•....„ ~., , . ..........,_ .... Le A , r 'OL etENCE.)-' • ;tit:pl . ,;' - 44-z- - : - ' r---- -,,, Jr: , --. Tic..Mif:Ve r ', l r x , YAWN toliedlo63titile - orAii)itpcir., hoidere4 tllio . Tyritt' ie-and Look , flaren ~, d, road,:t4l4V4-4-Canst ,, floase , 4ll - I: ~ fontei..on *noisy.. April lathh to eioct ; a , PresValatl.,)l~AttlON,l Tor the °amble fe,ae..-- , or ....... . . 7.., h., T he, ~1.„.!, ,,! i?,195a #ippoint-g4 hue! _ni3.*_,ooo s ipti ativs - aid+ jamb Vic:' tora,4l4od,lol9lfllhe tdiction, i %kW.. atm? boing.saaliAsweest iiplaffirmed,.proseialtd to dthojta.l* Ifth!littitia,,',Tit vefi*ltliiiy wet.° oppahttsV.- - -- 4,- - -- '- -- - `---... •. - -- ..,.,A coidolto of ihiy:batotitii the' •kdaes f announced 1.1 . i.i . f . eilowing . persons as. sing a-I to+ .o'n a , ' ' latiG ' . • , 1 -- 4 , : - . Dl; ; Wts . .ot. '-opt>. ,- - I aif .. 1 4040:3'.4 1 4te- - X.; c. litithoi, tied.` Jae, Irvin C. 0. Pries ' • • grath.f 1 14 1 ),,,.7 v . ': '3., T, 7 . 0411iim. Dr. .- J.S.I MoCis .t' .10. T. Milificon -- .• t,t0.4.70;e101t-,--.-....p.vpierldiekey. - liiiand'Onrtih l .+, - John J Thompson Ichttelipptigh being ever. Aila (It'ittorunt of titottailq•Obabh, ifst M.4.4linTilitiderivoitr,.. I.l;l°.;4o4,,theata,CiJeti;t:Yl utiles,. 51tili• ImOstat l Thompson. they p! .oeet.ttql te. dem 11;044411itiaM64 et theßoard. - by tieb.- ttry4lihto;T.,• - ifolotitOn, SJC rater,- All lit IA 111040r4 tiViElurzi, and Jain Malfinn,Eo .. .00,-stmtiou • ficso'vemi That Itito-Pr.iitLA'.. alit Omp, , ineer be direned td - 'rie:ive, prvo • saji. 'until Thorid.ty the ; .7th day, of 2.ley n•act,'fbr g•lidirt4 and briddin; th:s.•'read, ft. <a ;It soci Jun. Or Wry itintsbet or ii.;, , Liou.i, or t.r t h e thole cork. 011 . 415 - tio4111p;Ii mint adjourtted 'to in let, epin . , at the Vourt IL - nom in ILl!..fasto, ell SAturear I.llv 25.1 t ot ‘ lortl. holt •- . : ..:I.si.pieJ by the o.fircofs.) - .: • , f , "-ont_grrt .0/Olt . 7 / 4 , 1 v..i5. • • 1. • .I:C46;llst-ending the penWvering, eieleav ersor the ,Ile t litiuf t ateliers, Who long for a wit:inns:tee of agitahm ant excittlumt, ' and as a menus of attaining I', send intn wtq Kansas with-Om ostensible and sism 'Aleut of bro er-beating its pen :cable citizens, stulpretrultiAsh r,..sistanco-frenn Whieb- they tasty manufacture political eapital,llirttler a itoryis that Sasitini ng the charae t r for which (hernia ne'ura have lion• st, industrious and patrio t ic poptation is tap dls settling . its plains, anti, thrift is tv• try's-hers displaying, itself. %Ire copy th.. folloatig Nun the illy Pen rry vt , an, corroborated by a vtri imparaid pole:W . 4h* has visitol the Territory :j it.iot:_ftterwartro B. Jusoss,of the gsaltange returned Grim a dping visit to, K•artstnit lie s.tys,-th_st -tut) °Jamey is peocentle and quiet, an I that (lib - it; i.nrprise Ives manifestedrant-mg the sub tt tn. ttxl rtsidents of the Tar.- that. City should hove been so grossly mien p sited in .thy Easurp• press. A nurn'ier 'of theta were, tootretiagrip..4 . at the, tiler in which Governor Guary-lofe theta, and atti tribttte• to him va'rigus . hations (or au (Ong. st tite hold r re titers d says that tits i , - not hat - least - obiiitaile4baetad:ltt the way of tonfv,raiste., (In the coufrary, the new Mtrnm, and Os : yrs/0 *embers of them, wizein ihein Jeletae . artAy. Thrro was no hiale'rmr llism. iii 41044,111 that ; hid itsigh plaoe werkbaused by thy mistaken 'notions of siker, l'iarrtben and Southern bustles, alto Intre iv* bad their days The - attention ritAbOliteple it armite'. was turned to assi cultures mina an earnest desipc to - make the Wetrillity whet it should have been lons slifetAtishif - tbe garden - Simla or the noun try."T. liature favors the projget, and it only reqUi.btradha-,ait of r ito to-aborell'hi; ptalpleion the bordirra ira - kind a id hosdita• Mt, and lare,in IM: good •old style of our fa• titers of the lievolu itAtt, 4 4 ..The co it iatry.„ Voloe i el assures us, !litigants orery:htdrico. meat fur the thrilly farmer and mechanic to locate, jtestpg__a fete days at ',cagy worth etlY, which is about 400 italics sbore 44iii0iia AM ranch pleaiod to tee 114th what ',hearty gem] will the holcst picrivens from the N i oittli and S(')utti 'Chit; city contains' nitwit ono th.ntsend in habitants. and is situated On high ground on the banks of the titer, n lido the country arpund.its for-As the eye can reach, pre sents the rioliwat- ground for agricultural purposes that cut be found . in' the Union The in this city, is it brtek building. four stories =high, wail caps blo-4,141.C1101:4011ing two hundred persons. Theliire lit* the Colonel Is - a judge) is `4- eeltent,iiiiiittho . tranaient "CVrrges are d q n t i t i kteta i h 2- 7 Alt thy other loonsoi, aro ... frame, awl built with a good eycic'r plate. ' • ffbro . 1 (7a!, Joppi sn?t a lugs nnunber pf Philagalphiant, and -witaiilWW - amti 'min — far - The iron plllll- . _ Sly erie t utm to atiangera by megirs. c : M. JoiceirrWw: coliiton, c. 'cbt'yiim, 'tud a - MitibEctigliod. ITtoly.'itro of ‘ rikitti oldtiahool 1 Mtinl l ' Er l ipet.,p l p, K 7 .4..w co iron of ' the -woli4Pitlivil ,1 . 00 wan in, thin CI ty,),. / Tho affti_rditW;r:vinoptieco4 to lib!, frigid., it,i,, o i lti l'llar, O. TiOkiljn le bridit maker ht . Ti.it veiiillrt M % 4* *ll l/ V6 u feature t t 'TA. 8. . . offers an opportunity for some of our rang, hardlot,king snd industrious brick makers. ikiiiitilkociii4 4 ks tr. Ihe ,i thvticrositsirrgiirsir9rdotortrarcys - new towAis 'thotAre springing up atimig'thq rived sit tilittfin watuNt to mike iiiiiireorelikuttrk tie lotatiali)irolittlitgadit It* t*"),otile (144 thiq , do now) think atlli4t for WerrAVt • • A . liate N ,,,, i i i„"s.—t : A Lonisiatia Senp l it " 0 1 14 .4 a fue of - $4l/ if he' woi(ht . "‘Vrk m ltf"v .thit tltrk tteixma4 4ipapifitlti) to Ow Pen -309i KO body oriferycl the bill in qn , a. floe Wild huhu, by the: Clerk•irr front of the Capitor, 2 whieh waallerialfOrt4lll. • • • _ ACM" EOM has cpptinnally on. liatid,tt twidlo .13 4 ; ° 4, 1 q iii•Adeif all (I,3crippg),, uniassoimao A l'sho A wry carious' conii who brooghi- to light rlii , eriiiLY4 - tho Laker Pollo.csiCitito':e,itioii kor'doingbOshies4 at 14443 PitiO is first streaolppeared Illore Justice eonicuitjt v •itiid'innkle du. nffilsvit, in wliich lio - itittOti4itt " , :tvu:s caUtkppoi; :by .4v: very suspitlions chat4titi r, ialiitig hinisOf , ) 14,•atbhaird, (winch he ikeknowledgrd to be an aastnned-ortnatru-}pr4eated --- hianself - i to bevngsged iniLleherne.to Otect the Mier ration or J.. klitotingaon,. Boren Mute sioelFoliviotodrof forgery In this, city, at preseut,conahol iliiStattil'Pladil lit. Slit 'Sing., It. Eihrutpd his • plan •of aperation, wittph,watattilitiltitSkitrartir'',Odgilft'lli. ; t 6 to a pardon fir flentittdOn, end br means • • _ Miry tinn t.ro y ( tort/hint — Of tW'l;4l - 43 the fi the dolild be diset*ered wittralts issued for his re-arNst on Uwttrunlyati - othWidiefiliViit foondszinist him, ittld'iirin either rif.whiell he 'Can ninny time be botng,ht:tu tr:al. Seatehattt itantfugdon 'won .aware of tilo plot. nhioh be had been soon• time mitering; mitt that it tnet the - cordial support of insioink parq.eit- (wham 'undies he 'rethked to mention) tithe hud often hinamor turial aid towards its cotronalmatioil. Mr. Kane. bb.rever„clitl not Ai:4kt - or "i;t!'•Onyn - p." Sea Lelia rd in any w ( ry, blit, on coot( ary, soon er prekir(.l si complaint ajtaiiist, him irl fanny, in aiding sui)as.gis(ing to cfleot such eseil pe , hnd of a inisrkmn snor in conspiring with other periums to commie tin 54 for the pry veo'atioo or obstrucdoti of jUirk6 in th"' due tyltninixtratiOn at' law. Upon thin coin plaiot trarrant was issued, nod I hands ot,f)Mler John Lord, of t a Sixth tryirrehemshordy sucfNa:ded_ in arr. st i ng telio, on being, tokiit,t'Jr" hefwe the Meg strate..Wl9 detained, by. Lis own r‘ q nest, - for XtttliffnitiOn c., , i:he arrest trait 'ltaie at tie-saw,cation or liontingqn's late.counsel, who alleged that ihnitingdon.was not a L alLooguittta o 4 or in tholesst manner conneeled•wipi 'l3eatch ord'i" alleged ilefigns. necos.ed party to7iiicalred to be bttween 35 and 40 year of ago. of genteel oddregi nod decidedly .•stnart"liaking. It is stated thalTrbli&lry - claim friiti New army farther particulars concerning him ap vn. not to. be knower'. Tt iv said that one-half of this queer trans action not yet known, and that sow. dervlopmenta will be made nn the el nminstion, which will take place at an early day.—New York Tames. , I.lPAilrgltß troßr ;PVC. YO LIX(.4 AR rrtiblic jourunlintli e q moir hare lonkrif ,i,rna,l in tnin ortsr the• ontntry, in oriier to tint!, nt thin prrtrfitis: - Itrieturc of twine 14( tiplible, thoughtlet 'ntql rwrnnin opinkti in rnrar 1 to t it r loinon ni,i 7 h. pre.i itnry h,ari towanli tlr Onr own Nr , rion4 hrid gra , lll , ,ifr A r iq that the preedn.Ter r;tory or Di rt has nithin it, and iinrrouod roxit, moreol 1i0612,1, wi no) one and &JD Lathe natio:Ill a Irn,n imtation thati e nhy other portion or the thonnin. the Nor horn continent civirz..tl Il'7, ries, there are gathered thgethcrat thin ly Mare than &teen thotiwtral R citing mcii, 'wilt M arau d and -w(11 (tiaci okra: ,ritirrienory trio territory of the wen lo:defiant position to the - central riverantent , at WashiUgton, and mho ju. thtir practlces;fx)litiral and n ligiot a Set a. • • , fsitteirit`r- 40 si which distinguishei us at a people among' the nation, or the ear b ; The present coioliti n anti moot contrbll ing rentere of Utah Territory, are mph or to %%diem...liken the f4ra or every wan, who prays carnrcrly for the peace. Ictlfari, and -moral (Dignity of Una nation. The populal don is comfoard of men who.harn , by h •or saaogialioti no- ay 111 paihy . of int( rt los in connnon %lab' oursdvea. - Alt 4he itflto of trolimtaiiitiition Vara top Plan' l.eeti'lll;,l- tecl 10 reel/ring proof.lytro from obivad ; /tiff the grist arvis of the coin of:tartly at this ttay, iw 1201111,05 t dur Earopeiiiii•dei iced 1:1.) in the itiiitittg and poor.r agricol utdl dtrtiiota of roOttitd, Scotland and Germany. The quiet policy of the Prtsitlent, (llrly. ham Youns) argutttmore mild triitive fluidity, thin up to this tithe hu has received cr”lij for. Ilia- lionma.ce, which we have ht fore asserted to lte Windless, Intl been directed to cola:4°ll4in Aud eviaral• Lithitg 4i , 4 Own power, and to ntrtngthemng, evisa tothiitittoosc limit. thiniqtical eandt lion and ii.aniianieW or the pen k .' • 'Tit..'re dues tult - OXidt to day, in the coutintint-of Atisricaq‘ouLtas iliatneilistatels.itkrzquipp.- utl, and motUateady organized iihynert force than that now within Aue'ainita or Utau l'er• ritory. - -:- _ ... Alany reasons, 'mutat - if which we Intve,al kume-atotio-bilts-Tronr - VOinte, ortr cotatidttit of 1 is Hasa& harid pow, r or, rei.isainls- to 'Yedcrat nntoor,ty. _ Relying tiiiiiiah . eitZi, 41'.41 li.i. illgi hied and ansiat-d in nein which dean to call for 0)4 . 3 nnuiti•nto interlereuce or the posh rn lit WaNlii7gto. , . It is generally cOmstitd'lltat tlitre es..,ts no pun tr in tin_ Cen4lll gloyonallinc ft, 0011. tin' or suutlny ths sotyal or noligiutia i11r431.14. butts Of a Torriun.y. livnoo werv.the (limn. jilis of Afoomussa to settriidoWn and urgin: .iso tionsiolvrojato s' 044400 Ou'ilriap. ont,vraota im ito‘,ljaiiclian teatania , 494 o r. Uoaifnution; in flinLirospeot,,woold seen" to petit& illinr atidosaiou into the Unturti.— i W uheut debating tide question now, we de sire to discuss the preaent:vu*hig evil as It and we uleteeitatinsly_Litejoahaisiur qiurftintnfri — oornbtiotyof idkirs in, Utah rail, fur the meet pioutpt and fbilidetintto tiou on the part of the goirerndietih' , __KaOsawi itself our opinion, leash soli iM-RiPdiequiet endlrouble to the Adiplais• tuition than i\thor_torritory of (frith: •0111cialli of t United Status are, chillers airier% Latin, s ,it suctuA ii:Giree to send it representative of ill*. Isloverrinwit .inos" the Ti.rntory, the /Other llsy , the Unite'd sint c s Supremo Court was broken into by a nio!,, and all the records, papers, ho.,Jis, wi iu rinstruyed, r to this glace sfrairs What courso soctlis to he diquanded at the hai,do Or the k'sderat (iovuroinot ?‘ Nothing hut it 'Would s,ctii o justify 11i4oi a :it 9" in 'li tory furor, owl r , i,i rosort would 4,:vm ()nix prop tiesiror the • tertliet - Fatiill. Repr or iior. 11'11.4 is to to row oC: Utterk . l-..r-',,,n..y . , an .1,1, .1111 - 14 7th , •;*“."` ME A*. • • 411' tually.mt More. $Ol4l-40111 o!lier lie; 4. :Weller. lioalshart ; A Ilaisirlet• • Grord; 8rava910g13 7 ,15 - tormstorn; Jnobwavilifs.J: - .147 -- Burkekt Icrittlioy 4 • ._ • ' - lituotnorAn'e . tritint.t usylovrinATßO'lltTn.to DUenu, prepannt diretrly .tepAniingn. to Una rule. uT Pititrotnu'y Okenti.ry, nbtl i. tho belt onir 4 0 04/Wit'X'stkrfipOrtitou teblob oAn bo fundo rirtho dais of ,41110118 ii of -tb‘ 11104.1erekiiinOya. OtVul, dropsy, wunttnelhluil, haHowl thb A 4verlisont. , ukt in ,tnt,ther animal], itenled - "A, L. tinnlvuerfinl. V iutory k bnee On the Init., In Philatlelphle, In the to nlo of Itor - ht , t:horAo•lnw. 1)r, .rolot 1.1 wile. Mot. 'tro. OISTIA A.. wits of- rho 38tNntsx alter *gni - 10";' 'Shll'had•booi splinter' with tifneste of tb;1044, wintl'itn4 gonn;wliltir4i' !Wok* lb* oitts. for Moti ntienAsootirt She. ,rleafrea uo terin • benvll6,lroni ;utythlag Aline physiJi.tna .finitt_detat_hett_ flu sysreisi trA 110 Toro taco bled. till at last sha a Ank titular the ran. er of ftorsirest.destruyor. for renvtius were br7't to this plitoa orl tho I Inst., an.' on the 'dolt PA. , ThTry — ,iii(llll - tultri . In the noli eirrne4ry, :,tten,let by, a . Itirgii Oceidhn roe of rearrotrin? roli ttvre no-I bial's. • In-her removal there hat boon h atd larepoh made in the community iu whieli alto, woe otstoaLital, near nhluh porrotronl wll.l tnunro . runny , 1 , 31. A toolor, natl a:Scot:innate—a Inothef of throe Int4iretring'obtidren—a highly os. ee Tod neighbor—no nettre anti inguontili number , )C . the aluirth. ietaken 1151.bY in the ptituit 1111 h to iba raids of us AuthFss ; hut. onr kw". we are mm 11,160,111 hatEge.in. The deruare I W 1r a tflnglitur Of I\l3l im ifontipplon, Penna., Aho was born nod .3ritto.tip in that town.. She itenditnit, in inn.l7 tire troljvCt Of— 4ihl.flng refr4rui - A L lctilui;isriiis. a eormeCtud herself, in full communion in the Vice hyterian church there. under rho pie oral cora of the I tie lice. John Pechter. After her min Ole c ;11af,Co thno, sn,i va t iaoc'c.d hurself two ; -with UM church of the Lim cram. Iri thu cod. mo ion Am ountitittri, a - highly eitocmeo. 'Wire ...el cane:Am.: mr nivor t uvih oho way mu31,..1 4u reentaling the' metrtarial of Orr loath, , ,ye ro eo,o'tc-rn-it-the—adeitatiartuf Ovine Providattee. We ittprees our aytuperhy for the horeured family —ffteung tbeui the tralf,otOrzakifteAfil., Watt_ portulang to their intirpreititer time esd urturulfy: Au nth:Aunt we realise tire Wee of a pleneaut and Aurelia! ranee/ate. She' CU the !total of the poor toitristoringolsooriblly to than fraztr. flat landuesa was tiof ht words ouly.touk i u ruatity, lutp.altii am muesli's required. that sit whith *al substuut lel. She mita out the eaters or Alia- tress, sad wdh a prawiness boyenl whit It mi,rht h too boon sapposeilhir jiliyalnal strength would low. she minlassrerrallitt: The church of which she was n member. la striA. en heivtly . In her loath. Qbo wits the warm heirl oil sealints friend of tho cause of religion at hour° and iu f resign lauds: tier constant desire and prayer winwthat the power of experimental religiosi might titi 'ostensively fell, to her own Auregittid VA. the community at large, tilie wee always devising sows plans, and Wing male! fur asrrying.tliera in to effect for prow 3tfrig the seem of Christian .be• ne olenFe. Th. qu,pogoltilltiun to q u allfy yaung mon Wrthe gospel mirds'ry, her a warm rlan t. in - rad i o tnlGtoas ilk. foil I deep lutsr , n^d hal in iiite:ee entheino fir the education of y oli 1,, la 11414, coder the linen Iro f her lir. leer. Jitn:ittlntilseu, whit Is a:Slio s , try in the' o •ue'ry. ' -ins crow!, Ito nil 1.11 /3, I.llternt lionev.&coo, •liw , i lu ti it urtimatni,,g syi,i,motiti,c - ft 01/1 4 2 au,y. .00P . it on it of pi don 11'11114 cm .1 bcitrt to 41. vie.; thoatitt..stin h.tt iiruiti Iron toe trry • licin ttitu o *coma or. 31 ayProt 0 I ", iu 11' , ~• ax..hwit:hur um - qe I a a b , .seng to the sitiOniutil7. wrings inetrio• Imistetatier ehtentsee et ite,a• betteolesicirailrbe prometia. o Tot Jenne of liar dittghtnr, (`trs. Pars me) nforinx tawnslity, n 041111.1111 lest., Mn,. Lptii m:rn .1)1:N ...v. Nod osere.' •-- /a iunwshnc forrbilhir, on the 1.1 'lt ink; „ t•tt• 4411 of ll.inisl 11. end !Cry Ain Yeagcr, y:• ire, ono boto'h, and twenty-seven&vs.' ..Thar es m.. 11111.114 1,6ve," awl sadaoam deep, Wialre mlrrkfolnese was ent►d, 10,4 hoir:o Chet one., bolt itlgh rietil hope, Art, now to Plrrow Wood. f tinily gown ie,atiemed _The eJurce or WI tholr j 1;/ An nnYrf omno anti took away darling little boy they look—inssain they sail, But 4 111 he world not eettte; The S 2,11. yr bero Doge Che - iirsttrer la!, /teLlll4lllll ft %OIL C.. They MOLL the el.ithos be dud to wear, 40.14 - Nl - ay piessing toy; -doil stet* the lots that has beau their's, Their dulling little boy. " wet to gIUI, AG angel laid, way ot.h loon below, And learn of nil their griefiind "theme, And xu thiiiilo- to know; And *a, unto the angel, hams, He oarrlad hint en high, IV here gin nod slalthees a^ver owner, Awl nlit:ru Cr die; Where they that tennrm'ean find at hat, And every Whit eq.* ' 'id dwelt nil h /inn hr age att4 age, Their tl Ming little oy ; (IJ• (Jaunty Eupoeurtendency. I woald reap:v.4o 13(11111A/111AM utysulf to 1110 110100 th, on- WI U(.0011111 County. els n oundinato for thu shove et,t'll you.. [auto Iva! 0.71100 na a teach er. .11.481.0 U me to utoet thp toluitoill.om. of the lahc Lu ihuLtogit-.. -JACOB. 11,1401)146. M. 11 . - IVdlke,r P..0-'OO 13.18 XI al . Lk • 0417ILLAS NA R - L. it IIICIP,N, A. ~ and 1. MAttEXA.,I - blilt A. B , M,woipals • Vita trot:leLL'ion hi - toe tie la RiabietnuLlhut toy, mi Min eaunry, P L., a valley aute.l ft* Itlitttrar ul *mangy s a d he tl thfolae s, Al lis beimpthe home of I,e,c, t e, the Ii is of eider. '1 Lin (RH" 1 r,iro olitx,rl.lthi dos to ot4lo Ind foul No p 0 ,o o.liYop ur won 414 ..WI met Ortleuiwed to derelop,tho mind, and tibia' hove been appietv ; elf rend---nib now oln,ria Int the Mont fxperiosettal oaf ituezetaf.ll limeitera. "rho 6lu.tetl I of 1106 In : talt Mimi are removed att fir hi pmsiuio from temp ( tat ion, as it le entirely imthesrotioiry:, • } The Pandit, ilo not on/view° Mar emirs time 'to the perm! her reot(on ered vitiated of the tip, pi y.llO /1/111 1 1 91 , oeverel tele:hers, who aro 011 , 1311111 y y attic ability and skill or their prof we u,,„ 'Pants-445i ey 'strAion Ore menthe. $(7,50 prjoblo In tidsonao. For thlisulti the pupil is-rn. titled to Tioird, Teition lit English n o d furnier.4 rooms:A dedltothlo of grfaittakite for elergyeseres dieseheers sod orpluson Light, fuel, sad tweaking nt tho enema° of life Wiriest. The comma sp abort. gee made Cur Muria and Oto Langnsgm. - Tho.Pettnaylvants itientrel4sßroa, which Otin• nem., with ihritimore, rbilsdOlphlo, Now York; end Pittsburg, muses throne' Lewistown, Pennerlvit whirr hormilee fiamthetletirteurritt - thttpliaterut dents can Mks the ooaeh hoe lleaderlife. - anct.there • trainees may be roneured; Or,. It not/lied, tub no lietr . In iv Meet thetO there obnyoranoo fmm Booth/Orli . • , The next session oorniiiontes Oa tit* lit of IMlail2( t Tbr Ontilognes, oontalniag full Information, ad "dress illtiEß and N. 8. ALEXANDP;I4. Rialmen4Milins,llielineouniy, Pa. ' opt • JD LE TIIV O. • .N.xrkoE vo.iTuncaokf. -h ie war be reuelvejr,no -thovnlS:ne at (fon Ty nuov,ontli Levoll II oven ltaiire•ool oltion poser, In Un'orn, r 111;. 04ntrcioen., P ; Thu, fheloh 444 M•oy nest, Coor grio,o oleg, l o vioasi a g• uu Ulthlrol otisiolo forosuponnillnina—ato wvlßrriN . !UM uo-0, ecanni..llolng nt 1'711:Ono toolvite-onlooz Bornotonte.. PrJ;leeo:s to all L. Illative& t ho'svoe;,k 17.4130;1en.N1' 65. ily ; Ali 11, her et von fold Itt,oloo " 11 . 1111010,1 e oVq;'3l , • • ' • ' • ry . ,t I,,rnr r i • • nil Csi)TlLly(on . :r VcAjn.‘ , . Akitiff6 lay. • • 411 DAC . 'I . 4.11:111 . 01;1E.14.. t r. l & ITPArii4lll , ,• . - 4.41101. /Link. on Pentiz.oppoelskb errreidpe; • DI. J. 13, Stn.:tint, 10'1. 7. • InN l 3..nootirivii Wvf.Unit —LueAut.,,on et.akfice, nex snore pr. rcrroVii is ry tboy out boon! ad tinlowinutte , , pullaolae, nOl5-13-I *"."-•.., DIED TUDY YOUR. OWL" ornausT.- --, 1 trolcioal-ot,, W11,1611)14 401114,4 hi advaill ' olairsrnti l otnng Otibualuomq. but .'will ant, ant U. Moiratuultur is,-a imply. taut itlatbalay inlay Wire t awl:Wilts lbo fait that/ have. tartly broiled a , bountiful snub t• 1 now Aktliighlognaiha n ._ -- _...,-; r •if ti.ll) fi•Taae V44OK,Iii•VG. . I.. foypittili and . Vim a . nt , l / 4 I alit* it . lpatge4elqu.lan a gENTLiE3IIiN',3 ViiiiNraftillit (SLOOPS, ..,,_ 4 %shish I olnrs4,r sOa Est ncontshang I , nr arbor. I am enabled, nu tOmirmilmt gettbsq than mans. f retered 1.7 *partner in Phllsutetpld i oxiirrealy for this neirket, tolooll elethlngottirap,, , hut It eon hq purelissad anyirhere ale* !knits borough. it 1 layonr own littaresit all: Willi as UMW, lir il nu roir- Close your nlntlilnq front ine.S.I4VIPEIII. 114011. tbeapar then yon osit hum lu t i k tysalfietti v i a . It Is alan toy interest to sellryon 0 boat gsn,litat the , lowest Plulattelptila prised to. your esultlqints'l nod ihrqd,s): tint your odsiont."-'l3ll/e irlo, iti44lllnr ' manikin my goods. I ~,..,r „ e i. disteetlep to istl.whe in ay f trnr MI wit n. oar." Thime't forget . the lc ExsTon vEOM. iiicai 14,40tlialzhe, 'n _y 'trent, In th e room tkirinerly isserll4 by WAn, rr. Wlliats, Eby.. as 11 Liiw osoo. _Ls_ .., April let, 1857•18-11nr —SAM 61105iXELO. -fu n iu . . W W 401) 2110111,D1N0 .R Nita, IYI whop ttg o aPuto 13 h N. Ably. to 0 it paakath Lu , 1.1d18.:0.41):- nut otwk Trataa 1141kaatt a, Ayiits. 01' haul At., I , ls ,l ura Wrltud from n druntapt. )1.40u4 venite..lln the vmi. Oa TIIST,I4 in ititippr 'au..ailltaittat4.-ta .47411444- red Le !Argo, proll to at ON. LAS F - 19Mr.. Poi 1 111-IR4m MOTIVE. -- LETTERS 1.0) .LN•letrottun wham esmtit of r../mrtis--dtla olliortnrd lumAeht s lb. undergo:mitt reshiltwitrerti I t reepletel all porsontt knowing them/mites iallieb'tel to mild es tate to *mkt, lilimodl4Lo payment. and :hrso Aiming 11140.0 preinnt thorn pph n^r l v enthern Inured fur NeLLIOM4Ot. • 'OAS- 3f. PAR,Pat, Adna. - - XONANOS gozrx, UEO1t(I Limn, Inns alreot two 'Tarte south of rtcognrs: - Thrg - Tiowir• fornisleeti will dnrublty fort& uro ht i WOIIII6. No I übor to re.lto I plum nit coping plaon I'ir kilo"! n_lti eurtvey.rl lo -all I fu. in tl re; n• • - Tile riltovonropotilt is for - bpi 11•13-3 th „ OTI(il' TO T.lll. CE.NTRE c9u NT nvecr.o •-4 ,i.unlut. of this Mho 'Ant uit3 .11A1-4; teat:. ystu - to thooL In Collimation ot alue , ,url It • rose. no (Iva Ist ;1./0/Srl) A r ; tv. Iwlng thu 4 lid,ty of lho tno Ivo* I y.u(the orholo nupbor ni,olo p,rion of literacy and s,itholfi, laird skill rind riperiottro in IL. act t CfltrYT7 sirPrileixT:vn • three BID •,30di114 pIAtS; 1.,:•ortu100 ompoilcilltoi for rho some, on•I any lha glltlo Surorfutetolene or /tom tiitirja.aT.h ntvr I. , rh 11"0. OS• IVolt..r 1' O. ma 1 . 5:1 .‘ 9 • fa fi e ig LitiahTE fllllktll9DN' and leln'i l Ao. CAL D'lt.:l TIST, would Inform hie Temp* tnbi j *Vent lbw h -ft petpeattittrodtts4,in-110144,1,. that the will be wipe to bt+edd t2sibyerbe with bit pre fer:dwelt eareloen. All 'Want Loon m the nettled cyld and warranted. Leyagra l pil,paillaillika'..linedi Last Cor net n(, rho DI mond, noar„tt i: C..ntrt nv. Iy.FOLUTION.,! , P illt TP E P bureturore esfetl brt, It. C. Ile. hoe. Ind .I'. It. Ityjiitklitading o' let the fire of it C. Illtntheil 4.111M - wapthre day t pril 1. lAST) dleselved by 1. tut.ual octinanOt. Tbe.Otens, notes, ko remelnlnz In the hadtfn J 'Sp 1104bps„at hts e'er° fne tp.tlentinn. Where - All perr+Fri 1 xi% kg them eelves indellte4 wilt plheakto salt:soul Ike settle ment tai_hout tletpv. ti B. C. II VI 111 NS. • fi.1741 , 4. li. IltUlll3. The undersigned woltbAtellielpestray NV that he inttr.de to rental,' on in.lbtp . ol,ll elk'. at Dov's Slid whertpliii liven+) to klop on .bana. all kinds u( GOO AS asanlly kept inlet antintry ••ore, whore ha rill be honey Neeituneer_tte eqt gun him * eel!. All Mode at ementry,.peeduee i.ken i, ex eltlatut* rnr goNts, for Srilkoll I -The hitth,t m trket pries wilt he ',krt. • - Rill 111,11111 ES. aid 13-17.1 _ _ _ TRAYP. - M'S 'se. TEM • E I i. 1.1.0 .0413 rigor. re.i r. g in Boat:, • , nbnflypf „Decootbrr Iv. 3,11111 g ST I:1;RJ I tht,..ltheintrZo Rrert rods—, •no. 1"A 1.. C. pc0....u.i4d, rolie pt rof.or'y' p , y tr{.•+rml tike tb . e . qi air pr 11) y tredivprmi bras tLo low nr~ R.17'4 BKOVAL -CiaAP r sre rbr ,Si;rlqi QM 2filastoug - I': 0 &tat nii,ire4. . t 10.ALSBUR.G AO4IHEMY SEM. 13 IN AitY --The nod SU. , i" ,, of ie finorialb log Ina.' itilpn will eemilte tine 31 11 - 183 T, and mm in enhitAih 7 '2l, *nett ''tie Ir] ]..et I is et,:itttel eltht mitmet fr to It ‘11tro•to, tlo• ~,,„wr ant er C. , n, Ire co., an 23 milt e from tin I'4. 1 I t 1t 0 , d, with which It lief. nectul by n ti illy o f Time neturel Itetiery la rommt.in.flitf ' allmtte healthittlr • Time surroupdinlaunil morel and 1 04/PaPli And eon*: f • e.N. r eatio t a. i i whltsh Muter letger plant i's lei . Toe Prtnairil hut main Arroitimour *fib the eimltcy• ]]l' Re letter fJr the ateMemmorothol or ot It ]tt 14 l' nine , Gem ehr.i.iil.A lt• rio , J r ho t h -1•, t:, iota owl (nel it eh led, w . 0 $l.O per sett -- II ]tolill4 tier... Won obtelced atfll elm er • Thi lot t tile. from r. Si, ant SI oin ill! pot c•rten, end Fretuh in rte, at extra eloro .111 at i t ,ca of mei ton p dyable one hAlf In A. ~ ....1 '. 4 . 1' h oolin t ge wii] ho mile 11tr •Ini, drift h i r ~ ..,..i. ' s'udentemivit undergo nn ettetsiettbil monthly. and mi t e part. ill lin.r.nce exercise*. P.irentel authority all be sirihotie, , wheninn -11.0, Are lorritight Frank a diegiltill, an need such mipervlalmt . For farther infitrmatinn itentratifnl LIT IT EA-1 V Ult. A. D. Principal, Bietlaheits. Oen]re en . Pa , of Rov. P. Mbar,. Hem oriihe'flefttl if Trust's, op! 8 17-It EMI WOBINE In tho proud young lady ' s work% A pretty girl you al l behold, When etilleb you aro !brio& . Mows rlltrounot knd much tuna: TO 'he observed by the ladies Yee Jdnit go to gluteufenre 01 butt; )(id buys drew coat, vest mid I, . And pot the kid sterol oh yoirt ....,:yor nobody can, anik 41 I Bell them at the elute low Moe. Sl t T omyum Sho u oorol , d y in ro t i l . i r e n ot y ,Z , w ..• wlil dri the her.he , Jik),' „+- ! F ell with try.l.iz Idol2n. ' ,ap8:17.41m, 14A - 11. SILOBIIIrjn,SI, A xrTraw. ddl A 11it+)r , rolp , ,illt., „1, .b3} 1 1140 Cqtut or' COrorosgt Moot, to Nlidlclpit'u /10, Ainfin in !ht. h pa. of 1)441 , 1 II to. 41 , 11,11,1 rtud 11 inn id, h t 5 dim yi, 14d1 We I n..ri ly. I. t t Ihll, do 1 . 41 of, do': 1 a. rl , •dtmotil. I'vd " • :4vri n.. 11 1, rMi ir .11/,/;‘, I r tro). Att4'7.' .... il4 ii 3 . ' f lo l ' ' . 'P L II 4 0. 0 ti ny 0 0 ftriuf (WWI' , fai t • tc" i lla r tra g ilh mstAvs3e 4 irgt 1 ,,,ig0 "'a c,`l, b. • ...t,e;,l 4 vituetrA so .,_tt,„: ry ati IT ihe'lleshiet at the 4.01 -wpm= hitti Pith gYsitettlPhdatilt Itt)lees the n otoataesper.. "yeti womb 7 to aat of Aaheitaltlyi or lOW ~ , fl y ata, at - Caere, taint the livectlit bottla-cill, with lehArelatergetre. Irielleaper, Petah - 10Th acaihe a eNgle Were, rolekinelielattientto•health .11-14catitmor• •,,, 0 tirrit_eit.,_ liil:A .iftuelait.tu hill tem 41441 h .. --0 -mk s ki loote, that the tut Ifore.tcr Is comports by N 1 ttli ci, WWII, .e 0 A 5,,,,,,, tp. a phyt hare who htui fi rit In hle pritatioo for the Joint, Furey. - e '.---" Rogge tp. ' prat IA auty Teats chli a suci.tra nine et inore Ita I' M. 11011, . " Miletbnrg hone lout, cud that it le riitirely t 04e table, bins,, ecru °to. Taylor. , " " Union tit. roma whiny of gout!. It mod 0111 . . . . " littelon Ip.- o c , alllo idea of I i.V X ant gib or the: c gcrts hi iy ha ilmiliccy CArner, •• I• 11111.1(4114alt 1 . 0 1114 11 lieu it Ii L 14.1 4 .11 cue I , U. tit. of the tut 14. A ,Tntkeeo, . . l'hilhieburg. crates ttnsalbe at lunch elroo4tl., as too hood! 4,1 Mtn•trot Welt " " Ileclaburg . Iti ewer Carmel eithuui .ta rot Its titleterth.t Weitetetecyore, "-.---- :' tt VIA _ 4 affigl.l. a. M. ea '. h ?at rep. 1 H th 4lkerflelt. Merchant, Bolloronto, Darld hlaKihavy, hating Haute. li el retoun, 01.1.1 II N . rAv rat, v)ork: -irit 1-te , Ilellernute. A r i ont3B j AlortAvr_roa,.fiata , -./sr ~), -tromainuo ottne twit Will jul Testament of Marla Biloll'ilhani. doecl., nut owl Blood, Wilson at puhllo nut oly. 'on thu '27thl Id' Apsit Met, of 2 "'Wool*, Pl.', In lb. lawn o Moshmilion, la Sono Ahoy ,towhotilK..Confro,,op.; ajlouott odd Lbt of cow , 114, oh moo in 41..14 doom or llooloinnon, mow' ooeurionl-hy .loolth Wolf. 'Forma, ouo - half dr Mil Inifirlif oluouoy'lu hand, Ow boancw In out Veer; Milli lelelest, 'WM. 00114 /:.'r. 4pl 1-10 -al ' - .)131 . , AI") 419141 ' '' ' 'T. r 110.1t;CTI nouladarnom - 'hls fiinod a-th At. hio Inas joroo - olloaltosal tuna rho Pon , . A eplondhl het nunont orlliFli and I Shoo,. of the Inteh:'soote, nit of which Tif Toon sell at sa.lll poked on Co Itokrontuln thin., t opt I-12-,f ___.- .prietor. (1%-f lea. Pit iti irly end ha depart ti. cheip and tra.,allei I . = :AUDITOR'S NOTICE. --113.7.,T1,NDETL• elAksed uu nyilitVr 0j4,,,inte.1 by ibo Orpbau'r ,‘,l Coatro ijo, to tat '4, !Its ri by Itht of Ilia bat. 0000 10. th.littp*, Of Wm. Knott, EN 'l'. OWCIOA con{_ nu ,to tiod-4.0,0„; 44: Lutlt!od ittortet wit! atto..ll. to the fL tire of a ti,l appal amen,. tit the • liont,inr3 Ottios. 141 plitr.ki, 00 "T. 11011, 1. 4,, "21,1 ty of April, M 4, w ere air pets4lol lUlr teataom4y itt J. tiI3YiLLP ' • iipl • DIR2C- jtl sogiirm,.f obr'nettsv4 r .1 nt I ti,,elo.th .hy R flivi,tf pre..ent, eve I I meettl and 01 to vzlaing in. (II the, to mmount 01 fy the trtult hurt. ri:l A UDITOR'S 110'1.11j1---151E1INDral -1.3.,444..vi1, tin Att.ll,or appoint. I by theC.,urt 01 Conwiou Plual of Idontnt county, tuokuke 41.1111- buttou ul thu wont,* In thu 113.11,141 , 1 M. %Vita llu, tho ' 4 it. of (I,l4.repatuffetd of \Y m. h tudw t, to and 011111 11.81 81ti11.1131.111t0te . ... 1. will •LLLLII.I to tilt, .11.111 , t1 tot MAI/ qii.ibtmebt et Ili! 01— ILe, to .13,o1;r1tuto, on Friday thu hof April, I,l7i:resit, I nt.ty attend, 1-18.1 t , Au'r. EC/LOOL CONVENTION.— *NO dapsriutentietpte ef, tlattilitalli44, and Ober porions frlettlflyins i tpo, rriri - hse e:d tint, dentine Churoh of Pieta burg, ountmenctog On Iti n ;e...!..fd."'• April 224, nt In o'clock n. tn. for the purism. jf dertstrir to so , niont thy inscres, felt ill this! bran of Phtleinthnipi: ntil o.eut speaker! kre expected to psitstoiptits In the exercises StILLER, Ago., A. 8. 9 V. mer 23. .. A GUILT CEW.f.lt TO /WES MON. Ey, . I fit A VERY S:4ALL ,I'APfT At A.rents wanted in 41 , 047 tote and cooux , y In the Euinak .ioator, to poll Ljr oLLSOriptiolo 0... or the grandest and wee baautifid pkttura ever putlioblel in AtneriA,, beluga 414b1,7 ornamental ' 4011TILAIT Off 111Z1i DIAL (I F.:01(U E VJASIf._ a . . 1131: Tail TAT111:11.1)2 1115 COCNTII . X. .., Ile L 4 rested in thou orb and re ;vita of o F ree moon.. standing in leo onto-neon of the great end noogooitiocir Temple of Kies Sidoinon : the Pie. -Hero iodic toga/My doeurstioil tall/ I be oityalc not. Woof F r io Manuilaor, aidi appropriately. e.lordill: . . in the hlirbont olylo of art. prouunto one of the mar 2 5 e *0 Wale EDT ONE OF VIE Coutieous opeatioles of (Moneta inegulAo•non. Of —. bast *Toin-lladloines °vex which the mind con concelo o The l Nene., iv /Milk.: •,, sad Vied, and for the outillint y of-attitude, „Tat l 'rm'ilht bcf '" t he M ir " l '' ""' nei r tir " 7/; •''''''' and tho was and oloceity of naserier, is 111mm/died, l. LW:lilt/AIM WORM EXPELLER.. It is platelet, Ciro itrid ourtiin. tieedio i r no si//kiter,rt pornlapve, j.i n i " thst P oi nting 'lt"' ex.ca t e 4 Oiler b 4 b4a: ao t zrl . 4l:oropo. attire 11 rt/onencrol Wolf macro crux nocd, 'Try ~. . . ~. . . . 8 11l reallicraJturn /LIJ bans pi...QUM-rill an 4. bogie fled be oonvlno.ol. 'Propel/4,h , " - - • -- - --..... • • -.0.p . m4,&..)4.„Nit 5 q,;_;,;_ _i court:n*4.69°mq and In onler in oupply tbolleidand of an e ~..4 .tha tis mom., leriaA acx-i'.ell in r ari,us ..,..Draccla ot N W CP 151os trod. Bellefonte l'a. A , I,L TO -r-C I/ Rotolo toil J/1 lirero , A Roo. i " . .7 1,8 i f 'of , '' . l7l , l/ t r 4 proportioao.o coot, ronclnor at ten? 11/111b 11, . 311 l o'iurg; Mean X ft trio.; Ktormooro,n ; It 1,1 . 5/.1, Burr .1. au"; Jig.. Moe; Cu{ on *Me ; o;',, ~ 0.0 i., „, . , .P . lo . turro ufro . o i ihar le te . 'ijoalu foxle . ftlrlo . r . to this. .. aro . ii i o ,ily 4,. •., . t-r o ,oy„ am. on artox, to I loud, ' • o i : ,k0.,, t :iony.. k CO , talTtll'ow ll; . I .1,1 • .'nn ..* K ^Poo. It ooh hltor“ Wen. A. -110041 moot. I l'Ux.' . ' l, clu 1 .4 l d,,1. 1 .'",'.:, .r A . 1.1 (th.or_. u_Anlariglao, ,yi li,l-111/0 • De .01 , f1, 0,1 a WI%• Illrnitill,llYlioll Or J.10101.I1V'El•', .fivo. P. Print, 1 timord. I oil - Oen litiouroil mid sinned 11Tb una-of Oboe rem ojd.o,ril apatiniota of kienrioansort. la the farm of olio groM, ,11 ad oh &col olio 1/ ,i4ur or pttr CeintrzO I bare mule 11.4 p.le* ales low. ''.. • I Let Pee , . aepl:_l* will lie Noel lox mail or :21eonfe An ouy prooortbM2Tok lirillio - univuoipt of goo to , toll prim) in currant rondo or rou'ati Vow pa, urFor terms in noroaoot a full Iloilo( oily new pub. ha, itto. for I .1:4, or I. ir, unpin couples mite..H. . 11. .11111,1q9 Jll, i 41.11 oia sorest. Cltrelnnaol. ilivot. Lt . living k,1.0. ouldrozio P 11.11L/50:1, 21 South thlrd &riot. rhllarlelplobl. I', P. B.—Pnellohero of Newspatoneter Poolooketo ytioliog oho ab MI 1 Ivor' ioomnot, iwiln lin4 OW W. '11,,,0. (outer osieradasoritolothroreiporereatellt - Prillf tbodr.pa•avoloattling one mot/tool °upturn of Aortae% I shallhoryopitaf tiro hforlottirfued of those Pito tures noolf2d to their alines. IN °TER -WIMEAS LITTERS OP Adolf oistritilop op the estate of .10hu fifes winger:tleettriate of Potter township, hare boeu 'grentea to the ittLytiber residing in mild tursji .bilii all Pervinsi -indebted to said estate will {Mao °ewe foreferd'atul matte immediate pyouout, and thwie bodily slams aphAt the cuuo, 0111 preieut heta duly itutbeetlaited fi,rseitoment. IIAYED IS. UEISS, INE GROVE AVADEMY ANDt3~M a. Lv,kitY.—J. 4-a,..-4.,441- R o c rte.". M )3lia Ta.kthapaloluttiOn.— "kw Cysmion of Ibix ' , will upon nu 1V.,1...." 1 ty Avril 20 b. 13.57,*a^41 coatlnue 0 moot' 4 The ipylintionJa rt. osl*ll7 wiles; from the Penh:, 11 libto.ll,, b Ahl'h ft Ir e)oneette , l hy.4. tri•e'et.kly liar o f yjet, the al'uation ts health• fol. and Iran (rout the Imp:A.4.2a Lao phces.lho cm c,nnity {amoral and letert;ent. The Prlezipal lot it. tf rented M tJ. nuram lagre tied 04032/0- Mous holliiimiettrenefly ecouple4 at a 110 , e1, pre}ttxred for the -row: ion of toterra-itt the comtorloooteoei or thet, 4,,,. Titoia-$1 75 per nn k. p.y Lle one hoLf it Ali-two , test !bet. entice before the ottelent is rent teed Tuition $5.156. $lO, t ad 31 . 2 par •Vd4oll pty tb'at true brit la *[tone. A I.l4ilont el ryttingteefirot Tllll too Intl near stu- , iet.l4. pi ' tcrd qte cutter thd Principal. Foy further iottrttrittoo Ipo'y' to . th 4 Nutur Priodpil Pind•Crore Mira. ton tre-eertlitikr-PeTui-114-Ar Onltri at Traitor., " Ati ILESBUEte MONUMENT ;WORKS. L YO. j,ublub the l 4 plett to trifle nork, each 36 {hero Is In rant: from uul, and plait., it all is bourdtnattgure.ao that every one may kauw the I riava , r, thet the twreaeml fpn.e.ot beiutpoeed.up. en by tearolliegt eocltllaro.botoPilif.ing theta 4111dars [taloa, ie the price,' eon tot. 5.1 {rile toot teolin, • • • • • 0.75 Fresh cloche: l / 4 • • • • 0.75 floe wiry trifle tooth tor! • • • tiO 01 it ble non)) :iloneo. - • - Detre marl le glen polish • • • 700 ttuAry mark[*, • • • 0.54 Clteuer marble. 71 , 7, t etterlog from two °eels eeob, koeteelti• - All work by . boltioe.l In r'bilatlel phi% eyte, Leery deturiptotno of marble work at o. ro.,e. I will give the pricer for nreatneut a ark if if it re Wee I AI tiettletrg MAt hie Wtoke. - 11.173-17. g. A AliON PARTKH.AiI Senlnfnr. 1/4. 0 0 IC STOILE. GEonaz Lti'rNogrov, . .1-JP 11l hie well Ispowo won't on - the North•rtuk . tero eor net of the potato tin ore. tOl3 can(ly ell hood n Inrge sumertweet of • "TniocualraL,_ 1 Ccoatrxr,; f B ons . blievaLcorados 1 _ . ;Cia. Sefton'. - , _ Atm a tam tenor b[' . . BLANK 1100 X ANI STAIIONP,III _,. _ br tfroluottemallty MATITIMIATMAT., PASTItftMENTS,_ • PORT FILMS, ho. AP W 0,441 la • avail adnincar -11111 city mein. twei4l4l. • Oro: I,IyIPSTON. N ZIE A.RRIVAL.2- • • ----1-: - --1 44 4.Ci1ar-----,- tti - Jo - 61 — a , spriciard laTiorca = ator“ stlY TYTE CUICT,GARS, _ • VELVET TRID1241)108, . ' ervid *very kinfl or • ~ .. ~. LADII.B' ARIAS GfXll)6 • . er trnts TAMS .000!$, FANCY BOXUS. .. . .. ZitlgiJl BATCEirII9, ouitLiTltAS'iltretir M••• Alva IeHtiTLSSIANIB CLOVIING Tlf fle latest/loshlutui. nO boot soaks. ^ I oloot, averythlv dealred. Call aid Roe. Tild InvitiFiva -eatataifeit aa all. /MAC MAT. Of , 24. k ali/114 ; S aECEAP 13$001CRY13TORE rot . *Motto ito libteolkfbip • oto oil. upon Mot by o 'onerous ootatauwity sod hopes by Aria attontiou to busiaosa, Le alwayr iioutloue to mark tho approthillou of on approolottoin 41.0 • attikitousttztossototiAlas. pablitt puss! tbat ,ho lo propanol W fOrolob Amp, at Mt ithown good with every iratioly.ot 1111,0001,E$ that, fa be oallad. for. Pomo& within to eoonotaiao will plea /van and ooloot du& oaratidOok of un b o I A XII . getertalned to eve oath , . flotign to oa. anti? Int,iTYRR. tilOW READY.- THE NENVEIP 'ER Ai±lloctlon or. nomirsitirir facts nnil pp 4 R w tioniplaio list of In the. fJAlrtqjfQlaG a. Caottii :mil Grunt lltliejk. woi of 'Um klllll IA Um iworld. assfilant, to thu Editor, tf tuki PAti- Hello, AAA (isritiral .%dirrrtlsve. Bro., glp n ronelist of $J ~ -V.4lllb.*Prelvdd Pr 411 4 ~outttri • , 4"y port of th t„tr k IthriThF,ft, rnbnehde7- .. 88 p.t Nor. "m•Y !rig — . I.froP 1. C.l .7 - .1 tr :f •fi !L„,, , A . b., LAritlovt3, •nd,nil liodl of No bottle IS the surest thong inown, to owe ay the bad effeotsuf mineral poison of any Utah Only uaa bottle is needed to limns out of the• system the sates a Me tioine alter a Mug stottalesa One be Co taken forJsuattioe Italtaaatlistostaral ootertant.thil_skin.2- Quo ileac after ettrAag Is tandem to toilet e ILA stomach mod forteette -the feud .0014 4154 Ana soaring.'' Ouly.one due°. loken before retiring prevents • nighuonre. One .loaNaken at plot lostaatuttimbotrallgiattly and o u re 4 oestitone so doso olteu aftet Mott meal nlit auto Dye , pc Nita. Oduivio 14. two lea SipaireGall always siett lomiaobe. ' , ' • Ono hut do taken fit: Lamle olurrttetlon retwavor the 0.1111, ut the dlittruto. and inalta . 4 u 'Attlee Wife. - OntraPalloao itaultAliattly relies or ol.uliu, while ottu dune oftua intoned is a sure cure f,robulora morims. and II oururrhyoutallse of cholera. Ot,e dose lotion l•ften will riot at the nourrettee of 111114 u, attoula, tiLiio it ru.ires oil p.atafttl fuelluis • Lirlitto,or twq..1.4101 Woo ta.l4olottall.i untie of ti, , tort a -medico tul colt t or krintrp. 'lnuit rude °roared of itiaannWun a ul weallolegi of the lags bile° boob oared "lay the' ItarigNatur Otto ituwakeu a dull nine b e r t re o rring•Siris rigor to the nrivltte and m thou fowl diAeot xoll. Quo dooiottou :WOW! curon obroula dlartfart int %v.v. inintner And Lune! Oulu pl. yield Wawa. la We Ikrot tkaup•,. Oao if Lan - Fort - Tel titres abaft. .t.sof worm , . whileSer, worn), to oh llama, Otero tutu twer, otter and riwediur tent Ay-lathe rerld, no it pot rri:‘,,P. 'fl,rro idllo eZ•1;;or uinu 1:1 Ihoy Stu iduin ntnl ,her train, Shut Me a 10 gnu ar• i Lone • Si, Vlore. Side nll vhn nee It arc K,i iitz their unanimous testi. n.• In in s t hcur• o;allr.11 el,O nru atak rod tlelolita' ,, l In try tlaa Ygmne Iv, nml to Yt tbororgll'y, urn nor 1 , 10 , are nit he n , lined by i a Ire' n e eh, lola Ithe iohear nom. tint are have yet, to Ileqr from t 4.4 fleet ref .1•I, oho tins neat& bottle ..f loalventor vilqlnut re coiling benefit, fir there ere each Pittoiii,lting me. dictnal virButo in it, tiutt all, 4 t. Mss l-loy•hterolyeein.ttifeewr. ennkplidut %liter • ifu 4 dnringistf liver, will be benefrereli t If bet entirely enrotli SANFORD & Pt r pe*. snarl h.llencar. • fib Ifroaotway, New York, tro r into brl R r.EN & f311,1E14, /I. ~11. L'1.1130:1 Qtroca .'lli yettaguivo . aorac. , l'eh 11.111-11. 141 At an serroer:Clata BalitEril tiff/ NEW. ItigA THlr“.:rtf. Atli) alma ' reAtertit woo , s ti te_tat .galgg. e, op ou , the moat nandedbi disaortiG of t ao,ut pragweas, Cr it , 'rintartl, narmatteetr i i: gray Itair trt I.i oitgtni I color; o.)yer ()mho/WA' tbe ak/ with a utZeulatarttat gporr.h. runwre 041.111 al Ni AMINO . and Itohin., ours stt a c i outo. std otti. er io atamous CrOptioyi, duo .1110 , 40161. 1.111 tare, aa it hy taAgio., near, Atlas' Lonlanhe; make lila bsi r:, Q I !Awl prasarrenaritaler papally, and I a a Lai.- to gatrotes 41 ago. late taloa lug la fr,,ua. a truarnutaled =anther of tha auc4laal pr,dusaluu . EL .I;nuary .r DOAO Stitt alliatad, I send you this aorUoste, Af ur hying hourly Laid fora lui.g dote, and lug. triad a I the hair reatoratiros exam', and liar, lag ate faith to auy, ' l Iran ngo 1101414 of yourk to gig* it a / isir am bonds 0 it Laritur, and Loft my head ruhaed frith a g 4:ll.lA:i4.btuan, and tha liee.urative t . lena aml wen rubbel In, WI /11,, ' , Pew." tl‘erY luN walla tlan; wor . eits the young tot app,-oral nod glow r.pidly freal Au• g'iet lint tha pianist tie• t. and le nu* thick. GI 1411 nod ettorg-tiort st•cl pivot:l4dt to clot to volt ; rtheretto, her w heralk aod what baba amnia AA Of t i, nod ltiAt Ettlo MN disappearing re. ry rapt ry. • I still oat your tr 4tOr I Ira *bunt taloa a weak, and than awe bor. a good au4 wrfrut drop of heir. Non./ /tat rpo,l. thorn thioplte and who Ito eat?. bat hare not eetta, ha. hurt., Any 0000 *heti any ;bonnie hair was racily hunetPutl by say of tho bale tools, oto., et dm (Loy: and .11 * 041 .1r-giv 4 taelshaserrat to rowed tite'regottef.any exporieugo. Ihairs reousionoottod "roar propuo• tim""th,nolamtiVittreattrtoritllleatto tad 111165:' rat sale throughOntAhe lerdittrY• • 11w PoePlu Peril tonr-Tftt eireota, mmirbaiu, coutldenoo in U. atm ' supply .7,40,00nt At_ IthatagalnAguagAlagAlours ritory, G nearly 0 Nedrel,r...l dolly .Zrlaa arti made /by lgtt ,dwarvo 'radii for your Cigna. ry; and I Ibr one, rattan yuckniy theadit tat tbo bonelli It has &mu too, for I aurtafuly hadlileafialr ed Swig a g o At OVUT Virieltilt soy snob regally_ ' ' a. W. BOND. IrDin,olßegut 4 Dratsieo, Pawl (imp' thirroileathe Real Deufe Adiertiater., 27.8ab0al fit., Marob 20, 16.53. , Dian Stu: hayloft became prumeturgy, quite gray, 111.11 Inlueo,l 1111.: ate 11 , 01)k4 11:14.10 re aµko I. i 11 1 .0( your Ltditarls tiVA. ILave uutql leits tbrtt two breaks, but We gray bears boo. ii c d.p,p raft , ed and alibOutih• nay hair Mu uat, fully atUluel Ito nrigtnsl eolur, yot the prunes of eb.u.ge le grad. nnlly going olLlguld I sin In utuut b u r*, bat IA ft dart time myJtalr WU be oe dark ea formerly. I bare also ham easobgreUged at t he , lltby mole. On stud Omura abelte.4.-lobiebballeroueo birth sod dry ; land, 4 toe upW4,ll eeknOViut et Mysert.r. liteupuolfully your+. D. C 3d, Ayer: Prefoasar *eel. - " - baser wed Profaner Wood's flair itcsitorallse, awl horn agtoinid Ira wonderful etrsot. AI d hair *lot 12 . 60401 141 no tittatillbt,pironnatit rely gray. Out by tbet use of bis ...Restorative," it btu rammed Its original color, sad 1 bsys no doubt, peroisneottg . so. at.DNEY fill EK.SE,t • Es.Ssnator-ir. &aloe. 0..1. WOOD k CO., rrnprWorr, 512. Din.,,Droy. N'. sad 114 Market lir. Lnfiw. illtorm.4. flohl here by tiserm 4 WALKEN ai . 4 ail ISM peetablo draggle's. mitriti-,144zu0n. NOTIOU-Tag'llllll33.4* oisood, so Mlitor, pr,trolw.l by the Court of Corrstrion.i'lesl of VO6tra ottaxy,,to I.tokw,liat; filo of ma tOoolei ihtt• me • • ramp{ no the MOO of tilts evltl . io,/,,r *I it.ism to kio l),.o ent'itle I, .0 fit at tong totho Pltt ILDlipt1)11111)11t At 114' ~a ol:7,4lllla9tbkti, On' ,fti4ny 2, 4 .fh of *4 it, 1 0 +57 %OM% Mt )141M 0:ilk 41T‘ , 41 ta I eryte , tt'eett• • 11;11 ,t 4, + 7. 17iNV 37. 7,7171 - rrY *; ‘41.7.71 , ; .4 71 Li t r; / lt"ta n: All L R CO XO. iai . IN • 1111NIM -- .14 j[ll.o * LUIS Of wsattwirdt . mu, dertVirigdourorliusi, 4 muMply sr* PAIN naseigeoult„• • T • ribb vottenN44.4e onaggit or Oar rieN iosit sautslyil-10- -*arm --normirr-' !go* MiU b 111,04,1 I>J almn tidy eoperlat WS, • gravllisi on 0.01, Illeloulloi Portraltivand odoiast !Idyll , ' Designs, by eetlellat lsidtnamoruusnpudonlGAadalapr. E part %t ill toaUti.i at icait 31 P . 84111111a4a1 nn ilea! vt,..vvry •..,tltdr part la Low Oa Steel Mates - tarix. ce.14.11.16A1141. EV* Soni-tnuatbly . put, 4wiLliJas di * eiMITe 3141, 24 9taterlrealbUillt•whn.n7r ----- II CO iftlu !IN La u, .4.) t Aka ou. wmk. • •• '3. The tea And awl aut , esiNtettl: yuleowee will to tuned In doodle parte-mod die "Nwßo sll4 be qty- v llama at regular totenale et two wader • ' • at aotg. t h e, Ouninstions elrgody - immtved 'A' itotaly ourultsrect, ate the &boatels, , . - 'z' •' - , ^raityttilsraw ralt.• - • "`;'• - '• - -"---, (len: fildbuytoitetivu. Cloai. /Ago OP. Naar, Gen. dinithir den, ffreart;(iiih, it.rJ 4 IATIN. jou', 00. Elleelie, liim. ilustraboryq/en. Lod; tlait: • ,JlLiding. Way. gram ir 4)..; L. hoop ~ mount Felookl, 1.1.4. /.1 .46 liell. '34o , lfrer, _1444 - Riney Lee, 1..71. Nov tr ,-tkre. Maybe. thi . ll; iiiit,...t— A a ditoto et Mies* Wet. atetk. Usu. -.11-44*.. dlire 1),.n. Oates, I) en- er, Oro. tit, Sri/ atoalttelelol tarn, We Ilt.t.te VII hit: Vet Alarm Void tife 0140 i tt taro by rod% We &leen* trout tbie Thorobull, Woshington 1,015 the pletitel. mullet, 1V whlegtnt from Utopia it. by .-4 tv..l.lngten frout the plotato of ileademee, se. .. W.3l4l‘gtou from No plea:an of Browa's , r WratbTrtf, , ti from on I yebiltle,Allet. W ton tekay,perar alt,) 4. Nlideltltteat Net * a Wu I hinii 4 trmu '6l • tiol olutn.. 71.1.1'81fR 1101111 ONitigelt. . . 111 e of *tetw . i toblety Lome otlahtel.111•01,Iptil 0/4h( of Weibi,glotett Birtliplats, M..M V enteeet, Ft v , eers] Wnahtbroto .4 a Eforryier. *.Wirlitikauil _ At Volt Neeteeity,. ,Wathierentekieereyeot 0,..1)&,:, tual Swamp. WeaLington et ‘Ttnebtater.lllfialtl .. taltton'w Viola trate, Iroairting bitilier JIM— F.rt 1 itninpattroge. Il.a/.1. liter.: Ifeelkeeeelas et treet Point In 17134, Week tia 3Mzt . riot. I from • etteetarreril - Ittlltztii: . Thtiton fi.ita , ittailutte 10110. ......' ita OW dente id .i.r fedettonetowe. nattiest ?no: ,„ n • 8.,,10 of tiertnentneta.llealleepalleretb- Ilral I Jet'. ltattlAtllc'tl. 1r eiglaPirtwik Oft OM' gr•e , co . ~ . ....y. reetattn t reftllithittete; lei Mabry of (ha Fa:her efs hla CluAtry.-.4l,ll4,Adjaks. _ x - Tr.r- - IT I. jainair Ficath.e Illuaretker tall& eititiall shall oe *llrthy IL. alit3,ll IFNI of the BIM li•ut.i The las tatth..n have been envoi brebabe •njeloni dram 190. nut the mew mob • 4 sagrok i lr i tp and Areoutel. '.O elvers.. will It• opiate to e Ih. cunt At i nee er....litoblo IV A ggertran art. seal tel ly soticoatory to niustatire of fnethlh.t. a .aiti. ' ,ti Nt4 • tpl C tiffaiitai _teppliodj, peat want .. 4',L ealon 14 ruNliabed.eatifteno- toe--- sulicrlbthi. - Feb 11-11/4t. . - ILTAAPERVMAGASIOII- • Ji.. 1 44t14.1 rf.k.tlttt u hirad4lll4Vgrall. printed of iZirpile.. Afiltrsaht. itsul Illue(rattem Gtr risk Atialkimmr es 53390. iltird ante Hart/ thwomad dales • year 11 thug , paid hi tbe Magazine ko.tatiotkes dor+ ma.ll Artist'. - The Publishers b. 41 Moir talk drabs 110 NO' pubilo (or the extraordiasay Amu" wig idgai MO )logliaino hay boon rollollod.• Ifollithor if_ will be spared bit condor It 41111 oho/. mateyl i rli amp-4404W tool:woo it b4oportiovod. Etta; "umber of dot Nalesbti ola amortolo 1$ octet,. repo, to dosple ouloamo, ambit Yoor 'SW ooteptietus tiorirly c lwo thoinosoill pagoo of thopologo. art niiooolinnooor Montero of llso iv. *veer omplwr will oAntaisa nommus prittoolol "ahmos.. tIoGI aoourato ptaU.o of the ragiossoo 000lio. gr r .;,,iolo of Co flint Evooto mot loopourall iodine, of.thi, Woks of dm son*,goloako-onsonwo thoneto. "lilt (he mill; , biro woo *.4 boottiabor, Itul tubscriptious may ouinr•stat Oaf arts. r .1.0. , 1 1 —ThU Moilin***ljil eibtal ma otheoli oellors. periodic .1 oitetail, or Pout the palgioloon. at three dollar* • y•sr, et twenty-Sam.... a noojltr. The ei 114.011110 li :roloopos, ite eqsul.isur, sat. bound In sloth, "IA tohir let I'd /Aura , tnoolin .ours, Oro turrAndool to Iliii. f 011... *Moir huts their Lock number* kialliono4 ijimobotb - -AA m-0107.655 'pot" each. twelve volesoist an apt 447. Wild fecoloth; Aril" In tadritilf. 'no l'oblishoro will mopply %oils.* 111 , 0 U- - to Agenta end X'oetauestere. it m a" Moroi orroamosuou.o 'Wk. ibres.eir sul tin , the hiajoalite• Lb., ask Ste .Crotior two pet*olle ft Are dutigo o,ylµF„,-- two hoe illitswwwwwwuuiluts**oll So Also U. Wool . toluouoi. - The MVostoo weighs aver itoioo sea awl AO strhcottisess. Tin p4o:ago opou orb twidisi. whiJli mu.. b !Ot e 7 Oa quissierly,Le adlow,,va , „ rase ero' tkolistrutine lo tioolred, lo sows. - • •" [Arno ribrDlrot. would otoo.o.wiwt: Vow 111 r,, no *gouts lb: "taro esontionto tilt Wile. -These orileshertbe Meosloo or imam pus - 4p* fr • theill tie.di•jdially work.. 11AltPER A RIWTAERIL ' • dselT Frtuddlia Slew% nut Tip* • 1231T0 Itatv...El. -- yArltigitADtairriNk. - . ' • n.: k 3103dEJE.X 1:4011 r : Vlrt, is km I b ,. .am 1 raw. beak t Sooratgy ‘,l* the moreas. altatrartor-- Y re. lontitiel to my now itteakews la Nadia ßill t& tw .Utis4ll KS Nft-441,11.11.4 it ve—eue duty. I Infra • gret ilaaay rolowlitto taa La .... - linsiol nn yorwaabona Mitt( tantil f VI itillija mi_ Illior-l'ola Enatikasoor r torwrda by yew, never NIA to ortulloate the polo whoa 14911184. I a!4.3 limit far sow, throat *lib the out rad 47 foal, and know of it being wud for uttli guild rnsolta. I halloos It .o be a i l= eloo rtr tea about divaana nod no huailner, seal , 1 aahllarly regootatatul it to all aalforeeg atida shim' Neuralgia or libeuutailam. MEl=l2l Motrui Crimi;: Mobt.ri, :- T bar, wbi.l MilnPainEr•dientur, pramined by rt.. griiiinu In tuyrMald.r, slut liind arm* ireellse awe b trnt.l4 eeFte4l3# poordapicad, klos Owed: ' .10111$ rewso-or ALAILBLE WORKS —l9. 41. L. la s A CD.. Lave started • Oen Rerlisia rrorlt? nu Ilii;11 rre.A. ree ri> s,,ppoii(o the redJnrw of Judge harettit's. alms wi warts:oft/IT triplets a!I %t) are in waiut. of anything us a dill Immettleely, exalafito our wolf ad eat. your eletee,forg' Quo soot.° Is .44erss indite ad 4111.111 pro:Ps," re natert 4.0 9.0 1 ).• that ant not be bidet mold or intruded In WOOLIMA6I - hy nos Other Ea'Abllelleseat In thirepate of roonsvlraria. • ft le knolitoird that Ile hlsie rep , . thatThls Ct is by gained byt a anhatant Whereas* Worsts; homey elatestere, sulfides{ tee of itafAhlut sonnagesaasat Meru, sal 11,1, breels 471: ansindim. The htitacts atC s :s e enhititiamtrirlha ikoidaeld at W Gab to wb"in 144 .taransaulaailsaa asaaa-hei adtreisrea In onsuro their speedyemplethea.. frb 14. 6. A. (116601.1 130. • .:Zo A 8 Tza-1. • "We miklarfigned, her bag alad• Or sot PA . Wash , * ,arraagamiauta, aid baajag larp masi et, nottoxfoll op banA, 'wlll ha Vol, rt a amyl Inflow tv ft&t to aP orders iu 6141 aid Rao at ►"HAW& n. }Ha ...i.riworperwa ---- rripiriar work aultal••4 4 Ma cart,. will be *Uwe* ia style withal b• raverited. ir knew fou aiSab last•rialt. TUB WORK "WILL EE •; • Tint man emplare4 apo r?•ll..tn i a .14 mvit Ite tbo aboaramed ilppros.f . Jecl, 01 !no pea 1112.:4i.. h Aviag I bolt • wool k. tloas it% 844 WH • IM al give. Lie.Al/ °Mara kj4niaPed b Rail•jhu!., boo.: oonrav, Pa., Wilt IS prospptPy 2 4 0 %44 t. JuiriAlt C. 11. 10.041/11107. rp RA; EINVIT T 6 / 1 111)111111K-4. Skiers altlee tuelhelleesto tem elishisehettpuk" near Norrilkwee. Ps.. *pi be oped he riterol enorpoors 'bolo 11l rums of eigs, • 1056, till Jutle 1, IA.ST. Tbi At. 4 1., Ml* sum - minding prcOmit, escavil 6 montiminthilintio filEktisat for 1l nud•nts, ontl thr terms not tit orbits* ' of ''.+ 4 "4 l-1 " •Vontohyt - Alti t ugal - t a a • .0.1 *Mt, nevi ev,ry reebenebie ellbet i. WA* in pmsno . •, the ph sin NJ, it*t ittia *Wig val , fern or the Pakelese. A Cieer=l 0,11414' order, with partteulert awl rift SAM42.I, • atag•2o • 4 - .lll°N if ' rs. STAUB Z; 1 1 / • , CaIL 1 f4.41t0 anctimPNl " AnfMortu the fellivnisM i t ..... lNto t 44 1 1e41 runs.x dully line of flllairda• tA iryrt. by w.t of storm.tagio Awe WA;;;;;. - 1 1 610 4 h i look I; i I t Bn'4 r i l r elNlieik 1444 r ro o Tynam cot 44214, ,IF I fr , ..in AA Irrlintm mi. 1 I p der, and Om NI:0111,0 dive oft I ~,,' ~.„,. , -s! rle,t 2 p d. TE:P. •• • g' I T ; -71. Y \ I.;re rAle - r. 1.0 1 ,., tlio borourbetoMPl _ 41r117 Fat Ow* -to, .I.,orrn l S nic.244 soPt4ll.l -twel intry. .0111 In. 4 retv,lnll3l. *st.ib'st,end re. ert,to •—• 1 •44 i WM q WILLS, 1 Oar-24.1807,f. II =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers