I"? " Kw^iwTilL^ LsalS^'s r the relief of hS*^2£. oot 1 Hig replies f publication I r**m to indictoS? j pit to him by j [feel with j wewoQjle ngm 1 m j Utter oier with Si ’# ' I |a chaagc In 1 hold him a 1 toerala I pnt’s character I use directing htekßjjSSyS I tee, matters fiwf&ttSs* I fc sighed, but I Ni by onrlate AiM|^ manner Mas two pon of a change jysSa® I HI for the crehßdß ofTniZ/ I r rom ** ftyjHaa ft j nr a man of i u 1 Wium. It is Ueiice and energy, d#Ji „ j at Mr. Benjamin-fdßmw I I, but nothing is knoinp j fens, at the formdtidiptf I lad ships. I is of which wEu. F*** Nary, bHt.'SpgS! bon the fcvety snggestiOD 1 Lple I «K»v<»theV kinder Sidney Johoaton, j. Davis «t«&» hg3 M F 1 must be td**4gned,“ lutj reoognisedi j Mfferm Instantly to [is motkmieas «* edodU p the people “(d I men, already : 4S«ii||«i |>wn their am»,tod |knd P or invasion in Davis remains as ooid u [now, mid feel, and-befelt, pe made to move. Smuus fyuqqt— m ran.—AJ«i(*ij eatgedlthaii. -j I#; •on the PonadC in with * HI ■^pl |i>\ v Kfjw - ■ Ai-'-- ■" k' J"' 7 l''-iii :4 , |Jitoa«« ifftaae. ITEMS. A Cajwkw bj Usiso Kerosene.—Now that the great competition in the manufacture of coal or Kerosene oil has minced the price, and conse- increased the liability to throw an inferior article on the market, we may be doing our read.- era a service by printing the following facts recent ly elicited at a Coroner inquest in New York.— Mrs. Siddons. having been burnt to death by the explosion ofacanof Kerosene oil, with which she attempted to kindle a fire, and it being generally understood that Kerosene oil was not explosive, the coroner ghve the case a thorough examination. The farts shown were principally in the testimony of George Mowty, of Titusville, He testified that he was a refiner of petroleum; has been a manufacturing chemist for twenty-six years; is the first who introduced the petroleum oil from Pennsylvania into New York. The wit ness then pouted out about four ounces of each of the oils produced by Dr. Peard. I’he Kerosene oil did not ignite. The oil sold to the deceased;’ ignited instantaneously. An oil manufactured by Mr. Kelly, of Green Point, ignited immediately. ; Another aample purchased at Mr. Kelly’s works by a juryman, did not ignite. The mixture of benzole or benzine and heavy oil, ignited easily. The witness then testified that, in the process of refining, on extremely light fluid, termed improp erly Benzine, Benzoic or Naptha, bat which is new to chemists, comes over first. After this a mixture of various (fils supposed by many to be very numerous, but really only a few,, comes over, and lastly heavy oil and paraffine; these latter at a temperature of melting lead; the lost portions and the first, that is the benzine, and paraffine are rejected, while the intermediate oils are reserved, and often after a treatment with solpheric acid, soda, aad washiag, are delivered to the trader, as illuminating oil. If| however, through cupidity or ignorance the manufacturer adds the first portions that run over, to the intermediate portions, an ex plosive oil is the result, dangerous precisely in pro portion to the quantity Of benzine that has been added. A test for such explosive oil would be the application of a match, as shown by the jury still better would be the wanning of the oil to a tem perature of 100 deg., and then offering a lighted match; if it ignited it shonld be rejected. The following test was proposed before Die jury os the easiest method of detecting impute kerosene: Four oat s teaspoonfall and immerse in it a light ed match, and if it will take fire before the tem perature is raised to 110 degrees, then the oil is explosive. ■ A. M. L. & R, R. A.—The following books hare just been added to the Library of the Altoona Me chanics' Library and Beading-Boom Association,” and ate now ready to be token out by members: “Biglow Papers," by J. E. Lowell. ” Undercurrents of Wall Street—a Romance of Business.” “The Glaciers of the Alps—a Narrative of Ex cursions arid Ascents.” . “ Past and Presents,” bmCarlyle. “Life of Lord Byron," by Thomas Moore. “ The Book of Snobs,” by Thackeray. “ Fltz-Boodle’s Confessions,” by Thackeray. “ Vanity Fair—a Novel without a Hero,” br 'nuKfcetay. . * “Faust—a Tragedy,” by Goethe.” * English Humorists,” by Thackeray. “Elsie Verner—a Bomancc of liestinv," by Holmes. ‘ : “ Poems, "hy j. G. Saxe. Bonaparte,” by Lockhart. , PhilwJjherin Paris; or, a Peep at the World,,from a Garret,” “Spare Houra,” by J. Brown, M. D. “ Jeames’ Diary—a Legend of the Ehine,” by Thackeray. ” J aNaturalist around the World,” ‘ “Heir of Wast-WayiN,” by Howitt. „-JJ® 9 n * in & Species,!’ by Darwin. The Aroian Nights Entertainment." “Yelbw-PlMh Papers,” by Thackeray. A Memoir of Bev. Sydney Smith.” ‘Phen&daaa; or, Sketches and Burlesques.” “The Sand-hills Of Jutland,” by H. C. Ahder- BCD. “ Goethe’s Correspondence with a Child.” “Da ChailFs Adventures in Africa.” fie* We are Rot soTost to all sense of honor as to be guilty of betraying the secrets of those who Itave confided in rfs, unless they first prove falser and we are compelled, in self-vindication, to meet them with weapons of their own choosing.— We have not anything since our connection with the ptffilioatloo of the Tribune which we would care to conceal from the public. We will not now admit or charge anything, but simply state for the information of the editor of the WTag, that if he wishes his nefarious transactions, in the con gressional campaign of 1858, made known to the pnblic, it is only necessary for him to reproduce a little more explicitly, an item in the last issue of his paper. We can accommodate the Whig man to hia heart’s content in any line, as we happen to know a thing or two which would place him in any other tha£ an enviable position before the com munity. We know whereof we affirm, and when we have anscnpnloug men to deal with, we deal with them nnscrupnlonsly. Talk straight John, or sing mum. The New South.— This is the title of a paper just started at Port Boyal S. C., edited by Adam Badeau and pnbllshed by Joseph H. Sears, Post master at that place. . Itwas sent as by Lieut. J. B. iindfey. It is legs than half the sdae of the Trihmt and is soil at jfive cents per copy. It supports the National Government and announces “ part of to raissjonthe dissemination of correct ow ledge of dw government and its resources •aroughpnt the South. " Wherever onr army goes t ca ** nnn 8 uitie* and towns in which there are lueses and types, newspapers will be published by Pnntawand editors, who are abundant in every and by this means as ranch will-be ac |*®PßAed rathe way ofcrnshing out rebellion as Wo believe that if die mosses in ' W6re rigl * ay informed as to the power intentions of thenational government there- j t 00 wot dd soon be at an end. Let them have BAn N *^s5 > ®*— our y o “n« merchant, yJv. .’****** «BladdjajUaßd Sew in» J 0 m m *sl** *f*mg goods. Know -2!“ ** wholesale booses In sec 'nc a C “ h ’ he U enabled to tbewwttTrf htatjl that will Hesae - arid pifce. ' • THK WHCfflßm BATTLE. AFew Woima To Cash Btmaw.—The “Pan ' ■ _ »Store” being the only one in this section of the rw. c j. .’ 'btohkstrb, ! March 26. ■ State that veils exclusively for cash, and at cash On Sunday mornmg, at sunrise, Glen. Jackson ■ . ~ , .. • ca *“’ ““ at cas “ being reinforced, attacked Gen. Shields near *"* P™P«etor hashes to impress a few facts Keamstown, these miles distant. The rebel force ' figures upon the urinds of cash buyers: was eompoeedof five hundred of Ashby’s cavalry, Ist, That he has but one price on his Roods, and five thousand mfenlry, and pine pieces of artilleiy, , that price only five per cent, advance on cost ! °f of artillery 2d, That by doing a strictlj- cash busings he " i The fight was kept up fill noon, when a charge , can and does sell cheaper than anv house which *■- i *■* *?*<*? by Ohio infantry, the first Michigan, does a credit, because, Ist, parties' buying at a *3Sf» a I and the first Virginia cavalry on the right, which credit store, even though they pav cash for their CK - by ewh paU on Bonw«b order, m fcllowT^ ; drove the rebels back half a mile, when the enemy ; purchases, pay credit. prices, for the reason that f • 8»yd«. labor oa rtnwu,.. airs j & | got their guns again in position in dence woods, ! the proprietors of credit stores are afraid to sell to 1 “ “ » I the mfantry ’ “d d ™ ye » A: «h customers at lower figures than they do to [ « a J® “ : short artijleiy engagement ensued, when General I their credit customers, lest their credit - ■ Mdoy, « « 5 1 Shields, through Col. Kimball, ordered Col. Tyler should find it out and withdraw S ZZ?f tlu ' *“«* “ “ - S a to turn their left flank, which was executed by onr i and, because 2d, bv selling for cash only he trete **» 00 troops, but with terrible loss, the enemy being pro- j no bad accounts bn his books and loses no mJLr 1 tected by a stone ledge. | consequently he is not compelled tTtax naS ■ The eighty-fourth Pennsylvania and thirteenth customers to make up his losses on non-unrml ' Indiana charged their centre, and the fight became ones. W™!? i general, with a terrible slaughter on both sides. 3d. For proof of these assertions he refer, m ! Col. Murray, of the eighty-fourth Pennsylvania, the following figures: was killed. i All styles of Prints sold elsewhere at 16 cents Xhe enemy rebred slowly, bringing their guns to | per yard, he sells at 121 cts per vard bear at every opportunity. Onr men rushed for- j Domestic Ginghams only I2i 'cts vd -» ' ward with yells, when a panic of the enemy en- ' elsewhere at 16cte ' * peryd.-sold , B , uc f; °“ r froops followed, and drove them till | Extra Heavy Brown Sheeting, 1 yard Wide, i dark, capturing three guns, three caissons, and ' 14* cts. yarQ WKIe ’ ; rackets, equipments, &c., innumerable. i All kinds of Dry Goods sold at oH prices Winchester, March 2o—Evening.—lt is cur- i Extra Syrup Molasses, such as- LovejW'g and rently reported to-night that Gen. Banks overtook i other standard brands, only 60 cts ner iralton— •and two hundred of Jackson’s wagons. I sold elsewhere at 76 cts. per gallon. Sugar-house. toiPlfn wh ° on . I hls way “ Washin B- ! Molasses 85 cts. per gallon-sold els^erTw ton, on Sunday, returned and assumed command. ■ 50 cts, per gallon* j SkieldsVdmskm, com- Fine Black Tea only 60 cents ner ih mandod by Col. Kimball, pursued the enemy be- elsewhere at $l.OO per lb. them the *«*■ Wedge wood’s fine Ironstone Tea Sets—4fi Jacksonsnien, who were perfectly demoralized pieces—only s3.B7—sold elsewhere at arwin on j and beyond control threw overboari their dead |5.50. 2O and wounded, to hghten the wagons in their re- elsewhere at 25 and 30 cts. y -—sold 14 notioen, ? le f “ t t!m nearly all of the rebels ofore sold at flffeX* wounded were shot in the head and breast, thus warranted—only $1.20 per pair- heretofore mid lh H h f e Supe , nonty °F lnar ksmen. at $1.75. Men * Kip finite inly s2sol^d folio ° f ° Dr 11001)8 pnnwpnHy engaged were as elsewhere at $4.00 and $4.60. * 801(1 “ The 84th and the UOth Pennsylvania Regiments; ** to *“ WOOl - “ o 4t T h and Ohio Regiments; the 7th, 13th and Call and examine, and price for yourselves 14th Indiana Regiments; the Ist Virginia Regi- P nceror yourselv^. CaTab7; Danm ’ 8 *“*■ m N -B—Agent for the celebrated tery of Parrot guns Machines of Wheeler & Wilson (which we always It was evidently known tp many in Winchester keep bn hand). we always that Jackson was approaching, fitkn the holiday . Altoona, Feb. 13, 1862—tf atbre and buoyancy of spirits previously displayed by li umbers of the Secession residents—bothmen and women. The feet of Gen. Shield’s command having been screened from observation on the east side of the town, led the informants of Jackson to believe that all our troops were evacuating, and that Jack son could enter unobstructed. This evidence is derived from the prisoners. Good judges estimate the enemy’s lossatbver two hundred killed, five hundred wonnded, and three hundred prisoners, including an aid-de-camp of Jackson’s staff. Oar loss was one hundred and fifty killed and about three hundred wonnded. LATEST PARTICULARS. Winchester, March 25.—The details of the fight on Sunday record more deeds of personal his toiy and daring than any battle in histoA. Captain Shriber, aid and inspector of General Shield’s division, while riding to the crest of a hill to the left of Stone Ridge, in company with two orderlies, was confronted by five rebel cavaliy, who emptied their revolvers, killing the two orderlies. Capt. Sliriber charged on them, running one through to the hilt of the sword, and receiving a ball through the cap, but escaped unhurt. Capt. Perkins, the chief of; General Banks’staff, was mainly instrumental in planning the attack, and performed deeds of skill anil valor. The twelfth rebel regiment engaged were all Vuginians, including the Ist, 2nd, 4th, 13th, 23rd, 42nd and 32nd Virginia regiments, and one pro visional.and one Irish regiment. They had the assistance of Ashby’s cavaliy, and two ’eight gun batteries, one six gtm batfeiy, and one four gun battery, making twenty-six gnns, among which were some of the captured Bull Run pieces. ■ The four color bearers of the sth Ohio were suc cessively killed, when Capt. Witcomb seized the colors, and prepared sword in hand to defend them. He fell with a shot through the head. A youthful rebel fell, receiving two wounds in the breast. When he was approached by one of our officers, he enquired if the officer knew Gen. Banks. He received an affirmative reply. “ Tell him I want to take the oath of allegiance,” said the boy, “for I have three brothers in the federal service, and I want them to know that J died true to the Union.’’ Gen. Shields’ arm was badly shattered, and owing to the imperfect setting it first received, he most undergo the painful operation of having it re-set. -This morning many of the bodies of both Union and rebel soldiers remained on the field, but they have since been interred. Many of the wounded have died since having been brought to this city. * The ladies of this town are busy furnishing the wonnded with comforts. B * The ladies connected with the theatre, which is j now occupied as a hospital, ate also assidious in I j meir attendance to the sufferers. The latest reports to-night represent all quiet in the neigborhood of Strasbnrg. It Is reported that two sons bf the late John A. Washington were in Sunday’s fight, and both were wounded, while one was, taken a prisoner. From Lieut. Morrow, of F ranks town, who came home on the Fast Line last evening, having been wounded in the foot, we gather the following in formation concerning the killed and wounded of the 84th regiment. Col. Murray was struck by three balls. The first carried away the. oilcloth covering of his cap bnt did him no injury. The second struck exactly in the centre of the bugle on the front of his cap, and passed through his head, killing him ins^utly. The third struck him the thigh as.he was being earned from the field. ■ His remains arrived in Harrisburg on Wednesday where they will remain until to-morrow (Friday) when they will be for warded to Hollidaysbug on the Mail Train.- Capt. Galiaher, of Williamsburg, was struck by a minnie ball above the left eye and instantly killed. Lieut. Reem, of Franks town, and privates Paul Long, from near HoUldaysbnrg, Brubaker, from near Altoona, and Joseph Miller, from Wil liamsburg, were also killed. Twenty-throe of the 84th regiment were killed, but the shove are all the names we have. Lient. Holliday, of Tipton, Lieut, Morrow, of 'Frankstown, and privates Wilson andHikman, pf the latter place, and Hancock, of Williamsburg are among the wonnded. We have heard of a number of instamyg of no ble daring and narrow escapes on the part of the gallant men of the 84th and UOth, bnt we have not space to chronicle them tins week. We will do them justice in oar next, by which time we ex e: to have frill particulars. Pennsylvanians can t. Hurrah for fire 84th and IlOthand the flag of our Union forever! Pasic at Pea Hidge.—Onr aggregate loss in filled, wounded and missing, in thobatde of Pea Bldge, waa hyBl2. As an evidence of thedispirit- Ing effect of the. contest, jt is stated that a Colonel ofArkansaa militia retreated with his raiment fourteen milartrom the scene of acti(m,and there ordered Jugmea to ttack their arms, and return to their homes, he being utterly disheartened and dis gusted with the rebellion, and his .men being o(ltuUty*t% lodging Italia the fidelity with which Their guns, jsroh^- tle^ffted - artfi tm^paidefirfa Where You Car Get Them. —A. Boush, Druggist, has just received a large and complete assortment of D. Landreth & Son’s Garden Seeds. Also, a good stock of sweet briar pipes, and a su perior quality of smoking tobacco, which he will dispose of at the lowest rates. Give him a call. LOST—Some two ijeeks since, between M. Banyan’s market, house and the residence of t|ie subscriber, a sable for wrist cuff. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving it with the nnder aigned, at the Superintendent’s Office, or at his residence. B. PITCAIENS. Horses for Sale.— The subscriber will sell at private sale, an excellent young riding horse and a good work horse. They can be seen at the liv ery stable of Wm. Johnson, in this {dace.’ A bar gain may be had in these horses. For informa tion inquire of B. PITCAIENS. «-Fresh Car Oysters.— Josh Williams re quests ns to inform the public that intends to keep on hand,, for some tinje to come, a good supply of the best fresh can oysters to be had, and will fur nish them in any quantity at the lowest rates. Call on Josh if you want a can of good oysters. fSf Hang your banners on the outer walls; the cry is, still they come! Yes; crowds still continue to rush to Fett,’s Oak Hall. CF* When Breckinridge was first accused of treason he asked a suspension of public opinion. Now public opinion asks a suspension of him, dak" At the battle of Pea Bidge the Fourth lowa Regiment went into the fight with 600 and came out with 180. Its Colonel (Dodge) bad three horses shot under him, and was wounded. <®"The little Monitor, without a ram, could fight and capture the largest wooden armed ship that ever or the Merrimac could aink her with her ram in fifteen minutes. d3”The matter of miming away has been re duced to a science by the rebels. At Newbern, as soon os they heard of the approafii of the Yan kees, they got a train ready, and as soon as they were whipped, they jumped into the cars, and ran off at the rate of twenty miles per hoar. That beats Floyd’s style. MARRIED. r 20th inst. by Rev. Wm. Hunt, Mr. DANIEL IE WIN to MU» MARY KELLEY, all of WiUismabarg. _ On the 18th inst, by Rev. D. A. Isenberg, Mr. ALBERT B. FLOOD, of WUllamibnrg, to Miw M. A. ISENBERG. nißij.- NearFrwakatown, oh the 26th nit, JULIA LAURA, “ d Mlry WUSOn ’ Inthl* place, on th. 22d lost., ELMIRA B, yonnmt monUuf r ° f J “° b “ d Anni * Kut > 2 and 4 In this place, on the IJth Inet, OEORQE EDWIN, only •on of Joeeph Haalett, aged 3 yean and 10 months. 1 In tUa place, on. the 17th Inet, ELMER ELLSWORTH, •on of Daniel and Sntan Dickson, agsd 1 year and 3 days. Death baa plncked the tender bad. With his cold, resistless band, But it will bloom an opened flower In Heaven's bright andUkppy Und. Transplanted by the hand of God. In tut bright world above, There to bloom a loVely flower In the bosom of Jesus’ love. SALE, AT A BARGAIN ! A A HOUSE AND LOT in the Vest Ward. AUo, a good BUILDING LOT, within a square of the Superintendents Offlee. For particulars, inmlre of JAMES LOWTHER. A.toona, March 2tth, 1862-3 t. TJ/'ALL PAPER AND BORDER.— Jz ‘ tteotion of P# " OM in W “ toftie IMMENSE STOCK, JUST EECEIVBD direct from the manataotarera in New York, which ena. him na to sell on much better terms than those who Imy In amaU lote from eeeond hands. Onr stock conaiato of ALL THE NEWEST STYLES&PATTEBNS, ia price from air cants no to fifty eentspsr Altoona, March 27 th, 1862-3 mos. J ’ 3 ‘ M JUST RECEIVED jixiOUß, At the MODEL STORE. CW MEAL, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, WHITE BEANS, CREAM CHEESE, DRIED APPLES, DRIED -PEACHES, DRY BEEF, SUGAR CURED HAMS, 10 Cte. per Jb. March 20-St J. A J. LOWTHBR. /CHAIRS!—CHAIRS!—CHAIRS!— Tbemimigmi would raapectlhUy annonnce to the titeemi of Altoona ton) on hand, and for tale, at ISAAC CKOtfXB’S BBOP. nt WCDONBVIILB. a aplendfc) aeaortoKnt ofOHAzfe,« pricea aa teaaonahla a» tiny can bo had elaewhere. AUGUSTUS OOKNMBBBJEB. liuo Cioant, Arient. . Altoona, MarehU, 1862-M. "p ECEIPT AND EXPENDITURES JLt °f AHecme Borouuh front the 18th d»T of htrarr. 1861, up the 7th <toy ofMurch, 180, tnetoSre. * ot " rT ’ ■DANIEL LA UGILMAN, J Veomro- of AUooma Borough in acamut with mid Borwgh. dr. To cart received of John McClelland, Collector uu 00 “ “ “ Joeoph K. Hy « • ]goi a A. A. 8017th, for permit!, 6 go Paid on sundry orders jam during the yew 1881. Lfn gg Wiomi McAolij, fcr 1 amber, 4 go J A McDowell, work end 1umber....,,,,,, 8 or JemerL Gwin, draft for borough,.. • g oo* Denial Laughman, for lomberT!. on 71 w«liZ 0 ? d '^ Ti *'^ D L ,u ® eta ’-" 2 00 lsmdon, slewing .treat., 4 00 Chwlas B McCrea, « « Jqo McCrum * Bern, two order* for printing 43 13 MinihtH McCormick, hauling,.... 4 w William Walton, removing n rtZZZZI M aSfw 011 account of services,.,. 4 26 (two order.) 34 00 John Hooper, blseksmithing, 4 gg John M Campbell, .tone and hauling,... 138 21 Louis Flack, *• <• u •gj ij John Hickey, for lumber g rr Joseph F'Trout, hanlingby son, 3 75 ■ Lemuel Ale, 1umber,...,.... « iX Albwt Lockard, laying l7 36 *U™hTn > MXn' rrt f? Hi^h Constable, 10 00 MamhaU McCormick, hauling, 1 63 Jedda® Loeb, stone, ..... g no p of sewer,... 387 S 3 ' Orders paid, being outstanding at last settlement, * JWaUanM, Sorters sod t0t,... 3183 1$ * ? 138 11 J A UcDowel,.., j qq JeeseOrove, 4o we W Walton,.. . Daniel Coyle. 14 qq PennaßßCo, 270 H Sf ett > 100 William Domer, igi u Tbmnwßi«,_ II to Joaephja Bly,. 26 JO Gas A Water Company, 184 00 James L Gvio. jo oo John Shoemaker,.... 33 61 Daniel Laughman, 82 41 848 00 Per cent as Tress. on $3312 33 at 3 per Mnt > 48 26 Bal due D Lsnghmsn, Tressnrsr, 67 We, theuodersigned Auditors for the Borough of Al toona, do hereby certify that ws hare examined the ftxc goujg accounts and Touchers, and And diem correct, iflfo due D. Baughman, Treasnrer, of ninety-four JOHN LOWTHBR,} GHAS. J. UANN, > Auditors. ... . . „ „ A. MoOOHMICK. J Attest, 8. M. Wooxox, Clerk. • . Amount of orders issued during 1861, f of labor on s7B3 66 Whole amount of orders issued during 1861, 41723 02 Amount of orders issued during 1861, and which are now outstanding, as follows: 0 Sundry orders for labor on streets... $4O 56 1° for professional sendees, ’61... 60 00 Michael Clabangh, Tie wing streets, 4 00 ~ “®frum A Bern, bal. for printing, 4 24 ? P D^ rn ’ ™wing streets, 800 John U Campbell, bal on stonehauUng, 138 21 Jacob Wagner, one day hau1ing....*,,... 160 “ Gas * Water C0mpany,...;..7T:...,,7;; . 2 S “ WUlhelm k Brother, is 45 “ - Benj Devine, serrices, 2 60 “ John Allison, hauling, 220 “ Jk J Lowther, * U 45 “ Thomas McAnlev, bal for lumber,. 4 70 “ S M Woodkok, Bal clerk and attorney, 30 00 There is due the Boroogh as follows: J 323 From John McClelland, amount of dnp- • all ? wed •* kwt settlement....... *074. 69 Cfi. By cash paid D Laogbman, $448 00 “ Exonerations, so 47 less per cenlage allowed at last settlement,.. 1 62 —— 197 64 From Jos K Ely, collector, amonnt of du plicate as audited...... 1. 2698 66 By cash pd D. Baughman, 1964 63 6 per cent, on am f t paid in, 96 23 1999 86 Balance due snbjoct to per centage and exoneration, 698 60 Cash in hands of Connell for permits, 12 75 909 19 Amount of fines collected in the hands of John U’Clollan, Esq., u qq s $924 19 From which deduct the amount of xratstandlng orders tor 1861,... ® 328 76 Surplus fund of the Borough, subject to the per centage tor collection, seoo 33 We, the undersigned. Auditors lor the Borough of Al toona, do hereby certify that we here examined and an dited the hooka of the Borough; and, train the amount of tax laid, and the amount of orden leaned, we find a nuanio of fcnde amounting to alx hundred dollar* and thirty-three cents, subject to the per centage of collecting “? *“>«• JOHN LOWTHBR/ . CHAB. J. MANN, At ‘ e *‘« A. M’COEMICK. 8. M. Woonaoi, Clerk. JUST OPENED AND READY POE BAL£,AT \ M’GORMICK’S STORE, NICE NEW HAMS, SHOULDERS AND SIDES, DRIED PEACHES AND DRIED APPLES, LARD, FISH, SALT, &C., THE BEST SYRUPS, COFFEE* SUGAR, TEA, &C. Also, a large wuortment of LAMP-SHADES, &C., with the beet article of RECTIFIED CARBON OIL; all of which will bo cold tbit chup for Oaah or Country March6.lB6X.tr IMPORTANT INFORMATION . T TT . AND Mo Humbug or Clap-Trap I WITH A VIEW OP QUITTING TH 2L DRY ° O ? DS BBBIHBSS the coming nee bod, a now offer my stock of • WINTER GOODS AT COST! And j feel confident-that I can make it to the intercut of BMd • uch and examine ceB ‘ They were til bought for nett OAftVf and TIIK ADVANOB, inX kXco^n^tlT C ° H CHEAPBB <9*l Intend to pay etrict attention, hereafter* to the HARDWARE branch of my bnetaew; and hope, by keeping none bat , Tk-e Best Make of Tools, from M»nn&ctnrer«, to conrince onr StoflSaSf.‘ ta:r “* bny " ****“■« - a»y „ My rtoek of BUILDERS* HARDWARE tanenlW . SHOEMAKERS’ FINDINGS, COFFIN Sll^uNOa. TABLE A POCKET 6S * wIU always be found complete. * ** . CHAS. J. MANN. Axtooita, March 6th, 1862. Cjj»Fv REWARD !— LOST, on Wednes eOt/ day, March 12th, either in Altoona or on the road Between Altoona and Cabbagetown, A Small Leather Pocket-Book. containing a (1.00 Note on the Waynesbunr Banka 1 one Promissory Note for $6O dated Mareh«th March 33d, 1861# The finder will receive, twit »Knm __i tt^mdm| a^| orn n S f S” P° ck<!t - b »« k and contented the undersigned, and all persons are hereby Note* afcre .perilled 7 March 13-3 1*] • r ABKAHAM BCBB. TNBTRUCTIONS IN MUSIC.—Mrs. “ss’KMrSMfisySase ropnuMnalcal education, and la known to he a ccaapetant t towru ~“ t ****** Aiaooaa, fab. 20,186* ,_3 MUSIC !—INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN Roaldeeeeon Weat Altoona. (Jan.l9, 1883.-tt A NNUAL statement op the jfi. Director* of tlra Poor and Hawn of Employment «t et& regdred flnni On. OoaußWanen, IMT T» 188*. Jan.B. By hoi. doe TNamrar at mttle'nt, ■ 89 gf Homae Expeutt. Amowntpaid— Uoyd A Henry, grocer!**,. ... in oo j- D. Be*, grocerin aod tuerchaodln,.. U IS A. I. Holliday, groeerl 78 W J. M. BevuTVenhaadias, —lO6 88 3. Ooodroo, do. u 96 A. P. Otterloh, hardware, 9 83 I. tarn, groceries-. 68 85 H. 8. Martin, coal 19 « Porter, Millikan A 00, eoiu, ... 39 50 3. M. BLinporta, “. 50 59 Sr, S *»•> w « sUi?,’,5 U i? , ’,. WWt * * Co ’ drn O > -*8 91 D. K. Barney,, a no • 8. Hoorer,.. ..„ !O0 „ „ ' HIT 42 Wo, the undersigned Audi tore of Blair county, do hereby certify that we hate examined, audited and adloated the foregoing account of John Penn Jones. Kao. Inuin, the Directors of the Poor ot Halt «unt,7«2d « «Uted,»nd that th. re irtalL„ of tbirty-nine dollar* and dxty*«eTen cents dno«aid Treasurer Witneaa our hand* and aeala the Bth day January. 1803. * IJLOWBY MOOTS, [mS;] ACCOUNT OF JOHN McKEAGE, Acting Treasurer for the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment of Blair County, for the year 1861, in part. DR. By cash from Co. 11667 08 1862. Jan. 8. Bal. dne J UcKeage •32 09 mS 17 By amount paid— liloyd £ Henry, merchandize,-. 55 gg « Laomdajr. groceries, *c, 51 gg 0 W Patterson, do, show, . 22 38 McFadden, groceries Ac, ....log 25 D Conrad, merchandise, i 00 f J ??f rloh > h »rtware,.. 18 M J M Cooper, coal „J. 17 Ji Shoenthal A brother, clothing, g 00 L Goldman, do 1 75 Peter Klose, d 0.., «... 5 50 J M Kinpoita, do 35 75 D K Eamoj, repair*, _.!»• gn Chrtrt Yerger, do 7 80 O W Jacob*, do lan N J Ennk, lime, ;. '........1 310 M Rhodes, house sendee, io 00 A Reeder, butchering and bee£- 33 33 28 96 676 96 Crawfcrd A Story, blacksml thing,. W Louts, repairs on pomp, W Kennedy, plow end paint,- T B Hopkins, saddlery,..; B Lewis, repairs on machinery-.... A De Armlt, grain rake, John Thomas, labor, C Arthurs, do [March 20—St] Crawford Irvin, physician,. X McOtaw, stewan£— W Bnrley, director, JdcCrnm'A Bern,. O A Trangh,........ George Raymond,. Mary Riley,. ie oo Smaan Bsngb,... 12 go is go EUaabeth Cart, logo Jute Stonehraker....... 24 go Catharine Son,., U gg George Shank, 10 go Mary Dongherty, 10 go Mra Conner, j jg Rebecca Porreater, 27 01 Andrew Myen,U 75 Joaeph Oatea,... 10 Jg MrtWUaon 2 00 Aanea A 8e11,...„ 8 go .'Ann KeConneh 2 00 P J1ff1er,.......... s go Da rid Thom peon,,. 2 00 W Bnriey, 8 10 C Kean, cofllne for 1858, *5O and *BO, .231 13 8 Anderaon, digging grave,..™ 1 00 W A Plnke, fnneral exp’oa fori Beana, 11 OO T B Torfey, digring grave,.. —2 00 TB Hewitt,'anil for ah r00d,.... T 6 T B Biddle, funeral expenses, D V Vanake, coffln, T H Bnriey, .do laaao Cromer, d 0.... TGtiffln, buying child, T P Christy, medical attendance, W B Bbodte, do d0...a Jama* Vitterii James McPherson, J K Mj. James Cromwell,. FNtchpdemns,.... D KoKonny^,... W AFlnkiv fl W Bps*, J 8 Baffley,. Fred F005e,... Treswnrer's Oom.op $1067 68 at IT per eent, 4 ...... SS W iunu We, the nndaraignad andttora of Blair connty, do hereby certify that wo ham examined modi tad and idliated the foregoing account of ilphnMeKeage. acting tretanrer of the Dlrectota of the Poor of Blalroonnty, and that we M a balance doe the aald MeKeage of tweoty-two Aaka and nine cento. Wltneaa onr haoda an d aaala the ttfa th* of January, 1862, March 20,1862. STATEMENT OF ED. McGßAlfc Steward of the Blair Oonnty Poor Honae. ; :! J3R. To % sssEsaKaasaS H W i,, tra. * |f jpaepo inrot, ibrpwMk ft ft BSS^aSliBgS--1| Farm. W. McOraw, labor 1858, ’6O and ’BO. .888 H J. Koou, d 0...... 7 00 A Story, bjao>*mlthing,-. 10 *5 H. spade, do——. a 40 John Dipnar, ahorel plow, .......... 550 W. Kennedy, catting*,- g 54 J. W. MoCord’t adm~r, aaddlery, 18 96 T. B. Hopkin*,..... y jj B. Lewi*, repair on maehinery, „...„ 1 00 Simon Barr, do do. on 05 W. Dittiog g gg- J. M. Olbbooy, balance on plow, 3 95 Printing. John Penn Jenea,,..., o*l Door Belie/. John Fisher.— Hannah Ayre*,..... Buu Btngfa,. , Mary 811ey,... J*ne| Stonobraker. John Long,... Mrs. Bairn,.. Catharine Son, Maty Dongfaarty,. Jamal McMakln,...., Mary C0nner..—...... T H00gh,„..r........ Anna Dougherty,...;, Sarah Bnrfc,... Elisabeth Oarla, WBurley, A B ticket, Q e Brumbaugh, funeral expenses, John Feay, medical at tendance,. W K Finley, do do——....* . Q W Smith, do d 0.......,,,,,,. Justice*' and Constable*' Feet. W 8mitb,....... a 20 T 8 Morrow,. ..VZ. tS D It 1 Bfl Samuel Smithy ; ; Z! 870 Robert Alexander,*. a «r 8 K Shaw,..* Z f? 0 T Et Oaylor, 6 80 Walter. j u> Bal dee Treasurer at hut settlement...... 88 M Treasurer's com. on $1636 Mat 1 J 5,7.... ao 48 House Expenses. Farm. Printing. Out Door Belief. Justices' and Constables' Fees. SB .... 110 ••• .. 1(0 B. H. MBSSIMKK. [bu.l 8. I/OWKT MOOJ«.(SiatJ CR. SS *BB £ — " IU7 4S 2| !l do do do do OriKKtwMg, ■ TlO ,_■*>.. *> OBBdiTPMpon, M W IncWtmUl upturn...... lot Saaiwl OtMa, IK*,, tN 1 fs Bond; on drag* J H «P«i~ _ |0 Bolf oa amant, «$• *«r» Proceed* of the Biair QmKtg Aha* Borne WSe year 1881. lOMbosMs wheat, 174(0 bw,can, In nr, Wte rah tons, •Sibti. aaiQ ntiVmi hm flbwirwwl -15lo»«oom IMteySUI hcadi ft wxw ■iajSt . 190 lb# thL Vrodwt of fun wohniiA ft* ndi■« —4oobat.com,(isearjMS* IMlhalard to Lloyd tod Bean, SMUIbe. latdut MjM e»n sf e»kba«e to Jute* OOBdroo. 100 lbs. laid* 0.0. MeeTiaii *>“•• M esoheat* with Bam. 8. WteodmßSJS Ooet of turning—lncluding tana limk rhn Tl* i f wood, n»ka>g nQa ana fence, bUckndtlrud nikwo bQl%bno inmittßeati udftll .ottttr Mils tUHdugt $6BB 81. k Proceed* of Farm m Hand Jem. lit, IMS. 470 U . 11 DO UOO 6 00 8 00 MObus. wheat,tobus. rye, 100 bus. osoMfeWilMO bn*, oate, 300 bus. potatoes,DO bus. I iilii jWBm lijilil boa. onions, 8U boa. until natftfff, >. boa. cloTtnomL $S (esOnsted) 3 bad* cornfcddsr, ■headscabbage, S 1 bbh pickets, ISO lbs. wool, TIOO Ibs mk MM lbs beef, 628 lbs sausage 440 Ibe tallow, UoTSa lira. l4 00 8 00 3O 3t lO M ... 10 Q 0 M 00 ...... 10 OO lO to l4 to There ware 64SW boa. *heat on hud Jugin Ml UO. u>d^M} >, >f*niMoathahnn tlwn | M]M | riH4 than was 604>4 consumed in the Blair Oe. Alms Haase daring the year, and 116 bos. and tor wed, MO Ox to sCMto Ikrm hands and mechanics, andtOOlba siren to the ft*, lowing fcmiliee as out door rolled Sire. Ungard,»4re. Tox. Mr*. Wilson sod Mrs. Miller, alto STbnshslaoi what to the Miller and Cochran flunillee. And there 06 worth of wheat told to Elisa Baker since Jan. Ist IML which will be erfionnted tor In next ,w|iii> i statSßenti 13 00 S 10 - IS 00: ... 6 00 -■ 1 86 ... 608 a oo .... 600 ... 16 00 * hones, SO milch cows, stock cattle, 4 threwjeeroldA 8 » -h» « h«d Of tbwK and 380 48 Form Implements, 1 font hone wagon, 1 two hone wagon, I onahcno wagon,l can, 4 plows, 3 harrows, 3 shertl plows, 1 oaltt ,■!•*» 1 threshing warhlne, 1 cam sheller, 2 windmills, 1-horse rake, 1 haj elerater, Ac. Articles Manufactured m the House. 4 corn baskets, 8 hand baskets, 44 womens dresses, 2i children’s dresses, $4 shirts, 64 smocks, 38 skirts,« «rm>r 18 pairs pants, 23 haps, 44 sheets, 30 rhair ticks, 24nlUow cases, 6shrouds, 1120 gallons soft soap,4o tha hardsoap. 466 lbs. candles, 060 lbs butter, 4 bbls soar kront, too lbs. sausage, 440 lbs. tallow, and lio6 lbs. lard tmSSuT Monthly Beport for 1861. iswy. « • 01 9 u u u n lebniary,.. 13 U 0 0 0 il « K n March,— 7 SO 0 1 tt H g « April, 10 t 0 0 0 U 11 36 104 May, 6 30 0 1 0 IS 30 3( 01 Jane. 0 IT 0 0 I II U St It July r 2 IT 1 0 0 M 19 IS M* August, T 10 0 0 0 H II IS* « September, 6 6 0 0 1 M IT U 61 October, ~.. 0 10 3 0 36 30 IT TS Morember, 12 0 0 0 0 ST 36 SS A December,... 10 2 6 0 0 S 3 29 It 91 Somber of Inmatte, January lit, 1961, TO Do admitted daring the year. 115 Do bom, ' . *** dorfcctbe^,. Died Brauining J»n lit, lg«a_.. Hthi,...., TemalM,.. Bound out, Ineane, Idiotic,—... Blind,. C010red...... , Deaf end dumb,.. t Of theabore number admitted, then wen St * ■ cane, n end'd colored. Diecharged doting the .year,,—.!.. eie.meeaenea.ee'e.e.wwaa tt -w 070 00 .. 97 78 .. U 00 ■ ■ 900 .. 18 SO , _ Reiti»ißlßg, Jan. lit, 1883, m^«dtodS^! , * Tfclsg p4n ?*" f tbmwMM a baUnoe dm KcOraw, Stewart of tie Poor House, on t&e Ist day of Jan. 18fl. of *&42ft tt y •* and Mrs. IBcGr* w, as Matr0n,™......, ma .... 30 00 I 76 ... u 08 - 06 77 —ISO 00 76 do ..... M M Xo cub on account aeo StevanTa atatemrat^. _B*l- due E. KcQnw, Jao» M, 1842, —erne'-an We, the ondenlgnad, Director* of thf Fear in end 2 •aid County, do hereby certify that St-lili&iUK menu are correct. PBUKsSSI PATH* IcSIHPr, 800 M .... 16 00 .... 16 00 ... 16 00 46 00 March IS, 1882. “Oa to Nashville f’ FALL IN LINE, AND MARCH GEIS & PUTT’S STORE I Comer of Annie A Branch Streets, , EAST ALTOONA. nnHE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING ON -L. >ud» zuaeix srotoc or odoas«u*t)M* ar» ddemtocd to daw ott bdbnlMiu Stock, snMnrwUing tbo wm AT LESS THAN FIRST COST.* Please look at the foUomngfignres/theA CAM, AND XXAHINS OCR 83fOCK .... 800 .... 600 2 00 in 8 T 6 ..... 400 w. rtl wn«to»«^ lfe w “ “ “ OHHIgAKS to StS « m ■' -■ SJriX “ “ MKfBKttXoSw 5*140 “J** • - I few. Queensware at First post ! °ARSON OTT. "■■ ALL AT zcsa nux mac coefraatax OHTI ■■ . S 5* SACK-nANNIL .... 4 SO .... BSO sot :::: i» iso .. . 9,90 .... 888 HUM Stock on Form January let, 1869. (II Ilf Iff 1 .■* i i I ! ! 1 t It M • - t j. — -I ...- r - i , SXJmOHT TO P»» —m —™ m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers