allailreff 2 akilialintrOttlUMlN . ''XISO#ATIVZS. Thlkhltgylmssiblfbe the bolt number rff ,ttmtlirM Most the eyes gffllrec they aaymblo to elect Couhty Arita - for the nest three school -7sor4'. '! l itre proper performance 6f that t 6 effect the original deSign of the liberal matLfsr•seeing Legislature which es "0111111irlikl Ifte office, frill be of incalculable -lion • - ;fit: t:o the State ; and the contrary wilt 711iXhtliiihl,ly Injurious. It is, therefore, our design, as one : amongst-HI thousands of • 4 1Ityittirtns who have been watching the ." - Wooo4,orihiii new fester° in our educe , radlik es sia' gain, intepso inierest,:frankly . /see et* elle oonelesions to Which our obserl *w eitithleSli 40 led. reirsTlirseyeara ago, few directors or others 4 14iiiiii , 41,1u view of the linens iity, nature, Ictoteperationor probable results of this Ilanatural consequence.' were, in erst4bsnence, titirneFous - MitaakOti HI so "44*lartilria Coillpenaat ion. These have been •siffrtillthsle emtitteouely, iitiyihuted, both in s a {({d tit or the Stale, tit a:nettled purpose to omen ; out of. general hostility to tishaYettimiteelf.'" In a ft:NV canes thin feel 'ilittarMlif hive had its influence,; but is most. • 4wirisedericsingplaind.. of really grow out of L .-40 , 9%ilirtranre-atirrtowlegerof- titer-nature tar tht iuselfroir (1 an honest belief that 'ouch •: 4 1l'additionlo , the expense mid the working ile t ioliftpry of the system was wholly 'none etSltleary. Whatever may breve been the cause Iptereyer, it is certain that, in Itis4, the duty ~:tftlec:ting County Superintendents was so ,aprfotaturni as to produce one or other of the three knowing results : Either, 1. jinoompatinil person ' vrus chosen. 3rhe,„ of count°, firileit no matter what the salary. Or, %rho • 3* Istealit sleet failed or wee greatly crippled, alilikte i ti i i i3n4 by total inadequacy Of sal. - iiiYstpt ,;,,',/foinnpetent person was selected, with 1 1 _04rititi' olsiary. Whf) ful espco.: Maio friend; of Cho measure. r. , Finint this it would appear that-fitness in ) 14 e rsra°4 end adn4n , v4-Of , comp onsatiou ..ere the elements- -the essential conditions-- - eiiiikleas. Of 'course, as in all other cont. • : plex affairs, there aro instances that appear ',...t"aSiltliclivith thin conclusion: :hut on (dose . inspection they will be found rather to con ` it. Fur examile: one Superintendent May have been so well qualified fur the eta lion and iny dev2ted to the System, that he dieeheived its duties. at a most shamefully .14adequate salary. 'But who will argue front .43ri . a, that it is the right of the public to iin- Allissiliath h berthes on 4lirivate means or in - e ieitrlualpatriotrsmf Or, it may have been that all the conditions appeared to be Be teliod•—both adequacy of silary anti "skill -AlidAlgperWrice in the art of touching,"---nyet -11dliwe ensued. Yet who will condemn the •ogigl of County Superintendent, because, leitarend there, a good teacher may hay e :Ilielefolapaor Superintendent ? Many an able -Igiwyer makes a miserable Judge : few of the most,snonestafill practising :physicians ate itindifted'for the Professor's chair ; and so, a teacher of boys m,ky not succeed as the Teacher of Teachers, and the adminis trative officer of a complicated school vs ' jell. It would be no diMmlt task, at the prea int juncturt4o run over the whole State said show the'correctitess of the conclusions "Makatea Cases of full surieemy or of e n• tire failure, or of partial failure of success . might be ins tanctd,m stnet aecordstwe with —giv• .But 1t is neither proper our necesSa ` ry. Wbat we - hare to do with, now, ale general results. These are so plain that he who runs may read, require no an nouncelnent >Of **facts on which they rest, from us. .Taking it for granted, then,' that experi jttstified the wisdom of the- Leg-• :;11014tirliiel requiring the selection of a fit per , ilshad the payment of a goal Jient salary, fur this oahte, two questions arise:— 1 14 %,iS A fit pv..rso.! far the ottdie iff a sullicient salary. Lalleihrer to tho ilest•qtiestion, it may, in _NO wukmo of the school law, be replied that Shwas consists in ' I. Literary and Scientific - achy, clue " Illsead ate bath indiipensable, it'd the (1,,• iitos of theta should be considerable. lei ev- • ail oountry, s s chools of every rink soil grade •t-troto the lowest primary to the high school, Wiak, its, full round of brandies —either are • It lattpit !MOD Conte into efiistetici.; and to ,411404111110 the lace propeily, the Superin liallakillittelaUlt be qtialified to examine all the -111111106011, 40 visit them, and to give said, in• . 4 in the, art of teaching, and the weiattok ;,'Atha -con grade of each shall require. Row Illorupoixop!. 1 y use *he ;th s e leiclier of [hi high :loa the highest school In ' • WE114, 21 401;ni.1i IlfinperfCare/ in Itte art ti:f -11 /Whs"viiit if4 . lenother requihil i e, and is al ililf=y the law; not only skill to alike 10 a. —iv bin, Ali-. bt iio v i l 0 0 i :fp * u p • instances, the offide has - 1.010004 lilliokhy persons of no groat, or 4111110111ediAratug ezpairtegoic it, lits iirt.-- !Wigs owing , too tliaksterriog fttat that some elpiipplyr/a them so intioti of the A p trf kitAt , Teaelnlr t atidsfult adrove for li.cifl4 in .ra iiiia cagas. as to supply, ,to a icraktifgree. all otbertlefects. But the es ; eteiltbiit only proves the role ; for the in - 3fstosdiarHahre . ' lbr—warrt - oiltitrttrmetir 14,0,Wat;toekitutnerotue to leave the' (lees tionAlituittftd. The safer and..the legal rale ftoin-aifosses,to require this "akill ik 11(1 ox • eerie?' .' - / 1 / 4 ' ' - - ' • zii 'were learning and professional skill siNot,Vialoient, ia,nleaa, as thoolaW and the pecegat3 of the ease everwhere intimatti el 0 1 ,4'0. PC,Cottlptulica with the piwer te 1110,lt,hted oftlbient, Hsnee', • 4101 M tq vnipart - 4noWletre; and give - +Taiforritation publioly, as well a+ pricetely, .14 isinireiiialbie. Since the passage of the net titlBb4,—in addition to the ,puhlionistillig+ rift;llllloPlition of Teachers, awl the k. a VII t a tio u of tiellools in rho presence Stirditsciors'imit Amalfi thaieby Prescribed - " 45 4 0 1 . 1 41fAS 01115tiint pod 'county. 44. utast, 041400 iinidocant • so, - proveitsent'of Tohehers, and the delivery or oviblio lectures and addre,ilds tor the Tittr-, thet*nce of the:Ottawa andLthaloistManation of.the law, haveVeconie so general. and are found to be so benelleiat.that they may now he iCgalelvd as nu intregsl hart of thaSuper intendant's duties. All these Orcß4lollll4 im 11;0;44 : thlJAiklty of addressing the pubis:: and tho officer who dots hot do it, to 'matter what,tlM cause, faila in him duty. ity:therefore, to liptak in public should he isithrseed amongst the requisites of fltorss for the Mate. 4. EarrAT of character and hwe for tile work. 'aro the _fast essentials that need be specified. Orithont, thes4, tic highe4t de gree of ac antic attainment, Ofimotessional and xeder'tif expression will %Si 't for the great mooing lorees of the rt:q 1404 initiaeter tic W n g iiiette pres ent in large degree, even a tneaiurn'or ation in other ft Spolitft ffmy sacra 4. Amongst- die qualifications necessary to this most iMpoatant office, it is, of course, not deemed requisite to speak of ternpe l rance, honesty or indusiry, nor of comnioli sense., muivity'of manners, or knowledge of human nature. These are requisi tt if to the safe and efficient discharge of every public trust . ; the ono in question exception to the general rule, but rather' demanding them in great degree than most others. In ' ll mooed and A:lide from special requisites, the nearer he-character of a County Superintendent approaches toe that of the Christian gentle man, the gFeitter will he his aecepjeclie ind suceess. , Thettistrer to-Alio yucation, what is an adequate salary I ,villdepend mainly on the locality ; and the experience of the past three years will, in many oases, modify past action-oh 114holm, - Alan) , or UM. Conve-a tiona fizeti the salary in . NM, under a total or very material misapprehension of the na ture of the ottoe, Oa amount of service re quired, and thii degree of good to be eFee ted. Now, in many parts of the State, all iliciseVehits are elearly c'emprehendod, and the aciloor of directors will no doubt be dif ferent. No one who knows the people of ' , Pennsylvania will, for a moment, suppose that Injustice a ill be done in regulating the compensation of those who arc found to ho among the wort useful, most laborious and inoatiinportant of our public agents. The actual amount must, just remarked, de pend on the circumstances of each cause still, certain general principles art indict ed by by the nature of the olden and the 'menthol' the schools, which it may Ire useful to elicit. The first point to be determined is, wheth er the whole, or only a portion, of the efft ,er'n time will be required for the fall die• arge of the duties of the office. This will holly depend on Pn the number of schools In the i'uuty. If they Are materially over 100 and aliould he increased, thew the beat policy and the comme most productive of a ill be to pay for and require his whole time and serviaes. in such eases more data half of theyear may be most beneficially 6ioted to school visitation, which to be effectual, should he full and fro. (pivot. The rest of the ybav ran he profita bly deVotod to the improve—edt or the ti &idl ers iti one or more institutes of greater or leas duration. to the ollicer's owo itnprovi:- ment and to the prepatatiyi of his reports. In smaller couutits It portio/4 of the officer's di me will be needed, and the salmy may be in prorortion , but in all eases enough should be given to secure his whole time and cilurot to the service of thr 14,601.1 while in operation, nail to the improvi mgnt of the b_iidlidra idfLthe The only other guneral4Prinoipla to be kept in view in arranging the salary,iß th - at of making it largo enough to command the very best professional talent within the . reach of the Convention. Fur. reasons al ready given, no . -other should be thought of Tim wan, then, who's law, experionee, and the wants of the system demand Mr County Superintendent is .—A prachuil 7'suchtr, whu is also an,accomplisiled sold- .r,Zand a..4eveirdy publio sprat - it ; with siigt cient love for it to undertake, and energy to perform the great work before him ; and - the talary,should be sufficient to compehsate him, to far as manea can, fur the efficient discharge of so great a labor.' Whenveranch a titan is found, he should he %elected. Wherever he has already been found, he ihonld be retained. At the present time it may be proper to renll to the attention of Conventions to elect Comity Superintendents, that section 40 of the school law of the Bth of May 1851, confers .upon, the State Superintendent of Counnon Schools very considerable polters in referenqo to the cotionissioning of the per sons elected. Tho words alluded to, aro these : "Ifoltlection ho made -enthin thirty days to the eusuirtg antic!' commission, the .itperthtentleht Of Common Schools may re quire such evidence. under oath or affirma tion, in regard to the election or ?notification of the person elected County Superintendent as ho shall dcom tiettesniry, and then shall ensile his (snort:is:lion to the person propel ly (Fuddled, who shall have received the high , cat numbed of volos.", this provision it is eartipdtent for say 4.utiseu, I'B4 it would swim to be his (hp ty, to make 'objecthiie to the Cuthinissioning of an unqualillod person, and to set in °per iltion tot the good of the system in this res peel, the powers vestid in the State Super: introctentr — Tif - VIEW of II& lrito course for Directors in their convention will be, to vote fur noun unless such as by learning god profesaional skill are fully (ial ili«1 to rICA - oltripo all the duties orthe office. Pen nlylehvtid School Jourital April. A Niew Democratic paper, entitled, The Btlitex," is abmit to 'l*pnbilabedpt 'frash ingtonf by 16. P. Reiss. It is iotetsitst to be, independent, Denim:rade, and nationhl and to bo Ifiiitied daily, tri•weekly, and wsek ly. Mr iteks Wald' formerly connected witli . tho Washington pi 1.48. El-- - -- 011, SALE OR RENT. —A LARGE Mid II ovonfent Toviro lloaso, t‘illi oxten xtobilog attodbetl, situ to In the Borookh of MilonburF. now in„tho uooopanoy of .Don'l. Waif Nor rattledfalapldy:fi the nohnoriber. - itOrt44llll,llpii. - 1 ITIO T 11150101 Rt 1 440,4 4 ; 101 1 Trliittiington btiaitaK,wito dyad ttui *lay rnAhrlinivarinibesyteliuiiaiWto Witness the Inaugneation ceiceaunies. The fatigue oeca siensd by travelling day and night and some Iltilediasiiiiiion on-the road, niadelliin o.*l v, my field nil **kepi. I*}. the 011ie he reach*d the Nnlionh{ 11 * *Ivi, alanit 1 o'clock, on the bight of the 3.1. The "National" iv c IlAflly eonstruett.d'huiling, loftily of thlfV9ollll be iiiaaitttbnttvifut we. into one of these dirk placcaorp:weney Iravclhir was placeat (In - trio morning or the titla some of the colored serventa noticed that the door alas still lock e(1 oil the inaide, and arouse ay tint tenant. I % b irliitt time in it !" said he a.hlres.itig, the .4.4icey. The negro told him Itboti t 9 o'clock. -IVlnactifne "v.; the inauguration come oil' (yea 'the next quelidiovi. a inighty." exclaimed the *lackey, ''da t conic off yesterday.." The fellow had slept over a whole 'lay and never saw any perttfrof the Ittatigttra.tion ceremonle4." LEIVIOTWORTICI Ctrz, ICANsAs.-41/18 city, now a halo aver two years old, is far ahead of most ill the towns on the Missouri river. It has a population of three thousand inhab: ibuits, and br fore another year, it is thOught that it wilt double its !Resent population. Frew/ilium/ aro luting— milt" fin' Nailing many substantial houses. Tho trade of Leavenworth,' it is slated, is of ,itin.ll tient to keep up a large place.. A railroad Westionrd lowa/ do the Nellie is Prni"'" l, aid the i.uhAerifttlon is 11111ng up rapidly. A charter has been obtairieil fur the liansa4 Valley Bank, with a capit = al of $BOO.OOO, the principal bank at Leavenworth, and brauehes, at Atchison,' Lee/mil/ton, Fort Scott, and Shawnee. . • • 'DUVALL ' S GILLV Ofir OIL will chock laud ever:- holly curt more lace null pain than any other remady known Aek timer that !oleo [teed it field Ity A Itrittftin littilefonte Jukpetnn Tioatebarit A SAiirple &Co . Pine Crone; Brew & Holley, hitormatevoill; C .1 Itytnen, Mitre berg; Wro. &Urea'', Juakionvillat .1 It. Ilurkert, Nittany, and ottiert. ittOIVIA CONOPINTRATTII ETTRAC 101prepere4 directly •eeortltog to thflules. of Nominee', end Chenrktry, and in the best and ?host *Mire prerierntion which can ho made for tho mire of IlivellSre of the Madder, gra - sel, firtrlss), weiluesees, *Co Read, Ihe.a,lvertiti Inent in another oolum n. beaded " A revolution Isom - Ain Victory to Ours DIED.,. Al F.Lrmer'm Mille. on Wodnoniny L Mar:ll2lth Mina SUSANNA nod's.' 20 your., II month., Blot 11l auyal ' -11L,11 V.lwimirrgyouth Is am,te1,,,1 ouby, By death'. resistlcele hapi m Our bearta i the tuourtifull tribltte pny, Whl,h Firm 110* muet demand." The aged pilgrim, nentending with the storms of 11(es!7ney grow weary to the struggle 1111 , 1 101 g fur the, peaceful rev of the tools; but life'• sweet to the young, and death when he comes fir his viol he, often comes at arrhuur when leant expeetod have even the opening rose bloated irefore its bloom, and we hese aerrowed at its premature decay A. ne retired from the scene we have teed in our harts this it on emblem nt human life Again hove we Isere It Id o enisee In n io, its f re g e ,, n e e anal beauty, hut, elms. the cold winter Collie and forever blasted tire loototiful flower Thu y.oull of is pint lion then gently whispered to our hearts ''As fhr m 1111,1114 days am as the grass, and 4 s the flower of the geld en he illourisheth for the wind pusha•tn over it end It le gene, sad the salve thereof' shall know ft no more " Our beloved eh , ' et is no more Hhe Owed her earthly pilgrimage near the n•i toner of Mr Anions Fieber, of tutu shade The circumstance, of 11M. ileatti wer a mot: painful She WM 'Ol her was to her residence. Milo thinl,iag of any danger near, the wind, how, vet wee rt. o f .; and just as die hint left her companions, with anon/ stM ~, de pnga,gea in conversation, a largo odc was mem hooding to the blast, which eruali her nod Itil h tr life!.st: Li th i dile' Of her early hlitory 141'',, it know° I, In wri ti of this nob, .thous SIC v Ll• 4 41:1` , , Ow low ime a jnoniber of the Union Fa, .1 y i , ,il t orl;, whore OW aa la .1 la' 11140,01 e" for rig. uterey of wced ince, ga'al a 'TOM anent no a i' ila loroml for proper letowrirm to her Itthle lessons She possessed itil a M labi 0 11,41,0811 Ina, awl a ' arreotness of temper which mutt etolemied her to ' the Lanny Atli wtmin she rillailloti, and to all who knew her intimately Some weeks einct, while at tending a series of religious Meetings in the Luthe din Chrnab, at this plaoa, her mind became aeri unity tilyriiitied with tlio'impoetan.e of r-eligion, sod she accordingly presented herself at the altar of prayer. 11,11 as she remarked to a friend, her evidence of aoceptunee wi , li tithl, at tide linia, war Dot gala, Hoar A groat change: Woircrer, was visible in her walk and conformation, She Spent much of her time In singing alai prayer. " What a happy prayer meeting we shall imam to-night," the real irked referring to the female prayer inset inil, of which ski tram a worthy member. From the testimony whi.:ll 00 havovitharell f ro m her fatuity and comp...not, she is doutitle34. id home In heaven. llmi.VlO enjoSo.l the eat t mfaeti ou of a dying testimony, it would give us groat plem. uro to mined it ,'yt nude., it to nay "W e au ,,,,, li not Wthose who hove no hope " No, dolor, we hope to meet thee in glory ; —painful am it im to re cord thy melancholy death, we rejohie in Um OUll.k 'Allan widish our holy religion affords us; nillessed are the dead who die in the Lord," May we lona thou In that land where no farewell tears are odor shod—whero the inhabitants never mourn—and Whore anti:arm lare wiped from off all fines. Thum (Lover alter flower la withered, ts "rlll all the "dead in ChrieW-gii-hotne,:' Till all the ransomed ones are gathered T. biome for eye beyond the tonal Farmer's, Mills, - . W, A. P. fl 7- County Superintentionoy.-1. Would respectfully 111111011110 u toyed( to Iho SehOwl trlroo tors of Centro Courtly, ue n onnilinate for the shore office Seven roue preetleal experieuee rein teach ; er, °ratlike 'me to tarot the rag pit annuls of the Law in thatresiovit ' JACOB 11.1I010.;S.,14, Walker 0., efil 15-ti liISITA.COQUILLAB ElEttll NA V. .-- 1, (1 (MIER, A. 11 , and If. ft ALEXAN. , DF A It, A II , 'hie inalltqtlen is located in Kiehaeoqpillas yei 1. 111.1fga county, Pa., a valley noted for beeety of scenery and healthfulliefil, and as being the horse of Logant the di than ohlef. This Seminary riffbrde ' rare tippostunlthie to male and female pupil. for ao quiring ,a thorough education. The Audit' our rued in both ilhparOsenta are thole best ealeulate4 to dovqlop the wind, and which have beau appaiiv• rot nod fife HOW taught by the moat experieneed and stionesefill lonelier+, The students ofAhie In ratUtfdrtirefreinered'itiiTar ii,ll,lsWilblii frolic iciajiP ss it ie etitirely in the couentrt y. The Prineipals not only devote their cadre Milo to the personal instruction and conifert of the pu , but they a ro f leabite& by'iteveral Gaseliers, she are onslueetly qualified . by thar ability aod skull for their ppitevaliie. Trwsi—sss per seagion of flvo menthe, $27,60 p tyablo it ‘1411,11/011. b'or this sum the pupil is 011• title 1 to llotrd, Toit iou in Fliglielt and fornist's4 rooms A dal ottleu of $5 is insole for eleigyiteri'm datiAlitere end orphans Lista, vroshlwr ,at h.) .sonnies of.the elsolort. The wow* ober. gee made t,r Afiisie and the IrAntrusgeil. 'the.,Petowylvailia Central flailrouti; ultlch coq , 'wale with Uetlhuoro, Philadelphia, New yuac o md, Pittsburg, pesoWs through Lertstultu, fits, tow trtilosfromthebellbstry ;:lat' ON pl . ileota I:no Lilco the Coach for Iteodevllle. nod at , ootivrywo Cs oily, he protminwl; or, if 'manful, the Prineipsla will tweet them theroottlb eanveyalwe from Seltditikry. I ''rt 1 •, P The neat ste'i'n ~ irintsnoes ow the Ift, of Map.. For Catiiliignes, contoluing full Illormetioe, ad. threes In. (I (}BIER mot 8, A 14Xling4t, ip.simwquitiag,3l,4oln eouni7, • apt 15.1trlit: :!41.111! - kirtTelfVt 77 1 . Gro. •• t lee r‘ the lirj4 Mini* (Mealy' •• • tie Me ferinfrlskidogeeritel 1)r. B. bitrcerattlti WO the hem,. lately ocoirpiett by Iffre Bettie, ea Hieing dt. Office, text deer above Dr: Meme4 residence. where they ant , neteLxprailerlietraly ttecogyl. etil _ 11.,IIILADE,GFEII.A. WOOD MOULDING mi.m,„wricow ,•t th ot u 12th, N ,el,lO Moulatinits suitable for Coo het 111111 Flllllll, tinyy Ale limit' Ally pattern w.oka:,ol from a alro • _ trkonl, named in tlie 11111 119 T 11.9111, In this rs - n lion of tint HLJo, to wham , pportuni , led will be ut tered for largo prolllatotlifoosolvta.. SILAR E want. apt Ir,-19 2m ATtYPIOE.—L 8 OF: .B.DDEENTS. istf.tlton on the ear to of RAO l late id Howard taiwambi hunt- been grained to Ilan undenrilltnerl residing I aid tow n4hir, who requestv all poisons knowing the, eh.le n indnbtotl 10 4 tato to Intik° 4111111,11M0 *v3 , 11,111. nnB tbS-nabai'atag elalrbs to ntettent them . popertr nuthenliented tot realm:neat. JAt 21 I'ACEER, Adtnr. apt 15-113.61 7 4 IXOILINGF • 'on ,I;OPI:1,61111„ Prow lena, iten A41111111'5 nth of Depot; Vyth . -- poitv tia,mk , o 'T01e,.,, , ou '0 1111.1 y bid t amt fruntsbod wlll, ,hirable fu. tlf ill }ls deport meats . ffu labor till! hi 'pored mato. It a elo.'ap and pleasant atopri.g p 1. ., for tailott , and tru,Lll.4 Pa ovnigorg cum lot from Itlo Cans floe or oluirgy. • Tho •botte properi:, ir4Fiaarale apt 16.121-3111 - NOTICE TO TJI! SCHOOL DIENO- Toits of cuNTI ci)t•NTY:, ENTl,l:ttrN '--/o rgr.ll non of tho I.W petiero Of lho Ael cafBlia Max, 18!.k i `you arra hereby nutitlati h i allot in Con, ern ion ut tkb Coo tt Mace ao 8L1.1.11- FON Tr, on the lit /AV_ ALLY. A. 1). 1957, th of. the mouth, at 1 "0,4 1 , in the atfturor , , and s.loOt t' hY avl,r ily of it, tutu!" in,•iber ho.r , ~/ irf 1110111 1 11 n11 1 1,14111111' 1 alto iotnenla, an dad si.a II sant ex,_nerivnet, in 'the of telelaihg e 0 (WY r 0-r_l r,' fur lho three suoeeeding ywrs_datprnln,c thro amount of orrtnpetoottion for ths cutle t mot .artily tiro trattit 'to thu Klatt, SupetintiooliAlt- at Harrisburg, nn te• guarani by the f.l , 11th sentions of :odd net - (1180 N, County Stin't., • , - Ountro County Walker 0, NA tL k;) DENTIOP.T. -J. D. wibroATk a 46. SURISTON_AIitI saclfetikliph DEN T meld Inforniltla'Gien4 tad r itrona that Ye hat porinettentli located in 'llolletnthia melba he will be tiniou to 401111 to nny why with hie pro lantanel aorrtak rllBl work done la the neatout /tarlatan! warranatAL - CarDelde and residenc, on the North East Cor ner of oho Diamond, near the Court Donee D ISSOLUTION. - TEE PARTS ER. boretofbra a tItI nig bet, twolt It' C 111101. and J. IL liughiai trading mob, the(l al' C. Hoak°, Bra , "ram do+ .1 I (Apiit I, by 1101,90 aCittatl •I'h 11ol.e, bolos, ,t. ',tali...fling it, the haeth of J It at Itt4 iblreetion, "her,. all I . them iiidaid.d igUI pleas, 111 and ko trt•lo• moat tri.b.tut delay . II C liny'e Mill, art 8-17,5 t J It HC11111›; The nnuernigued would rr.y.r Ily n.ty ihrit be intends I „ n mnfnolllnlshe 1,1,1 -0-01.1, Kt Do'', Mill i where ho intemle• to ke e p n hnrd , 1,11 klu.6, o 1 1;(//)!).ti n... 117 kept In n eountry 'tors, evil( r , ho 'nil ho happy thee. an In gull 111111 IL I 101 U /111 kinds of oetuvry pr 0 ,11,00 felon In e n. ohamf . ,, for isms's, taut whist, the htgheolt ntroLet prier oral hi.Kl‘eri JNO It. /I tIOIIF,B ' •• nvl 8.17.1 f cZTRAYS. - -CLIKE TO THE El 3 I • 111.,0' of th. Poo, , teeidlng, In 110gdi 'nip nhlu , tht\lea Of Doollel.,cr lent. two- yogrk.r, r...t and thn vdat, , en.t red The owner Ii milinstoil forward, prove proporty, riy rh.twen sad hake them away, 'Or they will he olirpv,o4.l of us the low threats WM. sliorz. npl a_l7-3t REMOVAis.- - Catialk ALCI2I 4 !Mt STaRE The aabeertbere 'meld ree• pant fully inironn hit old Mende and the public gen r•raily, that he hat remeiodhis CLOTIIINU E. 4 IABLJSILTIENT . tho ro yolk ,fornwrly oc,aopied lq W. J. Kaalsh No. 3, Ilrekerbeft>o Hew, whlre hn le pliipared to ferule!) reedy-meth+ rloth• leg at the moat retinae , ' privy Clothdde toad• to order asuuul MoNTOONEItY & SON iMieronto, opt 13-17-lf ' I/ - lrotice.---de the undeoigned im lot i to go IY eat abuuuh. lablArMay 114.1111....114 toilet fully itt, Reg all 10.1,, knowing theta Inns in. t,biu to him by u L It tociona4„or Othkrwtst, to that data, sod all, pereorre 14. at 10-.piareeent. them. - Dur ing. the April-Court Lr may be fotitall Cummitige I . ,.llofonte All .alaimr 11 1 / 4 ,11 are 110: iottleil brf•r r hot lime. will be plant I,o,per bawls for rola oat, sod the clay of Judg• tnent may bo at 1 , 1100. GEO. GItAIIANf, jr • Mileohorg, P. 0. Centre uo , Pa. marl/I-11 BOALSI3IIRG ACADEMY AND SEN Alt Y.—111.• L. 1L icissions of this linun h• lug In.titution wOl trionnetlow MAT sth, 1857, ca l continuo 22 weeke Iho institwliun funneled eight miles from Holler , oito,linewtitinty *eat of Cen• tro co. anti 23 unlcr Yl. , m ll*Monne It Itront; with which it Lt cnunectea by warini Dits7.of The natural eaenery it rornantfo. 44.14 - the' climato healthful The All rsoun,li t 4; 041 MM tar moral ,0,1 Intelligant, rid ca.) nyt which rosier larger plead Inimitable Toe ihinntph line made firm inpoionit!i with tho coll,n! of 11. ilglitug for thy+,o , , aunt , lation of lit [oast W aluktontv,from ,ttbiovi 'rhe oof be noon nud fuel utrloded, o ttl 1,,, $lO par Huard ing hos hews ohtlfined t %A..... from V, $lO 1,• 31,.2 pi r tosalou, add Prench Olt I'll, it I ‘ll gr.. Alt rpm ~d' r,. d' tot , ton pitiable ore h I t in ml, An,. and ,hat go w. II b..11110‘1 0 (Of 11W dorm h rll .‘ Studettla ran-t undergo all ON ,ilturttiou !monthly, and tali., part la loterailrOXPTeimoit rartnital authority rtlj be oc a r elami when il t a . dents are tail uehl Cana a Jilit4Llll ,. , and 1... mt enteh suporythtion ' , Furfurther Inf,,nottf Tlll7 0. 3 IV EA vim, A. II Prinolpol, Bealsborg, Contre co UT Rev P ti Fishor, Buo. tithe Iloard of Trost's, upl g 17-3 t STUDY YOUR OWN INTEREST. A gotsl tisol of hittoboat is osod In 'Ol4Ol - puffing up bushteati but I rvill not do Sty Intehtlou to, ampl d nostostly to buy hef,d• the Vulthe the foot thoT that,r tudtly, npotout b ea utif u l .nn•k of now and forloottoldo E - MAD E C 1,0 771 1V.% for mEn an/ bop!, dnoi Melo n 13.1,41 t so,tton of • (k ' I.LIP tat MI [NG GOODS, 041,1 1 1 ,Yarn for .1.10 at toittoUlShing Inv prices tom` anitioll, INTOI4OI of footing thorn auu fiottiroj a parlour Jij Phil,olelpirla, expreMly fur thin inki that. to aoli o otkiug ellosmfr time it con ho PurchloSni A1 1 .1 ,6 40t0 ,also to Ebbe borough. It its Mtur own i f . , tor, , t as well as WM. that you pur• (Omani goat elothoug from .me, YS PItH ',ENV hoopor than you u:,u2 „tifx any whord else. It le also my interact to Mt, ,you the best voila at (1,0 waelollitelfutelphin prick (0 . 1 1.. 111 y our °.. ' f l th.. awl .tbroalch that your ctimor,,, (five too a coil auk examine my goods. I oil) ft ,„:anifto satisfaction to all who may favor me frit • ash', Don't forgot the KEYSTONE OiIIOTKIN Itilet, on Alletrloo. ny street, in the rpoß formerly 000uprec; by Win. P. Wilson, Esy.. as a Law Ofilea. April Ist .14.117-18 : 9m sizonNpur MakeitlNE POETRY. In tho proud yes.: wir. wood, A rutty p you 414 behold, When ettilsh you Ara 'shows Politeness out mheh Ladle. ly e he observed by tb4 logics all, You must iso to /41ot:1161(1's olothing boll, And buyu dress scat, vent endr pants, A rpl pui iho fti t glorml on ,your hamlet; pi* n ob o dy g n u, go oion mitt Moo, ' 8441 them et the same La pHoo . Sam hbuonfottl id 1110 only Matt; ' Whhns you may rely upon; I .1 . 1(04111 do the host 'be ttiee,ri'l " Fey ell; Who try his alailileit Oh. SAM. SIRIORNBAP. ' AUDITORS NOTICE..L-THZ Talc:DEß eixperif on Amlitto fiti k a . erptv,y the Oourt of Common PlortA, Jll4trlt Antall` la W.' bawd' Payi4 Ilublur: A ~ of Duiril itt.l littifutitn, Ii i z aintointerl Aljtold w die ttsai tar:or - DM Woltalimat, at all ! Prothonotary's dniao, who're altAllataiutaranted tut) salad If deep .41enrylk,r, • arrl.4t. GEO VI/04970N, Audi • . N.T.tapilittleelc l3 49 3 tal li t l yriti!o? Bayou itailroao are,heroby left:wed that Late's l'ahhir ftitie`lMllb ilkositioll to sat) rod . sad that no °league for arreel4ollt and twelve l aptuagere to ofoolunt the oftelre of slitl road for tho 0010414- yi lit ' ill ha NA at Go, Court ItuOuo Intone:Onto, on Al...l3.ltittLiatliDt.Apsi), 107,at 20'4:400k, pm. Itto l 'Tholorot ,,, ,l, .1 0 '1 troinpi,:nn 11.'1.1. A. Thomas,E. Or Grouts, .IL N ltto/Ititstnr, ' Jay. Burnside, Jontla Irvin, L. A. Mo.:limy, ;tat31,1157.C, intotsJuto re. IliioTiOg -ZIOTIOEISATREBY 0.1.)r -• „., .h.a. u.„ 6,11,,,,iu g 11 Inn , I p.,l*,r 4 LLLVf' ' filed th a t, petitions in GO °Moo or qll.O Proth.f.....t ry as oppliosnts fur Benner at tho April boltiotts 0,1.01, a l rincatlly to list of ..Itinnibly, of Info) I:10o, t 'At'Crilut, lonktopot, Polio: r AIWA. J It. ',nutria:into, " " tiplll9; I p I A , l.lin 1Y Stovcr, '' " Milos tp IS titian Whitt), " " I 3toorr 1b 1p Jototork'oloy. • " . ' itoggetp T. .1q 111011, . " " . Mitallturr; barn'. Ono l'aylur, " " tnion tp. til tiattel ll 111, I . .. 1.1...t.a14t1, 4 .V.• ..Intliony I..'nnivr, .. tinl.lomborr; ...1. .1 Jckdoll, . " " Plitlipsiturz .31artrurot Wulf' ... " .s.'" . 1, 80-ttlitarg,. .1 I , 1,110,10, " 0 11 Jtp ..„ Intl , My ,. l 4 . " " till foloon tp - II ItrooNoriluff. Alerultant, Bellefonte, lull,Nolleatilowe ilatfutcson, GEO. B Witirtriltt, Clerk 110111401;to, A Orli I-to $.1.1148L1C 43ALE,V71'1 4 T, BE ERVOS- A. ~r,to polio ltunniV. en the' prosolevs.._ known MI Iha lieliCrollt, Foundry' 11410101 y !Well pied by flea. Violet, Into of 11.0 bo re' of Bittlefoute, Contra 00. , Ilto ,forldu lug proporty, tvwft , The euttro stook of mild lon nil ry. votliattus; of l'aiterott, C.ts,ings,3lotol, klmel.llll.ry. Tmtnlng Jadlee, I'looghe, A , o. A marmot for a n tss t fsers,fowest ) 2-the public, ignore, In Bellefonte. Itsaao of said, proullson untill' the tint day .of July next. 'Abbot, tto bore° negan,l' rot home's. _ tiololoyontinottoe at ono o'olovis on saisi day, wall tine latent ton antldk tosioonble La givan-Ly— '• - - i in -It ROUSE AND LOT POP SALE.—IN p,u,mance of the Brat Will end Testament of Marla Buchanan, ilso'd., the undersigned wilt sell at pal lio out ory—AlitArgal4l) , ..of April sect, at 2 o'clock, I'. Man il Sinrhennon, lu On 4 4..liktua biotino4PN Contra ow. llousoluni Lot nl tu icrool, , Haunter iu a qd tom, of Nteshanunu, now oconvir.l by Jacob Wolf. Terms, one half of the retches° money Inland, the balance in one year, with inti.rert• • NVM 1101,T, Ex'r. ant 1-164. , _. yy -..— —A ~.,.........11—...---..—_- BOOTS AND 611018:- T. V. VIOALICH Would inform lIIJ founds- dist he has just trettaivad foam tho Hasa, A aplotslid assortment of Bouts and lqhpes, of thu latest style, all of wlioth hu will moll at emit 141 , 4,1 01 to duly eompol.illual Apt I•1ii - if .... AUDITOR'S NOTICE.--TIfF, UNDER n,gI,,, I an nu/nOl oppoinnol by the Orphan's Court or (Jenne vn, In nod" thdl'iihntinnnl :lir WO tin mrho initnliiol Win 01 lien t'rnue unlL J, dd ,In and 1111i1,11,: flu nri 1,41'1.1,1 lhoriilio. to iho diatn,ol 4,i1 I •nt nt the -"rothonolary's (rib •(• 1 111 11, ll,r)hte, os, tlin :' 1.1 .Iny of Aim!, I 7, nliero ntl j into . n.l ih,Ly nttethl J Le.rEltT, Ater apl I-hi. it -- L---“----- 151VDITOR'S NOTICE.- —I2E A ~,1 or m 11,1111.4 hy LLo I.,Jimrt of Ittataa.rit eiect3 nC Cmtra veoroy A to nsnka dint ii lin hash tit Al V. addle, :+hertir. r,a., , J nu slo saAs of literati..-stabs ut.Wal. to,ort, to and not , oig thoas euuliol them , •., will ft:lull,' to the doltaa IA tail 3pootatmeat at hfe tf oo Friday tho 21th 16.7, who. all persons ml emits I m Itlond • apt l-1811 I' to'r SJII3BAT/I SCI;1001, CONTENTION. - 1 - A C 0 1 ,11.0.1101 1 1 10 ut00 , 101.10 pit thabbatli kiv.l.oli, nod p+reui fzif.i.olle to i lie ceilao., will he held an the Gentian 1./00, 01 110011- burg, eutnixbeheing on IVediclel.iy, April nt 10 u nlock a. in. f.r the purpone of Jet brig 111,111 H to Augment, the interest that 1e folt in Ulm braof of philarbtllrorty. Several eminent speakers are expented to pertiolpale in the utteaelsea. 11. AULIA.It, Agc , A ti rear 2.5. i oinm-wirsuns4„ OF Athoini,tration or ' t1 g0... 12.-161,,, Fiti a ger,Acte , tl. Tattf - cr Plztilr'FwrrVqp,,Atutj bout liA; 8,11”3111,er. reAtatliK In Isom tor.- Vt . sarporsons hukbto , l to Pill ozbile hill please ootto forwarJ and woke oltwAtnt, payment, mul thoso ho, I ovil alms ttplunt. the sow°, elll present them duly allthelltiCS • poi marl lASI Junyil) it amss, Mtn ' r cZ „ WILL BUY ONE OF THE best Woin Medicines over I.oouglit butoro Ala pulth, 04.0e1)•I .11iLr..f n krnp WOllll I XPLLL Lit. I; ph 11.0, late uotl Oortillit ner , illig 00 41.14400..1 pur4 and w II rw•rwalrpeild tech' when,• o•nr used,— Tly bottle and be o.llllllllotd. Pf.111r...1 by. IL OE 'N 3IELN Pro:lvies, N \V Cur Dianiolk.l, Ilellefonte Hymn,' nn Joe tilrotren - trri e.norg ; Brew /harbor, Sit wont, ,Il Light, Itult.olo !tun, Jnu but J, Uni.novolln Howlers on , Alex S.ttnple .t Co I , initgll);:e, Jules eron Boil/4.11r, W' o, A 111cCulnact: t, Jack, oavollf Jou r Pokaker, !Inward npl 9 17-tf I IRE GROVE ACADEMY AND BEM; ury - 1 r Tll 0- / I \s, 1 It Prn.ol p.l, REV ro Atil 'ER To I •l, of 1; ornuth.— Thi• 1e,,,,0th 10 , 4111 Of till 4 1144001. in will 01 , 11 y l pril S9th, 1,7„1, d re Itin , o, five manta no institution is suulte , l 17 iniles from the Prnnn Railroad, with hrint rtilorrettAi by it flog of stoTio sAte-ulusueuU bridal. rill, it-grit...l.:from thu torh ptat inn of tarp, 11i,1 counitinity ists,rul and intellient Priodp 4 Ints O/ rented Altij Pearchr...l.l's large and tannin., diner. bu (mu:wily 0000pn.l IV, A Lintni, will he pronAred for tint rorcriion of 05 taleillti At the ronlnen•ttinont. .I .r—ion Torn, - 0 1 10 OM, hill in sok linito And the 1;41 wltto 15,5fi0n the Aftident is reintord Tulin.. $5 bs Ctith And $l2 per Artroton, pays ~n o half In n.lynni•i• A mobilo itirttunwpoto6nsls n 5ll be 000 r sin dents lits. 44. mole, the itt505551 . the Principal rtlr forth, info, of,ply to .1 6 Th o rn is Princlod Pin/ (loon Mllln Crn- Ira notivity, Pa ,o r IL A. Aik,iion.tglo part lloni.l of Trusliws Fob II 10-If ILESBURG ONO/in:NT WORKS. I now yublisb thtiprioe4 uf all plain wtublu evil, such oe there is in roost .tenvand, nod viva., it nil lu wow . 0 ,, that every ,1111) I 1 stow than Pri'",fiailiAL/110 bereaved may not ho lik,inoned op on I,l3rarelling loulillate botoru giving thorn et& rs Below to the pUnra I,a • f••ot Marble box tomb, - - • - 075 Fronoli HlatilUre 21i PI rfdt. lout, tors - • - 0141 51/11toit.1 fowls Stones, • • tatu , blo glues polish • - - 100 Shit vary marble, Chester marble, Let tsring from two &nits ouch, Conauehl letters soma extra, . All no& warranted to be finished In Philatlel plea style Covey desuriptions of marble work • t the 5 . 0 , 0 n rates, I will glen Ills prices fur °nom loots' work if la, re olteQ M Homburg Marble Werke. ati'24-41-8. AARON P A Iin:RAO& gesirtor 800 X STORE GEORGE LIVINGISTON, at Lie well known Island on the North.costern nor:, nor of the p•blia groan, ' ;Wllefootm ,_k esp. roe slantiS,Lin bowl slargsassortnoin4of moLnOto•to et,•sswit.s,, , MIReMIA. iopug AND &Hoot. Also, a Jingo variety of BLANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY of the bent cidsilltl, /ittiTiIEIATICAL INSTBUMENT'B, • n'T'1 1 01.1.6:4; ke. £a. - I -nooks . brought to order at small &aum r on 0. oily prices. ia;1428464L.' N EW AA1;13,t210 ;13,t210 MAY hoe Jost r,,oeirod u splOuthl assortment. of .Nicw , sTYTH • ' , mud every ktrril of fiftfiSe• fiIOODS 0/fit iS TIW,AS GOO RS, BANDY 110.1hiti andFANCY 84.Tcnitta3t all kinds of CI.III.IhXMAS PILESP,Vrti. j • Ake, (I);NTLEMAN'S CLOTITINV Of the lattet feshiosal, and beat make In feet, everything desired. Call anti wee. The invhatton Is attended to all ISAAC MAT. • • ^' "liefonte VOR SALE OR RENT. A 1 4 1 46,10 boo k witl ierent linen r. , /{ 411. Ilegheily ereet in the gloi,,iigh of 11011e n,q, na } oinly lot W La. ~O t4”111., o 0.4,n1 II 11u0p.u4g44 ot,e(aat. Per tiwinquire Of - I'4 fl 14e Y Remy ONLY. ONE ,lIKITTLE OF3)II.•AN. Piti}WirgVidit.violl • ' or Ilvar remedy La required tva aura ply wallow bled with liver complaints, unless the moat (lever- Ste of moon, when the second Luttljo with tombola atugle failure, reatoto Ott patient to health and vigor, We win], to i!allilto,nttentlon f all to them° fac4s,thill the 1111',...rceivZ iv compounded by a phyvtoiau h 1A1 1 .11 . 11 111 hi, 1111191140 for the riot lavatory yeein hilt, .1 h 1101.1 1.99 ' l 'llll , l 111,1011U loud, runi that ), 19 .1111101 y vegota tile, Lou cola poaell cld), yr come tonno 1.11 11.1' lii i1101%,1' bor 1.4,4,2 ,„„y h., Ito ono el , .11 0.1 ‘ 1,11091 1 01, IMO ellllO 1_.w14 orloll.ll 01111 1 11110 1.10 1.1111411 $14014411, 00 .0.0 110011 01 COlOllOll 00 . 0 01 1.0 .101 , 101101 9 1.1/90110. Luc Lot tie tie the AUCIAIt hoot., to army owny thet bed etlttoft ur mineral tit of ttity Itto Only ono boaln to nu01,...1 to tht ,,, ,tr out of tbo ay xlmn a Mitch of Ira , i . .ion utter along Altlklifliel Oaa bo tlo btkett (9tJunritiol rrirrm'eln',l4lb/W -44 Des 9 Or onnolotel col; i Proud Ow hltin. .i't Ono Lone nil., notioni. nuttloit:ni So 64 ilia itoinnth and prof till rho to 1 11 faro" - tint; ant( totatio,l , . . (Italy ono dodo 10',43:1 ha fore t ang pl li ovort4 IJightlonre i ' ,One 41,,,Itatinn at night knoer it the b , ,,,..levtrtly, 111...1 curse c.;nt Ire n 0 !Pi Onuttotio ‘okeu otter 'cult wont lt-P cure DP- . popsitt • • Otintitnin of two tea . VI, / 0111 al woys rdio•o sick lid , Oon bottle Inken , fur ohs' fuoLlon remove the imllo or .114difienSe, till rrit(k,s ft periezt eut.. 911) dl.O tutu xtuktntlivtt taLets4 oholie, vthihr One dUALortpli ropoitted it it nal 0 turn lor.lnu:vi m.rtnui, Anil it lure prerol,tati v or dolvs „ 0, tolcon thou 1,111 pl , th,ol , NoLloVon.le rf b , ll 'or gtOttoliti, sehilt. It niteVo4 oil piiutul LWimy.• • „" e Ono 01 , t1 , 0 doe‘.! nu, of tho bast jentethes fur a ml,l ca.r lorlvrtt.. • Whotesinds'of • owiis.uf-inUasa.ation mid weakness of the hings,fiare born enlivcil by the Invi,seiator One 1.01 taken a...bort time le • jere eat ing vigor to tbo lappet to hh I Artftes food di ell. Iltsostume ofhiu ~tea Lure+ uhreide, shwa "trilt3 twinv, - WTlttriliTinnwr yield..imesit to the Brut Joss • Onu Or 01 , 4• doors enrol LiVinOk tnnll'i b y OrDiras , ahem Te ro surer, jafri and. spiloglier rowdy La Ow world, es it error • There is no oXligt..rali.ri in these atnioine . da. they aro plain and sober feels. thus, err san give es.; Hence to prove, while all who use it are giving Ihuii unanimous testimony In its rotor. We wish rlt who are bleb Ana flutitifrktrul to try thinit Medy,anirrest therodliiiy. ivrir any tau are net bent3tteill try its Irma wu olieubt Itka tobear • • 14.03 )111t0,7.0 11.41—tr0141 0.1.6 ,alt-11111k9ii who has used a bottle of 4nvienratfre ealilitic benefit, far thote era sueb itatonfibing dieinal virtaira lt, th at alt, tut ,natter bow - loog they . have ban agitated, It tittle itamplaiulatisue flare iii — derancol Jiver, will be 6 - ene!!` led, if out entirely cured - . SANFORD A CO , marll-51ww. 345 Iliiioilway t New Vurb, For tale cnrcx 51,37.1r:mr,13,11..cmt,1'a A G.REAT CHANCE TO MAKE MON zi ty rti A VERY SliA LI, CAPITAL A p!ntn mr.110,,1. to Prery t in 11, Un11.4 5t , ..8 to lOU hr rinti 111 °CO Fwirle,t am 7 In-st be Itttiful .tn le et^r p0,11A.41 is Ainiglen.l,ojogik POR.TRAIT /ri,,A I. 111 P, 6.1.1111&1t 0!' .11TA ent,:,vmll lfr to retircroirii.l iu rho r tr{ ahl rA n ‘oin r , ontrrri , r of the giant and ta• ignition!, Ida of hin ,'on rp lbe l'ic luirA Lain; 41,3041,t0 , 1 at iiry, and p i rrliand in tit .111 pre at, 00, nr rho irorßi.oto ti • f Ib ii•nto I 111'1 rli 11. 171,1,h th, olio! t 'a Wer' , .4. I trig Ir.! t, nn 1 I tt. I rit'ttrilo, and tire anal r •ot by any iither Pr:Wing r tar ca,,Vud ac bar to tliia enontry or I:ororri t7t - Thai iturpilitn4 , 111 !iron pri , .!lie.l a• nn er , on , mo y caret, and if, rjr ,i, ro supply Lilo drrn n..l of I a ll trps , , , ;llai • et in ay, to) .initttr•ni: at retail foam $4 to fi:r rietercii on other prliject!, fiat iNfore,r to thii are at $7 keit $l.ll rr copy hot In miler to pile: them within the reach Jail (that ro Amen • in minim nevi! he deprived of their rr.vrini er ornocn honOrtAl with coo of tht.w IV . 1 7 nrllcrnl Itporiltl of A mortonn art ti :he fro f the great and the got , I the F,lthtt: ofour Cottutry J hive andante prlO‘thnb low I EFS tipple e 01,4.11 will he rent by moll. r to Orly port of tho Ufitt ad Shares, cm feat of (let ro tail:prine in ourtoot t fando or teat Igo etTntiot . _ o ( / rartoritilifo agents, a full 114 of n,* to, pub lica,mns for INV, or for sAmplc enpio., u3Jn si 11 M 111, , LISON, 141 Mon Mr, er t 'invinnuo, U , or, If 1 0 1 n, nao 111,1r.,A J) I:I.[SON, 23 tiJulli 1114,1 Street, Pioltulelpilin, Pa F —robli4hor. of g o,. or 14 1, log ch..l....lwh. , rti , rtu•nt ilisr ru t lee, four or more Irwrti u , T.11.11J1,1011b VIII Ur papyr,.ndin4 um in trLtul of r• .hnll hare ono uflibellr;ll,,. rti,, I of LI tut Vg tualluil to IL#cira.LlT. tl AS RI LI • Q 1 br, 1111 rt 111,1,1EN° 10•1•113 I 1-111•4. 111 111..111•4131:1,11 .11.1 all i/ - - - - - - ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW, I,k.tD 1:11,1,—()1,1) A Nil luot•;,4; 14001) . :i itEtilili,Vl(ll.' the moot .44,444.1er641 , aaiery dos age or i•rygre,, far It .'lll r, Oh t 13,11111,-.ntll. gray Ivor to 110 lo agi ei r, eu, r tha bald with. 1,1,0 t tulip i 1•••13,,,n at on 4 all &Imhoff Oil licliing,-ouro all a ',tali, 440,1 er eutomootili crow loom, •xlll a; 1104.1 , . ft will rere, it by 13.1;1,, 1,11,1113 or E ,• l l4lm a l Leadauho', u..kl ADO p e ,,,,,,r‘a Lb ° nalr 14344 L31,- 1 'hug,Ytt extrvinu 11.11.•ning 11 bora it togillAind 14 teoaitial {dub /111011 „. H. Paul, J4noluy I, A ".;”" 1;11 r 0 J. WWI) 13 1 3311. SI • 1/1/3•/ICIII.I, 1131nd 3,41% tbis eartilJate, Attar bring heady bald ibr • long 111 n, 311•1 leat• fog [lied it 1 thu hair real,athel ettaut, slut hat• lIJI4 in faith In Troy, I wa, I tel noel, on twat 1114 of your:. to SI, it 3 trial I piqued Riyaoir i. 4. 11,3 hand/ u a 1./her, and had wy 1,2.1 rithhyd %di) a gaol stilt brarlb and the 10 ,alivo and nett l dill l All i11.•.1g1,4i rep" rindvier) morning, 1111/1 In youog hair al:twain:l '1 r+, r r,.,, A.. till pre.eld Inn , . arid 11 now 11,1,1 c, Irlikok and r1,1n.;-• n .1 ph ro 0, n10.r,..•, .aie u,ll 11113 L 11 11, Ilierolv33l,l /1, twel 111 it 'Cite anl di iappe,iiing in • .ry rapid!) I Kill 11,41 year t osloratl, e ghoul a r ,rk, ucr,t Irma 010111 II , 1,11 u 111 j,ll^-t erop of hate, Non, I MI/ roil of Ilieso an olio ham let 1 Lot he o 1,101 OD , D. it, -toy • 3113r0110) 1313011'3 11A11 . 1,.0 ft' inf h, 1 eill : A by soy of Ow hair day . wad, ft ru illy . given toe illea•dite 1.11 , 0313 t i c arc hay 1.. •1,31.1.14,4 your (now., Ilex tooth...Pm, and it alicudy ha.. a larl.Te 31111 g, n,• rul sale throughout the to rrttor,y 'floe poUjitt 111,11 knoll Ha offectt, aud firma raddidolase in rt, bo ,apply yob rout os, iut *hotel:thy ogonte. f, Ili • tor rttory, is nand,/ exhausted, 31111 d my 11111111 rib.. nit wade for it You demon, o credit for pont • and 1 for 0113, return you my thank, for Itia bandit ii has &Ma rue, for I certainly had deipme_ cd long up Or 00101•111 el 1111 K ret r ult • J w 'BOND Punt of flood 9 }Colley, Drog4iste, 5t Pool (From the Editor of tho Real Iletate Anlrorli«or 0 0 0411, 21 Bt., Month Ittl, I.S."t;t -DtAn Sin • liming litoOino yoranmilit.2ly, gray, I wiw wham!, amity Six a uke Since to r,ll`,ta a Umd of your Ittqaorative I fiat's used 1,4 two bottltn, hill the pay luau. have all nun top, - ad , and nithough my knit hum not logy nuaina,l flu orisjoralaalar, yel tiro prooo4n cr shun g 0 II or, wt. tinily going on, s.d 1 ran in great liolAa Ili it In Short tpoo icy hair mai wdygla M 1 luruic.ily. 1 ha" algid been much grial,WYeWaibei healthy mole auee'eaid Tigerof *chair. Which isieDati wit hatch said day ; end It Ilia...sod to Lowe out furirteTly. Rcepectfully youis D C DUST ' Professor Wood. r , ----:.---.01.14.01*,./.lliriaio,-Joo•-4 0 ,- Val, " 1 riots oso , l Prefwwar 1119.V0 Ho tt ir R,,t or oti r ,,,, am) haie admired fir out:donut effoot. dy hair woo la toroing, 00 I thought, pram atoroly vv., bot by o lure of hitt "itrohttaturr," it boa roans...Ai 1h on oolor, wadi hati ano doubt, porta/woolly 00. . ' t 4 l UN .111." 11103F.,E, lix-Statator U. States 0.. T. WOOD et CO„ Prnpriotoik 312 Dromlwn . t, N. Y., and I 1.4D1 arket RLrt,t, St Loth, W n finhi liege by . tißtiliN du Muhl HEN - , and alt ree peotable 4fruggiate taarl3-14-3m,.. AIII3I7II'SNOTI. • THE UNDER gun p t total Cottirnon Pions of gantry o • . ty, to woke flistifLu tion of 1110 monks in I f lottols of M Shoriff, tntse4 onstto elle the tealsitSto of ljp • oil ltalrtoi, fu.isnit nniong those 0nf1t70 , 4 will attend to the aufissne skid Appointunfift at his office In-llelloffoffs. sn FrinsY the 2 1 th of API'. 1.4147. *lion 0.11. pores'', Intersood ovwfsison4ll., apt 1-16 4t WM. P 11.40MAlift18. An'r. • it4Y.QCK SILKS FOE AIANTILVAS— J 1.44 awl Ali c oin r} ■1 J a AN% (TT Tia.usenuszaD tarxisk OP • .• iityiNws Lum NISIIN . ACYN a p. P432/4/4 co..' fHlt .nonunnnue iu 1 few anys, n oevr otki jon of this g(oatNivrk, in Sunni • Monthly Parts. Price, 25 vnloono Na Laud goos ly nth:toff in imioni .1 eutnie, The whole nr. - rrk lno Illus. roreli by`-.haul 1;0 ri I' En -1.:rn,1n,;1 on, nm',P!'t J Vol:roil-4 anti odatipal 4 ,cl , nnl ln,^ipna , nt - Av - I9i , h n moron,. 'lt jot outs and I mnp4. gach n!11, ontain nt lesit J 2 pn,ieto one in4,o4llng ,•11 vtgo I , • very <Ann* Vi.dlF 1'1..04 4cr—rt - or •. , tr•r - rti.troy • Ipert. o. , 0•111,kg nu silos i 25 11,V p de.11,...y• 11 s ...s a .44 lb) u,• Vr..l awl AO :,hunt volumes Plll be i 11 1 ; /1 ,CL pa HA— el d the SI% As xOlll be pub rej.silar isbunvlsiti.isf AM) ttoßto• " warat 4,03 ail old) Suleived sleui) . y rsro the tr:lowi44. ror st It;' , s , r+ 9TII t. ‘. ~ 4 q enii. Lea,ptin.-,Ptotfam.. A,. ,?1, 4, 11,1,1), Ute, 11 apt Itot, K /kr. ,'l3/. U.. , .51,.ut;eweiy.0... ) " Lop!. Ott.l t . , ): tr,g, f:!t,1111011, ( )VIA IF-tietta I , „; I 1 11,1 I,iucm n, Or, MorOpi, (le.; ITo pry Let 0 , 1 Moultrie, 00, mivertrop. n, ..\l, , tl:l'. Clcu, nultu, , I /),, 4,ytt tfrn Gl..tver Wirldu4 Ituve, I t^l:ry (11,t , er. Sishin hem de 14,..• ~ ~• Crow Pret'laktuto by :1% I', 4311111 , ,,t , ,,, tr,ol the iklatutu W marl. l; t ,C.•• 11.1111 1,7 A.-twist - ~ .n “I'llstotikol's Statue. t; •1, the i at 'l.ll I:weak's litatue. „ki t e, h nqa„, ; Ir -VII: 114.1/ittiCuu f,ng, 11 , 1, „ I I ,r,t y r• Pl.l rsii, , N 1 V te. ll'rt „ +i•dl - crias 014 , cot to 1,0..1 !light, of 1,1%. 4 1411 , 040 . .. FuiLplxx. llogqt .kortol Wooktio,c_.l, e , IL ..7411,- . V-t. , Wllo,lllosa Ut Fort ei•C".46” I. • Agtoll , OrVerytttg ti ordtiitr,l , , at Wltiqh,A,nr. Wash 1 4 144,' ... ,,, 5t • p',rtp, Ogif.)ilit IlitpLet Iti.l - 'or , 11 • r•lrro''.l. .' '1(1 I. ;clitcu. 7' 7hrir, 17o't qu• Vii* ut N 1 1770 It 1.1Lot.:131.1. , •• 11.41.1...-1.4-11'141 tn . olr+u•rtrWgtnr lnrtrpatnti7, Cd r U. le or Trot. - too Ittv , 1.144 14 1.. ltt 14 Vt'rt . t.' 1:.4t..t0;.,t04 to e,. mcco.„tto.-. reinit4.l nr croid,tcP. TIE' ? L'ats•'7 of lLit FMtl r r of ht 3 —1 • 11111%. 214Z/It. JrY. —lt i• lo!,•tplel thdt tht 111111Citt1111.1 1s ILi~ 4:1144,1,11611 1,. 11. rthy lhr eo , i , Ltt awl of the 1.1 ct.gv,ts 110 make origi;nt tlremin**, eat' the swot emit oAtillottariogo xtu cure4l. No expeima Rill mot tilUffarrallYPginf2.(iftlllllM X Tut- - y sat isf.t 'tory to omit teort of t0.4t.1,1tn0l la a ]Ti atilt CANVAIIIIIIVII sitppiied:on liberoi fermi Tha.meagen pubitakruj—terbritrely tir coT,lihere. F‘,llll-10..:t VTARPER'ti MAGAzIN.E.- on RIJN ,II.I o•ity-oight ILuuauul oopiey an now printool of fl.srprr', Jll fratilUt The Own of Oga lrilioU 0, nod illturtroth•os for eaoh ouither s2tho Mono than thiair thOWOl.o l 4tielle.rl nor re Ilteo paid ty the Mazailoo to Aworionn 'I he I.oLlithete box to r Low their thfullth te the publle I'm the A...F.1.64 , 11440 fever with RH e h the M ..4.1111 here rece:ml. . S.. tabor or oxierat-o. ~,;1 1, 0 0,,r0.1 to h^dint stal coon Cot o t We et.pll4lltled ..//I.oceet it he/ achieved. Mt, 0ut.L.1.4.t 4.o.%lhleaLte •ortteivi 144 :•••1, i.. el. (3011:r111,, ORA Ventf thus eree;wis////4 . Lew ly trio thouieud piece of the *hole, edi: mu.•nu , ow lie:lllUee of the thiv Ihteery „„ 0 1,„ ; nil! c,,111.1 outeeroutt ploothil Muer., I , peo. sAeo. the the ePivens, a eolous 4. 111,1”1 - irri rk ..1 haute, and nupe t tlea i ppla ggi of th.. of 0.. ell,00:1 The colnebe eosnumn. 10 0 /CeS I,l'll the 1111lni01 - 11 of June and 11atette4er. PlUM==al=l T.ft t p, --Tin. Ms.gazintimitv b. obtained cif heoL- I. 'l•iit, p•ri.ielt • .1 agents, or ?rout the puhti e h itre ..s. f.,,f, .1,,;1, - ,t yr ir or twenty-tiro JIVIIII II numb.. lice Po hr, 011.1.1 Volurslo,„ la eompl•toil, neatly tin,' 111 .A... 11, end sold net two &Atari each. had inn'. i ,seri, nee furnished to thole who wish L. II tve then heck numbers uniformly bound, at I iwoi.iy-flto ...uts eaili Twelve volemy are hew rah Iy, 1,011,1 in shah, id..., in half reit . 1 1 '1 no Puliinhors will supple ..,chase 11111104711 grioule,, to Ai.i..ts nod Puitintsters, and will . 1 ,1 invoke 1)!,... il n re:in:yin rata with tliiim fur the ir ! o ej,wn.e. the' liege:Title. They will 'also g (1.. t. ~I' two piireions et age dollars a yea/. 7 O.- het. from thr e.ininion.intnrilt CllOll , O, IN supplied Ms., the Ic.e. - ill volume. The ...if ii; ~ion wi i.. , ,,,P over eerie and net ewer eight names tin 1)041s:re iron each number, wilt. li nutlet lie pnld-qu^rt , ' , /..Y in *dvaloir or tb• en; .e where the Megesint is renelvvd. It only dues brute • ri,"• - Th• rtf.lllsl yiz 6 6.16166. , (b,16 Wray hlto no nz , r).. r,r who,. e•ot. I 6,1.1 Xll^r 666.66,61"0. .00. 1 hn..•Magazine item Agooli or 1,,,Ar0j.,0k Gem for Otte imply of tho nurk •F A 11 : - FrillietiMllarClParterk ---- - CERT/Fr r A r.v rirrnrCATnit H 1 ic E.E.N . 31e 1 lit,I.S--4invtLeiiei 'or th, 1. t !lien p.ll, r With eu h t 4r N , .1 .1,,u of LILL, ,„„fi„,..t to my r a, in for throe to 1 11tb..11.14 it, an nib 1 set to r•tn rn us orlon ns I gut wit or was in the e„„ I tit. !.1 gr.,• rnll4 romedten far it but f .41 11•r , per1111.n , qc rehoi tintill awe. UVI Milo, P.m) Lroditrilo., retireimi4 ytnytlpiob kas ,rr ktelb l 4lll , l6a lode Mll , l 1,, it ler: ',trent wi l ll the name gordi.l - :tr.a knot. nf It nie , l for lltidttmattsna ,th g0.,1 inmult. I b.lier. !audit geed •di• ~„„ I ),- .111 1 011/I1 and no 4eitibw,, and mold conlittit T1'1 , 111111,6 I 11 In ell curing with ii.,et Nouro!„:1J nr JOHN MICA r, ea •t. gr .1 A Aft.74,...v.' —7 lovimorillen. 7. M. I Pat d racimAtor, propltll yap; pY Ithoot, • mit or4ln R' . ) 14.o.”1.1o7, and fwandi,pm.youeimott. w..111L1 rhoer( v .l4 rt.^ ~. toman,l It In nthr •tT•^try( nnt r. . h1;',..11 • ' ,N - LW MARBLE`VION/L8 - , 13. - (41 , rtArtl.l Lyw m UIV. w,otlini /U.:so .trsel trnilstir. 1;40 Burnt 010, others WO raetn•etfnliV ell ~h,, ,••• tto ld upy 11.14 In ant bee to id.. M1,“.4141t?? . "., , 110 ,1 1 , 0 , 11r k sort t ntioo Our 'two!" in — .l.nigs riles net lk r, nnl it' ft all tnnet pnriiiroly Ihnt will ill 6n untlers , ll Ph.r) , ..441 lo - i l any uttiwr Letubloollftwintlll thn &tart ef I' Vt. 11/ I it I 4 1, ,ite liutt. tsirru hi. 111 uI Imo Knin.ol by- a vonntspt 'whim" to no t Alt, t 1•1 , ,111141711, in a 1 1, 11fii.`1 , ..11# [111.1.D 1. ~0;1,1111,,1 14010, mid image* on Ihtt 110 I,li or 1111rilik PI The 1111q , 1411 l ot this cc ovotlit:to.l tl'or.--41sitsartn, I. ~jartlllrni +t.ils . 1111J11t I.• n , l lii roc”surs thett spa.dy ootnrOslion, f, b I:9 1) S. A t3n)ooA`i Ao CO. p _ L A ST Eit I if 4.-- 'I he tuk.1 , •1241 7 °,1, hering Intele T itutiapt et artmegotocuto, and hrting 4 rpt ryivi uH,orin I OD bn nd , srMt Irn rcetii eti 11194 allow( to ell °Mere 1,1 Lle uld Inure tdodece. 14e root, hut the beet worlaihr, Ituti work etttirosted hhrouro. *l7l /if 0.11.3110k1 st3l° t °tutu:. he °recited 111 hehtis et r fur nteh touteritalc, . . , TIU W 11141( WILT., DA . Or AIiriANTED The mon einirilfirad are Done 111,i 'he heat, and In the of iiiiptaigineii, builders ern slily aril having their MAtil 4nne in Snob h /hamlet as will. give iieii.rnotiien adilrenned M Ae l lelpolo , Centre aeinidy, Pa will la firniniitly attended - Janini-1111 11 W. LAstnrn rrIIEENOIINT si AlO ,.„„ tuilue north-.,,,t from Phil/110V tA. tleAr Nebo/Not., Pa, wII km upon b rr rot ro bt 1111 i bor b‘pttio IS vex:. Of NO, 1 , 11011.10( 1. K5O, Oil J uuo l , l4. ll . The rite i healthful, m 0 , 41111,4 proopeet ezeoe.ll.4ly ,h4lsll:iftd. t h. e...otoodutioue au Illeirttf for 1494 bawls,. . 1 ..4 too et4olbuta,l64.the tome not expbitot,..l2k4-t141,11, of - erudite lir extathtee;llci _ orpinionoa orery rroo o rotieio...erfori. blotto so Notnete the pigeon el, Intollitetual. huot'ukheal wet-, litre of the bohelart A blander Ina tut ave* to o rd. r , with pal itl/11:ira end felk roma* lUtioehoo4. SAISUZL ArUtol.l, re.netpal, cort.2o Norristown, re ri ........ STAGE:B'IVA MOM 1;.:t,,: OAILY.--Tlm understirmiltela to epeot ill itilbrta tho tretvoMeg eialfellt 'im DOW rune a daily %to of :44+4+4 to Tyrmitl , -Tri,irepki 1,, why of gtormetttoe end Tre:The ml 4 lid weekly via Iteld ragle Plerde j lkentt.'.. "A , r - c Flow Tyrone on Vtomilky,l7.oaMmaii a arrktity" from Bellefonte let Tuosaui, quir e L s o ltt i r dey end the falloodatvdtljeee t 'lt ' 40711-:,-;•• • H. . Clillfll4l.. Vro)1 Katz. - :Tn. - hit% JI. Nr. Cor eel* tfieillomft - owl - 141lition,,kr IV. • r•ohto4. 41 the horoi:gb 01 . Valet*. .444 10 IN Arrty rem.' In tokbt Ok tto ftebßoettiowit hip , teon ereoled a good , two Ofign, elan * losipl. •Vitl, A in.)•rit4o.l, I, pail. 404404 aaso- The teetlqs v,wln on Ilt e On to to ea* ate aolifealPae of pfirchninre — 1 • I'M C Waftn. me r-:6 15367•• ff
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers