LOCAL urtrumiarprival;4„. • BRLl.7dow I GAB CoatPsur.—lty an sot of the butt Legislature, a company has been - incorporated fig the cstal,ll4htfient of a' Gas Company in the Borough of ilpllefoute. This yollowingis the bill, to which we direct the attention of EV readers t • AxAcie, to inoorphralo the Bellefunto Gas gout pny le the county of Centro. • Ihteriort 1. Do it enacttal by thu 1 4 onato and House of Beproadubttive of the eminent - 11%010th Of ,Penusylvmaiti in (Atmore( Assembly ;not, and BM. hereby enacted by the authority of tho Name:. 'That Oen. James Irvin, Androw Curtin, Marcy Mann, James Burnside, Jonas T. HAM, Jacob V. Thomtui,_H. C. fl umes, D. I. Pruner, Henry tiro ketheff If. N. bleAllistim, William Barris, Valentino Abraluun H. Valentino, Ocorge W. Polo, George Living/non, Janus 1). Tumor, Georg° L. Potter, and Pitimund Blanchard, and till Minns who may associate with' them, aro horoby made and conetituted a holly politic and corporate by the name, style • nd title of the Bollefonte Gas Cetepany, and by the tamp name thoy and their SUCtIMIMII shall have perpetual succession and have and nub, all the privileges and powers, and be eithjeot ton ll the regittlations, limitations and restriotions of an act to ineorporate rho Look Haven lilts and Witter - Company, passed the eleventh day of January; one thousand eight hundred and fitly-tour: and all mid every of the motions a n d provisions of Rohl not shall be applionble to the Omnpany hereby ittomporated us fully and amply as if the Won were Moot porgy,' In thin sot, uncopt the 111111108 of eorporators, and - that the word Belli:font° Ito in ull Cities suhstitittoil for the word I t ook paten In sold act' ,PrwinVe.,/ that the first meotlig — thr Itte orGanhottion of the 'Company hereby °mewl prior to tic first Dbnuhy .of January One thonsund eight hundred and fi fty- Seven, shell IA at aseh times pod places as a moior ity of the corporntortimboic name d shall deter mine; And; Prortia 'whirr, that nothing in this net contained shall ho so (neighed as to nut horim sold Company, to Introduce wider into tho,said Borough of Belloronte, for (ho supply . of the inhaliituni* thereof, without consont of a majority of Um °Ultima qualified to vote at any Borough Bleetion thordof. Igigned by the Speakers.) Approved the eleventh day of. Aprit,•etto thou sand eight hundred and Pfitnix. The men connected with this movement,. ,as will be seen by the names mentioned in the act of incorporation, have a reputation for judgment and integrity—and the manner in which they have brought theirSec i nterprise before the public, deserves morel, than a posing notice. Bellefonte- Ss a *owing borough: We possess more of £he elements .of - greatnes.s than any other part of the State —that is, natural greatness, which mind Aleveloped by our own genius and industry. 'The bitninitious coal Which lies tinuN,al al arelind 'us, is ^ admitted by siontific tuck td bo the best agent for the marinfaltur: of gal in tho county. Tlicit,AStacominitni,:ittion— the factories, ntilla; crcaling popula tion, promising to be augmented by the n)1)- tvinplatvil railroad improvements, Will soon render the erection of this Wdrlc in _Belie fonto a matter more of neccicsi,tythanitrotit. To show the cost, arid t is tunvcuiooeo to be derived from the introduction of go We publish - the following letter from one of the first architects in the c o untry. His letter speaks for itsrlf ; , Pn I. AnCLl'li IA, April 2110. 185 1 1 I recebed , xu.inr favor last evening requesting the cost, of lane erLit. The Co4ILIInI.I. (LauppAter county) Oita Wodo coat $37500, oath throb hattcs of ft trot nt tar, or pipe The buildings ern 7d fret by 22 Pt'sl wal coal and lime *beds, 2.1 feet by 59 feet, at e holder is 40 feet in diarnerer, anal Will 20,004 euht., feet of gos Thure art six retro fl le Iwo orms, °limbic of tookkg udout 211 nun feet of gm an 21 hours. In tho I To are lOUcanto's included We hare laid sil, di, r erection 1700 feat additional at -eel m un, and put in LO addraons,4 meters, which cost 8, u „,, the wheel roshiteofitivested 1S teltlut slo,i4ou. wliiuL nor yieldasg 71 perzentinn, sod In gradually 11.- moesiog Oond works with ricir returts *chichi would b. , es bp, of front 12,000"to14.004 eul,iu 1,1 irbOUIA, Yuri alto rade of erect ut in of suitable size, besides 55 metres' anal 'torsi 'o pipe (von the street main., and a gas balder to route. ' afrs, could be mado for OW aum of tdonteun or twuniy lhuauuud dollars With auch.affiexpositiow of the rust, and • knowledge Lif the natural advautagEshy which thbpruugh is 9 urrouutled, it to he hoped t there is sufficient enterprise awl liberality - 1n our midst to —give us FOIL" , TOMIONIA Itzsioxr.—At a called meeting of the Bald. Englo Lodge, No. 410, L 0. U. E., hod at Miles burg, l'a., April 10, 1850, a committee was appointed to draft resolutions expressive - of the sense of No Lodge, upon the death of one of its mem bet's, Brother Sam'l 41. Llahn, who departed this life the 14th inst. The committee pre. Owed the following Whereas. 1t Lusa pleased Almighty 0 1, the Grcat Author of our being, in his all wise providence, by remove from our midst our well beloved brother, Samuel M. Balm, who was one of the most zealous members of the order in this place, and one who never deviated from his obligations ns an (hid JOVr. The cause to which he was no firmly attached has lost a true advocate, the-com munity a worthy citizen, his aged parents a , dutiful ion, his brothers and libelers an affix:. .Donate brother, his frimils a dear .relative, One whose plate carnet be filed ; but what appears to be an Inseparable loss to us, is indeed to him everlesttfg gain. Therefore: Resolved, That whilein deep humility we. bow to the dispensations of our Heavenly Father, possessing in ourselves no power to avert the fatal hand ot death or disease, we may yet emulate the virtues of the dead, whom it was our please re in time past to f7ect as a brother and kind friend ; one who 111 all the varied relations of life, so truth fully exemplified those noble principles of our order, " Friendship, Love, and 'truth," to all arouud him. Resolved, That we, the members of BA 4 Eagle Lodge, No. 410 by this means caw, our deep and heartfelt sorrow at the moor ful bereavement which has vacated the place iof a warm hearted brother, who in the bloom of youth was called froip this world of tri als and troubles to ono of eertain and coil ,Bulled happiness, beyond the vale of death. Resolved, That the members of this !Aria, Of which he was an esteemed Brother, wilt '.wear the usual badge of - buming fur tho mee of thirty days, as one of the means by which they testify their respeot fur the tue. goent of their deceased brother. esolved, That %the Secretary cause a espyq, of these resolutions to bo forwarded to tb the bereaved relatives;, and also to thd rpore of thi, county, with a request to pub tk ‘• : • JAS. S. 'int, DAvmeow, E. LirroN, • Committee Boa tits psuravrr of Coil May, and Mien !Ohm: nest of onr reader*, wo publish In our advertising columns, a dhiloguo re• ported 14:a kiy-hole besieger. We can vouch • tor the, truth ok the co n versation, and hope that our reporter will continuo CO ftirnish UK and our resdera with similar useful Informa tion. NE; Ccornixa 3i00.---I.,34ntgoniery & Bon, have opened a ready valde clothing es tatiliehment at the nortb•eaet etiVaor of the piltroond. Their practical ,experlicatee u mercers atid tailors, and th6 - large titeek , ',fah they efter to the public, will *lce Quit 001111114ment populaitted prolltsbiC„, TsiPock's' look Orcs,m. • , „r r • ' . , A Wawa OuTn.mnt.—On the 10th of Feb ruary last; a most daring's:lomm wag com mitted up'on the pehoti of lb.V. William G'il fjlan, a tierman priest, travailing in the Karthans stage, which' fur' malignity and brutality,: exceeds auy assault whielti we have-heard of. While riding peacefully in the' stage, 'and while in' the 4(.1'44 reading Lie breviary, the. book was struck from his hands, And he himself thrust from (ho ! stage., Ife wita'seized, thrown to thetro • and a bottle of whiskey held to his:mouth, and the liquor literally tetivd.down his diroat. 'After the fiends hail accomplished their work, they, compelled their victim to pay a dollar for the drink, and then shouted f(h what they called "a Ktry•Nohing tri- Onpti." One of t. parties concerned was the driyttr, Jerciniali IVinswortli, who has i iiii i iii i iiiiiiiii esenpli. The names of the others, tbur in number are niiknervn to us, but we hope they .will be , ;.pii.nlilylorougit to severe' punishment. Ma NEW STORK of Reynolds' & Co. will be opened ill n fey.' days wil.h.a-laile..and did 'assortment of goods anitabh. j o e €l )( .' sea son, which will ba sohl arsuch pilots 44011 _xeriiiiinaud the thtentlon of boyars... ""' Pit,ESHI:MS TO PAY - MP:A.4.-111e Ile Yiirk, State Agricultural Society effeFa premium of $75 ftr the most satisfactoiy experiments in,the application of all the recognized fer tilizers to five acres of Indian corn, t ao)i spest(lM 'fertilizer being'applied to a earetfol; IL !Treasured ropa of land, and a full ,record " F eTthe tillagi; : and its results sal niitted to the Society bibrOz . a.the ... lat of Februar3, neat. fotii limited series of"ox- Deximent . s tbt titime att.rearotl and. Also,Viclfor the .b4st, nnd NO for the second bei,e culiivatcd farm of not kss than 50 acres ; (a:icluding wood and waste,) de voteapainly to grain growing. -"Aka, t3so_for tho hcst, and $5O for tba scronil best fart]) of like tlinitnions, devoted mainly to giltzilig‘anil_tit Ilear.in mind that simply growing a great crop, without keeping /1 c , nirato notes of ac proccsi and expcnac: wfil not secure• a pre mium, au it will . not - Inlvo to abow: l otilvrsi how such crops may tic grown. SIINATOII Donai..ts.--4-The Wt6bington cor respondent of tla: Baltimore Rii, 4 says : lion. ,tudge. DonLlits ha , : couvp3 ( ,I tc, the Ilaptiat denomtiption of Chicago, Illmok, ten metes of laud--a grove—la ant!foll v sit uated A% ithin the city ,litnitg, for the put pu;e of ero ling tkvrtrAt a tutiv'er,ity -- A% ith a con tagion that the t4II.It(VN shall lay flu: founda tion of the null .e • during .110 npltroadtir;r !all, anal f 4 Pentl QOM/ally to Ward ~I he boil,l - &,.. until complt , tetl. The valiteof the land is ottitnated at ;;;;50,11(01. ThL• Jinlgt Ix: aso mad y a hanrlftme donut init. to the o w TNlrte‘iill, siraa Bartli,t church' in IlVashingtoti city." ' tturl7i7l ILI% of 'renni resign hia ,i.ut 111 Iho UnitiA Siatt"slSulate, during the month of June on account of inipiri.d.heftlth, thert•hy giving the Legi,Lature anuportutpytocli_et •iuccrri,ol". ._,~,,., DIED ThurrAl,ty, Airll 17'h. in II tt.,vr'Lip, Mr Davit, 1470 r.h1t7711 IN) 7:1,13..wr of Li, LieWITISIMIIIt, 1.11. D Av D Ml:%cr 10 , lowa to gruYL in !temple , ' by DrrLATUN T'S C.. 1./ MAR Mn Warta/gO.l Onl to ran r.t . Ti ro Orin Pri.•o $1 00 iy,r Puck go, or dire. for I to tiny I,Lart of the country, by ruPil, I, ~f retuittnrwe ' Ad iresi lEr.rntu SCo Bot 7 Xi I:,ust Q 11731, Jlttlamorii, ;11.1r) -....-.5.1(.11E11 , ire . .3. — 1V1 . Ll' , /15 of 1.) I.ls 1.11 .tau of tweler mans Mat 1.11.,+.1 . 1111 1 / 1 . In 10 occupy u 1.1 I,i , lie lo the luuldd of f t , to than 111' 1 111,111 iy at eiv,intio,,,it the V e g.o„l . o e , Pills Co pny, or .Falling Fits, tiiiptorps, mil all tho sun toe 1110 , 11111 . 1111111, i'l net ru•:r.lit•as•74, •}, Hance, of It tlitu, at. Sir; , `?, 11a11.11/I , nl 1\1,1,..011• 11.% LIAM ,in o....tain i ly enuiltal to tip In, 1 1 1 of oil 11.0 1,. 1 ,01, 1 11 1 11t. portion of manklul, is 1,9 ex,,,•titillec, a 10 , .n.lll by the aliesiltioa of Lamm 1 .11i1111;;', I', lion 11/ 11,1- ne e first loeparurl 11i1 1 1 +1 I'lll9, 11,1 It 13 1 1'. 1.1) , •111 11)Icly for I:iin, Ctantl,n :111,1 , ours, hat job io• t i urot experietwe n LI in! aitorily pined to bon, that t o tin it non 11 1 11111110 r. r. , 01'11 " 111 1111 • 11:111.1.1 of doss" i, they eiterted a 1' CA:- trot en et the cutvn tort one by stem (le tt a th• .1111111 Ced 111 by Meru in ea, of Nrurabcis, if -1/0• loreativ, Nervous /Math •he, Patiiitation of tho Heart, Incipient Paral?nin,flyntraia, Mu• oil tr 1), Witty, and u hunt nt minor ilismane), ap:ingt.i; in look of 111 1 . 1 , 1 1 1 1 11,1 - 11 W, 111 1.11+11(11111-1- 1 1 at1 0 1/ 1 c 1.1,1 1 -' , / . 1. 1 W11C 1 1 11011 110 wont smi e rtinie soo- LEIS Perfume Min disliitieu, by wrltifug and Knitt ing a remittance to 111 - Manor, ein have tine me,ll - forwarded by mail to their ;Kist °MN) he paying thriven: Mgr The prince aro fur a single Lux, $3, two Loges, $5l or $2 , 4 per dozen. M'ti hate given his address above 00 - Demooxatio Association.—The next istattol mooting of tho Aeroolation'rrilf m plitoo nt tho Ito:LA.IEIg Room, on WEDNESDAY EVEN ING, April 30111 • ' JOHN D BIEBER, Pr..s 7 t W J KEAI,4Ii, Soo'y. apno-1 t 11 - 7 - Lewisburg, Centroand Spruce Creek 'Railroad —A tneetiog of the Monde of the above Railroad will be held vet DAY, the lath day of May, when every per son (miserable to the above road, will pleaeo htt as tms.aes4 9 f iirivrclatici, will IA trim/meted. 11. ICI Attention, Centre Cavalry!--A drill eotipg of thu [slops edl hao pliwo ur tho Don'ough of nellefonte, on the . first Monthiy of :day. A full attendance ii requetted Ily Fur npll A CARNLII.U. N. Ir7Notice.: , By an,Aet of the General Aosombly, prosoul.last victor, Thomas Huston, . Jeoob Strukle, William itmith, Jr , ) _ 11. T. Pontius, Anthuny Curuor,'—_,X• T. AtiIIIMA. . 1 John Carper, lloiana Co,rj r , John Elwart4, George ynj ou ti n el ... siknids Trivr--7—.— Henry Mattison, Jatthrs 'lft"ST' Titotnos MoKosti, sr Jno. ~T. Gregg, -- Jamas Harlon, Conrad...it-ratio, Georg() Sheffer. If. N McAllister, Jall3CS 'l'. Dale, ' Edmund Etaochar,l, Aro appointed COMM ilqiio lloe9 t" 0 1 Il?n Boole i, renell r. DirllN subscriptions, and utg.iniso the te by the name, etylo, awl itch, of the " I Ai, crox - ts JUSOTIOPI f rUltiPlPllltli KOMI 0)111.A. Y," with Or to conatruot a Turnpike road from the Juno on Itonso, Oliatett 'County, tallollo font o, Centro county 2'..p.'A *ogling of the ahoy,' named (loininiiiionel 8 will be he in the Itorough of Solicitude, on SAT URDAY the ,Id duy of May, (Court wade,) at 2 o'elook I°. M., for the purpose of organising null Elornpariy, -. A fail ittendenoe Is requested ' ' • , JAMES. Inv IN, JAMES T. HALE, .. 1 ap23-2t EDMUND BLANCILAItD. ' , [l7:Notioo is hereby givekto all whom it may euneein Meseta...ll4m, havlog,dispoeud or his entire steel( of git).lta, ho., in llowareivilla, Centre (moldy, wiebei to nettle tit.-his ftdowinta. -persons, knowing themsolvee indebted will please call Ind make knowing paynteut, out tiros° hav ing claims against kiln will present them.fos soap : moot. - The subetiribesane round at the Perry ITottee, one mile below 11WLYtitil1e, uhero he Is now lo cated. his Meade inlllleartleld and the _public' generally will boas In mind that It will be advan tageous to them to call upon him when returning borne from down the liver. Alllt. BUSMAN", feb29-troti pprry !louse, Centre county. A , RGE . - ASSORTMENT OP FIG a4. Bind and 0.4 spire, at low prices, to b• bid 0 • : iar73, D. Awr, .4 04. - ..xur ningirts. REpoivrtn WEEKLY YOR TUE DEMOCRATIC ITATCIT- =I ' , • . 143.,t,neotirt r , 4111'29. Thiero hne Imentut n 81111111 blllllllO/141 'cluing In gialo for the pent wl,uk. No ohe enema dThportl to purehatie wore then:will mentor ittuortllato de mentia. Thorn bee been some ehlpcpcnt,s_ . !A , grain to Philedelphin, with but little enepuragemotit . ,urthrr HM13110,1(11. Flair is rot riling atsl't 5..t0 $1 pee 100 lbs. Alilirat, $1 to $l.lO per Ityo — ,no cis, Corn, ire wa.piiilg at 40 td .16e)"47- . • Oa(!, 26 to 31 OA Polafeels, 75 ets, ftr godd quellty. Butter, 20 W 25 ols. per lb natl., gustily Eggs 124 els. per dozen. - N EW STORE AND NEW DOOIDS.-- 1 J. MONTGOMERY SON, - A , owni-rAiri'coriNrit 07 THE DIAMOND AND ALLIAMA.NY STREETS' Botlefontpr ‘ltnAirilc fait otarnml from Philadolphisovkielo wo mndcr thwinerohgnee,And am- now ()pea . % ono of tho uo At on rpfully onlorto.l 8 , tx.101 of MEM= .1":fril Ni ItN(; GOODS, 1:1*r brought to Cootie ouuuty, nod taco thlq me ..tlktwl to angora ttor old ftiotutti, eustortatri aml the puha., got wally, that we are tlo lotted to 4 .1 4 ,t vu theta sutsh as they not Cr had before, in the 41111116 of COAT:i, VESTS, PA:IT. 4 , fro , wid h corder: hilly entioorl.he excelled, tool,haviteg linen ticket, I with stn eiar teferet.ce to the latest ni.4l sl• opproi cit f,tsldons VII(' /MR b.:11 FLU to the scloeting of (lontkittion's Iratynishing Unotle,sitell an S.ll - D .111 - nßkt, 114 IV K ( 'II 1h: STI,'11'1:: X DERR; G LOVES, C 11.11'44'N, of oroly Wu also Tetnito known to the toildin that In ndidi tin to nor Miler executes steek•of.gnods Tye hare just recoi ed, 0 largo anti splentikr nasortnnont of CLOTHO, 14ASSIMP,I1S, VESTINVS, roety stylle and vitt lo ty. inen..ntitt pay prt!ettlie attention to our hoot, to give general et.itisfsellon tun PI. solve n share of lin, fully in vite all wanting anything ip our line of to call an 4 n. t siol a ue war altiek of goods ' J."111ONTOONIEllY k SON", A D ., I. A L 0 AI II E.- .J - 0 h 7, —Coinoming - 'Low are you Strairger— 0 , 0 mii ring, sir Can rinz toltinu liiirg I oar co the cheapest It.r.toi-viiUo CWI . II- \ NO 111,11 do he ' ••••••)th,z--Yics, vi'. We hove ft rirunbrrgirkriorr 2 " ' Belli-funk', but li-i,t AO MI i n ' V. Iris ~ ,u ;Au l t st,ro 5.”1, , lini,tl,, , 1,, , ~,,,„1 k.i,,,, pr v' tr :,!,, r—Welhise every hely 3 lye in the or u iv 1ry,.1 ;161,L net 'choir but th.ll..vve ,sets Itnifflatiell,ll‘.l I (hotter I wouirl inquire of yogi lose fulk's .Teiles,7lVhat I.liul of ClAtliti..l,lo you %visit Li Guy t - • - •S4rlucer- ,, •-11'hy, I. slthvitri like to have a grod I rn , re Cunt, Paris nod rest for myself, tuel some • e)othing fir my Irii . ).9' • dolin --IV 411, I OM: May, they sly, has 601119 most 630711k:A Die-1(;04V9 Fr , til $lB down to qll,ttlio ba rer Planar Celli.) and everything In r . 0 4 In Fervor lion, urd Ilutei x I 1,,,,.. .101.16.4 for • St r ,,,, ~ ,, i. Win , ~? ,nut IA 11 , s' Dreii.ethsvis ' Jultit -v , Mat' lot 4 Ole br.vt uro , rtlnent of , •4•1 , m short ryillieg I o out I. boa' st)le, aid ut the Oita), st : 4 1r rn ; , ri That is the place ter roe (lon I icy , Pin off to Mav'e at cue,', and thank year 1.1.41y.fhr the l• remotion ,/ P, t 2,7 y in eol,t of atyytleA,r, to any lino are, therofero, respt.,trefly req . , a'nd*u give me a call otp3t) ISA All MAY, Bellefonte. , COACH AND WAGON MAN '... 'I;I'AC I HOW r) ( ,or h ei.lo ) BOIL route he sul” •rrbei rakes tilt teethed to it,re;sl the pt.hlio that ho has ~.elienel.etel the COACH al,•1 MAK IN•J i.'• - ••ISE'er•S, at the iitte•te place, ekorre he IS i I Vtl to rnalotiartuto t r order, and cot, a,Nly • ••pon 1, lintel v ituo ie t It io n of C,,111,;4:1, 110e J :A 1 ,1,y,3, CAIti',YALLS, OIL, as rs • • - HE-4V17 F.l-1141 IrAGO,Na, nil 10 lib •ialriace 111.1'Al C I St} 'lone at the ' , hot tegt nntice 117 E Ii , nt',lttlln In 1,151, $M it:Vi 14 odurate inicta Lu hot, -v 1.11112111. a tiltual ,4.,,,,.t,nnn 4 . 1.. - 1:1.111",t AU) BALL!, rA. ltenvq - n l Kr 11 o hate, on the north 5130 Or How, rd Wrect, in' the shop ItFrrn..nly oe HALL by D.,vlLi C.:ll-1J 11,, liii, in.,:e Intoly 1,7; 111 , iloorge ii 0,1 1 ,::: 111,71.11/1 i' • . , ' ~ .;, 'r: • 1:i 111"IlL • tr :?. 1 ,;;I :''' ..:' ° 7 1 ' i ' ~ .;'. ' • ' AV .n : i ., 1 —. ' ---•,...'. : :,. „ .g .,...t. - ..3 ----,-- - h „ i 3 .„. .--;-_, ~...„ 1 - i t -T -3-, .. '-' Int IND! in) E I 1t0141,11 A tTENTION n. ID tILL Oft HERS IS I I.lil -11.1)' ~ 1 ,11:1.1.42:1CS ' This untlt..elginol int - onus the Farm. r atio ftono,olly of Centro county, that lu luvrltiamitiotitilr4 010 Ft 7uort AND CORN sirELLEit, One of the hem, most en.lvenient, durable, and at the same time„ the :m on easy runuing Wieners ever offered tritSe public. It will @lien igt*en and" dry Corn, cleaning the cobs from end to end, and sell's. ruling thou) (tom dm Coro Ltr Warranted to run cosier than soy other Shel• lot in the United Statue or else chore, fur the quan tity ul hoib abut lr 1 per l.uy. It in constructed 0 ith (we monk), co that two portions nun turn it, and -ehethfrom 200 to 300 bushels per day It our also he attereittot tw trim) power Call• and one them before purchasing any other, as 1 11111 oat ULM you will On satisfied, with Ibis VANUA) DE/ill, itellorbale et.llTll'll' We, She undersigned. haw examined and used tho Baugh and Redly Corn fiheller, maasufout u led by Daniel Derr, Bellefonte, pronounce It perfuet lu its!seediest( utility, and well ,worthy the ettention of farmers. Its cervices In oats eceson will fieye Ito Nice: It limo and hang,. We ebeerren/ twolu• neon it to the formers 2f..Contre (meaty an an full yo of great economy. Wst NV De ISNS, JA)REN I) TERVER, W Ln MR). RE, 31LCt,.tsx, 1, W It ITTEVIIeSIi, PE Lit" MULLEN, Bollennue, .Imllll, '5B 11. B. Tusstruinv 1 have nu relstee .1 and tmed ono of the Corn tilsol. 'era THREW sot tsrs7 by Datil Derr, smiled the Rough and Reedy 'Cern Sin nor, dull IIbh.NSILIFIEtry flounce It one of the le it In Liss It runs very Cady, IritlarllllM Mill to fa aboxviorwee , 4 Nuts been atiy other machine I La, U over Met wills _ Mu 111E10 SHAFER We fully concur in the above cortlilo in. B. C. & • JOAN MA/tit:, littylog Oxnuiltnyl end trtml Iho p dont. Itouidi and }toady Coin Shelters, in , milfoud tired by A l ' r. Derr, Itellefonto, r Itntt there to ho !meet tool fuel nn, fin in every • rogpiO4, to corn willoh mhelled win greo'n • bu,t ported owl y groin %armor which Gould not ituntibly "by hand. freely reoottunend t Won teeth On to the Atmore of Centre poenty. CitArtuta JonNeto,. Itulletttlto, Aptll 185(1.np30-lf BELLEFONTE MARBLE WORKS. - NEW E6TA BLISIIMENT. • IVA/. 11. SIIIEA re 14f.4 N, Into of Philadelphia, IrOttld in' , st I , ilwri roily stall tho attention of the . publle,to his itogo and Hall selected stock of Ito The and Ainellosu.'Afittltle, which ho has selected with eve, Doing a prantioal workman, and having had the experleneerof potting up every kind. of work it Philadelphia, the public' eau rest tursuitid that they will not be Inipossni upon, ky having their work done loatinferior manner. 'Be invites the public' to oat/ d examine for thocusel vet, and tidy .li/find that , y can save frotr. IA to 50 per cent Spealmans of my wink can ho noon at all the cams torltalp,Oontro county. On hand a law !took of ITALIAN era AMBler MAN MARBLS, with whiehlio to prepared to manufacture ...kgottumowtoi tTemb' Stoney, Preach Oetiobes, illiiessittO Tel (tucker Stone*, Carved Lambs and Itongatt,'".4,.. , Poets and Railing rur family blink.' lets. • - • „ All work ttontinoted for by my /dent, Sit A. Jacob, will ha enteenhad with nudge's and 443- patch, • ttp2ll-I.r AA FEW 7,N KURZ LERS JUST fininhocl auti or ialo lry ap3o VAN lEL DERR, A TWIST CM* ItIVIE, MADE-AND .Li and fer .ale - by ' DA NIEL DER It O,,tt ' iii tivam WITHIN THE RUCH OF LIVE,SY•IIIAN. — '27,OIIO ACA,F,t9 Vi , lii .A com . ,,LAbio In Elk county, Ilentingor loWliship, eosin/II vania, for i tit, Ott lug a firm of 25"acros for 11200, trayal/lAi lalineins or $i per week, or at tho same tato 'tnnillinly Faxins , ef„so, 75, 100, or mom acres atlyiliking in propel Mir: Poch form fronts upon a road thirty feet c t o l l h THE SOIL in ft rich limestone loam, 'end cope' chilly adapted ID cultivation, Its it is 111 "I ther hilly nor_ a 0 tc, but gently ruining o n flue table th u d Around and thmeghtltrierd 07_01001%re alrepiy mmn ,,,, 20 , 000 noret , tir e g aq „ salon, and its (orally uo kfe brilei brew ontablinicat frOln 0 amps In Odateeti.— Upen this subject it is ttairlo. he fully staialled. Them is a meanly cash suarkai f s r rodeo° whiehie Much better than trade. ' /tit the CIIRATERT ena land of in nimilarmeality Is sellitnr o f ,11,01, higt„ tprices adjoining anti eirreedallits A aapentelllitanf. Illft COAL —Tile n partiettler in the Cunt Ids ltiet, ettycnil %chin underlaying Ole Whole property, and the attention or nthiMa., itibl thorn Acquainted with coal hinds, Itt speelallywalled taLit It Inen,the' adrantege of being the a 1144 V hl' to the grog Intro market, with winch it will litAunkteated by thu Stun burrand )iris Railroad 'now nothiastaentraot taut in ' course of completion limn Et le to Ridgeway, with descending grada't he whole way. 'rine cnil covet bi tutninouni oral is the best, for instance England and ether coalition] The dride per' tore is Itilllnefbr the cool, Al.e \ to, an it will certainly, tom, favorahle a location within a aSon t lode itgvy _largely. Thidtie _huller:mit an an iintatinso c ial trade will iron open. Four aunt coop,iniet hare already Lot, Igarlt. , l Inn nork.un men intim a hinity,titul there Pro now Idle cc opettlog, neon, d SI Mary' P. TIIE Ell BLit, I:todtholders also receive , ITlncto is 1 DO 1 - C-1•1•111tion whateier nirtirli of ' 'merlon or com. It to very Yalut.ble, anti mill pay lir in great patj of the land. On 416., tont of lion °sentience 01 enemies there are thin opplertollitice for iiii'l , .'. FOR Ill' MI, the location it ranoliteconimeio- 1 ed by inh) lab, The chills and fel ern ale Un known, alit ulinontry coinliialhts, being protected from the no L-eant minis by the Alloglinnien The yodel is pore Aid amongst the best, the land Actiniling in fine Fitting, • FOUR RAILROADS will nhorily Ile coniplettil en:moiling it by a lane( r ciannittnionlion with Nee' York, Philatitiphia,l'itbiliorg, Erie, Iluftalo, and all the units en the trios They are Sunbury,and Erie, the Ally-letup Valley, the Pittnburgt and Rut folo, end the 'We imago Energetic ere rtions are Ills , being' mad° fo,lbe building of the Tyrone arid Clearfield, whith also pat -ten thi,uish i 1 , 1,, prope r ty The effect ,if this nano tr.ttio, and general deendon. meld, an well el thn cod, icy Ito imagined .., The laigo sod ficininliii . .; , town ' nf lit Miirs It the retitle of tie tort, Lamb, ling nerr TO In habitants. It la 1 loielt, good politic nelicols, ain and grist ours, storm well et.u:Led with c‘crything; ilettuctl '1 litre are 2:15 half-nom }ate ill 1110 101311 Oriii , l'.llll - ,) ,l ii, I,llllli, will be snild and the .procordn ew.tally dnit.leni mongol tie, • tilto buy fortes llile t• at ii the 1-4111 , , 01).: 1...P:11 fat ext./anal,' total! ‘lB4 I. done, itiltoii . o the 'r.net ton tho Otel - Th. , oniatritierigtht intitac,god by it, iit turrillike, /viol other ',tuck - • Thin To n`ittro - o'pportualiy "In r.n.l ini 11, 0 40 who aChtit to term us-have a wed iav, ~' nn. a for the (e -lute Ily making prow tenej , lll 1, ; awl wonsblcri hit, ti ne ml vantages 0 1: soo.tpoil . :in/ 060,1 lunar of cont,. healthfultitsi of chalet , rat: ran I loehties, and do location, a correct Jan ent !Only Inn f 'MINI of ita present al, sulagen at UttllTlCe I.', inn nisnn Ity.wri t log to the On ~ Once a1,,,..—,,,11 Inc gu, on to (Immo mho wish to a tail the hoot A n. 4 iAill Of CI CUP3iOI) ni will shortly be Sept' I 'I l e vy 13 an ex - Quotient opening for virtriousThrat , In I of inn,inallniCa I business, 1 313131211 y tillilllll7 - iCS, ml, "Iv, rights, ass handle makers, abtrnakere, e.c ; , ~.; I n and n,,n1131 - 0 Gt - Fer,oe ono' e heur,ht. b) ~- 1 , . rag tie nrot instalnieut Ladies can hobl ithar In their tom' tight Title is nriquestliniabl. , nt.n,n n0n , ,1 11,1-11litice deeds iii et, ii, Address or ultply Inn •n 1 11' El, 10 CA'i'l 1.1,1,, See4trry, 135 IA a hint " :vat, built. ore Fourth and rirdamrobtal, Phil 1 , 1,1;11; ; REFERENt I ;-: •Itcury M 14K V. o r r o t, Navin John L Cr;_es Esq., Presia.l t of, Phil!, (kw , 7th /Iro Chesttrut, N11131.1;,13 Go n-ge Esq., Inn:o,Jor , rooe I, eily Awe, 7th trent, ahure rii , •!1 . 1111t, hni becli Oct the I %IA and exPonto the 00,1 ilourgo It inanatt, (iv orfloll, Pa , bran ovor Hooky DuL4ift, rat., U. 1 .4 S. int, hear lonan Y IR2 Philo , o curd, 1 the Ina.] \Via F flout)°, Eon, i soul.ll of Walnut - Plata , r^aatlattna4 *ha 14,4 -' A loxataltr...l. 11;iya, Lotateas'o r Otto. Wattosov, Et Mazy's Elk`no., s raront . lhr Itialtara ‘iaranor, d3l Poptor PtrOCT, h4ll en /min, 1 tho . . J. L. 11 trrett„C3.4 , Pittptiuttr i t i ttf the Mount Ver M non aine, threet, ut.th e h, Pb Mut ex• hn.171:(1 the laud. • y E. Justice tif lith Pelee, SI •.:/t•t1•• I.nhr, C e ti , ot• the ik•conth 0161 hfut Es rocthn I Mar)'.l Postlrastel, Mai) . l Mr WI 11,,T0t M MJ , O Mr J. , 11,1 C.Jal finer, Pt Mr JoLti Col ii " E. It 11: :ilk, Ohio, coal •ri , (4 I. Vti , PajAbu.g..l'a I :ono' l(. PA' MAR T . l To II!' m: 'flag It to certify that haling been o‘or t+., t °woe(' I,y the flitgoral) Parer anti Cool volzi von it a 'ugh °vomit , v., tel the reproao.tari4us el Llatt C. , :al:any fr be V' , fled tho sod to 10. ti, Igo:: furttle--tle , ('O,l .1,1 Iron Om if, IpilVO'Lit tloou,.rh the whe!,.,l, .1- the f ante In the intelitgenee eel p. , lort l y of ti' p'o'lo of th. , 11149 t grant) ttt ,+arre;ter 4l o lug in th u d there is no hvaithl,r melba Ntato, no mashier it a noottirtsitolp , c 111, , We make (hi. doll tun, me we bolo t^ tht r ton le , lastly polsone Cr'. ,a,el milli 011110 awl we a • ttoi:reil, frto.t oto Loooliolg.. of lta , bfe t, that I,lafermataon upou tl will be a polite bel.oftt. dneub Sherd., Elk Co: Sdrroyor. St Mary's, 1:1k co Charles Luhr President or Borough of St Mutt's John Ikl.l It, Men bet of Bore Comet!, ht Ittry's Chas Brooks, do ' dO do do II J WrigKle, do do it., do Fact I ith Ill), d4l de do do This is to certify that the above It. gentlemen ale at pro—ent the mt,llls members t.f the Town Connell of S' Mary's Elk eoenty, airl thot *A ahoy 018 their hull 111 , -I PiZeiltere In tclennony whereof I hare A111“,r11 ,, 1 toy name, and eau .ed the Heal of 011ie° to bu at tasked thereto; and I fully Genitor in ins above recur/nu 1 :111.41110B• ...- , Istria. I'. EDWAID lfttnet , Chfef ologrs Of ap23-tit Mt Mary's, Elk co, Pr 0 t 30, 15.56 Ac 4011,D; , DR. E. C. OO.OAS ItaNibg now permanently hooded inMiles burA, oilers his professional servilu to the citizens of that Once and surrounding nouotry luplzlkani R SALE--A ROUSE AND LOT, ~, , A 4F O AND ONE iIUNDItIID ACRES OF The ittol•erligned Rtititon zed to 11011 the lkinte and Let in the Borough nt nituate on Allegheny &Ire t, Adjoining lot of \t to Wolf on On south, and of 1 B Awl on the north ALSO--Ono II Aotre of tillahlti Anti well ntnitwed land, el on Munny allotting lands of the heiN tilt J. Al.. lienuer, and tho Lain of Edward Pedde, aced . Torme, Eto., will be mot4o known On applioation In tkp23-1 JAW. RANKIN, Agent SHO fil9fENT•—ne ellbe?rElborES,:rout fully inform tho-petdio II I ho ii,te pur oheee'l the lair* stook wt-Bootro mot Shoes bClrr.~ tit; to 'r P. Ballot, - which ho till offer to ate p l k oU fldr Kill,, illiolllll4 A itfeict tiring be 4144 ell duse4loiser ,on the shortest untie°, tint out of the 'wet stook Thu raanntaelunal , Jupartmapt will la , tamiet dired lion thf T. R. Mil er, al Van/11101, iVIII.BO WTI tape-, rienoo in the business will enable Win to rooter eat. 'reflation to the publio. Ail work sold by air, war ranted not to rip, if 110, Ith Will 1,0 reptitrod without cliorgo time us u aad,9l rul, lin for Itoursolves. 1'1)23-at • " A. A.,11511,11,14AN THE FIRST Or ••• SEASON.- - MORE NNW .1.11. AWL CH • 42 2, 1-CASH .S ; IYME. No hare now 011011 fo r holAdon t i n . p m, • large and woll AIM r Data SPRINU AND idUMAnat 01)01)8, We respectfully invito 9,9 our trionds,'and the orwn nstiniey generally,,-kr'frivo 04.4411, We have a beautiful god Itrge nmuittra,itt. DltEt.tS 11i.X)14 . of all klnds,prioes and figuresonuidi so Bine ~,f,ross berm' and Stripped sil LA; Chatham, MauCie - Loins, Brilliants, Lawns, Ginghauls, aps, New Style of ,Paresqls. ' EmbtOideries, tituletticer . c u m Ribbons loan, Fringe's, f,. - t rt Lasll4+feall uttl t uts no. Inv sge 'lfoulof aH ties , gu colors (Moves of eve eletmpt ,n 4 ~, r i„,,,. . ,17. fa'4lD . /11,1 /) i i . , kayo, Oontlemon's 0 to will .. 1 ‘ won anortud, floe in quality, and law.lnifrioir.,. ,;'. BOCITB, 8110E4, HATS 4$ • .. Beitntiful and now style pa -A., n o, CLOTHS 441vD ' plil, Onapittl 0, Pig, t lAraw n wb.d. 6 of Country We*, in oz. Outs* r'gomils. Call and e . Nto tfOrtble . . • . MADEIRA ADVERTSIEMENII iN. nr.cksn... . J, R. DELL. E'CSEE '.it:c DELL, ),, INIIMALIITIEHS AN 0 WHOLESALE - bEA i. PALS—MX LOTH ENG, Co. 15pi. Ilticih '111111T) E3tretti• Janio- Philadelphia. , . - " 4 .l•} , pler CONRAD' & wAfres, , IMPORTERS k WHOLESALE DMALLES IN .. e Vr' . . tr HARDWARE, CUTLERY, he,, 21,, MARVE.T hTIIEE'T, deel2-1y PittLiera.ruto.. - Sor.vrn: Wm'. J. Sutru. git4e, J. D. SORTER, & co TOBACCO; SNUFF AND SROARS, No. IS NettRIVIFTD. Street, nhovit'AinOtet, Street, deelg-1y • Pitti.suELentA CONRAD, ROBERTO & CO., Itoportole and Donlore tA ARTYW ARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &e.„ No 12:1 North TIIIRD Street ' Philadelphia CONILAD, Olio 11 ittn.Ents, J. R. tiiir,rz rtt, IJ T. RANK. WITTI .E w IMport nmot Donley! in Fotoign nod Donnl:i4 If AI? 1)11 . .111 E, CU !LIMY. p * ' AND lllz d r Y G0011;4, No 47 MA 111 MT Strunt, and*/ No 22 and 21.103118' Alloy, r " 1 "" ° "" 11 * Ito IT BIDDLE, W BiDur,, W 11 , ORISCOM ftbla.filu• :i RUSSELL WINGATE, With E, IMOD, NE-EA MARhI T Street, borweeti Second niITIOnI, At.lielnlng Fontes-4, lit Inlay A Co , Auationeeol, Pill LA DELPHI A, t Impel trio illl4l Wholesale Donlon In F. Xr; Li.sin,•P7t I?, Nall 4- G fl? MAN GOO 1):i Hollery. Worts, Mills, Pongee and Linyt Haiti , Cravats, Hitatons, ],aces awl 100, , irolderles, Merino 141 k tittd Cotton' Shirts an Draweri, Tritoming9, Ac ,Ae , ate ,Oo Ar. ful3-3m* t IEFFERSON FIRE liii&URANCE CO., OF PHILADELPHIA_ OF PIC 1: No 180 N For Kill STIMET, M101"1: col lOW MI I incorporated Lv 411 e Logislat 11,0 of Pawns. CHAP:Mit PI 109,11:AL e %MAL AI 'mention tn I, an. 5. , 00 000, bloke 1111111th against 1,1 o: damage 1,4 4 Fire, on PulAt: or Pric ate Bedtime:4, inott.re, of Gorda 11.11(1 Jl ercli a n d tno et all lanai, Oil Lr Oro' Lk tenor D TN EL"tY)RN (1c,r,:0 y, ()col pe K Pn:i.l), 11. , tny Ucrkrr, till 114, 1 erlill4., Virni Amp:, C. 'Miller, Thozzir-i Ilark ate, 14 . 1)a nivl, • Jona .11011 WM. C. Smith, Jacob ri.lia,,drin, Iltur y - , tlZ4rge Untx, jr., Jamb N unet EOR r, ER ETY, Prlsititni JOHN F Vier Prittilent ir CoLrmAN, tirortary hOlitat SHOP:HAKIM - LIEN) II 111101:11AKCII 0 EMOVAL-- ALC• 7 • DR (R;S, G p,i nonritT sirrn::4AEPR. A Co , thauliful for the patron:l;so heretofore lo,torti , l nivin thou: iwreLy to,te tiottco, that 614111,!10 tirl 12,1'0/11 Inero..n In their liuttinoto, they lie, !teen tiblikefil to cook 1111a0 room, and to suitors it hnie rt.:mired from 114 , 1 r old of 1 ol turner of Runt t did Ort•on tertietv i l to their %EU notticoli NC cop, Nl:it op pOrilall utol RACE Stitula, wliern un cot tro-tolw 11111 Groutly Lot.fo or PAINT. ItYll-llTlikErt, n` Ile y tefurniih atl their 0111, 14+,01 on • I. .211: any Arti.lo It, L., nit ihn 10 eat prin. rota oil an 111111.11:In4 14.rnnn MO coot yttueatia on our put to reenter t,L.; trust to all who may I.i t ri on with nisi it uit ttt tontrip. Art to (trivia, we will, tunny ot !noire; an.r lite quality ul—our to said ItOBERT SIP)EIM Alt Pit A C , N E curlier of POURTIL unit RACE dine , letalottelphis nal,t.fnitutrers cf Pointe in Oil rutty, So Ilt 1.1114.4 Zur, )to f•NLPhiladelpH.l f.r the a 012 of Pit I:,\T'ff 1'1.171: =I I ; Vlloll' G I .1,•:"; Prices current tort tar ipplism..ll by r.rarb rum , gmoJsdolirered•:d lary if tiro lispltz 411 lS mime / 00 101 expeßre to ti.. pur•l:nscr fsl3-ly A 1111 If N - - try E B A•V-B-1) J A. Rhodes, Est i -- Doss Sir—Al I look your medicine to sell en con sigt.rnet.t, "I. C..llru 110. riy," f take plca.rro in ts , itu t tr tin C ff , :itta nl, rol.o.led to In by 'Jr di lb ob., In. in Ply it a lqulr c;n , 1111,1 of all loud t: ttitn told me had talc', ttueL • 11. or Aznii rut. a,.n n - 1.11, mien.,; it until ruy lung.; and 1111 j r ile;;ll,thdllibp , l 1111Chttrg , 1 nc,R, 011 intruth sr I 10ort., , t oh t i all tt ~,ht i t tot in: it. th0.t.,411 6;011 l op dm ter. r i t ,i et, tiny 41orttlit lot tau. but tlattitzl“. I 1 lanai .11.• Nethill{ Jt 14 11,,V untll I it.t 01 a 11 :It it m.Ol I - 1ie,,1 111 , 1-,f Oat, •ileknaii 1141 1.1111 w n,,' F. a I 111.4 Ll4l, / 1,, , itermat.ent .Itt lit a shot: 111 tit C.1111;11n ray, " I hod ; tdr. ~ot• of 1,.i g0 , ,1 a b.tor non 4111,,,i111o1), RYA talcs ityji.Ald,ai.llty ut gult,ttn , awl tip , ft, ,4 without 1 t ewt 1.1 .104,1tt t I Ttll r In, •ct t og t it :flatly u, p ervx,i 0 , lay I .roll,' I, I a of 'Own:lit' ifs.yErt AIN 11/ 1111' 3 1 Cll ' I a 1,.:11011 I neat 011/1.1 by n ung two thin boi " 8 M Conklin 1100 tot 11.1.1, lint L.,th 1110 01.111 r bmtho,g Fri WAN us 11 31 sold the niedicine to both the saute day, attd the cure wag as openly frith the cater •nual tieintity and I might eri spccity Your': with rearet, A iiir!grixotow The elms o speaLs to itself timed proof as it is, it is of lie hetterterror Than Bat: - cad number of 1,6 e . certif.:rate, I have already ituldished, and the still greater amount that is continually pouring Imo tie. "One think: more Last ieee I had ucuaamn to caution the public In these i.ords "I nutlet, one firm Clio have taken one of my general circulars, sultetituted 1110 11111)10 of their Millirem for my flied- I icine, and. then with Masco impudence end their pamphlet with the exclamation, Lot the proprietor of any other medicine any as much if he daree.' " Now f take pleasure in saying thlit the caution referred to the same " Dr. Christiebi Ague Balsam" that is mentioned to the above oertificate, 1 . 1101 1. 000 ' , elm - di other, iolnatrious potpie who are ayplyjus to their 10 , 10010)115 ttl4ll all that I pulp fish about hey Fever end 1g.. , corn, or Antidote to Malaria, i•reeitt the certillesteirtif mires, n o d the cociidcate of the celebrated Chemtit, Dr Jimmie It Chilton, of N. Y., in favor of its perfectly HARM • LESS (WAR ACTEK, which is attached to evers . t bottle These will always 'wive to , 11 1 1 111 4 11 bill *kV medicine front imitations JIS A. RHODES, Proprietor le.' ap '2l3in [For sale he DruzalstarinerallY. , JOHN DicDRIDE, 5 t . itA) SADDLE eat) IfAltNpici MAKER, ,Omer of ISISIMP and ALL F.(IIIAN Y t t t n',te , Bellefonte, p, • Having pCrllltmetitly located this mine, la to engage extorntively in the Sartilsty uud llarneter torsirrtese• Ito will keep twasthsattlY olllosad and 111:111Ur1,1dr0 10 order in the Lederer. style, Niel In (ho moot worhiennlike murnstOr,t' Redd!, o, 'Brill,. Collars, Ilnitsfrift;t' Wagon nod Carting° IVagota foal Drit tog MITA, rooks, C irpet lir, fro , Ae In short, every thing ta2Sellx anorak:lured by tjad. (Hers All wank well oil good Dire hint a call before pureltarting else, pee. aptl.4l N TO MERCIIMITS, Th. ' krlhtr Morin; two-Ito-Nita hi Philaelolphis, w.lohl#l,oll.roraltin' (hero lease lost days ItferoleisaterseeTd otbetworiablngto ship Cle;ode Mtlleforile or npy trttortnadlieto ponet, wilt apply to A. L OATTELL A Co. No, ill.. North Wharton, or PILOT, llol'/ 0 3fAN CO UNDERWOOD. a 2.21 ESTATE OF SILASIXECH, DEC'D.-- .1.4 Whereas Lettere of Administiation on the astataof Biles Kcionh, doe*: late of 4119 Borough of Bellefbnle, hove boon granted DI the undersignod, renirling iu said borough, nI,I, persons indebted to , srld estate will please coma forward and Bettlo mediatelyN and those haviitg ashes against the same kill 'present thorn inn: Terry authenticated, to DIGOL , IdtkltY ECIL an23.Bt ' • A. 111141131 rators. _...... • 19 FAATrial EX/C=ON —8 of the Lug,* and fattoel Cattle ever ,101164 to the pooplo ,Cqntre windy eon ko st tke elapiper beano f WM. lend Oettle, ciet Court. week. Tho utile -.at be. shweiblorod Tkenedss sod gem?' treatituttry *Rift ► float very Bupeyrior sear xe K. coltns . _ G 600140- I AT -113AA0 NAYS I 1311010.—ilaving hticl In a stook of Onstrsbls , ' Coeds fbr the Spring businessi which will be clis• prowl of at roasonab a pages; snaking tt a favorable ormortunlirfor all to otrmd• InunnAlately and seoure pod borgains. Among Ms stock may bafound the beet tursortmonts of LADLES' Dagillg - GOODS. Shawls Bonoots tool Mahout', sla sfse neer nff..rod to lAA' tun Of this realism Also, a splendid Rai aortnuolit of h AND BOYS' cLOTIIING, ,loths. enC.4161, and Vtuings, logrther with all ' kings of stopto and uoley Dry Bootle, Otnnellna, lo,ota nod Shoes, Trunks, ''Cal pet Italia, Clove,. (1:1 Clolltr, sod In fact usury thing tllll3 13134111,1 b) Iho todotoodlly l'untiousers till nod It to tin tr Intermit to call +rad exsuslim fir I I emsrb,cr. npl ItiAAC MAY lt,9lofunte. F ATENT AMBROTYPES. • - The subset ileoe at , " e rrata the puftlio a new style of pictures fat noperior to the Daguerreotype, Crestallottrite-oi Talheaypc. They I ere termed AmihtoTyPEs. the process for which in patent:net in the Übited Slates Oreat Ilat• pin and Frantic Them ph:tures are concreted to be" ! the most bentallftel vend trallefell eve) , prodateeel by. the PhotoArapleio art ; ate met re;:isted Dagueree reritypcs and teeny leo sewn in any light. iillenv also plassena the rale iiroptel ty holog PERISIi- AeD4P,, ' cotetabligiliax.Q&A, ilopth ,(114031 and eta ie. and flatten-ea of v:-.3:lyouwiibr to all ethers—e hey me bieleout thr glair el Dattaree• types—they veil! lad tor ti,:tes taiteliant;ml Put up fl to 51141,1' trio aiJoe, noel henutifYly colon:al—this kill of renew- Per novelly act em felieltt i hdetletY:it 1., abet . % 4:1'0'110,s by any pete• cert., whatsoteirr. • Thesn pictures tteen ON Plan: (MASS, i WI 110[11101f ally 110 the!, 'I 'ay earcr nreineletecnben, to thou :sl a tting tot voud picttuta it, airy Iv! 1411 coon- ley, as the, are peo rr le,anest the /Once ff f watert arils, ciiblato, or ottneett %r ec . be 'he vat,' for usordlea t. ith j nice t sitely 11,11,114.111 1 . , ,t )13Vi11.4 coll'rui of On patent for Cootie county, ant icceiied is strueirms in' 4/11.1 Avpun An ti 1,1.1.71 t or P11 , 11 . 00J12.1•111", 12J Trele I , teueet, r, Is Dale props* at .bin 0011517 irekfilions e °ent r e n t e a t Nt 11110, AY,Phifi. Daunt of Ph thik - frone to o' t dre a k A M. to I flt ft The public ulr invited td call and judge or themaelse.i. N. 11.—Any la•rton in-log •in the alms' patent in Cent' 0 t.01.1,ty,. %WI la, dealt ith aQ .. }4alltnEr to law In twell J TAYI,OII .4 art, lad i'Llograyhfr• MEE /I.M OG BROTYPE, cRYSTALL DAPH, and DAtil'l , ,ltliEbtyl.E.B,4l(),,tili J, I-: It A liNliAla mine; fully , i...Lirils I lif, pit. Ife ths t he - Iv-, ren,o, e 1 Ills AJtvit, Kaffir y to • Ina ;fliti tent , suit or 1....., 1,0 t i c Aii•iiilii, uhi re Ida ft.:l:whin ii ill I, lII,IIN ;I •1 t o the I laatiiii, of tile Plirtnesraplii • to le, :11,1 II - I. 11 , ,, and arts !ier• tati.,-;.7 to Hi 1 1 ,,,,,,,0,, I'll'i' r 1,4,1t(tV ED .57,4.1'1'.'iTi l'Esi am tali i opui pLit • ~ il. ii on I LI , • ii•iii ly 1., t trout t i. relliettin id 11011 i , ii , je, , ,,iiiit,li• 1 • NIII - ' 74' ,,,,, u1..r.10''' 'I Loy a - a' , . lilt! ;IN 117i1,1' , 1,,,, , ,; 1 11, Innl 0, I, inz ',lt iii, I It to Lilo void Aiita u I a lii:li in ill- of iztihrl I- ii4eazi , 0 qIIIf, ••1 0011 , 11.1i11,,, a.lic,Y AU .I..yunti WI qui:stun lc anpatior t. the I. best iesulto of (LICI.I' , II 1 P : pia, .plpp: are nisi sup: r• Seal mg theta ~ bra er L , c tl, ~ 1,,,, o lo 'n int,palciiid i ':'• As the Ifni. of mifliiia; i. { litres outs-friuu oho iii ii iti a mius•niti try Om pii . i , ,,, I,lotlng d, •,' loos to oli i lain the likeness of QI'ITI', Ott ill, C011,114/1/N ~ill ' (111(1 Lilo (11i11 , :ifily botnitlrol, ,Ittel, 1111 j 1110 old art alinind eidirely ebi 'annul All that has been'saiil of the ikoihrotype eon fully' Le apt riipiLited to the Llil :' , 'l' 11,1,trlt11'11, ex• renting the erh;in and applievion of names 'flies areas post, 1,....1t1CU1 hl, le OE pi, nres, cod newts only a Cll,lll rj. , ,-.1%,1 1,11101 to °.::1611911 alo rtirtlCV -1 lair,, of eliiiii the Pink , i f an aderrLiactnent ii, quite li iiidTi.i , at ti, eieu ii,i - I liAtili}liliPtUs i'l!',*,f rot Fats styles will be , taken iii the lint 4', ,Idt ..1 ii ~ ~,t, ,1,,,, 1 ,,,•:..,,,d t •d•• th!ilV t I 01.1,' s -in' V t,r.tn.1..,•,.. , ~.Y. 1).1- i 10.1,trt '0)1, v• ii , ~ vu 1,, , ,..1 1 4 ,v - 1 wit ret•lliin , g,. •II J.:H. , fOrVg , lin: braiii.he. ; 1 11 ceasi noble tern, 1 t triliaii i for opeiii'iliz, ft :Li 11 a in In 5 p ni i in miiiinier, and truss '.l at 111 It, ' 1 TP in n. winter 11.'1'11.-1, iii.:(`log 11 ri.11 , ,i; 1111'11)1'.. elirrnure i 0., 'I 'ilezliiiin o'i 'St Ilellef,inte, apt/ .... _ ilk a EDICAL TA RT IV ERSH IX. —DR. 1.:1z.. 411:I) L. POTI lat, haring associated still 1,;,,,.t i ,, 0, 0 1 ,,,, ~,,,,, of ineilluine, Dr. J 11. MIT. CII t.I.L, ' her offi•r tie it prof, aseinal a .11,101:11 TO the ' eillseivi at flelloliinte and N 'emit y %Then noes!, i.ary, the on ri not tiel4 ntleutio.. of bee!. will Le siren , with 'lit iul 11t,,, .1 elini,i, • ( -,- •Pr ,slit :.. t.'s I esiden,c at lii r 1,,,,,,,,... ''real ntIN. ' a tT.3Tr..tr - ' W Ai roRNEr .I'l' 1..111' M. P. MACM,ANIIS, • STAGES FOR Tymirz- DAILY —The undersigned Wahl t+• ' , peal oily inforii ilia travelling public' that hisp%ss Attend, to roll e-tloue Li flentra, Cl •. niton nail Cie's, rill., in dally lino of Htdges to Tyme--Tri-wee y field toui•iii J ..bv w al e fiternastowu and Warratk, and hi- Als ~ Deod4 Afortgagcs, A., , legally drawn - • y of weekly Via Bald Bogle Plank Road Terinii, moil, ate Otheu.svitlr ames 'Attleniallliy hag.. lleiteie FrUln tinlinii on lionelay„ Worineaday earl Friday; sitae..l l 4, --—, - --- 1441- le eftstWo en Torsday Tipraif fillf ihrtsr ' day, and m fidlowlog dayak, UtoPto f, rnisasownrsa4. dm]: t D. OUff.llllinf. - 1%41 . O D. iVIILLS' ELOBS3I BJLTrii. Patented A ugust 15, I 8 d. The haring pureheral the manufacture q( ' age bra . olta ill four , trainaldpw, la m * 4 it Benner, Walker, Miles and Spring, to supply all who may desire the /1.114C;1,111 and reasonable prunes ' l' ,. '1 he uperatinu of these improved/files are as fel. lows . The machine is driven Atirant, and will rul.c ou the tralitual runners u; d i ,je rnmr phig 1 e u,,,, D, t.liieb Is Lehi by the operiattr, reiti On Ike ratter PI The rollers art keel On tip teeth w.r so that any s ere cal inorCineni of (lie freer!), will came • sawro• moat of thn , PUin 01"14.1.13 It, bearings, and Darras 'mailing Biel atien - or depre./100 of that front teeth. The s car teeth of the rake ars held op by the spring Lolls c, oi r lhat governing lei cr, eouseqinnagi a Novo unlit of t le sill lever 1), causes a revoilt/Obbi Its rollers In resame directions and a regulation of the elevation of the lain ni of the front teeth. These miidlinies are both limo and lalace Nawiet 'The simplicity of the', construction is mesh, tilt hey eanlie canto' repaired, and all wins hare weed Jr 1111, . 1 11,1 1 1 k of ;Lela as being the most praistical ~,,n , .4. 1 r,.. w 1, 4:. ..,,......5, 15... haws 11,114 10181. EIrTII9 price of • nompleti mkt. IllaWaliligt_b a VOW to strength and duralAlity, is TINXILYX DOL. I.ARS. , P 0 Iliolig desirous of purelisaing stay of thefts lialtst, will please sail on. ur address • ~. •,Gr : Ming 16:138.EntOriii . Near Pleatant nap P. lU._, Coates ignsos7. Pa WILLIAM IL SLAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW t.ELLEVONTE. I , }6NN ofn-, , mitt, Han Jamey T. Mk nnv2M • JAMES FL HAMM, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • .141.1141.EP/STC, PA , EW AND FA9.HIONABLE HAIR. I AN - 4/ SiIAVrNA I The 11f1.1 , 1,1Z1114 reMptleltilitY 11 . 111 . 4111Vt1a to the citi• of th2llei,`/1.3 nn 1 tfchan , that CAI h•te op •.1,1 n ne, uo i I,lll°a/thin Ilair Dreviin; al d Shut to t ; 111. 'al el CI, in 00010100 oe,upie.l •fftilet altvntio.l to the 'ho 11. pui to 111Ctit tt 111,ral shait,.(pubhc patr..onge •WA Y...11t11 put. in order , to '',..ty J \f 1),11.L11 ! •-. • .. 'WA IffillEDlATEi l l A f/ (1 r 1 2) fl l /1' of the cgs of 12 or 14 years,. a I'll pant ref orenoo, to4eant the elerking bornares, : at Iloeelt Cmellt A iN4 01 , ....:.. %ill be given i Fla fart! Cr pa:Ur:titans apply at tin , itipr of Marti ! , ,tono. oppootto 'l' F' lloeliol k '4, ebull ;-4tore, Alle gheny sheet, Bdlavntu, Pa apt) , JO 1,1 STUNS .",_ ;-.--.: t It 0 VA L The uLderatgutii remoytd fivro the Arcade Huallug to No 5 mioestunorrs. 'cow, icipectfally huiwtii old flit:nth nd Intfitquipv. ap2 %VM. J, iCEA Agt • - D E P:011 - A*N wt. E3l ES, Mo A Ll.Woltit, ILALE A Co , BriArrosir, Ct:gritt: Co PA 1)13.4 IIT6REVERED BILLS (IF EIMIANGE, A3ll YUTIa 1l ` COUNTED ' COLLECT((I3O MADE. ;A NI) I•ROCRED3 ItE • lIIITT'PEII PROMPTLY , ' I: XCIIANMi UN THE EAsT COISTANTLY ON 1.1A14-1) - 00141 , r, 0 THE PUBLIV.,---- IThe 111 ifncribei Intends in osetrprthe,ittofe in 'r, lately kepi' 1..) Meer Garve,,, whew lie call Op constantly on band' a gplenal ammrtint el of gooda usually panel 141 ft t mutty store Ue reepoot• fplly Int ite, the altenthm of al/ .13 wont or goon 'to as exentitml-Mn of hia slot*. q.l-4t+ ' • • ii. MJIIAIRLTZER .4141=2: DENTIETty. - --J. li. WINGATE, •4:ty - rt , SI:Mil:ON awl MIeIIANICAI. DN 'I NT, tmuld 10 - 4,11f1 flil fl it'll& 8114 patrons that he has pertattneolly located in Bellefonte, and that ho will - be happy to attend In any olio wish Iris pr0f...400A f... 40 0A -aorilito4 l AR work Cowl to the neatest etyle and wit rrunitd. , Lir Oili:o find a olicietpc in the whit 1 liotiso emit of - Mi. tiiiirbitili'n “Fran,lciliVTlOnte • ' ". pp 2-1 y - - - -L ASTgItIN.O.---- .11. The nu,lereigned, ha, i lig made We LOOM OS' teapivo arrangements, and haring a large .inwk nastri al un lined, wilt ho Lenity ut a abort indica to htt,,tl to tall ordoir In his via line of buetnoan Ile has employed nono but the boat workman, and all work entrusted le Ids elly'• %MI (1.0 evouleil in a stet° whioh,eunnot ho oxoeliod Inc:wear I fur nish ashatorials," lliH WOljit 11".4.11.11AXT0F The men employod ino no 111 but fbe best, And in the absence of apprentWen, builder. coo rely upon having their work trou'o to /Malt a mitunet air will give ettisfaction. • t„:,0"All °niers addresisd flollefonto, Oettlp G 4 unt , will bo promptly attended to, fobilT-tf C. W. Lem nal'. T . _OCIE HAVEN ANEW) AS reilAs 4_l hotird from.—The groat bregistonta sad gas houaa at ?Anon - burg, who idiot the liberty 'Jo call u• mar le speoaintors,` know-nothings, .14.,_ Thi heat [Vol specimen of old Joh6ny Bull mind eon side it vulgar %cite born in America, yet ho Iva tbp audaolay to 'llk ericans to Rapport. him in , nosiness Ho &oto E s, A with graif frankness, that he has got tint "sto np," sod lodging Iraq. aPP•iirtui o e 4 arid rsPort. , ~ t. hat bP.:4 pp tkr,aoaral lima. -Perhaps the Mains Law wool./ bifpf it Iflown 2.50 degrees 0 It. Ile owl it Is timem• 1 4 MIO the OM i' or Ouzo reNnint tto tha tilos. tom on timilitt Or i•la timt;'• ift" d n i At i nil di. ' Dorsey is " the Bret at a kind la the c" aa 00fdiNg .14 his sialasauO, Ob, ore lit tropaAaadl abArka, ibAllwrihabnlit a, tad I awk ':-..—.. A• ihrßlWt, Inilt • • ! idaik,SitYo 3COM Wokka. , - NEW HAZDETABE 1 7 1 , - a: _REYNOLDS as 4 F. O. F kited opened in LOC* HAVEN eels • of IiAIipWAME, to which we the= of ALL, needing any thing' in the Use. Our. Meek boa been soloeted with cars, with Um' p4rsgs de.. .vdroto supply the oommunity . with sigh inifeleve as belong azoLvalvayr Aker Owedwoure breertmee. The Building Material and 'Tarawa* Need la the various mechanical' branohea, will nmelre tioular attentk — n;TVoishutakors • makers; Machinist", pisaintath,;,. 0 Strattr., inetmakors, Ti rnera, de'., Ae.06111-11cat to theii lutenist to call upon u and orunduefer thatallsl. vpit. I:e•Persons building will find Imre a wpWwWIS lot of Looki nod Latchnr, - 811ver Plated Door Knobs and 801 l Pulls, all of Eastern manufacture; elms, Oils Putty, Cs Also the mat beautiful !emit of WALL PAPER, 80RD.641& • • AND FIRIC.BOARD VRTNTO, ever offornd in thin lief iiity STOVES, LAMPS, CUTLELY, Potent Poring liteohlnes, Maki, Mc, bul, Pine 011,de,, de., kept in largo tiptanOtiee , IRON, linminered and Rolled Iron, all the Immo algae on hand; tinueurd nines oe round ignore and iron titroinhod upon order in the shorten posuablio o nay Wall inturret cow , nund exuatirte for yousel‘ ca. REYNOLDS 400, , Look Ilaven,-Pa. ISH ACOQUILLAB FEMINAILY.-- .KI: L. lf. F. ALEXANDER, A. B. This jllltituti(ni is El•milgned la Mi l ord facititiee t• :Wale and Feniale pupils fur the etiqed#liiiii of It valid and ormaitactitid etlituallon. Ti.i tbnewlog ter Lot too uf,liir runny tAntaiderstiouto which, portion lady atoolrothd It la thivouldiv lot. The tostafify atc,trithlr ,artnuat of La healll4lXlllo*--.IIKI Matti and fever occurring during er•u s ters wart tryiorr assn , of the wr. 2,11. Pewits -ere far pont euara of litre grid rosmoraltty,ao lONINVIS to bare twit r and rroull Parents tad goat d tato 'pry tent n‘soruil shut the students foible lnatitularn are temcved to tar es potable, from leniplation , nod that the le inripels will spare nu paille to [der, t a tie health, improve the,reoLi and mind, of all nrotonitted estr Ohre. TO !mild tag iv taltnirattly arranged fur the eoeirort had inatra•Alon of both Cries. Rooms tire lame well aLd 'ventilated • The Summer B•s•tun commenoas on Thortkno, the Lit of SI Exatninotiow at the close of oneh seagoli t ir.tl lin annual exhilri‘ipil nt the clop of tlAn winter loarlon Thu Seminary is Ave mild welt Irf Ronda-411n FI:1018 --&15 p.r ectii.,n of twooty-two woela ThIA 111'1Wift. bout I, hirnisbei roomy, taid tuition in all the EnKtub brauifics. Tuition b Freigoi+, .liunc, (luck, Latin nut Ilebrow, nevi. For tur• thor e.hlrres L 0 OntElt or A LEX ANDLIt, lidelt:t.traft.illae I'. 0 , 141111 fin ott , Penne LIVERY STABLE. tAt . 'OR A LEA nA NT Itl4/1".. 1 , 11%.1 . 111,1 infuillllol the Bells:wow und nnd On , tr./wiling public general'', 1444 y eau /11. all LI11.•41 La furnitLed with good. ,wol. 'buoy hu, s fn wttur Him.; oT driving, by ou turn 'al dm Pennsylvania floral lie lint I t Hutu , it, ea well as Buggies. (Its -11J30,1, Ilu ks, ijorltwayd, ria l hiltw, listens, to Cargill &kers furnished when dealred., pr' All alio tsuh tq attire safe awl Gut know, ura rtdo In host qud ogrufortabbi valitqlsq. Ott Le mcoonntirrtttol It. D. Celignms. Benstock!. WANTED IN EXCHANGE FUR 111tY Goons, 0 ruocriss, Drinsr, Roots, t4Locs, Clothing's. to , 500016= (toll Butter 5030 It, Lord, 10(10 " IQOO ,Int LUOO l U 1 cl. Clusorseerl Fur wltiell the blgLest n,aiket mus will b.• pa 4 in ex.obungo Cur Dry floods • Clovehwel will be introlassal r4Cadli-at ale Om" of the subscriber, JARED B. 1/13111111, ee'2.6 Osowtrevilla rro ntEacHAirrs, et -AL r.-ho are engate.l In the erda 4 o k ariM IIS IV, and all dAarription of FIIRH The epbrzikor Wieut extetakely engaged the Frit tiI7HINFAS, inattoto nll who halo such arUnies to Marmoset to goy., him a emit. Ho pays tho hl oploot narks" pease in writ- It wmild ho wall Amour hitntediel rikamaa lper tlytt I pay them cash, int dive them Use Malt value of thy sktna they lisle In (Depose of. All catnnlnuinationa tozoniptly attended to, by M KEPLER. Vine greys 1111.10 4.25 GEM Gaon ALCADMIY AMID CRY P. TifalfAS, A. 8., 2111114441, Rev D 510SER. Teaoher of German. The Ninth Session of this rostitcdluo T ItSIIAY, May Ist The loodion is healthful and retired To•ms-45, $3, $lO and $l2 per session Ger• man, $5 extra 'Warding can be had in Ow Tiller For further Information, address, - Tier D 11108Iflt, President, or 1 of If A li,:oo.SlGAL,Seeritary Tissm, or . k. T11014113,.r Pine Oroela, Pa MEI 1 REMOVAL-TO THE Plngga Tho subneriber reepaothilydadarbdildd obd monomers. and tha puttlio to viand Add he has retnot 04 to 111011 liIKEET, Ti libe itila 1 0 11 7 occuidad bt• Du Collar, on tho prambiti at.unglotar ,lamas Rothrook. dee4l, when /0 110010 0 .!10110, t• liT4( h R 0 SINI2B - • • ammi-etoll olors o in p t . Haring al nayb' given astiafaatton tottiarstiosatt tut to uorVinatothip and prides, To rtspeottally spheitl • glare of putrho pattouage ' up:4A lot • J. W . kinitaoCl:. CUBIST AU.-- 1 4 : ••• • ,•,, . TEIIII4II IlifiT4llLllsll • i .49 , .. •illui eulitilib% rvAlrAtiVllZlgigt Wm frisiwlii aud the puhile mak lie the C.ibipet and IlplieletiAllig besieged fir allia - nw rtnue brans:Jun, anti willi lie prwpaet* lit.fienittli win k thus will oompare with any madefu the Wet shops In our larger.oltire. -haring had Paelleat experience in et ery branch of Wafer**, pereous eA• I reeling work to him will be sneered that It will he done In A satietwetory manner: ' • VirtErAlltl:47 pgjetWeeded to. ,)IkltillcallThri - Alicierbeny elreet:;liiitleMte t hi the aim fleetwowly micopicit by Mr. Ileruhotd. , iii6fi F4:I 9 tIOIII. — WERREMI AY' v.." -Margaret, bee I.3vr bad eat lierietariateat any ,Jost lialltao, I the Okla I• Mill ttot,pey any dobleor her owelt4 4 74.llrlWlttlate, sedie hto a home MI gad r:' ' • hPotter Teanehl ~ lisidirt • ~. -- - ' 'rie • Anv OATION FOR gal rssiamm• ot"~:who „ *Vito' i l l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers