7' A II =1 .VAT. P. maits,, ••I Aim *Ming is* cortaio atatoof drew* otst94x.s, to Lit till CMS SLUM" IT IMAM anus. • , The Union is not worth auppotting in leounection Kith the Ithluth.l.' IT ANSW 11011.L12101AXIL "The times demand and we snot hare so ,swct-sLAvsee CONSittOTION AN ANTI-ILA- V NAT BIDI,II, AND AN ANT 1411.011317 GOD. " • - Iltigrus y. sPALD:No• In the cue of the alternative Wog pre evntud of the continuance of slurry or a dissolutibu of the Union, 'limb dissolu tion, and I care*.not how gni* it oasis) " NY Will 7. ILUS, LXIIIMITOwN Pa. "The Demociati6 pasty is now soiejLew gaged raising little nigger*: in tact, 'in breeding is now the only principle the M uni:racy have:." ST Wits LLOYD O.IIIIIIISON "This - 11nion iA a lie. The American Union, en imposture, • twessest with death, and eitagrreswitt eiroAk ken. • • • • 1 AAA NOR ITS OVERTHRIMV! • * • • • • •, Up witA tAe flag of dijatint, that Nr• hies • free and glorious republic of our earn. soh when the - hour come the fur-mil; hare antral -that shellwitness the co4ierthrotinf slavery." Nl' Iftsi:PAt.T. ralLurs •• No roan has ji: right to be surprised at this state of things. It is just what we ( Abolitionists and Disunion's's) laic at- the JL.119440n Orly. It is the first WIC -110:i aL. pd r4 ever orptdied in thela (=PUY, ft door not know its own fact; and it tails `ltself national ; tint it is not national—a gretional. The Repablitstit party is a party of As North pledged'against the Sonth." DT JOMIVA GTDDINC;& '4 look forward to the. day 1141,11 there shall birwitervilti warred/41mb psi South— whoa_ the bleak mew armed with Nita bayonets, and led go' by Britipt *fleet-44mila u•voltet Ws. &NAM!. SINLAVIge & war o f ez' termination vualmtt liir ryilm h ute - -w h h eea t ow the torchofthad iralk d dt ktpt hea s and citi es - el;in leterttat restip of , shivery aad tboagh I may allot tnock at. their eahomat. Nat knob erten their fear cometh, yet Tr o tt bail it Who dawn of a political NY R. 0. 10MVALL. -I sincerely hope a civil ”r may meta burst upon the . Vesot ter sea , American slavery abo • is my days-it id • legacy I have tio wish to ;ewe to say IV' r,ta ; then -my most fervors prayers' that Frazee -anti, sosy _speedily take this slavery 'maraud asthma iota Lbw special consideration sad whim the time ornves for the streets of the cities of this 'land of .the free and home of the brave' to run with blood to the hones' bodies, if the s. ri ter of this be livium - there will be ems heart to nisi,' it the retributive Julia," of Heaven. -uf-rtsersw-wm-4---- in the oyee,ef doesitraom I. des heaL VVell,they are farad her with Dr. Hemry's colowatol.preemiptimm—'maake the meet YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT. ENIGMA. AN Owosso or 9- uairsra. EZ:::1 7 : 1 11:; 1 8a sa jl allism a. a ilimilL t • fowl. :rate my. 4'o S 87 6 and Ism porta& Emu's dress. ' . -ass my 8 9 Et 7 6 sod I am pert of iisrar. Apes - • - Enie( my 9 t 4 3 . 7 9 said I me Erase my 19 2 8 6 fd sad I am so,. for ,writing. Eraso my 4'2 3 I anti ams-asean's seam Erase my 9 II 8 4 GS mid I am s reemlL Erase my 814 73 'Land I as as istarjacties. whes is s portion of lad ma dm Al la she: Cosati l'isrgrors, Pa., 1366. MISCELLANEOUS ENIGMA. I AY ooscross• or 17 mass My 411161113 bl s river is Amos. My 11 T 212 is s kind - et sestal. My 8 131417 is swami? is Bs. My 167178917 is kirieee is My 62184821ssnislandestb My 15 2121 s s river in Prank. My 5 2 710 les city isi My 126 is • oieloiscsa. My 2161117581750 s river ea tbs C. S. My whole isTsaeiriaMit yews( Illsoesessa eh the preisnit div a • FilleVOre. ca.. ass. 440372 CAL XIVIONA. Etx comma) eir a Miami My 1 6 7 is a vessel. my 26 tilt WA Of(raira• My 3 6 8 is pert of a issale's apparel. Nb[4.2Bis_ t a=c otl itez aiL , My My' 6 7 8 is is ' My 7 6 Sim se eiuseying sax* 11. 24 is a !night. -- My 'hole was • 84mer ei 161111 DsdseatiSU of Independence, and an seisms and mem Iteiolutionary Patriot, be distils 1,779. , Zion; Ps.. 1856. QUAILSEPIWIS: (Aluu;ers next wad.) MEDICAL CAILD.-D$ J. •1' respsidally Worse the oiWt.e at laellasis slle, and 14 the sarreasodlu Goss , that be - Ism ,Oortitaseattp__lsnated- JiekeaatWq . silt *ill promptly attend Wall sane la therditereet brassier of his prietaidete, asedleal et saigieall, at riassmashlle charges. lle is als palpated to host attillsal teeth as eordios be the latest isproveassats, sad the era approved sod' to perform all other Gristles, in Dentalfferrty W tiled stile 111011 et TOI/004 , 10 tales Ttrankful for put hms Amoco, 10 0 hor bl raw* lift le biu, sun aarw at a share of the ptblio pairomago. Giro Ids • trial. lfa itioh•o to Aso orha ouly as IA menu sad skip . Aloooroor jelB-17 mare.E- ATV, 7J X. --meant:EL ea.— _nog Thcaubwriben weepeetfully 114~ the %LW SNOB or Centre aaitay, that they hare soared {alb topartuenhip la the 4 0 1,ASTEKINti BUSlNalifl !la' 07017 TAriety of etylo—Whitoataeltilac _All !mewls •Rtrull44 to them will lee ita , l aelhaleelly poi a rtatll a the, boa women .. d on • moderate tenses. All work dam by Aim win b. M arr , thloll when ther furbish the naterlale, or whet' biralehee tit Altair direetleees. They ate &AO, ipdisstriout sad Moll= ... rod Lee& -"y qrSkeweea -mod--fgootisol: They aollelt Vahan of tie psi suglS.2w AVBELIMPUIMI LIMIT . /4 . .; EFTA BLIAHM22I7. '11,4 'fi b NOW! rooppottally Worm Who pnblle that ho It porperoll to woo Orr, umwi with 110111118duodVERIC (Jar the ihootiot Woo, Motto* Renee see allsoikd lee spool and m fl oo t woo sir mem ea= .4.7. -7- firout vut mire ‘• la eiised, The to awry Pag , - rekleparte 'l7 • WE - - 0 1 7 I P II 11, aii. , - msztramciamintiad, ,r - ',.. Paoingammiuk. - 01.1.0•danyileeirplami4arkikookiam.b . Ar.se. T I S. BARNHART. IN 18 erwrom (SALOON. Ateadir Rullillog,"DiUgoate, Pam. Fak",44intiskat frac. -- .. .._ JIM 111111111111.1" 111k0 a. A 7Alll=‘, Lill ALL glum Pi. TIrkEsTRD, • cocv sonLmj,Rsr le.re,torty names tba Vane era eithe . crearnally Cesare wooly, that Ina le WM lllMillaNiaring the - It•;CORI AND READY CORE MILER, Owe et the heet, wok easeemieet, tenable, wad at tbatemae thee, the mot ee r y mania( diellereeier seared 111. the palffie. It will shell pees and dry eiaaat the eels tram end to sad, and theta hen the Co.. WerrFlde tea mare than my elberiled• ler the &ere et elsewhere, kir the qllllll - l!et vki lr day_ It Ls owethreelssr witli two erarsks. tee pereene_ean has it, sad aria trawl IM aia MIR beatael: per day. It ran adao he ettaelreel to hem I Call adhere them petektaley,saY *Ober. as I am testate yes be inatieled dia. DANIEL MIL Ihdlefewts Ws. Ott wadtmetietnell, hare annented awl wed the awl dealt CMllll"inif• lanweheetured by Illerr:,Wellelhane - uratentereit perfect I. kepnwetiowl- sad . .ITintetiq the attention of fanwere. Ito eetwitene Ma swot will mare Its Petri - hi lisle art bthew. We emotivity resent mete it to the fentewe of Cwwtnt attnaty eit au esti lee of gee* weenieny. Wes 'Or. intim C. yr- Lame, L. W. itnrenewewit, 111011 . 4 "3.Arril t.. 3 - if •B. Toortimsr. I &wee piosbieed ma rod me 11' Sipa Cara 1310 tits Nal Derr, rata Ihe &nigh awl Italy boo Myatt. rut wilittdiley pre mom liven worthr tom tor at. It Itim dud idle Imo ours Ins a ANA spas of dirt any trithrtrimihipti • .111troust &wrist. lre Softy eerie d aims eertirliees. C. Acme & Bro., • ' Jam *mem Sm.( mei& sot Wed tie pleat mil Molt' Omni I.IOIIIIOIIL 30111111111111111111/1111L I:r . e DOOM Derr. lbilheMet, I Sod beat le be pestle& eat mob* Is very respret. TO me wisheli 1 alhelbed was per mil Mal d rilk, bet the ISOM perbil wry 0414 164-444 is 4 maser wild eseWl rot pmeily Mw Mem doe by bd. I lessammll Itteer umebieee Ie Übe Amen ef Clumeeemeeft. -Catatto &mirror. illabertre. araX2rl24‘4Y' ' Mann annia. /1t =MOM MISIMICILATIC WAIN:6- am' bee is WM* lie It Mob Iblil tbe awe JO le be lime ' d in llelbeibeeie, 4 —red es lenity et REIF artrzeuza. • mil Fmk, Ty" preporet is ammo of BOOK AND TAitCY JOB MINTING. Ia tids vary rated its* amid at Ye dada* nodes --swab as ■ASD DILLS, =ALM - STWILIDLI* - BALL TIVUTB, Aymara MELIA _cAltna IPAXPRIXTII, An' TP,t 11100g8. Cilialol, _ 1"i artlOLD,Sll67llll,and WIZ" lILINTISO ti thobnplemarit miner. _ PILVII.III COLCHA Ow t M nut UM 1 Saishod rkyis dthe sit Sailawin proargri la lipid is neatasea. iirimpuess gni ponitir &Mow if an "Fiam, orncit ix azocirsiilopiPs Tint, rums. Bastavarts, PA, 1-14-1 Joia—Goal Sims mityas titaasgar—tiaad mastaar,, sir. Cr yea tall awl aims I am I dwaymit ia/LIOT-11AIPS cLOTII• tata. awl 011 a boa? • - .fahee—Tos, a- Ws Irma +ermine aired aYMisa in Ihnolleato, hot ISAAC MAY is his i .4g lth the both aidshospoth: WAss *they Lek, sop le the south 1 ay, I Nth bow but tint an won aistakesoot moll impith of Wes hike. Jalta—lfiat kir! of 4 do you aids to 111 1Cnoweve-IFlor,l simasid Me Jo haft a pod Dors Coot Poole sad Vest fee lereelf, sad some sue. .festa—Weit I May. they say, hie ewe most osaellleol Deese Oral frogs $lll doors So Allot p olio Ist tiee Osman ortoyddior he ayer ew thd ha eithart. s allothrhsys. lthnemee.—Wli sloth Drew Gloodh - ? limika—"WilY• May bps the hut thosehothl of Oar, De Lois. Looms. Coliarea 2a, Is then t• eal aloft is ea bid style, sod at doe Bbsacti-='! TINA is Me paged foe' lee. Good bye rim =74's M ewe, and thank you kisilb Par SO 11. IL T. D. ■. X liaolimer is grant t9f saltidez is spy Use an, doenoire, ropsidlilky rwireelled is Ike me a eon. YtiJIIII4WIC MAY, fteen t enAlßgi Mt inIBM:n. KLIIIPMF-*IIED-X4X-NX1415 _..,- ArAhruirAcTOX r. Imp leers Se Wins bie friends itmen s, ii .a ii i . pale ' . Idol be Min mougrinm Ms merry MS do limbilees ' la all let wises berwililia: Se boo ' 11311101fED Ms ~ a , %ma w ~,,,didu h yt tsessre•ef illness IC .1111 es Fildilibr Wiese, when he id 'mewed Se ssassiellesiers Bed keep semetasely se beef • fell 17= Wagon linnent, Bridle; Carriage narrow, Odle% Wodon Whips, , Timaks, Wane:, yntionn La , Le., Lirrinalinlidi4 porldie palatally, le want of *MOW le Ws line 'sell do Intl no end eked was the kin sank hien pensioming olowbere. no he Iv dlteenniond to lull id YAM, PETCEti, odd Mill war ormit hie wish le is eon pal together and Roth of - - Itire toed neelethd. turDea't ingot the plean—Bithop 'tryst, "truth lothonn Oar tfootor," and do tavern of ray. M. items JACOB SHAOM. jell-ly Bellefottle. 17 YOU WANT TO IVY 000 N AND CnKAP MOUS sell ea H. saficKEßuncr, Ins ias 50.1. t.h-eor rpm t '6:S.dei Ida nod beeattfal stock of Goods, etuaistiag of tio t ferhiseable Dn." Osage for Ladies; end Gentlemen .soh as Frani IlleeitemeJLlpotteee,Paremetta Clod" Peeeier. Cloth, Deleimee, Lteleme, Mks, Prints oral 4 .sodf 4 het• Ales, Clothe. Vieetemert PW. and Posey Caesisete, Yeetitio. ahem& faro lot of them Teistaiatta, Lorlleoe . Rihargoa, (110,-..5, Mitts, W in t Hs end Coleus Mori y, sad a wietf of NANCY uke seeress to eiretloa. llsa••as of •111 klrist Shawls Ptlimetwei and Un bleached *raw Tiskimer. Caftki.Gi , giusons. 442. Abs. arewrion of all Idals, Esti aid Caps, Darts owl ah.. Ibumbric• ••Pd ChwaswarD, Beck et& "his, 11•00•5, cad •11/ psis ourally kcpt I. • goortiry sion. unmans: Irkfed• d Laugher Ihr We al a reaugagilde "Veirs "rola, 71:111: - it --- - Oa. L ant C. II vitro. AZIMIMER.-TA IMMO F i erfraio yeah 211 MM. emir ores. Puma. Make BOOK Breeeko. Pon Keime, Mar NM Teedi Ignidns, Mom AM., sat brills Salim irate. solo ~it iirriplopes, sew /WANK INtieffleil ea tor Rah va nr ateap GRIMM Me mai iwrz' Mir sw AM am I. d. alhfai Om to U y XIEN! siteinkgSur" rawo moo INK. nes. NM Mem ire NA tie aim adosi tediatire. A4llll/11 43P-410- lapsi : 51H in ika, ma be bad at Je& ! i. I. AWL 00. elt o Lead. Cl eeet be ( per slum/ um/ ' • . sad, PAUNTIL rionw i l e citeire uniutra7.- n• *ow itersleatiblly iffluseirste thos /Muni Matra comity, that they itainfi, plunking the sjght of • LUTZ it DUNHAM'S • " CAM POIVALR. ittz.ipsit AND lIIVIVICA, and are aim sup In their nianntheture,and are prepped to tuuk6 an article which will not get the - bask-subs.' From those who have used the inaelilue we oau produce abundant evidenee ivs to its ilipidoirtly over any other wahine now built, for tire iblkering moons: On sienna of In simplicity of constriction, I and tlielliot that the sickle ie worked direct from the driving wheal, with a simile lever Instead of r wittily/Itim of cog wheels, eructs, cranks, Ao. which wakes it work lighter r the tem. I.< l . It It wore °amour, and Is therefore cello handled. —._.__. 3d. ltd. poilbot adaptation to uneven gronno„ wittiest hanging on the horses' smoke; the tongue being limber end Owning on easter.wheels, which make' it turn easy 4th. The pedlar" manner in which it dote its work. in both grain and grass; the reaping appa ranD beteg so arranged sate put the reker In a convenient position to deliver the sheaves at the Bide of the maohlne, and for mowing it has the reaping apparatus all off mo sts _lp ems it to out ensiled clover. INis machine is warranted to out all kinds of a r , :l e nzt i rt vox ; as l r el o l th i e f n a o n t . , l b a tr t , a th p ri rti c i a l n a lre r. rented perfect. • Tease—lvor Mower and Reaper combined, $l3O ; $BO to be paid on the delivery of *Wort. or as egos air It is pot up and istoperatirm; Won the let of October, and $5O on the lsf of Janney, 1367. For Mosier $lOO, $26 on npoeipi of ma chine; ,335 9p the let October, and $4O on let of Joining, 1847. With each machine there will be furnished an extra kaite, one kqtpeolloll, three gouda, wrenoh, °Breen anitereelirlyo e.. As only a limited imumber cab be bur `M'sea. ohm those who are in want of the article will do well to send in their orders soon. Ad Vela 114k01'r, RUBLE A CO., or - - • U. W. SEIBERT, itheintsrOentreao,44--- N STORM AND NSW GOODEL- L MQNTOOMKRY 80N, molten-v.4er coign or mu DIAMOND AND ALLBAILIANY ',TRENTO, Bellefaule, Penna. .Iforing irt returned front Philidgphia, where Me hove nrei& eer marehemat r and ege bow °MILIEU; one of_ the melt corefurily *rotted gook, of o itsri,ENENS.! CLOTHING FURNISHING GOODS, -- Ey or bleiehll to Olotre 'minty, and take lids me. thud te MOM our firlaiodib eestomere and the 7uwatrarr rstmlglE'Lll/AllWrdriorrebi. Me are etbothelhert prepared to , "giv Ul e ins.up 4 Lare at _32OATIE, VII:III7S._PANTE4o., which for darebillty minnot IM excelled, and haeickg been Waned with reform° to the Wert wad amid apprbeedl palhion Great ears hflu - been Is the selecting of (lentlemen`i Yernishlw wiedisomiikaps/ußrm, DRAWERS, HAND KERCHIEFS, SUSPE G NDERS, LOVES CRAVATS, ot sear description. ' We also make known to the public that iiiaddf. till to CPU Mher extensive Moak of goods we hare lerit milord a largo'and splendid worriment of CLOTHS, CASSINI:RS, .VESTING2I, TNIMMINOB, de., Jima' D. Twin, Emma /110 CLAP , Tsui Of lively idyl* are variety. Belong prod/oil work s, ma pay plata:inlay attentkm to our bast. Maw, Me hope to give general eatesthedmt sod re solve a than of the publicpatronage. We respect filly *rile all wasting anything in our lino of bast• ens to van and examine oar stook of goods. s, , J. MONTGOMERY / EiON. T_IX:11 RAY= lARECILIVOM- Aa WORM PREMIUM AWARDED irr Tar CENTRE COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR. muse aar led fset that this Is one oCthe largest, cheapest and very best conducted establishments ot I the kind In the interior M Penosylrania. It is I ownedby Mr. 14. A. Gibers, and Inlpirlatended by, the eelebrated iculptor, Mr. C. P. Lindlg, of N. Y. $r Linda; wu for many years 'weed In este of • beat - establisharents in the eh of a York, where he enteral an enviable rapt a am- Amato ef -the lreemeles, - Weiolveos and Arr ask rant Ire husdned beautiful doelire of HEAD and FOOT STONES, =mod is the latest style of the art, together with Yreneh Combas, Ortolan Tasks, ts, Spires, Carved Limbs as large Hk, images of *very deseriplism, all de= smell suseuted by Mr. Liens. Persons' tatiorWiteg rare sad beautiful, te mark the resting rdtheir departed Meade, would tare messy eed* their orders by, eithe r . of my agents, who re every days through all the p=al Meru mud in Castro, Cliatee, Sad looruldes, sal re their work tasseled by th% - worid-ressweed sad *illy molelinalsa MOM. Mire have »dewed oar twiossl dos this date, and min loirdomelves to edl 1.5 el mat below the nob: sail% pekoes of any mint In Seller hate, Ifllesherg, or Lewistown, sod deliver the work free r:4 charge to any Owe desired. S. A. GIBBON, El= 1111a111X8, 60 4 415., Jot Susi A. Iltembreallser, Wm. Allison, Jr., Jackson sartilie Yuen Romper, JP., Moon! Iltift; Ilse ass Beelararg. d•el2-1y• Tie undersigned would respectfully assolanne I. his add friend' and tbe pubis sensrully that be Am bat a lease and otweamodhaas.aav throe-story Sack Dasce, *a Clalana Street, between Chicago nod ideehasic Street, two "pares math at the Depot, is TRESPORT,STEVENSON COUNTY, ILLINOIS This building has beer, erected supremely for the purpose, and sooonitimg to dm plan of the mod des sant end approved hotel. is the Nottliare part of the State, he feels otacident that WM mach better calculated for comfort sad .oanatoaoa than any Mbar is t h e county. He W also hr.Wiit is my best sunset with 'sagely sew Atadiers, n'"" 0 011410 *Om 14 crelleost. = l M g thee, tamadas kkicarOltAkak suilbas. By strict ealsotko to hie dudes, sad s deteriat• sodas rot to d. swelled by say beau is this sec tion, be bops, bo Wait the Loos sod smite= st the public. • Persons riatturs lb. City of rit sa bardasse or *mar% will /ad the r turbeogs" JissMit 4144.104 oyl4-4101 Gales. st , Freeport. - --- 11)111111ThVAIIIA & W. OM so el the Diamond, Belisdkate, Centre Coo Pa.—Tits large mid conveadeutly located harm liming teem completely renaddled, repaired and improved, la now opened for the mortermAgirsa of be Pallas The proprietor of this establishment nespectfelly informs his friends and the public that be bee spared neither pains nor viper*, to render 1 it • desirable retreat to all who ml 4 favor hits with a call, u be is determined to do all is his poorer to promote their oomfort and convenience Alls Table will always be supplied with the beet that the country will afford. , The Rooms are large and weltbentilidted. The Stabbing ecomoted whit Ore establiebniebt large,epd excellent, and in charge of oarefkl and experienced lonelier". Ile also has emoted sheds for the use of carriages and buggies Stages are arrii ing and departlog daffy. ' In abort nothing Atoll he negleeted to giviewatiee eaUareetlon $o thaw> favoring him with a call. R. D. CUMMIIIOI3, Bellefonte, Pa. novt7-tf -mgOPHOTTION TO ALL 10. NoPoty.—DA.l4l" ACCO 1110- !Ng OP 3TAGE3 lISTWISBN BSLGEFONTE AND LEWIBTOWN. Thb line has been platted on the toed, for the pupae of accommodating the travelling public, end me efert will be spared to nada! Abaft (mime aka& mad expeditions. The Nape will leave Cum mings' hotel, Bellefonte, every morning at 7 o'clock, end arrive N Lowletirens b 11*. for the iiroalltArik and Winters trains. From Lewiatewn they will Mang ao ac to neecamoodieto trarelioni to thia'region. The straapa..W abase do mad WM be of As brat deiterlption. Careful *ad experkineed drivers are iragegedi, the beet Coaches sneered, and nothing lat undone which will secure thkeoalidenoe and tame el the public ) 14 R. D. ON/IDM A A CO QM " MILAP-OMMIPTONE --Orwell!! nee to ;patronage to liberally be- stowed spas kink by • gentrou tasurnsaity and 14cl by dried• attention to%Wpm, to 'Swap nonthew la merit the approbation of an appreciating peddle. No Infarnur friondo warennero and the, patine grnerally; that he peepenod to Iltrnish Mow, at his well known stand with every vadat, of 01100112Iltlf that ma bedealled Arr. Pewoosec tririltrg le trotsonint wi ll pileaseeeM sod whoa their of nre ) as I ant deteradaed to give oath notion to id/ WILLIAM PRIUMINI. ELAM MERU BUL la' .11Q-rddICLT ILITWIDLN AND IMIC. N Litty47 M • • • ISUONT AND PADIrAII/18. wW hOoortbrd between the sham pante and lalar .l4l4,64_Mwith ILgAßT lreat careAND and-dbpateh. D DMA consoled Mater la Bolleiresto• Leerlintern or on the rood _owlnede GOOD rst• to oodle a r t tearne roadie. S PURIM per eider, or any Ikher basiner attended to. with deopaleh and fidelity. SOLOMON D/R - • Mimi ►OE C COVNTY boess th• angry, ass WOO Aenonagie*j with all Her our and dm pub peeing, neet to furnish ell Id sofGIIUST, SAW , FURNACE, ounto suLL end IILACHINEXT C STINGS. They ore eke melds( a LARGE VARIETY OF ?W R, hologing the W. rts' P10w,.. the Worts' improved . Plow, sod ommil other@ of the most, approved styles, and g the, loyr. set rates. Being proodeol workmen, we latter MO *elves, that. our Mork wild rive outing sit/shootion. We have on Mind a LARGE 4880E4 IKENT OF STOVES, imitable for either goal or w ood, mob as Parlor, Nine Plate, Egg. and, in fset;every variety of /Roves wanted, in this Kelton of °augury. We bum alto on hand every slue and kind of BLED mud SLEIGH soLgp, WAGON BOXES, EET FL RS, If RICE dud .DURX,SE yrionsw, R IRON RAILING of doooripdoe; IVATE and BLAST PIPE of spg • • r# W@ toter, all body Compost. *Joe, Brat per sod Type /dotal. Patterns m •to order. All infers promptly egenged to, and mounted In snob • matter es will ensuiteMtistbetion. lIENBY 'CABELLO, ROADS A. BAYARD. --- -------0•1? . iusoluid ir Afhil moc k Din mon eb - . It omits to the Coinstitetion of tbe Common - math. Bousolved, by au Senate •did Hui* of litspro beiblitirei if rile Goobstayieeolat ofo:8:011aliva nap is perm irirdsmellly Nov, Th *A tbil lowly* Amendments me Polititiod to th ell°B if the ns Oolisof m tie Itelb onemlth, la mosadine• with dui provi sio artiste tlf. . • FIRS r A mo tszeir. Techsball Po an midi extbdo to meld oon eUtation to be designated MI sodidis eleven, es tot tows . - , AIIiCLIII XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. ascrioy L' The state *el tlottracit debts, to supply goal defielti or feliuret rsveotree, os t e usse not etiserwile rhlsd for ; hist the - vor ether Contracted by virtue q( one or more Wits °Lae poenl aseenibly, or at digtorent perlode aluW nem timed seven hundred And Any thousapd .dollnre, and sir eibany serheing- .fonet the cre ation-G(1nel; debts, abaWbo applied to the pa posh for ithiph it wits obtained, or tit reptip ths debts so contracted, isad to no other purpose Oluiteter. Ellqt1 1 :1/ 1 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel lovas ton, supprets insarrenthm, defend the staisrit-wier. or to Totem the prima matstaadisig lodobtaass of the state i but the atemay arising from the etotraet. iog of such debts, Abell it. *Mild lo tits porPote fur uhlohjt eras rated, or to nosy nob debts, and W no othermuctisretta , •"ffltetteln h. the *Nu :ober" spoiled, In aeolitins NMI ma. 11111"., no debt whatever eball be 4,004 by, °V 'WON Of the atiao. • 846 ms 4. Te provide for the payment of t present debt, and any additions' debt ecotraelad armload, the laritisOass shall, at lb lost meadook, Olio the adopt - kg of this antiadmett, mate sinkinsfund, which shall be sidikitred to pay • aoerolog Interest ou and debt, Sad lutatidly to re does the prineird thereof by a sou not" less than two hundred wad 'fly thousand dollars; which oinking fund shall cobalt of the net anonstl • •• • 6f Mt public works, from time to time owned , the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the sam or say part tkorsof, and of the income re proceed of sale of Meeks owned by the Wats, together al other finds or rssisames, that may be designated by law, Tito said siniting fend may be inmeased from UAW to time, by assigning to It any ,part the taxes, or other reroutes of the state, not requi ed for the ordinary and current orpsneto of govern meat, sad talus to ease of war, invasion or also motion, no rt of the said oinking fund shall be used or otherwise than In extinguishmen of the 'a is debt, until the immune of nob debt I • • •• • - liftlotrant Signor b. TM orodk of the oommonwoolth shall tint le any swum, or groat, be plotted, or loaned to, my bkillridual, company, corporation, or amoolatiou ; nor shall the ocsmagrowealth hereafter booms •Joint owner, or atookholdhr, to any com pany, mondation, or corporation, findlittis Thorsmarnoowsallhoindl not sagomm Um debt, or say pout thmssof, of any isaisigy, w=ll4towungbp; or of any gorporation, or mu u; unlace such 4.b* shall ham boon mu -tracted to enabia the Man" - to mai invagion, sup prim domestic igaurrootion, dogged twill In this, of war. or bawl* the Male is dig itholsarp cif any Pggpf its pacount tadcbtirdnom. irriogi T. TM_ lithMtre s all ant salt arlon a nintanf. neinli township, oir.hssommic teddistrist, b Asia. of a rot" - ar its atibindCin otherdlllll44 it Stockholder In any maps. cry omogiallisa, Sr ampoguakm ; SC Is Amin money *e or Isms lb email to", any ampstatka, assookb dos, Inglitstkg, or mew There Abell be erttale to said em stitetiaii, to b. dad le artiele 111, a. fel Lorre : . - MIME SIL OF MM . 00UNTOCB. No eoenly dell bervievided by s Ilse cutting of over one-tooth of ll•oopalotion4:ber to forgo • roo anantir. or Abevv - iol it ? =ism mil ohm& musty, by • vote re al; nor *boil my new eoomoti be estobliebod, eon. tainieg low than het bourdred *an mom. , ===il Prow section Wood ties lout artists of the *esti *tient •rike out ihs words, "of the city/ of Phola• daph.4. and of sae* ewunty rsapertiosly ;" from well* Ave, Na. astishe, steiks out the word., 'b . / Philadiolpiso end .f,Ae Jewel camas*;'' folio sorties owes, sane artiste, atrike out the words, "neither the essyofigislaarskribia iior say," sod dandle lieu thereof the worth!, "and ;" and soedoit hoar, same oracle, and in lien ihowafhisert Use Woods/ “Ilsoriot I is the roar one thossand eight hundred sod sixty-dpss and la every seventh year Li=,Zrworsiodires to the number of one 1 r appooikned sad distributed rigualty;thneigheult Os stabs, by disarletr, .in pro perties* the waselesterf Sariable inhabitants is the *mai parts *ewer; *rept that a-y count y am iab at le' least three th ealiaad Ire hundred taxa ble*, may be allowed • separate representation; but tN mots than three soount shall be pined, and no twenty shall be *wide& in the formally of dis- Nde elip_weetaining a saillelent number of ta — WAAla width it to at Man lala representatives, TartiladDitil sad shall be I k i=4 I °IMMO ersi ll t met f aunt*** territory, of equal taxable populations mar se way be, inchof .loh district shall elect OM optaistitatire,!` A the eadsiUsentloik wry, saws artisia, burst these voids "the city of Philadelphia shot/ ba defiled into sines aossatortal distracts. of eon territorx a. seerly squad in taxable pops taxon as yotaWs ; ant no want atoll 1.• deviled in the formation Choral." The legislative, at Its Bret seem after the whop- Htion of thio sondment, shall /Weide the city of Philadelphia Irk senatorial w r iLmressateAlve districts,*A :i nsane, above such Woe to is iseehanked an the ap 10/W ASS me a l eight headredr ware lrlß.a sairr. , Ts is 'tiertion xxel, Article t. The Maidimuure Asti have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any chariots; of hroorporation hereafter onferred by, or under , any special or genera law, wismover in their pinion it may be injurious to the *Wow ef the ormaronwasith ; in eeeh laws;, however, that ao *judos shall be throe Is the eorporatom. ' Ia ISSINATZ, April 21, 1856. Resolved, Thai tide resulatkm para. On the dot amendment, yeas 24, nays h. On the amend amend itoek_terton• aye d , Orr the *ltd. teseitamerat.,. yaw nor I. On the forth amendment, yeas 22, nays 1. Satinet from the Journal. . THOMAS A. MAGUIRE, Chm.k. ) Ia 1i01.7 SS or Iterimaanvaviv se, April 21, Oat Rae/red, That this resolstimi par. On the Let amendment, yam 72, Sty* M. On the second amendmentyea" 02, Onthathlrd amend at matt, jeee nays 24,nat 6ut s raimendriitent, yews 59. we le. Mita.... hum 14 Journal. WI LLIAM JACK, C 1.,.: ISso m AAA"'. OrtlcE. _ A. G. CITRTIN, /Pala Apr!! 21, MIL Sody of Cower.% Baca Orrice' - - - Thrrriaboetrolieete TT, 1864-4—.. 1 Psaase/roots, : do °edify Wit tee *bore WI fort as tie •et tree mad comet of the *glad " Ades Medved* me el Oho Ceeddedes" ee the sane NpIIM ase Afe he rile odloe. re 10411111101117 wb•rsoir r have heeeetialo sot lord mid to he ailz.4 the •,--••••• eoel 111 des 7 • / °UN the ddy teed year shore w dew. A. (1. OUSTM B N rocary of at Ceeeateaveohd. 011z4ita, Aiwa , ' 21, ism. /taitolatkote Deecteeleg amweedemed , o Coned. a lotion the Colaimir #.406, bows 1 11 1 4 0 1 dondisidl• Ohm, Os the atteatias, Will the Beast* epee to the Ants eadseent ? 'The you sof Mtn wire WWI ism hg= pivrialoos of the guitiosi, And , were it via: YEA.6—ammeg, lIYtMIbr -214 4 / 4 10 w ansonall- P•rgessa, 111004144, Nge„ Jan a.. trioz, Lambook, Lowfu WOUntook, PAP* A•nom, numb Soother, Iterastb, Taspz4, Wel ton , Weigh, Wherry, Wllklii end Platt. Speaker —24. No t 4411, 061*, theft Bo tileiseettra via lahmalield hi Meijiliellea OaOn Me dutletktiti Will the Bash 'gm to the mood emend agent. pr:22tde 'me lai the d nays iron take agreeabil a te one of Oonatlkatlen sad were se via : —Tao—Moore. Boman bekelett Cm= ll ,- ICeens, Rao, Ingram, Jitaisett, Lewitoll'Olintoo ,k Sellers, Shope', Boa Mitresh Walton, Welsh, Where: sad "Milkilte-111 „ NAY.—larorre, Croba, Pergiant, Oran, Pratt . Prim and Platt, Spendir—t. So the questirmi, was detenaMitd V UN Mt maths. On the nneetioa, , lu Will the lunge. agree to thethild alt"""" The yeas and nays were taken woesT to the Cosseilention, and when aa follow, YIKAII —JOWL &OMNI 311411/01P, 011110), Cr.... well, Stem, Serinson.ltietteren; Rogiii, VC, Swaim. ;mho, Imo; Lau ash Leurf.; look, Mellinger, Pratt, POO. Were, .0111eau, Souther, Staab, Tefillft,' Walters, Welsh, Whurry. Wilkins and Platt, lirieriksr-311. Bart— n Gregg-+.7. So lbe question etia determined la the eildruna . Cho the question, - - Will the Senate Spree he the fourth: amend ment. 'rho yea and nays watartaken v %reepable to kim Constltation; and were follow, YNAl—Mesire. Bmwese, Hotline, Crthowell, Evan', Flenniken, Hoe; Ingram, Jambes, Jordan, Knox, Laaboah, Lewis, lkl'elintoek, Pekoe, Sellers, Shnteth, Souther, Straub, Walton, Weld', Wherry, Wilkins, and Phat.Spraksr -23. liavh—lithete. Grubb, Glen, Milliner abd Pratt-4. So the queitien was determined In kith damns tire. Journal of the: Roue of Representatives, Aptil 21, • The eas and thys were taken AFreelibly , to the provision, of the Oweethethion, mid oh the dint Ent amendment . , were al thilom vie, • • • • „ : aldwin Bell t ak, (Lyman Beek? are. &K . . , Heger Brown, B Ilvehanan, Clop arty. Craig, Crawfori, Dowdall, Bdinger, Fanioti, loiter . Getz, italneo, Hamel. Harper, 1143rW 111trbg, • ICH, Mille` Hippie, lioloodnb, liunaraltar, Isubrie Ingbanh, Johns, Johnson, Laporta r ittbo, Longa'', Lore% WCleJ moot. Mllarthy, 11 Comb, Naugle, Menses, Mil ler, Mortgoinery, Moorhead, Namowaseher, Orr, Purina, Phelps, Parse!!, Thpaos; irailoßu; n% Reed , Biddle, Roberta, Shank Bid, Smith, (Canbra,)W,Wright trrga ,l id l w o Wg a ht,(Lserna,) Zhanaerman eatWrieis, i sr—lL Mers—likAMalase, PIM Ohriolt, ewes. Desk, De*, . .1•110- Moe, liancoek, wrahwePer, B Napa, Mosley, Yon* ,llarnana, alimasia, eer bur', (Failiedila,) Walter, Whkradir and 'Yoareley-111. • go the giantism was deteralesd in the album- On the question, , Will thallome aims to Ile mond miamemernt TIM yens ad nays wore takes, and were be 101- tort, rig: Y st—lleami, Anderson, iambs BiW win, Dell, Book, (I,yeesainl.) _Beek, crork) smhard, Tiojd , Brown Brush, Menem, Haldwell, Campbell, car vo.w, Oetis Reim, Hemel. arm' Heber, 11/I),,TlisgesHl"O r e Hol comb, Honseeker, Inahrbs,, lonia, Irwin, Aim Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Leagsker, Lovett, M'Calment, M'Cartlby, 11,0osub, Musgle, Weimar, Moatgenery, 'Moorhead Nuanestaelem, Orr Pearon, Puma!, Ramsey, Bel, Reinhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk , Smith, (Alleg en y,) Strome, Vail, andise, Wright (Laverne,) Zimmerman and Wright, Sysater-63, N ATll—ldesers Augustine, Bony, Omer, ger, -F-ey,--irtsiass, -Gajdordc Hanosek, lloneker, Loineried, Rage.., Meeley. Horde, Mamma, 114411111‘11, Phelps, BaLiebery, Smith, (Cambria) Thotemo, Walter, Wieland', Wriiht (Dauphin) end Yeenley-211. Bo the quietism . was determined in the Minas- Live. ien Wrir,s " . ' ir., 4. • to ibe third risisoknost? Th" sad any, were Men, MI were as follow, Yesa- , llllemre. Anderem DaaltwAlkiMiris Bell, Beeka OgotmilML) Beek, (York,) Beauherd. Boyd Beyer, Brom, meehmes, Caldwell, CemplipeU, ar ty, Craig, Crearibrd, Bolialger, Temold, inter, Pry GM, Pimmeg Mama Heine, HID, lisammisa . Men* limm ic ratia, Joe rm lAU„ Lovett, tga,' 11 1 0=:: Maggi, Miller, ostiereery, Beane smaller, Orr, P 1•16011, Phelps Penell, litenemy, Beeil, Riddle, Shank, ankh, (dipegtem",) (Oatalehi,) (Wyamidj.) nowPwat Wiwi; tea Wright, (Dee a,) right (Luserne). ana Zhabensan —SC NAYS..-Messrs BaIICIOVOIN 00411f11. Book, Goads% F allen. gay totd.Gibbose', Hamilton, Hansesk, Heasker, Leimming, , Magee, bleahrs; Moorhead, Morris, P Rohm*, lealisienry, Welter, Wrigtit„Smakse-14. On the queetion was determined la the affirm at Urea On the question, Will the Noose stereo to the fourth sumeadeeene, The yeas and says were taken, and were as father,,• Yuen—Ham Betimes', Backus, Ball, Beek, (Lyerming,) Beek,rfork,) Bernhard, Be d, Or, Brown, Brash, macheassa, Caldwell tem;bedl, Carty, Cnalg,, Crawford, Bipedal, Vetiver, aus old, Foster, Fry, tleta Hamel, Harper, Heine Hibbs, Rill, II illegee, Hippie, Holcomb, House. keeper, !rubric, !note, Irwin, Johnson, Laporte, Lebo, Longakor, Lovett, MCalmont, M'Carthy, IPConth, Mangle, Menem, Miller, Molltroweri. Moorehead, Nuoneneseber, Orr, Pearson, Phelps. Parcel!, Ramey, Reed, Pei nhold, Riddle, Roberts, Shenk, Smith, (Cumbria ,) Wymaing,) Thempoon, PO, Water, Wrldtejlpsekar—de. Mis's-111eurn. Barry, Closer, n, Sulam Gildmey, Raines, 111111100011 C, Heuellow, Ingham. Lolsomiest, Mame, Menher, Morris, Pattereem; Salisbury and Winando—M, Su the question was detemieed le she tiro. Betwixt's Ocrtex. Ilarrisport, Joao tT, 1606. • smatereefa — i, 17" -- I do wary Ihse the spore led bingeing II a tree led eared eopy of the "Yale' rd !scope' ' Qen on de Medue prowess ato dedhpeted the enititiltk. of lb . maw Appian as dillArai 41i di, elm mew of the General Aseeseht of this Oosideenresith for the erndoe of IBM. , Whiling my IhmeA mod mmi of mil Moe, tmroty-mmenti dof Jum, com ties mad Meld bmodrid ay Afty-alt. - A IL om.Trs. IyAM Secretary of CemommoimaltA. CTHE KAZ,Z.„ROTZL.- C YEAUZit harriast thidail the well known house, C ism., attested point on the Lewistown and Meted* Tare , - looted by the dprtabe Creek and Lew rand, Centre count/, Pa., would lama the Agog public that he L prepared to stand to the waists or snob, In a manner egad, It mot terperthr, to any other hotel Of pablie hove le the eetaaty. The boom la large and conamestletut, eo that Ileadlies as wallas Individuals o&n Imp squat* roam wbMb preclude intrusion. Ind TABLE, he perpoote, *oil vie vigil zit: the °email% Always mike:Beg do beet the fewthi. The eptepplim der it a►dd obey, be Fleetwood with au eye to the varieliss boo sal femme. 1118 BAR shall ocestain the dolma Naomi at every vadat,. Tll2 BTAIILING is ussurpomed la Um onualy. To attend to it, ha has mewed the *endow of ea aUsative and obliging BMW, on that ..th• pmt may rest satisfied that while his oenallirt I. swam 11thaeLmaim lal miltalag bared lin. Walla aolmalatopLiali b• . TO INF DROVILIt, this stead hindalhann Has ad.agt . Pastors k foan endow ty • TO TUX lISTROPOLITAII, who 1440 IA elle the Imatoi MA Istalarform atamoploint ille A oitat . •!lrig mittoormar, annil to Wok Moo ~..,01 and ibid./Mist 1110Oahlhl dr *him ;1077na lad Centre Ball Jast a tent iim a ta t iai llt s - WU Waltrovellild Invitation la ifirms, to oill H e ma& thataihoti 0 wdeikoh M the tooth of ib. abmo Be Mull ad d that hie impasferm, obtatmat Ihmi anai • loanirtolp stlenta7 koarisror it pail note, sib linatranstiont, nit Ti. la volt asqsalailid lisikr we! lit i rkot tal• Ito bow Awn mid* saliti as Imat la those that NM be MOW si AIL L. pt i sAsAart.q . k? Mecda sod the t aad 'eh MOW tiOd at pont AIM* Vbfr•iiii erostioii, l i tr i tr% 114 Berialoustio rmzi • tlf ATTOHIINIYAratiti4, ATTOR A 14A1Y , BEILITONIT, PBXS Nate, ..60,08 gyp P...,1163.011rA11rU5, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AWnds t oollections fa Clsotte, Clinton and Clear- Bald mantles, • , - Also, Heeds, Mortgages, &a., legally drawls.— Tenn., moderate. Moir with Jam acm an us , Beßefonte, Janlo4( CAL' PAIIIIIII,IHIP.—DIL. 1•L t 1: 40. L. rowan; hiring ommelated' with hint in tip prantlea el medicine, Dr. J. B. MIT OMILL3heFoIIbr their proreadonal servities to the ellitene d Bellefonte ,and ' , Welly. When paces. W7t pb theAntirl 2ll 44. sltiention of both given without additional arse. t-OP" Dr. Ifitebetre residence at Mn.'BerlOreli Bellefonte. dectlh-tf DINTOTRY74D. WIEGATB, OUROKON and Id CDANICAL DRN TIBT, would inform his friends and patina that he hu permanently located in Dellefbnte, and that he wilt be /nippy to attend*? any who wish his pro fusions' aerricae. All work done in tho mutest style and warranted. lam" Office and residence in the (bird 'bones tout of Mr. Bourhoeles "Franklin Roue, ap2.l; %- ft LIVERY STABLE. mg NOW FOR A PLEASANT BADE. The saimeriber Inlbttns the If Miens of Bellefonte and vicinity, and the travelling public generally, that they can id all times be furnished with good and trusty horses for either tiding or driving, by ealling.on him at the Pennsylvania Hotel. Ile has a good shalt of Horses, as well an Car riages, Hoak Boohawa s, Saddles, Ilarnelt, de. • .Ll7' wbo wish to drive safe sad fast horse*, and ride in neat and •eomtbrteble vehielea, van be recoommodsled. H. D. CUMMINGS, deai Bellefonte, jVW AND FASHIO*LII4 /M ms fi PRESS/MG a IIAKINO BAJA:M— andersisnot reepeottalli anoinnmes Ss the chi anti otilelloteqee and vkAity, that ha bass opened a new and fashtonable Bair Dreasnyg and Shaving Sdoen os Allogimny street, la t h e boon occupied briar Turner, *here, by striat:atteation to Ma basisens, gs he hope. to merits liberal share of public a W, nAgOaii ha , , • J.M,DAVirR. GAininirt - 411111--Marlii • STEM WO End 11148/I,lllElf - - time substrelher timpielhaty blame 'hls Meads aad pablio tMat he inn ftailltilldwahsti the Cabinet and [I ring business In all its va rims brandies, and wIR be prepirsd in furnish *WM'S will otempare with way made* the Nest shop** oar larger olties. Moving had primal's) esperletme In 'Teri litanah of business, pentad' an tra& log work to bias Will he assured that It will he done lip a satisfactory manlier. , • tyItIiPAIIRINO promptly attended to. FfiIKDIRICK 9311111, Allegheny Wrest, Bellefonte, in the shop formerly ;wooled by Mr. Metnbotd. apl 6 JOHX ZoBILIDE, • , f lap • • SADDLE Awn 11ARNEWS ty „ 1, tismi MAKER, .61 tomer of BISHOP and A LL EIIII ANY fitroets, Bellefonte, Puma, Hewing porneanently heated i l l region, in tend, to e • . • , satimilvel4 6 e Saddlery and • aerit • • and numatiatare to order, Id latest style, and in the, most workmanlike meaner, WAIN", Bridles, Colliqp, Flsheri, Wagon and Carriage Harness, Wagon and Driving Whips, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags kq , be In died, every thing senally tatiosfeetarad by Bad diem .All work warmated good. Give him a set before parstaring elsewbore. aph-tf VOL T AL The underrlgned, haying made the most ex tensive arrangements, and baring • large stook of material on hand, will be ready at a short nodes to attend to all orders in hie old Ur of Imainsas. He Ms employed none bdt. the best iteltmen and nil work entreated a .hts ears, will beemelded is • style 'ibis! eannot be smelled. Whoneevey I flat ebb materials, THE WAX WILL Itit INARRANTILD. The mien reopkiyed are nom bat the UM, sad in lbe aleenee d apprentket, bulldert eon 'rely upon baring their work done in inch a manner.as 'will ere morieliotkm.,_ urAll onieri — Tithingseed to Bellefonte, Centre county, Pa., will be promptly attended le febTf•tf 0. W. LAMBERT • r • ' 00.4101 LAID IVA,OOII NO DVAOTORY, HOWARD Simi, Owe h skle,) Bellefonte. The sub scriber taka tbla method to Inform the public that be bas, 0011111060014 Ulle COACH and WACION WAKING BUSIDINAS, at the above place, wherc he Is prepared to nsanafscture to order, and em s-oath novas hand a Melee selection of Carriages, mob as ROCK A WAYS, CARRYALLS, RUH, CIES, u well as HEAVY FARII WAGONS, Ae., all et liberal prime. REPAIRING done at the Pborteet melee By striet attention to Walpole and moderate prime be hopes to merits there of ICDWAR=I.. laf•Remember the plate, on the MTV' side of Howard str e et, la the shop formerly eopetplad by David Campbell, bat more lately byllllr._Gitorge /EU— 'ESTABLISHMENT, X. E. "HIS Alta:4N, his efattent *AI meal reepoothol the im of the *bile to k ly le large sad well call seleoted stook of Italisa amt Anse** Marble, wlrldb be bag rebutted with tau Ft. Being a print*/ workman, and kering bed tleomoos of ream tip every Idea or "wile the publle can met essered jMt Umy will nut be. Inward upon, by, hattimg their I *dem han Infer* manner. inettes-the M sell and emanine fat thenimares, wad they thei that they cm sere AVM 25 to 50 per fent Specimens of my work WI be been al the oeme nwise la lOoatre ammay. On bead a large Meek of ITALIAN and A MER IVAN MARBLE, 11th Web he L prepared to monelletare Marnments, Tomb Strom Preach Combos, Grecian Tombs, Quaker Stone ., Cared Lambs and Imre*, Marble Tooth and Stalling for family befit All wort motreeted for b soy Went, Mr. A. Jamb, will 'be executed wdSh neatnom and dos. peteh. sP23-1.1 SALMI* NMI PROFITS. the The subscriber *Foothily Infos* the eiti ormief Owes and adMaing COVIIIMIII; that be has opened a NEW STORM IN BELLEFONTE, No. Fres& Building, Otero be lom PO opened' a AGNIFICENT STOCEOF GOODS, whip bare be* carefully, MAMA, to suit 'both khalif ,00ntatly mutant *Maim of Mak '404 bean - PRlNiii AND SIIMMIE gO.DB, hi Led rer sad illosetlenton'awonx,ombalWag e v e r y - AlMke l oierridrom, Twinge he,, A uptemdM easeitment of KU ' Beroges, De Lathe, Lawns, Ibitilantia, Robe.,°tallies Ohistirm, Thomiloo, Embroideries, Le. 11111ADP•MA DR CLOTHING. Lobes' Ppp4,014, oper ia rtC li ßruhvi r a tiortritrlitist, " thassem.Wsor , asui NIL la floillololf" romilkr kepi le • , aro6USTAT /; " 1 147fr in i - irfoop;ooMy lAA* OP • of foloP sad siseroinoliproomokg, lo poiroall, 4or propotal Midair tint redo Iholloul 00011. w• •f* as, mei Moroi lo u►. pikari, so imprila oloo•Posoo IS" Allrobakp • a. alarmoima. =II '41,114,11.111' 0 A1211111(. 7 - „,, LirmieZ i s a thaisgsd, amid* to L ‘. IPOALION. CM .. _.., .I. • ..4 - I 7777 - . , alittzgriejt x a WARL D0it141,4 0 I" Jo m •RD re Cil . Ir, tie. 225 - MARRpT W, ' - ADIELPIIIII. AoolVl 7 _i,,_ J. A. Sony a lt. ined * Wi10L11714111461, tM 11111 W- 7 1 70, S4CCO, = ONIMPF•AND N o. 5 Noitb FIE Street, &bore attet atrookt d 0019.17 Plonahittellia. o 00NRA.1), BOM* 00.. l et )lAftblarr: Olgir i ltHr , 111314ottb TAtißD,l344l4llll4lllals ".4. / HARRY 001 MAP, . tFe .oso. it Delivers, %LA., i. 1 1 , ,itmuto - -4.. __ isstoilr •/) - ----, • ____ a.* V. a. itunixa . 4: 4, ~, , Lm wow poile A R E ', ra in Foralto ale • ItAltb W CUTLlffir. - 79trivs, AND JIEAV*. OFCKMO No. 47 MAXii NT 4troot; aad I._ • 1 No. nand 24JONES' Arlo , KPPLOstrita, 0 T..snoka, • febl3-6m* , : 2 - - : , L. VIVA. 110111:11T REMOVAL. DR 11(1,y, (:LASS, AND. j'AINISS. RobtitT SIIOIOIF AX ER h Co., thaakria pa the liberal petroutopo heretofore bestowed ,Vpon Opa l , hereby giro Douce that owing to the great ibeleaSS in their business , have has .WippaA p.m& more room, and to Recurs it, hare removed from their old oTtl stand, (S. W. 'corner of Second attd Green streets,) to their New and SPACIOUS afoul N X CORNER ON FOURTH and RACE Riroets, DAWN, they are moo Prepared to furnish all their AO, seed RA new custorgerl, with any artle)e in thMeline, at the lowest pries* *fa on meothromitatlnipri We shall twe *wrp Inealpe on OW r satisfaction to all who may' AM' WI lap theft • ton. tir As to Twice', we cab eanapete vita any other home, and the quality of qpp vosht la oust , pained. RODENT FROX/WXXER . it rid.; f. E. oornlir of FOUBTIi and RA= Me.? Philadelphia. Manufacturer* of Paints In 011, Putty, iv. Impertent of Preach Zion Paint. Me Agents for Philadelphia for the Sale of FRENCH.PLA TR GLASS: • Dealm In all higs t illain and lamer Prima parrent Bent on application by mail_ api goods delivered at any of Depots or WINIMPIhr roe of expenen to the purchaser. $101341, SAINT LA MLE:IIOE /1973116 CHESTNUT STREET, r4nrsAriA Thls now Hotel Is located In Oheetste itstest, t wean Tenth sod lb2eresth 11111111ble bask to ()some 'treat, an entire square, With mugs retie . sideil ao• commutation/ fur 2A) persons Ihle Intel ham muult to reader It attrwortire to the Traveller, Sojourner and Oithein, beteg dime/ op posite the Academy of Fine Aril, Pliti p teltelll Oar , Salome, den and Sal, and !none of thelisoet mast and fashionable phree on Chestnut Street; ales, is the immediate neighborhood of the Mattes, Nod Other pineem of arnuminent The Rooms are large, airy, and well inisUlated many of them bare communicating doors suitable for Families and Parties travelling. together. The Furniture is entirely now, and of the awe. huproved style, ewittnurternlt (he late modern Hotel Imptreee ments. ifo dose pr. te ity .W.1611_44.1..4 Inotu om i i _gi,_ verging (rum tho city, being only one avian distant from tie great renorytrania Itattroat Depot, "lad li g w o w and tietsoent looationeolinders it es do. &Ole for the Pleichroll, ell the Trevino? ittr *sr ore Oreches will always be Ii teedloilit to eerily passenger" to and from the Hotel. The proprietor would also bee leave to glee sietico, thallitirSl be admitted le the seenersesses&ef.titis New Illsrahltehment, by lire It L. Neek, the lei* popular Proprietress or the Yellow Sprier', Penn , who will have the whole add Wire ahem. el tie Larther' Depart/nerd, and by Mr (temp W. Mallen, late Seporinteraleht of the St. Chariot hotel Pitts burp Penne. Under this arrangement * the Proprietor *steers hholelt`that he will be Alit to provide for every want, etou eitabliett tie cheroots/ irtiti reptetiliti be the /House as strictly a first elms hotel!. Janl6 AM B CADIPDILL, Proprietor rre ancamukinti, a ALL AMU .11. wbo are engaged In the Woof 111,12 gime, and all deeeripansiof FURS. The subscriber being 'Weald% ely engaged In the I' UR atrammas, rur tz. Invitee all who bare mph a he, iiapees of to ghe hlut a *all. Ile per the eat weld pries IbuertraY It i pry t i Tt l et le=: fue . en . d ir glie al g i ti value of the shine they have to dispose of'. ' All communication/ proroptli t a llaS 1 .1 . KEPLJOIL In, Glwr• 11111110 der26 R .13111 b •Xollt I 11, tit CONS avid 70 Gip. Ilium, DiArrorrir PA. W 666666 1.11 mokitarralitumas Drup, Perfumer:, slots, OVA Val' Mabee Dye-Stoffe, Toilet Boope, **Arai Zair and Tooth Braila:a, !limey &ad Toilet AatialiberStamels and @houhler Drage', °Asks) beedilL etrotomerr will find oar 'WA beripilat• met hush, and all mold at moderato prices. LiP•Parraors and l'hytielass from the outhy ate fgeited to examine our dock , m mriS NLW HARDWARE STORR. X. T ..LNI REYNOLDS and F. 0. TRANCISODS tom opened la LOOK HAVEN a owmplitfo assortwest M EARL/WARE, to whittle wo Myrna tb• attendee of ALL, Doodling say Wag iodic Nod. Oar stock has bean ssioeted with care, Use *Vows the site to supply the community with melt articles si beleo a7CLesIVr.Lr to di* liardwara buskins The liittlidlos . Material . at241,L1Wy,,., In the TITIOIII mechanical branches, to Inalallre our par Sontag alloatket, Ooathiwakttrw, SW' makers, Riaablwists, Elsoksilatthsaarpcisders, CI& lealuitilart, 'Moors, le.; Mir Ilion It .to thor !uremia to call upon as'aad sAftsilattelf tietaaelres I . _ Persons building will !W.1.,* • spispd'' lot Of Locks and Latches, Silent Plated Door Knobs and Bell Pulls. all of Eastern manufacture; 011 ms, Oils, Putty, Nails, As. A 1.,. lie mit Magid') stook of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, AND nataeon tit Ih" , ever offered 4n this riolnity. STOYEE, 2 LANPf I, CUTLELY, Patent Boring hiealdeires, raid; Aloe hot, Pine Oil,t,c , to., kept la lap qoaladlet lEON, Ilatarnenal and Rolled Thou, all 'the amlinnon sires on hand; unusual sizes elf mod balm* aid phis Iron furnished upon order in the shortest poesilds time. We say to all totoravad coax, pprd swan* fur yourselves. REYNOLD* * CO., Le tE HAMM Ps. i 614 Nigett 2D. ;a- 41 1 to bt do o. driledhaa g °. 1 -- io - .1.• do' 160, 2 do 0. - I 6 ° **- I da . do in hell and quarter banal, for family OW 6 bbla. Shad.' ' • 8 1 / 4 "lea. l ors 14 4 :sesg alli vitleh 101 .11111" gioLir l4l7 eb l ea l. p n : 4b° l %Teo' Jet :iiroessta mind Aides, st , isemwe leattraMintarta SALE —The subeariber her a Am. doh h° 41181 ". --t-hi of OM* HUNDRED nil TEN Amami, A 4 , s vegar which 1 Ig i gtlN l Nggr i _ a ss ,1 ' .:! Ira BA% BAIN. A Tad I I a 4401 MILD. r! Ls Fele le a h b glee qr Teuropr, F or E...u. 4k...tem Afitilibintlbot mia:tr . ' iO/111rXif tvbs . VIAIAIII3yy ELL xpi SAU L Will bi) No mint. ska• • nikriblil LA $W ~ Ant, vita abbot, EfIXTIIII A N MISII 01/ ,"" Et•at wiiirk la WPM, apd appjbairtrafra. litlapat.cal l a aaatAc iil II• 6 " 1 " rillttas4pd S ► has am V i ka v , - i wair ds kta I / "Pfill-PiegiVibli Iv h gni .i wa° l ! rn Ulla osrigliboompill v i e w, to p WA= PIA ‘Tdrasaa. fiddki dyad alluuria for an ) r aPeri ine wblibb 6•30111414114,11r141/014u, A .A. j. rp494ls . * 4!ble l iz int . , . , , POD 41 4 IfOrk : ' it Tl:filter Pet MO elkoo, kt_ii i itiN" r f# ` wl*i, also, Do)' illatirsod iii , : parilliad, tit all Wads, ibt:irillt by , : . - ,^ . 111. - AWL Ji. 1, ..C° row • ~. .;.; ; :r• r701,,p;0rMi11...."' ATA iTail I a i g 2 is g dean It t e l Shoes, Jest resolved ai:l . lbr *e it V LB / . , . . . IItIIXIIIIIK 0 3 .4s . xg..m.siosmAant
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers