1:11 FRANCISCO D? LA 1110.,,t, THE I great astonishment, they founUthe Sea' „\ M.INFISIV - ' ('monger whom their imagination - dieliak pe e_ • • , 1 ., ..ai turedss halt ev Illshianotftngpioro' iinr"isite Thu power of man to adapt ,himsdif hattliinronlipttrilion Leith, udlth22. ales Row, slid iteleed_unnaturfil IW9dell nil it jagita ine'fish i! 1 141 f e-i riP t ii it e}Ksooli en dth has long attracted. the , serious alts , . thtshick,,,honi: the philosoplic.r-. Soto° have thought " captive ita rdiore, - ivheiri a burn* eroted thought" gado for- him ,4 live in the seat ilte-a awatited,his fleetest; arid amid the tumult whale: awl' in support of tins theory the pond clamor of the people, mid their excla extriiordinary aquatic feats of the . Green- mations of amtoniehment, they eonveyed him tandem, and the inhabitants of die 141101)1 of to a t'l midi:can convent. The monks and ' the klediterrancan, the South Sea Islanders, SOUR! men of consequence-in the place, who mid- the Phleiese have been pointed to.- had followed the crowd, now onanomed this Maw men have been known - 10 swim thirty i singular heing i n ure eloi;efy. They address. • utiles alley; and the fatuous Neapolitan ed him, first of all, iii the language of the dive* glominotily called Il Peace, once per country, tlgn hi French. Italian mid all formed the distance of fifty miles in twenty- other diafeEtnr but the wild men did not re houre, on the coast of thelabria. At. Oro single sound; appearednut to - eaTnrr?' periods strange reports have been bend in the *lightest degree what' was Bald eprelative - to bulimia Brings Fholustre to him ; and altogether beep orshia ilmo• the tr o l l, - bath found living either in the sea, caves, or theexpressiou of perfoot imbecility. ,yoko ow the' bottom of the mighty deep itself; And ods monk now bethinking 1 himuielf that, he _ el l 4,49 l ltunteren."." etnoiplee hrought_lttes_ irlutapatissib _possessed of en erite}dritr *et 4i., we pro ve ,this amphibious • nature of hpineksil theoutitmolay solermoet for Jaisiti, bably nose is more curious than driringiut 'ls t• but.alf the- holy ' friar's . r ag. Vitt let tea pleader that it is efforts piloted ,unayailing, and did not seem of the present writer's. Soismi , •• to - produee the. Sllfhteet itopresston upon, ashftWio. • ether the anecdote he in' itself this attipkikeing. ._ to this Manner he con shibbahtity true ! , or an eaaggerated account tlnued,to live for sate dais in the convent, olliedtqpiar and norneeltat startling occur- fdt and clothed by.ilterbentvolent I'raneis. rer-,Tere Masud pretend to determine : but cans. slid cc-as perfectly h rmlesar allowed Male take to - sarthatmo •t • • • ••• iligin•nr dontsattrrthey eased wilbahlm, r. e i l - n ."" ined on the subject by coteniporary hat nothing fro ti o saw or calmed in him writhoand that it has been Mated as an }lor.lea.st apparent interetit. liarjouli Map eatehlisheil fact toy Tieck the Germ an poet. of rank visited the convent in.' order . 4o see If' yen open Um -map of Spain, on, the him ; but they could find no clue to lus iden southern shore of the -.Hey of Mose, he- thy-where he came flora , or what lie had t weave Auturns an I Ohl • etiseile, -soar will beta. . flint the S*ptsader not far iliennt-froo San . ,Aftertho first excitement had stun tillank the birth place of our old friend subsided, he onto da,y-ktiddenly pronottned, iiiil antes ; and-in close proximity to Bono': in Ltligined,„toile of voice, the name of Ulna der, y ou will set the name -et Liellfenttel. games . ;This word he repeated several ohms This is a place of no particular interest, ex- Imit lei one present knew What he desired t cept what it derives front its donneetion o ith intimate by it, as the little town, obscurely fibs hallowing narrative. •The surrounding situated in a remote district of the kin tan, itgilialtrista mouutaincona m end - I the landioespe was perfectly unknown to the - good monks. _stretched down shrotigh_picteresipie volleys Recollect the couutry' was Spain, and, the to theesearTreis-, Teo hundred years "ago. cowry the seventeenth, andyou will tsit be bard spoor lout honest emu& named Frey... surprised at this wantorgeographical k,nowl vise* 14 IS Vega and Maria his ii ire. to- edge on the,part, of the holy brotherhood. • gather with their. four suns, Thomas who lint it so obisweed that a soung workman was }kitty • priest -Joseph, Francilleo and in Catita Ileariii;a, mei) , one talking about, iliim. , this strange brine. and the iiiiintellietilece , Xritteisco, namoil-aftair -his fat bite.; it as- premien he had inadc use. or, informaPi horn in the year 1617, and soon began to companions that he himself came from a eviscita tromlerhil predilection fr!r the wa } place ea led dierganes, and that it was a tor. Even in early youth he was constantlT small tone in the north of Spain, not far eltheghothing or angling iiithe iiaCt• that hoin Santillana. This news produced a doers throX the disurit:„ The moue year great eflece; and the wise coon now began that wan * N ming Triinelsio inio the wollil to rouleeturo, that as their guest had used saw eitie last of his male pro-enitoe, so flint only one Word, and this wnirdtbw nitnie or a • theist* of maintaining her 'family mainly village, the probabilitywax that he-was born reefed With Maria : avid her son's indolence there. They thereupon wrote to the Sec witaths simnel of constant grief to the poor 'entity of the• Court., himself a native wows,.ln vein did she exert herself to of l.ierganes , giving him all tho particulars mmithim lemedrols 41111e.rgood for nothing of the affair. Thie genthrlican insmathatekt renew wire conktently teen d u ring study interested , himself iti the Widows ; and as ArlMO, swimming or loitering silent lie happened iti kilo* something,of the fem., ine stream. At length pour Maria ilyef Maria de la Vega, and had heard of heogell-patienetewith her Hold, and Morrow ihr - inlosyrilair,d - 'lfiliiiiiiiii her . . riuiCi or ion neansid ferny she Corneal him , bidding hint Franciaco, he wrote' to the widow stud her betake himself altogether to the sea, and get children, to ask their whether., during 66 lee Siting there, as lie ei as of no use on last - the years, they have Medved ailly-ti will. 'fit w, a miither's curse is a fisrful - dltigs of their missing 'dative. 131.. ea re. thi;,g t i s y w h e r r ; but among l e o /Atom na- pli ed In the nogilitire, and that - Seery one, Smore Soma especially, there la a supersti- bath at- Liergasen and Bilbao, i•onlidered tic's" Pah/ attached' to it, ii litch i } often that he Was *owned t tbr that; on the ocest,. (hits* the + On oh to NM hie own deems stun of his last bathing in the firer, after Bat widttever hatuenee.hia inciter's. word., having been seem 'swimming down the Adi a ltobsequently have exercised ma his hate, stream, all trace* of him had vanished. mid Froacisco remained quietly at bone-wogl he hie cluthea alone, remained on the shore: had attained the age'of fifteen, when he wit The Secretary-of-Dea-Paseimper emit to Bilbao to learn the baudieraft.cf, a this intelligepoo to`ths Wits. of•thesism aintstmter. 'This town is mat very. far rev vent at Cadiz, with whom hi fonselthe' man Mimed Otos :Santander, and his alwa laisla : •__llah_laid jkanaaa l ing r ne _a i gainue l ausidiap. joyeV - ietireT'ititibriTtilib - e excellence of alga period. After t he rof several itaradr i Z t aiett sherd minulactitte, 2. ___. sa- r -: ruouthe r a Alierrnifer. 'the - hint' As have been anticipated, theyariong dean order, arrived. ono day a l ,tae gpnventt litifWee chewed no greater lore or work This friar, Juan Roseltde by name, Ord. jest id so than ha bad previously displayed returned from a • pilgrimage to aerostats* singer maternal roof. He was constant- and soon made acquaintance with the Mina tylvastinglds time in Ilseriter,neglecting_ rent idiot, whom he took 'underhis especial a llitiairel.cerftseetuently emoting great charge, lie lammed his history - , and also ' (ibis master. In thig man-, what ,had occurred years ago at Bilbao i noir Is Continued to live for *couple of years apt as the good friar was about to under until see afternoon he went out with some take ajourney on through 'the prereitiom of t romeestions to bathe. • It web on mid sum- Spain. fur the puirsie of collectnig. alms for Intr. dar t A. D., 1674; - itays the chroniclers, the Holy Palaces in Palestine, he took his whist Mut event occurred. After enjoying dumb portage with him, thinking it passible ihniasirpf a sonewhst prolonged bath; tharbstinight:turn out to he the lust youth' his emersion' came am chore aid -dressed of ',tapioca. themselves, slit - were rather surprised- not , In this insulter the two companions tene ts nee-Feanoiseo among their number. cited through the whole of Simla on toot t MeV waists wineteltrabie - tine for their and it wantonly in the-course of the fohow inhaling omaradeossol atlength returned to ipg year (IMO) that they arrived - at bantam the town, leaving hinclothes on the beta *go Thetrlar now trent slightly outer his where he had depolited them. Themmiettar way to- visit '-Liergaireit. Th-road - thither Absents of his apprentice toe began to leads ativen• tolerably high mountain, on shim the *wet Mechanic, who mused in -Ow oilier aide of sitioh, at the dimwits: of %MS to bilintitutedsegardling him : but ,*bout one and a quarter miles, TR. - I - Cale little „ all that could be gathered was list he had town. As soon as they arrived on the sum - boob- area swimming down the river at a mit of this usnantais, whence the eye colo gnes' dietetic* of Whoa; and as nothing maids the range of the sane district below, misheard of the unfortunate youth, the-monk turned round to his attendant and i trralswal infers' etergets that he had either raid:- " Hitherto I have conducted yth4 my, become exhausted, spited been seised with sou ; it let now your torn to conduct sm. (-musk and so hod dilkm victim to his pea.. The young man, without any hedilatiami Sion fir the water. - or stopping to look couch mend him, there- T-bh wfnwetter• Wilt-the earliest oppartai- *pot is& hit . deirsoi into the liiliage, and nity of inftanning'poor Marta of the profess went;Oinillds on the Irene •of the widow Lie flats o?Vr son : an_d the good folks hor Metter de la 'Vega, his supposed mother. As teigishirs *Wok their beads, and said that sot* as the poor womb saw him ent¢ the the - another's-eurse hod been fatelled. hhi. cottage she ran toward him, clasped him in na de la V T , in her strlietion,seme denied her alma, and cried, with tears in her eyes : that ithe be eret made use of the dreadful " Ah. )es, yes ! thou are indeed my son words- ascribed to her, and some of her Prancitexo--thonart he who ass lost to me • fiiando oonshoemodsibestatementa Bethst ot ltithatrl'A '- Itmey. the honest woman gradual Ilistwo brother*. one of whom was Aim_ esessedfssmatheithook-she lost - i'destesiaatld, lisppening to he at home, recog and Cfluvlbeid of FiniTiCiimo's death, people nisi* him also at ants with joyful emotion. catgut to talk shout it, and all recolteotiCh They esubraood him, neeetkoM himi had of the wayward boy was rapidly fading by every possible Gnosis to get him ,tallit t Or away. , st least to give Woe tokens 4. allinPeeth.f. Fornmatri bad elapsed, when a snowier , but this ,strange being moaned not only -4 , ectieretse - a hemmed on the opposite mist i dumb, but as cold and insensible as a block of Sprits, .theie morning, in the year 11119.40 f marble. The iii• , Ong priest now-left tease liihermen Voin Cadiz wets pursuing 1 his charge In the care ,of his family. and then imetal avocations, and had already cast soon quitted Liorgauts: pee general impres their ode when they , pencived a -= i sion being that the youthhad r .through lds ohjeest_ua nets , distance-. - The : . Agues Issg_sosA a scsissea,laissits._ intAl ar t, appeased on the surface, then diced under , and with it all recollection of his early water; Where it remained for a eon/utterable I years. period. IN Apperalice it strongly resembled, It is very natural to suppose that the atiVaa A human being ; and tho boatmen palled of Francisco's return ebould produce a great Alertner out to Bea in order to take a more sensation in the 'neighborhood. People of minutia survey of their new acquaintance, all ranks flock to see this extraordinary per and, If possible to catch him ; but as hu did sonago : indeed, sevilalgteixices invited him not appear again, they returned to shore at to spend a few days at their mettles. In or , i het. , meneflesor, ' , Ilevin,g ..mentiontatil -their eler ter ehnerve him rnoremhrotely. - Hero be adventure neer ntglie,:rhey a ere aceompa- i WI 1 closely examined, and many men of the -rued neat morning hat ea ire rat of tie it iii- , luzliest character asseited that his back and sealrEC,ffttiija , W4ll3 IWO. Ai ligilf. AIL r4 , 04/44i414h4ff.paktili-Of , hilt - lady were covered is ange ng -In this they were not with seeks somewhat shadier to those of, a ea ,appetiohd, for it Gov) shoo t d itself in the' lid/ : while other individuaatt, who maw him ea' ere-now approaching. now retreating - , a few yeara,aubsyquently, treated this part t\ :hen plunging unduly ash, then re-appear- :of the Bury as - ft fable. ~ • ing ; snotialter going through. a variety of. As regiuds the rest of his perion -lie was hew warahols, as if in pastime, it finally six feet in height, neither particularly- thin I tithed from, view. -When the dal e inikt.4 nor stout : /US dguro was awkward : the again - istliiiiiid With this news the public 1 hair of his head was of a radish tinge, and. cur sty was rajacd ',to, the highest pitch, ' quite short. Ile had no color in his face, and idl aorta of means were devised in order and his nails, were entirety destroyed, as if to cab** the monster At length it eras the gait water had corroded them. lie tinsigligletely agreed that larger and !touter could wit endure shoes, end always went nets shonld be taken nut, and that other barefooted. If clothes were given him he' I eatig;Sitintlihilt screws ths.lesey from the op: would wear them, if co' he world go with, peaftssilida:Oliould magma- to drive the ma. perfect indigos:nem witho;it_them. And the 1 IlraleirtiSetheut•' Already - the water --ghost. sainusutrepr•im pia gues.;_ukoeoe.w..w.... Rieiriparsidtet,Torlied Already Main subject placed before biro he ate without' evincing • -of coasversation in the thrroyinding country, the slightest preference fbe dne diet over and:th studies:4ns were naturauy auxions antler ; and if his slather neglected to to an , irpoStiblo. the my s tery. 0 . 11 the i provide him kith meat , he never asked Oar thihrAposerthatt , It made its . appearance again, and i any. Occasionally he would utter a few rem usual -on the outiedios: I Word*: butwitliont stryooherandy,imittently 'five ffshoinewal now threw pieces of bread -meaning ii4ing by these sounds. Ire into the sea, a Bich it, im2idlyr caught bisd or I could find his way perfectly to places with and devoured wit -Riperriot relit*: *au i which he hod beim . previously tinpastutelr, Ain{, edierihottp, overboard, the monster *0 hfe , priliciPal ettiortnnit i ratisteied 'in gl ioure gm s solue‘ wearer and nearer, oatrYi/iit Wm' about, the 'nor herh"d• -- until It' cabs Ito eke* 44 who boat as ialehee we meY - eeeletudes that atthegs he to io, pyttdenly entangled said taught in doe never applied thaw iguestkins tildt gut ' net< re sy- , i.'! , • .* ?, ' „: - * 'to Os, he ftilly nedleratood the °Wait - teit , I ne mess , &babied at the sieseleisii. hauled - carol. lie wee *yea orwmte r titiOnfl In the their pia into the-beat, when, to their discharlft od , thena ceinuninintins, rind the . . *eider ciurid alwayirt# urns his peirtittial iter:-. Once ht ~as tlYtpateNdwith a ; letter; fonst Liergsmea to tiatttomtr. Atrolid 000 , of eltatert; traversed "by * lorryllnat, interk rulf , thp , way betneen du's() Pub towns t Mn n t : present occasion' tho tecryi.t•on4 a t m R •mi g, whereupon he tainnothately; without tioction, sindkod into the water, and swam across to the -opposite sham, or riving in Sandainh , r in a '.cry wet condition hut on being miestioned,us to what had o,= curred, he gave no 11)119WCr, llMlWithout say ing, a word delivered the fetters correctly, and then returned to Lierganes: Viii relations never thought of ling any Steady employment for him again, ne lii..op• peered totally unlit for the mmt ordinary *suit. in this way, without speakin7,, and apparentiv, without thinking, lit contin ued fur Moo Tong years to live under leis mother's roof. Moth shd and her friendg had become quite accustomed to his odd warii t mu/tvigredually imuk_intootwourity. Suddrody. however, -he Again disappeared &pin the village, end nothing was ever af terwards hosed of Men. Some fisherman pretended to have seen a figure Waling a strong resemblite to him in the barbitur of Aeturies ; but. this news was never oat; . ed, and no trace — l)f the missing Francis. ' Wks ever found. The probability is , that he itgeirhaboll standing that hilt youthlld ardent fur the wafer-hod lung rittbdwd, and that he had, ever since his cepture at Cadiz, evinced the Mast perfect itidlirereneto toward ' eierything around Mlle. .Tidtkoiito has oarelldly ex-. emitted this4trange Illitory, tints eonclude„ . Ahrensecmist of. it; - - ' That the captured man was the lost boy of "Lierganes, there. is every entice to be lieve, lbr he himself know His hirdtelsot , ' again, he Ibund his way there, his mother and brothers recognised him at first eight as their own lost Francisco. Tbo Idol _could scarcely have acted the role of - Ili beholder,' for ten years, sinee no advents*, aectued from it, nor wall he in a position-in-derive 'the slightest benefit from the lie.. Ilia Sala fly could not be anxious to deceive any one in thelAuiteplittle town, more especially is the maintenance of the unfortunate was I nothing bat t< burden to them, Moreover, besides ilffit ediato reLatigniaievitral taco of eminence and the most undoubted re spectability bore militess to the genuineness of Nei Francisco, so that we must Blass this file/dent with some of the matt rentarkkble phenomena of nature, to Latta which ten baffles the ingenuity,of t .philomplier. ft is greatly to be deplored that when fished ont of the sea, this singular being shield hive been little ,bettee, mentally ? than • I block of atone. Hid be retained his mem ory, and regained the Dower of speech, it would bale been bitty instructive and Inv trawling to have_lealined bow he had sup ported 'hiiiself in the water. Direr' can certainly holdtheir keath. rex eeme. lumen tales possess the I capacity, and May' be 'able to cultivate this capacity so far as to enable them to dispense withisir for-way considerable period, is not , an easy matter to admit, flow did he' live lin the sea ? What did ho eat 7 How did he -manage to escape so ham from the mum demos menstere of the deep, so that he - fild , not seem to have sufered r ltt the 91illthille degree from any. of them ? Could he die pease with sleep, andif not, where Aid he sheep 1 In ;the .ocean, or on sure? His intelbattwirknot - sounsoltdlisonkflettai cons pletsly inactive end without-power. If, in- I this phlegmatic monster ln reality las not the long-lost Frinciado ' (as we are almost .compelled to admit,) then this man, *jeerer-hes' might W,-is ;OH mono remarks; Mr than the to called fish sturba, of which oven reapecta Me writers relate; such inert:rt. Ible• stones." KHIOS ann . Qtrsarrs.—The Albany Thnes tells a curious story of Mr. and Min. King, rof Kinpton, 11i. Y. Mrs. King fell sick a fortnight since. Mr. King wrongfully fell itrline with a handsome servant girl by the new of Martin, (perhaps a- connexion of " High Betty, tiptoe fine.") Mina Marlin returned the oiampliment, and MI In' love with Mr. King. On Monday of last week, Mr. King.proposvl ehlpeurent to Mies Nor tin. Miss...llowitin l'lrer7 thing, wheht shall•we- go 4"- -Mr. ging said, ••• Ohio, by the way of Albany argi Central Railroad.--' Miss Martin immediately ma aboiik piektpg up." Mr.' Kips ii' a. ftA -Ins W e ird - ilp;lbey_patiretibr. -- - 3 nii; took first Writ. They *rapped •at Dunk, where Miesafartin fell id hero wills a you pe l moan 'by the name of Vornelitab, and eta spin taking with herlift:"Kiiieri elating, and ail his money save nine dollars. King beeanals.eonneientlinis, and raid hegrould sin no wore, but rnturn to bis wife. .Ho re , to Albany on Sunday. Ile left fur Kingston on :Moiling morning. On teach ing home astonished again. During ab. - scone wdth Miss Martin, Mrs. King rows , even hebith and fell in love with New York dry goods eldrit, by name Jelers. Elope mein. Mrs. King not only left .hone, but she took with her all the oremeabics except a cracked dinner-pot and six Maltese kittens. Mr. King, looking upon himself as a badly injured sudiviilual, went In pursuit of Mrs. King and Mr. Jean. Ile kneel them to I AIM,f, - wirreili be alliawanteluradred dollars. wearartli--fer Icovert' of their whereabouts. -MCNIIIILL&11 8111WIAB,Y. 04U L. U. lislSlt, A. IL, and U. O. A.L/iXAN be•, A B /yin/wax/N.—This luatitntion Is de eignstl to allfard facilities to nabs sanl female pupils forth@ inquisition of a solid and ornamental , *do., tuition. Thoectrnetrof - itudy In - Enteral tha Stan,. les,mathematics, and natural soleness, Is Shoroegli end eatcostve, designed to qualifyjonog ladies to sot well their fort In life, and young _men fur en. tering any elassln °allege, or any of the Ilbetel.pne fes‘uni L .. Theatudies will be adopted to thenapse oily of the atudedt, so fie to etscurp a aymrnetrleal der elopment of the wind This Institution enjoys many superior advantages The locality is pro verialal or healibfninses, and students era far Iron,' soenesplivisu and immorality so common to tarp Miami and small vinare, as the Ittstitutloctitein Orel, In the country It also enjoys the ndrayla saw ,Of a preached gospel, of amoral and intelligent sad valley and of the most beautiful mountain sad valley fiell<lty, Pk rats &Ad-*Laotians 4Ory feat iminretl the Ftincipult will !spire no pain* to preserve thelnetalik and Improve the minds end morals cf all that .nay be itstirnsted is theicgare. S par session of Are Avontlw,:- Thts include* nation In the English bratiCßet;,/bustiti and furnish,. muting. The common charge , ' Wide for Muds and tho Langnages. Light and fuel at the expense of the students. Pay ments quarterly In advance. No"deduotiotti e, except in gam of protraetia , The Ittettitutlow is ten milts from Lewistown on the Pennsylvania Ilailruad At thstlduce students eon take the coach Mr ItedeftviTie ; and there, If no- dee ba Kwon , s stouvryanee will meat thorn front the Sentitiary. The 'Winter Session commences nu Thtirsday, the 10th of,Oetuber Fur further pardoulasth *Ursa' L,.,& OILIER. or IL IF ALEX A NDEB, 141shaaotalliaa, hiliffin outlay, Pa Oat 11-3 t. Bpi azinllll - AND *liQ& STORE . , - ALLAIGRASTAT4IIV7. HIELL.7II'O3.II. The 1111111Wrtber having deausiod bustemoi at lit old nand, Informs Ada Weida and..ilm_pereille be bas jot retain:4d from :with *large dnd libobia'aisiortnsiinli Of tha bogie LADLEEP OENTLEMSN'S AND eIIaDRENt BOOTS, EiliOfte OID GAITERS, Or fray flerferiptiom, aix a and (wait", in this or any other market. Ills work oannotlo excelled 44r DULA bILI TY and 011 g A POlDdllk it,c4lei? o r t te i r e p u rcL i re tu &Ver e t i t . l lo 4 memore. bade now oo band a splendid Mink el loather lo.,and employ the beat opiksisele salicauArc, fcerefore, am procure the fullrfolth - 115 4W6 r .11"4121117 hivirdll4oeAlliCE. LOGAN FOITNDRY. The undersigned barite leased the Logan Foundry, to o borough ofillolicAlube, seguihril4' with nil lle tterns, would, Atter= their friendsr and tho publ general, that they are_ prepared to furnish all ki of MUST, IttAX Altar, FolltiE, FERN - APE: 1,1,14 G MlLlkand MACHO EltY , , C' STINt49..._, hay are also =skint a pi ft(Lfi. ritl2lll"i'Y Ole Ineluding Plow, the Worts' improved Plow, and 'Everitt ethers of tho meet approved styles, and nt the low est robe Being prom teal worktnem we flatter out ,ftelvre, that our work will id vs matte satisfaction. We leave no hits% 1,A1?(; A,'4SOR.T-4 1 1 lIIENT OP STOVES ennoble for either eonl or wood, snob ri,s, Pa t ler*Nieo Plato, Egg and, In font, ollsey variety. 14,Ndres wanted In thii sootier' of•Oeuntry: We hive ale? en hand every sire end - 141n1 of tiI.T D and S (1 O RA. 4 ;, VA ON Lrox K 1.; TTLES, i3l anatjAPIRICBE irtusliLs. Also,' 1110 ,Y If A tLnypt. of nil desoriptioni IVATEIt and BLAST PIPE of any calibre. .14rWe, are ilAlestred to emit ell kinds Comport; tiouf Brawl, Copper and Type Metal. Patternamesikite order. All orders grOlitistly attended to, an I executed In etn3tt wouctirtr Meoineibi" mul t t "'' Ilrff AY I A Intbr,a. • • 011'011GE At, BAYARD. • A . BAITOLIIIIO4I 11l 0 BRTAIN , VICTORY IS OURS. •• - fitieh le the progresa of Peleliu in this age, that nothing Senile Impoasible. That there are liew and mientifie disooreries 4ping made erpry any, no one will doubt: After a thorough investigation of the • ogetnistil-]!iota's;tlith IN Vielf-frebtilli—g , - 1 - 1141_0 . 1 'polio remedy Fa the more eommon i a of .16 ty, I have sueseitied in Waging together at ' TWOS years kamellaptiod Slue Its Introdue thin, and.itlenow'osteemod the moat popular Mot ado% the - WORLD, , . aselrle Ad ' . : . R01,D14 OXX DIKE "ROAR AT10,N, , :( .-- , -11 l WILY CONCENTRATED • .- DOXPOUND , FLUID )IXTRAOT„IICCInfIi; '''`- the ill anew ot the tillidder,lldib!ep, urinary and ~ tidal organ*. • JOI To 'fill AFFLICTED! t . it durea diseased' lb. bladder, kidneys, gnirel, d ro p s y obstruotione, footsie oimplabge, ebronlo worrhont, stria urea, ginote;ing—all disowns ari. !Tog train enoeues and Impradenoles In life r ICRYOUS AND-DidaILITATED RUFFERERS; and 'smarts ill improper diseharges freed the blad der, iddintys Of seinelo F EM AL Erg eth sniffing . LII Anti... 4 K ' from whatever cam they.mayAsx•sligtastpd._,,„a no matter-of . DOW LOW/ BTANDING, giving health and vigor tn the frame, AND BLOOM W THE Pd 4.11).C1R1S EX. Debility, Inoiaght on 6j obese, it most•terriktiti diptue ' whiel has hiougbt thousands of I,he human tio ? „,. family to un ly griivlal. rime tdmithirltnr - brit: Rant hopes/of uts, and blighting in the bedelint glorious tomb of .. 9ii,ny it• noble youth,. be ettetni._b/.. MlCRENfili l t, ' ~ and see a m ethieltinvat bonat everybody, from tb• Asp; 'Se thereonlined and dee apalrbts in Materot li id be fused. if you hays oontrsatediglis, terrible' disease, which, whist itiFD -41` estep . atrated in,thegyetent, undernilneii_the ectuntito lion, nipping th ell ni ts) doida of life, FROMM - FIT Il Y *NCR. The Laurette t, whose elect - s tet - horde such Itst must ith blood of luau, Tbakiwil% serer it manes through, , The natural and alley . of the body, Curdling, like droppings Into mint, • The thin and me Wood, swevueiror cftrarnarium. Amb - citiAiiit. Poe-tons. "lINLMEOLD'A HIGHLY CONCENTRATiaI COMPOITXD gLUTD EXTRACT 4F IIUCIIC, _ Is prepared directly according to the Raiff of Pharmacy and Chinnirtry, with the reatattaseumey and chemical kuosrledpo and case dem* is iwassblesaios. Jul molar. ity hula extended Is all directions,. nod_wlethernmd, taisso, - sassztrbsitilst praolloo„hns invariably emu (be most decided and unekOrois satisfaction and produced the man salutary and he• delioial aced /I has been sedle ann . I in all the principal cities Is the United States esd British Preekerae,Ja boA Piano and private preetittoorilb =Dm% ultiett a lr ted, that Ile="4 Highly rteeesa= Cent. pound Plaid t r = i :11151411, th e MN Waal, rentedperm to the . The Mies of Ada ry maitmony lit possemion of the proprietor h. biguestse, sutbssalog smuts well Intswerto SCMYrii AND , PA MT! Celebrated physletils and diraloaarierd elerpman. See Perforce DOWOIOIII Vaillebril work on the Prna. Ur of Pbyste;"aad rest of the late standard works of Medicine. - - - . - It Is s medlelterithich is perfectly pleisanf in Its jar* aid color, bat Immediate In its action/ and to tekon by persons a Whims yea without oho° horn brines/or medical advice. in explicit direo door foram; tad ati am le somber of reliable and reepearelble eerttleatee thethrist rept! ,oat rain arcnaray ilealrbettla• Pries SI per bottle, or six Irides fur it. belie creel In any adder. 'Prepared and sold by If. T. lIELIHKILD. 's ' m " Pearieelemd Smartt's! Chemist: Ls. 62, Serb Tenth drat. bsLp Enfants, (Arvid, baild(osi) Philseelplda. To bo had of ilenry.BreltisßolleAnste, and ef-Drmists end delltere IhrougboultkelValted StfireicOarnidsi and tirldell Provinces. . TRIANIZELY A. 00010116. TIOY BAIL LIAR ar Ifl r dElltd Lanes • LLEFONTIC .ad KARTIIAIIB. leaves the I Wad' Mew, Bellefonte, every Mon. day,W44dirday, and yriday, at 7 o'clock, A. It., and Tearer ,Barthana every Tuesday, Thenday ataralki at I 0:4041111, A. W. Tb enbeeriber reagealfully Informs the traveling pi l ule that he haa placed era this route, • new BM of Stages, for the aoloonoodatioaef all who may wish to pane crag- tldo road. The Stages are not erect and comfortelde,and the horse. aro ealculated to glee satiatantl4n tor epeeol, The drivers aro aohdt„..dbllgter and iirpoilaseed: No expense nor palm edil be viral to males Ude route one et the modleasant to paaeangera. li zpreat /might garried at the natalEst I 111 MICIIAII7I, Rl:uncut, Proprsebet. ABAD eSs is kw bawl " tri rinton l l V "his Mends sod Lb. ,wo3=::i.! aall eliUnass So glint bage-114140-riosseihil 111 ass ballitherirjelts,. dm Worm otJitaima lli : .101buisis, on Biellur Barest, *here As Is proporod to issudistare sod Imp sotasttetly on hand a hall assairtnmal of Saddles, .. Wallsnlbarlisse. . Bridles, °anise Biros*, Collars, Wagon WWI" 'Promise, ..„ , . Batters, Viitisol4 ea., he., hi. • ',tholes to hie tine weel• de we Ito eat add snai l:le his stock before printhasiast. elsewhere. as he ia determined to sell et/AIR PRICER, Odd "ill War rens his wolf put to:mother and ~elado of 019_41AkintitsPrIA4 . , - et Don't forg p1i03.---Bis64 street, south aide. between "Oar ene" and the tavern of Jae. if. Johnson. JACOB Allftol\l, , Bellefonte. r Tot; ivAraTO BUT GOOD AID CHEAP 140, sallow •., •,' t rap D 1)04113REI01.P. Who has Just rad.,frosa. Phltimielphla • ina bout for s' , x4t Of Goods, consisting of the fmatiosable ltres• (foods for Ladies and Gontlennit. p riiipa I , h as Propel ifsripos, itlasomul, Peremeste, Moth - . 411 1 44 Clotat t iksiaisett;Debeige, ttitks, PrlAte of tiii nit A tio, plotbe, Csatimeni, I'lain tool edoy Cessinete, Vestincs, shitilt large lot of Mee, risainings, Ituttons,.klbkona, (linens, 1 , 11 1 0_ , ,W00l lee and Cotton Hosiery, end a variety of PANG clOnitli too nemerous to mention. Plannels it all Mods, Shawls; illouohsti end Un- Isaohed Musllns, Tlekings, Cheeks, Gingham, &O: Aiegi Groceries et all kinds; Hats and Claps, !Simla wed Hhe,a, Hardware and Iron, guseasware, 'Buck ets Tubs, Baskets, and all goods nasally kept In a country store L UM fl RR . . • All Muds ar Lumber for tale at ir reasonable Beltiltento, Dee. It (V. . Cr",liath X otioe.- • -The Modersignod, oitisene of Centre.oplety, Inland td make 'ponds , tion to th e seat 1,413160. reLog AO l7O " . ... 1 444 IVrtb - iWarporatio, of • Beak of lune, diireount ' and deposit, to be located sit Bellefonte, In the county aforesaid, to he °aged "The 'Union' and, biannfootureeo' Bak" st. Vaetre_couuty, with a capital of Two Ifundred Thousand pollen. Rdmand Blenchard, Berustol, Um, - 04t k at , „Wiwi. Understood, , ' ti I, t °' , Mims Thomppn, A. B. Idetnine, ~''J. M. Mal ' John Irribt,'jr., W. /tropic* ail W. A. Thomas, ' P. BilidarW die, Ifiam o Wann, P.-B. Oral, B satin., -Jgoob Gray„. , t ' 1 Job Itillitid, Joktt Rfidici„' 4" I Wig. O. Duncan, . Shore Vehmtlie, Pates Wpaon, I ..'.lao,"7.ltanion, -Jared damstel Bisoliettlisr, 14, ~ ..p t pu t .,,, , ..1;-,..,',, , , Joh . Tor, ," Thonsail Tfojell, " Isib-tibi a " Jseob Btreiblo. I Mg NCOURAGE HONE INDUSTRY.- undoiliod wt0.a14,-respootrullf itrtimote -I.lt snags .; fqpipAlt;) , lll6 1114ik ~,xo turch 'WA DiriiliOU CAM Rii:4l-11e , AN .Vitoll , 4B, . end art 4 w ana t A t id In tit toissafandaire,enti.nre .tr, ' a *bleb petit not ket re'-'141,1k-Itolle. pm Melo eitd:lhtive used the machine we can runtime.' abundant osldenon an In its noperiority over tidy other nauldnu non built, Ow the fononing reasons: Ist On 14030111 a Of Pe mitntilinity or nonstrobtion, and the lout !hat the sickle is winked (Urea from the silt trig wlncri, oath a simple lover 'villein] n' r multi p1i..,1 tids of cog e•hocy. Journals, errudra, -4te. which muftis it cork lighter for the tow. '2d ft le More oompact, alai Is tbuttforeaasio handled. 3tl Its perfect- !Omit Minn to uneven ground:l without hewing. en the horse.' neekii 11l 1010 being limber and turtling 4/n43%4pr : wheels, whoa makes It turn Ch. Thu perfent In:lnner in wfliell it does tie work, in both grnin- env!' grime; tbsysaping npra rat us being so arranged ea to put-the -kaker ,in a convenient position to deliver the sheaves at the aids - of OW Inachiai, sna --fur inewleg tipe raping apparaturr 111 off so as, to enable it to out tangled clover. • This machine id Warranted to edt all • kindlier grain and grass, its well, if not better, than can be -done with soythe or °radio, and all hi parts, war- , ranted perfect. , , Tr: ems-,Fer Mower arid Reaper owebtnea, $l3O ; 830 to be paid on the delivery of mashie, or as snottas it I pluptind In operetion ; ea the let or ficanber, n 130 en . , the Ist.oUltinesey,l&it, Per rtingle ewer $lOO, 825 on receipt of ma chine; $3O on the let Oeitober, 140 no WO let of January, 18.51'., .With each Machine there will be furnished An extra , knife, cue knife ireetloo, three guards t wroneh, A. only • limited. nurnbrr eat be built - 0;h • tßore who lire In event , of the irrilele km o .well to tend In their orders wed, Addremist--,—• HAUPT, RIUJLA A 00,01 • .0. W. SEIBEIIT,7 - ,: MHlwidr,Centre/dee., Po.. NEW STORE AND 'NEW.-110 . 1) J. ItIONTOOMERY & BOX. ILI , TronTn-raeir eunallp:ee wan DIAMOND , AND 4,LLEGIirISY STIMILTS, Bellefonte, Penile: Haring just returned from PhOodelpittiOrbeire wd have made our purelAsses, and ire npw openlait one of the most oarstuity assorted gooks of . GIiN.TLEME - .NS' CLOTHING, ' Join FUR NISILLNO GOODS,.. • EA or brought to Centre county, and talio this 'me thod to sedum our old friends, oestomere, , and the • pahtle generally, that are prepared . to "give • thew such _as Why never had befue, in the ehapo of COATS, TESTS: PANTS, ac., whinh fOr durability cannot ho excelledoind baring been selected with sfilintal trokitoilbe 14 Om latest and most approredd'asb/urra. Prost stare bOs, been paid to the outsell:A Oentlemen'a yurnishing one le, oeeh as &if/ r." 3, Dfid IVERS RAND ICERCILIEFS, USPF,PirDERS, 6LOVES .CRAVATS, of every dieseription. We also may; Meow. t lite•publio.tirrin iortil4l- - Alm to our card" extensive stook of-goods wo i have just reeeived • large and splendid mustortment • OLOTIhi, CABEIIMEItS, VSBl'llOlB • , de,„ Of every style and variety.' Biting practical Work. .snen, and pay psvtioular attention to our %oili ness, we lope to give general eatiafeellen alre entre a' era el theplibliii pidrielager'. We res et fully invite all wa n ti n g anythim in oar line of *d itch Westland examine our stock of goods. itp:lo J. MONTGOMERY,* Pox. zsrlo-If LOGE HAVE)? IifARBLE WORKS.- HIGIIEST PlttdlTlJM AWAItfIED To at COUNTY AtiIIICULTUMI L IfeIt. Itlte pow M ore e settled Seetalbat , lll, la one ortbr -UV*. cheapest end very test conducted eskildishments el the kind iltrtbelsaterfor oC Penneylvanle. dala owned by klr. $: A. Gibson, end eipertntentlid by the eellobusted atelptar, Mr. C. Y. Lind cd2l. Y. Mr. Lindlg wu for mat!, wogyied-1(4 aE ttlrisescutitglittiiiinfs In the etty of New urk, where be Naha aw enviable rimpatalk% rbattlooftheerrdonler. We bare be blkb Ws neatly ilvelnindrell bosotifel dal of AII sipil POW BTOlf EH. carved In the. of the art,. together with Fruneh ipa . • . es life, and image. of every down slides et; and exeinted by Hr: Llndig. • ne wishing something rare, awl beettlifttl t to mar The rooting place of their deported Friends, would:mare neorro7. by sending their orders by either of VI agents. lino wilt pate every - fere drys airman slt prinegpait ' towns and valleys In Centre..olinted,ted Lyeareing online and hire their work eirsieuted by tide wort .renowned and Jeetly oelebratodartlst. Wife hers reduced our .prioei trem this date, and will bind uOrselves to sell 23 per rent below the rcpt.:ller kiting prices of any eiftbliaboont-in Belle fonts, - Mileaburg, or Lewistown. and delfver the work free of douse to any place died:Ted. 8. A. taßl3oB, litres row Orwripreorx?V : Bsw'l A Stoaebrenker, Wm. Allison, jr.Jookran so rills' Mortis Harm. jr., Houser's 1111111; Tho num Mont an. .Roolsburz. deol2-Iyo RES PORT .11X.41311.1L1.6-11,4- -IL no uvdstalved ios t w ell11100111)00 to hie old Maeda and t hen ho ham lialit *large end montraed nab threentory Brick II an (Wpm Streirt,lialwmeq Chlorego and Street; two *mares meth of the Depot, to • • FRlXPOWAllpmearsox : o4torry; muNon; TWA, bundleslot ot hlipil 'renal esOressly fur the porpoi and weer lo Cho plan e th e Loft ale- Irani and se, appyred he elm in the Nortiietn part of the Blots, be els ontindlint that'lllM - nob better eialanialed f sentfort and einprehleAe Than any ntlief In the amity. fle We OW fund/bed II to the very ban manner with entirely new furniture, sparing neither phut nor eipat,.to reader ltoolafere. able and lipreable to there fayorimp him with their ouation. • By atrbotrattontion to hi. duties, and a datitir nation Oa• to be assallod by soy boas. in Baia /Ph doe, ha b•paa bast in favor sod vastans.ol the PefsobliAltink - tblielty - afFrnepirt on }ainan. or pioaaure, will And the Proeporf Rio:lingo" a ploomot and abmnd'ut stopping Moan. usouctic LOMB, PraprYlot.' n_w_l4-4it] Gialynat at , Freeport. Manic --PIRR.ef Her Dl: and, Halttlf 6 bld,Oljiffet et , • Pa.—Thla large sad oottvenhandttdisita baying been completely rein:toddle& repaired and improved, la now opened for the amounatnlation e 4 the publle. The pmpidetor of this eatablisinnent respectfulfy'informs hit frtattefrrniT tbeladdlo that he ham //pared neither pains nor expense, to render it a desirable retreat to all who may favor him with a call, Al he is determlued to do all js h power-ter • their mutdortatat tanteettielmo - - His Table will always ho nupplled w tit the host that the country wilt afford 'the Rosati are large owl well vontalated. 'the StahLstm enameled with `the establishment largo and excellent, and Its ohnrgo of careful and experienced bostlere He also hen erected !Medd for the nee of carriagen and buggies Sieges are arriving and departing daily. In short no llting uhall be ?leg I ec , od to Ova intim matlafaallon to thou favoring ilia with &mat. D: - CtIMIXIMIIft, nov27-tf If, llofonte MO N 00)1,Y , —1) JJ.Y A VC° 711 AlO. J 7 10 INH T II ir.i.r,r.vo I:: ANA LEW INAVIV Zkr _This lino .Lee bees, whieed—err fhtrWtad;lhitl ffe` purpoeo of aearenteelattng the (ravelling pubik, and no effort will be spared to moiler it both effuse_ clout and expeditious The elegem wild linen Cum. nu ode' bol!, Itellaftpite, ev ery tingeing at 7 o'clock, and eirt,e et Lewistown in time {Or thegroalorn and Western twain,. From Lowegown they will 'tart en as to acommtuodste traveller, to this region The afirnagenients eleng-blwerbod will be of the brat deectigthm. 'Centel and expostulated drivers. are engaged, the bent Coaches scoured, and nothing len undone Whloh will tower° tho confidence and pa tronage of the politic jolt a. b. 1111MININI.PR A CO. • JRUNER'S CHEAP OR STORE —litigate' for the` patronage so Morally be. stowed. upon him by a generous coutelunity and hopes by/blot attention to boldness, 'to alweyr continue to omit the approbation of iinappseeishipg, • bib,— ithrtnanitle taw trintiniciiitiresen, end tho neigh, genorally, Oat. he Is prepared to turtgeh them, at hie well ktiown stand with every rel , lety of aIteCtXTIIES that may be called tbs. eteone wtsblisg to getiubiniso will glosecreell end eolag their Ora:mg/8 of mg s ea j ma determined to give -al4• faction to ail. - . 1,0•027 ' 00 — aitOk,' , 1261•111B,, SEMDWREJLLi KJExpitrgvigilvult, AsidW,IfiTOWN ANII d= AND P4Crlt 49 P. gill be detail! teeitidn the abtt#6 I ,6 lltta and Inter. mediate Modal vittb,greatvartided dispatti, NgTBti,RAFTS Alp BILLS , solicited alibitt a paLsate, Isseittlorrn t on thq rad ozii modem andprepiplmtuFna • • EiTtJACHAJ3D7 es( air ettier bbalttNaf it lute sizossOal . j• s GM BUSINESS DIRECT amactti''=. 4 4 ATTORNEY ArT, . Wi7l.. H. BLAIR,' •,• ATTORNEY AT EArt , BELLEFONTE , °Mee Oath Mon. Jaime" T. axle tiov2B • U/ M. P. MAQMAHUS, - ATTORNEY' AT LAW, Attenas to el/11000ft in Centre, Minton gala Clear 'Bold countlec Aho, Peva", Mortgage', legally 11rwwn.— Ternis, moderate. Otboo , with Jatma Mae/not/us, ling , Bellefonte, Pe., jonlo-0 lIVI.CAL PARTSPLOgitr—DB. 'llO. L. iiMITTEIt, having asioolettd with hidi xi the praellea of metlielne, Ir. J. D.... myr 011E141,,they_offor Malepigifussional earfiot , to the oltiliwa if Beilekniti sa viiiinity. When • Pq*** - sery,tlta Itveatitting attbutitiaof faith Will be gt. - qiii - wtttoutaiMtionat charge. - JlWPR it hilMehell's fesklano• at 3111. Ilettreelh ItelTiefoltte. - - deol2-tt DE9fna:--.1., D. WINGATE., ••••••• sult()1 and MEOIIANIdAb DIM Trfit,l44ll4l Wotan 161. Mends 'ma' patrons' that 'ho has pettoinsotly lamas' Is Ileßefouls, and that h. will be happy to Ottentl to any who 'rich his pro fessional sertleas. All work Bono In the neatest T. l/* OMob Itnd rooidenbe Tn the third bongo one of ' T. SoinhoolVi "Frarsklha,tfottoo, 441411.t7 STABIX. erzsr,to ow FOIL A PLIMANTRIDE.tirtt The iiihsoribut inferior-the cabman of Ilaßefonte antrilalidly, and the travelling public go i t t r:24 eith ibe er : rir i ug_na d7ivinir by eallink arid* ;lestensi , risdit Tie'bes a good stook or teal' a ett lluggla, Car- Awe, Ricks , lloakdeerisys, farneu, &a. Careful drivers furnished when desired. Lk` All who wish to drive safe and feet horses, add ride in cold and comfortable vehioles, pan be acitatnnwiai44.. R. D. 0171514y/R4,' doul3 —"AV NEW' AND ,FASHIONABL4 NAM DRESSING Axis SIIAVING B AJ.OOI , II— undersigned respectfully announces to the olti sons of Belleftinte and vicinity, that be hu opened. a new and tolelonabLe Hap Dressing and Marra' BSIOOII on Allegheny stennt, la. the house occupied by Mr. Turner, where, by strict attention to the business,-he hoists 14 inerit4llblifil Share or public petmnor (11).-EA.ZOIIrT -r— -multi. 1 y - M. DAUER lIPHOL-$ 7 . -Aititit The subseelbet NaprithillY interim' his Mends and the publk OW he hes nonuneneed the Caldnid and Upholiterinet beetnenr to sit its va rious bratntes, and ,vtflt be prepared to furnish work thou Will Coppers With made in the beet shoprln war !ergot 6414•11.".iitivlbar had -prnotioal expertness lo every brava of fineinese. persons en- Ironing work' to hiss iwilt be Agnew! that It sill ho done in a patisfaetory manner. • "--- I.V.IIIIPA IRMO protptittirattonded MR11.5146111CK SASIIII, Allegheny street, nightfall°, lo the shop formerly °peopled )4.11)(r. Rambold, spla — I II .- - ..:::...70111110011DE, • . 2 *, 0 111tDDLII ran i HARNESS . .4%sen . MAVAIL roar of BIBB= ALLIMIANY Streets, e > WAIL. Having 106412014 Uili re oii, in tends to mew extensively la the Saddlery and Maness business. H. 1, AIM beedoonsteAtly on band and inanufsotero-ler- rev, Ip,Hie latest style, and twit In the t workmen' kemenuot, Saddles, Bridles, calf-'l4ers, , Wagon and C - Wagon and D Trunks, Vidissei l ltet .114,, de. In abort, every tbisegialboalymaaufbefurtel by fled 41erm. All-work ereesereedl rod. Giro him a cell fort purebaaingylThere. , 4/49.4f 4' ' ' ' T '' - 7- At The undersigned, undersigned; having made Os met ex tensive arrangemeals, sgaLliameag a largo stook of motorist on klieg, will be ready at a short natio* to attend to all order' In bla old Ilae of baabpaaa. Be bas - objdnyed none belthe best worktuelt; And AU work emtrualed to Me bare will be exidile4 In a stylesehlob cannot be IrsooLed. -W-benever I tar nigh matortsisi, THE wow& WILL BE WARRANTED. The men employed are none bat the beat, and te the absence of apprenttees, builders ofin rely mpon having their work done in snob . * natatelf bi . will give satisfsollon. • WA!! orders addressed to Bellefonte, Ornatre county, Pa., WO be protaptlyntlseded to. - --- feb27-tf , C. W. LAII,OI4T. . • ' liOACEntliD WAGON 11Li,1117, UPACITOItt . UOWARD 'Street, 4P4111.11: " ' h side;) Bellellipbt, The sub. scriber takee flits method to batons Ompulic, that he hie oommeneed the 00110 p and W AO4 1W MAKING A 411;$1.813,aatthe.mbee• Smelt whirs he la - anparler to matiedbotere to eider, and eon- Lastly kesp on hand , * shake selection of Carriages, ouch as ROCIKAWAYS, CABATAWI, MUG- U ULA, as well is • FAitif ' WAGONS, is. all at liberal piton. REPAIRIfiII done at the shprteet notice. Bachiat attention to besides. and . moderato pahope. %a is ark a share of patron/tea. - RDWAIID BABEL. - parßemetthier the plane, on the north side of nahruri street, In the shop formerly emopled by /Meld Campbell. but more lately by Mr. tleorge Bwllliy. ep3a4im BELLEForrsitiumrs 19013:13.-- NEW MMTABI.II3IIiiENT. Wilt. H. ty.prEA/FiGtiv. bap of Philadelphia, woleld most mapeetheMy call the *Mention of the publks to bleier', anitiren selected stook of Italian and American Marble, whlob he hacselected with can. Being a preettial workmaa: and luerint had the efar . le 0 [hit Thal wIII fat +6e of palette* sip every Wad of work lu Ph rii*k p_ima assermt . thrMar .5 Ih. public to call and examine for thotnielvas, and they that they eau U. (runs 26 to 60 per cent. Epeeiniene of pay word can In s eam at all tlis'eeme te doe In Centre minty. On hand illigge stook of ITALIAN and AMER ICAN IdAkIVE, with which be le prepared to manufacture Monuments, Tomb Hlones, French Couches,' tirades Tomb., Quaker &ones, Carved nm aWbu—swirimultsermiibi rani I ly burial NM. All work contracted for by my agent, Mr., A. Jacob, will la lamented' with,sealnewi end des patch an22•ly (111110/C-14/1/2101 4 MALL PILOELTS. No! The autwaribver roapoctfully informs the chi aims of Centre and adjoining counties, that Lc bun opened a NFIW RT,91111.124. }lli L1,Ep0N.11,7„ Nu,; where Ito hen just opened a - MAONI . PICENT 11001d4, which have been carefully inducted, to cult both t."`" and country custom, oonnisting of rich end beautiful firarNa AND RUMMER GOODE, for Ladles' and Gentlemen's wear, outhrecieN romp; arloty or pss..l 1:4.441 gyps *Cr — A oplondlit assortment of Silks, Iteroges. Do Lain., bacon itffillantes, • Robes, Chan*, Minima, Trimulluga, Embuideries, Atudloa, READY-MADE Of/STRING. Cape, &qt. had QUM, Tinolrollas and Ladles' Ptitilsola,,, • - Pans, Comb" WS - dee. &a. ; Ifardware, Cutlery, Oils end Paint, itroceries, 'III and .It Vitiates, Baron, Eloar and Need,Afr feet every thl sa t ipy kept is a country More. , COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED. I respectfully Invite the Mittens of Itellehnite and eurroundlng country, to give me i call, as I will be PreDff9d to furnish them with goods thet4rlll ems parb with any over offered to the peddle, s regard. ehespntre and derabilltY. • - - trey . / "v" -Ic),..nurnoLne, ESTATE OF WM. A. zurunsor, d °c i d. Wl4reas, Letters orAdattnisttation on ' the estate of Wm. A. Davidson, doe'd, late of Boggs torvilektiP, bavo gr th d tht #44o4ll siding 1 In the borough o Bellefonte, ell pereopti dobted to Red Woe will please come femeera and nettle htmallotgly , avlOboae bavintjelaimsagainst the same yill , present them prgporiT authenpee- , ,tyd, ;lit r JOlthr T; knoov Acipi r. • ' Oet2l , ' rISTRAY.-0101 . TO , THE REB.I- a k a demv.a of the aubertber, in Paktot towustul ) on or about the Ant of Ootober, ttlne whitihnto6, bark* diltenot par nuteko also two hello No ih ila&pa. I : o l7ri; rw lta i r , wp o r i f i r,: r rw o n' erlt7arero 'is'atottakelbetttoiray, otleair troy Iqtrt4 'poled of to the law dltsoto. '' wori-Bt 01111,18ZIAN 'MESS. saf24 ADVIIMILIVX I'3 & Livro. ImoLELIA' mulains vIVARE, VITLILRY, 22 sTREXT, $ - ,PEILADILTRIL IMPt,,, UAR&. MI c ............—............___,..—L-..._,..-- 4 ,--------........._, J. O. Sonvar: ,Wir. J. Num. 11: , gelirla A 004 t ..,_. VittlyttiO,:wtell/II ih DMIA( 1 00 BlitUF, AMIYMA. I III, .Pro• 6 NortbsirriTillOruel,d6iPo 3iii6betNytthot t tle'cill-ly - Xlinu 4) VONICA.D, ROSICII,Th s dtt, Itnporters land D'eslefil Hi' • . JIMAPWARE4'OUTLESIX,, Gilift No. 123 Nora TILL.RD arm* Phil ' llA.hhT.eumfihn; ' 0 .4. 11 Ar t i ' . Oho. ft . HoliliverPi - 4.. Ai. • ii • . - J. T.-siiirt. , -• . Jan '' p' noox6rm2l:l!Limi. 1111114. a: sikwamie _ , f• DR MIX, Sof.A`Hil,..4.lVD PAINTS ROBERT SIIORMAICNRAt CO., thaoh i t v o i tgo lib e ,-al patronage honstafnia bistowed ap m a.* hi Ab y ! the notice, Oust owing to Magmas h 00t ... in their '',HoiliKV, the / 14 " blur ott o r Not. • oat fi, boo+ MUM room , • a& 4 d fir theird 'i old, old si"n!li , titi- W. owl! 41 4 Neva / Green strecta i i to I:.'et!' sew a.pu stomas ODORIL N. E. COEN it oi( i OtIETH and RACE &re fi t s "(heroin' eillretudw gIICIS-' re f i ttrulaDeinitiorit - 14 DRUGS, PAINTS. OLAtag, _.OPE-9 - 1 Walt M K . they are now prepared to furnish a.!! their OLD ID will ne see austonters with any article la Oalloo, at the low'ost prices end on accommodating tones. - We shall use every means on our pad to rosier satisfaction to all. who may rimy us with their sae loin.t:42,r As to pritiosore eon ocoroo t a w ith any other house, and thoAlstliiyillliallez passed. ItOIOHUT NiMidco., N. H.tornor. of FOURTH AOlll nic e Atilbsitelphio. - Manufacturers of Paints in Oil, Putty, do. Importers of French Zino reihrt. • ! .• Bole Actit iothr Tilliaddlpitio Ibb the sohl i of _ IT DyC if Plat= DLAgM. . Drains in oil kind, ot_g_rbi sod fug' WINDOW Or ASH, Priem torrent sera dr i lastfolf by rook ufti fie& delivered at. any of t • Lopata or Whams reol r q expo:lke to the pitirbiumr. fell-1) I . . Qitirr reetWititOt ri m , No t - - --- - etiftri tn: erten?, PllikLittiOti Thlb now iliakehi leaMmi bblilliestnut Onset, tie twee. Tentli'llwi: ' ? attaining beet Wiliam:lp street, nn entlfq viVprolb wial WV'. Mae Ohti Mr , 0 6Azwaisttunittetn0 pejirds - - Rif ii91441***44440,64* it- titraattweliilla ' Trnvelter, sojoitlioi. till Citbian, being diesel, op. pestle the Aoadenty et. rum Arts, Parkinson's Bar- don and tisleolis ttgd otthe most phasstut nn habittruihluiplaeowou et Ihreat- t' a = hlamsalate,mtigla .., at the Them e& places ot atriniensent. The item& suo damba-, Wiry, imi well veninitted— man?, of thins hove womiumuluallng doers esitailfse for t males mid Patti& to on Aerobe', Ik e Femiturcie endirgly„.butiP,'llli re most Imprensa' style, embrualog alklitsiltbe ens ilotel im peeve 1, ,Ile, use penvilatty to die itireicut Wells& a di: tfrom the oily, being only one square dbtaab t o great Pentultbrastia itsilkeed Depot, . nit lie Mild nixi *neut. locausioaolim* ii. Ale gi:Ole feet). merchant, n theTraveller !be plow aro. Cal b& wit i ketwaya be ia' rougiass bli sualsry , passengers te,sad Trout .J.h e note The preptiiitor wad* Au beg Lift to give mell&, that 40 will he sassimiedi In theejfklio plear - bhukbttstetriflit. b,v 4r. it, L.' Oak PIS I. Ovular Propitiates& stiles Vele& P he will have the mho& mad r,tlM. So • Lilies' Departupint; and 0 2 /tedium& . Malls; iras late fittporintundont ar the St. Cheeks Ib4ol Pia& byes, .De.' ' ' lb oder r thio . anpostipionst, thst Pier klue IMMO, himatlf that he will bobble to provide t, ay Oil mote mot membliahrallie,-4bairateter and UstMa at 00 'MAN WO *HOU) aL ant.ehow boleti. *le , W. s, cemrssia., Pearlifibmr.• rpo xxocalucrs,„e ALL Milli who are teethe and-al (WWI offtfihit-trfetWeraFfilPthir ezteusively e seed V the FUR 111:01116.8A invitee itirwhe have ANA lee Ore bite a WI. Jh ys the Y timeless "Ptlo WWI- It would be.we 11.forwe• IstrommeA boy that I par thorn atilt,' !NA we lima the MI. Yeas of the thins thej,hiteiThi AJi oomatealeatioir *oniony id , 17 4„4EPLInk der24l' ' 'Flee ~ ve mins• • ...,.. IGRZBIr. sit 1119111!.121.• '. I!tut:lca...Kona TO A i l iD 1,11, nano • , . AIELEVON -Pk. Wnotas e ami Ann It t rdratrt aattaiat tit -. Drage, Idadldnat, Ptirl'umary, Punta, Alla, Vat blights, Dyad:Walk Tolima doom &lAA RaTr and Tooth Braaten hinny and %Alta Airtloloaartamoio and liboalder Helloes,' Ga r den hada '‘ ' Ctirtameri will end oar stook ootoplato mg Ikea, and all sold at stodorato Wawa. 17 - Farmers and Physialwas has 0. Marshy are I gulled toosamlna tart stook. NIS* MiI;DWAL 111,1111141111 nainnallally 'aroma the claws of basirmir Title. sad of *Ai sorrow:4lns coolant, tial4 lay partaanontly *lasted, 'at Jactimorrillo, and itriLV ptitupky attend to all oalla in as di tenni brume** or bit penteatiou, medial) or margioal, at reasua4l. charges. Ile Is also prepared to insert artiletissiiistkerie oording to tho latest Iroproveruents, locu' approved styles, and toltertitiiisibli odor operalWita in Doutal Surgery hi good style sad at reassortablir rates Thankful for past favors, he hopes by,prewutt *$ tondo% to bushiest, still to merit a - supthsuassie of A share al ON *olio petrowagst WWI& sleet He wishes to this or fall out, as hia notipuiatolpili donne. )!4'17 ifEhtBELIPINTR Linpa r a fllt BSTABLISJIMENT. The atiwwfbet , *old respootAlly labia UR publia that ha in pawed aa awZnita Owe hat with ZIORMLY and 14.111 chaff i =ON. iris 'sbasliiiif gems an kr, -- .• • etatleassit, Thavaitiairtaiwunat o{ li t order. Careful &iron will Plural,' km mad to entry patanniyers to any point dislite: The pall ronaga ur the Willi la taapnottally requertill. Ma , inicicasi.4 iorautA.L. 0111 XVI ELEM. • ilubperilars rea . ,v . . won y, .a, I, toy hare eaten 4 lel oo.partnarship hi li. PLAWlllitlllie RV 1101 in every variety of style—Whitarp All business entrusted to thatjt dll)ltre dnd artistically performed In the boot iiiiiker • on moderato tern. All work done by aril be warranted whoa they laralsh.tbe whoa furnished dooordlng to that direettetti They aro suitor, industrious nod o both al'o orprriono t ol and prelatical a 61111 1 1 = 111 4! Atl shay sollolt a share of the public patron s .' -- - OS. AlVre 0, lk nugl 3-210 . • valumtrat FAXlrlollrUtri_ —The gulisolibor luirins I vs ' 124411,0 6 . • of, vmaint IngMO lf • . 411 4E§ r ocirmi jun ~ . atprovomonte lite are II .1. DW lI:UMW NOUSE, • Elden(' NEW BARN 'A' rtiliauLici . YOUNG ONCILARP. . Yeemis Ina high vine of oultivathm, Pk.r riortill . • Were enquire of the trubestil6r. • ' mrtil-if JOIIN B. W iil44/ -- _______— [ 'VALUABLE SAW REIS' yoz *la - w Wilt bo sold at P.sieete fete MK - with' &Net SIXTEEN AVII de rNOs reeef ishlsh. Is ;TIN DM, end ea* be Ithefed, t Is sttoatel oho* opt wile seeks( s'e b stllll'has an otbsehOt wh.01,v41 sawipstplesterink baths, which ste figesi ' 4.414 in this neighborhood, Lumbar via be r tekewbste part rnymeet. this Is a geed, 0144t1e r f p tnyt ot.. ion els/slog to teaks a 'rood Inss~eb. 'A . A. PARTRIIAUWEI.II44OI. . • , 7 _.......---...,- . --- I EV I P/ vA WINUr" CUAMMIMMULIik . ;; ta l atiti al i gU ' TOWN AND IC yrt. (/1; 1 7741:04* 4 " ' lied all kW. sit r Ireitg 11,(1N AND ARAM 14119 ' , nrTurnins PIO.= . ; DraThlthing and ma or ,ti . I. ' the vary bold idyls sod • 1.016 , 7:.720177" AND BROIEO= - D 7 ,7 kliargal +knit airilkinOalbele end Stipa, fq; tlynta odd Liidloakm.49lol : . hni Mildrene Boots for aglikkr . rt Za oir 14.46 B 6'14 cA'llO.Ol .to 1 14 , Oen I :t i rin aa6/41" st rottelvo4 4 *lt )7.. Mil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers