• .•-• Lfifi i .t.Arzti 4L,NE,Nc.41,/ , 1114hhorhood of Snow.Shoci is OW NV black hears. Mr. David Ltiesa, s skillful hunter and explorer of the Wilds of bpiiihAthoti township, killed three largarbears Last week, - One of them weighed %eat:1110;nd and forty-five pounds. Mr.. Lucas rfrilit 9oLFretnopt in his explore. tiompola iidventures. Last fall he hid a 4249404 With a large black bear.' tie was'out4mnting and' diseoverd a large' bear leistirtfetling by tke side of a ChtALAlit tree. .fdok idittrat the monster srid- ft --bultPhilri.happeoed to turn, and David's losdlplime the vital spot—which Isa thing _unusuakjon hire,_ he being cousidereethe boti * dinfi in *ha cOpnty. The gear was • only wounded yrigls to ;mike him savage— and attacked Lucas with such despe-ation, the, sr to inter thbuilit his last hour had rcatrin4l iat. determining to die gams, David •itiftiaktd himielf with an undaunted spirit. l'lshististirdtAtitidown David theh turned him, d Itittti!'g his rizlit hand loose, he drearhiiiiiittobs', which WAS in.his belt, and 'Struck the hetir s blow that he stunned him; ifilr Which ho leisurely despatched him, end tt~pbeoevictor; ' • • • Corr Man..--The business portion tatsifkpoop sof Centre county are sow put gketillit'iti4onronienee by the iength of time Itrlitakelle - receive - or mid alettor to Alk rrevioui to the first of July . lasi, run thronah by way of Karthaue toCaledonia ; .but now it takes siriirrof Tyrone and Cloartleld four days. „MHOLa IC petition in circulation praying the - department fors renewal of the route as it erprions to the let of July. There is a gdOti iiito of stages on the route at present, and tha wail could be carried three times a week to the *great benefit ; of the public, and the le3s . t. °Oleo department. rawatuxsAwAittmip.—We the mulelgiglica, ...I.o:4oittott Appointui by J. S. Barnhart, to storhiterui the drawing- of his Premium EnterprlBo, In the Arcade building, !le hereby certify thit on Tueitday, the tiad inst., We *Cat:Hied the said drawing in an impartial , Littprtinef. when the number/4 were drawn in the following order to wit : 146. 1/9. First Prize—bold Locket, valued .4111, N. /4. Selina prize—Ailibeotype, fitiued • No. 87. Third prize—Ambrotypej valued at 14.69 No. 96. Fourth prize —Da guerreotpy4., Tat ucd at 91.69. . . Trtl C. Mirviina P. P. Grum. MUMMI . . AISKTINO AND Ilorx ~"7 - 1 - 4.*liiiB44urday the De mor raesr of Marion • Antt 'atitiaing townsitipm, raked a pole on the "ague spa. ichem the foritter rick tram • nixed, whichwas bored down by same tag ' tibenda. The pole hundred and tbrirtyviriineliaet above the ground, on which b.:Paned an American ling measuring nine• teen by fourteen feet, n itli the male of irttalinisn and Ilreetiiiridge painted on it: • 1113011 large streamer containing the motto, •'Otto i llttion, One Constitution, and One Destiny." The zneeting was oronized by VllllMlpplibittnenit of the, Hon: Wm' ftnyth, " Poet Mont ; end atisisted by ft large ikeinber of Vice Pfegidents mind Srelettiried. Ad. dresses wifsdegrettd tiy G. A. Crawford aF. ht. Eitieanter. Thin loesthiging the hlit vet e+ei livid in Jack 'itintratO. Iljtaletitttretsta.—the vagrdat that has • Ifosa lsi.tLu habit of defacing . bills ionted Opine, had better follow some visible mains or aupportiog hitn , ;tif Ito IN ould • thlm►_raiae himself in tho E stimutinii of the 401116111 of Jacksonville. iiis eflort in Tim ' Aft down Democratic poles, defacing hand -440d pimping for the fret love orksn May bo gratifying to his own low feelings. than whois too lnzy to work, will sooii meet his destiny—the poor house or the pen- AOCiDiarr.—A 111811 by the Willie of David -Shope, wounded himself by a pretnature di?l eikargebf a gun. lie wax out hunting,arai mule/testing hioniell with him hand A A the - annzyle, Whew he put big font against the beauties of the lock, the gun dimcharged and soot tbeioad through the palm of his hand, - -wounding him in a dreadfill manner. It is Supposed he will)ohe the use of his hand: Sfarra Pzasonr, the well known pa biotic eriein banker of London, has sr .:WOOis New York, from Liverpck)l, and is so'be honored with public, dinners M New 'Work had Boston: It is runkorcal that he in -100. to *lint Bellefonte, and pureltaae a new 7 - sett Of clothe" - from Isaac May. ZlSloottkrrc 2411t-rlxon held in the (lift. misoli4,lffists of the county, give an index of !WI/ going to be done in O crober. The ..DaliOersey are everywhere in arms. Our _lll4einds stiOnfd send us the proceedings ear, tier in the week and condense them. •• , Lottfrousts.—One of our Black-Itepubli. era Mewls was talking about the incom lpebalspo Of James Buchanan !! ! Ido must 1,1,40Wg about John C. Fremont, the 1 110iitiattle speculator, or else he is haunted i~dsw-of-Ja4ult ,A2l9o,—Riverkend poTioun` OirCLIS will ' 4 1ps beret on the 31 of October. To thoso who iffy the pssCll of Assartinst, and con appre ' ciateihe witticisms of the clown, the per formances doubtless . will prove peculiarly interesting. - • - rw ait'st:- 1 *list a nice rain we halt on 11Vit rnday niett. It WEIR, comparatively him a drop; hut still it was a drop of 61.5. • O. for a soaking rain alley the • •• ,•bkatie Convention. 11.1114 all ynisr job work—we ar t : u a irl 10 print oards,-eireitbire and ha the best style of the art itt the lowest cub . , ctrei.- , -The tß►e betwi;eit 1 -rowavi t „.„, ~.....4 y ea; also, tko fare? - !itin 1 . ' Aga j aTiicilit. - ... , t 4 Js l, 4 l i Wonnotim.ons, something less than a 0 pli ci a d r ul ltr i rlling in OUT town for tho' EEO DAstobtifitio liburristd ill Minim Towirtutiti - , LA 4104 Buphimffin AA4 Drielttlifi'd,4lol4ti Ili &la 1n theseigliti %oust. in Esglevi lie, bu, gat timitty eVeSting ,A,t2t.04101 inst..), All pettlons tthd klit*their :country, haIIOW- the memory of our - Revolutionary fathers, prefer our free ciiiiistitittleni to aims clip and disuolon i and Are 'ln 'favor of free dom in Kansas, provided its . inhabitants so decide are invited t..tattend.. - 4 D. (4, Bush, Esq., Ira. (1.-Alitehelt, Eitj.; and others ivill ho in attentlatme to address tliminceting. .Ner the Democratik Waidemals The ONNTRIC The Democracy of Potter township ase*- bled in great nutttbers, on blionday,•the ESttt of Septerntwr, at Centre 4all, and judging front - the manner in wittai?they,took • • things, • the Buck and *rock Men of that township mean to - be. lislara and' seen on election day. Ltud the meotingv i aken place in the evening instead of the affternoon, still larger turn out wodhl have greeted thy eyes of the friends of_ the Constitution and the rninn. . The sturdy, hard-working, hard-fisted Democrats of that old Democratic strong hold, erectal two this young hich'ories on the occasion, front which the American flag, prepared bythe ladies of Potter, wares tri umphantly in the breeze with "Buchanan and Breelcitiridge, the tionstitntiem and the• Union" inscribed thereon, and while there fluttering in the free air of Washington's country, its mottoes bid defiance to fanati cism, Know-Nothingsin and the accursed breeders of treason; alias Black-Republican ism, The beautiful ladies of Potter township-- all Democratic ladies aro Pretty—deserve to be praitted and admired for the zeal and patriotism exhibited on their part on this -occasion, because their fair ladies made the flag and trimmed the line, nylon which is 'wended the ensign or our country, with 0710 4 44 and ertigroen. he Meeting was called to ordeii 'at 2 oielrick„.by, J. (~ Kurtz, of the &twitter, and crganized by calling upon (!apt. John Love to take the Chair, and Francis Alex. , ander, Maj. John Yell; Wm. Crain ) Henry Witmer . , Prish Slack, Col Win. W. Love, ,John H. Keller, Jacob Koch, Sr,, Ifernard Wagner, Frederick Stover and John Dau lx.rman, As Vice Presidents, and John Hoffer and David Keller, Secretaries. del. Kurtz, after having made a, few ex planatory remarks as to the npenicerB who were to ho present and address the meeting, bnt who had not yet arrived, introduced to the-outliewoo r la Or 4111101Vtelyi - 154 .- 41elit , Imam, who spoke at some length upon tIM . different topics at issue in the present ram- Hun. Allison our fl'onsrestsional candidate, haying arrived during this time, wag next introduced, and delivered one of those ♦!earl and able speeches usual with thit gentleman; and could not,fail ti.parry Codiletion to the minds of all unprojtiffleed then. Deii, A. Crap thrd, Usq , the Presidenti,d Electoi- for this District, was next ced. Mi.. Crawford is a good speaker, and his argutrionts were such OA could not he gainsaid with truth by any of our ildverss rie,s. Col. Wni. If ; Min., John . B. Meek and May. John Neff, gach spoke fot a short tone words of ene&iira,;ement. After a vote of thanks had beswgiven to the speakers, three hearty cheers ir' , cite sent forth for Buchanan and Breekinridge, hie Constitution and our whole country ; and then adjcrurnol with the det i cidnniation to make a grand tutriviet on this fay' cif the Mau Meeting on tlniffttli c still more glorious fuYinilit oetciber and November next. A N0111.6' BO r.—lti A 40filled 710001/Mt of the shootingpf Mr. Robinstn, editor of the GeldalxmartNortb Carolina) Tribune, by a Ma n named forth, we find the folloisiii, alPHien Arr. Robinson rtreived the first fire , lti f ,111 heretred„.lnstmetive placing Ins left lun^hinel Tilin On e let'where he but Ofeew-svousided, end is tight drawing out his pistol ; but lie litantly received the second tire, audliett4 tOn being, raiaed s he attempted to cross Over to Mr. Dorth, Who had now laid aside his gust and drawn a pis- tol, but found it impracticable—be couldn't hot and — up. At this juncture, one of Ids litt,le sons, a lad about fifteen years old, ran ut. exclaiming. Ts, hand me your pistol, an 11l shoot him,' at the seine instant snatching the pistol from his father's hand. The bra very displayed by this littlaboy in defence of a father whom he then regarded as mur dered is worthy of all commendation. lie was prevented from fighting or dying in his ifather's defence only by those who e rested the pistol f , ..m him, end, as we thought, wrongfully " TUN-WIN NATIONAL CONTICNTION. The - Whig Natio',la? Convention assembled in Bal last week, /Md. nominated Mr. yiLltno4 for the PrTtideney. The New York Trine comment on the movement in the 11,11c3iing somewhatirculiar strain, fora journal, that has occupied the, Tribune's position in the past : We can 201)111 to giro space and promi nence to the doings of the convocation of seedy Fillmorites of Baltimore, who profane the name of 4 National Whfg Cereevention.---. They, are kreoWn Ind ,laughed at earDelegiates without conatitUents, }engaged in bolstering up a bad and ruined cause by heapnelent falso pretenses. Theta is no such thing alive as a National Whig party, and these preten ders well know it. A son of litmry Clay via 'a tiii: of Dained Welei lei aro. , WU" &Ai Choate and otheraiich, supporang,g ue bsmass, , M re ci tg Many who figured in thie Cperrenti ~• , Allmon; Whigs are really workin 7 fe ;lumen, John M. Claylnil pros it onk neutrality. Kentucky and bidet!' nehltweriai the only sure Southern Whig Stitt% 14 the' olden Lurie—have gone for Ituelianan i Itirra, Vermont and Maine have gone with n„.rijah. 'On. Fremont, it least ;nine.titther of - their Clay Iti have declared, for fill en ; while -not et• el -Wing 'Mt ei•-..oraerreettierState —has, i hco his nomination, been ea,rried iill'filltliPolo- ,Stmlit are this notorious Biota. TEE - co110 : tion 'o' fosakat ' Baltimore to ‘ 4 itzhe motion*" of fibminiting the , . _ .Batew-Nothing candidate for Presidadei . a NatioaaL • Whig, is too i"Mr A Aflirallf9illl3:- t a t lltr an mkily ain , ... $.:.. i n 4'' . •• - . , ' • • • • , ~,,1.. Ler g'lrat• • • '•4: '4111E11 1 45A.A. Erltt •-- ; 41431rit? ?Mt MIIIIOCUATIC WATOII IlLp. IJW, J 1 Boptembti 22. wil'eatitoW,i)e °ante 16 sl.io. Wheolt, Red, sf,l6 tolli 30. Rye, 600inis tor. Mittel. ,y-• Ow, 45 oon4 to 50 Thor hullo'. Ofstas /0 ointiiiper Valid], '1 ; ' Potatoes, 626 cents per bushel. Cloverietl, 17,Q0 iiee.buishol. rlakeld; pirtrabfir. " . "'" 7 dOpt, YOl . lllOO export detuand for hour, itsul etnothird ehlpplbg brantle ire freely offerudeAso.7s perhAl , Without finding buyarx d 0)0(10 in small lots Kkt bottle, ootougtutiou at true $0.7:•. -lo 87.:4 and it 3 per WA., for trommon brurule Lod eatss t an ie goal. Ity, the lultor for !betty lOte, Rye Flour IR soar.; find filar et p.bziorflo ilyl)l4„'hoidero gonosaf asking the leiter rate, Cpllll Meal 1s 11111.• i,; 111kj . fame holden!, are Inoro t11440A to retinas. A rale; of PonneYlranie Meal it roptrried et r 3.14 por hbi , Which is a slight detiitraT r Tho reoolphi of 'Wheat are moderate but buyer' duo bolding Mi, awl eehs of good Routhern and Penna. ride In email loin at 140af43 cants, and fair Piina.'wltito nt 15 . 0453 r Rye is Hear° and wanted at Titatin contain ail, mice. Corn In finial,' at 0ft055 for good yollott. Oats do centspes hushat. • Tr.l.mots. 2 —The Kendall. county rifroriei, heretofore neutral, has declared for Ihichan an. The Vemorrat and Ofo Coostdotton, are the - Dames of the two Doinooratic papers recently started In the same State: The Pert Chronic/6 Mendota :fct7 Boston 'Pitottpiereii—ealfeFrenvult - Fellers in Illinois —have lately expired fol, want of support. /111.1. 1 (la1Lu ' il 11In:lc La Yin Ail Ducar, is proparca dirooty ri,oes of•Pharainoy andebogniinfy, awl is El.,' boat ninl snug, active ['Opal - Ilion whmh can bo nunie fnt tho can , of disoiniwa of .titu bladder, ki,lnoys, gfavol, dropsy, wonkntonics, Ac Rona the aaver,ti , einent in another column, deeded '• A revolution t,' urtain Vidor) , le ours jimAltD JOU, :NII , 3TIC/1104 force to grow > 114 wO•ke by Pr. I.Arorit's CAPILAIti PourouND. Warranted nut to stein or injoro tho skin r Prico $1 00 per Package, or thror for $ . 2 50. Sant to orry part of the country, by mail, on roJciiit of a rocultiantie. Aitilroma i lYtiCTSllll h II .X 7410 Poit. °Moo r grab:mire, aryloiel. Tnk Tfatrxru CogriATA.--Anoth.rilm /re, en, e of Vpiirpty by nr ypiteptic /JCR I.ITX NECK, rERQIIIMAIOR fill , Dr Hance—Dear Sir —Haring been °diktad with falling ills for mono yonni past, I determined to give yeur Pllln n trial, (ndrerilsoinent of which I now In ovine 01 the papers,) anti cenatinura to tens them for v.lyu• month+, until I 1V.19 rnhruly cored, I belirvb to f!O a first rota artiole, awl finial, I 111011 U.lllll them, I have riot hnti rue a ttook, and am now in the enjoyment of good health I run, very renpootfully, Yours, ,to., JOV.ATIIAV J Javono. P N. The PIIII rr , r , reetommemled to toe hy Mr Nathan Nex by, (4 tht• enmity, Ikllol4o ml rem you pent them ' files@ Pllll Lesi(les'eurtre,; . l:pilepley, tw•-(3, elflo lift all frirkfifientioni of I Jorv“. ,t 8 Ill s por boo , two horem for f , treolre 'tt(see for $2l l'ersono eneloring it remittent moodl ht‘e the Pill, soot them through thin mml, ((nits roeeipt 1%, orlorior4teerretorr-Ntr- - -11(04• tiott:ote, e'rert-, flaltimore, Md., to Wi1 ,, 111 orders from all peels the moot Ito nuhlrtoole,l MEI/1011. 1111'11.41111111.1TM4 --tar 4 Inn;; tune .1 eertam t I I.r. of 0118e11eell hue bellied Ito w , .,11 no I pristine of tits 1n4,111. 0141110ot 1A.3411104 nt I ht , I ••411 for al I r[ulity Forrl4oftt olo , llg thesu 4r , 4001( epllewy or &thug Gin II ipp[ly now by tho anti inventive *wawa of an r .1 neat elinwrint rK Italttur[re, T[lrl., thin disenne her beet brought rtulnir the meal, of n. urn We al lud• to tate properation [naiad the I,,,talde (roc!' Ninllpfie P.a... Invented Rua pre Iniinf by lir. Seths. lianas, df 1118 llelllmorn etrera, Iron]. more, M.l bone.. their thenovery Who had glean up ail hope of nn or Win; oared, have been restored to the full enjoyment of health ) Prominent among theta, we might entanorete ffarriaan frightfool, of fluid,ill,, r f. hna Ingri.lllld MA mach troth Eptlepey an curtailer portion la die world; owner kJ/awing wit 14.11 Will In pais ineedela teltliout , havnig an attack., end often telling to the minuets of 1111ot-whir, 'lle 11111001 folly motored 11111 , 1 11311 nut hoof an tithe lc fur font than II 311,1 r lit liill4o'n Pills hate bona the rare 0111100 of thin cure. These pills alleu auto all 14 0, 116 , U 4 , 114 et Fite, Spasms. Cramps, du, and are very net rtooable for portal:leaf wank nerree Lr. finnan sends them to any pert of the country on the re eolpt of oi reunittaire. Prise, ono boa, s.i , two, sy, tirelve t $2l Ad.lrenr, teeth ri flatten., 1118 more, Sid- II - i - Notice. The Subscriber having lo cate(' ittntivit to l'lttla , telyht t, et- the Mount Vq r hon Hold, Second Street, where ho n:11 he , happy to nee nll tua , 111 lrieo lr nn.i neplaintaneee when they 1,1-ot the oily. Ito would also tit rums tho, who ate indebted to him 113 note or book avonot, that they will find the!r oil's .1 'I I, Itanking..-Hottie of Henna, l'tfrAllester, jleJe Company, who ere authuriu..l to tree Ice oil receipt for the same, which will lit) ru , knowletiAol lry Inv AIM t/IAM Into of 11k,vinvl gorytl Oto jan 1 • rt)-The Farmers' High School of Penn- SYLVANIA --Notice is hereby go. on (bat the tint inainknont (50 per L ent ) of thu sobser . i,ptiou to the 11. 1 ch µd e ed of Pennsylvania, 1(1)111)' nn condition the Institution ohottlil but to on the land id:lured by lion 41111, will fall due uu the tint day of 00tober nest Sulocrlbers are 'mod respeetfolly retitle/led to pay the Sallie Cul or brinta that day at tho Booking Hour° of iluuoor M Allis ter, Halo Co in ilelrefenie, where tho subsorire (lons hare been depoeited to 'Win M Morrow, Esq., who la anthortacal receive and rocelptffor sire lawn. moon( le luiroodiatuly Howled in the construction of the buildings, in oonimi, of ereotion epos the land donated by Gen. Irvin, it In hoped that every subenriiNr will promptly diecharge lilt • V. WAITS, JAB 3111,1:6, / Budding Committee. li N..Mc ALLISTER, ) 101,117 . [l7i ... bents° County Agricultural t3ociety. —Notice In hereby Oren that a meeting of the- Centro County Agri to SoLiiety, I 1 hed•l bluer court It o or w , In flulleforde, on SATURDAY, the 11th day . , of October, 18511, for iii' par .re of choosing; three Defegoilee to represent the fiensteta to this election of TfUJI6IIIIII of the Formers' 111gb Saber)! of Permsylvanle, at the electron which 14 to he bold at the Institution, in Martin lorrosliirt Cantesursunte, on Monday, the 6th day of Outolier. 1858, at Cl o'clock, M noptl7 (1110 VIE 110 AL. Prot . • QTY Notice .— Notice is hereby given to the Teiseintss nod Direotors of the tmuty, timt f will visit the nevem! Townships In thu following 01"dess-, -- flar Seigurpone of exunlitlns Teachers atl. I t ti t sing corgi ice-' It Is earnestly roquesleti, that as many Teachers and Tltreotntlf ILII - 41111 — poisibty make it conveltiont, will attewd-itmettttally at the times And places appointed, do MI to *rota the' ne cessity of holding pleat° and Indlildoal catmint' 1.1004, coltinUed itimoet throughout the whole melioul year limo Inwnship, Sprmg M Ills (Nltmse)'s) Wed IMPlity,-Seplbrnber 24th, at 111 o'clock, A 11l IPoon township, at hi il I helm, Thursday, September 1501, st,lo o'oltials, A. M. 11aluce townakip, At Aatotetterg, Thonoloy, Eck timber 2.0, at t o'elock, 1., M; ' Mitre township, at nehershurg, Friday, Sep. temtter 26th, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Yoriguson township:lW Ply* Orem Mitla, Tuer dog, Sept ember Seth, of Ili 0 clock, A. U Finowsbm , wwiislilp, at Mtathemen, Friday, 0,.A . 0. be: 11, at 1 o'clock, P ki aug.2; WM.J. 01 . 11:30:+1. Hurt Walker P A. -- - c...... 1 - Bank Notice. —The — Undersigned, ' 'in • tap of Centre oounty, intend to mak,' 'pillion ,ire the next I,e;inlature of this Conitnoworealth ;,•'''„ 'lltie inoorporation of a Bank of issue, dfeconnt i- deposit, to be Mooted at Bolieloute, In 1100 only sforeeald, to be ealled "The Farmers' and 7 sgetfuguroira' num , * Ventre County, with a NlApitill of Tribilliiillimposand Delius. Ildinued B 7 :Awned Linn, Boom , -- -.-• :Wm. Unilo pirpprsonooti, (t giffo r gt i . 1 , 7.0 t), oia,d, rio. , A. S.; , , , S. M. MoWst J I .-” '' __.lllhoukor&k, __tim... . apses, 0 hotter waddi., bond Wow, , ' P. B '4l ray, • tiond Vigengse,. ~, • Jastili ay, Johtt.4l lithiV",: - ' Sohn, Pihol, \ Wee,, , 4.b0r0 Vt4ntleit.; 4 Pater ' ..iIiIS. 7151594, ' Jnan4 EL 11:4•.. '• '. - Balattlel fifkototker,",, C. C. Pridoe, ' !obit ?Tr, .. Joseph Oran, John P. 4nskoo, , ~, , JOllll I', o EN:over, Thom oi tit hem, ~r.'._ , 2 ( 1 1 3 11 itt; ;Ir.; a 15.1. ./.40 ) 1° ~v , ' • 1)R1(OCUATIO COMMMEES OF VffiILANTE.-- 11114/iiii,...llr: — .letiftel4 4 ifotin (hcitrptilly Solonunrltipm.-,7: Mrlcsburg mil`..: 1 , 1,44 A, Robert ',Lipton}, J. Proutlfooo,4 4+ 'Buffington,. ICrettiner, Ttiol4. „ IlushA—J. L. TS C. Boorman, John fricelen , Joseph Jones, C. R. Fos[ u, Jam. aanoo , natmliivkaon. ya w n ior, Jrrin, Chr. lloorth', , , WM. Campbell. ; Cee, John Orr, Ileniy &ha r llenry VVinhleman, Itentiy.thtifk le, Anthony Quo ry, A. Cartier John Geo. Shafer. Elenjainin SineltaerlYm. lidrhelieli, Ephraim I.:F.111e)% 17.,0:11, 4 11 . 4--jjAr- Carl , Charle4 ,Snyder, .1. H. 'CrilliiripiWaoob IMftorf, Wm. Bloom, ('hr. (lateg, Simon Ward, Meó: W, Kepler, Alaj. Jamey 'Miller, AloxanderSample. iiNtartin Dolan, Jos. Illptes. liaors --J. A. Moat, , .. If. 11. 1t enter, Henry Rinehart, John Wolf, Sr., Thomas Cronemiller ,„ Ada Wittli leblech, J. H. liw ty...lacoli „ J. Yew irk, Win. Harrier, llHgh Doid,avy, David tklong, Way tie Har mer, .Atltt4t.gp Leitch. ticuFel Itoy, Cleo. C.eurgis sti•aul,, Daniel Ilan ;ei , l'eter Hoy, itenri 114 'Fl;:,k`. Hunter. , (11- fitind, , 4ines FOreBl4llll, JIVOCA 3telingel4. 'N. nornhort, John Poornow Jarch Niddinger, J. P. Shope, Henry L Barnhart. Iflnilluid, Dr. 11 J. Derry, Philip moyer, Fiedk. Dearr, I arte 1') ("rlcr. __ Pal/a/mac —l.lauial_Darr r 4. ,'4 -d44mo* Siveitzer, C. llantild, 11. hlillrr , 11. Brown, .1. AleDurnioa, Derr, Maj. Wom-Heynalds, Henry Hays,. J. H. 'Rankin, II I). Cummings. Penn—Jacob Pinkip,.Daniel Mustier, Rnbt. Capa. ,John AfilJer, henry Krummie, PeterMtimbnwer, IVin. - • Howard —Capt. Henry Popp, Daniel (lull John T,ratherA, Philip Barnhart, Jaa. White man, W. Gardner, John Waltz, Martz, Mann. 410.)re----Jas. Nlelneit, Jas. .Lytle John hiller, Jenne Rye, Cyrus ('ronister IVel John 11. Coot:, W. Atel)ivit. (iie , .rz-- Col. .1 - 014 J. H. Fisher lien. !fel 1111—:-Bni.f Thone« Drove, Br.-olohn I. Heckman, Henry I)nek Wm. (*eve. Potier.-11onry ,Wilpact,Alaj, John . ..Ct..% John Shannon, Raq., Oiir jinn flofrer, J. Keifer, Frawm Aleirander, David Kiinport, ;rinli Slack, Capt. John I.'vc, David Gilli land, l'lninia , 4 J. Stivat. MEI= Marron- -John Hader, John Zeigler, An drew Harter John S. Dor, F. M. Streamer Robert Logan, Jacob Foy, Peter Baines Robert Beek, Win. Allison, Spr nz—Wm. J. Keatih, John Troy Jr. J. S. itarohmt, ltotkrt Ilion - gown. Darn Porey, John Ivtatloty, Y. G. Larrinwr, Dann. Ktinr, Sot - 41mi( ITlTra:' Mite, - -Thntnen: IVolf , Reuben Cramer ti,trnuel Flanck, Adam Beal , Andrew Shafer George S.•bmcltaer, Acta rr titover, Jacob ]la M. Adam Shafer, AREVOLUTION IS CER.7 , • \ fr CORY I:4,0 Its 2uoh is the proitr kr of ...der, e in HIM rtgO, Ana., netlitrig,seetn+ irnpoiedlrle. That ,her, ere new Ph I e•l , .nttln•dl4 , overies 1,1•1t1% inadt• ~.17 dry. no tnio mil doubt Aber a thorough iseatigatiou of the mgAertn, Yr , 1,01 , obt.em, pritsi e or speeith ni • rcedr tho ,f,:nninv It of lionintiltY I h ive sneeerrird to hi.ligiog together, theli Three yore have elsl.4fl slime its intrvt no tion, e...teetnotl the most p.polsr 7P , 11- ctly in the WOR I. I), AN(1111 . 1 , HOT, D'S l; EN Ur N E Pl(lil'AJ ATION 1114 1111,Y PON(' ENT.It ATM) COMM NT r•r,111) lATRACT for all dleeaaes of th. , bladder, kldnoye• urinary and rnal organ• JOY TO TIM ,trFrderED ft t , nrem ,Ilaneveolef the b ladder, Itidnnyo, knave!, dvery, ttbotrnotimrt, female 2nonplainta, (Anon% ICI ir. hues, glorts, and all d,4, apes ari ng (run, 1100 11 )4 trnprudoncien in Min, >IPA VO I) TATED F EltS, Jtn , l tetnoves a I union, discharge* from the Idad der kidne) 1 Or urg LIM whother ox tilting; in .4MALE Oil FEMALE. (rota whatevelreause they may have originated, and no matter of giNipg hnl4th tutd vig.ir t the frame, N 7) Ad)().M11 'TO Debility, ht might on by ..abhhe, a wi g', t en 114. 41 which lust brought tfiftssivids of the bunion brolly to utithuely grave., thee blasting the brit hkot hopes of p tretitt n nl blighting in the bud the glutioue a mbition nrtny a noble reutb, ono be cured by the ton. of I Nl , 11.1,11i1 ,E RIRM HUY, and es a in, Brine ~ hi It must benefit oyerylsely, from the el tips ,1,11,15 t, to the °untried mid des. ensiling Int slid. un 'Tins is to be found If yeti bate euillruere I the to tlble disease, whisk, when on, it, (lie (yet m, undittednes the soostitu , two, sinning the very Nitsl i illtdils of lire, pnorqrn - R nil: le 1: /13)Y AT ONC/: Thu Lorruur dintllutunt. whole Pinta I WWI stuub um vomit y with blood 44' loan, That mitt ,01 gol.l(..illee II (*rums through, The natural , ttl Jilloytof the bode, Ilordllsz, like esztr dropjahtip into whit . , The this and vrl,l,..itto blood. nit II ARP: ON 91 Al It `10411(111111 AND (WACK E1,111301,11'S It II !MY CONCESTRA'I'EII Ct/All4ittS It FLUID EXTRACT OF BECLIE, - , its apered difeetly according to the t, Rohs of Pflormory o4sf ()howorfry, with Mrs renterst - treentrintyllllla eberlllOarkbPWlPige and rue devoted In Recombination its popular ity has extended to all die, hotot, anrhshether used to lowa, eountry, hospital or.ltrlrnlo practice, has loran ably girt the Most tit-oiliest sod uramiu it dtcnl trodt-hrotitto and pi-minced the Inset salutary ausLhatt...; m ..fi t •i & l erect,- It has been and is used In MI the romeipid miles- In the United States and Ilrittalt ProvinCest, so Lolls publio eel p r ivat e pr w qibe. with great 6110E•41“ Henceforth let it ho understood', for the prod' us 0 too ss%ertrhehniontr to bo eontruitc tett, that Ilt Itaboltrs Highly eoneentrsted COM pOsti Proud Entrust Hlwhw n the nosst vslusble remedy es er offered to the IlMintuil. The turret tti voluntary It 'money in pofxrt ,ion of the proprietor is ICUlTienee, totibrocing ,lames wrll knows, to Celebrated phymortuut and dottfutictithed c ietg fano So,, P.,ofret ar Illeweo`e tolnaltle work on do l'rer• lice of Phyabb and meal. of Ilia Lila standard aurae of ittn4l know It ithlela it perfwtly Mercian; in ire butte end color, but Immediate firi its nation, and It taken by persons or either tier without handraure coin boxilitcw or medical ndvkr, en explicit direo lion. for ate, and WI ample number of reflable and thic-wereirleallew-ta r,.mrnee the matt ittheroit cal will eetiatripany each bottle per bottlew-ew-eiti bottles reallre, Deb t - °red to oily adrireti Prepared rend sold by 11 T Practical Ind Analytical (lbencet N o .ulh Tenth ntreet. below Ohe6taiut, . . (A vorANY bulitiolgAA rtrilootelphi To hr. 11,1 of Ifettry ProckerholT. licllefouto Phl Mill of J.rag:.fi - en throughout I Ito tiliitoti State Cnoodor rnd Ilutieh r ov inwu - rro DEMOCRiet3 ETERTWITERE. iv --R EAU -,-.411:A). 20,(Nt0 AgeotA Trlntr4 to genii) nary town in the United touter 'flln llb and publid 54/1A11.1 , 11 of ' banes Bin hroun. al Pro'si*esda Into Ntiol,dor to sl, and, and lour to Itur+ia,Shna tor And itenr,onnon,, m 00Aigim,and SUCE..IIIr) of Mate. Ineltnling tin' ~,o st Itninn to Int. Stott. Orti l4 : .11 "i'n -11 - Holt Tov; niT6r of tn• N )", 1)ds• I",k Thu AN,VP hook bfti liven Written by 1 ig,1111011,111 liteiiirLattlikimr...... logg• ntinnecit ion with she VOlnnornvii. lov a. ilc furobiliod pere•imilly by the diittiogiouhuri attl, put of thu yo, Moir 11th MeVfl ' tho .lair! uud foots of hta early it. .114 froth outtioris friulole of Alr. Ituahansu hoe been aa' l Uftratt , win 'naturist loutoreasibto no other p‘rtlee. The proof-eheotKy ne u boon anbnii tt ad In entl 0the1)1011,14 , ..... nnitl ele • Toro ho nailed it ithoot runprvg• an aulbontio 4114 anther' Ae.l 'lllO book valise,. u l i eudsonatil26.l T t il u tne ( .1430_ )111)114 lieally bound In cloak, sod ...I... ch A v alo.„ A With ro neourate Pot 'raft on, BGoI ,, Ado., For further partiooto app ly to r akuidiikn o lig Nismu, et.`r a N. Y. Ooplua aunt b 4 6 14 pass pia 0 ,, real oforloo. 186/313' A cilniatlUer SUOES ioirtarily oa haa4. witt • Norden. , •' T: AUALTCII. How cmNil STANDTNU, :•4(` 11?1 , 1C.1; A V n • FIFTY DOLLABB REWARD.--A RE ! wiiptorigirrY izpLkAtts wilt he paid on the ararehesteitin oflllsi'soontflWiter soouttdrebt naro7,ldittetat.4llol4nasi yes thintAiolth, • the 22,1 last, Cow tho fla lßages RtiminC fron6 I ' Bill.lbutsto•Lowlstpwn pod Zyronn. J If. htiflttllTSON. • tteept 2 t . For W. Ilit Anse STOVES ! ! STOVES!!! Tn.; ntibrorlhers butting lost roturneti fawn tilt, CASIO, cities n101111;0 largest and best nastartrnent of nqn ne over offeted iu Ow ~thoo or etnintre--onibpsisim4 , part OW Lolubt ale} qtadio owl o.orn,Ll• - •to,i,1,111)1.311 sir deter utittlitl to moll for the money on the bated let...able forma Cooking Stoves /410 cotraphstar,' with Till Boil° BtovetPipe ' lbake-Feud; bit • e Alto 'Argo reisortrount of Pallor. Coal and Wood littaves The llotitio, queen, Htar Air-Tight, It erateu, Parloa Polito, it now Anti beautiful litaavo tor) cheap, riutt Pimp Stowe, Pm, ea Plate (Amanitas' littavet. a.. , de, 111 great variety.. Cosi Souffles, Poker., (tool r 4 wirett, Hbovete, and all ilia neeetisaro oraittlie for kitchen aunt alway 4 on hand at that IluillWlloll and 11'011 Plow of ItEYNOI.I,B d (p), sepl24 Lock Ilna en, _ . • AN =CHANTS SUPPLIED WITH JAY Alcohol anal Finial at oily prievit by ItEYNOLItai S cut, , pin • toad: llaten, SADDLES AND COACHWAItE.-• A fuller *took 4littke,cr it, now ofkred to alto trade by Ill:1 flltal.B ,t , septitt Look llostia, Pa HARD'W'ARE, 0L413, OIL, NAILS, Locks, Ittiteitt ,, I 'bot Z 1110, , Huow. 11.1t,1 tad Preach- T".Volitin". r. 1100041, Uatalte, (lamina-it, be , ftivk opt to be hai at the lf urilu are tiloi 0 of 111:1*Ntil,Dt1 A sopttn load, Iloven, Pa _ _ %V L PAPER. OUR STOCK HAS ontietly rotoW,d. wn umw offer Ilto _lallietu4utrz=l,, hat v watlo noll 0 1 t rtl/Mt 111 11.1kpear11111,M) 11 C311.,,g WIT IrEyNoLiis A pq,t2t • I NJ HOZELAvvR 8, ATTENTION.—MO- rums, To" Peke, ke . ut NOLPS A CO . sop2t Y Luck lhavell RIVEIt% loaa,adavatt° ESTABLISHMENT, - AND - CHEM CREW C. miprlshig Eqnloll,hment cottklstlng Of 190 Man Vi011.11,11111.1r, It, 110,, and • ochibitell tuvdes MAllllOl'll 11',ITF,Ii-PROOFI',I‘'IIIS,IN 1 New n o l v y, 3, nila ritte4 ant, fo4o roo +r , dl I. r 6,111 rit isELLEFJ:irt, Feld ty, (,•60)4: 31. 00l 7 P 11• N nu I.r ton, r r,o r i, or+ hrc knopo to,..,4doonnerato of th:o , tt,ot el'iofgh • h.f ue , b , ifin nmnt f • .11 , 111,!,11.11.4 trl.lll all other C1f111 , 1..., 1.1 01( V .r 1.4) nr d Itrll:l4ney eitit,porfornooko,, 101111 1.0110.0 00 Y tbo Ttm , bo found A 41 •••1 •LOT of HI/ eat aMont gieroN , l It. IV ri•n- , lllnlorti al, ell %Ili be nalua Now 404! N:.w clisageo!! nod Novel Efibcts!!' At. 491( mokly a thy l'ontionor, will op ,ra+entwl, t.os Tbr. fog nr.o .tf , • , rtr, from tut r ia ooth I,g , lid of • - on, nit - WlTir rt -trr- I art rRe. A sotong 11. fir••••••••• 0•,•• • 'or. , n t. l . 14••• ono! 01.11,0 A , to.. • •••• •• atm o ••• ••••• • i••••• 1116 NI, "I', MADAME CAMILLA, LI• 1,••••41•••••••• b• , .11•••• r•••• 1••• ,, •,• el *AI. th./.1..t0 MADipiE WO fl 4 . . - TbsdrlV.: i , e). s 4 s li 1 1 7 , "I. f- - ~ • . i kkr i k ,.. , ,,,, ...,, ,, .. • ~ . ...., . 0 . 1 .1 fir.' i,..•'.......1 A. 71,7 , MIS 144.11.1. If R.•. 11. ' ".• ' " '4.1.L.% rEtrrrk Airrn - rrx, Tir 1,1 .s,s, 444,141%...,... 4.4 1 . ...: ( Cons. r K F. Dsza,ors, •• I B. \ ->,.. , The 47.04 Aostory . ta 4.•••• U .1., lift illapitt , somas, .1.• q 611. MA. 1110.14 I/ 0 ,, . .I.a• fn. A ......111( on.. th• .41ror all. IA On 'LOP/PUG as 0. , rr l. ' . or.l lin .on.s rrr 47 or 1..... 4 • I w. t 4.1. A Wn.lerhil Pritan,ul A• 1 Nast G. I)EitICRIB 11..11,........„,..., w „... :„. ~. ......... • /L a ”. ~ •41r.lAns 0111Ann.....44 • eta.. 444 r. n I.r.11• Irre ir. n ' ...711 -4-3 . , /•, r .,... k. r ,.., r .,...f..t ...4 1.:r.71 L .... 1 ~. _ OA —r - s. If , r. 4.• A 1..14 %.,. IJI.rI J.l/.0b.. a JOCI,O, III: /ILIA \ I' I I • , 4 1 . 1 k . ~ . ..:• L. .MEWL& RD VI 00111%, • '.L• _ , 1 zi , ,, , ~, . 41 , , ~... ,„ .111141 t .7; TIM /II 41/R: W. I 41.1`4.1../,.. .4 , ~., / .1.J.• ...s .41...5 7 , 1..1.5..5. A. 5.. "5 1 1 • I"" ' , 5 " 5 " " . . . L 1:1! r.: .11) . .'.., ; 1.. \,, KI N(3 4. 5e.).....4\ Tl.• C. 15 1.,....1 ~....I,at . , , 4 5 1 ' ." 4 11E114 'lll NI i k u. 5 It, 71..1.....1 t.. t 55 ~......55 5 4 rot W. .........-- _. ..1 M.. 5) I wig. ' ' AWNS JA)/1/.0..1.14, ..,.... ~.,i 110N5 01 , ,110h1E, rTA• SA. 4.14 , 1% a lb. L.. 1.. ., Ago. I VI Ira. J. SO.an i liseea r• non PM !:. 'l'l,•Oryibi r - -- . Pi 1!. F EIN 1 in.., 1 A...1'..1 M.a.• r, a 4 l' ... 5. 5 515, (15.1. MONKEY Mast. CHARLES RIVFII9, WC,* aIV rows a ut ot .fian F. 1, is, 11 ils,xr, Mis Tilt l'EltßiriC LADDER PLizruttMLlit, .... '`'.:" - , -i I, # Clot%. DAN OilliDlill. • 1 IA 4,.. .al 4. 164 c,.ove a.lO t. , f. , . ,•• : • , -V , Li A 0 14 .*” as 1l• ~ )3 „ - . P , 14,,l'Aldir c .mi `%' 1 -..- 4 RUBBIAN BEARA c , 1/ ,* al., ~t.,0,,,,,, I, .1. ...,,ehi. n.Are... 1.. Loll.. kAI NI 1 x f. A ,OW 0. I ... •111 II 101.111 ‘ 11l , 11. t .4.4 4 1.' ... 4..... e ... / TU1L11.11 , 4 Pli4slA ..t i /VI A. Z Ma" I' _A ......._ •., I I, I c ...... .'.I .. 41 ~ 144 ( rte''' M.,.., i. , .., , .41 ~, , +,,,., J 44 .... 4 4 . . . Belleville, Monday, fieptemlor t.dtb , Mittlin• town, Ttiesda, , ,tieptiaiter 3(lth , Ltni..hyorri, W. , 11• nerilay, October Ilt , Potter', Mate, •l'inuiddv, October - 21111. rN lieronto. l'ildav, dlezoLer 31 , i Looklf al, rn, tintnrlay, rminher4itr ' L'•, VOUI,DOCK, Agent, yt i v ,M & perioi.' ;Mammoth Pavillon east be had free of charge for pnliticil meeting on the day of exidbittons from 4/ to 64, P M No nntloo ii re gulled to 1:0 given for rertnisigm Any fanner having the capability and wishing to kai,p fifty otolsty home 4 nett winter an hay, rde,mo apply to itt*ri .t potletwi'Ximus Compaiiy . rilAllikEßS TAKE NOTIJE.--GRAIN - -A. ---V A-1.1-1141),-:-'1 )10 0 , ..1.1 1 / 1 4.1' 411411 -pay-41..v -highest market r4to I in te , li for Oheni, It v, ii.ii ,,, , Corn its,l Iftwkatiolit, at &ter lititwitty4Mit , i , on the :11 , taltannon !' r, k, Ihri e milt, tiontho km, ~, or Ja, known !fowl., '1 'lie rod 10 Lion Nf 'II, friir I I' 11 Wil I,lte%t 3.5 mil, fonevi•n mile„ hotateManla mad and turnpike, mating it dowrablo for (Atm, rt and other* to bring thotr gram to dm Will. t idelltita of Lumber S o wed. i Limiter and Shinglim of all kluda will ..111.11.4 be bent on hand for sale. Also, a superior ar,,ltolo of Ofittlf. , , roady for delivery at matinataikita,. 'Taproom eon, after selling their ocrxii , 'Mat Atli h g.)I loatlliks b 0.411, 11...reby Illtlkang it g o to (huts'. Iftilltr, (.4 I, ill Id rritrinf Partlyttliinrik , M= ito cho' 0 64 er the• i oaratie yro.tbh: , ---1-moritlo-11in ~--t. , -. T 1.. CW/11.1,---- - -I- f , ti • ktroaNrr.ST•LAw, t" ' '"; ' og2l-ly - ct.amoraton, !A ._. Boos AND 1311013.--4. N. ASSORT saint of boot* and *Loom 1;11 - sutg-6 J. D Atyro-AND,: BOA-LICH'S_ BOOT AND:811111i 8T01RE,..4 111 6 ' - ALLosuaolk..dikaaar,l4l4.l4ol/., Thv auba•riiier hating roamed husiness ac his oftvflth , l, luearn4oiis friends nail .). 110 lothliu thaehtf Itait'jmit returned Mini ii i hdoil d edia with largo 104 ,01111i00 sportramoi or a , mrs tall stoc,k over offered to the putrilioni racing Dirrr tiENTIAAIRS'B AND citti,Dra;N•s 110(VIN, 8110 l S AS IIreATTIOIB, Of lorry description, style and quality, ip Ong o my othar marliat . Ilt, work oanitot to‘ i's , ;‘ ,l l , . 1 for fi UR ABILITY and GII EA PNEBr , ".,?• bodice of thowletwou wishing a neat (Pun,' '11,.„ t , ot wo nr unit, ano pnknh o g aud a ltd ni Joy nore I hero now tat hand a .pl. d+.l. 4 er,k of loather, du i , and othploy the bast notklitell tno . 0110 0 1[10M UlererOrU, ran prooure (h. lull worth 'ol thou 1110118 y, Tilt• pabliC arc rt , treatially .tiiitati h, ,t , Ol ttlyl4 ' " \ri.tolt • -- - .....------ .- - -;- - • ---- _-- _____ I ji , ,togß. , -; atol (boo, VglllCLi V, ea the shorteit - noMoYII. 1W0... , i;llrnti,l llih li all! alive.) st,be la, rerullna.e I riirkiflASON EIRE - INSITitaNCE, CO toeontajl,es,er . .pl - • 1,, .iny :1,41,1.1.111it may 10, des '• AW PHIL cnr.T.rit trt, 'ILJ. I -4 0 , 76.1 1 4.1 fa tebq fa .ort ha reepeolially 0 Nonni E ISt' C ,. ”01H Of 1413111 , AN II Olt t to , I. non WM II BIBLE 1 , Lea a eur4kinualiNe el the ouine. (t 1 rn' 'l'm , o/ ANT) STIILLia p • I aeorpointed by ,the I,vginlainle ot Pollee ' - ;2 , s AUER FOB rrßoirE CHARTER Eql'Ll tAL . v . t . , CANT' if, AUTOullizill, at Lan, lr-500,000, - 1 - 1. 1 0/.1,' -- . 1 lin srplempod would T .,- Ankil Lan rginee .agatnill lees or *team, by Mar, ; *peal ally in oral life Orte'elllne pabito that O he w 'onPoldio or Norma , Thaidiage, Farnham, ,itoare ram a daily line of litinp,e to Tyreolo--fri-ylt.klyr of (heals and yien,,boaller a all khal ; nn favour- , by tray 0r lilorrastown end \Vorriottaork !) raid tri I,ln terms. I nnek iy alit Held Elgle Halle Alotul , DU:EI:TORS 1 en , o Tir rone on '.11 , ,01, , C It wirinv,ltty ' lin.l Friday, lieorgl• u: elf, , linorgo K • ; - ;,1,0 h, ', from thrll, fubttoo Tensity, illunatity sod Satan' !Iraq (lea kto, Vmderidk saal,,,, • day awl the lolluning t1e) , 1 , 41k tlyo l nrMateHnrollil John 1", Ileliteiling. Wts, II W1.1.n.r . , - gioul2 . 10) eI;MMINfIS .1, Augait l' „Nab., Than Iltrglarn; j, ' ":„..."--..." ' 4 -- -,...-..,,,,,'• - ~--,-• %Cop, Ai jiamej, . , ,lanai, Bon man, `, ! C.I.INLIZR . Di r-: LW 0 -iu LlMill D.J. Wu, I' r:mlth, Jamb 8011'0110ln, 'NJ Pro ',' Ill:IU 3 , 1 tz aphi 1 hie w.tivallt il um- Henry Traminr„ r U„n,..;t2 lik..tx, ji , Moue if the run, „ ell, rtgq out useful nil ntiunn a J mot, N alba.. !by ago. 111114 1 4 :7'.1 J4Oll t.I k,.,.1 n raficlent length "D P IRGE . : II(1.to" ~.irle,,,t lor Um, tar lie 1 rougLl, 1.07',. I upon n gre it ),in iely ~ . ' J ' ir ` l' it: " T "" ',.• I ', . P , ir.J. , 11• iul ntrtnotti i, au-I 111 , .1f ,•, i.e. bren fully ftp l-nitfi. 4.....rvi0, .'ire/gra,// jul6truilti ' p.rft LI ..11 mil , 01111111 W (16 ,11,,n.t nn , l surpl IP The - rootlo the c h ile 1,00,1 v•l:it lie wontl,rfol minyi, , .42R1'.11A 1 g.':';' COITRTBAT4 ! taY . ' Aiar.h , 4-r.i.4 , 44.--: . -;"--4 , 4-1-wua)- Nu tool on order ", 1110, 0. phses Coust of CLifile vr nII , II it nt,,,it,ei 0' it, T. !learti 10,000 x.. ~ aunty, will Inc e‘poseil to :oil,. by tyublto yen 11,, 4-I(re'moth ip daily ,IPrst non h:1 1 .•It no the demand or oiltury, At tho publlo lion, or 71,0 Mit I Wolof / . Otto wttb all UM I: •11:ims iif new and noprorwl in Jackson, die. in 1 11” cannily or C •',III 1,11 ,' I_ I mlchittery, with th, 64014 'Ato. melt it it tittpoiew IIItBAY, tlic 22.1 litty 01 Noy: union t, ii<o; o 1.1- ble ' for Sim: rirA Co to (1:: th,:r orders Vow.. / lowing tlewAhell Impperty, lo int: pat t Ilt ) ; 111 1 lied l / 1.1,111111‘14, olw up r,, n,vci;rlr t , - . , :ry ether:bare: estate a riugh Nell xing.l. do ombol ‘l2 , • .jlll{l 111,1'h od se , oral mot A CEBTAIN•fjrf OP (MOUND /n ton 10II , n or : iltrwr r. 4 VT rm1 , , , ;57 - E,17/::,vT, , , , , :lacks:ma ille. :glory:mid, being :la tract Mghty-t,,,, the effell of' se t tilh ;, -lon, To to ,k, th, ~, 11111 with. ( and a half 6/14, awl two llllliiikOrri Mitt I,iiikesi fool OW (il , 2,1, Tv (CIO, I', , only iiiill Illy 1.4,r/ioii of 10 depth; i.a.ted on the tivil by toe 11/11,11 , mil the operotor, Int:DO:de ocorwar:,, itch 31. To funk° lending from It. IV r,,,a,. 44( Mill 11,11, on: Ow on„ i to: m inn nor 'n nI t f., 4 1 , r that Ler..,.., nn Ole with by On n!ley. alt line rotat'll land of I )r , r, 14,/) ~,,,1 Ihp ',tun. hetArr '1 ii in r TITO 41*.t . 1f 111 of inning CAM witty. watt Inc lot up rho o/ , /11p3I/Uy of Rey.. Won J as thlin,K4 . 11 - iloon ted . ' Wlihlt sno I lot of grou . ), kilo.. mid 1 nix - rtel4V - ,04 .1 .1fra I . 7tOrg ' ,7rlrtor inn,ne nth So mum_ tieAignated no I ' No It, to the g , ltwralphut of raid rtst , r ttml ,Acoonetl64l .10 'mivh rerun Wink. tenders town. and ,heroin ureeted n ' ll%O .11:0111,- II all other machine. before 1' had N.thlele/01, id FRANIE t ' Sli awl other buildings , e,Artporiaoss, even tvel4 ttlireytt to had for the asking oi 4l .1 1.; Ti!iy ' licr i" .l l : l : f .j l lit/ tiP N o . tot l " it ' o- I :l3 l n t ;i r w UnAIitiratACIIIIKA tkPriiincJV'sft ten ton east iiir .laUkriarlil a a„oo l n ' talniog 344 r in i nutrino - irillr ealsettte perfectly eywny fariety of illit'llllßlO *nu nilowntwo. IVhiull Said trait of lo a d / Ontll, 60nroo or Are. On diet!, Or Walker . , WOO Stir , oyes{oll a a Arrnot granted 'lf, J , ,, , ph I Toe twat ratiebnos for family ss well ILO pubitc 1130 Ilei/lII`r: dated Jule Mat, 1793 Th.+ anti tract off Riots rtiti to $ .3 "1l a Year :no. bo , reared by an 111. land will be sold entire or in 10110 11, 'llll 11111 11 11.1,11,11. 1 al , WOW IJOIng this mincLiJe, moto than WO/ b• A crop , of ' , lle - 08)01401 ' 11yr plin•Vt;, , 100,T ill f *1,4.'4 In !IWO; .. 11, 111.1 011 , o"llflrineiliiii of a der and the attain( ll, to , 1'114*(1, 19 , ik litil 10 tour lili/1f an to the lone year Ilieri•rifter Willi 1 , 110r4e, iy be F :cured 1,, li. I. ~r si” e ,,,'• in., , ba., 1 nil! rob r you to the fob looyi nod 1111,11111111111.• 1., .i 11,14 row-Ira:tit . F It M.•NI '.ill ii, t ' it , t ' , ', , tr , f to Sittgrr ' d tn, bine', liiet. II •I' , 111 Al/('lilli ALI) % 1,1,1,211 i. fire 00 II /111j1t , `l/111111 , 11111 ell other roactialtill before • ... 4•lroittistr , ttora tit 141,34. Mn 11t054 1 ,1 1 010 Voiotia osfionro two or mom tit runt patents On AI P rItOSTIIW .1 ITN. e II C /iiig . 7 the :'7th of May last, we rt.:Jeered a verdict in X - - ------- — r --- -- --- -• - --. iltt for itallutge.tuent, eguinst tho Excelsior Sewing ARTHUR , fi Ni,,•).,.,,, t . ,a,,7 ~,y, ti,,,. 1,. ililiilliirlil, (Mr Patenta , , join I Ole %VP INI4I lIIIii Dunn Orinilll4; 11l the boiled 1 4• i 7 I .:c'r r.'•' -,„,: .. (~,,,,1 Cotirt to l ' hiliaielphl4, find e'sl in ''"AI'ILS" ,r. fl I. i ~ her ca, i.e ...rim , tirtn•r A Itakor, arid Ito CA NI4 A 88..) \ ltB - , - 1 it-heeler a ri inil.iilll,ll, 4 - )/1,11 li fringe •n errant —All litolasit (rein, , of .1,10 rula. Ile who buy, Any of these int. rier f , '"" : "" ' A ,, n • roes, I of, i u,zieg tuat.bint..l, wltl hayD J10. 1 1.P be a opt in mom yet • i - I' M SlNtiElt & CO ::: I. /or oni/li, 1114 e CA 1 . 1.1 I 10, Arai 2151, 18.4 -'"1114-"-Ir Iv- in " ;---Jitney orrnq - Air - 1 - VI.Tr tfortit'iT VioWartslJ ' • ~ ; -rh.p ~-, .i 6nyiiiii,i ii.i.ir to 1 0 ,6 Id, lof,t, or which tsroto I Ii ' '''''' ''''' ' fitriA - ht "le of I 01 5,, , ~, 4 l-' , '5 Bal'in'g Mn,'r o r ' T .' l""' • "111, ,,,:e., :nod toz: a 0t,..:1 Site x lore in. osy business • ' .,ter' , " ' 14. ;! i" l''''',,' I ,'tore 11,1 f hi I,e PP,I/ /,,,111 /1 , 1.1,/, I iri ret/l/t/ to that lit trio II frnnt .11(1 ~.14,11'. at-swift.' ohs superior HI HUM, 111 which t 1 ~, Ti r ol' ji,n,-•, Arther'4 Patent 14, If '4..,0ug } ann., 513 4:., ~ i Pio/ 1 io Ilc to, a • relied ON the ! 4i4r, 0 .111., r , r 11111111111,1 Up (16141, {nuts tomatoes A, , awl ,„ ~ ~ ),,,, L,,,.• „,,,,,,q,,, „„,„/,,„,, an ,„ in ~,,,,,, li '" i 1.111 I'l ail " . l e-,ll ' •` ii ' o ':' /di ' I ' .1. 1" 11 in. lb" I tho d, nun,,! , u/ int 1-,,,t,,,mm filv +mfr . r , ' , , 1,, 1 ,,, 1 ,,, a i * • 4 4 * t 11, awe:4l7m and •mtir ea.,,,,1 01 Ara d 4.. *ow i t„ 7 1 .,,, is T 711111) ad V.1111 , 7g0. _11 . 4: 1111 1/111Cr Cont ~,,, ~, ,' .. ~,,,,,,, i„,,,,,,,,, a r, tr,,, ~,, p,,1 r . of panto that we base :men . • , „.,,.k . ~,, a „,„„, far ~,,,,,ii, to ich4/1 ran in Ili, I"k'r/ tried 3"a ion rd ihen, warm ' l''' ' ' s e . " l/ ,i,,, •by hams' The ntrt lienen•ts perotene4 Of, drollyof Out, - I A 1... ~ , ii ,,- ‘ ,4 1 IA" J. it'd,. t_ nil he /root Nil to $3O " l ' iti'l". " ' t 11"1".;'; ' ' Pk, :,: ' ,4stiet "i“ . v t. , /11 , /// , , ...0..1 ~., 1 dp,' to CAL l',ol , rirMrs of the Ott :: t owl Isa Piver• 11 , , , e , n in,, ofr p,.., -Phil:v.l.lphi° " ' Wrif• I-• 11 ii t: I: Ire/ All II r,,lsr Fall <Pre 'll.a. fnr plttimr . 1 , All kinds of (ron't t HY ibi s, April 21 lasl , inn ~./unioly ItIO/N)CiM/911011 Jiro, The IniVrill too 141 ~,,,,,,, 0 , ~,, .Vet. fir that .,,,,,,arAu,saad osu of Mr , CICEM4IngIy shop?", no I the PC4Uh. fottallns/ 11,1.1/./r/1 1 .1/ ...., , , u. ,.., , ..1 ( ' 0 'A ,I.: , ~,„ ~,, Aigmi,,, two you r s the :Arcot loos are oloter - i oil : urea. iritireirl. ASS hairlll_ NIS nooutantly oft .1001 . ri 11° V. In ' t 41" ;wit!, of tin and line P I " "i" n" I,:',.,:ther le ,/ stothout ,osttittxr out al rapor. /re gu rou A re -prool roolf-wor/ . / Bnewiro - by • ate roil fide it that one II:dr/one doer it, sour& ,tort % ' .'d ALLISON, Jr : o , ~,.,f, 0 ,,,-,i" /,,,,,,,b, re lib/ re/ form, god ewer* ,I,elts , nt, ill ,. I' . Gtr ~,, ~,,,,, v r , ester it ,flail it ter" fruit Plillera 3 ' 'to hate Iwo prothilive.i ft, //rot./ fan delay of ththo -- 7 i,!„," (Arra,/ tea needle fee., rear., In If.. tenet A ~,,, u . e „, . 7 4,,,1,,,dy ~,,,,,tif,a that Mire iv tpol a more ItTepii thailiiiir to c T . : rtrriro to Prpfifill; Iro 4 la I ' Fr.yrt A Co , Bum amit Nip, illistihjaeltirers The itt;tietliglled, bar tog p . ,,, , -111•Kti the .tight to nxe, end vend to iniori It, by lisi I. of r 34 8,,„„, S ro ,ia the fulloitln:T turritory ritato of IV wow:1u: Nottliet n I nillatia, l'..linA .. ilcsitiri. (est•eptini the rounto sof Philadelphia, Erie, A liegliewy 1,1,d, North• At.iptnn,) wet LWOW Ilititfore, Ono 4 ili. liroprli•nir, II Min prepared to eel! machines of /under A Co 's t,osn'ufen um, ~f the smolts fire, downs plums an , l ',elate IL t N B All persons por , heAtog or olio ,i,.„,„, U . 4„ A 1;,., • , „, ~,,py other infrtoging , taeriur tuakfhirte, unit ion pt iiii,iiiiitt (no o•I‘,, Lion finale TI ill evident Ono! the/ nit , •obs of them ha, ~,,.: ing torkelanoO have 11.11 ..nail loupe in their tttles of 11..1,1sloei(reUl the Twit that they 1.111 h.trlily true. A 1,,e0 uskep frous Ilia purchasers to lux:, :JO.. a - pw•ks: :ore nizlit, for fear of trouble, and of. en di,. :jog : il tlo on at 50 In 711 per rent I.w, ado, ing ll ' le // 1 / 1 / 10 ago that ,1 41 bird in hand In wort!, two it the Mod, IS It A N 11.11.1„ ()Kt •sn./ r0.11 , m, N ., rtf.egivrll, M1,111,%'y co , pa' W.% 17,'1 :.:12. awl 0:1/Cri Trott:lll.g Agents ' fel:l3-otno - , 1... n.• ~h..l i.~~~~i nnl ~,.~.. .~ r , r f`J,nfrr -onnly /VE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT Itk tAY it we fill ti furnish ry dew,riptirt of m.rbie Work In 1 .sperms ! 013 lu 11( a orktnalubly, pod trrenly4Fwe yes c•ot !ell than eon his had in Lone: tntv„tf tieshinj, ur ! ,lore, ne alk no ply tn.) w iii 11 , 01,0 ow ; so take the work wit , ti lir/IV. rot/ Wu ii , sna'''''g avd 111110 , lery in rib ill tunes, mil t Sr • itt • mutter of this kiwi We tiro h , 1,11 khon is in this community to stiff's . by MI,. inr 4 rn• pstior,Wo • 114wr oilr work to reequincri4 stint .0V only VI 6. 1111(0.11.1 , 1 a , al , llllg tutlintest4t We ass ifINSIVVI Gn the ten Ithetal patrnu t,;,, 4: oj anti 1 4 ,1.•,ri111ir , 111 II a rr.;zice of ti,. 0.101 4 All orderer tilled with puuri u-' ably suit 4.1,11‘e,.1 to any part of 11)( country. free lif troght S A ill I ork 11141 , 11 Moabite Work, A1:111011121:11 AWENTII 1M CIO TR E MartiPt lluuwet Jr ,litoolp Potln4rise, kodi I lionw 111,111111:111 l`taTifilhl A slimol,rnker First Lrruunu out, , Tl lei W Thomas I, Iletn,lt, F TYR% FOR SALE. Pummel In Irani el n Con llrtivir , of F.,' wont,t,,ja n i t !) t o ti oa .l o ne , „,,t t ts to the ino.lursignel, who 13 prepared to furni•l, Otani et the lowest rate, • Vlrtorthea, and all var:etlen of IADIF:d YUJI I 4 al way. 4.51 b 41.1, at prlary rnareh lower than ran be) affeiwal by the whithwlla end retail Annette or NOV .30rIc and I.llltrulmoi., otovr.:q. RonEs, Ac. can •lir ha par, Lair I All Otleta od , itested t.i nLtIJItiE KEPLER Pint' Wove Mille, Centro ra Will tneel with pnannt attention Ntamlt ESTATE OF WM. it. BAKER, DE(;'D. Lotter. 011 Ow ciente of 111 G 11 It al., t. •4c' , l. Isle 01 lloaar , l towl,hiv I.ren grlote.ll IO llm ea beariber, ou• lottlliog he ltarrin twiliglitp, All Verbilli initebtAd to SOid . e , tAtti 11./11111 101-1.1111 amt egUip 1111. novoliMaly, and tli " 'o having cldinool aktoorlt the ea t er , it Lll promoot thuris properly eutheolioehrol, Ia atug27-Bt, J0:1:141 llt Elt, A1...'. . . . Q)101ri SHOE STEAM SAW MILL. Tho atiludrilior lieu log elected a large dl eat.; i Saw 31111, in propeted to sow to order bale id any demolition at the shortest rot ice , 1 ROPER T 1.11"roN,• • On Rho Snowshoe toad, I I ruins hoot., ESTATE OP ELIZABE'TLI SIMESOM, 1 - - --- - -4- - -4,-- , , dkNot IV hervelf, Lettere of Adm i Olin robot; , D - B P d ga • f l - vii IC l ' iii , 'On t he etolde of Elisabeth Simplon, deeM, ate of, • op Spring township, hoie been granted to the aaboortoi 111:1 ru,.5„ itleALLlFrir.ft, DALE' ACO , ber, rentdieg On dm borough of Dolleftwite, all I - - Derthswoora (mellow CO ,PA persons indebted to add month will piston° t.olnefet I DEPOSITS 14 1011 EV Els ward .1 Route Immediately, and thorn, having HILLS OF ENOHANI/E AND NOTI'6 DIN. olohno nictinit rho MOW , Will preennf them proper l y COUNTED 6111{1 t.1 , 111,e13.1 , to " A " 7 " l ' r ""' . CQLLIVT.I.O!ip, Illitlai e 4.Zil) ,P LP:Ia:LDS RE angINSL. . „ -- Ailintrirwttlimt.. j , Al TTEIt ritfoor is ----, EXCHANGE ON TILE lima CONSTANTLY oN ' lIAND . I.fr 25-9 m - -- ---- - - . rp R REMOUNT 6EWI I FAR Y. -- .111, t•••ir tiv•n mai tooth tl , ot r. on Phtitotolphi , , twat - Noll ohm tt, Po , mll 1n) •.1•• n Col 1 , •.'14.• Mc,. cONEAD ROUSE, BELLEFONTE, Fa, .n.l 11. , 1 41.0. 14 0f5..., 4 n; ,, , Conk tt•toino I JO/1S II MOllltitlON, 14 { nil 'tune 1, I'n , : Iho Sit. It• 4•••rti•hful, 1116 •/ i., ' PrOlitletror 11•1119‘kl• ling j•1•• , 1” , t N,"•••••410•1 1, 1`. , 0 1, 1.11, 4 10. • ••-,... , ti. , ./ittiol Illimir 4101).140 or I 41 , 1 . ..,n0t , , , .9 / 4,10 ' s U li ` l , R . N II Z It S .—. ,h,,i, , ,,k, ...I ow tt..fto.,, ~,, , ,.i„, 1 i,,, ,Nl q .ll a 010. , is. clIC••••tte, the tnoohnye nt. poi tom...ttv ~‘ ko to'lfol otoolto)ent.4tist ,to. t tyit4 .% 0,. tool tthltt, out •., vly Inanon11•1‘• Hrot ••• onntle• to 1 0 " 4•11 " 4 "NI " hi 1 41Mt t""‘ ore Cr 1 ,r...t0 the phy•:•.?,t, 101•••ife , tuii ullll inotal w01.,1 ,V),,1 7 J. 31107FTGOM 1., BY & SON - _ __. _. _ -....-.-... - --- foto of the solotiort A CtrourAr will 141 o ' l a 41, nrclor, .411 I•3rtiCnbars Rit.l rcforone , 4 .I..tenuMl • S A A,. ltt ,A Y .., ,N11:1 ' .1. ..i ~`, Vii 11t ,, ,nvii , ott 11.f.CF i Stil " ri 1.../QUill NU RCA AN T nog 7.1 NotTlIf•••.li, PA ~ Dealt i in, rote Mt Whianty. Proactive, Wive, - - • - -- - -• -• - , dine. Ac , which 14111 to 1014 ocitotaicz tv the tole VI ROOM B AND •Yill OK I,TS. - 1,1. v, lry ibe gallon inyl .1.0 , 4-11t0OVEI) I:1,0AR w Ml.:l', .2..,,t,..t re - --- o_, ,laik. -- -----im-liViaili.:WAT-EP,---.414-Y-PERSOK is-1 r -' :,.1 , ' 3l ' l - oft - INT, si -,, ii - i : --- ( iii ,), ) Al6, titer . , vo oiv vi, • • . 'holm!! in rurrhieo 1 . 4,0 4 WIT 111141[141y ' ll • , •10 , 1 , 10•1 Mtonril Front/11n •pnrottoi, sea , lt• 111t1,SIICS, M 11's NtsuraTirg iv 'oh 1\I ; 1 . _.„ ~, ~.,... „,. ~. „, Is 11,1.015 WA ft Cof nit k•ntbl took 1e.•., tr ,r "°. ''' t" .....' '' - ' lvn.9 Pl 3 °" "2".F nn , .1041 N 0,, .11,1.1i5,A. 3: J. , 7 ~ riFX.‘ & - ,AfrIVIVEN Nv i i 2 tool*. Vhisltristi titiri 4 , brio Writer.' • - - - - oic,-'lO p 11,1,11,his ,-.----", SA„ NE us L J , Ai. OWO L s . , Iff)f,tkir PA TNT EP A',4' tt t1T,411,1.11,„ AND PArr.lt if.l4lll;ii, _... - i Pot t rev. /Li p,i, , Will tatokl to .All orsluni iu h i,I Mile e to Rh ipronspl , ' horn nu.l..anipsubb,. '. ,:•-- , o . .„. Em r. te P , N Ogit- S ,..tASENOVIA,NY, • - N r Ait ktiltit A OTIEL , . • . • .. litoorfooturrro of , l'ofierfA47o - tiltesAcms , ~, <, • 4ind isit•kinda HUN AND AND BRASS AfACIIINSRP,' larltyrning and riteinf In Iron, !run or Ur. Bbitillellellthing snd i t il r o stsirtnat pro aptly extent* l'O ) tka'inity, Wl** . .11111111Militn h' 3o-6 ' .._ ' '''-' • ;-, :i l, Titi:. I - • A OCOMMODATION NAIL JUL. T11'11.1:l unLEPoNTI: & LOCK .11*11E - 14: fiber %wild rpm dretfull3 inftos tie 'Nardi!" YMIIterWALD EAGift; t,QUI etwere11t.641,0134141,91, Ilatentl fob - du l l or all who may wish t , trevel oier rood. The Stages urn eoprortablu uinl , Canveole Rl to rid, in, and the aril ere owl will ghe general, qatinfoefion The Mager tints over lids route in th going and eonkinA no Sing, , 1,111 leo,n lIIU iloyee, Ilene .finds. +,e, ; Monde,. 15 011041)165 Aid Fildhy noon n'lrttr, of 7Voluek. A AI . no , l ;PAT.: Look heron. r erg Tuesdey, Tlia:ndoy end Setitidey, at 7 A • EIEKLEYOITE 1.1111 - (V STADI,fi I N oul)Suritigr ode nl..r Inf. in iLu kAlkblio. ,Ibut *lOl o,lllll.uss to iho Lii tly AuJ rc raidprepared ncommottaim Ihr til tit , is •1..4.P.6 A NO' .FAST MARTTN STONE,' , att.1.13 toll birlillwra to hit lino with rune Inn !Hy J. 4 X wow, oitotzszL.4, &a.. &c.- A large •lock mlways .4) Lund lo supply eus )111))1"3, (or sale %On, b) I. 111ARTIN STONIC, Thellefont, LEIDY'S GRAIN CRADLES.. TEE 6 , 41 article in Thu ` 6 / 1 01a r app,i..f,t Agora for Ow nlln of rhe, .ti era.llrut M,tIITIN I•TIIN I 1 puStE LIQIT 0 RS. - A LARGE AND t,dtro - wrapola V , 1T 1.11111111 c f ,..„,,, fr for b f • H NVICE ritunrr fiSNTLEBIN/1 IF YOU WANT A 1, - Ar trcutr, Sro.o, with a Pro llnv.re. iust mwit.tit - AC UM: . _ tILERSUEG ,TAXRICRY. THE outolotibet h3k tot touted tea above tsonori will-000rron -4he bonfire.* 40 all (tut ht her, a. and airs 'he btglicst, matb,st pd.* for J. E. p4ovvrosi. &mum , mrianuis elm risort— %, Nevi 0414 bY • 4 /1 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers