Il II T 101111161010.110XtillirMitalt ' Ilia 'foll , ti‘tik la illialtippotilement of the €4ate jitatleoloOgrintille 4 pliainenifive Die. trieltapotikto t talfed by the majority of the ,eiiigyneiiiiiiii:'uplinitued by the "Sena'o i eh re• I*111!f od.'"Ecliteni Martth 1e,41 -, . - ... 4pr oi dem init rif Senntonial Dishicts.—Phil -edelpltla oily, 4 - , , ., Chester and ',Mao lire. I ; Morditotnery, , 1; Brick., 1; Lehigh and gig illparN I"; Selitiyll, ill. I.:leitis 1 ; Lance.- : ti,', ehaiiti. 2' Dauphin and Crinitivg rant(,l; irk. I ; Adorns end hinitilio 2; fille#lolloialtort, Idair and 16116,4(1m: 1 . iScitne4..ea-Fitiotte and Green. I ; 11'u-bingtroi oil Ali M, I; Allegheny. 2; Indiana nod Allreasmogriatid. 1.; Lawrence. Boiler. atol VI 4 I nengo,il; Crdwkol awl Mercer, I; Erie. ‘Wifteta Mid AlcKeint, 1: Aimmotre..4. chuirti ; 1,1 7 :N:4: la 1 . ; I i i e l ff i zl;:n i,),4 l. l ',l k r. . el C u l t er hp irTn a ll . :l d ?entre, 1 i l'errt . Juliana. MI init. Sll,litq. Via- 131111/li. 1 1 tISIOnIIOIIIhPIIIIIIII. M/11111111 , , - 10,44Ce11b titbit', 1 i Brurlfrird,'Fillhattei 11,0 , 1:%- .miitiiil47 ; 1'; t•iit•quefintant. VV$ mid ~ g , nod WY)fli. /1 brawny, Carbon, n AI mane trod *Plllatiff.--Total, 33: Bi--...•- ptStotative Dixtritfs —Post Ward. Phila.: ilelPtia Cil v. `-eeornt Wan!. l. ; Third Franiir suld-Ptfrh War.b. 2 j ... Sigth Tt%l4lllintiti fliir, - ,,, tateatiblVnitlo, I; Seventh, Elifloh, Niiiih 41111 .41011 XV aril , 3: Eleverati. elviceolli n ~,1 ighteenth Went,. 2; l'orn wroth, Fiftetrodi and.Twentietir Wnnls, 2; Seveinecoth aiol Nineteenth. Wards, 1; Twain.% -lii st, and Tvantyklottrilts Waril , , I; Twenty armind pelt-!'went}-third -third Wads; I ; Delaware coon-' tyy i ; tbiaii:i*Oliiroly 3; Mrirdx.irnety-4..i.4 , 0,.' .4 vi 2 . 1 Beaks erinoty. 2; Northatnfann count., 2; o fatitl Lettigh - ; - 13-43/41m:4,.. Neltny.i. 141; Si telilindo, 2;„ll 4 4nra , ter: t%; - York, 2 : Thutpinit and Party. '.1.7; Cutuhtitland. I ; A.'. --4110/14.1.;:PriMIIIili and Fulnirt, 2 t II unii,,out , I ; Berlford.»nd Blair' 2; Somerset nod Fay ' 'hike, 2'; (jseen, I ; Ws.liington, 2 ; Allegha ny.,• 5; Wortmoreland, 2; A rmstrnng, I Butlg, 2. ' Beaver mid Lao relive, 2 ; Meroer ouch Verisirgeril-4rin and Crawford } 3 ; Wil/ . in rillttli McKean; I; Filtell1 ; fClk end Cies • field,,l i Clarion, Indiana and Jefferson. 2: Cambrfe. I ; Centre I : Potter and Clinton o.l.otlifilin. I ; Juniata and Sit) tier, i I Union L'allL. - rboirig: ra 2 ; Nrmtliumbhlarni, I ; ,. &lon. ,z ,tp ;t , ~o"lttrrbtf "A Ralliinit,2; Tintrib - 1", god mil 2 ; %Vapor, 1; 'Among., 3; Suanne hermit...nib Wyulegs4,,.2 ; Moirroikend Nike, I.—Tptal, 100. - By the atone bill it will be even that Tic. .., . gs, pother, Chinon and Centre wilt comnree I this l!lanuteritil Di-trict. This district is nips I reimposed. of the counties of Sullivan. Ly; I - coining, Clinton and Centro. The minority of the Committee appni. ted by the Senate. also Tepotitti a bill, which; nlacpt this county with Clinton, Mullin - and AUDITORS NOTICE. -TILE UNDER migued, an A adt.ur , appoi owl by the Cart Snyder as a Senatorial Dbariet, lof Common Plana, to distribute the fund, in the bibda u( Dovid)lublor, Aasignee of Bain!. and Il drman, has appointed Wedneaday, 4pril 221, to ahead to the duties of sold appathlb'ot, at tbs Prothonotary'a °Moo. ehoro all those Intoremed may ntibod If th.y think pr.per. aprtAt. 080. GlVlN4l.l3TOgiarlVir - Tut LAND Orstess.—Theie ' aro Ourteen land offices in the Western States And Ter- ItM2= otßeen with moderate salaries maybe filled thmpreoent administration. Borne thirty ;fir er linty appointments may be made fbr -Ihrtr-phtees. be•osiarier-m.6 net large, odd one "would suppose the colander would net be cwowdcst. • Yet, it it said. there are ' otEou sand 'applicants for positions rogrititom,rticAoders, receivers,. and soforth '441. , - Utlittlres of Senators, Itepresieft , tatiresrfiovotwori; and all sorts of "Masson: nicti;ro.raiirter them eagerly atur..chtm twistelly. The !Pittsburg Post ask why is — Mitt 'imply' because those-porn, worth 4lttle hi themselves, in tar as ths—snlarits in cgO eaned,aviU enable 'epatelltiVei v to • ••go west" aeittliiiritieekiiiiitto 4 ; itarttosuv . y . the very 'hest positiOns for uakking p;o ti• ?hMn - investments fir public huidth They in points troin which the hod eliences can be discovered and secured.. They give pc.i. Oon in a now territory ? and a good starting , point'foe success in speeuhttionS. ufr strgago to say, it is wvII undunitood that the.poliey of the adminiistrationwill be t'at it-satball ut the ttniity nr : IWlii , lments from the resident population 3,9Ast vicinity tif then. of , the toil:abet of 4,3- . llTpintintnibs. . ThttrALL's (JAZYANIC Oh t. will heck n•en . ... . . knteve more n oheo land p v ains than nay tabor Mkt known. Ask 'home ifit hivo newt it. l y hy-A. Aritittin.olivirfinlil Joipapa titkAgoallbuig; A hiatoplu gr,1,0... Pine drove; • .... 4010oy. titornun m &SUN own; C J Ityan, - ' .;,,..; • Wen. Allison, J.teksonville, J. it liurledet, 0 y, and others tie - - -1--.---- -.. I , .. Sill:P'Sl TIMMY' Gom.s.irttaion rxvnee ....„,lo prepare.l'lb elly ace .r,in,g to the rules liiinagy (Unit eli m ctunkr7, whit is Ow hest lIII,i vo prointrod whe .m ; c, bin unlade fur tlio = o dhanutes of the bhohler, 'allonym', gravel, eoirrlt etilatioAloa, A. nowt the alivoniaeinent oolaukui, hoLloti " A revolution la eortain ,ke. mink MARRIED • Suibe l9th inst ..try tho Ito,/ P. P Dine, Mr 1191919 L kutart. to Miss MATT M ripaNwon, iitiCorentrtonoPintglitp -- ' •Oo tYe .104,L0at., by the Its 6 P P Land, Mn. /9isilleedisrlift le Mitre ics99 4 hp y.lll, both ll~~rin~ At Mileiburg forgo, on Thursday the 19th ult., 97 2 5. Shirk, Esq., 'cues. Wit.sua to Miss NANCI 041hii4v. • - DIED , TTY itt 3piti,VVX,:::,4B.2ll.l.lltetitna, citizen, the alibetionate coin. pinion, the 040 patrivt,lltif admired friend, the Annin in Co more,. • Thh white Angel, Math, hie been in our midst, and home the Aappited, 111ligtiontuta et i bllwp—he hoe ,enterge4 ,iptn a ZkkaHlofionot elokuese, win) nitro 9r 'furrow !I% .41640 111 worth were expressirst Of a brightor hope *Ma api the Okrth has reit. In his last hour ho s4lety.O4LioLanualy repeated the seared Wein:— When I can road toy title ulcer, •Ilte iassiotts io the skier. to, Sew gletious to watch arsounif the hallowed death -10910 Of I:bodying ehristian. HOD selutly the sink tog uplift, weary of earth, looks boyound, toe "bet •Nlik . ' it Is not all of life to live 4), Nor all of death to diu." ill when Abe v 10160004 of life remade, and Ataili ad vanorms with oonqaering soeptra, that oar bariof /leaven will bo tried. We weep for friend! departed. Ah ' loan are slacita frnin nature's fountain, eu otionut rontioin, A NY talarng to 'Malign them. Jesus wept—our -- 4110464t-h.tppy-Lopa,liusillorinua.priy, ~Wh'c'Ehat we may 'meet at Seems feet, where panty Unb mote." M. It. If. 41/11cammidanao irt Forisop..Townehp,on. Mon 41Ly the' Ittd ult. ORO: Y. NUE atbd /Hi years and 4 mouths. a Meek was one of our mat amiable and %waft.' and his sudden death Will ho tonoyegrat ' hie numerous friends and acquaintances our.county. . • - etArdtiixf.---As the undereigeed in tent/stop Went about iho letorMay non, he nisi cut lull i_ovituir all persons knowing tle•mbelvee 13, dented to blue by note.beek neeeent,or otherwko, to dell and settle 'before that dele, and all peLlne , lishatneetaimelistinst him to preHellt them Dor -40% Ake- April Court he, may be found nt, It 0 1 Cummings' Itotel, in Illellefonte. All alum , 'he arizribt te L 4lO beftwe fid. time. will be plated =bends oolTeelhid end tAieldarof sty be expected et once. 1111 CO. GRATIAIId,jr. MileebtirgP. 0. Cifdpi ee', Pa. litp>A le 14 vim --lim..syrgiwittt, Leek the neeitni.,g,opit n ea ryeezme , well,. V n .ally,ol l Rstillo , 140 Ofspby intor - mog Am . often Peteet knife lid to 43111 road, end (bit's elestiou for it ant and melee Manageli to I combat , L fhe a ' ,of add road for thu onwatitg i year ea be Itild qt the Court House In golletente, 1 on Weil., ttorlS h iif Avrtl, 1857,6 , 2 o' olts.llt, pm. 'Wm. blilaveWoort, J. tl. Ihruquian, • Wm, A. Thomas, E C. Ifunitir; I li. d'. iiiiiAiiie.or, A' Jun. ltursiniitu, -4611141111iV.141 ,, ~. L. A. Moohoy, mir.9ll, /557. CoMllliermionorr. ' ..---, I I Vetter. - NOTICE IS HEREBY 61V . 41. 11 in, , b IA the r,ito,ia, C Alan,' pros hard Bled their poiiiiolui In thu oiltie of iho Prot honota ty as appliu.inia for IIJOIII4O at the 21,pril tiewitons ' treixt, , agroomhts to not 44 Aisemhly, of 1856. Itobort lit'Crum, itnikeeper, *ltuirera Mlll4. J. ti. hoUrimoro, " ' Spring ip. Adam W St,n or, ‘i " bfifea tp. ' William Whi I it, " " Snow Shoo lir. ' Junk Furey, • " " Doge tp. t T. AI Hit, " " Itllleabu,rg boro' Unit. Taylor, " ~ I.Trihru tp. Samuel Gill, " " ltuatou tP• - Anthony C amer, " " ibibloriburg, 4 .I , cdcson. " " Philipsburg. - . .. . Mi a9t Wolf DEd. D WEAVER, Clerk. April ' f p , TIBIA° Sikt.B. -WILL BE EXPOS -X. chi w publlo 14.011 Thursday, April Bdt, on ttle proioleos, kdown AS the Bellsifttntsa Fougdry. rootlet y 4.tootkplod by Cleo Welch, late of tho b lioro' of flellefonto. Centro 00. don'd , the following property, to wit : Tito entire stook of eoiii Foundry. so:IN:log of - Vtitorris, C i• d, Moohiliory. Turning Lathes, Plouglo ,h.o. A onntriteLkir 0:18 iron Noes for the nine, loos. of said prioneeite no , ill the tirst day of July next. Also, f two horse isogon, 2 sel herunss. title to oomtuenon at ono o'ctooh ois Bold doy, whou'due ittontion and a roasonsblo credit will be ,igtoott by, _ LIV II4USTON. apt 1 larit WrE - D --- LOT FOR -BALF6.--10 rebaueo--irR unbelted Will edd Teatament of !dart , Butsh nm. 1100'11. tho underslxned will soll 'atpuhllo I,st ory . on the 26th day of April next, htlite the town of hlltiehansica, is fluow Mace towluthlp, thette 60,, n lionae and Lot of ground, altuatrl 10,1011i1 town of itioehatnnonsmow moulded by Jacob Wolf Terms, one bait of the purelase tummy in, hand, the balance In one yestr, with interest. W.V. HOLT, Vl'r. apt 1.113,1 e 'POR• BALE. A THE SUBBOILEBER OF f theinseeq and tot rehab -he now resided, In tbn, berongh of llollefonte. aiikt jet Is sixty feet ht front on the 'white 'genre, find bs4 ikervoiCarieild • 1;00 two story steno dwelling house, a good °Woe, a it‘ble and other buildings,— The term, will be 'runtimes nitwit:l'lns oonvenienee of pihrolipayezi, •W 1. C. WELCH. mar-25-144-tf. • HOOTS AM WOES.— - - 7. P. BOALICH Wi l la fauna his Mends that ho, has juet reeelsed {Pots the EAlt. A splendid asecrtnant of Boots and :chaos, of the latest style, all of which he will sell at such prieee as to defy oompetition. apt 1-16-tf A l 117031:11 NOTICE. -TERVE DRY*, et.good ra likadsur appointed by the iii04f1,44411144.P0 00, a a Ole disirthu.ion of the hai -1 is the Monfirdf Iff m. tup,kLer. of (deo. limas. tiou'tl , to sad among IMMO entitled thereto, I wilk atte.4 40 the duties of add appoint/tont Mate rr4otyya~nrotary'e 001,30, in iteess‘itsp,, on Thursday, the 211 dry tit April, 1857,'wheraralleheksisi.lood reattel way swum. ' 1.11.1:114P 1311UGERT, A u'r. okpl 1.10-14--- A UDITOR'S°3IOT V A.- —TILE 111110:4- 0 4 .0 d, ,au Aedt.or Appolii‘ed by ihe Cuest of Common Pious of Uintro oouoty, to make butisbut the wawa lu thn brads of M. Yr tobllo, 151mAr. rldobJ 04 trio ado id the reel elrat,e,of Wlbiert, to sod etuuog nos.) eati‘led Uterine sot .4,400,1 ut 411 typiiotleoet h is uf -3,4„ is . 4ligi o gbale. es 'gritity the 2414 4( April, FM!, whervertirporbeo filleresul I uh,ty sitend.• t-16-4e^ - WAI. P. *AI./MIA:e US, rh,./r, • g - 11D IV* Nurivii -bill I/oDRR ai„oed, an Adja‘er, ppoiwer by thu Coen. of 00111104 i elf.* , at Cooly° ueusity, to wake divirlhu itoo.ot the mot wa iu the !weals of kt Sherif, rased wt tltu sale of We real, edante of De vitt •ttstatod, 1.0 4intd ouwei th ee ° entitled thereto, 4ill attend to the delta ..a a ai I atialwintinelat at Ida °tine ir, Selleilante, oar kriday .12, 2i her April, 342. orken all persoiaeildera 41 an ay tato:awl 'apt 1-18 4t Wki. P. MACM.AN US. Au'r. SCHOOL CONVENTIOR.::- A Coot anti,. tad ,upot ..1 lisitbath fiOli.Y ii, met .A 1... a friendly lathe emte, %ilk he “tr 41 in ibederienn elli.lrula of Beale. 141.4. Leosatae,.eii,i .111 Wtoti,oeltr. April 22.1, ut 10 b'uluok a. to for the purpose of noviaing to pujtileat !uteruu Chet a felt in kbli breech of pfillasilbrOpy. Notoral eminent spa/ikon. are oairocold W pLLA tielpate w tho U. MILLER, Att., A. B B U. mar 25 AIWAYS SOMETHING NEW. .I•lll3—t.tylr Aztjr yOUSQ I'it.OFESSON. It ESP:MAME , tat, uu doubt, the 01081 wonderful diecovety of tier ties of prowess, for it will restore, permanently, btay It.tar to be ordinalt.u,ler, curer the lietitl•of the ald wild a ttrisittixartmit grerith, ruutioro at 0000 all dot ruff and itching, mire ecrofula. and oth , . er cuispeous eruptions, such as weld heal. Ito.— It wilicur7oo/IT tly maxis nervitua or periodical headache, make the heir soft, glossy and wavy,and protiorvo the color perfectly, and the hair from ful ling, to 'ornate old ago followTiq it from a distioguislied member of • -siellecal prefuseitto tit Pita; 1855. Pltbr, 0 J. WWI): Dena Sin • Unaullinced, I send you this eerlifkiaie. ' After being nearly . beid fur a long thine, and bar : ing Vied a I the hair restoratives extant, and hav ling nu frith In any, I was induced, on hearibg of you'll to ,give it a trial. I placed inym it in the Minds of - it barber, and lonl toy bead rubbed with n good stiff brutal and the itestorative then applied aid well ruhh , d in, till the scalp wax aglow This I / repeated, ewer, morning, and in three !joke the yollud i bair Airritrel Mel grew rapidly Mtn Ah gait lout till the present time. anti is now thick, black and etrung—soft and pleasant to the hod); Whereas, before It «is harsh and wiry, what little there was of lt, anti that little wit 4 tlicippourlng no' ry rapidly. I Mill pee your restorative ahouLtwlec week, and the!! soon Mire • goad and perfect orqp ) of hair, Now, 1 find rend of abese - ilinura..- anti who has not httt hare ant seen, hitherto, any mote torture any person's hair woo really benefited by any of the hair tonic, std , of alie day .tital it really . grree me ',gleaner, to seem,/ the result of Lay expcmoode I hare reatinnirlended your itroparei bon to otbore, - nint - tru1,,..,1, Mal a largo nod gong. ral sale throughout the territory. Thu people here know Ito effectS, and hAvo eontidenee in It. The supply you suit tui, as wholes tic ngente far the ter ritory, mind? exhnusted, a n d d a ily ior i nirien a re made for it. You detturvo credit for rdir disoove-• ry; opd I for one, return you my tMlike for the benefit it Ills done me, fur I eitetainly hnd ad lung age of aver effecting any suclurosult. Yount, hastily, , •• J. W. 1.19241.). Firm of Bond Kukla', Drugglets,-01.. Paul. (Err= the Editor of the Rua% Estate Adrerliser,k Cotton, 27 tithool St., Margit 20, 1855. Dean Sig. Haring. bieotne prom ttnrely, guile *ray, wakkrs since I make ; a Li-0 al jour Itontor.iti•e there ure - Tdiiiii - Thlitt two bottles, bnl the gray /mire have ,all olitaprmtrw q 1 t and although my hat halt mot fully attained its original color, yet the proavreir of shsogo le grail :l:TA t r w d , ntl y rn g r oat- zig holra r t ia t q h. g a i t s,, in hove sled been wadi llratlBod at the health', teals. tent and tiara' of the hhalr. whim before was harsh mad dry) and It hasototted to coinn_out as formerly/ Rorpostfully yours, D, c st. AOIIP .''Profeiset Wood. ' • oarlysle. Illinois. June'l9, 4E155. ; Itirtve need Profbaror,W , , , ,, , l't II tit Reotoratit and hmv4 Iblualted he troudotful eff,ot My hair .(S hef34llilitlp 1111 hqll,ol youra trttiotygrty. hot tho use ' licilor, .44," IF 11,•r} ii rk , ./.1. , 1 as • digloal order. and 1., tare no d,lir l k4 pormorteotly te. • 8[1:01.EY BRElidll, Ex•Solltint j.l States. , . or.l. WOOD * CO.. Proprietors, 013 Brnl'NY, Q. Y,. and 114 M vice .troot,, S. Loltle, b url. Sold bye by °SEEN 6 MaklLA 4, and all NA psetoblisdrsalet: marll4•l4-11mos, • i kir ir g u f r i An l e ~,.IM4 t l „ , IF,; 7, l u! JUL') 30, 11)11;irtlhe Stein urPHNIgh 11,VA0141, will be rittletvect at the Contract Oftlee or tidal air pertinent, unlit 3. p. ur., 3tat unit. to bb decided' by thtv4sth Aprft, follekring,"on lbri , touter 'awl the tinmil bore'u apoeilled, r‘ttter by dots i t f Congress n i proved "ingest Uf. 1850.) 330 !from Clearfield by Cure onertlic, Luthernlinri Jt trot atm Lino, lteynolititillo, lJru'okr olio, Condon taiiiiitrittobville„ to Clarion h utiles and book, daily, except Sunday, in two-hulk. Leero Cloarll 41.4,A1ai1y, creep! Sunday, at 4 0. to ; AMY° et 4/buten by 10p. in. Leave Chit doily eeoept Sunday, it 4a m. Art is o at Cleartield at 10 p no. 3187 nom ltuadbur by Kalmar's, Bowmenkville, Muddy Creok,..ll'orrar's Mill, and Blue to Now Holland, 211Milse and back, three titnois mid buck. Toosday, Thursday, tad g".. 14114,1111 111,11 10, .irrive at Nor flatland by 4 p m. • • heave Now Lolland Monday, Weditaiidll, • anal Pride" at 9 Arrive ut Banding by 4 ma Proposals to early the mail* In two-horse f —nachos era Lai eI. 3133 From titoildartsvillii, by Gbuldsborougb South 4,lkif.ou, aid Clifton to Nagleerlio, 20 mites tool Wick, six Unica a week L trio titdlluyerillu fixity oximpt. Standby, of 8 ~ • . Ari fro at Naglesvillo al 12 a mi. Limy. Nattiest ilto doily, tixoitpt Surula af. ter arrival of railroad mail from Now York, . —n+y'ut3pfq• Afrit c at lit , slihrlaville by 9p to Proposals to unify the' wall In Iwo-11011d 001106. •es aro lob lied. • 3139 From LaPtirte, by lisaillsmeria, Forkvillo, El k_ thiultilbi. and Slialik,to Canton, 40 miles and ak, °noon - aria Monday seal a se „ n - t'Cunton n 5 day br Truer - ti fAmvo Canton Tuesday atj p , Arrive itt Laporte next day'L,yl p wt. Propowils for a soooud wisolkly trip, and tq commence at Ertalesmore, li miles Istia Al 4 - Casco, are indeed; also to perform Om ser vice in two days, out and back. 3190 From p.oun's Crock, (through Mercer's Val ` ,toy) by Trossitilte htMlAdto Crook, Id milos AO bait k 4 onsai a Woolf. Leave I'onu's Crook, Tuesday-a - Nor arrival Of the Lewisburg mil—soy at Sat no. Arrlvo at Middlo Crook. by 1 ai m. Leave Middlo Creek Tuesday at 2 p in. Arrive at Tone's Creek by 1 pin. 3191 Fosse Bristol, .by Centerodijo land Fabrington to Yardloyfille, 13 miles and hack, antic a week, leave Briatol Saturday at 4 p ; Arrive a. 'Verde yvitte by 7 p no' • Leave Yarilleyriilo Saturday at 4 pm; Anis° at Bristol by L p nt' . 3102 Ilrout Bristol, by Loadobaughl Corner, Oat ford Valley, Suifunorville and Ashland, to .L 1.01 1 ,41104, 13 usl stand .baek, coma& week. Leave Bristol Satunlay at 4 p Int • A rri•ti at Dollogten by 61 p Leave Bollngicie Satarday at 4 p m ; A, rive et Bristol at 64 p m. Pieposels for three tones a week, also for slit • tam oil • Mae* se/ tea in two-horns isaachas are • !hotted. 3193 From Wind Gip by Built 11111. to Moorestown i-111 Miles and bruit, unite a week, - Leave Wiud Uap Tuesday at it • Mt Af rive at Sluunoruwi, Tllolldssy at 1 p in; • • Arrive at Wind Cap by 4p m ; 3194 -Prom 'Rubin% to 'Bath, T nines and backs . twee a +vocal Leave Bofblem Saturday on arrival of the writ from'. Easttin—i ty it 12u r; Arrive at Rath same day by 84 p m ; boa,. Daub datunlay at ai p ed; . A rave at Bothlout lama day at Sty ft; Pr4posslopr throe Muds a woo* Mnitata are bit Abel: 3493 Prum New C sada, byl SAM * Brook. dation*. burgh, .tad Niel (trove, to rinpfarry Rook; 1.0 uutp.a atai tak, ../Lee a- week: Leavu 4oa I..bobb,,vto.atty add am; Ainvo at Sttopory noult.ay.„.llsu; ' Learn nappy,' zsu.dc Mooday all p NI; it: vivo at /skit , . I.l4stle p Prop,w..4a t . 50.54.4 weekly trip aro Invited, 8496 k'rotri • Italia., to WOE Lata.daim, Ii micas and book. U 0,141 a *wk. Leave Woduaadity at 8 am; Anil, at It tat Louiunbrt by lb to; Lam. so tk,at Lob.tinue by I tutu ; Aiti'vo - RUI&HALdi tryb It 6i. 34.7 brow si,triTualaug, by Daria's and Knotrillo to Dar..., It lalitti and back oboe a week. I..wwye/e.P.Pe44611,111..n.dair *tour arrival of she , ?Mawrg malt by radruad—any at Ib a tu; Arrive at .i.sytdo by 5 p w ; • Lt LTO 119 1.141 l'oca.lay at d am • rriv. at Kittaoutoa by 13 in. Y dposattfm• n Sectond Weekly ftipiteste.4 ph. 3128 Frew Ifertbiegte . “ to hillbarstotru, 13 tunes and 1,41.11., 0000 a week. ..Leihro yt oi Saturday tut 1 p la; r" Arrive a t Atillo.s.own by bp to r , '%our., Saturday a( $ atm; darivo at is orthieitoe by 14 wt. 3199 v ,terlln :5..11.60 . 4h. by dyptior's Crass Roads awl 1s hjawd c wugue. to diaLtr Llaka,V ....„ ' Whoa and b.64k, olleo weak. =CZ= Antra at State bilk by 10 a m; l.uuvu Stow k iy at 120 !leo not rhis.ailtigh to p W. non %%An Puntsutaat toposokto's Mill, to Votiadilttlho,-4.7 1 e1er 114.4 . 011011 a wool, o Pantsuianniy, Wodnesday at 8 a ul •, Arrive at Ploismat 'lie toy 2p w ; lteav•,pluasitartlle, Thursday at 8 a in, Active Pee/sutawnoy by 3p in 8601 Marna Now Westia6aiii, by Mtilor's Store, Mortali's and Naafi Mid, to Punstataweley. , 21.1 tailed .n.l_ Sack, °not, a nook Lou,.. Nun Wieilliokun, Thursday at 8 • in ; Arrive at Pubssulaniiii.,y by p tai Leave Puntrat awn r, Piltbsy tell so a; - Arriou ut Not IS by 12 111 ; Proposal* fur three-tiniee-a-wask sts i rriordi art iiivmd; alio to puilbrui whol•0011triu to one dy. 351 M ifri a nu Pliiltraburtr,, Ify Mortditals. - s•Tryler. tomb 10 Mate and book, Shrew 110• Sit nook. Lotive Philtionturg, Tilesday, Thurigl.ay and , Satuni di V u to; Arritu at liylertown by II a tioAve liylcrtuwn. Tintd.iy, Thuriatay . atid et 11 ile Arrive in PetliTaberg by 211 r onto to-tarry that mad - - 4110:btran coaches are invited, 14 From (4illensborg to fthnerabarg, 8 mite. and 'bank moue a week Leave Cullenaburg, Saturday at 0 a 1h Arrive at Itimeribittg by 9 a in; • Leave Itinttriburg, Satutday at 10 t 0; titrt au at CallepeFurg ty I p m. .... _ , 4,1 r 1 ppm. erupesele r,r 60,4, co fig tibree-thnee-s week *weir*, are invitect. 5045 From Bkndy'e _Vaud, by Millet.* Ferry and BIWA Fox k'uftiene, In Cellonsburg, 12 tale' and batik, "no. a Week. ' Lenvu lirwly's Ono& Tneeday at 8a w • AVrico at Cl4l.oburg 111 ihga , Lo Clacolibmg, T oy ctAX QS pm y 16. , 1,3, Prop,* Nr a taaanal weekly trip MO sited. 3500 From nonttleysille try Sandy Creelk and Let. ton's elorluir, to Evatinonrg, 15.1134 is and back. once a Week Lnityg.sll9lLkjjlyvtiln, Tin.inl ay at $ a ; Arrive at EvausbOlg by II e m Levu livuushurg, Tuesday at Z pm; Arrive al i littunkteyville by .5.4 m. Propos the for a mooed weakly trip are lavited. 3508 Fron t Wlllhonsburg tie spriocileld Fontana, 5 es miles and book, throe tteto,, a Week Turgid ny, Thurnily, and Saturday on arrival or the uiatl front hpruce Creek—sey at G put , Arrive at tAptineletil !furnace, by 6 p cu; Leave Ifitlithee, Tuesday, Ilium A,day and B,4terday;lll 4V to ; rrive at 17111LIMaligh tri p av; 35139 Fr tout Ethippensb um N whu %h. 7 miles and 3507 Pr nu Soo li Weil t o driond, 18 tenni and bunk, 'nor n week Leave &milt 11 1 10, Wednesday at 6 la m; Arrive qt (Attired by 12 m ; Lauxe. Yip Arrive ni h tulh It 0 t, sm. ,fay b 8p ru Arrive At Shippolsbur4 by 91 A m; bicek .IX times a xeolc. • Lowe., Slithixonieburg exoopt Sunday.On airlvnl yif the mail Trout liorrivtiuri—vity at lei , Arrfvd nt Netibur4h. by 12 in t Lentils whi4h d Lily, exit opt Surds'', gst l i be form of Propos sts t liumenty and ()organists, ihnt inntructlons,,md retptiremonti to be. enilir'sqnd In tho ountrutts-hilisti this brit 01,11111111. p tiriph• let H,rin nt tfit%-ttrineirpl omit Mfroes i RIM ninth ad yestisfussisst, of route Sh.netfortiey.linntupylvanlni he tivtitl Jammu 10 h. 1851 . . • - 'syn ti blimitn tt , Fekirlt try I t 1.157 —4r. OTICB. WHEREAS' METTERB OF Ler A livinio:ri 10'1 1111 the ontoto of John Wow *lnger. siiino d., Int.tic of pnttti torvnxbip, bore bo#o gr Int al 10 I hi, .wohiwihor restilin4 In sold town. Mhlp, nuo.inA 'VI I tw,o f Ca , ate win phnooe gouts iftwor trd Ind avdte Nod thew Irtrln4 elelrne wohavt thin Nolte, will prooe,ol tenon duly autleallostod far settinsuent. reaTll-ei. DAVIDII-4311Tr.t, Adm.?. -1!4t110::. , ,0W8 , 1 1 tEPUT:• , 71857) , ...' , GRIAGR I:ph*ltivetr.ol, TRMAXII. ACCOINT CENTIlik' - 7 - rnlhm 7Tli YWI JAN HAWK, AD. ISM!, TO THE 7TH HAT or: J AVIA& • ~ A. 11. 1657, • , • F g ~,"~.; .• • Dll,_; irrmi 1:1•`' o,,thatori "4 -4 ' r • • To amount el tuliftilded land to* To balando chit Trlllll. unit. 11C43 Waddle, ...Eit, r ifignff, en account with Centre County, from January VA, 1 8 5 G; to January . 7th. 1857. .-- Mord 6..— .enire ...y, from Jan,- , 185". • . 4 • . • Oki•N• ) . " CR. ' SSC Tu astumwt of JitrICIPS.,,q4 4. .. tasis. 117 ~int of Jar" 111144 41)41 • 60 spool looted • - $.2101 To *Worm iivo Tolman* 187 1 41 --- Tif - WMlll3:Terittr* - 1.7 •41.• --...- loners • - 1 - 101 l 1614 111.2 - -ay SOW Oa bUluf Ms n Word 243 .. , - . We, the flutterers& AatiiiettiOf Centro County, liarlog examined the ;weaned/ e George LL lug. tum, Treasurer of said meaty, ant M. Waddle, Sheriff of said county, Ana them correet, ae above stated, and Alm, rhos 0 ha and , 411•4 earn for lb law. Witness our. halals at the C ' ' ' Attest Datfmtei January 7th , A. D. 18 0 7. . . : ..—.... 4... O. itANKIN ) - "' mu., Aualt ° r " , . ' - ' 7 : `E FRRI 7 - Aractirsriii*iiiiro or (warm cow= FOE me. • Agrelithiy to'An sot of Arstaltitily eatltfud " act to raiso county rates , billet," requilit.ig the, r Cawinattoutirs of the several sehutharl ur stns Cotruniiimialtn,. on publish ityAlNlfy 4 o o f, tooot of d i , . iteaelpta Exptinchtures uritipots pispoothrs counties. we, tbsilluinalaslonsrs of Ventre 'dollar:, to repoa thp foilowtug, via : trointissighility 0( January, Itina, firths 7th (ley of January, 11 Y • v Talitialittrissid Wm. dant/ate ct Tra-lure; bailout° due mat last sottleinent, Treasuror'anommiMionslllllll2.f4. amt. of eoututiationste orient lifted, Tiestaurer'amnamlision on mama ed land tarn •• Pont . r and stationary for brew. - .. •Amount pald John IleetormA for services Ss So. Commissioner. " Antal:lnt paid floury EOM foe ' - kervittet as COlllll4 notomhalonefi " Adtbartt Paid Wm. laridaose, - for serviacs sa county , oentania• " Amount paid, Wp. rap - aloof rondered 0 41 4 0.0 Joissioner. "Amount paid for atadermryi dint tins blinding of Masi books by moon A DistitlmVbisok books! !Lc " Amount paid oPttrAi, 4.edltors' pay for Aildlting answeatii," "... A mount paid thane Livingston olerk to county auditalta. " Amount paid James Maidennufl, , Esq.. couple) to Contutissionen, " Amount paid Jos Leade L ins two MT — , era for Dew Court - noose, Amount pall' Simon Yeager for freight on limiters. " Anutuna. paid A. Mooted, A Son for boll And hangings for new Court Wouse. " Amount paid Wagner dr Thoma freight on 1111170. , • •' Amount of premianta for Foxes, liroffe. , Pafitheritunts, Wild Cats. itc., AMMIT'pld elootion pay and mHisgo pay of Ts Jod- Vs% art s r n s titl 11°14117g up " Amount-paid ariala RAltle pay, " Amount paid ginSeis . wsil for sesOnty printing, sad painting assess hooka for 101 A UV " Moonlit paid 'M P. Cruswart• for removing and arranollag Kagii tat'■ Mille. " Amount paid M. Aldine Ibr fuel for Court limos, " A naenn t of sor a in Commetawealth 0.1..4 'lncluding feta Distriet _angina eittorneta. wispemee' " Am . at paid 4f, Billibisk fir Move pipe t. Ilapuire pad lfUlibish ter bllt of work. at Coast lfuus.. " Amount paid 007 rant Welala fur salary as stetk to °'s. " Amount paid OM del Tering 1101011111 • hooka. Ideation-papers Jte r atid. - 'spews to 'fiarrisintrg " Amount paid William Cask tar eters 'of the 'Nfothodirt E. -:Runth, foil rept for sap of urah lbr Wading January , / April random of Court therein t" Amount paid' Constables' pay mailings fur manna returns, " Amount paid Andrew .Witina. Court /Atesulimg appft elennimg Imam Agra - -•• " Amount mad Penns &Ma Indist, io asylum, for oisonijalng tuna& hoe, and !mineral expenses of 01. firer " Amomit paid Wm Harris. laprty discount on mote of 112000 " Amount paid Constablaa' pay far - attendlog eleothena ardor aist of assembly of,..klaruh PO& " Anwunt paid ihr rio " A mond4 paid George 11. Halm? for Prlitlatafra7's tom " Amount pail Georg. B. Wear., ' ' tar expunge,. la•reatuving:amyr, - rrangins Protkoaatory's or nee, • " Amount smiliJetau tiiilliand reitibilfitiWeloolgoror istr•to t .rothortatavys ofhr•a, " Automat paltibariel Weaver and others fir elver Mdd tams. " Amount paid Wolf fir spouting Ao.. err Jail " A lona nt paid John 'l'. Johnston. bill or printing. " Amount paid Ludwig Karts bill A=l ihr bill of printing, " Amount. pkbl Wen:ll:lffteilmn, - Marble. for now cv 7 ,- -= r .--" -Amount ladd Contra 11 lout t nral Hook ty, apprOp aolff donation - , Amount mild abfni. ilson for hoarding prisoneri nia4 bill of boarding. foc J lii (82,04), "J. fl Morrison bnardiffsprorr ' " Amount paid Pf 84 I? netall• ,ling court nn tipatate. " Amount paid Weiell.&llllinn for window lontiles and'bill Of WWl ling for Court Mum, " Amount paid A. 8. Dayidiom for Poet, " Amount mid Allirenes for ntedtlng arnd-rolusnin; issawitanwsta, It Amount pa iii J. if 'ror in orodlting Jaunt. NM» witb • an einem uf Ilia omega*, in the a)wiputOrl }.0.l in 1863, " Amount pui.iNt ‘Viddllu, Sheriff, for bill of two'. " Amount mild A. FOTIODUIR mousy i .,,p uu ded for now aind land sold him, _OLIO • rcturun, wid " TV, Tale o n Alunout psi,' Uoorkro ;Ale Or. .....uokint fur building pow Court. . totil ' 4b91 00 -___-_ --__ ___ --- ' No We understood, Conituasiooere of Conti* danty. do' ourtily n that ur f , ch• Arrosoing is a rtal s o d *orr oil. itatuuloot of ali asebiros dill 0 EXPen , i tures of Centro roukp (ho yoor 121.54. %haves °iv hoods and %b. cipi of Our utlbo. ads 23.1 tlay,ur Fobruory, A. L. Is3l. . II litilli. X ii.' liLL SU 4 ~ - - --vreoe Pfrryt4ottoim l'c , onttostionri J A COO Unit HART, . , - AU.ext Tbdo; Mdll~y, Clark. _DINE o — ROV — liiiiitll4 — fiiiiiiiiii:, mitEsztrnd molktualarr 1 , 0/303. JIG.' - V.s/ AR if .. . - ::107 . 11(1761110; -- *: - D —l r rittei-- 1 J.VJL I rsow-pubtallethinbitalassf... Ali pi - m,071,10,1 rd. DR V., D M9iDit Teacher Orljlerman -- : milt, Such as there is in least de gland, en prime it , The eleventh sessiosor ibis buil ittlairii will open all In board inaseurOo that every one Matt : Miaow the nil Wednesday April 7Uth, 1057, it-d • ebatinue flee ' pricer, 40 that the bereaved way net be Inliposed up. months op be travelling peddlart,befordigtlng there ostlers. 'The isillitutiott .is 'situated IT Ulla from the , HelAr le Lisa f.riees- - , per. Plot. Penna. Railroad, with whieb it is sonnet, tad by i 4 Marb l e hex tomb, • . ~,, 0,76 La-weekly line of sieges. Thu sititaltoif 14 health: French popefiep, - • . . 0,76 Gel, and free from tempintieu of hairge•nlitees, the, bltatuktill enaltblirteibibAis . •, , .. • 0.80 t gen: munPyie In rat tiled hileili rent.' .Tito t.tiMi pal. Marble Tomb Stoma, • .1 .. .. i • fluidi c routed 61.4. Darold' •Id's large and enrolee. 114114 n mebble 1{ 1 4041 , 01,11b -I_ , ,-... 1.00 limy bUiffintli. formerly occupied em a Dela will , Etntuayy marble, _ a .. ' i 0.00 ho prepared : fir the tenet , ' lon or traleatti' ot tho • G/ 12314 ,r u 448.4116 • • • ' - - •••••-•-•+ •iommoubtuenent'of the 5e..i.,” Toss ire--41,76 Pet, itelktirtelt Item tinli WaWS 1, eat t,7 , 17 1 1 1 / 1 Ift rty title one bailie n I pinata turd thp,bnlneee Enamel lettbre Zbenfo ex t. . , t 'Perire Die iitodeptle remni ...I -rotratto $.1,614, ' All Stork 'o4terattleil ¶0 be pisho4 In pou o o o l. , -.yid $l2 Tor resibm, 00 7 ,I,:e iinti half In a:Name. ~ phis style., Dtitiv,v driterlptloss 'et mitihie wok 0, A. yttilant el, e Orme:ilea alit be had or or sin. thal et ,in rotes, I *IN give the prices fn ornatbeidal , 1 i,01.77.7t. jatriNiVil. it 0 • ' r. Inrios plum' 1),(1 lon Ow e ~.• of the Pkineinal. Von work If it Is re vire., - 11111q01 ft ra h 'l4l,lAs. rortlier I tirarinstipn apply in , - .r. E. Throws Prieup.ll. Pint Gffive Mills, Doe; ---„,....„,,--- „....',,,- — - ' ... •oitn_ ,tv 0., bill, A. lt,Thtnaglti Root., 'Bora E, _WAD X 111 4111 LIN OB4D . 4 n:11 " Z v li Z aiiw - 00.0 - i ' l - . , . ..,.. t ".:: ) ,:' Pn ' f' . jij apirifrel' Ige ru a d itt s ' e %:"A t l." o P r ba ttimie rf ' lett ba e srd ~, •,. AR•trit inoNg, , . WAYII4IS AT 'l4l/5154117T011 14-1 1 ,1 1 rea l. 11. . , =I C R. 18'.'n1 I By 14m9unt of Coinwhogonart I I order* titled • • " routureeeCommlalloo 18032. 74- • - 9'l -18 i ) A 789 01 ' . 3'13.1 10 1 ,---,---------- - ——, Wit By-69149*e due 'treasurer Sde 23709 0. Amount .madratiiii7.lllnlior" - ' bill of inUttlng end usTit and dhitirs An new COnnt room , r Amount paid Oconee W. Tate, for estimate No. I for buildiug gnarl" troll pritdb., " Antolini Livlngoon on money loaned t he entity " /mount void E J. LlTlngstoolbr moneyloonott the sunply t • " Amount Pe 14 dame' J. slatsitoll for bolding intorno on dead ' . 2.5.7 •' Amount paid Thomas Caldwell. for inquamobald. au druut.budies, , /2,111 •'' Amount paid 11. P. Trotiyulay running. line dividing iinurr shon lownstip, ",11. P. 'rreisiTteiny minolugUi• dl- • • „ Mad Stunnhoos, . Attibu d !Wand Curtiss nun tang nu,dlvldliyi ilowordlei ° Amount prad ovonosni ofpodt. Walker tWp. fur removing vet Pothook to Lanolin asylum, Amount paid Mato 1. /2•Uor lion running dkrialOn line of Craig ' and Walker township, " Amount paid J. Stant) , De Onsil on aooouut for Preece painting new onurt room " Amount paid E. C Unwell rti,o. Mpg division line between Wal ker and U rigs t wp. 0 Amount paid H. Barr bart for no. moving Prothonatory and Regis tors offitia, "'Amount paid C. llomrs'L tiro. bill of sondnet SITIO and O. if. Amount paid Joe. flourbeak, rrAlf 1" :14 1"1- __„_pt p _Jno. - 31efirlds - set on money laid county, " Amount paid Patriok O'Laughlin leveling and filling up publis irtsuoda La Amount paid Neil.liferrold Mvei tog and lints up put& grentids As. 85,93 Amounrpuid McDermott t Mc- Caffenj stalling public pound" 3E6,75 " Frederick `milli dusk and counsel tabled and lidt s la " Amount paid 11. 14 JCIL ruLltding nutting for Court roottit 1,00 " Amount paid Joh o'f onoor, hill of , /sundries for:Court lionse and chines, 25,65 "-Amehintpnhl Who. ithrock, desks fur offices, 21,50 U;SA's., Amount,msdllAtul. , 'for 01530eif id 00 stuYan;puldJisophSektol3, sito: • king' atop , lbriArt, • ' 1,141 " Amount ,pgid_,Tpl.„,l4,ll, aline ate for Porutio4'd trOsiot Roue.. • " Montint Ohl P. CI Prouoliaus, hill of 'renews tot Court flour*, " Amount Vita Batnuel -- to - prorpivie - wood; " Atuutust paid I. D. Awl L Co., bill of goods and. cool, " Ailment paid J. D Turner lit water tax. year 18 1 5 . " Amount road Daniel t itan , A tz Oath/ to ilerilb Court lipase, 2,87 , paid W L. itapbtlie, bIU `• ~ of spittoons,' A .. • - " Ammo* paid We. Hobo, 11481 • pipes and fitting Courts,",,, WA° " Amount p ill J. Steel Parma!, topAirt uskit itthlo • " Alltatmt paid Jolon ittnakkin.lbe . *MOM for Prothenotaq's end Itegloler's 1,50 " Amount pi pstudo7 solo" In Mk Unmet , ickoguit,' $5114,40 ME En CM I=l •i,OO 00,00 111 ' 09,23 11,0 10,0 25,00 *lB9O EMI 168.90 is• so 1031.D3 it; ED vq,oo 39,00 - tf,ai 113,5 t 200,00 CM 104,111 EISIM cm I= 114iiet saseuntr of °Mir •441111111411, ltl,lo SeAtt CM By ayet of tiittslimillir trgiso eiSfoi/ott,t, in:. : ,r. ic 4 ;lisse itgistnreiNtietirsrp.. B.' 1 1 'X/ . 44447: MoLlitighlin's naafi, toifthitilv, 1893 28 00 'John W„Fitoito, Worth, 1862 27 00 Miles ateon -Boggs, 1854, 4/6 00 I .klltik (.1 Wlillsiit filaton, 4 64 29 00 —Jos. Willlalsil estate, WOribi , 1864, 4 , , 47 01 PA,. listo'ne, enige,M466, •--. 84 00 Thds P Potton, Fotguson, , 15 Oa 00 • Jwßichards. Bel( Moon, " 72 00 (3 1/. Brohdol,..Lihorty, " 30 00 WA' Alilson,fr , Marion, " 100 00 qif garroe, Ru4h, 4 * ,7t 00 4 • 800. tinaistri, - ,ii., Snowsl446 " ••943 00 'John. (I. .ronne, Worth " 16 00 - 'IJ. W.• Rittenhouse, Bolls- • - 'loofa Borough, 114 U ' 2(4 00 It. L. Shirk, Mllesborg, " 74 00 JOO. M. Wilson, Denser, " 171 00. Coast. Curtin, llogis, " 140 00 ' Bare,. W. W4lllllllO, Ter . gua.m, 496 00 P. Zottle, (Ire/. . . 260 00 • Batutrot Bhltr, 'mitt " MO 00 Jameollt Bohtlieier lishiss,, " 103 00 ler, -Jon., L. 11 , 4 y. 11 , 1(1 , 109n. " 69 00 .'' " ag ing 1170074 1 41 Y Boirsid," 250 00 op, ifirwoir, Ifuston, ' 01 00 .4 Jo& Morifoo. I,ll,erty, 'r . ' Bii 00 ' Bellit liatter-Milrion, • " 746 00 Baunuel tilinffh, Milos, " - 209 00 - 'P. A. W04141e, Patton, " 103 00 . ' C Itofrer, Potter. " 220 00 John Smith, Penn, 211 00 Robe tr Ltoyd, Bash, ~ 123 00 vir;. •Üblt. Snoirslibe, 41 2414 (10 .7416 n HMO, Spring, " 146 60 8. MoMontier, Taylor, •• 52 00 eat). P Leathers, ',Joh:to, " 64. 00 'll4lhightly, Walker, " - 228 00 ''' • 4 . itnoords, Worth, " 82 00 ' 410,00 ElMil 16,00 11,50 11,40 -OOP 200,00 62. 'OAP Itclb id 1,74 71,00 UM 10,00 GM 13 Ei• litiktal. 14 1 / I .thitAliTOß. : •V A TEENTIKILTAILIIIM. AZII wittrtidy is roe, red to cure ney one troll,: .e 3 011.111tri IHTPILX811.10! aver onmplaints,o unless Om meet deeper- ' CCLI.. 4 ! -g 1 . , 4:LI,7:RN f e. it assaa, Idiom the astiond bottle. will, with Tile Untintsigno.l rellpOtifyi.l,XerlSSAL.insfosi Matti a single failure, restore the patient,o health errand th 0 public general'' , ut Centre con....ei, ins( Mai Niger. Wo wish to mill the attention of all to he is aloe to nlastoring Poo • - ' ' The. fame, that the, tor irroreono isomnpnended by I'. ,t lilt AND iti:/11.4 CORN koullar N , t .! e physician who hoe neeoL h in Ads fiTnctlot for thO Or - b Ora of tho 00% 5r...... a•m ort.lll.t.dnisl.!..n. issil It pest twenty yeer4 with A suture ..1131,n01t leered's- the 1.91 , ”. time,lhe 0..1,1 orisy sinning tiddler,' esse, Eons, and (fiat It is entirely vegetable, being tm- oaf, nA to th , Pnbtil. it will AIM' groan nod art aull wooly of gums. • ( , )tn, olooni”g tt,' AAA to ._zu oralto ex.; and sew i N komo ide . rt of th e simnelo re cf 11. , gores - re ay %, m ” 0 .--. ". ,:-;• f- , --t IL' C-:' ,. .. 1 finned when It is I, nun o ....r bolt is of the Jt..1„,,-- - t ',/- ‘.1 ,, , i 0 n 1 tO rt.'. ' . 'is.l'iiithl enyetharahel orator contnins DR much dtt,ngllt no ono hundred Vii.. 11. , " - th.l , ....rz , tAtr."..ler,trißwilll". c, florthejnan., dome of Calomel without oil o f its doo , ih t ,,, , tit) .1 C .•n 0r91,1-sr.fity., It is oorinzast effeots two ttunLa, s. :Lett -two porkitil ten tars It o = . ' • ' shill tr In 200 P., :.(4;) pseilay. It Weis alio ()Rebottle Is tho surest thing known, to airs L'`'""-luthed to I . O IP. 1 7 " , " , filthy the hid elibbth of minors, point of et y isin ; - {2 -AILLI'II t''' i s3 '..l- ' f-- !I'D. , Pahlver.; luier lade. ' [Only ono bottle is Leaded to tl.row out of , tho hi 1 .1 - 0 ' - 0 - )- ' ,- 1 i e 14 1,0, 4 hill , tbfr. system the acute of Jun. 11.411.° after along 51A01...0.- 1•.0 . 5. TEL Wilt, flail/NA% (Me bu tie taken for laundko retainer alf pliow, , We. th " . 1,,, ~ , , ,e o. on- , „mama *44 i ,..d . • - j 't - ow or minstanal Aar from.tbaskin_. . Ono dump after, bating in sollent to rano% e ti t .," lljo Muth 110* itendy - coritli t esilor,Astsmillsolaisait - stomach anti prevent tits fo nd how tidtag, and b y. r a " ci• D'ir• r• :1 " 4 ". ,Pr". 41101 klears4 ix searlas. . - • . Its }roc:dual utility, and c e ll larrity th e attaballas On 4 one Coe takon „beforo talli th / prOtente "" " 9 "1. / 13 "mi." In one "as" will onto 1 1 4 • tries in time met labor. We obeintillig means flat dwitstakortrit night limerri thobeititiegontly, • 1001001 It OI the femme al - Cs:Jr. Genet) yap std and cams eortii enter , -no .d greeted gnmaijk • . ~ °nodose taken after each meat wil core D .r , icw Iv. lit a> s, . J.,tres D. , re A. pepsin. o r 0 • Lto crir r, - . Pen seen 21. L 1.14 • ''' °nod... of two tea 5p........(0.8 Sill alwaya foliate ' L. W. itirret,eos It, pit II 111 I ur,,t, - A. rink hom.b... . • .w.11 4 , ,,.1,...1 1 oil 0, 'o fi. It lis ES IL. r. . One botUo Wren for' roseate obi' mei km remoras :, I hkI . V . I'ut , I , AA. I ot:d i'• 3 ore 4 to n e S' kkitel the cause of . the diemthe. and tuslos a perfedt cum 1 e ", T" 4 "', l4 c,llrs. l l') Pon' , ll'llr.esile he Reuel Only one d ose imentallattely relieve-, ellen', wi.l:e 1 ° 1 " "tl',"/ ';' ,4 4 1 /. l lt4_l , l.Ast. . • • l' (Inc dose often et:posted Is a ear , eara fee cholera ' '"the,7,"-wc. of lho L. .-- t.t . 4 . tuf s Vat 1 morhus, and a ettrepreventedito of girders, . I 4mig "., "'WI . '" o"rn ,in 1 1 sl , ,Wr since of Warelliela ! One doso token often will prevail tho r e snr n oweo! US 4 , 4%r .1.44 , 11.0. I i5.R.105.r.” out eith. of billions ailaaks, while it Sellefel all pelnhal i „.- 'Mien At t. %LOLL kruClinji ; We fully soreur),..ithe oboe* certilluate. ' l . - up•one of twcrdesoi Won uttesiorrilly Is *Root t • , ifi livieL.4 4,8k0., nallafaSo. , il6 - brit ratoodhes fur u wild oror kaftan , • eta -ILIA brio. , "- ' Ttionetads of mutes of intSaaittlon and t i s ..ik as s,; ' ' -- !lariat. c,T404 cud tried the poler.kititisjle . of the ling} bare been miry& by the Inilgonstns , spl 11, efry , an :licit. 14 in Atistftillpis4 s i g mar. One Jose 'alma a Short time before eating, ((seat , Dul4 -4 '"r , 13 ". t'"...." , 1.0,40067 to be hroodool vigor to ihoappbtlio and thakos tool iNeat 'roil. i Vir44,o", in "11l IllPect • • mi. 41, 41‘ wail 4. 0n,,,, o ft en -,..p.oili t il cares throats dierrisms- 1 eiled Rlt ittoen and full of milk, bat timedir i i k r• Is l • Adis `sutuneer L and bowel penal every (tram from We bob ins warm plaints ylo ' meat * ti'itrirttrier-' --- teal. pawitily have beer dome Sir *fail. 4 One or two MMus tnrres Eta As roused b orrwth I Fi1 e.,,,,,, z ,,: ) ,; 41 . ,,: u1 „ ..44.111111 " 11641"11 ? 111.161.04411- while for worms In children, there him for, safer - ;alit telt Joan SlRaii; tual speedier remedy lathe Solid, senor tote I Tlnliettnts . .ippl 12. 111 . 543..p1itt-W 1 'Metro .14 no etagsiSratfon lot mat. inbittv. -'' -------;;.' ---..., ---"--- .... I ,d--:- i - they aro plain and sober fasts, at we cso glee on - ~ B 00 A. II 'I 0' It ' - ' i lance to Wee: while ail re it erect sing their . • li vault tivi gontx.' ' Imaninious testimony In sr.2r. et Ile writ known stand on the Nottniwaseheithelne , -- I rills tot ilot forldie equate, fiellefstate inssoakloppg We sash all who,trial sink and doLilit4uni to try. , gland... .:to 1,00 ahrge ir:sonmeittli - • ••• ~ .1.• "t , this retnody, en lest it thowOligl4, K 1.4 ail 1.1.6" 1 o '/ Orel. .1.11,:n.L., . nye not bent dby I'S nor ear ifinalot Oho Wheat ; t's.C.:FISAL. AtflOr il , from, as et eve yet to 11, ar fray. tbo Lit. persaii, Mtsscr-t oo ro t a 1 _ ,_ who avistid it teak of liaioarri• - 'o4a &. hoot. ' _ . oalrg boualliaor. these am ',soh sotonithing tn.• ; .ti' , , a Lox. re 4 nal i WWII in it, thatch, no ..antter i" Wog / Bf.ASK BOOICi I.lfb STATIONS:IW boy hare lama strotatl. if their comptalut - blear 0 •- e - .- - . ilss toei arovirgio, darrangod liver, will be benoutted; if not 1,llE,SfAtifiAt I:tiStra entiiely cured. BANROItII Aco , pr'a i s'e. I • 'blur totarm, titc...A74. :, • , - tarir/khrnall.' Ns pr.i w-:..-. ti.. York. . ilk!' Peeks broaclei, to soisearlwaillillimeiii - Yor oafs bydßitzi a- AteßE.B3', lielisfunte,Ps• °a ta "c i y o fillo.i. • - - 1429V53 Es $ 3331 la $3lO st_oo,ffi 503,09 a 1,60 M 0,70 CI3 ya,s ids. A WLIAT'CILMICE TO JUICE 2EOII- .ga„ ITu A V6lOl 1;API fat, /1013111 wasild in vinery town- and connty In" thir! Uultoil Stated, tooteell •11 on , or the grandest and mom basattint in America, being a highly ornamented POWLSAIT tIENENAL SLORGE WA-Sn- EOM 111,00 - - rust TIIZPATLIE.R MR CISILISTRT. • Re ff reprerentinl in ihe garb and re-elin of FfCO UOlO.l, Stllllllllllff in the enin t e, ; ,, elth o _ 'cat DWI mtgnitioeur Temple of Kitts; : the Pic ture being superbly decorated eph the tnyalusyin• bids of ?wee iinsonety, and apprepriltely c • lured ip the highest style of art, presuuts ona et &Lb moat surgeries spondaic' if Orientni magnificence. of which the wind tan eoneeire. The likeness le strik horsed gaunt, and Am II e 441Ibi411ii .r of pleitastio, and the ease and dignity et mann. r, ig unaurpaeerie by any etjer Painting ewer executed ciihor in thin country or fiat opo. - Thlapurprising Picture has hoe,, priAue•J of an onotwunts east, and in order in wittily the damned of sidelarmai and lutes, hue been urmutod in various ityleettifriolioring at a pi eportieltut r.lngi us at rotull tribal St to 35. 10,00 EEO PiOluled. on OLUZI. ZObSDOLL . f.u. Amor to th am 0411114i1y 41.167 teml $lll onpv hot !n order to pipet , thorn rith it the reach. f all Ith it tin American ahlten unto! he deprived of tinot p.LrlotA nr Gaines IponOred and adortic.l niih inc 01 these meg DifkUTO Itpwiluetol of Atnerktm 1111, in tie Pirm of the great mirth!, gnod, tho I . ,ttit,ol our CoLtaryd .1 have made the pi tel thus Inc tif•fi mph. Como, wig lie lota I,y mall m ornrratt to ally part Jr the Uatitca tit it too tt.)6 l at or the re tail lulu , In current hrtlit err ,on , r. 7D ,A . - terms to Imelda. a toll ti-t of my uetir puL 1267. mio , ....ohirfnar M. R1J1.18014. 141 Mobs olO.rt ejooionol, If livin{ U. fir 1.480 N, 23 South. Thud Rtraet, Philatielphia, Nt 112,50 04,00 I'. S —Pablieheri of N errgpol.nre or Perio•ienl• givieF the above 'Weevil/lemon!, foolutling thin tics. Wirer Ivor,' insertions In 3 roorpionnn■ part !Jr their paper. seeding roe mnrk e 4 ev.pies of , he stun' 11,1111 have enevii-44,alightvt pziooti of those Pi - harm walled to their add 1..... QM ' ' 240 1N),92 10,00 1gt.711161...1T1 PI 111.11.131 NU Win SP: Ftbll.lo-4t. ' 141 Mitirotrprl eineinnAll NOTICE.—THE UNDERSIGNED lhavlolian appointment es Mo,rionary agent of tha 7tlcAN Y ffuir/L UN/O/r1 Kir thintalo and eni Inxdon mnn4~ win be hippy i to ec: i lt i n fi rs g s t,t re e 12 6.a t t h 4 n ft isod+ of ti n Wi trop tit n ebing reir II h ... Tarn., 4 - These who desire Ws ,r who de i:rn nry at time pablieolions of tirri/rlf ply personally or by Isar,. 11401 it .4 lalbets, 11ENRY wt.t.nit El 3 $30,5i 3.aa 8.11J.49 C ERTIPIOATES. P.A En APICAT4t 5M83,87 mEnsns. GREEN h Stcyl CEN •—Gentritettt For the lot three year I 11.45, bent guitoot to Neurela of eererest ober:iter—at nun time tnitillted to.ttrs Mons - W lli no moarrrivrolir, r 0,4 Puhke to rt torn Ili often et r got wet rte w , te ilt tba denip. I tried . g roat mmy rerne.lite for It but found no permanent roller nmtll I gor 'net Goo I. Miler Pain Eradleeteror propni4 by ydrt,whioh hat never tallott to anulitate the pain wbeti ni,p11.4.4,-- 1 Wee woo It slll` wee throat with the trona good ef feet, and know of It bring ulott for Ithecrentirnt with food 'nitrite „I Addleve It .o be a gong mod l eine for the above dowiiell. NIA TO 1111110.11 g, 1111m1 wanid cordially tccemmend it to all ', t in n ing with either Neuralgia or Rheumatism JUIIN AleC ALMONT v genohi;ifinr,Ew k 3fr'll,r. —T /1.., 71. mitea Pain gradiclapr, prcperel by you, fir flit -an madam In inf - eboulder, And [pond grunt rotor nod would ohilniftilly reecoutimend it to or shod t affooted. 5.R.E.1.::4. f0h45.-ff fit XW MARBLE WORKS --S. A. GIB. LN 140:1' - Z - CIT. - lavo ihrinfl n oco mus t bile works onHigh , street, opptrito the re•hlenre of Jalgo Ithrentidet Where 110 e t o y, ly all who ayil,in want of anythlus iu out zir2 en a rail Immedintely, exit:dee our woe:Tw - I make your nelootion Our twitter i 1 .0 !, irto ret , smell prollit.," and ides iissett most v the' we w ill p,,f, he undersold or loupes:tot! in WOK El :if A N AIRY by any other Entabilehment bt this r.ttrt of l'eritisyll leis It la behoved. that' tho high repu tation title dm bes gained bye ror tent edhe:ten, to strict integrity ebtowhirre, 1. n .i”ot rinren e of its f iilldni mntingement Los •. •• this hrotioth of holmium. The lie ine:a .if thir en tablinhment will he conduct,,i by-Ism' cal, i g th. In whom ...nil ordure end ronnnuni.pitiomt chit-eased to enettro their speedy newt - dolor! fold 0 I r ta A C i httlflN ( p L A Tho,ned, loving made e% lcnohn erralliceotwas, and hating a Large elrek of alatOet d on bod, will he rend, at n skirt tear In all "piers in tin ol I line of I,llAillrIVI. haa employed Into hut tho I,cyt werlimen; and all work owirostod to his care, roll he cxeonted in a style wliWiiestinot by excelled IVbencntr (in laid' nottoriol.. THE NYOItK rui, )c Ttb. Tito Mau emplityad are kettle bid •I t u Met. , oud the Mouton° of Itypaetfileco. builders e ly upon buying their worFCdoua in ouch a ann.nuck,,,oloill givp autiaractlon,_ 1 - 4?` or,Tars turareastuT coonly, Pa . will btrpromptly ottenkol t 9 Jah2FaStt C 1v I.A.tillF.llT. Q n , tf SPE?! S. — A beautiful 114300Mellt, f owl =o w, o a at new diothing and FllTllltlhing Sioleof m 77 Mo1111 1 ))433$iY k SPN. HOUSE AND ;IDT X ON RALE.. 11 4. , 1 (11 - .viriLcr 01r,le or mule n virlowtolo 10l In the hewn of Jack,onvulo, on pad t th en p o r Klc I &kVA 4*tietory dtrettlni botmt, Ctomtler ,ihor end stnhle, fold lot lo a/1101141J troll Iroroovol. hxvtite on II s wstfuty,orgee , l froft Vero' fn ontiulre Of it otia APS IlrbY febt4kon-11. AO: ri l gtpf,VsM. It; :7 1)/1 10 1 tincrfrf chnl too 1k 1. winos. BRA** liorrvi.:llingh .ke. 1 rt. 4117 T. A - ON: Ode,of superigratm M. • J D ktfr44:gry• B. M. IC 13 I. I'i,i ) '; NEW ABET/AL- ' V7AASI Lim Itl4l reel red It siden4l4ll4 l / 4 /1.1101111 - 4 NEW iI.Z.CIRCULAII3 L L V fir TRINX 1N45. 1 1 auu ILA of Liis , law Dinrr:3l.,vA A s ooms - .• 44 " Liscr aoszs. . FANCY sirCalllik CI R/5r4,4 STA ^ I I 'kinds . . Ate. U 3 h /LEII4.N'Z 1 4411111ibitli OI'l•Ft 11.1 ,, i bet: maim In flat. eve rythiutz Wesirta. Call ILO 1411-416 intis,stiose Is ..xtssustc ito all. ,ISSAC MAX. dtu 24 Bellefonte ill EEX OUN SZXIN AZT. - 11.11e11onrth-r.fl hem 11111156111.1 nest Norri..n.wli, Ps., will be open ha Yves& ass „,,a tort Fil,ve 14 ye4ri of so, lloss Geisbor 1. IBM, till Jane 1. 1.597 The site U heslthfld„, this itirroundinx pruspi,t escrvAiiiklL l bitantlf i A OJ JOhl LI, ho ruin ut , 11) rArs 1111111 mimics. 44.4 11.1 tetme rr04v3v.r141401 n., or stwiies is exietarre, 11 e towbars ssissetswesed eel 46. u, at, I uv. ry ofr ot t It VI to ro psioter th e yhvel,..l, IntrUccosst art Int "ask fuv. or Iho lar A Ctroliter a 11l he pegliCla order, 141 th. pt,a tutat et n 4 r.f, tureen if geared. .VAMel,:t. t:',QN, Prlnvlr4.l, tic-nix:to-sm. Pm. MEI STAGES FOR -MUM . 0111 LT —tem arieyttmktitatd.ttll rtuial ty.travirillaziowis 140.Aitss. /TO tfy p. qto r es ro Tyrtmo—TAlrositi treyAtnnnurttn,n otn , l W,trtformark, til weakly .1.4t.,111,111::., w a, I'l4ll, 11.4,1. FnAn v n 0 304,1.. ti 1, ifirimrinq fmm 11.:11C•re" to en 7'11..912y. lturt.ltty and Hrtt ur and the (Won log apya.n the blorteool , lllM4 11:412 It. P. cummnials. • UTICY LETrires OF .t. 114; ill .1 42 it% t • Alf Thuosai' Gar rity dtc..aoa,!, ',an of Sin ng waraship, hare %m em grth,.,l in tLc , :rthcr, ralidir; is Sprive Moms p 411 nal sem. ndoakot al to said estostr pious vaan and sat U., the mute istotAtalibil, *pa 11,4—a ttnain,: ilnia w piano praaatit p MO titliliter 41 Cr. fife if N . IEL (I.V BRITT, Adair. N OTICE.— LETTERS TEVA.7/11:1M6.- r : .U..11 R (Inbece, 11 Of re, uloa lowit•Lip / Liollt4 Gen granted 111 tube, lak•I Ile 4 4 nit township, all k RA 41. lAEA t".1.1.111411M. 11117 1 111, 4.1 1.. Nl , l for., 1 ifla meka Itlrmted, al pa 3 Int Sil Is .40 V 1 4 4 lug °alms santiojat. t „ j„, rt , t;trrenitcl.kor Ilitt j •. L.!!. 11 MITCHELL, E'er tn.! t 1.0 SA LE OIL RENT. orl/ or root • a...rum 1,1 on Cloglo•ov o•/••••• , . in. rbo 11o•r0,1•00 o•IFInInq io• of WI • Pro.,, on fro west, atri Ibuyor nn. Ole F. IC •111.• Irikef Fe, N.lO. JNO rlai /100,17/44 1 . 3 UN AWAY. -RAN AWAY 111011 E :at aim r3luer PllMpthort Owe Iro Coooly, CAI. Itb 1.1 or Febreatjt las"; nnprvorktie r e t. tho ihneoulling about Itl yrer.. nri• berohy wu. MI wand harioriag ppi • or trmq,,4 hiat "" my a . t.!'• TM rct. ro•h1 , 1 lyWari but I•4l ,, harizes ri for irt, RAILP.O.AD ELECTION.-4Z or„„ t i f ,r lLa Tynitit and LoilfilF tar ho Li•!4i In the A rbbretktie lik Ole rto io ILobmsnghocl~.ll► I An F., ,, 11 , 1h . ' hot, ir( x i, IL, O ' for iii,imjegi tit (if Awl per cloud eee , r, I r- 41.1 aL.ol hetutv the , els, elOl 0.0 IL.* nofea 'NV4 L •rut Glad 1 lA:* (Jr ~..v el 113 of n,cn,l • .;11) tor of tho svochuractizzts rep, r „,t. oro ,r 357 _ TT rER 'S AolalN OitAk tat • Lt,11,0 e:xt) 12i411 , tiyia• qip,aow nu, t•he ,4 °nett sisanSe y. r,‘l , • 31Sa. 31orn dot.. Ono , / tirtne mt.! 4 Oar, 2 . vont f. 'tots paid by the Aiuitnlia-olos thou 4 0 1 % , tiot h., puintri,t re beg to Intoner thlthenteri total. ttnie 'he r on• runt dirtaryAttor *A* Ire Mk 'yo 'Alrty relit: I. ts la 1 - o - rived No Inithr or antrum. "di • t„. q,src Df. eontlor it .till nitro 4uri by of the re* it Into snionvorr • • 1-Ith ntiartnrr of (-Nu Niatetwiron t t le "t Ur ni eph i ,„l44 crctttst, 1,-..PoP, 10-.1.11.14 e.letlant, l . ~t , r I Y "' itv"" 4 1 ,0 0 l 4 ror er tzterntoro pj the! 4 yYrm" 111 "Ica; o °Allow - rout p{ei•dot ill 1 ,14;,• ut llra FAibimo. AII4I)CP C 1 4 ,01,1 Erunte; sod irrircrildsotkii,, of tl i trro rolonn nommen , 4.11.041 v. At., 1110 I umbels of elethe Itlenf.44ol)erkt, lort .itritvrip-irr.e troy comment° With boy utim , ter. • • • 21,12.111-1.1 ,;iron dollars n yoar, nc tecnti.tvecenta a • bat. !j a:ln s' , • t ^ , n. 7 . yVanplalo4...ecally boor,' In ..u4 e 714 a) two ..dolleti 0 . 4 comae ervolit ate: OeChliatelattlelia-4cAa }1461 11AI to t. unialune. twill/rutty ~. at teentl.oh• ca... a^ Ai Te.alii valiance we item hooroljn oloth,,,akele WFMit,. • re.Pultltallonc hilt aapply peanut.; meatball! gratactoncly fn Manta its Pt.staliNoir. Will natio Itio.r.l array ...corneal* with- 141 a re. the sit oulatino the ,1•,..-_;ne. Vey oral eketelipply Clubs of two pc torgia at Ova doilevit callen• Vain: Hirai t• own the c Mora: malt CACI 77/R 11114.."0107. Alio the houeLuttcweca. • - • .Tb., Lic .ilno notcen Th , !.ras:kz..hvorN ' 044 . ' O ~ wEL,4I, yi.Ll ,enar,,== 014 Wore tlia./lavalas , rs t ietsa, 614,r4 1 0 . 40plairlawriosairtliAbatrthst* ho , r4".o.a l tentA tw...trtwv9 ent ifffrrilovormin. ottobp no* aleft , Pew o.4Pahes .p 14 .1104‘ X411111,,* L , 40,47 ten locto:,1O, Tojlg. =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers