The Democratic Watchman. BELLEFONTE, PA Friday Morning, Oct. 20, 1871 Lodge Mee tinge (16NTIIII 1,14014, No I It I 1 F, to ery Thursday evening at the Odd Fellues' Degree meetings of I 11, 11 F first Saturday or eavh month (BrIIFRAII DIAIRYV) ',lmp. No 53, Moots on the first nmnday of enell Inontli, in (kid Fellow'm hall. THINGS ABOUT TOWN & COUNTY searlot fever again in Severed eases are already re ported Wo Would caution parents to town be careful M r Bob Ca , widay, whilom printer and of thin place, but now of Cantn, Ohio, wa. in town on Saturday and Sunday - South NVard in this place polled one cote for Spangler and . I Wheeler, tlin Temperance eitmlnlnte.l for Auditor and Stir% eyor General. - —The total amount realized at the late ()oholie ['air here, for the benefit of the New Cemetery, wa, we believe, between live and hundred duller. - -111•• h nor, .tuago NVilluttim, of f ritvl count , i. pro.tding tit our ad ourned court Usu. wccl.- Th. , , More •10r tly than in forms r day. 'lll.. Tchtperani r tirloq roPelvvol h.• ,01 'Aft , 11,11. (I It known —A rt.:ingot:lent , . have been mad. by 1.1"11 At.. part., to 'lllll 11 cuur.r (.1 lecture , thi, winter, %vim 1. will include tilF , ,ut p. rsontiges ~,iintr% ludo,. Linn, lt.. .ludv; ,,,, th,-J'l,c,"l dig tru t, .itni Ilf .%% OW law partner N 1 II \i- 111 t h bu•iiil,4 bl !111 part ~ 110,1111 L; e,,tt Ow ( ' , 01,11e cloireh hvr, NH , it ,n•-d,iy rind ‘l"edne.dity Ili well and rm•t with quit, GEM it Nitrill rI t , I.tit,rl hdrnirm , 4 trivri,k run prl.r r,,ti , l bac been 1,, 1•• Pliilli.•burv:, this younly sr, 1) , , • ../ ••)trti , emmly, by Nlr I. I: Lin_ ,f tlw latter place l'r,, 1.4,R1-, it, t hi 11111'1,4110 , 1y ri.CI.IVI.II fur the bit 11.1 too of tln• r the , j..l:y bite t).,), ha, jukt receivi4,„et line. 11 uttlo lor ,htughto,ing 1,1111,4141, Friillk tho 011111 th/it t Hti evuv, thi• 1, , •.1.1”)0.•otud 1111/11.,11• ME nn 1 ran. tunny frn•nd fr , fll Lnrl. Iln if, Wt, I mirried 11l '.vi NI r ,I a , I. \ last, t.' NI 1., Sandi tili) Thrill of OH- 'rho wit. per frm, .1 b) 1:..‘ I nthrn NI( (;,,verAnd 11 livatin th, 1'r,.1,N it rim ha e the bar, been in p tied until SlllllO tllllO 111 Nul,euila•r, owing u, tart that Pruf l'Krkin- a, d. tamed in Nua , York by an inip,rliint -nit In cmirl th, blmt,er tuw •b, j , 4)1 I • ••iitre r , ninty, and foirly ell(' tied 111 the flag prorniscd by the Llltt yoftr It gat. inn!, ('uIII to I t to. two la, iiVe 1)1.111 , /, rune majority, but tear from twenty to twen t-tive Good for gallant little Curtin Let the committee now get the flag read) renr•c t.) ,Jur rrdvortl•nig Ci. 1141111 1 ,, it V. 111 bot LiItIL Mr• (len ent• raid %If Luwne, awsociateti, bun, the lint of A tign.t lw,t, in the buwie64 01 the IWO) 11 , m.e hotel. linvo diaoolvr•d their o pitrtner,blp The limo(' will hereafter he e"ndueted by MN. Clem ent'', Mr Lowrin retiring -- Lathe t“,,, aMr R. A. Kthsloe, WlOl badly scalded on one of hei arms on Monday evening last It seem, he had crept under the stove hearth while his mother was handling the tea-kettle, and thin hot water wa, spilled upon hint Lie is doing as well as could be expected at this dote. —The funeral sermon of MrWil luun Shrtick, who died a few weeks ago, was preached Ly Rev. Mr. Mullen in the Methodist Church, on Sunday eve ning last. It was all eloquent and feel ing effort, and must have been comfort ing to the hearts of the bereaved fanii ly whose end loss has excited to much sympathy. —An agency for the Liverpool London and Globe Insurance Company of England, has been established in Bellefonte, with Messrs. Anderson & Hale, as agents. This company has a cash capital end reserved fund of $20,- 000,000, and a daily revenue of $20,000. It has three millions of money invested in this country. Our friends, Ander son & Halo, will make good agents and doubtless do a large business. TIIP: COUNTY FAlR.—Owing to til t , press of political matter, we have not heretofore been able to say anything about the County Fair hold on the 3d , 4th, sth and 6th in4tant. The exhibi- tine, wo aro sorry to say, woe nut an ox t...n.iva one, although r reditablo so far MEM The show of stock was not large, al though there wore some tolerable good specimens. Among these was a mighty bull, exhibited by "Judge" Liggett the largest, we think, we have ever seen. Ile wag perfeet,t enormous. There were SOlllO line pigg, horses, cat tle, /Mlles, stoop, various breeds of chickens, Cc , but not nearly so many as there ought to have been. The display of grains, fruits, vegeta bles, big pumpkins, &e., was rather good, and attracted considerable notice That department showed that Centre county Is riot to bo excelled in this sort of thing Finely developed wheat, rye, oats and barley, with splendid apples, t corn, die , &e , did credit to Ilor fernier and honor to the 11011e46N soil from which they sprung. In the miscellaneous and bury de phrtment there were, quite a !Welber of curious and beautiful thing , . A 111011. r: others, II quilt id lfi pieces and two thread made by a little gill ni Mdesburg—Miss Mary Moore, about thirteen years 1.1 age -- who has had the of only one hand for over t‘so)eallal N ,. l „,„ lie•e, ise learn, drew Pr , lllllllll 1,1 f., the Sri,,,v shoe company and three ,h.lint 1,1•1, t.tln r nnimig Whieh \V. 1.. IL I ttl ' , ilk 1011+ ill (111 , 11111/11I11114•11l it vry 011114 1i1t... 11,• 111- •11.1 it Jou , to 1,.0k ui, I,t the Ilcn• UV, the Sowtng uutcluu oifite.t bc.two...rt th.. Finger an.l How, =En =I ultur Muth ton>iticrlition on the 11 It Cl/ r 1 ,1114 uu of bran, lic•, titcrlacerl ut huch it mart 111 r frni a rade bat ver% cnnlurt nid ut , 14,1•4) nil [Jinn tn. lise t;110 , 4 4 ISM Ilia ion grmifill only about hall 1111 11,. , 1 I , CM In it gcricriii way ateitit the thing.; that we .aw. I will e to say, however, that vi =CI ,•••• 11. , r grand ti, IL , hotitti and liuvi• t %YR+ I rrlIu•I1 ~ lir i. il and illt..re4iing vouitlwr wa, delightful 4)n :t w•t U. ho it pieIISIIMt etfterward th. fair niii.i•l, th v'it s nil 11 thing ti lIIIIr It. .11f I e. , ipr plerv•tire 111 Tiitsrs 1110. I hi. 111 g 111.1. 1411 1 1111114•1,0 l r,kv,,, toi per.pii. 1.11.t1i rti,dlit.l rt,. trill-i b.,11 yu I.• Ltr IS•, Iru•l ..tir Wll ri. li, rlu•Y,uhd that wetnny have thy• grefil u'l lair that WO 1111V0 1 1 V01' 111141 11111• OW 4 .111.1 1 111 00;11 of 11111 etitro I.4mtity i•l1 t 1114• l't,tl l'air Ito-t were Lit-t Cr,. the r 11, u, t r int; Ih.; and thol "Undine h 7 I,l'll I , IL %I•r , ), 1,1•111101 . 111le.• .Pl, • .n.l tut.i..l••• tr It I. but fairs '2l t! .tant, that whii.• ilia Imtkin loirr„ the) litter vim t con•eh•n rig I lint the " Logi& t‘ it. the old. •.t company and fairly mititleil to it on account of imiffir tan t sery lore heretofore rendered to the Ci.llllllll/(1113 lilll , `* Of li,nen , they did t !mike so bard a Heil us they might harm dorm The IK-earnt geld wnt,h, nt On.' hundred (Julian', W/1,8 drawn Li) It ket liettrite4 the name r f \hate. Dart) Our friend Ilnnnllun, of time WII, drew a 11Lt11,1%.1114 , iii worth nlniut nifty doliure Other Nice pi' 1/.04 were alit) 411"11W11 11 , . Fair wtei quite ti nuece , 4 and hie rtglilLed n 11/AII 4 IIOMM BUM for the ReW ME= --The premium list, or the list of premiums awarded at the late Count) Fair, was blinded to the editor 01 the Republican for insertion in his piper this week, by the President of the Ag ricultural Society, but, as usual that worthy has postponed it until his next 1,11.11. As wo were expected to copy it iron the columns of the Republican (that paper making its appearance first) of course We aro also prevented by this awkward arrangement from giving It Lo our readers this week. Query . Wby can't the chairman of the Society gin s e favors first to an establishment that can be depended on Sao DioorlDr.4. H. K. lesT of Lock Haven, w lolled near the pot in that place, on Wedneaday, by being thrown from his bogey. liia horse started to run toward the railroad just as a lia_omotke was passing, and in jumpingout, the Doctor was precipita ted bo %iiilently upon the ground that he died in about three hours. It is said that the horse ran right into the loco motive. 1)r. Irvin was a good physi cian and a most estimable young man. Ills death will be deeply felt in that cum WNW DON'T TONY no AUICAD 7—We remember some three montts since, at the trine of the "hitch" in aho building of the L. C. &S. C. It. R., how yak liantly and determinedly the Snow Shoe company Met, passed anti had published a resolution pledging itself as soon a , work was begun on the main line of the Pennsvalley road, to push ahem] the betiding of the branch from this place to the intersection. It is now al most two months since the first gang.of hands wont to work near Spring Mills, and since then the grading of that road has heel pu.heJ :thing with energy, and yet not it word from the Snow Shoe company about going !Owed with their parts of the work Why is this thus? To the locum , . interests of Bellefonte, as Well es of the entire county, this is a Very important question Let the build ing or the branch road Irelll flu, place to the later:W( be delayed until the other road is flnedwil, and the entire bu• sine.s of Potinsvalley will seek and find a channel to other point 4, that will not only ruin this place, but tidoo from our county nll the benefits Ulm are to be de rned It commercial centre arid la, Sine, operations WitIIIII itself Lel the trade of l'entetil)alley once get late the way of going to Tyrone or LeWl.dellg, anal Itelleloulevan hang al, hire an the Willew, !Ili a moton f r Ihaa glor% that wall tune &path d never again ti. Olt. I al /..11 , it' 1 1,1 it, I V 1 t t t• -11,111 it Pt, trade Iti ,t 11, 111111 CtILIIIII. , kW 1.1 . r 111 rd ,(11 ple(11;o•, or whether they will li , Th, Lho county it.. flnit ing for sill 111, WIT W 11.1 %%Its belflg 1•/01‘11.%ed, tile ;sll4/W EMI Hee WOrtl %Cr) 1111.11Oliii lu ME ton, in thi..rminni4 that 411n•-tr,n, and , rn.w, •Ince w4.rk fl I• In h ,, p.• hot' will 0),,v the •Itmi• =lll ob, el tliqt tiwy imp", th it th.• IIY A BLIND M NN . II NI, 1',.11:11, grildwitfi w•rrw fur in (Ii Ivanin I n-t t,11.• 1.,r Blind, n Nm 111.4 find ed., m.. 11 und int..1114..nt v , rlll..rimn %vb.. hltrol, will 4iva n r un r•rt urul ('Aiurti in the, place, .m Monday °venal': next. ,itivorely Mlllll'llll ° hi r '11(.0,11,n In the public, and tru,,t he may have it rr fl 111 6r,u.r !Mid , • L.) Gl•' lii 11,1,10.11, /1111.1 it. II sioliiii--,rl I. "silt w,• think th, iti) Mr I. Ir% mg 1. , .•.ir I) tin 1,4,i1 r•t In 11 , 4 i••• 4.! th.. %vim, g.‘..ri 111.gri filr 111•1.1 . 1, I tit! luni that 1t14 , •t iti.••litilnl,l4. Ftl! Ih4• p.Wt r L., ..1 Inert , nri• ‘vort h ho•nnng, an lhur6 , =1 thi• r rr. M//1/1, twig, a 'llr NI, slith a inn- , al II • of Iin•h IFNI in —I ',it Hi. rittllll/lllt • II 1(1111 ,s 1 10, hi II w,.11 . 1 tn. it.J 11/11•Vi ruing tnrl.r lilii•11.1111th In lo.tening lii till. tlttt t 11,11 Whom le”.1 ht. alit the 11,ht V,. .1.1.1. iil . lllllllll. I • rt. thr..igh 111. Int/1 t•.l for I. o. vtorill) of putr....,.0. 11111 ho. h Ino.• hilt f th.l,lF p•II room. //: it , 'Old =1 =I I• 1,111 or( ~(Nlr MI I “111 I al IAI" I/1111 011,11111 i'lv I,e fling x.r. t 11110 r nip ‘1,,, M r • r a ad, riag al • 1 Omit( 1,, Meat ' t. 11..11 Ma., 1.11. Its, It Was -alit,. r a 1111 11.11,1111,4 t t , lllung I't as, and Marrlaat• e If r, a', I appla tt ..... a nd • My May Iha 4IJUI 001 /on. rh, 11, than I. a tra...i.frly 1 arlarrata rat ...amend him la Illy p. 11.11, - EP Id nr ladda.a. ENT lIT no BLIMP n.l Taf•tll iv. averting I M, M. I 1,11111 gt al., i t, and Inst, of tar al . Twom I, 111. l'.•fir,vliffin la..t ital. I, Ilia halal all„ 1. t.dally blital gas , an. ht. tato., I. at la•tilata hall 11 'wad nn .ay l/la If. it all, Ilk"' 1.1 Sir I al ban art aflailrabla 11 loa ball ifl sad a ',wales ..wanYllitta, ha and. Iltal lino ail!, taa-Ita ly Ho*ravilalina al Mr Mall., Poeta la a ' 1,, Ma ‘todamn 4fllftra I,n , light In ho 1aa.1.• a raw'. •fatilati,.. al the. amid .11 farli latathla NOIIII.II, xu, Ili,. 1/1“4 wrl•Ver Irmo airy one The amphora's, raoliant poltito land say-Immo on, style awl al tan, CPI a 1.1111 load tflatalflaa,l 'rho loom,. meat Katy 0.111•Ial ,11141.1. (1,1 ‘Ve• 4,111111. i. 11111% )1/11fig man to it ,. . good ornami 'f 01i01111/1,,1111, 111 a ooritit.l Ho In flantor,llllZ. In clia higiaad to Tina, and we are glad 1., (hal his visit to .11troeratown maf la • II Wllllollt n conallaralaltla 1111.111 , 141 rural p0,41[1111 411V1,061. - ehninglol —The kell/11, ,ell.Oll 1111 / r will begin with Petroleiiiii 1 Nash), on the evening of Ow 141.11 01 Novem ber, to be followed in December by Fred Douglas•f, timl in January - by. Mark Twain Other noted characters, including John C Breckenridge, Gen. Butler, Wendell Phillips, A ndrew Jobn• son and Mrs, Victoria Woodhull have been written to, and may probably be engaged. Na"by, Douglas and Twain have been positively soCtired, and will be here during the months named. Tho object is to secure the wont noted and distinguished personages in the country. —Prom Mr. Geo. II Rumberger, of Buffalo Run, one °Me hest Demo cratic farmers in the country, we are the recipient of a basket full of the fin est, largest and best red Chili potatoes it has over boon our luck to look upon. They are like M.E. Rumberger's Democ racy, big and sound. In p ursuance of a call issued by a 7 nurhbor of citizens of the borough o 1 13el'lefonto, sr mooting was hold in the Cohrt House, on Thursday evening the 12th of October, for the purpose of rais ing funds in aid of the sufferers by the late fire in Chicago, On motion of 11. N. McAlister, P. Remolds was Called to the chairdind E M. Blanchard appointed Secretary of the meeting. On motion of 11. N. McAllister, .eeonded by Jame 4 frirllrkin, E•ri , the fin hi w rig prelim We and resoluLloll4 were paNSell . WIIFRIAN, The 11111.1111 (4\llllllll y WI11.17); . 1;1. be blll, 11 1110 I'lly um 4 1111. pen rli ~r Chicago, Two, nn 1.1 1'X1.11.10.111111. Ittrtow, 111111111 , 111/1111IN l h l Nunn mid active etymputlty of mttry ..11e 1111111 . .iii1.111011.1 Lc at 0111'1. 111k1.11 1111 111.111 1110 11114.1114; 11,....1.1111 , 1‘ . 11, 111111 01111 1.1.111111..1111t.11 11. Stall 11111.11 111..1'111 1.1 . 11.4 Kl . lll'lllo' 11. H.. 1 1 ,11 motill Mt tit.. Ittlit4 11/ the S11111•11.1,11111i !hilt. lilt. N/11111 . Lto fortn art ti promptly by the Trelittorm On motion,(lon .litin(fs A Beaver and John II Kurt/. worn appointed tees to roceivo tlin fonds nub-eni bed and t t ti , unit Ihr t• 1111111 to 1110 proper author it 1, , ur Cliieligo tiiilrwripthai boolol wen, then opened and from 11. pl•r. , Orpi pri.sellt thr 111111,1 /4..1110 num of one I hou , and dollartb %VIVI Sub,rl bed tin motion of t:ett. Jarne4 A litatvet, C4 , 11111111.11.r nl three in each Ward wtt, appointed 1 t ~• 11t11 further ,ulcorip tior,, consc.tio..: of the follotvlng pct- It 1,1 tin rn rc.”ltition woo, keotirol. That the Ot t 0... of lielletonte le 1, 'lt.menthlell hitittog ettotellithg thew =I loft r iiig 111 i 1i I, MOM 1,1111 v I„ 1 , 11111. r "1.1'",'• 1,11/ 11 ml, 1 1,.1t1 .1 • ir 11. .01% 1111{.•their It 11.3 w 0..1.,114 ..1 ,1111, th.• .111111) II I .1 1... 111. .11110 1.191. I TllO •i 111.4 rl 1111111 , I.llll`. 111.1 11/1111 iii t tl , l i ardor Mnyor of Chicago reach about fifteen litindrod d,plhtr+ --Lettcr-, tniii:eil to dincrent points, arc often detained rn the Iron) which they aro to start for /the reloon that iiiiilleient.recittige ha-nod L.•••u 1,111,1 11p.111.114./11 1 . 1,11M•11111.111, OW i” Wll.lll 16'•y tin• in• ,cribed fleVi'r get them, or, et loot, not till long utter they tire due, while the WI 'ter, w,ifiller why they hover get tiny n•lJv v Per%4Prl4 plating 1..0...r. in tit. 11..•1-4.flief• nli I I lo• /lure lb.') 111, tl.Ol. Iltialll. , 111•1 Vunili intrit 'rho following li•fti , r, tin. now (11,1 SOITIO efilat oiliziit t.l bf• f.r lhu 1.1)1V0 rtNinlin ''Tll , lllll 4 1.111411.. 11 /111, \lre \\'ul, IJ ut h, IkII~•lunt~', I'u The Rugse.ll r..aper and mower, itiarmfavtur,d he (' & l'o , ~f brat hls vntl•rt lin !all!), Ohl., on I.Xllllllllllrl aid mil - lair oft 111 • II attracted the attentmll Cen I rot minty farinero, and was com.idered ht all who examined it ear.•luliv to be one the beet ron•trin•twi and decidedly the best liniatied mill bin... that hue been introduced into our county for many y' , •ars, combining great strength, sim plicity and durabifity, having eev,•ral ' points that make it one of the ver be.t p!%) i• ph u. r , , ,• I Ferun•i•, bud It 1:u•,cll reepor end mower ir you want 1410 of the best Agents will cseva.,4 this vounty the en ming sepson —On Saturday Hight last some scoundrel, not having the fear of the law before hes eyes, entered the stable of A SI Hamer, at Petersburg, Hun tingdon county, and took therefrom a VRlllOlll' JIM,' As soon ns the 11.8 wets di covered, Mr Hamer, with several frnends, started in pursnit, taking dif ferent roads l'he horse was found some eight or ten rnilonni MT, quietly grazing Inc a field, where tine would •be thief, prob ably fearful of detection, had left bun and niade his escape SUIIIO of the party engaged in the search had got as far as Pine Grove, thts county —lhtvid Pruner, of thi s place, driver or the Ilublershurg uiehl wsgon, had 11114 111 g broken one day Isst week on Itedlop Street by a kick (row 11114 horse Tin Nlllllllll 11/1141 ,4 1111W gill 1110 lines un. d. r hl- roil, sed bevoloing restle.s, let lly write 111`4 11 1, k st lit, dn•h- osrd (trw of the., keels ilsVied Ihrther back dish will intended, doubtless, and struck Mr Pruner on the left, leg The horse then stetted to run, throwing the driver out When picked up his leg was broken. Us Is now lying at the Bush House. --The end of the mountain back of town Is on lire, and if attention is not paid to it, the conflagration may result in serious loss. The weather yesterday was quite windy, which was favorable to the weed of the flames. Every thing is very dry, and we should be warned, by the fate that has overtaken portions of Wisconsin and Michigan, against letting these tires get under full head way. --Ruy a Harper's Weekly this week at Rankin's. It has a full ecription ot the "Chicago Fire." II NI, kilisirtt, 144 It i , North Z 1‘„, ) ARP it 10111 South Ward Al.l 1 . 11 11~i SuMCI I 11.411 r \ Wo,t Word l• 401 II IN Ilc.llll-ier, th. 'l. tintli• If ir•hlwr4.r, 11 til,•rnburj;, Ttwrr t nk., n lo.tter ttiret•teot to —The people. of Philipsburg are beginning to beapprehensive that a gen eral closing up of all things , mundane sat t and. At least we infer so from the following notice in tho Journal of hilt Saturday : lion Dr. Mende will discourse et the. Epic cupid church, next Siinday night, nt 7 o'clock, I/II the events of our times, disorders of the body politic—fears 1111.1 OX [WOW ions of men— the deep ;WI /411104141/1 of WI awful Impending ciitivul-ion — the clear and unequivocal voice of prophesy—every sign — every promise — ova l ry unite In announcing that the glorious second coming of Christ is al hand, POWDER.— l'tl orchante and Consumers of powder should recollect that Short- I nig() A: Co., of this place, are the :tw i n to Iffr — titin — eltlo of 1)u Pont a powder. Blasting, 1 . 4t1 sporting upwder con stantly on Also premium Safe ty Fuse, both at wholeshle prices. --An address, delivered before the Mil Follows Of this place, by .1. F. appears in soother place It will ,10u1410,0 meet with the commendation and approval of the Inember , .. , of that Order. (tor young friend, Mr. Loop°I(I Afldler, so long connected with linum'm etqabledirnent on Bishop Street, left tin+ place, on l'unidtty lavt, for \lon t gotoory, Alitleimn, which city he in tend, 111 Maki bin future holm,. ---A protra,tt.(l ri 14444 W gto !rig ffit in Om United Ilrothren in Ih pliwo Cr;um, I,ooom, No I u, Or n F. BidARIO•Tif., 0.1, 7, 1871 I .1 14 11411•11t1IT, I) I) 11. M Dear S , art./ Brother - Ely AI Utlitlrnlioti. 00(0 of ~111 lodgo, ILro nothoroool dt relloomt. lor pol,ll valloo t•,,ry lif t 1110 dre , •L .1/ 111,4 , 1 II) a• I horn 0,•.1.1 , 111 •.1 11,141111114 111.• 1,1110. I. of our foi 1.11 , ni If ...I. , 11 I. In oonformily 141111 ..,11 114 ?Pi moetr your approval, Wog 1,104 i 4.t.1i ally 1•trli , •1Ir WWI thn r.iliwrt all OM .111 , 1 yornpliaae, therow ith limn,. ue F 1. T , II CiALltliAl I'll, 1. II o Iforrtß, Secretary 111=1 To It (i4ilMlll . ll and II a llrrint, Noble i 'rand and Se‘ n•tary eenisv I, .Igo, V. I I mud Broth(r.. —lt .1 lord+ ato it p,•rinio.l,in of Ml' thy tuata.l Marlin . . to With limo Joßlrr to lurttlel n c•.. 1”. of my I, publication It we. not, liowe•nr, prnpar, M lib tint obp•ot uI vitto 1 ollre r....11y, J.H 11%1001AI:1'. 11= hinder, II In earth prole 1111 0 1 It 1,1111,111.. ii 111 it 1P.1,11 , 1,1 1.11 411.4 1. 11 1,1,11 Illy ro ro 1111 It for of 1111 " 1. 1' • ' 1 " 110111 1 4 1•11py the attention of the human mind, 111011./W li the 1,0,11111... of the heart, that ,if I hidellownhip ;teeth. 11, nearest 111 lip f.l. , l'ori hi 1110 1 111 1.111111 wlrt l l".. I,t I huh,. Io r 01 the 111/.1111111.111111d 11. prim 11.11•• lint. twill-le Ir 1,•1, foil note.l , di en; anion• Ilk, the id, • that I •h. 11111.1 P 1111 . 1 •• 141 I.digh 111 r. ; op". t 11.•11) F ilendethip and I mill Brollierldeol id Al,, and 1111 1 Fatherhood of Ithe eer•at Eternal, ego I. ck,Wintially upon in, are the goldein worths which tieserthe the whole *none of 0, d it, Inborn eonerrn thin world the related, of 110.0 lo Ilion 11111 1,11 . 4 . 111.1141/1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 , training 01 111.. 1111 1 hI 411.1 I. 111111 prtolival hr nendetire, MII.I Ihe dirt, I.!• o ~f the pith. 11.1111 of 11..1.1 I 1 1 11 11 1111./ troth In till • pr.Pgt. •• moo the Lo p i . I ; , i nv ii n f ; 1 , t t 1 , 1 , 1 1 , y , 11 11 11 1 ,0 111t1....1 the /role r MI he n , , mole oldeor.,l Ihnii !half •1,0 lho• meth: hreniet.l,, In the al," HI , 1111111.1111411• lodep eitlntell on thin toothineni, 4.V 111/1111r1.• niep, tinder 11111.tvo,3 1 .1" Fc NI, 1111,4 ward from thin , midpoint, in it 111 Ile , oyrf half a eietileir, the other lot. !dolled tinder it• laotriern nn army oftooth than /moth. iii ,, iineend needle, art men of the repul,ll, , and thou•auJ, npnn Ito,. exude of the elaugon r• 01 lieleekah, like • wigyle , of inereymr" 11111t,1"11oK in 1 1 1 rolls of our 11 11.1. Illlghty hostpirmln o 1 n. goo.] work .1111 11,1 n IM I / 1 1. fidelity tionneerating It,. unnr , l energten In old of linetienity re ninon hope of reward For ild a ornplithriethi tip, high I , eir pine .. llownlip; h,• help, nrined arof Y. 1 1111 .0 ,1 nor 0111. WII11111441"11M1 1.1.11,11111 ttttt rat ai, a of 1 , .11 of e• ttttt nil ree anal ' of 11101" of the tlrCfrm.tiolim. mll.l /.111, , 1 1 11 "11, nom. it mld• Calllng IAII I "140110,1 In Iho wolk heir effort. hate leel, noon , ' to gi tie, r for thy relief of the vi, I, the Irtirial of the , I; adFool it... • .111 , „1 1 /11 o , t ploicr• nth!. (lota la, It,• iodine!. of dollar. , lotto le en taponde d lu this way whilnl the aggregate th e einin dialog a ',orlon' of lifty Iwo yearn have ,I „ , filmy oad. In l'erionvl amnia alone the NlllOlllll ex pf 0.1 , 1 , 111111114 1114. 10..1 yenflllllolllll. , l tonemfly Into Illinolrt . llllllll hfly , 011.1111011 11 11111 mll.l the lo for 111 0 ../ rod to .1a Ithivired nod thirty of en hottolndi ith , l 1 11 11 1 11 . 1 iv( frli1.1.1"Ileol lane Of fitly ?warn Ihounitnd five liondred widowed Neill 1 1• 1 4 , rind brought In the 10.11, o 1 1111 . 111111 died thousand hrolliern old, youilort and ;id mention y And what, in, brother. of litre hotlye bon been y , llf etion Pden,. 10. t PIO r I /, 1.11,kg I,lor lln pv-t e rnt , . with pl. ,wile upon v lour 1111 1. 1 • / . . 1 1 1 1. 4 . I know y cur v0.1111 . 11.1111.tnm 1.1 1.1• in keeping with prosperity feW Mend. , r• pd, have worked your way lip, 111/Irll hon. a ad gr.trhl /t+ kw!, Ole e01..../.1 11,01 of the Anon;in novo ri,Plent In the path of ~ ,time• eu; r. , nhinen thine, 1•11,41;1e 111 ” 1•1. !noting 1,111. arid noblinie an the eternal prin ;paten of th it truth wide h mark , . 11111 1,1,11(1 . 1 1 m/ti of the I/reler day it 111,V•1 1 yilll with loenor Ile; ideal Ilan , 111 1 / 1 11111/ 1•1 1 Into the real , and when I fook n ttttt ninth thin beau tionnh , of /11.1 Fellow-ill p, I ti/11 ti with a profound rionnitillit• of 1 int , Curti pun wg , 1,1111 Ala) I.nir .My never I ei•sepeeent 1,, 11/1. 1 hold. ..r 0.17, rnit) again lad the non 'Ion; of 11. 1111 1 11/n1 monperity brain In 1110 Innen) , eliolgent upon .)11 , 1 /froth,- I ha, awned • 8 noun, far the improvement and elevation al 111111111, 1• 1 1 0.1 . 141`114 . ' lO 11111.110 11, 1 1111111 4 of the 111,11 1 ..1,1,1p nil lld. broth, rthoal with wore, enneeptiedie of !heir po err , mllll town ,11,11 , 71 giving piaelleal ,i,dll, o 01 LII. duller . 1 1 I Phi I ends., would bring it,,,,, to 11 know 14..1, op, , ho Ir.e free-coal relation, whip), nhould e lorim 01 n /Ilan 41/1 1 1 1/11411 W I. ,1,, I 1 vat arty cowling to develop the better ..ensiblltiles or (h. , human heart, hot we Cr, In Flo,111.• extcn 1, Si benetietal 111/d -oty We are farther resetting 111 our b•nelit• U n so. I. itt•titionmet 114tittliy are WI. aro milted n, .111,1 Vollllll°,l IorollIfIfIloo) , I, 1111 ,, •r eeretio regulations whhth a mules every mem ber though he !nay be lIIIi/Mitlfolll home, to all the advantages of the order within the Jur- Itolietton of lily own lodge '1 he Globe in the monde as OHO Or our emblems teuches that from whatever laud or nation Odd reiteW! 'Mould come they should not solicit our aid in vain. 'they ahould not be received no strangers In it almost+ land, but should al ways he welcomed %lib fraternal henna to the fratereal homey of the brotherhood. have erten endeavored to impress this lee eon within the Lodge morn, and give practb cal demonntratlon or the Met, that we are broth.,,, ennui in all our relations sho,tid Il lustrate the trintlatilneite of our profeasionn by reciprocal relief and kindly offices to trite another in the hoot of trial. Our eoVellante clearly emitratte this duty, and enforce the 11$.11 the need' and tommodill•l4 of 011.. Ill11.411.•I. The brother who Wllll•sert hit lollooneo In extending the advantages of our order, Its cultivating tho better feelings of his nature, and when tie I tends that influence in mu reel the errors ono Irregularillett of an offending brother, he is extending to him the benign lulltiencen of those !leaven horn principles which ore in , culcuted in the doctrines of Divine inspire, lion. lint my Mende Ido not wl9ll alias upon the peculiarities of our Min There le within It ample food fir and a wide estended field for the cid of our binteVnlitnit enterprise. I het, aver, that thia passing allusion to solo moral Worm may ot he Inaropa the worke of Odd Fe n llownlilp conch.)) ly In died. of tnerey, but In the prle the principles of benevolence, mom brotherly love. Brothere, In the work of odd the more rigidly we adhere to ~H t, ruler( and customs, tbo morn we g dence of appreciating the limo ((pint order and comn(land respect. Lot every ofreer receive thnt app honor Id which he is entitled by v I rill rank, and above all avoid pernonninv matilfehlation of an unkind apirtt tho peculiarities, brothers of Centre which govern you In thel 1 . 6 .1. 1 1 . 1111e1/11.1 Lodge room. Remember the 11 1 480114 Order, that there in a otrength In mitt all the powers of the earth 1,11111 cover Lel the myetie no of I.'ri Diy, and Truth Ito embbirened 011 y euteheona, and tile genial babel., prinelples of the order will 1111V11 work Exorrteu with perfect frontlmti the of the filmic hnll to oxelinte 101 1 0.,(1 OW. from mntnbotnhip. and 0nt04.1 train from putting the 11P.1111.11 of ru ternpernto mull or 1111.11 1110111114 1111011 11111 proponitioll hook pooh other In doing right and let 11. 1 111 atfeetio4 or !atm' doter you fr,r) ditty, h ever unpittiotatit to teeter, lbe good of the tinter in int olvt,l u 1 t Hon Do not 'ionituto under such mire rem, for fear of uorntontl vont...won t , , I trtior Ilan high chum. upon tail ?Ili nn men or Integrity, and 111,0.110 U 0 when the evil. of i 1111.11111111111”, 1110 lollloll‘ll of ntittino and mortill,ol. o u r (so, All ptutuli 11,•01.1111tir 0, :1 dm graves of our tlveounotl broth,• then, nhrink not train your r04p00., Into add Fnllogn. Exert, hoe 11.1(.1 of wainhing ornr tho non.ltoq other, pot only ht 111 n ilAgs room cottrett rtsilt ttinollll.,ll,l' In the 114111 1 111 11(1n (11/r 1111(14( all nun 1, 111 - 01101.11 1 /IV will 1114 e 41111i111 Oilninnnionr nr the 1 414 n, and kt up 14,•••lt on a 11/1,111.11111.1 I tinier n• tell 11 1 / In yotir ciotinppit , ‘ all 11 .1 1 1 Fl . li"‘l.l /11/1)' . 111.111) , p.(11,1 • rite ward of wntelifitinan, 1111.11(1,1(.111.1.f trout rntrngre••onn m till Follost•tio t , t.romeo Mt, taught mo Halt to.rttoo an i.. 11 1 1.1 11 111ilIry loy 11, 1 rxnmph• in I bohrollter/1..d1 t , 01111 tritty he ulde• to turn c. 111 F,waling over tills tholtgl,l .r, ", whlell will greatly Oil In keetm, tvreal 011114.110 iv the prompt ihe olth 'flute, tow tiro, I, I,„ II Is their duly to rotund' tho h 1.11111,1 rellielgorstir MID drooping sisirr lortg.llOrri and revive the lodge Jr, lossolis tiro In a Iriiiiiiiiito lost Lt r. (tool hook. And lAM loot r. rs, Uri , Irrail , l Lioigii would onion o 111 , 111., rind Ink.. (rollt every which Ileirleolerl or f•filMerl I" .1. rr. It might work it artmlettnmeletoom In iiyaltion of 141,1 Fellovraloo have Ille saltitar) olleet to .1, •.1./ potent noon Mora front I hrittmtur th. upon the tonelderatlon of the I.lg. the ehalre Without good oflii it, u, a=pert to Poiretool for not' tune In all well regulated !twig., ti feel an etmeelal intereat m sontoroirs tegrilatlon. Of the tiratiol Lorlgr Pp,. Is I say, then to every rrlllcor to ulght hurt you know your dilt, lodge otpiim• you to rierlorui It /km n trisil.l of thin r rester ~,,, rs learned Something II( 1111111 y,, good 1111.11 r multiunit le• I like it h. I have aver done Iwfore, ',lulled Amu/it/MIK ithiritit hoe it gs brole, ting arum itrolltiO tiro. Mem,. rother hood nod drown tlionl in I onoloollon with snob rills r I I bold the opltilon, In volts!, n !II rrr ellowa that all we nerMe.l 1.. 1,. to get lergeflier, look en , fr slot feel leant 111Veling VI rth heart. hl. OsOlinitior I I he 41111'1 , 11 , e, Ur nn•o top II front cacti othor ftteet to in. brothers, let me Pity to yon twenty one yeare I have been , thin triter Intring all that I Ito Irt•tidly palm has , and I have had in pract Witt ell,. opporttinitien of realizing the trio • titration• here .farmed, that the Fellowahip, like the covenant ol Jon, Pavia. le a covenant not cattily Ittati know each ether heal from I'll'l l ll,ll nnu. nit It In duo Of the toal‘i. tight liv Ilg itt the world to It (tut th t televatl. It oln (11.• of moral nnit wails', and h nit him to n 1/111 , ledge nit t h e nnifernal tharlhertnnt I I hene are Knells , of the iihrotit and pit tint Fellowship and I thank I .iiil time I, (ant appraltat 11111 K ' , Finn It longer nail, in troth that tto a itr• Mated bvlho .raoling.or ant 1111 l nth): I entity thgeltltt, tinder the chat - nal., &.•d ;tilt - paten, Itrtatkn totn wnliK, places all upon a ettnntt and Innttat !Ito halm of oil mid the wound,' heart (hid mac h In itattlett that perlttti t/I .11311 I.lllli all nal Onto, 1 . , n1C ,, "• I 1,1 thin earth and that law mttali Int tt Wilrertoal thattherhotod. I lit, ntoto dwell with the hunt,. alit) (he lentlattl down with the kid, and the calf 111/.1 aad the young hen Ittgettter awl It lo sloth lead them " Itut it lit ant menet. of toy power tin tatinprehend f thl•t triter Let 1111.111 ,1 11 In 1111 rapidity tin. chariot of homamit within the ample fold. t•ld thinia•nile and our lens K idd., ago tit hicil et ill "or inthiviu 4.. the )11 I.lnt xaltanun of humanity, and nlll, alea•nnig In the ,1119. t long ta.l.q arrive. a.. .1.411 r. •ometh nig of (ha 11,111.U/11 uf..n r happy conemou•neas of it duty a. 1.• whtclt ha. Piled It.l light to hu••• ii,. A man to • butter know loolg, ; W A NTICD Thren ,ir I.,ttr fraction. to teach in liwzg, to clettrAlit county Apply I.) T 1 1 ,0.1 t , It Clcurli.•l , l I: 17 893 L Business Notices To P —1 ho 'Menlo,. very respectfully calk , : to U..• Swoon/to loigkettheonor 1.1 prig V, for clover—well They I, MEE The Bellefonte Market 1 . ./111110 TED IIY ►6l I ER The fultnertng am the kitutlitti,,o4 or clock l'lturndtty evening, when eat to pr..* White Wheat. per hu.nel lied Wheat per 1111.110 i new Rye, per tet•thet torn, eat..., per hiinhel Corn, 111114114.1, i 11,114, per le.hel Hurley, per bushel . • Iluek wht,t, per bombe] Cloyereeed, per bushel Potatoen, per bombe' F,Kgm, rrxr down...-. •. • • Lord, per pound.. . Nation—Rhoulders........ • • &den .• per pound. ....... ........ • Butter, per pound Rap, per pound. . . ...- • • • • Groom' Plaxter, per ton.-- ••• ••• •• ••• • MONEY MARKET, Dellnven h Bro., 40 South Thir Iniiintra., furnish. he following on Inetant New U. S. Wm of U. S. of 'III . II 1 1 B. S l owper cent.' ey 110 gold 114 Silver, to.' lhdon Paallle R.R. Int M. Bondi 90 Central Nellie lilt nn! Union Pacific Land Cinua Bonds. n 3 II 11+ it 115+ lit
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