Mercantile Bank,' :Salem, 3faqsachuactia. Where tounterfuiters have got hold of ttin genuine -dies, they l ddght alter that inn to ev ery book in NMI' America, without n!tcring the title. The lecturer said that, some yeirs ago; Ili certain captain, got a plate engraved In New York for the Planters' Bank of Alabama. Ile brought good recommendations, and as it was customary in those days to allow the ba124 0 I V, away the Pak — iir the custom er filMsgtbn of the plate. !le wen to Lexinston, Kentucky, and them joined a Panw ohltuntetfeiterm. As there was no lanteilt nit of Alabama, they n i;nt to St. Letkiii..had...4labaroa beaten Oat of the plate, a 141Whill4fseein.erted. It then read Plan toga ff 'formeeiTe, and theii,neds of 1 doltrirWere made and circulated by the Tit- Imairmk.^ '' • - Illiel Iseit; - felafed qr , nie of 'the tricks oi l, the fratirpny to cuculato their edict. 4niesa A cotittillftfaateer wait i'uling along the mat, Atli a Mat inl•knevring that the latter had 4140' +liars and a half in good gold, i i . ( f . r , ~,,Igie tn a to c o i t n i r t , :f r n r( ) . :i t i ilineinn. and i e d t n o , o p k . p . ' ":&' -.''' .i6a , T .- gliit;pinis lii horse mill h, #riuntirreiter told the farmer he ban - a Illli la on the ground. He got oft liiiliMet; fr '7pitltesl up the rill, and generously ntl4 . tu clivjde the pi i ae. The fanner gave hi i ;.':,41 ,. . . - atriii received the counterfeit bill in • . • . L. ~ With many thanks to the liberal at • , 47 * , - i 4, ),, -,, . ma r neat exhibited a fifty On t gikv - ," '.think, Providence, Rhode lot. ft .. '" . Ntt'is'terrmed wraised bill. The 4e , aoagi an ad to tl4m. ti the course of his remarks, Mr. Dye, alluded to the great improvements which had We, *Ede by battle-note engravers in the Filkieekrii hr their work, which now de fies the skill of the most ingeuiouS wunter fi. ail. —A man nimed James Ward co .4141ciere at Farrandsville . on Stan ds twit, by cutting his. thimat. He i ta idaTi w oitmluetor nu the railroad between F I.le and the cbal mines,. and Home t h lambi since was crushed belween two car's and severely injured in the groin, since which timo - he has been confined to his bed. On Sanday night 'about twelve o'clock he wit i b to inare the mom, an ho wished to Mega, • Nib& return they found him lrl ugea- 11 litkiett. having inflicted a fearful wftiA *tilt Ibroat, with a penknife, which l:oTced immediate death. lie wtaa au i r . t and leaves a wife and child. - - •EA irdchnian _ — On WHOLE COUNTRY! . .J.Nty 0 zi Colo -t I', kii 0 MASS MEETING 41111 P-111111 CITIZIESB or TIM OOCNTISA OV riaoaU mmaii i Ikabr,lsfaullield, Mifflin, Blair, and Huntingdon, IN FAVOR OVTHIF CalliwniuxlON AND THL - E UNION, =I Fry, C. BRECKINRIDGE T., lba Pres:dancy /lad Preei,lency of the lhaidoet tilatos, will Im hold In lkilefentie, Wednesday, Sept. 21. Tillgliessisitathe Plate Central fern i c lee h•rins d P N eitt illida•lfisitia Centre county, es the place Pot MlNSMlnbling id th• Dornuersey of Central is Woe idTh+Liperi int the Coned tu- II Iliata—in - Who would pre., ri n tin•ll - ' alai dnisdlindreil the gliriou. Inheritance lays by the Patriots and Pepe of die R - TAIW. - 1 wh• would reverence the memory of Ilf • IXOTON; the Patter of his Coantr), wed • swef the Coe•lituitoir—all whw ad ,ji • 0 i.,4- ';0 N. JA(...ssov. CLAY, Wit fillit • , whose eneirg lee In life were derv • religion of the rnieu so it le dlstimpilshed speakers will be present and oldellSo ' • meeting . 11014-1411.--RIG LER, ORM 1061 AU RANDALL, Er W. FORNEY. ESQ., J. GLANCY JON FS, XII.. V. PACKER, . ONO. J. L. DAWRON, OM. &MCC, W. BLACK. ARAL GLIMMER IC HUuIiALEW, LIGL WM. 11. WITTE, Wi. REA& FRAZER., Glee A. CRAWFORD, ESQ.' SONIAL IL ILEYNOLDN, Es l / 4 1., -41011nicilbiSONT Wfiffe. - - - -• • 411111M 2 4104. IL BARRETT, AND moms. itorwilistuni km' been extended to the followlag dieexpleibed Deneoonete, awl it is expected that thay 044 b. promo . ijr,AVIS 4iASB, .mpitE,N A. IXAMLAS, 1106.11.0818 T T(H)AIRS, UM. /mats R. ORR. to Add ocher Bnue Banda will be In be spared to maks lhis.ono of the sf 0 rations The Done of b (ken of the aafjoi rung wi a Ll e a l I *7 1,0 1 olimilimiessiiiit invitation to be present. Lel, all = lll.ll 4 4 Friien tl a u ltirsitton h end a y l l th w e ho el l eo election SAN Anil USE(:EINIiILU E, Inra gist hi Wok sicesucll T. at-Olimag or no] minirersic, lieetiago is Centro Co. or th“, lambeentey arid the friemle Red the triaten, wlll be :held et f i t itel"l3 _ ~ ,, Sept , 111th . bt... llMAhda. Tkerstay, dept , Ilth -writ, rt 4 211,7, NV , la.& ...ixr •-, Satez i tgai. l; 13th ; . t''. - 12111 Age ettoesday, opt , 17th ' 4 'W - , Seb'eel Rouse, Styrg, tp , 80 4 ,1 !SIR fr .. ,_, Pride', September 19th, ,d.,, 's Allite, Saturttax allarnarm evening, fiert.inbr nth ' , ,•,,, - .1,0;: af ehool Howe, Potter brirmtip, riot • to ' A ebito*, September 27th. .60*-1119: Ideal, Xeq...of Clinton chilly, 'sod alikariDDlfiii wyl &hires,' the wee t I ege . ~.„...... . ~,,..: ~ , - 3231. J KEALBII,, . Obalmtlan C onnti_ t eiSmittS4 ..„,,, *NI.--• , ~ I - 1.- 3111111 ...... aelliwiittaof, the list anni orahmahat x••4o.4erg, noUsd 17" .. "'") grow iu ltellatinia, od — WIDNEX 1 t eit, A t, . 0 6.1 4, , , 1 i n . iErlstioninr, unit D E 1011907111 r, , . WM. .1 K. 1341.130 , Chairman Etiurding opudittoe . . . 1• ' ME ght watchman. 'QUM. AND ILIAC? JUSTICI6-1.01t.i. B IiLLEPoNTE, I,ENNA WE DPI ICMDAV, SEPTIIIIIIIIIIII 10, 1030 FOR PRESIDENT, JAS. IiUCHANAN, OP PENM4YIXANIA FDR. VICE PRKSIDENT, JOHN C, BRECKINRIDGE OF KEN'tdOKY ) 3 11.F.:511)11:1VTJAL ELECrors Cloaks H. littokalew, - Crorge W. Nebingor, It houfien iVELer, 2 l'irreo Bodo!,. 115 lleorgo A. Crawford :i Edward Win - ratan,' - 1A isracwilhawk, - 17 If .1 Stable, 18 John 11. Roddy, ,111 Jacob Turpoy, J A J lluohnnan 21 William Wi lkins, 22 Junes U. Canupholl 21 T. Cunadogham, 24 John liontloy, :5 Vincent Abelpo. 4 II \k ale, :o John MeNair, • ti Jahn II ❑rinWu, 7 David hairy, El Charlee Kessler, 0 James l'ialmaint, 10 Immo 11 E. W. Iltighem, I Thomas Osterhaut, 13 Abraham Edinger, Tho libiwo to Lk convict Het of the' pump* placed in nominal ton on the Dentoorntio Electoral Ticket by Ito Deomeratic tiiate Convention of the dth of March loot. A pledge to eopport James Buchanan for Preeldent, and John C. Breckinridge for Vice President, in the event of the election of the ticket, Las been revolved from each of the aborts eandi dates. Editors of Democratic newspapers ail please cot root nommrlingly, a number of errorsimv tog_heen tliovviad in the publication of the tiokot By order of the DEMOCRATIC STATIOADENTPIAI, STATE TICKET. FOR CANAL. COMMISSIONER, GEORGE SCOTT t OF COLUMBIA COUNTY £UDH'OR GENERAL, J'At oli F Jr., OF MONTGOMERY ODIMITY FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL HN ROWE FRANKLIN WIINTY COU Y TICKET. ALLL4OI4 TE. ,TOHN SMITH, 7144 inship AMOCIATII ' IJapn HENRY BARNHART, SR. WILLIAM BURCHFIELD. DMA fOr ATIFORiVRY. JAMES H. RANKIN, JACOB c(ArritovE t Ammon, WILLIAM KERR OUR TI(:KIiT. The gentlemen placed nomination for the various offices, are welt and favorably known throughout the county, and will be supported with great and enthusiastic una nimity by the Democracy of "OH Centre." ft is true that the Democrat:), were in a mi nority for the lint two years, owing to the base treachery of men who were lifted from poverty and placid in positions which they now 'occupy. The Democracy are now pow erful in numbers—superior in intelligence Indefatigable in their exertions, and undis mayed by the relollection of the last two elections. They are determined to elect their whole ticket by a large majority. For Congress --The conferees have nomi nated ALusote Wilms, of Clinton county. Mr. White is a man of talents, a thorough going Democrat, and a ill represent the dis trict with credit to himself and advantage to hi, roust' tuentr. For nen, 5/y --JOIIV SUITII of Pen n I°l%ll -11.1 i been placed on the ticket. Mr S1111(11 is one of the best wen in the county, 114 Irgnrds honesty, integrity and midi', guns. His past history, both private d political is beyond reproach. The in, roma of Centre county in his ha ids wo he At tended to in the Legislature wit romptness and fidelity. - For Assoortie fudges LiVe have Cm. HeNar BARNITAKT, of Boggs township. Col. Barnhart has long been favorably known to the people of Centre oounty. his position at the present time is not one of his own scfking, but a desire, on the part of the peo ple to elevate him for his public, sorties, both in a military and civil capacity. He has always been • faithful and zealous friend of the Democratic party. He iv the Cu!!t Of a revolutionary sire, and inherited his Demo cratic principles from the glorious cause . nt the liberties of the people which actuated the fathers of the revolution. Major Ws. Bramstr, of rerguisin, is a mail of intelli gence and integrity. Both these getitlenicn are well known in -Centre county. Their characters, both private and political, are beyond reproitch, and their qualification for Associate Judges arc wig uestioned and. un doubted. For C OillaliSS orte r --Jews PorrsollOVß, }imp, of Ifelfmoon township, is' nominated. This gentleman, was formerly a justice of the peace, which cake he filled with honor and credit.. Jiais a ntenhenic --a saddler by bade—and would make just such a colmnia sioiter as the people of this county desire to guard their interests.• l o ur DalracrAttorney -.Num if. RAN KIN, is re-nominated. Mr. Rankin is a sound lawyer, and has heretofore discharged the duties of this responsible office with promptness and skill, and has given' satisfac tio!'to the benilkatat saiLtbupeople, -- For Auditor—W lA:IAm Keaa, of Potter, township, has been selected, Mr. Kerr is wellJaielifled for this office, and would die -CU-4e the duties faithfully. AN Aroi,ony. --We have had lately to give several of our most highly prized exchanges the slip, in consequence of the immense de , Rend fir the Watch/non. ilereafter wir will endeavor to provide agaidst sea emerge mica by prlifting extra eopftl. Eittostic , COmmol dies WelehnornoVitil out withouelirstipiriMatt be bad ;tithe dim.— Price three roots* CONGEESSIONIL CONFRE4IIIOE 'Ol TEE 10?T1sENTE DISTRICT.: - In accordance with the established rull!, the Cenferees of the several counties. corn posing the fifteenth Congressional District, of Pennsylvania, met at Lock Haven, on Tee-- day, September 2d, to nominate a candidate for the office of Congress. The conferees convened al 2 o'clock, P. M., and organizel t by calling on Dr. LAD. Canfield, of Clinton I county, to preside, and Wien Forney, EM., and Col. J. (1. Kurtz, of Centre county; 'to act as Secutaries. The Chairman, having stated Me object of the meeting, accompanied with a few appro priate remarks, called upon the delegates to hand in their credentials, which were as fat lows: - • • - - • - Centro—T. M. Hall, Wien Fot+lSoy, J. C. Kuria. Clinton —Dr. Ira D. Cantle C. A. Mayer, Wm.. Parsons. . ••:“ 11Ji>iliu~lw F`.i~litctmll;; Wm, 14. Colltor, A. 0. Har*ey : , . Potter—lion. Timothy Ives ) Miles White, D. W. C. James. Sullivan—Jacob Miller, James Dunne. Lycoming--George White, John Platt. Mr. James, of Potter county, moved that those counties not fully represented in the Conferee, be' allowed an equal number of votes with the rest, which was agreed to. The following gentlemen were then placed in nomination for Congress: • By Mr. Hall—Dr. D. J. Berry, or Centre. By Mr. Ives—Mr. Dent, of Potter. By Mr, Parsons—lion. A. White, of Clinton. By Mr. Harvey—Dr. Mitchel, of Mifflin. By Mr. Miller—Hon. .1. Iliehter Joilea, of Sullivan. The Conference then proceeded to ballot, with the following result: • IYJlsqn AloCandlefs, lIALLOTS• lit. 2d. 3rd, 4th. 6th. arra, 6 .6 O 7 11 3 3 e l 2 Datr, 3 3 3 3 3 hirreartL, 3 5 a 3 f a Jules, 3 . 3 a 0, Mr. White,, tint4n the sth ballot, re adied • map ~*mitherelbirt IXimlBtted as the candid* OtOncitioli of Mr. James, the nounnation witsll33.ll4tlmanimons. Corirru4tisulsnitted the following rem. lutiolut, which were unanimously adopted. Resolvid, That we pledge ourselves, as ttue Democrats, tosustaiti, and by all honor able me l ons endeavor to secure the election of Allison White, an the csaidite nominated this day for Congress. Resolved, That we bail in Gen. Wm. F. Packer, of Lycoming county, a Democrat and'a man worth y of the highest eonlidence of the people of Pennsylvania, stad recom mend him to our Democratic brethren throughout the Commonwealth, as.a condi ,. a for Governor, in 1857. .tion, the chair appointed a eounnit tee to p re an address to the DentOcroey, or this , • ;... distrtrt. fiise - tee lass g3IIOWII !. 41. A. Mayer, Wien For ney, and D. W. C. Simes. On motion it was • Peso/tied, That hereafttr t two dele gates shall represent each count " Confer- MVO in this Congrcshional District, d that the next Confercnet meet again at it Raven, on the first IVedoesday of Septe her. Rooked, That tho proceedings of this meeting be published in all the Democratic papers in the Congressional District. On motion the chairman Alm antborited to appoint a committee to wait on the Stop_ Allison White, and inform him of the action of this Conference, whereupon he called on the whole convention to participate in the performance of this duty. On motion adjourned-. Tea Law mown MIN M/UrTING.—The as meeting at Lewistown was decidedly the largest gathering of the Democracy ever held in that borough. Upwards of fifteen hundred (Rout hearted, hard fisted Demo crats were on the ground. Aide and elo quent addresses a ere made, by Messrs. Jo siah Randall of Philadelphia, Powers of Pittsburg; 'Magraw of Lancaster, Porter Wilson of Huntiesgdon, Allison White of Clinton, McDowell of Huntingdon, and Daniel Dougherty, of Philadelphia. The utmost enthusiasm prevailed, and the De mocracy of Mifflin are determine.' to speak out in thunder tones this fall. Men who have not entered the political arena fur years were in attendance, and are determined 65 lend their aid and influence to save the; I tnion and the Constitution. Armagh township which only polled about seventy votes last year, sent to the meeting over one hundred delegates, among whom were some gentle men that have, octal with the opposition, but are now determined to vote the Demo cratic ticket. Straws show which way the wind blows. 1411CCUANICS SPEAKING.—The mechanics of Springfield, Maas , held a meeting to take into consideration the outrageous conduct of the Black Republican members of Congress ,in trying to atop the wheels of- govern ment. Several speeches were made awl a number of resolutions posited, 'overly con demning their outrageoils conduct. They earnestly and sineorly call, upon all good, true, conservative, sober minded eitiieno of all parties to unite, and not only baniSh big otry and passion from the halls of legiala lotion, but, if possible, to wipe out from the records of our country all traces of Black Republican baneful action. LOOK OUT FOR Soairrinain Ittou.—Wm. T. Porter, Esq., who hits had the experience of twenty-six years es editor of the New Yp;it Spirit of the• Times, will issue this month a sporting and literary newapaper to to called "Porter's Spirit of the Times. It will be of the same sits and eliaraoter as the old paper and will also contain ,contributions from the able and brilliant writers that have stv'etr.the Spirit Hi Oagifiott among the literary jawed& of the , United States. This paper will have a large circu lation. MAJOI I JOHN itiLL: of Wetantorelsod noun. ty, Pennsylvania, left home in a buggy to go to mill, IM Friday of last wool. ; while on the way one of the wheels of the buggy came oS the 'horn ran away, and he was oat upon the ground; when funs4:4o if od, sage, and, ived bat ts./tlvnrt tanve. fl was meth otilemsd; itat hid hold olio* iw Aitich' fist the PeoPfrof county. itAiraz.q7uoNiJrs The late cottpe of the Itepnblican major ity in thellationel Rouse of Representatives says the Tatoitois Democrat; is cenfiatent ' with theavoteetiobjects of that organization, and should trinn the people of this country, who desire to see the laws and the govern ment faithfullienforced and thdnational de fence mantained, of the hazardous and dan gerous consequences that would follow an der,tire change of the administration to the hands Of those who have given such evidence of the factions spirit in which, possessing, the power. they would " rule or ruin," re-. gardless of t e national safeky,,tlse public pea& or th gnity of the government. They have intiht to make the support of the army defindeuttipoti en acquicLetence by a DemooratiuSenateln their political schemes upon Kansas. The Satiate' have, to theis t honor, firmly refused to yield to the partizan ,proposition of the Reuse, and the latteri though on the point of giving up to the just position of the Senate, suffered its session to expire without providing a dollar for the army. - I . The design of the Republican majority vas boldly avowed to b to deprive the President of the power to enforce the laws in Kansas, and to allaiti a free Ala to go or, in that Territory between the contestants 'Tor its occupation, The uoceaity . for po4licel cap- Rai, must be very great wheu a scheme so piorent and km revolutionary is gravely rF 7, dotted to by a reprimeutative body, Rut, in dll probability, it will recoil "powerfully upon its authors. TARRYOU DMAIMPEM AT CAPE MAY.— MOONT 'WEE:m.I IipTF,L DFornorEt).---Fivr. l'Enst)Ns BOANAD TO DAATII!—()NLY UNS St AVIVOn or Mt FAMILY or PHILIP CAIN. —The mammoth "fount Vernon lintel at Cape Mny took tire last Friday night, at a quarter to 11 o'clock, And was entirely consumed. The other ho leia 1130 origin of the fire is tinknowirt Mr. Cans the /unlace of the House, was residing in the 'building, and had retired previous to the alarm of fire, His son, 'Philip Cain, Jr. escaped from the build ing by leaping fronttlr second story ssinilory but was badly burned. With the exception of the son, the whole of Mr. Cain'l family perished in the flames. The following is a list ot-tbesstr 104 ; Philip Cain, Sr., the les see, Andrew Cain, Martha Cain, Sarah Cain, and Mm. Albertson. charred remains of Mr. Cain were found this morning. FAMILY 421:14111064—Th0 New York Exprcis (Know-Nothing,) edited by Erastris Brooks, and the Courier And Enyurrer (flack Ite. publican,) edited by James Watson Webb, 7 — fe en "lawn ng lately. Theme pa pore have been venting their apleen upon the Dem ocracy, until t he osatiritinit; have been sick ened, and now they are, like Kilkenny cats, trying to exterminate each other. Webb ac cuses Brooks •of meddling with Fre tnont'm domestic alb pu rmu at of Fremont's birth place. prookii retorts that lie never • horse-wtappeti hke Webb for prowling shot adies' hialehambern, nor ownteneed to the Rate ri4pi f loor tielhug. IVebb nap, that lirookii..t .,l 4 i i 4 i l •greee, and only fit for the gutter. an rays that Webblas res pondod to the litntaalkthest things w that_ respect long ago, and ia s iqualiticil for them now. 1.411131117114, GPINTIII AND SIMULIC Cassia Ramsoan.---The friends of this railroad met at Centre Mallon the second instant, for Or purpose of organising the Company. Hon. Eli Slifer, was chosen President, and Joseph Paxton, (ho. P. Miller, .101 m IValls, Jac. Ydung and M. Iladfpcnny, of lloiou l'ount}, Dr. 8 Struhecker, WinAtiirclifichl, Win. C. Duncan, l'ettr Wilson, and Johu IloWer, of Centra.unnuitty, Geo. W. Johnston and John McWilliams, of Huntingdon county, Direc tors. A meeting 4 the Directura will be beta a ilartleton, Union county on Friday next 12th instant. Tits LAW or Itsimitfens ix Ottio.—lii the ease of Perkins vs Slimly, recently tried in the Muskingum Common nem, Judge Searle held that, in Ohio, L railroad can own no property butisueh as is essential to the prosecution of Its business, and the prose cution of its bus ness is its only mode of paying any of its debts. Much more is this true with regard to a creditor who advances money to build 'end equip the road upon the faith of a mortoge executed at the time o the advapee and before the road is either built or equipped. The road, its equip ments and its revenue are pledged to the creditor. FitiKONT'S. FINA NCYRINII.-: WO invite the attention to the operations ofCol. Fremont, while Governor of Califosnia, which were furnished the , Senate by the Deluirtnient.— They will ho found on the third page. No wonder that Mr. Wilson of Massacbsrotte, made iich‘ noise when the resolutions was brought up requiring the evidence of these charges. They piece queer position. Firitccc Br Liairrxixo. —The building oc ,eupnkras a storehouse and telegraph office by George'runit at Ikech Oreeh, Clinton co., was struck by lightning raid set' no the on Wednesday night the 270Jult. The are was extinguished before smelt damage had beat done. PRZOIDINT Or A r.4{4AIONT CLUB.—Capt. Raymond, who so brutally attacked an pld man nearly twig his own use at Burling ton,. N. J., is PrlOLlentitif the Frem liefdienton. •Ix FAYOIL ON Yamamc..-.•The freedom of vie r10017.E to make their own laws, is the last kind of. freedom ths "shriektirs" arc in fayor of in Koss, Tux, FLttab - riitio4his tried and trite friend of the workingman, has been renominated for Congress by the Ihrtitorracy the Rret efinikreiletogal Mettle!: in this State. ..xxxiloir. tituiLmo—,t;TAlP4l43l4kif amtn w+lll.ll6titeex s fienionrstielneeting is iao* "Liven on Tuesday, the 16th inst, MISCE I.XV,F.'O US ITEMS. 'Eighty cases of yellow fewer have !worm). at .Nert York this season. The Ileallh•oWcor of New York, R. 11. Thompson, Esq.., will receive for the three summer months this year, directly and indi roctly,,fies . to the amount of 2100,000. McConie, the Chicago reaper man, gave $5OO to the firemen who saved his factory from destruction. The Topeka Constitution prohibits the emigration of Free colored persons into the Territory of K6USAB., Susquehanna county has instructed her deleisteu for Ucu. W. F. Packer for (laver. nor. Oen. ilitstoplessed through IlexciOurg lAbqoh 44outley, ost route to Trxius. • Two mew have been Amsted at Louisville, charged with passing counterfeits on the Bank of emninerce, at Fredericksburg, Va. It is-estimated that: (he cotton crop of Alabama this year will be a hundred thous and bales less than last year. Some of the'llenmerraie papers have the name , Joseph Patterson as the Elector from the Ninth District. It should be Janie, Pattemom Mr. Anthony Shorb, of thc'Arnf of Lyon, Shorb k Co., of Pittsburg, died of typhoid fever, anitticton, Adams county, Pa., on Friday last. At the Schuylkill County Pemocratic Cun• rention a refintution iyas passed recommend ing Hon. F. 11r. liughet as a candidate for aovarner. The Democrats of Lnd•rence county have, instructed their .Delegites to the next 4th of March Convention in favor of Cot. Sam. W. Mack for Governor. It it stated that there is, at the present time, at Saratoga, a fine looking Nam girl., only fourteen years of age /whii , has a child three years oil. FM510141 or Asocrrtminazi awn Proventr-Novvv- , witsm.—We have heretofore called atten tion to the fact that Abolitionism and Know- Nothingiton were everywhere uniting against the Democracy. Snell notices as the follow ing tiny be seen ittr ever the cohntry. Let the friends of the' emistitution rend it and remember ibt mitotettts. 116 Hanover Spec tator a Inch is lighting under the ling of fill inure and Donelson, whoscontrmes are in eta ring capitels at its head, thus calls for a union mass meeting in Akiitottstown : Tl❑ eiti►en+ of York and Atlifts. coun ties opposed to the oarrupt polierof the Na tional Administration and the election of James Buchanan—who are opposed to the extenvgron tf Tlat en / into flee Territervi, and in favor of the Union State and County Ticket, are invited assemble in mass meet. ingst - ttizsimhYte house 51"TreTity1ciitTi. A hbottatow n, on Saturday, 6 , Wof September nest, at 1Q o'clock, A. M. The voter a Wall parties are cordially invited to attend and bear the great issues of the day' discused The meeting will be addresoeil by It. li. Mc- Creary, I). 'Willis, D. 31cConnuglry, W. L. Campbell, Env.; aloe others from York, Harrisburg and Baltimore p ity. Several bands of music Rill be in attendance." it will be seen that the Abolition iosues are boldly proelairnied by the Fiiltflore and Pone/Non pare'. ; tvint all 1% lin are oppw.eil to the extenNion of slavery' in 1./Cu rrito ilea" ore invited to COMO to the intiitang. Bunts JAIL.--.lumen t'orley, who 'W11.4 convicted of malicious mischief, at our Inst terra of Court, and sentenced to nine months imprisonment, and John G. Sttfert, who plead guilty to a charge of larceny, and was Sentenced to six zoonthis' imprisontowit, made flair escape-from our county jail mt last Sunday night. They manufaetared false keys out of the leg of a chair, by means of which They inaceteded in opening the door*. They had also forced a couple of iron here from thi partition• and by sticking these so the erred< shore th- door in the wall stir minding the jail yard, and then platting •a door, with h they cut kiose from the mit• house, on these hart, they succeeded in era ling the nail. They have no far eluded the officers in thielireraroli for pieni.—Clearfirld firpuhlicum. TIM )I.DEST ABITANT tone.—Mrs. Peg y Lerche (Led in Ply 111(41th on Sahli...lay Iw4 'ho eas boi ii February 14, 1750 and was 106 seers nod 6 menthe nld. - Two - yrsrirar-,o c visited the old lady and found her cheer ful and able to read her German testament 1$ it 1101 It 81100.8.431C/4. • Fur more than fifty years- Ahe lins been a widow. Mrs. Lerch° MIS originally front New Jersey, but reeided some years m NoPtbatuntnn county, in . this State. For the pint half centuty she has lived on the Susquehanna. She remembered ns far back ',the old French War. —Wilkei barre Timer. Brrrms sr A—An old man named Simron Pfonts, residing on Kettle creek, was Severely bitten by a rattle-snuks, tau Thursday of last weelt„and died.on the following Saturday. Inn was in the habit pf handling these dangerous reptiles with im punity, taking than in bin hands, putting them about ,es neck, sad in his bosom. In the pi client instance he had a Largo one which he wound around his arm, when it ittrnek Its fangs into his wrist.-=Lock At tie* Watchman. STATE }...1.140T1MC11.--The "lißowing States will hold their elections previous to the great contest for the Presidency : California, September 4th., Maine, Serptembee Georgia, October Oth. Florida, October 9tb. Pennsylvania, October 14th. Ohio, October 14th. Indiana, th,tobe, tlth. South Carolina Octotier 14th: C . A41111 FAIVJ STA.TILL , ---.A. Western editor Ores a history of Coke:lel' Freinout's military exploits brief complus, as fol lows : • "The Afsittary donqueror.—ln a campaign of s few short months in California, Col. Pre font 'took' sixty-three thousand awes of hued, and three hundred head of beef oat s --Ahmln - Baurpatd - the - bilk, bay the littO got the crittene and the pasture. Ilurra for Mary Pose !" Coot Wesrivan.—A, Utter &ISM Hamp eldre county, Hass., to the New York Jour notil Commerce, says,—" Wo had a bright glowing tire in the house every day for the PIO fortnight, and are really' comfort : 0)10 only when beside it. One evening, the mer cury was but four degrees above freer,ingt! Providesee :Imre°, (a Ortenent Paper,) Poi* teJleolol UN* funds has been streaked ht Otot co* ning away with another man's prifhl LOCAL ANS PERSONAL. • CIF QUARTER. Sociakika:—Judisa Burnside, Strolieeker and Hapson . Qn the bough. The follogiug eases woire UPed di' - ring the 4orn : FIRM' WEEK. Rumaell & Doak vm terael Orating. Feigned faiw. Verdict for defendent. . . Wno. 11. Witmer vs Fred, Burkett -O . at., Appeal. Verdict for defendant. Coin. vs Gilbert Llarnat. Larceny, Found. guilty and sentenced to the Ilduso of lie.' fur. Com. vs Isaac Miller, Win. Maybe() and Wm. Johntson. Riot and assault. Sound. guilty. Sentence—lsaac Miller, fined $10: Win. Mayhce and Wm. Johnston $5 each, and remain in custody of the Sheriff until the sentence is complied with. Conn. vs Hood McCor►nigk.. Among and Battery. TIM oottri. KraOts leave to frieDia- Ufa Attorney to enter a nolle pruseque, ai payment of costs and V2O to school direetors of Bellefonte. MeCnrtiley vs Wm. Myer-co Appeal. Verdict for tioftn..ept h intho bum of 43,11- Coo.ll. Smith Vs Ital Trues , Weaver dc Co. Appeal. Verdict for. plaintiff in Om sum of $ll2, 06. lilizakoth- Matz vs Jaeob "11(4p411, ft al. Covenant. - Verdict ffir plaintifftho sum of $8139,70. tr BF4',UND Adtu'r. vs Win. Ross' Ex'rs Debt. Verdict for defendants. ' John Rankin et al sva Win. Ross' EXICNI. Verdlbt (or plaintilbt, in ;he nun of $1104,- 62 ; 094,31. thereof for the wit) of William Baird, Jr., Adin'r. of Jane Baird, dee'd„ and residue $510,31 for use of reps sentatireabf Margery Warwick. Solomon Moist va Stewart Sr. Aliller. Ap peal; Verdict for ply , ptlir-533,51.7. JameaDilliland ct al vs Jacob Pottagrove et of. Debt. Defendants' Attorney confess judgment to the plaintills in the Porn of it. 200,00. - Jaclib Hawk et al vs John Hoy, Jr. Debt Verdict fur plaintiff-0,15,- David Johnston vs Henry Gm el al. Coy enant. Verdict for defendants. James Uzzdl James Taylor.. Case Ver dict for plaintiff-838:07. John Lucia*va Uicklina kr. Co. Troia's*. 1 Verdict for plaintift— $13,09 . Jos. Haldeman va Daniel Franta. Eject. went. Verdict for defendant. Uenry A lawman' et al vs Wm'. Campbell rl al. Debt. Jury tiiilrdrawn, judgment tonfeened for plaintiffin the nntri of 5123,50. Valentine Reese V 3 Samuel Cook. Ver dict for plaintilf--7,17,00. On motion of 6.)1. -A, O. ticirlin, J. 1,. Cot tle:, Esq., of 'Clearfield - county, was admitted to the practice of Imw in Centre county. On motion of Ira C. Mitchell, Esq., Henry Jbhnson, Esq., of Lyeces.irig county, was ad • mitted to the praqtice of law in Centre county. • On motion of James T. Hale, Eisq , Wm. W. Juvenal, of Philadelphia, was admitted to the practice of lAA' in Centre county. DRICADPUL DRATII.—III this borottgh on Sunday morning last, a child of Jacob Har din, (colored) aged seven plan; set tire to its clothing while• trying to roast an err of corn nt the fire. The poor chilil, when she fouud that her cluthei were in Nimes, became fran tic with terror, and mil :wren ming alsiiit tine yard. The only person near was her great grandmother, who Well confined to bed, and u n uid rend sr no assistance. he cries ..r bOpi who ran fn• her heti he ar rived, in hilt an hour, ho found his child burned to a horrililo manner. With great difficulty the father extinguished the tire, horning his linnets very badly. Aledi let I assist knee with olltiiined, and everything that humanity could suggest, was donator,• lieve the little eafferer ; but all in vain, for after lingering six hours death put an end to her anfteriagn. TliK Vicrists.—The following ■re the indi te-Nei placed iii nomination for the yet - ions -county ofll.-ei by the . For Assetabfg—Jacob Simi,le, of We -1 ker. For Agvoncnao Jwigoio —John Hasson, of lon - N, John Adams, or ilumeou. For Connimilionci h -Frctivrirk litirkert, of 1 1 .111,, .1 F. Aluntguunry, of Ilowaril. For District At ton.. y-- Will. I'. Wilson, of 114.11cfontr. For Surveyor—H. ,p. Trezlyuloy, of Ahlesburg Fur Auditor- W. 11. Swanacy, of Marion 611'8184.-A band of these itinerant yoga : bends have been encamped in our neighbor hood fur a few weeks, operating upon the credulity, curiosity,. and superstition of hu• Inanity. These people an a class, or individ ually, are scoundrels both men and women, and should be watched closely. F t tiTIMPUM.-Our, emtoe:plod (tend Capt. Cuminitigiijias placed $ splendid new coach on the road between Lewistownand Ilene - - conk. The Captain has deLermLned to do things right, and the pcmplo should remem ber him. Tho new coach is named "Judgo nornsiae." Fastatnum TOWNSHIP.-A Buchanan lad limckinridge club was formed in Ferguson townaiiip. 'Hugh Lonrimore, 'President ; James Miller, Hr. and John Wiiiiver7Vice Wesident.ii Jos. •Gates, Secretary. _The prospect:in this \ towiiihip ii glorious. - Portal Tout iftir.—Tbere maa a large mid esithuOaatie Democratic inciting at Centre Hall on last Monday afternoon. A number of addreeses wee diltreiniel mid., Democrat- Wo were not furnished with the proceeding in time for publication. Fnug reqn. ,tur, vie Yeeit.—lf ylw want this luxury, use "Arthur's Self-Sealing Cant and bin." For ask by Wm. AtxteoN, Jacksonville, sole agent for Cantos county. ilgoitawawArruela —We are irplebte4 to hived samuel - Krisir,for - itokiie - Vithe largest apples we bave Been is this or 441 other neighborhood. Areadetuartou.—The Council has aptoro priated $lOO towards defray o . s the expert ece of 1e oiling the hilt back of the Court Rouse. Arnim Coatiti Drligoone will neat in NH unlOrtn at (lentre Hall on Sat. inlay the 110th.' lairlbratim s3llos,* -Ow Ut. sthintien .of ranters sot odors` iuteiestlet to** thrall* lisolpent !ti mother coltinip. r ,t Per the Democratic Watch:Wm. Towtantv.--Tho Democracy of Marion towiShip met iii the school:house in Jacksinivilld;on Saturday evenidg, Septem ber 6th, tole, and formed : a linabazum and Tiredkieridggi Club, which will 'meet. every Monday night until after the Presidential campaign. The house was Well crowded and 00 greatest enthusiasm manifested. Win. C:llarsholl was chosen President. Wm. Loug, S. A. McDowell, Itenty Orendorff, Cleo. boy, Sr., John Kessler. and VlPs* Vim: tier, were cho n Vice Presidents. 'William Allison,'Jr. an .A . Streamer were elected Secretaries. The meeting then appointed a Conirnittee of six to mamba suitable polo to be raised in the town of Jacksonville, en the 10th inst. A' emnuiittee qt.nintr_vrore_ap.. pointed to nmite - orremPute4to . fOr ilia mo tion ; a Committee of tiuselau invitation ; cowu itteeofeis ati vigihamml I Committ e e of tiro on resoltitions ; a Cortmlittee of five to wait ttpnn the ladttiorivhd: 14 1 roilaing presentation, the Buchanan nag and a committee of twenty-seven were appointed to guard the polo alternately:until after the elections. Thomas 13aritay and F. 1 1 4.• Streamer, then addresaed the meeting in an able and-eloquent manner, saw nekdoitthe meeting ndjourned. .Repereed for the Watatiosern Datioriuric • Mann' VS trwsissit" Tows ante.—Agreeably to previous notice( the Democracy of Hogge town's*, cohirshedin Holt's Hollow School-House, an Widnes* evening, the 3(1 inst. ChfitliMikon of fisiin Poorman, Jr., J. S. Proudfnet. was called to the chair, assisted by Michael Mills and John Poormin, Sr.: Miles Green, waw op motion, chosen Secretary. Benjamin R. Hall, was then caged upon' to address the meeting. Mr. gall arose and . dyliv urea an elegant and well.digasted speech , cemmencing with the' history of our country at the time it find seamed a position among the nations of the earth. HO palntait tug picture of the prosperity of our prate, met 4, and showed conctnsivcly that:the-his: tory of the Deinocratic party was the history of our country, from the adoption of the i& rat Constitution to the pre:seat period, lie alsq showyl up the incimsistoney of the proscriptionists and Plaetatepublicans, and concluded a Rh 11.11#C1/1017 of our distinguished standard hearers, Buchanan and Brock-in ' rldge—appealitig to the friends of the Haim to be vigilant and active. and to exert their strength to defeat the trydra-headeirfaetten which is now assaulting the out poets of thu citadel of freedom. James S. Hall was than loudly called far. and responded in a lucid address whittbheld his auditora attentive for over an heed. lie commenced with the historr of tits two ig -at pvlo:., al part..a,lernerof-- • defunct) gave the origin and cause of tbo rise of the Know-Nothing and Black-likepub• bean parties, and answered a number of the base, unfounded fabrications 1 (partilolorbr the "ten rest ca/umny") why* him bean maliciously hurled at our noble candidate. De closed by calling On the friends of De mocracy, and the Union, to exert • their /strength at the Stab election, rnllyingaseund the standard of Buchanan and Breeklatidga, and, thereby, band down to posterity the blessings which have been so abundanUy showered epe_tiua LV Lb& Ilrei/arll•Liall-01A.... sr emit t t 1' hoot wax then called ibis but the hour being late, he would not pretest to smite a speech. After a few remarks giqtte of Jamee Buchanan, with whom he personally acquainted, ho resumed hit seat. 0. 'pis west, stsgrisiu of the irennesteni was held at the Court Mouse on kat Wed nesday evening. It was a rehash. of the Ind, and afforded very little instruction to the people who attendedeit. The *beefing was composed of a small sprinkling of mid, beef eaters, imme• skit Wixeir-Anifingtr, and' a large minther of tree Dtteilisean mew, who were drawn there by curiosity. Sneers reigned stipn me for awhile, when it vas broken by a voloe ceiling upon ii. -- (1. 'Dur ham, P r.q , to distress the meeting ; but Mr. Durham did not appear. Mr. McAllister wee then called for. lie rushed ibrward— gave three Jerks at lila suspenders, sod map , inenced his address in his name; style; bilk ing about things ho did not tuubirstand, or did not want his hearers to understand. lie ,had a large outline map befotti *hit, and inoimird to show how this ITrlioh Wakistang desecrated. no then attempted to point out !disport, which be said was conspippsi to slavery by the - -itilhdpitrdialse of 1020 ; but instead of Missouri, he pointed opt And here is Texas that they hare made slave territory of, and placed his war club on New bl . exte,o. Then he esitiamesiced yell ing about Utah end polygamy, ninisrtonk to describe the locality of that territory bot pit into Nebraska. Mr. McAllister *violently knew about as much of the prine/piela he wu talking about as he did , of geortaphy. When ho cloecti . atiiiiimee 1146 W IS "mile& as they did by ancilty. a lit* while. ago." Judge Hale then came forward and addressed the meeting, Upon the suitleet of bloody outrages, bottler ratbass. a;c: The Judge wool tell Nis original tangy of these custearis--fiessense-selieilee *the 13migrant Aiti*tiety of *stole, I IF rot sent tilisrpes rites to Kettowilo tiol 44l r eikaeus wko ,would set believe act hasp Ad , and assist that Society ltcsejteir onurvii Iced sop/relit*, who** s$ glelf• WY" thing of the present wifersistswitim who has enterertßasstoldmith aer asiud bond re sec; who iteliilisotiliextviiiis s4l,f weapons by men thole.* of Miles away. lie elan talk of aleetiou Asada rbat - Ilinists that his - Mend ,Thaddeus Wirier sit the example in MlUentown , Adams argisky, where JUdge Hale's party-heassestetialltittr than residents:. HS flayour; t imi lrisklyto• nan'i toWliotec t ion, sod attiiiiiikeihirliatis actions. The 4ullt*' Spilka grit the three-fifths ropresehtstbtisould'firls place the white theft oti a level with' a - 4t cording' to than represetttetitri.: it be, possible. that Judge Hite dal*lint Ai der stand Ibis part of tl* knows full well that the nit° lilffolilltr im the free States is rated_ in thie sis for Consrmistooal . r e/FAROS/es 'OO4 ; 8044 , 44age , 441?14046!* .44 1 041 .;` =MI t • Oom: sfulliT srlst Samuel,Linn, Egg.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers