ftuia._ STOVES, &N-AJTD SHEET.mON WARE, UNDERSIGNED WOULD RE- Mpae* to the dtiiens of fßoana andeteinltythat tfcW haToJaatrecetred a |MC*<<W7 of BTOVRB «f oii PatUnu, snch Wfc P*riprj Twice «!»P Bto**a, will sell at the aoaahle prices. A • •apply *Ol always be kofcflohaßd. *BT AND SanPJSON WjLBK,Aa great variety, irtiragf nn Tußd. RpOFINO & SPOUTING Mjpp on abort notice. -fllwy bare atao attached a copparami thing room to their «ri>Wfcin«aara>J VUTkeepon hand an assortment ofoop promptly attended to. A ahare oCpublic patronage la respectfully solicited. oh Annie street, between Harriet and Ada- UAsatraets Beat Ward, and on Virginia street, opposite - ujU Dneßton, Vat Vaid. ■ 453-V.V.- . PRESS * WINTKBB. Altoona, Peb. 3d, IM2. ewM».»la Rasiia, „Caaaus Samoa EE’VTSE.E HOUSE, ' (*>AXB SAOLK H0T11.,) ‘ Third Street, above Race, 4 PHILADELPHIA. . RHOADS & SAILOR, Pkopkietobs. I MBlto. SLSSEKB DAY. March T, ISdI-ly WM. S. BITTNER, 33e$fctal Burgeon, IN MASONIC **SOA. \ / BUIPUS, next door to tbo Post Xaatbaxtraoted without pain by the Current Eloctro- MagnetieMachine. ’ TIMBER AND FARM LAND WANTED. (ftkQi AAA Ageneralassortmentof PAINTS „ of all colum, DRY ant* in OIL, well rattri far Owßtry Trade, will be exchanged for Heal BlUto, at yholeaale price.. Improve prop^praferred. . dM North Twelfth street, Philadelphia. Hot. T. 1891.-6 mos. NOTICE. —The business heretofore carried on under the name, stylo and title of WOLF ft BROTHER, will, from this date, be carried on by ft. 8. BEOEHART-he having emptoyed M. Wolf to act A»his A&ent. A. 8- HblKHAni, Mi whb Agem. lief M . wolt, Agent. Altoona, December 28lh, 1801. |Jan2-6t.l J. Q> APLUM, Notary IPiatolic, ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA. npw m «U be Could at the store of J. C. Hileman. October 1,1857. s2s] EMPLOYMENT! [§7s AGENTS WANTED! We will pay from $25 to $75 per month, and all expen sea, to active Agents, or give a commission. Particulars sent frsS, Address Erie Sewing Machine Ccmpany, R. JAMES, Qeneral Agent, Milan. Ohio. jepf.mr.l .THOMAS W. EVANS & CO. Tn»lt> attention to their LARGE, VARIED and HAND* 80kx«Mortmeiit of NEW FALL GOODS, Embracing all the NEWEST STYLES id SILKS, DRESS 77 TfIOODS, CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES, and TANOY DRY GOODS. Also, a (nil tasortment of MOURNING GOODS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITB. Ac. stock la principally T. W EVANS ft CO.’S OWN IMPORTATION,-having been selected in the best European Markets, expressly for their own Retail Trade, and will be found unsurpassed for Style, Quality, and SEASONABLE PRICES. NOS. 818 AND 820 CHESNDT STREET, ' 4- BELOW CONTINENTAL HOTEL, PHILADELPHIA . N. Be—Wholesale buyers will find it advantageous to examine tide Stock. [Octl7-2m.] ON HAND AGAIN—WE HAVE THE pleasure of announcing to our customers and all other*, that we are on hands again with a large and rarlsd stock of . FALL GOODS; and old stock was htautifuUy cltcaudoui, those who feel inclined to patronize us will have the advantage of •electing from an almost entirely NEW AND FRESH STOCK of good!, which we feel confident will bo sold as cheap as theiMtpeet. We particularly invite our lady friends to callandKxamine our spltfhdid line ol Dlysss GOODS, &c., which we think cannot foil to please. ' J. 4J. LOWTHKR. Altoona, Oct. Bih, 1861-3 t. CONFECTIONERY AND OYSTER SALOON, rp SB SUBSCRIBER WOULD -IN-, I FORM the citizeni of Altoona and vicinity that Us 058l*CIIOSRRT, NUT and FRUIT STORE, is always supplied with the Very best articles to hi- had, and in great variety.' OS ha* also ah * OYSTER SALOON atteehed to,hi« store, in which he will serve up OYSTERS in ey«y.ef3(fediuing;thc season. rSSmSAJ&B 9BEAD <t PIES (ij wags cn hand. - Sel»ftt*ft time* prepared to supply cakes, candies. Ac., of pic-nic* and other parties. Ho invites a share of public fktTOPigyb#y*v* n S that he can render fall satisfaction to his store and saloon is on Virginias t toe t. two door a below Patton’s Hall. OTTO ROSSI. AUoona, Oct. 10,1861“tf /n ■ W. KESSLER; —PRACTICAL \T• DRUGGIST, rmpectftilly the public «ra!ly, that he still cpqtbraertbe Drug on Virginia Btroet, -whefe he keeps constantly' onhaacUtor •rie, WholesaJeaDdßetail,DßUGß, OILS, VARNISH 3%£p*£ *ttentfo|rta business, and a desire to render sat* regsjds Ttriee and quality, he hopes to nsctta&d reeetve a ware of public patronage. miJjpiM sftit iiii iilniiin i ii[ijilli ITI in reasonable terms, andaffonten from 'a'distance promptly attended to. compounded. [l-tf. TT S. ARMY—WANTED iMMB • . DIATELT, FOR THE TWELFTH REGIMENT uTuTHFAKTRY, REGULAR SERVICE, a few more ahie bodled menpfretween the ages of eighteen and thirty-five. PayfongVt froth SIS Id $23 per month, accerding to the rook of the soldier. . Each man will be furnished with equipments, ample clothing and subsistence. Quarters, fuel,and medical attendance free of charge. The pay of eachtoldler commences as soon as he is enliated. By OtFOOt fotWy passed, the term of enlistment has been changed froth lire to THREE TEARS, and every soldier wbo'ssrrss that time It entitled to . Sld‘o BOUNTY from thsOorernment. Attention Is drawn to the foot that the Odrtrmncnt httwieely commenced to promote soldiers Advancement Is, therefore, open toaU. -p '• - if'-.';' ' ■’ , rnr further informstion apply at the Recrnjting Office, uu Til slrirsl 11 lit ouoositeXowther’s Store. Altoona. if&m&Pirh ' - Tueot, jr:«. Campbell. LSthlqfontry, U. 8. A. Recruiting Officer. i £INDS OF PKPSTING . f\ ~y neatly and exoediuAislv executed atgjfr • ‘‘ALTOONA TRIBUNE* OlflCß OPKCTAOLES ANT? BYE PBESEB -0 11-ttl KiaaLKK-8. . t-v-d ■'SxriVT R fIfTTRTVS THE LATEST AERTVAL OF DE. WM. B. Hums KAIX ANI) WINT?E GOODS MOI’TH WASH. AT im.K.MANS.- i,iut IM • TT _, HE SUBSCBIBEH INFORMS HIS § customers, ami the public couerully. that be he* inst received a Urge and beautiful oas irtment of . FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which, for magnificence, extent and variety, have never before been excelled in Rluir county. Particular attention is invited to our stock -.-f Bixraxx Imm B’AD BREA TH, DISEASED BLEEDING GUMS, And the best specific now in nse for any diseased condition of the mouth. It is par tkulariy beneficial to persons wearing completely destroying every taint of the mouth, absorb ing and removing all Impurities, insuring to all who use it. No Youxg Ladt or Yousfi Gmtl£j4aji who la afflicted with should delay applying this remedy, for it is a certain cure, and Is approved and recommended by every physician un der whbse notice it has been brought. A Bad Breath is an offence for which there is no excuse while MOUTH WASH can he procured. Many persons carry with them a*bad breath, greatly to th* uttnovanco anil often t*» the disgust of those with whom they come in contact, without being conscious of the fact. To relieve this, Cleanliness of the mouth is of great importance to the general health, which is often affected, and not upfre quenlly seriously impaired, through want of proper at tention to this subject. * Use Dr. Wm, B. Hurd’s Mouth Wash Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price 37 Gents per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers, tG&'Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New aiTork. Sold hi Philadelphia by Dyott ft Co-, 232 North 2d Street; O S Hnbbell, 1410 Chestnut street, and by all Druggists. Bold in Altoona by G W Kessler. * DR. WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH POWDER. Thia Powder possesses the CARBONIC WITHOUT TUB INJURIOUS PROPERTIES < :OF CHARCOAL. Its actios being entirely mechanical-v-polishino WITHOUT WEARING TOE ENAMEL. Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Tooth Powder is Recommended by all Eminent Dentists. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, No. 77> Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. PRICE 25. CENTS PER BOX. A liberal discount made to Dealers. *• Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No. 1, Spruce Street, New Tprk Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott & Co., 232 North 2d Street; O. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut Street, and by all Druggists. Sold in Altoona by G W Kesale A.SURE REMEDY TOR A SORE MOUTHS , NURSING SORE MOUTH, ARTIFICIAL TEETH, A SWEET BREATH A BAD BREATH DR. WM, B. HURD’S USE DR. WM.B. HURD’S MOUTH WASH. DR, WM. B. HURD’S TOOTH-ACHE DEOPS, FOR CURE OF TOOTHACHEI produced by exposed nerves. * ' It is particularly adapted to all cases of.chlldren afflicted with' *. TOOTHACHE. Parents can relieve themselves from - that distressing weariness caused by LOSS OF SLEEP, and their children from great suffering, by keeping a bot tle of Dr. Wm. B. Hurd’s Toothache Drops in th* house. Prepared at Dr. Hurd’s Rental Office, No. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. Price only 12i Cts. per Bottle. A liberal discount made to Dealers. - Address Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, No, 1, Spruce Street, New York. Sold in Philadelphia by Dyott & Co„ 232 North 2d Street; 0. S. HubJjpU. 1410 Chcstnnt Street, and by all Druggists. Sold In Altoona by G. IV. Kessler. DR. WM. B. HURD’S Neuralgia Plasters, FOR THE CURE OF NEURALGIA , or Tootbach* produced by colds. LOCAL NEURALGIA is immediately cured by their application; They act like a charm, and are perfectly harmless, in their nature: dp not produce a blister, and leave no un plcammt results. Wm. B. Hurd’s Neuralgia Powders neTer fan to £i?e satisfaction to all whqitest their virtue. Ifrepared at Dr. Hurd’s Dental Office, N#. 77, Fourth Street, Brooklyn, E. D. ■ PRICE ONLY 16 ‘9BNTa RACE. AddTMf Principal Office, Tribune Buildings, jJTo* 1, Spruce Street, Nob York. Eoid In Philadelphia by Oyott A Co., 232 North 2dstreet; I- /\rrp rp ] 1 t.' -nvipm nt, I r rmp ai, 0.6. Hubix.ll, 1410 ChMftnt Street, akfby aHDrbggJrt.. H vvr < 1 ,1-a , , 1 jI ?A ~ P „.. . ... ~ . .y 1 1 FAMILY FLOOR for sale, Wholeaalo andßetall, Sold In Altoona by 0. W. Kessler. • Apply to J. SHOEMAKER. . Nov. 21,1801-1 y. Dec. IJ, 18r>6-tf. Masonic Temple. LADIES’ DRISS GOODS, Such at Black ttsul Fancy Silks. ChaiUet, Bereyes, BriUtanU, Latent, Maims, Chintts. Deßeyes. LVapet, Prints, Crape and Stella Shawls. Mantillas. Cndersleevet and Hosiery. Bonnets and gibbons. Collars, Hand . kerchiefs. Kid Gloves. Htetjxd Skirls, Skirt- 1 ing. Lace Mitts, <fc„ <fc. FOR GENTLEMEN’S WEAR. We have Clothe. Cassimcres, Testings, Tweeds, Jeans, tc. Heads of families would do well to call and examine our stock of Winter Goods for Boys. • , Bools. Shoes, Hardware. Glassware, Qaecnsware, » ood and Willow Ware, Oil Cloths. Carpets, 4c.,in ony quantity and at prices that cannot fail to please. . GROCERIES. CANKER. Our stock of Groceries is more extensive than ever, and consists of Rio and Java Cufiee, Crushed. Loaf and- V O Sugars; Green, Y. H. and Block Teas: Molasses. Soaps, Carries, Salt, Fish, itc. Thankful to the* public for the very liberal patronage Heretofore received, he hopen by strict attention to busi ness. and an endeavor to to merit a continuance of the same. , . - ■ *** Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Goods at market price* Oct. 10,1861 hello: this way, neighbor? NEW FALL and WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES. 'i HE UNDESIGNED WOULD RE f spectfully inform the citizens of Altoona and sur rounding country that he has just returned from the east, where he has been selecting his stock of Fall and Winter (ioods with the greatest care and exclusively CASH, which enables him to sell as low if not a little lower than any bouse in the place. Ho would therefore say to all those who wish to purchase their Fall and Winter Goods to call and examine his new stock before purchasing else where. as he feels satisfied that lie can give entire satisfac tion. Ilis goods are of the best quality and* very cheap. ALL COTTO® GOODS AT OLD PRICES. His Stock consists of Ladies’ Dress Goods- of every variety, shade and color, /rum a plain Delaine at 12 cents, up to Plaid and Plaid Delaines, all icool, at 20 and. 3~%cts., Figured Delaines from. 12}£fo 20 cts., Persian Cl dJis, Conestoga and American Prints 10 yards for §l, Lancaster and Domestic Ginghams from 10 to 12J/£ cts., all-wool Flannel from 25 to Z“}4 cts.. heavy Meeting Muslin cts., Bleached Muslin frOmJfXiio\m% cts., Satinets \ jfl-wool Tweeds and Jeans of every variety and price. Mon and Boys’ Boots and Shoos; Women, Missos and Chil dren's Shoes; Hats and Caps. OROCtrS^W^ Rio Coffefc at 17 cents ’ Hi £5• J White Sugar 11 cts.. Brown Su- gar from 8 to 10 cts.; Imperial. Y. Hyson and Black Teas; Svrup from 00 to Co cts.; Cedar and Willow Ware;-Flour, Feed, Ac.. Ac. .1. A. 3PUANKLE. October 3d. 18ci. GREAT EXCITEMENT! AT JESSE SMITH’S. The undersigned would re- SPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Altoona and surrounding country that he has just returned from the citv with his FALL & WINTER STYLES OF A. Hats & Caps. Eis Stock of Hat? and Caps are of the very best selection, of cveiy style, color and shape, for both old and young. FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! Ilia stock of Ladies and Misses’ Furs is the beat ever brought to this place, consisting of every variety, which will be sold at prices to suit the times. All lie asks is that the people call and examine his stock, and he feels confident that he can send them away re joicing, if not in the purchase of such an article as they wanted, at the remembrance of having looked upon the handsomest stock of Eats. Caps, Furs. Ac., ever exhibited in this town. ~~Store on Virginia Sired, opposite the Lutheran Church. ~Oct' 3,1861. JESSE SMITE. SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLAR NEWSPAPER PRESS. IT'OR THE ABOVE SUM IN CASH 1 ‘ I will furnish one of my superior NEWSPAPER PRESSES, that can be driven by hand with ease at the rate of SEVEN HUNHRKD SHEETS PER HOUR. on any kind of a job from a colored poster down, and do its work as well as any cylinder Press in the world. Bed 31 XAC inches, rolls a form with two rollers of 26 X 42 inches, weighs only 3,300 lbs, and can bo put up and set running by any ordinary printer. I have issued a specimen done on this press, in pam phlet* form, containing a cut of it, and will take great pleasure in sending n copy to those who have not received it, on the receipt of a paper from them. Arty publisher inserting this advertisement, to the amount of $lO. and sending me a paper containing it, will be allowed the amount of their bill towards payment on one of my presses, if ordered after one year from Sep tember!. 1861. If ordered within one year, $2O will be allowed for the bill. If ordered within six months $3O ■ will be allowed. And if within three months, $4O Will be allowed for the bill. THESE ARE WAR TIMES AND WAR PRICES. You will find it for your Interest to communicate di rectly with me, as I warrant the pre?s to be : 11 I repre sent It, which your merchant can easily find out for you if you are a total stranger in New York. For further particulars please address A CAMPBELL. No. 16, Spruce street, N. Y. Sept. 10,1861. ALTOONA HIGH SCHOOL. Prof. JOHN .MILLER, Principal. The first .session of this SCHOOL will c -mmeuoe on MOXDA I’, Nov. 4th. The established reputation of Prof. Miller os an accom plished scholar and successful Teacher is a sure guarantee to parents, guardians and others, that the school will be ho conducted as to give full satisfaction.. TERMS FER SESS/O.t OF TWENTY WEEKS. For English Grammar. Geography. Composition, Natural Philosophy, Mental and Advanced Arithmetic. Geometry, Trigonometry, Latin and Greek $l2 60 For German or French 5 00 For Music 6 00 GGff* Payment of subscription to be made monthly to the School Directors. DR. 0 ALDER WOOD oilers his Pro fessional Services to the citizens of Altoona and vicinity. Office on Mrjinia Street, nearly opposite 0. J. Mann's Store. 11.,T. CorfEY. * Pittsburgh. Rev. J. B.fcp.isr. Birmingham. • Rev. Thomas .Stevenson. Tyrone City Jacob Burley, C. Outer, “ W> Burley, “ M. n. Jolly, “ Altoona. May 9th, 1861-Iy* . W. M. LLOYD & CO., ALTOONA, PA., JOHNSTON, JACK & CO., noLLWArsmma, pa., BANKERS, {Late “ Bell, Johneton, Jack 4' Co.”) Drafts on the principal CiUes t and Silver ajid Gold for sale. Collections made. Moneys received on deposits, payable ou demand, without interest, dr upon time, with interest at fair rates. Feb. 3d, 1859. GLEN-ECHO MILLS, GER3IAXTO !IVV, PA MiGALLUM & GO., Wt MANUFACTURERS, | IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I CARBETIira, DRUGGETS, OIL-CLOTHS, •MATTINGS, WAREHOUSE, No 509 QIIKOTNUT STRKRT. (opposite the StateUouse.)PHH.AI>ELPHIA. , [umr2l,*6l-ly. . 3. B. HI LEM AN CAMPBELL’S REFERENCES: J. B. Leons. M. D.. Huntingdon. .Txo McCulloch, M. D.. “ oQ WHEELER & WILSON’S | SEWING | S MACHINE. § 2 E. A. O KERR, * 3 ALTOONA. PA., p E 3 Agent for Blair County, q iffi £2? I S.KOSTL4i $ aaTLHHHAV ui These machines are admit to be the best ever' offered to-the public, and their superiority is satisfactorily established by the act that in the \tst eight years. OVER 1,400 MORE of these Machines have been sold of any Other man ufactured. and more medals have been awarded the pro prietors by different Fairs and Institutes than to any oth ers. The Machines are warranted to do all that is claimed for them. They are now in use in several families in Al toona, and in every case they give entire satisfaction. The Agent refers those desiring information as the su periority of the Machines, to Col. John L. Piper, Rev. A. B. Clark, George Hawkeswortb, BenJ. F. tfose, and E. U. Turner, Esqrs. The machines can be seen and examined at the store of the Agent, at Altoona. f Price of No. 1 Mathine, silver plated, glass foot and new style Hemmer—s6s. No. 2, ornamental bronze, glass foot , and new style Hemmer—sss'. No. 3, plain, with old style *llemiDer— -$45. .{March 21,1861-tf. THE HEROES OF PEACE , . n T)ATENT KEROSENE OR CARBON AND _T JIL LAMPS! THE HEROES OF WAR. ; Untitaltd in Beauty, Simplicity Safety or Economy. T? ANTHONY, 501 BROADWAY, i Su 1 i m NETT YORK, is now publishing, in Addition to ] gtore of the undersigned and examine these Lamps before other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe purchasing elsewhere, and we pledge ourselves to demon and America as -- strata BEADY'S NATIONAL PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT Ist. That NO ACCIDENT can.occur by'eiplosion. GALLERY 2d- That they emit no offensive odor while burning. in which i» included Portrait* of nearly all the PROMI- lwily rej^ted’togive more or lew NENT MEN OF AMERICA, not excepting Jeff. Davis, *“*• 1 , ”ht I ■> » 6 Gen. Beauregard. Floyd, and a hoet of other confederates. That they burn entirely free from smoke. Price ol Portraits $3.00 per dozen. Can he sent by mail, | * Uat tllf i ig v,, is at least SO per cent, cheaper than Scenes of the War for the Union, i Th( ’ so are published, cord size, andm stereoscopic form, Stereoscopic Views of Scenes iu Paris, Loudon, and iiytther The burner of the Carb o n Oil can to parts of England and Prance; in Scotland; Ireland, old side, hanging and table fluid *} ** maU Wales. Holland. Switzerland. Spain, on the Rhine, expanse, and will answer purpos _n rMul s K in Athens. Egypt. Turkey, the Holy Land, We guarantee perfect satisfaction iu r ail^ tta g‘i. s< , 1 „ R China, India, Cuba. Ac., ad infinitum. • Aug. 19, ISSB-tf.] G. W. KESSLER. OUR INSTANTANEOUS STEREOSCOPIC VIEWS Art the Greatest Wonder qf the Age. These are taken in the fortieth part of a second, and the rushing of water, the moving ofleaves. or the march of an army, does not in the slightest degree affect the taking of these views. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the. largest as sortment of Stereoscopes. Pbot<«graphic Albums, and pho tographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in the world. Catalogues, containing lists of our Portraits, Views, Stereoscopes. Ac., sent free by mail, on receipt of a stamp. E. ANTHONY, 501 Broadway, near St. Nicholas, New York, A«gB-I y LAB OR-SAVING WASHING MACHINE. Th e undersigned haying purchased the right for Blair county, ol Tollinrst’s Improved Washing Machine, are now manufacturing them at Altoona, aapd intend to supply thorp to those persons throughout the county who desire a LABOR-SAVING MACHINE. This machine is got up on an entirely now principle, and is considered, by those who have seen It in use, the best that hop ever been brought before the public. Among tbo many advantages of this machine over all others may be mentioned the following: 1 tt. Its simplicity of construction, making it almost im possible to get out of order. 2d. Its speed, which astonishes alike tbo operator and the looker on. 3nL The facility with which it adapts itself to the bulk or qantity of clothes desired to be washed 4th. It washes equally well the finest and lightest fabric or the coarsest and heaviest, such os bed-quilts, comforts, blankets, Ac. We the undersigned, hereby certify that we are now using Tolliurst’s Improved Washing Machine and are ful ly satisfied that it Is a very excellent article of the kiiid ; combining as it does great speed with little labor, and per forming its work in the most satisfactory manner. We therefore cheerfully recommend H to all who desire a real ’abor-saving washing machine. JOHN WOODS. EMILE.TIETZE, MICHAEL CALVERT, TEOS. McACLEV, JOSEPH G. ADLUM. DANIEL PRICE. n. A. G. KERR. A PERFECT FIT WARRANTED. D. W. A. BELFORD, MERCHANT TAILOR , Virginia Street, Opposite Jagoabd’s Stork. T HAVE JUST RECEIVED FROM i TilK EAST, the largest assortment of Cloths, Gassixneres, Vestings, &c., SUITABLE FOB GENTLEMEN'S. WINTER WEAR , that has ever been offered to the citizens of Altoona. An examination ol my stock will bo sufficient to convince any one that 1 can supply the Rants of the community in this line. 45“ I am also prepared to MAKE TIP work on the shortest notice, and IN THE LATEST STYLE OF THE FASHION. I feel confident that I can give AS NEAT AND PERFECT A FIT its can be had outside of the very best establishments in the cities. • I invite an inspection of my goods and work, knowing that they will speak bettor for me than anything I could say in an advertisement. Altoona,- NoV. 21,1861-tf. Exchan&e -hotel.— the sub- SCKIBER would respectfully in form the public that he has recently re fitted the above Hotel, and is now pre pared to accommodate his friends and patrons iu a comfortable manner, and will spare no pains in making it an agreeable home for all sojourners. Hi# Table will always be luxuriously supplied from the markets of the country and dti«, and bis Bar filled with liquors of choice brands. His charges areas reasonable as those of any other Hotel in the place, and ho feels Ratified they can not be complained of by those who favor him with their custom. Expecting to receive a share of public patronage, and hilly intending to deserve it, he throws open his house to the public and invites a trial. I have just received a stock J No. 1 French Brandy, for medicinal purposes. Also a large stock efecxcellent Wines, for medicinal pur poses, together with a lot of the best old Rye Whiskey to be found in the country. Altoona, May 27,1859.-ly] S. M. WOODKOK. ATTORN ey a t law , ALTOONA, BLAIR CO., PA., WILL PRACTICE IN THE SKYE RAX Courts of Biair, Cambria and Huntingdon counties. H Having bad several years’ experience in the practice cf the Law, he expects to merit public patronage. Office on ANNIE STREET, 3 doors above the Pott Office. Sept. 6,1860.-tf. ■ . * COAL. NOW IS THE TIME FOR EVERY family to get in their supply of coal and the subscribhr would therefore inform the citizcns*of Altoona and vicinity, that he is prepared to supply them, on short notice, with a superior article of ANTHRACITE and ALLEGHENY BITUMINOUS COAL. He will sell it by the Train, Car, or Cart Load, cr by the bushel, deliv ered at the door of the purchaser. Yard on the North side of the Railroad—upper end of Altoonu Yard. U. R. MYERS. July 25,18C1.-tf. T YCOMING- COUNTY MUTUAL JL_i FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY.—The, undendfDed, agent of the Lj’cmning Mutual Fire Insurance Compauy. is at all times ready to insure against loss or damage by fire. Btnldingt, Aferchandisr, Furniture and Pmprrty of every description. »n town or country, at as reasonable-rates as any company in the State. Office In the Masonic Temple. Jan. 8, , 60—tf) JOHN SHOEMAKER, Afftnt. Hair oils, colognes, pom ades, Shaving Croup, Toilet Soaps. Ac, for sale b, 6. W. KESSLER. A BDOM INAL SUPPORTERS, Trus il and Shoulder Braces for sale at 1-** * 0. W, KESSLER’S. ITLANKS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS F neatly and expediciously executed at this office. f *- NEW G-OOBS ■ ■' - HSITER’S Ftm tATL AMi) WINTEB, T ; OE&S&&OSsf&SQ''L JuetAerioed and Now Being Opened at , Book Bmdery. M’GORMIGK’S STORE, ! XI«T>BLANK BOOK MAKDFACTOBY . IN TH* OtO PLACE. f" ; » ’ WE respectfully invite Purchasers to \ , 54 MaTklt St . Mmruburg, p a . call ana examine ourstock of Fall and Winter \ estftblisbmGDt 19 WWuy devoted to Good*, Mwe think wiU he found, upon eiuninntton, | naouftetun of OUnk Beok* Hr to compare fc»or*bly with AB* utter ijwrtment m the jfkks, County Oflleee, RMlroedCompentm, /JMUt B place, u woU in quality Min #rfeo, althou3b we are not j prime fadMitneb. In aU e—ea prepared to aay (at tome of our Brother Chips hare tain,) , of stock an d workmenehlpmeybe ayV that some descriptions of goods bare not adransed in ;; upon. Blank Books'printwf, Med and bound is price, for in doing so wo wouldrcome in contact with the BD - desired pattern. Sheriff*«, Attorneys and Jiu-.i... intelligence of the people, as erory boy of six years old D f ,u sites, made and ruled jto order. Trienniii knows better —that we cannot aell domestic goods at ow , Yearly Assessments, Duplicates, Ac, for county pm-,, prices, onless we buy an interior quality. - nrinted or plain, ruled and bound to order, Conm. We hare a full assortment of Goods, embracing Mi the of the best linen paper. ’ usual varieties, such as FRESH COFFEES, TEAS, SU- Librarians, and others, desiring to hare their Books GARS, STROPS, SPICES, AC, to make up the foil end at moderate prices, should giro ne a cMI. Sts, VAMIT.Y GROCERY. papers of the largest sires. Harper's * AiVliXj X j • Pictorial.* BallouSu Scientific AnwktOs lo&doa Also, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS. CAPS, Ac., Ac., with a tpordcr, and in any style required Harper’sMonS general assortment of, t. Magasiae, Knickerbocker Blackwood’s arid Grab*^ READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOE MEN AND BOYS, from a fine dress coat down to a»“ and substantial half binding, Select P*£ monkey-jacket. phleta, Law Magazines Pamphlet laws, bound in good Lj. Also, a full assortment of HARDWARE* brasy style, at very moderate pricca. Persona having x CEDAR WARE, QUEEXSWARE, . nQm b«r of volumes to bind, wiU receive a liberal discount. CROCKERY WARE* dC, dC. y rfC. . . Binding can safely be sent to vu from a distance by g x . And as to 1 press, and all work entrusted to our care will b« spf^. tstjv AArtG dily executed, safely packed and returned byßzpr**.,. DRY GOODoj .ah work warranted. Address F- L. HUItKE. our assortment is complete and as wo have adopted th# | Uttrritbury, p^ CASH SYSTEM, as near as we can, we are enabled to sell McCKLM A BERN, at the Tribunt Office, are mi at much lower prices than when we gave a general credit. ■ wreuto f O , Altoona, and vicinity. They will give inform* We therefor© feel very grateful to our friends and a gen- ; r? Q iQ binding, and receive and return book* erous Public for the very liberal patronage heretofore |.. from cxt ra chances, for all who entrust .their work u given us, and hope, by strict attention to business and a {March 21,1861-1* full determination to please our patrons in prices and J J L,„, —1 qualities, to retain the same—still' adhering closely to an old motto — "Quick S&te and Small Profits” [Oct. 31, ’6l-tf.] ; OLD STAND, North Ward. McMINN k BERN. AUoona, Blair Onunty, ife. JOHN BOWMAN JACOB SNYDER, TAILOR, The Hero of One Hundred Fits per Month ! I would respectfully forth my claim to pul attention, as a Fasbionai Tailor, as follows: Because I keep an ex( lent assortment of Clot Cassimeres, Vestings t Trimmings, whiclu w examinetl.always pleas* Because my work made up in a manner i takes down the coni aftd gives all my custom* a city appearance. Because I am not infel as a Cutter to the heal bo found anywhere. Because long expert* in my business gives entire control over it. lam not dependant u any one tolifl me ou. . the auda. . Because I am still on the sunny aide of forty, and tjmre* fore my taste as a Cutter and workman Unimpaired- Call on me, in the corner room of tbo “Brant House.** Give me a trial and you will go away pleased. Altoona, May 2C-5m JACOB SNYDER.. ! Stoves, Tio and SBeet Iron Ware, SPOUTING. &C. SRIGG WOULD RESPECT • fatty nform the citizens of Altoona and vicinity that he - keeps constantly on hand large assortment oi Choking, Parlor, Office and Shop Stores, of all styles and sizes, to suit the a " wants of all, which be will sell at low prices, on reason* able terms. / He also keeps on hand a large stock of 2Tn and Sheet- Iron Ware, consisting of oil articles for culinary purposes— Ojoll Scuttles , Steve Pipe, dc. Ho has also purchased the right of sale in Blair county, of R.V. JONES’ . IMPROVED SAUSAGE STUFFER, au invention which needs.only to be seen to be apprecia and should be possessed by every farmer, butcher or those requiring such a machine. Particular attention paid to putting up SPOUTING, either in town or country. Spouting painted and put up on the most reasonable terms. [April 14,1859-ly GROCERY, PROVISION AND WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD IN FORM the public that he has purchased the interest of A.aMILLIRON in the Grocery and Provision Store here* tofore kept by tbeni cu Virginia street, below Caroline St., where he will continue the business, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of FLOUR, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, FISH, SALT, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, SPICES, CONFECTIONARIES, and everything usuafty kept in Grocery and Provision Stores, all of which he receives fresh from the eastern and western cities, and will sell at the most reasonable prices. Having recently obtained license to sell liquor by whole sale,! will keep constantly on band a large assortment of liquors of the best qualities to be had, 1 respectfully solicit a share of public custom. July 12,1861-tC] J. BERKO WITZ. More good newsi The undersigned baa just received from the Bar a large and varied assortment of FALL WINTER GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimbres, and VESTING, material Tor FINE AND COARSE OVERCOATS, material for BOYS* CLOTHING, GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, each as Undershirts, Drawers, Sus penders* Neck-ties, Handkerchiefs «c„ Ac., all of which will be soltLrt the lowest prices. All work ordered will be madffip in the very best style, according to the latest fashions, on short notice. Nov. 1,1869-tf' TfiOMAS KLTEAY. SOMETHING NEW. TIHE subscriber has just recanted from the easj where he has purchased a very large and floe stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, BROGANS, GAITERS, &C., which he is prepared to offer to thecitizend of Altoona and vicinity at very low prices. Haying pnrchaseddirect from the manufacturers for cash, he is prepared to sell at prices that will defy competition. All that he asks Is that the people will call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere'. BOOTS and SHOES made to order on the most rea sonable terms. Also, repairing promptly attended to. Don’t forget the place, two doors below Post Office. Jan. 3,1861. • M. THOMPSON, Agent. Lands i lands :: lands in The undersigned is prepared to locate LAND WAR RANTS in the Omaha and Nebraska City Land Offices.— Good selections can now be made near th< large streams and settlements. The Lands of this Tei r itory, now in Market, aru of the best quality. ftS- Selections carefully made. Letters ». f inqniry. re. quested. ALKX. F. McKINNJST. Oekapous, Cass County, N.Ter. July 14,1859.-tf references; t Rev. A. B. Clare. Altoona, J?a. • Ws. M. tiLOTS k Co.. Bankers, Altoona, Pa. McOb.ch ADbrn. Editors. “ Thob. A. Sootr, Supt. P. K. 8., “ D. McMortexe, £vq n Huntingdon, Pa^ BLA IE COUNTY INSUBANdE AGENCY.—The undersigned. Agent of the Blair Connsy Mutual Fin Insurance Company, 1* atoll times ready to insure against loss or daruag* by. fin. Budd ing!. NmhandUe, Furniture and. 'Proptrty, ofeferydee cripfion. In town nr country, at « reaeonahleiato* a< any Company in the State. Office with Bell. Johnston, Jack h Co. D; 1. CALDWBUI, Apei«(. Jan. 27, ’59-tf • i ITAPPWAEE OF ALL DJj^KJBIP- I I Oops Inst recited and for aale by V ’""' "i. Oct. U-tf)■' J;». BXUBUKr GROCERY AND BAKERY! The undersigned announ. CCS to tho citizens of Altoona and vicinity that fc? just received a large Invoicee of FJRUITB, CONFECTION ABIES, NUTS, SPICES and notions for children Ac~ expressly for the Holiday), He will also keep always on hand a good stock of pUio and fancy cakes, of hi* own manufacture. LEMONS, PRUNES, RAISINS, &C, always on band at all seasons of the year. Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Butter, EGGS. GOOD WHITt! WHEAT FLO l% BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, iC., always Id store and for sale in Urge or small quantities. Call, examine and price my stock and you will ffaJ it as good and cheap os any In town r, Dec. 20, ’6O-ly.j The great question wqich' now agitates the mind of erery per*ou ia, where can I get the best article fur myMB money? In regard to other matters, the scriber would net attempt to direct, bat if you want anything in the line of BOOTS OR SHOES he invitee an mmuinolfcii of bia stock and work. He keeps constantly on hand ac assortment of Boots. Slhmi Gaiters, Slippers, Ac., which he offers at fair prices. Ho will give special attention to custom work, all a which will be warranted to give satis fact ion. None but th best workmen are employed Remember my shop ia on Virginia street, immediatel opposite Kessler's Drug Store. September S, ’67-tf] JOHN H. ROBERTS, GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN COOK- Pjq STOVES CONSUMPTION O F SMO KE AND GAS AND SAVINS OF FUEL. . The subscriber takes pleasure in offering to the publtf NEW GAS AND SMOKE CONSUME Cooking Stove, recently patented, which is destined to n percede all others, as it requires ONE-THIRD LESS FUEL than other stoves and is more easily, -quickly and r»guW !y heated. No unpleasant smell ot gss arises from tw store from the fact that It is all consumed ere it can es cape. There is no trouble from smoke as that and often annoying exhalation is alpo consumed taiW* of the stove Neither la there any danger of flues orchto neys becoming clogged with soot or the mortar looaewfli-J the ga a arising from coal fires. Persons wishing to purchase stoves are invited to call« the store of the subscriber, in the MasonicJTemrie, wat* amine the above stoves. JOHN SHOEMAKER SoU Agent fir iftrir ftwfr* N. B. All kinds of Air-tight, Parlor Cooking andj« Stoves on band. (Aug. 12, IS* General News Agency. SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, CONFECTIONARIES CIOARS & TOBACCO. TOYS AND NOTIONS .IN GREAT VARIETY CONSTANTLY ON HAND. October 24,1861. National police gazette.- This Great Journal of Crime and Criminal* hjj its'Twelfth’ Year, and' is widely circulated through the country. It contains aU w tHe'Great'Trials, Co® Cases, and appropriate Editorials on thesome, together* 1 information on Criminal Hatters, not to be found in* s , other newspaper. •; ~ Subscriptions $2 per annum; $1 for six be remitted, by subscribers, (who should wr * te JJ eir ,J ir i T ) and the town, county and State where they reridep* ll * l • • To G. W. MATSKLL *OO, Editor A Prop’r. of New York Police G«*«» 15-tfl ' New rert-W Boots and shoes.—the us del-signed has'now on hand and wOl sell cheap at Ila store in the Masonic Temple, a large and complete assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, ready made, or made to order, Overshoes, Ladles’Sandals, Gum Shoes, Cork JPQp Soles, and everything in hfs Ifne bfbnrfness, of , i] the best quality and on the most reasonable .term* custom wort warranted Jan. 2, ’56-tf.] REAT WESTERN INSURANCE vjr ANi) TRUST COMPANY—lnsurant* ™ ®*L personal property will be effected on the term* by their agent* ia Altoona at bi» office In ' March 17,1849. JOHN SHOEMAKER a **^. T EVI'S PREPARATION FOR .Li terminating BATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS. Bed-bnga without danger la It* tue underany «' c ” cca for sale at the Drag Store of 0. W. KESijna PINE AN!) LARD OltS, UAM j m Banting ?lnU. Qwfcon 00, te j^ 3U! E'A AN HAND AT McCQRMICK’Sg aaaortmeot b? Baady-M^ /"'IROCERIEff 1 LARGE AN® 5Q » « M® * s S n ] 03 e .32 02 g: . O* e *1 S Ei3 " «7 a fcH P=| § 5 ill] j w S <1 ® j *.>= «g S<: r H o .S 5 » •V 3 S m . > (£4 » °SS ®"5 Pss|<|2 paes|§ a^> * v.a ’5 ? S-a-:* s 1 2 O i< a, s QS2SS 3! 1-4 2- « a JZ |3l| pa ig-s OO s -M fflHt H. FETTINGERS No. 1, ALTOONA HOUSE McCKUM & BERN, OL. 7. .. —(parable taTariaMy to adra»eej_. at the expiration ef iUpF” iiJ tot run of amubmum. ] inMHtoo ' 8 do. »or un'« «r “r;;;;;;::. * ’to *« H rrsn== !S > s rtw. «UI “ a >r ,h “ “ o "‘ h, ,r .ioat. for ,o ** rti ° 3 n m#Jl Ott. 6 month. tiu t S 00 . *&0 * 00 . too •00 . »00 800 . too woo 5f n oolnmn;. ~W 00 UOO >£ '^ff"l£n lorchant* .rtvettUlng hy the J««v“ w Uno* i^r'hf» r Mmtaa - mrnctnr or tad s^gas.'s: ,jEsisr3»».«-»«* •oo brding to p«r Uno for ooory In un^nycmdt x liDMortu« !• MQAT6 ro M -•• irw “ |i n CHURCHES, SjHUTEWi S orksBTTBBIAN—Bov. Bixu, Paalnr—l w fntihi* h morning it 11 o'clock, and is B Vt /y, . fc, pr&Ter Uoetiox ia tbe Irfcttt* Mi Lm m vk o'clock in ihe morning. MBTUODUT EPISCOPAL Bov. W. UlBl KKST«i3 “ct'ur. Room iv«y Wednesday cvojfng »t l Übtatb School lu the aame room at i o’clock P HVANOBLICAL LOTHKIIAN-Kiv. C. fc » Putor. —Preaching overy Sabbath ij' at,, evtmioir at 7 o’clock. Flayer vaeu Lecture Boom every Wednesday °.^?l! g A “j/' jfabbnth School In «m» room at« o clock A. M. KAPTIST—Bev. A. U. Swaowta, Factor .—I ivery Sabbath morning at 11 o’clock, and in the l o'clock. Prayer Meeting every Wodneaday • [ o'clock Sabbatlt School at 8 o cb>ck A. M. UNITED BUKTUKEN-Hev. tUkUll »«« Preaching every Sabbath morning at 11 o clock ivrniugat 5 o'clock. Prayer Meeting lu jheUct .very Wednesday evening at 7 o clock. Habbatr tbe lame room at 8 o clock in the mopping. PROTESTANT BPISCOPAJr-<Bo regtdar Pkeacbiug on Sabbath morning at 11 o clock, eveniuE at 7 o’clock. Prayer Sleeting every \ evening at 7 o’clock. Sabbath School at» o eio< ENGLISH CATHOLIC—Bov. Jons Toiso, P vine service# every Sabbath rn In the altorn oon at 3 o’ch-ck. Sabbath School a (u tbe afternoon. JACOB WISK. GIUtMAN CATHOiaC—Ha». —• —Divine eenjkoe every Sahbath moraing U li and in theaftefnoon at 3 o clock. Sabbath I o’clock in the afternoon. AFRICAN MBXnODXSX— Rev. Ataxanpkk Paatot.— Froaehuig every Fourth Sabbath in « Prayer Meeting ererf. Friday evening at < o o bath School at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. OK AND AFTKK. MONDAY, JAN. », MJ wilt arrive at and leave Altoona Station a* foil Biiiram Train Kantarrlrea 9.55 P.M., Inn “ “ Weat “ 8,20 A. M. “ “ But “ 7,40 A.M. “ West “ 8,»P.M., “ Mall “i But “ ll.»*.«, “ Fut <( «■ w«»t “ 345 P. M. “ The HOLLIDAYSBCRQ BRANCH connect prou Trnld West, nnd Fait Line Alii' HnU Trn West. INDIANA. BRANCKTBAINB connect wftl sand Johnstown Accommodation East and W< Extern W*f WeetamWa, HeUldavibuTK Waster ir Th rough -... Eastern Through Honhhfrtittt*. V«ttn Through Eater's Through ...... Waters W»y - Eaters W»y Orrict Uodss Daring tho week, from 6 < 7 00 y. M. On SolndsTi, from t <S HU 0 to A. i o*o. W. PATT J. SAOKMAKSS THE AITOOHA TRIBUNE. ribune direct© RAIL ROAD SCHEDULE (MAILS GLOSS AND OP MAILS CLOSE. MAILS ABBITX. 7JO A.M.* MEETINGS OF ABBOCIATH MOUNTAIN LODGE, No. Ml. A. Y. iCjM TuoAiy ofieicb month* o clock P* X* I •tory of the Muonic Tempi*. , OA „ MOUNTAIN E. A. CHAPTER, Ho. 18ft B. on the first Thursday of each month* »t T}4 0 in tame room is *bove> _ tn „ MOUNTAIN COUNCIL, No.ft, R.AB.M., u HratMoaday of ewhwtbi at7J4 0 c * room is above, f „ MOUNTAIN OOMMANDBBY. No. 10. K. , the fourth- Tuesday of each month, in same room as above. . A _ ALTOONA LOME. No. «3, 1.0. of O. Friday evening, at o’clock, In the second Masonic Temple. « VERANDA LODGE, No. *B3. I- 0. of 0. t„ Train, runnlnc. at TU o’clock, In third rtorj bßlldfng.'on Tfrcisla meet. _ „ WINNEBAGO TRIBE, Mo. 86, I- 0. B. M., Tuesday evening in the second story of Mae Council fine kindled at 7th ran 30th breath. ALTOONA DIVISION, No. All. 3. of T„ Saturday evening, at 7 o’clock, in the secom Masonic Tempi®* STATE OFFICERS. Governor —Andrew a. Curtis. StercUay of Stair. —Eli Sllfer. Attorney dcneral—William M. Meredith. Auditor General —Thomas B. Cochran, atrwjfor General—William L. Wright. General—E. M. Biddle. ■State 1 reasurer —Henry D. Moore. BLAIR COUNTY OFFJCi Jwlgtt of (he Courts. —President Judge, Him lor. AaaocUtet, Samuel Dean, Adam Moa *«fc SmtJa r— Hob. Levi* T. Hall. Assßahljrlaan—Tbaddeiu Saak*. EVetteaotery—Authony 8. Morrow. Rrffitter amt Becorder-tfugb A. Caldwell. McCainapt. Depdty—John JHMHU Attorney —Benjamin L. Hewlt. 'Amaty George D- Cowan, Nhmeyw J»m«* L. Owla. JVeomrer—John McKeage. ft* Wmt JHneUn— Peter Good, VHIUm M. I,loyd, Robt. X. X Moore; A. J. freeman. , dhperMeadeat cfammm Admb-Joha M ALTOONA BOROUGH OFF •JWttee* Of Ou, Ptone—Jacob M. Cherry. Jol ftwjMe-John AUlaon, ■ **» dmneO—A. A. Smyth, Daadel tai Unidea, Jacob UaaovC.K. Horthttar.H CtwHoCbawefl 8. M. Weodhofc. ■ lVaantrer—Denial lAagboMa. Otrtelor*—B. C. Bern, John 8h Bloh rtihttnHe Jneepfa K.Ely. «*tMo/«at*, Owmty, Bwoug* mmi ai Awl«j*S.' jehn A. Nicbol*, a J. Mean,A] jmtmmi DauM Price. ”'I: KWS3ST.! Ea«t Ward—Wat. lUffibnf,* H. 0 8 00 A. H. A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers