ip the dark when cook- ote moon ge lad "nim oe Ye the new Sai a. dtkds ‘of corn and other Sropt that grow, upder the ground, Dr, R . L. Capers Special Non-Surgical Method ot Treating Rectal Diseases Hours 9-12 a. m. Monday and Wednesday 1-5 p. m. Friday 7+ p.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 7-9 p. m. Phone 128-J Soar near acé and d planted in the dark n. laid d the a apmite Unt. the. Catschos of he “nothing Be are Ytbe begin. when one yd of on ay inc Inch Gov. Gov- pr ce ects rs to cut tindber only “ine TW. leate af ‘the moon,” on the theory that wood cut would not’ ret so Ea RS i MR of years om We ago the lunar orb controlled even'h 3 ar 8: fon een the phases of the moon and activities on the earth. Moon-farming, says the Depart- ment of Agriculture, y no supp from any scientific point of wi Repeated experiments inp e the phases of the eap do not affect the SEEN seeds, the warping OF SEINE weight, of wool or the Most of the beliefs Moon-light than full moonlight, and plants The Variety Shop “re. Merchandise and Prices CORRESPOND SN bout 600,000 times brighiata. C.Y, Wagner & Co., Inc, Manufacturers of Flour, Corn Meal aa Feed And Dealers in 1 All Kinds of Grain Bell Phone 22 q a, Yay BELLEFONTE, PA. shadowed t they receive only} Sear i too feeble to ti mulat - | nd y is ain 600 um n Drightlh fore th plant growth must be n e, From time to time done ea. scientist revives the theory that moontightt, “Yeflected ph, is | larized” and therefore’ particular- a us- of mooi he on} I ly potent in ng plants. There is no evidence | t such is the case. MIDDLE AG D MEN 2 ARE | WORKERS. || Miadies edi. . have been get- tea boyst- “lately. Men over forty-five /are the mest useful work- ers focylding 3 New York In- dus / ‘Safe ion. Mid. dle- ~ studen of them taking corr rses) show the bi 0 tions, the University of +has found And \most i f all are the con sity al Meri + MANY STILLLOVE T0 BE HUMBUGGED thing Put Over” on Them the : Least Bit. PINK PAS FOR SHED Mall Order Houses Find It Easy ul | | (Copyright.) It was a famous American who declared that the American ¢ love to be humbugged. That saying I many years old now but sometimes U seems that there Is about as muck | truth in it now as there was when #*/ was figst uttered. People as a rule do not like the Ades | of ‘having “something put over" ou | them, but from the way in which the | great mall order houses in the bls | cities flourish it seems that a gres'| many people do not mind it a bit. | The Dusineks man who, when he geta a call for an article which he has not | in stoek, attempts to substitute some | | other article of a similar nature with. | | out telling the buyer of the substitu tion, is “putt something over” op His customer. Few retafl merchantd nowadays attempt to do a thing of fhal kind. The great majority of merchants do not do: this for two reasons. One eye is that they wouldn't do I{ i ld and the other is that they cot Coa on [£1 Bey woul The map Nod sesn chat ba ar buying. batore. he Hay for it, Is pretty suaramt Wi ho wants. / (Ondared shiv, Got Pajimen instead. ! dt Sort oiler ibis got awiy ‘with’ this substititi of’ an othér drficle for | Misa ieratnets “Citing Of EE a tiv: paidadall iv The Key to Better Business i aot. de business in this way and, as bas puys. an article over the counter |’ | aaturally are different. With the great | merchant had the inclination to-do eo. | L — ’ go = i | =m te ly printing st, reptmabicphion lie Witeltuan- n Sfics Wi: be gid to do|t or yar. | {D TAKE PROPOSITION § It a mall order buyer is disappolny | ad in bis purchase, as he Is very | be when he compares the article fl its arrival with the pleture and flowery The ind of Coal Yon Want Studebaker Best gradés obtainable, prices right. Free Wheeling Our ath ites all Premium Lykens Vatty grade. Our bitaminous in- «eo. Means.... cludes gets Fine Glenn 30 IR : Cherry mbria $Smok transmission w permits. and Dustless, and others. hich 3g engine to pull the car, but prevents J. 0. Brewer Coal Yard the car pulling the engine Successor to Thomas Coal Yard GARAGE Call 162 J—Day or Night North Water Street - —— - . description which appeared in the catalogue, the wisest plan is to take what he gets and wake the best of It for every time he sends an article back | to be exchanged, he is pillng up the ex press or freight charges and even If the article is exchanged as requested, | the buyer 1s pot apt to fure much Det-| | ter on the second attempt. The mail order houses are wei. aware of the fact that the majority of | - their customers will not go to the trou- ble und expense of returning an ar ticle if It does not come up to thelr expectations and as 8 result they’ cap work the substitution game to thelr hour content. The home merchant, however, cab _Special Notice “we City Coal Yard | | bande is. ‘Gayemment in- 0. G. Morgan, Proprietor ty op the health and Pellefonte, Pa. of our patrons. Anthracite Leave your orders early for your Xmas Turkey, Duck, Geese and Chickens. Phone 384J Armstrong Meat Market and Bituminous Coal Exciusive Sale of the PINE GLENN and The Original Cherry Run Coals | fr —_— been said, the majority of them -wonld pot do it if they conld. The home mer- chant, if he has not the article called for. may offer another with the expla pation that it is « ! the same guality a8 the one for which the customer asked. Good merchants nowadays even hésiate to offer something “just as good” to the customer espiectally when the article called for is one that has become well-known and popular through the advertising done by ‘the manufacturer, hut to attempt to make a sobstitution without the knewledge = Claster’s Carpeneto’s Lumber Always the Best, Steel | H Fruits, Vegetables : 2 \ C 3 ee ..At the Big Spring... Phone 28 | || Building Supplies We Deliver | a or consent of the customer! Well, it isn't being done by the local merchants today. Substitution ‘Made Easy. : 'Sabstitution is made easy for the mill ‘order houses, also, by the faot that they #o not sell much of what is ‘known as “sdvertiond” geods-+that is, goods sthat have heen thereughly ad- 'vertigedl by the manufacturers and have become nationally known through such. advertising. A large part of the merchandise which the mafl order houses sell. purports to be (manufac tured by, thetn—althong? in most: cases little of it Is made in their own plants. |! Much of this erchandise bears only Ais ame of the @nil order hpuse and {tute one article for another without (he any the wiser. The methods of the home merchan ‘You are Invited to Seé the New Spring Styles in Furniture For 1931 is Back to Pre-War Prices at. W. R. Brachbill’s | Furniture Store a _————— Potter-Hoy Hardware Co. R$ Browe | development of ad oi ! years muchsof the eS ied Ohty Ons aA n Bush TOUne by Ue vera merchant is “advertised” " High S S| goods. These toouia wre of Samitias Made by Brats Store Co. 0 n 1g : Ep , brands, the es of w ve Idd Aut ra : $ Na Y. 4 | made famous by the national advertis- || ~ 101 we'sle ir i re gi of the makers. This advertising Is . | 108 te prevection to the buyer for || Phone 660 . . . Bellefonte Always Fresh (irpeeries fhe latter Fuutuivighie goes lois sis OL IIHT W AJA ' local store and asks ‘for an article of | this kind that he will get just what he §.8) asks for If the. merchant has it he —_e stock and that he will be told if the vif ol article is. got In stock. Therets steo-| || Gle -Stoyes lutely no opportunity for'the merchant | || © +, Makes "—— | to “put one over” on him. even If the Peninsular Parlor Circula — i mm" National Federation of Eiteas Professional Eben Clu oR ae or A oy appears, in- foo 2 Ew port one ne Ey forty th r ore dptndens ither = wholly or’ sixty- ht percent of those who live at e¢ were shown to contribute their entire earnings to the ™support of their families. ’ number ere young wémen | CW marry later. 5 dy Ne The old y LL ones whose sit Ay a ri It is! = generally i. that |’ discriminatio! oh A mi old- ; er womer ie sir in a meeting of {NF American n's Association, Glenn Bow- dus’ that ray Tar hey ¢ to women in rag as 3 ¥do tn. men... Loss.of “it he || le "Al And the 1 R 1 Flay-O-Lac (Culture Buttermilk) —For Health A Wholesome and Healthful Beverage - a City, Cash Grocery The Bellefonte ... "Hardware Comp’ 'y: Colt he Lesst fo te d Sawe the Masi Labor— Lil a Sheet, Hronérs, Ridics, Laie, Mew’ Shades— fat Prices to Stit“Your | Tis Ble ic Si EAE OVE FID Thi © orl itt Biol ofpigalivam 2 es Sm IALEY . tnhaal n# : We trust you find you : | Victrola Type tt rn] tT yi 34% or § Lk 1 sa Jone deal J Parlor Heater [| || me soe Salvi - It will certainly pay you to investi-’ to give real sepvitk in all our dedl- |} gate Ma Tord Santor slA by, ings, aud westhank Jou foryéar i Ag i in: » Olewine's: Hardware @89a30L Horr & Heverly pe Groceries Se a af bu ephime a bs a bayvap gvaw pigs ato PTE aus Fay. Hunter's Book Sore THE"REASON : nen cl there pre, $0, many : Nice Things : i b Li "ae It to Them It hy to - Best Ig rt I RGF a, Sh Tolranrwasn 5 | 1 ai CEL Coal, Feéd and Oils | BELLEFONTE. PA, i fl | Center Ol and Gas Co. 5-Ton Lots... $4.50 per Net Ton “ » ' f ew Fai gat e Deliver... TTT rE to give that are inexpensive. “ FLIES TTT
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