N • -r...t1 Ot73V .1,C,',3" (.4 11V1111- . 6 Wia'44:l o :lii4xJ I ',;11j,,,e,..19 , Y10 .1 0 .Ml 4 Lit , t.i ‘ 10111,40 1 ncent. pl l 4 fion_til* • tiVD•il•i a 'tilt '4.4 3 / 1 4:11j1' 1. eye, irsxiioV r„~,, ME -Vral SCI flit) , „.. VOISALIC 4'4 I g ht. " : . 77111 % f ah* 111 n • _PAPE& IN WfiNTRII OQUIVre, • _ ! 40c l aart. ,v, • , t sarshoe, or If pold 'oaths ifs 'soothe. $2,00 will - be charged or; tObearlp , stooioronotir Nl*. end atoll* risk AtIVERTIBUfiIifiTS pod Pueloeu Modem Instate edei the ueolel MON, Owl everr domerlottoo bf Art2o -t 4 ,. ; X *.t XAT ef.*. " kab— _st • t roaoetar,_ - 10vree piitnoi shed etlth 'utmost deltoid. rfirtos purehased a large oolleotion of Vier. we are pre pared to ea f the lagers oar P. 6 fe4 s o kat, CIITTIS, • ' U • -,:arrussr-AT4Avr, , eLsortio, PA ijAlLira 4, RANKIN. ATTORNEY. AT LA W'. NVIII SLAM, l I4 fT :IL TORNEY•AT LAW. -, - • , ISELLEFOST,E, PiiNN Olfiee with #6,Yr'*iwonei T. Hale, nor.% C: • UN Y SITLIDULT,- W ITU 0111111,. If EMMY k CO., Dalt G00D8,97 'Market St., and 26 Church Alley, *llB4 Of AIM STONE & SON. A 11 CTIQRANIES, ilallatoalicift. 'WM ottood to 411 buoliiimi Id theft' MN wlt► T HI/LD ORVIB, IP • ATTORNET AT LAW , LOOK HAVEN, PENN!. - - 011 e• with the Prothonotary, AL th• Court limos Buetr.etaa of al/ kinthr, - pertaining to the pro. Ilsaittoa promptly attemhut to. jut 43.9 TU 0. itadesia.. 4 1rogyr.r.AT 4 ...vr, BELLIIFONTS, PA Giow Is the Ana.:lit, ono doer /mot Boorhookoe ho tel, will attend promptly to bushes la Ventre, Clio- In aid Cleattold Counties. . - • •1110. A. DARDL•III6, K. D. J. V. DOI3I/15,11. D DIFAtELLAIB, HAS ASSOCIArED D . r. J.ll. DOBBINR wlrh him nthe practlue of Modloies. 01114 as borstorkwo du Bishop Wool; oppoolta the Tampotastas . Mitch 18-14 tt - - - - - DZ. JAHNS P. HUTCHISON, stioautaar to fir. Wra.J• jblles, reipewitrally tandem tila etbruitatonal tar visas to tit* althea/it of por-rilt S M ELL'E and "Wait, Oita, at Otto Macaw Haute 601-7.4t* MUEIO.-A LA.ROB AMORTMENT Of Joseph J. Miskley'saelob ratod Ita Lan vio lin, 'altar and vioiinodlu mmm irr ; violin nano, baton, dampers and 'arca att renalvad and fur *ale by " tilt .10Pf & MOURN. PARTNERSII/r;—/at Pefir sa t s4i b l v r ins , .... r. theetelfer their proteetiolal «rrlgee to the pidssas of Dollufonth awl yikiulty nun nelqoB - the unremittiok attention of both will h e given at adJitionel charge. • Dr. Mitchell '. itleittletioe et Mrit Bowl'. tightest*. . 4.424 itill.BEN IrStoNEEN, 50cc,....0..ia ro or n r Niihau. la trap, PA. W10L111161.11l AS u r.TAIII it it•LI11,11 trap, Kealulnea, rer mery, aintr, Oils, tar ,aillbss, Dye-Stalk TallatMorriu, linumbes, Muir and Ipoulta,Bruslios, tangy and Wailer, Attic/be, Truerabi imia ahQuidgx niaak.,l4 , td.P : 4 -.'Ctli. . AllatOlaltl win and,our fiFieli complete alit free ! sad all old al and/raft prices. _ liOlirllfer. 11114 ritrakli..4.4 from the auuatty are malted la examine bur 41.1414. T. yli AfeTloll.-1213, TYE DERSI ()NZ D are-ehosina. on oppolrryneto as 11l isalonort agent of the Alithlt !CAN :NUNDA.Y 01Y1ON fur Centro and flpidlowlon °milks will N hipprto on-pporate with the Moods of the *awe n ro-organislag Ole /Sabbath Schools, and In aplosiohltag their natives. nom who desire his scr,l,:eo or hrho thrice any of the publications of lido UNION aOl Tdeein st rUoroonally or by leator-addlresonel hs him at Be , nuLLEldr ...iii& ftl , O -1E1474. agrabicAt iviTitt: 4 1 • r ,raepairstretior 4404E415* .• le, sod et tier, oarrernadloteeertry;dhat ba pireareently landed lat JaailLeepOide, And will proilaptly attend to all dan the different !wencher, or hie y proraiiion, mudioaf or durgiora, at rciternioble 'h pe. No Is also prepared to [newt sirtifielst UrOth an rgag to tho !start Imprthr'rrnients, our th e meat proved yj b, mud to portbrein ell otterr operratklmo DeatetWrgery hi good atqle outset ae r easeable rates Thaskfal for put bast., be hopes hY protOpt at "Wades to business, still to merit aeoutinuesee of a share tN the psblie patronage, Giro him a trial. go Mass to rim or fall ool,y ma On moan'p apdyle ak llr Iliesstrve. t B PAI.:I-"/ T. , g it, _ o..ilumss, srAll. T. flux X. XX: litokwiPr cop iii: A. 0 Cuiver, ILifw*.c ',t .-'-- 1111111.10111P44114/N. SW! ' , e 1IIIIINS; MokletTON',l 4 4l/112'c0.; ' .Nau.seetari t OsinsgpOoet Deposms aßonv HD. iirretaEo7 Incvn - Aw o - NOTtee- , couNTW. 004401101ttli XID e, r C . EDP RKr .urrz - rno A. • gr ,„ hamni ..1111WairlidP Uilliefir.Xlo.olll47 rus Ole rEItOES/1"' Pint afiminr-Liroli LID lIPWAADA, AT TOSNATEArovaperkr• • __ QimrvNA ANNUM. NIONANON Olf THIIr - NAff - 4N9NSTAN TIN ON *lt 1 9vi. IT J.4ltHir ' 6 ' , I . llbileflOß. • Di , OliA i •_lli* VAX ban, lo sonnection wi b biii • N , t' MAW lohntent, the mogy&toneice and many ate ... JOB PRINTING OVFICIe t im II: totindlaipetnnel Feanaylmrspb, ecnapteled en. • *AY Of , . ' ~., 40: 1 101Ati r 11;411he lateet and moat t4eh/.14F,1T Ma sad Ranoy Typtomaja proane4 to amine all a 1 -• EtwaviiikvAiar 74o6 *awitmiha is the ifir/ pliki,t - P.toh ..Ksh. l 4tAsir , Avttigli —464, HAND BILLOr . .41ROULAR8 L ava., 1 _A'llLtircijifr, I, , . w i u s..i..; .: ~.3 n h ,tl.l. A. ,f/ 5 BLANKS,. r l . '' : ' . i he., ee. -2 it a lL44"ln dm ir is .. • •• b r i tL iil nVllß64l/RONZE.W.NTINO Noisorml•iiiiinser. ' , • 1 ~, ,•• , • . r • 4Xliooß6r i 9 419 MO beet • ,•, ' •• 9 9 A " ''' " 7 -• ~, • ' , - • Its tepid t 6 nine* "-. 1 0. 1 / 1 01 • • -. In the , R11116:41 , 41 all " " 11ThOta lit l llf AVRX/Aiii ; ill $O.lOl/:VV• •- -,1 .. /triT ova% T. 116 11111TWONWS10811. , , • . ..., ' •-• ... n . "-• ' , ',.'',''', '' ~.'. " • . c /. . •• • ' . • . ~, r . .',lt • . . .. , . '': / • . + ...M .t . . , . . - . . • a:' , . '''... ... . ..„. . , . . . . .. - ki ' 44 .. '7 ' ' .' ' ' . . .. . • '''' • ' "`- ' ' " . ~ ~ ': • - ,- -: r.: . , P. -: : ,i ' ' ' '. I • r':'•:-.' . :)•-• .-::‘ P."2.,' , , .. • . -r-41 I ' ' :'• '' ; ••• 1 • , : :•• '-. J, -- ,. - 4 4: •• ' ."_,1... , ....,3i..111)t•i ,;: ',.*:.: . .F 4.- . J.M. 1 0,7 "•,•:• - !il j \_•l l ' i'ir , ri • ' 6 ,4 ,1 •5" f ' '' .‘,' " i• ••• i . . ~ -• , , .i , . i ). ~; ' ~..,t i 7 . 3 11, .;• P ''''' • '•• • ~ .: ~ ', . .._ . : , . ~, , v,.., ...t, ~.. ..,,;,.. . , - ,-"c4l , A, • . -,..........., : . ' 4 1 ► . . T , •• ~ 1: -. t ' '^- • .• I , 1 • - . . • ' • r-; •-•!•• •.' . . ... . 4. 4 .. I ~ (.: ..:,.. 01 5 • .; 17 .• , ~1 ~.. , , i n. . ' :1.1"' 4 ,? • • - - „. ~ . ' i i ' ! . ,''''',!' ''..(:;'-''," ',",' 1 :.e.' . :'" ' • • . , F, ..- . • f' . '3 le 111, 1 ' ' ' IT litA.lllllt - - •- ' • fl - 0 1 PriDS 111 .0 0 14!". §§F in , oll C r a ? ln g n • 1:4:4 4,47,r.. Wirie%al*. !. "lA ./ ‘•ilature Matti toindast bar easit,nit4: t • ' • -Witlibiwtemaing babling Glaatass Spans 1 ifs iniat- „ .„ , WIA a ninantal ignoo !gaol* 1,4 Spring it coming! Spring le obeologl Bhe io is d. Set:thorn broom;' timeimind &Mal ng_ . is OM Airsietrea. • Uodelt, vloleicAOnglikg From the trie Girth the while; Awl thos but r cups and dibbles • etroolt herewith 'I Writ 'l' Wine. *rinds eem.i.Ag !,Spiins is potting Telit tertpre oat; - Torrenti,l M kir eeindhelhave sihtoberedt, Basta seavviar - d. with it ant. -; , wanton Aroma kiwi the &Awn, "Butledlitei kilt& the Wing, istan7i, And invited gullets to sing. Elprlog I. *outing, Spring is sowing! Joyous beats the pulse of lib; Weary ones, almost desponding, Start anew to OHM lbs stAre. Natute's !Doman throbs wltitplimsure; Spring has set the captives free; Zartb with ill her isetaing kitties's, Chants the song e(jhbikte! From Us* ale-tape a tormoot 6110, Hark ! {be nubbin's early song,, Telling on! and sit that paw M..rry spring ifiani Mites along; Welcome fillings then - harbinger of spring ! Robin's sorne.v Of the win' er we aro weary, Weary of Ito free. and snow, tonging fur the ■auhiob *beery. And the brooklet's gurgling Dow Madly when we bear thee sing The reiollle of the spline. Robin's twine. Bing It oat o'er bill and plain, Through the garden's lovely bower., TlTtcha groan learordanne itgisiti, - Till the atria meat with towers ; Vrake the cowslip by the rill, Wake the pillow daffodil. ,11.01dn'a stiran ■s thou west wont of zero, Balla thy nest and Mt the youug Chino lieaidi ottraottage door, In the Woodition leave' among, Nun Or harm them need'et not fear, Nothing redo shall 'mann near. Roblo'l some She was not the daughter of trai celebra- Md Doctor, although she was mph an en chafing little witch she might have come of a neoromantic family. Indeed, she may liive )I..ancestorsconnected with the black art, and been descended from it_ whelaitnit of sorcerers for aught I know ; 'for her whole hiStory,from a very early wiestof ter ex istence, 'was wrapped in the profoundest mystery: Dora was ' found in an tutt - barrel, ao,appropriate place edongli for such an of feciug. sehtui signifying, accittlnig_to Mr. Mitchell, desolation. Us ash-barreTiielect -ed for the repoSe of Duni ti,tAxal exactly in front of - the residence or Mr. Pluff, sexton of the well-known and fashionable Episcopal Church of the holy Symphony, Mr, Pluff mesa justly proud of the reputation of his church, lie could give you, sir, the very best, music in, the city. None of your heavy old sacred music, which it was angel to 1;14, seeing that it was composed fur Romish ser vices, but all the newest.' and pleasantest music that could be "Imd f,; the money:— Why, Sir, at the Church of f ‘ tio Body Sync phony they actually played the best mor esou-c from the Trovatore befor4 it Issebreen been produced at time Academy of. Mimic. Then Muff was Also proud of his elfrgy luau. Show him in dip nay such a c/ergy suanashis was , -- , what &options be received, ovhat fashionable audiences he bad : AN the tipper len, Sir, ;crowded into the Church. 6f the BolySymphony to hear the sweet rose ermonatriholtev. ArthurAtlnutue ; te'rinona so soft and-Velvety that they would not have disturbed lie moral repose of a Sy hmite 1 I.li;,_PlulEvvas_et first rather disturbed .0. asiliw person should l4tV6llin -: guided icnough,to drop a nameless child into Id tiOutrrell and worthy Mrs. Phill.ftU; • Moirisunjuullerxoriditu3Ls,_ But the wero it' , Opcli t iatured pair, and after , a adding t, cospinitoliorcirfillb IhihneXpected gift was slifinSifitik iti tit impreamdt cradle', they declared thii; iiince;Pio4idenVe hid sant this mortal waif to their 'door, they would not reject ,ts i; iktOrdingig the . littie, , orcaturo wart w4 t 9111 ,0 d !),x thox lestop-and took .the giisti im tho,,tpoosphold of On ottlvringillob 4111,....,_cf . 1 . 4* 49109,48kiMi. ilP,ttgAir9Ate. Iffelger ~-:%, ,+,,,,,., me •••• , . .;,,, •., A t .! Dora Dee gr e w up. she more thoo .re.• . 4 the oars of the old sexton and his wile. kod the mveetestpf soprano voices. Vol' • n.dhs l young lady , -olio had been lessletrw ' ellele-#,AiLtlietitilf* ~ thshlonable "modem, rovied the possessi.. of Oml4,vur4Viik Ref* whose terlee Awat-' Rd 3 1 wwi5tit2 ,4 44 , 411 , ,e, , hlWatoreopf the SOX SI,T.MPhebY-, ; Although.Does; Del--eim. .hi l d,tssemchxixtetted attir tt , dmiXoted iiii - d,W . :: ,Ippediplotilt; of.Plutf-Alid pot g0,t,0 Dimwits Congeal's,' she yet received a vet!) , c xuelltmt education. She miderstood musk tolerably s tsplkigo,MA4 k a,,little 10. wate i rcolOrs, and p O4 /o . u , i ck, l 'Alig, t 1 1 71. e ctr.?.94 , "°X"' eatiottl,-, , . ',s „:•;, .; • , - to limp :ow if,"to4 AleßAtir frargll l o4o ll 4VraWre ;on , **‘7 ll l X "41, eplurn; I 8 pqmnito ROBBIPOS 'CQMS. z,/ DORA DEE BE EFO , PA., WIEIAWAY,'APRI,L 29, young nun would gather on th° porch of the (Thumb or tiT Holy Nymphony to Zatog,!? pjimpeo 'ths pretty brown-liaild. DM% she passedout. !ttri t lpot - tivrise .1: 1 0 11 Art , tollith oroultiy, that Dora stunild go sod lir° it her teats ifbompanion to lier:daugtOir,lidiss Aurelia He l las hecUsteuied t 9 rock wt everyttiiiit connected ,d‘ith the of the St9phony as do far above the common run, that. ho Wal prepared for what other Men might Imo !Poked upon as uncommon ircrirrencli. NuoVu it grieled ' iho 'wordy old sexton hnd hirwife to pert, even partial ly with their little Dora, still the advantages to be dei•iied from a residence with Mrs. Trapeem were too obvjoire to De reasonabty deolined. The use of Mlis Aurelia's • good sodety, or it least , what A ptsiied for mica ; and Whet all, the" sep9raideft was only for it time, and Dot; was tefstfend every gunday-witlildr adeptml i pt(ents, Andso Dora mint? iv° with Att. s rra • pen •Don Dem . ! enough to lie • nothing but a " I am sure Mr. Halbert ' " 'Yes, hi PA:- every . 'frith tailaman like Om Prince cannot keep from follovvlog you." , !_i'iret you call me a Will-othe-wisp, theit a bird; have you any more complimentAq similes fur me. Mr. Kimball 1" . , • " A ttiousatt if you will only lit me tell them to yoU. You are likelt rose about . to blow." " That's boon done." " You're beautiful as the tnorn." . "Iferriciesibl that of-a yountlasly years v." , " I hive no objection to his haring the first - of it:-- te-inswers my purpose juit_ss well." " But not mine, Mr. Kimball. I don't want old compliment*, unitto lx frank with you, I don't want compliments at all." •• Why not I" said Mr. Kiuoliall, mourn fully. ".You know is well as! do , ; but as it may impress there/mans were powerfulli on jou, I will remmitulate them." "Novi for • lecture," murmured dijiuball, btu reproaitully; iinldnic batik lnt bliekr 'as' ii - . '', " First, you were brought lido y certain high and mighty powers, iii order allit you may marry-bliss Aurelia Irrapie, your ami able cousin." I I-don'elike red hair," exclaimed Aim pe e+ishly: " I should have to put an ex)inguisher on ber head:every night:" ".Mr. Kieuball, I am ashamed Miss Trap..so deserves to be spolkeirof more ,oipeet tulip." • Kimball grained. "Secondly," continued Dom, dogmatical• ly, "it would bo a vory, good match loryou. You are not •cry rich. Aurelia will Intro a hondred thousand ddllrs." " 1 hate enough fur my wants.''L "So ovary man thinks. But if you were marricd , yoit. would be .perfectly Miserable if you could not keep your carriago lied go lo the opera. Don't say no, for I won't be lieve s'iu." 4 , Have you ended . kNo., I 6 am how going' eci 6e selfiah.-4- You knot" my history—that 1 Wit "idopted floor sortoi anA *rife, ettea 4104,1*4 ycar,"itortly after I came. heie; Anil *hese (loath left me wqhemtreely. etrielid in the world." Don't weee, Dura, dolt n-ccp. You hum& trieud--oue w4O 'win die for you." ". Well," contirkettlefrilluppreesing her eobs,.l. you' knoll en what footing I lire here. It ie•aye9nly hope. Your attertitious kme havo sfrii4ldinirn on toe As outpicions, • 4..feetrithaid_hiut—Tazgoae_,ond her daughter. teiiven only knows the' lit tle ilefeeeutiono i have to Buller; and I real ly do not -know thb numtent I shill be told I .. . .; Melees*. , ifsaii;.fOr.,suy asko f .li ..not I 1 - - for your own, cease thie jiurimit.uf an oh. jeot that is not• worthy of you. The Tra: poses are worldly people. -Thtr lo6 g hrlh• it trick Whick : _wmarriagowltit you will:rye Aurelia ; for of course, they know that Airs. Trapeee's Marriago with Mr. irisposo wad a mesaMiewee. Do give e - beer thus' . rommitid dons of rims ; settle *wit' bite a reopeata le member of -- Moiety: nd let the poorbid oompaniow shift for herself." • • -.. . • • , "Rilicr kr..: Iles. et c !". tried. Kiiitivall, 'hitratleffi.auddordy nto - e Oksisloiv; all' the tdOloliffieubAtietbsi'vikirtillit'llittlaseirtism king `toVaiippiess it._ eqkwit,':iieres • bv-the n fiee'oi RehmJai& • 'on to litirly wife. T mill' neief iited Aurelia Trapegg.; Let her . i . -- a - bmffillhd;itabeitibeeseriwiMrbeg,Lhun. 4reti Gicupwrfror akiliali* - 111%ball, In #44,t tpp4i,i . . -- yist pin, 44,t girl...l4Pet or phiii, my bean yootrias to pin. 1" am, snit imor ; • ielleT . t; PM A Mu , not poi it , - iii with 1 such an kaiiipiive ai you by my alde,T,Wojild conquer army difficulty: Dora, p' s o„, A love you! Give We your heart, t . implore it I" t lhe twilight doepeied soddenly in the 1 14,.yin'dow In .wtkich Dora and, Kimball wore, sifting Both looked up stained, and lohold Mrs., Trapegl in Mack velvet loh r in. /1 baftiel,tbeni-like altitudredmal liviiiity I gun friggatio with every catintia iihottlii : . "Get?t, n, #onoof sh e iiippresseel*halbert; altio, - in e hid earneatneas hid .• 4 , efle; not,. per. my-drawlni pone`44'etted',into itAyiedayi : • • 1 1bongh, nit-int.confolisini.ll4l teress'herels a consuroulati . ress-" '.hladani," began Dins, , L jaCilr''pafithig -kith indication -at-ibis " hlites;i do not Intend to • e with ,you. too More ta &nee :^ you hay') R ed my o shall leave my this ins , As--yeei- • eieso r hlrsl• , proudly, bat witli a baratint- are "Good God! Mrs. Trapesia; .t to-nig h t! crjed limball; in a toryp carnation, Ihe is not to baron; you let te e ex , plain. Vette ate fiio teat itllnrysi eini the nioment, coldly : "any house affords uti )114teireur for amina who Ain an - clean it neltfiterteese." l hafl wis foe .• nibiaiiitr lined - by t t . do Alm ifej• ) y "Then cold thciar .-, *0 No one 1111 prOsat'yotirdeliftrture, Mr. 1 , - Tiltubslo,6l,,4lio nog I inust bog of Yon to nitustober. ;bit wbsu you grow 400 aot that gitli-dialafistmadmis o ion for you Vier again." • ' . " Como Dora It` triistriallert, not caring to trust himself to`* " Como with me. Po fethet• ovwfitiOshOor.er pioAt thorn sacredly than I will r moMiryiii •glro pie the holiest of titles, that e♦ husband. Come !" Ile turned to Wit& ihs bad been stand ing, but there was iri ittKpty space. Lie ran into the hail, bpinedihe- heavy, okezt door, tnd peered aniioatit Oat - btu the icy night. There were small tootle -hip in ) the White snow that covered:OA Without an other word he Ileitis/this Let, sad rushed iu to the street likes mideian. I - ii 1 { J', • Oh, ho cold it menthol. night! The snow had frozen on the top 'lnto a tronedierens crust that broke at evil? step and let the foot sink into -a stria f damp, clinging flaVe L — TIN 'streets, until the wooden Wind of the houaer seemed to shiver in the•blitat. :There ti as a moon, tint . ao obscured with dull, stormy clouds, that ehe Vly shone on it welt, by 1 winks, looking out seemin y upon the world when, finding everythin4l o , cheerless, she wraps herself up hastilyja filo in her fleecy vapors.' ' The ,polioemen cowered in secret places, Iced nothing faired in the white tricl oucb.oly streets. The very pits lamps seem ed to fuel the ilrow.ini,; tor.sequent upon extrema .old, and looke , t through their fros ty dimmed panes, as if they couldscarcely keep their eyes open. It, win; a night of hitter cold ! • , And vomething lions itild.tras irielin# in . the city. Ibilt along Washington places, something dragged feebly along, but what it was ono could scarcely' determine in the dint light. Now it crouched, as &pure than ordinary bitter blast saept down the gastly Sidewalk now it clung feebly r to the railings and il,rimed itself along; nra agaln it would atop fearfully and listen, like some animal hunted to death, listeoingignio — so — tnal:of PuPoluit.. • 1* 1 Park,fto At, last it croasc oni, on v 11 painful and labOriotte itn,ggle,and enter ed there where, there is a lane lined witltilybles. it sank apparently: eihittritisi—gitik in .the dark corner, hod , died and senselerni„.4there even the moon could not see if: Ten thousand flakes cams pitiless snow s dern upon the .one,,,and as each drift flowlir; It lionti,a frozen alma .ihe L Asrli,l:lllll9ll Zlyt Inc tiuddkd in Cho lane. - Why, the city reeteed :dive that- night I ,—, There was another 4iit—not faint and Week erith trailing limba, tat stopt and a w ifyind ,t, with eager hopti. ---- Dolortire street he pilme tumbling note ihd then in the Aie,,! snow . itii his hartta,..bid i tt• 'king fearless otitis . lti'attiflumitimtimfait_modiy as ever.. '' The 'incest+ . Wiliinver her traeks,".he isiiiitoeftehtimelf,la 4 with head down', like a hound on the trial, he ran along It it "cited ering them fast.' 066 grant that T miry find' her anon. She' iiiil,lpag3eit here. Thine email Prints are hefts; -but thid ceriluTinthle; rat fastpaqd t atil lase the 'trail f Nollak girl -0 156 N, Motto'"'. . ....., And : 44 1 6.4„1. 4 10. barttnino Mitt petit, bfidglNitnoW ; 44 ntiffilOti4 loa f -4 ft gigaln;iihnilifilleirt kimbelt-t -e paii.4o at the juneta'llfrfill •avenito end WiAdthil'MU Park, •• r ' ' • '''i teit;hl-Pagaid:hote;''ttered ; "'the ' 'k ilittit-bitt- I can- dotit. ,,, aud-, , T Iclai it h'CrO: it in COVdOO ‘iit6 ' inciw: ', 0 Podl thitin lost her —ahe illiOiria*lggitit , 01;64 'T, do t' • , • 4. - 3 :. Zhit 1 • 'lle ''Witii'lliasling opiuntite the lane .wii - ein the dirk mass lay motionless,. with "flit; ,iiittehea of freshly fatted `fluor mottling ite olitlinee. '' The Moon was hid, tend lialliert Molted saragoly up, for therthottglit el.'oiried his-mind' at, till, ouituiat that by t 1 . ald of her _,light lie Tight i•et ,contlpue life introit. 'I do biller° this let thiLyriontint l i tonitid M the 'depths of Ida heart alomoi. Thing e toeiaingly, bed atout, the ninon. ' - t , , Lost !"tAfired sndtiitiTogirtoy shJ WiirCho lihtyibtritda bittts t Mid glettist SW 'is 10 . *list 6 . 01 1 4 do to .find her t" ' • ' •A moan—a vety'lerihkinattifirt the lano. flalhOtt thiplied,34elird l 4istieti that he tnide the I,llein4r - aeon, Aagain the amen are, htit4inter than at fitst ;.atill itwas enough, lieratliiti.ll 4 dot:HMO the dark lank "Dora !" and in 'another moment ho wits warming the cold' chreka and lret curls of the look one on his bosom. m atiy words my corl *sty. You How tentieritlLlifted her pi, and how proudly-he walked. through the , anow_while she hey in hiS arms, with hers clasped around his neck and her head nestled in his breast! And in spite of Mg haste to tike her to his own - warnt home, hew {,flan he stopped to Liaq her pale cht,ellter! 4u4id tart. "Dort{," ho mnt►ered to her pressing hbr dolts, u iLha feared that she woilld again escape him,.. l 4sow could yon been so mad, so rbehlest, ao cruel as to busU out into this• waft night - . . not heir what mile maned me 1 It seemed to lost ilint splendid men candles. ho lit, jag a roaring lire be made, and how ho produced his elpst tempting stories, in order to tempt ilia° Dora Doe to eat T How he mods won derful wilco for her in a magical self noting coghe not, and how, when!she grew wearies!' out s he retired discretely to a neighboring hotel which ho left at 6 o'clock the next mar 4ink in older to have an interview with it. clergyman t I know I need not describe all this. Your kindly imagination wilt soppily all. those thousand— details whihh crowd around every such domestic romances as that which I relate. TLcre ix one fret bowerer that you should kn'ow. Important, because such ovents are generly auproaLd to 1,., 9 the end of rotnanea and the beginning of reatity-; and as I never wish to. trespass 111 wrbou the domains of the latter, I wish to finish oft the first with a 4 flourish !- - In the morning thiay *ere married' t PrVOLUTION ARV RE3IINIS - CENSE. Mr. Silas Daaih, oar soaredmioister to par is during thcererolution, related tho fullow ing story of John the Paintstr. While Mr., Deaa was en Pans, a stranger, r.itho,r,advancen to years, called upon,• him, add requested to tahe with him in private. Dean; surprised at such a request,aus.ratli er on. his guard, and interrogated the stribit ger" ad to his busines ; hut ire-could gtlt r,otinag from him till they should go into a ornate room. Dean to!spceted hem as an., triifsary from the length determined" to grittily kita.,' When nioae he made many excuse 4 .CriaWlt !ha Busily toll lion that he was alt . Ameri can eitiz'cii, though n .cotelinian U birth; that lie heed in Amboy Newt Jelsey, whore he hid a comfortable house ; - that u Idle file British Army w as in poi,st.brioti-of they bad suspettul iii 3 princillen and treat ed him I try ill, in %al ions nays, and finally • burnt down /11, ht,,USC and gate him much personal insult ; 'that lie lead determined on killing (Aerie, fur purppac he lend I come to Europe ; that he had been to Eng land and laid and • ass now tiedy to execute it ; MA duty to make Mr. Dean acquainted with it, Its, the Minister from Ida country, and taPe his nel- Vb4e, that 111,;, had rftgNiqi by the` nntlw. of JOtitt the Painter. Mr. Dean was much snr- - prised at this- communication, and st tliiii4ht him deranged. tle.theii stimitettted that ho might*have been sent ai a snare by WS British Btfutater. Attcr talking ,With him &Jade, and finding him very deteriirtio 4-iii dreited'fitto again. 'llte . .ecxi duty he returned, revealing as detail:mined a resolution rs ever. Mr.Dban reasoned with him thot' it was mean and cowardly to as: stestinate a mare w cold blood,slio Wars ,,,deirifured hitn—porsonsilly. Fjo answered Mit his h'en ant's' (Ad Insulted, abused, and Moat,' ruinedthe: Wifd he would have iFengeand — thai l- ne. *stiffly - /.12 , 4 , 1eA%r0g: ehould' preir'etal bins. le deireloped tilE w told , plan, add "Wry% bold said heliii4 'our; Ohne at the wisclorWe , fit to . icobmplifsh the incl Lk he seemed to ate laid it in snot ir ilia:met as to• render eneccse certain. Mr. told Rita that if he mutt - have . revenge, Word` take it' in gelimmit way: Hd should go into *the American army, and inektderstatarAlirte in the field- , -ori if ha tifigt:llst:tred In 'killing blir iienerakit—ft Wank! be;laelat batthe private maintains. tfed of lit 4 Mint:mit , man, ot hie *awl and I isimpetting no ill; would be abhorred by all glue Rio till iir ' atp - 0 • rimt moat 4verrytiiing , to pc/Suede him from it.— ha left hini. Whitt' horoturned,lse Isitine ha t little lisiillo,'ss„yingl' •thook you, sir, I'tonfeeli, it is uniairfol to lift my bond against the Lord's annoioted. Yeas lisSe cenvineed'Pot I amlistermin.. to burn the navnt 404 at Porinenoutiusist. Dean answered as tbat, would torid , to itoak. en the entsby iu carrying on" the'snim,if Ito 6otild siceomplis it, imwookl bars no Oleo lip* but he neon not aid him *A. 'as hid he totild' ifo' it and-Niigbted'"'.Yar; fq and - re,e:onnitiire'ilritilditi.`o". Dean , reraiptled him thattif Aught he would USU• aedly lose his -life. Ito-said ,lie sbpuld rot attempt Ile was an eia uumo j iie4 pocgnto ‘#..ollre.m tfqe9 or eury, ars-lumee, it was kutatter or, little consequence to him, so that lie 'cltiula but gat^teirengo. , • , Iloac!..orcliney went to Po'rtsmonte, and bnl eommutiletiit tifile7 - th;tillia: whole plan, with the inktrumeot • made if tin, With which ho 'Was to aciiimOih it.— The SC/113M0 was well laid and promised ttecess. Some 'days after, he Came again and vid: "Now ; I know that you will think roe a r ascii ; lam 'come to bi . rroW mercy ; I have. expended all I had. I ivant.sone grOnea4o entry ,uto to Portsmouth. Dian told hits ifthit was all, hi:should bavo it lw gave it to• him, and:he went oft Dean, receivid thefollowing.fiecount of- his pro. ceeditigs. from a feilnd who attended his ex• &ruination before the rill council : dle tired at Portsmouth, and took up .141 s lodg-_ ings with a Very poor woman at the skirts out to reconnoitre. he old woman, MIX • iOI . I§TO ho or what her guest was had the coriosity - to look into Ids Imitate. the found n Aida and a pair or stockings, wi'li it tin machine which she could not compre. bend. John the Paink r, wants ti a top to his ntnehine, and toot it to - a tintnno and had t.‘ , • o nt to report if any'ltranger find lodged flu re.- The olil woman reported John, the Painter, vtith the estnionlinary lin Machine : the ticunan repOrted Ids making a top fur it.— John was flied upon as the ineeddlary. and it being taken for granted that he .was +tent • y. prepared . for the purpose, and re lays Of horses were prepared fur his es...Nte, horsemen were !eat on every road, and den to pursue and take up any and every person they found riding past.. By darght in the morning John had taken his bund:e. trudged on foot up to London. About upon. the horsemen set on that road came up With John, and waked hinrif ho had seen /any per• son on horseback riding:past that day. John answered in the negative, dull requested to know the reason fur their -inquiry. They relstell the story of the fire, and that they were in serch of the incendiary. John told them that they were wholly •tnistal.cn in their pursuit, for that he was the roan that act f,re to the ritoßreS. 111111 glee tft in his eta , suns for doing it• they though` him csasu:bu.onlye." tt tc with mama particular circumstances, t ej 'sand and brought him gig( to Portsmouth. Ito r ss thole recogn red by the Old woman and itliq - rynasitnil sent A . London where he na..4 °stunned by their:ivy council. Be candidly hild them the whole story, declailing"that he should certainly hare killed rho king, j had f.ot Mr. Ikon dissuaded liiin tro u t doing it, and convinced him thatillscns unlawful' to lift his hand against Cie Lord's annoint;it-1 ,11tt be was rtady to die, 'and lt. dad not ' c.ire how soon. Ile tl..uicol haling any ao• compliQe, and said he rejoiced for havin; oh ' tensed reseugt. for the cruelties a itli which be hail been treated by the llritish ' He was tried, eindeni,R4 and lap red. A very unfair and false aioiiiit of hi., ertai nation was pablished at ?he time, and no tidier of Mr- I.ltan'a harite.4avtd the tm king's life. c'tn.vrs D 1 :f r Rl' ,41. CR I -1: t• 1 .11 NS DR 0 EA Ki Ac; A ri corrcarident of thtr Shn Tranuista Liulimn, Jamot fluitley, a Chinexelitterri . ... ter, directs ifte - utiiiii tiirfiefaefttift ClT ucae ll'ptory contains des , :riptio•at of a vast coontr) InatiS thou...ands of Indic,: eastwnid from thtm trti;rlt they exl.l, 4 Fc4cifig, nod - di it is ciTriicifdati must be l'Aiforma and Mexico. 'I heir account ktatka, that in A:A. 450.. Mu!hist priest., bad gon L.l Fit• 6i ng ; (b . r Attirri4) and iltitribtftd .ntli'hist tritelit and images arming the . luhaintants In A. D., 490, forty 'years aftcruutrda. Fu.r. priinas 'arrived at ilinxetatt; end riportcd vsaions particulars in rer9nn.c.,:, to this fiCuntry. The Chillers hihtoriatt e.atia the eottn'Ty Ftteaeg, fro , in the_eatne of a pari h.elar tree that grew there,trhr Watch Le .riiii•Faxik the,: " The—laaraut or the fiti;anw, triter,: ;;I:eiluc t at, 1: ,,,p1ub10 those hinakxs. The kthsbit!inf44 eitthe fruTtiri.rtritiit weare•its Balk " tnty Muth for "clethUir,enil article's of -rdbroideri. Tlic have bimks which are writtetlOiciltiileigar Of this tree jthe tuaghey) Preacott 504:3, l i hat L its '• bruiaedieerea otrar4 'a paste, froth, whit:l..hp/Ipar WA, 111/1410 ' ; its Juice Fl 4/ 9}3A• Ofartured, into, au intoxicating beverage, pulque, Of Traiish the nadivra„to this, dab area:massively fond.; 11W:kievia /supplied . ..a itopcnetrablq , thatch ,fir the wore dwelling/a: ..thniall, of whicda- eliailee Mu • were giado i .and,atrant ,riorihifiwore,ilrfau „, . nd twisted Id/tee:4ns and ofat w / weras made of. • • trepiit,y or! 14 lealue; • nod tl - el root wlit pp/1443/ - 40,001, Aita eptivettelLitttu ft pal itaLleand abuiritious food, ;rho. nueirtiey, iikshort, woo: meat, drink, clothing and wri ting material fur the Aztec ! Surely, never did naturfnclose,in so compact Q farm so ylSf the etinieniiiir hudtsn uoridoji:surf ..._lllr.Alanbiy also says/ " ; milli in ballfornia have noticed the similitude plat btOrlirt/.4lte Indians and the Chmage, tlatellitellAltrlK arta Abe eitie ealaati *el r•-moree IMMO 44- 1 ME - oiyllabto 'gilt', l'4, ikinl - iruiWin:roscri eape. • rierice I ii.ol that they sire tyiktly... ',/bc WC ; itioraccirot-ean.ba traced thttsghatibein- . claw language; though tho most of Oa thic• .Icr Ilailkull 1 !11iqt41.4._. __44Miiiiii#llll4-- speak a great deal at- the incientrAihte lan guage ! . Not wtshinglo pursers/ L!4 Object much turther at present, - .Y *llk trivesisibis.,4 row_ words fe_r_thcit......ilialatig-,tha-- analogy, as follows : _ ••: . ~, •'' Indian. •- . -Chinese. : glish. Nang, Nang • •-. Yi-4,0 ',..., Sorg • Keok- a • 'Cc.* ~ 41,..k-a , soo - ,kket .. • -•-: .- - `1 Fact •ri l'ne.t, Moog. Yerla 'Vat .. Sur. Cilia I lota Much. 1.e.,-;(nn Pk' lung Nalltess. Ile-la-4w , .110 - all A.-pa . A 7 - , pa . jilsglitr. • A--mn ' • `A , . utak • - Motbur.. Kole A-ko . , Ilhother. Ko-ehne ..' ' To-elats ”- 17i4104. , Ngaiii Vain ^ Drunk, Koo lac Ku ;Ay Hers. . 1 Hoo rhea: ' rill J.. Lou Ilog. ilhoo- Lou Kw- Oil, Drip., - • Ti -Jam in Chinnae wane the god of the upon, or night. 110 ma in Indian lithe eon. to rhino,/ cucane the god of the eun, ttM'. ISull,c i n went' comment"' nee4 ninnng the tdAtAigthte - a - Irland•, It 4,150 tn ROY , ynten." IVelFt to the no. un•nnit a Wall. NU11144.4"4 Or OtbOr words etint:l l :giv• I. but chill lox*, tbtau bumoc. fir (Ile prt The 41 • recter ct the to uil linroug,he and tows tlips.of the cutn.y, kill tunrnalt-fur the purpose of choosing a County illapeninten dent, fon tho.nett throe school yeast. aiogo whose duty it fa,l4 Use., tactiabas Superintendent are fortunate in,,,thair Aka Mon, we may atill hoe that tlelX•ollialta ticlpited.`by:lits suprrrialon of inch lte% t:onary, may be realized . . should ionetty- . one be elloSen Merely because be professes the qualihratintit deaignatel In, the law, lie lick 'ether and egolgy, Ir not more important qualification, Oen, we bake 1 . 1 it& iiiptet. hy..the ereettm. Ore* elks yon the part eta welfaatmairqrtnre,in thin particular act. A _ Coun ty e a rintee• (lent, should be In hart ant! principle seboof nine, a true inairied friend to the system, one who 'regards with favor all school.' that hare for tlieirbtject the cue. cure of the Inman intellect andAgnal par ere, but especially anxious for ihe PraPcl." - ' ty of the Cutntuutt School tilystei;'. In abort one, if netwia be. who is willing to infer !!inaulanatea and entree. ' tithe-it . se• lecaon to knoti that the oneYtillirebeital: has been i real friend to tho-domeatre edictal l in time past. This is known byiliitaiets.— [Let the inquiry . be Institittetk leithhe done anything hi behalf or the #l4inatt known - to tate thrown-PrAnilisencts into that side of the sotto where are the cootesnott schools l His he by. - word russl, deed, in 1 hearty co tperatitia with tholyinads'el" the people Milrge bean to,ntd 1;7'beN1111 iii• portant inquiries and the itllhrtlig Should ha -in the altirtaatiiro. ..Elor.••itationcapeault lott der-than words" iann obi anti a costa saying and by then; knit? ehall.ye know them, wilt apply here as well ainaaniikinad epeeist lase. j A County Superintendiat ! alieadd be one wh frAt--ferilega, peleciftli.-asuLagirte•atitY. throwa the wholeweisha of bbribilities • to the at to canes it in pryiensdetlite , favor of mourns of coulluciveldmi olB l llll ° peeing and appreciating the origleed design of the aystou belitu4.latiebor to,build it dp,. a a unit XM o i:o rpo rtur 4 distinct in. t omit. Opi.olleff to t everr !Maur, and .pruthdert to the 443h001s of vie• tocracy es opposed:lo. the .•040111 of the ' gtcat Intot,elt, -the ntling.- inglions." The lu4dy sons, of labor who widget, all the 1 - controtta end . hixuriettof.-life. • .1111 th it; aliuuld Its distiuctly inulernteod. I wean Llic.Original and rings tit drehrtfr.erf the gen • 4 oral school law. 'Tat In every utighbor 1, hood then should - bola- scheoßia--wieleit ell the brannbtrinif irthrAtmlerNigitildkuducol" are. taught and item Attie era taught tto heconac Tb ' idea a hay should be lent_ nwey boil .LiN . cutumult school to en anatienty to be quali tittd 4 111 1mietannesfteuen eieheatie.-folanp.ta, the inteni • and tritanertg of tbo:.a)itcut,lnte 4..tendencyteklewarthe ttantlag of thetgs t}tne in the eAtianathlit.ef.eilixbo regard the itten - aittorreet. - - Ageht.*--Vetenty .leupsritt k•ittlent ehould meet genendly,lou &gu' srl.q bite • land)/ adtd , wiling teddy et all to sum! hi 3 own .014hIrs 1 1:10 mon stilmial. t —ldelef autt• appreciat,., that he has sontethiugaiL stake iu the stifle! of ii etety, hot a conscientious maul four ths de. relopuout of thy intellect laud atiorsitinrcl. °patent of hilartnr. A maat_uhe pared to convene alma Inc*. sled sonrei4 freely with thous in • isktir,l to the import mum of sending tluie.cluidetm to sellout, in . zticitlu. tore theta ince n vies .i Co; to ant min the great 'system of hommun selmeld: Ite should be a man who Is govennd be tia oat VlTlthYdruttainuliki • llintif-a-fits-- isentitelaiiii - iR tut tie. caisson liy .M.visentoering; ski initiciao iu one toad' eh pat haat, in this' county, then iia the hutie . s. of the trim Manilla of the system wilrireuianstiatit.alk ralihimat eutarinnisin ahcifirTflettalike hand iu tht iitiettion of Stiperist s endent, Mid altneld bu kblei to succeed 40pf • wdt the system be ithittefollo 'eimeM "It a pottomyht vessel broken." tam thsjahitiotot, '4lllsellcia wham ihartabastlerijilaiok Superintenditui be "ous.imil ludisialhlcillik4lie selection Of he 1/10.4t mitt it ampa lli lasteitive of his re• li. blVito4t! °lotto - is a true • end.d..02.4441 • "- ECM . .. ~ ~.~ - li ! Mfg • NO. '2lO.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers