The Dem'ocratic W ; tchman. BtLIAPODITZ. 'A Special Notices inroaoze.-Absolute Divorcee legally obtained In New York, Indiana, 1111nole, and other 1.0 0 04, for persons from any State or nountry, legal evorywhero; dosertion,drunkenneett,non ,,,,pport, et a ., sufficient Cause ; no publicity. No charge until divorce le obtained. Advice tree. Adducts, MOORE RICHARDSON, Counsellors at Law, lig) Broadway, New York city. lb fill ly. QUARANTINE, NEW YORK Pr. D. Phynteianrio-Chief of the lionpital Ship "Faloon," Quarantine, New York ❑arbor, writer "I have ;oven your MINIFILIWP }testi BITTIRP to convalescents In ltonpllal with good renultn, and believe them to be a good Tonic Bittern, well adapted to ell- trios requiring lonic remedies." Such Is the testimony of Physicians in eve ry section Of the country. The prejudice ox• I sting sgninet patent medicines generally la removed, and MIFIRLICIVII Bras Birissa In ac- Ilepted by the profession an eupplying n MILD ong fo)t. Prim) Ono Dollar por Dry Goode - - Grooorios. NEW GOODS AND NEW PKICP:fi. 111011 PATES RUBBED OUT. nooDs AT 01,1) rAsii ioNED HucE ifirlinFVF,42 81 Would renpeettully .nform the world and the ' , e ta( mankind, that 'they have Just opened our, and are daily receiving a WI, STOCK OF GOODS OF ALL Kin*, which they ►re offering et the reryioweeSm►r ket price. DRY G(X)lwi Conn Wing of the latent ntylen of Figured U. PIRID Alpinefur, Figured and plain all woo I hdallie. Shepherd Plaid., Black 8111 in, Summer fillka 'mitt Poplins, White hoods, While Countur parole, Idnen and Cotton Shootings, thecko, Ginghintin, Boiltickn, rianovin, Shepherd Plaid lialmorala, Stack Cloth, Casnuneren, ‘'elvetine, Corduroy, Kentucky Jeann, Ladle, Cloak nig, Plain Colink, !diddle... a Clnthn i Repellant'n and Hind. of Various Colors. A NIL line of Clothe, ('aeslmnree, Aetlnette and Willman. ►II k holm anti prickle, which will ho sold cheap We have Ocimilyht ly un h a , a lagge and well selected atock of all kinds of G}wkml, 6/roterte+, Aforkerinf, Salt etc , ate , Which ire will dispose of at the very lowest aaeh p ure All kiwi. of country produce taken In ex ehang.• for gouda, and the highest Market pit COM all.Jeed FRIENDS AWARE TO YoUR INTEREST E..r I. fool platinfled that WO eau Bolt your .mo ao wolf a. our Ur.••, •14n1 Prizos SliE WHAT iA2 WILL WILL A Ibtml• Aew p Engrxr ttntl • Prise worth from $1 to to SW 01011, 140T11 FOR $2. Every tlek et lbw" a prise, No blank• Whit each ticket you got at the ttof f {{.or etioemy It eotkor Lurie) , a legend ofihe Rhina, Iha liirtitillitritctl, or Mg 1 btld uhri.t which are .lratero anti the tiakilictltt. 't awl bent ,terl i•ver ttflitreti at 10 'I hey ore IDx/.4 them to it VlOl Id art•ery ticket holder will 1,0nItIVI•ly 111,111 one of the fulloVP• mg or i.e.. 1 11 PI ERRE llu9 P 1,, DENTON, MU, ea - alining In era y lan ran". nll modern reran 1.• e., hi rtor•h Ar worth, t•nollt 'WOW Tut , vim 1111.1. FARM, ~1 lin •r•rrn on I hip I liiiptnnk river. h•ving • NglltitlitirMill wllurf on kiln,lllll,ooo fold Nil leg h Arlo ' of •'+l u ran worth $4 (.10 ('crier Puri.' With no sere.. rholrn Irud, N in2o Honk. , m Pelli,,lll SEW'S(' MA(IIINENI Worth bum k A uni AM w ATc it ' $441 to $lllO 10 Irgottn rjoi Melodeons $1 Ooti Kerb worth from 4 harma 17ne l'aeh Kum One Cenh hum sme Cants Sum Three l sul, Kuma--ew•h Four lash ,1111110 - 0. 4 . •11 40.1110 rou•bttnl of W••liing Almon I nem. Wringer,. Standard hooka. Works of Art. and olio r loon/who'd and rsluahl. arth•Ls, non. of Ih. 111 ono Ln purelimed. at retail, for lose lIIIN Si flu , while /MIMI are worth *15.1)11 and UtOre • .1 h.' .11 . 1.1 Mg will 'aka pint, as 1,16,1 gran logs enough are sold to distal huts the uekt ts, beim,' as !natty tieket holders as 1.0 he present, and to be under their , aaur.ti, at 'Mount, Md. Ihe I aroline County Land A•soeiation Is it euiporated body, Chartered In the Watt, of Mart land and has s autaan - itaal eapual of to. ono Wm Foil. of Ltanton, tl. K Richard sou Sheriff of the rounty, Denton, Mar) land, Alhurger, Postmaster Denton, Mary land, and ,ottl. rn anti I,lllollkg the stocklaadern he purr.... of this 1/Nit, is simply to realize the (updi on merchandise on hand, and on the real estate FICEIII3 James K ffignutt, Attorfmy At Law, I'reat dent Henry 14 Mancha. (of the firm of Mancha d fires, Fi«al Notate Broken, Md ,) . rlklrl.lll, Trommrer and Manager Georg. II lillollllll. Counvel. alvo to t Mules (hauling, Eaq , Hpeaker of the Detrefrare Renate, the Clerks of both branelwa of the Delaware begieleture, all the Leading men, the Itankn, the Kiiiior of thin l'aper, and the Preen of the Peninsula general ly Clubagente wanted- One tieket and engraving given free for every club of lout w WI the money $5 Send all your ordure to our general Whoa, *we , ILI)1.11SJE , LAND AssoletkrioN. Sufi,' and King Ste , Wansington, TH E CAROLINE PEARL Will he Pent to an purchaser!, free for one 'Nailer on appileation 11. will give a detellott account of our proceroftnge iron) lime 1,3 I i Tile Newspapers wishing to etherttee (or us, will please mend us their IttNeet. tate. 16 IA ly EW STAGE ROUTE.—llerealte the Agricultural College Magri, will Leal! 'Me Grove for lietiefonte,st o'eloek a, a will leave the Colley. el 7 o'elorlic a. m., an run via of Le-Mont "End of Mountain," 11 place of via II 0118., llle, an formerly Return ing, It will leave liellfemito 11 o'clock, p. In. the College at, 5, and reach hoe ((rove by p. rn. JAmPAJrteic, Penpri..tor. pARTNER WANTED! IN THE MAKING ISUSINMI. A priudleal brlektnekt r Ix wowed to take an Inteceit In a brick-kiln, him !ober to be his only Investment. The ne,e , e•nly capital will be furobthed. A rnerried taut preferred. Ileuxu nupplied. Appllen . lon to be 'Tiede at 1.1.43 DryoctAtlC %%mums . . "111, e 14 .t 21. 1, MN PIN(} IN COLORS A SPE CaLLITY LT Tiv.9 OFFICE. Dry Goode, Groceries. ANOTHER NEW STORE! The Largest, Cheapest and Beet Assorted stoqk of In Central Pennsylvania .1111.1 PIA been opened at the now Moro room in lOrockerhoff Block, Bishop Street, by KELLER & HUSKER FOR THE LADIES They hare flaky, Coburgs, fttpaector, Merition Wool Tielalnen, Lusters, Ginghninn, Pr'eta, Lawns, Ilandkerchieln, Kld and other titovex, iloptery, Haltno rale, lloturskirtn, and a general variety of Ritibone, Thin rtningn, Buttonn, Braids, ete , at the lowest prtees. FOR GENTLEMEN They have Black and Blue Clothe, Black and Fancy Caaohnerem, Sattincin, Tweed,., Meltona, Waterproof Cloth,llllk, Satin and Common Vootingit, etc., in groat variety, and at price,. giv ing BMW's, Bon CM =I Ruch an Overcoats, Dress Coats of r ar (MIA goal Ides and prices, Plain and Fancy Vests, Casslmere sad Flannel llrerltillrla, 1 1 , derxhlrta of wool or cotton, Hnnd ker ehlefs and Neck Ties,l'otton and Wool en Rocks, Calf and Klp Itttota and :hoes, Mint Boots and Shoes, Bata and Caps, and such other articles as are usually needed. 11011litliCI.1) 0001e4 Among whteh may bo found Carpete,oll Clothe, Kowa, Brown hluellne, Bleached Dotnenties, Drillings,Ptilow,twinge,Simot- Inge, Toweling'', TRH'. Clothe, Table Cover'', Window Mind'', Curtatot Tlekinp, and a very largo ateeortment of nu h artl- Mee as are wanted by hotpot,- keepers, and at prices to still the times QIIEENSWARM: A tull RANOrtme.lll, f*OnnistlnK of Tea and Ilin nwr I/11411,1, 1111114 a general variety ,if Ware that will he thedlor...ll or pleve, and as Cheap no it 111 be purehaaed elmewhere In the county. (.10 WEILI FA, ET( Conninting nr Mogof., l'offfvon, Teas, fiploen Sirl F - foul+, Cher.4o, Flour, hio'on, Fee4l, etc, alrrnym on hand and tor .ale at a stuntl n.ivrinve on vont aerThey h,. verVt 11111 K I tlii ritlatert W•Al11, and Intend by selling everytlking at the Lowncr I'lllll RATM tirain and prodnee taken EW STI i ii F, ..... n.VP uF „ •uvd n la , A K STOCK OF (jooDs I if very .1,1,1"Ifolital, •t their flew .tore-rtion on Spring, iitreet , 1110 1 h were =9 And will h.• ...l A /10 low If not lower, than egg. h. (mind .re lulhlnn«cure lietri.t...•l4 etanprisen In rt, ifrry 1;0. Frottleytiiw.l*, lathing Siu to WO BootA And hoots And shorn, 600[10 /411,1 Shoen nets and Caps Latent atyle, of Ilnts and capn Bats and Cape Carpel- liag4 (;arpot itugn - Carpet- Biwa 1= Para.ola, Gentlemen and Ladle. Fun)tatting f,,,,4 3 ,4 'lona. and 1 ireolarn an tillk and Cloth, Carpeting, e,l le MEREIEE And everything *ln,, that In 1.4, be found In a well atovkod country atoro l ountry produce, taken In uivilangt, (r wootin. 111111 the bighent market Price paid vlin2l Itakerios, &c. N IV BAKE UN AND C ECTION ER Y, liuffilk'n Arendo, lligh Street, Bellefonte, r a =llll t hln Orst-closs lhkory and Vonfectionesy, s now pronitrod to serstitho nubile with good rush BREAD CAKEB, CONFECTIONS, and ovary thing In hie line, at al/ time*. ills LADIES' ICH; GREAM SALOON will be open timing the summer, and will be kept ettractl•e the by very excellent quality of tee ereans that w 111 constantly Ito kept on hand Praratti br publia parties eau be sup lied et very abort notice. le-Ylly G 1,7 1 , GOOD BREAD BY CALL ing at the new and extensive Baker: , einabliehtneut of J. H. BANL)S, ( w )ma re at t te e t i l ti te ni t l o . n . le ey o e n r t y on d jiy Allegheni 'tree' Fresh Bread, Cakes of MI It (min, Plea, et 4 Candles, 81,1 cos, Nut., Anything and Nre•rything hoOnistog to the 6untu.•nn Having hail year,. Of 1,11/0r1.•110 In Ihe bunuu•nn, not! wrs lunlne•I( flint he can hatlnftwtion to all .1 ho May favor hint with Whit pxtruuaga• 11u411 J. 11. SANDS. GOODS if, Intenda to keep the prtre• down wi,thin the reach of every one, and will, at the name time, keep the MEM OEM II A liPEll BRO.'S REMOVAL PANIC PRICES PANIV PAM(' 1'141c174, the publio is hereby notified the buelneme torm,qty rimiltnet,{ Ity A Hl RS , At AN, wtil arena., be verried nn by himself end broth r•indaw, under the firm l/NIIIO of thA roomp hereioforooreopled by Howell 411. (1 I • Illand, one ot which will ho dn•otnd entirely to •ery , heap 11= CLAIIIINI. HATS 4. CAN ETC' , The other one excluelvely I,N:ATII tillt)E FINDINGS, TRUNK'S, *t kiwent prken I'rri?,rellas. I I inbrolliss. Lltallrellass. A HIINPIMIIIII•flry rompoetrully requemtm all his old (Honda and rumhnnerm, wise Ftarx unnr t tied areounts upon him la.oka, to rail and Pitt. the lhn harilfk either by note or othorw,/.., hul does not wish any or them t , fall ur roll and /WV hint In 111,1 new plw o of 1.,1111[1/.11. Comm and sex us, Wit Wlii ' kit., ii. 11,1111 ,, 111 NillOWlllg our goods. though ).11,i./ not wish to huy IN-12 RIIRSMAN A (WOOKNIIIMER F i,ILEMINGTUN MILLS. , . .... OF' FLOUR CORN, a now prepared to receive orders for anything OM n thin line of business, and will give The came pltk.llo AltliTlltatl. EEO Dry bloods_Clothing S 0 MI: TIII N 0 NEW UNDER 9'113: HUN A new Grocery, Provision and General Va riety Store has plat been opened in NO, 6, RROKERIIOFF ROW, (the elegant room lately occupied by OICOROIE D. PIFER, JAME-4 It. LIPTON, who is prepared to sell, at prices to suit the people, WIOCERI FR AND FLOUR I= Bacon, Ham, Canned and Dried Frumi, Confectionery, Queens, Masa, Stone and Cedar Ware and, in fact. everything that pertaine to hia line of busineea, at prices to SUIT TUE PUBLIC BEST QUALITY OF GOODS. (week delivered to any part of the town Come, now, •ll ye lerer* of Finn Grocerles MMIIIMI I=l and eeelor youraelf that the aho, In correct JAMES It LIPTON, Bellefonte vci 0 tiT 0 it EBNow ME N W VI IL 1 tit'SSMAN • (.I;4I4.FINIIIMEIt IN ARCADE, NO'S I And 2 utuX.' Rll2 NcrlloNs, 13(10TH, 8110 ES, I= Flour, reed, Etc FLEMINOToN, CLINTON, COUNTY, PA F F 15U GRAIN, PLASTER OATS, C If OP BRAN /to., &C., do The undersigned having purchased the FLEMINGTON MT r.Ls, formerly owned PACK ER dc PACKER, BOYD C. PACKER Watchmaking tk Seatelry WATCHMAKER! MU. F. C. RICHARD Deefree to inform the public that ho to n located on Spring Street, next door to Harpers' store, Bellefonte, Pn., Whero he In now prepnrod to make nml repair WATCIII.I4, CLOCILA, JEWP.LRY, AI Promptly, anti on the most rrasonablo terms Doing a good workman and having had long experience. ho helm • that he eon ren der entire. asilafactlom 10 30-Iy, F RANK P. BLA (Fltiernmaor to .7 II Hahn.) PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER, JEWELLER, dt ENGRAVER, BELLEFONTE, I'ENNA ALSO, DEALER IN American, English and Swiss Watehea, Clocks, Fine Jewelry and Silver plated Ware, Watehem Repaired nn the mast SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES, And Warranted to 01 VF, ENTI RE SATISFACTION =I =I SO('IETY liAlsiEH Maaaraetarall al nilort native :4011,1 Gold and Silver Jovrolry Monufacturod to order. DON'T POIZOTT THR PLACR, No I ISCSIb Ili /USK and No 2 111(111:KERnopy Coal . C() A 1., r, 1m E, I' () WI)F. It , The heat Itarro anthracite coal from lia[lenterr Afinr+, nl , O Shamokin anthracite con; ,of all ' , meg. prepared ex premedy for family LINO, ramitantly an hand and fur MAO al IA )Nsi p- u MARK ET PRICES Conaurnern of coal will plon•n not. that our coal in housed tinder onunodtotta 1010(14, I/ nddn t u. ohie We now hare o wha r f nl Look Haven for irati•forring Wflkee Barre cool from hoots to rat•, and will supply etiatotnero by the or lood when dewed, /row the old l inithm,re mine• I, I M I Limn burnt, with Vll/011 or noel (or 'lnk, at OUf on Om Olin Ito/0111K to Mileptatrg I' ( ) W I) Er; Ageoht for the 'tale of letjetote powder •t wholonelp—tottek nn hand MYrCrilint, will tint IL 11, their ailerent. to tiny of n• 11l ~ nod yard fienr South Find of B E V H ft Dopot SIII)ItT1,11N.I.: I (Ir. I l IP, flel le font. P. C oAL ! COAL !! (A)AL !! ibtrin ere , led new I . Oal tilled+ and ne MO tiler /I.,orhehh'.. 1 we are prepow, di. furnl.l the tt ry Itept tikutllty of Wt I.KE.SBA filiP LEM SHAMOKIN COAL, to all who rutty want the same at the most ItEA911:1A111.1.; th,e COAL IM of the very beet In the mark., and Will bo kit Ivied 41, 13113 residence of al null,. in 130114.f0nt0, AS LOW AS THE SAME QUALITY of Coal can 101 had elsewhere All 0101)1.3t8 let with .1 (lephart, at his °Mos In Conrad Mall., or 1111 tho IZEMIEEZI ViM rerterro prompt AttoritlO n =I Sadlery S C II 0 E 1 E 1, D MANUFACTURER OF FINE HARNESS, HORSE CLOTH INO AND NUTS, NKX? DOOR 70 HAAPVI A BRO'S, Bellefonte I beg to Inform you that I have leased the abort) store, (or the manufacture of Ville. HAHNEB9 AND HORSE CLOTHING Bellefonte has long needed • Flrs•Class establishment of this kind; and my endeavor shall be, by using nothing but the best meters tal, and employing only ftrst-class workmen, to turn out Work equaled by few and excelled by no manufacturer In this country. Gentlemen can have their horses carefully measured et the stables, for clothing, hoots, etc , thus Insuring aperient-fitting articde,and imparting an 11.1,1Itioual grace to the style of the 100011, x. 0,) BC/10FIELD. bankers• CENTRE COUNTY BANKING COMPANY. Reoelvo Deposita And Allow Intewst; Diseemd, Nott , . Roy and Soil Om Securities, Gold and Coupon TIRMRT ihtoesintivore, President. J. 11,Sauusier, Cashier. v1:1118 JOHN I. THOMPSON & CO., BANK RICH. 1.V.W3741' , The coliartnerablp rusting under rho firm mune of Thompson, M'Farlano AL Co , wan dim. &dyed by niniuni eommut Doemnber lab 1809. The titeas of Winking w etintinned nt the nno dire hrtn name or JOHN I. TA U 'SUN .t CO., by MOSES THOMPRON. JOHN I. THOMPSON, WILLIAM 'IIIOIIIPSON, We will reee lve money on depeuit, dkeou and collect notes, and attend to all the hotline usually done by hankers. 16-3. WF. REYNOLDS & CO., BANK • littB, Bellefonte, I's. Bilk of Exchange and Note,. IWwounted ; interoat l'alti Olt 51,0011.1 Itepottita; Eolloottotto made and Protteedn promptly Itetnntod. Exchange on Inn Earto rn ralen constantly on hand and for aa.o Bowman. renttived.v7lll6 Machinery WM: P. I) IT (' A N IMUC(ZSBoll TO TODD • DUNCAN) F 0 U N I) 1 , , It Az. M A rII I N MANUFAcTIIKKIt OP PORTABLY. AND STA'CIONERN ENOINKS, lEZI TURBINE WATER WHEELN CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, MAr,'IINE•R3 Work. near PR R d epot 15 aa 1) Druggists, IJELLER JAiturrr lEEE! DR.UI.S, MEDICIN KS, EM 'CALM, kr i!II!Ml!II!I STANDARD PATENT NI EDICINFR A very large as. eorinieet erre,. LB? A erietne, F y timete Seeps, Ao , Ar The linepd goal• ity of Kssot STEEL, INA EST K , ITCA, SelmnolLE and ItAsome W•I L PI put it liatAT Vl/LIETT. PRYBcm PTIoNs, compounded by competent ithiggiNts at all bourn, dm) , or night Nighteuntomern pull fight Mill ZELLFK k JARRETT, , heoetonio, Pa. OEM Medical MiNNEWRIB lID To any pergon producing any medleine stile to Omer half to many ltv tog, permanent mires an its Fat can V1,01,1,,111.4 liusurAnc RiNSOT, and n i further reward e( S tun Cr o angwase or Neuralgia or Ithetimatitort rt era( Ant cure 1 his Itheritiottic Hump it. need Inwardly only, pleaaant to the nette,ttett goat attlited (roe from injurious Drugs It is not a quack Medicine, hut the scientific p1...1.111410n of Jos. I' F tiler ig It , Prolcasor of Tort ecology and chemistry graduate Of the ye lettral..,l I Iniverally of Perin nyfrattus, A 0h0... entire profeaatonai life liar been devoted vevially to thin disease, and his prat two confined strictly thereto, 'I his preparation believed, conscientiously, 1111,101 . nOlelllll 0801, to be the o nly poMtiv e reliable, Infallible specific otter discovered. As *ll evidence of continence in lie wonderful merit, a logalaigned contract will ber fowalvied without charge., to any sufferer sending by letter a doneripthon or onietion, the contract "toting forth the number of bottlers warranted' to core, and in enne 411 failure, amount raid (or tire Medicine cheerfully refunded. Title lair and genertma otter securely protects nulTorern from quark Ina pm. Wont. I 11413111411 expendi ture or money. MYIIIIII advice, With certill cmloll from prominent l'hynielans, Clergymen etc., who have been cured rafter all other treat midge fatted, 'met by letter, gratin. Afflicted cordially Invited to write for advice to the principal satire. 211$011111 Fourth Street, Phila delphia, Pe Irr Fitier'm Rheumatic Syrup la sold try Druggists. 1610-ly Sides ME 1'11E01)0R6 DE.SCIINER, GUN SMITH, ham removed to 11)0 More known me Nom. lineh'e Arcade next door to Zimmerman, Aro* k hero ho tat opening outs complete Mock of REVOLVERS. GUNS, AMMUNITION, FUMING TACKLEI Base Balls Bats, Keye, and general Sporting Articles.-Guns made and repatted and war. ranted. Sewing Machines T ILE SINGER. MANUFACTURING COMPANY E WORLD'S FAIR, —oofitlt lent.! by She. 110.1 Pr WM people-- Recetve the Urea Award a the II 10 HEST SA I, ES I And have left all rivals far behind the fur they Hold in 1870 One Manfred and Twenty-seven Thog,- sand, Eight Hundred and Thirty three Machtnes being more than forty tlionsend Ismhence Choir sole% 01 the prevloom yonr, Cot one • forty-four 01010 , 1111,i more tl he Pelee of ar:, other coropeoy for lei°, an shown try tht following figoteN r sworn returns of tht ' , ilex or Lioonsex LIP:SINGER MANUFACTURING COMPAIn Sold over the Florvnee nowitot machine corn. pony, llihrri marhlneft Sold over the Wilcox & lilbbn vowing mtveldttil (30111p11 ft V, , 11.1 11 1.1 11111 Vi mom 801(1 OYI.I . lite , W reed nl,lllg MIOOIIIIO corn rimy. 92,/4.11 ninehiner Hull o•er the l ironor A Kok', no*lilt ma. 41416 70,431 nilwhiney Mold urer Ih, How. , to/whin. company. 5'2 niehliitle. Hold over iht• Wheeler & Wll.un manufaetur- mg company, 44 V 215 Maehlnon all of wt.'', . ',Ahoy owirmr,o , the popularity or what It. known an the °New Family Sewing alaeldne," which in now fast finding lie way into every well regulated homiehold For l'lreillarn wring full partleolara of kitwhinea k thole Folding I 11. en nf many larletica Of I knd flop , ll, their Atinehinenta for lIIIITIenItIM kinds of work, Ili lush, !11l recently, It was the...hi that tielfealo lingora aloe( could pertntll 11, Sill Ito pat - twat., sthialte t articles line ' let , their Slachlava, naeh IV Twist, Lined ltrrall, t-kpool I otton, Oil, & tte apply In any of their Authorized Agouti or to I THESINGh:It MANCFACTI7RINMIMPAI 4 Bur).4 own 1. NEW YORK Pllllloollbin ()thee 11161 i'llontnut ',treat ZIMAIEIMAN linu & Ca , Agent, ID 14vIlefonift. Pa in 274, Illlncational MNRNMI BELL EH)NTE, PA lii)AIRDIN(i k( final, l alt IMYs Loro ion . ilno obit. iiiindings, Spacious and Conv.galent I TEA (VIERS EprcATED. rumb A ND =I I notruellon, thorough In 1111 the departments a a v'nnplett• Avg,lt sow vont - m..10t Its to pre pare the Modem la air beht ('alleges, far •enehing. or for Ittoonesot lite trA 1. 1111'1,14 I. made a branch In the regular e•eiree.,l “nnly :Tenet( ttttentl4.4 go" n lu moral vulture and gottorxl rotintonnot NhXi 18,1 g o. un WEDNESDA fliber 10, 1871 Fur I veil r, A th 18488•. Ith.V J /..rtnnpat Steam©r A NC'S( )It LINE sTEA M ERS = = NEW Yi)liK AN I) GLASGOW citlitott nt I.ondonift.try to Intol Mail,. And PIO ON tiger., Tile Stemmer,. of till. lay,prlto• hot. Are bunt pre•P I y for the Minute. ho.nonser Troide, anti titte4l op In every rerpeet with All Lh• tooltrtro ite t 44, entiotinted Co )1111Ure the eutet) 4 olor 4 i t .1.1 vorIV.,l,lCe of pass ell§tol, 1 . 11,-,1,0 !fat.. 1'li)10.14. in l orrency, =I hlrxt (& , in g. Gabon k. Wer ra Ite kr, 1141. liffi le - r,, , ,,,, 1,, lien 91011. rur my be it iire,ll.l. rr.hitti . Intri - malt mfr r. 1.5 Ntert.ityr Pgrtioim Lug for 11, tr frlt 111. In the 0/d Comory 101 War, Vll/1..• iek vt• at rt•titteett rates Mar further put tt•ttlso. &Ivy to I .ti I tEMON Mit all PACS 7 Bowl tog 1111,11, r% (Or to RANKIN tt 11.111 . 111.0. agent.. Kelle fonla, Pr • Iti-,3/3 3m Carriages. L . 1. M.(,),1'1:-Tli)s, 1E;111!1 MAr,l'rAl - 11"liElt 111 , ISUG- ==l I d, hand and made to or. der by t0....1001ien Being a practlo ea' In. l 1.1/11 I word., warrant all work to Ott aat,,rat tom It. p.m tug Ir. 'midiy alloraded at t he lioar..l rate, Shot, or, Smith Street ovar th« U«pot 111451? M ILESIII'Itt, CARRIAGE WORKS. SlllltElt t urers of LI( I CARR lAo h-S, BIuiWE R sLEzeitlf- lit.paiiog door. •w 1111 to,iatnenn find dimpatah All work lair at .01,1 Hang•e And w.rraniad Kl , e 4nittirt. potilkinetion MILKHB"I[I.I..(I , IN t PA I y Wanted. A " ENTB W A N FED, We want (Amu motive, ent.rprihing, thoroogh m.W Neil women, 10 WI MO will giro eolilltank work end good pay We pnbilah the Beet Roo6e, we to y,. "o, :wow. the Beet Terms. he lend melhog now In FIFTY YEARS IN THE MAGIC CIRCLE. BY EBO,NOR BUM Itetwriloleg his wonderful Meta and Woke ' with lanailmee 1111 141011114 and %thermion'''. Agetda aro willing 14 20 to 40 coplex a day. our New Family Bible, containing Hlackx owl's Comproimual vu Ann to the study 0 ( the 2,4 - 4)lw-ea, and ne rine' new and itint• proved Dictionary of the BMA., together with hi a Fine Stool Plates. tour Alamo In colOnk, and 0%1 superior en gravingn 00 wood • !devoid, Family Alham de , de. A Lornp/eta Of thin Bible and agent'. Ontfill turoished free to all who mean work. Our pl ogremitte of New Hookn for the fall Includes a New Work by MARK l'W AIN Agonia will receive &TA ebolee teiritary on Mark Twalia'a forth rm lug gi eat aura. In alms, Tema., Al.. with lid I in formation, 011 . 1f...1 011 %mil teat w U FFI Ku> Asa m I, 111. r, 711 HI. Pwla. IN 17 .1111 lIRINTING IN (;()Loits A SPEC AT TIES uIOIOIOE. 0
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