused of. some improprie-t ties; and it .was a matter of grave concern, referred to a CominiUce, who investigated for. two-weeks, and re-j _ .. w •• wno, v ported on the subject, in the presence of the church and aj largo audience, ! that 4iey did not Brother I "Smith 'guiltyL of anyj impropriety, in the matter, hut they thought his con ,duet was fast leading' to it ? The Ee bcllion has three clenients upon which it relics: Qno is foreign interrention ancT their own military prowess; one -is yellow; ferer at the South, and the is this spurious Democratic par ty at the North. [Laughter.] These are the elements upon which they re ly, and they are acting together to- Bea eh Wodiiosduy. Novcmberj l^S day.' This ty acting in concocttwitf elemeit malignant of the earth, railins&yuid ghastly and liornhuLiimi ton's devil, prosperity in this botftfCry.l l : k,Dem<^-!'> m°, 7 e .,h fP £ l) d tlio ■ racy m rising up to i|fd .foreign inter-i ? V1 *' ~e nwmariy popdlation hiikbocn ventiobi ana shrikehindswi thJthey el- : ,u /° ih * field akinstTo low fever to help putidowh loyal peb ,r ?P r co I '?®° they.have filled every pie and loyal States Tii tliliir’ efforts to southern city with hospitals', wiiore erukhilout this infsrnSd feblcllion. fAp- ? , . c * c ’ > J n “- n janglod Eebels abound, j We please.] A”tnbro infaraoils arid attror? ! h v hb s jatals, but in point cions rebellion neyeiiexisfed since Sa- **r!7- the; ; south, •and *j the tan made war in heaven.! It must bo . ? . ? rebeldofn, is becoming ione met with all 'tho itaterial of war: It ■ vas . l ' ln “ rrn ‘ u T' b»ye. but to re is a. crime agairistGdd an d iman and)- a *courageous, patient and; en-. ho is an honester maiiu the sight ot - bveA.and witHltlve God Who murders Wbpsthan be Jf? ■ !iK e t Jl’" fhe present rebel armies who. Aids-this atrocioas Rebellion, dud It-'P? he conquered. Peace | who murders postori- i ' s^ n< J w the earnest ray 3 r of two-thirds ties ak well as, men. if airaikn at the!?/ 1 ot the >outh, as .Well j bar of the World thavman who dares ■ 1 , e 'h, arms as those still at home, I to-palter, with this tfiihg irii an ,i lni ™enso majority anxiously sensei. Hero-is a great conflict- two I ? -°r P?a«« -at| .price: I They Igreai interests at war, bqth cannot , V ? ■ arn f?: sackciotli 'arid ashes bo right; can any oWidoubt which ibi ■ ln f ! V t l s . They'.Wafa ! wrong? This . thing* is irio riibroia ■°f the better; fruits of niiiliiic'a (Democratic party, aM has no more . titon, and ih their sorrow for thb slain, S right to claim to bo'-bhe, thanftiuci-! or tbeir eonimiseratioji I'qr | for fcjos a right to clalin that hoi is ani f, nd - S :out T. e f& kiitiyi irqw| in . angel of Heaven. ; [Applause.] fj their hearts that iMrivcr the. States al! j have labored fortho Sout i that' they S : to g°ther tirriierono flag opco inbije. - might n- \ll their rightsiriri-' •- ! 110 serpouj,.. tongue, c|l4ll -lempt^liel? .igl . .ave a., IhcirrigUts- undue tile; Constitution; but tvhcu| they east! away this ConstitutiOi; and made war; upon it, then I said they had no right to protection unden ife Having play ed the physician for ytars to attempt to cure this linih, ho# I will play the Burgeon to cut it off. QErrcat applause.] Slavery is an nnnatuf Estate of things, and the world’s progress is against : it. ! I ana no party Abolitionist;'but as ah exorcise of the war power, I am for takijig the;tbiog out iby the rdots>- [Applausc.] lam for employing ev ery element which wffl sirouthen lOy alry and, crush 1 [Ap plause.] I set no bounds to the de termination to pul this-rebellion down; there is nothing in nlFtho boundaries of heaven and earth that I ; would not do, dud 1 the letter of both! to do it, [Loißl cheers.] It is better that whole gehOfationsof men should pass away that thiS greal tree lof liberty plnckea lout by tio roots. How 'tdany have fled here from the oppresp*oh -jot earth ter take shelter underjidat,'genial tree of liberty, .ite foots far down:Inlo tho ce«H|ir earth and ex tended its branches dp"' U ! where 1 the cllil( -*ren Piny A * freedom’s soil on freedom and ho' is a pifrncido w tempt to destroy it; and day df account When tli of earth shall draw near; shalllwliiten in comparist who ; - aiso their lr the country'sCJonstitui applause.] . 1 invoke you your aircnth ip this com and although 'it is a mere gle; jijet, it is of great in the dim of this great nj lieve -tipe fate ottliia, in' depends in a great dogj'C Hillt ol| this election. ■ I must gic luuho o Shalt \v tilU'? N tlie grc*! its last shall bpj •.So'tlic si No more Views hi iVliiolNWi ■' hen Keen w It nnrsci While I ncsl Drank |. brejtt! ’.lf ourj nation dicSj t; name, let not the Empn , - , "It. the arrow. j ■ The meeting then .adjourned frith; the most tumultuous rpplauso and tremendous cheers, | - Follies.—To think that;the more a man cats the uudstrougr or he-[lvill become. ~ ; p To believe that the n ore hours ijhii ;dren study at school, the faster they learn. |, I’ i■■ ■ g ip’} ' To imagine ! that every hour taken fi;Om 6 leep is an hour gained;' 1 i . - To act on the presumption that'tho smallest room in the house is largo enough to sleep in. | | ; To argUe that whatever remedy causes one to feel immediately better, is “gcqd for” the system, without re -gard to more ulterior (jffocts. ,: j . To commit an hot which isi felt in’ itself to be prejudicial, hopingj that somehow or° other it may bo done in your case with impunity, p j, j . To advise another to take a reme dy have not tried! your? self, cr without mak ng speoial in quiry whether all the conditions are I alike. ' -r To. eat without an appetite, or con tinue io eat after it baa been satisfied, merely to gratify: the taste.' i i" ; . 1 To. oat a hearty supper for the pleas ure experienced during the brier time it is passing down the throaty at the expense of a whole night of disturb ed sleep, and a weary waking in the morning. ' ■ -I i , ■ ‘Tib afraid, sir, you melancholy.”, ‘‘No, ir aneholy won’t settle grounds.” : ‘ * i . -T#nr : ocriitic par i|. the. WQrst monarchies grinning a lc,,liko ilil- s holy land ! ho bli :itl at on the great ■3 niuitlerers ' then crimes : n with those antis- against Lion. [Great’ 1 to put forth ling' contest, i local strug iporlancfc to alien. 1 he ight} - nation c- on the. fe- I this nation : blood, id tffu Lot speed the cn to its vi l die, let hot-' itranglo it in, So that wo | The Career of a I ; Matt. Wui'd has her kansas bj* a guerrilla, r dead. . The' history, of; romance wild e'honglrt' , fortune for the, vend' (.yd vc rod ’ lit era tore. •: II j or of HalUc Ward, fori lof T. Bigclojiy •jLawreii and latter wards a feiua A. brother Imkng' hoe: school ;jii Louisville, b 1 the maker, Matt. look' j jjx.rlunity, murder I ,|t ■ excitement was terrjl J Ci i 11 1 ; nd e it' ulldc r I c >,o k -tlhe assfissin. lie took mind the j.iti-y that th j ducjpf, Ihij first families !, and,! thcrejfovo it was t ■ the eillprjl should si.i 11 of his erijme., oToauhci been, popular ia Kenlue <if acquittal was render if d ast h pu s»h'.'ro.t rih 1 1 1 i( Jurymen. .Many of t lent deaths, within a I tjerWard.. Malt, was ijeaye Kentucky, howe , . I found, a homo iif Arid uenj . m'pocTaJ s t| )llsc j a plantation ne; e State ; speed •; vatkfl'cro when G crier i flown in tears ot jf Jleaven, let us n 'jiieli shall be.drivi If o urination raws I |U Empire State s I terrible llirop 1 ii compel led, to sa; iupoi) the .plain, 8 sdar again, faial darf, | j quivered id his j , ruck eagle, [through roHmg'clom i|i own •featlicf in the rjinged the that are in a settled adam, bay mel t has toomuch 4i. t ■: ■! ■ The End of th v We hear no riiofe < being .raiiwjd jilt; the shu haio apparently made efforts. Their h 3hi iVrehel again. ■“ | ■ ;; '!' ■ -This .Avar; is toa^cluiig-stoadilprion iti t,rue goatl ? was rwjccjisa ry that ihcrcbcl leaders shhuld.fmve full swing ; But they should fight to the .uttermost, ah'd drdi.njtheirdolud- States qf-the best L lood they'Hion taiued and impoverish them of their resources.' When the end comes,| as jcomo it muist'npw ere i iie lapse of’ian ||otHcr■:year,; the rebellious south - will bo purged' i with fire ; and the sw.Ord ; purged by her own act aiid her own joeopre; and; though the standard!' 6f pbe. great republic must-be planted j ;Umid the;ruins of"-Stales once 1 prosper ous and powerful; it will he firmly and enduriugly implanted,j never lo jbe i torn down again, nor tW be defied dud; j trampled upon by robejs. j ' ; It is not in reason that any cpilutjy! like the soMjth, with |ii.'Sparse ivrldte; population, could sacrliee shell coiiint- thousands :of her ‘sons and . itiil lion’s of ere wealth >vi hoiit that exhaustion and pre stratron tphich i precdudesall further effort, .The sdutlfJ has expanded its levie s of troops j to; PQnal every fresh levy of* the TThitod States,..forgetting that this! could, not) pc carried on without draimng- sniry “UfTtnno’ sizcr or ariroic. nno until it hurst The catastrophe is hot; far distant. —Ph Hiihelph ia JS orth v A7ll cr il'tin. ! 1 ! i- ding ■arriyoil>s Matt, [ was gcancc from tho “sell diera” of the Tldrty-t gimeuts, but be, was, r at the. bands of a teucl of October a company villas siezed bis t»egr '.'item to Mississippi 1 to ficatioiis. Ward was Self against the spoli:' of, them tired upon hiln through the bids, ed mortally. i 1 ' ... Thus ends a career whoso bright broraise vyas nipped by crime. Matt. Ward hid capacitijss that might have laiscd him to honor and usefulness.— Xle whs biilliant, accomplished, richly' endowed with the qualities that dazzle land the magnetism tlmt extorts hom ' age. - He had traveled much ;w,rotc a clever nook ; and' was on itho high road to eminence, wh iu ho committed W, brutal murder. Since then his life has been a wreck. | • , , i : - . | v«®. u Havc yci be: asked a wag, the ot noted ifor joking at tl er people's feelings. “No” replied Simo grating over its' wi time I passed by the portly! youi the other day conten minutes the ponderc a bystander's feet, at of utter wondetj sal the man’si: upper wo been a mighty'tall tii bent you off so far t ■IV i A Nigger, Offering a RewaiU for ■ '! t•- !’ a Revolt,! t'f; Iresh >, forces •h. TLe rebels ’their greatest' 1 <s'* ~(if* -is Master. i . j'f Iv • | J • ' .• I;’ I i As? ,itj was pno of the.features waif ihp. ’jhlifjfprcnt|. Tor y (Organs ip -fids Statt, during, the Into election, to lior-; rify :their, readers with stories Ij-)iri imi' ..agjnary tliey. wifriiQij object U|] tlic riarrution df the foliowi.j! ing outrage which ah escaped;! slave: ehminitsnoh Irts/ mustcri It is a’n ' !exl tfaef /from- the'Kentucky : corrles^oiil ’tlence of |the|C;ineinnaii; J j .1 , The- darkies of secession nifif-ihrs! still: eoiitinuej to flock ;into caitiff There is in eajnp here airegulah witty ! darkey,! who formerly belonged tq. a!} jdlr. .Bulletin; now in thb.rebel al-uiy'|i j,This negro can, read; ami .wrfth-f ii‘j; ■i:ict he. is a very well educated; man jj jTpsterday some Kentuckians!! | wjic! j ihkdj lost: severaf slaves' had posteojinpi arplind the encampment, ,vOnc ; ih|inii| di-ed dollars reward. Kan away the supMeribcrl ipT'inan j j, .-j i Jim' the,hoys call jhija I soon after issued the folio wing |and ! placed it beside tire dthei- } i ’■l' ' “50 JtKkARD, : “Kan awaj-ji fi-om ciis tdiile, an’ him uU alone*it.o>_‘take’care of himself alter 1 don worked twehtv six yekrs i faithfully; for him,- 'a- ' ' j . ■ i 'r: . “MV 'MAKBA, ‘IULI, DUSCASi’ Jtj h ! - j OMttSbsa BiU! | is supposed to have; done gone oh|.>vid de.soecshersi, fob to hunt for his rights, and I spec he do ft. gpt lost. Atijr person ’thfnih tiini jto mio, so that hoi-can take care of mo—t' ajs lie alleis’.-said ‘Kigga-’! eouldSi’ tjfke. bare of liimseU—will be bbiigett td ilis chile. >! -■ ; ; i ”■■■ ' . J/-- ii “K. B.—Kersons i r Luntin’ fdr li'irn please look in all deflast ditches ;?fus. I-often hee'rd ■ him | talk: about gipiil' into.tlic dicin’, business. J. . !j -“ ‘Spectfitlly.submitted, Jim;” This, ‘•poster” created ia great deal j of merriment ih camp, while the Kcn-j tUcky* resident!! >fho earno acr'ossj it; though t Jim a mighty “sassy higgef - .” i ; !’! ! ■,. I • ; I I'".. I :A .Man of 1 Knave!—;A iveuera.hle j American Judge the■•'fbllowihgfl anecdote .ofja soldier; ofdhe' Kevblui! timn %■ 't ■ .'!> I d ho-, ni&niwtg following life of Vorktownj. I bad thejeurjosity Stoi .attend the yioiiiidecl. Among whoso liiiddny.-yro so miueh lirgirccj,)as|j to. require: amapntatioip ivas'.a '.ni ifhsi -j; Ipian.hwho duid received a|hnisket ;tjtill ■ in the kncO. As usuai iii such cfisj.'S, i ■at ■ : h- i '. , I ..“My 1 lad, I am going*' to take off yonrjeg, aijd it is noeesshry that y,OU| should be,fished down.” r .| ‘ ; ‘-i’ll consent to no su'clr-tliing'.. may, pluvlc llie jlicart Irani my .boso’in, Imt you’ll not -coniine me. Js the -p a violin hi llie.‘ualrip 'i - li so tiring i J to me.",;: - r rf .; \ i/ ‘ ' >J / ■ fA. -Violin 1 was' 'furuisbilnJ and ..aljrcr ttfning, lie said S ‘ ■ ■ i [ 1 'WTI-- <’ - ■ ' " t »!• g■■ . lUrderer. I 'tl fflioi iu AIV r lid ig this mii ; n iv > make) attmialji ■rot! h'yellow ,t!)H5i-brd|tli|- i lerly the >vi|p ice, of. Ifostbjji, ? ilc advenlut<|v > duistisod'; ill jy -SU-- l!utier.. 'the. eaHijestnp . lie ■ man'. The hie, ami...Jolly > the defence o! .' jre .> Wards : \yei;e ■ of. Kentucky, k) imi'di ;t!ial; Lt thfe penalty} rs have never; •ky red, bid it seem- ] : U {ollCAVed the! ; loin died ■ vj o iinpfperiod af i compelled to ■cr. and linitlly uisas and ])tir ar Helena. (He' jal C. E. Ilovey :!ai “!N;aw.ll(l(K;ti)iv bogin.”! ' ■■ L j-, ,j'_ Aiid bcj lo pliiy uniil ilio UvH'i’audn, -about .fp^ty ’.n|,inutes>j[-- Svusj coinjilelod, willimitj, missing.:! moving. u inaseld. r-1-■ - -n • ■•> " ■■ ; .I A.XJ.jS. SoU)|:kr HcxA inr.tiiE H;Ls.rj-'A|‘man,' ■ named wiio'hivefi :il Mavlins'burg,.\\jrts ‘i> uijfi’ |.lo an; applc-trec at \\ ihiiho.-dOr '\y'ek '•before -liist. Ite- joined Ashby's Qav aliy ] at iihc tinie of the Aotm ;d]r|wn' raid.''-bnt| ; Sviicii pyec'dedjj;-bo JLoft..uud in a /Maryland 1 yogi ■mont. In ond of the late .skirmishes he was 'tiikeA Urisoper, ahd a. menage tyas •• sent;to J icb’soh tot inform mini that aM bad bimn-captured, ahdnn* quiivd wjmt dhposition should he njiulo of him. | Jack; on sont ? back word to ,hang him \vhic ;i was'aoc6r Ivrithout ny l -ialrbeiiig yninlcii, yncl: jin“tlip-ui iformlof a XTnitod Stntos|»qi-.; Ll is to he hoped that the.Cjqin-j maiidiug[ r^t - i>9tal wiliitake the' iha'l ter, inMiifjtj.d- 1 . ahd if the-facts ait stated : are founcl Icbrrpct, demaiidof ihe'JßeDdj cl military authorilicsah explanation.'J j ;, : .•! j . [Gorl Philii. Inquirer. . | (raid of Ven oolmastcr jsoi lird Hljiioi3|lTe- to dio ec! On the 2d ; of rebel guci :>'es. to. 'eonlrcy work on fcjvti protesting lino tion, vdieiv |ono bimj wounding it was suppos- - : ■ S.i> ffe&inu- iN ■ Minn ksPtaJ— tff.b pin- j dianj inassaC:ic£ iniMinncsota have pr(J)- j dueod grCat distress among the scalers ;j ’all. al«}'ng this [frontier epuiilies. |Ap-|i peals aid therivareij •being imaide in [the principal cities, jaudji no object ofcharity can .be more jires-i; sing and t\Nifthy. Thej Governor of Minnesota sta[tes that ait least thirty thousand miserably iricnj heartbrcjkcn worpbn and abject children arc wan dering, homeless; naked and starving, Certainly our I country affords'no par allel! tffysuffering-such Bitch as ibis. Clothing is grcatlyl needed by the suf fering, for the rigors of winter arc dose at hand, s Gambling.—Lot every mati avoid all sorts, of . gambling las ho wmld poison. A poor, man or boy sh >ujd not allow himself even to toss up for a half-penny, for thisis often the be 'ginning of. the habit of gambling; and thiSj ruinons Ciinio cointis 6n r by ilow degrees. Whilst .a in ah is' minding his work he is playing the best game, and ho is sure to win. A gadnhler never iraakes goodjuse of hjs money, even if he should win, '' 1 j :rd .by last sell icr. day, who is o expense pfptli n,‘‘but I sawtho ndows the last lock-up.” ’ ig friend of purs iplalcd for- some Ins dimensions of id then, in a tone 1, as ho surveyed rks: “■Yoil’djhave an if they hadn-t ip.” !t ’ ' 1 jA j- poeteeays that' “the m:ovih tains’ stand fixed forever.” Wo know, however, dliut it is no uncommon thing tor them to * Slope.”. , , I ' i-r ‘ Jgf Short-nosed- men shouldn’t coto .plain if everybody r snubs them, since nature herself setsjthe example. ,1 NEM i / . t : - r ■•■•!• ; i -'’l {V ’( OE , • I - ' 1 . i r 1 : .'f NOTICE 1:0 ADVERTISERS. Advertisements inserted |at the rati of 50 cents pot square—each' subsequent insertion 2o*cents, .-A; liberal, discount.;i^iade. to yearly' advertisers,! and. on long advertisenients. . , A Space equal to twelve dines of this type measured'as a, square. • j,'* - \ .! • Special notices 2o pcjr CCntl pddi£ii)li to jeg ular rates. ■ I'*' .- ‘J. 5 - i! ;i ■ Business cards, ,7&'; cents' a linc|, per year Siarringes amhDcatiis, Religions' X'olitica, . and other. Notices of a jmtiiic' nature, tree. I ;- ' List of Jurors.' • • For Fovcm/icr Ti'nn, 18t)il,(2/icZ Monia.y. - Borough ip—John Stroek, John Weaver. ;-;-j ‘ ilpeljoHte.i' 1 P. Pendleton, George|G.Cu nni iigliam Robert Jadcspri W. W. ILysle, Jemueh.Wbodruff. s '.’i . , Moon tp—Uchry’ Alcorn. ' \ ■ Ohio tpT- Joh.n-J - '.- Bareloy: : i,, - r ~ pi'4 ' Bca.vcrL ip—J. P. * Cajtkyellf Hugh J. .Marshall.. V:, • '. K d'v ••• Suivickly tp—Bobt. Clark; •fob‘ll Oakley Isaac Campbell. ! > ■ ■ Hope-, veil Ip- —John .Davidson. •JvJtttecooii tp — -I>avld E jiving. . j iSJe v Brighton ;boroij— Geo. Glass; J.ih. Richards i, ;j' • , • I Se tvi cldy .toinael 1 rvin | tp —John Xy&t'b.' ' ; > ;K Independence 'M’ilurtcic. ; *•;■ j- I , I' I'ceno ip—Sam!l: liecd. ,"i*| . ' j -Briglitbii tp—J L'sepli- A. \tfti'ay. 1 ' . V ; - I’tnx jettons. V" V’ ; Ct I sill'ti til el <Q Bruce, Sani’i' |J£i(!lfe;l‘ : Wi(i. Hpnnger , ‘ ■ .Ikoaoinjr tp—ishaite Bhrzjer. Jai.Vi,'* • llili John Nichols. Xe.S,■ i ttld; J. Berry, Patterson Mitehe!! i; r j'r; Cfupper ;si;tp?-‘Wik6i4 Capnirtgl ;,U. | David '.Af Gague. ./ ■ ■ pC , ’Pulaski tp—John 'tluthbyrson. llsu- ; r r|hinis. ■/.:%,/i r.:- Beayer.borol—Charles Carter; ' i.' Siouth Beaver tp—C. Donevan.Jess'c -Warrick, Jr'. ! ■j . "'.h ,'; ~: ■ CC Darlington tp—Georga I)ihvor(h • Jl George, Ji. Win Witharspoiih,' >L L'lleud. ■ ■ jy , |q rough; t ji—'|lat lW»n ftarragh: ; I Serviek’l£ tp—-Abld Fisher,Gdi). ’ - 'r'.. ■: dlulliipslun-g boro—Jl£ 11 1 W.'Hogan._ thoijy Kpa|)per ; ' vochester - Coro—John i C. Irviia i{e.s, Boles.: ■ > I, >;. • ’ 1 igßeavcr tp— David Johnsoi^Robt; Kim, Jost|jili Shannon, A/ Xu;v jloorgctotvn—Jonathan Jvinsey. r _ yanover to—George Tattle,•• Aids-1 Ipv -MB 'oy, John JlTullongh! : 'g:-[ agnkfor l •boro—James Jib Prison. C > jJudily.y Itobect f art - m : ■ i, ■ iorGi Sevieklv ,tp4James.'PortrK irsgln ’Wilson.,; > C ' i,ta;don ;tp—James Snirlhi •aigon;ater horo—DanJ'lf. ,StnnV'. ankliit tp —John 11. VlJ'lsDn, Ilea , | ffasi jus; 11a uip lahj , JJi M. kir and ,St<y U'.otr ■I,V '■y}, Industry t|r-»iliidiard'KiHi'ht. ' ' i F:itL-.tO!! boro— Siiuvl 51’ I- vrraii. * iRANotui,.iN;To\VN;-4r'\Vo IbivbTtedjtf. lilied by‘» call. Irpnj-Frcdcr-iel: ■sq - ,the business -jflnii-iff,thy ,-firtn : U. Aye'r &Lowell... SArj-bSif laintruice.. with, the genilenffuvediji •as ids that not. fho:i)»idpr> ski lit®/ . lo'nnding: his medicinesis .iifont ceniod in,/thb; initaCrsC conKsunijpV of them; but thatyil dakes busi ; ‘talent iof no ordinary inea-) ire-.fe ■ them afoundthe woi h,l.t manifestly-'. lids' these tabili ties aid success-of jus 'house; shows ’that tses’ thbrn'.t [-‘MentphiH Whig ” d-], 1 -JV : -: r .--/-.W (' ; .l S' or fe of J acqv vine com com: -lioi: nes* \y.\y. Uhe; | he . Ten ■ -igpuGncpf the' enrolling! marsj-.di ho other da}'. received hit rora a duwjn loivn female. .'Stoppin it the,laVlj'ltT. house; her’,found : her4) ore her! -'door endeavoring ,’to • eflei .vrti la'1 a' hiudistera lo'r c-cnt.. abatement 'in the price of •ieek of potatoes. - ' ■' / | "1 lave vim any hienlier.o, 1 r djs o,’- ivi.v the euri rjaply.' ‘•] lave vim ho husband anaduin w ’ | K No." f ( d?or hrotheis ■' : ■!• V •Xo.” j| /;■ ■ , , v;- ; h ,"4 ‘j] ’crimps row have a so’u fiiti’rurii’fc'’, ••Well, what ot*.it ‘ "ji *‘l: should like Uo iiiur>v ■ whore • lie is”' '”v- I:' ’ -‘Well, ho isn’t !u*i*c.” r. : ‘ ; S6 l see. ma'anr - Pray, where; is 'n tins 'TJnioffy army; f 'Mu-re. yiitf ? it to he.”’, '4 ■ . | he' ihffhshalPhastened iohiul the ieiv lly didn't further it term-rate Ihc. lady. - . ' i; .ii • ■bo)?. ouji •• \J£ col'l te& i^. u Mr. A., lunderstand you said , Id you a band, of hard Aider that I water ; in it.” : r '.- . | ; i i ; , f, N'o, nd,’.’ ! was the reply.;' *■ I only. ] you sold nio a.. barrel of watier i.a little elder i/rit.” .... t \ t r >‘. •-.•UK I ix had aaic r S*&,<jooij manners shbuUl; at : ic. Politeness article jjiciJ von in all dress <tnly, to lie put or :n we have eompl.uncntary'visits' . hoi be •wb politeness tO Cxcess'jiS] , - said to be| raising your; lady in the street, and -\alfojving a eoiiplS <j)f}dirty colhirsuand: a pair of- ' socks to fall out on lids sidewalk; i_ ;sndiv, storin' this boys re garjd as a, joke* said , a person to I)ri S., during la late storm. ‘.‘Jos,-”' fcjdi- . -ed the doctor, “and it'-is a jok.e that" •ftnjr ono can. see the drift of !'l> • f - BQuOld genisi, cut t lils oixt andpast? it in );pjir huts:/ The only cujo a boy oT'staJ’Jng out nights i&’||b brepjc his!. legs, ~of else got .ti^'calfbb' kb runs With to do the houso-work I’ , H- "I « I •‘ • j J, j- • m Rgy A'Galway jury, at" the • epnclu- Buyt of ihn jnqiieet on a blind mart who. had committed suicide, rjiprfeed, a verdict; of “Deliberately done aw a/ with.” : ; • . ' >■ , , * vt : • J ME ! •, i GUAM) JUUOItS. -4 zae- El I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers