V" -- ,1, 0 , - ,i", BM WEI gat., 11. zip t . yaratithunnt. .01,4,0 1 . 1womit o co n iArlt ul PRINPtIA AND PUIILIMEMD SSSSS 4 7 11DPNI 1 * 2 T- Joim.°ll:,lloolTElti. lam k -ta,i• in ndyanee, or if, Todd within six mouths $ll,OO will he chervil on all eubeerip along tkvablig td ha ender *bit ypar. InSMIVICTS nod Suelosee Ne.iose Insert — ed at thalami! Estes, and sew tleeerivtion of • • eT CS ,311 1 ! wt. x e I l\T ntiC. 14.$013T1RD In the neanon manner, al As lowa. prim, and with the utmost deapobab. Levin purehased a largt oollestion of typo, we are pre parnd.to Wain* dm vain" of our Mends. • Protossia,nal. •OUTTLE, • %or • • irIIAINEY-AT•LAW, '-:11.437.110 ,cLuasnu.b. PA U ATTORNEY AT LAW, BELLEFONTE, PA lii • LIAR it. BLAIR, ATTORNEY ,Al LAW. RELTAVONTE. PENN • .I•Nrcie, wish nom James" T. le;,_ Win 01111IINCY HULBERT, WITH SMITU, MURPHY dt-CO , RT G00D5,97 Harlot St., and 16 Church Alley, jamb-8 tl MALTAX . TO a sox, UCTIONEFAII, S.Uo TA, will Attend to all,nwerne&e lirtheir lino will endentality. ar HOLDEN ORVLS,. icr • ATTOfLNEY AT LAW LOCI: lIA EN, PEN:CA 011ioewith the Pteithenotary,'at the Court house L i r e j imilLeu of all kinds. pertaining to thepro ihmidoajoTomptly attended to. jali2R-8 rtA o. NTIVIELL. ATTIMNE IC-AT-L AA BELLEFONTE. PA 01les In dm Arvid', one door from Sourbrianlo . al, wlil attendpromptly to business in Contra, tea had Clientsld cremates. 010. •./ADIL•111, M. D. J. 11. DONOVI., 1. D. JIO PAIRLAIIa, HAS ASSOCIATED Dr. J. H DOBBINS with tam In tho proolloi of Modietuo. 018oli as koretofors oo Bishop etre*t, oplio th•Tomperanse Hotel. Match 18.14 tit DR. ,TAUIF,S F. HUTCHISON, successor Lo Lir. Wm. J' rsoposSfall.f tarsiers his profussional Per sists to the *Mums of POIITIcr3 11ILL'd cud 011eestlheHussw flows, sa2l44‘• LARGE A.SSORTIEBT of Joseph J alivkley'eco!abratcd 1t011.1.. vio lin, columned rinlinealloii rings i also Anil* rosin, briiies, dampers and woes. Jail received and for Sale b tthEEN a Ida • 0 "VI .t, I' i '., %‘•-,- - 4 ,,, - , '• , ,...4. - ;10 ,0 1r i he rn 0117111•14 the Art t th:t . ;3sehr.'":`.l-.` , ".. -•• . ' heir preeselqba sopriess Jo the detains of Is Nod: vicinity. Wfiin wee: no tlee untesslttl ,: ttentiou or both nil' be gif en iliftlisat solditiessk vie. ,_. 9 r Dr. /Mad a resides', st Md.. Bennet'.. Mililliniti. dient. VOR It EN &I .11oM E N, kuoo•aters To Ono. 1. Maas. 117i1.1001 , 1TH L WIIIOUR6ALIIII AMID ReLTAIL DiALtail 1111 Drr•Staite, Tenet, Seam Brothel, Guar and Teeth Stailles, fancy and Toilet. Anklets, Trawls mad dbeelder Brune, Garden Saadi. thalomere trill lad ear amok complete and fresh, *ad Wield id medersee mire, - - --- lartannert and Phyalotatts from the country MN smiled to examine oar NiOdk. a y2tl _ • Alreb24-riz intim 1 . 1, BIGI4III ifi_hki f it appointment es di 'Rohm./ agent of the .ANN WA X UNDAY BCIIOOI, UNION fur 00fIte• ant HOIIUOrOII snootier will be happy to 4 ,- -"perata with friends of the ammo in re org rnfelua tqo tatikialla Bebop's, mud in replenishing their libraries. These who desire his services or who dtalre any of tho,publiestions of the UNION will please al.- ply personally or by letter tuldreseed to him atilial• a to , HENRY. 111.1i.Lga. eser-H1•18574. 'MEDICAL CLULD.—DR. MUSS -g-T4i4 'i•sp•coraiv, taproot. We ultimata of Jackson villa; and' Of the surrounding country, that Ito ha. Psnelenently looefatl at Jattilsourlle, nod A ill promptly attend to all colloid the Afferent brunette. , of his prtiesektu. znittikteti or surgical, tit reasonable ehorimt. U. i 0 also preParod to insert artilielal teeth so *ceding to the Intact Irapotlulants, and the moot approved (Lyles, and to perform Alt other operatlotto he ammo Surgery in good style and at reasonable eat* Thaakral ter poet rayon, he hopes by protopt at *option le ballots, still to merit a 000tistuaaett ot allitareof the ptblio patronage. Olye.hiat a trial Xe wishes to rise or hail =War hie Mete awl skill. dlatterva, .1 D itiy 0 - 11' I T BAIL E. O• • for JAR. T. BALI , L MOALINNia, —A. 0 Cultrik; W. WiduarAy. Pap ON SPECIAL IMPOSITB. ' EUNICE, MoALLISTUR, HALE & CO., BILWIPOSTII PA. ..Igreel REOIV BILLS OD---EXCEA, E OE AND ED. NOTES DIS COUNTED. _ ,COLLECTIONS MAIMI, AND PROCEEDS RE (IN. WITTED MOST PAID ON SP EC I A D.E. PROMPTLY. POSITS FOR MINIM' DAYS AND UNDER SIX MONTHS AT TEE RATE OF FOUR PERCENT pitaIINNUM—FOR SIX MONIES --- AND UP'S ANDS, AT THE RATE OF EVE PER CENT PER ANNUM 111XCEnie1i4 ?MK EAST CONSTANTLY ON "4 HAND. 1020.9 ts it 1111,103 1 0 11.1113110;017/0 .181 4 t Publisher nt Tu e I.II2IIOenATIC W ATCII yen has, in eonnection with hie Newspaper grab Aliment, the Must extensive end complete Al) , So be thutelT4 etp NEW MATERIALS, Asa git*ist and Molt fashionable style of Plain lioil WSW, Type, and ix prepared to execute all WSW .1 , 002 C sthid, FANCY JOB P,RINTIND, 1a the eery 011atiost style, and at the shortest i pollee ac _. ntrirBILLII, CIRCULARS, 1 sTatis, ' BILL HEADS, , liar SILLS , BALL TICKETS: . A TION DILLS, CARDS, ' PA 4R TB, REckarrA, :' ~--„ - Nowa . CHECKS, • .‘ . 1 .. , , , BOW BILLS . BLANKS,. .. , rsclaiwaair.s, A - . 3., .t.,., ke, . • ' 1 llgraioLD, SILVER and BRONZE PRINTIO turreted In the handeomeet manner. • MINTING IN COLORS,. in the sost beau. Itgdilidslied style of the art. 414atkon guaranteed In regard to'neatnesi, • . ems ant.ponetnallty In the fulniraeref all 0 14111111.. OtIfICIE IN THE B. ARCADE. 2d FLOOR. DI WETLY OVER T. RBYNOLDS' Frroma. . . . , . . • • , . :7 ' 7..: . . : •7; t I - , . .. -' . ~.. . . , • • .• , i . . , . . . . . . , ... , . . ' #.,,•, . . . . . . • ' I .:* 4 : • . 1 . . 01-.- . • . • . ' .. • - , . _ . - - . • ^lr. i.'--_ ''',*l4.A. ~ ' :f+ . ' L . • . . . • -- - -•• ' •r•r ~ -. 1r• •.; \ ' Ilk • .. ...' I f .. . •pt .„. f lk .. ... ~ '. , V A :?;.:i: _ill._ • V ..._ ~ . ._ Ihri , . _ • .._ _ . „.. , • . ..... , , _.,....._ 45H. 1:::,. „....... ...._ • _ - - .._ -...-- ..•,k..-.i .' - . • • - - _ ..... . . . , . _....._ .. _. . w0n.110.114 AM, la Uri An 111 ?nil tba nin.bne ft INnh insldoin NOWAaai s 1ik4114,1110114 Ad • brooloirlowoop-wlth a nu . ** trabthir. . And bends Min *book of part. . 4 • Theories a mastoid tile Up OA rivior pate Intern the eottaet, airs are plating ; There's a alouallie sler and • tropieal clime Awl a son m sweat si • veeperobtine. , And thestekeee with the Form see-tatayitait. And the ninte ertilli iie II the Ifoloit.Ao And we _bitty enr'treasurec there, There are browse:hearty anikbosoine of mow, There are heaps oirdut but we lave them sill Thinci are trilikets and trissiset hair, There pro Iffirmonto of eons that nobody Mack 4nd a part of as infaorPrayor There's k Into untwoptimi a harp withrortatriilp There are broken yowl nod Omar of dup. And the goyim& rho itioa to There,ara haada that tre Wawall whoa th ' e, fairy MM:I By the talrerre la lifted Is ; And' we sometimes hear thre' the turbulent roar Sweet adage *e heard,in days - One 'before When the wind down the deer O reinembeed for aye be the Waned isle, A 1144,4 ay of life till night! And when evening armee, with Ile beautiful guile A'nd'our eyei ore oloeing iu shetabor awhile, May that 0 reeowood of soul be in sight.. . GENERAL. WAStREN.. One of the con/440431mi of the singular zap id growth of America: is, Ibitt life renntni• bered things have become already matters of history. Thu - nii6ty convubfion shook the strong fabric of European society to its very centre, subverted the dominion of beitturieit, and. as It were, tridi a touch of the enchanter's wand, changed the destinies of millions of 'ins, even within the memory of some of tho very men through whose agency Almighty wisdom worked out ite decree. Inasmuch as no human pre-science could have pointed out the onion to acnieve this wondrous end, so no Minion sagacity could have imagined aught to evert its consume- Lion. "It was written in - the book of des tiny." The same holy voice that from con (twang atoms celled the universe into exis tentv, brie the sun of freedoM rise, and it *as olieyed—it was accomplished ! At the close of a raw, comfortless' day, in the earl y} art of the eventful year 1775, • group of 'young 'men were oolispeual-together in a small, but neat and couiforlaMa bmuu. it a . . rati • *as arident that no Atii;altaattat bad draw . en 'lan together. More news," said on: under his_parLl pressed tooth ;" harettetehlained that fhirattito taiiit Baiter. the 'rebels ' eywt be stoned into subjection it Spectra." Well, they're right," maid another„ '• they can tic - oil: - TißrtTiily means by which they cah get the Yankees to succumb will be t' kill them out right, if they let them ; tvecr, Bow_ het._ Will be a dsousand gained to us ; the Crisis has anived•se List touied by &initialed sets (Pr iningtke and oppretigion. The people —not a few fi ...O olong individual , ' who, for rr,olial agisran• dizentunt'would ;feign an nrdur 'which oho y did not fuel—hut the Iskte, tuu.elv anti %ot . ew of the country—the people Intgiti to let I, to knoW, ind to dthlferat. Oh, with what alrrowarirtifroll of Joy I elite upon determin ed faces - I pass 'along—look into„eyes whose purpose-^showa itscif, tlioulh yet on spoiitit stern grass instead of the easy, careluis sattnattou! proofs that one secret but tivt.rwlitiming thought prevatle in heart." Tnse, repliid the other s :. the people are prepartd ; but, to act general concert, it will be necessary to rlimtover our man whose evident and unquestionable fit tteml declare hint farad to direct the whollC." • • '._And so we j•that Providence which has so suretk decWcd the evil will not deny us the nteenss— I myself know one. sylioxif his prese4t promise be not, an earnest bf his futitre grititriiiis A Will . acTii; a pans Whoirti Flows will overshadow even the brightest ; modest fn deportment, reserved in number, an enemy 6:. ambition, uniting in. • curious decree the opposites of, caution and energy. Prudent in d,cidilig, but Min prompt in Isittr i muelttnistaken . er big - do:We will keep hismemory me m or y in the hearts of his countrymen from tide to ‘ age, tin time./4110411 the wreck of . " His paw. I" . 'Otero Washington." An 4, that undying name whicLuttared sirsKisas made tkar heara+ Of silAilayi swell wieoKnil-VOirie imitliwo • • ,q pneutekeyld" ‘. l ' .g But whai 91,.WaivenO.resumnd Rua , - eel. Nomoed of s'Ou ngoehen every fesyng of his honest, manly haart,"isindexod in his face." • '• raw is that-we never see him 1" Bii home In now his solo consideratkin, I s -know himwell.the inilversalithodglat which, fills IA Voris.. hie is not exempt from. "But hie yoltrig wkre and infant make him clfngfo hornets a paradise; td lose them Would' be eh itiinlit,iditiott.'2 L think yoencisjutlgh time' mild one of the group. ""There's more of the stein. RAC• ?Airing the Malan ,chatit'otet ink Warren, than you give him credit for. 'But .ate. he is here.' . It wills thus. unespOtedly , that *arrest ap- I . TIM RIVRK TIME. BIELLEFONTE, PA,_WF I DNiSDAY, APRIL 2240.57;- peered fbr thaiirst time smog .the Canted.- - . rated , -• 14107 1199egt.d .thil,r l ..APithlefor 464 the'nlip4iitillierating meth. present state of neeer,beforit hid he to.. ' ken any Art in 4 % , proceedingit. It is not to be wondered at that he' was scanted of Inliewartnness by the ardsiii paidium 'Who had'embiirked in the (sit yet tutrdly dethied) bntorpriso, hand and heart, body and soul 1 .. Delighted at this spontanqoua evidence of I hii willinguetutrejnin in thekfiehborithilit, • • they weltmm 41 Warren' with enthudasto.— Re was looked upon as the Arst man in the place, and consequently his countenanqc and kupport would bring fr. sh converts to the cause, cheer its supporters, and ' make the Wavering decide. ‘! ' thomprearanee of Warren Was 'Wang in the exitisne. Young, talk ; seervlegant proportions: bq possessed tifit indlittnable aspect of superiority-to wtritcfprM;hy thuir own despite. pay homage—the nobility of nature, stamped by Heaven's own band up elo his brow., .. The first cordial salutation over, there was a pause, end w slight ernbarnownyni crept on r the features of all, but It was din sipated In on instant by Warren's frank and nobly words : My friends." raid he, "why disiduiula thin=-4hy the ser►bianoe of nistriint, whe this nervous grasp tile au electric totich de, dares our hearts to beat in unisonJ--euir eountyylt cause I" • ,4 To the fleads !" replied 'Warren, -with flashing rye and star ling emplia4is —"to the death ! What luxury of life comp ars with such a glorious destiny to die for liberty ! Heaven grantA b ogho. mine. To my be loved country Lhave dedicated every the , ' -let me but seal the freedom with my blood and 'twill be happineso to die." 'rho animated dl4cussion that followed w w suddenly interrup - ed by the appearance of an individual who, breathless -with impet uous haste' burst upcin the a+semilly. ' .• blen of Lexington," said he, be hoses you to be prepared. Have your nerve up for the coining conflict—the thunder cloud grown darker !" " The news from Concord r , demanded. Warren, 10 whom the speaker was known, " !gown," sold the homer, " which I know Will stir up the beat blood within each heart -here. It has, cotne to the knowledge of the firitiith.Gcneml that we base been for some Lime past cullecting-arms „And amunition I fa.arrastoo+ otrital real from Bo'stlesir.- tn iwity or twit trirl - PgatradtlgatsiaratV • loge • •• Brave news !",,cried Russell impetuous ly ; " now is the time to strike! , "1:10111!—let trs not...loose right of pru• dence in our impetuesity," replied Warren. -14 will be dielcult to let our foes pass with ~ ino nortrationti=tortpiuur t'‘ey take many &piens they can retrace their-steps—and than, it l au gurrightly. we sl.ll be enabled- to collect trieas to make their return mon Milleult than they imagine."' •• But4y, not raiterhble at Concord ! said one: the arms cold Out nition tht re col Vett(' .11 be 104'11 in our Winch, and a itearygnits if iieiteit ." "Talcno lieu for dint," replied Warren they have tacit disperse binifago —snuff) in oa very' neighloor hood . No. no —the time. the time is all ws Want. Let be understood by Olt, thilt oar eucintea may pang unmoles • t d —hut every inch of their mantis must be disputa" ' In a fete day 4 *after a strong detachmeot military did pas,' through Li. xington and the quiet of the inhabitants, and a p trendy deserted stain of their houses, ifad au .onni nous look to some of the' most thinking. It itt a matter o f history. that ins conversation rsspee.ing it isuwee two officers, one add "See. I knew th,y dared not oppose the houses are shut 'up, and the windows closed," • Depend tipoiit"said7tho other, we • shall he fired at from these very windows on Our return," • -1-A•wradcpassed rapidly ower,sia -by dint oT extraordinary orttorr, - tha dpzen lir two naf riots had increased their strength to hun dads. • lhe British detachment [wised the few toeless arms found it Concord: and the oiler in c.ominand deerning the information to be — i'vritilliawn; or, as is often the ease. wholly fabria•Etcd, prepared, prepared to re 14.urn'to Boston, then their head quarters. It is now the elem . ° of , the day. Warren is wad in his held chamber, his,wife opposite sod their side hoi4; theirinlleptabild, sleep inB in his onada. Not erttuteiode of the high aapliatietts that , fills his 'Ol4 is she, the shah* Woven , theinght,the soelher of eierY stininliat er, the advi ilk, and dots she inteTAt'm One selfish feeling. No: Know ing: the power 'het woman always has is ' ' 'nett-end- todirelp.-titiksinsrgy even now, when every thomellt threatened instant partiag, did she smother her stillest devotion, and with .a kindling, ey9 4 and a *tearful look. ,belying. , the woman's heart thstiremtded in her boson Smiled appro vat pn the gloriotii — cituso he had underts kinp ''T 1e moment approaches, wife-of my heart,'! said he. ''when you must yield up every dotnestio„gentle thought and diet if il ,ly bear the crests Thieh tie need of, our coup.; try, itnposes. 'Heaven knows howtenderly,. Initv truly do I love thee : and may •the rifice make in leaving this my happy home, bd ih'e ! heaC pivrofrof devotedness, and prayi propitious to Gar "Clop tureen—gol' l ; ', - t,he heroic wit's, AlleAre of patriotism' her eyes. .)arw dttere Sid to tho uttermost, bu to par. 'ecitintry it need be you owe a' liih„Asd tholigh in tlife is mine elitetitieci. ytti . Zooid give you all to ensure my,countrra weal ' ••' for a patriot!" id the lofty Wa4n. •' the theught of th 'and thy hearts desolation was the only ohs , e, that inter. vaned betwixt me sod ntyr hopes ; nobly iiiitro yoii ens d me. Now, my oppressed, siky btlorea • try, Ismail thine own." The heart-littve4 sepinti ewer-11 , 44g si—dieittit hou C., LW-the?' comae too sooty My arms,ooy heroioe.'my my canl4.7,,okriadjrarrn i " name I.hirt atuare t 'Med gioriow4 orni - by - a =knew tam people's . gra p tuae." Snato his sleeping infant, he haati. If, and embracing his tea iy excited wife he cried, ' bosom, rare Ist me Intro t upm,nly. , l,4sALyor I ihall go htart." t • lbc replied. . 4 .•7/eV rather ,rl 'with-bat the retnentbranoit ..eyfora bor. 'ed in my heart, than almre - 11 - palseeirith an ,en r e;r - iy to freedom. Her.. tem my hands take this instumentOf wet? - Par better this than live to see thy child alum Farewell May the God of battles Prated thee !" ' Not many hotn's after, tist first conflict that opened the road to fra4fon took pLeca. Most obsrinitely was sierylloot of ground contested through ths Tillage. 'At last, nearly out into 09064 the ileindne Red like frightened sheep before tbs'eictorious army of patriots: and the netttleilif Lexington was inscribed with a pen 111 t on - the fol• perishable, records of 014: From that day tba ossaarief Warren was 1 one continued success* of victories, but never did he see hit 'mit* happy, home again. The destiny which Air had eo'ardent: ly desired awaited hld.L4tineat in eight of Ate Canaan of FreedoTarbe Mtified his devo tion to his country!. by- On the very threshold of ilia hope's sonaummation, with the shout of -triumph Kitts ears, ho yielded up his di,fo with eneTtagement on his ~... . . thiiiglii!' Lid' , r , - . llat ~ .- si/sn— •bisoyaligligivir iodise& Oren la tweet of death, r by hisglorioas essmght, a att.- ed his living companietts too frailiVertion, and be closed his eyes npan Om& *ltioh i ,is 4 ,. sew hailed the landmark at - h is last fight kad siatled the de :of his country audgavo PreAlom,to 41 world. 4 TERRIFR •BATTLE (' ELEMENTS IN THE Una Thetfollowlnr-fesrfully of GoJarist last balloon art correspondent of. Porter's Tunes, a Nor. M. ' tli •-o ci t As% b. fire infl.rurd you, l iik 'amid raise enough of the wind to lift a to which laconic tide yesterday, soda ,„ - 'lig ovor, I woul,l certainly.take a trip Monsieur Godard, in his 'balloon " 000," ibr no place in particular, and thaUliuld glee you a description thpronf. I , n to In- Senn you of my - sods arrive' Attst. Atlaubc City, where we litefed at fleilat kt*enty minutes. yrsto•day afterlooti. r ono, of ..,• the wait periloirireseartiafireiiiiide by inoi til man. . '''' tf.- --- - , By dint of considtrablef-eseition. I &ma : ceedid by It quarter of• ' o'clock In bor ruwing the wheresw fay Any- note, i..a - roil tin, requisite ame nprwehese an 00 ' cension ticket, Via r eft: *fter ' going Ismns end tasking aII V III I, stride up lint , r.' to Parkiueon'irend ' d thy ticke Being thus fixed out,twile Intioduced to my ftllow voyagers, thAnt .r, end st ten minutes to OUP' Ifitepped in the ear, with feelings „ I' ,irinibss riot es buoyant as thipt i wortt ' - -What-wubld r-nottion ! eikrineltt-tipitintr. went to have been isfe jet Ws • tthere was no backing.out bo re suchr * n asit;ri: blage, 40 kie r was 0 *l :AtJu t ± 04•Iitt four minutes past fo the :were out and we were off, Asiftweit„ . h d tint scarcely-fer-a mermaid tliofight the city; iias . , but a toyshop. lii ~ Ilow'impreacielfonigtinicinit I' , ilshii ed one of the'temtleell* ' W,., ' - !i ` ' to .• Awfully adpetilifr Said anthers - " Grand. 14vettly. .heiotilul 10. void a t nrd. „- . , . , • ' ..itehold ! ',lse . itH ,41 ' _One. Gods r ."the great city of -Itrothhtts' Lew, *lt It its wealth. its poveregoitipithgrhiteAtcauty, its hovele, its fame iis pp. 111404 vices-- whittle it_Lak_nithaiigkulcammdiLL_ ..____ How I withed tn,wili thea,prt that che quer hoard; nicivity it my http#o position as a man.: 4 How' utterly in)lignificads!" rcontin-, ued Amts, Itioderd. f' Whet is,wesitth, taupe to us 1" . . . ‘. yea,''what,w . nuld tliey be to us - if the balloon should buret I"aaid I. " Ah, tellitballrl, no daugetp(that," lv aitid Monsieur, " 1 eirnsidie tliaVlte Us as safe as if we Were Niside of a churdk, ' I (WI my self perfootri ot„lkonii , : i end Ir Or iota . ' wilt se 4 cin .stil endeavor to do likvote:" i The day was for the '. e ther mometer ha • - been at 4 7 2 .,,,. , 'we' Took our,' departure, sal the kir L had i • / ... . ' . . •, . ' fiery sno.' y feel. The clouds Which had been graduallygathering-onm worming now tmlgatt,to neWszna - - sure enougkinmste 0 were in the maids' oftea.: c ethirl : mi.otal i est and snow, the w, YA'hititltßiterrildrthrough the cOrd„,.ageA' the Winne, ail We rushed with I:Ariel rattidily ,thnzugh the blinding scud, and the **Ciliation et• oni tenuoui globe was 80 alarming, Oat we Vera obliged to Cling with the grasp of desperation to ttie cords, to prevent our , being pitched head• long into the abyss Wove. we' were tossed into en almost hdrisontal position, more so than at any previous -time and that wits 'our salvation, for everything moveable, 'but ourselves au out, Smell baits Utchided , and wb rose with a 'rush above the ,storm. But we had escaped ono danger to encounter anothi , r; and a more serious one It was now intensely mild, and the wet anew-which had accumulated around and . rtm top of the balloon, became frozen in one solid sheetof ice, and its further Contraction might seri ously end Inger the safety of the balloon. What was to bo done I happily an idea struck Mile G., and qUick as thought he clambered like a eat up the netting of the balloon, near its top and with his cane (which fortunately had`been secured to the oar. battered ewe vininfully tttlttJ the ice ' jute end fell itigoilass upon us BIM pet avalanche. Weal! fell to Week, and in a few minutes tile- car wast-chntrod, and - the balloon, relieved of its burden, shot up again to a fearful height, during which Monsieur. Godard lowered himself blick to the car in' That we were in a higher point than ever man before attained,' was plain. faint the great difficulty we experienced in bee - TifF. diag. Our ears tingled, and the very blood in our veins seemed to be fo'reing itself cidt Of tint earn, mouth and linger ends. To continue then much longer upward would be utter de stfiktion. " Let us descend at once. Mons. Godard," we exclaimed. Upon this Godard immedia sly pulled the 'valve Eon._ WO hoe. roe! the valve was frozen fast, so hard that his strength was insiiilizient to pull it open. To irwreasc our horror we were just mount inginto another cloud, but fortunately this time of rain., Again de were at tho mer c y of the wind, and were carried hifhr and thither as before. but not with the same de• gree of severity uotil we reed above it . wig flpy an a One kiss. .d lln .1 for 4 • • p of blood twill be bon . .Thrred—in a kiss from armored hint but fusrful of my own y benediction 'th but halt thy ettm r' voqj tr ottl., A second time the valve rope was tTieL but without success, and Atria. G. Vie- too bu - strititn i tt weprgreseTh etn — ii - - - perienced less difficulty of bklathlng than whoa we must have seen more than a mile nearer to the earth, according tO . Q..s.citlett• lation—though it was ruttier a hap-hosard .fie, km all his instruments, Ingather. with demijohn of water, several bottles of wine, and a well Riled basket of lunch, had Gill en out when entioarthis snow I • TIM: 1. •'!' . nt, • • • is from a of Ik. OEM Our balloon still continued to rise, and singular to relate, the higher we rose the This iirtilfifexptiatite - , and so totally opposite to all known theo ries, that we were ,struck with wonder.— totdd it be Ott the .earth's atmosphere cuased'at aliftle lower point from where we then were, and that we were emcoontering a stream of ' Lett In the air, flowing co the principle of the ocean gulf stream through the sea ! It woes grett»reg a wit oil of LW •nd Mdno,O. Writ die instrunioots were vine, for with threw--we might • ascertained the differo4 degrees of height. and given it veliteble intOposttion [towards the solvlngf,of this wonderful probhma._: •7- I The heat had now become So "oppiessivo that we were obliged to divest ourselves of our overcoats, which so abort a time' before were buttoned up close anflind our earl, and wo feared should it boom!) much hotter, it might Mitae a too sudden Oxpana.on of the - Balloon. Wight, tee, , beginning to fold I her whale upon us. t 1 We triMitAeSiend;" said Amu. G, "I witi-elimb up and cuts hole in Chia aide of the balloon, if the valve w i tttnot pow open," and he pulled for a third time at the" rope, *. -thanica-beto-Heiweariiyielfied-l- - Up-, there in the vast heavens, fifty thousand feet away from all we held. dearupon. earth, we gay a. about of joy, and began to•.deseenct, slowly at first, and then with increasing ra pidity. Again we were oomnelled to buffet , thh wind, as we passed through a dense cloud, which drenched us to the skin; and" to bete the most intense cold 44 pressure pn the lungs huil,fnhtbs to our rapid do :ecension it tgaif short, duration. and we were moon bles, i ti sed with the night of Mirth. Oh. what a world of joy it wag to, me ! Language dantiot drtoribe my, ieeti ngs in that moment. But wfisi Wee that wide expanse that broke upon lug' astonished vision ? Fa ther of Meroy!it was the ocean ! fled we hcimmkted.from the_ afrooat instantaneous death of/failing through the air, to meet the mpeetingenng one of being drowned waist "dreadful Ineiii - int of trial, but ho did'not ellairty_desert us. We were di rectly over the sea, though fortunisal,r bun a abereAlistance from the, land. Wo Gould •••.the while sandy beach", and hear the breakerss - roar distinctly. DoWit;. doyen tie came, till within abtry,three bundre' d fo4i4 the water, when *mi. GI- startled its by singing out ;.- 7 " Oft With yoer hats, boOts, and overefutta, add offer Hitt thent4ilek!" We obeyed in s a,,twlnkling, and the •ballime, thus relieved, totailned for .a Tomei*: Mao ; then p lighrbiFereTlF67o7-sett ward having sprung u p, ir e' !"! r. if,* find rely wafted over to the• land, and deseendtd . directly alongside-Of the Light hal. it Abseeettt Inlet. Thus ends my first tapir, In I balloon, and jay hat on. fos. OR/01N OP PLANTS We find thnfollowing in an exchange. It will, to doubt interest insanyof our agnieul tarsi readers: • Madder cline front the East. Celery originated in German-rt. The chestnut carno . from Italy. The onion orightitedn Egypt. Tobacco is a native of Virginia. 1 . 110 nettle is a native, of Furor The citroitia tt native or. Greece. The, pine ls'amative of America... The poppy oifginated-in-the-Toast. —-- 04ir originated in North America. 'Rye eamte..origimdlY, (torn Siberia. Powdery was first known in Slnlinia. 'The peir and apple are from Europe. Spinach was first cultivated in ArAbia. "The sunflower was-larought from Peru. The mulberry tree originated in Persia. The gourd is probably an Ea.stern plant: The walnut and peach carne from Pers'a The horse chestiiut ie ti naliso nLTLiLut The outtnnber camo trout the as Indies. - Tim ti,urneu ,coq - irotntno Mae ort'rete. The riethdi is a native of China and P". Peas are supposed to Lo of Egyptian ori: Bin. , . , The gardekbeto ca rn e from die &Let /a dies. The garden cross is frcln Egypt and tho E Homo-radish-co= frog the South of Eu rope. Tho Zeland that show!' its origin by its name. _The coriander grows wild near the Medi teranein. The dyer's weed is peculiar to Southern Germany. The Jerusalem art . ichoke l a Brazilian! product. Hemp is a native of Persia and the East Indies. '- The cranebetriis a native of Europe and , America. The Parsnip is supposed to be a native of Arabia. The potato is a well-knoWn nal ru and Mexico. Ths a:rut:Aisle goophom ~' = Butitirtot c*me oricinnAy [kW and Tirtiny. • DliHot vrfs first known in Indln and AV. minis. • . barley was found wild is klar , mountains of Maude's.. Hope, mustard and caraway feed origildi ted in Germany, • ,-- Anise waa 'brought from Egypt and the Greaten Archipelago. • 'rho cherry, plan', olive and - almond canal from Asia Minor. Linseed onginilly appeared is a weed in the ordinary grain crops of-iloutlienr Eu rope. Vice came trrith Southern Africa , whence it Wati taken to India, and thence to Nurope and America. Wheat Wail brottglit . front the central ta ble•lande of Thibct —here its roprcacniatiro yet exist,' as irass, with vnall'aeede. Turnips and mange) liortzrfe came from thu ahorea of 4ko Sletiltstancau. .The White. turnip to suppoaed to be n natls e of Germa ny. Ths carrot is supposed .to.Sutro.hgeu from Asia ; others, however, maintain it to be s native of the mune country as the tu'r: nip. • Yr4ST.— The following receipt, —we believe first appeared in the Ltf. tad, has-been tested and highly rowed in the culinary department cif.o For NOUN WOO past I I eaten yery; ex• mellent bread raised, •st.' yeast in the , fol lowing manner: take - as much ,palworiaiid sail . watlis as will bly on a dime, alto same quantity of pa ean& a teaspoonful sugar: On these artfeferrpour a plot of boiling-wet er. Whelk suilleiently cool so as not to chatcge the -nature df the flour, stir in as ttitici as Will. maks a miff hatte.r....__Thazer. set containing this matter must be placed in &nether vessel containing water quite warm, but not so hot as to cook the flower in the. least, and the whole must be left standing 'us warm place until the batairArttrifilbtil; es in bulk, which tt 11l take about six hours. This yeast may then be added to flour cno'h .* make two gOod sized loaves of broil nor rt; with warm water, and a tein.poohnil of salt, if liked, placed in the pans and left atindlutta'a warm.plice's short titne before baking. 110111 W PLUM PUDDIO7IIT; ertrnorr ran j 0 ,4," Poor !#vor--tAvelve emokeiwalier — they — arto broken, one quart of milk ; let it Maul ovcir night: strain—it through n colander. The next morning add • qairtce efa point" suet, a pound of raisins, half a poor currents, a little salt, and a tescupf molasses. Boil it three or four hourx, beaten with-doh sauce. 2 • 4-- 'Paiioaissiurs.Olio-lif. our „sgrioui exchanges says that the tuna is arming the pltqlßiur,k-pd the .cutei he asitle, as Itugleruante of ectliv Slo, for Allgood tamers Will grind ihetr lute, mold, because hay uwal will: . be n .1-xicuT44tifiaTlTay.ssitaian'ny mike' ecorioulleat than. eon... i L llppref +~s~~ ii _ , . - . Jil i Prom thr:N: KAMS'AlSFrefiVEtrtnktfrtAir; • • ' 4 -." - . Much hint' been slid fa.theitepublistain papis . abotik the • Kansas Convention UV, and its'provisions hare, been reprelented to b.' so ott:rageons and ohominabir o that wo aro iriductd to assert it entire 'Wear cot, limns. We are willing to admit that it not in all respects' rokist-we Should WhAt it .to bet But Do fur as reistes_ Htiti AsoisbytAllift t ng or intimidation or obstroolko. at Ifte Intllcietorva, it is all thaltsoUld bo desped., • Preparatory to the election of dettgatee, In number, who are to frame a Clitcret4:. • tution, this law provides diet bctiren 'thq lit •of .March anti the lit idApril of the present ycar,a census aToo.butaked of ..411 Vie free male inhabitants, oifisene of the Unitid states, qvcr 21 - years of ice,-Autil-4111 - 014(r %video persons actually rcaid4 the Terttoey. Wherr tl.e census ballhem taken and returned te,Alie Governor, he will divide the aggregate numberotrotes El, and this will give the number •of id r tcs for each delegate, which will be ag.PtwlaOPo 4 i' - tq,,r.seh county According to Ma number oC qualified voters. A rvgistry of all the co ten.' names is fo c made and MO iq Ors office of the Probate Judge, where k-trak be kept open for. thirty days. ;_, except tlura whose names see 1 reghilmindei .Nono but tw:mrta fide eltizesii Mtn Vide;sad it they do, -- the registry Is the. bisfanthipt to dstect illegel.riul fraudulent irothage -ilk - Outside intpltel.enee in the election, whether from the North or from the South., is enstemi ally guarded.egainst. • - The eljction is to be held on the Ild Mon day ire June next. “ - Efeiy hinria tiae fa; habitant of the) Territory" on that day, los ing a citizen ot , the Territory" on that day. 1 "being a citizen of the United &stet. seer the age of il years, end who sialhilevs eta; ided three ;south; next heiere -avid alogeutoe; m the county in lanai* loco AO ItOld. and no other peraonerhateier shahs nagged to, ' vote-it said election. ' Nome - theiredrome can iete who were not bonne Ns inhabitants-a the Territory on the 14th inst., and who Shall not continue to reside in the same co, tenth the election. This three tfkinb* mea dow° hat been much coMpliinsdi et at tb. East, and doubtlemtit well provost way Y also Atha Illintfis and Wisootedn;file : likat Rake of voting, but ler lesartlin WOO rine Months' restdeOce had- not '.lleasiellagnist. , • ed FiTticalr hitindilaigtote ptigteteig' gal voter Ilona *ating is - ItertialfingAiliaisi heavy penalties, and to also ii eine? at tempt at illegal voting, and all ding 4h thel part of idectiop4ffitora Ylyd !ht, 14th, and ifith, sections. .110-gitell not ease._ The_ e • *lethal. t to. meet at the capital of the Territory on kbe fat Monday-in September next.- This Act contains on its fare no twos fo; sittinitting to the people ittoonhich the Convention tad this we think is a Manifest honorer, hare been provided' for in iiesse supplementary enactritent. AK, ter I. preiviae 7 forleking the Oeinsos, and 'Bo din& for Delegates to„anvenition. lie it werteto bytko G4rst dont, latire AatestrVy ofthe rartraaal ay: itgaintOr Std! t. T i r for the inirposar of is ear intnemt: tt of the inhabitants entailed_ 110 vote under the provit.iona of . this.** in apportionment and alt election ..4.4 "tankers of it convention, it shall be the limy Jot the Shoritfirof the sqtrat ceuntice of Kfireiss Tenraory, and they arc hereby respairge t tircen AM first day of March aril ' day of April ; 1857, to make An eanalftentinii of all the free made ilealunntlat citizens of the. United States, over twenty ens years pr age, and &IT - other white pawns, so amity re- , stet Mg' A-i thinAhei r respective cc...unisex yu l d for this purpose fibrilla:taro power to appeligt one or more deputies to assist In such not to exceed one in each mutticiPal tern - ship, each of whom belorcntralognpiMihia.' duties of his office shall take and sots atroitth br affirmatiem to support the Cost stitutiore of the Unfted Staten, and faitidiallY and len partiallp dialuarge the dulled ingliant on him byithis act aeconling to the beet of his skill and eidgment et kith oath eir'efikr- Matiou uhalt be administered to thetrintoer ally, and be duly certified by a Jodie of clerk of- the district court Ur ihtiAlttiteti States, of.juidge or 'oink of the pnbrialtee4n:t itir the tie ... .veral comities, • or H. itluitten - of, the ppoe, and tiled and recorded it thereffice of the Secretary of territory. - • • Sim VA!' Ciik=v - of Sliciirtho dodos impostit tiro midi Shrift br this nett eTiall dosflas-Spoisitsiktio 4' :4• r. MEE IlMi 1110 Pour "V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers