• 0110 , 41 , 1 giTTlfig ,u1:1- ,•IJ.i CZ -1/1111/.1) , 1-itt : 7 gil .J 11.111: ' ' 41., =ES - 10 71 lit. f , nr,l 01 ,„•,, . li lit Willattitinat mi; :• ~ 1 01FAL 411113,/f.T.ACI,JUSTICK TO ALL t ,1 4 P, pi,,onx vougasii wrifoottAirici tur,wt3 ; PAPER IN CENTRE COUNTY, IB PAINIIND AlNrc rowan() If/ LLIFONT 111VCRY RDNESUAN MORNING, BY HAUL Tet l49l-11 1i 50 * (1 • 4 0441 or I( paid witbin Az tho. 200 will be charged on lit OUNPrip. nit° tifehnil oC tho i, 'ftw ADVIERTISE Etna 'and Rushton Aotleto tho usual rate/1,1104 orry deoatirptlon of • , ar 3113 11F 6 14. *4:l' .Ir, 311," IVttEt, tit° noaleat tacrititair, at 1.14 o• larva' ,• itrhT triTh - {he utmost &spate) Ilarlag pang:wed a large colleatlon of typt,.wn rtre.pre : gated, to alley Lim Orders of arir.friends: • Bastramitito Ctmnty Standing Committed. : ,•,., ~ Bellefonee—J 11. Idloalllos loggo—Junn SIIOPE. ' . enntr - srueN ?for. Orr/ion-4 S. Mc:Coltith K • ' Aiirdlfer- - J. B. WinuErr , ~/(40,ifi-J. IL Kont/. . , Hpord - .1. I'. I' ti. K.S.V. I ' gal mogn—J, IL 111 T, s• it o rt.P-fl%mtrr, OiLt 11, %ND 0 /6. - Troll--Wr, se, "iv 4, Itlmi A ..hakerty-. -- . l ltrit m lig - - 41... _ —. • Alf Yr4.lClittri"4 r ituo, • '" 4, • tLu iv kit Cul viibts—Gronur• Pr?, HP Wort4—WlLLilm µ 4111.1 P frattlr — JonN &It w ART, ll= •• • .111,Ll.iiP(oN PEN,VA 1., swap Riess* , . 141!('11 1, 1%441. • 'PO AIMILA , LIZATION.—:/ nere are ninny feroigii er)ri: tie United States, now over twenty otts;yairs of age, the children of pervionii duly nstilrialiated and nhe a ere Ininery at the thou of the naturahrotion of their parents hail Who haYe never cot, 1 1, i n consequence of Otekty iiontits or uncti tainty as to whether they possess the logal right to exeroise that p r iiki sem „- For the information of such cia o*, 'With totne of n horn we are ( personally Weer annex part of the ighth s< e• teen of the set of (`mgrems, approved Ap Oi,/t3o2 i .aad still hi force, Wel) 'confer.: itbilii , thoot sal the rights of citizenship i• wilt* efiSdren of persons duly naturalized iiiihrtany a the lawn of the United litatts, or who, previous to the paving of am law Old that *object by the (loverninene of the United States, may have become (+issue of airy owe of the stud States, under the lax* th ereo f, he l m undo, the aco of tivitity one yalesirett the title of ?befit liartintil being ae maturalifred or admitted to the rights of clti. tesiddp, WWI, if dwelling in the Unit, d Stales, be oorusidered ns citizens - of tie United States." rti A Nitr . Yurk rasa, reported in A Pai g e. p. 431, it was doeided, that an alien's minis Aribtreti, hwn abrpad; if residing in the Gaited Status at the time of his natuntliza ikut, become citizens thereby. We know or no other judicial decision nit the comtru,-- lism pf thiu-act, Vt It ("umlaut% NIrI& Et:l:Lame. •-I''IVIU a talm/ar etatument reeratly isms(' from , the Treasury Department, we gleam the follow. ing interesting facts court:ruing our comnu•r -cid'4cl4tionc with Grritt. Thq Viloo of -Amp**, fug ,tlO year ending Jawmlloo - 1111414 6o SSmbr a. • • 0275,1t0;,A46 Ihetworts, Grest Nick , : look morel of 177,704,171 1041 a qms. Shoo -roes lei. ' t..eaiLug as exported Wall i;111- et nations, comnuatities it antawnrtng. only to . . W,452,(175 By this showing, it appears that l;ne,,laial our 9tatoiner for nearly two-thirds or a ll the predicts for whscb we tio4 p bale ti foreign markets, while the remaining third Is distaihntevi in comparatively small awn; iirCrtfio - o1 tliti"*6ol4. here ts, another 'fact which this taLle imln:atas 9y.c exports to England proper &manta to V.:15,649,1,15 Our imports from England are act down at Mhowin y n a bilance of trade in e4r, between the tw4s. caoakiesy , ar . . , tiMAILT irdlwe 'OF PIPNONTLYA,NIA.—It 01,10.1n14101111k WI Adjutant Genesill'd report, litry i . i y ii i legalit toren of PentiteVebia, to n : * the Odic "ti r ed!, are oki'44lorre 4 4 44P,Wiftli, in the &Ater '..a1111 : x!enti . . . • An,764 10,438 8,722 =t, ,t, 4 .1,,,, r i t mii.r. ----A, correspondent of the lit.tt .Repua hams, on the way to blontpe- Man kawidl in,:the ems 'a family which at• kilted like% kite -Ovid. It Wad a Mari and 4 # l l. .111,$.1,intienictl,liy, 'lrOutitalut children girdle -00 rot, LOP altieet but, thirttara years el& 1 i utmenir limn, were two' seta of twins. itglimit'finiy and the mother thirty' c i pi, ci Oril;,9l4. itud tfiei k#4l buried. Qcke ilile , yl4 004011111, 1 1 / I , — A flro brolto out .4, on Friday aftemomt teat, itt.tlie Hniidiad or the Baltithere and Susquehanna laiittritd Cinrrtatty. the office of the Spy, 491p#1{i Sit that, buittling, was Considerably (imaged, arid in ixautettuanoe, there was no iodate, el) Witt power otvarturchy. Qtaari.ape.To CONaaivi/41-100 , P. 81.#01iset t anpanaentativas OH. i aluntodat,l elnek4 hoi, rider Within; of ' York;oppniain # 'll4O onaE "Efirlik 41 .1 4 141 F, APVPIN I 49 6, I B %#44101* his age, and has been a clergyman 01' Cho congr e gational MIMI Poe mow than 70 yeitea• - r . 0 111 , .inc/1311 :11 4 )0.1 . • ii.visr. 410'r si:t ir , • PS P. 03i I 1 ...1 I I 107.0 i n l.' 'roll' - ~ . .g 4. 4.0 001naAl 0 r, . ..... if ,1-r i .. .ups{ 1lo“ /A 1 .11.ragyp* - 1,, ji , ! , in un ' 1. , 1 11',11,...11 r .. ... , 1 . .Z.V.'./1 .1,7 , 5:. ;;I/ -.' ,• , i . ~ ''. 'I ;I 'I., ~, f r , .) ~1 ,1 7 /11 T i . ) - 41 ur '•'; , s , ' 1 '..• , 'l' :i. ::' ' . ''';',, /,' J" 1 00 ' , /, Pr ir ,7 1 . *' 1 51 .. ) l': 1; it I . Ili; .) I , - If• 11 q ~/ Z; 4 , 1, • , r.'11 . .... .01 - 11 •"' IT JI Idl ' I , diilr I 1:. ' ~, r; • A ‘' ') ' .'" ' CIF. I I ' 1 11 •.1 fri . 41..C7T . - Illwf 11.: . , -. . ., " I. . I I ' ~.:1• 11 1 , , , 1111 - ' ' • / ~ 1 „ 1 , : y; . rrf - ..` fn . k . J J , , ~ I lc .' ~ I ~,i- ~ i'•' ' '''. 1 . 1 : A i I ~ I ~ ,1 .1 I I. '' _, 1 r , .1 ; " ' :1 , .. . , . 1.1 .k[ 1 , . '1 .' . I I : ' I 1 . • I .. I II . lr ' . , ' ' ' d'e.!:. . , . . ' . ' , - 1, '... . . ' .. • • • . r . ,:. .. . r. . - . 7, • l'l ' ' . ' I ' ' ; .'• '' 1 .----- , ',r , ' • ' • ' .', i*:' . . . 1 , f . ' . . . ,1. ' .c.. , " • , ...- - , 4 , 1- r. ..; ....... ,_ .. Tirt.racoro . , Th e , following is a synoper et the new Tavetn T#entie Ilill, as it het peAseil the Senate : The l'lrst section simply provides, that tie honsis foe the hale of liquors 'Of and kCna shilhbeltept seitilkiut a license.. 'The second motion presides' that ;vembhisi or wholesale dealers of Virloos, qpiritl4o4ol oX shall Pot, eiol iittaltt4e than bno gallon rel* iiSettr.tO Scl lit any fiulifitity whe lk , shall lk.greintetht thei keepers •of any as lomat, ea dig haus*, caste; 'Masse; or,eosr, 'theatre. pr .ether place of amtutelevnter seheslogifnt." The third section provides that brewers and distillerri Shalt be licensed eirealadyi . to the aet:ot the ,10,t r h, of April, 1849, at three times rate Of t A x -assessed by haitl /act; l'reViilt4 no-license shall begrpd for less than fifty dollars, and mingles t•iti than tisk! gal GnL The tone‘ii.aestaott 4=16164 the provirt. ions of the act shall not apply to importers selling imphtted lintiora.in the original bah or cask. Sac. 5. Act not to giartlify to druggisnt and apotheearies. Sacs 6, No lieel'Aiie to be granted cacupt to citizens of the linited,States. J,, s.,r, Sun 7. License to be granted by the Com t or Quartet Sessions ; notice of application to be priblithed for theca Weeks. S. 8. Refers to ptblicationrof oppLiCation for license; and certificate of twelte citizens required that tavern is neeetisary sod appli cant-of good repute and prepared nith house room &0.,' to accomodate travellers. 114.1;,.. if. ,Iffo venom to 144,11pcup4,3, iwyp tfycrn hpany.eity or ftillity town, up/elf* provided' with at least fOur rooms and eight beds, and in the country two . rooms and ibur beds. NM • Sm... 10. Applimutt to evi, bond In the sum of $lOOO, with accurity. Sac. 11. Proof 'of the advertisement and the filing of the bond to be furnished to the eivilt of the court bofbre license granted. Sou. 12, Clanging the sates of license to &atm piton , and ne - ar*, occur. ding to the act of may 4, 1841 —to pay three times the rates prescribed in the fOth section of said act; but no license lens than /MO. The 13th sectiva elaseliflas UIA) 1.11,Cr1/h cunscd 111111 ns 11 1.3 important we publish it entire . Sat. 13. That all Hotels, Inns. and Tav erns that' he classified said rattail, according tAt tlw ittuaiated,,yearly rental of the house and property intended to be oecupitti fur said purposes, as follows to wit: All cases where the valuation of the 'yearly rental of the said house and property shall be ten thousand dollars, shall constitute the Arid class, and nball pay use thousand dollara• 'Where the valuation of the yearly rental shall be eight thousand dollars, and not more than ten thousand chillara, the second dam, awl shall pay sight leundred dollar*. Where the valuation of rental shall be six thousand dollars, mid not more than eight thousind dollars, the third CillAS, and filiall fray six hundred dollars. IV beta die satuailiet .of.eautiai alma b. few thousand dollarr, and not more then thousand (tonnes, the foorth and shall Pfty four lilindre•l ,;((iiars. the valuation of the rental shall be in 0 thousand dollars, and not mom than four thorkaud dollarA, the fifth clasa, awl shall par three hundred dollari • Where the vahuition of the rental shall be one tlionsind dollars, and not more than two thousand doilies, the sixth class, and shall pray two hpndrod dollsey, Where tlru Valuation of the rental iball be flit' hundred dollars, and not over one thou sand dollars, the seventh class, and shall pay one liundresl dollars. 15'iu:ro the yaluaAiott of Litt+,reatal shall hr three hundred dulhrs, 240 not:over five hun dred dollars, the eighth class, and shall pay autrenty-five Wiirre the la/nation of rental *ball be un• der throe hundred dollars, the moth and shall pay fifty dollant. Provided, however, That In the cities of Philedelythis and Pittiihnne, nn gauge under the ciatatifteation of the 12th and 11th 140 e• 11011'; of this act, shalt be for less thin one IlUllari A l dollars, our in auy county teens or isniouglia, having snore than ttso hundred taxabies for less than seventy•five dollars. The 14th section provides thefoll perienta applying for licensee, and eleastied uader the 12th and lath centime of this act, shall be assented and returned as provided iu the fAlt, 7th, Bth and fhb ay.:awls of an "act re: luting to Innis. tavern', and retaitera of vinous and spiritous liquors," panted the llth day of hiareliv A. 1). 1844 t except in the quality of Philadelphia, where the•Courtuf t,tuarter Sessions shall appoint thle...! {mesons eisers of tavern license. Sec. 15. License to be framed. The 16,th, 17th, 18th and 19th section re. ter to the duties of aseessora, appraisers, and other of in relation to licenses gruited, The 20th section provides that the numhet of licensee ranted to keepers of hotels, trent tr taverns, iu the aggregate Khali cot lamed cOies see to every b c tualred taaaltloa, for in the sever& counties ilt the State wore than one to every two htitidnd taxablea, the nirmber of said tax/Met to be tek'eir from the returns of the prerrioas year. 102,43h:29.S 36,154,*52 The subsodtamt qictio4to the gUth, pre acribe tho penallien for, violation of the Ilavr, and the dulled of 'the Vourte, Inidieca and Conetablem under it. The 26th and last wolion•ist as irol/uwg Soc. 28th. That notion; bsrein ,9440.44.RA , d shall be construed W impair or alterthepro vision* of an act approved the 26th day o( Fehuary, A. D. 1855, entitled "An act to pre vent the salb of intoxicating liquors on 'the fleet day dr the IVeek, cemtuorely'ealled•fean aay,t" nee any of the pteviaions of the set of top Ath cer*Yi 1854, entitled ' An aft protect,c.ertain'rights, and.prevent abuses in the sale' aild'iise or bitoxleating drinks, " but the ict'entitltid irAn ett:to restrain thr 'nate ef intoxicating litmotat . " and, all;otheriami wicor ,tntraWiP eNeby repealed, nor s Reny license here*. " ore granted be tune d. , • i • S'iNaur,ti hgencer hag received a letter trout time Peru, dated January, 8, 1850, giving the fa lowing eerotlet of the isiPgater &VA *A° lato,Ministyr 9f Per ko thin *witty of Tho. late_ Minister , ,Plenipobowtiary 'of Peru tos therUnited flietes, who totornetl lift .nountry nwakhe soy ,died MO* in JAina. In w eingule,r mamma.- finleegi,laelewahlwered)tiaabeet:hift Mao teeth With thetooliihrod ;which tesdipreat died from the , were made to extia(fTeLettf l h;iitg : out sueeemo." • BELLEFONTE, PA„ 110111 MEC wtoorti sst4tr. elew4loet; had nomineneed in the nest Mlle llanletliaty., which the Inhalinuate of 'Harlem cit mew** co the woke of God. The AMINO** had rend 'the,psalms - and scriptnte lessons, end 44 repotted the first life of the °penis@ hymn. ' The, eyes of the pimple were; A,tcwsl hitentky upon him. fur be was not opiy 0 sowndamil eloquent wencher, but he was 'a *Ana looking Ann, too, and than on• flishwil i ncit only the atteretion of the true. hut, the Man wornhinieem, The bonne we* vary, otßztbe elesk:lnelancholytenellof the KtrilleFiwern the only sounds (het throbbed silitte! ba4SeY air, tpithiala the midinara )Atilatb.MO•itsd breathed into that hcir 1444. t I • , Th t e ihnty.jilletile or the woond line at IN laa l giiski.,oll l his bps, when: a rustle at, the door, and the entrance of two persons, a lady and a. geutienuw, dissolved the china. In a second.eyery eye turned froni.the pulpit to the broad aisle, and watched with more than ordinary interest, the progress of the couple' A most smirching ordeal were they subjected to, and when fairly and quietly seated iu the first pew r immediately in front of the pulpit, what a nudging of elbows there was--ay, and bow many nbispers,,toc,_ vein the sound, the good, the eloquent, the handsome Mr. B. sought again to steal the .a,ttention nf..h a hatia•eat. Thar had no eyes, no thoughts for any body else b$ widow C. and widow C.'s young, gentle. manly apd *iring. stientlant.• Hew' 'lmbed cheated them. Hadn't she said she didn't fsiel as though she could ever i% ear anything but mourning ? And ip spite of these protestations, hadn't she come out all at once, dressed, in white, and walked into the church in broad daylight, leaning on the arm of a young gentleman. indeed she had. She would have plead guilty.to,ll these charges, grave ones Its they *tire, Rad to the last two how many witnesses had been stsbptrnscsl ! She was aclwally dressed in white, with open corsage, displaying an elaborately wrought chimtrite, drapery-sleeves trimmed with , the richest Mechlin lace, under-sleeves of the same ex pensive material, with a white lace hat with orange-buds and bowers, with kid gloves and light gaiters--such was the description every lady had on her tongue's end, to repeat over as soon as the service was ended. And the gentlemen—he was dressed in style —didn't be wear white pants of the latest pattern, and a white vest, and a coat of " satin finish." lima white kids, to: and didn't ho sport a massive chain, and didn't he gale often and lovingly on the fair fea tures beside him Ah, yes, he did Ato, and there NVIL9 no fur ther room to doubt. Widow U. had cheated them. She had won a beau, laid aside Ler mourning, put on a bridal attire and ICU go ing IA) be married in church. But who the beau was, and from whence he came, it wit.' difficult to solve. S 4. rm.* proceeded. The choir sung acid the in l inieter prayed and preached—tho peo plo wondered when the ceremony would take place. But to their utter Lituniblauent, they h ere lit to wonder. For when the benediction was pmnouneed, widow C. and the strange gentleman walked with-the rest of the congregation quietly oat of the church. When they reached the pavement, be offered her his arm very grace fully, and ales placed her hand very coati dentially, on the beautiful coat sleeve, as they passed on. What a morning that wan in Harlem. ! What a world of conjectures, surmises, in. quirms and doubts rolled over and over in the brains of not only gipping but sober, natter-of-fact gentlemen. The trice of such a tying bad never occurred in the annals of the village•—them was mow thing new under the sus—a lady had a beau, aid . nobody knew it. Widow C., didn't your ears burn that day I And we wonder they didn't drop olf ; surely they must hare been crisp and crimson. The Rev. Mr. B. preached to a crowded house that afternoon ; no compliment to him, though. Every one was mire the wed ding would talce 'place then, hut everybody was sadly illattpphinted ; and if tongues had run at railroad speed belbre, they travelled then on electric wires. The minister might hare preached in cireek that day, and the sermons would have been quite es edifying. lint one subject occupied the village mind-- the widow's beau. . It' actually seemed, too, as though the lady tried to Make all the talk she mold. Alter tea, ann in arm with the strange gen. thaw, she weidtpa the whole length of the village, and myna out into, the country, arid anvil. relooked. till the moon was high. ' "*.k siettiookiogAteati vets she had." dr netted wed getinlatallit saif she listened to I the /golf d *I tillUlall4tfie Itkrfell wander itlitH• " P a iftlia r ',44,in tiOtt 0 Vaal St , ' all linibbied pp Witlt dot, ait It, mud hove been ; but I , don't 'spoils dm thaight se eatr4 $ wool about It, the's so carried away vrith him. But MI give hO3V a piece of my mild the first time rhave a chance ; see, if I dpiPt." Put, the mad old , dame began to fear she wOuid never hitvO the deiiired chance. She hurried throughhogyaithing on Mon day, and *Ablest tams to the widow's as molt ste•peitibils, lent the dear was Inched, andeine:4ll"thiatighlbliat raid Ws. 0. sad a Crag sign wait We iii. liN orth*: litb o) d,' kat,* Where, 4stiliettetp , in, the nsurnhie— Yet, v i gil li OW mit /echo* idol WM* iit'ald ." .isiolt out • *WWI ' 'yew 'character o on the carpet. . . If she new it, apparently shy didn't cart., for the next day she , with her beau, and the next dap, with him off to the woodkarti,aittNisikaatt Obrenoon rent with him MA carriage fo the railroad stitihni; IM' there xiettritki I ,l l * auk she . Portal from him. but adaally hieteed and kissed him I .. What ! in broad daylight !"exclaitecd grandma Well, if lerreil heard or ecru the like eseL", Little 'Nell jthe old lady's yownweat grand child, wondered to WWI' it itas, any Irons in broad daybgbt ten# tl time. Perhaps yeti will wonder, too:, We did at least. There was r large MAO. that after noon at,* treaty tweet iiii of the village Rowing society. Everybody went that cold() poasib&y leave home. Alit what a nag there there woks when the tlints amiem- Wing was over. There was but one -aspic, but that was all-engroesing -.-=thke ,widow's Leann—for the gentleman must be her beau— or at least ought to be. Everybody had something . to 41, some thing to wonder at. But suddeedy 'eery am. gic tongue was hushed; an uliveresl stroke of palsy seemed to have l'allen on the group as, looking up, they perceived the very hdy about whom they were conversing em gcrly, standing in the doorway. , • i'tkied afternoon, ladies," said die in her w s 44 91 *lit** Mgt so hip and happy a gathering. it4iodimlihil day for our meeting." And then she proceeded (*Alio table aid helped, herself to a block of patchwork, in quiring for the sewing silk, whish having received, ids* sat denim 1111 the ashy intennt chair, and csomnitsced hemming a red bird with% yellow wing as 4 very plan twig, whiiih toilet; had greedy beta helmeted ea to a square piece of white cloth, and the who , " when completed, was designed to •ibrisi the twentieth part of a bed•spread. tihe mooed all engrossed with the bird'. bill, and spoke to no one. Everybody wondered if she had heard what they were untying when she came in : but her placid otionemande mow reassiired do mad fearful,Land essay one longed to commence a persons& attack. Old grandmother W. wan the that to ven ture. She meant tode up time antler very delicately, and in es essoll sheet a way that the lady would not suspect her of curi- osity. So she began praising Idri. C.'s dress. " Why, it's really a beauty. Whey, did you get it V" 0 I houghtit." •• Here 1" "No." , • - " Where then V" •In the city, last Spring." 1 '' Oh, you did, did you 4 ildt thought you was nerer going to drew anything but black again I" All scrutinised the lady's fact in search of a blush, but it continued an uitsidl, while she 'unswayed— " I did thifik and say so ousel tad I hare finally altered say Mimi." L, " YOU ham eh What madrryou I" " Oh, I hod good sedans." • 'lore tlso beaters and Idoultenuon winked sad 'oohed very espreasiv• at ossii *thee. " Hat did you ant spoil rot beautiful whits duets the other WOO, wearing it away up to the burying groom'!" " I (lad oat wen . Dore was a 61.41,1111 Illia iwv. Albs had such a innrjuirm Rance, and On didd" tn. do It, boo, when fortunately tor Iliee ,Taloq*at otesin, Mks C. '8 dress hung op* r4llParobe gal the time, and ebe had worn an .o/d black milk. After a while the old lady took a frrsh stet. She would not be baulked again. She would find out all shout that been before she Wad home; " that she woesld•" 'She began by saying " Your company went away this morning, didn't ho I" •' He did." " Ile did not stow rs►y Wag, did be P Not lag lam ea I *idled Itim to gtay," was I.ba raply. .Aaid bow tbs todWs Ml's& at elect snot , . It was Is as peas a esolfeaaion. ‘: Whets did lie egos I" Saturday aUarliate" - Were you lookilArNablai 1" " I had beeb expeellat Aim for *fortnight or more." " Why, do tell if yen had then, and you never told on't either. Had be any business in the plate l" b• " no had." " What Was it ?" This was rather rare direct aid Must than the old lady had meant to put,a4 she forth with apoisgised: Bid the widow iaterrapted ipr by say ing— "0, I'd as liat roe* losowias apt 1 he . I tease to sot too." 0, widow 0., your dleld tinedudd go down *IL- 31111 earehtl Whin Yen: my , next, or; you'll have only a miumit 01• dam** eft to go hot* Mitll,laa tfil!*l),(±; go !err chow " fie da, did tre i and h0 ~ 't opine the nothing else. then. But was glad to see inut I" • . "Indeed I wait. Tit Waa the harPi. Pleat momenta of gig ." "Well, well." Ad thlk • badly' Ignemisebtocia firma Mid simedien, " troll. Inn, heir a very MO. Yinfpdt: " I tbhiat Kt. toe, and Its% only good looking. but he's gooti.hearlie • one ~edi the beat men I ever knew." At . , MARCH 5, 1856. " You don't say ao ! t is he rich r " Worth It hundred thousand or so," said lady earnestly. ' " Why, do tell if he ia. Why, you' wit! live ilk, & lady, won't yoy 1 But *!►at iK his name 1" The old lady's curiosity 'MY *ow raised to high pitelt. , . • • "Henry Macon." " Macon ! idacori ! why, wasn't tint your nate° before you *were were warded?" . " Then he's a connection, is ha ?" Ile is," "Da tallarbo lw is dom. Not, a cousin, hope. X Ileyer did tliink muck et a rastriugm between. comehms." "Ue in not my cotrain.P . . "40,1110 Not you]; cousin 1 list 'skull cosssetiosi is le iTh tell cow i" , .‘ He is my ysisigese brother •"' If over there was rapid progress made iu sewing and knitting by any circle of la dies, it was Ly these composing Lids nxiety, for the next fifteen minutes. Not a word was uttered, nor au eye rsised._ Bed the latter Leen done, and the roguish mil oa pressive glances seep passed between Mrs. C. ..tsl the minister, who, unobservtl, had stood on the threshold as cailent specta tor sod a curious hearer, perhaps—mind you, we only say perhaps—they might have work osirrsogy• the asswaso elosinitsr. standing and profession of the widow's beau. A /ZAP POE LIFIL WY. atlttoN. After my discharge from the hospital at Raven*, I" shipped in the American.barque Independence, traptain Robert bound toinlistralso, and theme round the Horn to the Western coast of North Amuses. She was • large vessel; of some seven 'hundred tons resister. with a hundsonie poop, top gallant forecastle, and all other points of a Lash ship. 'rho captain was a native of Jer sey, and the crew were a mixture of Ameri cans, British, and Spaniards, with a sprink ling of welly-heads, or snow-halls, as we called the pegrocs. We had not be . en a week out ere very great dissatisfaction prevailed among the crew, for the captain. viith tinacxxountable perversity, did not allow us half enough junk (i. 0., sal ted beef,) to our meals; and even what we did got was.wltat fiaii9rk oat) 'old horse." vie : hard, tough, lean, stringy stuff, devoid of nourishment. The usual allowance of junk on shipboard, Ta one pound and a half for each man per diem ; but I am Luse we did not get more than half dist quautity. The captain used to come on dick every morning, and stand by the steward as he weighed out the junk from the " harness cask," to see that we did not get an ounce over what he had ordered. On the other hind this captain allowed us twice as much grog as is usual. But sailors, although very fond of rum, can't live upon it ; and three quarters of a pound or 'old horse," and R few rotten biscuits, quite alive with weevils, was a poor day's allowance for h'arty fellow. Our first mate often remonstrated a ith the captain on his conduct, and plainly told him that the men would not svihroit to it ; but the only reply the captain made was, to tell him to mind what he was about, or he would •break him and daze him up," meaning that he would send the mate forward as a com mon *whir, and work him to death. At length, after a long and fierce dlscusniou the tbrecattle, we all went aft one morning in a body, and complained through the car penter, as spokesman, Oast we had not eneogh to eat. Captain 1.-- listened without in terruption, and then coolly turned round and said— "Steward, go down in the cabin and bring my pistols." We looked at one another in silence. . bri v oouple of minutes the steward re turned with the pistols, and, with a face pale *a death, handed them to the captaio. The tatter coolly placed them both on full cock, and laying them lido by side on the top , of, the binnacle, crossed his arena and glared round at every.soul of 114 ore he spoke. "Now, roes," cried he, at length, between his teeth, "all I've got to any is, that you am Mistaken if Ton think you are going to apt the uppet hand of me. I am your captain, and law gives Mb power to do what I Ake. You didn't ship to bully me. Go for'&1111 to your duty, and the Inn man that hesitates, or gives me any jaw, /11l Moot hie& as I wonky a pigeon." We ambled to the foreassile la &body, and for lours atter the captain welkeil the deck big with his edartwonent4 Wa had hgat bedilog winds for nosy sati do tessior of the captain grew perfectly savage. Di owl by wino • cake, And be wee &complete *adman. lie atorwed sect swore Noe looraimg to .eight, soil "mound" Se all. Lois the retie bey up to the mete. Our elleinsit* irea Wens than wee, and he stepped growedeigotber, mat put nit uu UK allowance ell Maw: 11/1410t re. 6llo We Slot he hoed SO win shortoillhatialls WOW. Ibt when a tweeted sprung, up at. t h e lispiip• Gni of kite daya ehreishileaccitittaistedihu tworhelfsaset, hail ester, we gag ! The wilises grew loaf &kneels. and ivies bath lived ainideep Were banded neat lift* to week Soil iediataset ematooalostatrai. Hy had by it pot Aisperod. i 4 tbo tMR t/ob sootakoll.Cluoi Hop 010 NADA or nekotso4" WOO , lioiffiloaal~. Jos Ma4ilirook 004 of boo* weir Aloo f sOft *al common* mily imago .4 1 pcsOokip extent. Thlr wry, rzigoin 4gnduct. memi we were ul7 inclined to *crept it as n proper solution ; but the ckitain had cer tainly never committed auy act which would legally be held,proof of insanity : for all that he did, alibi:nigh highly cruel and tyranical, was within the bounds of that !barrel amount of almost irresponsible power that the law allows •to ass captains.: - • • We bad been three weeks out: when it was my mornMg to watch on deck. Six bells (7 o'clock) had Just been stroch: and X, ors en gaged ao4lbig away the Una of tbalog. Which had been. bore bp' of the mate, then in charge of the dock when Captain L— Tr - un expectedly came oat of the cabin. I no ticed that he had a wild, nervous_look thr bia glanced around , and aloft, just as a resit might do when suddenly aroused lir dream. tiw. cootie 3" he abruptly de nte/040d of the matt at the *heel ~Sonthisat by east, sir. Tkedeliptain then iiteppe4 up to the Mus cle and looked at the compass. Turtling round' with an oath, he struck the man a blow hi the mouth that knocked him away from the'wheel, and thundered— 'Tor take the epokea in hand ! i!jm,lo4w_ no more about steering than your Mother I" (Such were the exact words, for LOsLinct ly remember them.) The poor fellow, who was one of the hest help:Twin in the 'hip, took hold of the spokes ligl6. the 6iocl muttered— "I was steering to a hair's breadth." . "What's that you say ?" '•I say I was steering as well as any roan CoOkl, and you're a tyrant, captain." - The captain's face grew Uack with pas -6012, and the light. foam flew from his lips as he screamed— "Mr. 31,eltimn: clap this fellow in bamo4 No, seize him up--malice a are4eirgle or him ! I'll teach him to toe the mark !" ,The mate, Jackson, in vain attempted to soothe the madman, who "compelled his offi cers to "seize up" the unfortunate sailor— that is, to lash his wrists to the shrouds, with his hack bare fur punishment. This is called making a "..pread.ragle." I dare not dilate on the sickening scene thatensued. Suffice it that the captain with his own hand flogged tho man most brutally in presented all hands, and not a sold of us dare to speak. That night we all signed a "round robin," that is a paper stating a grievance, or pcti thm with the names of the men written in • circle, so that . not one can be pitched 'upon as the ringfeader,--whiti esed t o the chief mate, Stalin; that we all felt that our lives were not safe in the hands of the captain, aft obtkneely IWWWW, sad inimphir 'be mate to take command of t he ahtp, AM place thesaptain in_eantiwtment. Vlre sent this to Mc. Jackson by one of the boys, and in a quarter of an hour the mate tome his. ward "Men," said he, "do you know glut you are about,? You are in open mutiny, and yon know What the penalty for that ja. Cap. twin L - - is captain, and his will is latr. We must all submit to jt. Were I terdo my duty strictly, I should show this," pointing to the round lain, "to the captain hot I don't want to make "natters worse. Let us get to port, and then`complain as you please. Dot for your own sakes—and for my sake. don't mutiny." We all respected theft:lite, and his rods made a great impression. We consulted to gether, and the prudence of the majority overcame the fierce impalas of the bolder lipirits. It nu however tkeitly andiendood, that, if matters greWlnuclar worse, tie word(' risk the deeladfulpenalty of UN 44% 6 Y seis ing the captain, for we now considered he was undoubtedly Insane, 'although the mate soled sightly inongta its holding aloof at pret est, aa theesplain had not yet evitirid him skit ineapable ef ammaging the skip , Whether Any whimper bid Maid out la tins cabin, through the stenard or Alters, aunt tell, hot the captain undouttelay tws ptleted-wbat had-passed. At noon the next day he; awe on deck with a double-barrelled gen is his hands, and dedlberately loaded it Walt ball in oar presence, When he hail dean fldir,he;callotall bandana, and in bul ges& that aniaciently indicated, from its wihi ineolnenacy, that he ,errs, undoubtedly insane, he addressed the are*, windill up with the woods— .IYou *kik Ms I A aor uppei lied tlf ili; do ye, I You will , awdiryou will take the ship Away froth 'H make on er mnple--111 show you Whim yon hays lodes' with I Mr. Jeekseri, let those two mien be seised up this minute, kw l U make spreisti hem of 'em as hoe as I live." As he ppoko, ikto each% panted to two of tfp tworestmen—ore an lertimiewu j aid the other Ain Ilisthilitiii. Thee* poor ielicreis looloed etwitd it their mesinnitteli, hit set , isig hair oritietided they all Were, they Ise4- dimly tamed sad ispising itito tM OW* Ivan* *Mt ilbr Nifty, ' • ' 'ciiitlON'Saye glikeo4 %civet!, aediehthri sue,-hit LAI deiht itiesiskti,'`Wriajt;',"Or shoot !" ' lisey sew dos dirkialitfoi iwerrelliik; ked• tetra Os column& : I trUt t&I ally cured iimieit torork i :najps J AM MOOT shi ledl VOW Tielee toot 4 thit' T equila bel eat (*Unitised ifs *lee, rot auk* fig Ifettzduk,*4l4l4 , titi *nil. A Is* 4 oktiontiko Nita it art biliowcd, Ar ball ion do* s4i 4 1 . seisWep, andlol;iiiiiiptekf, "4 Mk, 001 , /MM 'Pip 4oes. Olestais int o Imemerittriglite watt. ‘., You hart oPmillithidllirittr .1, •• No, I home not," eioswered the &vial'', 111114;166 3a) ;;; ,I'‘l t . : eamt =BEIM C 4 C ; " "4 ordered that zi w dlovlh t iattAthOYMVl obei, money, and- tho Jew we - jai* mein killing him, or killing you Odom. 11Q mind what you say." The mate turned aside, and when one of the Oldest Atkin Whfspe'red hi his ear, "Say the word, air, and . we will clap the madman in itims," he only shook Isis head .bstried his fans ih his _hands. kleinWhlie, the 'American, a floe yams Ilidknr i lmown by rho smitrigum ot "Nolo. In," had wended to the loyal And Iris looking' darim on deck to see whgt COMPSO matte & were taking. The captaio, eel rat billed with disabling one man, at Oise mus. mord pointed lga pm it him, mat lamely . ordered him on dock. tiroottogog *IS him if he rtAium , L s. " Come down, man, Ow lleasin's sake I" shouted the mate. Ikoll flog um if / A: 4 " Yes, I'll flog yO . O sure onougli! t " jtilled hec . o*ptiiu. „ " Then ill dle before T end* dciern Wititpgt snettlier weed, tl esPlO; tomcod taking a deliberate aka, sea fedi _.zen voices 4110U(C4 to tiw Naas wiruarlife was in this fearful jeopiitl~ - "Jump overboard, Mil, or you are a &Jl man! Jump for life In an instant the sailor ran alms the foot-napo, and clung to the tuyalgatihmo. to leorett: i' Mrr If lee liemotalei be valid be egged if he remained, he would be shot--if he lesped overboard froha that dreadful height, he ran the risk oniifiqg dabbed to Owes if hr fill sideways on the water, or of being snapped b 1 a shark, se *swain*. AR Wan fall which way he would. T . 4 45 0 1 10.614.thi44-1444 1 4i andbia Spirt. vfm COOP ) AP; ;.. " jul9 Po N I .Ps4P Prea , 9l4 4 / 4 MOW mates, and L i L rowlatioa wit halm U gistild leap far /oh! Lowering himself from lb. irwthiwai with hi 4 hantis, he ptiNtsst . foci 43 , swissrmill.. and clove the sir with the velocity of s oasnao ball. A second or two, and he diUtappresitil in the curling green see. The petit-up,s;sitgment of tea twelebrad vent et this moment. One party raetwid ne the captain, and disarmed and Wand hlas. while the rest put the hclui down ispd threw the sails shack, to stop the ersotlest of Ila ship, sod spring to the falls of the goarter boat, to lower away to pick wp.tbet, American, SlMAdlieriiii to OW aiiejoe. - A breathless pause of witty amitiute ear sued, arid then we beheld this heed et the sailor emerge at the distance of a )seqdred free s t. hi* 4115*A'" Ansi& out badly for' tiftfP, and amid a limd burrs Wilei picked up. !Li kap fur , hid been.fiiiicesrlitl. The other poor fellow who was shot atop was lowered on deck. in • shw e 4c was more injure() by the fan than, 43r the bsll : en his leg, and die(' the same night in extreme agonY• The matt:pox consent( ti to take eolaumtlid of the &Wil t sod Cap4irl i t — . confllked till we Cam to port. By tlutt tfaa he wee mins. ;mid, he died within llituo dap &tier Icing conveyed to a looapite aghorc. CASSALI22I POI A TEAL ft is not aurpettiing that in thew welys-firl• travel, and of peril by land or by pa,. the chapter of acchlenit and eitammaticHif Ito pain year 4404] ba bag and sad. ea barn - githated ll* reliable 'gimes thlt Eratoaryl AO 8 0 'aPl ,o 44€ l l , , 8 4 60 0 it ix highly ptOtabk that the !umber of deaths by fatatity atravel l minnewhat irtater Iban in herereprenented: Outing the year Itp...the tao , nrr41.41- roaci steciAents r is.. ports 4 tlnovxran ny, Amid% in Iloosef It life or *ink int, 14*, 1* 4 jnOintwa 10 , tro wad 131Yr‘Ilti *o4,linut, 66 " OM of the rallresil coil iLi in t: 41 440 thiA_AvinkPer,i4r tb*,.llgleit of p *ere engineers, anecondoetors, 'I be steamboats accidents bare Mt bin , an numtrour., amounting to 27. but etiolating 14 176 deaths, an ig)creyise of 60 °eve tbMill niimed by AO. lEEE 6. to 'ism estimated low grotioto ; the ftit artioilitt of most innumerable smaller Brea. rligm.l4olll Xs these manila' stem to be. they are happily Atr less in rriaimitudi then those of the former Tree, iftrs4. During. that yea: the railroad accidents , numbered 51 mote, while the number of the, WWI tea , 70, and tic woun*l 50 irtst4er,,ewa, in the kat yem• ' The ii)fiimpookseqkirtfu,pf a1:64 %eve 44 . ~ trnifiniutsed, W 304 ,la jatt. ow 00/4 rpm E.,_ , lII', 4 ,o diuf tt, 1 7 6.; tipporomp*4 M, r' w iG:h f/ecrkie4, PI 4(4,0041,44,40445hipt 744 1 2,4WANN0114.** n•liwei 4, " itachts,Aba iiv4. year. IA Illuaimmts Or Pahl 4Niewse 47 IMP CIF:Wad - lie s il; subbiako64io %Ai\ 41 4 7 E tidia.-! 11 1 Ilit Ofro Mekava l awro awl it 00, lia6. Nkor, eailfoonothain , 06,146,iiatifiktgil* '• , im/s~/V *ft 1 14.110' 111406iitaVatiiillike Asia MK MO 400414141 1 r ~...,.,.."1040),. 44114111604; , 'ellire• . alit a=te ) . 4 .7 .:: 46st1otal inites eirlll6 isilir " 1 1 ".:, • i 1 A Rh foulest', 6 over 11161,40,000. II
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