CENTRE COUNTY MAN FLEECED IN STOCK DEAL. Orvis M. Pletcher, a native of Cen- tre county, is a sadder but very much wiser man through the loss of $1500 he invested with a quartette of Philadelphia promoters in a cor- poration stock scheme they repre- sented which is now claimed to be irregular. According to informa- tion from Lock Haven Pletcher met the men in that city. They were William M. Murphy, J. H. Gaunt, Edward F. Barry and C, K. Barnes, all of Philadelphia. The men claim- ed to represent a large corporation and induced Pletcher to invest in some of the stock which he did to the extent of $1500. This hap- pened about a month ago. Lately he came to the conclusion that he had been fleeced and made informa- tion against the men. Two of them were arrested in Philadelphia, last week, and taken to Lock Haven for trial. VL FRITS 3) y y STATE COLLEGE FRIDAY — Charles Farreil, Myrna Loy in “BODY AND SOUL” SATURDAY Edmund Lowe, Jeannette MacDonald in “DON'T BET ON WOMEN" MONDAY AND TUESDAY Matinee Daily at 1:30 Douglas Fairbanks, Bebe Daniels in “REACHING FOR THE MOON" WEDNESDAY Ann Harding, Clive Brook, Conrad Nagle in “EAST LYNNE” THURSDAY George O'Brien, Warren Hymer in “SEAS BENEATH” NITTANY THEATRE FRIDAY Dorothy Mackaill, Ned Sparks in “KEPT HUSBANDS” SATURDAY “BODY AND SOUL” TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY... Return Showing of . Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra in “KING OF JAZZ" THURSDAY “EAST LYNNE" IN BELLEFONTE CHURCHES ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. 9:30 A. M. Sunday school; Her- man Hazel, Supt. i 10:45 A. M., Morning service; Ser-' mon; “Honoring the Prayer of Faith.” | 6:40 P. M., Luther League and, Catechetical Instruction. ! 7:30 P, M. Evening service; Ser- mon: ‘The Value of a Soul.” i Lenten service Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Clarence E. Arnold, Pastor. UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH. Sunday school at 9:30 a m. Preaching at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p- m., by the pastor. Morning sub- ject: “The Believers Seven-fold Posi- tion in Grace.” Evening subject: “What the Bible Teaches About the Second Coming of Christ.” Inter- mediate Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Ladies Aid all day Wednesday, Junior Endeavor Saturday at 3 o'clock. Evangelistic services each evening at 7:30. G. E. Householder, Pastor. EVANGELICAL CHURCH. 9:15, Sunday school. Wm. Osman, Supt. 10:30, Morning worship with an- nual report and reception of mem- bers. M, 6:45, Jr. League, Mrs. W. A. Grove, Supt. 7:30, Evening service with ser- mon. A. Ward Campbell, Minister. BELLEFONTE METHODIST CHURCH. Church Bible school, C, C. Shuey, Supt., 9:30, with study; World Service and conference causes, with special offering. League, 6:30, in- terests many young people. Wor- ship-—-10:45, preaching; 7:30 evangel- istic meeting, with sermon, Pastor responds to all calls for his services. Strangers, commercial travelers and people of Bellefonte welcome. Offi- cial Board, Monday evening: mid- week gatherings, Wednesday. Horace Lincoln Jacobs, Pastor. | WINGATE. Mrs. John Shawley is housed up | with a bad cold. i Roy Fisher is having his telephone | taken out, as he considers the monthly rental excessive. ! About two o'clock Saturday morn- | ing the driver of a Ford coupe ran | into an anchor wire of a telephone | post then careened against the! front porch of the Mrs. Ida Witmer | home, breaking some of the banisters and damaging the weather boarding ! on the house. The Ford was also considerably damaged. ‘The driver has agreed to pay for repairs to the home. ——Members of the family of the late Mrs. James Kane hereby extend . thanks to all those who rendered assistance during the recent illness and death of their mother. HOWARD. Miss Alma Pletcher spent Tues- day in Williamsport, Frank Butler transacted business in Lock Haven, Friday, Dr, W. J. Kurtz transacted busi- ness in Williamsport, Friday. Miss Helen Flanigan, of Mill Hall, visited her uncle, Frank E. Butler. Last Thursday J. Will Mayes transacted business in Huntingdon. Mr. and Mrs. Kline R. Wolfe were business visitors in Clearfield, last | Tuesday. George Lucas, a student at State College, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Anna Muffly entertained the members of the Sewing Circle, Tues- day evening. Miss Grace Schenck, of Milesburg, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Schenck. Mrs. Ira Helbly attended the fu- neral of Mrs. J. R. Heck, at North Bend, Wednesday, Miss Flora Pletcher, who has been in Syracuse for turned home Saturday, Samuel Kling, of Altoona, the week-end at the sister, Mrs. Walter Yearick. Deimer Ertley and Floyd Yearick attended a tractor school meeting at Hughesville, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Harter and children, of Kylertown, were guests of Mrs. Fietta Harter, Monday. Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Kilpatrick and daughter, of Bellefonte, were Sun- day guests of Mrs. Stella V. Wil- liams. A number spent of our men, who are expert riflemen, attended the shoot-| Zion, Saturday | ing match held at afternoon. Miss Emma Tice, a student nurse | at the Lock Haven hospital, Sunday with her parents, Mr. Mrs. E. W. Tice. James Kane, C. A. Girard Altenderfer spent Yearick and attended the meeting of the I. O. O. F,, at Belle-' fonte, Monday night. A player piano has been placed in the lodge rooms of the local order of the I. O. O, F., by Harter's Music Store, of Bellefonte. Harry E. Butler entertained the members of the Men's Bible class of the Evangelical church, at his home, last Tuesday evening. Prof. and Mrs. R. I, Hoch and son Billy, of Lock Haven, spent the week-end with Mrs. Hoch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Weber. W. K. McDowell, was the guest of W. Harrison Walker, at the Kiwanis luncheon held Tuesday, at the Brockerhoff house, Bellefonte, P, E. Hilbert district manager of the Equitable Life Insurance So- ciety, spent Tuesday evening with G. A. Altenderfer, local representa- tive. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. J. F. Condo, Friday sons mmo THE MINE WAS PARALYZED... BUT SKILLED SERVICE PUT IT BACK BEFORE the fire could be put under control generating equip- ment at the mine had been dam- aged beyond repair. A complete shut down was threatened — men must be laid-off for an indefinite period. It was the business of West Penn engineers to find a way out — to have the mine quickly as possible — to keep the men employed. To be sure, that meant building a two-mile transmission line. And it meant erecting a transformer sta- tion. But an organization of skilled ON THE JOB i A gency. Trained test every step forward. breakdown t operating as were back on workers was ready for any emer- and experienced en- gineers were available to check and of the construction. Night and day the work went Two days after the he mine was in operation again. Miners who had been faced with enforced idleness the job. West Penn people had again demonstrated, vital interest tries in the in the service they had given, their in the prosperity of the workers and of the indus- territory served. The pride you take in your home and your community is shared with you by the West Penn people in your territory. Every day . . . day after day ... they are using their skill and experience . . . their training and foresight to express this pride of theirs in terms of dependable and uninterrupted West Penn service. AN ADVERTISEMENT OF THE WEST PENN POWER COMPANY evening, March 6th, at 7:30 o'clock. There will be a special speaker for the evening. The members of the Keyston Bible tertained, Wedn evening, by Mrs. Zella Holt, at her home on, Main street. ! Mrs. James Kane spent Friday! with Mrs. McGowan, in Bellefonte, Mrs. Stella V. Williams visited | her sister, Mrs. Gretchen Haberstrob, | in Lock Haven Tuesday. i Miss Bertha Wolfe, a teacher in | one of the Bellefonte schools, is con- | several weeks, re-| home of his and | fined to her home with a severe cold. Her sister, Mrs. Cecil I Gross, | |is teaching during Miss Wolfe's | | absence. | A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. | M. E. Pletcher, on Saturday morn- ing, at the home of the father's! | parents, Mr, and Mrs. L. H. Neff! He has been named Merrill E.| ! Pletcher, Jr. | i C. M. Muffleys have a parsnip bed | {in their garden. They have lifted | two parsnips this spring, one weigh- | ling 4% Ibs. the other 5 lbs. These are of unusual size but very tender when cooked. W. K. McDowell, cashier of the First National Bank, who was drawn | as a juror, is attending court in| Bellefonte this week. Mrs. Mec-| Dowell is working in the bank dur ing his absence. Rev. George Johnson, a student at Franklin and Marshall Seminary, | at Lancaster, spent the week-end with his family here and conducted | services in the several churches on the Reformed charge. Don. H. Williams, of Syracuse, N. Y., special agent for the John Deere | Co., spent Monday in town, working with the local representative, Floyd H. Yearick. In the evening they Were the guests of Miss Carrye But- er. i Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. A. M. Butler, Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bennett, daugh- | ters Kathleen and Louise, and Miss Helen Flanigan, of Mill Hall, Frank | E. Butler and Floyd Yearick, of Jacksonville. ' The cooking class taught by Miss Alexson, of State College, met at the home of Mrs. Girard Altenderfer, on Monday afternoon, The next meeting will be held at the home of, Mrs. Ruth Wolfe, next Monday after- noon, March 2nd, at 1:45. Homer Yearick and family, of near Jacksonville, were awakened one night last week by the barking of their dogs. They were unable to ascertain the cause that night but upon investigation the following morning they were very much sur- prised to find bear tracks around the house and farm buildings. Mr. and Mrs. C, Yearick were host and hostess to a number of friends at a dinner given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butler, Thurs- day evening. Those present were Mrs. William Weber, Mrs, Kate Weber, Miss Nan Lucas, Mrs. Nor- man Lighthamer, Mrs. Annie Kane, Smith, Mrs. Mary DeHaas, Dr. and Mrs, W. J. Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ffank Williams, Mr. and Mrs, Girard Altenderfer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butler, and Chas. DeHaas. The ladies of the Civic Club en- tertained their friends and husbands at a George and Martha Washington party, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Condo, last Wednesday eve- ning. The evening's entertainment consisted of games and contests and a radio broadcasting program by several of the ladies of the Club, Delicious refreshments were served with decorations in keeping with the holiday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Christ Schenck, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Pifer, Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Condo, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rathmel, Mrs. J. H. Markle, Mrs, Doyle Year- ick, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Yearick, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, L. L. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Pletcher, Mr. and Mrs. J. Will Mayes, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mayes, Mrs. Bryan,, Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Dreese, Floyd Yearick, Miss Car- {Tye Butler, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mc- owell. UNIONVILLE. Quintar Underwood spent several days here, last week, with relatives and friends. i The Standard Bearer Society will | meet Friday evening, at the home of Mrs. Pearl Muirhead. Mr. and Mrs. James Shirk, of Bellefonte, and Mrs. Harry Kerchner | spent Tuesday with friends in Al- toona. Rev. Kerry, of the Free Methodist church, is conducting a series of revival services to which everybody is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holter, Howard, were guests of his sister, Mr. and Mrs, C. R. Eckenroth, on! Monday evening. | A meeting was held in the Grange hall, on Monday evening, for the of | benefit of Grangers and anyone in- | terested in dairying and pouitry rais- ing. Quite a number people at- tended. Gilbert Parsons left, last Thurs- day evening, for a few day's visit | with his brother Howard and family, (of Vandergrift, and his daughter {and hushand, Mr. and Mrs. Howard | Barton, of Saxonburg. Last Friday evening quite a num- ber of members of Union Grange | motored to Philipsburg and met with Moshannon Grange in their ‘lodge rooms, where they conferred |the 1st and 2nd degrees to a class | of 44 applicants. Mr, Boak, of | Tioga county, assisted’ with the un-| | written work. Those who attended {from nere were Kyle Alexander, A. | | Y. Williams, Floyd Sanderson, C. A. {| Houtz, Clair Parsons, Mrs. Ella Holt, { Mrs. Stella Parsons, Mrs. Evelyn | { Parsons, Miss Harriet Alexander, | {Mrs. Arabella Houtz, Mrs. Anna | Finch, Mrs. Maud Hall, Mrs, Carrie | Eminhizer, G. W. Holt, Jesse Par- sons and Harold Alexander. Deli- cious refreshments were served ana all had 2 very plasant time. ciass of the M. E. church, were en- tate Attorney. 76-8-6t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BE . : TICE La of Clar- ence LAR Anderson, late of e '. eceased been granted to Undersigneds all Fhe Same” ie Rue make Bromby 0 payment, and those having estate must t d them, duly authenticated, for eh uLt. Mrs DOLL JEANNETTE ANDERSON, Executrix W. Harrison Walker, . 310 W. Fairmount Ave., State College, Pa. BAR-B-Q Sunflower FILLING STATION (East of Town) 76-6-4t Fire Insurance Does yours represent the val- ue of your property five years ago or today? We shall be glad to help you make sure that your protection is adequate to your risks, If a check up on your property values indicates that you are only partially insured—let us bring your protection up to date. Hugh M. Quigley Temple Gourt, Bellefonte, Pa. ALL FORMS OF Dependable. Insurance 76-7-t1. Chas P. Hewes, Atty. i Pa. USE FOR RENT.—April 1st 8 room, house located house for 1 Write G. F. usser, Philadelphia. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE — Let ters administration the es- settlement. J. KENNEDY JOHNSTON, Admr 76-6-6t Bellefonte, Pa E XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters tes- tamentary having beens 3 granted persons sald estate are requested to payment, and those hgwig Ct he same must present thenticated, for settlement. DR. NANNIE M. DR. GROVER C. State College, Pa., and R. OLIN GLENN, Swissvale, Pa. W. Harrison Walker, Execu Attorney. the undersi estate Dr. William 8S. lenn Rr late of the borough of State College, deceased, knowing ves indebted to make alms , duly au~ XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Letters tes tame: in the estate of Daniel Co or late of ; . ntre county, ennayivania, deceased: having been ramet the undersi pursons kno themselves indebted to said egtate are notified to make immediate payment thereof and having claims against it should them, properly authenticated, for settle~ ment to IRA C. HARPSTER, Executor. Warriors Mark, Pa., R. D. 1. W. Harrison Walker Atty. Bellefonte, Pa. 76-7-6¢ XECUTOR'S NOTICE. —The under- Signed executor of the estate of argaret Hutchison, late of tha of Bellefonte, Centre fos al ., hereby notifies i persons knowing themselves indebted to immediate thereof and those having claims ¢ present them, properly authenticated, for settlement to FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Executor. Beletomtt, ra Erie, DEDE DANIELS ) Menied by JOSEPH M SCHENCK Witten & Directed by CDMUND GOULD ING, : UNITED PICTURE COR STATE COLLEGE ARTISTS MONDAY and TUESDAY Mar.2.«3 MATINEE DAILY AT 1-30 RICHELIEU Now Playing --Friday, Satur. John Wayne, Virginia Cherrill and Margaerite Churchill in “GIRLS DEMAND EXCITEMENT” A hilarious farce comedy of College Life Monday, Tuesday, Wednes., Next Week CHARLES FARRELL, with the new sensation, ELISSA LANDI “BODY AND SOUL” supported by Humphrey Bogart and Myrna Loy. A finer Farrell in his finest role and with his new lead: lady, the dazzling Elissa Land! Thurs, Friday, Saturday, Next Wesk “FINN AND HATTIE” Showing 7 and 9p m., Daily Now Playing - - All Week The funniest talking Picture ever produced Charles Ruggles in “Charley’s Aunt” If U Can’t Laf Don’t Kom All Next Week GARY COOPER LILY DAMITA ERNEST TORRENCE in “FIGHTING CARAVANS” A tremendous, thrilling spec- tacle of the indomitable cour- age of men and women-their hardships, their loves, their appalling dangers.
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