IMI U EU ISIESI2 ~.-~~ - 4;;:f . .* *.11 ; 1, *.' 'VOL 1,4 -'•1:-71 .4 • Taw 011VIkr Dlier s Mire. EWS OInt TY. 'Minas ill* Mial t iliio minim wienrcasur, '" VLIFILY Halm tintlEgAlltr - or - W 104 wi th in shit 0010116, ha *nod dys aubecrir do* Atm le oil ettite year. ACFITIBB 'pet Beshwas Nei lees Wert .#lll/1.4",_ 1 14 1 .vrery , deseriviti cox • CO .1191. "X" MCr X iv c3,k, kralsooll.9 ist litsjeAsOlkinsoner, at tlke lowest D low, and wit ilibir el despotrit. ptirebOds‘ lears'esibetioo of type, we are p re peredlie WS* Ilmraidloos of our friends. - - • MOCRATIC REND. Viral 4,44 woHit allure of tobalottoo shoo otoWrootitio" rohdrioao paha inn!: • N4O. Pima, einn.ene• mud keteitert 'Woad atipllath rJI 1101tiolo . 11141{Nril4 alias ma with to Ar t + Stethoo pod therriteriss attabokoLtAo!it thetetettett etirsirs. light•fisaitty tka votoorytivlty ea* opiratAf tag oruy to • to Olaf tretototttouly expo . otoeol. 116004 efellse eareetitetemte, Pr10 14"1 1 41M ITOV: 11 . a g.l if as torgl= 7 hiptitiois imfor."ttiorts: J 111.41 follmo-rt ?shwa! otirtox clatiOlOi. Oa to afrrigto!ou in pen eve'. Ifir , llL 4 (woe of dr Federal totutegitteete, ousel les riAgioaut tut" for ghee. 11111.1/. tfit row- a= of tzar, or di,- iiwohfitol .f issaskr "saw cgtmenr. NtiAlt, Mara sag ploSe.diou fur the rig4ts bf all. Ifir. lit 7%spriiittoottioo of Me iiattenthzetioit taw, Plod tksnAttpf all to the reties etyma WWI mayroserivea of Me Ameriroa cetyrnawal M. 17. riasilien t•all charters.' monopolise Nib le. ,ImocAoshohoof pad good trail Ibil-,-4471•44AVVirleillipej Mt household of JAN& LerFrom Ney ova reeperi ;at.idg tA• fonsidatme of the ere , Ith of troy molar, ; 40.imf Mg./ire labort , s of the North arm rapper hetA for ate. r probity and - (Wirt*" feria iA., t sioteld era them wow ! Of oil t 4 arrant -•o•+ ti• ea rtA, re • MAU Go A 141141 the eamaidero teen for th• la • horixij same.—Bvea ANA\ 4;1041 11. 'bred i Mt lizzearsr. chair / w ir mrtmn r to r`rltirr, it peen poid foisaalthApoilA all ilmimur. 6clurong tilt to id" vow Fiona/it rower, mill as our matt villains parr. —By cm Lai ax. girrsat wrsztry is progwros, trAentla Iw 01.1111.110a14 tb grastest relegr.l —ll‘ cn•N V4l Poi ilarm—Tba enamel cf the teeth coati die awl minus substance in the 111111111311111-imaaesstrifono wellieleretlf -bard to strike tire with steel: its NOM la *booth and polished, and it forms it 0016 Lyn OR the einem of the tooth, and et the • parte where the teeth come in of t, then towards the err‘ ix or neck. Its yet drineOhms, es seen tin - our:k a mi enostoppe,are transverse to the perpunizcidar eminneet tba teed', and scum to protrude tenet the ivory beneath in innutncrahle fill , gring to the more tranalleent tasertnem velvety appearance. It im nbowever, that the enamel has . t . staisr%siktiensela .nor nerves in its ma ricompleted state, and that its for ' amd sensitiveness to touch are de- PININISMA *pan the vascular and nervous alenstestvist the interior osseous portion of theiht tenth, with *Wet it communicates or tiansferreil'motion. iFotasso Jim I--Beau a in mad. that :ma in Congress. refused pima an approprision bill. unicsa they 'IMMICAPnreci to add thcfr uneonstitutional reek* to It. sod that in cOrliieleener• o r thio,Citstiouth sod treasoculde, a lisagookbor of rpeelaudes and wurkingovvn Iran Allawhargeat from vmplopot nt -till r, %AS Pa fifty to pay tlia.m their wages. • apt* raw nisi, that the Mum: Vac 1 1 4,44111 us Balittatn! Cites in Cong rioted to give thanisslves an c nor 1084 ,te at pay. and were perf,ctly 111 1Y 1111011 Ow industrious =elan ice. and 11140011110Inetals tiettof c tnploy meat, aro' .le =lra ammo of supplant. Will this 'NIIIII.I vA - anwr. —Th ? . JlGlvraukie IViscos i MU died recently in Or very ugly, and would Sir% itarsamed e pt with saddle, and 0i011111238 ry time. 1k could "04 01ral -12 scar P 2 melee ' 12 hours- Ills usual ligliboilit Oregon to Rockfutd, twenty-fire It ._ Wet Elio boom. The doctor who wa who alone could ride him, firlitell'is way that daring all this dialiiiiaill slim bows to tilt or stumble Viiltrehlhtaidarlairatmaiow_ He was fronts a wild horse on the of Mama& . - --Ilivelvtantitro.--The sails& (Ark.) feark, eat as the 11th inst. John $l6lllOll, y. • iroatinas there from Sumter omilftraorm, Liken by • party or young $lOlllllllOl Slipped. paddled and his per adißwhirl be was stripped and M ter porch of a hotel. Not paying 111041101001 1 10•Sdkzed moon of this in -11~1111114 401114110" Militen.—Miz. Mary Jabs De IlliaisniOinnrAllnaieriok, ache:film Ime 111016111410111116111 of Newark, New Jersey, 4 1 000 11 / 61114401147 absconded from iloit poo . Mackie may is destitute air 0101111061•11kologa "woo* of twenty be applied on his back on his • Democracy of Otis hMo reamo4Lated the - forCoagress, and efec r.'", ▪ .:11c4116 of Muth COnvtn w" Oar aim. Wm. Y. Piker for $aM &mug fot Sum as titeiNtinn ix Now -Yosc..—By a ' - 111, Cm ii &parfait:6C it Sant voters in tha • litsk, which 518. , 46 " OWN imittairtratd., r .• *- ' .. . • 4 , II " • • ~ ••'. -• t , 0 4 , ,•' , a .. •• , • . ^ • . . , . . : • .- 1- • • ' ~ • . ...,,.....-..... I- - i ,' • • . . • 4 'V.. N -.. • • .. ' reL , ... , . T ., ' t - , . .. . • ..• ..• •. .• . . ... , ~..._______.....„,....________.......,.. ....,._. . . _ ...... . BELLEFONTE, - PA., WEDNES 1 1 ' - SEPT/ • • 1 - _ : - .._._,__ • ' .. P FALSEHOODS AND TRUTHS SONG FOR T11:11fit ... UV I rnifitrn , Domoaricti k :: .., 4 . o,Wertise.* : awed saw ':'.1,4 i!r." : ~,,. , , roil, '414 .,,.. :". .- , 6 The charge that the Democrw4n , part r * is imfaror of the wit . e ‘n si h on of .atavary, sa a falsehood,a, • . The charge that the present administration or the Democracy, arc trying to Olin t slavery' in Kansas, is a falsehood. The charge that the Demperacy wish Kan stts,to be a slava State, is a falsehood. The charge that the agents of the govern ment and the U n ited States tropps in -Kansas favored The pro slavery men against the free State mon, is a falsehood. The charge that Mr. Pitchman's election would liver the idtfoduetion of slavery. into Kansas, is a self evident falsehood. Tha charge that Mr. Buchanan did Irina tioa to Ovary Clay, is a falsehood, and is pMven litlett by 11r. Clay'eiown The charge that Mr. Buchanan ciferfart3lred the reduction of wagon, has been proved a hundred times • base calumny and 4 lie. The gory that'John C. Breckinridge wits rngard in the defence of Matt. Ward, is a falsehood. • ',The charge that Mr. Buchanan favors fini busteting, is *falsehood. one half the stories that come from Kansas about murders, robberies, &e., arc falsehoods. The report that the free state settlers in Kansas have been driven out of the territory by the dittarbenees there, bt' falsehood. Such arc some of the falsehoods that are mouthed over by the thick 'Republican ors tors, and printed in their papers. Those who write and utter them must , know, they are falsehoods. Let us turn now to it chapter of truths. It is true that the thick Republicans aro opposed to the principles of popular' Buser tignty. It is,quethat that principal lie& at the foundation of entree government. It means simply that the people rule 'themselves. it is true that the Democrats ale now and c‘er were in favor of popular sovereignty. It is true thaLthe Democratic party has had the cent: ral of nue rederat_rattrilMilot. nearly all the tame fur more that. half a cen tury., end during that tune no nation ad vanced so rapidly in all the elements of na tional greatness and prosperity, and no nation AI ac ever mare Gee and happy. It 14 true that du i rig that' De mocra Inc rule freedom has 00//91s lit ly gamed upon slavtr), both in territory and population. until now the free Staten have rt. majority of two in the Senate of tho United States, and a mayrity I. 1,. v,t. -r il?tar.vran-• lives. It iv true that slavery has thus no power be aggressive even if it had the will. It is true that popular soreresqnly has abolished !slavery in all the Middlo and East ern, States mince the declaration of our Inde pen& rice. It is true that before' political abolitionism disturbcdthe country the people of Virginia and Kentucky were preparing to abolish slavery ; audit is true that clone then all eifsrts in that direction have ceased. It is true that the abolitionists have done the slay( s far more harm than good, and so aid lticb^l. r. It is true that the interests ana avelfare of ttrenty•four millions whits people in this e.,11 it ry are of far more conqequence them the c..,111.00n of three 'nation tiarks. IL TA inn , . that the so-called "Republicans' vot- all their sympathies and energies to the cause of the negroes, and leave the care of theintercats of the white people entirely to thn Democracy. It is true that John C. Fremont is the nom ince ors Know Notting Convention that ,t" - ambled at New York'. • V It is true his supporters are now tryingto intiigle the tutu - rah-zed citizens into the suprkwt of tint nominee by false pretences and bribery. It is true that a large portion of the sup pullets of lreuWnt aro in favor of a dissolu tion of the Union, and ►re circulating and signing petians to that effect, and declar ing their infamous design in their speeches It is true that Fremont is also the nomi nee of a sectional abolition party whose suc cess would inevitably destroy the Union. It is true that many speeches have lately been made both in and out of Congress the obviotui and undoubted design of winch was to create • bitter and incurable animosity between the North and the South, and ren der disuruou a more certain event. It is true that, Fremont is a eandidati in only sixteen States of the Union, while Mr. g ue b f ,p a n is the Candidate of thirty-ono States. It is tree that John , 0. Fremont is the most selfish and grasping land monopolist in the united States. 1t is true that ho is charged with specu. Lating with government funds and credit, and appropriating govOrnment property to his own nse, and that the eligrge not and cannot be refuted. It is truo that as a military officer he was arrested and tried on charges of tnutiny iridAtiusbedlento ativrders, and - lbuOtrtlity and dismissed from the service. • Mt is true that dur,ng his brief term of twenty-one days in the &nate, lie mtrodumed a bill that would have done vast injury to the laboring classes of tho State ho misrepre sented, and that to tried to lie re=elected and signally failed. It is yule that after forty years of dietin guished public service, no true charge what 'Ter osn'be brought, against the Wu. James • chanan. 11. trie timet white a 'timber of the 13•12- M*l hr * ihrldkrolihhieg Wilma Tee': laid - aml heat at the door of the Senate Chamber, A Senator twonty years older and much +eller than himself, and that. too for woratt pakan irk iiols;te." It is true that atnea T3ucLat sa never ran as it zandidato for any office yet without being elected. It is true that he is now Paining strength every day, and Freitiont InSing. ft is true. in our ojnniott, that a white man is As good nq a negro. TOW MILLIONAIRE IiUTCTILR OF LONDON,- Moos. VIAII6S Wey, a French writer of dis tinction, who passed some weeks is London. during the great exhihitioti,`basrecentlY pub lished, in Paris i his itr*easions, Saw ,the title of "The English at florae." 'On one occasion, while riding in an omnibus, he formed as, acquaintance with a fellow-pas senger, front whom he derived many expla, inborn] of .he strange things he milk. Ono of these we girt : • " I addressed a tew Words to him concern ing a carriage which just drove by. ft %vas too fine to be elegant, o ld was drawn by two magnificent horses. On the box, adorned with beautiful frifige, Sat a' blitek-60atcd coachman ; there was not, a wrinkle in his whito cravat—his snowy gloves were spot less. Tn the vehicle, on downy cushion carelessly lounged a man without a coat, his arms bare, his sleeves tamed up to the shoul der ; an apron, with the corners turned up, bise,,lsAgivi ch ,4o4llit s . yehtfilsnad in his working dress. Mr. Wry asked his neighbor who and what was the strange look ing occupant of the dashing carriage. The richest butcher in London.' was the reply. 'lle is returning in Ins own carnage from the slaughter-house to his residence. Ills forefathers were in the satrw 1)11,1111 AV ; his father left him a fortune of more than trvo millions, and he, out of modesty, folienys his profession—a very honorable old motoni. this gentleman Weller possesses four Mil• Hons.'," Powilartti*cuta;s, Aut.: Dint.;--Tbuse who rend the accouilt of the recent barbecue, near Boston, at which an ox WIL9 roMtcd whole, may like to know how such a gigantic roast is made. We find the fullUxing in the Salem Register: - itiminrwtcr be r r,tvteit arntitcitrt{xhnut eight feet long, five feet wide, and three feet deep. liars of iron are laid Remiss the pit. to form a tempo' at y grate The tiny previous to the roasting, a fire is kindled and kept up until the pit is nearly full of nals. Three large stick, of timber are a t tip, the rr points meeting. mid bottle! by chum: shore the pit and from the centre the ox is Spipl . ll Fed di rectly over the eisils The rentnvaneu in use for turning the carcass over are Tat Wl' nide end slotibt los, our Yankee (Nile] t en, will lit able to Illrunt a inure convent( nit in. de m ;it, vntult ilmomt ootistiintki to prevenf the Vests - ft om burning; a compound for heating the beef dunng the process, coirbsting of salt, peuper butter and vinegar, is applied by a long han dled mop. (a new and clean ore) This is absolutely necessary, t keep the surface fruits charring; fit the roastbig requires a long time, never Jess than eix hours. and with a large Runnel even longer. The work is by no means easy ; with care it can he accomplished without se linen . Thu beef is excellent cooker though, for some palates, it ighly season, d. C 61.. is .1 TI , . LIT PrACV. —Col. Jim Lane, the wife-tleserung Free State hero was 'linking a speech in lowa, a few days ago, and denounced the Kansas Legislature as bo:us. "Colonel," said a man in tlio crond let mo ask you a question !" "Go on!" said Lana " Wall, Colonel, if that Legislature was be ;us, YI hat made you apply to it for a divorce front your wife 3" The Colonel caved Song in praise of lager bier was sung ale Komi-Nothing barbacye. In Campbell' county, Kentucky, before tbelate election after this sort : rut .em ep fln 'em up; 1111**m up here, - Stri gives lager unt tri glass bier, Der Ducher gnmpany ie n goivi gumpany Atilt ever eum'd from Yuman; Up mit der wine not does mit der Lice, Dont cart, Ma for domperaneo here, flan Der Dueher drinks schuspet, udtder YenkrleW Artnk Unt der Kentucky boy. en punkin' some Tns " PENNSTLVANIA.N."—ThiS indefati gable champion of Democracy- has donned a new suit. It is now efNe of the handsomest 119 well nit the best conduct( d Journal in the conntry. The subscription fist is larger dim any other duly paper in Philadelphia, execpi the Ledger. A FAITHFUL SF AVANT.—The present post master at Jonestow 11. Lebanon county, Pa., was appointed npth r Thomas Jefferson's Ad ministration, by Gideon ;ranger, then Post master Gonorid, on thin] September, 1 1302 He is now eighty-one years old, and does all the business himself. LAND NV 411ILANTS.—The whole number of lAnd warrants issued from the Pen. ien 01. flee utCgerthe act ef March 3.:1 2 1855, is 1115, 951. It will take 1,827,916 •Lcres of land to satisfy these a arranta. About 9,000 war rats have been issued during the present month. A Picrruits,, , —A gentlekaan Nast tho rural districts, (after vainly endeavoring to solve the - mystery of rhaling-Ilielies here; waiter, bring roe some oysters, Leh have 'eni bard down stairs. I don't want role o' them darned little cook stoves." Ostti•— The Albany Arris states that from Albany west to Bufbdo, in almost every villitgb and city, burglaries are—being committed in a sort of wholesale way. In many instances, chloroform is uaod in the op• oration.' . Cis get KUM —Theisioount subjwt to draft Irrowiry art Its 966 WC, was 11114;11,41ra Come lioton all yo story, kiiig, of ou_wAutirt.! ' pride EARery : i There's " Old suck. of the ilte. "nreek" of "?1,1 lientttelry,” With whom we'll nobly inept the f , and IIA them, fol. ire're luoky. for PenntAilanla'a Rutra ' (or old Henltiolty At Cincinnati, Uicto wit hold, a National Convon Con, The glorious .IVIt which it perforgied, }ts needless pow to mention ; To the great', people of the Statem tha,triendl,or law mull order, To thou t • thiltot they present, te amp the entire border ' nuris for Poonsybroinla'.l Pon, !lima! for old Kordacks 'From NA th to South, rouS East to Igeet, all's ready for the bottle, And In November next, my boys, we'll tank° the thunder rattle; The dallat-box will then proclaim, in tome as loud thunder, And make the /2/06k Repnetterma amexed, and ntarlde them with wonder. /tiara' f,r Yonriftylraititirroo, Mari ' for old Kontuoky The Constiiiision is our fsiond, the trnion.we de , nightie, Well telteli the traitorous fee to Istrir, that n-e're not slow at fighting, 4 sir , Mt# l 4olr d ArATA enema?..tartitl - Who lsek'd the foe at New Oriental i st:id ea will to this action Marra' for I'angslistantit's sun, f,r old Ks/atm:Ay The Isicsof Marell we'll ne'ar 4 seglot, but tend the inauguration, To see "Old Book" planed In du; chair, of this gt out and mighty tuition , Awl Preclilnriflgo of the groat West, shine in the Senate Chamber, Then rest assured the country* sat" the Union's' out of danger . Burrs' for Paistsfiranla's non, Ilurra ' for old Kentucky To end - our eons three sheen 'ki give, fur this our glortow nation, And at the ballot-bar, my boyesueili ' man will alto his station; And when the rotes aro riounWiro.,iolie7 you'll fad them many, . # or Bren(turags ue"ol,lKeritelat," Aid Butt of l'cuusyiraris 11,/ ' for Poi Mor fur ol Outrages founnilte is Kansas Ili the Erm,c•rant aid sot Iry ;If New En--- land and the r Alyr,nlo4p,ftwrning . to be Fre, Stole Men :•td Fir totottAiii-Ltunaahrtty. Materither.(ll)saLia Aid SoCititreicrids hog.; to vote at the elution r memlicria of om i rry,3, who, after voting diio the 291.1 i of them= month, ntarted bank 'Naha East the nest-day. Simeniber,2o, 1851 --Mr. Dtvie, a citizen of the Tcrritory, brutally a (kw miles front thswri nee by one tilby, n hired tool of the New England Emit rani Aid So ciety, who hat since tlt d th,,lftrrant y. March, 25, lelss.—MalconAllarke, one of the be •t citizens of 1.11-meneott,h, murdered by one Cole McCrea, tt tttghe¢¢ laµ leeturtr and ruffian, who had !mike!, fall fled the Ter ritotyl,- and whin lit aril front WIL-1 ketim tug admiring thrunga of Lileete.Republicans ILI idwo,sm. 18J5.---The Ni iiingland Emi grant Aid ' SO t, ty send-, hmilesof voters to the Tirritia y, a norther t f whom obtained butch, robin in Kunnas 'ity arid Wi Stport, and roturniii them aft , r too election held on the 30th of Match, told returned to thc Fitt April, 1655. —lll , ,ucii.: military urg.ini t lion cut , r..,1 Into brilic hind tools of tie Eeglikivt Emigrant Aid Sodoty in the itury, bound together by tht most fur roll oaths to resist the regul4lll . „ constituted authertuts of the 'teriitory by fore* and bloodshed. and protect and defend each other in their rradnight atrocities—for which put poselbey abundantly provitiO, themselves with Secret, signs and irkgo, by which they could at .111 tunes recognise each other, and :dire cflitotusilly air-, ammiiiiiiir diaorgimaiiig 16,11 .11, d revolutionary schemer. ra, lerss —The Niiii England Aid So• ciety olmnenetd erecting a. htone Fort in Ills tot n of Las ranee, under hie disguise of a hotel. building it with safety upon the le gal authoritiea, and thus prevent the exccu tio% of any legal process in the town of Law rence. . i tilay and June.--Shorp'a rifi,s and other deadly weapon, arrived at Lawience, having been sent by the Emigrant lain Society to their secret military organization Ter ritory, to sad them in executing the revolit tion,try otder., of their ;piasters in the East. St yternG~r, 1855. - 'Ph° minionn of rho Aid Society held the notorious Big Sandy f.'int t,eittioss, and resolved that they uould resist the laws to a ‘• bldody issue.' The same Convention, after !gnome,* the-lairs appoin ted the oth of October for holding a pretended ' cotton for a member of Congress, and ap pointid at executive Comnittltee, with James Lane, chairman, tii-delisiguati , iiistriataand preten , hd judges for said illegal elticlion. 7 - The same t invention tiominated A. ii. Ree der VA their pretended candidate for Congress who accepted the same in a ver) intlainatory and revolutionary speech. October, fl 1555.--Suul pretended eleption was yield said creme two. thuuttand..nute Jinn. drat votes poll( d for A. 11. llioeder, as a bo gus delegate to Congremik„ hindab the same time members were elehed if • pretended Convention to form is State CqMy Bintion. October, One C tok of Doni• phatt, an officer the secret y of Abolt tionisur. brutally atturnptt d tosWainnier Pat Laughlin, an associate in &no • urgan i. zatiou, who bcoamo disgustedyeitti its treas onable and diabolical auletor...ispoitettiln to the word, with their watukairords, and secret signs and grips Novornbee, 1.116r0. —The prttniaadLConeen. tion mil at Topeka, and wilitplotror bogus Conantuticot fur the State KS 41$. • • November, 24, .1855.--A mitolber 9f out themes/des FreoButtlymen 45f the Hickory Point noigthOrhood , Deitilllais county, in ' 4 public niOOLing ass em hied, adopted ,reg. olutions do:daring that tlu re 'Milk no /awe ip tholiatitory, and appointed, knaligulitut ta pun4ll Kuwait:6lY per'l4344= might too propor COQ dosignavo o:Griming/A. Ninwttioi 96, latiC 10 01 -41144*Dtt alba" thit - .240/4 4 Ai1l 01141640 war•t- And while taking' himll6fore a Justit ceof the Pence was attacked by a pat t,v of outlaws, armed with Sharpe's rt.volv(rs, !wadi d by one 8. N. Wfxel, of Lawnence, who forcibly rescind said praw , ou from his customary, declarioc• at the same time that there uas no Governor, no Judges, and no Courts in the Tirritory, aid no w clew their Sharp's rifles. November 27, 18.55.—The citizens of Law rcnoe in poldie meeting indorsed the Hick. ory Point Resoluporrs. Said meeting" wait addressed by S 1` , .. Wood, the leader of the hisrirl Who rescued Thansott.from the Sheriff, and by Jacoh Brafson himself, and from that day the me mbers of the secret military oiganuation throughout the Territory began immediately to IlliFlCPllbre at Lawrence, for the purpose of resisting Ale execution of the laws, and prcitooting• Bitansou, Wood and other violaters of, the law in their lawless and revolutionary conduct. The ends, thus asatiritkd look refuge in the stone 1„ . , ; ' erected by the Aid sociqoy,, which elno fur nished them with Shlerp a rifles and (Ober t h s lly wmpole, ; but finally fintlirl'g ni• lye, over pow, rt .1 by tbq Ci!i, 2,119, who had been out by Shamion to ass,st the Sheriff , et Dollgh4 ounty tn ett cuting the laws, they secretly sent the notoriouh Wood out of the Tull tory h., the State of Ohio; arid Ifrainion out 1 of the town' or Laurence-; declaring t,141„ they had nt.ver,jaatitieei those own in their - 4/44cetiLia:Jip.,w* _ma le fir for them ; that tliey were not -in I aw relic°, mid that the Sherrll•nf Douglas eon:oy could then and at all times ' , sena any legal ocess in Lawiew e n ithout anv daft:nay or real.tance - what, vie Iklo% ccj by On it 0te , •,1 ationq of innocence and law-abidli.;- prof 4 o,tuns , the GOVCI not dial,.tnrb d the militia that hail been cal led out fur trio emer gency, and for a snort time in ace and quiet )revaili d. 11, ccinbcr 11, 11i55 - Shtliff Jon,: re ceived. an 1111110 , 1)1I1UUS ',LOT through the poet office at Lawrence,- warning him that, should ho serve anothrr 14 gal proce-48 to 4a44.1 town, he would sign 1114 own deatharrailt. This 111101101110U9 loth r purport 4 d to coma from "The 84 trot T wrlve." Dcce„,,, 15. htld by order of the Brig Sumo' Exet.uti we Cona n:note, to ist,e, urou the Con,itution Led by the hogni rout c:dwo at Top. ha, fi Tr recrttert tess - thatrarzr.-iterT.:77l7t Tatra - , all taLl •in the whole D rritory. Anll.ll y. 1856. —Another pr t tentle,l e tionh,Ll he md,r of .1 11. I. 1111:, 11.111 Matt O't 3 C the I Lal i , ,11111 ttce 111 h I , of the boe - us Lew , later' the for a G9t , I'll9l. To asult,r St • try of 1 -,:Ile, and epreine Court Jut s and o' her , 'fibers F. , Crioiee, I eV) —A Mr. Cook very wor thy cAtsen, nr I 'l,lOll, bait rounty ttas mord , r,l I.y a party ,f 9ut1.411 - 2., codling theeostdrea " free State man •"t.- nimml fitirch 4. 1411.- The cam bogs Legisla ture, Governor, and otht r State efn -t IN, Ina at 'lope', a, and were sINCOr:I into Ofliet, IT .1.,11 . Lane, (than Mao of the aro!. - ,did litac utter Committee. The bogur, I b.% rw NI nt into, the pretended Imb,i-laturt‘ a very inOn n ! untiory dn.nunent, tidied a message, and be gan to cat rei)e the functions of Governor. ..17 r 1855 -- Th^ outlaws Mid ato cnmi., at Os,awatonwt, at winch they pa ,ted f•to -181 10,11 a 1101 to ulud , Ly thtt T. utt , ~al lot us, and 1.1,1,!.( , 1 the no 1.. 8 1 , 1 1 tt. 111, to t vun t.1 , 6111: 3 1, lh , v toil in and arri..d the C..unty C4,lntuis,lnvu r TIO. 1 , 1 at lluipt to nia:;.. tta,‘ F- a , itrt,n.L; that th,y mould du t.:o at th tr own pita Apctl 11, l Sti. -S. N. Wood returned fr,to ldb Ibl,Junajo to Ohio ahit one hen dr(d and line armed twin, sol are wel comed to Lawretic , N ib], cpu dug and and other detnonatra , ions, awl teen xbOv rid by A. 11. .11.“. tit t to ronit the 1aw.... s 61111,1. y April 19, 1856 —She: id' loamy, of die an.val of 5. N. Wood a !Atli-Lot ~ pn cced be nevi in duty hound, to arrest him, awrc being four or five WI it. , out against hint for various uftenees. De fin le him in Lawrence and at. once arrests him, but he to immultately rescued by no armt d mob, and the authority rof law al,rain openly sat atAlo. - April 20, 1858.—Sheriff Jones returns to LIA , A ftu6V nith a mil pope' of four men. but tic is again rf sinful and the Ina a drfird by tho limb ; calling tin in,elN es citizens of the town. April 22, 185ei —Sherif? Jolliet proceeded Lawrence with a sAnall posse of United States troops, and suceided to making si vend ar rests, but when iiiisht Came on was shot in the Lack by.a hired myrinolou of the New England Long' ant Aid Society, wii le eating in the tent or Lieut. Meltibiali of the Status army, and that received a wound, ilixrnutl at the lime, mortal. fildy, J.C.riti —A Liand of ouII. , about: lifts in armed witii enter. the ellll . 1 - t, 100141, V/1111127S11 , 1;!... Uiri) holding t'iiiirt, at us May tern, in the Judicial Diiitrict, and foi citify liroke up Lim Cuurt -4t the SAlllu (IMO svaininir the Judge tiganist atli inpting to enforce any of titi Tkr ruorutl tan H. i(Ay 21, 1856.--.llliii t of Frank nn county. was most inhunianly,buteli ered by a body of bnilinglit "a"asaasins, who entered his house between the hour., of hi I aud 1 o'clock at night, and, •ppreweliiwt hi. beikule, told him lie was a prisoner of the i Northern leivein," at the same time tearing I bun away how the emio ace of his , %1 6., w iw 'WWI humbled knees, with tears in hi r eyes, the brutes to spars her husband for the salts of her helpless etuldraii—three to utuuber-i-trut Wrote% awleaf war tai .her to treaties and eunimoil dictates of humanity, the brutes jook bun a abort distance and lit erally chopped him to pieces with their bosh, kli/V".• fur no other utliuoe tb3in that he was au old resident of the Territory, fa miliar with the incidents attending the elec tions in the Territory, and would likely ho dialed upon by 0p....8F Whitatel44e--duty before the Coligreeiuteial Investigating ciikee. mace, and therefore uipet he liiionkrticl. On the same night William Sherman and \lr. Boyle and his two sou. were nia,,hte!ired In the seine manner by i the Maine iaaseissms, for the same reasons -t-their bodiea being most horribly mutilate& the ears, hoes and flog*. rs binu,; out olf before they were killed. 114 . Y $ A and 2 6 , 2846.—T* Moro of Jol, isph Bukaard, Iflrave 4 A tiaga, ba Doadaa t oookty, viola:y.ll astorOti au/1 lOW ti4olChiatigrOlisatga-bi torkyof theme malfwasta 00414n1A. *Oh 008044 ha Oat gut) of J'0 1605 , 6.141701000411,7K"1tin5, 1 7 r Kr • •••• •••••. ••.. T • • . •• • • r • • : r 56. V__ • • . . Nay, 185 4 3.-11e,p , ,tal, (Ince in Douglas htla and the extreme heat oftit . Wee county ; at lieexeneutg, mitered and ”rolibed soling strongly uptakis fram Ma e. hy a ',arty of - flitiiire 'seine I Villa Vefi and wises- the eounsed to the defendant, will sestaii 8,114, who for: Lly elevated' &veil, the. prtutiae-, t'i' t thle ; V bit: the counsel for tbe pinintilir link , . n sir cling e n re, . , sott ol ii& oldent citizens of Douglas ii as count:,who set pt tltog AZ. tacked in his house. at midoirht and coos- pen",e A smile of Trhatlon reed h a vcii«l to li aye the; 'ft rrltory with his plop. 'lei turf s,rate he saw wifsithful Pent bid i.rty, under, penalty of di alb, the c.ttect.ins , ti' Cowed his bull, utile this latter air robbing the housed whau.ver ans. vslutiblo played a row of „iror7 at this mark ot i a in it. kee.tturss of his counsel's tissal June 15, 185E3. —Deploy fiilt ,, r.ff Finney, of Howie sus net idle. Re end:Vithlek Last 1 t !tee, attacked in he own hotnot at night wreath which encircled the Squire ea eeent by an annul . body of midnight asrassins, vac.: as liessille. who, failing to kill him, renewed the attack With an Lin,lo eye Jim Watched the edisehlt Oil the folios lug night, by breaking olierl'isim of his client upon hill ''nine. hwaillisila2 door and Ming at his - bed, but he, forte= a little time, as the latter brokelitainlia toddy, iviis lying on the floor unobset sc.(' . of the Gourt by a sneei which' • iter and quietly draft log his pistol, shot the ring• in. mbird distant thunder. MA gh at leader of the gang, a man by, the 113111 C of might, for the heat aml petition liopkins, well known in Lawrence whi rein. alt C beyond all endurance. associates in the ethme,fied. Thu next morn- " Mr. S—," exclainadlihn elpita i • ing eleven shots utre found in the h t il of .. 1 e is p r_ei-c-e-e d w i-t 1iit,4,44 anise ' 2 , Mr. Haney. lit a.n't is t a ii-d tr-b-i-e a-wriiintt n ir.l7 ,fuse, 1b60.—;,1 eotnpeny organiyt din Law` Jim arose with all the dignitTSW .a. Be& 1 renee for the avow ed pori OMel of td.sliiig 1111111 ITS bid p4lll.lllegt days, Inforaniau His horses, as hick is now enEnced , ii# rteuling Honor that many itnportaiii witsiesom yea them in every directiow, doubtless fe r the y, tto anise, ea Inch rendered it iiii purpose , of mounting their "legion.' of • , ,,R.,- . for lout to pioaed with the case uin i a i rjr sins and tragors • had toady their &pin mance. 1,,,e, ISV, —The toeco of rneolloi RNA. Ic Tim it., till'U puce another sneeze, loader ed hetes en n t he hours of to 0 and titre. ,''el e li en 1.1, lint. at the IA Ille time spreading i the 1110111 n,4, by an Arno d b,,ey of Rosier Ins huge urue, right and left, knotioleigdown 'MIS from the tow,, of - Lawroneeywao Foie- half a dozen b'neA Republiqans; exclaiming. tee eel.l in kelling a west tedituntdo ci• 'Len • 'uteri Pack' stand back! f?f Heim ill in Ins own house, by the Mint , . of 'I ,sit,t O e.iki., st Ind be -k!" i 'either, tend collimating sundry other , out n • lii one tho black chairma m n edimeed inef.6.• ~. • to at !Ivo, NC 1/11,1 l'oxripey gave thus. ktplt. l'. hese ,tpty area few of die mil onus; , A ootp , at do shuns Witt, ri3 1.0 atitild, and bet 4 initts'oci. dot' Laid, py, bp mp,111;;. and loose. . hitt hock. of the New },,'eland Pimp t ant Ali:, I At this of the proceedings, the sterali Soci, ty, (idling th,rtis,lv,:i' ,•lisiiipi,iiisoil it as 1111110 a beyond all human enclormase fr‘rdoil , ~,,d friends of humanity Ti, • I fhe• heat of the day IRAs great; but the ef could be readily i.s tend.] to du indi IWO Ilona e wittcti (loin the group of sable knights extent , hot dune n ill suffice for the prev- ulocht chum, red around Ills " Honor," wwif .. , cite. , - 41: II grt stet, . . . , -Aleut that door!". yelled the Squire, Pomp hit nig taken the precaution to have flr His Hun t wins cvitlently growing weaker ant est . ..detr, as his huge lan whirled to and tn. aEL less rapid sir des "C•0-in ii g elti-t-1-4.nt-e-n, for sake, let's , go on with this cm!" be !aimed. __ . . _. lift of it /laugh A S I'PONG CASE OA A ILri' D.l) In the city of 11— lived •thrt.e per,vm ges—encli eminent in tlor pr0t , 4410.. .113 the tvhdont of ear' trill be fully apparent to the reader afu ptrustanglbis Aicetedi,-we IrtrJt-intrtKlueeNir. Pothp Re: ton, th e ,lant in tliti suit, The plainult and dent, both kady'lleade ut the hluelt3t (lye, Lad h_en thdousautg cech ntlitr's el.,tna to the Fllrcelloll of DlltHh BUIS\ IL it hely u ebony hue, until the warmth of their 1,0,, the v,arnith of the day, and the vt arrnth • ItILAL,S._ niterti i4l-t lani.;11:4;,1 highly derugitory to the huts ul man ut COhYr. 110111TV/71. the plaint, ii nI ii„ , ,c, Its el LI (I that the d. 1 ,, 0. o n , f, luC tt ;orb a en ,a I t'; t,• hun a blots- t • I , tip lu !I I olt ..U, I.lln I', tips S hour 'V , II n ‘• II It, FL:. It' tiC., t 111 II 011:div, 1,11 upon h,v . ,.a! reetre , g,for 1ip.,11 A.:1111; opon I b is "I -ll n, 6e e l '' , lied t oire I 41, Ills -ttei.,t 01 1; utun 31 , C1 I.IA • "LW LO. !Jl.ll LI • 41) rind upon the (filo/ I .'ll'v. 11.10 tntto,dia ttty o't ti.o•ks for the olio , •: NlO.ll, wit and had n I lend Lao fadiouu ionsuig tliu ,• What ! litre_aptin 1" inquired Jun. is inug darktned thu• walls of hot Yes, lessen, been cued," the latter ,•, 1, ssounmig a 1001 f. U 1 WILOW. So d, h f What have you lick n sued tor yod ,111:1,huti a 'dz . What busfin.l..s La I you to sio n uash a im; I ser 3 . sake 1 Jan. •• 'Canso I couldn't It spit; he called ric a hen thief, and ms child t,.and • Did any one roe you strike him " lhor many saw you do it i . • • Five or six colored persons " .. I liar I can do noth tig ((aria this time," continued ; evidenco to all igsari.t 3 OIL. ' pomp burned not to relish this r mark at all. lie Wiped the ji.r.,piration from his forehead with his coat-ta.d, and gave a deep What Jtuttioe issued the warrant I" in quirod Jim Squint replied Pon T. Worso 3't' won,. 3c( ' cads tmial Jiro. Pompvy's underlirerll an inch. 171 kf.liT that he had a (kepi:rate caw, awl felt oiryi that nothing btu. apowerful it to. my \' 00 .11160 A 0 1101 1,1101.1 g ad upon Ills arm, he seem , d to I/0 110 , 0100 r; the aid of the gudm, et the aamo turtc taxing fund of meittive geturot to It:, fullest extent. Pinup," said he finally, I think issonie hope for you, if you ti ill lolloa to.s I advice strwtly ; hut, mark ! the least depar to, from my commands, and you will not •ktiock down trnother...uigger tor the neat att etl 111011004 to c onic." (i.•131111y alive ! I'll do anything you till tau to. turisqt, it you'll Oak - get too omit eselainied Pula, rubbing him harndv with da tight Nos% , then," ( unturned d/111, " 1 omit you to pro..uro forty or mon. suipumns, RIO tilt they areal duly st t red upoti ss it• n ess u at to this tette ; and now. marl and eis ineitiluo that your fate (1,p,..tid.: upon your sat:v...lllg the strongest quelling orte2 you can dud." o Leave that to toe, mass," repli«l Pomp, lowa inlay turning up the white of his eye. •• I'll smell 'ern out.'llow well Pompey performed the tack assigned hin,, the sops.' will show. The day of trial came, and. ft hotter Mtn never burned in tits 'month of 41405L , Thu thertnotneter ringed at 90 iri the t it i ndu, and *very thiug setontal puelied by thu hut sir gniro C—, before whose august tribu nal this trial was to take plgce, seemed to feel the heat of the day withal) IL'. intensity. His oilier was small, hardly capable of coil. taming lifty per3ons, with ono door of logrcsi anal -tigress., antione eight pantie 'of glass. this office was while his.hody was large; and the ruby tint rot hrs'nette fully ituticiited that his obemty would ri,vtx he leasaned by a want of tdon ongalt(la. Ile was a thirsty old soul, and ' often fet it. Yet we will do him thus justice to are:ert that no Inc, was more prover:Alit LJr °leanness. Us utterly abhorred dirt or stench in any form. 'The boar of trial , bird arrived. Squire . 0--v 00 is .bin Imp, nl4 fsibioant &m -ohair ; tai4 ha imigmq4ta ba" loot Ws dig giry of otheir rims. Wild niiiito soot ". ot Mt" Pnie&D4ll. 4 o lo 4 l * l4 . #1 164114 „rvi4 li r ti*PIA .m 63% 1' • f`. Jun n e n raite, teeming Ilia Firtior, wttia one of hi; hlnnilcnt hnEuli el, that it was galls inirwe.l7:le fur iliat to proceed uaLil the J 1 10; at hi, witut sea had f\lTii.d. • • • ren . oti," plied the Squire. It ' _ . ht o you, ytra -bitek—fo o bail !.' You ore char, Benton, you are char! ecu ~ rttasted d r'iey out of has : 9 I.da Clark shadows they came, Old likil 1;4 k fru 1 they went away. 't 1,10 1118 COURSC/ litetrally s a ta till. ' :11Id at the same time og ruts tint lw should be the recipient ot hie law {hl - 11 . t lu to c. " l u 1 , a great 011‘ law," said Pas,. it takt,a d,s child to smell )eli be riihdlaso to rollout Mat Gin &Ohre gr*Utrd any coon woman; it K, Inn ea of oalor'during da t oispr. • - • HOW TO TELT. A COUNTEILIZIT il AS A AY..)I'E. , Mr Dyeithts editor or the Bald Nob D.- hneuz f.r, lectured et the tsberneeie In None Yeidr, some time since, on pounterfateit and tla rich a, illustrating Lai subjcet by a paw .. )r,i)Tlie (Lapin y of het*, notes on an Wargo" of his awl:irks will be gleeful to the reaticr. of the Democratic Watchiada Mr. Dye tethl, that his object in these leo tures T 5 to explain the mode of detect ing . all (litotes of bad bills. The ides of denoeito big counterfeit noteb (originated with • COOS Philadelphia, and it has overtime Leen turned to the advantage of thischal of re)BU.'l , . There had Iran 6 t•tr,pioion, he sad, that back tote ungrev,.re were the makers of the cohnterft it lune. ) 11 it Otte is not ito. There never aas but one engraver turned counter let te r. '1 he counterfeiters ant not sontireile• ous as formerly. On account of the great difficulty they have to contend with, in the ezoulb ut orltinanship of 'gentiles KU, they Lave turned thew attention to making ,ietrious and altered tele For these they ten Wk. 0110 plate. for all denominational of hull, of every bank in America. This is dune by e 44111 g 111,t) title ' of the bank sad oats. s of the nuke and town, and heaven a blank, in the place of the figures and . Tile true ciy t) detect a counterfeit is not itEray, 103 OK signslimis; but by the wa rn ul,nlp, w hn h Ls gi inirstly commie arid rough Whet, a luau takt.a a bill in hi9hand ho aboutd to k a ct.t r 3 par tuf it, partieulatly al the im• print of ilui eliKraLcrii It i 1 well to loe at the tuticri, to ace that they are welt formed. Most counterbita can be detected by the im• pint alone. The ono/lama note moved, and oucenits, tett by tuuncau fret, was eghitilttd a facsim ile of a fr,enuine Lieu dollar bill of the Mean Mint. teyr pmrrteri Ans -Nn—beauties f_ the svorkinauslttp of the note, end railer .114. by the shading of the letters, in ninety. nine cloin ttut of a hundred, a person cou i.l t.. 11 a hood bill from a bed one. A eu.loo.til It v ull the Ocean also N inta,d un twr Ants ) and tli4 1114.reuca t eitiny scrn, even Ity an ntrpractieed eye. The lecturer then , explained the - -- snanner . in ohi h oilah r eat ra make piste. aadbilla. INS last new modo-iwto trinefer b monitor white wax. Ev Lit by the fords of the drops of the figures on the vignette the work ii i;=; be nuperfnet. Count:mit:Aire ere satisfied if they can produce the'grereral he, 3oreg of s Ult. VtielaiiThifiiterralt bill digit epee trtside was a filly oit tite4itate Bite* of Minoan. lint it Was imperfect in the shading and vu tiaLeted. A counterfeit note Is the, lrltdirt thing in the world to make, because 11.1001" be perf,.ot. A live dollar bill on the Farmers' amt Me; chitties' Bank of Hartford, altered front Poo.. pa,:, i,ltch-gan, was nett4h9e I' on: the pas or, ma: - Ulna calwratiallifgat tilde foe hank. It wan the Dour of a toe:. hut 'the plate had been it good cote, sod was enpaved - 6y "II00•13, Wright,4--Satith. of Nov. fork. Tbe belt aboora ott theAtora* *as • I‘l l On the wirboaset, Bank:* Y ithodo rovidiseasi Wood. It was a ICabigaa ttie title oftegerinine bantinaerted; 147 log close at the ithaAnkg ittistod the • it appeared broke. Wja ea the biko erY irriept Orb dr 4i, cared it. . most elboserapos4lll.ll=rat szhiblisd. 4114 N El OE NM 131 Ei3111;10
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers