f. :3114 ; " . . ,logn ,• „. • • 'i T' ' i • 13 11=11 1 7 0 U-1, twt •, at': ILIVIAL kVA ILTACT JtOITICIS TO Att WEINRY RAYS, WIEN FORNEY, TI:aO277 7 SVO N LI: ENII lIRMOORATTO NEWS- PAPE,II, I ()TRY: COUNTY, ite AND PUBLISHED IN DISLIXPONTF., IVXDNICSI/A3 TIORNINti, BY HENRY HAYS. IfltHl4B—s!,6o in ativanoo, or if paid within six months. 42,00 will bo charged on all subserip- Oons running to the and of the year._ AIIIIIitTIi3EMENTS and lausincts Notice% insert "ed at the usual rates, and every deecription of *CI MI 3El' int. X IVar Xma EX.tettrED in the neatest nmeney, at the lowest pikes, and with the utmost despatch Having purchased a large collection of type, ton are pu pated to Nati' ry the orders of our Mena,. Demotatio County Standing Committee Be/Jo/owe—J. 11. Monnisor Bagio--Jorim Snort:: Renner—JOHN Ito r. 1 7 ,,rgrmnr•-.4 S. MCCOltlttl K (.Irn," , :--.1 R. -J (1 1t1:1117. lfdtVa rd P PAtlcen Tharmoan--..T. II 111'.x.r1.a. frarci,--SeLliver. /tustna---IVl:Rter A Mrcroc Lawny—JAM/IS OtINSAVI.I,II4 T.-A{.OS4MT LIPTO.N. Et=l 1.11144q1L 2 -Joni OlnlCem Plrecit—Tao,as R. Asti I'etlii-rJA4`OII% PINKEL. Rqs.li--Jcgsr, L. Text. Am-kr—J. 8. BASKIIATV, Snoicaor-Jourr I'. Maven 'Ay/or—WILIAM( MCCOY riniOn—riconaz Ist:Tome • WALIMI Watesi—Joni SCUIYARTZ. 1. 1,1;1 , 6 N PENNA. trEeNERDAIIi, ALABICEL.I2, 1861! AlLl'Ell NEW MONTHLYNAGA AZINII A NE N? VOLUAIL —llutlng the inet six months there hare Leen Issued nt Il.titretee NEW MONTIII.I , Maoasrxr over EMIT 11UND RIiD AND FIPIY THOtiIiAND (lumbers The Publishers may safely aptio.ll to this funt k as eri• denoe of the tr irolleiedMill 00 1 s. l otly Irp, nas i ng rtcAnal Isith•vthwh (heir cilorts tx cheep instructire, and entertaining monthly has I' Leon pt. tended 'I hey renew the oxpro•latun nfth .11 thankr to the public for (heir constant minfoi• t ec owl en:- port BA wino6.illy to the prese rot tI e —it..rOlal pfd than orfored in mnkbig thou drat. r.nd publi• ca ti on known to the A men.,th People It can s ',steely lot ttcr Leanly to mid the nesoranee, the plan of cowl:tett:is: the MagaTme,,hich hoe proved n one allot will lie eouttoo, ed assiduity and core The walla kn , l t-a:r, of the tent mVC of the peoplo will con. inn, to 6e t•nrlnul , tad; and no labor or expr iitic will be xplim Ijn gne them, ev , ry month, the largest mould of the into tutors/meg and ins roctive literary matt r o tginal aml selected in the hest Et.ri tied at the cheat • eel prMe Spe•itil nod it 11 - eased attention 1.1,1 alvtays ho green to tint act real se r i , . r,f 4 o l g i n ,l illualtated articlow at c of Amerman s.t m and hiclormal bud beds vttop , ,,l l tio let , uiar trrltcts„aod acceinpatnt en4r0 1 0,..d . y J o; hest arils. h r,i•r,f Ft Cies In ii. 1-0 &pert. salsa of the Afagttabte rent wf d tfterti till 6a mode 3.5, increase its ability, 10 Utility. ILIA at .rloritir steel - ft* r, cuer renders Tbangh it bas not yet oompleted the sixth year of NI existence, 11trirsit s' M tOAZISIL lire a citeolatiet stt Etter, by• rrotuy 1100111,4 a, than was et or ttttnwed Isy any other similar publumition ever hum( in any part of the world. It In the determination of its rublichore that it shall cuplinu e to met it this cup ir 4441e1ed and still troecasino., rretiperry Each number orthe 111ag.irine will contoin 114 . 4 vlfavn rag", In double columns, each year ti. me otountriotrt totirl , y two thoototod per, o f :Idr 1 . 00 eat Lttetaturt , o f the Es '-iv Num ber will colon,. nutnerotte II I LloVratioi,l, ro ,tiralo nab of the idtions, it opt mr Chrtilliche of Clll7ollt fronts, nod Imp "1,41 Nobs. iof the im portant Books of the Month 'I he °lonics com mence with the Numbers fur .1 t .K and DEccmara ; but siabacrip , ioldi may ennnnenit, with any nombor Tenon,—Thr Illngark.e may hoohiut n of 114: sellers, Patio(Mal Agents, Cr from the 4'ubiisbers ul $3,00 a yell. or 25 en.a n number, 'f he St tni-an ual Volumes, as eoinfilt , ll 3,Thently bound In Cloth •re told at $2 00 r tub, d :11.111in C ,, sers aro fur &Med to Ihos, who IV/Va W halr their b a rk g0n 0,,, tnelformlly Lomat. of 25 ':um end Lleven Vol umes are 1 , , ,1111 , 1 ' at ''..ory 'nooks and Ila rpm a' me" will I,u to ono A , l dreq, for 0.3 Tear, The pubhshere ~ill supply ,"peeinten Numbers gra.tatouey to Agents nt,d Pe:ern:Veers, and wlll unite lib arr eget., i lie in Po circulating the 4111wt.tirie ‘lll SlVerly flubs, of Iwo remits at $5,00 a year. or (leo I.otsous ut $lO,OO Clergymen gat plied mat rr 5 enr, & Pnldiabore. NlllO - air erti ,, or would relpeolfully irmisanco to his -estoinete and the fi r ohlie„gebeiolly ehwt ieesunvie oto 1111prry Trin items moinvsiets loathe I below at tho pmt.. 3 canned per annum , vie, litirp4s, • - -•-- i $2 35 Putnium • • - 2'25 JrourrlloM Words, . 2,00 ltlackwo.d, 2,25 holey, • - - • - 2115 .4jrnl.tain, • ----- • 2,25 (o I platen) - . • - 3,50 Horh uil tut ist spiels, ed tag) • - - 1,03 Livioz Ago, • - • - 6,04 Prank Leslie's tlefotto of,i±ashions, - 225 Bellou's pi,tielialos oo :4l , *e - • - • 260 Ladles' Pep, cur', (einoianati) . - - _l3ll Peters-en, • - - 1,63 National, 1,63 Authur'Sbiagawinth - • 103 2 lie is prepared Alio to fill all orders for standard And wilsoellitneone hooka and the current literature of the day, whether from the trade or other wolks of Indingry. Raving had experlinso of fifteen years In the Bookend Periodical Trade, he,liolieves that ho can give entire setiefisolion to all portiot entrust. in him With orders lawn numbers of the Magazines on receipt of air at Omen letter stamps for f 3 or 82 Magazttie ,s and for twelve tacit stamps a eampla of the ur $ 4 l works will be eant loaners of hirtalry must contain a stamp for the return 1/03t1140 BOO]: a Cent, Vont paid pn the receipt, of publisher's advertised primes. Address 'WM PATTON, 13ookaaller, Uobokon, N. J. PubThaler/ of Nottropapora wiring the atp .° ad. yortiaement (with this notice) a row invortions and bandit* a marked dopy. to tutverttoor, will be en• titled to any ono of the Pot.lodtottle in tho above Het, for ohs-year. sw HAEDWAR2 5T011.2.--M. T. .10`, 'REYNOLDS and V 0. PRANCIMCIIB have armed in LOCK HAVEN a complete aseortment or HARDWARE, to which we invite the attention of ALL, needing any thing In the Bee._Our stook hallbeen sCieritid with care, with the Wrlresrac aire to supply the community with, such et - Boles es belong of I.USIN V.ILY to the ilindware intsinem . "Pho Building Material and Barr/want (riled the meoberdoal - brnifelies, will reuPivo MIT per tionlar attention, Conohnoilieis, Saddlers, Slow rnaltem, Machinists, liluelv.mittoi. Carpentem Qnh. thelmakers, Miners, Au , do , will lied it to their Interest to call upon eyelid examine for themselves. • trirPorsons find hlito a splendid lot of Looks and Lntelies, Silver Plated Door Knoho and Bell #llllm, all of Eastern Manufantere ; Ohms, Oils Putty, Nails, tko.“ Alto the most ileautßill stook of WALL PAPER, BORDERS. AND HUE-BOARD over °Cured in thin vicinity. STOVES, LAMPS, •CtITLELY, Patont Afaehinee,l(luld dicer 601, Phrto OIL he., he kvnLin large quantities:. Ilammerod end 'jolted iron, nil the , oominon shoe enleind;rtinuraid sisesof mond, square, nod plate iron furnished upon order In ; the 'shortest possiblo limo. 'No may to all interested nome nod examine for)auseeivrs, 10fYN0LD13 h CO., _Aral litas en, P. . , I . , . -, • . _ ' • i 4, .: . -- ... • 1 . . - • '.7 ,t r " . 1 T''' . 4 t . • „ , . . ... . - VIONAPORINW' mg thhb rtililla that; ho is prepared to do all kinds of Mattile work at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Thome who favor him with their ordors.may rest assured that all work from Jilt es tablishment will be dorm in the bast style of work manship. Likoricsacti will be amounted jn statue or in baud, no large a• life, either in marble cr plaster Likeness's, will bo carved on Monuments, Tomb Stones, be., 'from daguerrean likoneasen; oleo ft brilliant discovery of Enamelled Loitering with lora, on Monuments, Tombstones, Door Plates, he., in every variety of color. The lava is pot In by' 250 degrees bent, warranted to stand any kind of woollier. As lam the inventor of this work, it can not be performed in any other establishment In Pennsylvania than at Miletiburg. ...nere are many orders finished 4 thin brilliatitAiMitring, persons i had bettor call on examine for themselves, and be snlinflud that it is be greatest piece of roechenical art that was ever placed in in eornetory on monu ment or tomb stones, and which will be a dt testi monial to the jnemory of a departed friend Any gentleman desirous of having a Marble bust I will warrant a most perfect likonesii as largo as Ide. There will its no charge if not a perfect piece of Sculpture. The operation of the work is, Ist. The likeness will be token by ebnorvation In clay, 2d. A cant if plaster Perk Id, Then in marbk A 1 , 3101 1 1 ran bo token after death of any personal) that u perfect likeness can bo had nag future-time Indies and gentlemen denirems of procuring a good place of marble work ha, trotter send their or der!) to_Mileshurg for good work 1 have tie neon oion fa send to Pliiiadelphia to bring lambs and figure): I can stake them myself. 1 will challenge any person in thie neighorlibood, in execute 1 bolter piece of emillititre than I can for itloo Thin what the marble Know-Nothing at Look Haven 011$1001 roach t• EDITORA Premiums tit tho Centro County l'air for Marble work, hfilosburg $2OO, Leek Haven $2OO. If the Judges had bead men of the Marble hunineas, Look liaison would have been limed wanting. , As the eountny has been flooded with an Inferior la b mons,* ID thorn round, consequent. 1 o are 'Wctt — of sculpture and ow graving,lrave been dm irpon, I-therefore desire persons Who wish to immure durabld work to 0641 and exasulhe ray workmanship, and satisfy them selves will not prove on eyesore In - after tithes Thankful for pant favors, I hope by strict atteu lion to business, and moiloratioti In allergen, to eon ' Snot toicuetee a liberal patronage,. Persons desirous of any other style of work, I would highly reeronturmin Mr Sunderland at I,ew inloou, as I hove been thirty year. in oil the him eve of marble work, he in esteemed one of the bust Judges.; I will hind myself In furnish every desoriptioh of work 29 per eent better and ohenper than Lock Savona A. PASTEItAGE, a•lilptor, dee2B hilleshurit LOUR HAVEN NA,B33LE 'WORKS. HIGHEST PREMIUM AWARDED or Tilt cEwrit}; COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAnt To the people of Centre Count:, It has now ba co, n lElttie , l foot that this to oho of tho hugest, olootie,t and eery bet conducted rod :11t.tinents of the do ain Cho It tattier of POP) eyhaltia It 1 ; t-ned by Mr H A blihnon, and Auperintendod 1; io tl, O itelciontott 141:11:tror, Mr C F of N. y, 1. aioaig HIV , for unity yens t mag.:l in ono of ii, At .18tithi,11111011t1 in the city 1.1 >4, York, ,I.lr, Le galottl on :ry:labia repo:idiot: ni a toe d'tlo of the first order We lint t, onllnditt and for ,0 on ly h o nv,,,t io beautiful ie•-.4.0430f 'WAD to. I I .( nt'l earetal in the Litett style of the art. tet.t.dlu., with French Conehcst Grenian Trraiha, Monument', Hpirce, nerved lo t trtho as large bx Ufa no II t.. ngea of alc.ry di script lon, elf dolsl,ol'lld all i r tpctoi.:l Ity M" Id: th!, l'onore wit:Ling r Ire plot lo Alit!tol. to !nark the resting' rt . zr 11,•purt , 01 ft 01,10 Inotrey ,s,111:4 it ordi rs by it Lor of inc rtgoulli, who t iv, L., , &los 11.• , ,,;',1 nll All , I••z.r.iTtl J Ck 11 . re, ull,fllll 0010Iiii; ,11:1.1• C , i ,n, wor% • 1.7 this atmi JOittly celekkrate4r.atist. •Lac to.lueod our ink, r-nn Iles dl.:,', 111112 , 1 01 . 11,:l ens to selyS,s Jo.r 1,1 0 ,0 ILn rerrlar ItAlirng priers of any.7lllllllrnent. ht IJd!. (onto. Mttrehutz. or Lewistown, and deliver the work frre of charge to any plot° desir,tl A GI 11S0:4, _ A , ron Cf , fTRY Snail A blor..l,realror, Wm A Mr,. jr kson s000illt• , Marl. r 111.,koer. 'Jr , Mill, Thu lirrkKurg J.:,12.1)* fJ OSE I. WELT4 1 ; . 11.131ti3E, RAKE.' Pate:. , 11 lad.l The suh,riber I,:o.ing put, heeed the nianufee'ore el these eel , hrat , i Itekee, in four tun uahi is tn,l'entru eounty, Ih.onor, Welker, Mil, and t.'pring, is prepared hi ~,pply nil who oily desire the artiele, at fair and ressoiolde pr • • The opersten. of the.. improved Rakes ate as fd toes 3he 111.•hir,, is .11IVen forwgr,l, and Will more run the inclined ruuteri r, the governing letter x,hieb is Lehd by the operator, routs oil the roller on 'fine rollers nit. Tr , s'. on the teeth rr vi, that any vertioul movement of the lever D, willelsson a move ment of 'lie !wink shaft in Its bearir.4%, ond u cf.: ret p malph hr deinesslon of the front teeth. lhe roar tooth of the rake are held up by the opting belts e, of the governing lever, conseqiiently a tame moot of the said lever I), * Sitteed a revolution of the rollers In reverse direotoes and, n regulation of the elevation of the points of the front tol•fh '1 Lew 11110111f109 Ire both time met tabor saving. The sitnolitory tt' their construetion is snej) that they can La o telly repaired, and all who l e a used them, speak of them ILN being the most practical and useful forming utensil they have ever used, lir Tito ',rh, or a complete rek:,lliiiiiheil with a view to strength And durability, is Tvr EINE DOL• Persons desirous of purchasing any of thasellakas, will plenne nett r% or arid tens J Eli EM ECKES RODE, l'fcar Plemeint flap P.O Is4o-4ra county, F AUNT AMBROTYPES. Thu autiefiber now offer, to the public a new style orpieturen far superior to the Daguerreotype, Crystalletyps r em They are termed AMBRQTYPES ' The prmwm for which is patented in the United Slates Hrest Brit alit and France. These pictures aro conceded to be the moat beautiful and truthful ever produced by the Pholographie art , are not revel-mot as Duper reotypea and may he Seen in- any light They aloe possem the rareproperty of being IMPERJIOI ABLE. The OZOOOdllig 11110110 Si, depth of ligtht and shade, and richness atone, is vostly Impeder to all others —they are without the glare of Daguorreo fypert--they will last fur ages' unchanged t. Put Up 110 as to show Iwo sides, aniLlosutifolly colored—this kind of itcture—for novelty a n d ex ceeding beauty, le far above all others by ally puo eons whatsoever. Thone picture, sot taken ON PLATE GLAM.), and hermetically Bottled, They offer aninduomuon, to theme wishing to send pictures to any foreign coon try, as they,ark proof against the action . of watort aotde, climate, or attrompkere, and may bt la 6l In water for months with perfect safely The subneriber having control of the patent for Centre county, and having received iustructiorts to Oho AbILIMAN VALLICRY or Py101 . 4)(111API1t, 126 Trott Street, Philadelphia, in now preperod nt Jde Gallery In Unionville, Centro Co , to take A 611111th A YVES, Hours of nitting from 10 o'clock A M. lo (I'. 61. The public ore invited to gait and judge or themselves N N.—Any person or, person' infringiog-on the above indent in Contra county, will ho dolt with noon ling to Iww in fluid' earuw. tllOB. J. TAYLOR, Agent, jan 2(1 And Photogrrspher. ri3I9:RAI) HONE. maugorrE, Pa. 'rho nntlemigned would rttsfmetfully allttennee to hie old friends and thepublle generally, that ho has taken the largo and . cuensuottious now Stone Ilmrsr;rear the Diamond', Allsnyhany'etroot, Foote, Pa 'lids building liaa boon emoted express ly for the purpose, and according to the plan of the' moot elegant and apptoved hotels in the eastern part of the titate, ho feels confident that it is touch bet let ealculrtted for comfort nod convenience than any other In this country. lie has also furnished it In the very best 1111111110 r, sparing neither pains nor unit to render It comfortable and agreetibialit those faV j grig him with their frustum idTABLINO connected with the establish. mint is large and convenient, with en exeellent ear tinge house. Il atriot attention to his ' , duties, long experience, aturadelorrainatten not to be entelled by any house !ethic section r ho hopes to merit the favor and ans. tem of the public. ' Persons visiting Bellefonte on business or pleasure pill find the "Coarse:l house" a pleasant and °hoer ful stepping place. .11)112 , 1 if MORRISON, . pErwrionr BELLEFONT TJI4, A PAPPX _FOWL 6iirr ye the farmer at his plow, AK yea weia riding by,' Or. wearied 'Death his noonday toil, When summer suns were high And thotight ye that his lot was hard And did you not thank God s ant yen end yours were;noi condemned Thus litre a slave to plod 1 Came, nee him at hia Harvest homo, When gardyn, field and tree Conspire, with dowing •Aoree, to fill Hia barn and granary. , Hie healthy children gaily spo'rt Amid the new mown hay, Or proudly aid with vigarona arm, Ilia leek to best they may. The dog partakes his master's joy, And guards the.hulyty wain The feathery people_ chip their wings And lead their youngling train. Perchance the hoary grant:sire's eye The glowing scene surveyti, And biralb<4l a blesenng on the face, Or guides hie evening praise. The harveet giver is their friend— The Maker of the soil; The carth.ilitir mother, gave them bread, And cheers their tuttient-taul. --Corne4otn Them round their wintry hearliz Thetr heart felt pleasure see, And you can Letierpulge how bleat 'rho fernier's tile may be. A CENTURY BY C. D. IMAMS. A hundred yeara *hall ton ewer-- A century beyond today; Hut you, nor I, norany one Now living, shall behold the pen. Not (itte—and all these million/ golfs liaure the hiftiou of Omit dawn 4- These F t ri Nhall flash along the skioe, But nut a gleam suit light our eyes. Thero ehall be armies, thrones and stales, With all 'heir unpredieled fates; Yet Iloilo of 4iiillionstiow in power Shall mo.o the hand, or tongue, that hour The sceptre, banner, sword and pen, Shall till the hands of other mew; And other It rent herds Alan tread Upon the Oa ve'm uplifted Irizad„ The v 1.811,4.6,14 ships shall come and go, -- Het manned by those we do not know ; I he breeze, that wafts them o'er the waves Shalt bend the flowersupon our erAvo.i. Ahlig thieve ftreris shall move such crowds, 1\ heir ther.e Its silent in their shrouds, 110 name unend.tuzlounds creates,. . Whieli now are cola, shall then be theirs, The plough Mildl turn the grassy plain— t h • Ficl.le reap the gohleii gr,iii); !hit th,o. l, IA) 110 J tho val.) , 111 hal - etiCa lie I.luLiiberiew on itin hi i Whew iroW V,, , , lilt ill t wiliwlll bcix‘er-r, ‘l' . music, Luuluerll . .rroakird irMttrs, - 1.; .• lo kii (Abets call tho rmihg moon" - To cur their tows—fbrgutteit 8001. The Lyre, that now through nutiopr ringß, v o i e , Le with broken sitioTt; Hot e,ull ,11,11 not be hilent then, For uoitioq; bring their men. PPP RlllllOn4 Ihud b' tt,i,tt,t the lilt elk; of the lia% 4 . 1 he I,oidr from trmuntatos, pletes and woods, I/ermne dmith's silent multitudes LiLe stl.,tittws o'er the of grass, Ile. , tieing ceertity pas.; _ AIM t.tott4; a-t a summer eve, I he earth, lb those who follow, Wave. The Pie.s :mil Commerce, Church and State Alts.m gem (loin othe,s future (ate; P . m you—nor I—ssor so) one Now Irving, shall behold thus sun. - [Evrstng Post. SKILL IS CAPITAL. A GENTIINg NEW ENGLAND ETUDE _ Hiram Veszief walla plain , gend.heerted, honest farmer's b 4, whose parents lived on a farm %Oyes* Pirgraodfetlave and half a dozen Miles front Augusta, Me With a good cotutnonschool education, and a natural aptitude, Hiram was conenlared at the ago of twenty to be a very Proinising young man, nod was certainly of great ser vice to his flitter on the farm. Old - Mr. Veaziu was comfortably situated as to pe cuniary means; first, beeau-o his wants ' were few, and secondly, because his land very nearly suppliad.theta all. But when Ilitato alsked his father to advance hint sumo small amount with which to com mence business, the good old man frankly acknowledged hie inability, and rather wondered that his son could not content himself on the firm, as his father, food giandlather had done kflire him. The truth was, that Hiram had been from boyhood, and during all Ilia school hours, been the intimate fiiend and COW paniou of pretty Lucy White, the Squire's daughter, nod this childish filendebip bad ripened with years into love. Lucia fath er understodd the position of affuire, per featly, between the young people, but never intefered, until ciao day when Hiram took the old gentleman to one side, and asked him for Lucy as his -wife, old squire White, as he was universally called, rpplied kindly, but firmly, that Hiram Must acquire solue trade, and moans a tiough.to support Luoy, before be could give his °unseat to such an arrangement.— The future looked blank to Hiram, there• fro, for ho was but a poor farmer's boy Luny Acaa a gentle mod Inveirgitl--of nineteen, as intelligent us she was pretty; she loved Hiram sincerely, but she was too sensible to sit down with hits and pine over the sitwation of affairs. She was a practical Yankee girl, and . her advice to Ilirittu was sound and loving. _ she said, to Huston of New York. Y o u are notice, good-looking, Intelligent and industrious, the very charaoteristics that eocutnand place, I should say, in is largo city,. and . see if you do not find the means of darning snob wages as shall help yink to lay by synathing. 1, too, will be industrious, in the roe/mama, and what .. . , , • ~...irir . • C..r. ,! , --' - • ' , • ..). ~ . . 1 .: . . . .. . •`.l' ' ' I . , , ; , .! II t ~ a . : .. • ....:. ~.... .. • . .. • • , , .. + ~., . ...,.. f;.,.._ . ...,,,. i . ~. . Er -; : SD AY MARCH 12, 1856, _______ • • 1 . • . A: - .. ~.. , ; o w tli , .:". I" n' ,A 1 snug lit le tome or no. ‘• •"- 1-liram kissed his little italioolmate, and promised, her that she shottld never for an hdur be out of kis mi,od,sonn gathered a small sum together, and with the blessing of his father and' mother, lie took the cusp for &Eton. It was his 'first visit to a large city, end at tie otiter.Vbe was almost beWildmd , but seeking Ciionomical ladg, ing, he began at once to ler*about himself for employment. Title lily found it hard ' to.obtain, but be-leas duil growing more and tfinio",conversatit. Iv; city life nn 1 ways, end ho viittt every fro days to louttl l it digest of obstrvationt tt turtanea. A ,fortnight, roc three weeks i Boston, 1"311'. feitiluit incoade into his sl der puree, mot • r It IV at the o.SOMO 0C(plal intauce be determined to go to N 4 York Llere he passed• Rome w weeka it it l• various adventures, bufwltliout thol,og no hour of pay lag occupatioi; Ile NT , litit r.•d everywhere, observing a seareldeg Out place , inquiring freely 0611, until no the close of the third week, lathed but u single dollar left in hie poelteclond felt for Ilie first time snarly disheartened. In thi•i mood he strolled through cite of the up town cross atteets above Union l'erk, and found his st.tetrilon attracted by the opera ' tion of a.stedin raw mill, illicit lie entered land quietly watched the business of. Ile t o r saw li 1113114 itUt 9 • , tae driving four saws fed by SileirefAhritre stood at the deiik_blia.! , one evidently the manager of the ce,t9 hutent. Hiram felt a strong Ititer'est in what he saw ; there wore large—links of excellent lumber in the Illtildingwitn article he was familiar with from his childhood, and lie watched the proOss of Sawing it up, care. fully &Serving to what porpose the wood was put, and Saw a °Duple of handi in n further part of the shop engaged in dove tailing the pieces together, and forming the boxes of various sisal_ lie consumed so much time, and was so Minute in Ills ob nervation, that at last the prinitor 'Caine up to hint and addeassed him ploasantly. 'You seem tole quite interested ?' he remarked to Hiram. , 'Yes, I have seen peni kieJl in . my day, sod I WAS Clalcullt 'nig bow much you probably uSodrup lu this 'We use a good manithoussud feet eve ry oreek• `84.) I should .think,rsb , l b-st !lumber anti ,tDo.' • require the -TeTy bi.at stock, and lqiuber is 'tip noir!. 'Flow tnech do Till pay ?' 's.' , .:en'y•rrcr Yri a tioasstri, all el, ar - and I Tra tr,;:tiqueti laeltr thttrt Can rilaku them; for ices:king to3;llhchlual eals, &a.' 'ltutilar heavy for thy...purpo?c, I should ran' e.died lltraw.• .. 'Well; they are rather heavy, Lul N7O can't, get boards - sawed tiny Viffervut, are down. to the lowest guage of tha lum ber wins.' Hiram lonited4houghtfully, handled the boics, examined the suave, talked good cr.in• moil sense in business ,stylli to the than, and at Net lie said half seriously, half iu jest : "'You don't Want a patine?, do you .Why, no, not exactly; though if I had one who would put in a couple of ihowand dollars, and would take hold heartily hitu• self, I wouldn't mind sharing the thing with him and throliug in the inaehi rtery:' harn't got any money,' said Hiram; 'but I:will rive,you en idea about the mut ter, and will take hol,l and give niy .-t ‘ iine, In a way. that I think will be woith Ja much as the sum you Dame, in a short Litia....1)(,y,0u till sire. me half the business.' like tho tray you talk,' 1461 0)6 win hum•Htly; but this le en odd proposition Y' ' l Thu 83 Y you Porterenty-Ayur dollars a thousand. fur boarder 'Yen.' 'Supposing I bring then down to twelve at once, and make neater and better boxes fur your purpose ?' !If you can do that I will share with you at once, for my fortune would be made. , Will you give ree a chance to try the thing after my own fancy, fur one day, say, commencing to-morrow morning.?' , Ye., 'said the man, after a moment a hes. itation• C.l) coo on harm, though I urn to bo away to-morrow forenoon.' After a little looker tale, and a careful undetatandiqg that tfiero should be, uo mr , periment tried that abouldi risk the ma chinery, Mr. Hurd, the bormukcr, gave orders to his people that 'Mr. Veasie was to be obeyed on the following forenoon, the same as though be were himself togivo the orders, and that ho should return at noon. , • Hiram tit once tooicroff his ooat, meas ured ono of the saws end asked if it was the largest? Lie was told that it was. This his was at first sorry fur, hut still carefully taking his measures upon a piece-f paper, he soon disappeared. He remembered a hardware store not tar dictint, which ho (lad passed that very t atternoon; tb this he repaired, and selected a circular saw twice as-large as any- Mr. Hurd had in his shop, and of a different wake in the teeth ; Ito also got . sowe braces and bolts of a siao and style which tie appeared, to underutaud, aud . telling the storekeeposthat'be wanted them for Hurd in the no:retreat, he found no difficulty in gutting diem on credit. With matters thus arransed,k be ...return., od to bis boarding .piano arid stu died in his own mind as So how he would tarry out the plan - he had oon ea i ee d. It will about titsk4) at noon rob the fut: lowing 114, when Mr. Hurd returned to hie shop where ba found Simla 'Venue in his s hi rt sleeves, and witit-s !Cali of 'over . . las .4 tti t work before a liar pleasure . feltby the Chemist or Artist as ho t4ftf l4l qtnifishWilvtiramtedmpou one oft ntenstncates ,theise dissoyeries which b;neliiii; and lo oh be 1411 (he , ends tle,Attal-eijOilett. wd , steam power. .lle was Tidally the bards ievoltitionisa die Seale ildrittitiebiirtiatsnoll, which wore folly thick enough to admit of issbared by the careful add laborious !tn. it, and thus was making the boardilitor dent its Scientiflo Agriculture. For hit is duce twice us many boxes as heretofore, lupply4 windier principles, and his labor with an void amount of labor. Since tend similar result. Faery crop is a those who finished them up into boxes ef- study to him, for it has its ego l aws to he ter they were towed" could Work' enough studied. Every season has its charm for raider with the thinner lumber to make up him, for its changes and chances must ho for the occupation of ono hand to tend the carefully watched. Ho must make suns, splitting, saw. - showers, and snows, sod frost and fire, all ' Mr. Hurd looked on with astonishment; to minister to his interests and work out already were of scare of boxes or more man- his end.) And in doing all this—and all nfacturiAl of the slew thickness, and were , this ho will do, if ho works with open eye letually more valuable, as the 'thickness and eartikl hand—will he not find a pleas was atnplo for all purposes of -strength, and are so constant as to erillien his heaviest the weight was reduced nue half, lie was and so varied as to strip of their charms 50 delighted with his o( w acquaintance, the false attractions of city life, and an satin took' held of his work so handily, mid 'purely int( Ilectual and re4ned, as to place above all be felt that he had at once given hint iti dignity and aim side by side with him an ides worth half his business, and I the west brotherhood of thinking men, mole Mr. Hurd was an hon , .st„ and faith- wkese hands have been busy, but whose ful inns, and unhesitatingly kept his pro-1 brains have been more busy still; and who ode.?, installing liirarn in the business, i have done more for the wealth 'and comfort with one ball the I refits, of the race, because- they dune most for I The reader may imagine the letter which its improvement in all solid and enduring! Hiram Wroth to his faithful Lucy, and how Seiente, alto encouraged him inicturn, and how the 3, /3ecaus , mould be greatly lathe business proved ram:timely prosperous, i psettnitir . V ud mural:is of the farmer to par and how it was enlarged, 'and Hiram found Inc his uovidion as a Si.ience.—lf be pur himself at the end of a twelve month, ruses Its work simply because he has done worth seine two thousantklullars; and hose su before, or bedautto • his fattier or his Squire White pletaad his baud warmly, neighluirs have demo so, he shuts out all wltap ha re torted to tisk' lor Lucy, sad toll impromocals, of wools, .If hi shakes to /111 C tcr,' and how Lucy - blushing ehanges blindly, ho is much more likely to laid her fair cheek bathed with happy tears lose than to gain. Besides, if ho makes up on his sl ouldh, and her kind old experiments at rendoin, some of his neigh er, said that she ?tad but one regret, and hors--and perhaps ho himself—will set that was to partNith Lucy, , Wha must new , down his failures to the account of Scien go away and live iu New York State, title farming; and ho more confirmed in But 011 this was so, nod Lucy and Ili- their r.ld way s, because of hiab/indness and rant were married, and their friends declr, blundering iu a single Case. But if he red that Ileaven wade the match and work• studies, dining his leisure, the results of ed a miracle fir Hiram Irifoxie, who was former experinieuts in the department he so good, and industrious, and generous is enquiriug about ; if tie converses with spirited. But these are not the days of, intelligent men, who hero been successful miracles, and the reader knows very well in the same branch, and who understand that it was brought about by the most no- and will explain to him tho principles and torah ngeucies. processes stitch they hare adapted, be will Three pus only hive passed shies' !It' he rive in following their example.—Oh io ram was married, as we have related in this Form, r. veritable stery, mid a") Itioetaini;dile norri tang stile from the large;set.J. ry et !I urtl & \result', lives iliraw and his lovely eutroestil n. Thu Itirpi sod pleasar.t boos.: tlicy rchiqo Id bil own, and a haudsoolo surplui beshles. Etch &thill Cbtiatu a Ley rettmod 'to their e',.tihi hood't. home, and tu..y thir.l4l the jourau iy liLclthy ilyeln 11;',ASONS 1117 EVERY FAIIMP,It 6ilolri,D PULISCE lIIS BUSINEis • ~.9.vicirkurrr ria a Science. firsry man who has punsued, even rued r stale the Selene° of Vegetable I'llysiology, I understands 'perfectly that almost all the cnolso , Vct:/CrICS to fl Ult Otitellte have I,hca m ,de l Crank men have devoted them eclttq t, the bt UCA the great fat; in re• bard to Coo growt.lt of plants ; tLe c;retlEr • Vat-ICAO it, which they flourish met ;ti taluipis of the eleiri-ets which compose them, untl the mod.lieutiotis ot which th. y are susceptible, by proper care and cultic/them Just ao in re,peot to 11. e various soils which the farmer lies to man age. If he knows the clietnie.il • Clemente which octopus° them, and. those which compose the trifle:ld pruduots he wishes to grow, he will be able to adapt his crops to the coil, and hia manure to both, in a way which will prove to 1111 that Agriculture I ham its laws; end that acting in Collformity with them, is the basis of tiara, only true art in farming. For example: what con tains gluten and starch in Binh propor tions that they compose together set.enry. //repo. cention of its entire subsistence. Now, if the f.rmer, undertakes to • rei,e wheat on a soil which does nut contain the Tiletnentri nfalaren and gluten, Le will till lite awl will not give that which does not possess. His lost labor and wasted capital will ho (ho Penalty of his ignorance the scienii&re , .naitiiin of liermenent puceesii. On the other band, the knowledge of these conditions, and the application of them in the exercise of caution, common sense and reasonable skill bring an abundant re ward. Every departmea of the great business of farming is full of the illustrations of the point that we are now ou : namely, that Agriculture• is a Science, and that its laws, when known "and applied, will occur° re sults as certain as any that ? attend the ap plication of the laws of Fiydranlies in lkia eliiinery, er thbee of light a4jd. Vot the Daguerra an art. 5. Because Agriculture pursued as a .Science, icith the needful coutitm anti per severance, is a sauree of the highest and Tug constant pleasure. No thinking, na tive mind is eoatent with mere proclaims of muscular effort. To such a mind, the truadmill„vf_a_farmer's work, 'pursued from generation to generation, in the same unvarying monotony, is tiresome enough. Tiro toil becomes doubly toilsome, floosese it,is enlivened by no living and ingtilnag thought. And t °former nimselfbeimbias almost as stupid' 'the; cadre ho feeds, oz. ' oept politics, or li lands, or treligiot; abed at intervals, arid from afar, a beam of aticortul light on his mind. But let every pi•ocesaJiavo its well digested theory; let every piece of work, will:dant) in its time, and moot efficiently performed, be an ex periment which comparee different modes of manuring er cultivation ;+ let ovary change be made on sober thought, and with a full knowledge of the objeots to be gained, and of the best and chespeal means of gaining them; in short, lot the life of a true &none° send its heslthyit . ations through the whole system Of 4 frmer'S work, and be feels a joy '" unfelt before " In every-work'' to which , be tats his band. ills 1 4 ertn becomes his laboratory. The., =ll5l firLiCT Or TUX of Warren Co, Pa., B aged 07 years, r..eently arrived at this city on raft, witidt tte hriped to work, pulling oc casionally et tLe our.. Ile is atilt vigorous nul nem:. XS years ago La pilotot the first lag. fan'. tbut ever descended the Alto -60, ffver to thi3 city, The ,1.u,/tol. tftt..tt iL:at,3l‘, : " t1u ,;J:11!•::::, ti.a most 'ancient mariner' of IL: -, ,, any alive. Fur a number of county La -nut- ttltant n. tkita wiLlerneiut itfi nn coninrrrion taerettoolible or-friend iy than t h e Indian, the nett, bear, and eat arnotitit ; 1 . r ot nearest white neighbor be ing ten coil off. He has a portent reeol 1-eti n tf the incident+) and prouniuent wen v .. ..uneeted with the history and early eettl tuent of \V stern PennezlyaniA. —" .A•tv. A PIUUIsIt ILLUSTIIATION.-A1 country girl, several ( f whose sisters had married badly, vs% ab;ut,' heraelf, to take. the noue. "How dare you get married," asked a eew;n of hers, "after having before you the ti!T rtunste example of your sisters?" "A fudge fur the example of my sisters," exclaimed the girl, with spirit—"l choode to make trial' myself. Did you ever see parcel of rigs running to a trough of hot l au ill ? 'I be Oral ono sticks in his nose, acts it scalded, and then draws back and gyteals. The r , !cond burns his nose, and stunds ari teali(ig, in the same manner. The third Miens knit, and bo squeals,too. Butatill it nutiree no difference with those hchiud. They never take warning of those berfne ; but all, in turn; threat in their noses, just as if the Grit hadn't got burnt or prinea/vd at all. So It is with girls in regard to matrimony—mud now, cousin, I hope you'ioaattafiett " . . -_. ACCIDEN I' ON TUX CATAWISHA R. R.— We learn that quite a impious accident oc curred on the Catawissa It IL, Some time, hat week, near the Summit. The particu lanuattatled to us, aro aifoßows;--The passenier and baggage car were thrown down an embankment .some thirty, feet high, but fortunately there was but tew passengers iu the cars . at !1., 6;••• 6, ant] those t;•iv .... l ied with little injury. It is a iniriele that no lives were lost, es the ac cident awouirred at a very dangerous place. 'fhe ears wo have been infirrnod, are a to tal wreck, and have been ebandoe c ri as entirely uscless..—AMonian. J An Irishman was indulging in the very intellectual occupation of sucking raw eggs and reallipg.a newspaper. By some :mischance be conis4rixtt to bolt a. live chickem. Ther4“:bied, ohirrupped as it wept4')wp, hit iftaits be very coolly said : tko puwero, my yowls Mend, you *woke too luto. , , • There ie a divine out wistlrring to persuade girls to fontsgo,marrisgs;. He might ea well undertake to persuade decks that they could find "substitute for water, or rash buds that there is something better fir their complexida than snuebitie. The poly convert he has made is vsingle lady aged eisty; r 7. •Pi editor down east, said that he hotel to bo able to present a Mliffillyge and death sa,original matter in ' hie but unfortunately a• thaw broke tip the Redding, and the dootor got sick, and the patient recovered. ' , • so w *soy, Fero bee rsosaily boo ms' Tied. last test Issue is espessed 4n ware more nolso In the world then het Ult. • 'To; ...411* ,_ 7 • .is.' • The lellowing-Avg was told nr . flaad 1. Ivy, Ohle, and appears hi tie r tuaiiilliin Neret, whtetriatieet A party of. young men in tbat ancient oity amusa their leisure 11101*(108 at th'. hotets in &drawing a long bow, cr teriog wonderful yarns to eaoh other for th,.• heo.-- - eGt of those apparently verdint, t(110 -11114 y hapden to come in from other parts, They tried tlio effect &aims extraordinary tar if -,P stories upon a verterahla and sedate cost) met not long since i who bad coke 1 ,, spend the night at the boat hotel, end ki listened to them with much apparent "sur priso aod interest until their stuck appeat• eel to have run out and the convN•salinn flagged, when lin rentarked ha imt bre.. much interested in the news they bud gil . • en him, relative to the primequl'inhebi tanta of the. country • but regarded in. - event in his early li fe as more pt•enliar than'any they had named. Said he : . - "When a young meal was traveling in western New York, and late of a str.rtiv night applied - at a log cabin fur lodging.— Thc occupant., a stoma; refused itreay ing that her husband and anrei.isete out hunting, and if they found mo there they would murder me. I preferred the change to the storm, end she cousentad that trOyait ley down before the art. In tho night 1 heard them coming, arid scrambled , up the chimney "Thinking I wee rare when at the top, stepped over the• rent, and, jumping dune at the back of the cabin, jumped plump in• to , a wolf trap. A scream of pain broug/.t the men and boys out, end they declared I deserved a more severe yonialuilY4 than death, so they. kept ane both in the trap and ahspense until morning, and then heading me up in a hogshead, with no am or light bet through the bunghole, they then put me on a sled and drove me some four miles up a hill, and there rolled me off to starve. This I should undoubtedly have done but for a very singular occur rence, The wolves smelled me and gath ered Around my prison, when one of them, in turning round happened totbrest Metall into the bunghole. It was my only chance. I caught firm hold, and balil•on like death to a negro, which frightened the wolf, of •course ' and he 6 tatted dotrn• the bill, fol lowed by the hogshead and me. VtA a very uneasy ride, over the 'tones and stumps; but I had no idea how long it was until the hogshead striking a stone fairly, Re staves, worn by long travel, ;were hrohen in, and I jumped one to and myself espy eeien•in 6./ rower end of Oat. taraugus.cOtinty, some thirty _miles *oft the ecene of the &motet. tVositi... tl mama- •I did •.t •' • _ ta4'..als.r ,, •kgravvusw ti 11321!_ffilfflib. Hill art of mirx." It iv currently roporta that the oactl" club of Sandusky has not bad a tull trwatirg since that occurred. PortttY Sonttall Dutelkt.-1' m i n of the tittle, K..tc, %hen sitting -by Illy aide, and altelling betas I gazed nn !ht.", and felt a wonderuua pride. In eilLt.ze leaped we o'er the pan,-and neither rpttite a word, but the rattling of the beans 1:1te, was all the sound-tort-beard. The attltn rtt 4 curls hung down, Kate, and kissed the lily lebocke; thy azure eye., If filled with tear_, bespoke a spirit rok. To be an charmed as _I srati , then tad tw'or Itlora occurred, wben'the rata ng of the Leans, Kate, was all the sound heed; I tho't it we. Dot wrour,K ,po leaning o ' er t? dish, as you adlltc up a lot of breve. I snatched a nectered kiss. And a sudden alitmer made my eyes blind, I neither saw nor stirred, but the rattling of the beans, %ate, was all the sound I beard. A MAN OF BONFIS. Hers. Ls a -serious twat for you. Tliet flesh of a living man ones grew into bone, It seems 'bard to believe, bat l'sapposs it war en; for, in the museum at Dublin, Ireland, there is, or was, the skeleton of -one. Clerk, a, valitp ql _Oa city_ of Cork, 111,10111 they call the Ossified Man, one of. ,the greatest curioaitiae of attach. It is the carcase of a man entirely ossified in his life-time, living in that condition for sever al years. Those who knew him before this surprising alteration, affirm, that he had been a man of great strength and agility, He felt the first symptoms oft '- Jrby slow degrees, every part grer into a bony intbatanoe, except his skin, eyes and intestines. Flit joints settled ill - ImA a manner that no ligament had its proper operation ;, ho could not lie down or rise uP Without assistance. -le bad at last no • hand l e his body"; yet when he was placed upri t, • like a statute of atone, he could Riau , but could not move, in the least.-4 Effie teeth were joined, and formed into one entire bone; therefore a hole was bro. ken through them to convey liquid sub stance for his nourishment. The tongue lost its use, and his sight left him, some time before be expiredv -• ory• Ambnig the last novelties ire* e lectrical machine br the protection-of the person. Should a highweymia eollar you, the application of the baud to the pocket, generates a steam of oleotricity thatknocks him into a cooked hat. 11UrEDICAL Ontit—Dß. J. 311MAD8 &vs respoidally Woof the eiklesqaot Jookooo - ursoomans that , }. klw pikrebanosaly oodAmvl Jeslup Lod win psooprly Ut ail Nab to tbigliftrast brtacim• car lb pagoda, medisit or 0va5 0 4 111 40 00,13111 . amgo, I ATO to tol iol a rt z r ana toMil uissi *G. NR _ ;13 =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers