CM II 41011Wril . fir/Wrier" --- Of Pit VetOrarldik l ikei44o:o 4 :443oll l ooo.6.. , TA largo - butpLer of the lietooorney of belit ring , that h more thorongh organitatiukiiiis noectiaary tbr rho fottire . 141000 S I -Or . the party, have formed Aziantatiou, and adopted a rf as9nable riloaitititiori for theii: - goy( roment. The Allttfeitition i s -feels every f.tatunins evening, to lb room ia Row, approfri• itte-11:4.itinvitaly . for that por i teito, whore *Ti re pttoneno; tunitnil who dative to bocente tueh, *4l illwart Tlnd ti . wo^. , the. • The fell3trinz'are tho bittFurn of the Arm ei6tlon : CM • ItreN trLtatat, Ifresideut, ..t, , • '3l lo34A ti - r„ ittri. tx, rce,.deitt A. . I \3L. AT. KNALMI, EVCOrdillit geCtottrY...„ Wlss Foalear,'CorretiPondrog :itecretary. SatiArdereVenim. a . 4t, Caeortling Ja. . motion made at a former meeting, the followz ing address etas lead , by the Cicrrer,onding Se:zttary, pod °ratted tole p i li n t e ch Ft LLOw•Pr.nocnais . 3, ..0z0rd tO own request, I hare pr.. I et. 01. an addri as, • setting forth the nntuh' and the objectiktif • thfl society. ThO 11.11 c (onto D e mocratic ilasoeiatianwas orginised for .4th:oil as well as irelitilal . puiCose.i.'tir.d it is to be hots a, ituatgal, al Is ria"liitcl: ronto jcir t v'a refillTY, .rent - ili s 'Or stiClilin organization, and rtinesentsct us an entettag Into.a emend cabal, for s.ttiah puriaidis nod fur judividuki gait , but (1113 wad crreticon.c. - NV:ea.nooniblo for the ci tiered good. I;ctit we me( t to ilisCu.•.n xll poem:rev nlcic.ll are intended for ourown benefit —not to arrqme terourociveo the right to control the 'tenon c of the party in its nominations or its, 4 polief. 1 This so . , .:iety cLdios o te.iresro.dnz more than a private pingrogttion_of Ilion, who deeiii it their duty thin to con,7catt•e, ne.l tie 1 , 14 held • inse I rat, only resp , hisible for their 11C. I 0 11. 'We are not bon it by an oa.h, to prhvribe any mita- for a dill..rolve'of opirno•i. "We erett no tita:lflarl by' which to measure tin. merits of any haul at. reaort to in. elexptioalozaincaaveres. onniatres Into a Dein3cret.el Club so an to ha PoPort 4l to secci:d the ettorts of the ofli tial'aoticto of the party. au taus, by organ Lotion, ensure our fl a a. Tbq -tkulo_cmtizi party of Centre county, wad _indeed of the hale Sue..e, .ve its that rur.rac.i to a want of proper dismpline. lit tliste.aunty, Z 3 you iv,ll all admit; a large ntakari y was bielt.tu down, 113i.1t ly to gratify anibiti...l and , confer 2owcr on iodic idunla 'This Sias ktcompliklul by the usnal maw '" of the opt onents of Detno.l.ra••y.—lcy fnlsa hooda andptrnonel above. Men were elera tied to °Mao by bargami which' would do, • 4graoo the rata :a at jugo,ler— by phdlges which lbwettelti.emed at the Limo' en d , but vild 31i were riolaral airiest Lifer° the billor boxes mere clexcel. The pcnrie knrw nottilrtg, nor _did they sesprr:: the dr,..11 - i.y is irloch they were to be deeiir i ll cl i ey so p • "porteillaadolah s rcu Ott 11/ —and ' in disgust. livid iqr.Ted, hod too late, that thou interests were betrayed and their confi derreicablised. - The wasp nere exidud .froaa conferen:C3, and a tow olpu ; ins ta "be the leaders of'a great wave!, TA opotrits bounty, drew upon' its generoaiti, • oartil.A . power sod oorrup'ed,lts priocipier"; a . until it berame an easy prey forhonk:. of cliques by which it was siirr,,tin etr±ancl fell, like the Roman Ilird, at the very bowel of the pillar erected to COllllllCl.l3el ale Lis triumphs. The people were alwaya inclined tenet with tho Democratic line) —and the peopla of Ccetro county, to clay, are as radi cally Democratic es ever they wtre• however, the it prellections ant alla•dimentn are surfervl to Lc a'.'.ra.!'“.l in a ti rout direr:Vico, you may eau:Lute to suff_r the -- -disgrace milr whi4:l yzn. nor rest, -and expect an increase of the tests n Lich now ' bow you to the ear:h. To amid it we must' , orpinse. Tuve-Wet enrselves, wo must labor In unity...or:li man feeling his own re spon. aibility, and sal a:ting . res if the re sup' 'Upend eel opellkthe energy of every indiridttal. Tbeopposil onatainnlwhichtheDemocracy -' of Pennsylvania has contended, for the last thhir years . 11241 • INCJI pecult.if, nit aJge and ihaurel—and it is a singular coincidence, that. the very id:as vaned). animated Coo • onenaici of our fathers, are now used by our own foes. The dactraie of Know Nothing.- la not new. This religious teat us not I origkatl,; nor ha A.1201iii01116.11 a mode• n eon !option. When the alien and sedition laws . 01 At/gin , wore suggested, then conic the :lint real organised baud of men sa - oru toPeoverthrowof Dcmociacy —and through a number of years, tiny maintained a bottle position,undervarious names. They ',coo gee! vtruinistrstion of 31atilt on and 3fouroe, turn every (Mart in their power to ads' ep • opera rho umeennuts ho were laboring to maintaiu the national hco.or find truth!. And yet the Democracy succeeded. - lad/041, - by a roviilaiitlal, -totality, niirOt'y measure ever advocated and acknowledged:, - -kry-thsr Drmocratic prey, y,143 le ilittipllautly sarriod, and by, jut test pttiven beneficial to I thelanntry. Whe 'mythic' of a Natton'ito .Think. broken down and destroy ed by the ifinflartal Jackilog, elicited the anathemas of • anatobant print:air, but today, the brightest — gorge in the ohl lierebr life, is that which _ j ecccordi Ida struggle with, and victory over .toe monied monopoly of his time. Then Ihanicittor Altilust, quailed laifiire the. wild rage,of her enemies, but that stern old man. • cal ii Avoid the storm and resolute iu his prigopee, gloriously susdeinvel .the pelioy bf tadosiaistfotieoi sad - botioesthod to the ^ ....saation, the safety.of A sound and "liable! _' atlarreaey . The tari, ourstiovi. assoithige t ia:l Addams inventionlof the enemy, wax solt • : ,, used_te destroy the DemormaryczUft sagyiescata. sear thinks of the tarilf—or'who *srlp tb}Taaeeli cries of misery and alums ' - v ',ifitor• echoed from otevend of the °the r • Tbo ex:tension of the • :ithi thflesottar bebPY of fiti4lketi impoditiss,,,,d, yet' Togas *wee us c'siller , .11111, arid 041JOITideosiltit Olden wapds, 94*, 4 1 0b1111 0 -4 *!' lls aT ihi . l4l r t 414,67 . 7 10militiftwPANiate r ilislefsaew 114tei..„iperrretried wed* and augualtated wyo Pin 11111 all Democratic mousures. They were sup 'fleeted -by Demoori!lo stiloamen; tuni iuto aueoessAil operaage by Xtareeeredlo Ad. InialpGa.iione. But the uient4the thew lilted, were man of perre t —they - wete patriots Bitola on the dory of their 'country% They were bo time iteivers,t,loolting threugh the vista of yt ars, tbigy devoted their energies as ash to those who Were to colue after, as those who were around,theni, . Those &litigious aro appropriate, and are Made to remind the younger, not the older members of this organization, of Wluit 44 fkillrllo4lo, by tho IcadinMen in tho Dem w ain party, whom wo much love to ge ,,,,„.....1 quote. If in tho past, we have restige of success, why almuld.wu not be cd ! , with conlidence no w 1 - Thii Wilmer* y lis the Union party—tiro party which c t kilos:ledges rio section; but the opposit on with which we have to contend, is of a char qictor which lank not bo treated with all the contetopt 'Me to desperation and deceit. .One of 'the principal opponents which‘chal lenges . our attention, and which is now slumbering only to awaken with renewed vlgor v is that which we call K now-Nathingis in. It is a native weed, of noxious odor-and i has spread its baneful influences all over the Union. When the Ainctleau—sumement ' was drat started, it originated in fire and fury, was baptised in Wood, and its alli ance with all the other isms of the day, was - .co:ulcerated by the smouldcrint ruins of 1 altars erectect to the Irving God. The-priiii elides of Know-Nothingism, as set forth in their book of faith, is a hostility to all for eignms ; —and a deadly hatred to religion. i 'past hatred is shown by its attacks on ' Catholicism in one section—on Presbyterian-1 i ;Min anotlisTricif lIM slaliotlist in one place, and so on through the catalogue of sects, they wage a crusade against. God, Iteligion and Man. No man leaves his native land w itlwut tifilaigion, without a sigh of sorrow, without moistening the gravi of a mother, s fa' her, a wife, on, daughter, or friend, wit!? a tear of regret—arid I do hold it as :.acrd, that the man who forgets his ~alive land, eihO discharges from his memo ry all th sight; of the scenes of his childhood —all feidingli.for borne that was and tho friends that ore, makes tho more adopted citrism that could k )o,,ubly be manufactured, 'the wan who invest the pla. - o of Ins birth, % ill 'love with, double ardor the hotim of kis adoption. . The very fact, Li set forth by the ablest ricers id political econoniy, that a rut ex gle rri ory requ ires increasing po puts, tion„proves the fallacy of Know- Nothingism, because one of their cardinal principles is tow kat emigration by imposing burdensome and insultini4 restrictions upon the emigrants. As soon as we , attempt, by any I%i/dative risttiction, to traintnel the legitimate actions of those who sock our shores, it is natural t.i e spec t. that utnigrat ion will cease, and that the bon niarieii of the Republiewal be limited far as civilization extends, Itnt it we inltte the hardy' pegvailLry of Europe to our theinthi fair particifiatili in the goi eminent, the greatness of tho na tlou will daily Incre.ise, until it become,, what its founders d info he, the din: pencrr of . juraticeM the world. This rine!. ple of num.rouS _alliances, is. what Deano• crap now to Contend. The Contention 'grill not Le feeble, It will be the *traffic of truth and jnstice on the ono. side,'agalnst t ri . dtery and ddsperaticio on the other. We have no other foe—Democracy alone is collect on it senaible man of all parties: to * cru , li .rut this faction—and the work, auluotp.. it may appear, can be easily accomplished if e,e iiso the meals within our reach. Th . e pritaelplex of the Dcmootatic party, gusrati , I tee to all men that equal and exact justiee whic% at once makes them the free citizen end inl, pc admit Itepublia-an. We make to distinctions-c—we acknowledge no gco g-raphical differences. We do not regard as a test the clime whence a man may come, or the altar before which ho bows. Our creed is equality, and as long as men act In the full p(1 . 611113i , n of the right, they become Demo crats from impulse as will as conviction. I roe Democratic • party, has at the saute , time. tither -influences, aside fr'oua Know- Nothingiept, which are conspiring for its i est rtlirpw. A great party, founded for I pats iotic"psuposo, if not properly organized, soon becomes a burden to itself, and by its numbc.r.i, scattered over th 6 Union, if not acting in conceit, and held tegether by an acknon 'edged discipline, falls from its own weiest, and loses its powerin the confusion of its fall; _We acknowledge a Central na none: organization, lent all vial adunt that there is not that local concentratiouof power no c,sential to our success—and that eon• colitiation can :only be established by the formation of Clubs, Where every Democrat can hear of the movements 'of the party. and n hero our principles can be frankly dis• I cussiih` The dmitrine of association hoists -ood as well for the preservation of politics as it does for the increase of morality. When ..wen nitet ah.umn, pledged, only to what is hcinorable, they,. feel when called on, that Itliey efe expcitted to act 'as men. Our assn. cistis 7 o 'allot a secret one. Wo do not de: 14.1, hit our enemies have done, to &annals terms oath of Allegiance ; but' ire wish to gatherothe Democracy around a common I giati ! iirirto Little ttgainst - la common kw. 'ON/ Democrats Willslight such an op -1 portuniry to unite in harmony , and social in flan:nurse to prsmote the principles altich have made and preserved us a nation. i I In iUe mule of this stviiety. I would re-I 'fre,inrend m our Desserratie film& in this' es on ty, is Lorry tlowatiaelgoissi ^'sbigi, Sod *di tA , anoint* SUS ewe *wow toutwal easett, fr ont tilliwasaWral at tie comity, swag spornatent 4 the F'e'y esa ,te noderssoui art This eel/ be easily acessosgiodand i tcritila Little labor, and with great benefit. slew own in each township, lend their,ald to the sug gestion, the work , would soon be esclOl, and the- secret cikarni'df••bureaspipaw't_onen italttlinteled% ear'.*thAv,that K ate intend to maintain out aujamantion, /edit useless, to hesitatapr Niter. Bonze one of he, and all of nn . mood take the deldiobo agape the 'stake is loolarge, theistonolne lisp4.)rtiih to be neglected. &vary teleelfe- ME WEB MI DB= NEM Itoerat shoharnake the_promilgettion of his part °friths - chtiijr. businesit- 7 -be: nttuse his daily business depends upon their adecess for itsprosperitY. It eau - he done by the side 6f L 116.411111, the bench, the' counting room, and the road sine. It oan be done by association and discussion,-it cap be done in ourdsily walks, and thus by hon ()liable means we can secure to ourselves tflo 'bl6singaof equitable laws, and transmit to our children a well balanced and happy goy eminent. .Organizattcm, then, is what wo want, and such organization will be best promoted by the formation .of Clubs such as wo design the Democratic Association to become: We all know our duty. Wu all know the men and the measures with %Mel we have to con. tend—and convinced that Centre county full of the elements of Democracy, it wont. be more than disgraceful to allow her longer to remain as she now is, in the posses sion of those who feed and fatten on her bounty. The change is with the people and the Democracy, and it is our duty to unite henceforth to' remedy all that we complain of, and realiv.e all that is our due. SAD PICTURE Or _A ONCE fis.4l3:rtrut. AND xl.teri Wtre.—The follow Mg appears in *I late number of the Buffalo Courier: "The Mrs. "Howard' to whom wo alluded in our last was rearrested yesterday morn-, ing, only a short time after her di Asap t, -frenn.thei-watch-lionse. She araaleund by a pCilet man in a stable-..-of course, grossly, intoxicated. After being taken before Justice Davis, she was sentenced to the penitentiary . for thirty days as a vagrant.. ' "The history of this unfortunate creature is a melancholy one. Some may censure, but we are disposed to pity her. Less than a year ago she was living in New York with her husband, wild held% position ofhonor and (met in one of the large mercantile houses in that city. She was admired fin „her beauty and inlelligtince, moved in an exhalted , sphere, and wks surrounded by friends and relatives \ ho respected and loved' her. Last fall her husband was sent upon a collecting tour, and she accompanied him. On their way hither the huthand fell in with a company of 'confidence' or 'patent. safe' men, and was induced to join in their nefariouli business. "In this city bin guilt became known. PO was arrested, convicted, and sentenced I to the State prison, at Auburn, for a term of I ” ten years, where he now remainS. This fact becoming known to her family and friendi, they at once' disowned her, having her alone in the world, and surrounded by the disgrace w hich her husband bad brought upon her. ' , ln her desperation she - resorted to the wino cup, and is now a poor. dissolute drunken wretch -41t only for pity and com passion. Iler trunks, winch were filled with fine clot ping and other articles,. are de taincd,al IL back as..sectin ty for the pa/ -mcnt - of • bilis contented by her husband. ller Jewelry was long !Agee left at a pawn 's and shii ierritliout a home, without money, without everything, thatwas once hers. Lost, lost, lost !" • A FA bl• Prgj —There is s (mot boy otii-in Madison, thr&spital of Wismonsiasawlit gets no backseta, will ilest:pelt fail to ,x gongrtis or Itio'fitiltentlaiy, ode" t sac days. • Ills school teacher, a young tidy, was pros ecuted by his parents for pretty 'Severely NI , dung the young rascal's back (or his con- duet The crtsc w,ent up to court; and the ver dict of aid. Jury was in effect "served him right." • We give a portion of the boy's testimony, the wit of which atones for his rudeness. I eiktd her to do a sum for me, audahe rtfuacd." "What was the suarritaked the counsel fur the defendant. • "To todetraet nine froe twenty-eight." '•Couldjau do that without her assili- lance. 1" "1 suppose I could; but the arithmethic said I couldn't substract null; from eight without borrowing 10, and j idn't know where the dickens to borrow it. PLAtiso TELL.—[n Pittstown, Ransalear county, N. Y.', Horace W. Wads- Wortl2,,tl ith his rifle at 'arro's length, at twenty paces, shot a potato from the head of a young man named Grogan.. The po tato was cut in two, and by the force of the hall a wale as big as a man's finger VAS raised on Grogan's head, and the poor.fel lOw thought his skull was split, though no . blood was drawn, nor any real harm done. The truth is, • party in tho Oxen', somewhat elevated, had been discussing the story of William Tell arid that led , the perilous trial. Grogan says it was the (list and the last *time that he will ever stand as a live illustration of Swiss patri otism. F egleyalt eft, furocc_avita late sitting la Isiation, so al. Used their ecolesiasticals regulations as to allow ministers to remain fire years at ono place, provided the quarterly . conference of, the 'rsite*uit make' a yearly request to that effect after the second fair. A 'similar change in the discipline of the Methodist Church in this conatryAlla long beei con. templated.9 Tne POILEILLW DEAD ItITRA Man,s, cons- Totted of correspondence from distant tries, and not applied for by the persons to ,Wboto addrekied, bas bwu rnado op ,i4z due twin at Pie.Grueral post Office, and rettmsed las follows : To Englind 20,000.1itters Benz cliven 4;000; Cologne 4 . 8,000; Nova Scotia 200: New Brimswick 550; and 7,50() to Canada. ' Two Lemnos Penrr oto (04 Gaulte say. that A firs broke , out about three o'clock a few morning.. *lnca In Ike dwelling bout* of two. widow huller, Mrs. .121Mith'erbo slater. in Adelphi., Bottedo., which entirely4lestroyed the house 'anli qll ,ita.conttintc But, Whit ra.mlo,melatieboly to relate, OS'" tit*`' were aim burnt in the flamea before sasistanee could be ten- =IN 1= Zit Olio chotan. lIIQVAkAItO TTACT JOSTkE TO ALL • , ,TIENItY BAYS, I ~..I.:Ditorts FORNETI Tek•aderc and CoriekepcUldeta. • 11 you inform me. whetherileorg,e M. Dallas, out-Minseer to Englasul. ever was et,siominated eanditate far the l'rest dentin -Mr. Dallas never locrs' norninateil fur 110 Presidency. run, as is AnArn with. Polk, and made ens of 'the moil dig-r. nifiedprresidinserers tge :yen we ere! hod. At home, he is regarded tt:ills-Me solid favor due to all greas men - , and we knew of ft/pother Peansranian, who has more social or personal riends. Jusetcg.- 1 11 is a master' in law, that those . . .. who commented suit for slander, should he prompted by pure motives. •Ilinetrer, the law .sa uncertain, and rinrytri hare iheii , • ascii sray in construing acts of assembly relating to slander; but if lii)/1 are sure that you are tor ivrt. go on fearlossfy, be cause .truth is 11111zioly end will I,relmiL't TgAcasu.—Thomes 11. Burrows, Mr editor of the St.isol .I,ursial, teas . as of the earlteet eid:oftets of the TITSOIt (0/411710,1 SA 0a I .:r I, < tern.e.6. 4 ";,-ot lOW. E.,« h•S efforts, normal schools: sorts' estohl 4 ; ',. i...?, ;to. fit teachers for Ott cntatton, llr was &G- I . retary of under Rinrr. Jul.ii.— Yew. sr to AGVf a' knr ;nledge .of 'then i, ("Jig iti f , and /7tfll should twos in roe,a! dint.: , mall- tell me the prorer ltmr to pet ifa ? , Vilch r;ort fir! • asincliased, clillt ' o.sbart. suutfici at lam Mg ynw bore g od sense. Qraitst. —Are yo c , rtain thaii thefo free lose society sn ' //clonte? We are (—Hain only so far as our information exterliA, and that is reit. le. If you take the iainc trouble to infor u yourself, as you did to ask the questio doubtless you will Become enlightened. -- 114717. F..— We an is an inlipectorl urea in this coui evil of which y to any Justice OUR Millheim fel of their commu too late. Any enterprise will rd an the Trate,' Cognucriiia.--T pays an annual • charter, its sloe) amount, not awara that `there of weights and utras y. You can remedy Mr complain, by applyiy:.! the Peace. ids escust (hr debrat Cation._ It leas rrertri.,l tn rrlatioa to uays he cheerfully 'insert- l'entimylreffita Per/road tax ta the State, and 1,/ k is restriacil to a cumin BELI:EiioNTE, PLENA WEDNESDAY, Arian, 30, / 5313 TUN News. —The Pennsyleanum says that the recep tion of Hon. James Porchanan in Philadd phia, by her inerliants and manufacturers , was all that an intelligent and patriotic Rcople could offer; Nithout ostentation. It was spontam one, hearty and appropriate. The lustre of his character required no gor geou display to give it prominence. 'The eminence of Ins statesmanship spoke for it self. But wherever he appeared—ln town, village, or city ;from New York to Inula dflphia, an honorable oration iwaifed him. Yo one could mistake the fact, that all par ti bins die foremost of • thO Ka tjoi!. k long life ofpOlitical integrity ill the SerVICQ of his country, has extorted frcil eAsrumunity an acknou dgvniV of his merit's. It may be trul, said th '`. helives in the hearts (if Ilia coun tgositr lspot in his riabhe esiver med. far hoe ; but In Alm - cunstannt h esarysionsallivAisidlitti Isiveiven both beautiful and . useful. Well mar.4c citize tat of Ott., states through which lie passel pin,' a tribute to his intel lectual and Moral greatness Through him has peace lie( ii seenord to our country, with out a single forgetfulness of 4onor. All credit to such a statesman—for he has mer ited its fullest ineed, and will receive its 'highest honor. ' Kffow-Nothing Couneibrof Balti more City have invited Mr. Buchanan toper take of its hospitalities. This action of the city of Baltimore is in bright contrast with the indecent meatiness of our 'htvii Councils. But let the world take notice that 'the present Councils do not res ent Philadelphia This is a generous, courteous, magnanimous city, and its vote in a few days hence will clearly show that it repudiates and con demni the insulting folly of its present Legislative bodies.—Phila. Argus. —The tornadc of last Saturday week, was very destructive. The Pittsburg Union says • It scents to have started in the north-western part of Ohio and taken an al moat: easterly_ course to the seaboard, ex tending from eighteen to twcnt3 miles in width,"and doing immense nachief all over the whole region of country from Alliance to Philadelphia. —lion. dohu Cattwalader, M. 0. from Philadel phi t, delivered a speech in the lipase of Represtentatircs, roeently. on the subject of slavery in the Territories, which the Washington Union denomituates " one of • ablest "ebbstitutiosid arguments on the slavery question that lins been ielivered in the house for many years. —Bishop O'Reilly, one of the Roman Catholic prelates of the United States, was, it is thought, among the peoretmgera onboard the missing atsamship Yeaggle— -• The:4 embraces the name of a Mr. O'Reilly, and the Now York Fseernan's Journal says Alt. it was the Bishop's habit to register his name in that manner. h , s, —M. M. Bailee, proprietor , 3tA Ballo u ' s Pictorial, of Boston, was arrested 4 the suit of Frank Leslie, the proprietor of Les. Illustrated lthusspaper of New York, and appeared before Judge Woodruff, of the Eltuprecsie Court, and g%vc bail in $3,000 to answer the itharge of libel. .. The action is based upon the alleged send ifiß 'an anonymous note by the defendant to the firm of James T. Dertlekton & Co., ..`manufacturers„ tending to injure the credit of plaint 4 with "the above firm •Vin laid it 0.0041 • rnan who would write an aimormous **At 6 ititiy, kind is scoundrel at. heart; Inkitlonbiebnii-viiliau is he - who would commit. auelemi,/, ot with tiiate.volent in tention to des the &snot* or oredit of another. If I& Josaileinekee out hie ease., ho liOuld _bare exenslibny &Magee , , of 74firicouri ha 4 noseiniated Gen. 111.43. Sift fcir tkivernor.. The ktenle of /ientiiiitlnve pieced his name before the people for the same station. Zethaiscia mind Desesernes. The Mock piety 'and hold.fasedpusilanim.' 'hp oT those who, have devoted their Whole' I lives in MieltiOn to thelAimoeratikpart,yi is becoming more apparent every dnytnd the Opposition 'semi toham„ selected font's as its centre, and Centre its home. In no other part of the State, and in no other State of the Union, is there a single man; or editor, who ran with impunity in sult the reputation of James Buchanan, by maniple dishonorable charge—and we sub mit Mall 4ndur whether a_ statesinail it imen to greatness, mut t - arning; fame , by.alife of dello - hen to his country, st;ottld ho allowed to be made the mark of those who shrink from the stern iniestigation of the truth. The Mends of 4artiCs — tnthanan are not afraid to refer tohis past—they have no ob. jeetion to ilsve his whole life ex'amincd, be. I cause his career has been, from his youth, one of honor , end triumph, of useful labor combined with disinterested patriotism. There is not a page in the history or thin - greet and good man, which does not contain a sentence of devotion to Demo cratic principles, or of - adlicrence . to the4n terestsof the laboring classes. It would be limiting the intelligence of oUr readejs to quotoltis rdiecrhes. as it is insulting M. the people to assert that he CI, er uttered a word, or udvocatcd a doctrine, &agonistical to any /lenient of industry or derogatory to the gmatiwas - or.lionor of his country. 'No man, no_miter.l4efis ifs beau anonymous ',,crib. bier,. irresponsible for his assertions, can prove a single cliarge,•except by obscure ncl'sl'af' cr quotations , or silly prejtidicial in ventions. 'We all know JUIIICH Buchanan. The na tion knows him—hind the greatest statesmen, living and dead, have paid homage to the brilliancy of his intellect and the purity of his mollies. flu has ncvcr failed to be the frit nil of the'v.orkingnmo. His great specch, deliver(' in the Semite, in 18.13, nag one of the grandest and most poweitil defences of the Ithl,ticS, that ever fill 11.orit the lips of an American Statesman. It was an exposition of the true power of monied monopoly over sweating Ishor, and he uttered,a sublime truth, When lie declared that every until nook.' be happie v-to labor for ten cents a day, 'than oulona himself and family to the caprice mid the extorttons of nmnufacturing tyrants. That speech was agairhst capital and in favor of labor. It %via an effort of a great man, to arrest and change the current of legi-lation, se an to direct its benefits to the greatest number, and peen( rem the producing cla , ses from the evils an..over protection, winch guaranteed to them the potrefkif oppressing the consumer. James Buchano bet faith his 'principles, the Democratic party embraced them, and the axioms of his Sen atorial speeches have become part of the Democratic creed---a creed which; when ad• hero' to, has never failed to eh( it the spon: . mucous approbation of the people. The D. mom alit( doctrine in iiiation tarifr quest,inli sprung fr(?ril [Os speech—thel,kruo._ critic prim fides which geo:Min our acquisi tion of tcm ri tory, CM/Mated from him in the dimm,(ion.of the Not h-linsitern boundary tlnentnc i and Ins able ' . diploinacy, he ism wit, and peri,ertmi by laltregcsi'Amestion., : V° cpu o 1141111149 richest See ti.,ll4, link to tAo 'Lion an ocean-boundary hiehean neStr be abridged. the advoea• ted these snipe ineasuri s almost alone, and caned them amid the acclamations of the people. During flu whole life, lie never op. posed a Di moeratie administration, and a man oho-could win and retain the respect of Andrew Jackson, is certainly the last to be charged with,,.9l suspected of infidelity to Democracy. The laktnry bf such a man as 'James Bu chnnan, n !Mr& the gra nilesi spectacle which the human mind can contemplate. lie is too g o at rot: fulsome praise —too honorable t 2 ek it—and too much givcii to his love of country, his virinc, his genial habits of hos pitality and friendship to he disturbed by a hunicane of slander or a flood of abuse - It is not likely that_a man could live amid the stormiest dart . ' of the political liiitery of this country, and preserve an unspotted rep utation, retain the confidence of friend and foe, without possessing extraordinary CD• ergy and incon uplibic virtue, During the heavy crisis of the Bank question, Buchanan stood slib . eifficr . tb shOulder with Jackson- and by . 2 Ah Ise — cotrrteil, he assisted In quelling civil dispirit, and by a future legislative effort, he was mainly inntrumental in giving to the country the Sub-Treasury. Write as we may, the events in the life of Pennsyl vania's distinguished Distrito, crowd to OUT memory—and the people, theihonest labor ing masses of the Old Keystone have so ofteh-proven their attachment to him, that a reference to his services and his famo 'is more than superfluous.. /HO , th-u I= Ilurhunun an Demorratyaresynonymous. linow-Nothing organs may ferret the record - 7 -and ail the fakehemls whia his bblider, can Invent, may be set afloat still klet.. oitar.Lor am) Beitornici r atts en emotion in the bosom of every true . l'ennsylvaMati, which pants to find expression at the helint, belt. The people - of Centre county know and holier hint—they know him leo well to be seduced from their attachment —and those who seek, by the aid of a corrupt organ, to misrepresent public opinion in thip region, will be the first, in the sure hour of 13u charms arid pernoontifsuccias, to solicit the favor of thane int the bounty Of the other. Tie past End the present are both in the favor of Attics Buchanan. And those who o,orne ap4cr him, will be emulous to devote tu.liiit.onstaok, OA - honest' praises of .hooest,Aen. Inkither he , is ekvatrd to remains the plain, hospitable, and_plitrietic baguet* WhAtliand, we,rentnre the assertion, troubles' him less than his enemies. Nei theraituation will add or detract from his reputation, becaiiiii ho has his admiring friends all over the Union, and eh nazoewill never perish. ,-The whole route of trio Mertfiern‘ Con tialltailrosdArom Bridge!)Oit, AO , giinuzi, tuisawkiwitoit. 0440 undci epptriet;:wigE. irresy prospict °rt . iiiippAotiop. .7 T Librl Lnw. J. Lawrenctiasts„thwaccomplished, editor Of the- Reading Gazette, and the ...)ibiefrepre ittentative," trotrtzßerks 'Cod . nty, ,:4(ltvered powsrlVl speech; in the 1104se Orßoprettei l ts alive on ti n 3 19th of-Apr:Wen• the ißill to ifinend thel LitiV•of Libel." The iipeech is' marked with ability and eld'jts arid' sound reasoning. A more unjust arid pernicious law than the late PennsylvanitiAlaw of, libel, never disaactdd the - t - ratitte btu& of a Iteptiblicatifitate, and we are glad to record the fact that, after the Inst strong 'times! of M. ClLtz, the good sense of the 'louse passed the amending hill by a .voto of A 5 to 35. All thlatAstonishes ID; is that a solitary vote was _recorded, aghinst it. 31ir,. a.. and several other meiiibers tteae'rvo tive tifauks! of the press and the peophi;tUill'ii energy and ability with vhich t 1 ey advocated the pas sage of the bill. , The speech we trust, will, be extensively rend. The folluiving is thC bill as it passed both (louses nr nod otter the jittearge of ILin net, on tiler:id of hirlintrurras for wilting or putribilii.rg 0 the truth of the shatter °barged. to libelitner nuts be given In ra bloom, nod if the jury in any euelt en, :hull filet that 'the mime rvirti written or poblinlred from fond !natives 61' for jrurtillehie embi, and that It,, unitter tor etherged won hl lie, it shell operate. to the arartittal or. Mondani Of rid , fentlanti " There are a great many people in wtrlil , and particularly, those Illko public positions of trust and- liono - imagine that their actions should be p over in silence, and :tlett:es hen a 'jour nalis , acting only for the public good, deems 1 . 1 . du - ty to expose arctic:lion - rind fraud, le shonld he made the victim of a legal prose cution, and punisbeti by• ft awl imprison ment. This WIS the spirit of the old law and w bile it Was in operation, a public bilker could at disTiehrestly with impunii y beraum• he had a libel law, which prevented an editor from asserting the truth, when he deemed it esential for the public good, be enktsc the greater the truth the greater the hfr.. Getz deserves not ohly the thlnl:s of ,rho people, Lot he i, entitled to the grateful acknowledgments of his cotemporaries, for the•fearless mariner in whiOli lie advocates the new libel law—and hereafter those who seeks places by honorable pledgt 11, can be held to their promises by a fair exposition of their cominctMaithout. ljtu thronls of h gal prosecution, or extortionate dues, jr to irony, than amusing to witness (lie spasmodic efforts of the opposition prod.; in this State, to harmonise the la ligcrant ele ments by whi•li they are sturronueleils MT: Owl; l'elewrar,f4., the orghlt of Ow administration, is particularly busy in them: : labors, add is very luelirymosehi its app , sls to the desertion from the tionstuistion of 1111- more. OuPneighbor of the 117“..! preserfti a profound silsnce, and contents • hinun If with maintaining a neutrality. The jour nals; all over the slate, are w«l,li_il toahuli tionism, and of eourse: cannot support I)on elron. They hare cot loose from the old him - Whigs, who now regord them with-h• trust, and In their slikininn, thsy aro 1,11 ti:lndy No to TheilCier one chance l i b —and that is, to- raise the fn v, lose ling, Lucy Stone fvr president, and the un&n•ut nate Ilai num for Nice President. A Starr 11.1111.7 . 47 --The is:aslitut U.) rhi ' ierte ittrihilaters M; fidluwing sharp re !Atka tst the reverend rifle goitlenten of ."yen England Where do these revertmol • pentletnen olt• tam their instruetions for pnrstling this course I from the . I . That Look teach( no inch doetrnn-a. Do Christ's teaOrtings ineulcatrairy totl , ll views ? to not Ins 1;ospel. 44/eitkid Of pence I If he. was now upon earth, would he urge Kansa, unit, grants to carry out Sliarm 's rifles, in oral to resist fie laws of the land to. lintelo Unit brettircit du re, to _g rt.slort , kintrty, viol( nee, Idoodslied,.:,...arr; Chript ti twit 144.killol%ers to rektst the Iv, fully consttitt ted sittlionties or laud' Did he teach his folimicrs to rode rukrs or to alotve theni t • -vc, sit itiegoo4 is,ok if he dot any tomMthing. —Nettlicr the Ihi,k ncr the soprifita. ha of the is:sr --the. constitution - Menh sti any bitch do, trice,. The tctritorial h giTa pli, of , as, with f;ov. Shannon, the ter ritorial judgf 8, and other ' terrilm ial officers duly appointed, are the fawfuliy-comtituted tutors in Kansas : and citizen, of the States have no more right to send out- armed, men and warlike means to overturn that govern ment and resist its action than they have to send them to cieorgia ; or South Carolina, or Massachusetts,. or New 1 ampshire." A MAN WITH NINE Wives. - -W e clip the following - front the Hamilton, (Ohio) Intelh. gencer : The notorious itiathan ,Drown, the most remaikable biganil;it ever' known, in America, was brought by officer Elliott, the other day, from near Jeffersmiville, Indiana, under a requisition from Gov. Chase. Ile is reputed. to have 'nine living wives ! His Knot* has been to live 'with each about three innnttuf get hold of their property, and desert their. no hi now safe in Butler county jail, at the instance of his seventh wife, a resident of this city. The old sinner is flftydliree year* of ago, and has married three wives within two years. WE ARE €olllpeliNi to go to press this Week 'earlier than tistitiT;iii or+c I'o gel ready fur a large amount ofjob-work, Sev prat intportant tvticles have.neWesaartly been etnitt4 Next , week, however, ere hopo to make amends. Ourreaders will please be pa tient-and out 'amiable and hermit:m:oo friend,' the editor of the Whig can afford to give no a few days to prepto e to anewcr his svathing denunciation of the poor editors of the Wutchmaiik. As his altnsions do not reach a thbosand , miles, we can give him a reply by telegraph. Uov. WISV, orVirginio., has written a let ter to some of Mr. Iluchsinan's 11-iiincla in New York, which cloottyith the following Rigniticatit . , "Pennsylvania hat aivitaya stood 14_ r. from the day of Simon Snyder 'and Thotlits Jaerson down to , this (lay : she rix ono of tholargent and olden 410 beat of the I i old thirteen , Mates, atfd i e lehinws• to 'give a eindidate, itysi alith *Mt woithy of a nominatiort,,..wiSlo iejentatito,,, man and same, of his St ii i PArkoe racy ; and if Virginia again prefers him,, as alto did in 4852, I will go for bii nomination might and trilin." ', . . Etwi: Jatu!a Buchanan artived in Lancas- - , on - Batdrday last, and bonotcd by putt.` lic rfdeption ==l=Ml2l virgins 4re,GurlisuAL . V 4 lll many ‘ placioB in Connecticut there afro stilt drifts of Anow.eix feet deep. date '.are seven and a halfmillions drhata ',are sold in New York annually; jog moved ont — of 'Buffalo harbor on/ Wednesday niht, In the lake it is slowly brcaktng ' ryThe American party or Nprth . Caroli na have iidiniluktvd for Governor. • , - .P.suow in the Yew moturtainds, in Vir. gipia is sail to be still from fin ee to four feet deep.. o,77•The Catoctiit 1 , 114 sap th, lltina have produced an , cited on trhent',- . (17 - The tien;,'44„th which the Treaty of 'Peace Was signed to be predented to the Eo - fuss of Franco. • rj-Tho gillers about Itafro•de•Graoo, Md. commenced operations, and . on Wednesday some shad were caught. rtlt ,is said We Newt) winter has Seri dhsly damaged the sweet potato crop of thd tienth.. [372-Quebec has been fixed upon 11,4 the permit, tit sent c,fgoverinuent by the Canto (Hall Parliatectit.. Rjffhe Know•Nnthings of Missouri have nominated Ui peral Robert C. Ewisk i .iis their candidate for tovernor.' • j 11 . 71 . 11 , s en , to o f ItLassachusetts has re• fuw.el to meddle with the existing Liquor Law. rj - The tirtA (rain of cars crossed qv Mig f;sippi on the Hock Itilautl bridge on Tory ,:2•The Comminitioners hare de d In oihn the Canals orNow York on the th of N;ay. IC 'Thu new Stato Treasurer, Henry S. Megrim, 11 , :q., ill enter upon the duties of his office on the hat of May. (:_i•Spealcer Bunks declines being a r fti h. date either for President or Vice President, on incllla4, Republican ticket. •Thcaliirty seventh Anniversary of th e I n d, pcndenh onler of Odd Fellows into this country, hill be cc le hrateein Cincinnati 011, the 2 he present month. Ill" The French government hail become pr ally alarmed at the cattle murrain, nhich was mild To - he spreading all over the co n t r . nent. it /lAA At Lek 123 m immi o ink mcu and W01111:11, with 40 children ariive,l of lioitun;bound West, brinicing 81t),000 cssh.. A ir'C.lnhn %let. senior, of Grvertvilic, S had, tn enty- four children by 1118 tirA ill , sold int 3 dozen ninro by hi 3 •. ouch. • lar g e' xperience ink that tic of s:ron g , brine on thi• beck of a Ito. •,,..;,,Itlifi nc firnin club, 1 , a mire cure in 111,3 i niinitt j1)110 or th 3 itdilOr3ri of i t diatin e i n • en/o3;tv that W . /tithing bni aq g rew and geed pl in. btit marl "it retnains 1.v3 1 ett to brin g 131,31011C' fil , ql.l)einoeriley,lillNCl a Mina to' II Helitern (guy( mot. of n \ Nottri. 1113 ,ion harc ttil 'I 111,33.11 - pa ntplikt ro , t ntly ;Ippon, 11111 'dad.. rteoit.p tali; nu 11111.A11.,1 Sp.llllllllll OW pUrpOpe of r pt.], hug at) r_urttil:nsitits of the t Salmi, • , rry•A cat Niter, saki to be a firs , 1 a.,• ui e ic ,ss us ri.ccktly sold tb Adam ~fi.,dis+ippt, fur tliteu thoutaisA B,v‘,D (11.(1 doilurs. the color of his slim is j; wit is r rte.] that M. Stowe, them; will sour put to pr..aa a u urk illua ing the Ilepm.l poitulauuti ul _„ South. .1 - 1../ l ACCOrdillg to the I (port' of the Nll, °titans chief of pnlice, during•the la,t mouth§ one-tenth of the entire population tha►Ftty nttre 'littler a rrott. "Truly 4 lumtul• able alitte of arTtirti• "(I_7"Hou. flenrell Cubit, of Georgia, spt,t , to ni t t 111.1411 Ce of thousands at the 31ary1,,,,i luau - Hallitnoto, Tuesday Iv. taia; last. Ills roOqulon ana ruthusti ltc in the ex n.rne. ytn Elkhorn, cnouty Sept of \Val worth nullity, 11;in, who'll 134 fall }arc 1t- 5'.11,,n1 'war lINU tnajonty , kin 'cat' w itntltdate wag Itl.“,o41 at dm hpring t (tx Loa n .- American atikli list of placo, r porting the. goo!, of and m.hont at klt. Looi4 and fowl; op the R. nt 1,7511,j0,8 of t%hoat .t1:(1 6, !f...5 harraini !lour v".; hi, a inane of Frio and tt,holdivr of N.1i,01,01L 1., .In,l Ein noway p,Ol Y., ono day la4t • Inc \nu.. 1,n0,t ii itt IttiCalo n., John d o . ),; init. ' il,ln ri It , y,i, r;..pectable cid/ n , lost lour children ni ni nut by cl. atlt, and bin house, barn. and all hts otlitr building+ and property by h t,ttly rt luny( d Lite last dying (•luild to JiLn Guts the flames. (1,7 - Nlr. Fillmore ten. , , informed of his man inntion wltZli in Rome., Strati e to nay, It IN not appear to attach much impot tan c the matter. The reporta pay "it had no ur fluence at all upon Wm." It hasn't any oo anybody else. Wsuillingtou Star says,the inetrurtlx.nuo to thu (1..8. skip pe war Port,- : mouth, now lying at Norfolk ready for sea. left the Department on Wethi s esday. Iltr ' destination is to join the East India mina dron. Q~J The citizens of Pittsburg held a in, t on Tuesday night to raise the e2,1)oo mimed to secure tha next exhibition of.." 1.1 1, State Agricultural Society there. 'rho amount, it is said, can ho raised without diflicult r y. 01711te bill proposing to remove from cir culation the smaller Mexican - and Sparmh coins, and establkhing their value in receipts for Government dues, and providing for Ihi ceinagu of a new description of cents, pas.,‘ the United States Senate on Wedney.lay 0 1 last week. 0:7 - The Clearfield Republicqn of the I ilth says : "Our lumbermen have had a glorioti • • ao-iget -wiaabi.)-- The river has been too high f 6 good' ever the lee went off, which haseuableil to get everything. afloat that iv to go, and is lien the water falls to a ,roper mark we may look out for a pretty tuir crowd 9f both low and rafts." inj-Tho Louisville Courier states that, spetulators ill Corn on the Wabash havu sustained great leAsest the 'preclent season : forty and tbkCy-three cents have been pail NT Corn, 'ling it is now stllitig for twenty five centy.• The crop is unusually large, 1511(1 unless there shOttld be an • extra detnand, or which there is no,prospect, it mtiat go duu n still more. Ur - A 114 diva agOttn: body of young \J IB 8 llaskall, of Portland, who was atidd ,l,ll Y kills d he a perilous Ord Onto with a company of her Vie,ntla in Freepotil—last %inter, %qv' recoyerod. Silo was about sevantten yews alia. a Young, boautifyl and intertating girl, an d when rpcyvoied from the Gozeu ICO htoked'asfair as on the day she met lwr death.. I _f".?The sfAtady old Mama! InlFlfigeric'er at Washington, which irould hardly yenta; o to iteelftrW that the nun lind risen till ()Mont lly informed of the fact, „says, sitbatantially', lifting the curtain," that it has no doubt .that "so far am regards the feeling; and pur poses of the executive ,v Crampton will be immedhitely dismitineik in ease he is not r."" called; impthat. PIO final anewer of the tango. guveritant will not:bp ii'vatled 'fin much . ' NZ
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers