II CII But piNio‘iN alrtsAy intenselx mac . and astuirof Firelotk's skill, tookhts out of the mush plaster, opened his j and VirelOck admonishing him " cool, crowded the hot, sizzling wire on 'the . tin foil - jammed into the- hollow by 'Wham _ Assiggsroindpre it, a twist clear through the authaaiimldatha tspoudziazza—Zilyuisja , .11.‘fl i bit of the wire, burnt his ieriglie.lirid 'Lhockisl yirelooli_morly through the pe,rti tilbiNfthls shop; and so frightened Monsieur iists'os the little barber net titre, thajAke ratted mit Mil; the S'ireet, 9tyling- 7 ••. Moo Dien ! mbn Dien! Bill was atone dead—Firthmk crippled, apothecary over the way came iri; pick: ed up rm. Bill, applied Seine camphor to ilia _Arum, 'sin! brouitt him back to lite, and-- the s pangeottooth ache': "Krettepte!" sale Jenks; the apothecary; i's cue your pain, Mr. Vikilliotreti, in* segehaP' Poet . DiD itch, up—the knotetti added a fresh fuvoica to his Jlaisery—buiaThif ready ',oersted andloaoted tongue—and he • -. • Death and glory .!- - o.h 11:11.-h. murder! 1 " 11 've Pizened me !'' Put a hot brick to-tat your, man , ' face," said a stranger ; 'twill take out the pain sad swelling thi'ee sainuteal" , Bill revived; he seemed pleased at thi stranger's smalltime ; the brisk „ono hp: plied ; but BiU's cheek Iling cow half raw _ with the various me s as, math him yell when the brick touchedfiim f Be cleared 'forloane', rent to bed, and the ekcesalve paiu,'finally; with laudanum, kre osote, fire, And hot bricks, put him to sleep; Ile awoke at midnight, in a trigistial state 4,4„,dlherry wells • was tempted two or three times to Jump , nt the windovror crawl asp She chimer! - Until noon the next day he sullied, try ing igsaia, every ten minutes, some 'known cure,' oil., sails, (team, Poultices, and ten thousand applications suusally tried te owe a-raging tooth. Desperation Made Slll revetigeAd. Re got a dub and went after Dr. ll'hanglangei, — silo had set all the village in • rage of tooth sale. Ten or a dozen of his victims' Were at siloor, awaiting ferociously their turns to lw ieVenged, list the bird had flown the teuth-dararr had sloped ; yet a good Samaritan came, to Dill, and whispering in his. ear Bill - Started fur Monsieur dartin's barber-Ooptsok a seat, shut his eyes, - and mid his prayer!. - The little rienilman took ikt'ort knife and piir of pincers, and Bill giving one awful yell, the tooth was out, and biz perils and pains at an end. • -, - tits - Illi aitinitaii: _.a ............ .~ iM4L.41 1 D i;Ac7_4ll=4_ /9- MILL E f, PONTK, P IVNA ir KOWA 11101411% NOVENIOIIIII 10. Vag. i KAIYeA3 rs. BRICCETONTE The great hobby of the Abolitionists 'a ad their allies (the Kilow-Nothings) taring the past election campaign had. .been" free speeih and free presi." The people of Cen tre county wanted no other illustration of thy hypocrisy of their assertions than the conduct exhibited by their bullies in Bellefonte. Men have been knocked down in the areas for A:Pressing tlicrir topiniems ; De rowmatic meetings have been disturbed, and the speakers insulted; stases have berm rhurled into the gatherings of the Democracy. But their brutality did not step when the campaign a.d. On last Thursday we were assaulted in a brutal and cowardly manner: by ems Andrew Gregg, Jr.; of , Walker lowasbip, vaboaa.we are determined hall suffer the penalties of the law. We -are thanithl AM owr lot is cast is a land when Pelsould Bbert, .iind the trsedem that man holy dear, are guaranteed to every cit isen—and that be is only ecgamaible for the abuse of his exalted privileges. We have bad no disposition to take en: muse in‘airswn ' pane and Met lvtlltintent eirieluaissins._ and we feel soulldent Ast iv wry law-abiding, peat cilia= of ear atillistmil, will tuussmsfillieemesse we ham punned. Hold* it to So duty of a ,lournallat ts mama as tally as roast- right portion of lee comoniaity tabs hial L yo hare S pot heaitahol to speak ost boldly wheat every speciosa vice and _hrtotality, ird to had op the otaprita that l aistarViito repose of satiety, to the plat to dig atilios of a* outraged people. Nor shot , na_eyerceiwi to do aik lig se we retain -- Win patient coirnetii — rwa r 4 Anty—weloot nut gaW Id that night-like /Lid willad la 4 --tisat,awedr--RmaargailLe, True, Wows flay stbittie Mil are eohd gnspeita, jet, as long as they do not pros- taste, we us willing to bear thou, when lillifsMllitil, - hrtho line of Our duty, and'llie mune of our legitimate business- if ores/ 4,04 lure kneed us toner toot, and neerwed ua ol 'his intended attack, React would hare been less gate, hat for it fare mane. strike one math his inferior in size and strength, 'when sitting &Ara and unprepared, is not merely a i . 4.Airorthy only of the highway * mina. twit a cowardly and onjustiflable bmieb at the peace. Wilk Giefmg‘s tattier 'll4 rs~it►ict, for whom we entertain Age' ildstiest •seatiments of regard sad esteem, ____sattiSiteltly -sympathise., but-are ttaltet bet • ad we would be doing justice to society or to ournetreo, if we did not introduce the Minn Who violates the law*, both of ha *Malty and of the Stater, to that tribunal whew we fief assured he will metro a pea bilment adequate to his Amen. 1 -- Poi lowing* the result of tis: litiO*Prenklenthd elsot . iOn. Illinois lane given Mr. Buoisanna 1000 4 11110ority.. • "4 • Ifeeemory to a, choice 149. BootteparPe m4brit7 over Fremont, OM (Mr Zremeotat and =more, 62. I • ' r MOO,' • S onvip. .•„ Wlddiee tielvekos4 iwthe 411tudna of a numbesi ottinr exignosia dot, prospiSetUil of the New Ydrk Watify probistaing_lpeilt wholly iudepodeqt of Political partite." This is a - trick of the 4hohLawliaik-l•O v aitiallegi into tie randUis of Democrats in Pennsylvania a sheet that has been devoted to the cause of sectional inns and Frehiontism dyring the past Presi -4%o4tatafaiga. The igaAja.s.ls2,V.r.‘?Pn e ! ths'essiapostin Papers into _diefamilies of Democrats under' rnsudrof, &lva serer ooea-, slog offesa toy- stall the Doilltoonnly they would deceivo bylbeiw,ftrilaafawY -into. the belief' thin they were subscribing ,tor a neutral. wept We caution dur Democratic Tiiionde in regard tp these neutral papers", for nearly every one of thefts .'have.ksien . .in the ;pay of the enemy. Theild "Saturday Cow. tier," we understand, has been discontinued, and its subscription list Merged into that ' of- thq, rtiladelphia BalleOn, which is an other trick of the enemy. The Bulletin, 'has ifs° Sh*rese-of the intik - eit hint of Abolition 4140, Slid is ender the control of the notorious Alexander Cummings, a trimmer; old - - taa been hanging on 'llso skirts of all perties—folluoing in' the , footsteps of Janos Cordon pennon—end is willing to give the support of . I!ia paper to any .person or Party who will, :pay hest.— We say again beware of these ;wafter! hum. We both copy and endorse the sugges tion of the Albany. Arai's, that the beat way for thelhmoirits to stop the spread of dis union and Abolitionism, is to. inciease: 44. oinsals4liiir Democratic newspapers ? the • .` . I be no. t that Z 4 • zyn¢►ir sarnscr eireeash lion tkrolyglesist -Ulf Istud Western States, (obtained in many ca ses on the idea that it was not a partisan paper,) has done the Democratic cause gria! damage in the recent contest. The antidote . • ' awl/ is thaoltauhailmititutilliflitit ellicipat Oeiesocratie papars,und -oar politi cal fl.- s shpuld attend to this matter now, and thus sow the geed fur the dext cam paign. We hate sword . to say to Demo -1 cystic poolthattem is this eonnexion. 'Thon- I sands of them A tower the country Isere, in past years, aided the circulation of the New York IVecify . ',Prilicar, by getting - up clubs for it. There ass souse *Okay Aar This when that paper was net so Cieleney parti san sm at premed. But postmasters wbo any longer de this furnish aid comfort to the Fmay. 'Their influence as ocembeisof the r l n icerrocratic party, and peeticulinty ss office holders at its lianas, should-be exercised in favor of the circulation of Democratic news- 1 -papertir----theDasnematic-parti-himeertabgri a right len xpect that those boldingeflice ru der it will not engage in the circulation of ,cildgs:sn4 . pripero,und documents. Pots ton elm itiaki; , siiilWlEV*l - 110 - 11aiii; ' largt_l* inereasiflit asSrenato circulation of (matte newspapers in the oeimtry. and we think that, under the teachings of the late campaign, they witLfeel disposed to at tend to this politkal duly. We-repeat, it is our duty to begin the next campaign now, by the - circulation of newspaper, by maw. Mining and perfecting our organisation, anti by such other carts as to secure Democratic ascendency." ' COLUMN AV Sem—Um <sr TIM flighbil &maxim LTOXXA3B.—The Retelling bell Elbe, Capt. Nelsen, arrived at New York on November dtkimm Hamburg, reports having spoken on The 20th, a Bremen honk, baring on batrilAfie of the passengers and crew Ada frestoirobesmor Lyennala.witick vessel was run into by l e large ship on the night of the VA instant, and abandoned the neat diw These 16 persons were picked • in a boat on the Stit. two others hawing died. fourteen of the resousd were taken cirrhosed the Elise. Mr. &haler and Wife remained on board the' Bremen . vessel,— Among the saved was the second mate, and those with him, left the steamer on the af ternoon of the 34 and were consequently six days ha ths boat.. The mate says that to bis isiewleefige, the captain =dal' literithers on hosed left tin swore .-nent, utonting. The Avenel' sailed from Now York on the 16th instant, fix Havre. She had 40. pas lionfors on bawd in addition to her grew. in 200 pounds, whccial a wheelbarrow, cemtainieg a barrel of apples, from New bnriporf to Boston, a distance If thirty-six miles, last week, in fulfilment of a wagei he bad foolishly made beibre the electioncthat Fillmore would beat Fremont in klanaditis setts. On hi limiest in Boston with the ap iii-W-,--h-oleMitifert. tlhoneautlyersono,.and m;unting the ltwasad• speoci. - Tile Lisboa Times, the leading Fremont organ in &mean& publistos.so awful hoax .--r-actsicaitudalAareril. =WIWI AnkilAlill on • railroad in Georgia. Of course the Twice, with iti usual stupidity, has a leader on the sal:dent, containing the customary ra. &lotions tln this titulary AS the Toms newer retsacts its lie nor explaihs its Wun dem this will all pass into history .1. Tun llay. DUDLIIIY TING, pf Philadelphia. seems to fare rsthcr hard all round is conse quence of his political sermon on slavery. Vie Church Journal; speaking of tho pro. Ceedinis of the Vestry of the March of the Spiphany, -rawly veraarka-t-A L-We.hwre- bat three words to say, -sod these are—served him right.° , hunnartioos IDisigasan.—The Seats Super istendoet has decided thelpit is the duty ad Directors to ridgidly exclude from wheel, eilLpupils Who are attliettel with *Ay erup.: We;Vettions itisease," snd to refuse to .again receive *gin until they are ,entirely Cimuna Vaimitas.--The students of Princeton College, lied it "Wrchlight proces sion ow. Wilduesdiy evening t bat, for the purpose of burying John C. Frabiont. 'The procession consisted of about es,tieitty-lbe students—one of whom was dressed in wonutn'sopporel. Ilectendlatesm. - 174 • 114 - 1 ---- 0 7 . •,, J r '7 ~.. 7 .-:. ‘1 T 6.4.D.Lt W i tprise, :.'-', 1.. "ALLAI6I,. ! irfir bw. 01 ' fif 4 i iiiil l:‘ A fieteentrary, in agkefunt vO, The Timpsj,he 47:flee Bight %Tube achieved b Ahe Nemcxiicy; Aim Speaks of* a ua in P4hdelphta, - lamming .the Now thiallustrio# tilt Y 44-Pltisens ; .!, Ilit QM, llngland, Stahl" to the abilisi forifteWimp- Line Whigs will sharo'in the glory oft the'-port of' Fremont cries "Ali -hail! New Eng triumph achievedever-the combined_ foms_u a d_ol_ The psa l m/maitre responds : _ .c . f_ Abolitionism, Frce Loveiften, Spiritualism, I "ALL tuff !,NEW ENGLAND !" *Ctiritii r ETTLltiffe'BeeldlNAMl , DiDt a - thOU'l- - Thlt not Wit New Stlgiind that began its sand and one other intl.% which hare dim- , career by burning and hanging Baptists and graced Olt counfO, awl which we'hine got; Quakers, and.all who differed from its puri time to paitioulariM. A large number If, tattiest re:Aleut Ofreligion. molia&Alistifirdidlied WhiffoPol4liaillifiglr. I Not that..trw,lngltusd which in its tyran tielleildt-lidlieniiienusainewie*N"ltalt4egr Area Ito* Wawa Atka asile i o pad" /kir •Eittehanan sad Breekin_ ,bridte in.' )our of -4 ‘offer liQvg_ _ ; .ht Ifo4 nrchis elbilarenit - partwof - ent owantry r and-bav t een. apt aFe deeml isioet officiantServioN ADOther OAP viltslirbaseness. ctf apt* have shelled out their. money wet — Not. that New itsigbiatil that Wilted or fredY•isililili the same object . We cou ld, hung imMeentmen sad :women [dr. witch trunnion the names of seversolOush Perfinu--1- if it was properourre - omdmibt. that ot that New itoglapd which grew rich the same thing has been done everywhere PO tif iteplrting slams Bea Atfica ; and which a liberal scale. , Yet anothcraud.a nmeh far: ieli aw ,tietag. i n hap l y / u p on tie. 1,40 fa d pr class have glided the triumph by their h one s a rum homes" beings it, thus Wallielted votes. - And why should they not I All the in, ' . old issues which were battled so lo _ and so N a t 'that N e w S u om o d that a ttempted id timely between them and the DenxracY) make dice goveranwat eV ours a uhereditarT arc done away. , Nobody now *wishes' to ro. ar i e t ocr .„ y .” . vivo the United States Bank--- . the Sub- Not that New Eo g ia n obit eadeavorepo ~' . • Tiesaury is very generally appmvedorith out distinction of party—the- Tariff. is •no longer a Lune of contention, But the views of Whigs and Democrats as to the .modifica tion it reqqires, are very nearly coincident. In short, time and events barii brought the two"pafties. together, on. alt 'questions which formerly alienated them from each other.-- The ultraiids .of both parties hare fallen to Abolitionism or Black itepublican• him, leaving thu body in both cases pound national... This expurgation, it Is true, has drawn mon heavily upon .the . Whigs than • • b t those that r . croain Zion watt therrriden Oft their-:original- • •• and as much , oppoied to avtionalism and madness in all its brinichv, as thirpurifled Democratic party 'is. Both - have been vast gainers in point of character. I.obe ordeal •• witioh•theritexte been subjecicdritild by the same process they have been-closely as similated. The Democracy of 1856 is not the extreme radical-party which existed in sonic farmer years, but, by a changiCof "air curastanees it has become the great comer. *alive pasty if the country, and tiro only ono witich.is able to present Am ellectual bee rier to the lii-eushhig tide orildnktlaWat and tolljr Wbe Old Line ) 1 / b iota themielms Muria do it-=they ate not sufficiently nu ! tuerous .but their patriotic impulses are as high and as noble Si if_ their numbers were aceatcr. Moat of them object to thelitiow- Nothing arced on account of its proscription oess, and the Black Republicans they about- Mate. RIM thou remained to them brit isoliminsm-er etmoperatiote-witk -the Deism racy T This last was their true position. The Democrats *damsel them as brothers. 'AP did Liao Whigs wishing to make th.ir votes tell against mialiowabant, asiViiot the attempt to rob the Itontit or its equal rights in the national territory, they voted for Buchanan and Brockinridge and cemen ted the Union. IMAM ON OVUM AX. NEWS. --Counterfeit' 0.5 biiiß on the Danville beak ofTennaTlvanii, are in circulation to New. York. k - . • —Vow •hundred end -itizty-two lieu left New Orkans" on the 27th sdha - 7 - in the titeanuthizTonnesitep, to join _Gen: in Nicaragua., ' . —Six hundred bushels of sweet potatoes, to the acre.. aro said to bays been raises this season, en the Guadalupe river in Tex as. —Our Government hu received from Mr. Danes tbe treaty recently migotiated4vitti finghtr the settlement of the Central Anlerican differences. . S t out the disastrous defeat of the Know. itiothiuk — paitY; the Americas Organ,' at Washington, will be published in thture as a weekly, instead of a daily. —A gentleman near Newboryport, cutt ing i white oak trete, found a tree-toad, over which had grown sixty-seven grains (wrings of %auk. the being 'buried out ' - into the World *gain, be ants at &el torpid, bet MU* lying"la Tea Minute* he bopped alas freehand vigorous se ever. Gnaw of - Netinsaka has just been taken, and it Ames a population of 10,716 nMnr creased over two and one tbrth 'fold in A single year, and the number of rote= is' nearly threelimes greater than in 1855. —The Philadelphia Ledget cites the es hibition.in France of a locotnotirs-weighing sirty-tone, with ten feet drivinrwherlesnd Mated tote , eepable of attaining asjieed•Of Cariatartt itriatity ie placed.„ao key as tamale: der it safer than ordinary mikes - at the Weal[ apeM, so far as gerifirieet flu frisk Is a:elated*: rl:7 - Viciall the attention of our readers titoin:liiiented young Amu!, Ira C. Mitchell, Feal., which may be found in another oiltann. Mr. 11f. , although young, occupies a prominent position at the bar, and those who have had the opportu nity of hearing him during his aetivc Rani. coo in the recent campaign, could not fail to bo eonvinool of hi/ ability ; and we can is sue° thom that he is as abloand industrials at his profession, aseo tfic stump. lie may be found at his office at all times, and will attend to business proinptly, faithfully and iratialltaktrity. - Glee bleier Lizain throwr.—Last week, Sohn Mitch ell, of Chemung, N. Y., vomited up a lizard, which he supposed he' had swallowed four fears perliotudy alp this occasion ho had drank a, quantity of *Wilkey, and several large Potations e mtlk, and it iiinipposed the lizard got drunk on milk punch, and was unable to resist the elective process. Nips PAPKA.—Mossno. Thouspost 411, esso ttelditore issued a prospeetea Air puttliehd log in RoHefoutei puerile:Oast to ,igsioul 7 tom stm. hitssoost.--"ift‘y-sev en ° ' counties State have been heard from—Buchanan's majority 2930. 47 counties to liter froth.' . 1111 • fssterrupon this coill7lll, Alien and Sedi tion Lana, and heaped apes tbe Anibal. Of the Declaration of indepeodeues the vilest slanders. . • blot that New England that met !aeon• vention. at Hartford, duriqg the r• r of 'l2, to plot treason against the United States, •and to giTaitid sod oiairovi to the 4eMies of the . nation s I Not that New England which. refined to man or arm a single regiment of volunteers to gusto itlesioo, and tkot, offered indignities to tboso who didndunteer, , when parading thrgh tha heats of . BOakoti. - which arms hee tr;;s7Aot ie rne - aain India igen and servile war, and murder eitissna of the United Slat's. Not that New England that eves' * tpob Itavolutjondisis been opposed to ,everi war, to ever acquisition of Territory, to all the important measures of the dovernment that. have added to the greatness 'and glory of our country.. Not that New England whose religion is ile ?edifice, and whose politics is its religion, and te:!ose pulpits are tilled with traitors to thejr com:tr7 and their god. • -*at that New England'whielt shrielits-fetH "free speech" n hen an Abolitionist desires' to undermine the institutions of their aunt try, end which denied Fanisuil Hall to iter ablest son to apish in their &Awe, Not, hat New England - weeh teGgiste in imposing upon her cilium; the double , *ill' of perjwy- and- treason, mud whilb they swear v., pußpoit. the Conatitutioa ,of the thsitod fitutorpaissa laws- compelling_ to violate its provisions and set at defiance the fundilisental law Of the land. Not that New Eisland whialt hashes out -- ektof thent high ti rah the land, Like ao Ada, to poi ate peace and prosperity. Not:that New Eis4and, which has made in ldol of the MariPosespeculatOr. worship- pad the upolly bons, and given the reins to The New England of the nteultlttort we would hail ! But that New England has been overrun by the Goths and . Vandidi of Black Republicinism ammos, theParken, the Garrisons, the leas t the , Burlittpurws; the-Wilsens;Vitraillips',—te representa tives and Amassers of thle men of. the "bag anditatchet" of the revolution,—not of those who fought , its - %Adis; Wit Of 'these WllO hung in the tar of its armies to murder the wounded end rob the dew& The New England we hid is that gloripue New 'England—Deluocratic New Ilkigland, •—which "dal in the hearts of that minority who hare resolved to "'keep step to the music of the who late Waited to bow the knee to its traitors in war or foes of the Constitution in peace, to Its Abo , litionists, its Misdate, or its Disunionists. Ton Vows Or AN Our PATNIOC—In Au gust, 11126, Charles Carroll, of Carrolton,- the husting aim: sL 04-asciustida of independence, Ihni_ OAT.' Ms* hie opinion of-the Declaration of -hadepsedeaatt r and of its principles of civil — sad religious liberty : • Gratefial to Almighty God for the bier sin • which through leans Christ our Lobl, ontfirred otOssy Moved country in her emandipation, and upon myself, In per mitting tue, under eirounalasoos of soory to live to the ago of 89 yea's, and to survive the fiftieth year'of American Independence, and certifying by mrprearitt liginturusny approbation or the llosharation at- Indopeo donee: Witted by Otngresa, es. lbw 4th of July, in }lb year or our Lord 1776, which I orietAlly_stiliseribiaLmi the 211 day of Isa titorit now thy- last surviving signer, I do inriby seranuarad to the present and future genera -1 boss. ail principles of that sonportaat dons pirist, as the best earth/y•inAeritinsee their an testers could bequeath to Atm, and that the - civil and religious libertiee thew hart scarred re rareavatt"- grapy-1w parratiiialtelvt-rtateht posterity, and extend to the *Ade jesuitic' qf Atiguat, 11 , 101. lirrlwera—Stephen A. grown, Pastor of ThinkPresbyteriaa Church, laco , Vork:lohn Glboon, POOtor of Reforms! Preab,*rjan Church, flollimo.re, A .111wg therssuber—:Tisto Binutomeosts To Oil: M. Joseph (Mo.) cones• pondent, trrittog on the 234 of tistober, says: List nS`nt our fossipe where thrown into -eesteeieroverewekpetnentrwhieti-rrtainly was one of a most iitcaordiasry character. /t seems that t*o young g!ndemen were addressing a young belle up town, and that she smiled 'equally upon both. Yesterday morning she was abe marrierPto one rind last nigit to the other, end, ethane to say, she kept both engagements. At 9A. M. one bridegroom was made happy by her pledge of handamtheart, and at 9 P. M. the other was made happy , by the possession , of her person. They iledAtdisek, and where wed ded at Illoottusgtonjust twalre,miles ilietepto and continued on their way to realms un known. • Tu t s'Tonna **IN FrolnOnt Cita of New Yeek, hips neininakitilleill. Pli.eniont tot the Peettidetiery in 1860, whereon the Pjiihidel. phis Sins, remarks that " tho fools Ire not yet.v 1111 rot rig vicitthsreit4orlifitiEix. • Ster dommittie, loin Imes the .pleiliure addreesing the . Dettigeosey of Cootie county 000ngratult• tory tetras on the result of the, Presidential contest, not only - in the county, but in the State ind3hroughoutiTieeit7. -- Centrelmniily TierilipadMiliTtittirter position among her Democritie sister coon. ii•P, and frtmi. her mountains end teeming vailies again is heard the sound of rejoicing at her nowt vinteriesoVer deltas •ppOr!enli ZAMA rt 44. Dentoos, 4 o* ' ' peOple--the hea -poop* brier! vain - rierrhuard_their prefersocetisr9firlooratic, sn4DensoCratie rulers: , .They harelprobtred their preference Ihr" that brit* and Suatfce,, which give to the citizens the right of cite unship, Ind the power to make such laws aril suit themselves: Whether on the plains of Kansas or Whirr moat highly.euttivated die triets. The people of Centre county have most esepbstieilOrpokenilarough that most eloqiient • medium—the •isapprovel - wrproscriPtion on account of 'birth pinee or religion. and their 'aversion to intolerance is a fre's : Too much praise csnnoebe awarded to hiends of the' varietal tainmbiPa - for .the manner ht_nhich they performed their duty. The'people of no one township doh*• their duty as Democrats more nobly and honor ably than ibose of another. Stich a trium• pliant vindication of the Democratic creed and candidate*, such a perfect overthrew of all the isms and factions that opporie the De inocracy hianirt •taken place in 'any other county in the great-State of Pennsylvania. Two yearizgo the Detriocriey were labor. ins in a minority in the State, of 37,500, and in the county elf 601. - Now thr Demo cracy can conirstutste themselves on a ma .o•'s7 d tat la the coeint7 over ell tiOnsatittietthilinste of 705, Ahirrh reidito 3 are flattering to • the Demo. °racy of Centre county, who have honestly withstood the lilitlekr - and--inirigum of all their opponenti. They are flodtcltw i te those, townships which have changed - the charac ter of their vote and have &flared -themselves in Amor of Democratic principles 'and men. Such results are flattering to the Democracy because they repay our indebtedness to oili er counties in the Stirs for what we have of Democrarks principles and rule in Pennsyl vania. It I. flattering; *hen it is taken in to - c - oir - sidefirtion,limii ittioft - 4 'rrell(dEE: teal contest biro the national issued been more fully understood ley the' people, than in the one through we have passed, wikeisara: • 2 w ; • !settled, or Democratic principles *foto glo• dos* maintained in my other !residential contest. But such successes and results should not hill us into a fancied security and a amaelpient snactivlty, MI proper and honorable means ahould still be ascii for the harmony and advance talmtrof the PrimiSmtitirmattlihrthe. le mperatte party. 'Person,' diflerenees mud prejudices atto.ld`be - fald ...oldt for the bet- eat of the common cause. A fair express. ion of the opinions-of the Democracy should be had stall pri.tmuy_ meetings. In conclusion, we thud that all who have aided in the achievement of the brilliant tri umph that arowptour recant labors, Will continue to uphold the Dementia Republi eat Nosier; and lo adhere constantly to thole 'Waal itiaciplea that have given to us our freedom and made Or country wbat, it le--presenting to the opposition a bold, tuabroken phalanx of honast r hard-working, vlstuows men, who , dikes Go enamy ea* defeat us-L-no faction distract the harmony that pervades our ranks, and, instead of • struggle to maintain Truth. victory will be unceasingly within our reach —Our peace wilt be , ' , alloyed by erica of dis nedest—our,fireetideauriX be free, from the bitter anitno * Sitlus ocensioned by (=diluting and proscribing meta, and that good feeling and common philanthropy on which our gov ernment was founded by our fathom, be promoted by their children to the latest gen bastion. Wm. J. MIAMI, Chairmah. Isaac Buffington. Jacob Keith= ' - Joseph - St ,- • Alexander Sample, • John Mattel,- ' Nathan J. Iditohell, John A. Bunter, .124111Mna•••••-nlabp . i . _TaLff . after stating Bashanan's election, time auras up the 'whole result : Both Houses of ()In gress Will be largely Democratic. Neer Jer sey has secured a Democratic U.S. Senator in place,of Mr. Thompson, of the same poli timi, whose term expires on the 4th of Hsieh nest. Altogether, as compared with the premstCongress, there has been a net gain of more than 3Q Dernocratio members, um bers, noak4ng a difietnce of more than sixty in the relativeadrengthof,parties. In short, the triumph is complete in every 'department oT nationatgoveriiinerit:=& , :ilierialiiin is defeated and driven back into its den abashed and confounded. Tho .Union is preserved and strengthened. Patriotic men may now breet.be freely, and businese men cap makeitheir calculations safely, so far as domestic matters are concerned.- In this city escor ching has been swept dean by the Democrats; sided as they have Loon (mid it I old not be forgettan) by the old.line " inlaid that all the sword blades for the English army Are made , by four men, who have s secret known Only to themselves. which they jealously Agnntsl:-.., The,..axerage weehlrhirninge of one of them amounts td flfty,dollare. ' - - - • "now their rights, and kauslog, Daft eitialada." v • anion Yesgrer, Adam Shater,,,, John Waterman, Robert Smith, - John Neff, Samuel (Milani, John Ifil; Meek:. -• . ' G. Laprissom, John. Orr. , Oempiskylimi---- - , - „ De. v. IL. iltpaler, , John Cook, , • John 13. Walla, • William McCoy. 'enti4lvanla gleettont ORICIAL-NOv. 4 t .1556.. , .~.~: ~. , UNION COUNTIZII. 'l7 , it • 1 ,:- Adams, 1,120 11225 24 2,837 Allegltehy l 13,070 502 800 • (',062 Arntotrong, '2,068 1/3 75 2,680 Mayor, 2,668 ` 103 138 1,005 )le4 4, 3004 LIU 4,40,0 Berke, 1,01181 3,288 304 11 1 272 44T 1,703 097 2,089 65315 ." " —36 71 ' 2,8144 4 092 419 SII 6.017 , Butler, - - 147 Or Tuts csmbric . 804- 861 , 107- 2,987 Ea.b,ny 092800 ' 1450 . 1,806 . -Pontre, - 390 - 1,400 . 652. 2,895 Uheater, , 5,808 020 828 0,333 788 9p44, 0 • 2,760 Cleartkltl 750 , ;550 . , 93 .14,079 Qlinton. 618 • 648 34 7,,488 Columbia,. -1.239. 214 - 6 2,889 Crlvekird, 5,300 4 41 , 3,191 Cumberland • 1.472 • :1,59.2. 14 3,427 Dauphin, ' 1416 • 4,832 167 3,094 Delaware. 1.690 . 791 2,005 S4k, .. •270. 4 - 7 • 676 ,Erie, "6,150 , 87 • "'262 • 2 584 hireto , 2.089 4,4118-}41,46- •11,654 Franklin, 2,446_ tell 18 3,469 Fulton, 142 • ~681 ~ 070 (beano, 1,321- 272 14 . 2.748 Iluatingdon. '•- 1 920 • 008 737 '2.164 Indiana, 3.811 281 82 1.762 Jefibrami, 1,003 683. 82 1;468 Juniata, 480 ' 697 150 .1,866 Leninism?, 8.4308 ' 8,606. 997 8431 Lawrence,. 8.065 11 85 1220 Lebanon, 2514.. 396 '.4 1, 8,611 Lehigh,' 8,237 91 •• 3 1 4,426 Liam!, ON) 663- ' 8.791 Lyedwing, 934 1,700 :70 3,324 McKean, .812 .7 40 526 Mercer; 8,686 15. 108.,_.2.699 216.- -986 • 43/ - 1,,481 Monroe, 660 67 12 2,275 Montgomery 2,846 492 1,753 7,134 Montour,. 067 138 . 11 1.271 thirthamptem - -444 - 1.194-4240 Norithumb'd 566 . LON 4 - 2414- 3 050 Perry. '521 ' 759 627 2.135 Philadelphia 7,892 12,218 12 868 38,222 Pike, 270 10 6 862 .Patter._ -- 4 - 2-- 467 - 2,148- 2,315 367 7,036 Somerset, 1,411 1,404 1 1,763 Snyder„ 443 1,015 40 1;253 1 Sullivan, 309 43 5 588 StiarMithenna 3.661 43 2,548 Tioga, 4.641 7 1,886 Union, 1.429 171 15 1,092 Tenango, 2,04 J. 65 - 7 2,157 Warren, 2,001- 2 47 '1,231. Wmehington t 4,227 137 128 4,288 2,172 --- 76 -- 31 2,269 WestmOre'd 4,091 233 66 6.172 Wyoming, 1,138 11 57 1,171 York. • 5n 3,300 1,001 6,876 147447_ J 56.89 1 2(,338 2a0.509 Total TOW ffr thopfienitit, • "230, -- i Fremont, 147.447 i Union vote, 203 888 Fillmore 55 891 Bablnman over Fremont and Fill. Straight Fill more, rote, 26,338 Straiht Fremont vote in Philadelphia. Vote for Gerritt itt b counties, Buchanan'ts majority arc r all POLITICAL AND PERSONAL -4n Potter.connty, Mr. Fillmore re eived 6 Totem ont of j93T.• —.The Martini:ours . Star prok)oses lion ilolltre-Hookel for tiorcraor. - -Every county (3) in Delaware went for Mr. Buchanan. DcihoustieLogisistnrc and Democratic county ofß.ters are elected. —lbo Abolitionists' hero carried the Le gislature ih Michigan, which sautes them ,a U. S. Senator in pee of Geri. ,Casi. —Senator Bigler reaThed hi* home In Clearfield last week, and. will remain there until the assembling of Congreas in Decei4. her. —Tito whole vote of Pennsylvania on tho 4th Instant, will be 0var460,000, New York shall 550,0110—making over ore million • of votes in the two stales. --Lancaster county polled 10,931 rotes. The whole rote of the State of Delaware was ealy 14,277, being 5654 less rotes thaulan mister coanty. —Out of about 70,000 votes' polled in Philadelphia, Fremont only received ►bout 7,00. Wonder if this was the Quaker vote] •-.—New York oily gived- Fremont 20,600, out of 80,000 - votes, with •the Herald, Tri. brine Time and Courtier and Enquirer earnestly advocating his election. What as astonishln lifluettee those 1. ; seas over the public titind - of New:rorkt —John Allen, bf Ilanlinsberg, Ky., was appointed Oletk of the Oftenttrund"Donitty Courts of Breekinbridge county in the . year 1800, and has tiled both offices to the pros. ttifiti—a peilod br tti yuari. —The' Democratic party has .beep pbwir 'three fourths of the time since the - Mien was formed. 7 What nstiim has 1..t0r hid Such unexampled and it ba7 all been accomplished by the :carrying out of principles so plain vthet the man Who' nine may read,; while oar opponentss.pnnciples are such that th; man *tarts will n3Ji . Wilson Smith, Esq., of Cambria : Mr. Zia:A merman., of Northumberland; 'Mr. Longa. )for, of Montgomery ; Mr. Petrikon, of Ly. coming,"vrill competitors for speaker of the hottli this Winter. - Mr, Petrikon is rep. resented it7tl a gentleman-of ability and well versed in f r ithiamentary rules. —lt appears that on Tuesday last, the Amerinans ruled America" in Now Or leans after the same fashion they ruled in Baltimete. Democrats, both native and for. oigii lbhi; WEAS l 'dkfilti -- by - tWousando from` the polls. The vote for President is as fol. : Fillmore 6050, linehanan 2605, Know Nothing gain over 3000. The vote of this jeer is short anon than 3000, and these are Flew; (wrath, votes driwen off by the reign of ter n:W. • C --Old Codcems, in York county - , Pa. is one of the towsulbips we read - about--aces.' sionally. She votes s rery straight ticket, altithugh not einct4y Yeik Gazette asks tha Ihnnocraiic , polars throughout the Union to pan around the re• turns of "Old Codortis." .We do so, dm*. folly. Bore they arel • linchartasi; - • a5O Fusion; ' " 5 Fillmore, - • • • 1 piapap ti,PIIIACOIiRESPONDICNCR. Vintinstsims, Noe. 16,1668. TKe egi*ment attending the election sublidtled, a complete calm has mh o Upon. us. We hare no caner of excitement, but aro anxiously waking for \something t o turn op" to dispel the monotony of shi t acenel -.Business is gradually resuming its menet tone, audit Is to be hoped dud it. wilt soon be as brisk es COI*" reasonably be ex pected at this season., .Diu The latest developieenta in the Sherlock and Clawges niurdttr and Reduction cast hair placed the cen4net otAttlincli ,nti' .yesi 1414 0,2/14 , 4 Clawgea •t h •ltkite d 'lsaLiumme r ttwilik she (Mrs. ff.) was in the topstry, boarding, whither she had been sent for the benefit of her health, by2.hor too-coalitding husband.' It is—much to be doubted whether these country. !Ws are very 2 bencitekStertb b mor els of society. In the death of Clawgcs, moiety was rid of a dangerous and denionth !zing person. A little ureeponalbility" wasteland in the streets on Nedheaday night, which on being taken to the'l l 2th 'Ward *Ohm House, woe cfiiiitened James Buchanan. It ,hae since been adopted by a lady la the neighbor. hood. . . The Official retUrns have been pahlished the election for Prialdent, and the result is as follows; 23Q,500 203.338 26,3343 • Buchanan • Union Tickit Stialiht Fillmore The franklln Institute Exhibition Is now open; and the display is said to he irry handsome. It is held in Jayne's Ball on Chestnut street, titer 7th-4 magnificent building. Eon:- James :Buchanan and Bon. Lewis Cass pissed through Nit city on..T.hazsdag, to attend the funeral of 800. John M. Clay , ton, which %Ira/11401'k° piece at Dom. Bel; aware. ' Tlr7lThericart r44l4lfief-- pl lixif.,.citr has ceased to exist, snd has been merged' inhi thfaithiladelphha Bultetra.- The trial of - A - Tfletiff. Hipper, the con ductor of the mine on the North Peuriiyl eania railroad at the time of the awful loos of life, commenced at Weirlitdoti dn'Thdre day., Nearly !Pay_ diy ow rapers record a death or two from that. infamous stuff—eeet• 'hence— Professor Uodsrd made a balloon aacen• sion yesterdiy, with a 'virile patty. Onr markets are pretty well with' thiogs needful fur the hungry, but prices otiblitv under its pre' ant liberal mansigeuxtut. fie it -ousbt - for-the -Tivitere-shrsye re. actual 4inirter's worth '27,169- lisiing nothing &fiber to oontirsanteSs, I Ihal dose for the irreseool - subucsribing soy if, yours, • Tx!o. --- . - 114 -- --..-- 26,444 - - . llor.sdirogtx, Nov. 11, 1366, Voter, . $7,00 Clovorsood, 16,60 Wheat, 1,68 to 1,88 Thoothroodl, Rye, CO to 42 Plozsood, Corn, El to 60Poratoen, Osit " 113 I Dilator, Holey, Bourkwhial, 61 I tallo . w, ESOODp 193 "Lard, PIIILATIeLPIII4 MARICHTS Xevr.miss. 11, IMO Closbeseed a fits Inquiry, sad shoo 1,1 budiels bas bisis Wirdid at at V 23 prr bushel. 'VIA tour market smear quiet. nom , Is art may a moderate demand Ow expert, and MOWS 11. 1800 barrels standard Wands have been lam le ipts for attipraent at $6.7b, width is the eailbno ss king rate. For hoar) use, prime maga at from 15,' 7b to $7,50 fur estainon Lund, lad extra, and IT, 71a8.2) per barrel for fancy lsri. Lye Saar ine 'Came scarce al $d 25. and Curn Meal firm et 87 25 per bairel for Pennsylvania Meal, but there not mach doing. - - • There Is a fair inquiry for wheal, bath fur 051 p meet and milling; With Wither more °goring, sod 8 ‘9OOO bushels have been soki at 182a184 Menu Mt rodathe latter for ,rime, and 1604163 teats for far to good white, luoladling 10110 bushels prime at . price not public Rya is steady with public sale. of 12a15000 btudiels new Fsnuesyliraala M is mat. Corn Meets with a fair inquiry, and lame 10,000 bushels found buyers M - 67 mats for BOolloro yel low afloat, and 66 mats fits white. Boom small 101 l of the latter also Bold at di Mints lathe Mari Csu Cr, its moderate request, with further sales of 6000 bushels Soatimistr and Pennsylvanian at CM. • • • • , . Fore !. War , - Stedistuuww,r-Ifor • loeg Woe there wps a paragraph makingj ha regular weekly appear anon la our oolunini: win ltid - Wel bht entnhati , weal "Fite: Am!" alwaye at the head, to some, an offensive option, bet, not so to the benevolent and humane, who could sytnathlse In the 10110. , of others. !tome persons ant eu ed at nay tedl cation of disease, anti /interim thrown loan nerTol9 exCitement on witnessing a hearse or a (Ake - Bnch.urn to be pitied. We should away" strive lo Tricittlieeeso and even death In the bum with oats • answ,-end espeolany taker every- opittliony for ' revisiting Censer, Viewed In this t, the silver • thieinenie of $. H Hance, of 10$ M PPM Maltimero, Md., postman a certain Interest, and those who know of any one suffering from Rpitery. Spasms, or Intent' any kind, should feel fi • Oi l " - are AO eat out this selvertinnneet, or la IMMO other - • ftenikaaltd•alitakaillata‘Lat !leveed rtlat *.f Ws Mikados, Thai aan be dent. la any pad of Ili ootuitty by Mail. Pelee, $3 per bor. Two, ii Tivelve, SM. linwranco's Htonwr Con° AAAAAAA D Eiraact Buono, Is prepared 4Uroutlypnooordlag_to lbw ruto of Pharinaoy nod Chendetry, and Is .bed Lod most zothro Volorriaton *Ma eon r• awls for ttor Nem of Altmann of We bliaidotedidaolo, 6 15 " 1 ' dropay, wookneeeue, do. Amid Upi odyortisiA ll . in another (Johann, .lacadrol " A O Is Victory is ouni. 11...V"V9attaansta, II lARD AAP fora• ti grow' in six nooks by Dr. hotosivis CAFllkial COMPOUPD. Worronted nut to sWnpt We" th. _Pboo sl.o94Rosrockossay Amp for $ Dont to any part of the oountrjr, by mailin . rininor of • Temitim l o o . Addreas Borsinirits• • DL , vo 739 Post °Moo, Esltintoro, Maryland: , nuvm.L's aii.v.i(lo4ll, 01 e we awl alert Nally more more mikes -and. anti 1 ''''' remody known. Ask those I AA ' 4 'Sold 117 A. Britten Flp I " tan i • Weller, Bordsbarg ; ii, , Aim ,h, , °rots , % re Brew L Bailey, Stermstown; 0, J. yawn, 101 0 ' burg 1 Wm, Allison, daokspiivills; J,..11 , Bark s ' s ' Nlttany, and Mhos': patetl_hinnelf in Pbliatbel UM: out non Hotel, Smoot b. 0 to aro ell his obi (.ISeqtaloteeeem r lb " ‘ llll tha Aro ?ate-41004 Ad. tureete Who ace indebted to him by Data or book toommt , that they will dad thetr tiotee mod Wrinti at tb! 264 k011 4 f0115• of nide& XPI • Company, who ant walboripetl toro i,4 reale for the. Omni, WWI:RI - WM balsal ABll4llAlrblaVAii , Jaols Late of Howard II 'TR* Mallllll[loll6 _ I.P 50 V' 111 17.4 I.lf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers