II ~.. , . _ -.._ • ' OrN. WILLIAM F. PAC:ICSIt s . I trust the' central- gov4timent wi , c but -.--.....,...,. 4 1111114`d authori ty;he itterdread 1 o stand Ili* Dorn in Cantle° condi.). Pit., 7 en the 2d b y t b st ,- ge ue " pre ' ,ti ipis k ' - 'i . .o arty et April, i 807. - At en early ads hit , -e,, _,- tgcnetqf geterniten ' AM' ,' : , ',..'`.'"' . L, ' •Was.apprentioed to the printing Imstninit era gror a d b yt ,- ,akte e t . 1 ot at ~ ..-t, t i on. . t tbeediee of the Brilefoute Ratriot, rulgisb . n ;g en ii. ii n k ner io hol e '04.. ty w .. h Ge • idlty Hon. henry Petriken, Deputy SKI*, Pneker belongs. !ally imeartiottaly . ,difter in • %I'S' of State 'under (inv. Shame ., a iltstit! , !th e application of principlta,tailsrpentar at pisbed and a bl e Democrat, and in 1827 he.; ion : but all Politicians, of the genuine a Dyni-' ; tams the - editor and propriety of the ly- ; ocratic school, subscribe, to the great tut - thitiotilltrt' lehich ho puldhilied for, 2 mental doctrine of the party, that "t _pow - many }Tara. In 1822 he arts app l i' led ‘ l ' 1 'ars not delegated lathe United St' ".".iliy the -RerintterAterAllOY'Z's t Branch. DtvisioncL -Coitstituiion, nor prohibited 'y •it to - the • die IrMmaylvania clued, the holies of ivhiah: States, are reserved to _t . States railea, faliallbilhiPirli "1641 moire 511.tiOn_n't.".t° t he' (holy , Ono the peep( ilium this great 1440161148"-SIlew"' ' bud to the Pnbic- lies fundant rnt al print` o hang all the doctrine* _ .b l 44ltrillpost 1.1nc6-Teirrs, disbursing more' of LlM:Demon • party. Upon the Wadi, =414 11 1 1 . 4 i 1 ef'd'!itur'. and PrOmPt4l 4 ' 3 ' Support of is principle the "per.rnaineudy of to eatery Old; ' In • 1853 he was . the Via 'and the fibt:rties of the people de. inektibuously nominated State Si na . tur by im , Ev cry extatiaiou • of terr4 , ry4 war!. IlheiltifiocrecY or hi.district, l'l" wAs.lie ". ry . increase of the greataisterheioq, Of us* fkileatli,W A stuail p ajorit) in coast acute u Ueda of a Melt our, glorieut eiif.doritery is` thiltnfortunate division. exisi7ng in .9 10 ''' i composed, is lint' tilletv, demand gout. tha I:;flit' the ihne in refer( nee to the ' rile.! , at t i patriot torlt VsibinLaitd energetie• support • toriil minelidatts, Ut.issrs. Welt' ! ri Muhl- i of LD P ancient; sitfe,_and chief ,printiple of tintirg. 'ln 1h36. !lio - Ekren tin-Marty ~; , ~, I*, hie erviuociatic party, a., strict construction dgirin united ; its int its Aintanduil an . , . ; itr the Federal Constitution. , So long as .401'cliiit organ at the'.. c rwat.---tif gOvereilmot 1 this prin,H,,ol construction he adhered to ........_L ~e,.1,!_. • 11 1F ci w ' itt4 cQuima"`i (he " lire ‘‘ °l ' n ' lL " ce ily our public antliceilires, , and Ily then who eirilii . pally. ~ tiru. pitALr said Messrs'. Dar-' ~. ~.. .t......!.. ~., ; 2.: •-•---, .-: elm/1W aucm Wuil power liie .-.g.es tri tile peo - WI P' o comm. need - the pul.hcatiLiti 01', A th e -5....., gi 1..... rot ~ ~ __,„p1,0_:_5utu_cf,..... i __.,.5e...e.....W. 1....m , ..P- s.e , rirh" " l " -ant.t. ' IlrviliZt , -/k. ' against. the usurping tendencies of' a great * Wrgen„ of the party, !tini..rantritettl r ! central - goirerument. With this principle ' r:trice in „m•festifti; dm State govern-!,,,,..4„4-enel- 1Y 1 . 4 Otte '1 1 1 16 40 . ..". '_..., . 1111111 0* 16 , .1 the ,bull Mtn "nic dynasty crl men aide 11. - willing to =Main it;Neithdr Sill*Lkild Slev , rrdi,. innnrcluitely after his, in the,de:'iWietlye.hlidh or in the judiplal fOr iillp.:4,4h, Gen. Puller apiennacti Genus!: _ _, we um, cau - fiai.e no fear .of nulitication OT It ter ° r 11 .....!.. 1 4 e , tun ' (24nel Ce ' n n ni " jel '' , conaulidatirin i but our great aril gloriuus e „„ a re 1 1. ' lc 't " P c nun e " h\'' c"'"uLd to In" un - Union, at finding as an illustrious example of 01-1 - 872, whin lac. sae appointed .‘ittliter Lihe captivity of-4k People- for, self govern emstrNwhielt ailsrMtiot el. lie hold foi: . 3 ; ping, Shall not. only secure ita own treat"- -eari. I A both these itri;it,;;3ll he gave gnat aces wed perpetuiy, but shall tight all the i v otoe eirtipu. totroduciug invirturit r fel ul' nations of the ear. h in their onward maridt i lc i4PiMflittiding the means of ate State ill t a fi rcea k en _ . - ..._..„... . , 4. j l i g . .l i tit ul tf u t o llk oli c a t o l ii .t w rg c l i s t a ti v . itig n s c ,to coil the . we C il ei p h n l: i a po ck rt e i r on i e s d, aho ope ut n •ix trim fe l e k t , e i x n p h re e s ig s h iv t e .. .. 101610Iikeite the: (Iwties of-the Ciffize of features, cordipl and kind in his intercourse 1 l i r . , t at 9-ttim uwii iiity, 1815r-sr period of ,with his fellow•cititeria, very yopular wher- His ofhsm gave him a *tat in over well kdowp, and enjoys an unspotted , r . jiti r th e tvc,„(l,,c..indi.lip, call 4 reputation - tor - itior . npy itial integrity mining n. qv t ft. to know lattice of men, of meal- his neighbors-avid acquitintaroes, lie is en Imsrr` f t if.: the' ;lied intereAs of the able and experienced statesman, thoroughly ' `... math.' gelding jurisdiction over versed in all the measures of State policy ' a Jai pubdic „aceounta,..J.ho large expendi- which have agitated the„public mind.forthe a pti" ' lsOc ir c) twx..f?i• public inipreireineuts,and past twenty dve years. He is a tine orator, . _ utlinerops difficult gut slums d imd and as a mum' speaker . always exhibits p at id , case! which arose fur adju ica- great poser , and in thatcapacity . tp, ,-.01,.4, fu r the exercise of the soundest few equals. •Gen. Packer's largo experience f ) mi,;"ind:4o mind, sate one esdight- in State_ aSitirs— his tlictrough knowledgp.ef l ' Vi e jin artenerfe ampartinisucewith OM." . e , verthiit; partt Ming ,ta_ the ittrereste t and (hr leat-,0 4-14 . .ttN ( ISIVt iI, I 4 44 well-Ai J11144Qii 3 0,..144 t t!.t.c. apt -oft the-doh* -,..... m ....,........„,........,.......„,,,4.,...ythi0i devolve_ ppm Its chief optglittrate, to-', i ve discharged the duties of this et- gaiter with his great capacity, his services ts4,sistion. ' ~The settlement of,the daring to the State and his party, and his fitness • 0 1 ,, &Plastic ereditors,witb the other boa as . • candidate at this juncture, are over-, 0 theta arising (rem the increased 1 'wretch% reasons far hia 4 electiom. , A . B fur ito rovement and Of 'IIP ' P4‘eiliiitai P Governorit; the t ( Its 01 oilices in 11w tommonerealth,,that °the; parposer., rendered the duties of the ofmos Importapt- morello ;General far more burdensome thantAarrer - 6- elan titan. the Legitlature, or at! 1 -- Vito been since, or find ever been be-. isirttnents of the government biped, Ar forestany fernier peered in the history of To - oont-mit':" Irii ; i 7 P -- gd". him - .4bgovernsaant. And tie ability displayed power over the Legislature, ht?bes e ''llllerraawarrhis peffeot mastery of days _ of carrltidio. , ,11,1 th.. „ ,y ! M e which nose, and his impartial . yabe t tha on y. . Treleetiot tine P 65,4 • " - Alhoolharge of his high. duties; In the. bare satinet bad lases and lataallgarlf ea ,' '9litilitantr• Of these Ines:ins, afe weknell, rskirlirk,- tinlyaai d.,„„"laicsolayiht. - I , tu'"Pt'amis. -iesver flUr-tlesatratts ‘: ' . 1111 616214414-141141 ' ' .' - ' 53 " 14"1" ~ ./tirlilasitinaleg Wiesen of °eke - expixed r be re- ... . - - r" . 'llw l!.` /taieter.,lifilffinsumort, and in 1847 wu Ilidtilikkleo the Legislature by in ovcrydid, ‘thil e tlifjority, Qom Usedistrict composed ... ar toettititi if . t.y6driint; Clinton and tt*. Although his first session, be was '• . ,idiacieti,Siirs4ccr of the [Louse uf Represen liffithrwitb rife usninuty, and discharged 1 11 1 1hei of the phsibon with his usual efil• a• ~..... _ oe . t selection of a new member to "INS of mach great responsibility , And re -10106111 inch ruled and extensive abilities, .illieftliVigiarissimet high honor In wfrel ,iilkielPattitermainds, M the sole recipient In ' , c lilisio State. to 1148 he was re-elected , 'was lailiinniad majority, and' again nomi. l l 'ii4Mil wririfig ]kietkal friends fur Spcaker.-- 1 ' 4 l l SieSebia"ll4llliignally di . vidett between the' s ikanicoillortioii. Ind alter several inereotu siilslrairetiii,4othe of the opposition members ''ebtril Obi him, and_ ho was again caned to • jitiositle. ' In 181'9 he was elected to the'', '[Mini! Simms, from the district compoifed of; ' itikiliiiiihties of lacoming, Ctotteentra illiiiiiwani loafing his op j3 cut, Col. A. esa. -. .4:Siliitlikk*/~44)44)04a,Lek- r.a r -- - ..- Viehlaeh.. . in e very county Of the dat r iet. pima' one of the moat efficient &Matins' 'OllO A'held a scat on that door , and con- l ' Pithilliiii ' eeputation as a sound and prion -444 i tan 1 1 "" 1 " ' ,bilk; ' . r ' of- hlieleitims -7 ''' .• 10 , arra ion _ * . :44 , 441 life friends presented his name ass, ,date for Governor, he remained ,irepti i lei, fi e y riiie:rence to the proceedings , r, ;4 of ilhareli Convention, it • will be ...O.ttliihst, although several able and favorite ohuspiwon of the Democracy entered.the I , , .; ,_ ‘ competitors fur the nomination, Den. Ai r received she highest vote on the first , 7 a A - enatrtsined that tread. positienr' X ghee[[-lire eventful and energetic s?iiig. ...,.itte, on every ladled, front the first to file ..lusty-fourth. wheu.ltut nopalasUoti was et • 'IOWA. The demonstration which followed •-tbs , sonomosenteot of the nomination, and the :ssakusidisstic expression o(,approbation wilials have reached ut from every quarter, ,:litinheientky indicate tke heartfelt satritse 7 '-thai witherhich the nomination is received, *mid-liiiiileeip hold the nonaintat,has upon the 4 16111iemi of hispolitiosieassociates. ii :litY.....W4Stellt krllll l ..bO said of YIP , o ' •.t at be is Indebted to his Own in. rellitvfibr the education and knowledge he -husespidred, end to his own merits for did 4 . distinition to which lie hos attained. 1143.4 - - . thielroughly Democratic in hie priociples,and ... itiallevais 'Tatty, to devote,bis tplents rind Ms tftliginifeMpt, these Pke co; , tio ;empty talker &WI t - names endl fotiat, bta:t sm allergen gator, fullowing the "illaillitiwits and not' the shadow. .Springing gels iieople, he le always ready to do, 'lkilatellitrittialt Vac Looking to them .as 406 , ieillithlllollFieuree ;of silt fieliti&l author. ' ; lefeodito truti tilt's' with every jef; Awls* of the natuao of the rot • so add' of the initelliingneas ;of . emir solemn of the lie= ocrary to of Vie people may heettatuallomi-by , ennglogt,l "devised statutory provisinias,,* Muth joint) will inevitably be doubt ailhautmo.shing,tx ing known. about it untill it is too late to ap ply a remedy. 'Llendrasof thousands of i dollars have Leen filched from oho 8-ale Treasury by acts of Assembly wild& MARV ly attracted atkention,4ll4l which could not liitit(e Leonetti, hod anyoousidoradle portion of th e members comprehended them, Bence the grave importamcs of placing a ,trute in Clubernatoriel 410.,,wh0 is tlittrough4 tamed inlegildation. and whosimisi outmode 0 nate leg elation his_stsady. No mat ter' or ha t Ease* other sequin:mints sr. *ante sooty I be ; u b it has not this knowledgeettal expa• rituatto be will inevitably prim ongindiftr Gervegeo*, powerless hirthe mossrusefid and taludary, purpotres of hia_offit*. and but a baulde. In a party point of view, we require such a Glovernor, because 41 parlyrocan only be strong When it•govpins well. That party whioiaguitantnia best is entitkedtppubhe Sup-- 1 ..ri in mil_ memo to, all othses A imi_mdt 4 I nar — =b i wid bet s leading tr for no higher porpOiOlittli to place no most In tosidens of ttatpoimipiti ty%ld litrat'ett 'whir iitti ly, Aa far as the foregoing Cein.jeflAllinnii. go, Goir.fracterthis no suildrksr, all trill ii•pit, indiftftt fdlir innifti, - A Peeper 14:mad i deo Is s sta MINA Non of 'the tram tathrolleueler - stith" The nOnsifisfiest: of iitte'Pareker sikohwolts this &divulge. 'When nothing taw he 'Mid soinst Idle Stiletto of the candielsite, the par ty supporting him *lready have:a hog upon 1 ifiteht - Tikhtehlriii - iilwayi - difectilt and often impcigilble "ofti'lie a proper tandittatii for; titiverrnott i.T;1111W-Clinunon • • - :noted-in the for , - going are essential. 4 ht addition, he must be known to the 'public as possessing them. In the pi:cutler circumstances of the '8 ate, another important qualilleadoo it that ho be 'an 'orator, a -public speifker, of ‘ undembted power, coin Lined to i tit good intraotiel appear- Anse; and phytilcaralitlity to endure any possible amonitt:6l l continued 'eltbrt. . In all Almiterespocts„..w.o. -holkts tima...-I'-04.11frief-- hos scarcely an equal. one candidate, then, has ail dime positive qualifications. Are them any negative-ones We have heard none suggested-We know of none-and there aro hone. Ills long and prominent career 11/18 exposed him to every _spwits.Arlf...atioaelc.,-yikt-hastantleitatorMwlted and invulnerable. • • oft Will be a Pleakant task. to Demnerifs iu the State to support such a O'ainii.late-,—(v, , y voter of his party, and . many others, wi 1 rally around him with stern devo:ton aLd anthonfa4m, with the heartfelt assumnee that If elected; he will be a cresiit. to the 6iii4 and SCRIlie r 'iota. • "With soot, lit parse eau not:briproblematF74l-,- honor,)intproitt, anti ; if •k . • -r•-•p•-• ' !A" —IQ • Etta 1 ..• To 44.. • L FO 7 r, PRINNA. ilseitilobilor, A TilitA. 110+37 INE,STCROULATION IN TEE COUNTY FOR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM tVz.PACKERI OF LYCOMINO COUNTY. OANAL COMMIBBION4S, NIMROD - STRICKLAND ' , OF 011rATER COO*. - - 7 - • ' ENINIX.IIE JUDGE, •„ ELLiS LEWIS, OF LA,NeASiBit .OocrliTY. FATAL AOOIIIIIFIVT,—A mit4 Hooray: tilGregiftoymfhili, ifged ajbmit lA yeirs, wnii killed y the . litiAt of 1' tree (luring the storm on, Fi4dhoodity list. Sho' l had been to Fioher'saitoro. and'on her wiy, home met with hor unexpected it'd untimely end. aims) tnapectrUily:calLthe attention tetuntsgo in the foundry business, to the aolisf_thit_gatkcio, r captjpga, ko.;-qf _the " pellefonto ,Foundry;"-pubilibed in another *our of our paper. - _ _,„ Boom ssrto Einrixs.,-Our Mend. T. I'. Mallet), desires us to alt the nttentiMr of tho public to his large and excellent stock of boots and shoes. Ile has just returned from the city, and brought with soak not to•be equallod in this borough. <WO him tell. • A Mermen of Forgotten was held in our borough on Friday last, and we Leo inforttl• ed it Tx well attended by persona from Centre and Clinton oeunties, 'who are eit: gaged in the business. Ira C. Mitchell, Nag., delivered an address .of nearly an hiriir an length, which is said by albite who heard it, to have been-an able and eloquent vindica tion of the rights of the laboring men of our country. -- - • Ter bars", cow exhibited by Mr. Samuel Gilliland at our county fair lent Octiali;er,sild - whlich took the first premium, had a calf al4ut two weelca.ago which weighed 1071 lb Wlien-drco hours old. When ono week old it Weighed - 120 , poutids. It la' a male calf end very handsomely Conned:, DII,OII 61'104 PAIRUDIRNTS Narmsw.—Thei President recolred• yeotA!nlay, by telegraph,; says the WashingtOn Ihtion, the Milasichtily i iitelligonoe of the distil of .his , nephew, 1. Elliott Eskridge Lone, of Lancaster. Pa. lio died at his residence, in Lail:aster, yesterday morning, in the prinimof _early manhood, about 32 years of imge. lie was unmarried. Cul. Lana *as a nitith of MO oersburg, in th.at State, but hao-tosided. • , • Ibr therint ten. rim whim* - lry ham won lintrensal esOcf , iiiiii_supg4 by Jail smiettlu dinpneition and -bid gems:roue and -1/**60114.7•4•44,0- - • His.tienth war , very redder', be •althattgh eitati hoes dhoti*. ii-dzyur two,: with hidr 'ninon t•f tare howdy, htr condition- was nat thouyht to be dangerous until a few hours &fore be died. course, this sad inttill genet. interrupted MI °Mend limn:teen yr. urdey at the Executive Mansion ; and the Prusidunt and his family. wa are Imre, _will Jurothe-wurin «ytut•aUtyef the country hi the lotioii•it inch has thus suddenly befallen them, of a near and dear relative. THE: BLACK-HErristicAN NQJJ. I Ni1714.)4Ve • 1 "10 I Tho long .lookti/ four, ",opposition'' eon vyntilin has had.itf eilulgrelld the result hug Proven whwt viellavesifeady avowed *that .thtru is no large • remnant of Itnoy Sollaingism worthy of eontaldkratiott by-any Politkal .body. The puld)datea, Witco, in nomination are known, but thoir notoriety is such as rendrrs thew inatLolartaxiour. In placing David Wilmot in no.7Wwation for _coverimr, wit are sure they can not have Plcased . their or4,party batter than . they patty. We tusked them stinietiMeNr.tifes CutTurTno *ea th7eY7o;tdlwiro'"niignait *tts is towally-us. in our request: lie I t• a l & man 'co sypt*sent the idea of Aboli tinuitif.oPppuition to the'tiOnatitution,s aid diyre fu the Supreme doitit'of-the find. - - - . There is one difiletilly, however, that we t „ w ilrim 44 03 : 604 4 9 7 /4 7 i 4' ,t h ro T i)g h,A it. i L l ie eartnet,oa , :ct, l 7: l o o ,biar, otir Q - iitikosettO ennntry th a t •14 .atittitlitd * TtAdvat ,900 f" on the tariff *WM* AFP•II9iPIi A* get ovor; rill eter . knOw.ri aa-# retokYittri Liverfelot ;Wilmot has emelt twwt:#ll,leleoesto, • Sind plaints. We !wine goferenee to 4: l r • . 1 4' v): T ,... .$ at one ti . .I.he erdretember of. Con. r op di t ,, in v i g o r sd er , qr User ItemAy, that ,grass from Pe nsylvanis ,chit oast Ins vote a__ . . VMS permit -tinsel cures almost' too great to . ,to favor of free trade, 's a i s ppanulated fps believe , 'sere it natrfor the undoubted evi. Governor by those whose battle cry W5B - dense that speciropany the testiMtmials. It tariff and pr,otectiorr—long faces, , l — dosed 'l 4 i i ,y," nit.;th e zp i alpiii,:ia l is* known-for Iron works, end iroportrisheciliands—fame pyipepßii, Juundid; on spiniral . diSibility of them must. be in a dilemma, but we doubt that sit dam* bifilte .) the skillet our moot sal not thi* hatred to the Deniechtcy is au& inept vhr ,i oin 6 9. ~ cient to induce them to swallow our pill Dr. Sanford has bee* for e look 'time one their leaders may manufacture for them, no of the eininent;physi'Onsof New iro•ii, and inatter.how bitter. Relative to the condi. It is said most of his Fusee were hweted with dates on the ticket, we copy the following the Invigorator with Midi' invariable sue. fromt Philadelphia DaAly News, a Know ,4l; (less that he has been induced to Offer Was Nutiii paper. From the mouths of their a family medicine:, and let the 'world have whin sins Wu condemn them:' the benefit of i?irs discovery. If those who " Wilmot and Lewis ant well known as are troubled with" debility. headache, lan out slid out r epublicans, Pf the most. ultra , Jurixo,,,,,yylm,„_ll, re 1131111,K pot hing '''''- '"- guor or slew, lingering fever, will try a bot ij -Tr - - --- ir - rae --- iniXt - iii4C iiKiiiii inv. lees than Abohnon demagogues. Both are 0, we tin y Loco Peon radicals, in Atter of free trade, hili s , a nd d a r e *eh, ' rer e a e s of i ti lwaink , - le, and t hole not a single sentiment of ieding . __ ...- ........p...-.,-- in oommod with, the, conservative views of Germiston o ICANsa*r-Iloia, Robert, J. , the Amrican party. Vecch was formerly a Whig, then an Anieriren. and is nqw a ha s been a. turn : . ) " vol i4 4 an rwm "f o o f ur t ir Z o lgli pu l Repuldienn, having acted with that. party; , PP I 11 1 i fur yen wont last rail. ,As for :dill ward, an ted Territory, Sind *chive...every soon •to t apostate, to is known hero, Anttle-erep.r ho h t it h y tt th a t, he-wilt ethical, ,teitterfere. wow is known, it will be fully understood that .if necessary, tei punish, and ..rentrate. pone his nothination. for an .oftice for which he is who are the eatrpu of „ tea, tr. and, mv4seiii notoriously un fi t, is his reward for base trearlirry to the Fillmore cause, and a sheen . upon the plains. Ices a.,t..n4it to betray the American Peril 1 „ .•:, , 1 - , . ,j?.;276 1 4q . into the 1.1 I nds of Black•Republicaniem --r , Me. LniMaRMAIN. , '‘nii ) ‘'. l lg , 1111 "al 1 7- ....): MA Rt !Ceder]. a+ a pretended peaCe oWerbill' 414 last week„.o*ne'd bye -halr of the I'M,. f to the Ailing leans in this community, is it 4; ,,,,,,,,,,, ~,_..:.,..„.„.......... t . .., ,,,. . reogrem - Mettte;lll4 - witr brio weetfid - tor"'", 4 ""' titem.'.' , . : .n Timm is said to Ise I groat seariffirot to. * •tijl, c„ becco seed in Icentueo, muidi of it4lollll kilted by the Istet .ociddrimap,o , 4 . l""k „I', biiviarrcix - Jolin Bigler MA puintM Midister to Chili. '" WitaelAii•A.l4oP Deli LE Int. It uraileigna4 -Shaqe 414 401ftsh ter tii Chic ustiOatettrin •e De Stag Cent CotAtit4c, de • Wining-Am niainintiliiin so *entry:lo4 him for a pottitkuCon tlti Supptilhe Beitch 4 o the State, which' he fi'm so long fiiietivitit credit to hintstif and bein fit to the community.— In expresAing our 14 139tmak the "ointment of the Miele community. .As gentlemait, aeholar and s itarist„ ludire Lt 5" few itinifir; andstre sinevititlys - ttustr tliat when the"Ctonvi.ntion re assemble, lie_ will he . 'nti thdrow , the prtnralitta by the most mannanimMia *ephemerae', do' hotte;ye't to kir; thb - ptivilego of h. boring 'to sec tto his eliltion with.thc rent or thO stoat men whose names are found on the Democratic ticket : WEAL, PUNT,IT,AItr. • Plit.Anautala, March 2501. 16.17. i To Commas IL iliti.itane, liheirtuan of the asuideriirtO,Sti,l4Comenittee : - • • - Dun Sin *Ay Detneeratie State Convention, the local clahnitof the different UPC tionn Of the Skate were genereindy ten lied for the tinvposeof securing my continuance hi the 'high and iiiitiortant office-of Sufromh Judgqf pie engegy with whieh close claims are horn urged for the,o pl ce recently vacated on the Supreme Bench, shoieti the extent Of the dimatisfaetion 'whiah may' twist after one *union shill l*gretifled and the other iliSiptsunind.l4, the so ntielp , ~ , , ~ The Convention, when re-aasenshled. , 'might be'tibje to hors:old:a three clnittol, , if' that body had two voittinstion's t 6 Make instead prone. ' I thrreSssfeel at liberty to decline, int L now do. the re-nominatien temdered me by the Democrittle State Centention. In • thus promoting hammy, 1 eciniinit my own earnest thigh* to • retire .floit ' judicial life. and at Arse t ittle tcitinttifutdelegates to noire° reniende, st they-wtiLho obligetlTO . Mine thermion. for Sol purpose-A tiotti tici hutting a "tiadite to MIL existing va. canny, - I have lisenlaborionidy engaged in Judi- Oar dull* treirly twenty-four years—a long er periedof service than thatof any living Sudge_ I Penisitylvainle. ' I have been thus eng .. three changes of the Consti tooll. I hove aided. to Aim eattent of •my abilities in bringing up the arryaragets of bu• sinew, in rgStioing upon theinnment foun dations souse of the landisitrks of the law which bad beet. inadvertently removed, and in maintaining the purity — sod-the . indepen• Bence of thicjitiliciary. I 41weconalantly endeavored to de, justice without delay, fear, f vor. affection, or ill will. 1-now occupy, by the VO;ee of the people of m,r native Slate, the highest Judicial position • in it.— My lung career as A Judge has reet4grubt he appnaution of the Democratic part' in the renominitiowaegonerottaly and uoanimouely. Made by the State (lonttesukot. jkitny s a. 1 bitiOn Jr Initialled- I hgve bet toseWieithtft, and that ill.to return to the &peer studln 1 I dependence of irriva , e life. -I 'do this, with 1 ,grai,eltil heart for the long ;fanned clip i g i f i n t i,e, of my fellki, eitistaikittdin the fell trust that they will approSate and approw: i l or toy Sparta- , . ~., _ ~ ,•-• nl " Ve/Y'respectfully ,YOUrtt,, .11.4.15 LEVIS , ~. strAsv. •• • • -The following, etlrtot ;mu /he prdeeeti • ~loge of the frke t it,iinorli irith intenr 7 intenst thitioohotit , the kind • giskut mind . ?f o ro i t i n io . tt. 4 'P 191.0.2 . t0ug00ti0,".. , Lions to II ilesenisp to) neiire tho,,tl4tsTcaof Ote i Churrh, vvoryw here lot' coming a pronix vpwl47 be taken on loention, requiting °Tory num to speak ktis seritawnts : , Mrriudnirr . EPIIIOOIAI. C02111 , 1111111C, 4 1014,--Tike Baltimore) Cawaferenoe -of On hti E. (Thumb in Bat itiore city, adjournedon Tues. pay night loot. Our at !carrion of t %%Iv , dhya. In the reportof the prootedinga of thrittit day we find flu: ••••11.r.lhoitp *Mown nod Ni Wawa sulowit -444 t h e following inteolunons : • Weis/red, By the Biltimose Cankeenoaaa Confect nee aseetabled. that )Ir4 .40 1 446 V pnciato the seation or the sXsvtry glep ; which hanslristly reitufted to the greit dateriMent of thlrpolulcal mil religions in terests of the ootipblz.,_ - Reidied, That 101 , 141 . 09 FM We •" 11,1 oft: pure with teahany is which shall be a tempted lottitio shtilition ktitatord of the country. d . , R.e. Jae: IL lirown moved to lay them 'upon the table' Adopted. Rev. John A. Collins deprt•ciated such Ac tion. as it pl*d the Confrnsice ip au indeed t Omen] position. Re would ihnrefore folk Le tak0n...44-sititista•ttleuble 4il lll = lll. llrereilpen. • Agreed m by the 2111osays 4. • They .were iftior).pitt .upon tI 4 fir 1484 a irr. and the Aral resolution adop ,by yeas no nays 3. The second 'one sae taken nit' *rid also adopted:by a rab- of yew 1i97 t.ttays 14..• War ORGEIIIIICt IN .81litOP8 SZE le o" fi rm a , . , : ea be . u ei ' rme. re . ' ' ... :a ;" ip f . egos __,tarettfitec ' Uri, era a i ''' n • , 01 - ty a .Iffiotis importance, cud-life,and prOp erty have not been put hi jeopardy ,y the !.:.litst...nrgtilut4lt Of...kinge...,' .......11i Ai* sale of thing's it is not surprishig that those who feel secure iit regal se Mori ty ,? holt the efilelefflifind or prinfer, tfitt‘ «'Milt% ihity , fol low fawning," should congratulate them silica. l3 it those who observe attentively ilio,sigini Of the Innis p.n., er the mutter ing of Ooniing titunddrs, slid fee the smell clotida from Whioh the aunty will burst— Let us look! Prussia and 6 :Swltges'id eri said to flaw agreed vain a settlement ofthe genfebatel question, but that is by no means mr,ain, niiikif it were, the entltittoreti fuel ing stirred up by the quarrel, and the antag onistic positions /vaulting from el," radical difference in the institutions dt . the IT. cot triea wilt retneao, IlsrLitt_dry strew, ready for a isindling spark, . Again, Pied• Mont, sidle it is theliope of Italy, is ,a kind of, eye• Sore to Austilie; and • there are eil bent, indica' ions that it rupture . .I?etwein, the Keiser and Viiitor Emanuel cannot lie ions avoided. - the young and 'gillient inonarob of Sardinia has with hint thesympethies of ~ ; -,lilkebt,ilerciugluitt -Europe, AO . -4 Imakluariei sa.lbst .to which- we _hay .* .- l'eMci wpsitii - tioslohhtedly lead .tO ii g e 'IPP I Conflagration, iwid *Mat, perhaps, Italy t Mild ; toe regenerated, and ' the friend," tit. civil and rellgidus liberty ''`lteliieve a Pertna `dont 'rich:try over the etiaiimint"..'thenle ambitions tlealgintef-Itugalp ' bide ' sal i Met witli'an effectual check by the tertnille.' dotter The ittrual'e) at Sobsetpptil. Ott the, eidtritty:ibeie is - MI in eded - ividtmce - het' the dbilltibkin 'lli didille - e - Ltiiii fihiiin'eldiih' tile'essi dared to enoonntei' the . combined forces of the West, and in Whim& the contest Was for along these exceedingly doubtful- 7 hu rather riised 'than depressed therftesmian desire for liiire'isealeutinion. ,The MUSCp- I vite empire is stronger to-day than before 1 the late war. - Within a short time, inarvel loos iniprtiverents In the facilities of corn mMtication hilYikbleit introdheed, the navy has bemi theroughly,re•organised,. the army placedupon a'rhoro fonnidaide footing, and a new viihe Itiepvivted to the administration' of 141 mittera tinder the' control of the gov erment. Thpirniiis of various countries illiftttilhetitied tblld fit fhe lereloprdett - tif . Ilmielilip' reli!Ougait. •"lie faultileaderrnPi, i• fest 41414 g Ott: ittr"tiggle in thetrinleik.gve; Wee correcik SulmstopeltVilJVristored: and, fortified biynqd' lie original 4 - 6Cengtlr--1 , r Werilr'iri6sts *MI*. Vpitt-Vit ' 14411'04i I: , ,ettiefoi l - A iiiii inose Ca r:kbit3 hoists. : L t. ~. . , .MC r missies Tillt e , ,i ) l / 1 1/ Y l l B F,t7Pri". a r e , 49l ,. l _ 11 .., c i a view to, hat n i truggly teten. ; tot . : iiilktertof • • :Calk!: 4 no . vr is git, w ,,,,,,i, cottoeqp*o pt ~,fif soyereigtee pchetnoa. lie walnut, "ben dee the tralittonarl policy of obuopi mi vs ItuinvlLWA4.4 4 Arip.ov_kisP.ivilts with t Ou pestery, of , the :Aetiltmahn icv aim t h. ' t► l ellelyie R:4444.11/441troult** Conifer ;. are is a ottatipoat *a4, of ,war wbieh n4y break 04 wneuev...r those who lipid the, Mini of .3 a e set; 11. to give tit aig. J il l tit; tott.po; least, the 'infamous rule LAi. 4 40"1 11V 1 11 is a,Jtre braid, which, may ltvitpt, great ,and geotrul coutiagratiou. wtoo►t ti ns.luonte st, all events, and which, by t e hidie,ve, to 401111W11 to result in the try upipb of the-. E l urwinou , 4413.4 a over the acvp..c t s pr tyrauu,y. Antliot these. iudica 4 1 44, to4ilAn't W,3 , 101 to itr,1„10,9116t3011,0f a 4r:5.4 4 f the . r gesi,,rsl, pes t ou" pt no des. tvit ila t y„t, , ~ , 1 „ „, •. , . ' , nerd to of AliATI!' ,Of , $4,41U.64. 4711i4 4.14,V(11Y. Tt:legtaptije deapatCas'brotight-lecounts uC the sfltaet?t, wlttott ' ttifs 6111 kfuati a Wu; 14aMi oil friday /*Ct. A full account of the, 'accitleht will be found in another column. We - elip * ttiO ilkinkttln; Apiklichit to the “lilitito'ry of du; tarlY , aeltleinent of the Juniata Valley •." " Less than sixteen, years ago, a gentle- Man named Zimmerman was a bar keeper. t. the hoot!! .of Walter Unshorn, Esu•,'at bellow Syringe, in^lilur county, eft, wards •• ma t t boss' on the l'eunsylvonis t'ati4l, Anti subsequently a teamster at Allegheny wieweev•nirtilh. Pioeseitt rfaritrielloid Merman owns hotels:, palaces ,a bank of is sue, fat yap ) meeker and' other properly, at Nlagera Falls, iu eatte4a, which swamis blr tiiiiume to 8.150,00 ,per unman. lit no b u t pto some hones have been tumid ; evidently thtrty-eiliii. yetis of lige Should' lie lade , belonging toff human being, as Well as a the lengt I htf *tine' allotted to inn". "' leek of 'hair or the color Of Mrs. Want's, eetii, sit Wily increase, at Om mil of 'hit*, o , earei, lie emu look upop and that star e of blood have baton Ibund 'on miry cavil alists„who have mar a f pw I the yossomir s hett, and 'that 'the neighbors nous einniuttlidlnch of llfiiitu meiths. ;•hetird ainnebody - clioPpiriielarniethhlg, Width I' Lot it lent' iloi);ftintfied'.' - hoMoin tt 4 t• li s ° irndinfed cutting Or meat. Tn 'the edger therm , eopitalistaelbm tory ad, mt 4 . 0.4eg, Itlfikorii, or ho;ilr,ao the I .) ° , l 7 t : l clock: 'case' pas found a `viol containing a merely terause. the history 04, partially tdcn...' Powerna*Picl, illx?fl . ,beitifl•PPlied to tilted efith th ; V.ifloy, an 1 show in slat' a', iron , eat' t iminediat6ry. It is surmised singeilar manner the blind goddess will that With this iiefd he Made away with the Sometimes Wish; tier faros +: fur hundreds hody, Thirdress es and clothes of the num without money, bat uith ighter l intellects And nobler itrepulires- than ever ret"ed'ivere also found to 11 ; 1 m". which were possessed by Zimeierrnnh, Lai , or cenitmdicts the idea of lie.: going off +elan- Shoenburger, have gone down to the grave , tardy, that is adraticedby the prisoner Mins unwept. unhonored , and unating,'! io the I aerenco. JOinata Velluy. Neither will the sighing of the e cat, wind . , as it, sweeps throughk'he These arefaoute of 'the points of teatitoo. . 'valley: disturb their repose any more Olin ny on the trial, the result of which will be it will that of the millionotea. When restil looked fur with inuCh interest. 'Zr the mil from • life's fitful fever' in their "splentit one - • ri s guilty, h is crime is one of the most tosusoleuirw•" Little dig% we 1.141131 tnirteen months ago, atrocious end bloody reottided in the slim(: nal dalend,tr. in noticing the case, the To• when we pirimodu tke above, that Zinuu.er ltdo Blade dive: • man would so aeon nutabered setnoMt Um I t toe e object nf dead. He WSW killed tots a railroad buiit'hY 4„ anse, th • himodirr-snoiialroto-ontuarem •irr: &Tr; rsaitt. 1, otraight and well looking. tiou of sidalih• His wealth, wissi.,no (Ile is din...lied in i good suit of blame. with doubt overrated yet It sppwartl•that hut , s ;4, blank. silk "vest , and Use a black beard and few- weeks. *gel a tremendous run was made I : o 4 o C o l t d t . li rit le y itt:P o a u p t p e ,„ l 3 l ,r s ol t V oo h ave or4o en of aoinst his bank, but it .withstood all, and nature, and this wanted-Ilea La. Tonic.' 'Mr. Zinittutramit Wee in the run flush of tei • .H i a spannt s ninao has not a vtatno t to appose autpls: when the accident befoll Um, Tie , anal, "ma 'Oltirder' in not ~o r ittnitFlt.erstany• itiartied,bitt etittarid , Wife miner *as or six t . _ther (root f noo 0 1, intontlusago.'e - irofitekifebort a l iondont' " I th 6" Vrostinititig ' Attorney, tale morittag, 1 , • , • were tho'hines *high had been collected the,•Saii beep and Op atOVIt.. Thee( 4:ALOIS'S/W.—Tin notes from ealifor.t all nu~ht, ' 4l 9e5 """ 1 " 1 " 11 " L a tte„ l il :tir u‘.. o ‘ : " 'Else li ons of Ho rot nusoroos ii, the rerabdistribia. n Thu tne , rurilc, tat! linger rei n s, the paAlsol ribs State Tt(oksiiiec ,ina t iettatted. fee , and.biattee, and a variety of other articles, .i inpisentemirls-savoitisti-tesire-muni, of 101,lli,Itenlyte ors s lu t ct rts n i:lz aart ot' $124.000.• The he raffia Oliver the. 7 .444 ' minim trospeot of plenty of Wave r taiY i r ,; t 7: 4 4 ,:; fi t O4t Jo telleo 01 lit tlitairaind selanite. • ..t inpu e diwo m m.,oe • CIE 'Win the Piltsisorg . KANSAS. be presses eta. ly d'4 re the old to. , from whi ey ri so h t d comefort duri the tilres krt, 0 •} 42 •n. For this' ph ....Met hove seized Open the retirement oft:Wee — Nor Geary triartilfat Tetritory, in ordet to rep isms resompertiewrriretivement while they profess to sympathise deeply with this gentleman tinder theAisnstriani(Ciiitintstan ces which they assure the/country, have led to his resignation. U:rfflor thell• influence._ the impression heti prevailed to consider's Ide extent, that Governor tfleary's farewell aitlress mCi'erstetetnent by him of Pelliont4Brievetteee smi of public-disorders, which all combined to impel him from his late field of duty'. Yeit there is moth, tug iii this Wilethotory:address to'justify any such impression, or to mill for any such sympathy.. (Mahe oontrary, while be as serts that hitt gubeinatorial office was un sought by -him. arid accepted at greet per:* sonal slutrifics. Governor Geary coneys ful .17 th,Ndea tbatl'his retireinent 'from it ,has been purely voluntaity, and the result of con siderations effecting his health and comfort: and so far is he from coutftenancinganyt rep /via twthtkatc,litilifliOlkluftia ntatil IR, Lk Torrit.,r7, that ha ,pcottents 4 glowing pia tdre of its detterfbea' the grilstinnjoiity of its people as "oonservatire, law-'sbildfitgrsodiwatee-lovisi -tnein;f" :The torwere occasioned, he insis t s, by romper iiit TA , few and n Pers person s, these, for the moist L y .. t, ', p f , l 4 o iis itigthed no especial*llitrest in , its we taro, and , governed upintarcen. ary motives 'wither than se, - minsleitirations ofiphiblulitiophg or my peoulisririteent %m -eantime She , instittifitti *barer:. - lie swybe ,-, 1...!-YMlltyi_fs,) l ....,l l '.4ri h t . Ih2 ,troulden vuott body mask t o erritory werii,:actamioned by men who 'ad no expect it interest in its sadism Many Of then: Were not even iceidwita, whilet it , lit quite evident Atutt, other* were aufluenobilshogeth eriu the part they took jn the diaturtisecce b i awepensry or other pirsonal Considers tkmi. The great body of the setualeitisous Ire conservative, law-ebb:lbw, pesete.loong men, dispesed.rither to;itfake sacrillors for concilistion and consequent. peaceLan to insist fur their entire rights, should gen eral good therebyhe caused to suffer'. 'Ekime of them, under the influence or- the prevail. in excitement sod misguided- opinioneArrro led th the corimialnoti of griesoult Mistake's, but not with. lbs deliberate intention of ,do ing wrong." ' The prnsettl condition °Nit - territory lub describes asibllows : . - . , • On Alte.fullotting alontlay t had the boy Aeiry Kirtby Wore me,„and his 'iulittnination took taco without my,qf the caw beelfierirettetit: Ike, t 8 s iltifyintelli stanthog.glata_s. tuiry...9hsattet4skidld not truthful itatculoot of the beta he knew-or rentinnhoroddieni.' Plifiegefeer this 'ship Chmtnrion-thesentire ors* to at prisoners. The depositions taken by me exhibit, in my npiniou, : the git.l4on, by hum of the crew, of the Moat cold blended, awfid Ind atrocious mindere on .record. Cs. J. lieu t. The deepoeltion of Christian 11. W. Pe. trans. a Dane by berth. taken:se the one. mercial Agency, at 51. Thomas, before C. J, Jfelm, commercial ogeril", cilia:Red the fol lowing vaitemend of hats tin the tenth of Ifebripu7 While upon the high seam dohs Smith,-by- demotion of the oiiplaki, gee pent to the..wheol e - John lifors rim was sent to ifin'fareitt' ltit itif snow rigging, and I went with him : when I came aft and saw the captain strike elohn, Smith with his fist or open hand ; I cannot any which. the *Wein had erellaPhildedlef bed itdeiing: at 12-o'clock I told thoinewle go to dinner, and I Went into my atOte'reoui to wit& up my day's works 11110.1.115 min• inept ta,er I camp out of my room - in; d-ek and saw dm crew surrounding and leaking Lied . any intend= was eft the tituo to go eutollse , Wilt!, bet 'tihrfrtiesen to tbp door I saw Jahn Smith stab the cook, Charles 1,. (Travis. in the r tide•lrith s Jag ger. and then T could:041..10 - 1u 'MR on ao count of my Own litt!, be then - Caine vapid to where the camsite woo, the-captain-hod bees . senile obtady, although,' did net see, Who captain mai, d me where the seeered• Site was I toll him he p as standing bchiod ken, • I thee. tipoke to the crew aid asked than What Was the toilet:et., auti.ber dins to be : quiet, by this dine the Capt , ititstil(sOd the crew, went a lit fit( way aft, the chic:Mel myself and the captain was to get into, the AN EXTILIOR DINA ity wrap eg nor. cabiii. hot the• doors were ad doors the AL IN rtILE: PO. 0510. orcar I triad to parley tellifthrtp,lTOl!Ohn Do Caste held a large piece of wood over An rotranniMary,uitirdor total ill my head and thisliftbed to strike me, but ins on in holed', bide.' One J. 31. tYanl ! nut: thecaptain :kith has VII indicted foi the !num/rot his wife, ,tu end told them they had taken their*, itirlyitranra, nesr Toledo - . tinder eirmonstin. ,• from hint—they might purifer telhote on the eea of a peculiarly atrocious alidliborrible tharseteri rebelleet of but ono case Mt or do whatever they liked iiitia,htr, , that treirit'ati etiilogy to it, which . was thit the crew said n "'" but demanded that I abookl bring her to the Of Hugh Corrigsiii in Wes morelnnd county, I nearost port, the captain said that Pennsylvania, who was convicted of mar- neither he nor myself 'voila have anything daring hie wife, and then burning her body I brti deb.,' The body was Aver found, and to do with the ship-ethat if -there was' e the eridence of guilt ' though strong , was nav i gator amon g theat Arriiii lenikerchasito entirety eirennicalis the captain bled very for "Oh. , help me," and ,turoMl pale, limitioarto him In the present litktatiff. the evidence ikowtormikftamie:thriWiatc•Mr; ' 11 " 119a11 • ins, " J will hill you." I was intereined and irrtirance—his ennerarilett rylktaternintii - as drew back. tin , captain was irtit e d i serisi .. R. her whereabouts —the fact that in an IA ble on the deck, JoilTl BTOWI, theatirso the dagger into the captain's left side,tho,lap tams then lay two or three tninufstiqm dwak, they all ran to hi rdand -Said thiei him into the water, some one eried.eutruall Minds take hold," but -sone except John Smith. Joliirovrit,..rettmrpeqbagte Ned took hold of this captain:, when ha tails tlintrith °A:A.43llrd, after . tbm'clltti, 4l 4 B ro thwn overhoird,; thereiltr ilti• the cook," and the MIMI; lbw• meit TNt iftle , the cabin and t brew thecopk r oygrimi* . ,. they, then said, to mu, you aelt , llllll4lllint and you must ne • iigerelbliTtlq. Olt/ then washed the tilingi ,eha &bin floor mid off - the deick, • ' The deepositionenf, the sactettplilhtne J A I "' Monday:Almeida° at thoPtitymoilitlegnn oy at St. Thottias, olitioifif i d i "a 'details of the first ,Tho itisentikt sre'ilared4s or Portagese; and tied held hindistddyil .The mates ore retained as witnesses. The in vestigation is seozinirnderyleittssf yiliskenlay) at 12 o'clock. • • e‘ ei L • .• , J ., 75 - 1;r ~ • - Woeresithtplitierrhignpg: the renowned disooveitir of the? tinsel Hair Restorative. still continues to lei rin behalf of the afflicted. Ills medicines aro unite really admitted by . the kin:ikon prtso to tie Ai; oirellar Eo all nthe'brfor,eausingtfie hair on tki VA• of the aged that-ibis" twirl vilViiktlf4z.iotellY 'years, to grove.fOrth with, ail Itfa'aftitirfligisr and luzurienoe ws,itdapo bleased)rftekeilametelino: tars of yo9th; • There ear; be no thuhylratital,ontiooklic greatest al:coati:ries . ilij/14,1440t It.restoros permanently...gray'. ha i • ' I, silky *em infi texture, wli has MI, been irery.,de' sirable aibl ego/ Of the.sitOriei.rnal• Poi" ; f .1.1 •.t • . . . _ .. Wh en'Vld* ape* thelrriaent oondition 'or the l'impitiory; and , emotratel it With what. 4 watt wheal last testerrei4 L hed satisfied 4,m9g,adatelatritinitlnprint temp prep. 4 1 4 g toots iutriteSta. . On every hand I now 'oVretfve untniataka hie indica' lons or 'Welfare mad prowl hp , /Me Mout setthrocentries ..his quiet dwelling, with hia.wife sad child ren clustering around him, uuntokated and tlislecs, of d a nger. The solit.try. travelhr +mute VI w (} - unharmed bvi t every puh a' thilitilughfire. The 'oreh of the inc/odi y his born, extinguished, 'and the eahnis which by it were destroyed have been -re , . al;ed with„liere iitilwtasithil i lit v .4 qUitplieti do .kingtr rye liii -wait in ei t ff"Victinefor plunder ma inntawsination. I ,• aVona . ot hostile erotism have ev.ssijii. and infuriated ton•tisuin4 living in our midst have eml.ha,ioally turned ant ir as ord-. Into plow //I 41" 11 and their aiw*ra hoe pruning hooks. t:shoVervi are evi ryu here at work -farms a .di mount rapid improve meets —merchant,. are driving a. thriving %risk .meohanie., puieuwg with Atrclit their. various ucco, a Wens goal es ft e, io town and nouniry, Itas ineraised in value almost without pre sedent. trtnl4 in smile planet it Is command ing Tole• a that never could have been anti. astiated,:' , N. - OM Ail Alai , l i t lies. : OAN Rejaillil. Pram: AIN-ANI COOK MURDERED, Partleminto of Om, Trot sift. Ti Apek. • . Prom Mr New rerin t e h td, Four of the erowof t. 4. brig Oen- Phone, named John Ned, John Browny John . Smith herd , 'John do Coate, wortt.tlii.oug4.lo this port from St, Thomas on board .the ship Centurion, charged witlfiliatutpdrttifiCapt. Lawson, of the brig Oeh. Pfe to of L. ()roves cook of. that vessel. • A letter wps rect.:4ed,„hyjhe United late' nfigtilVitttortirt froptiZo J. ted' Ch`t:Eitn!m credit -X of 160 Alai States at .he Island ,tif l fit"-I'4litti44,', 4th March, 18.51. In which be twat' . • " I hove the'hener to inform you OW the brig, ttiliS:ergq',rifreti, or :131144,1114110111iich sailed from New York omtir 21st of Janu ary lent, bound for the coast of Alrigh t / I , rived at this port on the 27th ult . . The Grew. or a part of the crew, mutinied, and mun;ler cd, the captain and coolt,land brought the vessel to this 'port (St. Thelma.) insults% ately upon the arrival of the'reesili the first Mato, C. 11. W. PO RUC come on shore and reported to me the factli t vernnevirly as nor- Jotettb.thittt afteirivils let 131441 . %voltion. —, I then 'applied to the nuthoritled hdre, and obtalited-o—stifileient-tall- the ,, seamen Oix in, number, surideltlind plated in-priao the following Anti had them brought vueAnd-trk- depOsi, the of the two. unites, iha . seeitfillitiate t oot be ing present when the first ,mata gavoids de positron'. , - ~ , „.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers